Robert Kelly's You Know What Dude! - The A-Hole Professor

Episode Date: September 30, 2013

Robert is joined by Jermaine Fowler, Dan Soder, Joe List, Luis J Gomez, Kelly Fastuca and Chris Scopo. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Activa es lúnico. Porque a diferencia de otros, Activa ha demostrado que sus millones de probióticos naturales llegan vivos a la microviota. ¡WOW! Y además ayuda a tu salud digestiva. Activa. 3 por uno, 3 por uno, 3 por uno,
Starting point is 00:00:16 3 por uno, 3 por uno, 3 por uno, 3 por uno, 3 por uno. Esta es la 3 por uno señal, que significa que ya puedes aprovechar tu del 3 por uno en medianas a domicidios solo pidiendo el line. ¿Saparao? 3 por uno, 3 por uno... ¡Ah, no, no, no! ¡Dominos!
Starting point is 00:00:33 Pitsa. Buscas contenido gratis. ¡Au, wanna be see! Fluto TV es el servicio de streaming gratuito con series como South Park o sensación de vivir. Descarga ya la aplicación en todos tus dispositivos. Pluto TV, ven a verlo sin pagar nunca. ¿Yoros escuchar a Robert Kelly, ¿qué es esto? En la network
Starting point is 00:00:59 All right, cheque. Aquí en mi día, ustedes siempre les preguntan a mi. ¿Cuál es el plan? Cuando me viene a mi canal. Cuando me viene a la Jersey, man, when he coming back to the Maryland, and well, here you go. Here are my dates. So get a pen and a piece of paper and jot it down.
Starting point is 00:01:16 October 10th, 11th, 12th, McGubby's Joe Kaus in Maryland. Love that club too. And then I'm back October 24th at the Revelle Casino, brand new Casino Atlantic City. I'm doing an hour show once you're only. That's a fucking good time. So get your tickets for that. October 25th, 26th, comedy works Albany. October 31st, funny bone, Sakura. Where is it Syracuse? That's the 31st through the third. That's a long one. That's up in Syracuse.
Starting point is 00:01:49 I think that's a new club, the funny bone in Syracuse, October 31st to November 3rd. November 7th, eighth, ninth. I'm in Toronto, Canada, for the Dark Comedy Festival, T.D. baby. December 6th, side splitters, all the way to December 8, in Tampa. Tampa, I love Tampa.
Starting point is 00:02:10 December 27, comedy shop, blackstone, blackstone. I don't know what the fuck that is. It's, it's fucked. My wife fucked up on this one. So, she's gonna have to fix it. But that's enough. You get it. Go to right now. If I didn't mention your town, it might be up on my website. If not, email me.
Starting point is 00:02:29 The club you want me to come to and I will make sure my agent is on it. So there you go. Okay, the intro for this podcast. I'm gonna start doing these after the show right after the show So it's freshen my mind the a whole professor is back We got Jermaine Fowler Really very funny young comic new to the comedy seller, but really good guy really funny Lewis Jay Gomez you fucking again. Yeah very excited today Lewis J Gomez, you fucking again, very excited today. Just yapping over everybody. I had time to shut the fuck up, 900 times.
Starting point is 00:03:09 So I apologize for the talking over. I know that we have a lot of people on sometimes and you guys complain about that, but I try to control it, but we're gonna start doing that before the show is telling people to shut the fuck up and not talk over each other. I wait until the show starts sometimes and I get fucking but whatever. Just deal with it. We got Dan Soda, Joe List, Chris Scopa, the new intern and Kelly Fistuka is back
Starting point is 00:03:38 from Australia. This one was a fun one. It was a little crazy. I needed this one today. I had a very fucking crazy night yesterday and Crazy day today and you know You know Life gets a little fucking heavy sometimes, and you know, it's one thing that I like doing is when I come in to here and Hang in there with all my friends and Make each other laugh. So This one was a fun one. I hope you guys enjoy it.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Please make sure you support us, support all the shows on Ryecast, go to iTunes and subscribe and leave a five star review. That's how you do it. Support us. Go there. Subscribe to this. Keep us on the top 150 or whatever it is. and tell a friend and make sure that you follow all of us on Twitter and Facebook and all that jazz and that's it man. We got all kinds of new shit happening. We can't wait for you to see a new website and new Nick DePolo's coming to the riot and more. We got more surprises coming up this year so we're working hard on this end to give you the best podcasts in the fucking world For free and you guys all you have to do is spread the word so here you go this podcast is
Starting point is 00:04:53 The a whole professor is back the asshole professor actually I put a whole cuz it's iTunes But you get the fucking gist of it corporate asshole that I am That's it. Thanks a lot. Dude. Hey gang, this is Colin Quinn. This is Jim Norton. This is Dennis Leary. This is Opie from a lot of things.
Starting point is 00:05:14 This is Bert Cricer. Staying cookin', you are listening to Robert Kelly's, you know what, dude? You know what, dude? You know what, dude? If you bippy, bippy, bippy, bup, dippy, dippy, dippy, diyah, bboo, dippy dippy dippy diyah, you have a drabba do. Dude!
Starting point is 00:05:27 This is Robert, tell me you know what dude! You know what dude? I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding.
Starting point is 00:05:58 I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I actually asked, I asked like a manager, should I remove it? And she's like, she's like, no, I think it's you. I was like, I hate it. I hate it.
Starting point is 00:06:12 I hate it. Testing one, two. Testing one, two. People don't realize it. And then they realize it. Testing one, two. Testing one, two. I thought it was, oh.
Starting point is 00:06:24 I hate it. I hate it. Fucking people, fuck with my fucking shit. one two testing one two Fucking people fuck with my fucking shit All right, yeah, you got I got scissors right here. Yeah, they're ready. I got them Yeah, I want purple. No, we wash these keep these these are $30 a bag Yeah,'m going to load tomorrow, second washroom. Yeah cool, take all those home, give me that one. I don't give you shit, I don't give you washing with your dirty Australian clothes with fucking reckless spoitism. All right, everybody, what color you want, Joe?
Starting point is 00:07:07 Um... Where are you sitting today? I want to sit over there. But I just sit there and that because there's a bunch of business happening. The show's on, I'm doing the show right now. The show's happening? Happening right to fuck now, Joe. Right now.
Starting point is 00:07:18 We can go or that. I don't give a shit. How you do, you have thing. I create this way. Where's my coffee? What do I Was just talking to my buddy my life Yeah, you're live. I don't think it's live, but it will be they'll think it's live. I don't have a I don't have a headset or anything who is a bunch more people coming. Why is it so quiet here?
Starting point is 00:07:41 Nobody's fucking here yet, Joe. Well, though, fucking yelling me. I'm not fucking yelling at you, Joe. I'm just saying to you, I don't want orange. You said the next one on the big. You said the next one on the big. I heard you say it. I haven't recorded. What do you want?
Starting point is 00:07:57 What do you want? Buddy, he's a civilian. He's very funny. He's a fan of the show. He said he had to stop listening the other day. Yeah. Physically threw up. Why? So where Kelly had to shit and you described her asshole after waitressing. I couldn't remember. It was a yellow and
Starting point is 00:08:13 brown goo or something. Literally threw up and stopped listening to the show. Where the fuck is the mic flag for that? You're a mic flag. Where is the mic flag for that microphone? The mic flag. Yeah, where is it? This thing. I don't know. It was here last time I was here. Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:08:36 Where is the rock cable? Where the fuck? This motherfucker. Um, so you got one more? this motherfucker what my rob spirits is numbers in my phone yes that is correct technically he's a fiat what? mother fucker
Starting point is 00:09:12 Why is not my fucking iPhone's not working? Come on, fucking answer the phone The fucking I don't understand why that is missing Paul Verzi Paul Verzi just called me um why is my phone not working Joe I don't know where is the mic flag you know that's Siri all Siri, where is my mic flag? Interesting question Robert Siri, you're a fucking cunt Cunt. Siri, would you blow me please? It does seem uncalled for. Learn how to pronounce your fucking words you dumbtwhat. I'd here we go Rob sprants. Hello?
Starting point is 00:10:31 Hey Rob. Dude where's my mic flag? Oh, under the camera. If it's anywhere it's under the... We're missing a mic flag and it's not here. Under the console. Under what console? To the right. To the right? There's a...
Starting point is 00:10:55 Yeah, but that's what it's back on though. Now there's no mic flag on the Kelly's mic. Or Kelly. Yeah, on Kelly's mic there's no fucking mic flag. Is there a mic flag in the middle of the three mics on the left? Is there a mic flag on the what? The three mics on the left. Yeah, there's a mic.
Starting point is 00:11:16 Yes, there is. Okay, that's not the one that never has a mic flag, so that one's just to go ahead and kill it. Okay, so it wasn't missing, you just put it on the wrong one. Yeah well don't ever do that again. You got it sir. Alright I'll talk to you later good bye you're on the air by the way. But did you find that cable when I was telling you to put the iPhone? No I didn't.
Starting point is 00:11:38 If you look to your left on the side of the plastic box down there. Yeah. If you open that drawer. Yeah. There's a cable there, that's the one. Okay, cool. And throw it in there when you touch. What are you doing for the rest of the day? I'm going.
Starting point is 00:11:55 All right, here we go. All right, so we're literally giving you six minutes of horse shit so far. We're going to be starting the show very quickly when everybody else gets here in one minute. Let me hit record. Fuck it. What's down the show right now? You know why? Because the meat and potatoes are here. Yeah. Yeah. Right? I'm the, you know the meat. I'd be the potato's I guess. And every, it's five o'clock on the fucking dot.
Starting point is 00:12:26 I'm not gonna. And now, and now, look, I gotta start. I got shit to, I'm here early, right? I got shit to do too. Chris was here on time early. How was he early? I actually walked around the block a couple times to not be here too early, because I feel like a weirdo.
Starting point is 00:12:39 Hey, you're a fucking, you're, you're a man of honor. That's what you are. Fucking, fucking strength and dignity. Big dick. No. It always bring up your dick. It makes what you are fucking strength and dignity big dick It was bring up your dick it makes me wonder. Do you have a big dick? I got a medium. I got a little above medium I got a thick I heard you had a thick paste. Yeah, I got a nice nice nice big list Hey, what the fuck Sorry
Starting point is 00:13:03 Listen, you have to struggle to listen. We'll move your chair, you fucking cunt. Hey. Hey. Hi everybody. Did you get that picture I sent you? Dayton Women's Convention? Did I send that to you?
Starting point is 00:13:16 No, you didn't. I think I did. No, you didn't. I fucking sent it. You didn't send it to me. Stop fucking yelling at me man. Oh man, have you seen this picture? You're gonna shit. I think I sent it to you, you dumb. I don't know. Show it to me. I sent it to everybody. Stop fucking yelling at me man. Oh man, have you seen this picture? You're gonna shit. I think I sent it to you, Adam.
Starting point is 00:13:26 Oh you called. I sent it to me. I sent it to everybody. Hold on, hold on, hold on. Pull it out. Who's that? Lewis J. Gomez. Hi. You're two minutes late, which in Puerto Rican time is on time. Like, like, 20 minutes early.
Starting point is 00:13:41 I didn't see that. What is that? That's the women's, Dayton women's convention. Right before I just a stage. There's four fucking women there in an auditorium You had to do that show. It wasn't an auditorium. It was a fucking air point playing hanger That fucking house to me Kelly's vagina That that that a This is gonna be a hot one. It's gonna be a real big one. What? That's a big show. What?
Starting point is 00:14:06 No, we got Dan, people are running a little late today. You should not consider him as Dan's here. I'm not gonna sit in this fucking chair. Absa fucking, a little late night. You should not consider him as Dan's chair. You want you talking on the microphone, your raspy douche. No, Louis should sit in Dan's chair.
Starting point is 00:14:17 He's starting to look good again, everybody. Yeah. Let me see, pull up your shirt. It's working arms. Look. Oh, that's gross. Jesus Christ. Oh, man. Oh, man. Jesus Christ. That was a, that was a,
Starting point is 00:14:27 you can have a mushroom clown. I'm actually, I'm okay with it. You guys could fucking make fun of me. Stand up again and show us again if you're okay with it. Like Chubby's mom's gone wild. Oh, look at the back. Yeah, it's a fucking mess, Bob. But, I want you to lift your shirt up.
Starting point is 00:14:41 You fat fuck. Wow. She is the anger. Jesus, I'm not sitting here totting. I'm not picking my shirt up, you fat fuck. Wow. She's the anger. Jesus, I'm not sitting here tooting. I'm not picking my shirt up in front of people. Check this. Yeah, check that. Look at this.
Starting point is 00:14:51 Fucking joke. Oh, shit, let's get this. Oh, look at this. Oh, shit. List, because from under his chest down, it looks like a little boy, but he's got the chest of a man. So it looks like, you know that little kid who's like on steroids that like baby Hercules?
Starting point is 00:15:03 Let me see it. He has baby Hercules body Holy shit. Can we do a topless podcast today everyone Buck Kelly? Yeah, I don't want to vomit. I said Yeah, her tits like you're back That's a good thing right? And Joe, put you I mean poop seriously. I'm sure it on it takes time What do you have a body like? Just leave it on You have the body of my fucking uncle.
Starting point is 00:15:26 Joe was 22 size jeans. I wear really small t- Two weeks in a row I've gone to a alcoholics anonymous meeting with a beer shirt. Last week it was James' thing. What are you doing? You're gonna make somebody snap. I got no, I wear a jacket over it. Really?
Starting point is 00:15:41 Yeah. All I have is booze shirts. What is the jacket? Already on his phone over here. Yeah, get off your fucking phone Get on is illuminated your phone is illuminated I cuz I fucking just made sure that it wasn't that I'm gonna plug it into a charges If I want to be charging you I won't be near it the whole time. Let me see it I'm not gonna throw a fucking piece of technology. I'm Bobby tech. I don't fucking do
Starting point is 00:16:03 technology. I'm Bobby tech. I don't fucking do it. Dance soda. Dance soda. Ladies and gentlemen in this corner. And, and your main is here. I know it was gonna be a black guy here. I have major problems with this. Look everybody. It's your main. Bobby just forgot his last name. Follow. I know his last name. I'm a fan I know it is it's Jermaine. No I just
Starting point is 00:16:31 with that fucking jacket he's wearing in that shirt that match. Hey watch the end word. No we're brown we're cool. Okay yeah go ahead no you're not sitting there Jermaine you're over here sweetie pie. Fucking really you are just an alpha male. I already feel it.
Starting point is 00:16:48 Wait, Jimmy, can you show your abs? Cause Jojo showed his buttery shit abs. Show me what we have. Let me see. Let me see. Oh, the liable ball. Where's the picture, bro? That's like fucking Mayweather abs.
Starting point is 00:16:59 Unbelievable dude. Wow. He's too skinny. He's got a skinny man's at six pack. Well, we got a full show today as yes, yo as yes, yo, yo, yo, big show crazy We got mainly regulars and we got a new guy a germane frowler Who and if you haven't guessed it so yeah, he's black He's like black black too. We've had a very lot of very white white
Starting point is 00:17:24 Monroe is not white white black guy. He just dresses white. He seems like black, black too. We've had a lot of very white white white. Monroe is not white, white, black guy. He just dresses white. He seems whitish to me. No Monroe. No Monroe's in like fucking and Philly and like foster care dude. He's like a fucking real Oh, Whoa, No, just like he wants more spots like he's been That's what he said. He's trying to get in the alt scene. He those glasses are just glass. Yeah So he said he's trying to get in the alt scene. Those glasses are just glass.
Starting point is 00:17:44 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We got, hey, Danny. Hi. Where'd you get your shirt, gayville? To see that band-in is going to be warming up a lot of times.
Starting point is 00:17:57 Wow. I picked it up with a mayoral run of a gayville. Mayoral. That only didn't work because you guys don't know what fucking mayoral means. I'm pretty sure I know what a mayoral man What you do when you laugh because you're getting zung. Hey fucking Who does it know what mayoral means? I thought a hard word you know it's really said it slow the second time mayoral He's and then you laughed you fucking gorilla. He loves mayonnaise. That's what I mean talking to Lewis Listen And then you laughed you fucking gorilla. He loves mayonnaise. That's what it means. Talking to Lewis. Listen.
Starting point is 00:18:25 All right, let me go around the room. We have Jumein, we have Lewis, we have the pet monkey, Lewis. But it's human clothes autumn. He's like a chup in a suit. So it's saved him down. We have Monster Voice. Hello. Apparently regular voice today. No, that's, how's that, that's monster is normal.
Starting point is 00:18:49 I don't like your, I don't like whatever it is going on with you today. Okay. You're actually very monotone. Actually, he was nervous that you was late today. That's why he's actually... Because I respect the podcast. Remains strolling up. I didn't strolling.
Starting point is 00:19:01 Like there are ones to do. And he was nervous. We might scream at him. That's why he's all like. No, Dan calls it. I told you. I told Bobby, Dan text me. Man, well good, man.
Starting point is 00:19:12 As you call, I'm good. But Dan shows up early all the time. Like he's like Joe Liss. They both are very white in the fact that they respect time. Unlike fucking. Lewis. Well, yeah, Lewis, he has no parents. So nobody taught him about time
Starting point is 00:19:27 The rules are unaware Yeah, monkeys don't know what they know a banana's are they don't know what night or day Where's your funny today Apparently you have it. This is like gorillas turning on each other. He actually came in and he said he was getting into shape again. We go pick up your shirt. He picked up a shirt. It's a mess. It's a mess. He looks like an unfinished statue somebody's carving. It's the a place that you left the sun haha
Starting point is 00:20:06 well nice that haha jesus christ three fucking dead ones i said the statue thing the funny one everybody left you can't finish statue though that's not as good that will you you didn't punch it up and make it better neither one is this is really great this is just the best time in our whole life
Starting point is 00:20:23 this is kind of sitting around with being silly. Come on, everybody. We got Kelly for some, we got Joe list. Well, they should be a big fucking hang on. I'm gonna get there. Every fucking time you got to jump it, Joe. Yeah, but you're running the fucking show. You're fucked up. Joe, we have two hours. I can't just zing to it. I have to slow draw. It's good. You already said it.
