Robert Kelly's You Know What Dude! - SHU Program

Episode Date: April 22, 2019

Bobby comes in hot this episode with Greg Stone and Brendan Sagalow. We talk CPAP Machines, everyone does the Training Day Monologue and Brendan won’t stop yapping over everyone! Learn more about yo...ur ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Robert Kelly's, you know what, dude, on the riotcast network, Hey, what's going on? You know what, dude, fans, this is, I know you want to go right to the video, but that's not going to happen. So I've asked you help before and I'm asking for it again. I've asked for it with GoFundMe, for people's medical bills and Christmas time for the children's hospital and the toy drives.
Starting point is 00:00:26 And you guys have always come through. You're the most generous fans I know. You're unbelievable. And I thank you for that. But I need you to help me once again. My sister, Lisa, has kidney disease. She's had it most of her life. Around 20 years ago, she got a kidney transplant and it saved her life.
Starting point is 00:00:48 But those organs only last for around 16 years. In 2016, that kidney started to fail. And she had to go back on dialysis four times a week. That's where they suck all her blood out, filter it and put it back in her body. It takes around three hours, three to four hours. They have to stick it. It's just, it's awful. She can't go anywhere because she has to be on dialysis. A flu could take her out. Her immune system is so low that she has to just survive.
Starting point is 00:01:18 And there's no way to live. And you can help. If you could go to and just read about it. And then maybe click on the link and if you might be able to fill out the form and see if you could be a donor, that would be great. I know it's huge. Do you want me to give you a kidney?
Starting point is 00:01:37 Because I like your podcast. No, I get it. If you don't want to do it, I get it. I understand. But if you could, there's thousands of people that listen to this podcast, there's thousands of people on my social media, there's thousands of people that have seen me over the years and like my comedy. So maybe just one of you could do it. That would save my sister's life. So please, if you just even passed this on, if you push 15 seconds, I get it.
Starting point is 00:02:07 I understand. If you already saw this commercial I put in front of you, I'm not doing okay. You know, I get it. Move on, go to the show, enjoy yourself. But if you can, please again, Go there, fill it out, see if you can be a donor or pass it on. I really appreciate you taking the time to listen to this. And maybe one of you can help my sister live a healthy, happy life. And that's it. Thanks. Welcome to the funniest podcast on the planet Earth.
Starting point is 00:02:41 There's going to be a costifier. It's a podcast. It's no rules. Look at the mic asshole. I'm sure I've already said should I be a claustrophile. It's black-ass, it's no rules. Look at the mic-ass hole. I'm sure I've already said, should I regret it? Can I get a microphone? No!
Starting point is 00:02:50 What the fuck? That was trying to keep it like a comic-head. I have a bunch of guys on. It's just us sitting down and eating, and sometimes it's hilarious, sometimes it's 10 of the topics, no directions. I love doing it. Play both sides of the coin.
Starting point is 00:03:03 That's how it all holds her. I don't want her to do anything. My podcast is popular enough where I might affect somebody's life. You never know. Please you know what to podcast on Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I Back my new thing It's cool What's that fucking dudes windows open you're gonna hear that little fucking homin
Starting point is 00:03:43 Maybe a hooker scream or some old lady yell at somebody for my purse! He's still in my purse! And there you go. So it's hot in here, the AC stills not fixed. I don't know why. Why is it not fixed, Zacharis. Zach. I have to tell them to fix it. When were you going to tell them to fix it in deep June? At this moment. What does that noise? Someone's rolling a cart outside. Can you turn the mic off over there? That's why I had it off. Oh, sorry. Turn it off. What's going on? God. I'd rather sweat than hear that. What's up, fuckers?
Starting point is 00:04:32 You know what, dudes? We are the dude shirts available right now. The Buddha shirt is available right now. And the classic. Excuse me, ooh, a little gird. Yeah, oh my God. A little gird, no one never hurt anybody to swallow a little gird. Right now, I remember to be
Starting point is 00:04:58 There it is right there. You know what, dude? Bingo, we have all kinds of shirts up there and the hoodies are in people. So if you want a nice summertime hoodie with one of our beautiful logos, you want to rep if you're a fan of the podcast right there. Look at that. Shit. We are the dudes.
Starting point is 00:05:14 I'm getting that one. The Buddha Buddha Bobby is up there. The Buddha dude and and we also have, of course, the regular YKWD, whereas that one, this is my favorite, I think, I'm getting that one. Look at that, beautiful bingo. Bingo, bingo, bingo. So we have that up there at the beautiful website.
Starting point is 00:05:38 Remember to be We have a beautiful show, what do we got? We got Brooklyn. Brooklyn. Which's what do we got? We got Brooklyn Brooklyn and which is back. I love this sponsor because their sheets are amazing, right? Just amazing. You spend a third of your life in the sheet. I spend more than that. Do you? Yeah. I'm a fucking depressed lonely chubby guy. So a half a half two thirds. I actually thought a third was more than a half Yeah, I spent I spend I Spend a lot of my life in bed That's when you go okay pause would be the handoff
Starting point is 00:06:16 Follow my lead you fucking unprofessional winch Okay, I ex okay Brooklyn and calm has the best sheets They were named the winner of the best online betting really yeah by good housekeeping They're raving reviews from business insider apartment therapy men's health 35,000 plus five star reviews more than any other Betting company no joke with these sheets. I have them on my bed I've bought and I got two of them after they sent me up here. Just, I mean, let's do full transparency here. They sent me up here. Okay, I admit that. But then I went and bought two pairs of sheets and pillowcases being go luxury sheets without the luxury mark because there's a bunch of middlemen. They mark market up 300% that you know that 300%
Starting point is 00:07:05 100% did you know that? And guess what? They don't just feel great. No, they look great. Mix and match over 25 plus colors and patterns to make your bedroom just right. So for our listeners, go to promo code what dude? What dude dude that's what 10% off your first order and free shipping free shipping 10% off. Why? What is this fucking noise? Let's finish the at so Brooklyn and dot com promo code what dude for the best sheets you'll ever have in your life. It really out of the best sheets ever. If you're a fan of the show, do you sell for favor? Mother's day is coming up. It really are the best sheets ever. If you're a fan of the show, do yourself a favor.
Starting point is 00:07:45 Mother's Day is coming up. Great gift from Mother's Day. What do I get, Mom? What do I get her? Is it Valentine's Day coming up? A duvet. No, that's in February. That's in February.
Starting point is 00:07:55 That's okay. That's in February. As the young kids say, why complete a word? Just go fat. I'm just going to fucking fully commit suicide. Not yet. Anyways, yeah, unbelievable. Go to promo code of what dude for 15 was a 15 10 10 sorry 10. You don't need 15 10 10% off. That's the perfect. Yeah, unbelievable gift from other's day.
Starting point is 00:08:20 Get your mother find her bed size, you know, and get us some sheets. If it do very if you yeah, I get us some sheets, get us some. I do pay, even. If it do, if you, yeah, I mean, you get a 10% off of free shipping, do it now. It's a great way. And if you don't wanna see your mom, have it delivered to her house.
Starting point is 00:08:33 Bing, bang, ging, ging, ging. What else? Yes. I have almost a second. I'm hearing something, Zach. Let's just close the window. Is it, it's, there's a, shut all of them, these mics down. There's a microphone.
Starting point is 00:08:51 They're all for it. All the mics that aren't being used are all for it. Why am I hearing something? Shut my mic off. Hello. Was that it? That's what I think I was hearing. I turned it up a little bit. Hello, go right there.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Turn it down a little bit. Is this a condenser? Is this a condenser? Is this on the direct? Oh my, what is that noise? I hate it. I hate it. Anyways, all right, here we go. I hate it. I hate it.
Starting point is 00:09:29 Anyways, all right, here we go. What I've got? Her next ad is Harry's shaving company. Get it, Harry. I never got this. Is that really it? No, I just made that up. Oh, but that's like great. It is great.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Yeah. Bobby, how much do you love shaving with Harry's? I like shaving with Harry's so much because I have so much to shave. I shave my face, I shave the back of my neck, and I shave my whole headroom. And sometimes my ass. The cheeks are the inside. I'm not a whore, the cheeks are the inside. I'm not going to whore the cheeks. Why would I shave the inside?
Starting point is 00:10:09 What are we doing that for? I think my stopper truck stops back from Syracuse. Maybe I don't know what you do in your free time. Where are you last night? Don Bobby, I stopped. I was a little tired. I was at a truck stop for fucking 30 seconds. And he felt prepared because he shaved with Harry.
Starting point is 00:10:24 So you should join the 10 million people who have tried Harry's claim your trial offer by going to harry' slash robber. They were responsive the last time on the show. I still had, they sent me a bunch of stuff. I still use them. My wife uses them. This a great gift to for your wife because they shaved their legs. So you go through razors fast. And she started
Starting point is 00:10:47 stealing all my Harry's razors because she shaved your legs like all the time because she's not a savage. There's no gimmicks. There's no gimmicks. There's no gimmicks. There's no gimmicks. Like vibrating heads, flex balls, or handles that look like spaceships, tactics that leading brands have used to raise prices for deck. I mean, listen, it is a, they do have a lot of gimmicks on the other raises. They have a lot of fun stuff going on. This one has a simple clean design. They're going to shave your face like a man or your shave your face like a man, or you shave your legs like a woman,
Starting point is 00:11:27 or you shave your legs like a transitioning man into a woman. And that's okay. They've received over 20,000 five stars. We're gonna show it is. Other shows, it's not. Oh, this show. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:11:42 Harry's replacement cartridges are just two dollars each. That's right. That's half the price of a Gillette Fusion Pro Shield. I have to price a Gabby's outfit. Yeah, and it was literally $10. So all Harry's blades come with a hundred percent quality guarantee. If you don't love your shave, let them know and they'll give you a full refund. She just had a mug of guy that worked at a sand factory.
Starting point is 00:12:02 Yeah. I am. So get $13 value trials to hit me with the sand factory. But the old cool pad one. What's he doing voice over agent? Who says I'm Lionel's dad? Lionel might be a boy.
Starting point is 00:12:27 And we'll finish the ad. Get a $13 value trial said that comes with everything you need for a close comfortable. How do you do that? Weighted, ergonomic handle, five blade razor with lubricating strip and trimmer blade, rich, leathering shave gel, travel blade cover. Listeners of our show can redeem their trial setup at slash Robert. You got to do this. Go to slash Robert right now and get yourself one of these kits.
Starting point is 00:12:52 If you're on the road, if you travel, this little razor is the best. It's shaves your face. Am I my wrong? Is it is a German German German? It's German. They make everything great Sometimes. Wow, sorry Muscle, happy happy happy happy happy pass over. Thank you Sorry about that. I mean, no, they German German. I mean, I have a nose hair trimmer from Germany I've had it for fucking 10 years. It never fails What kind? Stop touching your microphone. It's broken.
Starting point is 00:13:26 It doesn't matter, you don't need it. I'm reading the ad with you. I'm sorry, please fix it. Thank you. Just hold it. Are you okay? I keep hearing a lot of sound. I'm the best.
Starting point is 00:13:36 Yeah, you gotta stop. Like help or fix it. You want me to help you? Do you need help as a woman? No. I make sure mad, You want to fix it. You an attitude today. What's going on?
Starting point is 00:13:47 Yeah, I'm Bob Kelly. I'm bipolar. I'm a psychopath. I disagree. Shut up. You're in such a good mood. I did. It's pumping me up.
Starting point is 00:13:55 I want this. That's because I monitor ass a little bit. She doesn't like. Speaking of Harry's. What else we got? That's it. Oh, no, it's not. We have Comedy Cellar Vegas. Yes. Comedy cellar Vegas. Have you guys been there yet? Yeah. No. One time. One time. Oh, yeah. Oh, this guy. Good time. So we're there. He's on the show one day and no, he's on the
Starting point is 00:14:17 show. And, uh, well, I don't know. We said some show. You say, I go, I'm going to be in Vegas when you're in Vegas and you go, yes, stop by. You don't even look at me. You're like, stop by the club or whatever. It was very nice. And I did. And I was like, I was a pussy because I was like, I don't know the protocol.
Starting point is 00:14:33 No, you tell a story. I mean, just awful. I'm more of an observation guy. I'd rather listen to Ricky Schroder tell a story. I don't know who that is. Silver Spoons, load some dove. Anyways. I'm only 22.
Starting point is 00:14:48 That's when somebody, I mean, that's he would pull up Ricky Schroeder. She really has an attitude. I mean, you can't pull up Ricky Schroeder. I mean, you can't. There's a keyboard right in front of you. Oh my God. Do you not want to do this? How much I want to do that?
Starting point is 00:15:04 You want to do this? How much I want to do that? You want to sit over here? I think you have the attitude. I think she has in a, hey, a little attitude. A little attitude. See how they, she's the victim. I'm the victim here.
Starting point is 00:15:17 I'm the victim. I'm in a great mood, but fucking party pooper. This is Ricky Schroder. Cool. Yeah, that's like, that was worth it. That's what Gabby's gonna look like in three years. fucking potty pooper. This is Ricky Schroder. Cool. That was worth it. That's what Gabby's going to look like in three years when she moves to LA. Shaves her head.
Starting point is 00:15:34 Anyways, so I go to the seller. Look at me. Look at me. Look, don't look at him. Okay. I'm going to tell the story that's honest. He's on the fucking show here. And Nomes here and I was like, Oh, he's going to Vegas.
Starting point is 00:15:45 You should let him do a spot. No, he goes, okay. So I'm like, just, you know, all right, whatever, yeah. You can do a spot. So anyways, I'm in Vegas, Keith Verzy, me Vos. We've planned this. Good show. Since the day, you know, we opened the club there. And I'm there and I'm, oh, son, I get, I get, I get a, I don't need your backup voice. No, but I'm, I'm there and oh son I get I get I don't need your backup
Starting point is 00:16:06 No, but I'm not a band Okay, I'm gonna do harmonies with you. Yeah, you're not Gabby's dad. It's boss Why was you? How can your dad wasn't invited on the cruise? What cruise? Yeah, cuz we get seasick as a family. That's a family. We all bond at the same time. Yeah. So we're not going to go to the nice, but it's one thing to do.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Can you zip up and button up your stuff, please? Look at me. No, no, no, no. I don't want to never had a day like that. I don't want to look over. It's all the way. What are you seeing, my chest plate? I don't have bothering you.
Starting point is 00:16:38 Yeah, you have. Look at it, your chest is like looking at a max's chest. That's an insane thing to say. You both have fucking a cups. Thank you. Know how hard it was to say they both give me boners. How hard it was to not say that. I know. Well, I found a way to say it without seeming weird.
Starting point is 00:16:59 Zach, give me one of your knives. Anyways, seller. So, so that I'm there. We have a great time. I'll put in Greg Stone. Good to be here. Thanks for having me. We're still not done with the answer. I thought you said I thought you said Anthony DeVito was coming. You can't get it. No, you get the beat of the beat of it. Yeah. If the Anthony be the video without credits, that's me. So we, we're there having a great time over something. They got a phone call from fucking Sagalo.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Yeah. And I don't know the number because I don't have my phone. See, this is why I was telling the story because I'm, I'm a true. I'm honest. I stick to the story. Can I, you can tell your story after? I'm like, I already told the story. I told the story. I told the story in my way. I I, you can tell you a story after. So I'm like, are you telling this story? I know, I know.
Starting point is 00:17:45 I go to the story, I go to the story, I go to the story. I go, I go, who's this? Yeah. As, hey man, it's say, I'm in town. I'm with my girlfriend. We're here. And I'm like, where, oh, we're in Vegas. We're at the Rio.
Starting point is 00:17:58 And I go, oh, all right, cool. But this is months later. Nope, nothing, none of this happened. Oh, yeah. He's making it out. Nope, nothing, none of this happened. Okay, he's making it out. Oh, frick it should be. Yeah, because I'm making it interesting. So he doesn't fall asleep. I'm choosing, I like it good to do.
