Robert Kelly's You Know What Dude! - You Like It Deep

Episode Date: September 2, 2013

Robert is joined by Yannis Pappas, Dan Soder, Luis J Gomez and Kris Tinkle, and confronts a fan on his critique of a recent episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Activa es lúnico. Porque a diferencia de otros, Activa ha demostrado que sus millones de probióticos naturales llegan vivos a la microviota. ¡WOW! Y además ayuda a tu salud digestiva. Activa. 3 por uno, 3 por uno, 3 por uno,
Starting point is 00:00:16 3 por uno, 3 por uno, 3 por uno, 3 por uno, 3 por uno. Esta es la 3 por uno señal, que significa que ya puedes aprovechar tu del 3 por uno en medianas a domicidios solo pidiendo el line. ¿Saparao? tres por uno, tres por uno, oh no no no. ¡Dominos!
Starting point is 00:00:33 Pizza. ¿Suéñas con un futuro más allá de los estudios de grado? Gracias a las becas de post-grazo en el extranjero, de la Fundación La Caixa. Puedes estudiar en las mejores universidades y centros de investigación del mundo. Tu talento te mueve. Solicitate o veca en Fundación la cast network Guys, do you want to give your women a hard time? Erections! Really, do you people think we're so shallow that the only way to get us to listen is using a sultry voice? Let me tell you how thinking men are dealing with their
Starting point is 00:01:16 erections. Enzite! It's true! Millions of men rely on Enzite brands, knowing they'll be ready to stand and deliver a confident performance anytime every time. That's huge. Just one capsule a day. Sort of like a vitamin you take once a day, is all it takes for strong peak male enhancement. Hurry, if you call now, you can score a special Enzyte trial pack for the sack and receive a 10-day sample of Ogaflex for the ultimate male experience free with your order. Call now for the most powerful erections imaginable. With the EnzyE trial pack for the sack, call 1-800-606-5715 or go to
Starting point is 00:01:52 These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to bag no street or cure any disease. Free trial requires via life enrollment with future auto shipments. Alright, check it out. Ah, here in my day, two guys are always asking me where you're free trial requires by a life enrollment with future auto shipments. Alright, check it out. Ah, here are my dates. You guys are always asking me where are you going to be playing when he coming to my town?
Starting point is 00:02:10 Dude, when he coming back to Jersey, man. When he coming back to the Maryland. Well, here you go. Here are my dates. So get a pen and a piece of paper and jot it down. September 5th, New York Institute of Technology, Old Westbury, New York. September 6th and the 7th, with the Friday and Saturday, stress factory in New Brunswick. One of my favorite clubs. October 10th, 11th, 12th, Magoobe's Joe Cousin, Maryland.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Love that club too. And then I'm back October 24th at the Revelle casino. Brand new casino Atlantic City. I'm doing an hour show once show only. That's a fucking good time. So get your tickets for that. October 25th, 26th, comedy works Albany. October 31st, funny bone, Sacra. Where is it Syracuse? That's the 31st through the third, that's a long one. That's up in Syracuse, I think that's a new club, the FUNNYBONE in Syracuse, October 31st to November 3rd.
Starting point is 00:03:17 November 7th, eighth, ninth, I'm in Toronto, Canada, for the dark comedy festival, T.Dot Baby. December 6, side splitters, all the way to December 8, in Tampa. Tampa, I love Tampa. December 27th, Comedy Shop, Blackstone, Blackstone. I don't know what the fuck that is. It's, it's fuck, my wife fucked up on this one. So, she's gonna have to fix it. But that's enough. You get it. Go to right now If I didn't mention your town, it might be up on my website. If not email me the club
Starting point is 00:03:51 You want me to come to and I will make sure my agent is on it So there you go All right, I'm in the back of the cab on this ad. This episode was fucking hilarious. So all you fucking nitpickers of last week, it was too serious. You guys, yeah we get it, you guys just bitchin. Your life is hard. We wanna hear funny, funny. The last episode wasn't even funny.
Starting point is 00:04:23 It was just you guys complaining about you fucking losing your family Listen, I get it. We're good. I understand I get it Some of you guys hated last week's episode, but you know what a lot of you loved it. I got a lot of great emails too Sand thank you Because it's still a man. So it's ups and downs We actually had one of the guys that didn't like last week's episode on the show, which I thought was pretty interesting and I love when you guys call up. So the step-sodes hilarious though.
Starting point is 00:04:54 Fucking Chris Tinkels on it from Hammer Fisting, former. And Janis Poppiss' last YKWD show before he moved to Miami for his new unbelievable job. Dan Soda was killing it, monster voice, and Lewis Jay Gomez was fucking hilarious. Kelly Fistuka's last show, right here is good bro. Last show before she goes away for a month, we had the new intern Chris was on the show. He was actually really funny too. I really like this new guy Chris, really on top of it. So great show. Thanks buddy. I'll see you. Great show. hilarious. If you like funny, if you want to, if you fucking love the ones where you just laugh, this is the fucking show for you, your cock suckers.
Starting point is 00:05:45 So enjoy. And I want to thank all you guys that came out to Creek in the cave this week. Unbelievable man, really. I did my hour there every night. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. And you guys really showed up. I appreciate it. Some nights were a little light, but if it wasn't for you guys showing up on that night I would have been fucked and then the last couple nights were packed up. I love it So thank you for supporting me coming up and introducing yourself You're fans of the show you guys are unbelievable. You guys who didn't show up and support fuck you You lazy twats No, I'm kidding. I'm not but fucking you know, I don't want you to take it too seriously.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Did it the fuck man, we listen to the podcast, then, then, then, then. Anyways, that's it. Fuck it. Intro over. You know, you fucking tell me I yapped too long on these. My wife told me I'm too wordy on the intros. So there you go, enjoy the show. Un-fucking-believeably funny. Oh yeah, this week, I'm at the stress factory, Friday, Saturday, and I got Lewis J. Gomez with me on Saturday. So you podcast fans, get your asses out.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Okay, that's it. Alright, now I'm done. Hey gang, this is Colin Quinn. This is Jim Norton. This is Dennis Leary. This is Opie from a lot of things. This is Jim Norton. This is Dennis Liri. This is Opie from a lot of things. This is Bert Cricer. Staying cooking, you are listening to Robert Kelly's,
Starting point is 00:07:10 you know what, dude? You know what, dude? You know what, dude? Ify bippy, bbya, ify bippy, boo. Dippy, dippy, dhya, yabba, dhya, badoo. Dude! This is Robert Kelly's, you know what, dude? You know what, dude? You know what, dude? You know what, dude?
Starting point is 00:07:25 You know what, dude? You know what, dude? You know what, dude? You know what, dude? You know what, dude? You know what, dude? You know what, dude? You know what, dude?
Starting point is 00:07:34 You know what, dude? You know what, dude? You know what, dude? You know what, dude? You know what, dude? You know what, dude? You know what, dude? You know what, dude?
Starting point is 00:07:42 You know what, dude? You know what, dude? You know what, dude? You know what, dude? You know what, dude? You know what, dude? You know what, dude? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, well, yeah, we got a lot of stuff to do today. You guys can keep talking. I'm going to, we got a bunch of new sponsors today that I'm going to be talking. We got draft Kings a bunch of new sponsors today that I'm going to be talking we draft Kings which I love Draft King. Yeah, draft Kings is actually it's it's fantasy football, but one day
Starting point is 00:08:13 Okay, you can go in for one day and do One day games. That's it and you can win Thousands of dollars in one day, which is Chris. It's crazy. Yeah, this this true story one of the guys won a hundred grand It's very first time. 100 grand his first time playing. That's crazy. But we're going to be talking about draft Kings later. They're great, great new sponsor.
Starting point is 00:08:32 We also have Enzite. Hey, I know Enzite. What should do? Because you got a limp. Yeah, no, I don't. Well, you're right now I do. I tell you what, I always, I was always, you know, people are against this stuff even for young
Starting point is 00:08:46 You think it's for old guys. It's really not it's really not it's it's If you if you're trying to have you have a relationship with a chick and you want to bang all the time Yeah, I can't do it. I'm one and done. Yeah, but I've taken this stuff and I've been able to get it up again And again and again nice some sort of fuck robot ha ha well we got these guys who just joined on we all know who plus too is in the game what you tweak Amazon and all that why am I fucking headphones tweaking are they crackling yes the same thing why why are the headphones crackling? Speak to us
Starting point is 00:09:27 Speak to us headphones in the form of coyotes. Why? I don't know it sounds like an old-time radio Why Why the testing that was it? No, no, it's still there. It's crackling. Why am I headphones crackling? Lewis why are the headphones crackling? What? Minds crackling though, too. Why are they fucking crackling? Did you try to fix it? Is it you? Did you do it?
Starting point is 00:10:01 You're just a man of the people you just have a printing press All right hang on you're all right. Yeah, they're crackling and I don't like it. You look at a meal weird What the fuck are you doing you savage? Hey? What are you doing? Nothing. I'm gonna fucking really bad good good. Guess you let's raise Yeah, this is real and a deal raise your hand if you care that fucking Lewis isn't a really bad mood You know raise your hand if you fucking care that any of you care that I'm an oh really fucking bad mood Oh You know what we need to do wait wait wait wait I don't know if I should be right with my hand or not just now We'll fuck all of you. Whoa. Hey, dude
Starting point is 00:10:47 It's a bad morning if First of all if fucking yana says 100 grand one more time. I'm gonna smash We get it. You're moving to Miami for money. Hey listen first of all you don't talk over me second of all You don't talk over anybody You understand that look at a little clicking right now. Callie, go on to under there and fix that. Check the wires. Go on there and check the wires. Is that code way? Put the phone down and check the wires. All right, so listen. Are you done, Janice? What?