Starting point is 00:20:44 Joe, you do a fucking-minute podcast if you could come in zing zing zing and then fucking leave no fuck yourself is my impression here's my impression of a jolis podcast uh... welcome to jolis podcast uh... it's called blink with me uh... are you uh... are you mad at me? you mad at me okay thanks for listening to the episode hi it's jolis you mad at me? You mad at me. Okay, thanks for listening to the episode. Hey, at Show List, this podcast is called Small Sips. If you'd like to hear a Joeless podcast, you can.
Starting point is 00:21:11 La la la la la. I just think Kelly deserves a big hoop. She's getting it. That's where she's going last. But you started, it's recorded. You were like, Kelly. Listen, no, no, I went back to you. I know, but you got it.
Starting point is 00:21:23 I tease them because I correct. I tease them. No, you didn't went back to you. I know but I Teased them because I correct I teased them. They you didn't yeah Joe list is here Okay, home something big is happening Bobby has a new haircut. He's got long hair It's like We got Chris, Chris aka Fat Us. Yeah, it's like on the outside looking in. AKA, I have a weird birthmark on my lip. It looks like AIDS Spaghetti. Chris, all the time.
Starting point is 00:21:54 The darker, dunked Scopo. Chris, Midget Asgel. Midget Asgel, you need any help. I'll be right over here. You understand that Willow was the greatest movie of all time. You're Mad Martin! He's fucking Willow, that's what Mr. Colton was. That's what Mr. Colton willow put.
Starting point is 00:22:18 He's got just a midget, he's a midget from the 20s. What do you say? You're getting wise, man. 20s. What do you say? You're getting wise. And of course, last but not least, a lot of people have been asking for the return of not a lot. Three. Three people. Seven. That's 10. I've been asking for the return of Kelly Foster mom face for student. I was gonna call it die-cated. Jamaine, get off your fucking phone. There's no phones on the show. Do you remind you, Jackson? You turning it down?
Starting point is 00:22:54 What do you mean turning it down? You're turning it down? He's not a police officer. You're explaining it to a little bit of a head of work. That's what he's used to. It's not a gun. I'm not. Kelly, you're back.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Hi, mate. How do you feel? I feel great fine. Kelly, you're back. Hi, mate. How do you feel? I feel great. I feel good to be back. How'd it go, break? All right, Joe, how do you feel? I mean, I feel that we had a really good run. It shows and it makes a lot of fun.
Starting point is 00:23:18 I think Kelly looks sexy. She got a new haircut. I like it. It's like maybe she's less than a couple pounds. And she looks like a curator for a museum This was the coat Abraham Kelly's got the haircut of a fucking dolphin trainer Ever ever you should leave
Starting point is 00:23:42 Go back to hammer fisting ever ever you should leave go back to hammer fisting thank you very much go back to the woods fucking woods what do you tell me the I'm very side I thought it was really good but I wouldn't even put it in the top 10 you got a lot of good pearls but I agree that you should leave Kelly snorting is that new oh do you miss it listen I missed you guys what the fuck are you writing?
Starting point is 00:24:05 If I still go, where did you get your haircut? I'm in Australia. Really? Yeah, you were too short. I know it's a short. Is that Aussie rules haircut? I like it. Did you get caught in the door for the airplane as you were going on?
Starting point is 00:24:18 I like it a lot. I like it a lot. It's a fucking remained black. He left at anything. That's Funny though. Tell me when to the Australian barberance that give me the Nate Bargassing. He's got Nate here.
Starting point is 00:24:33 Yeah, you need a college hat. You need a college hat. Everybody on this side of the room has a different version of the same shitty hair. What are you talking about? All of you. Don't be mad that we have hair. You're just mad that we have hair.
Starting point is 00:24:44 I got a nice pull back. Yeah, he's got a fucking John Q sack hair. Just grab him in the last mad that we have here. You're just mad that we have hair. I got a nice pullback. Yeah, he's got a fucking John Q sack hair. Just got like a last case. You have hair. He really does. Joe has, I could be a wig hair. Let's go post got working on a car hair. Yeah, he has regular Joe hair.
Starting point is 00:24:58 It's like he's a 40's hair. I had the 50's. I had the 50's hair. Yeah. So do has never. So do hair. Nothing else. nobody has hair quite like your hair It's great. I've seen some I'm saying it's I've seen some floats and modigraw with hair like his Wait a minute you can laugh and then get and
Starting point is 00:25:20 I'm not yet, but you here's what you do this is what you do sometimes you convinced me that it's funny Because you like this he's got float and money Big whatever that was and I must I must you into laughing you do You think does the purple equivalent of flinching at you I've never been to money. Gras though It's in the Orleans. I'm not familiar with New Orleans. New Orleans. And then we got Jermaine, you got great hair too.
Starting point is 00:25:50 I suppose. He's got black people here. What the fuck does that mean? We're just... It's shitty. What the fuck? I don't need two fucking Louis' here, okay? You guys got black...
Starting point is 00:26:02 You always got black parts in the name. No, he's got black people here. He's fucking what? Nappy? Scrum my dishes with it. Dude, that hair will give you fucking rashes. If you touch it. You ever put a black guy in a headlock?
Starting point is 00:26:16 Murder on your forearm. Dude, I did that once the whole fucking inside of my forearm was fucking red for two weeks. The fucking result. But your mom is just not okay with all this racism. He's not laughing. He's not. He said nappy over here.
Starting point is 00:26:29 Oh, yeah. I just met you. The worst part is I've met Jermaine five times in my life. I don't remember you. Yeah, I know. Oh. We think your personality is nappy. Pass that.
Starting point is 00:26:40 Pass that down here. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. I got dances. Oh. Oh, gee. Oh. Dramaned for that down here Oh Jesus Christ Yeah, Lewis is a racist Lewis and George Zimmerman are not white. I just want to put that out there. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. You're welcome.
Starting point is 00:27:06 Well, I'm glad to have you back, Kelly. I appreciate it. I appreciate it. But I'd say this, Chris Scopa did a great job. I'm going to do it. And here's how much of a good job he did. We're going to keep him around. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:17 Because I'll let you know your donations and your supporting our sponsors. Oh, have allowed us to in the, you know what, did studios. We're going to be getting a U-stream video. It's being set up. We just got a new computer for the studio. So we're getting rid of this one. And we have a new one with a monitor. And we're going to have this one and we have a new one with a monitor and we're gonna have
Starting point is 00:27:46 Kelly's gonna move over to Bodusa Good boy. Oh, oh The show and Chris is gonna be the intern of the show. So Chris will be the I think Chris is better to do that because people don't give him a don't fuck with him as much as Kelly You know I'm saying Chris doesn't put Darryl in his Yeah, we also like so his personalities just now coming out of we all knew he was a fucking racist Maybe we would have been shitting on a little
Starting point is 00:28:10 Yeah, I mean talking to a microphone. I am you can get a little bit. I feel it's just like weird I feel like I'm on the outside looking in you It's like a cock right here. I got a hold up really for a robot dick writing. Yeah, it really does right here If it wasn't black would you be comfortable talking into Dude I like how sexy germane is what he fucks with you his eyes get squinted into his mouth open just a little bit. It's Keith I don't know what's up. They keep Robinson was in reason. Yeah, you infuriate me. I shut up for me You infuriate me. I shut up for me. I don't know. I'm a stop at your bottle. Yeah, you infuriate me. I just heard it. Straight happens. Straight happens.
Starting point is 00:28:49 Where are you from, Jermaine? Born in DC. Raised in Maryland. Really? Do you work the McGubbies? Yeah, once with Mike Burton. Really? Mike Burton, the magician? No, he's just a regular standup.
Starting point is 00:29:02 Oh, really? Is he a white dude? A black dude? What is he? White. White dude. Really? he white really now? How long you been in New York City since away my five years you been here for five years I've noticed it three months. I'll you say five years What the fuck is wrong you Lewis? What what are you doing fucking crazy? It's my friend Jermaine All right, well, what the fuck you're not from the hood from Niaq I'm from West Havestrow, which is the hood of Niaq. What is it?
Starting point is 00:29:30 What do you mean it's the ghetto area of Rockland County? Isn't that what get it? The orch? Yeah, I'm state. Oh, okay, okay I have trees and shit up where he was from yeah, yes on trees I'm not oh Jesus Christ. What I'm bombing. Oh my God. It's uncomfortable It's not my new friend. I've known germane longer than I've known most of the people in this room Not you're other me I'm all that I'm knowing you. I mean, yeah, I know now I met you and you were a fucking trench coat wearing assholes walking around
Starting point is 00:30:00 Look like you and a murder people instead of fucking make them laugh I'm gonna show on Tuesday up at Newsom tickets. He still do that actually You know I'm gonna stop by are you on the show? No, I'm just telling tickets to breathe hard unless now Harder less now I'm just a real hard All the time now you gotta control everything Your friends smashing you how do you feel now?
Starting point is 00:30:30 It's really mad Louis I've known him for longer than I've known what? For longer than? What's wrong with you? It's from Louis, you're quite You're giving me a headache, I don't know what's going on right now Relax, bronchitis boys Oh Too many I don't know what's going on right now. Uh-huh. It's a relaxed bronchitis voice.
Starting point is 00:30:45 Oh! Too many. I don't like that, fuck, can someone please give Dan a cocaine? Please. I don't like me. You have to have therapy. Yeah, did you have therapy today? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:58 What I tell you, Dan? You did? You don't have to have a tan today. Listen. I see you, Alan. You don't fucking. You're in a fucking emotional jam session today That's why I went out we didn't I say when he walked in you have fucking energy was weird. It's not weird
Starting point is 00:31:13 It's great. I don't need you normal. I need you fucked up and anxious and ready to go I think he's upset cuz it got rained on in Cal are you still the rain? I turn my mom's house flooding. He bringing it more. Did it really flood? Yeah. Your mother's house flooded. Yeah, all my pictures from when I was a kid. We're in the wall.
Starting point is 00:31:31 All three of them? That's like your dad dying all over again. I know. Jesus fuck. Man, I'm sorry. Listen, it's okay. I'm in a place where I can handle it now. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:31:40 All those memories died now. He's psyched. Do you remember Amy from Congo, the monkey that could talk? Yes. That's what I'm talking about. That's like, if she was a baby. Amy, Matt, Amy, Matt, Amy, Amy, one, Amy. But if Amy had the voice, it was like, Amy, all right.
Starting point is 00:31:57 Yes. All right, from Rock or Car. All right. Not now, yeah. I can use the N word Army say My dad went out by his own account not getting his life taken by a knife Wait, yeah, yeah, yeah, my dad was stabbed to death. Oh, that is actually wait now that I think about it is way cooler than I
Starting point is 00:32:32 Die, I'll just be super fun all the time I don't know by being the most hardcore Jimmy That one is underway more than the fucking hilarious. Drinking so much room. What do you think is better? Being stabbed or dying with just a shitty liver. We can't. The tuna margarita, Veltus, jamming your head.
Starting point is 00:32:55 We're in it! We're in it! I don't talk to my kid. Getting stabbed in an alley or fucking dying at Dick's last resort Tell that big headed kid of mine. I should I like them They'll never feel comfortable watching an emotional movie tell my hope that fucking ahead doesn't get bigger than it is. Tell him that that head's from his mom's side, the bitch. Oh, Louis. Please, put her in pairs.
Starting point is 00:33:32 Oh, Louis's dad is just going, Oh, he's coming on up. He's coming in my baby. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, Tell me who I know Tell me a monkey boy The blade is so sharp I H H H H My intestines I H H H I love that his fucking dad from Tijuana
Starting point is 00:33:58 I H H H H H H She's like a philippine Oh shit Is that philippine? Yes ma'am I don't want to fight Mayway, I don't want to fight. That's a pack of it. It's a hot pepper, it goes paper. Like it's bleeding to your sternum.
Starting point is 00:34:16 Did I eat a dragon pepper or did I get stabbed? I just, yeah. That's a dead skin phrase. What a flame made with a senior stab your dad. Come on. Come on. Every time Lewis opens a beer with that fucking cock can opener, he tries to suck it.
Starting point is 00:34:34 Oh, good job. You know, can I just say something? This is how I know Lewis is suck the dick. The way he put that in his mouth no teeth no teeth just lips yep max it against his tongue who's a naughty girl I'm a naughty god are you not getting who's not getting it for an hour an hour a minute and 40 seconds you got it sucking it now I think it's why the four years
Starting point is 00:35:03 of fuck a minute 40 seconds of us doing shitty jokes on germane being black. Yeah, Bob We do have a lot of footage of Louis sucking degraded. Oh, yeah, I thought you guys presents no food in the fucking studio I remember like koala's in Cherry Riding don't get mad at me. What is the don't get mad at me then? I know for Danny. I didn't fucking do it You can have some we'll take a break if you can have some. Not in the candy in the studio? Shut up. No. Dude. Why did you have candy? No. You ate candy, didn't you? I've never eaten candy in the studio. Are you crazy? I was testing to make sure nobody could do it.
Starting point is 00:35:32 God. Anyways, Kelly, so now that you're back, did you want to come back? Are you excited to come back to the show? Yes. Well, were you happy that you were away from the show for this time? Was it a relief? Did you need a break from us? Were you dying to get back? Did it scare you? That was just happy not to work for three weeks. Because I hate my job. But I missed you guys. Did you miss the show? I did. Really?
Starting point is 00:35:48 Was it hard for you to listen to it? I didn't want to listen to it without me on it. Really? That's fucking really egotistical of you. It is. It is. It is. It is.
Starting point is 00:35:56 It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is.
Starting point is 00:36:04 It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. But I missed you guys. Did you miss the show? I did really was it hard for you to listen to it I didn't want to listen to it without me on it really. That's fucking really egotistical of you It is You know do you listen to it? What do you want a beer? Yeah grab a fucking beer stop whispering What are you under 21? Just go give me a beer. Yeah Kelly's obviously telling me the same story. I will pick it up dude. It was an accident It's not an accident. You're a fucking ape. He's got tap out socks on.
Starting point is 00:36:29 What a fucking asshole. He's more sacks. Oh, you're fucking serious. Yeah. That's what he's saying. You are a real ass, dude. I am a real ass, dude. I fucking, I take care of, I buy shit from the MMA
Starting point is 00:36:42 companies that I respect. Really? Yeah. That's great. Good for you. They're glowing the dark tap out of socks. I buy shit from the MMA companies that I respect really yeah, that's great good Feel glow in the dark tap of socks They make my feet stink Now you know what a more sock to make the socks stink. Yeah, I think that's the way
Starting point is 00:36:56 There's not certain socks that you wear that just fucking make your feet sweat no no absolutely not I usually take a shower and my feet are good do I have this thing we got to talk about this My ass hole right now. It's called the dumb brain Absolutely not. I usually take a shower and my feet are good. Dude, I have this thing, we gotta talk about this. On my asshole right now. It's called the dumb brain. I don't know if it's in like what you had, but there's something going on in my ass. I'm the ass professor, what is it?
Starting point is 00:37:14 Wait a minute, wait a minute. Wait a minute, wait a minute. We have a theme song for that. It's another episode of Ace Professor! It's an episode of Ace Professor! We're Kelly Pestuga! Fischer! I did a Soviet SO problem! We can't leave for Stuka! I did a Fischer! Fischer!
Starting point is 00:37:28 I did a Fischer! I did a Fischer! I did a Fischer! I did a Fischer! I did a Fischer! I did a Fischer! I did a Fischer! I did a Fischer!
Starting point is 00:37:36 I did a Fischer! I did a Fischer! I did a Fischer! I did a Fischer! I did a Fischer! I did a Fischer! I did a Fischer! I did a Fischer!
Starting point is 00:37:44 I did a Fischer! I did a Fischer! I did a Fischer! I did a Fischer! Louis has a problem with his ass. Oh, Louis, what's going on? It's like, he was locked to the doctor. Don't look at me. The professor. The professor. I'm Dr. Gomez. You know what I'm saying? I'm sorry. There's like on my ash.
Starting point is 00:37:53 I thought it was a hemorrhoid at first. Like I woke up today, and I've been working out for the past like a week, like pretty hard. Maybe I got another hemorrhoid. So then I went into the bathroom. I checked it. I noticed that it's on like the side. I wait.
Starting point is 00:38:04 Stop, stop. I need to know how you can check your own asshole. With your fingers. Oh no. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. And Chameleon's nose. Chameleon really fucking said, and word was real.
Starting point is 00:38:16 That was like the one they don't want us to use. Yeah. That might have been the most sincere moment in the history of the show. Yes, right there. Come on! Oh, fucking crazy. I had that like, sit up straight where you're like, that was real. Shut up!
Starting point is 00:38:31 Shut up! Shut up! That's your main feels about Louis the way we all feel about Louis. You're checking him. You rub your finger on the inside of your ass, I'll rub the cheek. Slow down. Just slow down for a second.
Starting point is 00:38:41 Look your finger before you do that. So you rub your finger. I don't know. I didn't see Miggit's sex. That was like sex. You feel like. Just slow down for a second look your finger before you rub your fingers Didn't say make it sex-esque You're saying you masturbate to check your ass You put a mirror down there or you just check it. Oh, well, I put my one leg up on the the bathtub There I go Tap out socks this
Starting point is 00:39:01 Your feet stink because you put your socks on your hands while you check your asshole. Look at that. Listen, so you put your leg out, my foot up on the bathtub. All the bathtub. Okay, let me just stop one second, slow down. We need to get a visual on this. You put one, you're right now. Are you naked?
Starting point is 00:39:17 And I pull my pants down, I'm topless. So you topless? That's the fact I go on the topless. So you have no shirt on, but you have jeans or sweatpants. Do I have a bottle? Underwear, boxes. So you got boxes on, so you have no shirt on but you have jeans or sweatpants Underwear boxes. So you got boxes on so you pull your boxes off down my around my knees So how do you pull how do you get one leg up with the things around your knees because I like to challenge my core while I do everything The core of you is stupid Listen, how did you honestly got how did you put a knee up a leg up?