Starting point is 00:18:13 I gotta listen to it, listen to it. So I'm like, all right, cool, sure, dude. So I'm flying on a dragon with a ghost. And so he goes, I want to combine the show tonight. And I go, all right, dude, I got tickets for you. I'll leave it at the door. I thought you were fucking with me. That's the only part that actually happened.
Starting point is 00:18:34 I texted him. So, but he goes, I want to combine the show. He doesn't say to me, he doesn't say, hey, dude, you remember when we did the podcast and Nome that I could do a spot when you at I would like to do a spot if that's still available. He says, I'm with my girl. I'd like to come to the show.
Starting point is 00:18:53 And I said, yeah, great. I'll leave you name at the door. He shows up. And then his girl stays outside. And he comes in the back and he's sitting there. I really feel that. I mean mean I feel like our Kelly right now You kill him man. Who do you believe our Kelly? That's a bad example. I believe it's a great
Starting point is 00:19:20 So so then we're back there and he starts undressing So, so then we're back there and he starts undressing. And we're like, dude. He starts taking his fucking like, Hey, I like fucking dick. What do you want? No, he's taking it too fine. That's not what he did. He starts out dressing and saying,
Starting point is 00:19:35 fucking American Indians or something like that. Yeah, he's going to lose things. Woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo. And we're like, yo, dude. Mm-hmm. Not cool. I really, I believe Keith said that. No, that sounds like Keith.
Starting point is 00:19:47 Yeah. No, I texted Bobby and I said, And then he goes, all right, we're leaving. And I go, all right, leave. I didn't say that. And I, and he leaves. No. And then he calls me back.
Starting point is 00:19:58 He goes, dude, you said I could go on. No. That's true. And I said, what? I didn't say like that though. You said, no, I said, I go, no, no, no, no, no, I said, go on. He goes, yeah, dude. And then he goes, fuck, no. I'm starting to get legitimately sweaty. And then he goes, from all of these, he was fuck ride cast, fuck cast, did you know? Louis is a pussy. Yeah, you have to hear that.
Starting point is 00:20:25 I can't believe it. I remember he said to me last night, he was like, get Louis Gomez here right now, I'll fight him. But it's a weird thing, he had a father. I just couldn't. I just couldn't even love to see that fight. He had a little thing on a thumb, like a painting of Louis on his thumb,
Starting point is 00:20:34 and he mushed it into his neck. He just, he was just going, fuck you. A painting. How long did that take? A couple of hours. Yeah, yeah. But it only took two seconds to mush it into my fucking dick. So then, I might do it not go.
Starting point is 00:20:50 And as I'm doing it, I'm going, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. So then, and then he just screams out, women don't deserve equal. Yes, of course, yes. Like what are they deserve before? And that's when his girlfriend left. Well, that was a conversation between me my girlfriend. Yeah. That's yeah, that's what she just left. She just left. She goes, I know. Yeah. And then and then Liz was like, not cool. And then he's like, no, I'm sad. He called me later. He goes, no, I'm sad. I go, when?
Starting point is 00:21:25 I go, dude, I don't remember that. I don't know. I don't remember. He's like on the podcast. I'm like, did he? Like I can't just throw you out. I go, just let me call no. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:37 So I call no, my God. Hey, dude, is it cool? Brandon said that you said he could go on and he's here. Brandon's Saguely goes, Oh, yeah. This is all true, actually. I go, Brennan Saggler, you're on a podcast.
Starting point is 00:21:49 He's a little chubby. He's there red hair, little chubby, fucking bad skin. His facial hair doesn't connect, but he still continues to grow it. Has a dungery jacket like Kristy McNichol or Matt Damon. And then yeah, and then he was like, no, I don't who? And I went fat. He's fat. He's just fat of the fat.
Starting point is 00:22:13 And he's like, right here, I go, yeah. Yeah, that's it. And I go, he goes, I don't know if I remember. I go, he's not that funny. Okay, let me tell you what really happened. So and then he goes, I go, yes, that's it. He goes, okay, I remember who he is. Yeah, fat, red head, not that funny,
Starting point is 00:22:27 that Dungery jacket. Right. And then he goes, yeah, I don't care. Well, that's cool. Oh, nice. Did I, he goes, I think I remember. Murder, yeah. I think I remember that.
Starting point is 00:22:38 Oh, great. Okay, cool. So I go back in. I says, hey, Nom said he could go on. He's going to do a spot. So he went on. He didn't murder. I murdered. We have the tape.
Starting point is 00:22:48 We can judge it. Oh, that's not to that. It was a rocky start. Just watch little thing. We could judge it. We can literally step by step. I don't want to do that. I think they called unpacking in the detective business.
Starting point is 00:23:02 If I hated you, if you crossed me last night, I would force this, but because I love you, I did not. I never crossed you. You didn't cross me. That's why don't call me home. Yeah. You did not cross me. If he had crossed me, I would not be taking a side.
Starting point is 00:23:21 I would push. What did he do to you? Wait, I didn't know. No, he said he did not cross me. If anything, we had a very different moment. We had to take care of Fini who got fucking hammered at a diner. Fuck Fini. Listen, Gabb, what do you got?
Starting point is 00:23:34 Who's on the show today? We have Greg Stone and Renden Sagalow. Yay. And, yeah. So anyways, we, and I murdered that night. He did not. I did. I uh, I'm cool. Yeah. So anyways, we, uh, and I murdered that night. He did not. I did.
Starting point is 00:23:48 I bring Liz to call me. You went, you fucking killed. I did not say that. You did. Uh, what? You for sure said that because I've never forgotten it. You're ready in your, your, your kill journal. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:00 I wrote it. Did you kill me? I be finally says I killed. Yeah, I did really well. Oh, well, I'm going to get the video right now. Oh, I can't. At you copy finally says I kill yeah, I did really well. Oh well. I'm gonna get the video right now Oh, I can't wait don't get the video Nightmare yeah, I don't want to do this just a sweaty red head. Oh Please don't get this video. I just don't want to burn the material
Starting point is 00:24:18 You know, I'm gonna get the you know serious satellite money Oh, man, I do get I just got a check from Sound Exchange for $27. Really nice. I just go on for $20,000. I, no, I did not. They, they, they, they're $27. That's insulting. Keep it better than really.
Starting point is 00:24:43 I'm going to tell them that. No, call them. I Keep it better than really. I'm gonna tell them that. No, call the people. I'm on the phone. I need it. I'm on air. I'm seeing if I can get on air. How am I gonna even find the video that was like a year ago?
Starting point is 00:24:56 She has the video. It's all computerized by date. She can literally type in the date. How about this? No, how about this? She has a sad face. And I won't play the video of you doing good. I'm not afraid. You're doing good.
Starting point is 00:25:09 You're doing good. This is this is what you do. Rather good. Yeah, that's better than rather bad. Well, of course it is. Could have been. No, you did good. Here's what we should do. No, we have what you should do. I get it. I'm not a dish in that stance. So you can have them. How do you only get $27 from Santa Claus? I get it. I get it. And your lips so you could have them. How do you only get $27 from Santa? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:25:29 And I fought for it too. They weren't sending me a check and I was like, was there one track? Can I tell you why? The guy was sick of him calling. He just sent him 27. He took the tip. Shut up. He calculated how much is the lunch would cost.
Starting point is 00:25:42 Please. He calculated low. This guy gets a burger to go. I almost did last night. We were a diner. He goes, I want to happen to Fanny. He got fucking hammered. Oh, he got he got what this guy.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Well, we did that. We did a talk show where we get hammered on the show. What is that? Uh, we were calling it another round. We'll probably never do another one because it was painful after. I mean, it was a good show, right? I mean, I had fun, but I was fucking, you got me fucking hammered.
Starting point is 00:26:08 We both, we everybody got hammered. We did a talk show and then Fini fucking died in Neptune Diner. Yeah, what happened? He just got to hammered. He kept drinking and drinking and then all of a sudden, he's smoking weed. The next thing you know what,
Starting point is 00:26:21 you look at him and he's just face with him. And we were all like, don't worry, I'm not talking to you. Don't worry, don't worry. I'm not talking to you. Don't worry. I mean, what the fuck is your part of my sense yet, Saga? He got one, he's an unprofessional piece of shit. He's not a do radio. I was, you had me in Glee.
Starting point is 00:26:34 I was in Glee. Literally, I wanted to know what happened to his face. I was like this. You had me in a world of fucking emotion. I'm sorry, I can't see what's happening in this fucking really Shiden talking over me That's just gonna sit here and where is your headphones is this yours? Are those yours which ones these ones?
Starting point is 00:26:59 I know okay, here's yours. No those are yours. Oh, yeah There's numbers on them fuck Tard. Can you say Tard? You can't say anyways. Faces glazed over. Yeah. And if Sagalow and Uber playing Uber or ambulance, what's that? Do we put this guy in an Uber or we put him in ambulance? We're not really sure. I never wanted to throw a Chinese star at somebody's face more than you right now. Really? We're not really sure. I never wanted to throw a Chinese star at somebody's face more than you right now. You got me to go, what's that? And then you go, well, I want to say this. Yesterday, I tried that joke on Saigon.
Starting point is 00:27:31 He did not laugh. So it was three times, third time. I'll never play Uber Ambulance again. Yeah, it's all right. Yeah, Uber Ambulance are her. That's what I am. Well, this ass, I was trying to fucking like, he's on the tonight show. I'm playing with it.
Starting point is 00:27:43 Hey, John, hey, Jimmy. I play a thing over and whoa You're so funny. I'm trying to add here you and I don't have a relationship like that yet I'm trying to build first time in a show yet such an epic I know I love that thing as I love you But what are you talking about? Where you're never gonna be So don't try just be you. I love you. What are you talking about? We're never gonna be there. We're never gonna be there. I try to get there. So don't try, just be here.
Starting point is 00:28:08 I'm here, but I need, I'm a love. I want love. I want to be a time factor. Yeah. Yeah, I'm the most Italian. Are you Italian? Yeah, yeah, stones fake. Coraluzzo's my real listening.
Starting point is 00:28:18 Coraluzzo. So you made your name Coraluzzo. I mean, stone because you would try to be Shubba's like the 1950s. No, my mind. What are you, John Wayne? You're fucking, well, this Pat was taken. So, boom, that's a joke. Hey, everybody. We'll be right back with more white KWD after these messages. Thank you. That camera's not working yet. No, it's those big podcast to trap. Fake cameras.
Starting point is 00:28:46 That's why you're looking there all the time. You're fucking shmami camera cameras. What's cameras are you looking at? The high def holy shmones. All right, go ahead. Stone is my mom's name. I have a, a, a changed it because I, I, I, I, it's a mother of the reason, but I go by carlouza. I I'm why did you change it?
Starting point is 00:29:06 You don't like your father's in jail? Was he a mob guy? No, you can't. You can't tell you the story about the I probably was told. I had called Jerry Seinfeld. What? Yeah, do you tell me this? I haven't heard that.
Starting point is 00:29:17 I told you this in person. All right, well, well, you know what? I don't know. I don't know. Tell the fans. Let them learn you what you lost name again. Core Luzo. Core Luzo.
Starting point is 00:29:26 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Is that why you dumped it? Because you'd get so much shit for that name. No, I'm really. I'm a guy. Here we go. Luzer in elementary school. Yeah, I was.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Yeah, and my last name's Sagalo. I don't think happened to me. Why are you attacking my guys? I know. Plus that one joke didn't land. Oh, right. I've had three that's about my fucking face already. So this is like 2005, New York, I mean, stand up New York doing a bringer show.
Starting point is 00:29:53 This is when Jerry is doing like, he's hosting like the Emmys or something. So he's doing all the clubs trying to like get ready or whatever. I go on stage, it's a bringer. I brought like eight of my friends. Those are the only people in the room. The only other person is my brother, who is just so you know, he looks like me, he's six foot three. He's in a hardcore band.
Starting point is 00:30:12 We call him the wolf. He just goes by, he's like a just a tough fucking dude, right? I know he's a wolf. Have you met the wolf? No. You might. I don't know. So we're there.
Starting point is 00:30:22 I do my act. I want to get, I want to get, I want to get four little bottles of alcohol and smash them and put them on my fingers like Liam Neeson and fucking kill your brother. Go ahead. That was a long way to go for a movie reference. Oh, I love it. Good movie. Yeah, we're there. So I do my thing. I get off. Yeah. Jerry, they just look like, ladies and gentlemen, they're gonna leave who's here. Jerry Seinfeld, the six people are there. They walk in. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:49 You know, they're like, well, they're excited. He comes on stage. He does this. He's doing this thing. At the end of his act, he does this thing where he says, how he goes, does anybody have any questions for me, right? And then he, then that's how he generates material. Now, I thought what he was doing was what I just saw Brian Regan do.
Starting point is 00:31:05 Where Brian Regan does a thing where he goes, ah, who wants to hear my bits? You know, and then you just yell his bits, and then he does his bits. So he goes, he has any questions for me. I raised my hand. I went, Jerry, what's up with people who ride the bus thinking that he'll do that bit? Going to be honest, I don't even know if that's a sign-filled bit. I think that's just how you make fun of Jerry Seinfeld. So he goes, what are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:31:31 Weren't you just the comedian up here talking about nothing to which my brother, the wolf stands up and goes, didn't you do a show based on nothing? And I'm like, whoa, fucking solid, fucking reference. Yeah, I'm like, honestly, I came to mind my mind. Yeah, I'm like, I'm kind of surprised right. I'm surprised. Yeah, I'm like, kind of surprised. He didn't see that coming. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:47 I mean, ask question right when he said that at the end that he go, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, a human being, not a comedian. I was not even a human being, I was sludge. I was a lower, lesser than Jerry. Jerry would have been a fucking embarrassed. Jerry walks by me. Oh no. My, I don't say anything. He walks by, gets to the door, where the wolf is standing in front of the door. Oh no.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Furious and he goes, hey Greg, you want to fuck up Jerry's sign felt? And I go, no, no, no, no, no. And then Jerry just walks by, gets in his car. I'm like, no, I'm banned from comedy. I'm like, Colin Quinn's gonna hear about this and they're gonna get me outta here. If they're silent, they're signing me out.
Starting point is 00:32:34 Talk to him, Jerry, I was right. I know about the bear. I didn't know about the wolf. I know about, I know about, I know. You know, like in my day, too. I know about Modi's friend, the bear. I didn't know about the wolf. Two weeks later, I know, I know, I know, you know, like at my day, yeah, I know about Modi trend to bear. I didn't know about the wolf.
Starting point is 00:32:47 Two weeks later, this girl, uh, was trying to help me out. So she writes this article about Greg Carluso up and coming comedian Jerry Seinfeld's opener. And I wrote, you got to take this down. I didn't, I didn't, I'm not his opener. Like, this is like one of the, I have to never tell you one what happened in my life. She refuses to take it down. So then I just go, all right, well, I'm just gonna,
Starting point is 00:33:05 I can't be associated with that guy anymore. So I just started going by stone and I just use my mom's name for the thing. So you dumped your family. Yes, in a through-minute garbage. You dumped your fucking family lineage. You thought Colin was gonna call him. The, I mean, you're,
Starting point is 00:33:23 well, still, your father has was gonna call him. I mean you're still your father has Father's father the father before him. Yeah has fought and clawed his way to this dirty city The one it was when there was people kill it. He came over on a boat About the sun that moment he was easier on him and then his son was like that it was easier on me I hope it's easier on my son and then his son which was your father what's his last name? Golu And then he fucking has you and he's like my son is gonna carry my name into into show business Hey Frankie is little my son. He's gonna carry you in the show and you read fucking Jerry Seinfeld.
Starting point is 00:34:10 Yeah. Jerry Seinfeld, fucking bitch you out of your son name. Now your son's gonna be named Stone, Matthew Stone, not fucking you, not fucking fucking name of Jerry Stone. What's your last name? Gotta get down to it. Gotta get down to it. You robbed him of respect, you robbed him of his fucking gold rope chain From long as I rock see you he gets none of it. Oh man. He'll never taste a meatball if I should Okay, but you should have beat Jerry's ass man Yes Let's go outside. How come whenever I get a new fight? Yes. Hang a button in the back.