Starting point is 00:11:31 Put the oh, Janice is taking the mic. That's what he does. He's the only person. I listen to me. We don't fucking I gotta do this just because I want to do an act out. I'm black. What about your headphones? Put your headphones on. You don't talk the same way that I refer to you as Maurice. I refer to Donnell as Ashley Larry, all right Why do you have to take a shot at Donnell? He's not here You're just being a good dude call me what is he doing? What are you doing? Get this no, all right. Here's the rules. Do I got to really say this? Do I got to be teacher Bob? Do I got to go ding ding ding class welcome? No fucking cell phones while the show's going on. How's that? If you can't not look at your phone
Starting point is 00:12:09 for the time that you're on the show, beat it. You know what I'm gonna do if you look at your cell phone? Ah, it's bad. Yeah, it's bad radio. It's bad. It's visual. You can just stream into the microphone All right, I can feel this tension in the room between listen Chris Make be a dress First of all you wide hip did you get wider? ECW body He really he really has rhino hips You know what the problem is who looks like you can take a power bomb through a table
Starting point is 00:12:48 Dude, you know what the problem is is that when he got though you got so in shape that one time Now every time I look at you I compare what you look like now You shouldn't have done that because now I'm thinking I'll always think you look at a shape Because you nailed it for like three days you nailed it It was like it was a four-hour period where if you fucking got the right top lighting Whoo, you were you were ripped. I remember at Eastville seeing you like one time and you were like yeah, dude It's all about to die it and I got it worked out. Yeah salmon once a day. I drink vodka and come soda No calories and he was out of skin. So fucking ripped. It was, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:26 It was, it's unrealistic to keep that pace up. Well, I mean, not really. I mean, you're doing it great, you're it. Don't think. He's doing a clubber Langmont. Keep your mind. yourself. This pain feels better than that pain. This pain. This pain. This pain. This will be better than emotional pain. You have to look better than him. It's impossible. But keep trying. Keep
Starting point is 00:14:02 trying. He does. He takes a shirt off and then does the act out where she runs into him with a shirt off. Oh, hey, it didn't see come in. Kelly, I want you to go onto the table right now. Fuck, fuck you. You just stay there. That's your new seat underneath the clock. Go. Well, that's all go up.
Starting point is 00:14:23 Well, what's that? Yeah, go. the CLE go Well, that's all go up. Well, what's that? Yeah, go is it what's touching the plugs? I love this all of this is the only podcast where we solve technical difficulties while we're on the air That's right. We're the YKW dude technical solutions. I like songs Now I have a kid I sing songs all the time. Well now that you're not the one that's has a... Sorry, but this I want to put on the show. I don't give a fuck. Now I want to know what it is.
Starting point is 00:14:53 It's just funny, it's from Don L. No, no. Fuck these bitches, let's get this shmoney. Is he working with you too? No. Oh, you're working with me where? Dad, is he going on my own? No, no, no, no, no, we're just old friends.
Starting point is 00:15:05 Okay, I love that now that Yannis has a TV show, he just keeps his phone on ring. So we just get to hear his text message. Shut that fucking thing off and flip. Actually, give me your phone, Yannis. No, you're not my teacher. Yeah, I am your teacher. I'm a show.
Starting point is 00:15:20 If you look at my pocket, if you, if I see you looking at your phone, you didn't even give me a warning. You give me a warning you can give me a warning I'm giving you a warning right now. This is your warning. I got it. What did I do? I just put it in my pocket Focken hipster jeans from a corporate standpoint Airplane mode. I'm just saying who cares? I am I don't record the whole show if I'm gonna do that I'll just get you stream fucking perfect Why did you go for my hot intern to a hotter intern?
Starting point is 00:15:48 Oh, it's in purposes Chris go up. Oh is actually hotter than row Chris go barely voice fucking stupid dress and row Hi, I hit jeans Over my belly button jeans Like the first like the first pair of jeans Wear them up to right here on the ribs. They made it get them that way the mud doesn't get in We're like my new jeans I'm Israeli My dad's from Israel he owned the rest of And loose has got the same size tips
Starting point is 00:16:36 That's she that's a great impression right that's pretty solid Oh my god, she's nobody like you did that on stage Oh my god, she's nobody like you did that on stage Wow We know how you feel about interns Dan. I'm really attracted to you. We should maybe go on a date Would you dad from my dad's Israel Why you jeep grow why you jeans so high because I'm very stylish I'm in tune with all the fashions. I watched the VMAs and I saw the red carpet.
Starting point is 00:17:10 I'm gonna buy those jeans. I live in a pond. It's like you're gonna be a he-man. All your power is gone. But I steal your sword. You can't turn into he-man, Adam. I have he-man sword. Now he has no powers.
Starting point is 00:17:24 The Thundercats. Oh, yeah. Adam I have him and so are now he has no powers The thunder cats Shit I'm on your phone right now I just want to say this to uh Mr. Thrill a part-time vegan. Are you happy now? Are you happy that it's a fun show again? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Last week, yeah. I had a few fuck you whoever you are.
Starting point is 00:17:59 Show's not for you. Wait another episode. No, he's a huge fan. I got like nine. Who gets this shit? No, hang on. I'm just going to preface this. He's a big fan of the show. He's listening another episode. No, he's a huge fan. I got like, nine. Who gets this shit? No, hang on, I'm just gonna preface this. He's a big fan of the show. He's listening every episode.
Starting point is 00:18:08 But a lot of people last week because, look, you're gonna understand, when I pick you motherfuckers for the shows, when I pick certain people, there's a reason for it, you know what I mean? Like, I know chemistry. Last week I picked, I knew it was gonna be a very serious show. I knew it wasn't gonna be, you know, had Joe here which sometimes Joe can just listen he doesn't get if you want to you guys on here with with a list you know he'll throw in his quips and shit like that but you last week I very serious show very very deep yeah a lot and you know I don't give
Starting point is 00:18:42 a shit though it is what it is I hate this what I hate when they call it ranting Yeah, I wasn't it's not ranting motherfucker. It's opening up to you fucking assholes about how I real We're literally we're saying this how this is real we go through fucked up shit, too I told the story about how I can I kind of lost my family. Yeah my family I don't mean to get off on a rant yeah like you're Dennis Miller I don't mean to get off on a rant. Yeah, like you're Dennis Miller Why don't you guys just enjoy the journey and stuff pointing at all the flaws. Well, here's a deal I'm gonna have him on he's gonna come on the show Shit gonna straight clamp up on the mic. What's his screen name again? It's real killer. I'm vegan
Starting point is 00:19:22 I don't take fucking criticism from anyone Well, here's a deal first of all his name is I want to know your real name. You guys okay shitty about me. I want to hear your real name Bob. He's a Tom. He's a personal trainer. He's six one. Oh, okay. Brown hair and brown eyes. Oh, Kelly. Let's settle down. Listen in. I'm listening. What do you think? Really? Is he Jewish? Because if he's Jewish, I could bring him home to my parents. What do you think? Really is he Jewish Because if he's Jewish I could bring a mom to my parents. He's happy to old
Starting point is 00:19:51 My father owns a restaurant in Israel My father owns a lot of real estate in Hoboken my father just owns That's what he does all days he owns. That's his screen name on Twitter the owner At the owner 69 I can't wait till Louis just disappears. I like this. Louis never came low. It's right after the fucking podcast comes out. Ro just taps into our system.
Starting point is 00:20:14 It's me, Ro. I tapped it. He's just like, I know you're recording right now. Listen. I'm doing her voice too. If you look into the logo with Bobby's head, I can see through those eyes We have Chris Tinkle in the house
Starting point is 00:20:32 Chris Tinkle formally time Please take it what you do north of the wall face Saga you mean one of those white pale blue eyes mother fucker one of the other ones did I love you John snow Tickles wearing a fucking human skull of his eyes Exactly what you talking about Tell you about that bitches tribe right that that fucking Rigenja bitch tribe He's not one of us Don't you want to be on this podcast so you can get fucking ripped to shreds the best? Come on in here. So your biggest insecurities will become fodder for our music.
Starting point is 00:21:29 Your face looks like shit. I'm thinking of what to do. I know we never said that. We just compared him. Yeah, I know. Yeah, go ahead. Yeah, well, I would you would take it too far, dude. Hey, I was just going to say he looks like he's fucking handy with a sword.
Starting point is 00:21:44 Yeah, yeah. I'm just saying he might have fought dragons at some point. I know. I was just gonna say he looks like he's fucking handy with a sword. Yeah I'm just saying he might have fought dragons at some point. I was saying he has an epic face. Yeah Yeah, I'm compliment you know, we're calling them Viking face, which is actually kind of cool. Yannis is like that wouldn't find Miami I'm sexy. Yannis now. I hope you show me. I I hope he gets you know shirts. He starts wearing shirts where you flip the coffee to sleeve up, but it's a different color And it just shows way too much of his chest Yeah, I don't even a different color. It's like a pattern. Yeah, he changed. He has a nickname six months And he's gonna start calling everyone poppy. Yeah, he has cufflink poppies I'm doing puppy you want to come out to my house
Starting point is 00:22:25 And I'm the boy this is my front Francesca Just a bunch of Latin chicks Oh, we interested in this money. I'm gonna wear jelly sandals Jelly sandals and wet and shit. He opens up a shimel bar on fucking South Beach and look come into my class Mill bar on fucking South Beach and look at my class Come in we have Greek salad Those glasses That fucking Brooklyn face glasses are out the window. He's got to get blue fucking contacts. Yeah, blue contacts and hair gel every day.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Oh, but a lot. You know, blacks every inch of your body. You just fucking hairless, you honest. Maybe two to one diamond earring in each year. But he's going to be muscular, but not so much that he should get waxed enough for you like, ah, you should probably this. Hello, Miamians.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Today, the weather is coming in from the east. I'm cha-cha-cha-cha! Today today the weather is coming in from the east. I'm cha cha cha cha. Today the weather is perfect because it's my ambe. I'm being a hula ha ha ha. Every day is perfect. And my ambe. I stopped wearing underwear three months ago. You can hear me coming because my flip of flops
Starting point is 00:23:42 are on my feet. You have a dumb Marlin over his fireplace. I just won't come to your house if I can't get there by boat. You and your stupid cigar boat. I cannot park my boat at your bungalow. By the way, that's how white trash I am. It's a cigarette boat and I called it a cigar boat. Am I all right? Yeah, you cigar boat or whatever. You look like a guy who used to work on a cigarette boat and I called it a cigar boat. I'm all yeah you cigar boat
Starting point is 00:24:09 You look like a guy who used to work on a fishing boat for a summer You have that look I know that's what I'm saying you look like it. That was a long-winded fucking You look like a guy that used to and the spring work on a fish. What's Miami honest now? He's not really a ball buster is more like just like a just a selfie. I'm going to lay back, yeah. South Beach poppers. I can't wait till I do the improv down there. Bubba! Bubba! Oh, let me see, he's got a boot. So what's going on in your life? Where are you?
Starting point is 00:24:34 I heard you had a baby. Yeah, you know I have a baby, you moron. Where'd your glasses go? I'm like two girls, I'm like, ooh, that must be hard. I'm like, that's when the girls will just walk away. Y'all is still can't get his five o'clock shadow away. So they have to just put extra mega bond. Just close up, you can see it coming out like a tranny.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Ah, they have to airbrush Yannis's fucking five o'clock shadow at fucking ten in the morning. Constantly keep him shaved like a zoo animal. The shaved, the culture. Welcome to Miami in the morning. Constantly keep him shaved like a zoo animal. The shaved the kitchen right? Welcome to Miami in the morning starting here on this. Spap-a-ba! What up, pa-a-ba-da! Bap-a-ba-da!
Starting point is 00:25:12 Bap-a-ba-da! Bap-a-ba-ba! Is he Greek, Cuban or Mexican? We don't know but we don't care! What is the show? I just really imagine you walking down the beach, but I can't. I'm the youngest popp pop is welcome to South Beach Today I'm gonna show you the best places to eat
Starting point is 00:25:28 Drink and fall and then row comes up behind you. Hi, honest. I'm here too. My dad owns a beach a house down the beach You want to fuck your comic, right? Look my jeans go all the way up to my clavicles I had I had to take a piss. I had to start at my neck, Don zip. You know how it is to cut through denim with a buck knife. Just like that. All right, so back to your face. I love you, John Snow. The thing you did with your tongue, John Snow.
Starting point is 00:26:02 That's right. All right, now should I call this guy? Who? What the guy who shit on? Yeah, shit. Yeah, comb up. I'll talk to him. Yeah, hang on.
Starting point is 00:26:11 It's a basically useful. I got like 10 tweets at me saying they missed me last week and the show was boring without me. There's no way you got 10 tweets. Look at that motherfucker. No, first of all, a lot of people, you get real. No, no, no, no, I'm not complimenting you. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I'm not complimenting I got a lot of tweets that people love the episode really yeah
Starting point is 00:26:27 So was it mostly hate you? But that was also your last week. Yeah the one you were on yeah, then that's the week before dumb dumb Oh, oh last week I had Gary gum and pat Dixon Joe Zimmerman. Oh, so let me apologize that guy. I thought he was talking about my episode No, you're insecure fucking Miami eat Sorry vegan 107 or whatever your fucking name is part time vegan well he He Yeah, it got really deep it got really like four other guy four guys in the room have Alan as a therapist
Starting point is 00:26:59 It's three weeks into no therapy and we started I, Gary sat down and snapped on Zimmerman right away. Yeah. For laughing at some shit, it just got very deep. And then I opened up about something which I, look, I wasn't really going to talk about, but, you know, I had to, I had to falling out in my family. And I talked about it and it got fucking deep. And nobody was here to lighten. There was nobody, you know, when you say something, usually on this show,
Starting point is 00:27:23 somebody will go, you know, I'll say something, you know, you, somebody will go, you know, I'll say something, you know, you're someone will say something funny. Off of something, I say, you know, break the monotony of what they say, right? So got a kind of draw down a little bit. It got on a little bit, but, you know, certain people liked it. A lot of people liked it, but, you know, a couple people, this guy, this is the problem I have, right? This guy actually was like, yeah, that show sucked. It wasn't funny. And something like it was just you fuck you guys just ranting for two hours. I, you know, whatever. Big fan of the show, but last week's episode sucked. It's like, okay, I get that. And I'm going to respond to that because I don't think it sucked. I think it was different.
Starting point is 00:28:00 I thought it's, you know what I'm saying? So, but I, and he was like, dude, I'm a big fan. I don't know what the fuck you can't take criticism. I took the criticism. I'm criticizing the criticism I can do that to you fucking idiot. I have a fucking opinion. This is not the way it works You don't just criticize something and that's it it dies right there. I take your criticism and work on it That's not the fuck how it works. I get to talk back You fuck I just imagine you with a ledger in a pen writing down all the criticisms and going through them like well-ranting no ranting a step or so well here's a deal is
Starting point is 00:28:33 that some people it's like when you somebody bust your balls on Twitter and you say something back about their kids face and then they go Jesus Christ you know it's just kidding yeah no fuck you do take it take it take the beaten dad I don't I didn't come at you You came at me dead your kids face is fucking gross looks like Chris dink of space dead Why would you say that man? Hold the space gross before I did it. No, you guys are all I did not I know this call the space gross before I mean he's too far
Starting point is 00:29:01 Like shit That's the work in my You're gonna go to my enemy. We're gonna have to do something very jacksonville face Tommy he's too far down it's like shit You're gonna go to Miami we're gonna have to do something very Jacksonville face This face shit My name quick Jackson before you down in the school. I won't see a live data. Money quick pick a welcome to the morning show. Welcome to Jackson the early morning. I'm gonna throw it to my friend down south. Y'all is popping. Hello.
Starting point is 00:29:38 Where are you going about that? I'm pitching the morning. We're gonna go we're by we're by with Yanny's Papa. What's going on? I'm not. Today we have a lot of rain down south. What's your chain? What's going on in the north of the state?
Starting point is 00:29:53 Ooh, will the gate of city center. Which means a storm coming. They know a storm coming down here because Miami. It goes away. Go away. The storm combined, they pass by, don't they? Doesn't Roe have a place in both? I'm here in the swamps of Jacksonville, Florida with Chris Tinkle. He's not a very good looking comedian.
Starting point is 00:30:12 I have a friend down in Miami who said his face is gross. I don't want to fuck him. By my fucking man, he's funny and I think it would bother my dad. He's Jewish in the owns. Unless I get an internship at the John Stuart show. Did she, is that what you got? I think somewhere else. Yeah. He's Jewish in the owns unless I get an internship at the John Stuart show I think somewhere else. Yeah, I'm one of those the daily show daily show was it daily show? Yeah, you got a face Climbing Yonisha Dator I'm crazy
Starting point is 00:30:44 I'll say whatever I was I was really into yonnes, but then I started to be into this Jesse May chick. She's hot Very successful very success. I saw at the MTV video music awards. I was in the YouTube characters a while ago Now I like stars I was into YouTube characters a while ago. Now I like Stodd on TV. YouTube characters are so 20-11. Now I like people who have real success. Jesse May, 2014.
Starting point is 00:31:11 Fuckin' hell. Wow. Jesus. Oh, wee wee. I tell you what, though. You could tell who's gettin' the fuckin' brunette of it by whoever goes silent. It was Chris silent for 10 minutes.
Starting point is 00:31:20 No, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, you're just, I'm just fuckin' Terry Shibos. I just think he's over here. He's fuckin' Terry Shibos. They over here. He's fucking Terry Shibopod. You're just like pretending to smile. God. I feel like we're doing a benefit for an accident that Yannis got in and we always put his mic on his chest. That's what I'm when you come in. Someone changes bag. I think it's overflowing with you. You should go to Maddie's misery. You just go through rounds of abuse where you just have to try to smile. I just watch Girl Code and they said, once you outgrow your boyfriend and your perspective career, you must be hit.
Starting point is 00:31:54 See here's the thing is, Girl Code, you know who I am? This really is, it's like the karate kid. I'm the guy. I think he's had enough Johnny. And this is like, I'll tell you what he's having Like a little bit of week Exactly, Lewis is just a goddamn barbarian Lewis, Lewis, yeah Here's a deal Roll voice, roll voice, very funny And I thought like just a little taste was good A little mean and then you, he's turning, Lewis is turning into a god's character
Starting point is 00:32:22 Lewis thinks by doing a voice being really mean it's okay because it's a voice dude I'm gonna fucking own this I'm gonna do I'm gonna be like Larry the cable guy. I'm just gonna go out as Ro from now on This is my new thing really no one's gonna With the hat on I look like a college Without that I might rape a college My dad was stabbed. I'm proud. My I got the family history. I can't wait to watch her face What like react to Lewis doing the impression of her? There's no I don't sound like that What do you mean yes you do no I don't
Starting point is 00:33:03 You're basically saying she sounds like George bird Take those say something I don't do I don't know who this fucking chick is Take a take a I want to talk about this why you why what happened to you in this is the good stuff. Yes, what happened? What why you not here what happened to you? Why did you what's going on with you and lose? Let me interject across too many lines What happened you you were on the fucking show You're on hammer fisting You're on the same show now so
Starting point is 00:33:42 can't be on the same show. Well, you're on the same show now. So that's true. Yeah, well, here's the truth. Me, I, what was he saying? The lies? I'm a difficult person to work with. You're a devil. Stop, stop, Lewis.
Starting point is 00:33:53 We know, don't, where are your friends? We know you suck. Yeah, you, I made this podcast. And how many hours earlier for you to be here and you show up late. Three minutes late and by the way, every time Kelly texts me something shitty like that, I just curse her. I know it's coming from you, but I just curse her name into the air and I wish death upon her. So why? Because I just fucking made me so angry. Why? Do you why? Are you fucking
Starting point is 00:34:19 with? I don't like not a middleman in your shitty messages. No, she's not. She said to me exactly like you say them. So then I get feel I say Bobby say if you're not here in five minutes, they need to come up. Yeah, we're gonna lock the fucking. And then I show screaming at the cab taxi driver that I'm gonna punch Kelly in her fat. So I don't cut. Why do you yell at me?
Starting point is 00:34:38 I don't get it. I shouldn't have picked you up. Oh my god. I wear a new character. Dance got a new one. Dance got a new one. Dance got a new one. Dance got a new. got a new Joe de rosa's rolling in his grave Hey, yeah, the fucking dudes got six now. What is it six?
Starting point is 00:34:56 Fingers fingers fingers fingers fingers fingers Billy Bob Billy Bob fingers fingers fingers fingers fingers fingers finger POP PLEE BOP PLEE DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD DIRD D So one is talent and one doesn't fucking tingles nodded off on a heroin at the Hammer Fisting podcast. Look, the truth of the matter is I got his number. I got his number. Who the guy You go far though. That's a thing you go you're a guy who always goes to Left the show so it's not any big Who is the first person to throw a guy to leave the show, please who's the third guy to leave hammer fisting Who threatened? Don't forget the way them are back. You have a one of them. I'm worried one of us a chick No, I mean I made her cry she left. Well, I want I guess the fourth here's a deal You I don't want to hear it. I shut your face. I want to know why you left
Starting point is 00:36:02 We got to stay with me. Yes, we got into a huge fight on the air and it was almost like a fist fight. Why? It was like Oh, I know exactly what it was it was because I thought he treated one of our guests like shit and it was someone who I was trying to maintain a That's not true now. He's gonna be fucking fucking fucking shut up. Shut up. Hey, get your fucking client in order. Hey, you like sure.
Starting point is 00:36:30 You're all. Go ahead. We have in a fucking trial. We have in a fucking court case right now. I'm the judge. Yannis is your lawyer. This is a fucking hot hit. And I like how we treat one another.
Starting point is 00:36:40 And Dan is his lawyer. Go ahead. So I got angry. So my client said that he did not like the way he was treating one of the guests on the show. Okay, so you so you were treated wrong. Yeah, one of the one of the guests was treated wrong, which reflected on you. And you got to a fight and and and that's when you decided to leave the show. Uh, yeah, kind of well, and then we almost got into like a fist fight like like in whose house?
Starting point is 00:37:01 Uh, loose house. You know, with the baby there? Uh, what's the baby there? There was no, there was no almost this fight. It's not about me treating you guys like shit. Oh, this is just the objection. Why are you talking to the lawyer? Objection. Objection. First off, guys. Shhh.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Hey, honor in the court. Objection. Go ahead. Object. Object. My client is saying overrule. Your honor, I didn't even make the point. I'm sorry. Go ahead. He's saying that Louis J. Gomez overrule your honor. I didn't even make the point. I'm sorry. Go ahead. I just he's saying that Lewis J go me as overruled again. Lacks people skills. Sustained. Sustain. Your honor. Your honor. Your honor. Your honor. Your honor. Council just made an invalid point. Yes. First off,
Starting point is 00:37:39 might I bring up to the court's attention that the arguing council is leaving soon. So his opinion makes no sense. I don't trust anyone. All these guys palm trees and coping in the straight. I real quick guys. I don't want to defend the same thing. Hang on, we have to pay for this TV show. So I have to do.
Starting point is 00:37:55 TV show? TV show. Shut up. You know what I mean. All right, we're going to do a really quick. We're going to take a break out of this real quick. Guys, talk to them on each other other but very lightly uh... right right now uh...
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Starting point is 00:40:00 Yeah. All right. All right, we're back fellas. We're back. We're back. I spoke with my lawyer. All right you guys rise all rise the honorable judge Robert Kelly do you have you guys have no idea how this shows about okay Here we go. Here we go. This is gonna be the greatest you know what dude that ever happened. Excuse me right now Can you get off your phone sir? The judge is here. Yes, I'm sorry. You're on a shit responding to it a very pertinent and time important email with another client really with another client
Starting point is 00:40:32 Yeah, who's the client? I don't know actually it's I Apparently I'm supposed to have I'm supposed to be somewhere right now, but I'm not where Apparently I'm supposed to like go to frosts office for what I don't know I don't know I don't know where this got set up I don't know if I blacked out for four days. Are you going? Are you all right? Don't choke. All right here we go All right, here we go. Okay, here. Now this is what I'm saying right now Hang on what I tell you what I'm making noise
Starting point is 00:41:20 Man louis aware in the same t-shirt today like a like a thing You guys you guys both look like you guys are workers in the is anybody going to compliment Kelly on coming out of the closet me to Lesbian. She finally she finally got. I'm done with that. Dress like lila fair. Yeah, people at home. You don't know. She is dressed like cut off in a motorcycle.
Starting point is 00:41:40 Ty James right. Yeah, she's a tiger. Arr. She's looks like Melissa et ethyr she looks like an Anita Franco fan She looks like she's stopping in the Man after she was she has a partridge family haircut I look great
Starting point is 00:41:58 Is that an I have a hang on one second It was like 10 bucks. Can we just stop for one second? You have to check out this Chris. Are you okay mentally? Okay, good. This guy's no Chris. Yeah, go, go, go, go, go, go. No, I know Chris go, I've been a fan for years. I like Chris, he's really worth it.
Starting point is 00:42:18 But this is what drive me. I love his early work. This is what scares me about Chris. For four months ago. This is what scares me about Chris is that he's actually, he's so nice and calm in his personality. I feel like he's plotting murders. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:42:32 Like, he's slowly deciding how he's gonna pick you apart. Yeah, like he's, he's get that hair is perfect. Yeah, he's like that American psycho look. He's already got a plot in the woods. He looks like he's like, he's like, he's like, I guarantee if we swab under his fingernails,
Starting point is 00:42:45 we'll get somebody else's DNA. Oh my God, this cold case is reopened. Hey, can I ask you a question? I want you to get on the microphone right now. Get on the mic. Get on the fucking mic. Get on the mic right. So here we go.
Starting point is 00:42:56 Bring it down. Talk it to it. Here we go. All right, Chris, you there. Let me talk to the mic. Yeah. No. Turn on.
Starting point is 00:43:04 Why is the mic Kelly where's that mic go? Talking to the mic nothing I'm fucking bullshit. Did you unplug something? Anyways, what the fuck is that where's that coming from Chris? Is it you? I obviously didn't unplug it you fucking jerk off don't say Kelly that's my problem with Kelly for stuka Someone I'm glad that and she kind of like oh, Gland she's not even kidding She kind of glanced over her shoulder like it was that thing you're talking about the one that was like that on the Hit that microphone right there for me that orange Mike for me. Yeah it's on it. It's again. It's keep hitting it
Starting point is 00:43:51 Just give him Kelly's Mike Whatever you put the guy on who's sitting over there in the mic You always think it's gonna be for more than four more than three seconds Like we gotta hook him up now. He's gonna say three things. He's gonna go sit back on the chair I'm sad you're leaving you're a fucking asshole Yeah, oh yeah, we'll change everything for you. Yeah, no, I'll stop going on the road to you come back Hello, Bobby. I'm back. Hello I'm starting at 6.30
Starting point is 00:44:22 I call in at least to some share? Can you guys bring this to Queens? You bet. Is there any way you can do this in a story? I'd like to do it laying on my couch. You're fucking honest. Sure an asshole. You really are.
Starting point is 00:44:36 You're fucking morning routine. I can't wait till fucking four months in when dummy's sick are getting up and fucking 4.30 in the morning driving Oh, nobody's on the road then he gets to go home and sleep. He can't even Joy the night because he's gonna get up again. This fucking asshole in the In turns don't even care about anymore. Oh, nobody cares and then all of a sudden He's gonna fucking cook some fucking shitty rice and bean dish again Welcome back welcome back one. One Santiago from Juan. Juan. What are you going to teach us today?
Starting point is 00:45:07 You guys nice to be back. He's nice to be back. You know, Yani, some people don't know that black beans is actually a Cuban tradition. Is it? Wow. We'll be right back after the break. God is he going to be horrible. He got me. He got me. He's so horrible when I got two six foot Cuban models in my bed. That's what is this with Dix True that Someone has the bird cage All right, so listen Chris get on the mic right there. Chris is our intern while Kelly's away
Starting point is 00:45:39 Maybe replacing Kelly Rose away, Well, no, Rose gone. She's gone. I remember coming back there. I had your chance. Kelly is on us is my right hand man. She is my, my, what you got that right. Dude, shoulders.
Starting point is 00:45:55 Chris, go. That's what I'm putting here. Kelly is the fucking, Kelly is an integral part of this machine that makes this go. Absolutely. You understand? Unfortunately, yes yes I do. Now here's the thing, if she could get funny,
Starting point is 00:46:08 it would just be holy shit. I don't know, she maybe would stop drawing fouls. She's like the person on the NBA team who put into hack a shack. Let me tell you from experience, you do not want her to get any funny year or she's gonna leave you and start wearing a wig. Ah!
Starting point is 00:46:21 Girlcoach. She will start and leave her own and make her own radio show. Ah! Oh my God! Oh own radio show Oh my god, that was fantastic I wanted to get that one in and I wanted to get this one in Chris Scopo has been doing comedy for two months Perfect candidate for his own show on MTV The hits don't stop, the hits don't stop The hits don't stop, head stop stop the head don't stop
Starting point is 00:46:46 You're ready South Beach that coming to you. Yeah, yeah Yeah, MTV we cheering them in Baronham we get them in young and we fucking send them out Oh, take us more out MTV. It's all about your face. What do you think about Katie Perry? Katie Perrys is that cheese on your underwear? Girls are different Let me tell you some about guy go me tell you chicks did the go, yo, me tell you, chicks did the, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you know what?
Starting point is 00:47:25 Cash nod him, chicks. Cows nod him, chicks. Yeah, but you're on the costume. You're faced, you're faced, you're right on the edge of getting kicked off. They, I am, they, I am so uncared about them. It's like, who's this grizzled old man with a brain? He's grazing his temple, and I'm like, yo, let me tell you
Starting point is 00:47:43 about alcoholism for 12 years. I got my dick sucked behind an auto zone in a dark stratus. You're like, that's not fun and sexy. Yeah, when you're getting brains from a fat chick, you pick up on a radio. There's my good, this brain. Let me tell you something. It's a guy code like Urban Best Week Ever. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:03 It's like a black. Yeah, but I'm not. I like that one. Yeah, I'm not. No, but I mean because I only black, a black. Yeah, but I'm not. I like that one. Yeah, I'm not. No, but I mean because I only black, like most black people watch it. Yeah, but they all watch it. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:11 And like it's mostly watch by black kids, right? Well, here's a deal. God bless. God bless. God bless all of them for the success. How's that? Let's move on. Let's move on from fucking the the genius that fucking MTV
Starting point is 00:48:27 is quick. Bobby girl code mentioned by mentioned pay for dinner. I think man. She's baby. I mean, no, I beat my own tonight. I don't want to be I Girl co- with row row row row row row row what do you what do you think about dating somebody in the same field as you? You know as long as they are above you in that field and you could somehow climb up and become more successful in that field I don't see any problem with it. I should also be named Dan soda Oh my god. Oh my God. That was like, it's like, anyways, Chris, I got to get to Chris. Chris, listen to me. What's those chess?
Starting point is 00:49:13 Which Chris? Oh, really? Let's go. Barbara, we're doing our trial. No, we're going back to trial in a minute. I'm going back. We're at a commercial break. We're going to Chris, who stayed at my house.
Starting point is 00:49:21 Help me save my life this week. Stayed at my house. What? You can't stay. I'm the guy who says that your house is in my house. helped me save my life this week. Stayed at my house. What, you can't stay. I'm the guy who says the truth. I'm the guy who says the truth. I'm the guy who says the truth. No, you don't. No, you're the guy I saved life.
Starting point is 00:49:30 I saved your life. You've never saved my life. You're the guy who saved your life when you needed a place to stay. You saved my life? Yeah, I saved you. You stayed at my place for two weeks while you were homeless, remember? I had that the opposite in my head the whole time. Oh, I didn't know that I was saving your life
Starting point is 00:49:47 No, I didn't want you at my apartment ruining my tile that I had them you're fucking yeah, you fucking did I know it was you because you're fat foot. Don't put the microwave shit the fuck down put your wide hips down Look at that right there. You want your mic off? All right listen Lewis is built like one of those wrestlers in like the 80s. Yeah, that's what I was saying. That used the job. You didn't know his name. And he would lose, yeah. It's like the broken bro.
Starting point is 00:50:13 I have to get to the second. Hey, Harwin. Loondog Rex versus, yeah. Loondog Rex. All right, here. Listen, let's head Sabarot. Chris, Chris was gracious enough to help save my life. Me Don came for the first, we went on to VK.
Starting point is 00:50:29 Don't talk for the first time. Good job Chris, seriously, on a mark. Shut. Oh, you know, step off. Fucking you stepped over the line. I got to do this. Listen,
Starting point is 00:50:41 he's on a roll. I said, Hey, listen, I did Marco Island. Yeah, and I've never enjoyed it, but it's a place you should bring You're fine. You'll meet somebody down there Hello, I found you very funny Mr. Popper We're having we're having we want to split a hatic with me at the captain Hmm. Ha. Hello, I found you very funny, Mr. Poppins. Oh my God. You're so enjoyable. We're having, we're gonna split a hatic with me
Starting point is 00:51:08 at the Captain Brooke. So you know what, I can actually get you some decent bagels. I know it's very hard to find you. Well, you know, she's gonna listen to this. Oh, and I just want you to know, I haven't said one thing. Who, she, my ex girlfriend. She's way too famous to listen to this.
Starting point is 00:51:22 No, she did listen to last. First of all, she listen to this. She gave me shit about it. Somebody I didn't say one thing wrong. I should have had you in her on and I could have I could have made this better. First of all, how did you get Jesse man this show? Can I just say it look like Yana's just throwing his own mouth? Yana, how did she know that she got a look at the trouble? I don't want to get into it. Can we move on? I want to move on. I want to move on. I got no feeling she's doing great. I love him to travel. I don't want to get into it. Can we move on I want to move on I Want to move on I got no feeling she's doing great. I love MTV. I love the work I think it's making everything better
Starting point is 00:51:54 MTV made you me just got one question for guy code Manning and Snowden the two whistle blowers that told the secrets about the NSA. That's totally breaking guy code Yeah, bro guy that told the secrets about the NSA. That's totally breaking guy code. I really know if they broke guy code. Yo man. Let me just be honest with you. Yeah. Just don't do that, bro. Hey, here's the deal, man.
Starting point is 00:52:10 Do the United States is guy? You broke guy code. Yeah, man. Yeah, man. And I care if they broke the law. I want to know if they broke guy code. Hey, man. Hey, man, I'm an American.
Starting point is 00:52:20 And I say, yeah, I'll fuck you. That's like when. Do we do hamburgers on Fourth of July? Yeah, do you like French fries? Yeah, even though the word French is in it Yeah, and it doesn't make sense, but I'll say it anyways And kids will go, that was funny and tweet me DANG DANG FUCKING DANG
Starting point is 00:52:35 But I will say this Fuck Has that girl count? I do have fun doing the show No, I do, it's a great... It's a great opportunity for young comedians to actually get exposed where they wouldn't. It would take you, if you didn't have guy code, you'd have to actually go to the club's
Starting point is 00:52:54 work at the club, become a, become a very talented comedian, go on the road, become a middlea, then become a headliner in the natural way. It would take around 10, 15 years where you're really talented in everything you get, you deserve based on your fucking talent as a comedian. But now, you can have 38 minutes of good stuff and go headliner across the country, and then when guy codes over,
Starting point is 00:53:16 because you got a wrinkle or a crow's foot, you're a fucking nobody, good for you, enjoy your life because you can't act. Anyways. You're talking like you were talking right. No. I just want to let you know. I have a decent 43.
Starting point is 00:53:31 That deserved more. That was where you got a wrinkle. And now you can imagine that someone comes in and they're like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I was squinting. It was the light. Get the body. Like you can see the girls like in girl code. I'm afraid to smile because it might show a They're gonna someone's trying to make them laugh. No, they're holding their face
Starting point is 00:53:47 Cuz a gay guy between just shoots him up with bow talks. I saw a wrinkle Guy just flies in with wings Right here she's my old and there was a wrinkle I owe them it was a wrinkle. Oh no. Oh, boy. It's a weird. Boy, it's a weird. Boy is a weird.
Starting point is 00:54:08 Girls are different. Welcome back to the Rolesal. I can't talk because I have botulism in my fucking neck. Anyways, God no, seriously, that's actually fucking good for them. I love that it's great that people get success. Good or bad, whether it fails or not, it's not up to the business
Starting point is 00:54:28 whether you fucking make it or not, it's up to you. So you can have that, you can do great, and you know this and it's gonna come to an end. Everything in this business does end at one point. You move the top of it. No, absolutely never ends. So, I wanna let you know. Tab of the soren's doing great right now.
Starting point is 00:54:41 Dan Soters out there, hit in the road, becoming a champion. The only way I know how, which is the long road, that hard road. So when you want to find me, I'll be in the pitch and spare. It comes to my brain series. I'm going to be head running. But tough. 50 minutes.
Starting point is 00:55:03 I'm challenging anyone else. You want to take a run at the kid. You bring your hook. We going down the swamp. I get I listen bad. I listen. We're back. It kills me that you're leaving. Really? No, I'm not talking I'm talking to Chris Tate. You're not going to're back. It kills me that you're leaving really no, I'm not talking to Chris
Starting point is 00:55:25 I'm not gonna be back Shit no, I can listen here's a deal I forget Chris tickle was here for a second. I didn't industry listen That one maybe sweat That's gonna make the news coming up even more for you listen to me That one maybe sweat Listen to me I Shut up don't do it yet. We're getting back to it. I want to get back to the court We're going back to court. We have two things we have to get through
Starting point is 00:55:56 We listen We listen He got his own XM series Shut up shut up. I know Shut up Louis shut up here we go. I wanted to say it Hey, man, damn it. Well, you wouldn't shut the fuck up. That's why If you shut up when I said shut up, why am I turning? We're fucking wrestling manager But you should have said that he wouldn't have fucking said nothing. When I bring this cane down, one of the people, I listened, Chris, you stayed at my place for the weekend.
Starting point is 00:56:31 You helped me out, right? I want to know and I want you to be honest with me. This is what I know. Now know this. I could possibly already know the answer to this. Okay. You understand that? So know that I'll know I could possibly know if you're lying or not
Starting point is 00:56:45 Okay, do you understand me? This is a did you bang in my apartment? I did not bang did you jerk off in my apartment? You did not watch any porn in my apartment. I did I did get a blowjob You pay some shit now when Oh You Now when You ever fucking say that again I will knock you the fuck up Bobby first of all you can't be that pipe give me the pipe I'm gonna fucking throw
Starting point is 00:57:26 Listen to me watch your fucking step all right. I'm joking you know you know fuck you I've never fucking said that about Beatrice. Yes, you have no I didn't listen to the show's Lewis goes too far He just said and you got it. I will I won't go that far Get shut the fuck up. You are a line crosser Lewis I won't go that far again. Shut the fuck up. You are a line crosser Lewis I just got had no parents to tell you where the line was I Think I fixed the static thing with the water. I think I fixed it Then I'm gonna touch a fucking wire and my heart's gonna explore you for you at home All right, that was a serious moment that happened in the robber's house. I threw water at it. I'm tweeting
Starting point is 00:58:04 Serious moment that happened in the robin was I threw water at her tweeting A bottle of water anyway, let's get back to the huge interviews that you land here at you know what dude when we let's talk about Chris Scopo some more I know you guys at home are really really interested to find out someone in their cubicle going what happened with scopo I'm having with Chris scopo. All right. Here we go. Should we call this guy? Yeah? What what are we gonna do what we're going back in? We're gonna know that I want a half the worry about it. We're going back into it. I don't have an hour and a half all right all right listen here we go ready Kelly You ready Kelly write this number down
Starting point is 00:58:38 Kelly's all over the place Kelly right I got our wet. That's what she's like a grumbling. I got a hair wet. Well, jump to Kelly wet Kelly Kelly got her hair Did and she's not gonna wash it for a month so it stays the way the first that she got it did all right listen ready Kelly what are you doing she's trying to clean up the water? All right Everyone knows water and electricity don't go to get it. I'm gonna fucking I swear to God When babies at coming out in Australia we make them come at festive watch your fucking step putting them in a puddle I fucking Shut up anymore fucking jokes about your step stupid asshole. There is a lot of you. I swear to God
Starting point is 00:59:20 I'll show give it now show fucking take it the way. You understand me? Remember when you said you would never do that? Shut up. You said you don't fucking do that. Bob, you don't give people something to take it away. I'm going to take it away. Yeah, I'm going to take that fucking microwave. Fucking send you down your fucking road.
Starting point is 00:59:35 How's that? Seven more mics in here, motherfucker. Come and dance with us. Oh god, damn, we showed him. Yeah, here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Now I know, I know what Chris, I know what Chris, vamos a ver. ¡Demonstró, vamos a ver. ¡Demonstró, vamos a ver. ¡Demonstró, vamos a ver.
Starting point is 00:59:45 ¡Demonstró, vamos a ver. ¡Demonstró, vamos a ver. ¡Demonstró, vamos a ver. ¡Demonstró, vamos a ver. ¡Demonstró, vamos a ver. ¡Demonstró, vamos a ver. ¡Demonstró, vamos a ver. ¡Demonstró, vamos a ver.
Starting point is 00:59:53 ¡Demonstró, vamos a ver. ¡Demonstró, vamos a ver. de streaming gratuito con más de 120 canales, dedicados a películas, series, gremene, realitis y contenido infantil. Pluto TV, ven a verlo sin pagar nunca. Con Volotea, la región de Murcia nunca ha estado tan cerca, espectacularismos, monumentos, rincones de película y un sincín de aventuras desperan. ¡Fliparás! Vuelades de Madrid, Amurcia y a otros destinos que te sorprenderán a partir de 19 euros. Volotea. de Madrid, a Murcia y a otros destinos que te sorprenderán a partir de 19 euros.
Starting point is 01:00:25 Volotea. Parifa sujeta a disponibilidad, consulta las condiciones en Here we go. Let's talk to him half vegan 307. Ssshhh. Vegan blast 89. Yeah. Fuck. Why is he not picking up his phone? I don't know. He just got ignored. What is he just got ignored?
Starting point is 01:00:54 I'm gonna answer later. Star six seven. This is Kelly's phone number, right? Just leave a message. He'll call you back. Say hi. This is the biggest phone call you'll ever get in your life. What?
Starting point is 01:01:04 Come on. How do you know? He's in the entertainment business. Yeah. He's past say Jack's nephew. He actually. Oh shit. I'm sorry. I call him half a faggot. He actually he actually is in it says entertainer. Oh, so you know he's huge. Have you said entertainer? No, he could be. I just want to I just have a little moment of being corporate then. Yeah. And I just want to say I apologize to little molla of being corporate man. Yeah, I just want to say I apologize MTV or anything about are you shitting me?
Starting point is 01:01:32 Hello, hello, what's going on How's it go? Is that what I imagine it sound like like Lewis? Because that's what I imagine it sound like like Lewis Oh my god Is that the fucking message leave a message alright, hey, what's up? This is vegan vegan guy. This is that's not's not his name you fucking dead vegan hang up Hey, this is Shut the fuck up. This is the you know what dude podcast. We're supposed to call you you're fucking dead meat
Starting point is 01:02:17 Hey, no, he fucking directs himself on the fly me. I mean non-mean Here we go here we go here we go here we go I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I on, hang on, hang on. He's blown away. He's blown away. We're excited about that episode last week. Hang on, we got we got Yannis in the room. We got Dan Soda. We got Kelly Fistuka and we got Chris Tinkle in row. And we got row. Hey, what's up, buddy? Want to get your dick sucked? Nice. I know everyone.
Starting point is 01:02:59 I know everyone of those people except that definitely with Chris Tinkle. Thanks, dude. I'm just being honest. That's why he's no longer on the Hammer Fisting podcast. one of those people except uh... that's a little bit i think that that that's why he's no longer on the hammer for some podcast well first of all i want to know this i want to know your things is entertainer what do you do what what do you have any entertainer i make balloon animals
Starting point is 01:03:19 not you not you know i was meeting him on your on your Twitter account Yeah, I play some music I just got it to stand up You got to change it from entertainer to loser Just kidding I'm joking We break balls here. That's what we do. If Kelly can sell her calls to have a comedian, he can sell it to a column of an entertainer.
Starting point is 01:03:50 He sounds like a jack of all trades. Yeah, that's a listen. He has an accent. It sounds a bit like my. So here's the deal. This is my point to you. Ready? What's your name, first of all?
Starting point is 01:04:00 I'm not calling you vegan. Hard time vegan. That was just meant to be funny. Because everybody's a part of time vegan. No, part time vegan, that was just meant to be funny, because everybody's a part time vegan. Wait, what's your name? Class of water. I'm good to know. Cory, and you're black, right?
Starting point is 01:04:12 Oh my god, is this my, this is like, uh, did 2012 census point, is that matter? Yeah, I'm black. Well, it does matter, because I can tell. Yeah, it doesn't matter. What are you fucking ashamed of it? Yeah, I'm better school. No, I'm not ashamed. Yeah. So matter. What are you fucking ashamed of it? Yeah, no better school Yeah, so just answer the question fucking yeah
Starting point is 01:04:29 Go to the better school I need to have more black people on the show and I can consider this one of them All right, when I when I get shit He's working on a hair we sponsored right now What say again? What is it? What is it? What is it? I can't hear everybody when they're speaking so I apologize. No, it's hard. In terms of my opinion of the show, I didn't see how whether I was black, Puerto Rican or white was relevant to my opinions of we take you more seriously
Starting point is 01:05:00 with your white. Yeah, that's Lewis. Well, we're starting, we're starting a podcast basketball league. And we're looking for a good ringer. We have to play Mark I That's A black stereotype basketball joke would work if I was black American I'm that I'm black Caribbean so you need to update See no you pissy we get it Maybe we're with soccer. Well, I don't know if you heard of a little guy called it Kim Elijah one who also wasn't black American who's pretty good at basketball Who's the guy on the spurs that was Caribbean black Caribbean Tim Duncan Tim Duncan's black So what the fuck does that fucking
Starting point is 01:05:47 Eric and jokes say you're gonna learn how to do this this way you're gonna learn how to do not be a Cunt when you're trying to be funny. There you go It's Conti you can't be country First of all when you're trying to be funny You got to fucking you got to have some type of Softness to it you can't just fucking come across like you're making a statement like you're on CNN I don't know what the relevance of my color of my skin has to do shut the for no Listening to the you know what do you podcast where we like to call our fans
Starting point is 01:06:26 to tell them how appreciative we are. Well, no, here's a thing. There's a thing. Here's a thing. Everyone of you matters all the time. Here's a thing. No, he actually, he actually... I can hear you really well.
Starting point is 01:06:38 The people in background, not as much. Yeah, I, I, I, I, I, I apologize for that. that will work is someone unplugged something and did something Is By the way if you put so all you need to hear is me anyways They can they can hear you perfectly just know that And if there's something that you need they say and you can't hear we're repeated But here's the here's the problem I have with you ready not that you critique the show I have no problem with that.
Starting point is 01:07:05 But I have a problem with you critiquing the show and not accepting my critique back. Like I'm supposed to just understand what you say and say thank you for fucking giving me what you think of the show. And that's it. All I was doing back to you is saying, okay, that's fine, but I don't agree with you. I think that this, this, and this. I don't have a problem with someone going the show stunt last week. I get it.
Starting point is 01:07:32 That's why I put the intros in so that people can go, I don't know if I want to listen to this one. It's not who I like. I tell you who's on the show so that you can pass or listen or whatever. You know what I'm saying? But here's another thing that sucks too, is that you're a fan of the show so that you can pass or listen or whatever. You know what I'm saying? But here's another thing that sucks too, is that you're a fan of the show,
Starting point is 01:07:49 you listen to a shitload of episodes, one out of a hundred, you fucking hated. Well, Bobby, here's the thing, you're overlooking the fact, I agree with Cory, okay. He, someone with an extensive resume and background, his name is Black Cory. His name is Black Cory, all right. For someone like Black Cory, who happens to be, Someone with an extensive resume and background name black Cory black Cory who
Starting point is 01:08:13 Happens to be an expert in the comedic arts. I mean we got in Stand up we got everything we got balloon animals Listen card tricks Good what's that? Okay, I'm start off by saying I'm a huge fan of the show. Yeah, no, I I told you I'm a huge fan of your I told everybody that though just know that you're I know that everybody knows you're a fan You're not an asshole. You're not an asshole. We're not coming at you like that. So for my standpoint, any critique that I'm giving is with like from a fans perspective with sort of love. I don't know if that didn't come across. Well, you want me to read your tweet? You know what your tweet said?
Starting point is 01:08:57 I have a right in front of me. I have a right in front of me. Tell me, read your tweet. Read your tweet So everybody listening knows what you said dying a fire fat Bobby Dire Lewis just said your tweets and die in a fire fat Bobby That was a Joking ass He said hey, waitie hey white motherfucker. Hey, waitie your a motherfuckers. I'm blacker than black. I'm from the Caribbean All right, listen go ahead. Let it Go ahead what's the tweets say Kelly? We all go have some Show man hang on
Starting point is 01:09:36 First Kelly I'm a huge fan listen to every YKWD podcast Where's Alan was the worst episode ever two hours of unfunny venting? Yeah, venting, not really. Okay, but there's also the people that love that episode because it's not really venting in my eyes. It was opening up to you guys and being real for a moment. Look dude, I lost the part of my family
Starting point is 01:10:15 and the last couple weeks. And that was a big deal, and dearing to us that you do open up, however there's a difference between, there's some podcast where you do it for like about 20 30 minutes. Yeah, it was just a This one went on for like I Listen I agree I agree with this that it was a very serious episode because you understand when I pick these
Starting point is 01:10:37 Episodes I pick the people that are on it to because I know their personality that week there was just The same this very serious guys on there with a new guy. I had a new guy Joe Zimmerman because I know their personality. That week there was just the same, this very serious guy is on there. With a new guy, I had a new guy, Joe Zimmerman, who's really, you know, he's kind of like Chris Dinkle, just sits there and doesn't really say much. He's George Zimmerman's cousin. I just can't enjoy the show with a guy's name.
Starting point is 01:11:00 Left him in Zimmerman. I hate you brother. I hate you brother, Justice Petrae Vaughn, one love, Justice Pet Justice betray Vaughn one love. Justice betray Vaughn. Trap call quest. I Men Yeah, please Do it. Do it in Bobby's voice. I do it in my voice. Do it in Bobby's voice Come on, Corey. You're a comedian Let him read the rest of it. Do it. Do it in Bobby's voice. I do it in my voice. Do it in Bobby's voice Shut the fuck up guys settle down. Sorry. All right. I get it. He can't hear you
Starting point is 01:11:37 You Let me break it down okay guys first you know just mental brad part because i'm just giving you the feedback as one fat i would hope that when you make a product a public consumption for free add free add free for free but there's a thing with that because a lot of i hear a lot of podcast people saying this there was a um a quote somebody did lot of i had a lot of podcast people saying this there was uh... uh... uh... uh... uh...
Starting point is 01:12:06 one time i was a musician he said that people who make art and complain about how people respond to it whether it's free of pay if you're making it just for yourself you would just make it for you and not release it once you release it to the public it is subject whether it's okay it is subject all right
Starting point is 01:12:23 did it is exactly when you when you when you talk to girls do they yawn? Hey, I thought you were gonna do the black thing What's up with the black thing? Still in my act hang on you gotta let him talk. I can't you can't not let them talk tell him there's nothing There's not a it's not funny if it's just us screaming over him Tell me about bragging about your big dick. This is alright. He does glue is said. There's nothing funny about having a small dick I mean there's nothing funny about bragging about your big dick. Yeah, there we go. You should involve Corey. You should ask for it. I thought that's what I'm talking about. If this guy had one, but I'm in, oh. Oh.
Starting point is 01:13:07 Oh. Oh. Lewis got a vagina. I've got five minutes of material out of my small dick. I'm OK. OK. So listen, now let me break down. Let me break down.
Starting point is 01:13:18 Let me. Yeah, listen, I'm just going to end up in my opinion. Here's what it is. Why does my opinion make me spoil? I'm here. Here's the thing.'m gonna Here's Here's the thing okay here's the Let me all right listen now you don't talk shut up shut the fuck up Let me shut up he can call me whatever I got to get through this because we got to get to the trial Okay, good all right Here's the thing at the end of it when I said it's okay. Do you understand what that meant?
Starting point is 01:13:49 I Well, here's the thing It my point is this is that one podcast out of hundreds that you've listened to right out of hundreds that you've listened to, right? One show you didn't like, that you were like, this fucking, I hated this one, right? In my eyes, the way I look at things, it's like, it's okay, dude, it's okay not to like a shit. It wasn't, this episode didn't suck, okay?
Starting point is 01:14:22 Sucking, okay, is the big difference between you liking it because you like the show when it's funny or certain people are on or sucking. This episode did not suck. I never used to work suck. Alright. This episode, okay, let me finish. Let me finish. This episode was not a bad episode. It was just not your cup of tea. As a fan, I expect you to cut me some slack on certain shows knowing that some of them gonna be great. And I say this all the time. That's why I do these intros. This one's great. This one's funny. This one's serious. And I prefaced it at the beginning to let you know what it was. I understand what the episode was.
Starting point is 01:15:07 So when you sit, when you critique that one, when you come out of the gate, like I couldn't, this one, you guys just venting. All right, it's like dude, settle down dude, it's okay. You don't have to be a judgmental content like that out of the gate if I put three in a row That sucked or I I I did this a lot or it was really becoming some other type of show that you didn't like I get it I get a crit criticism, but I get it I if it's one show out of hundreds That you went what the fuck was that look I get you not liking it I that's why if you listen to the intro that you went, what the fuck was that? Look, I get you not liking it. That's why if you listen to the intro, I understand that certain people were gonna be like, what the fuck with this episode?
Starting point is 01:15:52 Okay, but for a fan like you to come out of the gate like that and be like, you know, I can't remember what your tweet said, but. He gets it, he gets it. It's like, dude, it's okay. And when I call you a judgmental bitch I'm not being I'm not saying I am brat I'm not saying I'm not saying go fuck yourself that's why tone that's why I said dude let me just call you because I'm sick of typing
Starting point is 01:16:18 this shit you can't get tone over Twitter my point is I get it that's cool but you're okay dude it's okay don't worry about it it's okay that you didn't like the episode the comedian and you know well well wait a minute well we haven't seen that you haven't seen his work i'm very familiar with it i'm talking about you bobby alicommi oh we don't know we were that that's what we meant we meant me i'm talking about you bobby alacommi oh yeah well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well point uh... as i've got to get some ideas for doing something
Starting point is 01:17:06 you know i'm interested to hear the feedback uh... when i've been uh... you know i'm interested in the sort of conducting interest i don't know no no no don't get me wrong no no no listen i'll that your feedbacks fine
Starting point is 01:17:18 but don't don't think that i'm not going to defend something to defend your criticism i get, I get to talk back. So if we let, if we go by your rule by the saying that you said, I get to critique your criticism. I get to defend my, I get to defend my point to of your fan of mine. So I get to explain it to you. Look, maybe I didn't aggressive, funny way that didn't come across funny to you, but that's okay too. That's why I'm on the phone with you now to kind of explain. It was kind of
Starting point is 01:17:50 getting out of hand, but here's the deal. I'm going to explain it to you. I get to talk back. It's not one way. It's not you tweet me and that's it. You tweet me and I'll fucking tweet you back. And we can have that dialogue. Like you're a chef in the restaurant and you make food for like, you know, a bunch of us and we eat all the time. Like, yeah, it's great. And one time you ask me how it was and I'm like, it's salty and you like, you're such a man for Brad. No, no, no, no. You didn't use the word salty, motherfucker. You didn't use the word salty.
Starting point is 01:18:20 You didn't read your, read your tweet again. The analogy you do or chef. Yeah, but I'm not a chef, dude. I'm not a chef. You read your read your tweet again Yeah, but I'm not a chef dude. I'm not a chef. You're talking hey stop. You're talking about me Opening up about my real life and some tragic shit that happened to me Okay, you making a fucking sauce Okay, comparing my my real life and me being as honest as 100% honest to you as somebody I don't even fucking know to let you in and to have dialogue that maybe somebody out there because a lot of people like the episode related to it and got help from it okay okay so you relating that my life my personal life and letting you in behind closed doors where comedians don't fucking let you in.
Starting point is 01:19:05 Okay? Where maybe it's not a funny hilarious, oh my god, you're laughing and whatever the fuck you do on a treadmill. Maybe you're actually, wow, this is too real for me. Okay? But it's not too real for everybody. And you comparing that to a sauce is ridiculous to me.
Starting point is 01:19:22 Okay? You understand me? At least the lasagna. This is a totally different fucking medium you're talking about. So when you say to me, I don't like that episode. This has been a lot of podcasts that have a real moment. Yeah, you don't want it. I understand. I get it.
Starting point is 01:19:39 I wanted it shorter, I think. I get it. I understand what happened. And the critique is taken. That's why at the end of it, I said it's okay. I get it. I understand what happened and the critique is taken. That's why at the end of it I said it's okay. I get it. It's okay. It's okay. I don't have a problem with realness. It was gonna just, that's what makes you like enduring to us as fast.
Starting point is 01:19:55 I understand. Yeah, I get that. I don't have to, this one went on too long. It's a bit longer. I don't have a problem with that dude. I don't have a problem with you saying that. But when I, when I responded to you, it wasn't fuck you because look it, dude, if I, this is the deal. If I, I say fuck you and block you, you understand? I said, dude, I said, look, don't be a spoiled brat.
Starting point is 01:20:19 It's okay. And you took that in a fucked up way. You took my criticism of your criticism in a fucked up way. It's okay. No, I didn't. Can I read my response to that? When you said, just mental brand, I said Robert County one. I say this with love.
Starting point is 01:20:35 Yeah. I'm a fan. Three, when you create a podcast, a public consumption consumption. Yeah. We need to tighten this up. Oh, yeah. You know what, dude? Here's the deal.
Starting point is 01:20:44 Here's the deal. Yeah, dude, we're just making that episode. Yeah, we're, you know what dude here's a deal here's a deal Yeah, dude we're just making that episode yeah, we're making the we're making the episode that you don't like right now with you Alright listen dude, I love you buddy listen Hang on shut up. I love you. Thank you for listening. I hope you understand I was just I I love you. Thank you for listening. I hope you understand. I was just I understand what the fuck you're saying. I get it But it's all right. Some shows are gonna suck some shows are gonna be mostly. We're gonna be awesome I know I have full confidence with the people I have that this is the funniest podcast on the planet So so that's it. We're good, dude and hopefully someday maybe you'll be on the show Jesus Christ. Every podcast, Marin, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, yeah girl you got a fat ass i want to hit that shit you think i told her the fact that the podcast and she looks so surprised
Starting point is 01:21:48 that black people in the podcast and we got a lot of black fans now was a black people on the computer i i listen uh... uh... actually he checked my no more mark now i heard about him from the podcast why do you
Starting point is 01:22:03 see what i have to know the one black comic you've had on? Because she's right that I'm a show. I listen Listen when you I want you to know thank you for that and thanks for listening to the show and where are you playing next? Where could come see your show? You want funny motherfucker, you got it. All right. You guys, Anzite is one of our new sponsors of the show, and I'm very excited about it, because not that you have
Starting point is 01:22:38 a reptile difficulty. This is the enhancer erection, which is a whole different thing. You don't have to be 80 to use this. You can be my age or younger if you want to enhance your erection. So, I want you to tell us about it. Guys, fellas out there. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:53 Doods. Yeah. Don't you hate how erection products use gimmicks to get your attention? Hate it. It's the worst, isn't it? Yeah, hate it. You know, like showing a car that won't start in a commercial Oh God, are you always using a sexy female voice like Kelley's? Yeah talking about
Starting point is 01:23:12 Talking about giving your woman a hard time Giving your wooden hey, do they think we're that gullible? Yeah No, of course they don't fuck now. We got brains. We have brains. Of course we have brains Let me tell you how Thinking men are dealing with erectile dysfunction. How? Enzite that's how I love that insight. I do like it millions of men's Bobby also like it millions Now hundreds of thousands this shit is like the whopper millions of men rely on Enzite brands for a confident performance anytime Every time right love. Okay, just one capsule a day. It's like taking a vitamin. No big deal
Starting point is 01:23:53 It's all you need for strong peak male enhancement. That's great because you know what though. I honest to God you I Started taking a vitamin to do that and it didn't work and now if I can take this and it works Because having sex after a baby Seriously, it's a little fucking weird. Yeah, and your brain is all over the place and you folk all this crazy shit You're fucking into his old house So if you can take one of these you're actually It's like you're breaking into his own apartment. Just go ahead with the read Jesus
Starting point is 01:24:25 Come on, go I get we got what we got to go. I'm gonna tweet that right all right go ahead. All right guys listen to me, okay? If you're looking for the most powerful erections imaginable. I'm talking about the ones that You used to get in third grade math class. Yeah, you need to try and say yeah, okay? It's the thinking man's product for a reptile dysfunction Okay, it's the thinking man's product for a reptile dysfunction, not the meat heads, the thinking man's product. And that's the end of the read. Yeah, there's not.
Starting point is 01:24:52 Oh, mandatory close. If you call, give me that, give me that. Come on, I'm doing good, Bobby. Don't say mandatory. I'm sorry. I meant for me. If you call now, right now right now right now right this second you Can score a special Enzyte trial pack for the sack and receive a 10-day sample of
Starting point is 01:25:13 Ogleplex bam for the ultimate male experience. Can I let me just free with your order free right now with your order We're hooking you up with a free trial pack. Deal. That's free. Did you hear the word free? It's like listening to this pot. 10 day of, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, plex for the ultimate male experience of free.
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Starting point is 01:25:51 1-800-606-5715. That's 1-800-606-5715. Or go to Yeah, yeah. Yeah, Because that's what I am when I'm using the enzymes. I'm smiling. So make sure you go there. It's worth a try.
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Starting point is 01:28:07 the people here at YKWDude, when you go to, or just go to the host, enter the site, okay, where the logo, our logo, will be posted, and click on the huluplus logo, okay, it's gonna be right on site. So just go toriacast, and click on the Hulu Plus logo. Okay, it's gonna be right on the site. So just go to riotcast and click on the logo, the Hulu Plus logo.
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Starting point is 01:28:54 So here's the deal, go there, use the code word dude, okay? Well, I love it too because you can, it's, here's the deal, I don't have time, there's so many good shows out there, I don't have to I don't have time there's so many good shows out there I don't have time to catch them all I have time to watch around four or five shows Okay, I watch duck dinostate which I love Yeah, I like watch The glades I watch longmire I watch true blood and there's these seasons that they all come on so it changes
Starting point is 01:29:22 But now I can just say okay I missed a bunch of them I can go back and watch it I can go back and watch and if there's an SNL that I miss because I work on Saturday nights I'm a comedian so now please go right now go sign up for a free two week trial of Hulu plus Hulu plus lets you binge on thousands of hits shows anytime anywhere TV PC smartphone a tablet support this podcast and get an extended free trial of who plus when you go to who plus dot com forward slash dude that's who plus dot com forward slash dude or just go to right cast slash Robert Kelly make that your home page you do that right now
Starting point is 01:30:03 you send us a picture of that that at your home page and I'll fucking give you free hugs next time I see you Jesus Christ. Oh my god. What a fucking You should do like a review segment with him where you call him and get it your review Listen here. Here's a deal. I I Do like a review segment with him where you call him and get it your review Listen here. Here's a deal. I I I How did we do last week? Well first of all it went on you know, I've met him before but he comes up to me
Starting point is 01:30:30 He's like I'm a comic and I'm like, who do you know and we didn't always for the guys? Here's a deal guys. Why is I need to know this why is Dan's head so long? Why no don't get that on video Chris good Good for you. What do you wrote to him? I didn't know I couldn't push the button that fast for choking me. He's not going to die on me. I don't like to look at Dan in a fucked up way. I just can't wait for Dan to get older so it looks normal. I have that. Listen, that face looks appropriate. Here's the deal. It doesn't look appropriate on a 30 year old man. Here's a deal. I had to do that because you can't retone over Twitter. And it was getting weird back and forth.
Starting point is 01:31:10 Like I was joking, but he took it here. And then it was getting, so I was like, let's just do this. Call up. I love the fans of this fucking show. Number one, they support the show and they spread the word. Number two, they go see us live. And they show up and go, that that's the best and they're great fans
Starting point is 01:31:26 They have fucking the best the people who listen to the show are the best fans on the fucking world because I love them I'm fucking shout out the Derek got coming out and San Antonio right big Lou Ontario. Yeah, some of your cats at listen to show are fucking dangerous fans working with you in Florida. He's a big dude There was a fan who came out to see me in Ontario, California's name's Big Lou. Yeah. That was the size of like three people.
Starting point is 01:31:50 Yeah. He was taking a picture with me and it was more like a chokehold. Yeah. I'm not like a roll wrangle who's like a young comic in San Antonio and he's like, huge. Hey, how you doing? What about Heather Graves? I mean, she's awesome.
Starting point is 01:32:03 And these, look, these fans actually spread the word. The show's getting bigger and bigger. But I love it that they show up at our live events, even last night at the Creek and the Cave. There was YKWD fans. We met them at the, uh, at the walking from the train, a big fan of the show. So I need, also huge fan of the episodes I'm on. And the ones the ones you're not. Ha ha ha. Well, we're actually all fans of Jesse Mayans. Is it gonna kill you when I have her on the show? Oh, you're really good. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:32:33 Sitting in that cheat and I let it take the microphone out. You have one place that's just mine now. She's down the show before. Not with me. Oh, that was a not right episode too. That was a real bird burger. What was the name of that again Lobby wherever you've been please come back I love the face of everyone that was really now were one for one bitch
Starting point is 01:32:58 I don't remember you remember last time when you fucking took a swing of my head What I say he said some bad shit remember I was like really Kelly I didn't remember cuz it wasn't that good. I listen to me listen. Here's a deal Hey, don't first of all don't round your show. Does your coward stand up to him He's leaving he's nobody he doesn't got he has no shows He's got no what he gonna do morning in fucking Miami. What shows do you got to promote Miami? Morning in fucking Miami. What shows do you got to promote Miami? Yeah, you've done a national network and I'm the only one in here who has a
Starting point is 01:33:30 T-shirt. Well, Kelly's going, I don't know what you guys are talking about. I don't even because they're paying me to call guy code. Yeah. Yeah, sorry, but it's definitely little and you're breaking guy code right now. And you know what guy code is going to be over when they were like they did on VH1 with a makeup guy is one of the talking heads. Yeah, that's when I knew the VH1 talking head thing was over. Whenever he was saying no because they weren't paying and the makeup guy, the makeup guy who did my makeup was on like, I think Van Halen's a good pan. I don't, I mean I love the V and the H.
Starting point is 01:34:03 There is nothing funnier than the wrinkle joke that was the great lesson. Here's the deal Let me come in you got it we could find it because you got a wrinkle Yeah, this here is the deal I wanted to have the guy on because I know listen I know he's a good guy I fan of the show and you can critique the show But you don't have to be so fucking immediate about it. You can give all right the show You know, you know, all right, the show sucked. Okay, good for you. But I'm going to respond to it if I defend it.
Starting point is 01:34:30 Don't compare my shit to a sauce. I mean, I'm not a chef. I'm we're all up here. No, it's compared to the comedian. We're all up here trying to open up and be as honest as we can and as funny as we can. And sometimes last week, I agree. It went, it got pretty deep. This is, let me let me do that way if someone's a heart on them then
Starting point is 01:34:48 if you agree with the one you agree why are we saying I because I like it I like it sometimes when it goes this I like what anyways all right listen so Corey was right basically is what you said no he wasn't right he that was his opinion I agree with some of it but not all of them so sensitive sometimes yeah they so sensitive sometimes. Yeah, they are, but they can't be. Why did you ask me to find you another black comic? I'm like, if you met another Australian comic, when you asked me, because someone else trained, ready to marry?
Starting point is 01:35:11 Actually, so Kelly, you actually did ask him just because Monroe's black. No, I'm not. Here he here he. I need everybody to confer with their clients. Court, we're ready. Court is back in session. The first one's break I've ever had.
Starting point is 01:35:26 First of all, the fucking judge needs water. Rusty, Rusty vagina. Can you? Hey, Rusty vagina. Wait a second. Wait a second. Wait a second. You want to deliver the way you've been delivering water? You guys spike it off Lewis's knee.
Starting point is 01:35:43 I'll tell you why. Lewis is getting a little out of fucking control with me Shows up three minutes late to the podcast that I made early and acceptable and then he Step it over the fucking line that great Education in acceptable here's the deal Step it over the fucking line. You know what I mean? This is what happens with people they get too comfortable around you It's not true and you get a fucking step on that necklace Let me tell you about the times line stepper. I know about that
Starting point is 01:36:11 They get comfortable with you and then yeah, take it for granted, right? Maybe you're gonna I'm gonna keep you show God damn he's breaking guy code right now Then you realize that you're out of your league anyways I Did you realize what it's like me in the first place? I should fucking sit up. I should have did sit ups.
Starting point is 01:36:26 I shouldn't have had that pancake. Never had it, never. She was a, no, just a carpe after five. We're not even talking. Here's the deal. All right, here we go. It's like this is more random. There was a great moment just now that when you asked for a water,
Starting point is 01:36:39 where Kelly went to get it and Chris Gopo got up to reach, it was just beautiful. Really? Yes, yes. When you said, because you said Rusty, get up, and he went up to get it and Chris Gopo got up to reach. It was just beautiful. Really? Yes. When you said, because you said Rusty, get up, and he went up to get it. Meanwhile, I'll show up. You didn't drop in dead bodies on his pad over there.
Starting point is 01:36:52 There's a woman's head cut off from her body. You said, you know the best part of murdering someone is when you see the lights go out. When you just know they're done. You know, another great part is that your white and you can get away with it. I love cleaning up after, because you have to be so precise You guys want to come over for dinner? I got a body part in my freezer. Do you want to redo that joke?
Starting point is 01:37:12 Because it was not that funny at the end of it Jesus Christ you fucking the temple of that joke sock Fucking do you want to try that again because I have shitty tempo I never get the band edit cuz I'm fucking on fire usually Oh, you're not there you go. This one's gonna show list. I wish you're on fire You're going to be on fire when you hit my You're going to be on fire when you hit my That is a spicy soup my mouth is on fire. I understand what the guy meant when he compared the show to a soup Listen Joe Chris you really got a Chris you got really got a blowjob
Starting point is 01:38:03 You got a blowjob at my house. Yeah, all right. Was it from your girlfriend? Yeah upstairs on my couch on the couch. Did you jizz on my couch? Can you cut it off before that I haven't been harbored you I'm a gangsta at this point Kelly has a big gap You can go. Kelly bros comics. Kelly bros comics. Wait a minute. What?
Starting point is 01:38:46 I give credit. I give credit. Dan Sodor. Dan Sodor. Guys, that was her interview for the podcast. Remember booty part, my go chair. No way. Listen, