Robert Kelly's You Know What Dude! - Yogi Brown

Episode Date: February 12, 2018

Rich Vos and and surprise drop in Yamaneika Saunders join Bobby for our V-Day episode to talk about post marriage bed patterns, spousal kissing, and Yami's current war with the internet! Duuude! Learn... more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Robert Kelly's You Know What Dude on the Riotcast Network. We're on the air right now Rich Why you just stayed on a talk? It's 9 o'clock Do I just sit this far away from the fucking table? Can they fucking fix his mic something? You can ask them politely and they show lovely come over You'd have to be a cunt out of the gate
Starting point is 00:00:41 Why are you in a bad mood? Why? Because my wife couldn't come because our babysitter fucking bailed out because he's a full blown alcoholic You know another blade babysitter. We don't have a baby or a baby That's what happens when you do late night fucking YKWD's Welcome back to the you know what did Podcast I'm your host Robert Kelly like it or not Yeah, you deal We had a great show last week Michael right? We had a great one very loud. Okay great good for the
Starting point is 00:01:21 Very to for the conversation We had a very productive conversation with Lisa and Andrew. Yeah, we had, you know, and, you know, Andrew tried to fill a bus me last week. He did that old Andrew Schultz. What do you mean, fill a bus, yeah. Just keep you happen. Well, usually, you know, we've done guys, you know what it is? Here's the thing, these young comics, they have 10 minutes, they do some cameos or some walk-ons or some shows and they think they're, you know, they could talk to you like that or, or, yeah, listen to me, Bobby Kelly has a list of credits a mile long.
Starting point is 00:01:59 He is a fucking true headliner, can work in fucking venue any situation. He can do anything. I don't know about hosting here but there's nothing he can do. There's no way one of my friends. There's nothing he can do. I am fucking proud to call you a friend. No, there is not one of my friends. That will truly give me a full-fledged I did that That was a full-fledged yeah, but again, and I'm serious you dipped it in shit on the last second Don't use your teeth. I don't want those things popping out. Oh There is as much energy Because your life's not here. There was a big deal.
Starting point is 00:02:45 This was the big Valentine's Day special. I, you know, I booked it just you two. I think this is the whole thing we were gonna book. I call it like five people, couples, but I say, you know what? Just Bonnie and Rich, that's enough. You're right, and I agree, 100. Do you want me to show you the text?
Starting point is 00:03:03 No, I trust you. I know, it's not I I don't believe you If I offered you 200, I'm sure you would have fucking scrounged up a sitter. No, we can't you to left her in a fucking dunk and don't it's for the night down the street Cassinda responsible yeah, they're responsible. They don't shut down some Indian guy. You want something else? But I just have to be Indian because they are because they don't know why they took over Duncan. How would it that happened? And you know when you buy a Dunker Donuts, you have to buy three of them. To the franchise you can't buy one. I'm pretty sure about the buy three of them. Speaking of I'm not positive.
Starting point is 00:03:41 That's what I heard. Here's a deal. Blue apron, did you know about them? We used, we love blue apron. We have, it's unbelievable. We could go ahead. Blue apron is leading meal, kit delivery service in the US. And while many people know what we do, many don't know about the types of meals you eat
Starting point is 00:04:01 when you cook with blue apron. Like strip steak with potatoes and spicy maple collard greens and steakhouse inspired favorites with delicious twist, chili infused maple syrup with incredible ingredients and chef design recipes. Blue apron, let's you see what the power of food can do, Rich. We've had it. I love it.
Starting point is 00:04:25 Yeah, we got it. It's convenient and it has variety. Blue Apron delivers fresh pre-portion ingredients, step-by-step recipes right to your door that can be cooked in under 45 minutes. The menu changes every week based on once in this season. So, you know, it's designed by Blue Apron's in house, car on 18, flexible.
Starting point is 00:04:44 It's flexible. Blue Apron offers 12 new recipes each week, rich. And customers can pick two to three or four recipes based on what best fits this schedule. Because you like, you're a very picky eater. You like healthy food, not tonight though, but you like high quality food too. Blue Apron sends only non-GMO ingredients and meet with no added hormones like Norton likes his girls. No added ones. Blue Apron is treating, do you know what dudes? The listeners 30 bucks off?
Starting point is 00:05:26 It's pretty big. That's not bad. That's money. That's 30 bucks. Yeah, you're not gonna get that from this administration 30 bucks off that's 10 10 that's three 10 dollar bills. That's a 20 and a 10 6 5 6 5 31 bills. That's a 20-aniton. Six-fives. Six-fives. Thirty-ones. Okay. That's 60 bags of chips. He's not. He's not to talk. Not really. I mean, he has a 120-quarter. He has a mic but it's face towards the wall. Yeah. So, now uh, hey, 20 quarters, 30 dollars off your first order. Visit slash dude. That is the way you get it. So check out this week's menu.
Starting point is 00:06:12 Get your 30 dollars off at slash dude. That's so they know that I sent you., a better way to cook. There's 900, I mean, the food here, they got soy glazed Korean rice cake with broccoli and soft boiled eggs. Man, I had that one. We, I don't know, I've never had one.
Starting point is 00:06:37 It's so good. This one's great too. The spicy chicken stir fry vegetable with the jasmine rice. I like it has hot jasmine rice. I like it. It's hot jasmine rice. I like spicy, if you like spicy. I can't eat it anymore. Spicy food I have developed an allergic reaction and last two years ago or a year and a half ago I went on a tour. Maddie Frost, Frosty, booked me a tour. You know, like one nighters rock and roll clubs clubs one night at clubs and and and and and
Starting point is 00:07:11 Stavro Stavvy baby Clause was like I just want to go out of care much. He does I don't care for the maker miles going I want to go do works. I was a fucka we went but you know feeding him. I might as well just to pay him Would have been I mean to yeah, I was just a headlined because we were eating ramen and Vietnamese food and Korean food and we were spicing it up, baby. Well, my fucking throat closed. No. Started closing, dude. It started getting like swollen. Like you have in a hard time breathing? Sw Oh, oh, that could be a waste. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:48 I should have kept eating. Everything I have should be splicing. Like, I'm going to chop me fucking cocksuck. I can't get out. You know what? No, don't give me the pep talk I'm fat. I'm not giving you a pep talk. Oh.
Starting point is 00:08:01 Are you kidding me? I was trying to beat you down a little more. I'll give you a fucking pep talk. I think I'm trying to beat you down a little more. Okay, you fucking pep talk. I have my own problems Spent a hundred dollars today on lottery So uh, I don't have to read any of that right? No, but you can tailor your meals a blue apron to make sure you don't get that spicy food You don't want you can that's great. You're absolutely right my feel now that this is over. We've had blue apron That's great. You're absolutely right. Might be a few. Now that this is over, we've had Blue Apron, because they advertise on our podcast too.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Which is my wife hates me, which is one of the most popular shows in the network, which just went to Patreon, Patreon. Oh yeah, Patreon. It's real quick, make sure they do the slash dude. So. Yeah, slash dude, you get $30 off your first, you gotta try it. I love it.
Starting point is 00:08:44 And it's, it's, it's, fuck on the store, man. Just, it's, get 30 dollars off your first you got to try it. I love it and it's it's it's it's Fuck on the store man. Just it's they sent it to your house, but you know, you know, it's good about it And I'm not I'm just saying this yeah Because most people are in chefs and don't know how to cook. That's true. It's pretty much It's it's there, right. It's it's already gourmet food right okay just heat it up stupid that's what I'm telling you heat it up your Debbie Debbie what's a Debbie a dummy oh they said Debbie Debbie too that's Debbie is that you call me a fuzz that a tummy
Starting point is 00:09:18 No, the dumb tubby person you fucking dubby we are what is that him is that the same exact thing Brooklyn no read those two ads are those the same ads? We do ads in the show. Yes. Yeah, so it's just one you fuck me up. Um, anyways Yeah, dude, it's I'm very sad that she's not here. It was supposed to be you too and why you know I'm gonna reschedule it somehow. I went on this website today, to try to find a babysitter. Listen, to try to find, you know, it's, you pay a certain amount of money. That didn't pay it, I just was reading profile.
Starting point is 00:09:56 And I'm looking, going on this, you can look at, look it up right now, care, right there, Yeah. And I was looking at the girls, like I was on the dating site. I'm going, I'm going. She's not good enough looking to watch my kid. Can you sign in? You know, I tell you, I, it's fun to you say this
Starting point is 00:10:18 because when we, when my wife, we will look for a babysitteritter and she was on this too. This one? Yeah. I was like, God, God. Well, here's the thing, it says you pay monthly, but after you find somebody, wouldn't you stop paying? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:38 I think you pay through the company. Yeah, you like, they get paid through them. Oh, you pay them through the company. Look here's the thing, find it and be, you gotta find it, baby sitter. It's easy for you. Cause your daughter is already can tell somebody to go fuck themselves.
Starting point is 00:10:53 Your daughter can say, hey, don't touch my vagina. Right? No, if it runs into family. Ha, ha, ha, ha. This is why I need a bite. This supposed to be a Valentine's Day special. There's nothing heart shaped about this show.
Starting point is 00:11:08 He got her on the phone or something. Can we get her on the phone? I know because then you put her under pressure to the phone stinks. Who calls, who does good on the phone? She does, what she calls in radio. I mean, can we, I mean, we can if we have, have. We can do it. But I feel bad. I feel like I ruined your whole, everything you've ever worked for. You've built up everything you've done, built in
Starting point is 00:11:34 your career as well. Because it is one fucking night. Well, no, I mean, I wish I had, I wish I had more than one day, if I had another day. I would, I'mika's supposed to come up. Yeah, but we're not gonna talk about the frame elevator here. Oh, Jesus. I hope she's not listening. Wait, are you really gonna think she's listening? No, you never know. I do.
Starting point is 00:11:58 You're absolutely right. We're live right now, right? Yeah, we're going out over, dude. We're going out over, like 37 countries right now out of, we're going out of, we're going out of, wait, 37 countries right now. Well, you're first of all, second of all, you don't have a second of all, don't say first of all. I just, I just say it. Don't go, don't go first of all, there's not a second of all. What are you doing? I'm going to tell you an old man. What was that? I had to put the gum up in my lip. I hate it. So here's the thing. I was the thing a Valentine's show
Starting point is 00:12:30 Happened the chair snap backwards. I thought I was gonna fall. Oh god. God if I get hurt up here Valentine's show Valentine's is next week. No, it's today It's not Valentine's day. It's coming next week. This comes out Sunday. You said we're live. Hang on. Why do you act like you know karate because I try to teach myself like kung fu when I use sneeze. Try to get all my power. And so some of the attacks you got to hold on you have any sneezing powder
Starting point is 00:13:09 You came in but nothing I had a lot good ones already but where I had a couple good ones Not gonna add them up. I don't I don't keep them. I don't I don't I can't do this right now I can't do this anymore in life do what be funny. No I'm just telling you right now. I can't do this anymore in life. Do what? Be funny. No What the fuck what the fuck I'm too old. It's not gonna happen for me We know that but you can still go off into the sunset being funny at this level Yeah, not broke. You're not broke. You make enough money. Stop spending your money on rings. You're fucking child What I don't have anything He stopped spending your money on rings. You fucking child. Stop it. What?
Starting point is 00:13:46 I don't have anything. You know, I've got this brand new mug that heats your, this actually heats your coffee all day long. It's the new ember. It's very expensive. I'm fucking. I was online the other night. What?
Starting point is 00:14:01 And I just was getting hats for a dollar piece. I joined a new website that you get like all kinds of stuff And I said I'll put it in my survival kit. I'm so glad that that hat doesn't cost more than a dollar I know this one costs how much 60 you paid $60 for that hat. Yeah, this one's you're out of your fuck Are you crazy? This is wall in my We're too old fucking guns. This is wall. I went is it in my head. I was like wow is I'm happy this is one of my nicer ones I only wear a seat note how I match my shoes. Oh, look at that. Yeah, huh?
Starting point is 00:14:40 During your 60s and you're still dressing like you have a wrap album coming out I do stop dressing like you have a rap album coming on I do stop I'm just like an idiot wrapped around your neck Let me tell you rings. How can you complain about that? You have diamond rings in a Rolex and you got a new Porsche You got to pay you Same fucking thing almost So what are you saying? I'm saying that you I know what I save Hang on I know we know you do oh
Starting point is 00:15:13 I don't get a fucking fucking trash bag full of one somewhere What this site is like it's like it's just like a dating app, so it's for babysitters. Let's go screw it. Go to my, uh, go to my, uh, fucking, uh, stop. Oh, what's her name? Reed Reed. Leslie A. Jesus, I would not let her watch.
Starting point is 00:15:35 She looks like a prison guard. That's all you want the baby, so you kid that. 20 years of experience. 20 years. Now, you want so much, you start babysitting in her 40s. Holy mother fucking. So do my area code. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:48 Do you know my area code? Oh, stop, stop, stop, stop. Jenny J. Stop. New Hartford, New York. Hi, I'm 23 year old. I'm currently going to college. Wow, this is crazy. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Therapeutic. What does that say? Therapeutic recreation. But my lifetime goal is to study. Oh my god therapeutic, what does that say? Therapeutic recreation, but my lifetime goal is to study. Occupational therapy. I can I say it? Fucking make me fucking up.
Starting point is 00:16:16 I have participated in program called pool pals where I got to got work with young kids who have Down syndrome. Oh, what a nice girl. She's cute. Yeah, they always show the autistic them in Down syndrome to close the deal. Well, look at her. Look at her. Look at Meredith. She's got blonde hair. I can't imagine. I love sex. What? I over six years experience. I saw over six years experience. Sorry. I know I was looking at it today. I got to write a bit about this. I'm looking at babysitter sites going
Starting point is 00:16:47 Oh, maybe she'll go out with me She's nice scroll down up no no photo you're out Carrie Every time she remember the movie Carrie. I mean, I had the cookies. Every time you remember the movie, uh, Garb? Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:17:07 When, uh, the baby, uh, wasn't the baby sitter was, uh, what? No, she blew somebody. Whose wife? Didn't she, she fucked somebody? Yeah. But then he fucked the baby sitter too, right, didn't he? I don't know. But yeah, she was blowing somebody, he had to back in the car and car And I like what she was blowing them. Yeah, she was blowing the student
Starting point is 00:17:27 Yeah, her student and the back of the car hit them and ran them Right, he ran them and then he bit the guys dick off She picked the guys dick off. I don't know if that happened. Yeah, did it. Yeah, she bit his dick off And she broke her jaw she had its shut Son shot movie was so fucking good. Okay. All right. Lethko was great now No, no, no, my name's not Bob Kelsa It's Bob Kelly Listen, Robert Kelly
Starting point is 00:17:59 I'm a killer I Shit me I gotta read this ad real quick Brooklyn and calm. I love these guys. Oh, we got those two I know you did I own the network. Can I tell you something about them? He's done What tell me please dose fucking sheets. Okay, when I sleep upstairs I sleep good at night Wait a minute. What does that mean when you sleep upstairs? I have we boy I may I I went out and put a pull out couch for a bed. So you sleep downstairs. Most of the time because why? Because I snore and I don't want to keep my wife up. Are you kidding me? Yeah, I snore and I plus I come in late or I stay up later than her.
Starting point is 00:18:40 So you pull a couch out and sleep in the living room? Oh, yeah, but I have it I fixed it during the day So still like a little I don't care about that. I'm talking about sleep with your wife Wow who cares? Why do what's wrong? Even if I sleep with a robot on the other side where I sleep on a side of the bed I don't cuddle is this what happens is this would valentine's fucking day is about no What did it we have a great relationship, but I don't wanna keep her up all night. Just talk about the sheets. But when I sleep upstairs on the sheets,
Starting point is 00:19:12 that's why we gotta get more sent to us. When I sleep upstairs, I sleep through the night, most of the time. I sleep downstairs. Downstairs. Downstairs when I don't sleep on them. I'm up three or four times, for real. And this is not a promo. I have my bed and I. Yeah. I'm up three or four times for real. And this is not a promo.
Starting point is 00:19:25 I have my bed and I love them. I really do. You spend a 30 a life in your sheets. You should make it count. You know, your sheets are the only, you buy really good sheets and bedding and you feel like you're in a real expensive bed. Um, and what about expensive? What's that?