Starting point is 00:35:06 Hang a button in the back. Hang a button in the back. Hang a button in the back. Hang a button in the back. Hang a button in the back. Hang a button in the back. Hang a button in the back. Hang a button in the back. Hang a button in the back. Hang a button in the back. Hang a button in the back. Hang a button in the back. Hang a button in the back. Hang a button in the back. Hang a button in the back. Hang a button in the back. Hang a button in the back. Hang a button in the back. Hang a button in the back. Hang a button in the back. Hang a button in the back. Hang a button in the back. Hang a button in the back. Hang a button in the back. Hang a button in the back. Hang a button in the back. Hang a button in the back. Hang a button in the back. Hang a button in the back. Hang a button in the back. Hang a button in the back. Hang a button in the back. Hang a button in the back. Hang a button in the back. Hang a button in the back. Hang a button in the back. Hang a button in the back. Hang a button in the back. Hang a button in the back. Hang a button in the back. Hang a button in the back. Hang a button in the back. Hang a button in the back. Hang a button in the back. Hang a button in the back. Hang a button in the back. I First of all your brother's a mental patient Stand by the door you want a fucking beat out one of the richest comics ever Yeah, I was like that. You can get it don't care how much money you get you don't escape the path of the wolf That is so like no offense like Jersey long Island trash to be like I don't give a fuck How much man? We got you can you got more than five muckles. I don't give a shit about syndicate. You're brother must fucking hate you for doing that. No, my brother and I are very, very close. He's the best.
Starting point is 00:35:53 Was he mad that you dumped the name? No, no, no. That situation. He dumped his name. He's called the wolf. He dumped his first and last name. Yeah. Well, he didn't dump anything.
Starting point is 00:36:02 He's nicknamed a K.A. You need also need to know his name, the wolf. The wolf. No, what's he has real name Joey Joey what? On Facebook, he goes by Joey Stone. What? That's changing your whole fucking lineage. No, not because well, he's in a hardcore band and like he had all these fucking psycho fans following him. So then he was like, well, I'm not going to, you know, he's like, I'll just do stone so they can see that shit and they don't fucking know. You guys don't, you guys live all to no fucking universes. Hell yeah, you're saying that with a face. Like, that's not awesome.
Starting point is 00:36:30 It's not awesome. Be you. I'm gonna also name the stone. I have to be dad. Is your dad alive? Yes. And it is a mind you. My dad is performing at a bringer show tonight under Joey Carroll. He also dumped his name. Look at that as a comedian. Yeah. We're the fucking mind. Am I awake? Let's go to that show, David.
Starting point is 00:36:51 Did I fucking die in my sleep last night? And this is the worst podcast I've ever been on? Well, you have half of that, right? This is the best podcast. Yeah. Yes. I hate your fucking. I hate your little wispy eyes. I do have like slits. They little slits. You know, give me tell me I have eyebrows or eyelashes. Um, that's pretty wild, dude. Yeah. Who's your father? Bring
Starting point is 00:37:21 up his father. Uh, do you know what you just want to sit down there? Type in Dom I want to. Dom I rarer. Yeah. Your dad's not Dom I rarer. Yes. Shut up. No, no. These don't. Who's your dad? My dad's name. And my dad was never like a famous comedian. He's, uh, what's his name? What's his name? You probably can find him online. You'll probably find a, just, Joe, Joe, Kara Luzo, but he's you're not going to find. Oh, yeah, he did a JFL, didn't he? Yeah. Was it a new face?
Starting point is 00:37:48 Is not a new face is 1937. You're not going to really find him because he hasn't do much. He hasn't really put it up. Find him. You don't want us to find him. Yeah, I use a lot. Here's a lot. I'm very sensitive of my father.
Starting point is 00:38:00 You don't want to see him? You don't want to bring him up? No, I don't mind talking about him. If you don't want to. Dennis Carl Luzo, that's him up? No, I don't mind talking about him. If you don't want to... Oh, Dennis Perluso, that's my uncle. He was a wrestling promoter. He's dead. Your dad's outside.
Starting point is 00:38:10 Sagalegal? Hey, hey, get down! I don't know what that has in common. Don't let them Google me! You come and stand them New York tonight. You can help your parents. You can help your parents. I'm sure I can do a set at the Las Vegas room.
Starting point is 00:38:24 Your dad's with Jerry Seinf like, come on here pussy. So your dad does stand up, but he does, that's nobody does for a career, right? No, no, no. That's not what he said you with. No, no. What did he feed you with? He's a salesman. He was like worked at salesmen and he does comedy.
Starting point is 00:38:38 Yeah. And does he do anything else? No, I mean, he's like, old now. So now your brother, what does your brother do? He's a band. He's a band. And you're a stand up comic. Is he proud of you that you're? It's very, I mean, it must be weird because you're doing, you're doing
Starting point is 00:38:52 because of where comedy is at right now. It's exploding. And you're probably doing better than him or he did. My dad never really went all the way. Right. And so then when I started going for it, really going for it, he kind of got back into it.
Starting point is 00:39:07 So he used to work at bananas, it has broken. I know it is. Yeah, I love that place. So he asked my dad, they'll be like, he used to work there and all this stuff, and he would do it, he would like, kind to get up, you know, not really. And then when I started doing it,
Starting point is 00:39:16 he started going all the way. And my dad is fucking hilarious. Right. But he's just like, he's now, he's like, you know, he's 67 and I'm like, I don't, I want to help you. But I don't know what I can do. Why'd you talk to Voss, see if you can, I'm talking about his brother and, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:30 So it's like, it's, I want to help your dad and stand up. I don't feel like, I want to help my dad be happy. It's, it's absolutely, Why would we, what the fuck is that? I would be like, dad, no. Can I, can I, all right, I'm your dad. Hey, listen, the,
Starting point is 00:39:43 save money. What? Yeah, how much do you want? Like 20 bucks for me. I was thinking of getting back in a standup. Really? Brandon, can you help me get into some rooms? I heard you're really, you're mediocre
Starting point is 00:39:58 at the New York comedy club. Hold on, let me call Bobby Kelly. He's great with this. Can I be Bobby Kelly? Yeah. Hey, what's up, you fucking piece of shit. Hey, Bob. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Did you get in touch with him? Is he on the line? I'm sorry, did I just wake you? No, you little like fuck. I've been up all day dealing with the max. Hey, Bobby, my dad wants to do stand. He's on the phone. He's on speaker say hi. Hey, how you doing mr. Kelly? How are I've heard great things about you? I've seen you on the that show you're on wait. Wait. Who's this again? I'm a Mishap Sagalos demo. Oh Let's go meet your second dad. Oh boss you fat fuck. Oh
Starting point is 00:40:41 This guy's a piece of shit All right, well, I'm just gonna leave the room. You guys can hash this out. That's all I could do for your dad. I'll see you in Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving. Of course you'll eat a little fat fuck. It's all you want is money and food.
Starting point is 00:40:55 You fucking genuine cocksuck. I should have never had you. I would have been there hanging with Robert and we could have killed it together. Like him and Dan Cook. What are we talking about? Your dad. Oh, yeah. Your dad. Why you dropped the name stone?
Starting point is 00:41:11 Oh, well, you know, also, I also to be fair. This has to also be noted because there's nothing fair about this. Nothing is. Yes. Sure. But I also worked in ER at the time too. So that also helped me push me because I was like, I don't want these people looking up my stand-up as well. So it's going to help both. This is why you didn't just tell you that. Here's the deal. First of all, I don't want these people looking up my stand up as well. So it's going to help both.
Starting point is 00:41:25 This is why you didn't just tell you that. Here's the deal. First of all, you stand up. I'm going to tell you right now. Uh-huh. You stand up. It's not that edgy where people are going to look at it. I mean, I'm going to show up with a bone arrow.
Starting point is 00:41:34 Let me Google this fuck face, we're just putting a bandaid on my rib. Hey, I just saw I'm offended. Get me shut up. People are going to laugh. You're not offensive. But I wasn't good then. But you okay?'re not offensive. But I wasn't good then. But you, okay, that's the problem. I wasn't good then.
Starting point is 00:41:47 Yeah, but nobody's complaining about it. It's not funny. Yeah, it actually holds you. I want to mention you wanted this doctor to help me, but he's not that good at comedy. Yeah, doctor, thanks. Here's the thing, Joe, he's thinking at his level, people go to the emergency room, dying, hit by a car,
Starting point is 00:42:03 and they're going to look at this face and go, aren't you a comedian? Nobody knows you. Imagine him, hey, you walk into a hospital. Yeah, and I see you. You look like every other muc there with a fucking stupid blue shirt. Somebody's like shot and they're like, can you send me a tape? Hey, put your Instagram. I want to follow you. Somebody's like shot and they're like can you send me a tape? Oh my god. Hey, what's your Instagram?
Starting point is 00:42:25 I want to follow you. I got a few minutes to live. To you. I have an uncle who knew Ray Romano. To you have a podcast. Hey, I know your last name's Stone. But isn't it something else? Isn't it fucking I can't say?
Starting point is 00:42:41 I remember you father. So fucking you. Listen, there's no need for you. Sure. No, in 2005. It's like no one used an alien. No one uses an alien because he had a stalker and 10 years ago. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:00 This is like, this is fucking 12 years ago. Okay, 12 years ago. Here's the deal. 12 years ago, you could have called yourself Ruby Rainbow bitch face and nobody would have gave me five. Nobody's gonna want, are you Ruby Rainbow bitch face? Nobody knows you. Yeah, but I can't, first of all, one, I can't go back. I would love to go back.
Starting point is 00:43:19 I think Carluzzo's fun. I would love to. You can go back. I've formed too much of a, I formed too much of a name for myself here. I think first of all, what's your name? First of all, you can definitely at this point. I guarantee you listen. I have an LLC. I can't go back I guarantee you you really thought people would recognize you in the ER
Starting point is 00:43:41 I mean, do we I could the truth as I was worried that they would look up like, oh, this is the guy who helped me and then look up my fucking joke about masturbating with sock. Okay, let me ask you question. And then be like, he should find you. So you go to the hospital. Yeah. Okay, I've never, I've never, I never went, okay,
Starting point is 00:43:57 do that. When I broke my ribs, the tubing, right? Mm-hmm. Not one person in there did I go, hey, hey, what's your name? Michael, no, you full name. I want to Google you. Yeah. While I'm waiting for the doctor to see me, you're not thinking about nobody gives a fuck about who you are. Nobody was Googling you. Nobody was nobody gave a fuck. Nobody cared about your first name. Never mind your last name. You're worried that people were going to find out a secret.
Starting point is 00:44:25 I haven't worked in the hospital since 2000. I also get when you're starting, you think you're going to like, you know, when I'm famous in a year old, I don't have to change my name. I worked in a professional setting that I didn't want the doctor to look up my standup. Say the truth. Say the truth. Tell the listeners right now the truth. I look at my eyes.
Starting point is 00:44:43 I look at you in the spite of face. Look at me. I'm not looking at you. I look at my eyes. I look at me. I'm looking you. I swear I can't swear. I'm sorry. I'm Italian. I know. No, no, you're cursed because you scared right now. Look at me. Look at me. Look at me. You hear it? Come to me. Get in the sweat. Get in the sweat. Shut your face, Ginger. Look at me. Look at me. I'm looking. I'm looking. You dumped the name because of why? Look at me. Look at me. I'm looking. I'm looking. You dumped the name because of why? Look at me. Stay with me. Yeah. You dumped the name because of why. Look at me. Stay with me. That's hard to look at you. Right. Don't
Starting point is 00:45:18 blink. Fuck it. Look at me. I'm crying. You dumped your name. Be honest with the listener. Look at me. I believe you got to let me blink man. Stay with me. You dumped the name because of why. Let us know. Let us in. Look at me. Stay with me. Get back up. Why'd you dump the name? I don't get name because of why. I dumped the name because I'm ashamed of being Italian. Thank you. Wow. Thank you. I thank you.
Starting point is 00:45:53 I am actually you wanted to whitewash yourselves. You thought you'd have a better chance in this business. That's probably not true. Because of Pizzeria, a dirty walk, a slimy oily ginsoe, get me as far as a stone. Absolutely. That right down the middle. I will not stand for this.
Starting point is 00:46:15 You said it. It's documented. I wanted to document it because that what I thought was the, look, that's going to pronounce your last name. Everybody's going to fuck up your dumb last name. I can't remember. You told me it seven times. Stone, I remember. Stone is your last name. Everybody's gonna fuck up your dumb last name. I can't remember, you told me it's seven times. Stone, I remember.
Starting point is 00:46:27 Someone has a better name. Yes, it's a better show business name. The other name is too complicated. It's too ethnic, it's too fucking Italian. And what is it again? What? We'll see the last name though. Galaphanakis.
Starting point is 00:46:40 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. I'm going to use a stage name. What's it going to be? I don't know. Let's come up with it. Take Coralooza. I'll be Coralooza.
Starting point is 00:46:48 What's your first name again? Great. I'm going to use a stage name. I'm going to use a stage name. I'm going to use a stage name. I'm going to use a stage name. I'm going to use a stage name. I'm going to use a stage name.
Starting point is 00:46:56 I'm going to use a stage name. I'm going to use a stage name. I'm going to use a stage name. I'm going to use a stage name. I'm going to use a stage name. I'm going to use a stage name. I'm going to use a stage name. I'm going to use a stage name.
Starting point is 00:47:04 I'm going to use a stage name. I'm going to use a stage name. I'm going to use a stage name. I'm going to use a stage name. I'm going to use a stage name. I'm going to use a stage name. I'm going to use a stage name. I'm going to use a stage name. I'm going to use a stage name. I'm going to use a stage name. I'm going to use a stage name. I'm going to use a stage name. I'm going to use a stage name. I'm going to use a stage name. I'm going to use a stage name. I'm going to use a stage name. What's it going to be? I don't know. Let's come up with it. Take our Luzo. I'll be core Luzo. What's your first name again? Great. I'm going to be great. I'm going to be great core Luzo. It was so hard. I don't know why. So last night, we're going back to the story last night. Feeney's so fucked up. He's in the restaurant. Is he going to die? He's left. He was a he passed out. He passed out. Is he gonna die? He's left. He was a, he passed out. He passed out. Was he throwing up? Oh, yeah. Well, he was.
Starting point is 00:47:29 Where was he throwing up? He went into the bathroom. So he was just done. I don't understand. That's the alcohol. I know I'm a recovering alcoholic. I get that. I'm not going to drink.
Starting point is 00:47:38 I just don't understand drinking to the point where you poison yourself. We finished a bottle of Tito's. I don't understand that. So I know what happened. It's vodka. No. I have a bottle. Should I bring that to the campsite?
Starting point is 00:47:54 A bottle of Tito? I have one. They sent me one. Somebody sent me one. Yeah. All right, I'll bring it. Yeah. You're gonna fuck a drink and this brock.
Starting point is 00:48:02 Yeah, bring it. Bring it. Bring it both on the other table. So she wears that outfit, so she's gonna get fucking alcohol on her. Does anybody send you cocaine? That maybe you could, you're gonna stop me with this cocaine stuff. I don't do, I don't do coke.
Starting point is 00:48:12 Yeah, you do. Yeah, you do. No, yeah, you do. Well, you don't do it, you do do cocaine and you gotta knock it off. You look him in the eyes, you look him in the eyes. I can look him in the eyes. I can look at his eyes.
Starting point is 00:48:21 I can look at his, his chest. Listen to me. I can't look at those look at his eyes. I look at his his his his his balls. I can't look at those beady doll eyes. I'm scared to shit out of them. To look at them in the 1600s. It's like a nightmare show where they're right about to pull the curtain out. I want me and Bobby to lady in the tramp just be the piece of spaghetti together. Yeah, that would work
Starting point is 00:48:39 between us. What the chip teeth. No, I don't do cocaine anymore unless it's like around it. So you do cocaine, you don't buy cocaine anymore because you can't afford it. I could definitely afford some of it. It's like 50 bucks. It's not too bad. For a little bit of a gram. What do you do with a gram?
