Robert Kelly's You Know What Dude! - UFC 114 with LJG

Episode Date: May 29, 2010

UFC 114 with LJG Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up? Robert Kelly, you know what dude podcast number four Saturday, sometime in fucking May I think? Thank you, that's what you introduce use your sounds to everybody uh... we were seeing a lot of the and that's right we're gonna be talking about we're gonna be talking about the fucking uh... you have seen one fourteen
Starting point is 00:00:39 which is fucking probably one of the craziest cards I've seen in a long time and not because of the whole card. I mean the card is great but fucking the main event is just shit. And Lewis you were talking about before we were on the podcast about how fucking excited you are just about the main event. Yeah, well I mean this is the first time I say the first time since we saw Frank near fight Brock Lesnar, we've seen two people hate each other this much that are going to fight
Starting point is 00:01:15 like it's like a real hatred you know it doesn't seem like it's war up or anything. So when you have that much bad blood it just makes you that much more exciting. You know first of all let's just get this out of the way. Who are you picking? I like rampage. I like rampage. I like him. I'd say I'm about 60% rampage, 40% reshawg.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Really, really close. But I think, pitch, he said if that's where, and he's a fighter, he's a man, he, I think he's a little bit of a subhead, a subdeck and cocky and funny. And that almost seems like a character for a shot. So I think Lampage can a little bit under his skin. Well, here's the thing. As I was thinking about that yesterday, right? We talked about yesterday. And it did seem like, it did seem like, you know, first of all, rampage has that fucking alter ego shit, which is, you know, there's Quentin Jackson, there's rampage and then there's what's his name? Fucking his alter ego. go. Yeah, I don't buy into that shit, dude. I know, but I didn't buy into that shit. I don't buy into
Starting point is 00:02:31 that shit. But then the other day when you see you saw him on the last prime time, the last couple prime times, which were fucking insane, by the way, it's like he did become this other motherfucker, even in the press conference, no joking around. Wasn't taking shit from the press was he was like fucking He was a angry fucking mean Narlie motherfucker the last week All the press he's done. He's no joking around. I mean Ram page is one of the funniest fucking guys
Starting point is 00:03:03 Out there he could be a a standup comic dude. He's a funny motherfucker. Oh yeah definitely. But that's very apparent in the countdown shows. He's a funny dude, man. He's really genuinely funny. They're quick-witted. Yeah, but he hasn't been in the last week,
Starting point is 00:03:17 which I was like, holy shit, this guy's really fucking ticked off. And Rashad was kind of fucking, you know, Rashad was always kind of the serious one. He was never the fucking goofball or the ball buster. Now he's become the ball buster in the last week and you see him sending the snuggie out and fucking goofing around and you know saying all that shit and it's like all of a sudden fucking rampage turned to corner and said fuck this this is real but now looking back at it like I saw our interview with Ariel Hualani last night with Rashad if you go to if you follow Ariel do you follow him on the on Twitter?
Starting point is 00:03:59 I don't follow him on Twitter I watch your your videos. Those are the enemy wife videos that he does. Yeah, he's one of the fucking best guys out there for interviews. He interviewed him last night and Rashad was cool. He was a cute cummer man. Just like this thing, he's like, is it personal? He's like, no, it's not personal man. A rampage is making it personal. He's taking it personal.