Starting point is 00:19:44 We bought a bed off Craigslist. You did not the mattress box spring. The whole, the whole bedroom set because it was a $2,000 bedroom set. We got for 600, 700 bucks. After our place burned down, then we had a refurnished it. But I said, I'm not going to go out, you know, we just need a nice frame. And we got really nice stuff. Well, with, you can get high quality sheets and
Starting point is 00:20:07 betting you deserve without the luxury price or the overwhelming big box store shopping experience. Sleeping on great sheets is an easy way to upgrade your nightly routine, help you feel well-rested every day. The most high-end quality betting marked up 300 times. It's 300%. Really, you go to the store and you buy this stuff at May season, it's 300 times 300% marked up. Oh, you didn't know that?
Starting point is 00:20:34 I did not know that. When they have a sale, that's not a sale. They marked it up anyhow. Right. Brooklyn makes quality luxury streets and betting for everyone. Brooklyn is founded by, in April 2014, it's very new by husband and wife
Starting point is 00:20:46 team Vicki and Rich Philip. And their philosophy, people deserve simple, beautiful things like home essentials with the luxury prices. Brooklyn cuts out unnecessary markups, retail licensing fees, manufacturing waste and order off you high. And I designed an exceptional savings across the collection Brooklyn And it's unbelievable. It's a 12,000 five star reviews. I wish I had that. Oh, yeah, in life
Starting point is 00:21:15 I wish someone would give me a fucking five 12,000 five star reviews. I give you the stores. Huh? I gave you five stars on what? I'm being a good person. Where? In my head. I can't five stores. I gave you five stores. On what? I'm being a good person. Where? In my head. I can't stay on you. I'm being on the other side. She's your name winner of the best of the online Reddit category by Good House keeping. Brooklyn, all season downcomferter was rated number one,
Starting point is 00:21:39 best governor by New York Times. Wow, that's pretty great. I gotta get one of those. The girl in her advertisement here, you know, it's probably one of the most beautiful girls on the planet. Well, the fact that she's in men's box of shorts, men's wool socks, and this beautiful turntable box
Starting point is 00:21:56 of shorts, that's, oh, they are. I was looking at her face. She's probably the one of the most beautiful girls on the planet. She's all right, her hands are a little creepy. Looks like you're hands. That's why I like her hands are a little creepy. Looks like your hands. That's why I like her. I could feel like I'm holding my hand.
Starting point is 00:22:10 I love my Brooklyn and sheets. Try these sheets and I know you'll love them too. has an exclusive offer just for my listeners. Now this is if someone's gonna birthday, if you missed it Christmas, if there's a Valentine's day This is a great way. This is a great gift for your girl. What do you get your girl boxer chocolate? You're a moron Don't get a chocolate you go to right aid the night before
Starting point is 00:22:36 You get some tampons and a razor and a boxer chocolates Happy Valentine's Day. I put my wife wooden flowers last last year. She got mad at me, Wooden Roses. They were a dollar at Walgreens. Yeah. I go on last forever. Well, you know what, you can get Brooklyn and you can get and check this out. It has an exclusive offer for just my listeners.
Starting point is 00:23:01 Get $20 off and free shipping when you use promo code, what dude at Brooklyn and Dotcom? Just use what dude when you're checking out at Brooklyn and Dotcom. In fact, Brooklyn is so confident that you'll love their new sheets and they offer a risk-free 69 satisfaction guarantee and a lifetime warranty on all their sheets and confidence. There's no reason not to give these sheets a try.
Starting point is 00:23:24 69, give them back if you don't like them because you won't, because you will. Buy your wife, your girlfriend, your boyfriend, your husband, your lover, a nice set of Brooklyn and sheets and a comforter. The only way to get the $20 off and free shipping is to use promo code WhatDude, so they know I sent you, just do it.
Starting point is 00:23:44 Support the podcast support Brooklyn and Brooklyn and dot com that's Brooklyn and dot com promo code what dude thanks for letting me tell you how you could tell their good company yeah like you ever see these commercials on tv and they use your own people daily like the owner or or they had their you know, nephew do the commercial. They don't get actors Yeah, you know, I mean the girl in that promo right there had to be a Top quality actor actress, you know, I mean no going on that problem. So they're not using just like Susan from Oh down the street or whatever who Susan from down the street Susan from down the street. Yeah, who the fuck is Susan from down the street? I'm just using an example
Starting point is 00:24:28 I want them back to this what the fact that Ross. I can't believe you sleep on the couch It's not good. It would mean it's not good. That's not true. It's not good You never seen if we had a two what's wrong? We're gonna get another you have a bed You sleep in your bed sometimes if you snore get a snore guard That didn't work. Okay. Oh, yeah. Oh, you shake me out one that works. I tried the machine. That was two what machine? The fucking whole thing you put on your face. Are you sleep apnea? Only a little bit I snore. Yeah, but yeah, what I sleep on my back not on my stomach. So sleep on your back No, I'm not my back. I snore if I sleep on my stomach
Starting point is 00:25:04 I don't sleep on your stomach. I try to but sometimes I fall asleep and then sometimes I fall asleep like this in my legs crossed like this yeah you're on radio oh no I know what makes you cross we can see we have cameras in right now boy look at that no it doesn't it doesn't I sleep upstairs I sleep downstairs it's not good it's like you can ask any therapist it doesn't it doesn't I sleep upstairs I think downstairs it's not good It's like you can ask any therapists. It doesn't matter. Uh-uh. Are you kidding me? Yeah, no, I'm not kidding you If I if we had an extra bedroom, I don't know if there's a therapist right now listening Please call 911 7261 6831 is the phone on yeah, yeah, okay? Just call us right now for your therapist. No, cuz you know, doctor real therapists are gonna call
Starting point is 00:25:45 I would mean something might just call on the therapist and then we'll have a very funny fun conversation And we'll go on with the way my friend Jenny who's Jenny a therapist in LA. She's a therapist. Oh, yeah I'll take a caller don't take a call like she's probably busy with what a Patient what the if you said therapeutic, I would have if I could kill you. Hold on. I can tell you're actually concerned because all that talk about snoring, nobody mentioned anybody's act.
Starting point is 00:26:11 So that was really, really proud of you. What do you mean? I'm not snoring and no one's ever talked about watching somebody else's act. Oh, well, I am concerned. Look, it's Valentine's Day this Wednesday. And you know, it's like, you know, you have all these people out here. And I, first of all, Valentine's Day this Wednesday and you know it's like You know you have all these people out here and I first of all Valentine's Day is such a fucking sham Well, what's the origins of Valentine's it?
Starting point is 00:26:32 When does this come from who the fuck made up Valentine's Day and then every year we have to fucking what and you don't even sleep in the same fucking room as your wife? When do you make love? How how do you bang? When do you bang? I take a blue pill? No, I'm not talking about how I shouldn't have said how We plan it. I we plan it Tonight or Monday or whatever you say you're gonna have sex tonight So I'm telling you know I get real excited when we do our podcast. She looks good Then all that's just saying to pull or something on the podcast. Yeah. Why? I
Starting point is 00:27:07 don't know something about her on the podcast. You get turned on on the podcast. Oh, yeah, really? Yeah. What the fuck is that? I don't know. Is the kid around? Oh, in a day, no. So the kids away. Yeah, do your podcast. Yeah. And do you want to bang it after the podcast? No, but I sometimes I, yeah, I, once in a while we have, yeah. Like what? Like what do you mean what?
Starting point is 00:27:30 Like once in a while. Let me ask question. I tried to talk to myself at the stage the other night. I think in your 40s, we hold on, let me text a therapist. I think in your 40s you stop finger fucking, right? Oh, who does that? We don't even kiss. It's like in a, you don't kiss your wife?
Starting point is 00:27:46 Oh, what are you kidding? Who kisses after 13 years, 14 years? I can't even understand you right now. Kissing, I just turn around from behind, Parker, we come and then we go back to our movie. Which one would you go with? Then you go downstairs to see them. I just let you know, this, this Wednesday,
Starting point is 00:28:03 the 14th, I'm doing a show with this savage. I'm doing a shittiest men Valentine's show, okay, and he's always me There's a couple other guys show it just garbage fucking human beings But what do you talk about? No, you were doing a show. Yeah, I know, but what that's how you how long you've been married I've been married for 10 years I've known her for 20 okay you kiss her during sex Yes, no you don't yes why You get out of it
Starting point is 00:28:39 You fucking insane Look it and say, ew, look it. I give a low kiss sometimes. A low kiss? Hello, how you doing? Oh, goodbye, kids. I do that. Yeah, but if we're having sex, you make out and put tongue in each other's mouth. Well, it's my wife, but it's unnecessary.
Starting point is 00:28:58 Why, of course, it's as necessary. Why would you kiss your wife? Why is it gross? It's not the fact that you're saying, I don't do it, it gross. It's you out. Stupid, it's a waste of time. Can you get Bonnie on the phone, please?
Starting point is 00:29:12 Hold on, let me put it out. I'll get her, not you. Hello, my long-lost friend. Yeah, listen, go to Bonnie, listen. We're gonna have Mike get Bonnie on the phone. It's, so you, so you, when you have sex, you don't even kiss her. What's that? Do you look at each other at all? Oh, I, I, I like doing it from behind
Starting point is 00:29:30 because I last longer. But we do that. You have to read this up. And when you spell Bobby Kelly's, it's a KELY apostrophe. That's right. Yeah. Bobby Kelly's. Yes. Yes. Hot kiss. Um, yeah, check this out. Everybody, look, out deep disc talk on everybody look a deep discount is all over the place because everybody fucking loves him I use them all the time. I actually got a blue ray because a deep discount dot com the doose who check this out
Starting point is 00:29:56 Deep discount dot com has always offered extra savings to our fans to my fans and February all February long. you'll have additional savings. Excuse me. 15% when you enter YKWD, 15 at checkout. That's 15% off all orders, TV shows, movies, music, et cetera, everything. Go see, you'll find thousands of choices without spending a lot of money. For instance, check this out. Use my code to save on great titles. You can own, you can
Starting point is 00:30:36 and should own. That's why I love this thing. You own it. It's not, you know, you have to go find it, download it, hope the internet's going, stick it in the DVD player, put it in the, in the, in, in listen to the music, watch the movie. They have TV series like Star Trek, Twilight Zone, great movies, including back to the future, Jurassic Park, get these more and more on, uncut, I can't even read right now, commercial free, watch them when you want. Yeah, you get those deleted scenes and commentary too when you watch the DVD and Blu-ray.
Starting point is 00:31:12 Yeah, you get all that extra stuff. You know, when you, you know, you get these movies on TV, you watch them. And sometimes if the, if the internet's not right, it's stutter steps and it's annoying. I had that crack stick for a while, but it's like, I'd rather just buy the movie. But it's $30 for what?
Starting point is 00:31:31 It's crazy money, but not on deep discount. Deep discount, I'm telling you right now, it's unbelievable. slash the, slash what is this? The douche, right? First season. I saw it. You saw it. I saw the slash what is this the douche right? First season. I saw it.
Starting point is 00:31:48 You saw it. Yeah, I saw the douche. Well, now you can own it. Okay. I love to find new releases this week. The douche complete first season James Franco starred starring in an HBO series about porn in New York in the early 70s, available now on Blu-ray DVD. It's right in my old area, the Duce,
Starting point is 00:32:06 this 42nd Street. Remember all those places? I remember, I can tell you, please, this is, please, years and years, and when we were young, we went in to get hookers on 42nd Street. I'm gonna have to finish this, read it. Yeah, that's what I said.
Starting point is 00:32:20 I, but I started your eyes. It's a little more detailed, that's not dirty. I'm not, listen but I started your eyes. It's a little more detailed. It's a little more detailed than I thought. I'm like, listen, here's the deal. You can get all these at really great prices. Be good to yourself. Buy your favorites and support my sponsors.
Starting point is 00:32:36 That is a great way to get yourself some stuff, support my sponsors and get 15% off at checkout. YKWD, 15 at checkout. All right, click the deep discount logo on my homepage at slash Robert Kelly. Just go to This way you don't know that you I sent you. All right, YKWD 15, that's the code at checkout for extra savings on all your music and video purchases. Watch what you want. Check it de 15, que es la coda. ¡A checa! ¡A fractures, sabos, soncia y a otros destinos que te sorprenderán a partir de 19 euros. Volotea. Parifa sujetas a disponibilidad, consulta las condiciones en So you had a porn, what a te? How can we don't advertise deep discount?
Starting point is 00:33:38 You probably will. You might. Hey, I had a manicure, yes, you had on my finger his nails. They look good. You ever have a manicure yesterday. How do my fingers nail? They look good. You ever have a manicure? It looks like a like a 11-year-old got a manicure. I went to a I was in Walmart and they have a little manicure place there So I said hey, what to buy? I'm glad you fucking worried all money. Stop spending money on manicures I just started because you know what I could bite my nails. So if you get a manicure, you'll treat your nails
Starting point is 00:34:03 You go, I look I just had a manicure, I'm not gonna bite them. Really? Huh. Uh-oh, who's that? Oh, that's downstairs. Let's see how it says. I wanna get back to this, man.
Starting point is 00:34:13 Okay, which one? I'm gonna let you know if you don't have to step on me. Which one? Just fine, I gotta do it. You go ahead. I'm ready. I don't understand it. You know, my wife, this is starting to bug me
Starting point is 00:34:25 because I think this is starting to happen to me. What's that? This, my wife not sleeping in the bed with me. Yeah, it's healthy. It's not healthy. Is that when you get, yeah, this is healthy to have your own space and life. It is not healthy.
Starting point is 00:34:37 Yeah, see it is to have your own space and life. I just don't think that's true. Did you call Bonnie? I was waiting for up to get to her story and then after the reed of the caller i will call her right now in my phone or you get the number of my phone all right cool
Starting point is 00:34:54 excuse me i i just don't understand it and it's she okay with it i mean bony is she all right with it because sometimes my kids sleeps in the bed on the weekends if i'm gone that's not healthy either It is They sleep together. It's just 12. No, she's 10. All right. She's 10 sleeping in her same bed Sometimes she comes in on the weekends when I'm not there, you know, they they have a good bond and plus she's You know, you mean a mother-in-a-doth daughter have a good bond and plus you know, she has a tragic upbringing Don't have a good bud. Yeah, and plus you know, she had a tragic upbringing tragic being home during a fire our house caught on fire Her house caught our house caught on fire. Yeah, but she lit it on fire. No, don't ever say that
Starting point is 00:35:34 I'm kidding. She did not you know, I'm joking. I know, but we already went to court We already did everything and then Gabby's here. Oh, so bow time. What happened? She had a Gabby's here. Oh, it's about time. What happened? She had a she was babysitting My didn't answer I wish Good babysitter that's not what we're talking about and that's not what you meant You know, man. She's caring. She's caring, but you're talking about sexually. No, you don't find her attractive It's all right. She's all right She's very hot, but what am I gonna? What was you know It's alright. She's alright. Yeah. She's very hot, but what am I gonna,
Starting point is 00:36:05 what, you know, what, you know, she's a comic, I fool around with her and I have to hear her horrible new comedy. Hey, what do you think of this? And I'd have to lie and then she's gonna become a bad comic because I would lie to her all the time. You know what I mean? What's going on?
Starting point is 00:36:19 Where's the chair in the middle for you, I'm Anika. I figured out what happened to your foot? I broke it. No, how? I fell in a pothole before one of the podcasts. How do you, you fell in a pothole? I actually fell in a pothole. How whole?
Starting point is 00:36:33 How, I mean, how deep? Truly this deep. It's four inches. Yeah. And you broke your ankle. And I broke my foot. Your ankle. My foot.
Starting point is 00:36:42 What do you mean your foot? How do you break this? This is riveting. How do you break your foot? I don't know this is riveting? How do you break your foot? I don't know but we've already talked about this. I want. I'm talking about you listen Do you have a boyfriend yet shut up? Oh, just to ask her stop it You're fucking all right go ahead. I'll bring you up to speed rich boss does not sleep in the same He had all the time. I'm gonna do does not sleep in the same bed is with his wife all the time
Starting point is 00:37:05 He has a a bed down a pull out couch down stairs that he sleeps on Without Brooklyn and she's on it and he sleeps downstairs Because he comes home late and I have another friend who does is too who has his guest room downstairs Oh see and he'll watch TV. Whatever he'll stay downstairs. So his wife can sleep. It's like, Hey, bitch. No, there's a list. I bet you're a jams. What's up? I'm gonna go to the windshield. I agree with me. I guarantee yams doesn't I get a big. She doesn't. I bet she doesn't. And there's no way. I mean, look, part of the deal of being married. Yamanika. What's up, baby? Hi, I'm way. I mean, look, part of the deal of being married,
Starting point is 00:37:45 Yamanika, what's up, baby? Hi, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna bring up the speed. This is Valentine's Day show. It comes out Sunday, the week of Valentine's Day. Okay, it's live now. It's live right now, but you know, whatever. Whatever. Rich just explained to me that he has a out couch downstairs that he when he comes home
Starting point is 00:38:07 He'll sleep on sometimes because he doesn't sleep with his wife all the time because let he so he'll sleep downstairs One I snore I don't want to wake her to I come in late and I want to watch TV or something That's great. And three three. Yeah, you need your own space in life You don't have to sleep hang on baby baby, baby. Listen to me. We get married Me and you fucking we are down. Yeah, we move in together. Yeah, we're like married. Yeah Shut up Shit up. Why the fuck I absolutely if he wasn't married I would totally marry You could find someone more successful than him.
Starting point is 00:38:46 I know. Yes. Are you kidding me? How? Somebody who hellized a week is not just a week nice. I'm listening. Don't get me in the bullshit right now. Well, yes, you are.
Starting point is 00:38:55 Don't get me in the bullshit right now. Have you ever lived with a guy before? She's already at bullshit with the other shows. That's what happened. What happened? What happened? Oh, I think I heard something on the, oh, were you in Doug? Yes. Okay, we'll'll get into that later. Have you ever lived with a guy?
Starting point is 00:39:08 I I'm not allowed to live with a guy before marriage. Why why because you guys know I'm Christian what you're black Which that was the only pre-recorded you would take it all your religious yes, but you've had sex I have yeah, but so you I mean it'll be a long time to do that You know, I wasn't supposed to have sexual for me put your headphones on because you can't hear I can Oh, I'm trying to talk and you're yammering You gotta hold your headphones on take your head off put the headphones on I understand both sides Bobby if you and I were married I was sleep with you all the time, but I understand but I understand like you don't want to disturb Richeson
Starting point is 00:39:45 was to her body. She's also out hitting the streets. She wants to be comfortable, relaxed. I totally yeah, I snore as well. Bobby and I probably both snore. So it's like sleep apnea overload. You know, but like if you snore and Bonnie doesn't come on, I should tell you a big deal. She's already, we don't cuddle.
Starting point is 00:40:02 We don't. They don't listen to me. I'm going to tell you something else now. When they fucked, we don't cuddle. We don't listen to me. I'm gonna say something else now when they fucked He doesn't kiss anymore. What? Why would rich? You got a kiss her. I do it and maybe I give her one or two in the beginning Before her before our pisses and you You know he doesn't kiss in the me. He doesn't kiss his wife. That's great when they fuck He doesn't kiss his wife when they fuck that's crazy rolls her on her belly. No, fucks her like a young boy. Yeah, comes and then that's it. Showy both come I know you're sick. Bonnie faced out in a pillow was kind of hot. I understand that yeah Yeah, but I would fucking still pull her hair and pull and fucking
Starting point is 00:40:41 I eat her pussy a lot What I I eat her pussy a lot. What? I'll kiss her pussy. It's not even. Bobby, how much pussy are you eating? Look, I'll eat the pussy, Bob. I'll eat the pussy. I'll go down there with the fucking electric toothbrush. Put it on the clear.
Starting point is 00:40:56 I'll stick my fingers in because I know you like a little outside and a little inside. I don't put right fingers. It's weird finger's all dirty. It's weird finger fucking, because my wife's in her 40s, and it's weird finger fucking a middle-aged woman. Yeah, the last, that's all. I'm almost 40, is that middle-aged?
Starting point is 00:41:12 There you go. Come on, let's see. What if they have a yeast infection, you gotta pull out. Well, first of all, I have a, I have a four and a half year old. You gave her the yeast infection, by the way, if she has one. No, she doesn't, but years ago, I was, years ago, it's with this girl.
Starting point is 00:41:25 I just made everything on my mind. Oh, okay. I know. Ah, years ago, I was dating this girl. Oh, forget this girl. Go ahead, say it. Let me tell you something. Wait, Rich, Rich, we went, we did the
Starting point is 00:41:37 impractical joke with screw. Rich is sexy and hot and Bonnie's sexy and hot. I don't understand why you guys aren't kissing and touching and loving. Yamanika, Yamanika. Touching each other like slowly and l sexy and hot. I don't understand why you guys aren't kissing and touching and loving it. Yeah, I'm anica Yamanica touching each other like slowly and licking and you're okay. Yeah, I'm fine. You said rich is sexy and Yeah, get with it brother. I'm gonna be real rich So let me ask you question so when you get in fucked and a piece of nick-a-reck gum falls in the back of your neck That's hot and sexy to you.
Starting point is 00:42:05 Yeah, you start chewing on it. With his hand going, can't go around your wrist fully. Well, yeah, that's because my wrist is fat. No, he said I got small hands. Well, I don't know, my wrist are kind of thick. Listen, if I fizzed a bit, she had to go to the hospital. You like this mom fucker right here? And we stopped trying to pick up Yamanika
Starting point is 00:42:25 and we had dumb stupid pimp rings. That's awesome. That's awesome. I love you guys both. You both are like, come on. I'll stop trying to make up for the other podcast. And when you think of doing good, you know how I get you off of Yamanika.
Starting point is 00:42:40 You know how I fucking get down. And Yamanika, first of all, we judge roast battle together. So if we don't agree, we don't agree on things. Now we agree. I'm hot. Listen, I just want to get back to the fact that my wife, recently, just starting to fucking, because he says he does it and it's fine.
Starting point is 00:43:02 My wife, like last night, the kid came in, the bed. I say, get my kid, I love my kid. I'll sleep with him every night, but I don't want to do that. He's so adorable. I want him to be independent. I want him to sleep with his own bed. I want him to be, I don't want him to have to need us. I want him to, okay, once in a while we'll chill out, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:43:22 Why the whole thing are not to need you? Now, he's being traumatized at this point. Like, you were kids because you started thinking about ghost. And like, when I was a kid, I was so scared. I had to see my grandparents. They had a bureau in my room. It was like, a coffin. I was like nervous all the time.
Starting point is 00:43:37 Like, yeah, because they had the old school furniture and I was like, what's crawling out of this? I was sitting with my grandpa. Where I grew up, my bedroom bedroom there was a walk around porch Oh, yeah, like you can just walk and lift my window if you and I would hear noises and shit Yeah, let me tell you that's scary and my kid who's on weekends was going my wife's room in our room if I'm on the road Right, but my kid was home when our house caught off was laying later my wife? No, she inflames go up guys. The house guys guys what my kid doesn't live in the weird ghetto
Starting point is 00:44:12 I Listen Good I know my daddy is I wish I didn't I can't stand it but I was You know I know my daddy is I wish I didn't I can't stand it but I was you know I love my daddy, but my daddy's like he's too bell-biff devote you know what I'm saying is like Stop wearing food boo You know, they mean like it's time to grow up, but y'all I can't stand I always put any in front of that You go Yeah Listen to me listen to me you go up and listen shut up. I'm trying to say something. You know fucking listen
Starting point is 00:44:51 He always yell at me what I'm here. I grew up in Maryland. I grew up in everything Maryland yummy's and baby Yummy listen to me. I want to ask you question. Yes, you know to say soft show No, she crap. Oh my god To say soft show grab no see crabs. Oh my god Oh, excuse we had to have beer cuz they were gonna quit this the last podcast You guys I'm trying to talk about my wife that sleep with me Hey, you're talking about soft show crap soups. Oh, you're wife doesn't want to sleep with you. I'll cuddle you And it's gonna fuck you. I'll cuddle you Bobby you oh my god. I would lick your head all the way around you are so delicious
Starting point is 00:45:25 What are you doing But she goes you fucking gorgeous. I don't make throw up sounds Yeah, I'm sick. Yeah, I'm as listen. This is no surprise you Bobby. You know, I've told you so adorable I love you too mama listen. Yeah, here's a deal But she like the other night last night wake up in the middle of the night. I'm at home, finally I'm in bed. We go to bed kind of early, 12 o'clock, whatever. Together, we're lying there.
Starting point is 00:45:54 All of a sudden I wake up, the kid comes in. He jumps in next to us. Okay, cool. I'm so beautiful. I wake up in the middle of the night and she's gone. He's there. Right? What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:46:05 We have a California King. This is a big bed. She's in, right now she's probably in North Carolina. She's making away the Florida. So I can't stand him. I really hate him. All my bags are packed. I'm ready to go.
Starting point is 00:46:21 Please don't send me an all-crushing song. I love for your king bed with 10,000 miles apart. Whoa! That's amazing. Are you doing what you've done? On the boat when you were doing fun, I'm still in my car, my saiyan-jay! I'm still in an executive, and you're talking about porra! I was thinking we have a great time. What's wrong with you, Sing? You, you What is it? You sing, you sing It was a...
Starting point is 00:46:46 I said fire to the rain And let it fall My heart And as it fell Your rose acclaim it It was dark And I was over Until your kiss my lips
Starting point is 00:46:58 And you say me Hey! My hands They're strong But my knees are far too weak To stand in your arms with the fallen to your feet I dedicate this to Doug Stantle, to the fire in you That will never, never, never, never, and bingo
Starting point is 00:47:20 Is here and we all will be together one day And I love you, get your crazy as fans of me To the rules I We but we had so many late night dinners. Yeah, I remember it. It was so I wish we could be back on here I want to do it next year. I have to do it again. I have to do it together. I might have to go because I don't know me my wife I'm gonna be together I woke up in the middle of the night and who else left max he was gone in the middle of the night and who else left? Max, he was gone.
Starting point is 00:48:03 Wait a minute, stop. They went, shut up. They went, shut up. They went, they went and slept in his car bed. I had a cute, I had a California gang. And I'm alone with 75 pillows. You should shave your eyebrows. Your wife still loves you.
Starting point is 00:48:23 First of all, your wife is gorgeous. I'm gonna call her right now. She loves you. She's having a wife. She wants to love you. She didn't answer. Oh, caller. Let me call my cats. Flops magazine. Brooklyn. You didn't. Me. You're catching in for his magazine. That's adorable. I thought I was gonna hold him on for his magazine, but he's lazy and because they perform Listen get off the phone look at her stuff that's right now listen here's a deal my my your own Okay, okay, all right, okay listen You're on the show, okay? Okay, all right.
Starting point is 00:49:03 Okay, listen. We're talking about Voss has a pullout sofa downstairs that he sleeps on a lot of times. Because he doesn't sleep with his wife anymore because he snores and she likes to sleep by herself. No, I do because I need my own space. And whatever. I come in late now.
Starting point is 00:49:21 Now, I can be. I can take that. Done, now we have a big, beautiful bed and a lot of nights you're not sleeping with me anymore. God bless her I woke up I woke up you You fucking snickety snackety when you talk about stop fucking snickety snackety me. Well, I'm talking to my wife Who got snacks? I don't got snacks Mom mom I don't got some extra you go my got you behind the here Mom Mama mama listen last night. I woke up you're out of the bed. Okay. I haven't home in days
Starting point is 00:49:52 I finally get home. I'm sleeping with you in the bed. We fall asleep together I wake up the kids in the bed with us. Okay fine And then I wake up you're gone and then I wake up again He's gone and I'm alone and what happens when no one's in the bed with me I wind up going sideways on the bed and then I can't sleep Why are you not sleeping with me anymore Just one came in the bed I couldn't sleep right that's what I said don't set it. Yeah, do you like sleeping with me? You like Don't set it. Yeah, do you like sleeping with me? Let's see
Starting point is 00:50:30 To be bothered with your crunchy ass toes You know, I'm saying crunching all up a back and shit Yeah He probably has. He probably has. He probably has. He probably has. He probably has. He probably has.
Starting point is 00:50:46 He probably has. He probably has. He probably has. He probably has. He probably has. He probably has. He probably has. He probably has.
Starting point is 00:50:54 He probably has. He probably has. He probably has. He probably has. He probably has. He probably has. He probably has. He probably has.
Starting point is 00:51:02 He probably has. He probably has. He probably has. He probably has. He probably has. He probably has. He probably has. Very confusing when his mother was around Listen don't listen now do you still like kissing me? I love kissing you In a bitch in for the two of them where's doctor Phil listen? I'm a single bitch with no man and two cats I just almost suck the blind man's dick on his streets. I'm not here for this. Okay. All right, mama, I love you.
Starting point is 00:51:33 I'll see you later. Bye, Don. Bye, Don. See you in beautiful. All right, bye. Hold on. What? She's going to suck the shit out of you dick tonight.
Starting point is 00:51:43 Uh-huh. She's like, Bobby, I'm going to show Bobby. I'm gonna show you the wash it first Who you calling Bonnie This is how dummy is though. He's putting the actual just the phone. Who's this? Put the fucking speed Right here. Yeah, Bonnie. Can you hear me? fucking sped up right here yeah body can you hear me it yes
Starting point is 00:52:05 okay uh... on the podcast bobby thinks it's weird that sometimes i sleep downstairs because i don't want to wake you because i snore and i come in late he thinks it's crazy don't you think it's healthy or sometimes i don't even think it's a conversation you should be having with bobby what
Starting point is 00:52:24 you times. I don't even think it's a conversation you should be having with Bobby. What do you? What do you keep in it real goes wrong. Bonnie Yemeni is here. I love you baby. Hi babe. Oh, listen, first of all, Bonnie. Bonnie. Yeah. The reason why I'm asking is because we did a Brookline commercial. No, Brookline. Brookline you. Brookline, I live on Brookline. That's why I live off of Brookline. Bonnie, Bonnie, Brookline condo. Shut up. That's the name of my condo. You know what?
Starting point is 00:52:52 I wouldn't see we eat it. You're actually right. Go ahead. Shh. Listen, Bonnie. Uh huh. Hit the rich whisperer. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Starting point is 00:53:00 Bonnie. Okay, settle down. Hold on your hand flat. Give him a sugar cube. He'll be done. Okay, settle down. Hold out your hand flat. Give him a sugar cube. He'll be just fine.
Starting point is 00:53:10 Yes! Bonnie. Bonnie. Yeah. But he says he doesn't kiss you anymore. We don't kiss that much. Doesn't mean we don't love each other. Rich, do you want me to answer?
Starting point is 00:53:23 You got this one. Oh, go ahead. Yeah, I don't kiss that thing. I don't understand that. You know what it is? Rich has never been a good kisser. He's a good kisser. He's never been good at intimacy.
Starting point is 00:53:42 So he gets uncomfortable really quickly. Yeah that's that cocaine residue. I said can you just stare into my eyes like I wanted us to stare into each other's eyes for a minute. Yeah. He couldn't do it. He was like freaking out. He's really. Yeah. Could you try to hypnotize me and then steal my money? Why don't you go home bank? All right. I know why he has so many shoes, by the way, because he hides his money in a shoe and figures the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the I Body well, thank you very much. You summed it up. We know it's not we know it's not you. It's him. I'm gonna make out. We'll make out tomorrow, okay
Starting point is 00:54:35 All right, buddy, I'll talk to you later Bye, wait. I'm making my own phone call call my mother I look for my mother wait calling your mother. I would call my mother away. Call your mother? Yeah, if she picks up. But my grandfather's a hospice right now. Wow, I'm so sorry. If she might not pick up. That's really good.
Starting point is 00:54:52 Sometimes she puts me to voice now. What if she puts you picks up there? What do you mean? No, he's at the house with the hospice. Oh, this is my mom. Yeah. My don't say anything crazy. You're, Bobby Kelly's podcast. Don't say anything.
Starting point is 00:55:06 Do you love me, mom? I love you very much. Oh, thank you, mom. What are you sleeping? Yeah, but I'm kind of waking up a little bit now. Okay. Ask her if it's okay to date a chubby Italian Irish guy from Boston. Mom, would you be okay with dating a chubby Italian guy from Boston? She would be absolutely okay with it. Yes, mommy, I might be getting married. I have to kill someone first though. Oh goodness. I love you, mommy. I'll call you later. Not tonight though. God bless, love you. Are you really that religious where you can't, you can't fool around? No, she already does. I do full Here's what happened I was in a virginity clubs that would keep us I remember that I remember that yeah
Starting point is 00:55:51 So like I stepped away from them what happened was you say stepped away you kick her back You know what it is like I don't trust me. I love you called it stepping away I mean get the dick in your pussy Guess what I slip on a cock No, this is what happened. I mean listen. We all have our I'm a human being So I obviously have my share of flaws the one thing that I didn't want to do is I didn't want to be I didn't want to keep saying that I was a virgin and trying to stay pure. And my mind was so focused on like, who am I going to fuck, where am I going to fuck.
Starting point is 00:56:29 So I had this guy that I slept with. Well, it took me two days to lose my opportunity because he put it in and I was like, get out, get out of it. Because I was like, he did it. No, I just was like, wait, this is the last, I can stop it right now. And not have, he put like half of his penis in and I said, stop. I jerked back off and I said, stop. Oh man, she was pushing.
Starting point is 00:56:50 Come on one pump. How, how good did it feel? It felt really good. And I didn't, and I was like, this is the last part. Like, I got to stop. So it broke the seal. See, it was a little, no, I don't was because it was tight it was tight and then it broke the when it went in you're like well he's he put it I realized it was a difference
Starting point is 00:57:12 because the next day when I went back yeah because I got on the phone my mom like I call my mom now I said mom I kind of had a guy put half of his penis in I'm a silver virgin and she was like baby if you want to be a virgin you a virgin I'm like no that's not good am like my mom's gonna hype you like Here's the thing Jesus the body we gonna call up everybody and pray and Have a good ghost in you're not a virgin Above ever he had a curve it was a little bit above ever. He had a curve.
Starting point is 00:57:45 It was a lot of stuff going because he had a curve to his penis. I had never noticed anything like that. And so the next day I went to his house and I was just like, black. Black. Okay. And I went, but I'm gonna tell you something right now, I'm working on my white pain. I'm working on a white pain right now.
Starting point is 00:58:00 On the white? A white pain right now. You want white penis? You know what it is. Why do you want white penis? It's not about wanting It's about diversifying my portfolio. Yeah, and I was a Netflix call Let me tell you say let me tell you something like this and it's so funny because I put up I put up a I'm having a pretty controversial post up right now
Starting point is 00:58:28 because I put up a post about the Black Panther premiere and they had two Black male actors who were with white women. And I said, I'm just curious as to, there seems to be like a lot of that, like Black men with white women. And I just wanna know as a single Black woman, like is there a conversation we need to be having is there is it really love all the time is it certain
Starting point is 00:58:50 of the thing I don't lose my older story to the one I don't talk to lips with a black guy you don't talk to her because okay I'm like I love my kiss but she lives with a black dude no I understand and I have friends who are in a racial relationships but for me it's always like there's such a negative thing with it it's like oh a black minute with white women because they hate black women and black women are this and this and this and that and as a black woman I'm like if this is the narrative of about why black men are with white women Then we need to have a huge conversation No, hey people are with people. There's no You can't see for you to say that but it's also a narrative some blacks not all
Starting point is 00:59:24 Yeah, I'm not saying people don't follow what the black women and they're saying black women that won't be what would like them. I don't want you to say that you're not with a black person because you hate black people. Follow the level who you follow. Yeah, so I'm saying. But we need to have a comment. If it's about a hate thing, then we should have a comment.
Starting point is 00:59:39 You think black guys hate black women? I'm not saying, listen, and that's the thing that I'm having right now with the debate of like, they're like, people are like, oh, your race is your same. I'm not saying listen and that's the thing that I'm having right now with the debate of like they're like people like Oh, you're racist. You see I'm like saying that I'm saying I know that there are some black guys are like I want a white woman because white women are easier a white women to you know a better or whatever like we should never Have a conversation about better or easier. It's just Oh, Patricia's joke. Patricia's joke. Patricia's joke was that it's easy to get a white chick You get a white chick with a fistful of granola
Starting point is 01:00:09 Harder relationship because you're not gonna let them gay way get away with a lot of certain shit and fight with them more Sure, but we can't it's actually you do another comic joke and it does get a last. No, it was hilarious, but I'm telling you right now, when I talk about it from my perspective as a black woman, because that kind of narrative, if that is a, it's not about people can't love people. Obviously, and if all was, if all in love with somebody, no matter what race, fall in love with them, why don't you have a,
Starting point is 01:00:43 other narrative is, I want to ask you question Bobby's like not even tuned in. I I'm Martin Luther King moment. He's like all right bitch to anyway. What is going on with the white? No because I understand what you're saying. I A lot of people don't Bobby. That's the thing. I know I understand what you're saying and there is something you have to you have to have A conversation about that or at least have an open conversation to find what's going on. I understand that. Bobby is so delicious.
Starting point is 01:01:09 I wish he wasn't. I don't want to disrespect Don. But if you have a brother that I could please, I'm asking you this though. This would be so cute. Listen, we don't answer that. Why? No, this was not the Don. But it's already in pain from her broken foot.
Starting point is 01:01:24 Why? Listen to me. Why why listen to me why I'm I love I'm a baby so Can I ask you a question Talking not me there's no need I would never talk to a woman like There's no need I would never talk to a woman like Yams why don't you have somebody? She said why don't you have somebody wait your charismatic? You're sexy. You're pretty. You're funny. you're in the spotlight, a lot of guys you meet.
Starting point is 01:02:06 Why are you not dating somebody? It's true, it's too full, too full. Go ahead, what's the first full? The guys that I have been with, because I have such strong personality, I oftentimes attract men that have like these really alpha personalities. And at some point when I'm doing stand up
Starting point is 01:02:27 and being a female comic, they feel like there's a buck with that, right? Because I'm holding my own. And it's sort of like, why aren't you home? Why aren't you doing this and doing that? It's like, I also have this life that I have to live. The other side of it is that I am so immersed in comedy and around comedians that I don't really have a social life
Starting point is 01:02:47 So I've been trying to do that actively now to kind of like you know, I'm gonna join toast masters again So like what toast masters what's that it's like it's a group of people to get around and they like give speeches Oh, I do yeah toast I would love if there was a thing like that I would totally be I love you know I love I love that you know when you get a time food and they give you the time bread and the next day you make toast with it Is equal bread what is it? Is it you know what's that Jewish bread? No, it's real healthy. It's like fucking Azekeel bread. Yeah, it helps when you're sick
Starting point is 01:03:22 I've had it when I vomited from being drunk too drunk Very healthy it's great. Yeah, you helps when you're sick. I've had it when I've vomited from being drunk too drunk Yeah, you gotta have it takes care of you But I if I I want to be with a white man because he if he if I fall in love with him I don't want to be with a white man because oh, I don't like black men are blah blah blah I wanted to be love If you see a black two black guys with white women They're around white women if they're actors, but they're around more That's not true. You know what someone actually posted up. They said
Starting point is 01:03:52 Let's show the show power. They said black men go to college and they're around white women and not around black Black women and I said that's a fault not an outward. I let me right not in Howard But I grew up in an all white environment and there were plenty of black guys I could find a chair. I'm not saying go be with I'm not saying you gotta be with a black person What I'm saying is the narrative is wrong if you said I'm with a white woman for any other reason the fact that I fell in love with her Don't be with her because you think she's easier than black women she ain't gonna do Why does that trick of you when you saw two white guys? Two black guys are too white.
Starting point is 01:04:27 I shared it because I thought it was hilarious and I put up, I just put it up and I said black panther premiere and like some like hello, hello. And then people started their own conversation off of that. I just thought it was hilarious and it was a black panther premiere. And this is like I thought it was hilarious But it started a deeper thing that I should have took their sisters But whoever they No, it is what happens is black women have a conversation like that and then instantly we are deemed Of villains and why are you having that conversation and why are you you know?
Starting point is 01:05:03 There was who the guys that was a delete? If you go to my Instagram webpage and you'll see it, I have a hundred and fifty-nine comments. But who the guys was it? The leads or was it side characters as I normally do? So I thought they were in the movie and somebody was like they're not even in the movie they're showing up and look how cute I am on that straw. And you said I put up a whole thing so you see right there there there is it's gotten I just said black with a mirror and I like hello, hello And those dudes are black
Starting point is 01:05:31 Yeah, but that's that's new cage that's that's new cage right another guy is I don't know who the fuck is That's so the conversation is maybe I don't know black men, right? Because I feel they were in the movie you don't even know Yeah, but they were black pants Like bitch it ain't black pantos for real is a marvel. I was like motherfucker no shit Is the movie It's a do with claws What's a stokey car Michael are a fucking u- u- u- u- How excited you, how excited you knew it's gonna go-
Starting point is 01:06:08 Elter's cleaver, how- Elter's cleaver I'll rich those alive, I'm telling you rich things- Yeah he was alive, he was forty-bent I do what during the 67 riots Tell me, nothing motherfucker, I know my- I grew up in a black neighborhood That's right
Starting point is 01:06:23 Do you find yourself- When you get around black people Do you ever settle easy? No, my I grew up in a black neighborhood. That's right. Do you find yourself do when you get around black people? Do you ever a silly? Shut up, but the fuck I hate you Say do I hate him? To me what time he goes he goes what you got a boost mobile phone. I said no mother fuck. I'm on TV No motherfucker TV No, I slept my shit up to T-Mobile motherfucker No, it's the mobile
Starting point is 01:06:47 Do you give us a similate? Sometimes my wife... I start... My wife actually calls me out of the ones about because I am just a fucking assimilating douche but I'll be there... If I'm around like you know, a boss and what's up to it? What's up, you know?
Starting point is 01:07:00 But if I see a black guy, it's hey, what's up bro? How you doing bro? Yes, you are here, it's my problem I understand that's your, bro? How you doing, bro? Yes, you know, here's my problem. I understand that. I do imagine, but I grew up in that environment throughout school sports. Yeah. And that's the only thing I'm one of the things in my career. I look back on it. Do you think you made me or I pandered when I did Dev Jam? Yeah. Well, one, they made me wear Russell's clothes with that farm, but I kind of
Starting point is 01:07:22 you have that they didn't. They made me wear a pick-up. But my act was pandering more to a black audience than because I touched what I was working to. Well, a by-and-a-by audience wants you to step up, like, I understand that. But I wouldn't pandered now. I would still be who I, you don't find your, I didn't have my voice that early back in my career.
Starting point is 01:07:41 Where I think there's different levels, the thing for me that becomes frustrating is just like there's so many different facets and levels of white people, there are different facets and levels of black people. Every black person grew up in the ghetto. Now every black person doesn't know who their father is. So sometimes when, especially when I would do the battles and I love the battles, don't get me wrong, it's like it would be easy for somebody to go, I want to pick Yamanika because
Starting point is 01:08:04 I'm fat and I'm black So they would be doing jokes that wouldn't be personal to me It just be like oh you grow up on well saying you don't know your dad I'm like I know what my fucking daddy is and I didn't grow up on welfare It's like if as long as we can have more a lot of different narratives about black cuz it becomes You say narrative again. I'm gonna bite you. I'm sorry, but it becomes exhausting Black because it becomes a narrative again. I'm gonna bite you. I'm sorry, but it becomes exhausting
Starting point is 01:08:25 when I have to constantly defend whatever is somebody's pushing me. I have to push, I have to defend against you all the time. You all the time. You think growing up around black people, going to, you know, having black people in your life as a child, growing up as a teenager and then being a crack addict later in life
Starting point is 01:08:44 and having to even the black. No, I'm just joking. Why? Well, yeah, because it was crack, motherfucker, not cocaine. I started calling that one up. But I was thinking, no. Wait, what's the deal?
Starting point is 01:08:54 Do you find yourself, is that why you're colorblind or you don't really, you're not racist? Because you're around black people, your whole life. Well, listen, where, first of all, why went to school? I just grew up, I think because I think because look, I grew up for first grade. I think you're a product of your environment. First grade, first grade to sixth grade, I grew up and it was mostly blacks in my school or Spanish.
Starting point is 01:09:20 I was one of three or four whites. My first girlfriend was black, Janine McKay. But I didn't know she was black. No, too. I was being got around. But nobody, I had a question. Let me answer it. But because you took too long, you old.
Starting point is 01:09:37 Wait, let me say this before you get into a rich. You know what? Oh my god. Yes, and they shine. Motherfucker, we got to get petdies together. Okay. No, we got to do this I'm telling you we are Let me tell you know here's the thing I'm telling you right now the fact that you held those little hands
Starting point is 01:09:55 Here listen, you know what it is it's like I do know it is you got a Have like you know what I love about Really comedy when it gets into it is like you guys have brought me in with such love Like there's a lot of ribbing and stuff like that rich has been very kind of loving to me Bobby You've been so kind of loving to me and it's like there's no discounting that kind of love that we have is comics We know each other because you don't you could be shit. No, me you guys have been doing it way longer than me And I'm just I'm having it during a long time But it's like you guys can be shit on me like who the fuck is this bitch?
Starting point is 01:10:27 So I appreciate the love that you guys give me see a pre-chase it till she becomes a network star I love when I go on the road I'm doing I want to put on not you because you're way above it No, I mean put on newer comics on a Thursday or a late show. I want to give them Fucking time. Yeah, you would have slight to work a fucking crowded weekend room. You know what I mean? So yeah, I'm an asshole. I really give us a compliment. No, because now we have to live Vosic compliment no, he's now we have to live Does all right shut up. Can we play I want to play you play this I need to hear this I just want to win one I just want to win one verse of him could I play it? How do you call him? Oh shoot, why are you being long now to write? Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, I can't do it, I can't do it.
Starting point is 01:11:32 I don't like people that are not a writer. Ah, she, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don She From Fucking I was your blackrooms like the peppermint and terminal D No, you know that's a black room I'm a man's foot prints and all this other shit you like What prints let me tell you The peppermint was the hardest in the country Of course I've never heard of the peppermint love Peppermint yo, I yo, I did yo, I did this place in like Harlem nights. It was called um Sugar rain So some shit out new Jersey and I got dead because I was doing mainstream rooms and some urban comments like yo
Starting point is 01:12:25 You can't go out here in polis shit, and I never forget I went there and there was a bitch up front They had rollers in their hair and a scarf and I said yo bitch. This is a show like what's up with this shit Like I'm waiting for the after party and I was like oh, I need to give up comedy Bitches isn't a fun time. I day way for after party at the show. I got to get the fuck out of here But black people listen here's a problem black people and I know there's a problem But black people been through a lot. We've been through a lot of shit So we try to relax. We want to have a good time. We ain't wait for no mother fucker to be playing all games Get to your fucking jokes step it up. I don't give a fucking you a white boy you better come out there
Starting point is 01:13:01 Sugar Ray Leonard yourself out there box nigga do the fucking Good Oh jeans Russell said where this I said okay Look at you play it. I was young. No, you look like it wasn't due to my thing. Oh Fuck I can't hear this. It's great. No, it's what look at the leg working a black one is I'm telling you man. Why do I want this so cool? You know it's money's money
Starting point is 01:13:41 Black club. I'm trying to go to my car. It's like 2000 flyers on my car. Black people will promote anything. I guess right. It seems graduating. Flyer. Oh my goodness. Look at that white boy. Go.
Starting point is 01:13:55 Look at that white boy. Go. Look at that white boy. He's going. That white boy. Go. Put that white boy back on the house. Put that white boy back on the house.
Starting point is 01:14:03 I'm done. This is why young motherfuckers make it through the show to the Apollo. They won't do all black people. The minute a white person comes out and sings Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, they up a pardoned shit like you niggas can't sing. That's how it goes. Give a listen to me.
Starting point is 01:14:16 This is fully making me sick. I'm so glad I met you. Because I know you went home and you were like, I was like, I think it went good. I was well. I was well received Hello No time ain't up for me. Time's on. I'm up here like, why the fuck everybody took my this me too shit?
Starting point is 01:14:48 Why ain't me? Why not now? I'm here. Can I explain this? Can I have one minute to explain this? Yeah, you need one minute? Okay, not even. Not even.
Starting point is 01:14:57 They taped all week. They taped. And that was here. They had the celebrity host every. Listen to the explanation. No, no, no, no, no, no. They spoke in the room and it was the that. No, no, no, no. It was the curtain.
Starting point is 01:15:06 No, no, no. I killed, but listen to me, they taped all week long, right? And I was at taping. I went one night and when the black audience camp, you weren't allowed to boo a dev camp. Stop showing. So I'm getting blacker as you tell me this one. No, listen to what a black audience get.
Starting point is 01:15:19 No, they can't boo you. If you're a bomb, if that's the thing. Listen to me, if you're a bomb and all you hear, no one is, is, so, so they taped all week long and all these comics are coming into town for you Hear who's killing yours doing well. She'll hell host someone show rock. It was all the different hosts out here So I'm the first white comic after five years. This is a lot of fun This is a lot of press. All right relax. I was the first black person to go in the Amastad. I was like, what the fuck is going on?
Starting point is 01:15:48 So listen on the black history. I'm gonna go like, listen to the black history. Thank you, thank you. Thank you. Bobby like the Amastad. You know what it is? We're kind of candy boys. Listen, I didn't fuck you.
Starting point is 01:15:58 First of all, you know what, I did this dress and fuck me, motherfucker. So no tape with the dawn, which you would have sexy voice. And the kid. They're with a sexy voice and the kid they're taking all week long They're taping all week long. I let him tell his story So they're taking a long take forever. No, it is Like a hand. Okay, I don't like you So they're taping all week long and you're hearing who's killing whose bombing right I'm on
Starting point is 01:16:23 The last night so whoever comics are left in town came whatever hosts are left in town came yes I'm on the last show second to last okay what are you gonna do? well because that was a show they put me on okay so one I got black comics mad at me cuz state and get the show and I'm doing it okay I got white comics going you gotta do well because you're the only one who's ever done this. I will and
Starting point is 01:16:48 Steve Harvey brings me out like, you know, uh, something you've never seen. This right. And I can't tell you the fucking pressure that this was this was like, this was like, I thought I would fucking, this was it. Yeah. It was, you know, no one was there. I'm a couple of my friends were there, but it was a it was I had a fucking kill. I had no rights. So and when they made me wear fat farm and you walk out and there's a black one, you're going, who the fuck is this? You got right boom right from the door. You got to be good. Right. So it was not it was so fucking scary. Believe me. Rich, you did. Well, why are you explaining about, he never been in this pressure and shit.
Starting point is 01:17:27 Welcome to Selma. He doesn't know what the fucking is. I know. I see where I'm marching in when Martin in the 60s, right? As a Jew. Yeah. Did you start a D&D double ACP? I hate to break this.
Starting point is 01:17:38 You march with Martin? No. No, Martin Lawrence. With the same. I did it. I did it. I did it. I did it. I did it.
Starting point is 01:17:46 So too. I did all the black TV. First of all, you know, reverse jacket. It's no disrespect to you because I understand where black comics were coming from because this is very few opportunities. Especially back then.
Starting point is 01:17:58 Who the fuck is this white boy? So I was doing all the I was doing all the black room. So I was doing the listen, but so I was doing the lesson but I I've had I've had experiences dude when I did the comics come home in front of 17,000 people and I had to follow fucking bur and gaffigan yeah and and and and and I was a couple years ago okay but you were already in your okay I was this I went I first came to New York City. I was over at the Boston comedy club on blacklight and I had to follow Shepal talent will
Starting point is 01:18:34 teach the Kirkland. I was in Taylor. Hang on. You don't want to the mother fuck. I love Mr. Ticket. What happened to you? Hang on. I got a story about that.
Starting point is 01:18:43 I just did ball. It was funny. You shit just did ball to more and and he came out. He was at radio at the same thing and he came out and I was like, yeah, I'm a really big fan. I used to Boston and he wanted nothing to do with me. Are you serious? I worked with him. I opened for him. He blew me off. He was nice, but he was like, he started telling me shit. Like, how long have you been doing this? And I was like, 25 years. He's like, oh, it's so you know. He was just about to give me a speech. If I was doing it six years, it's some shit. But then I go, yeah, he's like, I live in Vegas.
Starting point is 01:19:17 I was like, oh, they got a new comedy club. The comedy seller Vegas is over. And he goes, yeah, I don't, I don't, I don't work, well, I'm in Vegas. I don't work at all. I'm too busy. I'm like, I don't get I don't I don't I don't I don't work well. I'm in Vegas. I don't work at all I'm too busy. I'm like I wasn't asking you for a gig It might not have been busy You and here's the thing that I think really just to have a real moment of clarity Because I am in between both sides
Starting point is 01:19:37 And people gonna go crazy and then and the bitch whatever she said is but I'm gonna be honest with you It is really tough as a black comic because we're We're between both sides sometimes you're not black, you know some of the black people like why you working mainstream? You think you selling out? Then you got white people like who the fuck is this nigga? It's a lot of I feel that all the time I should say when white comics all that you know they Certain white comics only have what's that? Drink Mike What a drink What the fuck is that? Oh, hey moose
Starting point is 01:20:10 I'm gonna call but it's coming out We all call if Bobby We're gonna read that bedtime story we all call I know I'm good I'm good so But look at the black comics I don't know You can work Look if you're a good comic You work wherever't know you can work look if you're a good comic you go you work wherever the fuck you can and
Starting point is 01:20:28 New comic you get on wherever you can sure you don't see color you just see an audience So that's how you sometimes to break in to really get the mainstream as a black comic it can be very Diffy I had Voss for first of all I was up I at going up Sunday night being shut up. Let me finish a fucking thought This is the Bobby I need I'm shut you face please make me make out video. Jump. Oh, he did. He did.
Starting point is 01:21:04 He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did.
Starting point is 01:21:12 He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did.
Starting point is 01:21:20 He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. He did. have to everybody on black night murdering one time they turned the lights up said good night and then said oh one more and they said give it up for this white guy. Bobby I think I don't tell me. Oh fucking not no impression.
Starting point is 01:21:36 I'm not you. Listen. I'm waiting. If I just shut up. I just shut up. I just shut up. Yeah, you did. No, I did it.
Starting point is 01:21:44 If I bombed, you did no I did it if I bombed you know fucked that if I bombed That's what's going around about the new kid bob from Boston I Bonds in LA so bad Remember when that guy on your Just too many wires, I know please know you no, you'll unplug this. I, Bob, so bad. Oh my god. She's out hard for a black lady to get work.
Starting point is 01:22:09 So bad. So bad. Could you imagine me and you living together? Would you move the Westchester? In a heartbeat. In a heartbeat. Whatever dawn's not puddling you, I'm right there, mother fuck, sleep back me and all. Okay, we're just sharing the same thing.
Starting point is 01:22:34 I'm gonna ask you, premium crackers are rits. Rits. Premium crackers are rits. Rits. Rits? Yeah. We're just even if we're not doing it, we're just doing it. We're just doing it. We're just doing it. We're just doing it. I'm gonna ask I'm as you premium crackers are ritz ritz premium crackers or ritz Really yeah, yeah, I'm gonna fish
Starting point is 01:22:50 Rich with peanut butter and now but oh fuck Rich with peanut butter. Oh, I didn't say you stop adding No, you can't get rid of the ritz. I like it premium saltings. I'm paying soup in soup. I'm not too much. Why? I like it premium. Saltings are paying a soup and soup. I love too much. Why? Too buttery. Well.
Starting point is 01:23:06 Too buttery, right? Just that bread. This act like you and I both don't like butter motherfuckers. I love to see you two on a water bed. Oh my god, great. Holy sattinica. Oh my god, I'm going to put the title
Starting point is 01:23:22 away. I had a water bed. I had a king size water. You are a water bag. That was fucking bad. Don't fight me after this episode. Don, I'm sorry. You don't think he listens to this? Please. Self respect. No, we've all had pressurized comedy. Oh god. I hate when you go back to serious Because they have listeners oh Can you tell me what happened with Doug what what what what's it like I only heard parts of this well You just didn't get along with the studio or you just know how it's can I explain can I say something? They're going on the bonfire with Jay and Danny.
Starting point is 01:24:05 Okay. Who we both love. We call love. No one calls him Danny. I call him Danny. Okay. Little Danny boy. All right.
Starting point is 01:24:13 You know, we both love. And, you know, and and and and Doug is Dougy drinks. He parties. He gets fucked up. He went, he told Jay I'm I'm coming in. Fucking hot. So I'm just letting you know, I'm, I think what Jay said is he's cruise ship drunk, which is fucking drunk.
Starting point is 01:24:32 That's what he does. And yeah, I'm came in and she's not and she's straight up and someone said something, of course, that shit happens and you, you, you sit there and just let it go down and you speak your mind and she spoke her mind. He spoke his mind and they went at it and nobody gave an inch. And then he was like, you know what? I'm out and I can understand that because if I'm fighting with yams,
Starting point is 01:24:57 if I did something, but the thing is he didn't even understand it. He woke up the next day like, what happened? That's how fucked up he was. I know Doug. I've met him a couple times, nothing but a fucking sweet guy. Yes. And I love yams, but it was, it's like, you can't, look man, you gotta say,
Starting point is 01:25:17 you can't put two people to a that strong head in a room and one's kind of off his fucking mind and one straight up, it's like, you can't fuck with her for trying to have self-esteem and trying not to be picked on and trying not to be stepped on or be that person. Because if you are, then you are the next time and the next time. Always, always. Yeah, and it's like, I understand both, I listen to it.
Starting point is 01:25:42 I understand both things. And then once you're on tilt, that's why I say, like even on this show, I listened to it. I understood both things. And then once you're on tilt, yeah, that's why I say, like even on this show, I don't wanna fuck, I don't wanna fuck, I wanna have fun. Cause the only time, are you sleeping? I'll call it. Where it's come on. I'm trying, come on.
Starting point is 01:25:59 You know that man, look it, there's one thing about fucking with each other, having fun. But there's one thing when you come in and you're on tilt. And if you're not having fun, you can't be funny. I don't give a fuck who you are. You just can't be funny. Yeah, well, you're sitting there with a resentment and anger, it's hard to find.
Starting point is 01:26:12 You can't be funny. You can't, you can't convert that into fun. I know, I know, dark for, yes, he's a part here. I'm different because we know each other. But I don't, I never would think he would have a mean bone in his body. I would think, this is just my opinion, because I wouldn't do it.
Starting point is 01:26:28 I don't think he would just try to be funny if anything, and maybe, you know how some comments just think, I'm just gonna sing going to a room with, you know, with a, who's there? I was in a room going into guys, and they're all talking shit and stuff and talking about, and then here she is going in and she's probably on a tippy toes to begin with like I don't want to get fucked with
Starting point is 01:26:49 and you go in and whatever the fuck happened you like fuck that right and then he's like fuck what he has his own eat pride and ego whatever it is and then you got little wormy dander on say shit and then I'm kidding. He got well for you know what for for, and this will be, this is really exclusive because I really, I haven't even talked about it on my own podcast. Right. And I deliberately did not get my fans involved because I thought that it would be
Starting point is 01:27:19 exasperated more than it was. Right. At the end of the day, we had a disagreement and it didn't have to involve the amount of nigger, fat nigger, gorilla nigger bitch that I've been getting from his fans. So when he says, when he says, I'm not a racist and I don't know whether he is or not to say that, the people that follow him, the first thing
Starting point is 01:27:41 out of their mouth was nigger, gorilla, nigger, up and he nigger bitch. Now, when I did, was at all in one tweet, this is all and like this. I did get one through it. You know, listen, at the end of the day, you guys do some legacy of me being a fantastic sport and dealing with ribbing. That's not even an issue. I just when I came in and I and for my part, I said, because people were like, well, she knew this was happening.
Starting point is 01:28:10 I initially did not want to go on, because I just felt like, sometimes when you, whether he has an ego or not, I don't know him like that, but sometimes when you're on with someone who is an icon to people, and they have this sort of legacy about them. They just waddle through whatever they're doing. And I'm like, let him do whatever he wants to do. I was already booked in the show, but I could come on another time.
Starting point is 01:28:33 I think that they thought it would be a great dynamic for who I am and for who he is to meet. Unfortunately, I didn't meet him when he was sober. And the second part of it is a lot of people are going right into the part where we got into the altercation. This was a build up for me. From the second I came in, there were just things that it was like,
Starting point is 01:28:54 at some point, I was the first thing that it was said. The first thing I come in, he says, the blacks, right? And I don't know him to know whether he's playing or whatever that is. Then he asked me if I was a man because black women have fooled him because they've been men. That's the other question.
Starting point is 01:29:09 Like, why are you running all these black women at a men? Stop going to these like tranny parks in Atlanta. And I'm sorry for saying tranny because I know people gonna be like, it's trans persons like we can trick them. Sure, but what I'm saying is it doesn't have to be this amount of me sitting there. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:26 Not only that, it's not going to be a fair fight because he's wasted, right? So I can't even go toe to toe with somebody who's on the same mental wave as me. And I just got to a point where sometimes when we get flustered and we get frustrated, we start to say things that doesn't clearly define what we're going through. And it wasn't so much that I took offense It was just like listen I don't been the butt of at least three jokes and I'm trying to play it cool So if this is what this is about comic the comic he didn't want to say my name I don't know if he can remember he's true drunk whatever whatever was there's so many levels of disrespect that we've had
Starting point is 01:30:03 At this point I came in I didn't know who, like, I've heard his name, but I haven't watched his act. I watched his act. I was ready to talk to him on like, what, what it was like to be an underground comic, because sometimes I feel like I'm real underground and people really don't get me on the main stream like that. So I wanted to have a whole conversation. It was like, we're not going to do that. And then at the same time, you're going gonna double down on a point that he asked me if I knew of any man that
Starting point is 01:30:29 had fucked me if they regretted it and I said no because I don't know of any man who had fucked me and regretted it then I got to be all these fat big accords every guy but let me tell you something. Can I say something about that really quick? When I heard that I understood what he was saying. He was saying that everybody has fucked somebody who regretted fucking them. Now, not Christmas, maybe not Christmas. But you're saying, but listen,
Starting point is 01:30:57 what you're saying is I don't know that person. Yes, there might be, but I never met a guy who let me know that he regretted it. So you, but you understand of those worlds like you're not being a phony. Right. He's not, he's going fuck that. We're all, we're all fucked up. Right. We all have. It took a long, long. Yeah. What happened is I'm also looking at him in the studio and he hit that. You're not aware and did the jingle jangle So in my mind it was like first of all I'm not the bright person to ask that we've already established
Starting point is 01:31:33 I haven't had sex until I was 27 years old. I have so hot partners in my life All of the men that I have had sex with have been repeat customers So when I add it wasn't me being some like I think I'm the finest bitch in the world I'm sure this man that probably don't want to fuck me, but the men that I have fucked they have come back Repeatedly so no this doesn't apply and also what I felt was There was a greater point which I actually stopped and thought when he asked me that I went thought and I was like no It was like a you, sometimes when somebody's trying to make a point, but they want to double down on you
Starting point is 01:32:07 and also get a zinger in. So I was like in no mood to get a double down zinger. That's his nickname, double down zinger. Don't double down. And that's what it is. And listen, we're gonna go on and we're gonna continue our lives. He's doing fine.
Starting point is 01:32:23 I'm just gonna find somebody asked me if I would ever do a podcast with him again I don't see why not. I mean it would have to be when he's soap I know I don't want to be bothered with that dude when he's drunk and I don't want to be you know It's not about listen I'm when people say it's a tough time in comedy right now because we deal with a lot of people who are sensitive I am I do have a tendency to be the kind of comic that I may look like a cute little like what dimples and all that,
Starting point is 01:32:50 but this shit I'm talking about is hard. So I offend people all the time. It's not about not offending, it's about can we just come and have a moment where I don't have to be every punchline for you. Yeah, but you came in on, you came in on his world, Jay is part of his world, Dan is part, they know him and then there's you, Dan and Jay over here.
Starting point is 01:33:13 It's two worlds that collided. Sure. And when you had alcohol into that, Mike don't ever talk. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it.
Starting point is 01:33:24 I was y'all good. It's just those two worlds collided. I know I like I'm kidding my I'm kidding It's just those two worlds collided like if I if I was Advided to be on that show and Dan and and Doug was there. I mean look Doug is Doug He's a huge factor in the game. He's got a huge fan base Just on stern. He's on he's only got a book coming out and he's very popular And he did it in the very either You didn't the very weird I got my shit going on to I know I know I know I'm saying you know I'm just saying that he did it. He did it. He did it I'm just trying to talk and you if I just let you go on for fucking 20 minutes. Yeah, it's fucking saying the word
Starting point is 01:34:03 What I'm saying? She's not this is different between you and Doug like Doug. I wasn't trying to fuck Doug But you make me want to drink and fucking say me shit to you You said some crazy shit to me, but you said you got mad at me one time When I get mad at you, Bob? The maddened you're toe But I don't like when chubby people do sad on fact grind both This fucking cacolin When I never got a match right now you're gonna get remandeded I'm gonna take the chance you get mad at me again, okay, much real
Starting point is 01:34:56 Babe win we did the podcast you wouldn't shut the fuck up. You set my story down Bobby. It was it was bad I told this story about the monkey and the car so what I'll end the show I'll leave again Please don't tell it again. I'll end the show. I'll leave again. Go ahead. Tell it. It was a grow. Tell the story, but just I just want to go. We all brought up all of us got up me. Ari, big J Jimmy card got up, unplugged her microphone, walked in the other room and locked the door and she was on the other line Trying to keep she goes and then she went I'm not fucking around. If you don't remember this doing five seconds, I'm done with all of you. And she went, one, two, three, four, five.
Starting point is 01:35:29 And then we heard silence. And we walked out of the room, like 10 minutes later, like there was a fucking, a velociraptor. Like we were scared. As grown men, we were walking, like, where is she? We were fucking petrified. That's the first time in my life I've been stealth. You were mad.
Starting point is 01:35:47 I was mad. You mad. You had to get over it. But you're sensitive. You have. We are all sensitive. We are sensitive. Listen.
Starting point is 01:35:54 And the comics, we are insecure. We are suicidal. Okay, I'm not suicidal. Never been suicidal. Bobby, that's not the best you've had to die. But the reality is, we are sensitive. So that's what the best you fat to die, but the reality is we are we are sensitive Part of it is what the Doug stand hope thing and like note and fuck his fans all that bullshit They talking about when I looked at that guy and I'm like who he got so drunk and I I understand alcoholism
Starting point is 01:36:20 It runs in my family and I'm like who is there to rescue this guy like from this drinking that's going on and people just like Oh, that's Doug. No, no, no, he give him get him help somebody hug him and No, first of all, no one gets let me real quick no one gets somebody help if you want help in life you get your own help That's how alcohol people to love you through it. No, he has no he has a lot of You need people to love you through it, Brad. No, here's a lot of people. I like it. He is. He has a lot of people out there. There are people out there that drink, use drugs, get drunk, and they're okay with that
Starting point is 01:36:56 style of life. It is. And there's people around him that are okay with it too. And that's what they do. They go and they drink, they party, they get fucked up, they throw up, they wake up, they almost die. They don't remember yesterday. And that's their life. And to me, you have to be okay with saying, hey man, that's cool. I want nothing to do with that. I don't drink. I haven't slept for a while. I can't do that because
Starting point is 01:37:22 I'll fucking murder somebody to go to jail. Or not. I have more constantly calling me and I'm using all the energy I have. They want to kill themselves. And maybe this is just my background of just growing up in the church and counseling people and being there. I'm like, if you fucking look like you're killing yourself
Starting point is 01:37:44 or anything, I'm on the phone with look like you're killing yourself with drug or anything I'm on the phone with you all night long like how can it is completely aware of but here's the thing with Doug I and I don't know this. I'm just giving you my I'm saying that he's completely aware of Everything he's doing any of these choices. It's just he wants to live his life like like like any rock and roll dude or rock star Somebody who this is what I do I like it I like it it's like pot heads I don't get it but they love fucking is it gonna I'm a pot head maybe I need an intervention maybe a dog is a dog is a dog is a dog is a drug drug is a drug is a drug is a drug to Is that a drug? Oh, yes. Yes.
Starting point is 01:38:25 Do you it's not to the government? It is. How many people? How many heroin addicts? How many heroin addicts? It's still a drug, though. It's still a drug, though. It's illegal to kill.
Starting point is 01:38:34 It's illegal to kill. It's illegal to kill. How many kids? How many people? If you want to, we talk Eric Garneca. I sure don't. How many people are now rich? Stop talking.
Starting point is 01:38:42 People are at the people. We're talking over each other and people can't hear yeah, I know we can hear it here But when they listen to me listen, I will fucking jump on you How many people on Mac? I want you to leave your final leap on me mother I'll grab my chest nothing better to see you leap on her and back to your seat I'll grab my chest. Be nothing better to see you leap on her and bounce back to your seat. What the fuck is that?
Starting point is 01:39:07 Alright, you fucking... You fucking... Who fucking... Two air mattresses. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Oh, I'm scared.
Starting point is 01:39:21 I'm scared. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Oh Listen down maniac. I just think I think look I would never I'm not gonna judge anybody. I don't like judge of people I don't hang listen. I saw I saw it looking I've seen Doug wasted. I've seen him straight. Yeah, to me I look at Doug. This is me. This is my opinion. I wasn't there when that happened That's all but as a comic to me probably One of the best comics To me on the planet. Well, I would say this I would say one of the best yeah and one of the most original
Starting point is 01:40:19 Yes guys out there and because he didn't do it the mainstream way you have to He didn't ever Change anything to get something. He just said fuck it. I'll just go do it this way if it works out of it doesn't It's how same would and the fact that he has this life of drugs and drinking and and his girl bingo and his friends and his His life in Arizona and that weird fucking town. Bizby. Bizby, I mean, that's your life man and he's happy if you are happy.
Starting point is 01:40:52 Fucking God bless you. Yeah, I don't get what you're saying. But I also say, hey, am I gonna go fucking, hey, wanna come to with us? No, cause I don't drink. I'm not fucking, I'm not gonna be in a vulnerable position. You guys are fucking doing coke and drinking and then all of a sudden I am and my life's gone Yeah, I just my life. So just respect my fucking to look at people drinking party and drink every weekend and get fucked up
Starting point is 01:41:17 They see me and they're like, oh, it's boring. You home to your fucking wife and kid You go in the backyard and build shit that's boring just respect my boring fucking life Yeah, but guess what if I was getting high with you. I would try to steal from you. Okay, because I'm not I don't stop I don't get high like you these fucking have a couple drinks. I'm gonna fucking smoke free base until I die That's because I have enough I have enough money and enough valuables right now Yeah, where I couldn't stop I was a very violent drunk too. I got when I drank like that I would fucking do bad shit I would listen I would I would run back when I got high. I had no money
Starting point is 01:41:56 I had no this fucking money now would tell me would tell me because I buy an ounce of coke and smoke it So I can't take that risk So I try to like when we were on the boat when so some other fuckers started drinking and pouring again I I was the other way right because I'll hang out with them Why we're eating because I know they're not smoking pot or whatever and and pot to people like you guys is nothing But it's a trigger to people that have a fucking problem. It's a trigger. I smell it, I go, oh, man, I could probably do that, right? Next year, you know, I'm fucking, well, behind a dumpster, smoking fucking things.
Starting point is 01:42:30 But people who smoke pot though, don't give a fuck. I remember me and Shrad did a show together, and we're filming, and we had it, it was a pilot, and the only place to hang out was the van, and all of a sudden you walked in, smoking a pot, and I'm like, dude, I smoked that shit outside of the neck. He's like, yeah, it's just pot man. I'm like, I've been sober for 30 years.
Starting point is 01:42:50 Do you understand? If I fucking, you know what I mean? If I want that or get high or fucked up and that I could tumble out, well, you can't just say no. I don't know if I can. But there's a good chance I can't one hit and it's gone You know people don't respect that shit
Starting point is 01:43:09 I'm I can't trust coins and then I next thing or I spent 499 to get to the next level 499 to get to a no I have a serious See they don't know It's not that they don't respect that they don't know I almost Is your card stolen? They don't respect it. They don't know I almost found No, why I almost did it? Keep buying money on food truck a game like candy crush And my kid was playing with it on my phone and all of a sudden it went like this Delicious Yes, I was like I want to get that
Starting point is 01:43:44 Is your black candy question is like check I just connected five I just connected five hair next together Do you step Yamanika this what I love about you too is that who she after piss you fucking 60 can make two-hour podcast Fuck it. I just go piss Yeah, you know kiss your wife. It's disgusting. Yeah, whatever. Don't kiss your wife. What's wrong with you? Yes, Bobby. Well, now, are you gonna try, this is a weird thing, are you gonna try to get in touch with Doug and just,
Starting point is 01:44:35 hey, dude, look, what happened happened? Who gives a fuck and just get it out? Or do you not give a fuck about that? Has he tried to get in touch with you? No. Right. I mean, he hasn't, why would he? I, you know, here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:44:49 We had a disagreement. It's not that big of a deal. It's not the end of the world. It's some people are making it. I'm not everybody's cup of tea. He's not everybody's cup of tea. And if I had an opportunity to do a podcast with him again when he was sober, I would love to do a podcast with him again.
Starting point is 01:45:05 If he was sober, radio show or whatever it is, but you know, it's hard for us because we like me, Dan, Jay, you know, people like we like, we like both parties. So it's like, you guys should be friends. You know what I mean? In the great world we would my my issue is not even with I I dealt with him in the moment and that's what it was and I'm not gonna apologize for my feelings as I went along people Interpreting do whatever they want it's fine to me. I what the only thing for me is the amount of I'm a nigger gorilla gorilla nigger, silverback nigger, is like for this agreement, you think that's the response you need to have. I'm an uppity nigger bitch. Who the fuck
Starting point is 01:45:55 is she? Like, I wasn't disrespecting him as a legend. I, to them, I was, I was telling him enough is enough. I don't understand, like, I don't understand why as a comic, you wouldn't go, you know what, man? If I saw that, if me and you had a fight in my fans, we're like, up in the fucking, nigger black gorilla, but I'd be like, dude, you're a fucking piece of shit. And you know what?
Starting point is 01:46:20 I don't care what she said or what our fight is. Even if I didn't like you, I'd be like, you can't, don't care what she said or what our fight is. Even if I didn't like you, I'd be like, you can't, don't represent me with that shit. You know what it is, but I understand, he posted something about when you're, he put a post up like from, except from his book, like when you're drunk or something like that,
Starting point is 01:46:39 it's hard to have a conversation. I think that was, is, what he wanted to put up in response to that. Listen, the man doesn't know me from Adam and the second thing is Once you start to deal with these trolls and the people that support you If he had done something like that they would have turned on him like a vicious wit like I understand you don't even want to Insight this type of nonsense like I'm getting the things that I'm getting people are like are you okay? I'm getting threats and all this other stuff. What do you mean threats? I'm getting threat
Starting point is 01:47:08 Like what's a threat like don't come to my town. We got you clocked. We're coming for you. What can I do? I don't know where this what I'm saying is if you cancel something I can't but here's a thing. I'm not gonna stop being Yamanika and doing what Yamanika does in defending herself. At the end of the day, nobody's gonna bully me out of that. Is it annoying that the backlash is all of this bullshit that came from this, I don't look at him and go, ugh, this guy, whatever that has like 20 followers who follows him is like an asshole, and this guy's an asshole is just like
Starting point is 01:47:47 At the end of the day why the fuck is it this amount of Bullshit People having Actually, are you listening that I'm fucking talking? Oh, well, I haven't talked at all. Yeah, you have Fuck man put your headphones on I heard you my headphones without something. So I don't have my headphones Listen to me what I'm saying is is that it's I don't think It's not dark. You you know these people that follow you can't control So you don't know who they are
Starting point is 01:48:20 The fact that Twitter let these people exist over and over and over again because I guarantee it most of the people that said whatever the fuck I'll kill you or blah blah if you found them if we went and got them and you said do you really want do you really want to kill me? Do you really think I'm a gorilla? They'd be like no I fucked up. I didn't mean that. I was just saying that shit because I was online and it was safe Or I was drunk and I love dog and I was just trying to be mean and hurt your feelings I guarantee most of them I like that, but Twitter's responsibility in this it's almost it's enough It's a fucking enough allowing freedom of speech is one thing
Starting point is 01:49:01 These fucking cock suckers are anonymous douchebags that need to be handled, because you shouldn't, you're right. If you're gonna say something to you, you should be held accountable for what you say. Saying that you're an asshole, sensitive shithead that, or the dog was just trying to blah, blah, blah, blah, whatever.
Starting point is 01:49:20 And being an adult about it, even if they didn't like you, or agreed with Doug and thought, you know what, fuck you, I love Doug, fuck off. Okay, that's one thing, but saying this other shit and threatening people is crazy. And that's not Doug's responsibility. That's Twitter's responsibility. You think Twitter can police the whole fucking thing?
Starting point is 01:49:43 They can't, and they can't, and they want, listen, I can police the whole fucking thing. They can't and they can't and they want listen I'm I could touch it all the time. I I have I am Outspoken and I'm a woman and you know, I'm a person of color So this is not new to me and obvious It's not new to me where people were there maybe guys ago who the fuck is this bitch running hum mouth Or a white dude is like who the fuck is this nigga thinking and she getting it? I get I get why do you like the guy black?
Starting point is 01:50:16 Because I'm gonna get a different thing from a black guy like a the black guy probably gonna have a conversation with me But like y'all let me put you aside since what's up? You know what I mean? So I understand it. It's, what is disheartening is, I can't just have a thing where we had a disagreement and it lays there. It has to be 17 and ready pages. It's gotta be people like, oh my God, did you see this thing?
Starting point is 01:50:42 Chew eating gorillas with microphones at clubs I'm working like At the end of like this is how crazy it gets and when it gets crazy like I get whales We go I get whales with microphones At what point is it we had a guy that and rich knows but we had a guy I'm not gonna bring everybody else. I'm gonna bring myself into it who made a comment about women judging Rose battle at the stand right stupid and it was the dumbest thing ever and one of the things that
Starting point is 01:51:14 He didn't realize my people make comment like yeah, I'm gonna get never saying anything funny at the same When I I'm judging and rich knows this from being I'm taking full on notes because I've been somebody that's battle I've proved myself as a bad light. I was on Comedy Central's roast battle when I go to give notes to these kids I want to give them notes to make them better if I say something funny along the way fine But I got rich there Jay's it. I got a bunch of funny motherfuckers around me. Why can't I be the one going? Hey? Tighten this up. Don't do this, like when people go, oh shit's the worst part of, I take comedy seriously. Whether you like it or not, I've been doing comedy
Starting point is 01:51:52 for 18 years. Whether you like it or not, I take comedy seriously. I may not be your cup of tea when it comes to comedy, but that doesn't mean I'm not a comment. You been doing it 18 years? I have been doing it 18 years. Good for you. I'm almost as long as I've had my period, but Which may be starting very soon because I'm so agitated, but
Starting point is 01:52:11 I'm gonna end soon too cuz you're in your 40s You want a baby? Yeah, let's talk. Can we stop for a second enough with the dog shit? It's all work out and shut up to Doug God bless him wherever he is I'm not for the dog shit. It's all worked out and shut up to Doug God bless him wherever he is Doug's like a dog dog is a fucking good guy Sure because I I the people that know him I don't know him like that I've I've I've always liked Doug from a distance. I've met him a couple times and let him know that Doug stand up, but I By the people that do like him and the people that do know him I have to judge him from that too Sure, and they're good people, but and I love you too. So fuck that. I want to talk about Valentine's Day
Starting point is 01:52:51 Yeah, I want to talk about no Valentine's I'm working though. You got nothing just scam I Listen my girlfriends have been trying to help me get out of the comedy world. And I'm telling you all I do is comedy. My calendar is full of day every night I'm performing somewhere. There's no social outlet for me. So I can't fuck comics anymore. That's gone sour. Why? Because it's just gone sour. Stop one second. Stop it. What? I'm asking you a question. Why? She's a comedian. You can't either. Well, first of of all I just have to be about because you can't listen to me
Starting point is 01:53:27 I'm not fucking in a comment. Yeah, but listen, I see it in your eyes You want to be what it takes I listen I thought I always like the dynamic of When I found guys in comedy and I'm like this is this is great. We get each other He understands why I may not be home He understands the craziness that's going on my mind. He understands all of these different levels Unfortunately for me I have now I've fucked a few guys. I'm gonna fucking throw something rich If you look at your fucking rings that libarachi the top again, I'm gonna fucking murder you Please don't know you fucking stop looking at your rings
Starting point is 01:54:06 Please give her a pep talk But I have to share her chest is getting red. He is the thing. My chest is always red No, it's not paper when you're out to all of the guys in Comedy that I have had a physical relationship with name him. I name one brawls it out. Fuck him Fuck him. one balls it out fuck him fuck him just do it do it do it do it I won dance odour no dance pack up no he went down on you no oh Samarral you know what I'm I do yeah you fuck with trees you fuck with trees you fuck with trees I did not I do yeah, you fuck with trees You fuck with Stop
Starting point is 01:54:55 If Patrice was alive today he would fuck you Patrice like big one, but I'm friends with Von the Swung back then, but whatever you being on it. No respect to Patrice and is great No, I'm not gonna do that with Patrice and not Keep robberton No, you know Keith is not gonna fuck me. Keep like the Martin model bitches. He trying to fuck with me. I know them You know them. I know them. Oh
Starting point is 01:55:28 Shit with me I know them you know them I know them oh shit I've only had sex with seven guys seven guys so I know I know five of them no you know you know two of them two of them yeah I'll tell you black dudes one is blackish and I told you I'm looking for a white paint so you know one of them can be away but I have a couple on on deck that I think you fuck the ins finance of them can be away, but I have a couple who on deck that I think I'm fucking in finance. He's cute though. I did. He is my friend. No, I'm so adorable.
Starting point is 01:55:50 No, no, no, I didn't fuck. Ian, you had to grow a cock to fuck him. He likes everything. He's actually. He is a sweetheart. You don't care the way he did it, but you didn't have it. I didn't want to do it. Why?
Starting point is 01:56:04 It wouldn't have been funny enough.'t want to do it. Why? It wouldn't have been funny enough. I liked the kid. I liked him too. He is a sweetheart. I like him. So I know two of the guys you're banged. Yes.
Starting point is 01:56:12 One was kind of black. One was blackish. Blackish. Yeah. You had him on the podcast, actually, on the show. Oh, I know. Did I like him? Yes.
Starting point is 01:56:21 Puerto Rican. You got to go. And Andrew Schultz. You think he's Puerto Rican, but he's not. Uh, Andrew Schultz. Andrew Schultz clout you think he's Puerto Rican, but he's not Andrew Schultz Schultz blackish nobody wants to hear this I was putting your ear after this is over. Oh my god. Oh Brandon No, no Mike Mike Brown
Starting point is 01:56:42 No Mike Brown likes white women. Does he? Yeah. And Mike Brown's a good friend of mine. I wouldn't, no friend, no guy that I would already, is it the nerd dude? What nerd dude? Who is it?
Starting point is 01:56:55 Who's the nerd dude? It's a very vague thing. Yeah, it's like a lot. Who are you talking to? Jordan Carlos. What's the initials? Yes, cool right here. Does he wear glasses? Does he wear glasses? I can't. I'm asking you What's the initials? I won't I won't I won't
Starting point is 01:57:11 Do you Promise you're not gonna say it? We're the cameras are they on my lips? No, no, it's your whole body. They can't be blinders The whole cast Write it down and then don't show the camera I will not Bobby you promise I promise I will not just don't show the camera don't hold it up in front of your face
Starting point is 01:57:47 Just hold it where can she hold it up in front of your face. Just hold it. Where can she hold it up? Just slide it to me. I don't care I'm not gonna do it. I'm on Don't look at my brother the thing is gonna come up Stop stop stop stop stop stop Bobby. Let's just do it after yeah, Bobby stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop No, it's that way it's that way there's no cameras that way the cameras are put in behind the cameras You know that person I don't know you know him is he famous? Oh, all right, well, I have had a famous one, but oh, Joe no No, I have that a famous you had a famous Wesley Snipes I'm child I'm with child I'd be passing to 49 Fuck for swickers good eyes For us is force could get it too Yeah, I get off your phone. What are you doing on your phone?
Starting point is 01:58:55 Because I got somebody you know what I tell you we didn't we ever talk about the phone. I know Yoms get off Listen What? Yams get off the listen who does? I love you so much. I love you. Bobby. Bobby. That's who the fans of get upset. He started a story about hookers about an hour.
Starting point is 01:59:12 Yes, please tell the sugar story. Can I do this? Yes, hey, go pick. Can you speak loud enough for me to hear you in my car, P? Yes, story. What does your P sound like? Oh, says a girl puking from a second floor window. No, it starts off like There's like a hurricane it's me talk to windy. It's really windy sounds like a screen door in a hurricane
Starting point is 01:59:40 Come on, let's go tell the story I want to hear it No, we were like 18 Yeah, it's a drove in New York to 46th Street to get blown yeah, and I had a lot of money back then from I had a painting business You did money. I used to have that one of the biggest businesses in town Well, you know, you know if you kept that how rich you'd be right now. Listen when I was 21 Yeah, or 22 I had seven guys working for me. Do you know rich would be right now. Listen, when I was 21, or 22, I had seven guys working for me. Do you know Richard be right now? Listen, I paid out, I paid him $8 an hour and that's fucking 30, 40 years ago. But if you kept that business and you grew that,
Starting point is 02:00:17 but you'd be a contractor right now. I was a contractor. What can I finish? I did it all. Let me just say this. you're fucking Yemmering You'd be it would be you'd be probably a millionaire right easily and I did sales too if I was in sales Yeah, I should I you I'll tell you one of my business please okay. Here's a business. I have stop pointing at me Here's a business all right. You know the fucking Tony Robbins Yes, I go Here's a business. All right, you're not a fucking Tony Robbins. Listen. Yes. I go, we should do a hand-to-hand show. Talking to Mike though, bring a lot of campus sales businesses back there.
Starting point is 02:00:50 Yeah, if you had your headphones, you'll understand. Okay, it sounds better when you're talking to the Mike. No, I don't hear my voice. So, you're the thing, but you're else. Okay, so, I started a business. We used to get hanging plants, baskets baskets, eight inser 10 ins. Okay. I would fill the van and we would go just walk into beauty
Starting point is 02:01:10 polymers and sell them and make. And then I I rent another van and then I sent out guys selling them and I made a dollar off of every plant they sold it to me. I had three vans going at once. One time I mean and we were making a fortune. One time I was selling on the street. You know, I used to pitch down the street. My point.
Starting point is 02:01:29 And then my partner would walk up. You know, I have all these people around me. And my partner would walk up. He would buy like three of them. Then every time I start buying. Right. One time I was a three-card Monty. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:01:39 One time I was pitching on the street and I saw this car pull up and it had MD plates, right? So I had all my plans out there, but I had one in the van with the door open. It was a big one. So the guy gets out of his end, he's looking at the plants, he's looking at him, I go here, these are 10 bucks a piece where he goes,
Starting point is 02:01:55 what's that in the van? I go, don't worry about that, take a look at these. Then he goes, well, what's that in the van? I go, look, that's really expensive. These are only 10 bucks. He goes, well, let me see it, I go, look, you don't want that, that's for doctors, for their offices. Right. So it's really expensive. These are only 10 bucks. He goes, well, let me see it. I go, look, you don't want that. That's for doctors, for their offices. Right.
Starting point is 02:02:07 So it's empty plates. I sold them in $10 plan for $100, fucking dollars. Really? Yeah. So I used to sell, do sales. And that's why I had a great painting business because I used to know how to sell. I had a big business in town.
Starting point is 02:02:20 Right. But in the winter, when it was slower, I would get deposits from the people because everybody wanted me to do their But in the winter, when it was slower, I would get deposits for from the people because everybody wanted me to do their place in the spring. So I get deposits, but I would spend all that money on coke. So when it came time to paint in our houses, you know, I didn't have, I would maybe not use the best paint I said I would or I was just a fuck up. I was getting into drugs. Yeah. That's smoking. I was and right and I just party too much into business Fold it because I fucked around too much. Yeah, where's the hook apart? Can we get to the hook apart? Okay, so then
Starting point is 02:02:56 When I was like 20, yeah, you know, you were backwards. We're at 21 or 21 Tell them a good story. You can't go to you can't take us through the 20s into 21 and then go so when I was 20 I don't remember the exact one. Listen to me as coke brain a little bit. Thank you. Thank you. So go brain. So We're going into New York to get hookers blown. Who's we? I guess me in a friend. I don't know your friend Yeah, you're a friend you go. Well, usually get help usually get Oh, no, you know what I might even I went alone. Yeah, I usually go alone Is a beautiful life now This is how the wind started actually
Starting point is 02:03:33 But it's not many pennies I'm gonna get many pennies me my friend 700 bucks. 700 bucks to get ahead. You know what I had in my pocket. 700, I'll give you a hand to 650. No, listen, I didn't go back there. 700 dollars is fucking 4,000 right now.
Starting point is 02:03:55 It's a lot of money. So you get blow jobs to 20 back then. I went to this, I know the blow job was 20, but I have all my money on me, so I put it in my sock, except for $10, right? And the 20 I paid her. Next thing I know, she's blowing me, she gets out of the car, she fucking picked my pocket for the $10. If I would have had that 700 in the pocket,
Starting point is 02:04:20 because once it's in her hand, and they get out of the car, you're never getting it back. It's gone. Unless you kill them. No, you're never getting it back. It's God. Right. You know, unless you kill them, no, you're not getting your money back back there. You kill them, you'll get that money back. Just take it out of their dead hand. No, you're the one that's stopping them to deliver.
Starting point is 02:04:34 They start running, and they call their pimp, you know what I mean. But back then, you know, we, Just go back to the same block. They got to work the same block, right? Listen, I do this in my act, this is a true story. One time I went to cop coke and this dude showed me five miles. I had no money, so I snatched it out of his hand.
Starting point is 02:04:51 And he punched me twice in the face, right? But I didn't feel, I was on like a three-week run. So I pull up the block and I hold my hand. I got three vials. Okay, listen, right? I'm like, who's the man now? I swear to God, I'm driving away. I'm hitting cars and shit on the side of the road. I didn't give a fuck Oh, and I get around the corner. I put like a mile down the road and I'm sweating
Starting point is 02:05:12 I'm going you know when you got no money and then three vows of crack it's like Hint in Lado. I threw it in the pipe and hit it and it was soap. It was so I pulled Shit. I pulled back on my go look you don't rip me off when I'm ripping you all So I pull shit I pull back on my go look you don't rip me off when I'm ripping you Can you try why you and you punk me over soap Quick But why you hit me it's Principal is the principal of if you fucking clock soccer what type of was it? No, it was a little white down look like crack, but here clock sucker. What type of stuff was it, pure out?
Starting point is 02:05:45 No, it was a little white dog. It looked like crack. But here's, this was my best scam. You know how they had those fake $50 bills that were advertisements? Yes. They look exactly like a 50s. I would rap 10 singles.
Starting point is 02:05:58 Yeah. 10 singles and I put a 50 in the middle of that. So I pull up to the door, they'll give me six vials. And then I'll count the money in my car and front of them and he'd see the 50 from far away And I handed to him. Yes out of town like yogi brown like it's six. Yogi brown. Who's yogi brown? I There's nobody named yogi brown the yogi bear Yeah, now who's yogi brown now finish the yogi brown. Yeah, now who's yogi brown?
Starting point is 02:06:35 It's another scam my other good sure let's do one more I Have to go and fuck my wife and make out with her I used to go to garage sales and buy like golf clothes for like $5 Like old old shitty golf clubs. Can I go to drug dealers? I go look, you know, let me get a gram Did you did you become black with them to yo yo yo yo, man? Okay, so let me get a guy I was gonna you'll get Graham man. Let me get a gram and I'll leave my golf club says as a collateral You know, get Graham man. Let me get a gram and I'll leave my golf clubs as a collateral and take a pay. Really?
Starting point is 02:07:06 And you're gonna take my homestead to the garage sale. And I go, look, do not sell my clubs. And I, what's the good, coax in my hand, I'm out of town like, you know, you're bound. This is fascinating. Fascinating. I almost want to pick up a habit and go get some golf clubs.
Starting point is 02:07:22 You know how many garage sales I've been to and no hustle going on? We don't think we see how you're dressed, yes. A lot. Oh, motherfucker, you got the nerve with your fucking thermal shirt on. You have a good ass jeans. Like you stepped straight out of a Taylor Swift video,
Starting point is 02:07:37 motherfucker. I just got back. Look like you just got finished doing some extra work on Grimland's three Mother fucker That hat of that hat is spicy though I hate that hat yeah, Chris. He won't fit on you It's that's I can get a hat that fits to me. I just don't like it. That's called a tent look at Bobby's I don't like you today yelling at you today. He does he looks
Starting point is 02:08:08 You know he looks like what I can't think of anything It's like the words when you stop people to try to act like you funny. Oh Shit In Jersey no, I love him Brooklyn and you came all the way for this and you got to go back home or what do you do? Do you do shows? She's like me from a show she had a show yeah, they're both comedians. How much time did you do eight minutes? You get your laughs. Yeah, that's good. What's your opening joke? I'm not gonna do it. Yeah, you don't do it. You don't have to do it. It's a hell. It's not like waste.
Starting point is 02:08:46 About your waste. Well, I, I want to hear it. What did you do? No, no, no, no, no. She might be sewing it to somebody soon. Don't do it, girl. Trust me. Listen to my. What you're opening, Bullock, you know why? Because you're gonna dump it anyways. Because you can't.
Starting point is 02:08:57 I just did a whole bit. I'm thinking about this open crack. That's a true story, but I'm going to do it on my special next month. I want to be there. I want to be there. I want to be there. I better have VIP ticket. I'm taping out. I'm not I'm taping it at an an a convention. No, you're doing it. Yeah, do some great idea.
Starting point is 02:09:12 Shoot up some heroin to get drug you to get there free. Free. Can you even film anybody at? We're talking about that now. If I put up a sign once you walk in, right? Or I don't care if I if I show the audience I did one in a show years and they were like you got everybody's anonymous anything and they but they had a Sign language interpreter there and I was like which one of you motherfuckers got the nerve to be deaf and a damn addict
Starting point is 02:09:39 I mean pick one Fucking how you scored in sign language is shit is it that many damn distributors out there to know What the Oh, you two fucking cowards Yeah I love the stick snickety also Clark shaggers would laugh at Sesame Street Listen, of course you know you vagina
Starting point is 02:10:10 It's gonna be a long vlog Yeah, what is it? The China monologue This was called Clitty Clitty Bang Bang Motherfucker Gabby, you're a fucking turntcote Shut up What? What? Because she loves the brown sauce too? Gabby you're a fucking turnt coach
Starting point is 02:10:27 What cuz she loves the brown sauce till Gabby ever been in a BMW yes, okay dude gabby you don't fuck with Gabby Gabby's been around the world She's come from high quality stock You know why she here cuz she has a creative gene. Yeah, she wants to be here. Why wouldn't she be? All right, we're gonna wrap this up. I gotta get the fuck out of here. Thank you, Combo. What is up with this penguin on your shirt? What is he doing?
Starting point is 02:10:50 It's an old, it's like an old penguin with a- They have the yogi brown on their shirt. They have the same hands. I keep stepping up my heart. I feel worthy. What's that mean? What's that? All right, listen to me.
Starting point is 02:11:01 Listen to me. Look at my fingers. Stay with me. No, I'm not gonna look at your finger I'm looking at wrapping up right now. I like richest at Gabby never come back here again Fony fucking new open micr. I hope you break the other ankle What do you got rich? We got your dates coming up. I know you don't I should
Starting point is 02:11:30 Well, no, when's this cuz go to his dates? It's gonna and it's gonna and air next this Sunday My gigs listen to our podcast my wife hates me on the same network and please go to that patreon and join that patreon We have extra content on the patreon like what we do extra podcasts. We have videos. I put some of my CDs up there I'm gonna try to work. Oh Some videos go get those if you still got a CD play I go get them CD so you can punch in track one two and three Listen, why am I do get the little card that no one wants to buy a card after a show? I still sell these You know, I don't want to buy a smaller item that fits into the computer. They want to buy a CD and go buy a CD. Oh, that was a poro.
Starting point is 02:12:15 Rich Ross, everybody go to rich It's the party other day. I'm sorry. That's right. Back to his. This is his brain over here. No, that's okay. I'm on you. Don't tell me what don't think
Starting point is 02:12:27 Don't tell me what don't happen. I can smell it. I fucking I know my ass So I farted in the car right and it was a long one I go and I'm driving it and it's all warm I go man. Did I shit my pants? Because it's all warm. I saw warm and I'm going oh fuck and then I realized I had my seat heaters on So cute. Oh, that was worth it. I know I'm glad you came back with such a vigor. Oh Good one. It wasn't you should have ended on the fart. How was she had another fart? What are you doing? I think my phone did you get your phone case that I told you to get you didn't tell me you show me yours And I got it I actually where you got. You said where did you get yours?
Starting point is 02:13:05 And I said this and I sent you the link That means I told you where to get it you show me the link you send me the link. I told you where to get it Yes, and I got a cousin me. I want that to get it. I mean, sit it to me. I want I'm going to get into this question. Yes, answer my question. He saw my fucking my wallet. I love that. Okay, hang on He saw it. He goes I love that. Where'd on, he saw it, he goes, I love that. Where'd you get it? And I go, I got the link, I'll send it to you, you can get it when you're self.
Starting point is 02:13:30 Then I sent him the link, he went and got it. And I'm saying, I told you to get that. He's like, no you didn't. Okay, I'm gonna tell you something stupid. You see this exact one right here. I have this exact one at home without this. Or ready. So it's not exact.
Starting point is 02:13:45 The word exact means exact. Yes. And I'm dumb. I'm fucking dumb man. I'm an idiot. I'm not doing that. Did I just say what you're doing? He's grumpy old men's fool.
Starting point is 02:13:54 I don't know what the fuck. I'm an idiot where are you? I'm going on. So here's where I am. First of all. And we got it up here. We're bringing it up. Do you have a website?
Starting point is 02:14:03 Or put a account up there like that. I had a stalker come to my show tonight This is what I'm doing. This is some weirdo You can catch me on the shoes on the shoes soon if they don't get rid of my segment because I didn't know how to not curse I saw you at night show too. I'm doing tonight I can't wait to come back What do you do? What are you doing that? You know that they call me in from time to time. I do Who calls you in Mike? Don't try to me in from time to time. I do a second mic
Starting point is 02:14:26 Don't try to Jimmy don't try to get up in my shit Bonnie's doing these motherfuckers already hate me You think I'm about to tell them where to go get me fired from Fuck Bonnie's doing the tonight Thursday. Oh, I can't wait to see you Yeah, I'm doing it Thursday Anybody can so let me do this anyway. I'm not I thought you were Great until I chapter this hopefully I'll be do this I'm not I thought you were great Until I after this hopefully I'll be back if I'm not here's also where you can catch me I will be all the two if they don't get rid of my segment
Starting point is 02:14:54 I did not do well in terms of not cursing on the first on the two well, I it was a thing so I am what say motherfucker Oh, I it was a thing. She's so I am a motherfucker. Oh, I said it all So anyway, you guys funny daddy first day Shut up motherfucker. Please catch me Thursday through Saturday this week. I'll be hosting for Jeff Ross at the comedy I'm sorry at the Caroline's and Jeff Ross at the comedy I'm sorry at the Caroline and I have a spot also at stand up in New York midnight Sunday I'm taking a break to go see my grandfather keep me in prayer with that. I will
Starting point is 02:15:32 You can also listen to me on my podcast running and raving with yamanica and friends You can follow me on everything at yamanica and I you know what Bobby? Thank you and thank you all for having me today It's just beautiful to be amongst friends. I've had a grueling week, honestly, with this whole nother in the dough. But I'm glad you had a good time. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:15:50 And I'm glad you know what, that stuff for you and Doug, I'm showing you see Doug again. You'll, hey, what's up, blah, blah, and it's a work of stuff. I just, he won't remember it. No, he didn't remember it. He already said,
Starting point is 02:15:59 he woke up the next day and Bingo was like, do you know what happened? He's like, I have no idea. So he actually does know. He's really when you meet him and he's like, I have no idea. So he actually has no idea. He's really when you meet him and he's not, he's not a bad guy. When I talk to you, he's a good guy. And, and, and Shota, I know you've been reading comments
Starting point is 02:16:12 that have been crazy over there. So shout out to all the people that have been crazy. All right, so here I'm gonna be, I'm at Paul alive this weekend if you listen to live in Seattle. But what is it? Bellevue Washington. Bellevue Washington, I'm at Paula Live this weekend if you listen to live in Seattle. But what is it? Bellevue Washington.
Starting point is 02:16:27 Bellevue Washington. I'm at the fat book. We're doing this big show. Me and Rich, I want to announce this real quick. Me and Rich are doing a big show next week at the fat black. It's already sold out. You should come down too. What time?
Starting point is 02:16:39 I would love to do it. You guys are gonna invite me. I would do it. Next Wednesday night. Me and you. All right. Now listen, here's a deal. It's a day 30 Don't act please don't turn in the old man on me right now just let me talk nod you ahead and go yeah It's all I need you to do
Starting point is 02:16:53 Okay, what kind of impression what I can do the guy from the Wizard of Oz go ahead Who rang that bell pretty good right? Buss my buttons That's a horse have a different color That bell pretty good right? My buttons That's a horse have a different color I've never been this angry in my life the range in me so I need a thumbs. I need a thumbs you literally just gave me hopper Where's the thums hey? Why do you now see other show? We're doing fuck if you got thumbs back then you got no Mary James
Starting point is 02:17:28 I'm a kill you listen to me. Give me a Tom. I have a talk. You take two of them Beauty dance got these fruit Get the real times This motherfucker got me fucking Fruit of the loom Tom. Yes That a techno color like they had to put color If somebody doesn't photos that riches face with those rings All right, no the big show that I'm announcing, me and Rich Voss, yeah, just signed on with WB A B to do a massive show.
Starting point is 02:18:17 This summer June 1st, Thursday, my mother, what's the right first? It's it's June 1st at the Westbury music fair. Well, it's very movies. It is a fucking great movie theater. It's in the round. It's 2000 seats. Long Island.
Starting point is 02:18:34 Get tickets now. Click on that link. Click on that top. No, no, no, click on the W. Where the fuck is it? Oh, who's that? That's just a girl. I hate you. Are we on the white side? Yeah, scroll down scroll down
Starting point is 02:18:48 Yeah, where's the show? Where's the show? Where's the show? Where's Rod's show? Just go up go up to the shows go to the shows go up to the shows go to shows go to shows go to shows two shows go to shows. You know, show there's no show. Home right. Yeah, this shows right there. Look on that. Right. I think that's okay.
Starting point is 02:19:10 There it is right there. Oh my God. Rich. Yeah, Roger and JP's. Notice they haven't done the show. They did this comedy ride for years. They haven't done it in seven years. They brought it back just for us.
Starting point is 02:19:21 Roger and JP's comedy ride. Long Island, June 1st. Tickets are on sale. Oh, whoa, Whoa, what? What's wrong with that? Bobby A. Benethin in 20 years. Oh, they put starring and with. Yeah. I look at I told my god. Look at Richard, his JC Penny headshot. Hold your head to the left, sir.
Starting point is 02:19:44 I know that's no, no, no, it's the picture sling. I'll I'll I'll have him change it I mean, I don't know what you want me to say. Listen, I was on the show first. I don't know. I was on the show first That's it They added you there was starring Robert Kelly with means together. Yeah, but it's like yeah, it's like the end It's like yeah, it's like the end it's like yeah, it's Robrick Stein Robber Kelly We'll win blah blah blah and oh with it was Frank Bell's Beverly with me. I'm like doing a cat It's like on when you're in a movie. You're not doing a camera. You know you're on the show. We'll have him Children's time Robert Kelly and I want an end You know I like it. You can't be in with HIV. I know you can get star in rubber Kelly starring rich Ross and as we star rubber Kelly and rich
Starting point is 02:20:27 Voss. Yes. So you did whatever you want. I like that. All right. Cool. Well, you do. Listen, listen, it's gonna be a great show in the mind. It's insane. June 1st, the West Perry. It's for grumpy men's five. Fuck you. I love you guys. Love you too. Michael, what do you got? Love this hard thing. I'll be featuring for Dustin Schaeffin, the... Whoa! How do you get that? I'm... Pucosal.
Starting point is 02:20:51 That's the... I'm from Santonio. Sure, sure. The I'm from Santonio. Oh, that's good. We working with Gene Breon at the Lafayette Lenten, Santonio in April. Yeah, that's a good thing.
Starting point is 02:21:01 Yeah, Dustin, yeah. And go to my website for us. Look at, look at, fucking Gabby Panicking to find... I'll be right back. I'm gonna go to my website for us. We working with Dean Breon at the Lafayette Lansing in the end in April. Yes, love for that Dustin. Yes, great. And go to my website for us. Look at, look at fucking Gabby Panicking to find. I'll be at a bowling alley on Tuesday. Where are you?
Starting point is 02:21:12 I'll be underground. February 28th, I'm producing my own show at the way station in Brooklyn. It's, thank you. Whoa. That's what you do, y'all. It's my first pretty shot. I'm a little bit shy.
Starting point is 02:21:23 I wish we had a conversation about this. I had talked about this with somebody. When we were coming up and probably you two, they had comic clubs and you had to get on that show and how you get on that show was hosted or get, you know, do checks or whatever. You do whatever show, yeah, whatever show.
Starting point is 02:21:39 So you had to get on that show. But what happened was somewhere, I don't know if it's because so many comics came out of the woodwork that they were like, yeah, I don't need to get into the clubs. I'm just gonna go you got to show, but what happened was somewhere, I don't know if it's because so many comics came out of the woodwork that they were like, yeah, I don't need to get into the clubs, I'm just gonna go do my own show. I'll go find a spot and do my own show. So you have your own show,
Starting point is 02:21:53 but in my brain that fucks you up, because now you're in, when you're the MC or you're the low man on the total pole working with the motherfuckers. Your self esteem is shit. Yeah. And you have to build that by becoming better and better and better. And then when you become, then all of a sudden you're one of the guys or one of the
Starting point is 02:22:16 girls you're at the 10 and all of a sudden you're on the weekends and all of a sudden you're not the last person you're the middle spot and it builds that that comedy But when you do your own shit, I think it fucks up a little bit. Yeah, but it's not like these shows are like Club shows. They're still good. Yeah, but when you get an opportunity. All right, let's go on the road You can't it's it fucks you up because you're in front of your thing in this safe place that people your thing in this safe place that people just standing in the middle a little bit. I understand what you're saying. Like going through that whole process of clubs,
Starting point is 02:22:51 it really tools you in to becoming a strong comic. But you know, doing producing your own show and sometimes these crowds don't know who the fuck you are and then you gotta make everything. That's also grueling. And I don't think that I'm sure you want to get into the clubs I understand we ain't got a place to go and you want to find a place you got to work out somewhere I get on stage and then the goal is to get on a club. It's just a theory. I'm not saying I'm right
Starting point is 02:23:13 I'm just saying it's a theory It's definitely still below when I started when I started I used to book one nighters In sure like two or three and I would host them one I'd make money I would hire the best action in New York at the time. And other guys like me, that were booking one other, saying Long Island or Connecticut. This is a free way to get booked. We would, we would, we would, we would we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we would, we getting stage time every week hosting. So anytime you can get on stage, whether it's yours or
Starting point is 02:23:46 someone else's, you do it. If you're out of fucking barbecue and I ask you to do time, do it. I stopped listening with three minutes. I'm telling you, get on whenever you shut my mouth. You are right. You have a point. I'm just saying that it's like, this is a long one. It's just the interesting to me, young comics are creating this whole new world that they're coming up. Again, I'm gonna say this, I don't know if it's good or bad, it's just different. And then when they get to these points,
Starting point is 02:24:21 it's like, I love a comic that comes up in these outside things and then they get something and they pops and boom. And then they're on the road and then all of a sudden they're dealing with this fucking, this road weekend gig and they're like, this isn't Kansas anymore. There's a Bachelorette party and there's fucking this group of assholes and holy shit, there's
Starting point is 02:24:45 300 people here and I have to do six, seven shows. All we, what the fuck? But that's the time we're in where people are doing unorthodox things. We're in the advent of like a YouTube where anybody can like do a video and now they're a comic. You know, but to not knock the other side of the hustle, I understand when it was very difficult to get on at clubs, what are you gonna do?
Starting point is 02:25:12 You're gonna wait to try to get on the clubs, are you gonna try to produce your own thing until you can get on it? It's my life I can't notice a ball. Oh my God. I think we should be done. Anyways, go to your club. Where's your where is it?
Starting point is 02:25:26 Where's your show? We're at a way station and Brooklyn. The way station. Yeah. You're not loud in. No, we both are at a way station. We can wait all the time at a station. Are you, you were fighting laughter, Gabby.
Starting point is 02:25:40 I expect a little loyalty out of here. I'm so sorry. All right, Yamannika, Zimzam, Boomba Dam, all right, I get it. Because it was fun. You don't need to give him any loyalty. His kidneys aren't even giving him loyalty. Listen, Bobby, I love you. Why didn't you get it?
Starting point is 02:25:51 But your kidneys are gonna fail you very soon. I don't, what? You heard me, motherfucker. Why am I kidneys gonna fail? Oh, you know why. Why? You know why. No, I know.
Starting point is 02:26:00 Which one do you drink? I drink a lot of water. You do? I mean, my kidneys are fine. I haven't drank any drugs in 30 years What the fuck are you talking about don't try to backtrack with horse shit because you joke bomb try to do it Where's my fucking bandana? Where's the joke bomb band? Oh? Here we go give it to me to because somebody said I didn't wear it last time give it to me
Starting point is 02:26:20 See that you me that Yeah Yeah, this is it for Valentine's Day. No, no, no, no, no, they give it this. That means death, I don't want that. No, this for a Jesus, I repeat that. There you go. This is black.
Starting point is 02:26:34 This is black. Okay. This is the bomb band anniversary for Valentine's Day. It is purple though, you'll die. Um, I'm sorry. I'm kidding. I'm kidding, you're not gonna die. Say in the name of Jesus. You just told me I'm gonna die for my kidneys. Wait, show us. Take mine back. I'm kidding, you're not gonna die. Say in the name of Jesus.
Starting point is 02:26:45 You just told me I'm gonna die from my kidneys. Wait, show us. Take mine back. I take those back. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus, I kick your back. In the name of Jesus, I take your death back. In the name of Jesus, I take your death back.
Starting point is 02:26:57 In the name of Jesus, I want rich to drop dead. Stop! I'm kidding, I would never say that. I don't believe in your Jesus stuff. Any. I'm a Jew. I want to say If you listen to podcasting, make sure you download the app. It's free and it's amazing. It just from if Yamanik is on my show, you'll see all the shows Yamanik was on. show, you'll see all the shows Yamanik was on and you can find other new episodes of the great podcast
Starting point is 02:27:27 It is the podcasting app for true podcasts. Oh, we have. Yes. You are. That's the Ned Kennedy. Yeah, Ned, unbelievable app. I also want to thank San Heiser, hooking me up with great microphones, the best microphones, the best headphones. If you're looking for anything, oh shit, audio file, go to and pick stuff up. What else do we have kids?
Starting point is 02:27:54 Oh, make sure you check out the post show, YKWD2, the post show with Gabby and Mike and Zach and they have guests on every week and they go over the show that we just did last week's episode was really funny, was it name? Brendan Sagoa. Brandon Sagoa, very funny. Yeah, he's funny, I love him. Yeah, he's a sweetheart. So make sure you check that out.
Starting point is 02:28:15 This kid from fucking Boston might something. So it's like having an old man at your side. This guy was fucking funny. Mike's something. Mike. was fucking funny. Mike something. Mike something. Anyways, I'm ending the fucking show, Voss. And you're bringing up fucking Mike something. I want to, yeah, I like this guy.
Starting point is 02:28:36 It was funny. Yeah, we'll talk about it after. Why are you so grouchy? Am I grouchy? Yeah, you're yelling at me too much. No, I'm not yelling at me too much. You know what? No, I'm not yelling at you much. You talk over the whole thing was a talk over me. I'm out of my way to the bandana. Yeah. Why you wearing a band down? I said my joke about his kid. He's bombed. First of all, it was hilarious. He loves you guys. Thank you. YKW dude. Bye. What's up guys? Thanks for listening. If you you want to come into the show as an audience member email ykwd producer at if you want to send us love, mail, packages, emails
Starting point is 02:29:16 not emails, letters. You're going to send it to 112 McDougal Street, New York, New York. And follow us on Instagram at YKWDude podcast. That's the correct one. It's the only one that's getting updated at this point. So YKWDude podcast on Instagram. You can also follow Gabby. Gabby is Brian. And you could follow Mike at MikeBeeSForest.
Starting point is 02:29:39 So thanks a lot guys. See ya, you know what, dude! You've been listening to the YKWD podcast Thanks for listening Now go back to your shitty jobs Check out for all of the best podcasts on the internet And they're all free And they're all free, and they're all free. Shine,
Starting point is 02:30:08 fly, fly, fly,

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