Starting point is 00:48:59 Keep it in your pocket and do it every day, which is why I stopped because I was doing that. I was doing it casually, just doing it. And then I told Greg and he was like, no, your heart's going to explode. And I just immediately stopped. Really? You think his heart's going to explode? I was putting it on my burgers.
Starting point is 00:49:15 1000. I was one second, buddy. I'm sorry. No, no, no, go ahead. One second. Did you say you're putting it on your burgers? Yeah, I was joking. Listen, you thought that was real?
Starting point is 00:49:28 Yeah, you're fat redhead. I thought I was eating it on my french fry. Yeah, it looks like you could do that. I mix it with my mayonnaise. And we'll be right back for more. Like it if you didn't. Buddy, you don't need to pretend to be a fat guy. What helps?
Starting point is 00:49:44 You don't have to do a character. You just go hi. I have multiple talents I have multiple talents that I need to utilize yeah, mm-hmm like what? Thank you voices faces clever Whitty funny star man in the room mayor I'm the best Clever, winning, funny, star, man of the room, mayor. I'm the best. I love the old star with M. I don't know how you get that. I don't know how you get that.
Starting point is 00:50:11 Man is comedical. I don't know how you managed it too. I don't know. Man of the mayor, man is. Mico lo, what? Mico lo, boltra. Stop ho, stop moving the fucking microphone. I need to do something. Yeah, I need to do something.
Starting point is 00:50:26 I'm going to go work at the rest of the time. You can stop touching the TV. You do something today. No. Yeah, you did. No, I didn't. Look at my eyes. If I did something today.
Starting point is 00:50:36 Look at my eyes. I could always look at my eyes. I do do any today. I want you a blinking content. How can you blink? You have no lids. That's why I always win. I'm like the Hulk. I'm a blinking. How can you bling? How can you bling? You have no lids. That's why I always win. I'm like the whole.
Starting point is 00:50:47 I'm always blinking. That's not even the thing. You forced that. What did you not see Avengers? I did, but he goes, that's my trick cap. I'm always angry. I saw it. Your joke didn't fly.
Starting point is 00:50:58 Okay. Fucking no eyelashes. Fucking weirdo. Are you, are you at an unfinished doll? Listen. You're not cute. There's nothing about you that's cute. My face, my eyes, my hair, my skin, all my face, not my knuckles.
Starting point is 00:51:13 What? I have hands in my... Oh, you show that on a fucking podcast. Because it's in, you know, because then people will start, it will normalize it. I want five things that are cute about you, that's all worth of M. Go. Five things that are cute about you, that's all worth of M. Master baby. My knees, my face. My hands are the micalov, micalovulture.
Starting point is 00:51:41 Man of the people, mayor. So, how drunk will you guys, if he was dying and throwing up, how drunk will you guys? We weren't like, we weren't bad drunk, and then all of a sudden we were fine, because you know, we're humans, and then I think he took, he took, he started smoking pot or something, and it just put him over. I think seeing Fini dying, like, yes, sobered us, we really did. We're like, oh fuck, we might have to put turbulence, baby. Yeah, we were talking about, we were, we were, we'll be right back.
Starting point is 00:52:06 We're not, we're not. What happened to the bomb day? You should change your name again. I have to get away from that joke. The bomb day and there's not on the microphone because Mike's not here. Oh, that's Mike usually gets that stuff. No, we were, we were, Gabby does other things.
Starting point is 00:52:24 Mike usually does all this other crazy stuff. Just signing if you didn't need to get it. We should get a bomb blanket today. I just come up both of the faces. No, we were talking about like who's gonna have to like. I remember I was like all right, all grab his ankles, you grab his yeah, yeah, yeah, all right. Oh, you're bad.
Starting point is 00:52:43 You want to see a picture? You're gonna fuck them? Yeah, we were gonna fuck them. Yeah, because, yeah. All right. Baddie. You're gonna fuck them? Yeah. We were gonna fuck them. Yeah. Cause usually I'm the one grabbing my ankles. Teaching my lesson. Gabby, you get drunk like that too, though, right?
Starting point is 00:52:53 Not. Yeah. You get fucking trash. But when you get trash, you can't tell. Like, you're not, hang on one second. Hold that for one second. Oh, that's good. I'm in the middle of, you really like to interrupt people with shit, don't you?
Starting point is 00:53:05 I like it. I hold a phone with your face. I really need attention. I'm sorry. You get that fucked up, right? Sometimes. Yeah, but you can handle your, you're a dad can handle his boost. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:15 We get fucked up as a family though. I've been drinking some food. I love that you do a lot of things. I think it's a family. Family, you've always a family. Yeah, we're fucked up. We're fucked up. When did you start getting fucked up?
Starting point is 00:53:24 Uh, 13. You're finally let you. When did you start getting fucked up? 13. Your father let you drink at 13 lightly. Lightly. What do you mean lightly? Well, I would get grounded for the first like till I was like 14-ish and then it started getting normalized. No, I'm seeking it. Well, they were like, if you're going to get fucked up, then you have to continue drinking with that. Like we would go to a party, get fucked up. If we came home fucked up, they're like, great, you're take shots. Whoa. Yeah, which is, I think they were trying to kill you. Kind of backwards, yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:49 Yeah, that's like, did they teach you anything through that? I have a great tolerance. Yeah, because you started with you with 13. Yeah. Really? Years of training. So you can drink heavy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:01 Jesus Christ, that way you wear these jumpsuits? Yeah, waterproof. Yeah. Is that part that way you wear these jumpsuits? Yeah, water proof. Yeah. Is that part of your drinking club? We're meeting on Tuesday over at the American Legion on the East Side. Drinking club is what she calls her family. How old you get me? I'm 25.
Starting point is 00:54:18 Oh, wow, okay, great. Yeah, I just don't think about that. Why, what's your birthday? March 10th. Did it pass? Did we get you some? You did. Oh, we did. Yeah. Yeah. My memory's gone. Why, you've been drinking longer than I have.
Starting point is 00:54:29 You're, you started at 13. Mm-hmm. You've been drinking technically longer than I have. I started at like 28. That's late. Yeah. Well, yeah. So I'm just saying that's crazy. No, no, no. Stone started drinking at 28. I got a bad problem. I got a problem. What if that's if you just changed your name every time you had a problem?
Starting point is 00:54:52 Stone just wants a raping a girl and he just changed your name and now you just a new guy. The same thing doesn't have a co-proble now. We're in Poulton. He has no time and he just volume the mill you're talking. Barrels right over to that. Greg Wimpleton. We're killing him in here. You or his good joke.
Starting point is 00:55:09 That was a good one. I want to laugh at Wimpleton. He's been rated till fucking Greg Stone was done talking. And I'm not done there. Use your headphones, you a mushy fuck. I'm going to put the volume a little louder. Oh, you own the volume. Yeah, put it up as loud as you can.
Starting point is 00:55:25 It does help. You're like one of those assholes, server. Hey, it was like, you didn't even let me get the bugger to set up out. Shut up, I'm reacting. No, don't react. Acting is reacting. You'll just,
Starting point is 00:55:38 no, it isn't acting is listening. And then reacting. No, it's listening. I'm all ears. What are we gonna say? He's like Oh, no, it was like it was like a throwaway joke that to even sit on I would be I was like, you know, they're like never mind Anyway, love you guys. Hey, what's up? So let me see that photo of that fucking I don't want to do that now. I feel bad. Why I don't want I feel bad. He's not here. I don't want to show him fucking passed out
Starting point is 00:56:02 You know, no, is that a sketch? Is that a sketch? You've been telling that story since the beginning of the party. The beginning of your bad now. And you showed the photo already. All right. This is why he does coke.
Starting point is 00:56:14 The guy can't even say no. Do you see how easy you want to try this? No, right, here we go. He's on something now. I'm not on something. Now what'd you do with that sandwich, fatty? What did you do with Mike Sandwich? I said he didn't. I would be lying if I said I didn't think about eating some of it
Starting point is 00:56:28 last night. We were looking at it. Yeah, we both did. We both looked at each other like if we, because he ordered the sandwich, we went, well, we're going to fight over this or we'll wrap it for Fini and be the good people we're supposed to be. I would ate all fuck out of that sandwich. You taught him a big lesson. He's not winging up to go, where's my club? He also, whatever the fucker did. He did. He ate it this morning. He texted not winging up to go, where's my club? He also went to the fucker did. He did, and he ate it this morning. He texted us, I was like, you get that sandwich?
Starting point is 00:56:49 Cause I checked, see if he brought it home. And he was like, how am I eating now? I was like, I'm just fucking, he also ordered a drink. What did he, an egg cream? An egg cream. What? And he also managed to come out of a drunk stupor to take home.
Starting point is 00:56:59 He kind of, like, get my egg cream. Yeah. All right, man. Now far away from home was he? He was legitimately three blocks, and we still had to get him a Uber because it was like there's no way to get him those three blocks. Wow. He's that fucked up.
Starting point is 00:57:11 Yeah, I think he just slipped up. You know, like he was drinking, then he smoked weed. But he does a lot, right? I've never seen him like this at all. I've never seen him that true. No, that's when I hear about him. Oh, yeah. He's got that.
Starting point is 00:57:21 And he steals jokes. I heard that. I heard there is a joke. Joe. Joe. Oh, you heard that he's a joke. I thought you were going to be a pound. Yeah, went out. That was hard with powboys. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:32 No, if he needs a good guy, he is going to go. We shot that thing last week. And let me tell you something. Fucking Sagalos acting. It was so bad. No, I like it. You saw my acting yesterday, though. Gabby? What? Gabby. Look at me. and Sagalos acting. It was so bad that it's, that it's actually good. And Gabby, what?
Starting point is 00:57:47 Gabby, look at me. His act, let me tell you, I won't come. Yeah, look at she's trying not to blink. No, it's funny. It's so bad that it's good. Okay. Let's do a scene.
Starting point is 00:57:59 Let's do a scene. All right, let's do a scene. You saw my acting yesterday. Yeah, yeah. I was the best one. Where? When we were the best one. Where? When we were the best one. We were the best one.
Starting point is 00:58:07 Yeah. Love what? The three of us? The three of us. Well, guys, here's a problem with your little side conversation you're having like you're on a bus. We don't know what you mean. So the people listening, yeah, I was good yesterday.
Starting point is 00:58:17 You were? Nobody knows what you talking about. We talked about it in the beginning of the day. We shot a thing yesterday. That's what we were talking. That's a thing. It's a flea market. I swear to God, they filmed, they say, Greg, come, we're doing
Starting point is 00:58:27 this video. We want you to be, it's a drunk. Who's that? Fini. Just a glow. Yeah. It's a drunk talk show, you know, you get, we just a talk show and you get drunk. And it's in a flea market? It's in a flea market in Corona. So you walk through a flea market. It's weird door.
Starting point is 00:58:42 They open up and it's like weird couches and chairs. And they're selling like soda machines. And then there's just this giant grumbly screen. How much? How much for the soda machine? 1200 bucks. I swear to God, I was pricing them out. Yeah, I was trying to see which was the best one.
Starting point is 00:58:54 Well, it's a few on it by a soda machine. You want to go in the halves with me. We should pull them right in front of the cellar. Yeah, man. When the line's out there, yeah, we'll make a ton of money. We just sit there, we just have, we crack it up, and we're like, yes. And then when I do my audition tonight,
Starting point is 00:59:09 we can have, we can all have soda tonight. I'm just throwing it into the universe. He's, he's not, he's not cocaine. I'm not, I'm just saying shit. I swear to God. He's a drug addict. I haven't done that. I haven't done that.
Starting point is 00:59:20 It's a little drug addict. You're good. I haven't done coke in like months. I can't, that's terrible to say. So you go in there, what happened? So it was very professional. So we get there and they're like, they're doing their little talk show and then they just get me drunk and then I have to get interviewed by them.
Starting point is 00:59:40 But because they filmed everything, they all they there seen that was first, I'm just getting hammered by myself sitting on a chair, and then they expect me to like, okay, now do your lines. And I'm like, they don't like any more, baby. Did you just fucking thunderburn tried and you were great. And I was great. And Fini was good. And Fini was good.
Starting point is 01:00:00 He was okay. Why was he just okay? I thought I was, no, he was good. He was really great okay? I thought I was, no, he was good. He was really great, but I thought I was more natural. Probably the better actor out of the two of us. Yeah, literally when we filmed the thing that we did, it was okay. You were terrible.
Starting point is 01:00:15 No, it wasn't. Buddy. The lines were bad. No, the lines were, I said, my gum. It's supposed to be funny. The my gum. Hey, you got gum. You do it to be funny. No, my gum. Hey, you got gum.
Starting point is 01:00:26 You do the lines like it was written. Should we do the monologue from training day? Jake. You want to do that? Jake, you have the monologue from training day? I don't have it memorized. Well, gotta do a little bit of it. No, because I'll say the end words.
Starting point is 01:00:39 I'll get the line. If you ever want to watch, can you just adjust the end word? Show program, friends. That's where the end word comes in. That's where the end word comes in. If you ever want to watch just adjust the program friends That's where the inward comes in shoe program ninjas. Yeah, just use ninjas. I don't know the whole lot of us We'll just go do it am I am I what's his name? No, you're there's no one there. Okay He's yelling at the I go ahead. I don't know. I don't know a little bit of it. I only know those two things. Okay, then shut up I don't know. Just do a little bit of it. I only know those two things.
Starting point is 01:01:03 Okay, then shut up. Jake. Jake. If you ever want to watch the funniest thing, you're ever going to watch in your life. Yeah. You Google training day monologue. You will get all these, it's all these actors,
Starting point is 01:01:14 black actors who are filmed themselves doing this monologue. Yeah. On YouTube, they have like three hits and there's just, there's so many of them and it's just all these people just being like, you know, it's like, motherfucker, motherfucker. How you did? I don't know the thing.
Starting point is 01:01:31 Look at the mayor's one. I wish they final scene monologue. All right, that's a good shot. They're all great. They're all great. And can I just say after watching this, you'll see how good of an actor I really am. This is why he just, he's just the worst.
Starting point is 01:01:43 Now you know, this is the problem with this, look at me. This is a problem just, he's just the worst. Now, you know, this is the problem with this, look at me. This is the problem with this generation. They don't know when they suck or when they're good. They're just always great. Every, I'm just great. I'm good. Oh, man, it was so good.
Starting point is 01:01:56 How was it on stage? They're good. You know, I watched you badly. You just watched you. I just, without that, I watched you. Boom. How was it? Great. Good time. What? You think it's easy telling myself I'm good
Starting point is 01:02:10 I don't believe it. I want hang on one second. I don't believe it. I have to tell my I'm not right right right out Show us your acting skills cry. What do you got let that out? I Battle with depression. Yeah. And all the time I have to deal with it. Right? And it takes a lot in me.
Starting point is 01:02:30 Yeah. Just saying that I'm good. How, how were you and my saying that we did with Fini? To be honest. Terrible. Terrible. I wasn't good. And I said that to Fini.
Starting point is 01:02:40 I was like, that acting kind of sucked, right? And he was like, no, no, no, if he was bad, I would have told you. At least your acting was bad enough to where it was it went 360 and became funny exactly fiendy's acting was like he was reading it off the page in the 1920s. You are the guy who makes me your acting is so good. I'm fucking phenomenal. Yeah. This thing called.
Starting point is 01:03:26 Oh, yeah, I'm glad you put the music in. All you motherfuckers Yeah Super Take this guy sees exceptional for when these videos Stop right there. Don't do it. You're in the projects. They're gonna take that jacket On the ground and then two guys just run up grab it. Yeah, they're gonna take that jacket. Yeah. Yeah. That's a big hilarious. They put it on the ground and then two guys just run up grab it. Yeah, they go, there's my jacket model. I'm King Kong. You don't take my jacket. Jacket program. Ninjas.
Starting point is 01:03:55 Oh, dude, what sucks about this guy is that Denzel has raged. He has so much rage under him that when he snaps, it's fucking there. This guy doesn't, he's no subtle. He goes, I yell, it's just not there. Yeah. Yeah. The end of trail. God, Jake.
Starting point is 01:04:21 Yeah. I don't. He's not listening. He doesn't have. He just doesn't have. Acting is listening. Yeah. I don't. He doesn't have, he just doesn't have acting. It's listening. Yes. And a horn. This is all like the need to veto.
Starting point is 01:04:29 What I do is we watch hundreds upon hundreds of the monologue from you're not in the divino. Who is that Asian guy you showed me? I want to watch another one of those. Was that guy that guy? That guy is that Filipino? Oh, yes. This is big.
Starting point is 01:04:44 And the monologue I'll be doing is from training I get back and I've seen them all I've never seen this one It's not true You mother fuckers Jay I want my money Jay You can do the shit to me You mother fuckers will be playing basketball a pelican Bay when I get finished with you Show program bitches. Yes
Starting point is 01:05:22 I'm the man up in this piece You'll never see that who the fuck you think you're fucking with I'm the police I run shit here. You just fucking live here I'm Per if I go away I'm burned is fucking shit down King Kong and gosh shit on me. Oh my god. Oh He's so ugly. I don't give a fuck. I don't give a fuck. I'm winning.
Starting point is 01:05:54 I'm gonna fuck. I can never lose. You can fucking shoot me, but you can't fucking kill me. See. That was an A-plug. That's in the middle. Yes. I'm killing. Scene. That was an A-plug.
Starting point is 01:06:08 That's one of the best things I've ever seen in my life. I put that up against the Godfather, one answer. Dude, he got the part. I want us to memorize that monologue and all tape ourselves doing it. Yeah. And then family. What is the probably the last time you'll be on the show for a little bit? I'm going to take me six months to get on the show.
Starting point is 01:06:28 Stop acting like we're going to hang out to this episode. You guys want to go to the diner? We say, dude, we're going to all memorize this monologue, and then we'll tape it shut up. It's not happening. Stop trying to bond with us. What have you looked up? What have you looked up?
Starting point is 01:06:45 It's a trading monologue and you said all Greg Corluzo. And that's why I've changed my name. What, what, there's gonna be another one. Do there's hundreds of them. They're so good. Jack, Jack, Jack. Oh man. Oh man.
Starting point is 01:07:00 Oh, it's growing down. It's growing. I'll tell you which one to pick. Hang on. Hang on, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait the light of a laptop computer. Yes, and he is like, he's literally from the Tootsie tribe. He's darker than Pumper Nickel. I can't even see this kid. Let's try and get that.
Starting point is 01:07:36 And I'll be doing a lot from the movie. He's in someone's filming it. Stop, is there two guys there? Yeah, someone's filming it. Oh, that's a shadow. Yeah The guy's not a man and a taller man behind Me and my dad is called the mirror technique We learned it for Peter Pan. I got I got Denzel's ghost. It's behind me. Support me. God.
Starting point is 01:08:09 How are you? One of the fucks. Okay. All right. I'm putting cases on all you bitches. Oh nice. You think I'm gonna do shit? Jay you think you're gonna shit to me? You motherfuckers be playing basketball better than can pay when I get finished Wolf you program Nick nice for a lot now. You never see the light. What the fuck you think you fucking with? I'm the police this guy sounds like a shawar. Yeah, I'll just live here That's right. I'm gonna walk away. I'm gonna walk away because I'm a burn this motherfucker dare You can't call me a guy shit on me shit. I don't fun. I'm a burn this motherfucker dare You can't call me a god shit on me Shit, I'm fun. I'm way that anyway How many I'm gonna need my fucking way I can't lose
Starting point is 01:08:58 You can shoot me Which can't kill Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you. No, thank you. I'm not trying to want to try once. You got this. You go all three of us to do it right now. I don't know. Come on. I'm going to get you ready. Get into it. Tell me when you ready.
Starting point is 01:09:11 No, can Greg do it first because he knows it. I don't know. No, I don't. I'll go to do it. He's going to do it. You're going to do it. Oh, he does it better. Ready?
Starting point is 01:09:19 Okay. We pull it out. I'm worried. I'm going to say we pull up the monologue. Yeah, sure. Yeah, sure. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm all gonna do it. He's gonna do it. You're gonna do it. Oh, see, it does it better. Ready? Okay. We pull it out. I'm worried I'm gonna say we pull up the monologue. Yeah, sure. Yeah, sure. We'll pull up the monologue. How's that? Yes. Okay. And you have to say the end word. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, you have to say
Starting point is 01:09:40 something else in the end word. But it can't be nickels. And it can't be. Ninja, no, Ninja, Ninja, because you already use has to be something else. Shoep program, everyone. Whatever. That guy really did sound like how I sound when I'm arguing with myself and the shower hard to do these to me. I be honest. I type in, um, type in, these to me. I be on site. I type in a dialogue. Shoot program dialogue.
Starting point is 01:10:09 Wait, I could just look it up on my phone. It's easier than I mean, a training day. Just no phone policy here. Yeah, there's a strict. Listen, can I look it up on my phone? Yeah, sure. Well, you know, it's so funny is that we don't want people on their phones anymore because people get so comfortable on podcasts now.
Starting point is 01:10:26 In the middle of the fucking show, they'll just get on their phone and start checking the Instagram. That's wild. That's wild that you'd even do that talking to someone. I got a podcast. I got it. She's got it right there. I got it right here.
Starting point is 01:10:38 Okay. We'll put it up there. Ready? Can you make it bigger, Gabby? What's centered? Hang on. Hang on. Let's see if we can bring it up here. Here's centered? Hang on. Hang on. Hang on, let's see if we can bring it up here.
Starting point is 01:10:46 Here we go, training day. So nervous. It's all right. You're going to do great. Here we go. Where is it? It's probably at the end, right? Jesus, that's a whole,
Starting point is 01:10:54 this is a whole, this is a whole movie. Is that the scene? I mean, was the first link and it's just a paragraph. Yeah, that's the only one. It's so fragmented. Right there.
Starting point is 01:11:04 Is that it? Yeah, That's the one I'm looking okay. Yeah. That's it. Okay. Ready. I'm so nervous. I've never been more nervous for something. Hi, look at me. Gary's going to bring that up. But go ahead. I'm sweating. Come on, man. You can do it. Ready? Okay, ready. Yeah, I'm gonna I'm gonna say Action All you mother fuckers. Okay. All right I'm putting cases on all you bitches, huh? You think you could do this shit to me? Jack You think you could do this to me. You mother fuckers will be playing basketball and pelican pay when I'm through with you
Starting point is 01:11:49 shoe program I'm shoe program Mother fuckers 23 hour lockdown I'm the man up in this piece. You'll never see the light of the fuck do you think you're fucking with? I'm the police. I run shit around here. You just live here. Yeah That's right. You better walk away. Go on
Starting point is 01:12:16 Go on and walk away because I'm gonna burn all your motherfuckers down King Kong ain't got shit on me. That's right. That's right. Shit. I don't give a fuck. I'm winning anyway. I'm winning. I'm winning any motherfucking way. I can't lose. Yeah. You could shoot me, but you can't kill me. It's excellent. Very excellent. That was very good. I but you can't kill me. Bitch. Excellent. Very good. Excellent. That was very good.
Starting point is 01:12:48 I was very good. Thank you. That was very good. And the last one when you became you again though, but you can't kill me. I'm kind of like a shoot me. It's like the beginning of a Katy Perry song. You can kill me, but you can't kill me.
Starting point is 01:13:04 Excellent work. Thank you. Are you out? What? Come on. Look, come on. Are you doing it? Yes.
Starting point is 01:13:09 You're going to do it. Absolutely. Do you want my phone? Yeah, I have your phone. Apps are fucking. I'll tell you this. I feel like it does. Come on, mother fucker.
Starting point is 01:13:15 I want to do it. I can't read though. That's my problem. Why? You're Italian. And I'm retarded. Like in the nice way, like the way that really means. Right.
Starting point is 01:13:23 Right. Like I'm actually, uh, all that's a weird thing about this. You have to be black. You know, like, yeah, I have to, like, I don't know how white and zelent choice be Italian. You know, make it. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. With De Niro. All right. Let me get to let me find my fucking, let me find my center. Be become anger shits. Oh, you motherfuckers. Okay, alright. I'm putting cases on all your bitches. Huh? You think you can do this shit?
Starting point is 01:13:53 You think you can do this shit, Jack? You think you can do this to me? No, you, you and you, when you, when you mother, when you, you mother, your mother will be playing basketball Pelican in the bay with the pelicans the birds and you're playing with birds now you think this I will put a case on you Oh the cases who do you fuck you think who you think fuck you? I'm police you run around you run around just live here with me. I love you with me. I love you. I want you to live with me. Please marry me, King Kong. Because I'm gonna burn, I'm gonna burn it. I burn you this mother
Starting point is 01:14:36 fucker. I burn it down King Kong and me. We hang out and shit and shit. I don don't fuck I haven't fucks in safe grade you I'm winning you winning food winning you lose Shoot me Make a choice He made a choice. He recasted it. It was Bollywood. What bad. Why is it?
Starting point is 01:15:11 I don't even know what bad person is. Netflix can give you a show as that guy. Oh man, if it was 1985, I would have a career. God, dude, that was so fucking fun. So what are you guys doing? I love the way you go. Oh, you have a, wow, that bit of that thing. Oh, I don't do it.
Starting point is 01:15:32 I'm a, oh, my, oh, my, oh, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, I'm speaking in front of black people. Jesus Christ. God, that's so fun. Well, that's what happened to me. Yeah, she's all that. That's how you listeners. I was in that way. We want to use stone. That was stone. The actor's stone.
Starting point is 01:15:56 That was the actor. Actually, I think that might have been that might have been Frank Greg Francis. My new. We're a great Francis. The new actor. Greg Punchies. Frenchies.
Starting point is 01:16:04 Like Punchies. I think Punchies. This is a fun show. You're your listeners to send in. Francis my new great Francis the actor great franchise franchise like punchies I'm a franchise as much earlier out your listeners to send in is this my tip is this me is this mine smells like somebody's breath is not mine right I hate that I've dubbed a phobia of of things. How does it? I sprayed it. What? He did. It smells like citrus. Did you spray it? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:30 I, uh, you motherfucker. Now I can now that guy lives there in my head. For sure. Live there. That sounds like a dude is mad at someone shoplifting. I just had to do a voice over a demo reel. Hmm. Brutal. Oh, brutal.
Starting point is 01:16:45 Well, it's hard to do it. Number one, because you're, you know, to do, do a voice, when you book a voiceover, you're in a room with everybody and they're telling you, I tried this way, tried that way. It's more, you know, they directing you, which is fine.
Starting point is 01:16:58 It is an act you, that's what you kind of need. Well, when you're in your living room and your wife is making chicken salad wraps, and you're, and you're, and you're, and you're, and you're in your living room and your wife is making chicken salad wraps, and I'm sitting there going, you know, how do you everybody look at me? We're going to have a darn Tuesday and she's like, you know what I mean? Clanking pants together. I had to do it in my car because I had roommates and they were like, you need to do this voice
Starting point is 01:17:23 over. So then no one would shut the fuck up So then I had to just go sit in my car and just read the script into my iPhone And I just see people walking by being like who east must be fighting with his wife All you have to do is get a blanket Yeah, I'm serious you can make a soundproof real not totally, but yeah You can get a couple blankets and put it over you and have the microphone and it blocks out the sound. I just would get embarrassed like my roommate's are looking.
Starting point is 01:17:48 I mean, you look like a fucking girl on your head. Yeah, I just bought this cool new thing that goes around your, you have a mic stand and it goes, you know, the little, how do you know exactly what is it? What is it? Bring it up on your phone. I told on, bring it up on your phone. I told you to bring it up on your phone. No, this is no phone policy. No, it's how.
Starting point is 01:18:10 Bring it up. What my exactly? How do you know? Well, exactly what I'm talking about. I'm excited. I didn't even know what it is. I used it. I was like, what is it?
Starting point is 01:18:18 I'm voiceover. I was on like an album once. But what is it? What was I using? It is a, I didn't say it. Can't afford you can't say it. I know exactly what you're talking about. What is it? It is a mic stand. Yeah. That holds like three panels and it has a mic in the middle of it. So you go in and it's a soundproof thing. Boom. That's exactly what it is. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:38 Yeah. So my dad. Why are you going to go there? Why can't you just accept gracefully you won one? I'm learning how to have confidence. Grace. Have grace. Have grace. Have grace. Yeah. I had grace last night if you know what I'm playing.
Starting point is 01:18:53 Why can't you be sure she's trying to help you? Look at me. Have grace. Look at her eyes. Look at me. Don't think. Okay. Have grace and don't get blotchy.
Starting point is 01:19:02 I'm going to have grace. No, mean it. I don't think I could do that. I'm going to have grace. I'm going to have grace. Now mean it. I don't think I could do that. I'm going to have grace. It's beautiful. Look at me. Look at me.
Starting point is 01:19:12 It's not your fault. Say, don't do this. Not your fault. Do it. Don't do it. Do it. Make him cry. I want you to get it out of it.
Starting point is 01:19:20 I want you to get it out. I need to cry. But he, look at me. He really is in your fault. You're okay. Don't do this, man. You I need to cry. Buddy, look at me. You really isn't your fault. You're okay. Don't do this, man. You're going to be all right, dude. Not like this.
Starting point is 01:19:30 Buddy, listen to me. I'm not even kidding, buddy. Listen, serious, sags, you're going to be okay. It's not your fault. Look at me. I'm starting to get actually, it's not your fault. It's not your fault. It's not your fault.
Starting point is 01:19:43 It's not your fault. What's not? Mother fucker! not your fault. It's not your fault. It's not your fault. What's not your fault? Motherfucker! I can't show you through this crap! People putting cases on all you motherfuckers! You're gonna want a propeller to get show program, motherfucking! No, I'm sorry, but I almost stuck. Don't you want to say,
Starting point is 01:19:59 I'm so bad. Show over. A liberal, I'm just crying for the window and grabbed you. You see Gabby in the scene, Hey guys, what's wrong with my KWD? I for the window and grabbed you see Gabby in the scene. Hey guys What do I do? Listen to ship got so popular we have to get a new server, but we're working on it. So this episode is called YKWN Come on that's so hilarious. Fuck you guys. No super crap
Starting point is 01:20:26 Anyways Supergram. Anyways, I Fuck we have a we're going on comedy camp is happening. Yes. Did we invite you? I just got an email today. Yeah, I didn't get to read it What is it? Well, we're gonna go camping. We're gonna go on Monday and it's Tuesday We're gonna the campsites are already paid for We're gonna go on Monday and a Tuesday. We're gonna, the campsites are already paid for. We're gonna, the food will be paid for for breakfast and dinner, and then lunch will have peanut butter and joints shit, whatever.
Starting point is 01:20:52 But you're gonna, we're gonna all go up whoever goes and we're gonna pitch tents and fucking camp out for two days. And I can go. Yeah. What do you mean? And I'm not the invite, right? Well, you know, it's, you know, I already paid the, wow, we, it's just a campsite. I mean, you have to bring it down. You have to bring it down. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:14 The list, you need a sleeping bag, maybe a pillow, a chair to sit by the fire, but we'll have some breakfast. We're going to have some bar. I mean, it's going to be simple as shit. Yeah, yeah. And there's a store. There's a store, if you want to, and there's a food place there too. If you want to get a slice of pizza or a sandwich Who's going? Just you and me
Starting point is 01:21:32 Yes, just we I would I would Jerry Kelly get away They just put two in the back Yeah, it's gonna be fun. That's super fun. Yeah, it's going to be good. You know, I like when comics do shit other than comedy. Yeah, right? Yeah. Yeah. We good time. Are you going to go? I feel like a date, but I would 100% this sounds amazing.
Starting point is 01:21:58 Oh, good. Something I would love to do. Good, good. Did you find out transpile? Not yet. No, we've got to find out transpile. Yeah. Oh, you do need to do like a bus or because I got a car. Yeah, I got a car. I'm not a fuck you. I thought it was just you and me. No, I want to add to the trip. I want the whole ride up. Can I get a ride with you? Of course. Are you going? Yeah, I'm going to go. Oh, good. Be fun. Yeah. Get extra burgers. Get a bigger tent. I got to get a tent. I have a tent. I just how big I could fit two people. So you and you and you and me and Fini. Yeah. That drunk. Yeah. We think we're I could plug my CPAP in. What? You have a CPAP? I got a big on the CEO. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:41 Yeah. There's that we have a you don't have a portable CPAP. No, I get the fucking big one. Yeah, you can sleep in it. Hey, you can plug it in, but you can have a master bait. You just did master bait. No, you're going to have a master. The chords are going to go in your tent so there'll be a little opening where the electrical chord goes in there. You're so funny. If you let your tend to find your died. Yeah, you're hilarious. It's just a laughing laughing laughing. It's a friend. We buried. We bury you right there. We would have told me when you came.
Starting point is 01:23:12 Fucking bury you in your CPAP machine. And dirty fucking big nose guinea. Can you say that? I still. I don't know. I think you can. Um, you have it. So is it a full fledged CPAP or is it just like a little travel one?
Starting point is 01:23:26 No, it's big. I bring I travel with it, but it's huge. Why? Because I need it to sleep because it really fucks me up. I didn't realize how my life was going before it. I just had to do that. I had to do the tests where you put the thing. Yeah, let's make sure we get back to you. I'm just keeping the conversation now and relating to it. It's getting. Who the fuck is this guy? Greg Francis. I'm going in Friday to see if I need it. You remind me of all the women in every 80s movie.
Starting point is 01:23:57 Cool. Rick and by man. Molly Rigrawl. I got all those in St. Nemo's fire. You really are. Oh, I love that song. What is it? St St. Elmo's fire. You really are. Oh, I love that song. What is it?
Starting point is 01:24:07 St. Elmo's fire. How's it going? How's it going? I could see the thin and thunna, and I need a bow that'll be, but be the same deal right high up. I'm literally the back of my teeth now. Are you snore? I do snore, but I have a,
Starting point is 01:24:26 I did a, I did I talk about this, I did a sleep study. Do you know what's around 10 grand for these things on your insurance? Oh, really? I had my insurance took care of it. I didn't have that. Yeah, your insurance takes care of it.
Starting point is 01:24:37 It's a 10,000 all thing. So if they, if they don't get it right, you can't, they won't allow you to do another one. You know what I mean? They're not gonna pay for two. So I did one up in Westchester and I I picked the wrong hospital because it's an older place. So I walked in, you check in around 10 and you come in and there's a room,
Starting point is 01:24:56 but it was like a pull out sofa bed. It was like a really thin like a hospital, but even shitier. You can't sleep on that. And then I get in there and it's really very hospital, right? What's that word I'm looking for? Hospital. Now, that's another one. Medical, clinical, sure. Okay, sorry, yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:17 Very clinical. Yeah, like that. I got in in my house. And then they, and then they, she hooked me up to all the shit she goes, but this lady was very high. Okay. Right now we're going to do this.
Starting point is 01:25:31 And okay, let me, I forgot about that. Very little out of it. Uh-huh. She's like, it's better if you. Not like she hasn't slept. Yeah, exactly. She's like, it's better if you sleep on your very much like she's exhausted. Yeah. If you could stay on your back, it's better, but if you sleep on your very much. Oh, like she's exhausted. Yeah, if you could stay on your back
Starting point is 01:25:45 It's better, but if you sleep on your side It's fine, but just try to sleep on your back and I go on a side sleeper Some sleeper. She goes I will try to be on your back. I go, okay, but I'm telling you now. Yeah. I am not a back sleeper So I'm fucking freaking out. I'm just freaking. I'm just you know I'm it's just a weird thing and I finally go to sleep and all the shit on me. Terrible bad and I'm finally just go off. And then I hear over a loudspeaker,
Starting point is 01:26:16 sir, could you please roll on to your back? Oh, could you, could you try getting on your back? Sir, sir, I'm sorry to wake you. I was like, huh, what? That's a nightmare. What? She's like, roll on your back. And I'm like, okay, so I'm lying on my back.
Starting point is 01:26:32 She's like, I'm like, I can't, it's not comfortable. She's like, okay, well, if you can't do it, you can stand your side. I'm like, you woke me up. Yeah. Can you please stand there? Sleep standing, please. I was in, you know, my,
Starting point is 01:26:43 can you insert the knife into your butt cheek please My fucking anger is I mean my anger was Fuelling me yeah, yeah, feeling me. Yeah, I was like fucking mother fucka And I couldn't let it out so she'd build you stride on me rolling in my mouth Yeah, I think you fucking mother and now she's watching me. I know she can hear for it. Can you please not curse? And now she's watching me. I know she can hear her. Sir, can you please not curse? Sorry.
Starting point is 01:27:05 Sorry. Sorry. I don't want to be here either. I've slept in three days, sir. Sir, please. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:27:17 Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. I was so fucking miserable. And then I finally was like, listen, I can't sleep on my back.
Starting point is 01:27:26 I'm a side sleeper. Okay, you can sleep on your side just, you know, and I couldn't do it. And I'm trying to sleep and I'm moving and moving. Finally around five, 30, she's like, okay, sir, you know, we need to get two hours, at least two, three hours straight sleep for the 10 year, you know, and you gotta be out of here at seven, 30, or something, you have to leave or something like that. Yeah. And she's like, so I don't know if we got it
Starting point is 01:27:49 But I'll let you know, I'm like, I'm like, you just come be fucking 10 grand. You I was asleep. You fucking You dumb person The way they do it now though is they'll send you something that you can put on in your own house Yeah, so it might be cheaper It's worth looking into. Yeah, I don't I don't know if I have sleep apnea because I got this thing from in Canada Canada, I don't think you they go through the same Rigor morrow they do here for snoring devices
Starting point is 01:28:20 And it goes on your mouth, but and it goes on the bottom But it has a little opening. So it keeps you track and go, and I breathe and it stops me from storing them. I'm just like, do you feel more fresh when you wake up? I don't know. I mean, there is a significant difference really went through. Like literally I go back now that every night I don't use it. I'm like, how was I living like that?
Starting point is 01:28:42 So you sleep better. I sleep better. I'm I use it. I use it. how was I living like that? So you sleep better. I sleep better. I use it. I use it a lot. I can't wait. Absolutely. You have to split. We only an hour together in bed together.
Starting point is 01:28:52 I'll talk you down to that. But yeah, no, I would let you use it. We have to use it kind of like three days to really do it. But yeah, I mean, I'm telling you, I started thinking I got quicker. I started losing weight. My depression got better. So there's a point where you stop losing weight too, then, right?
Starting point is 01:29:07 You was packing the bag, let's just through your power and will. And you're just too happy, yes? An appetizer, yeah. Yeah, but everything started to get better. Everything in my life changed. Yeah, because what I was working at a job was I had a writing job, where and was with the Michelle's show on the break?
Starting point is 01:29:25 And I could literally, I had to be there at like 70 a.m. and I was like, oh, I can't do this. So I had to see a doctor and because I was able to get the machine, I was writing better, I was sharper. I didn't realize the way I was living until after. No shit. And now I'm like, oh, everything is better. Wow.
Starting point is 01:29:43 Yeah, I just, every one I talk to, I'm like, get a fucking test. Do you have it? I don't know, I'm going in Friday to see if I have it. You going in to do the test? No, I did the test last week and they want me to come in Friday because that's apparently it takes a week and a half. Don't tell them it's a surprise party. It's just for the party.
Starting point is 01:29:59 I'm excited. I'm walking into the house. You're surprised. I'm feeling like, hey, you guys could have done this in a bar. So they're like, so you do have sleepy apnea and aids. You have full blood. We couldn't tell you over the phone. Happy birthday.
Starting point is 01:30:14 Happy is your birthday coming up? June. Yeah. June what? It's not even coming up. That's coming up. Three months away. No.
Starting point is 01:30:22 Two months. Two months. My kids birthday is June 2nd. Let's celebrate. Well, I have a big party every year. Are you coming? You come to the party last year? I couldn't. I was away. Can I come to the party? And it could be a max and Brandon's. No, not at all. It will be a max. It's birthday and I'll just be there going. This is also no, the horse at least. No, you can get a bouncy house. I have a bouncy house.
Starting point is 01:30:46 We have a big, huge bouncy house that we put up. Okay. Yeah, you can come. Oh, I'll come. Is it your birthday? June 19th. So it's after. It's after, but I'll bring presents for myself.
Starting point is 01:30:57 All right, no, no, then you're not coming. Yeah, you're not coming. It's time. Yeah, you play it in present. Oh, what's the good guys? Come on. New sleaze. Shh. It's something guy's come on? A new slip. It's something back to how do you know?
Starting point is 01:31:08 Did you see the CPAP that they just made that's fake that everybody all whipped up? Type in new CPAP machines, new smallest CPAP machine. It's the most thing goes. I know what you did. I bought it from some Chinese reseller. Papaji. It's his thing goes. I know what you did. I bought it from some Chinese reseller. Hang on. Bring up a photo. It's got images. Small C. Pap right there. The hand, the hand. The hand. Yeah, right there. Yeah. Yeah. I bought that. Yeah. Does it work? It did nothing, but hurt me. Yeah. It did nothing, but hurt me. And I'm pretty sure
Starting point is 01:31:41 put chemicals straight into my brain. Whoa. What's in it? It came from like, it came in like this very nondescript box from China. It was all Chinese writing and then I put it in and immediately I, why would you put it in? Why would you put something in? Because I love China. I just felt like this smoke almost coming to my nose and I was like, oh, I'm dead. That just took 10 years off.
Starting point is 01:32:04 Oh, Jesus Christ. Cheats is crazy. But it looks amazing. Yeah, maybe I didn't get the official one. I clicked on the Facebook one, you know, those Facebook ads. Yeah. And I bought it from there and it's like three bucks. And it like, you know, it was $3.
Starting point is 01:32:15 Yeah, it was binge-cheat, man. You can buy it, you get a free 10 with it. Yeah. It's just like a used ring pop. Well, I don't. It looks amazing. It looks like that used ring pop. Well, I don't. It looks amazing. It looks like that little machine pushes air through, but you can't think about your
Starting point is 01:32:31 CPAP. Yeah. All of it, all it does. Uh-huh. And it has to be plugged in. Yep. I mean, it needs electricity. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:39 The fact that we think that something like this, it does, it has, no, no, on batteries. Is there batteries in it? Is it electrical? Mine had no batteries. So how do you breathe? It just the thing I had was a scam. It was I don't. There's no. I had no electricity, no battery thing. It was just a dusty. I put it in for a night. Oh, it does. I literally felt my eyes turn gray. And I, I, and then woke up the next morning with a headache. I had dreams about the devil. Yeah. Maybe it was just like a bullshit knockoff.
Starting point is 01:33:09 Why would you put something in your fucking nose? My relationship was so in the garbage from my snoring that she was like, we'll try anything. And this was the cheap one. I was like, maybe it'll work. I bought type in snoring. Snoring. Does this work? This is from Canada. I was like, maybe it'll work. I bought type in snoring, snoring.
Starting point is 01:33:26 Does this one work? This is from Canada. Snoring, what do you, what? I know the thing you're talking about, that mouth guard thing. No, no machine. Type in snoring. It's a mouth guard. The rice, yeah, mouth guard.
Starting point is 01:33:36 Thank you. Yeah, mouth guard from Canada. That's the one I want. I want the mouth guard. From Canada. I don't really care. Right, yeah, the third one in $82. No up, up, nope, third one in.
Starting point is 01:33:48 One, two, three. I got this. And here's the problem with this one. This one works magical. Really? Yeah, magical. Anytime I go to Canada, I buy one. They always send me the pharmacies.
Starting point is 01:34:00 Pharmacies? Pharmacies. Pharmacies. Just do it. Austin, actually. Put a fucking... Ah! Pharmacy.
Starting point is 01:34:07 Pharmacy. Pharmacy. Pharmacy. Pharmacy. Pharmacy. Wait, you have to buy multiple ones. I buy it because I lose them all the time. I forget about hotels, so I always have a couple of them.
Starting point is 01:34:17 I put that in the only thing it does. The only bad effect is it loosens your whole bottom row of teeth. Oh, only that. Only your adult teeth that you get one set up. You'll be drinking a lot of applesauce, but it's your life, but you sleep good. All it does is cut your arm off. Because when you get the whole bottom row, they stay together. But when you're like, I'd only cover these. So it'll lose. Oh, my God. I went to the dentist one day and he goes, yeah, don't don't don't use
Starting point is 01:34:49 anymore. I go, why? He goes, because these are moving. They're running away. I got one from my dentist though. 500 bucks. You put the mouth guard in. It's official. It opened your mouth a little bit so you can breathe through. It keeps your mouth open. Mm hmm. How you going? Does it hurt to like, do you like wake up? It's like official. It opens your mouth a little bit so you can breathe through. It keeps your mouth open. Mm-hmm. Okay, going. Does it hurt? Do you like wake up going like?
Starting point is 01:35:08 Because you breathe through your nose. Yeah. Mm-hmm. That's what happens. But if I have my mouth open, that's all I get. But if I have a close. Do you sleep with your mouth open? I do this.
Starting point is 01:35:22 I do this, ready? Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh mouth open. I do this. I do this, ready looking at me for probably 35 minutes like this And I'm still waiting for that video That fuck Cowing it on a fucking plane True still I do that all the time my wife I wake up sometimes my wife was laughing at me I do that all the time. My wife, I wake up sometimes my wife was laughing at me.
Starting point is 01:36:03 Because I'm, I've done a lot of plans. The dentist last week I went to get, because I'm having a tooth, new tooth put in. A new bottom row of teeth. No, no, no, no, no. I use it once in a while and an emergency. But I'm putting the tooth in. So they put you out. They give you the Michael Jackson juice.
Starting point is 01:36:22 Oh, I like that. Yeah. Propo, some shit. Propo, propa, propa Jackson juice. Oh, well like that. Yeah. Propo, I'll propose some shit. Propo, Propo Paul. Some shit like that. Yeah. So they give you, dude, fighting in that, I'm a recovering addict. So I, you know, I don't use this stuff.
Starting point is 01:36:34 But when they give it to you and try fighting it, it's one of the greatest things I've ever done. It was just sitting on, yeah, man, and you're like, you're not getting me. Yeah. I'm talking to him. He's trying to talk to me. So yeah, how's it going? I'm like, it's good, man. Life is good. Yeah, you know, I'm gonna do this.
Starting point is 01:36:48 And then I'm gonna, surgery's over. Fuck you. I'm gonna say that. But fighting is like, fuck you. And then I woke up and they, in my dentist office, they have these little rooms. I think they're closets and they put little beds in them. So when they put people out, they can put them in these rooms and you come out of there.
Starting point is 01:37:06 Because you come out of it and it's not a big deal. Yeah, yeah. But I remember I was lying there and I was exhausted from the night before. Then they gave me this shit. They needed me the fuck out of there. But I was sleeping there. I was fucking out.
Starting point is 01:37:20 And I woke up. And he gives all these really hot dental assistants. Yeah. It's just fucking some fatso barely fitting on a bench that made for a regular size human. Pfft. I had to go back this week. I was talking to him and I was like,
Starting point is 01:37:37 was I doing anything weird? Yeah. She's like, like what? I'm like, Pfft. No, you're all right. You good? I was like, yeah, you're fucked. I was. Cut to a true story. I would love a true story. True story. I only like, you're all right, you good? I was like, yeah, you have fucked up. I would love a true story.
Starting point is 01:37:47 I only like true stories. Really? I don't like fake stories. I like I say. I have about Vegas in the beginning. Thanks for that. Sorry, Cyclone. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:38:00 I wish Amy came in there right now and said, look, I need to do a podcast. Well, fucking no, I would love that because then I get my second chance to be like fucking. I will let you do that to her. I'd say no, and then we'd fight. No, you would. And I'd say, yes, beat it. Nope. I would say there's another mic clearly open.
Starting point is 01:38:18 I'll sit there. You're an idiot stone. Come on. Go ahead. So I'm on a, I'm on a a plane and I got to take a lot. I don't fly well. So I got to take Benadryl and Xanax the only way to put me out. Yep.
Starting point is 01:38:31 I wake up, people are clapping and I go, what fucking happened? Did we sink? Did we fucking, did we, we, we, a hero pilot? Yeah. The guy next to me goes, you were snoring so bad, so bad that when I elbowed you and woke you up, I now got a standing ovation. They were clapping because I, it was a red eye. I woke up.
Starting point is 01:38:53 Wow. And he went, fuck it. Elbowed me and people just went, thank you. Thank you. And you couldn't go back to sleep. I was going to, I was going to go up. Cause you exhausted too. Yep.
Starting point is 01:39:03 So you were like, this dude, I've done that when that chick, I want to go back, but I remember I went back for a second. I'm, yep. And I woke myself up. Yeah. Wow. You must know what do you know like? You must, what does it sound like?
Starting point is 01:39:16 Described by my wife as the devil himself. So what does it say? Try to reenact. You're just being like. So you're dying. Yeah. You're just dying. See what does it say? Try to reenact. You're just saying you're dying. Yeah. You're just dying. See how I stop breathing? Because whatever there is stopping me from breathing. He's here with stops. That's what the air and the air pushes that open. And that's how the seat patch. I don't think that happens to me. Yeah. Because my wife would just let it happen. Yeah, she's you wake up. She don't know if she's I don't sleep happening. She's putting a pillow over my face.
Starting point is 01:39:47 So if you get if you have to get a CPAP, will you use it? Yeah, definitely. You know you have to clean it, right? I don't clean any. You don't have to. What? Yeah, I did. I used to be in every night.
Starting point is 01:40:01 And then I talked to my uncle. He goes, I cleaned it once a year. And I was like, no, I clean it once a month. You mean I'll go to the skin tag in the house. What's cleaning? What's cleaning? And they send you so many replacement parts that you just fucking throw them out
Starting point is 01:40:13 and get the new parts. Who sends that? You're insurance, you're insurance. Every month they send me replacement tubes, shit, and you just hook it up the machine. I mean, how old are you? And how the one you go somewhere, you have to take it way, you like a...
Starting point is 01:40:22 Take the whole, yep. What, how small is it? A bag about a size of a weener dog, and I just attached it. A size of a what? A weener dog, you're the weener dogs. That was a natural dog. Yeah, like an actual hot dog. No, no, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:34 Like, where'd you get hot dogs this break? I don't know, let's go. Let's go. Uh, yeah, so it's like, you know, and I actually fucking got, well, almost a screaming that's the lady at the airport a month ago because she was considering that carry on and I was like This is a medical device. I am not checking it. I can't live with that. She was like now It's it's it's it's part of your carry on and I was like no this is medical
Starting point is 01:40:55 This is like having a safety dog you can't fucking cat cuz I'm a backpack and I see that but she wanted me to fucking check it And I'm like I'm not I'm not checking this I need to fucking use it. I actually plug it in the plane I got the whole machine plugged in in the plane now, and I don't care. You plug it in a plane? Yep. Like coach? Yep, and I take my shoes off and eat Taco Bell.
Starting point is 01:41:11 I'm the worst. I take my shoes off. You take your shoes off on a plane? Yeah, well, you know, I know. Coach? I went to a new coach. You're supposed to just sit there politely. Shout your face and don't look at each other. Yeah, you know
Starting point is 01:41:27 So comfortable on planes. I look like I'm at a slumber party. I fucking hate people like you I know and in first you can do what you want. Mm-hmm. I believe in first you can take your shoes off Yeah, okay with all this money that's coming in yeah, I'll be in first Okay, with all this money that's coming in, yeah, I'll be in first, okay? Oh, the way this voice is coming from. I'm Sebastian Manascauka. You know, when I was coming up, back in my day, that's all it was bits.
Starting point is 01:41:55 Five years ago. When I was a kid, we didn't ride planes. Now everybody's riding playing flying everywhere. I don't think I've ever seen Sebastian do this. He's so funny, man. I think he'd do this. The lion everywhere. Flying.
Starting point is 01:42:16 I love that he just, he fucking imitated him for five minutes. I love that guy. Yeah. Well, just in case he's listening, he's not. Trust me. A little more, he's probably a better shit to him. I hope.
Starting point is 01:42:47 Let me take you out of the bus. You have to change your name to Stone. That would be great. Wimbledon. I've got Brendan Wimbledon. Oh, shit. When I fly, I keep every, I don't like, look at it. look at If this I hate this fucking horse shit if if nobody sits in the middle in a coach seat Mm-hmm, and somehow you think you can put your briefcase or you dumb pocketbook in the middle
Starting point is 01:43:14 That's not where it goes. It goes on your fucking side Because now the middle's free up for grabs Now I can either alpha male that fucking seat and put all my shit on it, put my feet on it, put my bags where that is and fuck you. Or I'm going to give you half. And I'm a good person. I was raised right. You get that half of the seat.
Starting point is 01:43:36 I'll get this half of the and that's the way it is. You don't put your bag down there. But the last couple flights, this lady on the last, she's just fucking, you know, her dumb Gucci pocketbook sideways in the middle thing. I kicked it for 30 minutes. My dirty fucking workout shoes. Not that I workout. Dick, from mud from the backyard. And I saw her getting furious with me. And I just kept fucking kicking my foot and trying to get comfortable until she took it and moved it. Fuck you.
Starting point is 01:44:10 Yeah. Fuck you. Good. And when you don't take your shoes off either, you do. And you don't put your feet on the seat. No, you put it on the armrest and the guy in front of you. I like to get my foot laid. What?
Starting point is 01:44:24 Just put it right over here. Yeah, put your elbow on my shin. That's how I make an air stewardess. Yeah, my toes become little. I can put it on her back. I don't know what I'm going to do. What other kind of stewardess, air woman? Stewardess. Yeah, just say stewardess. Aritone to bust stewardesses. Call them flight waitresses. Air horse. Wow. Jesus Christ. Oh, God.
Starting point is 01:44:51 I hate when they make you take your headphones off when they're like, do you want to? They go, what's something? And then you go, no, and they're like, silence. I want something. And I'm like, what do you want anything? I said no. Yeah. Of course, I said, yes, this is a scenario.
Starting point is 01:45:09 I've never said no anything. I got yelled at by a stewardess. Why? I don't know. I'm sitting. I'm sitting. We're going, me and my girlfriend, we're going to Ireland. I'm sitting on the aisle seat.
Starting point is 01:45:20 She's sitting by the window. The stewardess comes up. Who's in the, just the two seaters? Just the two seat. She's sitting by the window. The stewardess comes up, who's in the just the two seaters? Just the two seaters. Okay. And then the stewardess comes up next to up next to me. And she goes, and I go, yeah, so I'm going to have a, and she goes, ladies first, like, all right. And then I let my girlfriend talk. And then I went. And then every time she came back, I would begin to talk. And I would go, I'll, like, like she had me trained. I was like, oh, no, after you, I hated her.
Starting point is 01:45:48 I almost fucking took a box cutter to that pilot. She brought a box cutter to play. She don't say that on my podcast. I don't, I don't have to go to fucking for a dumb fat, fat leprechaun. Mr. Kelly, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, April, uh, 20th, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh. Oh, no. April, uh, 20. I was, uh, did Mr. Sagalow here. Hey, K, Winnebago, uh, sitting at the thing like looking at you like fucking booby, but
Starting point is 01:46:14 it, we, they, they do get a little low. You can tell when they're in a bad mood and they, but they work with such shit. They work with people all fucking and, and, and to work with the masses, you're exposed to such garbage. I mean, just the biggest guard. And now that flying is cheap to any garbage person, you can just see their garbage grandmother and fucking Jacksonville. It's just bad. These people have to fucking put up with this shit and then there you are. And I mean, but I agree with you. It's like, you know, can you just shut the fuck up?
Starting point is 01:46:50 I just, I just, but I, she's gonna, oh, that's my girl. Yeah, I'm gonna order for her. It's a plane going, ooh, like, I'm just trying to. What? Ooh. What does that have to do with anything?
Starting point is 01:47:01 It's loud. It's loud. I want to order for my friend. Say that first. Don't just go, oh, it's a scary spooky thing. It was a hard to play. Yeah, the whole ghost was the pilot was a ghost. Yeah, they can be they can be really testy. Very mean. Yeah, and it's their little area. Yeah, you know, they're not mean A first class. No, gray hounds. First class on a train is nice too. Oh yeah, you were doing the Asella?
Starting point is 01:47:31 Yeah, it's great. There's nothing about it. Train is my favorite. I'm probably getting that dish in a, the Asella. Train is my, the train is my favorite. Just ignore it. It's terrible. Train is my favorite motor transportation.
Starting point is 01:47:43 Isn't it? Yeah, it's the best. It really is. Yeah, they have these. Do you ever see the sell of they have those doors that just open like Darth Vader? Oh, God. Shit on a train. Right. A big huge train. Shit bathroom. Bathroom. Huge. What? It's like unnecessarily big. I bring people in. I say, watch me shit. Let's and together around. Please everyone, the plea they also have food. Yes. On the on the cards and the food cards, but they have, if you're in first, you have a meal. Like they feed. Yes. A good little meal. I've never been the first like first class of anything. You've never, you know, as long as I'm alive, it never will happen. Well, if it's first class or you, you got to go.
Starting point is 01:48:28 I've given up first class for my wife. I have, I've got, I've got an upgraded, and this is how my, that's why I love my wife's the shit. I've got not to like Mr. Kelly. We have a seat in first class for you, and I look at her and I go, I go, you want it? And she goes, no. And I go, can I take it?
Starting point is 01:48:49 She goes, no. Oh, that's good. We both don't take it. That's my guy. Fucking you right. So we just both suck it up and some fat hand behind me got it. No, put max up there. Let them deal with him.
Starting point is 01:49:01 Is he still crying? Like it's the age of crying. No, he flies like a chicken. My mom is. That's great. Yeah, it's fucking great. That's great. Yeah, but coach is a fucking nightmare. It's because they, they, they, these women who, there's not always women men suck too. These male flat attendance can be country as shit. Yeah. They're all the worst. Not all them. Some of them are nice, but some of them are just bad. They treat you like shit. And you don't you know they're all the worst. Not all them. Some of them are nice, but some of them are just bad.
Starting point is 01:49:25 They treat you like shit and you don't you know they're gonna get you to when you walk on. Hi, welcome. How you doing? Hello. Well, you all know what you mean? Like they say to me, I always get the hello. I also feel like if I stick up for myself, you got a federal offense. You can get kicked off. They want to fucking plane. If I'm like, Hey, can you not talk to me like that? They're like, Oh, what Mr. Terrorist? If you trigger one of those ladies, they can get you thrown off. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:51 Yeah. If you trigger her, where she goes, excuse me, and you're gonna go, I just said, you can't and she'll, and then if they get you to get triggered, you're fucked. Yeah. They just throw me out of the plane.
Starting point is 01:50:01 Oh, you have to immediately turn your phone on and go into a technical support moment. When somebody, you ever talk to somebody, a technical support or the company and they start, you can't swear, you can't, you swear, you swear you're done. They hang up. If you call them a name, you, they get to hang up. If you keep it above board and talk to them without swearing, without being, Patrick, you just be like, you know, you said, I was just trying to get my food
Starting point is 01:50:30 and you're being aggressive. You're being aggressive towards me. Look at you, I'm not being aggressive. You're being aggressive. You're yelling at me. I don't know why you would yell at me. Yeah, but then I just miss my girlfriend. She didn't know what she wanted.
Starting point is 01:50:43 I knew what she wanted. If you want it and she'd be like, sir, you'd be like, okay, you're yelling. I'm not. You'd have to literally do what my wife does to me in public where she'll get me going and then step back and go, okay, you're crazy. And I'm like, I'm not crazy. I wasn't. I wasn't crazy. I was fine. And he you fucking made me snap. All right, whatever, whatever, what the fuck do you mean, whatever? She's like, I'm just gonna, you know what?
Starting point is 01:51:11 I don't wanna talk about it, let's just go home. What are you doing now? That was idea now. You're living here now. I said, egg sandwich, not ham. It's a sandwich. You thought of ham? You never win.
Starting point is 01:51:24 You'll never win. Demand to speak to the pilot. That's what I do. I go get the fucking pilot out here. The charge the cockpit. He starts charging with your box. That's how you get it out. Sunday you'll be in first class.
Starting point is 01:51:37 I hope Greg. Got you with eye contact. Listen, we're going to wrap this up. So camping you guys are going, we're in. We're in. All right, good. It's gonna be a fun time. Do you hike? Yeah, I guess I'll have to.
Starting point is 01:51:55 What do you mean? I'm not, you guys are gonna go and hike. What am I gonna do? Stay by the pool. It's a pool? Yeah. I'm staying by the pool, dude. Oh, I thought there was this camping in the little pool.
Starting point is 01:52:03 It's a cave. We're camping at a old site. We're camping at a this camping. It was a... It's a camp site. We're camping out of the Hilton. That's nice. It's a K-O-A. So it's gonna be, there's gonna be a pool, there's a lake to go fishing. There's a snack shop, snack cut with ice cream and sandwiches.
Starting point is 01:52:18 There's a store, you can go buy some of this showers. Yeah, but we're in the woods, so we're away from it, but you can walk right up to it. Sure. You should all go to Disney World. can walk right up to it. Sure. Yeah. Yeah. Shut the fuck up. And that'd be awesome. I got to be honest. Well, that'd be awesome. I love you, but I would love to go to Disney World.
Starting point is 01:52:32 As a big group, Star Wars world, just with the three of us. Universal. I listen, I have a child. Try to get the three of us to bring back. Bring Max. I'm not bringing Max with you. Me and Max, I'm'm gonna be his best man. You're not gonna be any before Where he's better active than you. Hey, thanks. I apologize. Okay. I messed up. Not you go
Starting point is 01:52:57 Gabby. Yes What let's what I'll start of course them to come and camping is what I was doing. They're coming before you. I'm on my Disney World trip that I was talking about that I invited you to and now you're not invited. I know what I know. Wait, I said we were saying now. I love that when I be my big turn here, you like my idea to go to Disney World. That's what I do with all your bits.
Starting point is 01:53:20 Tell them and I do my stage. I love me. I was killing. I love that he's still talking over you. Oh, him. Yeah, he doesn't smell. Literally, you're in the middle of something telling me. And he just goes, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah You're gonna get star potential. You don't make it, but I can see it. You don't have use gum potential.
Starting point is 01:53:47 You stink. Gabby, this trip is gonna be great, right? It's gonna be amazing. Yeah, are you excited? I'm so excited. Who are you driving up? Well, probably the crew. Crew, yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:00 I get to bring Mike to. You for? No, no, no. Where's Mike going? Mushroom. Oh, I think, no, come on. I got to reach for nothing with you. We stopped wearing jumpsuits.
Starting point is 01:54:10 It's freaking me. No, I love it. It's just one fell swoop. Zip, you're ready to go. What is it again? One fell swoop. Zip and you're ready to go. One fell swoop.
Starting point is 01:54:17 One fell swoop. Zip ready to go. Ready to go. Is it hard to pee in it? Yeah, it's a lot. You have to take off the jacket and then yeah. You got to do a poop flap. You got to do the old school poop flap.
Starting point is 01:54:28 Down to the all naked up top down. I tell you, I go to the bathroom anyway. Poop flap? No, full naked. Every time. Yeah, hang it up. Nice legs. I should have naked.
Starting point is 01:54:38 I do a little. Of course you do. Of course you do. Why? Because I was in the middle of a sentence. That's what you got. You really sucks, dude. I mean, you literally had us all again. I'm sorry. He had us all he's talking now. I mean he has no radio skills. No, we gotta we're gonna do a class. I'm gonna do the
Starting point is 01:54:53 Greg Stone radio class. I'm ready to go. Radio skills check this out. I want to know why GW is the dog. You're the dog. Keep doing it. I'm gonna be sag hello. Okay, we got I'm not gonna be a slave to your bitch. I'm sorry. Okay. I'm gonna get better at it. Yeah, it's okay. It's a note. You're gonna get better at it on your own. Not on this one. So when you when when he tells me that you're good, you can come back where you can come back on whatever you want. Brilliant. Thanks.
Starting point is 01:55:33 I love you. I've been trying to get close to you for years. We're getting what's happening right now. It's can't be tripped me and you are smog of the cigar. I can't wait. I just can't. Okay. I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 01:55:42 All right. Shut his mic off. I yeah. No, we're All right shut his mic off. I Yeah, no, we're not kidding. It's true. I know. I'm sagglo. Anyway, I'll be at Turn the mic on, there we go. You're panic when you've, when you're a little red headed voice isn't heard. You fucking, you get scared. That's because you're scaredy God. He just started grabbing mics like this.
Starting point is 01:56:13 Taste of each. Taste of each. I need something in my mouth. Taste of each. Who took that photo? You fucking aren't. No, that's a Phil Provence. Yeah, that's all my little buddy.
Starting point is 01:56:31 Phil, Phil doesn't like you. Why don't you take a photo from underneath the fat forearm? This is the most awkward arm stance I've ever seen holding a rabbit. It's like, oh, you are the rabbit? That's my bad, that's my bad, my bad. Can you not tell? I, listen, you can't tell. You can't tell it's a rabbit. It's like, oh, you are the rabbit? That's my bad, that's my bad, my bad. Can you not tell? I, buddy, listen, you can't tell.
Starting point is 01:56:47 You can't tell it's a rabbit. Oh, no, because I'm looking at your fucking tri-fold neck. I hate this photo. No, come on, look. Buddy, you got to shoot down on you. There's a photo of you. Where's the photo of you that's really good? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:57:01 Yeah, exactly. Let's, ha ha ha ha. The field, field was like film was like, I cannot make art of this. I cannot do magic with this fucking round head. I cannot do, I have to shoot for the weekend. Like he is statue and stone head. Give him money to make it. It has to be something cute in the photo.
Starting point is 01:57:21 Because he is so ugly to look at. We staple head shot of other comedian to his head. To make headshot of him. Get the bunny, people to love bunnies. They will see bunnies and say, cute, and it's not funny. Now I must go back to Catalign's. 420, I will be at the Beiju theater for a nice weed show
Starting point is 01:57:42 with Shouli. He goes. I get it. 420. Yes. Love Julie. She was got a new album right now. Two albums. He's got two out.
Starting point is 01:57:50 It's like a double thing. He does one super drunk and one sober. Okay. That's great. Yeah. Check out Julie's new album. Yeah. Just came out.
Starting point is 01:58:00 Also, I would really love everybody listen to my podcast. I do it alone, so there's no one to talk over. Yeah. And it's called the stupid little podcast. That's exactly alone, so there's no one to talk over. Yeah. And it's called the stupid little podcast. That's exactly a good name for you. You should have that bunny on with you. Thank you. Yeah. And just go to my website. Can I get just a little bit of it? Print to scroll a little bit. Lewis did this too. Let's see. I don't want. It doesn't really fucking matter to anybody. Just don't go out and be a fucking bitch. This is how I'm transferring. That's how I'm You realize there's a guest in there. He's talking over
Starting point is 01:58:35 Doing a show he's literally got dain cook in the room and you don't even know it Let me hear a little bit more. I tell you, it was like if men are dogs. I'm looking. Shut up. Oh, I looked this up. This is author. The power of the pussy. How do you get?
Starting point is 01:58:56 I got. Yeah, I just stop. I know. Keep going. This is funny. You pick the worst. Stop. Just pause it. I can't deal with it.
Starting point is 01:59:05 That was a really good episode. Literally you had 30 seconds of dead air by yourself. I'm fine myself. There's nobody interrupting you. Yeah. I mean, you shut the fuck up on this show. We're going to be on your own shows. I'm going to shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 01:59:20 People love my show. Nobody want to have Bob beyond. He's going to come on. I'm never doing that show. Greg's done my show three times. Yeah, he had to he's your friend You know you'll never do my part. I never want you to do that so again You can be on the show whenever you want. Oh, that's nice. You all right fine I'll just do it by myself and keep going. I'm at 104 episodes I'm at 104 episodes. You 100 for those?
Starting point is 01:59:44 Yeah, that's a hundred. We do seven a day. It's me again. I do 100 for those. Gabby's Instagram Story. Hey guys. Okay, you both watch my Instagram stories. It's like, oh, really a bad smell.
Starting point is 02:00:00 I can't stop. Hey guys. It's all being a fan. Hey guys. No, look. Look at my lips, guys. It's shut up. Hey guys, it's just my head. Hey guys. You're in.
Starting point is 02:00:12 No, it's a good show. I'm not going to let you or fucking go mezz because he played it earlier and fucking shit on it. It's a good show. It's very fun. To the biggest podcast guys
Starting point is 02:00:23 in New York City. Yeah, literally. The biggest. Guys who started New York City. Yeah, we're the biggest. Guys who started a network from nothing. Yeah, don't listen to us. Don't give a fuck to you. You should get... You should get a police stop insulting his podcast. Alright, motherfucker!
Starting point is 02:00:38 You want to do the podcast? Do that shit! You whine up on pelican bad! You show broken! Motherfucking right motherfucking clown bitch. I almost passed out. Clash. It's a good fucking.
Starting point is 02:00:51 All right, listen, here we go. Well, Gabby, where am I at? You have to do Greg. No, I know. It's my show. I go back and forth. What is Greg? No, where am I? Go back to me. Yeah, here I am. I'm at the MGM Springfield brand new fucking
Starting point is 02:01:09 Club yeah club at the MGM casino this weekend Thursday Friday Saturday and then I met Mohican son Who's that? Mohican son are you with me? No, I'm at Moigan Sunway Tim. I tried to get oh I tried to get I sorry somebody with me. I can do it. Tiger room. Listen, Tiger room. Fort Wayne. When am I I'm in Rochester the comedy on Carlson. Leavety live. I worked with you at Leavety live. There's a connection. I fucked your date up. You did. Remember? Oh yeah, that was a great night. That was Louis. That's great. Yeah. You will host in then I went up and then Lynn Lea, Coplitz went up. Yeah. Yeah, she do her time. Yeah
Starting point is 02:01:51 I'm gonna be in LA Los Angeles, Lodge Room Highland Park That's gonna be fun Tuesday May 28th Tuesday May 28th. I'm gonna be there. Let's sell that out L.A. If you're a fan of the YKWD and you live in L.A. Well, California, make sure you buy tickets and tell people and bring people, bring at least 10, 20 people each. Let's sell this the fuck out because if you don't, I'm never, when you come to the West Coast, I'm not coming ever again. I'm going to give a fuck. I live on the East Coast. I'll make my ever again. I'm giving fuck. I'll live on the East Coast.
Starting point is 02:02:25 I'll make my bones here. Okay. And then make dip into the South every once in a while. If that fucking room doesn't sell out, I blame you. Where's the camera? You. There it is you.
Starting point is 02:02:39 I blame you. I thought you were blaming me. I'm sorry. No. No, so please go to my website, and make sure you, if you're watching this on YouTube, subscribe, like, that's it. Subscribe, subscribe, hit the subscribe button.
Starting point is 02:02:53 You'll know when these shows come out. You know this is, I, this is one of the funniest shows on YouTube. As far as podcasts go, we're a lot of fun. And the podcast itself, it's fucking hilarious. We have different people on every week.
Starting point is 02:03:06 And it's not just about fame fucking. It's not about where you would fucking, oh, and you're fucking fucking, fuck off, suck a dick. I got guys, I mean, you know, fucking this guy is fucking hilarious. I mean, nobody knows this guy and he's funny. Tell me, man. I mean, this is a no name show.
Starting point is 02:03:25 I mean, we got a writer with fucking a deviated septum. I'm a fat machine ginger twin. And we had a blast today. We got Chris, we got Beck, we got Gab, we got Zach, the fucking assassin, aka, what'd you do to your face? You shave? Dude, you look like you shrunk.
Starting point is 02:03:49 Thanks. There's only one date I'm really trying to push is a. I'm in the death photo. Your sister? I like her. I like her hair. Yeah, I don't know. Some guy just took it.
Starting point is 02:04:02 That was 60 pounds ago. So I really had to cut the bottom off on that. We, uh, Oh, I'll be the last, don't, you're looking at this. What are the last things? My website is not. What are those? I try to do what I do.
Starting point is 02:04:13 Was that marble? I'm back to that, please. It doesn't make sense what I tried to do. Go back to that. I do everything myself. Scroll down. Why is there marble? So what that you're looking at is my space, baby.
Starting point is 02:04:23 I didn't know how to put up my dates. So I started my own Instagram page of just the dates and it didn't work and so now it just shows marbles. So I have to figure out how to get that off. So if you'd like to see marble and fine granite and other pieces of stone, go to my website. If you're into countertop, my true tag on May 15th is comedy and verjude. I have a little bit of a so yeah. All right. So what's that? Well, I have it up. Pekipsi. That's a good room. I'll be highlighting that. The rest of the dates, I'm like, I'm with Michelle a lot. It's like, why am I going to tell people about that?
Starting point is 02:04:50 She's going to get everybody there. They don't need to come see me in a Mahonis on the 25th of May. They might want to throw a theater gig in there anyways. Just to live it up. I'm at Mahonis and I'm at Donahue's pub and fun. I'm going to be there. I'm going to be there. I'm going to be there.
Starting point is 02:05:04 I'm going to be there. I'm going to be there. I'm going to be there. I'm going to be there. I'm going 20s and on the 25th of May. I want to throw a theater gig in there anyways. I'm just livin' it up. I'm at my honies and I'm at Donahue's pub and fucking grill and hardsley. I'm at Biggester. Come on down. There's only 20 seats. I'm going on after the jazz quintet. Quintet.
Starting point is 02:05:21 Actually, I'd like to see some people. I am opening from a shelf, the NJPAC in Newark. I'm sorry to the third Actually, I'd like to see some people. I am opening for Michelle, the NJPAC in Newark. Sorry to the third. Sorry to the third. And my family is there. Is it? No, it might be. I don't know what she does.
Starting point is 02:05:31 It's crazy. She has all these weirdos who love her. I know. I love her. Oh, we all love her. She's, I do love her. And don't jump on the fucking bandwagon. I've known her, I knew her before you anywhere.
Starting point is 02:05:40 They did. Yes, I did. I did open Mike's with Michelle. When? When she came here. When she I did. I did open Mike's with Michelle when when she get came here when she can. Why? Why? What is
Starting point is 02:05:51 I did. I don't give a fuck you know before me. Then okay, I'm better than when Greg's having sex. He goes, I'm coming. Come on. That was hilarious. Before the Sunday waiting. No, I don't say no. You take it. You don't say no. Put it on me of face. I'm gonna fucking wear this like a do rag with pride. I hope you put it in your mouth. You know, talk for the rest of the show. All right. What else? Oh, please, just check out my podcast, the red, the red dude cast. Yeah, it sounds great. It is very funny. We do it. Remember to be happy studios, Becky's place. Becky's the best. She is the best.
Starting point is 02:06:32 And oh, make sure you go by a t-shirt, guys, if you're a fan of the show and go to my Patreon, access Robert Kelly up this week. I got a brand new YKW. no, one on one with Ray Ellen, a Rube Ray, aka Rube Ray, all how he started the, he's doing bits. He's talking over you without even talking. I'm not tying that up. He's trying to do visual bits. He's a fat redhead. They just need attention. They really are just constant attention. They really like shit shoes. They just, look at me. Yeah. I love shit shoes. Of course you do because you are one. You're a little fat shit. Fucking always begging for attention. I'm gonna throw you a snack. So anyways, yeah,
Starting point is 02:07:16 says Robert Kelly, new one on one up there. And we put the new little bit me and Mike Fanny. a little bit me and Mike Fanny, or as I have my phone, MOOC Fanny. Yeah, we shot that little thing called food rules. We had another one in pursuit, another one in a week or two, and then one more, it's a three-part thing, and then we're gonna write something else. So funny, as soon as I did that,
Starting point is 02:07:37 people are texting me, hey, why can't we film something? I was like, it's America, I don't know what you wanna say. I'm just fucking calm and say, hey dude, I want to film some. And I go, what do you want to do? I don't know. We should think of it in call me. I'm sorry that I, what do you want me to do?
Starting point is 02:07:56 Yeah. I call, I show Colin the fucking little thing goes, it's flat. That's great guy come again. I want to fuck him up. That's a fucking great Colin. And the inside of me laughed, but I refuse a laugh out loud for you anymore. What? Because I guess because you're my brother's day. It's Gabby. What do you got also laughable? Laughable. They have a new Android app so everyone get that drawing that in. That's us right there. See that's labby. Lab. You just call you labby. I don't like that. Also our Instagram is at YKWDude and Twitter.
Starting point is 02:08:30 Follow us there. You can follow me at Gabby is Brian on Instagram. I have a monthly show first Wednesday of every month at the way station in Brooklyn. Yes. And that's it. Yeah. I should've said some of that stuff.
Starting point is 02:08:42 That my Instagram too. Greg Stone or some shit. Sorry. It's great stuff. It's great stuff said some of that stuff. That my Instagram too Greg Stone or some shit. Sorry. That's great stuff for anybody. Oh Greg on Instagram at Greg Stone. It's Greg. I'm an asshole. Greg. Thanks. Thanks for having me. Hey Greg. Fuck you. I know. I'm really good at the end.
Starting point is 02:08:56 What do you get, Gab? I mean, back. Right there. Sorry. Two of my podcasters are here. Listen to the Rad Dude cast and sub podcast. Who's it? Follow me on Instagram. Your podcast and your podcast. Sorry, I stepped it. Say that again. I'm sorry. I did a sagalow to you. You mean we're hilarious. Rad Dude not that funny. Podcast. Listen. What is it? The Rad Dude cast and sub podcast. They're great. Yes. Listen to those podcasts and then we'll when they become successful, we'll bring them over
Starting point is 02:09:30 to the right. And we'll bury her network. You can't do that to Becky. Of course not. I will. I'll fucking crush that little one bedroom studio. You want to get a fucking pizza table and put some mics on it? I'll kill you Gonna borrow a fucking table from the Apple store you husband works that What do you got Chrissy besides beautiful hair and a shitty laugh?
Starting point is 02:10:03 Can't do anything about it. I was born with it. I'm sorry. You could do something. You could just become a villain. That would all make sense. Well, it's right, something, and we'll film it together. I told you, just fucking come on,
Starting point is 02:10:17 don't get it. You just did. I'm a villain, I'm something. That's a little villain. Right, not that cheesy on everything. yeah, it's a set podcast. All right, you guys are the best fans of the world Zach. What do you got? Zach the new guy if I can Zach nothing every time you hear my other podcast. He's fucking chiming in the my show He just sheds of Zach the new guy. He's the best you guys the best fans in the world. We'll see you guys next week. You know what dude? He's the best. You guys are the best fans in the world. We'll see you guys next week. You know what dude
Starting point is 02:10:51 You've been listening to the YKWD podcast Thanks for listening Now go back to your shitty jobs shitty jobs Check out for all the best podcasts on the internet And they're all free Con Volotea, la región de Murcia nunca ha estado tan cerca. Espectacularismos, monumentos, rincones de película y un sinfín de aventuras te esperan. ¡Fliparás! Vuelades de Madrid, Amurcia y a otros destinos que te sorprenderán a partir de 19 euros. Volotea
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