Starting point is 00:39:53 I put my I get you you a naked no, no, no, I pull them down like not around my knees But like around my thighs. So how did you put a leg up? Dude it's not that hard. They're elastic in the waist. It's it listen It's I get that you wear wooden boxer shorts, but I have elastic ones Wooden boxer shorts What am I Dutch I just imagine Lewis squatting over a mirror? I don't you have a leg up one leg on the left leg on the fucking is the left leg outside of the underwear a boat both Yeah, just do it show us
Starting point is 00:40:47 Oh, no, just do it show us No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, do we do? Okay, Kelly look Bobby would you see Bobby would you see Bobby would you see? Bob gonna throw up what would you say I'm gonna throw up? Explain it Bobby the purest form of growing up I'm gonna give someone very it was so hairy. It was so hairy I'm very to kitten and cookie dough Like if you push if you pushed a kitten into the center of cookie dough and let the cookie dough eat the And the kid was trying to find its way out It was so dark. Oh, I dig I dig it that on tape though. Why?
Starting point is 00:41:21 It was so dark. Oh, I dig, I dig it that on tape though. Why? Oh, come on dude, don't put my ass on the air. Why? Why was, why is your asshole? Why does it go light skin to dark skin to light skin? Look at you, sun paint. Like cotton.
Starting point is 00:41:35 It's black. Like a neapolitan. Yeah, I have a dark like, the line, let me tell you, the line that goes down my ass is pretty dark. Like, hey, we asked me. It's very dark. Up on my balls and thick. So it's like, I'm being like, like, like a dark hand just grabbing my ass is pretty dark like it's very dark my balls and dick so it's like I'm being like
Starting point is 00:41:46 Like like a dark hand just grabbing my ass hole. Can you do me a favor? What will you let Beatrice go? You just let her from all of well book now let her let her go. I need her to do that Let her go find somebody she should be with let her go Just let her take the kid and go Somebody she should be with let her go just let her take the kid and go Are you saying Lewis needs to have a white fang ending with his babies mom? I'm just saying I'm gonna go no one wants to her. I'm just saying I'm
Starting point is 00:42:21 Just saying I don't think bitches knew about what I What I just saw And she you know she's the one who confirmed that it wasn't cancer or a hemorrhage I showed her that's love Dude that is what she not only got to do it. She you know far. Do she was fucking right this right this down Right this down. I want to give 50 dollars to Beatrice Just you know How much looking at loose is ours is worth what so she's but here's the thing good. I can't get it out of my head You see what I'm talking. It looked like you look like a C rock, you know It was just dark and had like barnacles and like things swooping off Did you see what I'm talking about the bump?
Starting point is 00:42:58 No, so why popped it? Oh What came out? Oh, we like an oil did I squeeze it like Wait a minute. Why don't you how do you know you don't do it? Why it's always a pimple But here's the thing no it's bigger than a pimple and it's like almost like like it's long almost like it was like Like a row of pimples like two or three pimples on a row But it was like me imagine like a half an half as like herpes But it was like imagine like a half an half. It sounds like herpes. Oh really?
Starting point is 00:43:27 Don't say that you got fucking the ass Who fuck you in the ass? That's fine that I've anal herpes Listen, you can pop herpes. Yeah, you can. I know this Yeah, you can you can. No, I actually asked my doctor because I popped up with my dog. A guy who has herpes I mean if it's a blister you could pop it's like a blister. Why are you thinking I have herpes? You're talking about herpes? You're talking about herpes? I mean, if it's a blister, you could pop. It's like a blister. Why are you thinking that I have herpes on my asshole? You do.
Starting point is 00:43:48 Because you described what sounds like herpes on your asshole. It's all right, so someone with herpes in the ass. What's... What it also could be? What's the big deal? What it also could be? A friend of mine, he's comedian, right? He told me that.
Starting point is 00:44:01 Oh boy. I bet he doesn't say the same thing about you. That's... Well... Who, you got a name name? He just says a friend of mine. Right, he told me that oh boy, I bet he doesn't say the same thing about you Hey, you got a name name he just says a friend of mine. I don't like Dan therapy I'm listening. I don't like listening. I like interacting Dan. I'm interact you I look we need to switch the day we fucking do the show or switch your fucking therapy day because you're a human right now. I don't need fucking human damn. I'm supposed to done with therapy anyways. Yeah, thanks. Are you really? No. Oh. Never. Do we get any sponsors for Lewis for therapy? People with sponsoring in. Not one fucking person. Oh man. When I don't want to fix me, they want me to be me, the fans.
Starting point is 00:44:42 I don't have a problem with my asshole. People donated money for our sargaru dog. Don't know when donated money. I'm not a problem. I also people donated money for us. I got a dog. Don't know and donated money. I'm an asshole dog. Kelly. It's not because they like you more than me. Why is it? They thought you might be at the doctor the day of a show and they get you one. They get you off one show. Two words. Two words too long. I kind of liked it. I still was with him. I like the sentiment. He just fucked up the delivery.
Starting point is 00:45:00 Yeah. That's called that's called. That's called Lewis. So what kind of stuff came out? Was it clear? It was like a corner. I fucked up the deli. Yeah, that's what I was talking about. I just stood with an event. That's called Lewis. So what kind of stuff came out? Was it clear? It was like a corner. I think it's a pimple, honestly, but it's just a fucking weird, like, angle. Like the pimple's almost, I'm at you jabbed a pen in your ass at a side angle. Could be.
Starting point is 00:45:16 From the rubbing together. And you got to get in there when you shower. You got to really get in there. No, I do get in there when I shower. So I could be eating grown hair. That's growing sideways. No, because it might hair out. And you go in here, it doesn't pop.
Starting point is 00:45:24 Yeah, it does. Yeah, it does. Yeah, sure. It can't be. Yeah. So I could baiting grown hair that's growing sideways Yeah, what is it? I germane knows what is I'm Told me sometimes when he poops Some of the do do gets trapped in between his skin and his asshole and it grew over the years and Basically what you might have is fecal matter in your skin Don't pop it it might affect You you're trying to ask all what the fuck was just said Bro, right that he had poop under the skin like a lake in the colon Like then wipe his ass and then the skin grew around his friend is part poop
Starting point is 00:46:02 name's friend is part poop. It's grown into his DNA. That explained Den's Wilbur's act. The A. He's playing. I've never met him. I think they fixed it. What's the doctor I think? Got that poop out. You might have poop in you.
Starting point is 00:46:18 I don't think not. You got that old poop in butt. No, you got that poop in your ass. What did he squeeze in with Den? I was so one of my friends one day and he was walking for it I'm talking original Reginald said I got pooped I said what does that mean?
Starting point is 00:46:29 He said my Pup, I'm like a combry You got that poop in it like you might have it So if you pop it, just shit sprays out It wasn't shit to spray out of it No, no, no, no Here's the thing, what came out was like a pimple Okay
Starting point is 00:46:43 Like what's that, Puss? Pussy like clear and white like what's that pus like jesus like like clear and like white like juice Puss you know shit shit shit shit shit How many zits do you think we're in a row? If you're thinking it would have to be here's right the way I Now like a zit is like long ways, right? Let's say it's like it comes out, right? I mean this one is growing. We mean risen risen Right, right? A zit is risen. It doesn't it's not long ways, but con con fucking dumb asshole Longways like you know a zit is like a long way not the ones
Starting point is 00:47:17 Yeah, there's a look a zit you know it goes long right Lewis is describing like a cartoon wealth That's a zip though, exactly. That's like a... It's risen. It's risen, fine. All right, now I can do that. Imagine the, the zit or the thing, it went sideways. Like it grew sideways as opposed to the right shit.
Starting point is 00:47:36 That shit under your skin. Yeah, I might just have shit under my skin. You have herpes and shit under your skin. You have the furpes and shit. When you busted it, did it smell? Yeah, I mean shit, but herpes and shit under your skin the one of those shit when you busted it did it smell? Yeah, I mean my fingers did after Oh, you know, you popped it up when you busted it When you gave me the old ramp up party
Starting point is 00:47:53 And you know, you're not giving it to you Who do you call when you win shields busted? Asshole professor It's a house Teachery I know you don't mean that joke Joe. No one's had that problem before, besides our hair. I've had a broken hair. I had an ingrown hair a long time ago, early 20s. Was it when you were sexy, Bobby?
Starting point is 00:48:33 Sexy, Bobby. I could hearly in 1920s. And not that 20s. I couldn't find it. I remember I just fell out of a car with suicide doors and I, well, fall out of it. I just wanted to say suicide doors and then I threw in falling out of a car for somebody.
Starting point is 00:48:48 We wish that would happen right now. What do you mean, like how we get hurt? No, just suicide, how many get hurt? No, just that was funny Lewis. I got an ingrown hair in between my ball sack and my leg. On the ball sack, on the leg part, but I kept picking it, I thought it was a zit, it got infected, and I remember girls would be blowing me
Starting point is 00:49:12 and they'd stop. Like I had a chick stop, and she was like, yeah, what is that? And she was like, I'm good, I don't know what that is. She tapped out, it was so fucking nasty. And it took months, I had to just leave it. Yeah, and let it go and it he like Healed on its own. I really because what happens with ingrown hairs You so want to pop it so you see that hair. Yeah pull it. Yeah, and pull it out and and but it never happens like that
Starting point is 00:49:38 Well, yeah, if it's why you've had it done well When you let it wait for a little bit and you see like it poke up a little bit you get like Tweezer and just pull it up and look at you had it Yeah, but yeah, yes, I've had that for on your balls Yeah, I just put a else going on it goes away. Really? Would you look at your mains fucking evil fingernails? What the fuck is going on with your hands, dude? I don't bite him. He's got no sparrotu fingers That's a black thing get black dudes that their fingernails grow. Look at it, look at them.
Starting point is 00:50:05 I'm looking for a kitty cat. It's a red part. Kitty cat. Yeah. Yeah. What you doing, Mom? I'm here. I should have met.
Starting point is 00:50:17 Oh, great. What's wrong with it? I mean, it's fingernails. He's just got a long, it's nothing that's fingernails. It's the bets. They're not too long. it's just get long fingers. I'm gonna bite these shit, man. Yeah, Chris Rock would be like,
Starting point is 00:50:28 those are some long fingernails, motherfucker. Anyway, well, I wouldn't bite your fingers either, they're gross. Why? You get to do this, you would. What? I would. I just bite it, it's for the look, I don't mind it.
Starting point is 00:50:40 I'm gonna. To get him jiggy with it, record. We stop rocking like a fucking cypher. I always rocked up like an autistic kid that's into Will Smith. That's the thing. It's sugar. Yeah, definitely. Definitely get in jiggie with it.
Starting point is 00:50:55 I have references. All the lyrics and meanings. Definitely, welcome to Miami. Domino Ami Ami. Don't smith. Can someone, is Chris just staying there smiling smiling is that all he's doing? Put the mic it can't hear you talking to the mic Everyone's right here. Yeah racism come from a haircut. I can't see
Starting point is 00:51:15 Hey, Lou, you know you do put some toothpaste on the pimple wherever it is The two-piece will dry out pull out any extra oil is there if you put fucking minty toothpaste on your ass I swear to God Oh, it's me the best prank ever if that's like a worse than beauty or asshole Just fucking close my ass all shut. I would love it and go to a doctor's like that makes your asshole lose elasticity I don't know I don't think the doctor would call it an asshole. I would love it if it just bleached your asshole Your asshole is just white black and white Sure, watch off this toothbrush. It's burning my bottle. Why would you do this?
Starting point is 00:51:53 By the way, you can't say what's going on right like damn it's funny But normal Dan would a fucking boom. He would have nailed that. He would have boom I don't know what he's doing right there. No, you know, I'm telling I'm giving you an honest assessment Friends do and I'm a real ass dude. I will add mother fucker. That's right. That was a quiet Dan All right, man. I like it. Dan's first of all Dan don't listen to Joe Don't ever listen to Joe. I think it's a great day. He seemingly wants you to fail. You're looking, you're quiet,
Starting point is 00:52:26 and then you come in with the thing, and you're saying not loud enough. Louis Gomez is telling you you're not loud enough. Louis J. Gomez. Whatever. The J stands for real jerk. The R is silent. I think you're married.
Starting point is 00:52:41 I think Chris is a little racist. Yeah. Jermaine's doing a nice thing over there. I'm not sure what it is. Lewis is always good-ish. Kelly, I mean, what a bummer. Uh, Bobby, you're dropping the ball, but you know, I think we're doing all right.
Starting point is 00:52:59 I think we're doing good. I think this end is doing fantastic. Right. I like Chris' good. I think, I just got brighter in Right. I like Chris' good. I think I just got brighter in here. Now I got Duckrugan. Um, what? You notice that, right?
Starting point is 00:53:10 Am I having a stroke? Yeah, that's what I'm gonna be. I hope so. Oh, another one make me have a tiny mouth. Tiny mouth, fuck it. Yeah. Can't even tell he's having a stroke because it's so small. I'm like, guys, look real close.
Starting point is 00:53:22 Real close. That, I got one of those diamond appraisal things on Meanwhile scopes like scopes to sit in the corner going the blacks of the juice muscles That's not true, is it? Oh shit. I can't believe you whipped out your asshole. I can't believe that. How can you not believe that? If you were like,
Starting point is 00:53:55 whipped out his asshole, but yeah, that's just what Lewis does. That's the only one we do. But this is the thing, if I knew my asshole, and he does know his asshole looks like that, it's just the darkness. It was like looking to a black hole. It's terrible.
Starting point is 00:54:10 You ain't spread it. Yeah, he did. It's the same creepy thing. I have it on video if you want to see it. No, thank you. Remember like looney tune cartoons and they would throw like they had like a black circle and then they would throw it on the wall Yeah, he would run through it. Yeah, the next guy would try. Yeah, look like that asshole. Yeah, you have a black asshole like a ring Like your asshole is a grunt like a circle My assholes like a videotape from the ring It does give me a creepy feeling
Starting point is 00:54:40 Like staring at the woods at night when you have a new ass you can totally pass on to other people And doesn't go away. Yeah, your asshole is really dark and nasty I'm staring at the woods at night. When you have a New Yorker, you can totally pass on to other people. And it doesn't go away. Yeah, your asshole is really dark and nasty. Was it really hairy? No, it's not. No, it's pretty hairy. It's hairy.
Starting point is 00:54:53 It's hairy. You see the hair, that's half the dark. Yeah, we need to worship hair. Do you get shit stuck in like the hair? No, I ain't telling you. Look at everyone's asshole. I'm not letting you see my asshole. Gross butthole.
Starting point is 00:55:04 I'm not letting you see mine. Damn, let me see your butt hole, dude. What? No, I don't want to see your butt hole. I'm not letting you see my ass. Oh roast but hold I'm not letting you see mine. Damn, let me see your butt hole dude I don't wanna see your but hole you want to see Dan's but oh everyone's but holes. Let's get him on Show your butt working in towards Kelly. We'll see her for joining Looks like Lewis's but hole Kelly's vagina looks like something the fucking enterprise can go through. The starship. We just found out there's 300 other planets and Kelly's pussy.
Starting point is 00:55:37 How was it bad? This is what bug me about it. He got so excited. He looked at, we just found out and he took a pause. Wait for it. I got pause. Where it for it? I got one. Kelly, how long? A little more.
Starting point is 00:55:49 Hi. How long has your asshole been fixed? It's all been good for about a year. A year, yeah. And it's 20, 12 butthole. So your asshole doesn't bleed anymore? No, nothing good. But you can't get fucked in it still, right?
Starting point is 00:56:06 No, I've never been fucked in it. I had an anal fisher in my asshole, which is like a tear that happens inside your ass. How the hell? That was my New Testament college, the anal fisher. It just happened. Yeah, sometimes it could have been like I was stuck in a long hole flight. Too many hard shits three times.
Starting point is 00:56:24 Or she's not wiping my ass. Or her diet of eating broken glass. Or her fucking her addiction of fucking heat. Black cock. It wasn't in the asshole. No, I've never had a dick in my asshole. You know how to mask cock in your mouth? No. Do you have a cock in your mouth?
Starting point is 00:56:38 How about a thumb? Hey, you know what? You know what? You know what? You're better than a canning in your asshole. You're gonna meow before he say it. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:56:46 Wow. He's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like,
Starting point is 00:56:57 he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, What the fuck is this it's a cat hand Joe? I know I thought it was funny. Zeus?
Starting point is 00:57:05 Louis stop holding his, no dude, it's a cat. He's not your black toy. Oh, funny. It's like the toy with Brian. Stop holding him up. You're my, no, you're my toy. That kid got in the gay porn. He did, the kid, the kid, the kid, the kid from the toy is in fun. Well, no wait stop. He's not in gay porn. Okay. He got under regular porn
Starting point is 00:57:33 He did regular be new to gay porn. Who is evil? from The vampire movie there Interview with the vampire top cruise. No, that's the one Yeah, um interview with the vampire top cruise no that one Bellagosi fright night fright night. Oh, oh the original fright night evil the eighties one He because I'm I swear to God one night watching gay porn. Oh Dramas up Dramas at home looking his hand Dramains at home looking his hand
Starting point is 00:58:10 Lewis's home's thinking shit in his ass Look, Beatrice I can make a talk Beatrice I've put so much shit in my ass all the skin around my ass all died Like a tree growing a new trunk Did you make her busted or did you bust it? She wouldn't bust it. I asked her to. I asked her. She refused. I wonder why. Wait, so the vampire, the kid from the...
Starting point is 00:58:33 The kid from Fright Night, evil. The kid did gay porn too though. I don't know. We can go do it if something... If one of these fucking other cock suckers that is supposed to just... Hey, let's find out. He's got my... My old boss, he be gay porn really? Dan soda was your old boss
Starting point is 00:58:51 That's funny That's why you're in therapy It's too tasty dick in my mind. Can't erase it. There's second Alan's cotton back from the show. Don't say that all right. Sorry. I did you know what Why would you say that I took it too far? It's not funny Bobby. So whoever you said to Dan on the show So I hear you're apparently saying that he sucks my cock when I'm trying to help him emotional Anybody's a faggot it's you Bobby. You're a pussy probably yeah Um, yeah, he didn't know that's our therapist. Oh, oh, the rest of your movie? Yeah, he did. No, that's our therapist. Oh, he got the same joke.
Starting point is 00:59:26 Yeah, he, um, yeah, he did gay point evil. I was watching the show one night, the one cable access TV, New York, which is the most amazing cable access on the planet. Yeah, of course. And, um, because anything goes. Sure. This everything, everything goes. I remember the first time I ever watched cable access, I was when I moved into Billy Burr's apartment on the up on what East side. I was so scared
Starting point is 00:59:48 It was my first night in New York. It was way through time I turned the TV on and there was a dude in a cop outfit Getting his feet sucked by another dude in a cop outfit and you were like I was I wanted to call something like dude. what the fuck is, and it was just sucking his toes. I'm listening to his name. His name is Stephen Jeffries, the actor who played evil is openly gay. And he played in films like Cockpit and guys who wear craved big cops. Now, the fucking movies he was in.
Starting point is 01:00:21 That's all I asked to. Get him on the movie, Diner! Right? Get his picture. Get it it let me see get it yeah okay yeah get it thank god that i'm watching the thing that i was what ever happened to evil from friday
Starting point is 01:00:34 and he he was he was actually on his way to being a fucking huge star and he fucking went and did a little of the cock they show spin up Yeah, he goes and with a headband on where he kind of bends over to go. He's giving me that fat dick. Did he roll back with it? And it's like, what the fuck? He reverse pockets to a dick. Roll back was to a day. He did a three cone shuffle pack and the fuck Bobby he played in listen to this fucking resume He put in a lot of movies actually go go go he's coming out with three movies next year
Starting point is 01:01:25 do not uh... now they're regular movies right to what he i want to know is i want to know is movies back then mister uh... back then uh... hollywood loves a comeback yeah come on he's got a lot of
Starting point is 01:01:38 that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that know what? Did you mean it? The heat from the toy, not only was he in that, I forgot this, he was the kid who stuck his tongue on the pole. And, uh, I'm a Christmas story. Yeah, I've got him in Dumber. Dumb, dumb. He believes.
Starting point is 01:01:54 He stuck in his pole. Uh, Oh, you really botched that one. Yeah. No, it was gonna be a joke, it was gonna be a real joke. I don't care. Hard to fuck up a joke about a guy famous for sticking a ton of bull becoming a gay point. How did fucking Joe's, Hollywood loves a comeback and we're talking about a gay point
Starting point is 01:02:12 style. Not that not that one. Joe, I didn't even get it. It was in the main, you made the come on the back. Because he was making three normal movies. Wasn't that your nickname in Australia Kelly before you made it? Come back. It's come back.
Starting point is 01:02:24 Um, what about one of the movies? Okay, so his last regular movie? Australia Kelly before you come back. It's coming back. What about one of the movies? Okay, so his last regular movie? Yes. Was Wild Blade. And then he played Moon before that. It was Moon 44. What would play?
Starting point is 01:02:36 The Road Raiders. Okay, go ahead. 976 Evil. That's, oh, that was what it was. 976 Evil and he was in Fright Night 2. You can see his 976 Evil in Diner. No, dummy. Go ahead. was what it was nine seven six evil and he was in fright night too the case is nine seven right evil and diner no dummy go ahead the chair go ahead uh... amazing store assist a web series uh...
Starting point is 01:02:53 fraternity vacation in heaven help us that's it and then before and then he got into the porn in uh... that's all the movies he was in yeah all right what sex on the beach i'm taking as a point he was in indiana now i use your it will less i am db's line to me you're thinking of paul riser and then the little girl from family matters has done porn which one really yeah i knew that what what family what family matters
Starting point is 01:03:21 the turtle heracle heracle yeah no she did, she was big in the point I think She went in celebrity rehab. Yeah, it's lower fish burns daughter still doing it I don't know, but that's fucking brutal. She uses last name and everything No, what a fuck you to your dad? You're not even giving yourself a nickname Wow like like really? Yeah, hoodlum What was it? What's the movie this? Huh, right? what he did. We're gonna help you with your fucking bombs. I want to
Starting point is 01:03:49 I was said so earnestly. I'm gonna fucking help you with your bombs. And this guy he's getting he's getting back into movies. He's in a bunch of movies coming up. Yeah, what movies though? Are they good movies? I just regularly in Lazarus 2014 the diary of Randy Rose. Oh, Randy Rose. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh You have to rules the American I tell my ass kick by the big show the other day. The full horseman came and broke my On Anderson you break my mom will come after you I'll tell you what I fucked that kid and I'm 76 he will In the key from the toy
Starting point is 01:04:42 Yeah, the key from the toy did some porn I don't know. Yeah, though. No, he wasn't gay porn. It was just regular porn. He did just regular porn. But there was a big scandal in porn two weeks ago with the AIDS. I thought it was six. No, this is that last month, they found three, but before that was bunch more. Anyone famous? Anyone good? Louis got it just from watching Lewis looks like his asshole has a Legion There's something wrong People got eight actually a Brazilian porn
Starting point is 01:05:26 Here's what happens to the guys in porn they go and fuck they put gay porn They get AIDS and then they bring it back to fucking normal porn to our girls. Yeah No money to miss That's what happens to everyone knows it's the queers the guy Throw out there having queer sex Wait, are we not gonna pretend that AIDS is pretty much gay and black thing? I know it's the queers that get bored. They're all out there having queer sex. Wait, are we not gonna pretend that AIDS is pretty much gay and black thing?
Starting point is 01:05:49 Wait a minute. I'm kidding. It really is. That's like, I don't know. I wasn't kidding. I did. First of all, it's not a black thing. It is.
Starting point is 01:05:57 It is not a black thing. It happens to be that in some poor countries where they don't have the education, or the vaccines in Africa. They are talking about a different country. No, yeah. Look up the statistics for who has AIDS. I looked up.
Starting point is 01:06:12 In this country, it's gay people in black people. I know. I do know that. On top two in New York. And who are Harlem and Hell's Kitchen have the most AIDS. Yeah, gay and that's true. Is that actually true? Yeah, that's a true story.
Starting point is 01:06:23 I tried to do a joke about it. I was at the fucking STD clinic a lot and they have a video I was at this they have a video they play and it's like a 20 minute video about how aides is riddling the gay community and then it They're riddling this showing up going pyramid Riddle me this What is You know, okay, you're abu
Starting point is 01:06:44 And has no white tea blood. I don't know Riddle me this take a dick with no rubber Take a dick with no rubber Put it in an asshole. What do you get? My favorite part of the whole bug is briefly I'll be couldn't come up with a riddle so we play the dance But it goes it's real it's riddled like a I That's not true. That is not true. I saw you fucking black and then I was like,
Starting point is 01:07:25 so do it, take a look. Not true. Not true. I'll tell you the truth. I had one, but Dan was going, and unlike you, or you, or you, I'm not really you, but you, I don't talk over people. I pointed to let him go.
Starting point is 01:07:42 I had one pin the fuck not as good as I Look that is not a shit. There's no way to prove it, but I saw it in your eyes I know where the joke should go Daniel All right, I'll tell you what a really is what happens when you take five fingers and you ball them up into a fist. I'm gonna knock you out. That's what that is. Riddle that. Anyways, I was there on the passing crime. I thought Lewis would at least back me up on the fighting.
Starting point is 01:08:16 Yeah, beat him up. Retune his fire learn since what gets my butt hole all lumpy. I was in the waiting room at the SD clinic. There's like a 20 minute video about how AIDS is. What you call your office? I don't get this calls for her the way from home. Oh my God. Yeah, there's a cup with a small little hole at the top.
Starting point is 01:08:37 Joe, let's office. Joe has a chair with his name on it. We walked in as like cheers. Joey! He's the norm of the freak list. We walked in as like cheers See you tomorrow, Martin. You're the most cherished of a baby. Yes. You're the most cherished. Anyway, it's a great, herbie joke. All on edge, joke on me.
Starting point is 01:09:16 But minorities are riddled with AIDS. Jesus. What they play in a video, it's like a 10 minute video about how AIDS is fucking I have the stats right here I have Shut up you fucking monkey Video about how it's fucking killing the black community and then the gay community I You the most of the white people high-five and it's just Joe comes out in front of a green screen. Hello
Starting point is 01:09:54 I didn't see a standing there Go ahead I got nothing but you go. Oh, hello. Hey, you black You're standing there. Hey, you a black guy this video riddle you don't take my wallet that's a thing Hi, I'm Joe list. He has a right. I'm probably sitting in the corner right now You're gonna give me a wave Don't touch me. Yeah, he's written monkey Hey, I only got to become racist. I'm telling you fucking what's up, and he's gonna back me up right here. No, my facts are gonna back you up the facts will back you up Chris
Starting point is 01:10:30 Chris Chris and we go to the fact Chris I Black people scopa Are we good? Oh, okay, all right shut the fuck up with yourself. That's a new stats theme song motherfucker Shut the fuck up with your son. That's a new stats theme song, motherfucker. It's a thing. It's not a theme song, man. It's just going,
Starting point is 01:10:48 it's not even a tempo, you don't do the same way every time. It's like San jazz. It's like San jazz. It's like San jazz. It's like San jazz. Everybody's in it. It's a shot song. You know, shot, shot, shot.
Starting point is 01:11:01 My one person listening, that's not bummed out that you're doing that I actually had a guy Can I just say something I had a guy donate money to the podcast to keep losing off the show Their mother fucker dude. I said he goes he goes this more to come just keep that asshole off the show Yeah, dude fuck you and fuck you're ugly. Hey, hey, don't say that about kids. Literally. Fuckin' take that back. Take it back. Sorry, just fuck you, I'm gonna get it back.
Starting point is 01:11:28 No, no, no, take it back. I, Bobby took it back. I fucking wanted to keep it in. Hey, you don't fucking say fuck somebody's kids. My kid was ugly, I wouldn't say it. Your kid is fucking scary. He's not ugly, but he does see. He's gonna murder a hooker by ten
Starting point is 01:11:51 Guaranteed you're desensitizing him watching UFC all the time holding him up like Simba at the TV Mostly normal to punch another human Simba think it's a better thing than I have of course, I'll put it is Choker got me all checked This is back, this is back, this is back. Wow. Oh, you say that. Oh, that's a good one. It's an evil show today.
Starting point is 01:12:29 I can smash that little one. It's going to get more evil when we find out about these queer men. All right, black. The pistachio. Yes. Ah. Ah, please let it be the name of the podcast.
Starting point is 01:12:40 Queer is in black. All right, listen. What you got, Chris? Oh, shit. Chris. All right. The stats. Now, we're going to, now, you understand, this, a. What you got Chris? Oh shit. Chris. All right. The stats.
Starting point is 01:12:46 Now, we're going to, now, the understand this, a lot's riding on this, my friend. I mean, we got one guy saying that the blacks and the queers are responsible for AIDS. I didn't say they're responsible. No, the Jews are responsible. No, the Jews are responsible. No, you didn't say they're responsible.
Starting point is 01:12:59 We said to, the old people. I know, that was the joke. The Jews created it to get rid of the blacks in the games. Right. And if you're white and you have AIDS, you're stupid. You are heterosexual and white and have AIDS. You're heroin addict. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:10 Right. How about if you're just, if you don't fuck dudes, you don't use drugs and you're white and you have AIDS. I don't know who that is. Ryan White. Let's range read them. All right, go ahead. What is that?
Starting point is 01:13:23 Well, first off, one in five people living with AIDS don't know they have AIDS That's great for hype conjure. All right Dan has a I've been waiting for you guys to start a little clap like that Yes, you got tested a week ago. Yeah, Dan doesn't have AIDS. Yes. Where have you fucked him the past week? You might have a yeah a guy a good Fuck the black gay heroin addict. Yeah, I was like get in there. Where did you fuck it? Did you fuck already? All right one and five 20% HIV in the United States is all in the US. Yes, by race African-Americans face the most severe hiv bros
Starting point is 01:14:05 what's the percent of the ninety percent of them is not what the fuck what the it's got to be listen sluice list of four second Lewis what the fuck is wrong with that is so much that anyone near as bad as anything Joe is just said in the past ten minutes
Starting point is 01:14:19 but it was smart anything fucking racist at all wait wait wait character and excuse me of con by people monkeys Specifically said that he hates all blacks and gays and he hopes they all get AIDS and why am I getting ridiculed? You know what Lewis? Your voice is as evil as you know what?
Starting point is 01:14:36 You know what? You're man. Just let him sit in that one that fucking bomb. I'll be sitting your hemorrhag to pops again Apparently Jermaine doesn't listen Listen, you're supposed to call him J and pops again. Apparently Jermaine doesn't listen. Yeah. Listen. You're supposed to call him Jermaine, by the way. Jermaine. Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine,
Starting point is 01:14:53 Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine,. Who the hell would you watch, Jenga? Alex Hayley? Yep. That's a guy.
Starting point is 01:15:09 I was surprised that this doesn't quoting roots. But your phone away. I was going to show you how this, uh, I mean, who did this? This racist. Joe Liss jerks off the roots. Uh, by, by risk group, gay, bisexual, uh, they're the most, uh, severely affected by,
Starting point is 01:15:24 you know, there's no fucking numbers. There's no fucking numbers. It just says the most scop of, sexual most severely affected by a number of other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other other a other other other other other other other other other other a other He would know when he gets angry he just does squats Just do air squats of the gym old. They long lift it up lift it up What all right? I got I got I got I got a mad Madigan Lift blacks represent 14% of the US population with AIDS with AIDS Not just the US population think I just say with AIDS at the end of every day. They accounted for almost a day. What do you mean by a day? It says while blacks represent 14% of the US population, they accounted for all of the blacks half, 46% of people living with HIV in the US in 2008 as well as estimated 44% of new infections in 2009.
Starting point is 01:16:24 HIV infections among blacks overall have been roughly stable since the early 1990s. So it's stable. Yes, it's a good one. Hispanics Latinos represent 16% of the population. So you got more than blacks, 16% of the population. The population. He's on the population.
Starting point is 01:16:40 OK, good. Lies. What the fuck are you saying? In 2009, the rate of new HIV infections among Latino men were two and a half times that of white men. And the rate among exteno women were four. What did I say? Latino? I know it says Hispanic and Latino.
Starting point is 01:16:57 I fucking mixed the words. What man? I'm not Hispanic. Why? Can you stop for a second? Stop for a second. Well, why? Where are you? Why do you get so angry, Chris? I'm not angry. He's like are you, why are you so angry, Chris?
Starting point is 01:17:06 I'm not angry. He's like, what are you doing? You're doing just one. I fucking mixed up some time. I'm gonna do that. I'm gonna jump with you to the mirror. You'll notice that there's 60 minutes. Look at me.
Starting point is 01:17:20 Sometimes when it's just fucking the spanish, I see a spanish. Stop, fuck is wrong with you. A lot, Bobby. ¡Pues, por lo que te pude! ¡Pues, por lo que te pude! ¡Pues, por lo que te pude! ¡Pues, Bobby! ¡Pues, Bobby! ¡Pues, por lo que te pude! De la Fundación La Caixa, puede estudiar en las mejores universidades y centros de investigación del mundo. Tu talento te mueve. Solicitate u beca en Fundación la Con Volotea, la región de Murcia nunca ha estado tan cerca.
Starting point is 01:17:55 Espectacularismos, monumentos, rincones de película y un sincín de aventuras desesperan. ¡Fliparás! Vuelades de Madrid, Amurcia y a otros destinos que te sorprenderán a partir de 19 euros. Volotea. Parifa sujetas a disponibilidad, consulta las condiciones en ¿Qué pasa? ¿Qué pasa? ¿Qué pasa? ¿Qué pasa? ¿Qué pasa? ¿Qué pasa? ¿Qué pasa? ¿Qué pasa? ¿Qué pasa? ¿Qué pasa? ¿Qué pasa? ¿Qué pasa? ¿Qué pasa?
Starting point is 01:18:22 ¿Qué pasa? ¿Qué pasa? ¿Qué pasa? ¿Qué pasa? ¿Qué pasa? ¿Qué pasa? ¿Qué pasa? ¿Qué pasa? ¿Qué pasa? ¿Qué pasa? He's the Tissot. Uh, here we go. I did not. He's fucking ass burgers. Well, I'm getting accused of being racist. It's the saying that all black, all black. You just said it! You just said it racist! Joe is racist! Joe is racist! Joe is racist! Thank you for not chanting, Germain.
Starting point is 01:18:36 I appreciate it. We have a kinship, right? Why are you looking at me like that, man? I was anger. I'm saying that the people that are fucking struggling with AIDS are blacks and Latinos. And I call the fucking racist. I think the numbers here. They're suffering me up.
Starting point is 01:18:51 They're suffering people. So his teeth just get on the way. I just flumped the whole thing. Google white heterosexuals with AIDS. Yeah, you're like zero. No one has them. It's impossible. You're gonna zero no one has him it's impossible No, it's a show space
Starting point is 01:19:14 I'm a kill for that job I met my what aids What is it? I'm doing your own HBO special Heads up there, but what's the H.O.? How you doing your own H.O. Special? I'm serious, it's gonna be my case. My case out, my case. No, why did you just... Why did you just...
Starting point is 01:19:27 You started pacing back and forth? I didn't even want to ever see someone with AIDS. Dan's walking if you can't. But he's just looking at the front row. Hey, look at him, I like... I don't know, I didn't know people had AIDS. You didn't even notice that shit. Yeah, they...
Starting point is 01:19:41 They always look at the front row, like they're in a small club. There's 13,000 people at the show Yeah, man, where'd you get that shirt motherfucker? Nobody can hear him. I would make a strong case And I'm the only one that's not said something wildly racist on this particular episode. Well, I have a black girlfriend So I'm good why I want to know why No, she's jealous of my ass. She's jealous. She's jealous. She wants my ass. Your girlfriend's not black. She's half black She's not as she's as some people say Milano, but you need it. Don't be so negative the glasses has Milano. Oh, I know
Starting point is 01:20:13 She's half watch. Listen in my jokes. She's she's Milano. She's a white cookie with a little tiny sliver of chocolate in the middle just enough a little tiny sliver of chocolate in the middle just enough. Peppered farms. Yes. How long have you been black? 25 years? Are you 25? You're a young buck. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:20:31 You have a young and successful years. He's not even successful. Exactly. He's done pretty good. What do you got going on? Right now, I guess my pilot didn't get picked up recently. What was it? It was a sketch show for a comedy session.
Starting point is 01:20:43 It was a sketch show. Yeah. And they didn't pick it up. Another one. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, they have two. They have one. They have two. No, fuck no, they got it.
Starting point is 01:20:50 They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three.
Starting point is 01:20:58 They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They have three. They That wasn't a sketch that's gone. Oh, no mind three then really yeah, and why didn't they pick yours up? I don't know And it test well It in test well. Will you win it a lot? No
Starting point is 01:21:12 I knew that was No, no, I did I was a feedback had it a test Go ahead Lulu I called you Lulu I Called you Lulu Lose locked it though Jameen is just Jameen, but then he gets real ghetto everyone's in my go Lulu my fuck The fuck is going on
Starting point is 01:21:36 You know it ain't get yeah, that's too bad. I'm sorry man. That's all good happens now We know everyone I want to know about this you know when Nice all good happens now. Well, you know, I want to know about this You know when um, when it when it when it when it happens losing count of his pilots Hang on when it happens oh When it happened when you realize it it didn't get picked up did you get the phone call when you from your age and your manager Manage your manager called you up. What they say all he goes, uh, you know, uh, well Y'all y'all y'all remain the shit cousin son
Starting point is 01:22:11 Yo real quick on the good news you don't got a You clean you part of 84 percent my Just said you know it didn't tell us well and I was like, ah fuck I knew wasn't gonna get picked up. You knew it wasn't, now did you know I was gonna get picked up? Well, I didn't want to get my hopes up, because remember I did live in color last year so I was like, animal. I remember that. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:30 So I was like, I don't want to think she's gonna get picked up. I want to get my hopes low. You really can't do that in this business. Most shit gets douched. Most stuff that's out there gets douched. I had my hopes up last year for that fucking pilot. I was, I was, well, my God, for you, right? Oh, I was, I was, I was, well, my God, are we right?
Starting point is 01:22:45 Oh, I was so excited. But then Andy Sandberg made a better version of it. So. That fucking guy. Oh, you know what? Oh, I did. Let me take a break. I get, it's so funny.
Starting point is 01:23:01 Is that, I can punch Lewis in the face. It's, it's that's exactly what they wanted though They wanted a broad goofy. Hey, you know that shit. You what? Shaking ducking. Yeah, like a man. Hey, Sarge. We didn't we didn't arrest that person But we got this one. Yeah, shut the fuck up. I was just more like rescue me like what a puzzle does It's funny, but it's in reality. Yeah, I was asking this. They wanted fucking broad Well, they want that crazy goofy shit
Starting point is 01:23:29 The new episode of always sunny in Philadelphia and they made fun of never winning an Emmy Yeah, they basically did they made fun of that like how they want bright and fun They just want fun bright goofy shit. It was really fun. It's really. The shit that fucking, the shit that these people like in the middle, I remember I was in an audition, I've told you this before, I was me and this other guy for a spike show and both bald, so I know that wasn't the fucking problem. The lady said you need to smile.
Starting point is 01:23:58 I was like, why? She goes, the people in the middle of this country would choose what's on TV. They're the ones that fucking have the boxes. And if you're in there, like you're from a coast, whether it be LA or New York, they don't like that. You need to smile, show teeth, because they want to, they want to be happy. And they like God and fucking country and all that.
Starting point is 01:24:17 Hi, how are you? So you're saying I'm fucked, Bobby. What? You're a fuck. Yeah. You're not gonna, you're good. No. Yeah, you're good for me.
Starting point is 01:24:24 I'm born. You're fucking gonna know, you're good. No. Yeah, you're good for me. With my porn, you're fucking star, but. Got that, I have power bottom. Yeah, but it's not, you're fucking weird. You're from us, you gotta fuck. You're acting ability is gonna fuck. You are. Oh, wait, I'm classically trained. You're wearing a black shirt.
Starting point is 01:24:36 Where? It's the neighbor of the player. You're wearing a black shirt. You're wearing a black shirt. You're wearing a black shirt. No, you're wearing a black shirt. No, you're wearing a black shirt. You're wearing a black shirt.
Starting point is 01:24:43 You're wearing a black shirt. You're wearing a black shirt. You're wearing a black shirt. Yeah, wearing a black shirt. You're wearing a black shirt. Yeah, wearing a black shirt. No, you're wearing a black shirt. No, you're wearing a black shirt. You're wearing a black shirt. You're wearing a black shirt. You're wearing a black shirt. You're wearing a black shirt. Yeah, wearing a black shirt. You're wearing a black shirt. Yeah, wearing a black shirt. You're wearing a black shirt.
Starting point is 01:24:51 Yeah, Bobby, I'm wearing a black shirt. You're wearing a black shirt. You're wearing a black shirt. Yeah. I'm wearing a black shirt. That was my shirt. That was my snow. That was my snow. I don't know what that was, all I know is fucking cushion pushing
Starting point is 01:25:01 over there, trying to convince you that you weren't wearing a black shirt. No, I don't know what happened. Hold on, let me do it with that you weren't wearing a black shirt. I don't know what happened. Hold on, let me try and do a little bit. I'm gonna do a little bit. I ready. Well, dude, this is my isn't a technique, ready? You're not very funny today. That was a good one, you said.
Starting point is 01:25:11 You're, you're not very funny today. You're not very funny today. You're not very funny today. You're not very funny today. He's winning. Winning! Lo was expedited in Bob. Oh my God. Lo was expedited in Bob. You're not very funny today He's winning Lois expert in the box I've actually this is the funny part as I thought Lewis for some reason I thought Lewis was a good actor I remember we were doing a vine together me him and Kelly had comics and I go all right, Lou
Starting point is 01:25:43 Just you want to do is come out and come back in and just, and just say this, that's it. We had to do it 17 times. He's such a terrible actor. I mean, no, no, he walked in. I had to mention he is good. Thank you, Jimmy. I'm going to walk in my roast.
Starting point is 01:26:01 Monroe's terrible. Listen, he's terrible. No, when I want to act I act well Listen, dude. You he walked in and look he would do I go just say this he walked in and looked at the key my phone The camera and delivered the line And I went I went dude. Dude. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, first of all it wasn't acting It was a fucking vine and I realized how serious director Bob was taking it all right All right, and then when I fucking I nailed it eventually. Yeah, 17 times later. Yeah, but you know what not what the mirror takes an average of 17 times every fucking scene
Starting point is 01:26:34 No, he doesn't he does a different every time I heard fact check Don't head John the two not fact check that This dummy just made that up I can tell when he make it and we just lost Dan and Joe I'm used to losing this fucking ass, but not Dan look at Dan's got a microphone in his eye Dan you like stuff kind of stuff acting also guys Therapy Oh, I Dan act like you can cry go act like you're gonna cry for real. I want to we should do a crying competition Yeah, we'll play your set and we'll fucking
Starting point is 01:27:06 Don't you happy that made me do happy That made me very happy Okay, I'm ready think of all the pictures that were lost in the flood. Oh shit. I really stopped real quick Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, stop real quick. I'm gonna say God dude. Your mother. Did she okay? Yeah, she's fun. What happened to the house? She dried everything off and Text me pictures of all the pictures that she saved. She saved a bunch of pictures. Yeah, she saved all the stuff. Now what about what about black mold?
Starting point is 01:27:32 Okay, well, I'm scared that my mom's going to die of lung disease. So that's fun. And she and they're going to fix the basement. I think so because she lives in a town home. So the basement's shared with everybody. When you bought her that town home with your first you sick on money. With Guinness money. The Guinness castle. As I call it. My mom bought it years ago. Oh Guinness. Guinness castle. That black logger money. But my mom is down. That poise. That swamp wall. My mom just bought you a $32,000 townhouse right outside of Denver. It is scary
Starting point is 01:28:05 It's in a flood zone, but don't worry about that. That hasn't happened in three years Well, yeah, they said that I mean this the flood was crazy. They shut off, you know, Denver got hit But I think downtown Denver not as bad as Boulder and Northern where more lived yes, okay How's the comedy works? I don't know comedy works is in the basement want that work. Yeah, right? That's one of the best clubs was in the basement That's really I wonder how that fucking downtown didn't get white. No, no, no They said the downtown there like you know, I think the surrounding areas and then they said North Colorado I hit it. It's funny that I went when I went fly fishing in Denver. Yeah, I wonder how that river I went
Starting point is 01:28:41 I bet you that river was just Gorn rip roaring well the fish I'll probably just fucking gone yeah you know I mean the trout can't handle that probably audition for river runs I'm not even the same Do they not fish and let's do the They don't fish Scream everything Yeah, I see you just Can you not listen? Can you not scream everything? You see a Joe just chimed in with a nice good one. Please don't push the microphone away.
Starting point is 01:29:34 By the way, the answer to your question Bobby, no, he cannot not scream. Everything you do and then you got the fucking him just laughing loud and everything. It's a very well-pride couch mother fuck up screaming into the fucking microphone because I don't feel like I got to turn you up and down every five seconds. Is that my baseball? Is that my baseball? Two. That's a good baseball.
Starting point is 01:30:02 It was a bad one. Hang on one second please. Is that my baseball? I Am I may fall Talking over each other could you do that for the love of God He's I'm okay with it slam, but you gotta forget that you fucking talk and nobody can hear you Except when they listen and I get the fucking But you may as lucky as I can listen seriously stop talking you fucking stepping on my friend Dan
Starting point is 01:30:38 My friend Joe got a couple Kelly hasn't said anything a couple. Kelly hasn't said anything. She's writing a novel. I'm thanking everyone. She's writing an anal-fisted novel. Stop screaming over everybody. I don't want to, I get the complaints. There are just too many people on the fucking show.
Starting point is 01:30:54 There's not too many people. Is it certain people? Certain people. That wasn't me that time. Just screaming, yellow of people. It wasn't me. Who was it? Playback.
Starting point is 01:31:02 Who was it? Who was it? Who's them? Go read it. Then them blacks I'm not playing it back Jesus Christ Amazon dot com you guys if you're buying something online why not look at Amazon dot com it's a great way to help support the riot cast the yk wd podcast if you go to riot cast dot com slash Robert Kelly right now and click on the Amazon button, you'll be helping out the show. So please go there right now. Robert, slash Robert Kelly, click on the Amazon button,
Starting point is 01:31:34 anything you're going to buy off the internet, whatever the fuck it is, make sure you use our link. You'll be helping us out in slash YKWD for a special offer to our listeners. A free 15-day two-distrile, or go to slash YKWD for a special offer to our listeners. A free 15 day two-distrile, or go to, Robert Kelly, and click on the gamefly link there. It's right now you can try Grand Theft Auto 5. They have the new Grand Theft Auto, which I'm in, by the way. So if you do get it, make sure you listen from my dead voice
Starting point is 01:32:12 And the last of last of us or diabolical for for as long as you want you get to rent these games You can get grant that thought on just keep it for as long as you want and there's no extra cost to you Okay, which is great. It's the Netflix of video game offers 8,000 video games for PlayStation Xbox We and now PC right now go to such ykwd or just click on the game fly link on ryecast and you get a 15 day two week trial and tweet. You're on GTA. We got yeah, just to the voice. voice. Great game. Yeah, I played that shit all day. This weekend, man. They got the online version coming too.
Starting point is 01:32:48 This new, you know, I want to give a shout out to Rockstar Video Games. It has done it again. Yeah. Okay. 800 million in the face. 800 million in the first field. I can't play it because I don't have enough memory
Starting point is 01:33:00 on my Xbox. I bought a four gigabyte. Deleted. I deleted everything. Get a new hard drive. You pop it in. Delete the point. You have the same Xbox. I bought a four game of bite. Deleted. I deleted everything. Get a new hard drive. You pop it in. Delete the point. You have the same Xbox. I do the small black one. How do you get a new?
Starting point is 01:33:11 I don't have to go to GameStop. I might have to buy a whole new Xbox. You can plug in. I think you get a new, you can put a hard drive in. Yeah, I think you can't. It's a computer. Basically. Yeah, you just put a new hard drive in it. Are you sure? Because I have the, I have the black one that you have with like the cage
Starting point is 01:33:22 over the hard drive. I don't know. You too. I don't know. I know. Because I tried putting a hard drive on one that you have with like the cage over the hard drive. I don't know you to I don't know Because I tried putting a hard drive on yours don't ever point at me. I tried putting a hard drive on Here's a plate and thumbs avatar made one billion in one week. Okay. This is the fast off this germane I'm talking about my grand theft auto fuck go ahead Dan Trisco buy new Xbox and then sell my old one online I don't have the memory. I have no memory. Yeah, if you can't if you can't play the game Shut the fuck up. I don't have the memory. I have no memory. Yeah, if you can't, if you can't play the game, shut the fuck up. I'm gonna smash. Nobody wants game problems.
Starting point is 01:33:49 Everyone wants to hear. No, I'm trying to. Listen, listen. I had a rough game there. Listen, listen, buddy. Look at me. Look at me. Stay with me. Stay with me, Dan. March the last day. That's what it's saying. It was about that whole time. I can't. We have to start-allen. It upsets me. The whole session was about this.
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Starting point is 01:34:46 unbelievable headphones for an hour unbelievable price go there now okay what voice were you on gc a like what was it i was me it was uh... i'm uh... i'm talking about uh... spedding sports like fantasy football really where where did i go out of there i don't know i know i i've been in the car like I'm here on a radio station I'm calling in I forget I will find you I had a bunch of fans actually tweet me they found they were like, dude
Starting point is 01:35:12 Were you in that fucking thing dude? I'm excited to hear I was in the old one too I actually got killed in the bathroom. I remember that you and Burr and a couple other people were on the trees The trees was on that yeah, and the old great the thought of four yeah, lasla and rock star They they're fucking great with us and they put us in a lot of I did mine over the phone. I did mine over the fine two I didn't voice it from oh yeah, I got her on it too. I mean go Good wait a second Fucking bubbling with rage right Damn wait a second
Starting point is 01:35:43 I don't know if I made it You made it Are you fucking I'm getting real I'm getting real right now Mommy's scared Listen to the monster daddy Damn wait
Starting point is 01:36:00 Who in the grand theft I'm gonna fight him Yeah That's dead the great that I don't find on the I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm gonna go to this I'm tempted to just I'm I'm up in Calgary. Do you want me to I'm gonna hook up? You already met Adam, but the day I met him I was really hungover after my birthday I didn't like you. I was just like yeah, that's probably just in like I want to buy a new Xbox and play your grand theft auto five the whole weekend. I'm in Calgary. Jim is like Keith Light He says me he says me shit with a smile. He didn't like you It just thanks
Starting point is 01:36:47 I'm gonna make it seem like I was hungover Get on my kid. It loves. I tell you that I made it. I don't know if I might have you didn't make it I don't know what you're talking about. You're never gonna make it I'm playing Grand The Fuck Auto 5. I'm just gonna get out of the car and search shooting Daddy, you know what the best thing? It's not even my Australian voice. It's me doing my American medicine boys No, wait wait wait wait wait stop stop stop stop shut up. Listen Kelly. I swear to God I want to know what it was tell me what you said so you
Starting point is 01:37:13 I want you guys to listen I come remember I think it was something like I was calling and going I don't know why you guys hate the Oscars. I love watching the Oscars. Why you have Midwest and half Brooklyn I love watching the Oscars. Why are you half midwestern half Brooklyn? I was watching it. The fuck is that shitty episode? I was laughing, I didn't know if you saw it. No, guess what? They didn't put you in the game.
Starting point is 01:37:28 I promise you. I promise you. I promise you. I don't know that you want to. They couldn't pinpoint where in the fuck the world you came from. It was fantastic. My accents are great. I would.
Starting point is 01:37:39 I can do many. You only have one. Why would you stop right now? You can stop jokes, Kale. Hang on a second. Well, let's get carried away What crab You have you a back you're a fucking ugly motherfucker That's right listen
Starting point is 01:37:57 I make people do they laugh listen I'm making him really hang on one second Kelly. How many voices do you have? I have I have my California boy how many just counting your head we don't do real time just two I want to hear too many I'll do a Challenge I'll do a voice off the Kelly right now hang on I'm gonna do a voice off right now between you and Lewis how many do you have I never even tried my voices but you have a bunch but I'll fucking kill Kelly all right Here with Kelly how many do you have mental talent all right Dan'll fucking kill Kelly. All right, here with Kelly. How many do you have? Mental talent. All right, Dan, can you please introduce Kelly?
Starting point is 01:38:27 Dan's judging. He's a guest judge. He's a voice master. You have a voice master. Voice master. This is the new voice. He should be the only judge. You know, a voice master that's not on Grand Diff.
Starting point is 01:38:39 But Kelly's whoreshit Minnesota accent. Oh, I'm going to throw it. I'm going to throw my TV out the window at my hotel when I'm playing it this weekend What can you let me have something then I cuz you're not allowed to cuz that's those are American jobs Your bedside ah cuz you're not funny Kelly shut up you know what you titties Kelly shut your face. I've been missing saying that Well good. What are you what's wrong It's fucking dumb Chris
Starting point is 01:39:23 Fucking stupid Chris doesn't. Why you fall on the point? I'm holding it over here. I wasn't doing this. Yeah, I'm putting my bowl on my bowl. The shit fucking iPad. All right, listen, shut up, Jermaine. Listen, when people are talking, you don't talk.
