Robert Kelly's You Know What Dude! - Post Show #1

Episode Date: September 17, 2016

Post Show #1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Ya son casi las dos, nos vamos a ir a casa o hemos venido a jugar. A casa, a casa, nadie va a irse a casa. Hay que ponerse modo de racón. ¿Eres un dragón? Soy el dragón de Fireball. Ya te digo yo que las mejores historias siempre piezan con un chupito de Fireball. Bien, frío. Yo, pues al lío.
Starting point is 00:00:20 Un Fireball, sabes que la fiesta será épica. Ignite the night, con Fireball. Disfruta de sabes que la fiesta será épica. Ignite the night. Con fireball. Disfruta de un consumo responsable. 33 grados. ¿Qué? ¿Y tú, el baseball player? ¡Gime una franca! ¡Tienes una idea!
Starting point is 00:00:42 Me he llegado. ¿Qué? ¿Qué? ¿Qué? ¿Qué? ¡Tienes una idea! ¡Tienes una idea! ¡Tienes una idea! ¡Tienes una idea! ¡G Jesus, ¿estoy a ser? All-player give me a fucking bridge. Yeah, take a nap. I came in Fucking thing when you're taking a nap. I like a nap. Take a nap. Jesus you start. We love it I would love to take a nap Yeah, we're the mics are hot right now. Sorry for the for not warning you beforehand, but okay Where are you guys talking about your new shitty podcasting setup? Yeah, no, it's it is absolute garbage compared to this I mean nice It looks like if we were gonna record on a computer in the bathroom of this place, that's basically I filled in for a buddy of Alex Povon and then I was just it was just fun and people you want to wait it early for three weeks and they'll
Starting point is 00:01:13 just come back on every week and it was just fun to do. And we, the name of the show is Netflix campfire where they watch a TV show and then don't talk about it at all. Pretty much. Yeah. So you don't know anything about movies. So the show's playing during the podcast. No, no. You're not supposed to show first. Oh. But we stopped doing that because we're too lazy to do that even. So it's really just, it was an excuse to get into pot.
Starting point is 00:01:37 We didn't know what the fuck it was going to be. And I should have just made it like, should have just fucking called it podcast. I mean, it would have been a better name for it. That should be, as anyone had a name of a show called podcast. I'm sure they have. Yeah, it's hilarious. If you look at the list of podcasts,
Starting point is 00:01:53 like every possible word has been used to describe a podcast or to name a podcast. And I should say, I shit on the, I shit on it by saying that it was like recording in the bathroom in this place, but honestly, the bathroom's a lot nicer. It's endearing, you're gonna start with a iPhone, dude! Yeah, sorry your iPhone. So you can yell at your intern 20 years from now, but how you started on a really awful...
Starting point is 00:02:14 I'm not having an intern 20 years from now. Alright, I know that for a fact. Well maybe, oh, this will be the intern. You're the intern intern. Yeah, well. And when the comics comic, the intern intern is... You guys just get some real delusional shlub to do some stuff for you. Not that you're a delusional Yeah, well, when the comics comic the intern you guys get some real Delusional Shlub to do some stuff for you not that you're a delusional slub, but no
Starting point is 00:02:29 No, no, you love would have to be so delusional. I'm not a little. Yeah. Yeah. All right, so this is everybody who gets any comedy is Delusional. I'm not see I don't have delusional and that's why I think about quitting every day. Yeah, so do I So does so you're not the only one you don't I mean as long as you don't quit You've kept the delusion alive for another day. I tell it's up. I'm six months away from quitting every day. Every day I get another six months, I'm gone. Just slowly tapering on it, but it never changes. I'm always six months away. I Google grad schools every day. Yeah. Yeah. Dude, you should. You people, uh, whenever I have like a crisis, I always start googling,
Starting point is 00:03:04 like, uh, I'm such and such age You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should.
Starting point is 00:03:12 You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should.
Starting point is 00:03:20 You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should. You should no one is union no actual advice yeah really should for some reason that that's it back up right there that back up i can't i fucking i'm a panic you get me uh... you got the ass for it same shit that right okay does have the as what's uh... what's your back up host the show you can't
Starting point is 00:03:38 start your host and i thought also i'm in the captain's chair uh... what is that is that wrap-up show. We're gonna be shitting on it as we speak, but Rose Bud Baker, first time on the show, had you feel- Can I suck? No, you were great.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Yeah, you did really well. And you weren't objectified once during the episode, which I think is like a record. It's because I'm wearing a- I'm mom sure. Fucking mom sure. Yeah, yeah. The first thing Sio Bo said was,
Starting point is 00:04:01 why do your tits look weird when I walk in? Yeah, she came in as he tits like really, she's nice tits. I've never seen him but like you always look. I couldn't guess she had tits. Yeah, you look. No, I cover him up. Well, we covered the objectification part. She got that done today, so that's good. Yeah, so good for me.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Does it happen to you a lot on podcasts? Like you sit on the show and then it all on, I think it becomes like hey. I don't get objectified. I don't get cat-called. It never fucking happens for me. Why not? I don't know, I don't give off a vibe. I don't, I maybe, I mean It never fucking happens for me. Why not? I don't know. I don't give off the vibe. Maybe, I mean, not to say that anybody who's like walks down the street is like asking for it.
Starting point is 00:04:30 I'm not saying that. I'm just saying, there's something about me that makes people think that I'm about to snap. It's your face. That's why I never said hi to you. I give off a vibe that I'm gonna snap. You're gonna fucking kill somebody. Yeah. Yeah. I pick up on it pretty quickly. That's why you said hi to you. I give up a vibe that I'm gonna snap. You're gonna fucking kill somebody. Yeah
Starting point is 00:04:51 I pick up pick that one pretty quickly. Yeah, that's why you two are good fit because you always look like you're about to snap also Is that always a lot of anger? I'm always about to snap in life. Yeah, yeah So how was the first time this was you like it? I loved it. Are you kidding me? I loved it. It was great Yeah, a lot of fun good time on here If you guys don't know where she's very funny Comedian has been doing it, you know what three years, but you're you're fucking killing it. I always say you're gonna be famous Thanks. You're the only person who says that. I'm a thank you literally the only person and don't take my word for anything Has have you confirmed anyone have you predicted anyone else's success? Yeah Pete Davidson There you go. Fuck shit dude. He was famous before we even started comedy No, I saw Pete when he was like 16 I was was like watch. I was like this kid's gonna bomb full house
Starting point is 00:05:28 The probably fun. He's gonna bomb why they putting him up. Yeah, but then you heard the 9-11 dead dead closer. Oh Whoops, wait no, we're gonna mute that out from the final cut. Do you? No, I mean that's the truth. I mean I was I was in whole I remember when I first started comedy I remember like oh who were like some hot shots right now his name came up. I look up a clip of his and You know he's in the looney bin in statin island and he's he he's doing some like cute stuff up top and then dead dad joke They love him and you know, it's like a I'm only about Pete kind of make me with my wish my dad was dead One thing about Pete was I have a joke about my dad being dead. He's not Yeah, well, he got a win over the. We already covered the fact that I hate my family
Starting point is 00:06:08 So sorry, go ahead scuffle. I mean you guys just whatever Bobby talks about talking over you guys just fuck that You're like no, we're gonna talk over in the post show I like which is sort of podcast. What do you think about ditching this guy? I'm just working with me. No, no I got loyalty. We got we're bros and culture was wrong. All right. Anyway, go ahead How's it going deep? Thank you buddy? I got loyalty we're bros and culture was wrong. All right anyway go ahead How's it going deep thank you buddy? Oh, no, so you're hosting it's over I think I'd be a better host to be honest take it over deeper. Can we switch seats? No, then it's not gonna feel right then you host This time I'll host the next one too much Laura hosts the next one after that He's too much and it's like dude shut the fuck up. little too confident Yeah, your confident is off the charge right now my confidence
Starting point is 00:06:46 Whatever the fuck it is it's shitty you got to turn it down turn it down relax All right, what's my first time this is my first time expressing my opinions to the audience. I'm excited He got a lot of them Comin in hot You write for Jezebel That would be good all right, so you know, first time, what did you think about it? Was it fun? You've asked for this three times already.
Starting point is 00:07:09 I'm trying to give more. I had a ton of fun. I was a little worried about keeping up, but I don't think I did, but I think I at least didn't fucking embarrass myself too much. I think. Didn't say anything. I really regret too much. The velvet hammer will not be listening to this
Starting point is 00:07:25 So yeah, thank god. No, can we say who's not going to that right now? Come on? It's fun. It's fun. Just look up the velvet hammer. Yeah, and then you'll you'll know who you're talking about You'll know my lineage. Is there your stripper name or something? Yeah, that is yeah, fucking dude It was shipper. Yeah, honestly if I became a stripper and I named myself that Holy shit, what a way to disappoint my family. Oh, that was good stripper name. Honestly, if I became a stripper and I named myself that, holy shit, what a way to disappoint my family. Oh, that would be fantastic. He's still got a date seat in though. But it also sounds like a stripper with a dick if I name myself the velvet hammer. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:57 You never know. You never know. Velvet hammer sounds like a really soft spoken guy with a huge hard dick. It just fucks you crazy right oh he doesn't even know he's talking about but he said that well does sound like that yeah yeah all right well you know what do you want to talk about um so uh rosebud your it's first time on the show what what do you think of it uh you guys have asked me now it now it's really I think that was a joke
Starting point is 00:08:20 I think that was the joke rosebud uh sorry sorry I'm I'm not picking up on it. Don't worry about it. The big citizen, Kane fan. Oh god damn it. You must have heard that every day. And re-fucking dead. Shit man, well fuck, he's just crying. I felt like he'd be the one friend that didn't bring that up. No. I broke that rule anyway.
Starting point is 00:08:38 Yeah. What's next on the docket? Not that. What are the, we read the chat. Oh, they're going hardcore right now. Oh, they are. Panther Toggy says calm down. Deepu. I agree completely. Uh, Deepu gets very like, can you read that from here? Yeah, I got good vision, baby. She's like a dog that's been pent up all day and then you let him out. I'm like, huh? That's how much I know. Yeah, it's just like my dogs.
Starting point is 00:08:56 Oh, it's just relax. Let it, let it slow play a little bit deeper. What else they saying when you read that? Latino legend says, can we tread any untreaded ground? What is something that hasn't been talked about on the podcast before? I don't think there is a goddamn thing. Maybe we should bring up the Velvet Hammer. Maybe I shouldn't have fucking shit on that. Developed Hammer? You want to talk about who he is?
Starting point is 00:09:17 Okay, the Velvet Hammer is my grandfather who was Secretary of State. For who? For George Bush senior. George Bush senior. And what did he do for George? I do come from money What do you what do you overcome that you can over just hit it? Do you have like us do you have like a fear of mentioning that because people are gonna judge no? I mentioned it in my set. Oh, okay. This is why Rosebugs. I think she's getting so funny
Starting point is 00:09:41 She brings it up. I saw you I'd stand up talk about that one time and I was like you made it funny and I was a holy shit. She's bringing up her life Yeah, which is what you have to do in stand-up. You have to talk about yourself and well That's a whole reason I got into stand-up is because I was so fucking disappointed with my life So you know It was a nice place to just get all that out I started in New York stand-up. I started in New York. I just start What was the first mic you want to the first mic I went to actually was in Austin, Texas At some like coffee house in Austin, Texas. I
Starting point is 00:10:13 Was doing a road trip with my best friend who was like moving out in New York I'd had an awful year. I was Just fucking very depressed and I had no pride left and no ego and I was it okay well you got an ego all right just doing what I can and then you did it for how first set how was it oh god it was great well no it was awful but I but when I remember it is I'm like I went up on stage and I wore a cowboy hat and I read my uncle's Facebook page. I read my uncle's Facebook page which was all riddles. Like he spoke in riddles about like the coyotes have howled at the moon for years and then it's like it was like still no answer and then
Starting point is 00:11:06 he would end every status with just saying and I and he did that for every fucking say just read like all of his status update and then I was like I think I got like two laughs and I was like all right come on I was like tonight really cool the uncle's killing it by the way that's a hilarious riddle funny I mean is he is a young girl black sheep of the family or do you are? No, you say your sister is Dude, there's so much worse than me. Really. Yeah, no, it does it gets fucking sad I'm like half bougie and like and like half fucking trash and like it's like one or the other the divide is so strong so Okay, yeah, because this is a result of marriage for love right like one or the other the divide is so strong so Because this is a result of marriage for love right like the rich someone from the well-off side
Starting point is 00:11:58 Fell in love with some popper. No, no, it's just it's really rich. It's really more just drug addiction because like there's drug addictions It's just like riddled Through the Baker family through the Baker and the Thomas side where you know the Thomas sides all in recovery the Baker side is Now not recover Working it out they're trying you got to say what the velvet hammer did for George Bush Jr. Did I not say that it doesn't really matter right? It's a new secretary of state secretary of state, but he was you know, remember the recount the 2000 recount He's on the trial or whatever. On the gore, he was the one that went down and said,
Starting point is 00:12:28 ah, no, I'm gonna push, push one. It's gonna be a lot of hate, you know. It's gonna be like, I hate, there's a lot of this girl's kind of ugly or this girl's kind of hot. And that's what they do. For anyone in the chat room, Rosebud is definitely a 10. I can say that right now. Well, my personality is 10.
Starting point is 00:12:44 Personality looks the whole thing. What? I've been around you a few times with your personality. It's not the brightest. It's garbage. It's a garbage days, but you know what? Who doesn't? I do.
Starting point is 00:12:54 I woke up this morning. Oh my god. I was like, I wanted to die. Why? I did not think this day was going to get better. I don't know. You wake up and you're just like, oh, dude, I have to, like, it's still happening.
Starting point is 00:13:07 You know what I mean? I woke up like, God damn it, like another one. Another day? Yeah. That doesn't sound fun. I can't wake up on a daily basis, like pretty suicidal. And then the rest of the day is just a climb upward.
Starting point is 00:13:20 You know what I mean? It gets better every day and I go, and by any other way. I haven't felt that way. Yeah, that's a few. I'm in a long time. I mean, I'm gonna never I haven't gotten depressed since I took comedy I should suck in caffeine. I've also I wake up and I'm like oh today is the day and then I get like lower I would much rather have a lower do at the day
Starting point is 00:13:38 It's like you know this fucking happens and that fucking happens and then you're like oh you're shit Now you gotta start off the way I start off. You've got to start off. Start off from the bottom that you're here. Start off the bottom and I'm still at the bottom, but I'm feeling better about it. You know what I mean? Better at the bottom, okay. Yeah, no, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:13:55 Scope, where was your first mic? A comics in New York City. Oh shit, I've never been there. Then they close down. They close down. I remember comics. Yeah, they close down. They close down Remember comics. Yeah, they close down for a decommity, but I remember that. Yeah, okay They closed down and then that was it. But how's the mic how did it go? Would you would you go that I bet you got bumps so hard cuz they're like this fucking dumb getting you
Starting point is 00:14:16 He's not going up on on time. No, not at all. They put me right up actually We're about the way first time is here. I think I was a third on the list and I went up. Emma Wilman was the MC. I remember that. Oh, shit. The mic, yeah. Emma, and then I had actually got a laugh on a couple jokes. Nice, nice.
Starting point is 00:14:32 And then I did my first show there. And it was actually really good because it was like, oh, the brazen bringer show, basically. You bring your friends and family. And then I did well. And then I have to think this is easy. Do you feel like you did, when you say you did well, are you speaking from your memory of it? Do you feel like you did, when you say you did well,
Starting point is 00:14:45 are you speaking from your memory of it? Because I feel like if you watched it now, I'm not in the audience. Oh, no, if I watched it now, it's, it's, no, I get, I get last, but they're all like jacked up. It's like doing a TV taping. They're like just excited to be there because they're there for you and your friends.
Starting point is 00:14:58 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But no, I watched it. I'm like, oh my God, that's putrid. It's absolutely putrid of what what I'm doing now I was gonna puke through the screen on oh it might my stage president is just awful Yeah, jokes are just the setups. You could just see him coming. It's just it was god awful But you know you power through it and that's it. Yeah, but you deep slow I never felt for the bringer show thing. I always knew that's a scam. I'm proud of myself
Starting point is 00:15:23 That's it. I'm there of myself that's it yeah right how does Mike's treating you the mics are they're getting brutal baby yeah so is always the joke every you need to stop doing mics you don't you say that but then I see people do tons of mics stop doing mics I think you should always keep yeah I know it not as many as you do you do way too many mics I was doing a lot I was I mean I was doing like two a day Two a day that's like I'd be exhausted after two it is exhausting It's off after one a week
Starting point is 00:15:52 Yeah, because I also don't like to ask to be put up early because I'm polite I just kind of wait until when I get drawn or whatever and then by the end of two I'm just fucking fried and I was getting in my head about a lot of shit too and I talked to you at point I won't point and you were like, yo, you got to fucking just stop doing mics and then I stopped doing mics and then I felt like I got worse Cuz I was just like not getting on stage You know what I mean? But I'll start hanging out at shows. That was your advice is stop doing mics. You're like, you know what? If it's not going well, stop doing comedy.
Starting point is 00:16:18 Trust me. Basically. I'm Chris Koppel. Well, I found like a nose in between. I just do, I do mics less frequently. I don't pay from mics anymore. I used to go to some paid mics just because- Where'd you just hang out with shows? Hang out with shows.
Starting point is 00:16:31 I've been doing that since the beginning and that's never really helped. Because also, you know, the fact is, I just don't have the confidence to go like, hey, put me on your show, I'll deliver. I was thinking the back of my head, like, I can I can have a meltdown I could bomb terribly or could go I literally would I say before I go on stage every single time Before I go I'm like I'm gonna you're gonna bomb not to myself. I mean don't but you're gonna You said you're something you every single time before I go on stage But you know you just fucking do that because I'm a psychopath. We're all psychopaths
Starting point is 00:17:00 You're a psychopath, too. I'm a psychopath that like hates myself Really you woke up and said today, another fucking day? That's because I'm tired of life. That's not because I hate myself. It's because I hate life. Okay, it's a big difference. It's exhausting. I mean, you gotta be crazy not to.
Starting point is 00:17:17 Mm-hmm. So what? Shit there is, I gotta walk my dogs. I gotta like, I gotta respond to text messages. I gotta deal with other people. I'm gonna relationship. I have to love another messages. I gotta deal with other people. I'm gonna relationship I have to love another human being. That's all that's all exhausting work. I Can tell
Starting point is 00:17:31 So I'm trying to read some chat room right now. I can't believe you in your vision. That's amazing I know I'm gonna I'm gonna go blind trying to read at this distance. Oh Yeah, these three look like dog walkers How's it going? That's one third true. I've definitely walked off. I used to do the same thing Scopo. These are the walkers. The one on the left definitely is.
Starting point is 00:17:51 No, she hates her life, my life rocks. After seeing those like weekend updates, now a piece of deep was making. I was like, ah, fuck. Whatever that means. Okay. I bet she has a dog collection. Do you?
Starting point is 00:18:06 Do you have a dog collection? I have a dog collection. Do you? Am I put that in my hand? I wish you were a fucking rich person's house. They have a doll room. Like I realized I'm nowhere nearer. I thought maybe I'm white and my family.
Starting point is 00:18:18 That's not a rich thing. That's like a creepy thing. Yeah. They had so many fucking rooms in the house. They just were like, oh we'll just make a doll room because we have dolls because the grandma likes to collect dolls Metroidiculous and they had a pool house like you should go sleep with a pool house. I'm like that's just called a house I don't have room for my dogs though. I would totally do that you would have room for the dogs I guess with their least living though. They are living their living things. Yeah, they deserve the best because they're better than humans
Starting point is 00:18:44 Yeah, okay. Are angels, they're strong? Are angels? Yeah. I believe that. Okay. Well, are we done here? What's going on?
Starting point is 00:18:55 I mean, you kind of just started a... Skopo remembers. What is it? American doll? My grandma thinks she's cute. Okay. Skopo thought he was rich? No. Skopo thought he was like a white person. I thought I was like white and then I realized I'm nowhere near being white. What can you read one that makes sense though? I mean these people are just tight.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Hey, you kind of have to screen them in your head. Mm-hmm. You screen them in your head. Who's better at this than you are? Yeah, he does it more often, so usually that's what happens. Ooh. Oh man. Oh, call us a man. Oh, cause of controversy. Here we go. Does she know Rosebud has a
Starting point is 00:19:29 dike mullet? Is it really? You do kind of have a dike mullet. Yeah, yeah. I have a mullet. I just got a trim. Uh, it's kind of Joe Dirty. It's a little Joe Dirty. What are you talking about? It's Joe Dirty. It's a little Joe Dirty.
Starting point is 00:19:46 What do you guys think in the chat rooms? My hair cut cost $75. Fuck you asshole. This is when I get angry. This is when I stop being likable. You're never going to like chat rooms in your career. No matter where you go, the chat room will probably not be crazy. Or you won't be thinking about who likes hanging out in chat rooms,
Starting point is 00:20:02 except for the fuckers that are in them. I like a nice chat room. Scope, do you like chat rooms? No, I think they're the most awful places in the world. They are literally the scopes. You are the person that likes Reddit. If you like Reddit, you're a fucking loser. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:20:15 Reddit's okay sometimes. I didn't say I'm a person. I'm a weird kid in the person who wrote, I'm not gonna like all of this. The person who wrote that hasn't had a haircut in fucking nine years. You think he's living in a basement? Absolutely. Oh, shit. A lot of basement dwell fucking nine years. You think he's living in a basement? Absolutely. Oh, a lot of basement dwellers for sure. I bet he always looks wet.
Starting point is 00:20:29 We're actually going to introduce some new chat room functionality. So maybe we're thinking about putting like a trivia game in the chat room. So we can put trivia questions about the show in the chat room. In the chat room, people can submit the answers and each user will get points. Okay, what do they get? I don't know, just like high score, props, maybe we can give a prize to the winner. But what would be a good trivia question for the fans? A good trivia question.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Why are Rosebud's tits hidden? Something like that. I don't think you'd say more with the people that are, where is the funnier question? Yeah, I would think, you know, where is the, where did Bobby, where did Bobby do the show before he did it at the Ryke S studio? There you go.
Starting point is 00:21:16 What was the answer today? No, but I know what the answer is. So, so do you, do you know Deepo? Where did, let's ask, let's ask them. Oh, in his kitchen. I just said, let's ask them. You just asked me. I just Let's hold on, let's ask, let's ask. Oh, it is in his kitchen. I just said, let's ask. You just asked me. I just said, hold on, let's ask them.
Starting point is 00:21:28 Yeah. It's Scopo Dumb. Yes. A, yes. B, yes. C, yes. D. Crayons. That's funny.
Starting point is 00:21:37 Crayons. That's good. That's great. Who said that? Uh, white manatee, I think, said that. White at it. See whatever his name is. At least in the chat Deepwood for back Wait, there we go. Yeah, all right. Who was the all right? Who was the guest on our? on the second ever YKWD live show
Starting point is 00:22:01 Downstairs at the village underground who was second we had two guests on the show actually okay we had the lovely Bailey Jay sure who's a bubble she's the greatest and we had somebody else who was it do you want to do that yeah let's see if they know yeah I think I know this I had I wasn't super familiar with podcasts at and that era so I didn't really know like the live show you know we know we know that that that that that i'm ever seen uh... somebody got it window lizard got it he said it
Starting point is 00:22:31 norton yep it was gym norton it was jim it was jim norton yes on the show scope of keep trying thanks buddy i appreciate it we you and i both it a lot of trying today we uh... we went through some uh... some trials and tribulations we always try we still have 44 Lewis Jay Gomez stone-cold entrance music. Okay. Yes, that was not on that show though. That was on the next show We had an upstairs lounge Jim Norton. Yes, we know here's a trivia question
Starting point is 00:22:58 How can we get scope of the Google shit better during the show? Is there like a way to teach him? It's never gonna happen. Google's been out for a while, and I'm still fucking retarded, so it doesn't happen. It's part of the show, Bobby Yeltsin is. Yeah, it's endearing. If you got everything immediately, there'd be nothing to talk about.
Starting point is 00:23:16 Literally. It would be fun. Yeah. Our other buddy, Sam Rubinoff, who I'd love to have as a guest on the air of the show, I think he would be perfect. I said it for the after show He's we need we need some fire repower Jews in here. We need well. He's not power
Starting point is 00:23:29 He would crack under the pressure. I feel like he would he was having a nervous breakdown the other day about a date I Had it's I was like talking about a tender date. He was just having a break. He's not texting me back Like Sam let it go. It's whatever dude. Ah, anything at least. Why did he scared that she was listening to the podcast? He's always scared people are listening to the podcast.
Starting point is 00:23:52 I'm like, do you have no one? No one he listens to the podcast. No. He's like, she kicked me out of her apartment. I'm scared she's gonna listen to the podcast. I'm like, she doesn't let you stay on her couch. Why is she gonna look you up on the internet? He went back to her place.
Starting point is 00:24:05 Yeah. They're talking about that. Sam is just, Sam would have looked him up. He's the funniest fucking guy. I think he's hilarious, but he is. He's hilarious. To his to his to us. But he is the joke.
Starting point is 00:24:16 Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. He's hilarious. I think he's hilarious to his friends and how just neurotic he is as a human being. Yeah. And he doesn't realize he's neurotic. He thinks he's normal.
Starting point is 00:24:28 I think he kind of, because he's up in the Rubenoff a lot lately. What do you mean he's up in the Rubenoff? He's just upping his, he's like constantly doing his persona. You know what I mean? That's good. He needs to do his persona more. Well, is the persona like squinting your eyes like Woody Allen or something like that? He needs to find his...
Starting point is 00:24:47 Oh my glasses! He needs to find his inner Jew and bring that out more and he'll be a beast. He channeled the Jew. That could be fresh. He channeled the Jew is going to be the name of his memoir. Scopo, you never hit me back about sitting on the couch soon. I'm sorry buddy. What do you deny in fans?
Starting point is 00:25:04 They're privileged? Sorry buddy, hit me up at Chris. He's writing it up from his account. and I will, uh, seriously though, just from this here and the fact that Lawrence not present, there is potential. Thanks buddy. Oh man, Lauren, what doesn't want to hear that?
Starting point is 00:25:19 Lauren is integral to the show. I think this was called the Holocaust. Huh, that was good. The Holocaust. I think this was called the holocaust. That was good. The holocaust. The holocaust. The holocaust. The holocaust. Maybe I read that wrong. I'm the lost overtime. No, he wrote holocaust. So fuck this guy. Alright guys, thank you. That's about juice. Yeah, that's been I guess the post show, the first ever post post boycade WD. I wonder how long we did did i'm not even sure but uh not even
Starting point is 00:25:45 sure we might not have another one we don't know i think this could be good i got to just add out that insult to Pete Davidson and uh... people never hear that in his life and i think he actually could find its way to him it's all the reason talking about one of his jokes you know what pizziola one of the jokes in the you know what's a great little pizziana do when he hears that joke he just can check his back. I had fun He'll say he's fine. Pete's doing well. Yeah, but then you'll have some he'll have some chip on his shoulder like this fucking Indian guy He's just some tech dude. He's never remember who you are
Starting point is 00:26:17 He's remember you get cuz I started with them. He's busy doing fame. I started with him. He started the same week apparently He's busy doing famous people shit, with him. He started the same week apparently. He's busy doing famous people shit Which doesn't involve anyone in this room Trust me. He's famous. Okay. Oh, he's perfectly fine. All right Well, I don't remember the help so I don't remember this at all I just get back the fact that he didn't insult him. Yeah, this is where I did But he was a little bit deeper gets crazy that he thinks that like people are gonna attack him in the streets Yeah for stuff. He says it's like nobody gives a shit
Starting point is 00:26:48 You know these Italians they come after you bro just cuz you didn't say no disrespect to some of them said stop being afraid of everyone Deepo I show up every week to them ball busiest show on the planet. I'm not afraid. I let it happen baby Bring it on okay Okay. I got shit up by the chat all day today. Currie this, curry that. Well you deserve it, Deepo. I know. We got to end this because I got my pitch of sweating. I'm going to go for like another hour but you know. I'm writing a home Rosebud. Can I just talk to the camera by myself? So what you can do whatever you want. Oh, that'd be great getting the fuck out of you. I have you have to go walk your dogs
Starting point is 00:27:28 Charlie and Bama Charlie and Alabama or you could hire one of us You guys or I could hire myself Because that was directed to all of us. Yeah Yeah, what could they find you again Rose? Oh Find me on Twitter and Instagram at Rosebud Baker. And if you care to listen to our podcast It is a Netflix campfire podcast on iTunes soon to be revamped. We're gonna change that up a little bit Okay, you just got we're not Chateau's buddy take it down and we're gonna we're gonna make it a little bit
Starting point is 00:27:58 I can't do Netflix campfire and then we don't discuss any Netflix if make it the campfire Listen, we're talking about what we watched during the week So this week I talked about fucking Bachelor in Paradise because that's all I felt like. You watched the Bachelor? Bachelor in Paradise. It's when you take all the losers and you put them on an island.
Starting point is 00:28:14 How hilarious. It's from an amazing show. How hilarious. Amazing show. Yeah, structurally it is. Now what is amazing? Do they, is there one Bachelor or it's just all the losers? It's all the losers. And they have to, what do they compete? There're one bachelor or it's just all the losers? It's all the losers and they have to what do they compete? There's one guy that actually won but then they broke up and she wrote a scathing book about him about how he was
Starting point is 00:28:33 Abusive and he's on the show this week. What do they compete for sure today? compete to like to like find a match, right? So it's just like a bunch of people it's like musical chairs, you know what I mean? Like you find you find somebody that you can fuck for the week and then you know It's all under the whole like all we're gonna get married at the end, but like nobody ever gets I guess people get fucking You know engage but I think there's like been one couple that ends up I The point is it's hysterical and it's genius as a as far as like a show goes. It's a masterpiece in editing Mm-hmm It's a masterpiece in editing
Starting point is 00:29:12 It's fantastic good bachelor in paradise check that out guys. Where are they saying are they shitting on it? Yeah, of course Who I just see my name Who was the worst who was the worst guest everyone YKWD? Man, I want to just there's been some bit. I it has to be that I wasn't actually on the show at the time Mm-hmm It has to be the guy that got up in the middle of the show. He was on he was from Facebook Mm-hmm and Bobby I guess I guess started talking about Dix right right away That's not that's not the worst just a guy just got up and was like no, no, I can't do this Can't do this and he walked out of the room. That's all right. Yeah
Starting point is 00:29:42 I can't do this can't do this any walked out of the room Yeah, yeah He's so scared about talking about dick cuz he's afraid Facebook will find out and it fire him Yeah, you don't leave that gig, but I mean who was the worst who was I think the question was like who was the worst performer? You really fucking self conscious about my hair. I'm never I can never read anything. No, you look great Who was the worst guest? I Think that this must precede the DPR I'm like Nero zero self-esteem real self-esteem. Yeah, yeah people are like all comics are really brave
Starting point is 00:30:13 No, we're not yeah, they're fucking we're like constantly just on a thread. Oh, yeah I did a show and this guy like I did a show with shouts and then people shouts has like a big fan base So they come out and they follow me, and the guy hit me up, was like talking to me, and he's like, you know what, man, comics really though, they say someone was brilliant and shit-ever. I was like, what are you talking about? We're all psychopaths, we know nothing what we're talking about.
Starting point is 00:30:38 We say, we ramble on all day, and maybe, one or two good things come out of a comics mouth of day. Everything else is fake bullshit. I would argue. Yeah, I'm not talking about myself, but I will say that a lot of gems come out of comics mouth. I think it's I think it's honestly that they're not necessarily responding to what the person saying so much is like the rhythm that they're saying at them. You know what I mean? Probably. So all we're doing is taking regular people thoughts and putting them into a structure that can be You know, recognized as like oh, that's funny, but like people think it's magic and it's not it's just it's just structure
Starting point is 00:31:15 Very true, you know, all right. We're wrapping up. I don't know what the fuck I've been doing exactly for three years. So fuck right. Thank you guys for hanging out Wait, what about my plugs baby? What? Oh, we just did her plugs and we're like, I was like, I guess to the show, deep, but that's why I did it. Well, they probably I just want to just mention once again that tomorrow, the camera by yourself, right? Uh, no, we're at an end. Yeah, I think we're going to just end it. Uh, maybe one day, uh, once you, once you're not here and once Lauren's gone, uh, I'll just talk to the camera about myself. I got plans baby Scope on the camera. It's gonna be the other show
Starting point is 00:31:50 Just want to remind everybody that 7 p.m. Tomorrow if you're listening live I'll be doing an interview with the developers at abatron games For their new game coming out and the next couple weeks. So that should be interesting We're gonna just try make a good show out of that. And then Twitter and Instagram are too deep. But tweet at us, let us know how the post show went. I'm sure it's not gonna be great. Yeah. tweet at us at Chris Copeland. He's a good Twitter handle, right? It's a good one. It's a great Twitter handle because it tells people exactly I have pronounced my name, but it also puts me in this like, puts me in this like thing where I'm an assistant.
Starting point is 00:32:25 Because that's R2D2 was. He was like this helpful little thing. So that's just your psychopath. No, he knows that. Yeah, your psychopath is taking over. No, people kind of like assume, no, people kind of make a connection like, oh, he's like just a little robot.
Starting point is 00:32:34 No, we have two people here that we did not think of that at all. I've known you for, well, you've never seen Star Wars. He's like, oh, we love Star Wars. Yeah, that's what I was thinking. He's a geek, you're a geek, but not an assistant geek. Okay, you can be the head geek.
Starting point is 00:32:47 You can be the head geek. I appreciate you saying that, because I was in my head about that a lot. What do you got Chris? What are your plugs? What do I got nothing? Just get me, you know, I have shows all out this, throughout the city.
Starting point is 00:32:56 If you want to talk about that. Yeah, if you go to your website, you got dates every fucking week, baby. I got dates, but you know, I don't plug them because I'm an idiot and also I'm not headlining, so I feel like I shouldn't plug them. But yeah, I got dates, October I don't plug them because I'm an idiot and also I'm not headlining so I feel I shouldn't plug them But yeah, I got dates
Starting point is 00:33:07 October 7th and 8th, I'll be actually in Laf Boston with Andrew Schultz I'll be with Louis the 29th and Connecticut somewhere. Yeah, I got stuff, you know going on So thanks guys for hanging out. Well, I do depotitions. Thank you. We'll just we'll take care of her Have a nice night. See you guys later. Bye ¡Después, vamos a ver, vamos a ver. ¡Vamos a ver, nos vemos later! Volotea. Parifa sujetas a disponibilidad. Consulta las condiciones en

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