Starting point is 00:04:23 I'm all up in his head. He's all fucked up and angry and shit. man, your rampage is making it personal, he's taking it personal, I'm all up in his head, he's all fucked up and angry and shit, but, you know, I'm fine, I'm cool, I'm a fighter, this is what I do. And I was like, oh shit, and then I watched the ESPN and Kenny Florian was talking about, if you're angry, if you're mad, if you're excited at a fight, you can literally win yourself in 30 seconds You're just you're just fucking lose all your cardio because of your emotions You know what it means to that got me thinking like oh shit
Starting point is 00:04:55 Maybe that was the shots thing to get rampage so angry and so fucked up To get him wanting to rip his head off so he could fucking be cool and you know just go in there and fight his fight and have rampage all fucked up in his head. No, look at that. There might be something there like a... look, the great jacks can't they're fucking geniuses in terms of game planning on every level. So, look, there might be some truth for that and there also might be some truth to, you know, being emotionally invested, winning you. But, I, there really is just something that you look at the look on their faces and their eyes. I really buy it from rent age. When he says he's going to go on fucking beat the shed at a reshade,
Starting point is 00:05:37 and I'm not buying it from reshade. And I'm saying like, it's just, it doesn't seem, reshade seems very fake, and rent age, it doesn't seem, we're not seeming very safe and went age, it seems like genuine anger, genuine hatred. He also looks like he's genuine in way training harder than he's ever trained. Those are actually pretty funny on the, with the prime time when, we're not trained or, you know, the striking coach, Clifford. He was like, you know, watching a web page train, it looks like he's training ten years ago, he's just running and fucking swimming and they're putting a shot through this Olympic
Starting point is 00:06:08 caliber training argument. And I think, look, that's the only reason why I think the fight isn't even as close I think it's gonna be. It's specifically because of that training and specifically because it has some more great jokes and stuff. Yeah, but you know what? It's, it's your fucking rampage, it's just club of laying in this shit, man. Club of laying. I swear to God at the way in just today when When Rogan asked him for a prediction. I swear to God. I thought he was gonna go pain Because this this motherfucker dude. He he is old school. There was a video on One of the website just today. I think it was a
Starting point is 00:06:44 M-M-A-T-K-O-D-O-D-C-O-D-A-R-R-S-T-R-R-R-S-T-R-R-R-S-T-R-R-R-S-T-R-R-R-S-T-R-R-S-T-R-R-S-T-R-R-S-T-R-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R-S-T-R like old country music. Did you have a soundbed to anything that it fucking makes sense? But it kind of did, they showed, we're shot with a parachute and pushing a guy on a fucking cart and then they just showed rampage jogging. Like, it's like... The children of this fucking glitzman,
Starting point is 00:07:21 the glitz don't know how to do that, that's the problem. They really don't have anybody in their camp, the once-wear, right? The only person they have that's notable is this thing, and I never really bought it into this thing either. So in terms of camp, the bird just going off of camp, and that's all we knew about them, of course I think we're shocked, but I just really think that Rage just is a fucking cycle path dude and you were like oh you know what it is we've seen where shot get hit and dropped you know I'm saying we saw him get knocked out let me see that we saw Tiazo Silva not come down he wobbled him at the third round of their fight he almost
Starting point is 00:07:58 seems like not down on that fight when it comes out to that I think rampage has more power than both of those guys so I I think you're going to see where shot hit somewhere in the second round, and that's going to be that. But you think that if we're shot, it was smart. If you, you know, if the trip actually might do this, because you have smart, he might just go in and take him down and George St. Pierrems with the rear-arms. I'll hold him down. I don't know. I mean, if he does that, though, he's going to be an asshole. Nobody's going to let him, and people don't like him now
Starting point is 00:08:27 You know people don't like him now and they're not gonna like him fucking if he does that shit And that's gonna fucking hurt the sport too. That's gonna hurt UFC if a shot goes in there with the game plan I'm gonna wrestle him take him down and fucking hold them down for fucking five rounds or three rounds. I mean down and fucking hold them down with fucking five rounds or three rounds. I mean It's gonna suck because this main event needs to fuck someone needs to go in this event someone needs to go In this fight if that doesn't happen. It's gonna fucking hurt. It's gonna. It's gonna suck. It's gonna hurt the fucking sport board. Who is our weeb down match? No. You know, Dean White has already said, in the owner, that's definitely getting to fight
Starting point is 00:09:07 Shrogan. Yeah, I know, but the guy, it's like, you can't have, whoever wins this needs to win it. You can't, this shit can't go to a decision. And if it does, it's going to be a fucking all-out brawl. I mean, these guys are really going to put it online. If this guy's going to do what GSP, which GSP's been doing to every fight, just fucking come out of the game plan and stick into it and fucking boring five rounders. Ugh.
Starting point is 00:09:32 Yeah, look, nobody wants to see anybody down somebody out that way, but we're talking about these are the highest level athletes in terms of MMA in the U.F.C. So are you going to give up that title shot to go out and just possibly get quick quick like a little coin Jackson? Cause you know what you said is, he would have coin hit him and connect, no, not the amount of it. And I think that clearly take for shot the best punch. Okay, check it out. But he's not that powerful. Yeah, okay, so yeah, but he's saying that he's better than him. You're saying that you're better than him in all aspects of the game go out and fucking beat him in his
Starting point is 00:10:07 game go beat him at all parts of the game well i mean that's a that's a game that the game is it's more far and honestly when the great rift or when they're crazy rift or credentials um what i don't i just think you know what i'm i'm not even i'm not a fighter death i'm gonna think you've got they're gonna stand out and punch each other on the face.