Starting point is 01:39:36 Get it in between. Listen, shut, what the fuck was that? That was Kelly. That was friend Kelly Fett Stuga. Why is she my best friend why are you fucking coming down on me I didn't put anybody in the game this is why listen he called me up he said I need a funny girl so I said no I said I said Rachel finds who it does voices I said Rachel finds Dean and I go
Starting point is 01:40:04 Kelly for stuka does some voices too She has like a thing that she a Midwestern thing that she has an Australian accent what she does Actually, I tell you how many voices do you have? That was they were gonna have an Australian character in the show right and a lot of show it's a video game All right, I'm saying Dan you gotta settle down. You gotta calm down Just I don't want you to lose your shit right now. No, no, no, it's fine. It's gonna be destroying character and then when it came to the day they changed it to an Irish person. They had it because of you. They're like, look, maybe what can you do? What's that intern?
Starting point is 01:40:39 What's that intern? What's the intern out front? Yeah, so bad they switched continents You know what let's get some of them a different hemisphere than this What can you do? Can you do Irish? I think I can do like six All right, good. Where we go six six I'm gonna tell you I'm gonna do a different one. All right hang on. Hold on. How's it gonna work? I'm gonna tell you how it's gonna work if you shut up This is this isn't hammer foos do I fucking got this so much. Louie hang on Lou Kelly shut up
Starting point is 01:41:12 Listen standing up. That's whatever you're gonna do Louis Kelly says she has six can you challenge six characters? I can count the six but Can you challenge I can challenge six I can go all fucking day anything in the world I will beat her out I hear you want to go character for character yeah do that do that you want to do character for character do it tell me stand up take your shirt off Kelly pull your shirt down over your knees and a little bit of weight please cover your gap I think you look hot. Yeah, look great. What are you doing? You stop sweating a lot
Starting point is 01:41:59 All right, here we go Kelly Vistughe your first character and this character off What I want the name of the character and where they're from. Um, so I'm Ashley and I'm from California. Oh my god, what? Oh my god, what? Thank you. Thank you. All right, wait.
Starting point is 01:42:16 Hi. Okay. What? Do I stop it? Stop it. Now you're making me. I mean, stop, stop, stop, stop, don't make Dan Agree. You're making me, all right.
Starting point is 01:42:24 Here we go. Lewis, tell everyone. you're making me alright here. You got Lewis Character no you can do everything you want a character and we're just off the same thing. She does character And all right, so you're gonna to Well, why don't you be better than the other all right ready go No, hey, what's up, man? My name's like Tyler. I'm from California Tyler I'm from California. Okay. Okay. It's good. All right.
Starting point is 01:42:44 Okay. No, no, hold your points. Everybody hold your card. Oh, your card. Swing. Okay, carry it. We got to round down because I'm going to forget it. Well, don't be an asshole.
Starting point is 01:42:53 It's six people. Six characters. And you're going to, hey, Joe, pick Lewis. Oh, yeah. I can't imagine. No, no, no, no. I can't. I can't.
Starting point is 01:43:02 I'll show you a tit, just a left one. All right. Oh, that is the bigger one. Don't'll show you a tit, just the left one. Oh, well, the bigger one. Don't you cheap him down. That ain't the one. You bitch. The left one is the bigger one.
Starting point is 01:43:12 The right one is the one with the stroke. What do you want to say? He's pimply asshole on my bigotiddy. I want to see both. I got it. Listen, all right, here we go. Character number two. Where they're from and they're in there, but they are
Starting point is 01:43:26 Right is that what I said? Yeah, kill you at six. How you take that? So this is Janine I'm from London. How are you? Are you good? You go me I like to see your asshole again if I may That is like a whole rific accent the words You can't do that we do that. Okay, so you just shut up He gets just cuz you're on his side No, that's not true. Hang on stop Kelly stay not true. Yeah, let him in character. Yeah, let him in kick in character
Starting point is 01:43:54 I thought it was amazing wasn't it amazing? Hang on this is what then You know make you so happy right now There's some dude in the queue, or some truck driver that wants to kill themselves right now. Every fucking word. Now, here's a new rule. It has to have at least two sentences.
Starting point is 01:44:14 You can't just fucking repeat the same thing. You have to say a sentence. All right, so Lewis, go ahead. Oh, my name is Nod just Switchblade. I don't fucking learn to do anything. Then I might, how are you today? It's fucking SNED. Are you kidding me? You're just today Fucking smash Are you fucking me?
Starting point is 01:44:25 I'm just switch play Are you I can't get a blood in cold water I got it I don't know best name I don't switch play Shit Poins
Starting point is 01:44:34 Go miss I don't know I was saying The first one they tied Tark push Tark, it's a push of the first one I think I beat him No, no, no, no
Starting point is 01:44:43 My California was so much better Even he lifted his eye Lewis lifted his eyebrows up as if to say she that's not true That's right. That's right. Push on number one push. I say push British go to you. I give to Lewis on the first one I like it. Lewis got to I say push. What do you say? German because I'm a girl and no I really thought this was good. That's just this place. So we're all right So it's a tie on the first one. It's tie on the foot. No, you're thought this was good. That's your Swiss play. So where are you so it's a tie in the first one? It's tie on the foot. No, you're not gonna keep sports. Chris is gonna keep scoring it. It is
Starting point is 01:45:14 You're in the just settle down and get into your characters. It's all right to worry about Voices or is it character two because I think both You got the the switchblade business. It was voices first Not never character and he won because of the switchblade which good boarding character you Beyond this man Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly you just do it you told yeah, all right? Fight up now if get fired up and put it near work. You're losing this. I'm not even good at it But this is how bad you aren't though. She's not listen. All right character number three I'm gonna think She's gonna focus our crying Character number three
Starting point is 01:45:56 My name's Carol and come on kids. Let's get let's go play some soccer get your back Some from Chicago Oh That's nowhere It'll I was good I was good I would have gone Minnesota My character my character can be wait for me when she was she was from Minnesota She moved all right listen anyway, where is where is the character from? I just you know it's a Midwest our Midwest. Okay. Now what's your name? Carol all right now just do it again. Let's Midwest. All right Midwest, okay, now what's your name? Carol. All right now just do it again. Let's go from the beginning. Midwest.
Starting point is 01:46:27 All right, let's go. Hi my name's Carol. My kids are just so bad, you know, so bad. My husband said he's a shit. Really? Do you understand? The do shivers, listen to me. I just need you to listen to me.
Starting point is 01:46:40 This is almost like a drug to me. This is almost like hot food where it's too hot but you gotta have some more And I know I know people home right now I like oh god. I want to fuck it. I wish you could feel how hard grabbing this I know somebody has shut this off like four times already. And turn it back up because they need to keep going. It's a cold pool.
Starting point is 01:47:08 All right, so go ahead. Go ahead. Let's do your character and where they're from. Midwestern. Well, I guess so. You just got to go tip for tat. No one said you had to do this. All right, I guess that.
Starting point is 01:47:16 All right, here we go. One, two. Hello, arrow, you two. Today, my name is Mohamed. I am working at the Delhi in the Midwest. And this woman, Carol, just came in in here and I sold her some beef jerky Oh, no, but now I think you gotta do the same work as we get a comparison. I think you're right. I think you're I'm gonna be a good
Starting point is 01:47:32 Indian beef I gotta hear a fucking Midwester accent again. All right, do it again Kelly. No, tell me something here one that's good No, you're gonna have a positive accent everyone. No, I said terrible accents. I said you're terrible Lewis Lewis focus if you get getting unfocused, you're fucking gorilla. You get angry, yeah, exactly. Somebody, don't do the full stop. Amy wanted. Amy wanted accent.
Starting point is 01:47:58 Amy wanted. I tell him not to fucking bang on the floor. All right, listen, shit midwestern, I don't know if I could do it. Let me hear you, let me hear her. I'll call you do it again. No, that's cheating. No, no, it's not cheating. I'm the fucking rule. Well, keep it on. Heres doesn't sound like good Weston. Just go ahead, Kelly. Go, Kelly. Go. Well, hey there. My kids said you're so annoying. My husband's a piece of shit. You're husband sticks. You have another sentence you can say.
Starting point is 01:48:24 Why does everything suck about them? Maybe I should exit everything she says terrible. Oh my god. If you were a terrorist you would have got caught immediately No, I do this later. I want to go to Kmart. There's a Don't you know you go down three blocks. You make a right into wow that's our Irish All right Kelly right into well that's our Irish man Alright Kelly Kelly Kelly's got one Kelly's got one and she's on the board I tied up tied up
Starting point is 01:48:50 tied up tied up I really I really thought you really thought yeah how did you turn into this fucking Scottish I turned the car with the new the gay gay
Starting point is 01:49:02 and the street and then you're living in Minnesota. It was fucking awful. My name is Duncan Gimagliard. I'm glad I'm in the game. I just heard my husband's a piece of shit. He's just a piece of shit. I'm telling you.
Starting point is 01:49:16 It's like, but Nick. Hey, the wee poster. Fuck, Joey. All right, all right, all right, all right. From the axe murder. And you're Kelly, this didn't for some reason. Hey, can I tell you? Yes, please. I want to say,, alright, alright. That's from Axe Murderer. And you're Kelly, this difference between me and you. And I tell you, shh. Yes, shh.
Starting point is 01:49:26 But this is me being foolish. I want to say, stop yelling. I'm not yelling. Yeah, that, now you're not. But you, you can get out of there! Bobby, I found out what it is. What is it? Lewis has constant wrestling promo energy.
Starting point is 01:49:37 Can I tell you the difference between me and you, Kelly, for Stuka? When I walk in here, when I come here Saturday night, I come here to do business You come here to play around Every all the guys in the back can tell you I'm three things a real And I have three letters in my name And another thing The rest of the fingers And another
Starting point is 01:50:07 I don't want it hot from L.O. I'll just say it. Okay say it in regular voice. Kelly shut up. Kelly you gotta stop talking over people. Especially with that shitty accent. When I lose, I go alright, I fucking tap and I lost. I just said I lost that one.
Starting point is 01:50:23 No we've seen you do it a lot. You lost the other one and you won't even admit it We've seen you have to every set That's not true, Bobby you saw me fucking annihilate I know it's not true. They're in lies the ha ha No, it's not funny, bro It's not funny. You don't mess with the man's library. All right guys I just unplugged the show. I'm good guys. Give me that. Game start close. Yes. Rockstar is right down the street if you want to see if you can jump on it. We'll go right. We'll go. I can't believe I thought Lanslow would use you.
Starting point is 01:50:55 That's okay. Anyways, back to the voice cup. Alright, here we go. We're round four. Round round. Round what? We're one and one. Dancer and one time. You're ringing. boy the ringin She'll be lamplied or from HBL boxing. Yeah right now on the cards. I got it. I got the first round being a draw And then I got for stoke I'm taking the second round. No, no Gomez. Oh Gomez in the second round For stoke and the third. Oh, can we do a template? What is it? How's scoring actually? Can we so it's a 9 9 round the first one? The second round is 109, me.
Starting point is 01:51:26 Third round, I'll give, actually, I'll give Kelly a 108 round. She's actually beating you. I know. Before he's a template, I was just saying. I know I do what you're saying, but can we, since it's the last round, can we? No, it's the last round. Six rounds.
Starting point is 01:51:37 You said you could do six voices. You said six voices. No, you said this is the last one. The next round. Hey, six round fights. OK, if we're doing a judging system, I thought I was a judge in it. I don't mean this offensively.
Starting point is 01:51:46 I really thought, first one was not a push. Yeah, but this is why you got out. You go to the credit. But there's three judges. No, there's four. It was a majority way. You don't count the black guy in racist. This is like a trick.
Starting point is 01:51:56 It's a five. There's a one, two, three, four, five. Everyone vote. Joe's given Dermain three fifths of a vote. Like they used to give it. Listen, you say big votes. He said he voted. Yeah, you're give it. Listen, he said he said he said he's voted. Yeah, you're not listening.
Starting point is 01:52:07 Well, you don't look blank. Well, why is everybody fucking talking over? Shut the fuck up, Louis. Stay in your corner. He stayed in your corner. Go to a neutral. Kelly, Boat, he is shut the fuck up. What then?
Starting point is 01:52:22 As of now, how do you have it scored? I have tied. I, I, I have it scored? I have and tied. I say it was tied in one one. Germain, how do you have it scored? Well, I see voice. Oh, it was a real hot. Oh, you're a fucking awful moron. God, now we know why you get you got canceled.
Starting point is 01:52:37 No, he's not into many. Man, you know, we know you were trying to do something. I'm sorry. No, I ain't fun. No, I'm sorry. No, no, no, he do something. I'm sorry. No, I'm sorry. No, no, no, no, he's voting. I'm sorry. Stop screaming. I give the fucking gorilla. Not you.
Starting point is 01:52:52 No, I just every time you say it, I feel it. I know that. I call up a monkey at gorilla. You keep looking at me like it hurts. It's the exit. I'm sorry. I'm gonna fuck it. It's my boss tonight.
Starting point is 01:53:01 It sounds great. It sounds racist. Fucking things. You fucking gorilla. Get away from my car. You fucking monkey. You go back to rock. You fucking do majestic gorilla get out of here. You're a zookeeper and you had a gorilla. It still sounds like. Get back in the cage.
Starting point is 01:53:19 You're gonna get out of the store. I'm gonna call him something else. I apologize. Call him a fucking walk plant coming. I'm plant You're a channel Listen to me. Oh Man, I give the like I said the fucking first was tack as you know, she was good and that she was good But that second one you Was it you got British was stuck. Can you speed it up? Yeah, I'm sorry. I forgot
Starting point is 01:53:48 We have to do this fucking in a talk. You can talk and I can't talk I have a nice little switchblade versus whatever I want a second one and then third was obviously Kelly All right, so you have it the same as me Joe. How do you have it scored? I have it 10 9 first round Lewis? I liked okay second round. I got 10 9 Lewis. Yep third round. I think I have it 10 9 first round Lewis. I like Okay, second round I got 10 9 Lewis. Yep third round. I think I got that was like a knockdown round Lewis knockdown We do a 10 point my system. No, no, I think it's time. I'm winning that's time. I think it's tied even with you Yeah, yeah, yeah, so it's time Kelly voice. Okay, everybody shish fourth voice coming from Kelly
Starting point is 01:54:24 We want to know the name and where the person's from I think it's fair if we swap though No, she's running out of voices now. All right. No the first three I start next Three that's a very fair thing. I say and who you'll do the last one? No, no, I've done three already So started three and then he does he's three seven We're doing six rooms six three rooms We might need a seventh we might I want the judges are you all cool with that? I'm alright with that. Do you mean you go with that? I don't count as a person
Starting point is 01:54:55 I'm getting flack you're fucking call everyone guerrillas. I called one person black people in a I just wrote some back You threw out no he didn't you didn't impression of me and said I said I just wrote some back You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man. You're a black man Struggling with I said riddled but then that nonsense you're from boss Fucking set a thing and it got backed up by fact and now I'm getting shit from you and I like it. Don't fuck a point of me Has it fucking thrown out any race nonsense other than statistics About the African American community The African American pretty hey, I lived in Harlem and voted for Obama once Okay, round four All right round four Louis
Starting point is 01:55:59 We are Bobby am I a judge no, okay? Girl Hold up that iPad like a card I want you to put a G string on I want to see a little fucking muscle butt Let's watch that jiggle yeah, I want to see a ripple as you take a step I think the ring car girls on South America, she's giant asses. Yeah, nice and wordy. Go ahead and do the thing, Lilou.
Starting point is 01:56:29 All right, make some sort of... All right, it's not just accents. Yeah, characters, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Listen, you have to tell us who they are. I'm obviously. Okay, and where they're from. Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:56:40 This is just... This is more racist than anything anyone ever I Ready zero percent chances on my name is Jamal I be from Harlem Brooklyn and the Bronx nigga was up do something Lavin cuz I knew that was coming Like a black aquatami, but it was worse. Well, Lewis nailed himself. Ah. His name is Lewis, you can go ahead. Yeah, that was an accent.
Starting point is 01:57:10 He's a fucking black dude. Ah, from hell. I can't. Kelly, go back, dude. Not from the hood. Now it's a black, like a dumb old guy. I'm a black girl. Guys, guys, guys, guys, guys.
Starting point is 01:57:19 Stop talking, please, over each other, please. Kelly. Kelly. Kelly. Kelly. Stallings. Are you ready? This was her idea for meeting her first. Kelly, are you ready?
Starting point is 01:57:31 Yeah. So I have to do a magic trick. You have to do black guy, black chick, whatever. You have to do what he just did. That character. You have to use the animal. I wanted to. It's optional, you can.
Starting point is 01:57:42 All right, well, that's just weird. Yo, I like him, I like one I like white chips you to the end work tell me to go back into the house so I'm gonna go back in the house I can go away okay I want to three all right hang on I gotta think of something to say okay here we go yep um um give me a black name so I can get that's a you that's a job I think it's over I think it's one better Um, give me a black name so I can get that to you. Do that.
Starting point is 01:58:05 I think it's over. I think it's one that I don't know. Yeah, I'm coming out of a corner. You have you. Are you are you doing this or not? OK. All right. I won.
Starting point is 01:58:14 Two, three, go. Yo, I'm not playing that shit with you, bro. I'm not playing that shit. Fuck you and your fucking mother, all right? I am playing that. I ain't doing on that shit No, you can get the fuck out. You can get the fuck out Now it's better than I thought it was gonna be yeah, I don't know what it was
Starting point is 01:58:35 This I call this a push Really I'm calling this an 888. No Get it out! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, his pant legs, he just painted a river outside. He's got a French easel, he just take a break for a cigarette. I got a fucking stand-away from the microphone because everyone else has got it down there and throw it's yelling noises. But everyone else, I mean Lewis particularly. I think it goes to Lewis because I was scared of what he was doing just the same way I'm scared of many African-American people that yell at me. Kelly, I was very annoyed and African-American women don't annoy me. Can I give a little price for this?
Starting point is 01:59:31 If you close your eyes, who sounds more like an African-American person from the other? You did, you did. That's it. Okay, so you're saying that she was doing research beforehand. I mean, you're saying that Lewis one? Yes. Okay, Jermaine as as The authority of this this character
Starting point is 01:59:50 What do you think who won? Crush me. Well, I know we both said oh it's Puerto Rican me and Lewis said you don't Puerto Rican She goes no, it's black you would just said you were doing Puerto Rican. Like we all thought you were doing. You were the one. No, but I have said it was black. That was a Puerto Rican accent. That's Puerto Rican. No, I'm a Puerto Rican.
Starting point is 02:00:12 Maybe she, well, she half Puerto Rican. What? Was she a Plutina? Was she, was your father? I got like a different one for Puerto Rican. I don't do it. Don't do it. OK, go ahead.
Starting point is 02:00:22 Louis won that. Louis won that. That was a Puerto Rican. I say Louis won on that one too. Dan said he didn't, but three to one, it's I think Louis one. You said nigga that's the least. So Louis one.
Starting point is 02:00:33 So now Louis up one. That was the push him saying anyway. You said nigga, you're probably the one that one, but you said if you said the N word, and I'm not. I didn't say the N word because I'm not Louis. No nigga, you supposed to be a character. If your character says nigga, you as your character. I can't get mad. Maybe my character is educated. Yeah, yo, yo, that's not it. I know maybe community college
Starting point is 02:00:51 Finish all right. Here we go. We got xn number five. We you got pushed out, dude Yeah, we all voted for Lewis on that one except for you. I'm staying on my cards. Okay. I'll lose in my commission Thank you anyway. Okay. All right. Here we go. Lewis You have two more characters to go Tell me when you're ready I'm ready and we need a name and where the characters from and Two sentences and go hey y'all my name is Clayton's I am from old Hickory tend to say and I am really into Jesus and Christianity I don't go to the I am from old Hickory, Tennessee, and I am really into Jesus and Christianity. Okay. I don't go to the
Starting point is 02:01:27 something. No, Christianity. Fuck the door. Christianity. Save it. Save it. Stop.
Starting point is 02:01:32 All right. Stop. Save your right, Joe. Save it. All right. All right. I got it. Let's go.
Starting point is 02:01:38 All right. Girl, save it. But I mean, go. All right. Close your eyes. Close your eyes. Everyone shut up.
Starting point is 02:01:43 Okay. Why are you all my name's Jo-Lene. I'm from Tennessee. And I love the low Jesus Christ. Hey y'all. Doing it to the stucco. Yeah, wait, wait, wait, wait. I want to know.
Starting point is 02:01:57 I'll tell you this. I'll tell you this. Close round, I'll admit it. The reason what lost Louis on in this round, I got it was it sounded like a European doing Yeah, why? Yeah, why? He sounded like somebody else tried to do like someone like a German guy who was like
Starting point is 02:02:14 Watch this awesome, awesome accent I do Okay, yeah, I already go down and then see the I'm from old Hickory tend to see Yeah, very much like no do you have an order trying to do American I very much like the Jesus Christ do you know so I'm doing yeah what's the obvious was passable all right listen stop talking over each other
Starting point is 02:02:39 so I have can I please have you forgot everything I apologize to the listeners for you you talk over people Germains fault. Germain It's giving you different. He's giving you different strokes. Yeah, I just felt bad My foster kid got mad. It was the first time I got mad at him. Listen, I'm getting mad at you to help you I'm getting mad at you to help you. You're so dirty. You're so dirty. You're so dirty.
Starting point is 02:03:04 You're so dirty. You're so dirty. You're going to get me back. I know I'm not, you're so. Come on. Get your mail. Listen, look at me, son. Listen to me.
Starting point is 02:03:13 You call me Carole Liss. Not you, I called the Lewis, the other foster kid. Son, did you just call him? Then we don't like. I'm a traitor. I'm gonna find out. Joe, what do you got? Joe.
Starting point is 02:03:23 I want to start off by saying, Kelly's stunk. Yeah. Really? I want to finish saying, but Kelly, uh, clearly victorious on this one. Really? Yeah. That was, I don't know. It's like a radio DJ with a flat accent.
Starting point is 02:03:40 It was just like, hello. Do you think what, the reason why? It just sounded like a late night, like a two in the morning like you're driving home He's like Delilah this will bug me about you. I was the laugh lounge Did you what did you think? Jamein I have honestly like to ship better only because it was a sound it did sound like a sudden accident. That's why I really like Lewis is you're right. I hear you.
Starting point is 02:04:07 He came out of, he came out strong. Very strong. I felt like fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. There was one, he kept, there was one. Christianity, the work Christianity, I felt like fuck. There was, he kept fucking it up at one point. Like where it sounded like a European doing an accent. Like there was something else underneath his, the next.
Starting point is 02:04:22 Bobby, I don't know why you're gonna give me so much shit. She, see, she, I don't know why you gotta make fun of me for. Louis, sometimes when you do a Southern accent man, you gotta make sure you flow into it. You can't just say shit. You can't see like more of an educated, I'm an educated, I'm a bad at the seventh grade. I'm married a girl Dixie from the woods, my friend.
Starting point is 02:04:40 We both love jumbolyre and fucking woodchuck. So don't fuck around with this. I don't understand, I'm a good Christianchuck. So don't fuck around with this. I don't understand. I'm a good Christian fellow. Take your black friend and you get back to where you're from. Did you just call my black friend, Kieris George? What the fuck is wrong with you? What the fuck, Lewis?
Starting point is 02:04:54 Jesus Christ. Oh, my God. What are you, Joe? All right. Listen. To me, just show this teeth to me. Will I pointy? I
Starting point is 02:05:09 Was too many so you think Lewis won that anymore Piece of shit and his asshole lose I Can I give that I give it to Kelly I've been a real fuck I got Kelly that Kelly Kelly my dick move a little bit That's got a fucking second. All right. We're gonna last round All right, he's in his tight right now. Why is move creepy and so much to me? Can we get you can we get Kelly a new bra so her tit will be fixed? That's the same bra Can we get a bra a new Kelly?
Starting point is 02:05:45 That was good Bob that was a big time safe by far like you know you're so lucky He laugh like it was a black room Three one right now all right here. We go number three is officially time It's officially last. It's officially... It's officially tied. It's officially tied. Right, now hang on one second. It's officially tied.
Starting point is 02:06:09 I want to keep the listeners up to date. We are officially tied. Can we go to the scorecard one? Two. What is it? No, what is it? Two, two. We got him on the card.
Starting point is 02:06:21 98.98. We got a tied fight. Wow. Why is that? Robert? It's like game seven. All right, go ahead, Kelly. What do you go say? Six right now on the cards 98 98 we got a tight fight I go ahead Kelly what do you say I think it might be fun if I don't choose the boys If you if you be fun if you go back to Australia for three weeks, I think it would be fun Why do you get What do you get? What do you scream? You get so mad. Yeah, what do you get mad at kill? Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, I will no no I'll tell you why Why cuz you got to choose three fucking voices and if it was a tiebreaker in the seventh we had to do it in a sudden death round That's true then I would say for the massive voice to choose voice Lewis and his biker arms The realy her gang are really just hair when all we do it looks like an extra on sons of anarchy
Starting point is 02:07:18 I'm a mind right for breeding again. All right, so Right for breeding again. All right. All right. So I like the voice around sick. I don't like you being racist through Lewis. You said breeding. Yeah, that's what I said for a good. I got again. Go ahead. Ready? Yeah, you're picking the voice. So Lewis, here's the deal. You have as much time as you want to get this. Okay. I just want to let you know. I just want to let you know. I got. But I want to just let you know. I just want to let you know But I want to just let you know I just want us You just fell asleep, let's
Starting point is 02:07:57 First of all, how did you get that toothpick in your mouth? Here we go, hey, what's happening over there? I had to check the time. No, I'm taking a fucking in your mouth. I'm waiting to hear. I'm waiting to hear. I'm waiting to hear. All right, here we go. Hey, what's happening over there? I had to check the time. No, I'm taking a fucking voice tutorial on a phone, Kelly. Hey, stop it. Settle down. You fucking mad.
Starting point is 02:08:13 I'm so nervous. She's nervous. I'll tell you right now, the guy who donated to keep Lewis off the show. If you make that a hundred, I'll grant your wish. Joe, listen. I'm in the zone. This is game seven. This is big. I'm like, you're a judge. I'm talking about it serious. You got to have to close your wish. Joe is listen. I'm in the zone. This is game seven. This is big.
Starting point is 02:08:26 I'm like, you're a judge. I'm like, you're a judge. I'm like, you're a judge. I'm like, you're a judge. I'm like, you're a judge. I'm like, you're a judge. I'm like, you're a judge. I'm like, you're a judge.
Starting point is 02:08:34 I'm like, you're a judge. I'm like, you're a judge. I'm like, you're a judge. I'm like, you're a judge. I'm like, you're a judge. I'm like, you're a judge. I'm like, you're a judge. I'm like, you're a judge.
Starting point is 02:08:42 I'm like, you're a judge. I'm like, you're a judge. I'm like, you're a judge. I'm like, you're a judge. I'm like, you're a judge. I'm like, you're a judge. I'm Lewis, you go, man, let's go. Bonjour, my name is Jumple Verk, I'm on the third. I'm from Luxembourg. I was actually kicked out of France for being too sexy. Let me tell you something.
Starting point is 02:08:59 All right, hold it up. Hold it up. He just lost. I don't know, man. I was going to get more galley. Kelly, for Stuka. Hold it up. He just lost. I don't know, man. I'm good. Where are you going? Cali, Cali, Fistuka. Listen, it's got a little Luxembourgian man. Shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 02:09:11 I got a Luxembourgian face. I got it. I got it. All right, here we go. Ready? Cali, are you ready? Yeah. All right, ready? Go.
Starting point is 02:09:17 Salud, Jim about Shalad. Just with Dedole, Sava. OK. Jim, it's been on James. We're just speaking with him. You guys speak English. You guys speak English. I fucking took high school French to your twat bag. Just we did all day Okay, okay Oh, you're speaking English you guys I took high school French to you to have that has to be a fucking accent back to your coil Saddle in fear of the papier and the
Starting point is 02:09:36 The biblioteque Shun spanish fuck up. Blue is stop settled out. However. Yes, the point has been made by Scopo. Yes, she does need to say something in English. It needs to be English. It's a character that we can understand. So whatever you just did, it is. OK, I got it. I will give you another shot.
Starting point is 02:09:54 You ready? One, two, three. Someone will hang on. Wake Joe up. I'm listening. I know. The first four letters of listener list Okay, get ready here we go go hello my name is Julia Exactly like Bill Crystal. I started strong and I lost it. All right loses the winner. You know
Starting point is 02:10:27 We got to wait with seven because He can't win. He can't win on the fault. He can't win on the fault I'm with the fault and with Chris that accent was so bad the end is went End of it you went high pitch for no reason fuck up listen at the end of it you went high pitch for no reason fuck up listen listen that was terrible that was one of the worst things but I need I need to hear it again I need you all sort of hang on I need to make sure I just want to see a little history play Kelly do it again this is the buzzword. I go go. Okay. Um, hello. Oh, just the all oh. Hello. Hello. Hello. Come on. My name is Juliet.
Starting point is 02:11:11 Yes. Would you like to go out for dinner tonight? Oh, fuck. You're missing the base of the end. Dude. I can't do this. You have a dinner part. You had dinner. I can't. Would you like to go out for dinner tonight? You have a dinner part you had dinner Is she deaf My name is People I haven't picked up for man. Seven people think people is funny. She might win. She has French women in a car wreck. Dan. Dan Wins.
Starting point is 02:11:54 Oh, but she was your... That was your triple pal, quiet. I was taxed and went driving. Dan Wins, man. Oh, master. Dan's a voice master we know No, Bobby Bobby got you something that they're both so bad that they had something Up Lewis Jesus Christ I'm getting why people don't like you Roll the decided what we fuck on do if we do sudden death it should be Kelly I say I say this if we do sudden death we have to all pick the impression
Starting point is 02:12:35 I say the easiest person doing impression of all the swelch and anger No, no, no this is to hack Jesus to really what all they were there were doing wasn't I do a Boston accent Boston accent on your fuck We could really judge do buck Kelly not fuck that all right guys. I'm back celebrating with my fucking friends and family right now We haven't even voted yet. You can't celebrate Ready we're gonna vote dance soda I Got loose Gomez winning it in the six. All right. You got okay guys a knockdown round I got loose Gomez winning it in the six. All right. You got okay guys a knock down round We get Joe list. I'd like to hear a Boston accent off
Starting point is 02:13:16 Charis name's your main domain your name is Good I always We've never had more than one Good We've never had more All right, go ahead. Can I vote the same way Joe did yes, I go for son death. Yes, I'm of the send-out Dan to draw Death So to draw Death Shout in death, hold on that they're on the draw hang on ever talking from voices the fans of fucking draw And I don't trust the judging system. I don't trust the fucking referees here. I don't trust that's ridiculous Lewis took that round. Yes, Joe go ahead. I'm saying you one now. It's eight months later We got to have the rematch the big purse
Starting point is 02:14:00 I'm okay. I'm okay for another round as long as I want you one. You one, you're the champion. I say, I say Lewis one, but right now I would love to see a Boston off right now. I'd say who won though? Who won? Alright, uh, honestly his surprised me more that he could even fuck it, do it. You know what I mean? I took a French in the eighth and the ninth grade Stop doing that because I'm not gonna vote for you keep talking Because it sounds worse and worse when you get comfortable with it
Starting point is 02:14:30 Alright, I go, that's all right Would you prefer me to speak Creole? Fuck, fuck, I go, I go, I go, Kelly It doesn't matter, I really want you to vote doesn't count Actually, I didn't vote yet, I didn't vote yet I didn't vote yet Oh So you vote Lewis vote Lewis one you vote Lewis one you vote Kelly I vote Kelly to That's my voice over I vote Kelly. So now you have a sudden death right now
Starting point is 02:14:56 No, you have to do a Boston accent. I tap out Kelly wins That's really I swear to god real I'm not gonna let Kelly win around by default cuz she's a chick and she's hand to things easier No, it was your racist. Oh Yes, Joe, I will say that I Do feel that Kelly got a slight unfair break cuz in the French thing I thought she nailed it and then all of a sudden we made a rule that had to be English Which was never actually a thing it was just voices. I was true We did throw that in there. There's mud in the water. She came up. I asked me character
Starting point is 02:15:27 And that was the character that I might look still better actually no it was better than her speaking in French I can't speak I'm just accent stunk Lewis just all I'm saying and I think you should respect this And I do you should be a man like I Move the Lexanburg is I was too sexy for friends luston bur as you Lexan bracelet Lexi shut up Luxinburg you know Lux, it's Lexan. Listen to me. I think that you should do a bossin off right now. We're gonna end the show. And I think we're gonna end it right now and whoever wins.
Starting point is 02:15:56 Nope. I think you have a show because there's a chance you'll beat me at a bossin accent. I'm gonna lose the Kelly Fistuke out of anything when I already won. Do you think you could lose dirt or anything? At a bossin accent, maybe. Is that what it is, Lewis? You won the fight, but you could lose Dirt anything that a boss at accent maybe is that what it is Lewis you won the fight But you're afraid of the second second bout wow, that's weird You win the fight though. It's too again. I didn't I didn't know Nobody really believes you had a better French accent than me do it for you. No one do for the baby Do it for your kid
Starting point is 02:16:19 Do it for you. Oh, yeah, man Do you feel your fucking kid do it only in America? Can a woman come from Australia and Observe yet it I'm deserved to be another man now The rest of America wants to see a rematch I'd be like if you want to see a rematch You're like a palo crepe Palo crepe wanted a king of jazz I believe in you Lewis look at me
Starting point is 02:16:43 I know Lewis. I believe in you. This comes from an actor. No, I believe in you to I believe in you Lewis look at me. I know Lewis. I believe in you. Let's go some an actor. No, I believe in you I believe in you. I think you can fucking pull the show Not only the fans gonna know you that you want originally They're gonna know that you came back and did it again without steroids without blood swapping about that him running You're fucking asshole doing yoga into here Yeah, that he doesn't want to go again because he scared I will beat him That's not a real last Dude fucking doesn't let
Starting point is 02:17:22 People fucking miss judge and then fucking tell me that I lost something that I didn't lose So if you want to admit that I will realize do the kicker at about a rematch You away from no more fucking I yeah, yeah, you're you're a real-ass punk bitch You're a puss cake. That's the role. Yeah, we're still rolling Yeah, you're a real-ass fucking bitch The fans know the fans know the fuck nigga. Good. What? What are we waiting for tickets I've Kelly's next us
Starting point is 02:18:01 Whatever call the character suck you win. How about that? Oh, we're doing a Boston. He's not doing it. Yeah, he is. Yeah, yeah, no No, do it. Oh, do it. Oh, If you don't do it, if you say that I won that fucking fight We already we already get no you said I was a tie. I say you win if you don't do it out the replace you in this podcast Who I say you do that's around huh? Do it. Let's do it. Hey, wait a minute. Stop stop. Would you actually do that? Yeah, you come in every week I can't what we replace Lewis. I would replace. Can we put a J in the middle of your fucking name? Dremain J. Fell. Stay away. Dremain J. Fell.
Starting point is 02:18:35 We just J. J. Fell. They call it J. J. Fell. My Lewis. Lewis you want. But we want it. We want a sudden death. We want the reap. Robert, can I just clarify that Lewis asked you to tell him that he would only do it if he won? Oh, I love the Kelly. Look at that baby. This is becoming such a fucking hell. No Kelly, fuck off.
Starting point is 02:18:56 I will be talking to you. I'm not into fucking false winning. I will win. I will win. If I didn't win, you know what I would do? Guess what Kelly, if you beat me Ladies and gentlemen he's standing up Kelly for stuka If you beat me fair and square in the center of the squared circle
Starting point is 02:19:16 I would look at everybody in this room. I'm gonna look at everybody around the world and I'm gonna say I got beat One two three But it just didn't happen you know it you know it you know it and most of all the fans know I know it that's all That was your best fucking Here we go here we go bossing off. Let's go boss enough Here we go you're gonna stand up. We're gonna sit down. Okay. Here we go. You ready now? Here's the first. Dan, go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead second Kelly go Kelly goes first. Okay. Here we go. Get it in the microphone. Make sure you do the microphone And we're gonna end the show on this we get Dan to hype it up one more time
Starting point is 02:20:14 Fighting out of the red corner from Australia fighting at weight unknown. I know fighting at weight unknown. I know for me. Lopsided kitty for sugar. See, Kelly, guys. And in the blue corner, by from the woods of Nyak, raised in a Bronx zoo, he stands at six foot1 with a gross torso.
Starting point is 02:20:47 He is the real last goo. Per rating for the champion. Per rating for the champion. IBF and WBC, voice over champion. He is Lewis. Yeeeey. Lorma. Shhh. Who is Shhh You've all been instructed on the rules back in the dressing room. I want you to come out have a fucking fair voice over fight
Starting point is 02:21:13 This is a Boston fight which means bottles bats It's saying the end one is allowed Watch this strong now go back and Fuck those dinosaur kids I'm gonna walk this strong. Now go back and fuck those dynas so our kids. It's Kurt Mutzkirk awesome. What? I want you to come out with your fucking best boss in accent.
Starting point is 02:21:30 God grace the winners. Go fuck yourself. All right, here we go, ready? By the way, I'm doing it in my head the whole time. This is gonna be really bad, I'm not happy. Here we go. We're ending the show on this. I'm touching myself like an autistic kid.
Starting point is 02:21:41 There we go. One. One. Kelly, you ready? Yeah. All right. Here we go. One, two, three. Look at her. Go, stop moving. Let her do her thing. Sit down, Lewis. No, this is my. I mean, this is fun. There we go. Ready? Let's go. I got to get out of here, Lewis. I want. Sit down. Get your fucking guy in the corner. Fuck you, Tommy. Sit the fuck down, Tommy. I'm from drug chest, you know that? Sit the fuck down, Tommy.
Starting point is 02:22:11 I don't want to do you talking anymore. Keep going, keep going. Keep going. Fuck you. Keep going. Get in the car. Keep going. Fuck you, you fucking motherfucker.
Starting point is 02:22:22 You speak to my mother like that. Fuck you. Go back in. You fucking motherfucker you speak to my model like that fuck you I'm gonna fucking head bounce off I can't tell you how many people just shut this fucking show off for the last time Kelly just Oh My god, damn I was good at it. I was good at it. Is it is it not like a shitty smell that you have to keep smelling Honestly is like watching faces of death What let's see position blower it brings out and watch that lady skipping through the tree. What? Let's say. Oh, let them smash you for a minute.
Starting point is 02:23:07 No. Lewis, what you got to do is tap it in. Just tap it in. Is yours? My car's chill. Just tap it in. Oh, you got to do. It's all the talking about a normal volume.
Starting point is 02:23:17 The goal is pulled. It's all in the head. Joe's the only person that talks at normal volume on the show. All right, well, it's until you call me regular. Hold on. That's not normal volume, man. Everybody is talking at a higher volume. He's the abnormal volume No, you get everybody to scream. So I was terrible. He fucking does right?
Starting point is 02:23:32 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Prokos one owner Huh, that's why the heavy doing one look I'm still on that No, but I'll be back Everybody how you doing Stolen I'm a song. I'm a here be back. Okay. Everybody, how you doing? Calling. He's doing. I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going you gotta keep going to like tell say stop go So we you know we went down to the baseball field and we got some fucking beers and We fucking we went in that we got in the car
Starting point is 02:24:10 We found some bitches we fucked him in the back of the car all these niggas showed up. I'm like listen You fucking Fuck off my porch. I'm fucking bastard I'm from Boston. I don't even know what I'm from Boston. I don't even know what I don't even know what I'm talking about. Jesus Christ. We're going to have to take a break on this one. I think next week we're next week Back with the winner. Yeah, all right Jesus Christ
Starting point is 02:24:49 Nika just to kind of get an extra point. Yeah, I had to get extra points Here's the thing Kelly. I'm not gonna accents. I'm still better than you and I don't include them in my act He knew he was losing the accent. He put negative for no reason He really didn't really but the worst part he put eggplant He really didn't. The worst party put eggplant. He said eggplant. He was a Boston guy from 1978. Dude, those fucking eggplant. I'm not even Boston for a quarter of century. I've never heard eggplant. He was the ever. I don't even know what eggplant is. Dude, are you fucking kidding me? Dude, the fucking eggplant. I don't know what eggplant is. I wish I didn't know what eggplant was. I didn't know what eggplant is. I listened. I know what it was. You guys, this has been a fun show.
Starting point is 02:25:24 This is a crazy show. Holy shit. It's good to have you back, Kelly. Well, thanks for having me back. You know what? Scope is going to be staying with us, too. He was here to fill in for Kelly for the last three weeks, but I'm going to keep him around too.
Starting point is 02:25:39 Thanks, buddy. We got some youth stream coming. We're going to be adding video live when we shoot it. And also you'll be able to go back and launch it later. So we're adding that. We got a new website coming to Riotcast. A lot of new shit. And again, I announced Nick DePolo just came to the riot.
Starting point is 02:25:58 He just joined the riot. So we got a lot of great shit coming. I can't wait for Nick. I really, I can't wait to fucking hear his show. And I've been listening to all the network shows. Here's the thing you can do to support not just my show. I want you to go and support all the shows. You can go to Riotcast on iTunes,
Starting point is 02:26:18 subscribe and review. Leave a five star review for all the shows. You keep us all, all the shows up in the top 100, up in the top 40, up in the top 20. That's how you get us up there. That's how we get more fans. That's how you can, are you on the top 600?
Starting point is 02:26:34 I think so. That's good man. That's not bad. Well it's for a sports podcast. It doesn't. Oh yeah, I am. So anyways, it was. It was you guys can help us out that way.
Starting point is 02:26:45 I can't wait to get Nick on the new network. It's coming soon. Everything is going along really good. And I can't wait for you to see the new website we just had done. So all the money and all the stuff you guys have been supporting our sponsors, like I say, all the time. It goes back into the network. It goes back into making the ship better for you guys.
Starting point is 02:27:05 So you guys can enjoy this stuff for basically free every week. There's around 14 podcasts we have on the network and if you don't have money you don't have to fucking spend a nickel. So, but if you do we appreciate you guys supporting our sponsors and donations are awesome too. Kelly what do you got?
Starting point is 02:27:21 I just wanted to do a thank you to some people that have sent us some stuff. And some nice letters and stuff. So Dave Graham, Gregory Norris, put a whole bunch of stickers around town, Chris Brighlyer, Anthony Ramirez, Jason Brislin, Linda Wilson from London, and Ron Cornwell. A great, all great people. Gregory Norris is a live, he was a great guy.
Starting point is 02:27:43 Yeah, that's the guy, and here we gave him stickers and he put them up everywhere. And you can see them on the Facebook page. I'll go to the Twitter and what you can find me on the Twitter at KELL. Like, if it's the UCA. I want to thank some, I have a few people. Yeah, we're going to get to go around. It's not a fucking acceptance speech. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:28:02 Look at that. God. Hello, don't get me. We have the show, the YKWD podcast live, with Dan Soda, Lewis J. Gomez, Kelly Fistuka. Let's see, maybe Scopal will be there. We have Bailey J is our guest, and we have another special guest, too, that's going to be on the show. Joe Liss can't make it he's gonna be away
Starting point is 02:28:27 so we had to replace him with uh... somebody more famous that's how we had to uh... fill issues uh... i can't i can't what's uh... the date of the show bobby so uh... uh... that is november sixth wednesday night at the village underground.
Starting point is 02:28:46 November 6th Wednesday night, it's for the New York comedy festival. So we're doing a podcast live. Everybody's going to do some stage time. Then we're going to sit down and do one of these motherfuckers in front of a live audience. There's only 200 seats available. So when the tickets are available this week, I think it's the end of this week. Get on it it get your tickets biome because they're gonna be gone
Starting point is 02:29:08 and then we have at ten o'clock at nine o'clock that night we have a riot cast live show where uh... rich boss bottoming file in jim florentine mandy stat Miller dan maderman myself and special guest column quaymez. I'm hosting that shit. I'm getting to you. I was gonna do you at the end.
Starting point is 02:29:28 I was gonna say in a special host, you're fucking idiot. I put it together. I do it my way. Stop. I swear to God, I'm gonna bump you off the show again. I'll bump you off all the shows. Huh?
Starting point is 02:29:41 Yeah, exactly. You live's quiver. Keep your mouth shut. You're an eggplant kid. You're a cannibal. Huh? Yeah, exactly. Lips quiver. Keep your mouth shut. Nick Plankhead. You're on Canelo. Special, a special guest host is Louis Shagomas. Who's a great host by the way? Stand up and host awesome.
Starting point is 02:29:56 As long as you're not fucking more, I just have to make it real, four minutes of them at a time. Increment is good. That is two shows, two riot cast shows, YKWD at seven, at nine thirty, it is the riot cast show, at the Village Underground for the New York Comedy Festival, tickets are available soon,
Starting point is 02:30:14 go to the Comedy Cellar website and the New York Comedy Festival website, as soon as they're available, buy them. Tell your friends, spread the word, get it the fuck out there, because we want to pack these shows up, we want to, and we don't want you to miss it. So get on them, get your friends, spread the word, get it the fuck out there, because we want to pack these shows up, we want to, and we don't want you to miss it.
Starting point is 02:30:27 So get on them, get your tickets as soon as they're available. What else? That's it, I'm DeGerry. Joe, what do you got? October 19th, our friend, a new member of the RICAS, Nick DePolo and I are the Taft Theater in Cincinnati, Ohio, October 19th, Taft Theater, Cincinnati, Ohio, October 19th, Taft Theater, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Starting point is 02:30:47 And I know it's on a different network. I apologize, but I have a new podcast I'll call Tuesdays with stories available on iTunes myself in Mark Norman. We had 1200 listens the first weeks that come over. So I mean, I go to maybe we would have had 5,000 if you fucking went on the right network. Yeah, well, no one had said, hey, we. No one had said, hey, over here. Stupid. Yeah Yeah, well, no one had said, hey, we, no one had said, hey, over here. Yeah, I mean, no one had asked fourth week in a row
Starting point is 02:31:08 of me getting shit for not being on this particular network. Well, nobody asked. I thought maybe you know, you know, you, you know, you stay home in the family, but apparently you go somewhere else. We could have had your own little studio here, like Lewis, you look real good at your own little stories.
Starting point is 02:31:26 But that makes room for other people. October 19th, Nick DePolo and I tap, Twitter. That's it. I make sure you check out Joe's podcast with Mark Norman, two very, very funny guys, hilarious guys. And make sure you check out him and Nick. Joe is one of my favorite comics to do, be on a show with hilarious guys and make sure you check out him and Nick Joe is one of my favorite comics to do a being a show with hilarious guys what do you got Dan? October 3rd through the 5th I'll be headlining the stress factory in New Brunswick, New Jersey Thursday night
Starting point is 02:31:58 Thursday Friday and Saturday. Oh you're a real headlining man. Back coach. During the weekend no it's not you fucking. Oh, wow. He knows there's some bad blood between that. And what do you mean? They tried doing it as a code, like they tried, I was headlining and then Frost added Pete Davidson to open for me. And then the club was like, it's a code show. And I was like, no, it's not.
Starting point is 02:32:19 It's me headlining from Guy Code. Oh, you can say I'm from Guy Code, but it's not a code show. Because you know why? Because they had, it was successful. Yeah, yeah, yeah I'm from guy code, but it's not a code because you know why? Because they had it was successful. Yeah, don't let Dan. I was very successful. But that's not I did me have my how did that show go, by the way, did you hear? I don't know. They said it was really good at so adjustment. It was really good. Yeah, that's probably
Starting point is 02:32:40 all right. And then I'll be at the Albany comedy works. The 11th and 12th of October. Awesome. Dan Soto, one of the funniest new headliners out there. He's been headlining for the last year. He's, I'm telling you, if you want to laugh for 45 minutes exactly. Right on the dot.
Starting point is 02:33:02 Right on the dot and then smile for 10 minutes you I get off around minute four yeah yeah you will fucking you you will see a great show you'll see a definite good middleer a lot of him and you'll see 15 minutes more of a headline I want to see someone start off really strong if you want if you want to be relieved when somebody goes, thank you. If you want to see a beat of sweat fall down, then, so does Sportage. Wow, if you want to hear somebody wordy and ruin all the fun, you really want to hear
Starting point is 02:33:40 someone host up a joke. Oh, if you have a shitty shirt, you want to be made fun of. Lewis has been beaten down. Lewis, what have you got? I, you guys can, oh, you know, I got to show at the stand, man, ageing in Apolluja, you last week's guest, we're putting together our own, once a month, it's like a mashup show.
Starting point is 02:33:58 So it's two comics on stage at the same time. Yeah. And we're gonna try to, I asked Bobby, I texted him today to answer that. I don't do fucking theme shows. That's not gonna work. Yeah, I do stand up. I do it. No, but I do stand up No, I go on stage and I tell jokes and they're funny. It's not gonna work I don't I don't fucking go up and do hey you tell one I tell one. Yeah, that's a little different than that
Starting point is 02:34:18 Yeah, guys come out to the stand on a corporate Fuckin I guess Bobby Kelly won't be there, but It's gonna be a bunch of different comments. I mean look go check it out Try it out the end eight o'clock October 9th What else and also guys go to my website kellyfistika Is that really exists? Yeah, I bought actually it's not it's not linked yet. I bought it. I only don't mean this so cool That's great man. I can't believe that. Oh, realized dude, Dr. Commer.
Starting point is 02:34:46 What are we supposed to do with him? Go to, uh, follow me on Twitter at Louis J. Gomez. I'm gonna, I, Kelly, if you don't go by, Louis J. Gomez sucks. Already on it? Has a dirty black ass. There isn't a real ass dude. You do that one.
Starting point is 02:34:58 How about, how about get Louis off It was not helped that he loves me. Mm. Yeah. There's another It was not helped that he loves me. There's another accent. Okay, when you're going to be hosting the show, and you're going to be on the YKWD show. November 6th, come out to the New York comedy festival. At Village Underground.
Starting point is 02:35:17 I'm going to be nervous because no one will be in the audience. And I'm not going to be as good. The condor is in the building. All right, go ahead to your own Jumei your name is Jim. Oh, yeah, I'm on it We got he's got to go we're gonna get this off you didn't I got it. Okay, what do you got? That I was gonna say thank you for having me on I'm glad you came on appreciate that yeah, you got a man It was a big knob in big fan of bops. It's fucking man. I'm fucking excited. He's on just let it do let him say what he's saying shit
Starting point is 02:35:53 Thank you shit you're talking you're talking very much shit He said you show it gonna work out now can tell you right now don't go to Lewis's show It's a stupid this idea. I've never heard he's really trying out different things. It's not gonna help his career No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I'm saving Don't look at the little time motherfucker with a great ramp if you come into see With a great job if you come to see Kevin already ain't gonna be there want to It's me I'm going to blast for the first time this tiny body of Yeah, make sure that you go and check all these guys out. Chris, why don't you give them a nice thing you said about, you can get to me, you just,
Starting point is 02:36:50 I got a nice thing I'm gonna say right now. What do you guys think it does? I'm gonna say something right now. What do you mean, that's what I thought. That's what you, you fuck up and then when we call you on it, you, oh dude, we got the biggest thing at the very end. I'm gonna say something real quick. I wanna say make sure you go check out all of us
Starting point is 02:37:06 when we're performing live. We've all given out there our shows. Make sure you check out Jameen. I'm gonna print up my Nichemon. I know Jameen. Make sure you check out Jameen. Check out Jameen. Make sure you check.
Starting point is 02:37:18 Listen honestly, Chris, what do you got besides my Twitter? At Chris Sopo, and then you can just come anywhere. Follow fucking Scopo. Yeah, have a show. got besides uh... my twitter at christopho and then you can just come anywhere all fucking scopo yeah have a show some love follow all of us on twitter and it's a 12 to the followers follow him and i'll give an a shot i will give an a shot wait a minute what if you get a thousand to follow us
Starting point is 02:37:38 i'll go you'll get a bear as but i'll give an a shot oh fuck off i'll give an underwear shot it's about it i stop eating the mic like that and you talk finally. Well, you tell me to eat the mic. Yeah, but now I want a half ago John of the Teletons guys. I want really don't subscribe show up shut the fuck up It's like an undertone Make sure you guys show up to all these guys single show shut the fuck up. Now, show up. Show, show, show, show, show, show, show, show, show, show, show, show, show, show, show, show, show, show, show, everybody, show, show, show, show, show, show, show, show,
Starting point is 02:38:10 I put all these guys shows, show, show, show, show, show, and make sure you support us live comedy. That's what we all do. We do this for shits and giggles to make you guys laugh. We show up every week and these guys show up out of the goodness of the hearts, because we have fun doing this, but you guys can really show support by supporting what we do for real these which is stand-up comedy show up at all
Starting point is 02:38:32 Our shows you have them go to our websites and and come up after the show and say you're here because of the YKWD Oh God, he's opening his ass again. You guys are awesome. Thank you so much. What do you guys say buddy? And another thing I love you Bob. Hi buddy. You guys are awesome. Thank you so much. What do you guys say, buddy? And another thing. I love you, Bob. Hi, buddy. Thanks for coming on. I'll see you guys. What are you doing?
Starting point is 02:38:51 Ugh. All right, you guys, take care. You know what I'm dead? I'm stuck in the fog, I'm into the fog You know what I'm dead? I'm this fox, I'm this fox, I'm this fox You know what I'm dead? Really is, really, really, really Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop.
Starting point is 02:39:44 Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face.
Starting point is 02:39:52 Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face.
Starting point is 02:39:58 Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop filming my face. Don't stop

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