Robert Kelly's You Know What Dude! - Rich Vos | I Thought I Was Over It

Episode Date: March 13, 2022

This week Bobby and Rich Vos follow up on the watch incident, , talk hair goals and self love, how they would foster a family, and how bangable the richest people in the world are! Learn more about yo...ur ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Activia es único, porque a diferencia de otros, activia ha demostrado que sus millones de probióticos naturales llegan vivos a la microbiota. Y además ayuda a tu salud digestiva. Activia. ¿Sueñas con un futuro más allá de los estudios de grado? Gracias a las becas de post-grato en el extranjero, de la Fundación La Caixa, puedes estudiar en las mejores universidades y centros de investigación del mundo. Tu talento te mueve.
Starting point is 00:00:29 Solicitate veca en fundación Buscas contenido gratis. ¡Au, wanna be see! Pluto TV es el servicio de streaming gratuito con series como South Park o Sensación de Vivir. Descarga ya la aplicación en todos tus dispositivos. Pluto TV, ven a verlo sin pagar nunca. The pack, YKWD Podcast, YKWD's back again Old school, back in the day, we're all starting before them all YKWD's podcast is so fun and crazy, and there's no rules
Starting point is 00:01:14 Shut up, you're ruining this! Work the bar damn hard, I'm sorry, it's a comedy podcast, this is an NPR That's the podcast done, is there any better show? This is the original original? Original. You are fat. You are. And so am I. We're all fat.
Starting point is 00:01:38 We're just a bunch of fat people. Welcome to the You Know What, Dude podcast. One of the longest running podcasts in the history of podcasting. I was there in the beginning, I'll be there at the end when all these losers stopped doing theirs, because they're so famous. And I'll still be where I'm at.
Starting point is 00:01:57 Hey, listen, all you dudes and dudeettes that came and saw me in Pekipsi, thank you very much. I had a blast, The place packed out. Laugh it up in Pekipsi. I mean, I love it when clubs listen to comics. I love when club owners care about the show, but also care about the comedians that are doing the show. Okay, a lot of club owners don't give a shit. They care about bottom line. How much booze do we sell? How many fucking chicken wings?
Starting point is 00:02:28 They don't give a shit about the sound or a monitor on stage or any of that shit. There's very few clubs that give a fuck About the actual show itself Knowing that that's why people are coming. You can give them knowing that that's why people are coming. You can give them fucking sunflower seeds and water as long as the show's great and they have a good experience and they laugh, they'll come back, they don't give a shit. But they want to make it into a fucking Applebee's and a restaurant and make a bunch of money on some drink
Starting point is 00:02:59 named after a comic that's never worked their fucking club. Right? And now, but some clubs give you shit. And this, and that, Pekipsi. Yeah, it's not the best place in the world. I'll admit that I wouldn't fucking go there in the daytime one night time. I go to this club. I park in the parking lot and I run to the club. It's a dangerous city. And I love that they're coming back. That's the only say that about see. It's on dangerous city. Hi. And I love that they're coming back. They always say that about see. It's on its way.
Starting point is 00:03:29 It's coming back. Did you hear about Pekipsi? Pekipsi's not coming back. It's just not. It's just not. I'm sorry. Was it there before? It was.
Starting point is 00:03:39 Pekipsi back in the day, Mike. Pekipsi was the place to be. New Rochelle, Yonkers, all these places. I mean, look at Newrow, Shell, fucking Dick van Dyken, his wife lived there. Remember on the show? Oh, that's right. Yeah, they lived there. It was a nice little town.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Now it's got a sh. Pekipsi's more crazy. Yes, place, but you know what? It's got some cool places and there's Mahonis I tell you I first played there the guys that run it great guys They really tried they really they're just trying to Do the best show they could do they love stand-up so much They love comics So they you know when I mean look I first time I went up there, it was kind
Starting point is 00:04:26 of weird. It's in this place, the sound sock, the stage was weird. There was a fucking top-aware bucket they used from bedbath and me youngland as a stool, a stair to get onto the stage. But, you know, they had a hallway, was the green room, but I tell you what, they've, I went up to this time, they get the sound system was amazing. They have monitors on the stage, the mic sounded hot and poppy and great, the stage was great, the crowd, the people fucking packed it out, They're learning how to just, hey, spread the word, get people up there, packed it out, awesome shows, awesome crowds, tons of parking, food was great.
Starting point is 00:05:14 They still had that fucking top-aware stare that I step, I mean, I'm gonna buy, I'm buying them a stare. I'm gonna buy, I'm going to Amazon. Mike, look up stairs in Amazon,'t steps. I need a two-step I'm buying it for them and I'm sending it to them. I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna I want them to put my name on it But yeah, it was a great fucking club great room and I love when I just like it when clubs listen We have a very special guest coming in right now.
Starting point is 00:05:46 We haven't done a show together since the incident. And if you don't know what the incident is, well then you don't listen to my podcast. It was the incident of time. The incident of all time, the watch incident. So please, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome. And of course, they're letting himself rich vos. Rich vos with his hot,
Starting point is 00:06:16 atrocious family photo behind him. Why would you take a family photo like that? Well, that was years ago. I mean, look at it. It's beautiful. The frame, everything. Why do you like gold on Nate frames, boss? She told me to get a gold frame for it. And, you know, when you bought a car at some like place in our town,
Starting point is 00:06:47 that takes a picture of you and then paints over it. You know, I don't, can I paint over that? I think the whole thing looks good. Yeah, it looks good if you were a different family. If I didn't know you and Bonnie and Reina, it would be a good picture. I would like to look like a normal family. I family looking at it close enough. What is that? I can't see. What is it?
Starting point is 00:07:12 Zoom in mush. I see what? What's wrong? What is it? Who is it? It's Bonnie, Rayna and you. Yeah. Okay. That's it. Are you wearing my watch? No. Oh, oh, I don't wear it. Oh, God, damn it. What am I looking for? I don't have time for riddles.
Starting point is 00:07:43 Damn it. What am I looking for? I don't have time for riddles. What is it? I see it. What? What? Did she have an penis or tits her out? What? They'll look at the picture. Look over the frame. The frame? Ah! What? I thought I was over it. I thought I'm not yellow wounds.
Starting point is 00:08:11 That's not a picture. That's not a picture came to me. Oh, how did you know what how did I get up there? I even though I like I don't wear it, but I like to try, you know, just bring it around the house to look at and stuff. Where's Bobby? I don't think you can take this right now. I know. What's wrong with him? What's wrong with me? You took my dream.
Starting point is 00:08:41 I didn't think you'd do it. You took my, let me see it. No, so silly. It's not. Well, just let me give you I'll give you 16 for it. First of all, I can't listen to me. Let's have it. You're going to die in years and you'll die knowing that you made your friend, Bobby, happy. You don't need that. You don't need it. Look at all the fucking shit you got. Listen to me. My wife is a stay-at-home mom. You have a... Your wife has hopes and dreams that are coming true. Listen. I'm still living here. Let's move on and discuss what's going on. What's going on?
Starting point is 00:09:35 What's going on? What's going on? Well, on my corner in my town, there was a big protest. They're all holding up Ukrainian flags and Ukrainian colors. And I, you know, okay, here's to, which obviously you are people not aware of what's going on in this country. Like, I don't get, I mean, it's to show support,
Starting point is 00:10:02 I don't get, sometimes I don't get protests. Why, you put a BML fucking flag on your bushes. Yeah, that was just to protect my house. If you look closely, I had my website on the bottom of that. So, I'm rich, rich Voss Rose calm. So, yeah. I obviously, I don't know what, like, there was an incident at the mall. It did, first of all, cops, I'm pro cop, but they have to be now. I'll tell you
Starting point is 00:10:43 to short, 25 years and older to me, because if you're under 25, you're just stupid. So It was at my mall at Bridgewater Mall and you can find it online see the clip matter fact maybe Michael look it up These two kids were in a fight in the mall, okay? I like it and a skinny black kid. They were like teenagers high school whatever. Yeah, yeah, so they were in a fight Cops calm break it up They sit the white kid down on the couch, right and they put the black kid down and handcuffed him behind his back I'm going I go What's going on in their head first? Well neither of them were a threat
Starting point is 00:11:22 So what's going on in their head? First of all, neither of them were a threat, especially the black kid who was very skinny. I go, why would you sit the white kid down comfortably on a couch and then handcuffed the little black kid? Now you know everybody's filming this at the whole world. Teen jokes just came into my head. That I, 19 jokes just came into my head that I held back on because I got
Starting point is 00:11:46 to remember that we're not on a tough crowd anymore. Yeah, no, no, what what were the cops with a young? Yeah, probably go to have my bring up the clip bridge. He should be looking for right now. What's the name of the town? I'm looking for it right now. There's just a bunch of ads in front of the clips right now. So I'm going through the ads. And so I'm driving past. But you know the whole story, dude, I'm not saying, look, that's terrible, terrible optics. And that's, you know, that's fucked up. They should. What do what do telephone wires and optics have to do with it? What do telephone wires and optics have to do with it? You shouldn't. God shouldn't have gave you that watch. You're too stupid to have that watch. There is no God. I believe in no God because of you, Rich. There is no God. The fact that you have 17 rings on Rolex and then my dream Rolex and then a diamond star of David. I hate you. I hope I
Starting point is 00:12:51 hope the next flight you get on as it's taking off if fucking catches on fire. What about all the other people on the flight? I don't I want them dead too because I'll sacrifice them. That's crazy. I don't I want them dead too because I'll sacrifice them. I don't That's crazy. I don't you Jesus What is my Jesus God? You're a fucking you're in a swed to God you're an alien you're not a human You you look at dumb alien. They just wanted off their ship Here and they gave you human tea human teeth Your old teeth were for your planet teeth the type of foods you can eat
Starting point is 00:13:41 You're rock eating people What would he do? What would he do? He'd give me the watch. He'd give me the watch. He'd sell it. You know it. You know that's impossible.
Starting point is 00:13:52 You know Rolex's trace and track that we roll. Yeah, they don't care. They don't, I already looked into it. They don't care. What they do. And my, my jewelry would care. He would never sell anything. All in right now. What? Let's call him.
Starting point is 00:14:07 Yes. Sunday night. They're open. All right. Let me ask you a question. What? If we could get Norton and Keith and a couple people on my podcast and we could come in and have comedy court and they decide whether you give me that watch or I have to give you something in return. What do you think? Tell me the watch. Do you really think? I mean, we'll do it as just at a principle, but do you think I'm going to let a major decision like that on those two major decision like that on on those two fucking jamokes, you know, you know, it's it would be let's move on because you're you fucking what was it you really know how to just ruin the bit no I want to do it do it as a joke but I'm really not doing it yet. Don't fucking tell them that. I'm getting it. I'm telling them.
Starting point is 00:15:08 Show anything. Show my point about optics. Yeah, it's. Did that kid did the bl- All right, listen, did the black kid just slap his fucking mother in the face? Did something happen? I'm look, I don't know what happened. I'm telling you what happened. I can't wait. And but what were they fighting over? What was the back story? Look, I think it's terrible to put a kid on the ground, especially a little skinny kid. Well, and brutalized by a pair of police officers as seen in this video, taken inside brick water, come in. They're both on the ground, right? Oh, the black
Starting point is 00:15:51 is on the ground. The white kid's sitting on the couch. All right, but that looks terrible. It's ridiculous. Yeah, but the white kid's not fighting. I mean, there was all the if a cop screw you on the ground, they said, hey said hey you sit down he was like okay and he sat down. No, there's no much. Of course I'm kidding. This looks terrible. But see here's what I don't understand. Let me see go back a little bit more.
Starting point is 00:16:17 To go from the beginning see the fight watching. Yeah let's watch the fight mush. It's not even a good fight I mean. All the new like there are's not even a good fight. I mean, uh, all the new, they're all the videos are all the news. Um, I just got a little high. An eighth grader, they say was racially profile and brutalized. He just threw a pot. He just threw a punch at the cop, right? He just, no, he threw up on the tip, but he was still fighting when they were
Starting point is 00:16:39 separating him. Probably why he, yeah, let's do it on camera brawl stop stop if you if me and you were fighting in the mall Play that right there. Let me see that But ended with police officers get the best of them so oh I'm glad to decide he was defending someone even smaller and younger than him A steve it's greater. Okay, she's in the town. Yeah, yeah, no, that's because here's the problem. They came in and they saw that kid just kick and ask so that that kid was throwing punches. The other kid he kind of got he just kind of stopped. Well, no, the white kid was on top of him though.
Starting point is 00:17:22 Yeah, but they grabbed him through him over. No, it's terrible. They shouldn't have done that. But the black kid should have top of them though. Yeah, but they grabbed them through them over. No, it's terrible. They shouldn't have done that. But the black kid should have just chilled a little bit. Don't you think? He's a kid. You know, there's, they're hyped up in a fight. You know, being a fight and then just, oh, calmly chill.
Starting point is 00:17:36 You're a kid. I mean, what do you do? What do you do? It's a hard thing for a cop to do, man. I mean, how do you restrain somebody by the color of their skin? No, no, no, no. Here's how I look at it.
Starting point is 00:17:53 I just, I mean, you know what I mean? If you're gonna restrain one, you restrain both of them. Yeah, but the other kid, if you look at the video, he stopped fighting. Yeah, because it goes sit over here. But he did it. They said sit down here and if you're hungry, order some food. If you listen to me, game of 20. And then the game of PB a card. Okay, but what I don't understand. What push? Well, you can just
Starting point is 00:18:23 look at the way the officer handles it differently. The two different officers handle it two different ways. So here's the officer grabbing the white kid. Okay. Yeah, play, play slow and then she places it down. Those pounds as seen in this video taken inside brick water, common's mall. So it's two different officers were acting different ways.
Starting point is 00:18:42 You have to see the whole video, dude. Can you get the whole video without the news? I'm sorry, I'm fighting. Listen, that's not the whole, you have to watch the video from the fight to the cops coming in. Without the news, you gotta send the news is giving you narrative, cutting it up,
Starting point is 00:18:59 they're showing the, the cop came in, grabbed that white kid, threw him down on the couch. He just sat there. Then the other kid was fighting, riled up crazy. I get it. He's probably not a bad kid. He's probably defending the kid. But it's like, dude, you got to chill out once the cops come. And my eyes, once the cops come, it's over. Yeah, but they didn't give the black and the option to suit on the couch. It's a problem.
Starting point is 00:19:28 It's a problem too. Yeah, let me look. It's a hard thing, man. To be a cop. Oh yeah, that's why I said it got to be over 25. It's scary to, right now, you got a white kid and a black kid fighting. That's terrifying.
Starting point is 00:19:44 You know, especially if you're a white cop, it's like, fuck, but they should be able to, I mean, what do you, I don't know. What do you do, man? It's like that. Remember that, that black chick with the knife was stabbing the other chick and they shot her. I don't know, but no, I don't remember it.
Starting point is 00:20:01 Yeah. And they got into trouble for shooting the black chick. It was like, you know, cops against, you know, black violence, cops against, uh, you know, what I don't know, whatever you fucking say. It does suck. It sucks to be a black, a young black man in America because you can't even get into a little brawl like that without fucking having the world come down on you. And, you know, everybody's gonna take the other person's side, right? It sucks. Well, I'll tell you what you know those parents are gonna sue the mall for the cops.
Starting point is 00:20:35 And they should sue the mall and they should go to the cops and the cops, you know, you got to figure out a way to deal with that. When you walk into a situation like that, you should break it up and use your words as much as you can. But cops are human beings, man. And when somebody's throwing punches, when somebody's being violent, your instinct, there's two ways to handle it. You can either try to de-escalate, right?
Starting point is 00:21:08 Or you have to go over the top. There's no middle ground. And when I worked at the juvenile hall, they told me, don't be nice. Be as mean as you, be mean. Be fucking mean. When you get, don't say, hi, don't fucking do things for these kids,
Starting point is 00:21:26 but I was one of these kids. I know, but it's easier to lighten up than it is to harden up. They won't risk you will not, if you come in, hey, and then you have to get tough with them, they'll tell you to go fuck yourself. But if you're an asshole and then you treat them nice a little bit, then they'll be cool with that. They'll like that. You know what I mean? So like What is it? No, I get it. I just
Starting point is 00:21:52 What would you have done if you were that cop and you came in I grabbed the white kid through him on the couch And he was like yes, sir. I'm sorry, sir Whatever you want and the other way and you grabbed the black kid and he was still going nuts trying to fight. What would you do? I don't know because I'm not a cop. Well I'm asking you if you were. If I was a cop I would okay a good anything a great comic. Everything that's going around. You see what's happening
Starting point is 00:22:27 around. You have, you see everything. So, a good cop can see the whole situation. What's happening with the white kid and what's happening. You should be focusing on the whole, you know, because if you're a cop, you can't, you don't know. You got to know if someone's sneaking up behind you, you got to know know you just got to know what's going on So you're gonna stop the situation you have to stop somebody from being violent and if you I'm getting that kid You're getting that kid take the color take the race out of it. There's two kids Just take it out of it for a second. Just say there's two kids fighting in a mall. Yeah. There's two white kids fighting in the mall. I know if they're kids, if they're kids without weapons, maybe I don't, I don't
Starting point is 00:23:12 know if they have to be handcuffed. If they're kids without weapons, if you knock them in the fuck down and you see, I mean, we don't even know, you fucked you, you fucking pig, fucking cut. We don't even know what was being said. So yeah, I think cops It's a tough gig. It's a tough gig man because and not not the most Secure people get that gig Alpha males get that gig that want to get that oh that can deal with that stress of getting into a fight with a Fucking kid or a man or getting shot at.
Starting point is 00:23:47 That's a certain type of man that has to take that to be able to be okay with that. I couldn't do it. I couldn't do it. You're not knowing if I pull somebody over, they're gonna fucking shoot me or stab me, or if I go to break up a fight in a mall, and I'm gonna get stabbed or a fucking pushed off
Starting point is 00:24:06 or a bunch of kids are gonna beat the shit out, I don't know what someone's gonna grab my gun. I don't know what the fuck's going on. I mean, the optics, I mean, optics is me, I mean, when I say that, it means viewing it. You know, the way it looks, That's what I mean, optics. Oh, yeah, I mean, I'm not just not trying to write. I think the, uh, the mail cop there is upset because the lady cop
Starting point is 00:24:35 didn't handcuff the white guy. Wasn't a lady cop. Yeah, one of them down was almost a woman. Yeah, that's what we should do. We should make it all women cops. Just make all all women cops. Just make all cops women. Yeah, my son. And make cops minorities.
Starting point is 00:24:55 Bring more minorities in. Let black men and brown men be, give, you know, you should bring them in and let them. Well, I'm sure they are, I mean, I'm sure they're applying and the ones that are applying that pass to test. I'm sure they're letting them become cops. I'm saying that, you know, maybe more women should be involved in that situation because maybe they would have handled it differently. Guys handle fights, fucking, fuck you, you know,
Starting point is 00:25:28 that you get into that, that's a hard thing not to do. When there's, you know, you're trying to, you know, this kid's beating the shit out of another kid, it just sucks. One of those two white kids, you wouldn't even have this fucking, we wouldn't even be talking about it. Well, if it was two white kids,
Starting point is 00:25:44 and the one who got thrown to the ground handcuffed, your family would still go after the moral. And this family should do that too. You know, especially if this young kid was trying to defend a younger kid from this fucking piece of shit. I don't like making judgment calls on these things. I don't know why they were fighting.
Starting point is 00:26:03 What if that kid caught him fucking molestin his brother? What if what if what if he just you know did something to his mom? What if I don't know? What if what if that white kid's a big piece of shit bully? You know that was you know I let him go let him I would help him beat the shit of him. You don't know the backstory of these things but you know it's a hard job being a cop man, you know, and then and these people are like defund the fucking police ridiculous New York City is a fucking shit hole now and anybody that says New York City is not fucking dangerous And there's I love these people too. There's a bunch of comics that do this shit
Starting point is 00:26:44 New York's fine, New York's fine. It's horrible. Let's say New York is fine. A lot of them are entitled, Cocksuck and Rich People, that don't have to deal with the subways, and don't have to deal with late night fucking waiting on the corner to get an Uber,
Starting point is 00:26:59 or walking home. They don't have to deal with that shit. A lot of these people have security guards too, who say New York's gonna go fuck yourself New York City is a shit hole right now Shit hole and it's because and I remember comics sending me You got to sign this. What is it defund the police go fuck yourself? I told you to fuck themselves because I'm not defunding the police. Yes, it's flawed. Yes cops make mistakes
Starting point is 00:27:27 Yes cops have fucked up shit But they also make it so that we can walk around and enjoy our lives and not have to have Where about my wife getting fucking raped or my kid getting punched in the face or me getting pushed in front of a train or stabbed go fuck yourselves there was a, uh, this guy anti-Semitic incident through shit on some person on the subway and did they let him out? Did again? They let him right out, you know, they're not even keeping him in. These crazy. No bail in New York because they passed the law. There's no bail. because they passed the law, there's no bail. So back in the day, when Giuliani was there in Bloomberg, you got arrested, you had to make bail,
Starting point is 00:28:11 and if you couldn't make bail, you know where you went, rikers, you went to the tombs, you went to the fucking psych ward, you went to Bellevue. Now, there's no bail. So you spend 24 hours in jail, and then you're out the next day and then you get a court date And yeah, they're gonna fucking show up for that fucking day. Oh, it's crazy how it's I don't even want to go to New York ever Dude is not just New York though. It's it's California. It's San Francisco. It's it's fucking It's
Starting point is 00:28:44 Dude it's all these cities you know where it's fucking it's Dude it's all these cities. You know where it's not? Tampa Florida Florida You know, you have to worry about somebody blocking the highway in a protest Florida, you know why? No, the governor said you can run them over. It's not against the law. You won't.
Starting point is 00:29:08 Yeah, because they're fucking, you're not supposed to walk on a highway and block traffic. That's against the law. You're supposed to use crosswalks. You're supposed to wait for the light and use a crosswalk. And there was a ticket called J walking. I got a J walking ticket in LA once for. You can't do that here. Not in a. And but if you're protesting something, hey, go fight.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Fuck yourself. You can block whatever you want for as long as you want. Fuck you. Fuck that. It's crazy to cut. Defunding the cops. It's it's like saying don't lock your doors. It's ridiculous. Yes, I did and people say it's not it's not either or too. It's not like you the defundable you don't in your piece of shit racist. You're an idiot. You're just an asshole. I like these people, but the homeless people, what was it?an? We were in, I don't know, Wattown, South Dakota somewhere, and it said on the wall at the restaurant, please do not give homeless people anything.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Don't give them anything. If you're going to give money, donate to these homeless shelters, they gave the names in the town. Because, and I was like, that's smart, that's great. Because now I can help these homeless people, I can give it to the shelter, and they'll give beds and food for these people to go to. So they'll get the fuck off the street,
Starting point is 00:30:35 maybe get a job, maybe get recovery, right? And now he was like, oh, that's pretty harsh. Who said a comic said it? Yeah, Rana, he was like, well, that's harsh. I think that's, that's, that's just stupid. Wait, who said it, Raman? Raman, I'm talking to you with sucks because you can't hear.
Starting point is 00:30:52 No, Raman, who the fuck, what is that? Sounds like a fucking, a cool, Raman is. No, it sounds like a cleaning character. There's the show with that Joe. He tours with Louis a little bit. Funny guy, he's a really funny comic. All right, go ahead. He's actually a good guy, but he's he's very liberal He's very left and he he just is like well, I don't think that's you should know it's like dude
Starting point is 00:31:14 You don't understand you're you're you're enabling the homeless people by giving the money and homeless people make a lot of money You know all you have to do is ask 50 people a 100 people for a dollar, and there he is, yeah, very funny guy. Oh, I've seen him around. All right. So that makes you don't like him. I go back, I just hate that. His head shot, go back.
Starting point is 00:31:38 It has some dude with his backpack on behind him. Yeah, I know, what is he at? Amanda the streets? No, he's not at me on behind him. Yeah, I know. What is he Amanda the streets? No, he's not a man of the streets. That's well, he's out in the street taking his edge shot. He's funny. I like round on. He's a good guy. He needs funny, but just I don't agree with him on certain things. He's one of my people. Of course, he's a Jew. Look at him. He's one of my kids. He's a Jew. Of course he's a Jew. Look at him.
Starting point is 00:32:04 Looks like a rabbi. Yeah, that's a. It looks like he lives. He fucking lives in Williamsburg. Yes, no one says no one that has a family or a house or a car or a wife says to fund the police. He's a funny police. Yeah, I don't.
Starting point is 00:32:24 I don't bet that. Guys, it's single, guys in our thirties that are fucking white. That's, you know, shut up. We need police. You need firemen. You need fucking, you just, you need civil servants. You need, you need cops because that's our protection
Starting point is 00:32:42 against each other. You know, you need that. And New York City was an awesome, safe place when cops were everywhere and they could do their job. Did they? And here's the thing, I don't even think cops, I don't even know what the fuck happened in New York, like they just turned on the cops in New York and it happened in fucking Minneapolis or wherever the fuck it happened. And they just turned on them and now I know a lot of cops and they're like yeah I'm doing my 20 him out. I'm fucking out. And call like that. All right there's a fight at the mall and then you
Starting point is 00:33:18 show up it's a white in the black kid. Fuck me. This guy's job's on the line now. Now everybody's gonna be attacking him. They're probably I guarantee they're probably gonna fucking dox them dox them He's gonna find it where he lives his family's gonna be in danger now all because of what he went and he fucked up He he he put a kid on the ground and handcuffed him and we you know, and it's like shit, dude You know, so do they have to learn to do something different maybe, but their lives are in, you don't know what the fuck the kid's gonna do.
Starting point is 00:33:52 I, listen, I agree, it's a tough job, it's crazy. You're going to work every day thinking, I could get killed today, you know. Yes, I could get killed today. I could get shot, I could get run over. And then he put in the kid on the couch. He could have done something. Yes. So, you know, I mean, if you want to go through it, maybe, but you should have just handcuffed both of them. Yes. And put them both on the couch. I mean, how about back
Starting point is 00:34:19 in the day, you just say, hey, you guys take this shit outside. I love that shit outside. And I was a kid that's what they would do. The cops didn't stop for if we were fighting the cops, you just roll by take that out of the park, go over on the other side. Yeah, yeah, but here's the full one minute. Oh, good, let's watch this. Let's let's see us eye this ready Yeah Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:03 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It was possible for a second. Stop it right there anyways. First of all, that kid. That big white kid. I don't know what the fuck happened,
Starting point is 00:35:20 but he. You know, dude. Sticking his finger in somebody's face like that. That's right. Yeah, it's out for me. I'm, you're, you're aggressive. You're saying this is we're going to find, you know, if somebody did that to me, you'd fucking get them with my watch. I wouldn't be wearing it.
Starting point is 00:35:43 It's on display in my house. You don't wear the watch. I wouldn't be wearing it. It's on display in my house. You don't wear the watch. I'm wearing tomorrow. I'm wearing it to a very important meeting tomorrow. Good. And I hope you get robbed on the way into the meeting. I hope they catch you guys. Don't mind the ground. I hope I hope they robbed you on the way in the minute that he contacts me on instant messenger. I will give you the money you can't get from anybody else. All right. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:36:11 Oh, Oh, who's grabbing them? Now, Now do they put do they going do they going get the other kid? No, look at him. Let him play. Let him play. Are you gonna stop for a second? Oh no. What the fuck's he doing? And now he's up. Yeah, all right. I changed my hope in these cops are racist cops. I can't get up kind of aggressively too and they're just like, all right.
Starting point is 00:36:50 This fucking these cops are fucking play it. I mean, tell me they handcuffed this kid. It's Wait. What is they doing with him? They should handcuff. That's bullshit. Yeah, that's bullshit. Now you see the whole thing and you can make an actual judgment call. That's stupid. They're stupid.
Starting point is 00:37:23 They're fucking. They should have. If they're going to hang, they should have immediately went over to that fucking kid, turn around handcuffed him, problem solved. Yeah, but he, he jumped up too. Like he could have pulled out a weapon that white kid. Dude, they, they, they pushed him on the thing and that chick left him alone. I know. Yeah, that's, that's the type of shit, but here's the thing. You can't take that and say all cop, throw all cops out. No, you can't take it. You have to take those two cops and just school them
Starting point is 00:37:59 and teach them. So the next time they run into that situation, they know what the fuck to do. They know, look, everybody gets handcuffed. And can we work this out? That's it. It isn't, you know what I mean? That so you can't, I mean, you know what I'm saying? Is that make sense? Like you can't, control these cops out. You can't tell them to go fuck themselves because they made a mistake No, the protests are more how can they were treated differently? Not why did they handcuffed the black kid? It's how come they
Starting point is 00:38:33 Treated them differently, so they have a valid a valid point in their protesting. Oh fuck yeah, I mean now you Just the whole video it's a company Have haven't they treated you two kids differently. Yeah. If they had come up to them, both, they would have been fine. That's what they should have done. It should have come up to that, that, that check. It all comes down to women are stupid.
Starting point is 00:38:57 I mean, let's be honest. Well, you know, my friend who I grew up in high school with, who hung out with she became a cop. I mean that broad fucked up. Come on This girl I went to school with who I was friends with hung out what part of our crew she became a cop And he sent her out and another girl cop together two female cops Yeah, and they went to an incident. I hope this ends with scissors and two female cops. And I went to an incident. I hope this ends with scissors. And they went to an incident. And the assailing grab one of the cops guns and killed not my friend, her partner. I mean, it was a big thing in Plainfield. Yeah. And they, you know, people go, well, why would you send two women out together to patrol, you know, and
Starting point is 00:39:45 this is back in the 70s, maybe early days. He's Agnian Lacey. Yeah, no, no, that, that girl cop, I don't know why she fucked up. Yeah, it's her fault. That guy cop grabbed his person Right and detained him and she should have been doing the same fucking thing to that other guy and She didn't she was if you go go back to that What she didn't do make similar bad would she she should have fucking grabbed that guy turn around get on your knees hands behind your head and
Starting point is 00:40:24 Put the cuffs on him and she didn't she sat him on the couch and you're right fucking grab that guy, turn around, get on your knees, hands behind your head, and put the cuffs on him. And she didn't. She sat him on the couch and you're right. He got up aggressive. Like he was going to do something. He could have done something to that. What an idiot. Fucking idiot. Look at this. Watch this. Well, you got to go back. I'm gonna run and pussy. Right, yeah. All right, he's not. I want to put his hands behind his hat. Right, yeah, I don't know why she needed you.
Starting point is 00:40:52 Watch me get up. Oh no. He's thinking about running right there. He's taking off. See? He's thinking, he's thinking, running right there. He's taking off He's digging What an asshole The black kid put his hands behind his back to get in yeah, he should be handcuffed right now I don't know what the fuck she's doing, but she's only four two
Starting point is 00:41:22 Look at the size he's sitting down. They're almost the same size Stupid stupid Well dumb move and now it's all now every now cops are racist It's like listen man. I guarantee that that Is that the well that's it which one was one of the good shots Is that the well that's it which one was one that got shots There were hopper's two seasons and then they were not yeah, there are two seasons of holy shit dude Which we can these to the left right no late? Cagnes to the left yeah and Lacey's to the right
Starting point is 00:42:00 Dude I think Cagnes hot. I don't think either one more hot Yeah, time daily was hot until like the third season. And then she just looked like a guy in drag all of a sudden. It looks like some daily. I love that haircut. What is that? The bangs. Oh, I always wanted that hair when I was growing up like the fucking.
Starting point is 00:42:24 I always wanted that. I'm was growing up like the fucking I always wanted that I'm going bald. Yeah, we know who not the dukes has is no the the Cassidy Sean is called a shag. Remember Sean Cassidy? Yeah, it was a shag. What was the show they were on the something brothers the party party brother what the hardy brothers the hardy brothers they used to solve crimes yeah the hardy brothers got me hard uh here look can you see no we know you're going bald dude yeah you're 65
Starting point is 00:43:01 No, we know you're going bald dude. Yeah, you're 65. Yeah, but right in the front. That's what happens. It's called male pattern baldness. Really? Yeah, you gotta get a weave like Anthony. I'll get a transplant like Anthony. No, Anthony got plugs.
Starting point is 00:43:18 Yeah, he got your hair transplant. He got plugs, he got hair transplant. What's the difference? I want a fucking drill a cigar puncher in your head and just take stuff out. Yeah, look at that. Dude, I wanted that hair so much. I had a big afro and I went to New York and got my hair cut like that in a shag and it lasted like fucking three days and then it just exploded again.
Starting point is 00:43:49 I told you I had straight hair like that until I don't know I was 10 and then I went I went can't I went on a canoe my my mom and stepped out rented out a lake house and I went on the canoe my mom and stepped out rented out a lake house and I went on the new in the fog by myself like in the middle of the lake nobody could see me and I jerked off. And then I fell in and then my hair went curly. Plus I swear to God, my hair went curly for the rest of my life. I remember walking down the street, the sun came out, the fog burnt off, and me and my sister were walking, and there was a jerk rose, and she goes, why is your hair curly? I thought God punished me for jerking off in the canoe.
Starting point is 00:44:40 I remember I had a job in this wood shop. Yeah, it was upstairs staining wood and I go this would be a good time to jerk off Chicken dog and the fucking wood shop like I've jerked off I don't like jerking off anymore because I'm too fat. It's just a nightmare to jerk off. What are you doing? I'm trying to find a picture of my hair when I was it's fucking ridiculous. You're curly hair, right? Oh, even before it got real curly, it was like, go ahead, tell me about your jerk off story. I was so you can get hard. I, I, I, I never, I don't jerk off now as much, but back in the day, I used to try to jerk off
Starting point is 00:45:31 a weird place. We're, I think I've jerked off in people's houses while I was over for a visit. Oh my fucking wall. You look like all the warriors. Oh my God. Here's me going to a disco. Oh my God. Please send that.
Starting point is 00:45:58 Oh my God. So you have like a day and then it rained out. Oh yeah. I'll send it. God. So you have like a day and then it rained out. Oh, yeah, I'll send it to mush. Oh my God. mush. Send it to mush. This is fucking terrible. Oh, okay, here's the other one I'll send you. I've sent, I spoke to this one.
Starting point is 00:46:26 This one's fucking great. Is that you, Moshe or is that me? It's, it's us. Oh, he's, his internet's cutting out a little. Yeah. All right. I sent you two good ones. Um, so anyways, I'm a little nervous.
Starting point is 00:46:43 Boss. All right. I'm a little nervous. Boss. All right. I'm nervous about what there's going to be World War III. Yeah. Is that really what you're talking about? Yeah, no, seriously. I mean, I'm going tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:47:00 I'm, uh, oh, whoa. I really can't talk about this. That evergreen. What's that? I'm, uh, oh, well, I really can't talk about this. Not evergreen. What's that? I'm just nervous that rush is going to, you know, because Poland and, and, and before anybody comments on this podcast, dude, shut the fuck up. You two are still shut up. Go fuck.
Starting point is 00:47:19 No, I don't care anymore. I'm talking about what I want to talk about. And I don't care if it doesn't make sense. Um, care anymore. I'm talking about what I want to talk about. And I don't care if it doesn't make sense. Poland is going to give the Ukraine, they need Russian fighter jets because they don't know how to use ours. So we can't give them fighter jets, but they need to be clean fighter jets. Ukraine, they need like mag, migs, they need those MIG 24, whatever the fuck they are, right? So Poland has them and they're like,
Starting point is 00:47:51 we'll give you these fighter jets, but we need fighter jets too, because if Russia is invading you, they're probably gonna come for us. And if we gave all our jets to you, now we're fucked. So the US is like, well, we'll back you up with our fighter jets. We'll give Poland, you give them your jets and we will replenish you with our jets. Well, good. Why can't we just give you crane jets?
Starting point is 00:48:18 If we do that, then we're actually where Russia will see that as a war act the war with us. Yeah Right, I mean All right, so we give it to somebody and then I give it Yeah, but I know it to me. It's still a fucking act of war You know, I mean I Mean how Ukraine is a big country. Oh my God. That's my dog next to me.
Starting point is 00:48:50 I love that dog. It was head chef. It was. It was a, that was a puppy. Who was that your car on the background? That fucking star ski and hutch shitbox? No, I didn't have a car yet. I just...
Starting point is 00:49:07 I'm so glad I didn't know you back. Oh, when you... You were on the TV show The White Shadow as Salami. Yeah, if you knew me, you would have ate me. Salami. Is that a character? Yes. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:49:34 Fucking boss. You couldn't straighten that jufer of your fucking pain in agents. I had a fucking blow drive and straightened and it looked like Grave Cassidy. Oh, look at that Look at that fucking rug man Wow, what a shirt did that shit was that shirt sleeveless? What did you make it sleeveless? I don't know it was checkers You know that's one of the checkers were in style, you know, that's one of the shackers were in style like, you know, like D.R.O.E.R.O. and Romantics and, you know, rockabilly and shit. I probably cut the sleeves off it probably. You have fucking been Jersey trash. For this, allow me right there.
Starting point is 00:50:21 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:29 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:37 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, isn't Ukraine a big country?
Starting point is 00:50:45 I mean, they had been planning for this forever knowing Russia. Who is Russia? Russia is the third biggest military. Yeah. Who is the first Russian-China? Yeah, I believe, maybe China, I don't know, I think it's us in the Chinese, but China's big. And China's big. And Russia's big. I mean, dude, you can't
Starting point is 00:51:09 you're fighting, you know, it's a Russia is a bigger country. And and it's all under the who is it? United States, Russia, China, then India. Yeah, India is a million people. China than India. Yeah, India is a million people. Well, but the, you know, it's fucked up because it's fucking up their money too. All the, all the sanctions, they took away his judo, like, uh, the, his judo ranking. They were like, you're, you're not in the, he was in like a judo club and he's, he's gone because he's pretty,
Starting point is 00:51:49 I supposedly put in the Putin's of really intelligent smart motherfucker and he's a badass. And he made it so that he's president forever. He did the same thing that China did. Well, it's like, there's no more elections. I'm here until I die. They made that happen. That's crazy. I know who else wanted to make that happen. Oh, uh, fucking our last president would have loved to do that. Trump? Yeah. Yeah. You hate Trump, right? I don't hate. I don't like either administration. It's the last one or the new one.
Starting point is 00:52:26 I think this country what it needs is somebody fucking young with a vision that's not some old fucking, you know, that these guys don't give a fuck about anybody. You think they do, but they don't. They said young people are stupid. Not that young, I'm not saying they're 21 year old president. No, no, no, no. That's what they should do. This is getting like a 22 year old who didn't go to college to be president to see what he does. I don't know. I just, I think they're just all phoneies, man. They're just all fucking phone. Yeah, but dude, it's fucking weird. Like, okay, so we had the Keystone pipeline that was going to get oil from Canada.
Starting point is 00:53:10 We were, you know, we did not, we were, we got our own oil, we got our own energy. We didn't need anybody during Trump. And then Biden fucking ex ex-Nade the keystone. Yeah. We're buying oil from Russia. That's why it went to $4.00 a gallon today. We're buying oil from Russia. So no-
Starting point is 00:53:36 So that was just buying it from Canada. Because they fucking said no. And here's the thing. So we're technically paying for the bullets and all the shit that are killing the people in Ukraine. We're part of it. But wait a second. If Canada was going to let us take their oil to a pipeline, why wouldn't they just sell it to us through trucks and barrels?
Starting point is 00:54:00 I don't know the details. I think it has to do with, you know, it not being green, you know it not being the right thing. It's like fracking We could frack but if fracking fucking kills the environment and fucks up the water table and all the shit It's like you know back in the day nuclear power. Well, it's dangerous. It's like oh, fuck dude. Fuck you It's either this or go to war with fucking Russia. What would you rather do? What would you rather do? Have water that you can light on fire in a couple of states? We don't care about anyways. Or walk around with another head on your shoulder. Yeah. Walk around like red dawn. I'm going to see fucking Chinese and Russians parachuting into my backyard into my
Starting point is 00:54:49 intex fucking pool this summer. Fuck is that, dude? They fucking land on my shed that took forever to build. I'm going to be so. Dude, you're going to stay on a nightmare. That would be if, if I'm saying you look up, it's just a stand-up nightmare that would be if If I'm saying you look up is just a bunch of Russian and Chinese people parachuting in with it with guns and tack and we're just done I mean, I have a big backyard. It would be a good landing zone I'm sitting there with a crossbow
Starting point is 00:55:24 and my I'm sitting there with a crossbow and And a dumb AR that only has six rounds at a time Dude I am fucking I am going down to Florida If she goes down I'm going in the Hampshire. I'm I'm fucking attaching my tiny home to the back of my Ford Ranger and I'm going down. I'm grabbing a bunch of guns guns I'm going down to hang I'm going to live with Calta. Wait can you put wheels on your tiny home? Yeah no yeah is it on wheels now? They took the wheels off they put it up on uh that's my dream but that's fucking dream., you just put them back on like a car. Well, you don't want a tiny home, you want an RV, dude.
Starting point is 00:56:12 An RV, if I buy you an RV, right? Will you trade the watch for the RV? Oh, good. I kind of want to send me this gelopy. No, I'll get you a, I'll gonna send me this gelopy. I'll get you a same value, like $15,000, between $15,000 and $18,000 RV. Do you understand how shitty that would be? No, I have a friend who's an RV dealer
Starting point is 00:56:40 who has an RV YouTube show that I made friends with that I was going to get an RV for like I think it was a 18.5 Yeah, I know what you want a class C. I know exactly like a conversion van almost C I know what you want and I'll get it for you if you give me that watch. I don't like your happy Gerber baby face. I know. Oh, Jesus Christ just sitting there smiling all happy. Shut up. We're gonna get attacked. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:57:17 You're fucking tiny home of missiles going to land on it as you're driving. I'm the fucking 90's. I'm sitting there tonight. I'm, you know, in Poland, they're just taking people, Ukrainians in and bringing them into the house, their homes, because there's no shelter. There's nothing set up for them. So they're bringing thousands of these people just and saying, you live with us now. That would never happen here. They would never happen here. What is that?
Starting point is 00:57:45 That would never happen here. If just hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians land in in Brooklyn, do you think those fucking trendy cocksackers who defunded the police? We're like, no. Yeah, bring your grandmother with a mole the size of the fucking meatball into my living room. So bring that that yammering baby that only eats fucking raw meat and cauliflower.
Starting point is 00:58:19 All right, you want it? We bring that big guy with a beard that that place fiddle all night long. Yeah, bring your aunt in.. Yeah let her. We are the one with the big hands. Yeah you're late. You're late and bedding. There's another husband and wife. You wake up and you cat's dead. It's just in a pot. What we make stool, we make grandma stool. It's called miao miao. Your furniture is in the fireplace. It's not a fire in the living room. They cut your fucking, you're fucking polypainting. I'm in a firewood. Yeah, they replaced your almond milk with breast milk.
Starting point is 00:59:15 You see the mom wearing your kid shoes. You know, this fucking MSNBC, they're the fucking worse anti-Israel. All these fucking Israel took in 92% of the Ukrainians that came to them. And their fucking headline is Israel won't take 8% of Ukrainians that came to them. And their fucking headminers, Israel won't take 8% of Ukrainians. They're taken in 92% of any Jew from Ukraine, with just over 100,000 automatically coming to Israel. Israel's this nice in New Jersey. And MSNBC, Israel says no to 8% or whatever. Shut the fuck up, all right. Let's see how many are coming into America, you know.
Starting point is 01:00:11 I just have, I made that point. We're trying to make it a little bit. Israel's only set up peace talks with fucking you in the workshop. No, none of these fucking rich cocksuckers on TV and all those people on those shows, a lot of money, none of those newscasters, CNN, anybody would take any of these people into their homes
Starting point is 01:00:35 and they probably have multiple homes. Now I was sitting in the living room like fuck. I'm not letting you crane family live in my tiny home. You know, I mean like like if they like if you have a second home, you have to let them and like, nah, you know, I don't take in. after we win the war, my house smells like mustard and fucking fire. Okay, I would just certain, I would take, I would take in, would you take, would you, if they were like, look, we need to help these people and everybody, everybody has to take a family in.
Starting point is 01:01:23 Would you take a family in? Yeah, I would take, if they had not a husband and wife without kids, they would have to have like one or two kids, you know what I mean? I would do that. I want a husband, a young husband and wife, maybe we could swing.
Starting point is 01:01:41 Oh, I mean, listen, let me get to that. Okay. I'm taking a fucking screaming Ukrainian kid in my house. No, you got to, it's the kids you got to look out for. You know, I would, I would let them live in the shed. They can have the shed. I would, I mean, I have to leave an hour a day so I can do my podcast on Mondays and Fridays.
Starting point is 01:02:07 And it won't be out. Hey, I'd come in guys. Hey, Merta. Merta. I gotta do my show. I gotta do Caltor and Kelly. You're gonna have to get him up.
Starting point is 01:02:23 Get that lug head up. I don't know. and you're gonna have to get him up, get that lug head up. I don't know, I mean, I guess I would let people live in my house. I would, I mean, you know, I wouldn't rich people. Rich people don't do that, rich people don't do shit. They send money, they throw money at it. Yeah, that's good.
Starting point is 01:02:43 They throw a check at it and they write it off. No I gave I gave I gave I gave 20,000 dollars to the re- Ukrainian effort. Oh really did you? You bought fucking Rice Krispie's treats and fucking oatmeal. Go fuck yourself. Yeah, I mean fucking you know fucking two guys in this country fucking Elon Musk and who's the at and B's oh That's a B's oh B's oh whatever the fuck is name is there's no B's oh there's a B's oh Those two could fund, is it? Those two would all could fund a Ukrainian. They need them.
Starting point is 01:03:29 I hate when Vos makes you dumb. It's B-ZO, yes, I know. I knew it, but he makes you dumb because he goes B-ZO. I'm talking about it just from B-ZO. I'm not talking about B-ZO. You're a B-ZO, you're a B-ZO, huh? Listen to me, homo, what I'm not talking about Bezos. You're a, you're a, you're a Bozo. How's that? Listen to me, homo. What I'm saying is, those two have enough money
Starting point is 01:03:50 to fund the whole Ukrainian army. Yeah, but they can't because if they do, then we go to war. But I believe Elon did something with the internet, with, yeah, what do you do? No, yeah, they did something with his company off. In the middle of the allow, I was explaining it, they did.
Starting point is 01:04:10 What did they do? You know what he did? Yes, what? They didn't have internet, and he actually put internet over, they cut off the internet, and he actually made it so there was internet over Ukraine, so people could use their phones and and email and stuff like that It was satellite. Yeah, sat through a satellite. Yes, it's Starlink satellite
Starting point is 01:04:31 Starlink satellite Moosh was I right on that? Yes, oh, because I made that all the I didn't know you're gonna call me on it. I Well, I know he did I read the I read the headlines in the first two paragraphs, usually. Yeah. It's, I don't want to, dude, it sucks. It sucks. Here you go.
Starting point is 01:04:54 Here you go. What do you do? And people hate him for it too. Why? Because they don't like Elon because he's Tony Stark. He's cocky. He's a billionaire. He's doing all bunch of shit and they hate him, they don't like him.
Starting point is 01:05:09 Isn't it crazy that fucking Rogan had him on his podcast? No, he's a pretty down to earth guy. No, I mean, he's the richest person in the world, practically. No, he's not the richest. He's up there. I believe a Chinese guy is the richest. Am I right, most the richest guy in the world practice. No, he's not the richest. He's up there. I believe a Chinese guy is the richest. Am I right? The richest guy in the world.
Starting point is 01:05:30 He's either, there's a lot of oligarts in Russia too. That's the one thing that could, that could really fuck things up because all those oligarts in Russia are fucking losing money. And you start taking money from those guys, they might just assassinate Putin. Assessing, oh really? Yeah. Yeah, this whole thing is fucking Russia financially. They're snatching up their yachts.
Starting point is 01:05:59 Oh yeah, they took the, they're doing some crazy shit to these oligarts and they don't like it. And you know they want to just keep fucking being gazillionaires and this war is fucking with them. And it's who is it? Here we go. Oh, it's Bezo, Obuzo, Obuzo the way you said it. Um, who is?
Starting point is 01:06:20 Musk? Where's Musk? Where's Musk? Where is I can't see it. Where is it? Oh? Musk is number one no shit Okay, so and then Bezo and then who is that? That's a Bernard on the old family. I don't know How they say Jews run the world look at a top 10 I think there's one Jew in there
Starting point is 01:06:48 Dude Bill Gates is a Jew No, he isn't Jeff Bezos a Jew Elon Musk's a fucking Jew. I wish Who's Larry Ellison? Elfson, what is the name? Larry Ellison, let me find out. I don't even know these fucking people. Who's number one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, who's number seven? Can you zoom in? He's got to be he's a fucking oligarch, right? I bet let me find out. Yeah. Warren Buffett is a hundred. He's, he's in 10.
Starting point is 01:07:27 He's not even, wow, that's weird. How come it's so small? I can't see it. Gina, I believe one of these ladies, how's the option women? Well, maybe I'm right. A China. Look at this. Top 10 in China. 66 billion.
Starting point is 01:07:45 How much is a billion? A thousand million? Is a billion? Correct. A thousand million is a billion. I would give a thousand billion to have you die right now. Next. See, I wouldn't wish that on anybody.
Starting point is 01:08:02 But what I'm saying is a thousand million, like you have a million dollars a thousand times. Oh, uh, Larry Page and Sergey Brand co-founded Google. Oh, no shit. Okay. There you go. Brand, where's Michael Dell? He's not in there.
Starting point is 01:08:24 Who Steve? Who's Steve Belmer? Belmer. Is he Apple? He's gonna be Apple, right? Is something? Is he an Apple? Is nobody in Apple in this?
Starting point is 01:08:37 Can you scroll a little much? Oh, there you go. I got him. No Apple, huh? That's, uh, Bomber is a guy in charge of Microsoft right now. Oh, okay. Oh, yeah, yeah, he's Microsoft. Yeah, or he's a investor from in Microsoft. There's no apple in the top 10 Can you believe that? Yeah, and everybody has a fucking iPhone. How's that happened? Corporation man, wow look at these broads which one of these girls would you hook up with?
Starting point is 01:09:03 Wow, look at these brides. Which one of these girls would you hook up with? Have you seen one of them? Yeah, why would you say no to any of that? We have none of the walkings are in there that own Walmart They're not over a hundred Dude, I would not hook up with Yang. She looks so mad. She looks like she make you do weird kinky shit in the bedroom. Oh, look at the fourth one from the left. Oh, Julie.
Starting point is 01:09:35 Julie's hot. Julie's hot. And I would take Gina at the end, too. 22, that little chubby, chubby. I like her. She looks like she'd be a lot of fun. Which one are you talking about? The one at the end, Gina Reinhardt. The tenth. First of all, the one on the all the way to the right. Yeah. You know what I mean? She looks like Nurse Ratchet. Yeah, now she looks just to be a fun little worldly pulley check. We can have a lot of record from Borkes.
Starting point is 01:10:08 I would take the one from, look, who, this is who I would take. It wouldn't even talk to me. Oh, this is, the first one looks very pretty, but I can't, I don't, she looks young too. She's nice. What about Alice Walton? Oh, there is a Walton in it. Yeah, that's right. Where the number two
Starting point is 01:10:29 lady. Yeah, fucking Walmart. I would bang her just to try to get some of my money back. Hi, for your shitty sweatpants and shirts your your Russell Blant brand sweatpants. Look at the fourth one. What is she? Look on she's hot. She's from the cook family. Cook. What do you mean cook? You don't know the well,
Starting point is 01:10:51 cook brothers. Oh, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, Koga McKenzie Scott is kind of cute too, no? I think so. Yeah. Look at on China. The fourth one in Jack Ma.
Starting point is 01:11:04 He's kind of hot. Yeah. Look at on China, the fourth one in Jack Ma. He's kind of hot. For five for for five million dollars. Would you look at Chinese Frankenstein? For five million, would you blow one at a top 10? What one would you blow for five million on the top 10 American or Chinese? Men. I blow all the Chinese guys, cause that wouldn't be a big deal.
Starting point is 01:11:28 It would just be like blown up or wrecked. It'd be like blown up or wrecked. I wouldn't want to blow warm buffer cause that would just take so long just to get this old pud going. Mark said, good boy, he'd get teeth come too quick. What do you mean enjoyable? Steve, Steve Balmer, you know, he's got a fucking huge just that huge white guy helmet
Starting point is 01:11:58 We're two million dollars. Would you blow one of them and let a video tape and put it online? I would blow I think I Yeah, I blow Larry Elson. He looks like a fun guy He's the guy he would better the Oracle platform. Yeah, I blow him and Larry page and Sergey I like Sergey he looks he looks like he know, he'd take me out to his cabin somewhere. I would, I would blow Elon Musk in his spaceship as we float it around. I would never want his European weird dick.
Starting point is 01:12:35 Whatever. Whatever. Whatever he's compensating for, I would not want that around my mouth. Who, Elon? Yeah, his, I, I used to suck my friends off penis. It's one of his smart friends in that fucking rich school they went to when they were like 13, 14 and 15.
Starting point is 01:12:59 What do you guys wanna do tonight? How else, you wanna play the game suck each other off Who's the biggest sucker in the room? All right, listen we got to go to overtime right now I Want to thank all the regular YKWD listeners rich Vos rich Vos calm rich Vos to roast calm Right my specials coming out, they're announcing it at South by Southwest on a new network called WITZ. It's going to be streaming on a bunch of different platforms. It's going to be a big network. They're're gonna put up, you know, our roast, our movie, my special.
Starting point is 01:13:48 I think that's great. It's just wits. Well, it's named after Kimmelwitz that was murdered that used to be. Oh, sorry. I had to make it real. I thought I was named after something you were lacking. Okay.
Starting point is 01:14:00 That's pretty good. That's what you're doing. No, that's awesome. You're gonna have, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, come on. That's pretty good. That's what you do. No, that's awesome. You're going to have his, he has a special boss. This is what bothers me about boss.
Starting point is 01:14:13 And I want to talk to about this. We're going to talk to about this on slash Robert Kelly. If you want to continue with us, we go over to there right now on That's Robert Kelly. I want to talk in a vase. He has no special. He has all these albums, not one hour special. Yes, I have one that I did sound special.
Starting point is 01:14:38 I taped an hour and might cut it up into, we've been putting that up. It's nowhere to be found. You can't watch an hour, Spaz, you can watch my hour on Amazon. It was on Netflix, it was on Comedy Central. You can't, we're gonna be talking about his new hour that he has that's coming out.
Starting point is 01:14:56 It's gonna be on Whits. And it's finally, you'll be able to see Vos. Do his stand up and do a headline spot. We'll be talking about that on over time. We'll be taking questions from you guys and also I want to thank you guys. So subscribe right now. Subscribe if you're watching on YouTube. I hope you like the episode. If you liked it, thumbs up. Leave a comment, subscribe, tell a friend, hit the reminder, do all the little buttons. This episode is always free. Comes out on Sunday, Monday, morning, sometimes, and YKWD fans, you the best. Go to Robert Kelly for all my
Starting point is 01:15:37 dates. I'm shooting my special in Tampa in April. I'm very excited about that. We're picking the venue this week. So as soon as I get the information, it'll be on my website and I'll be making announcement after announcement, announcement. So you guys, I have people flying down from New York and Boston to come see it. I would love it if you guys did that and make sure you check out me, Ari Shafir and Jay Ocasin. At Fort Wayne, we're going to be grand rappers and then Detroit. We got a three. We just added a second show on the first night there in Fort Wayne. So get your tickets now for the second show and the other shows are out there. And I got a great show with me and this guy, the legend Rich Voss and the rattlesnake, Mr. Louis J. Gomez, and Niagara Falls, Bears
Starting point is 01:16:29 Den showroom, that is Friday the 15th and 16th of April. That show is going to be awesome. Friday, Saturday, at the Bears Den, at the, What's it called again, the, uh, seat, Santa Cah, there you go. Santa Cacino. Anyways, go there. Vos, go to Vos rich I got comic
Starting point is 01:16:55 You get all the stuff up there. Y key WD. You guys have you want a hoodie, you want a beanie, you want, um, uh, some pancakes, Santa and stuff. It's all up there.
Starting point is 01:17:05 Use code word, ladybugs. Get 20% off all my stuff. Check out Mike V. Suarez, of course. He's touring all over. Make sure you check him out with Dan Soda at, I believe that's where is that at? That's going to be at size putters the end of May. And this week I'll be with Big J. Oakerson in Houston and Yannis Poppitz in San Antonio. And Vos, where are you playing this week, this month? Well, this weekend I'm in New York, and then Sunday I do South by Southwest,
Starting point is 01:17:38 where we are, they're announcing the special, and we're gonna do Would You Bang them and film that at South by Southwest and I got in I got coming up Road Island I got I don't know I get you get the company's out in Harrisburg the 18th and 19th in the last 24th Mayors 31st with both that's the Joseph Bobby Oh yeah yeah yeah I got four Myers. I got Rhode Island. I got Harrisburg.
Starting point is 01:18:10 Check about Rich and you guys are the best fans in the world. We'll see you next week. You know what? Stick around. It's not over yet. This episode of YKWD is continuing now exclusively on slash rubber kelly. See you there. Contact Kyla Gunter at Gunter Law Group for free 30 minutes of free 30 minute consultation to discuss your options. Go to the email Kyla directly at Kyla, k-y-l-a, at
Starting point is 01:18:50 or call her at 682241967 to set up your consultation today. And if you mention YKWD, they'll knock 25% off of the fee. This is legal advertisement is not intended to be de la fiesta. La fiesta legal es que la afuera no es una vez específica. Entonces, hay que ir. Y ya lo he hecho, el YKWD podcast. Gracias por escuchar. Ahora, vamos a ir a las llenas de los chiles. Chiles de chiles. Chiles de chiles. Con Volotea, la región de Murcia nunca ha estado tan cerca.
Starting point is 01:19:25 Espectacularismos, monumentos, rincones de película y un sincín de aventuras te esperan. ¡Fui, parás! Vuelades de Madrid, a Murcia y a otros destinos que te sorprenderán a partir de 19 euros. Volotea Zarifa sujetas a disponibilidad. Consulta las condiciones en

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