Starting point is 00:10:26 But don't be completely surprised if you see a shot shooting and holding it down, because that would probably be the smartest way to do it. We saw a shot in training up against the wall on the mat with Shane Corwin and Shane Corwin are 20 to 65 pounds feet want the rest of it and here's the other joke so Just watching that in the cloud down it will in the in the blind time you almost go Well, why would he even bring in somebody that big director with him because he knows my pages and gonna try to take them down Right, yeah, I mean, I just I look I don't care about I'd love to see wrestling I love to see good wrestling. I love to see good grounded pound and all that. I just don't want to lie on top of them for fucking three minutes, you know what I mean? I just don't want to see fucking, no one wants to see rampage on his fucking back
Starting point is 00:11:12 with somebody on top of them. You know, I fuck it, it just bugs me, I fucking hate it. It's like, you know, I, wrestlers great, but fucking, they get on top, lie on top. I mean, what the fuck? You know what I mean? It was every fight gonna be fucking a guy lying on top of another guy
Starting point is 00:11:28 Are they gonna be no more knockouts no more submissions fuck off? Well, I think that's it. I mean, that's where Randy could talk about this I have to use all those guys and I'm saying that's not even a Serial you know, it's just the old way it's the slaughter game plan. It's a smarter game plan I'm not gonna fault any fight for going out there and fighting a smart fight. You know, if you're going to calculate everything and say, we know this is the way that I'm feeding my children and the way that I'm going to try to do this, you know, play the game the smartest and that way. If you watch football or basketball or anything, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:59 if you guys make stupid moves, you know, just to be far out of your door and make people smile, they're playing a smart game and that's, I think, make stupid moves, you know, just to be far assured or in a make people smile, they're playing a smart game and then that's, I think, the first part of the game. Okay. Okay. Look at you. You're talking from a fighter, a fan of the sport. You're talking from a fighter's perspective. I'm talking from a fan's perspective. I'm talking from the average dickhead that doesn't know every aspect of the game. You know what I mean? Look at a Floyd Mayweather fight. Nobody wants to see it. Nobody wants to buy it. Who gives a fuck? He's gonna dance around. But I'll go see if I'll
Starting point is 00:12:40 pay to see a Pacquiao fight. Because you know, he's gonna fucking whale some shit out for fucking 12 rounds. You know what I mean? I mean I understand what you're saying. You make a good point. These guys have to, you know, they have to pay their rent and the support their family and you don't want to just go out there and get knocked out. But I think there is, you know, then don't, you know, then Rashad has been talking. He can just do whatever he wants to rampage and every aspect of the game. So I walk him to lose. I would be one of the people that's planning
Starting point is 00:13:25 my dad against my fucking table and screaming at the TV to get up and stand him up. Even though genuinely I don't really believe in stand-ups in an amount, I think the ref should ever have anybody up. What? The fan in me would take over and I'd be fucking standing at the TV for them to stand him up. So yeah, since I might understand where you're coming from as well, nobody wants to see that. And the truth is, they're trying to blame it all of these casual fans as a sport. Well, the people that know about it, know about it. It's really about educating these casual fans. And the truth is, I don't even know if necessarily it's the way to educate them by just having a dude stand there and punch
Starting point is 00:14:02 each other. If you notice, if you watch the videos from seven years ago, six years ago, five years ago, even, like people would do as soon as it would hit the mat. And now you see the casual fans just little transition changes when somebody will pass guard or somebody will step their leg over or at little intercom season setting up subs, the fans start to go crazy. So I think you're going to start to see people be a little bit more knowledgeable. At the end of the day, you know, I think GSP, he's just such a good wrestler that anybody that you put up against him, you're just going to see that outcome almost every time. You're probably going to see that happen against Josh, Josh, that's the same thing. I know, but I just love GSP's, I love GSP. I'm not saying that he's, you know, GSP is fucking insane. I just love seeing the other aspects of his game too.
Starting point is 00:14:48 I love seeing him punch and, you know, I love seeing him tap people out. I mean, he's just, he's fucking great. You know what I mean? I just don't like to see the same thing over and over. You know, and it's not the most entertaining part of the fucking sport. You know, take down and fucking lying on top of somebody and ground in pound. I mean, you know, and especially when a guy like GSP or Shah, they have their full rounded, well-rounded fighters. You know what I mean? I love seeing guys go out there and fucking let it all hang out. You know what I mean? But all right. So let's let's move on to the next fight because we I got I want to talk about these undercards Which are actually I mean you got to give the credit to the UFC They don't put on and all I'm not just you have seal even showtime
Starting point is 00:15:35 That's the one thing I love about the fucking MMA is that you go to a card There's so many fighters out there so many good fighters That it's not just the fucking headline main event that's gonna be good. It's like a boxing match. Who watches a fucking prelimbs at a boxing match? Nobody. Because who the fuck is that? You know, that the fucking stinks, but on an MMA card, man, the fucking prelimbs are the shit. Every single fight has at least at least five good fights before it. So we got to...
Starting point is 00:16:11 I think that's part of what I'm, of course, I do the nature of this sport, because you have these guys who, it's so much easier to lose in MMA. So it's like, if you get three or four or five wins in a row, and you know, strike four, so you have to see Bellator, one of these major organizations, your next line for a title shot. With these, you know, just saw me, young boxers, and they go, they have to get records of like 30 or 40 in a row before they're up there and known. So I just think it's like, it's not gonna let them fight,
Starting point is 00:16:41 do what they gotta do, they've got four, around five, around five, so they do on the undercards. That's bullshit. But somebody could be on a pre-wim. One month they, not to have somebody that has a name. And then there are two or three fights away from fighting for a title. So I think that there's just way more implications
Starting point is 00:16:55 and every matchup. You know what I'm saying? Even the Jason Grills versus New Dyerra, which I'm really pissed off that we're not going to watch first person fight. And and I would be such a good fight, but you look at that What happened to Forrest Griffin? What do you know what you're gonna get a shoulder injury and training? Yeah So he had a pull out of the fight it was just earlier on in the month it was like the first week of May he told out
Starting point is 00:17:20 And now they're bringing this guy Jason brill and if I do his work he's a good fight of many 18 and two He's got some really notable bring in the sky Jason Rose and if I do what he's a good fighter man he's 18 and two he's got some really notable wins in the UFC but I mean even in the countdown he's a fucking fireman dude you can't I think that's better for the sport honestly like you can't fucking hide you can't but call this guy you love part time fucking works at crack a bell you have a cake she the shame column is a fuzzy day job brother. Yeah, Shane Cohen's a
Starting point is 00:17:47 fight. Yeah, he loves his job. He loves his job. He's a what is he a fucking engineer somewhere in the middle of nowhere, dude? That's like when you hear a comic do a joke about working in an office Con Volotea, la región de Murcia nunca ha estado tan cerca. Especamente, no es una gran parte de la gente. Especamente, no es una gran parte de la gente. Especamente, no es una gran parte de la gente. Especamente, no es una gran parte de la gente. Especamente, no es una gran parte de la gente.
Starting point is 00:18:18 Especamente, no es una gran parte de la gente. Especamente, no es una gran parte de la gente. Especamente, no es una gran parte de la gente. Especamente, no es una gran parte de la gente. Especamente, no es una gran parte de la gente. Especamente, no es una gran parte de la gente. Con Volotea, la región de Murcia nunca ha estado tan cerca. Espectacularismos, monumentos, rincones de película y un sincindia aventuras te esperan. ¡Friparás! Huelades de Madrid, Amurcia y a otros destinos que te sorprenderán a partir de 19 euros. Volotea.
Starting point is 00:18:42 Tarifa sujetas a disponibilidad, consulta las condiciones en Bueno, yo creo que hay mucho dinero. No sé, no sé si es lo que sea. Pero es muy interesante. No sé si hay mucho dinero en la Sport para muchos de estos otros que no tienen contractos con el UFC o UFC or have smaller contracts with the UFC. I mean, these fight organizations, I don't think the smaller guys can fucking afford not to have a job, dude.
Starting point is 00:19:17 Yeah. Well, I think that's part of the complaint about the UFC. Not looking much more for us but the UFC, which is January of the major week, that's the shit that everybody's talking about. You have guys that are putting their bodies and lives and the lines, you know, going through eight week training camps, but then they still kind of want to take their bills. So there is a problem there, you know, the, I genuinely think that is a problem, but in terms of a marketing aspect, it's fine if you guys got to have a job, they got to have a job.
Starting point is 00:19:44 I'll say like you shouldn't feature that and the town town show I'm going to be like as soon as I saw that literally as soon as I saw that I left out loud and I was like this guy's going to get fucking annihilated by no getter well yeah I mean dude I think look first of all too I think that that's kind of what they want you know what I mean I mean what are you gonna do who you know they threw the guy in there but you never know that's the best part about MMA is that this guy's going in and he has no pressure, he's not in the lose, man, he's got nothing,
Starting point is 00:20:11 I mean, who the fuck is he? He can go in there and just fucking let it all hang out. He's expected to take a hit, right? Now, this motherfucker, I wouldn't put a pass in, I mean, no garas, a motherfucker, but you know, that's why I love the sport. You never know what the fuck some guys got inside him. He could come out and knock him the fuck out.
Starting point is 00:20:32 No, you know, man, look, that Sarah was definitely a bigger underdog against George San Pierre without a doubt. You know, so, look, it can happen, but I don't think there's, and literally there's no aspect of Jason Brill's game that has been in the Noguera's Noguera, you know, Pan Am Gold Medalist or Civil Medalist for Boxing, South American Gold Medalist for Boxing. Like, he's a way better striker. He's a bit of striker than Big Knocks.
Starting point is 00:21:00 And then on the ground, he's an O'Gara. And it's just like, I just, I just don fucking hazin' o' getter. I mean, it's just like, I just... I just don't like, okay, what are you gonna say? He said what? Well, in the countdown, he was like, well, you know, my wrestling is definitely the strongest appeared as. So, you know, long to take it down, he's got a kind of outlook for a choke.
Starting point is 00:21:19 Like, he had a fucking mind. There's like, there's literally no aspect. It's wrestling being better. That's the first time I've actually said this word. The wrestling just doesn't matter because anywhere that you're going to bring this fight as a wrestler, you're going to get your ass kicked, like levels, like, you're probably five, six times better than this guy. I just, I just don't like fucking the no-garrot twins have to be the fucking ugliest twins on the fucking it looks like their head they have shrunken heads. Remember those apples used to make shrunken
Starting point is 00:21:50 heads with apples. They're fucking face. They look like they smoke like seven packs of cigarettes a day. They're whole I mean they have the bodies of a 30 year old and their faces look like they fucking took him out of the jungle of the Amazon. If somebody told you that no girl was the same age as fucking Randy Katour, more calm and you believe it, no girl, it's 30. Dude, yeah, exactly. He's younger than me, dude.
Starting point is 00:22:16 I mean, great. He's young, he's like 30. Yeah, he's fucking, but they're, oh my God, what a mug. What a mug on both of those fucking guys. How the fucking Halloween man I didn't say and I didn't say that I've been to Brazil twice and I disagree with you apps of fucking well you know Brazilians are a good looking people man with some of you apps of fucking life. I never think of Brazil. I'm just talking about the people that I need in the city. Well, you do. Now, Brazilians are a good looking people, man.
Starting point is 00:22:49 It was some of the hottest chicks in the planet. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, like people here and that, people here and that, and then every time I need a fucking Brazilian chick, it's got like black or under teeth and fucking like, it's like scars on our fucking body. Well, they get scars because it's a fucking dangerous country. They live in the propellers. They get a fucking, the ones that made it out of Brazil,
Starting point is 00:23:09 they got a little, they got some war wounds. You can't just leave Brazil, dude. But that's not fucking sexy for me. Wow, what are you gonna do? To you, you know, tomato, to me, tomato. Listen, let's go to this, Michael Biggsman and Dan Mello. What do you think? It's being noticed. I mean, look, I've never been convinced that this is being exactly great, but I think that he's got good enough to get to your
Starting point is 00:23:32 defensive defense and he's good enough for the wrestler to keep it standing and probably probably just to eat together a decision. I think it's going to be this thing by decision. It's definitely exciting fight. Miller is a gamer, both the Miller brothers are gamers. decision. I think it's going to be this game by decision. It's only exciting fight. You know, as a gamer, both the Miller brothers are gamers. Yeah. But you saw Miller, he was with the last two fights. It was against Chelsea and Danie Meyer, right? Right. Yeah. So I think you're going to, I mean, fight a flight for Dan Miller. But I just don't think he's going to be, I don't think he's going to be able to become so far to the next level. Yeah, I you know look Michael
Starting point is 00:24:06 I mean he's cool. I like I like Bigs being he's alright. I mean he's a real cocky mother fucker and I mean I All I have in my memory is I was there Fucking front row watching fucking Hendo knock him the fuck Into a into another universe man. I'll never forget that punch and I'll never forget how cocky he was and then how fucking laid out he was. So that was brutal. That was probably beat that knockout and never seen an anime. And that should have shut that should have said. I mean, I would stop me from being that cocky. I would stop being so cocky after that. I mean, I would stop me from being that cocky. I would stop being so cocky after that.
Starting point is 00:24:45 I would take into consideration that I got knocked the fuck out. But I think he did. I think he's been on the sideline. Is this his first fight since, you know, he's fought one since, I understand. Do you remember who it was against? Yeah, what the fuck was his name? He lost, didn't he? He lost. yeah what the fuck was his name he lost any he lost
Starting point is 00:25:07 getting a much of what he seems to be a little bit uh... west carcassian i think it is that he's kind of realize you know what i'm not at that uh... operational on a middle-wakes like people can't afford to work to make that push for so
Starting point is 00:25:20 you can either guy and he's a huge trick for a couple of officers away from being out of the u.f.c people disagree with that because it's an ultimate fighter man he's a huge truthfully a couple losses away from being out of the UFC People just agree with that because he's an ultimate fighter when he's like the face of you know British MMA But you know we fucking lose so many times in MMA before you go well There's a point when I just go out and get a bigger paycheck from strike force and be there a number one or number two guy Right, but I still think I think bismings young He's got a he's actually is getting better every fight and he got knocked the fuck out again a guy talking shit talking shit where hendo really just was like i'm
Starting point is 00:25:52 gonna kill this guy that's what you know and he went out and fucking did it man so um i think i think he does it i don't know i can't see him being champion. I really can't but I do see him being an ambassador for the sport For Britain and he is he is fucking helping the sport in the UK him and and Party, I mean there's a lot of fucking the good guys coming out of the UK in the last couple years Paul daily book man Paul daily is good, but again the guy sat on top of them Again the guy fucking had that shit came plan. I am not gonna fight this guy because he will beat me I am gonna fucking wrestle him take him down and fucking lie on top of him Boing okay fine
Starting point is 00:26:40 But that's why he was so mad because he talked so much shit and then he fucking he didn't do it He didn't do it. He just fucking I and just get up and say fuck it, I'm gonna punch a guy in the head for just lying on top of me. And he's a bit of a girl from Epidon. I told her, and then he got up and I was like, holy fucking shit, he just whirled him inside of that. But it's clear, open fucking, his big ol' let's talk. He got a clear shot on the couch that we're gonna look in and the couch like barely flinched.
Starting point is 00:27:22 Yeah, but here's the thing, and I don't think you would have been kicked out, because you know Dana White hates cost check. Hate some. Trash them yesterday on an interview, on, or you could go to that website that I told you. What is it? Yeah, it's either on Locke, it's, or, two of my favorite websites to go to video on the sport.
Starting point is 00:27:49 Yeah, he goes, I don't even like cost check. I'll say hi to him, but I think he's an ass. He's just an ass. He hates him. I think if he said that when Dana was like, why did you do that? If he was like, I fucked up. I don't know why. I was just really frustrated.
Starting point is 00:28:06 He'd still be in the UFC. But he absolutely, absolutely. He asked them why. And then Dana said, if you would just fucking, if he said, I forget what he said, he said, I didn't do it or something like that. I don't know what he said. His answer was stupid. He didn't hear the bell. He said, I forget what he said, he said, I didn't do it or something like that. I don't know what he said. His answer was stupid.
Starting point is 00:28:26 He didn't hear the bell. He lied. He lied to Dana. You can't lie to the boss. If you said, I fucked up. Dana is a stand-up guy. He probably would have took it under consideration. I mean, look, you can't do that.
Starting point is 00:28:40 Suspended him, did something, pay cut him, whatever, right? Yeah, you might have seen, I they're right would have been a little less far from if you would have done that but i still think there's almost no way at the head of the u.s.c.a.s. no way to let somebody get away with that so he may not have had a like a lifetime ban but they're right at this point is coming to that
Starting point is 00:28:58 i guess i don't care if he's the number one wealth away in the world and he kills everybody he will never play a new UFC again. So I think that Dana, he's taking, I agree with it, I think he's taking a really strong stance on things like that, because you have the media watching you have all these people, calling these athletes, animals and saying that they don't have class and then are real athletes.
Starting point is 00:29:18 And it's like that's what my back goes down happens. And that just, it really takes away what's again from the sport, man. And I'm an ambassador to pro-dospor. I really try to push it on to all my friends and people who don't know about the sport I try to you know, let's not let's not go as far as I call you an ambassador. You're a pawn You're a pawn of the sport. Listen. I am a pawn of the sport. I'm fucking an ambassador. Oh my god You know, I'm fucking you turn six people onto the sport you're not a fucking you turn six people on to the sports I got 18 fans on my website I got some questions on Twitter
Starting point is 00:29:52 first one from K Zure is it true you blow the winner winning fighter no that's not true we're talking about John halfway because he's hot uh... bill as will blow jim and half the way if you want actually if you look at my facebook right now i just posted that i will suck anybody's cock if json bros wins
Starting point is 00:30:17 let's run it json bros has got that fight to come to me at a comedy club and we'll be cocked and i'll start talking to you uh... first of all this being lost to Vandale Silver was the last fight. Oh, right, yeah. Yeah. Well, we got another question here. Well, another question. This is actually, well, here's a question from Anthony Eris-Bal, whatever his name is. He wants to know Sanchez or Hathaway, also Sadala, which I have a higher a mirror. Why just write a mirror? Don't honey. I'm gonna
Starting point is 00:30:52 I don't know I I really Really want Sanchez to win and I really want a mirror to win but I think that a mirror is gonna have a fucking tough time brother Oh, yeah, dude Don Hong Kim. He's no joke do you want to be twelve oh one one crazy to do it up yeah really really tough i think that i'm here do there's something about american mma man these guys they're just it's been it's been more of a legitimate sport over here
Starting point is 00:31:18 that it's been in japan or korea or china or use korean for for wallars the more legitimate there's been you know, they've been training war like athletes. There's no stair abuse. There's nothing. So I think that's why I'm picking a mirror in that fight. I think a mirror is just going to. Don, don't, don't, don't, Hong Kim is, he's pretty fucking bad at small the fucker man.
Starting point is 00:31:40 And I look, I like a mirror, dude. I think he's, you know, I've always liked him. And you haven't really seen him break out yet. And I look I like a mere dude. I think he's you know, I've always liked him and You haven't really seen him break out yet. You haven't seen him fucking be the fire you think he can be does he he should be I'm just all a real deep down at the brony and that's actually what sold me on a mirror Yeah, because a mere is striking. I've a little exact grade He's not that relatable rest is pretty much an average dude but when I saw him just deep down uh... sober on you like that i was like we are the fucking
Starting point is 00:32:11 bad as to it yet i'm a fan i'm a fan i'm a fan of him too i think he's gonna win the fight i think he's gonna be at least going to take the fight but it's not gonna be as it's gonna be a hard fight i just hope he changes his headshot on the UFC to take that little Superman curl out of it It really fucking bugs. But Sanchez Sanchez is going to fucking Sanchez is going to kill kill John halfway
Starting point is 00:32:37 Yeah, I don't really know John halfway that well. I know he's 12 and I know he's a British student. I'm talking to some brits up in Tanner when I was up there they were braving about this guy. Yeah man I Diego has only lost to T yellow alveas John Fitch and BJ Ben I mean the best of the best dude I think this guy has to wait just gonna be a little bit under prepared dude he's not gonna be at that level dude he is 170 he didn't have to fucking cut all that weight till he looked like he had aides he is fucking he is crazy and he's he know he's gonna fucking win this fight he's gonna go out there and fucking annihilate this guy that's gonna be a fucking great fight so I'm picking Sanchez you're picking Sanchez right yeah and uh we're both picking a mere even though it's gonna be a fucking crazy fight and someone wrote in that they saw rampage of the way ends and he didn't look normal
Starting point is 00:33:33 Yeah, he doesn't he doesn't look normal. He's the whole week has been every interview has been a fucking a not case, but I Don't know I'm picking I am picking and I hate to pick them because every time I pick somebody they lose I'm picking rampage to really really hurt hurt fucking Rashad That's like your pick is rampage my pick is rampage to really knock I mean knock Rashad the fuck out and then throw a couple extra ones like he did in vandalay. Oh yeah dude. Yeah I think that's what's gonna fucking happen.
Starting point is 00:34:12 So we're and we got Michael Bisbein or Miller. Who do you got? I got this thing over Miller. I've got his gonna get the decision standing up. I'm gonna take Miller. I'm thing over Miller. I've got to be going to take Miller. I'm going to take Miller. I think Miller is going to take him out, dude. I think Miller is going to take him on the ground and fucking crack him out. That's what I think. And I think Mike Russell is going to fucking beat Todd Duffy. Really?
Starting point is 00:34:45 That's what he said, dude. That's a seven second knockout against... So, yeah, the quickest knockout in UFC history. Yeah, well... You knock that seven seconds. He's a big, big boy man. He's also, he's got five first round knockouts, one second round knockout, he's six and a half.
Starting point is 00:35:03 So, I don't know, I disagree with that, big. I'm gonna take Duffy over him like so. I'm going to say it's going to be first round KO. No, Garrett. No, Garrett. No, Garrett or Jason? Who are you picking? Definitely. No, Garrett. Definitely. No, no, no, no, no, no, okay. And we already talked about Sanchez and I'm here. I think no, I think no, Garrett is probably going to knock him out. Well, you know what? He might light him up a little bit on his feet, hurt him, and then go down on the ground and show up and out of something after he hurt him a little bit on his feet. What about Esquedaro Luzon? You know, that's the top one to take, too.
Starting point is 00:35:37 I would have actually picked Dan Loseon over at-front. Yeah. But I don't know if you've been paying attention to the whole sibling rivalry between the Loseon brothers. There's something about it. We are at this level in the UFC Like your camp the way you eat the way you train who your training partners are that's all very Relatives and he's going to the fuck the ringer right now It's not stop. It's not relative. It's relevant. I Don't know what. So I'm actually I'm surprised I got this
Starting point is 00:36:09 fucking far. Listen, what first of all, I love his brother. They're both Boston boys. His brother is one of my favorite fighters. But explain what's going on because this Dan guy, he's got, he, nobody from his training camp. he's got nobody in his corner they all knowing came he's alone he's alone dude nobody came he has nobody in his corner he's gonna have to find people the fucking corner but what happened with this brother with you know I know that supposedly Jo Lose on release the statement saying like you know you uh... i know that supposedly jolos one released a statement saying like you know you
Starting point is 00:36:45 you're trying to the support of a ban and he is what the putting into time at the gym and it wasn't taking the training seriously so they believe in the ultimate of many of that because the ultimate and you like you know they're both of each other to go fuck off but they both have expressed interest in fighting each other i think that the whole area you do you know the time about
Starting point is 00:37:03 you know teammates not wanting to fight teammates. Two fucking brothers, it's great. Yeah, but Joe would fucking win, man. Oh yeah, Joe would annihilate him. Joe is a tough dude. Yeah, Joe is a bad ass, man. I can't wait for that guy to fucking come out into the spotlight and fucking come into his own, because he's one of my favorite fighters. But okay, dude, listen, this has been the longest podcast I've ever had, because it's one of my favorite fighters. But okay, dude, well listen, this has been the longest podcast I've ever had because it's on my phone. I don't even know if I'm gonna be able to upload this fucking thing, but it should be good.
Starting point is 00:37:34 This has been, we should do on a quick one tomorrow to find out who won and who didn't. Who? Down down, we'll build a tomorrow. And we'll see who's the better, the better fucking mother fucking fight picker. Is that what they call it? Yeah, well, we agree on almost everything.
Starting point is 00:37:54 The only thing we disagree on is spring and winter. And then Duffy and Russo. Yeah, well, that's almost half. So it's not everything All right Well, I will enjoy the fight. I'm gonna be doing shows because I'm a comedian and And we're gonna be home watching the Yeah, that's good. That must be nice to have that much money
Starting point is 00:38:21 I dig off for the fight, man. Yeah, that's good. That must be nice to have that much money. Or to be that... I'm so successful that I don't need to perform tonight. Right. Exactly. I'm gonna give you a comedy corner. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:38:30 All right, well, that's it, man. That's the end of the fucking show. Podcast number five, I think it was, with my UFC fucking aficionado, Lewis fucking Jay Gomez and what's your website, Lou? Oh, it's hammer It's the worst. I actually got a shirt from a company guillotine.
Starting point is 00:39:00 It was a fist and somebody gay guys come up to me and they're like, where did you get that? Um, and you can go to my website For all my fucking dates and info Uh, it's been fun. Hopefully this will load up. It's fucking 40 minutes So I will I'll let you know what it's up. All right. I'll put it on the Twitter and everything and let you know I'll talk to know what it's up, alright? I'll put it on the Twitter and everything and let you know little I'll talk to you later, alright? I think You are from the heavens

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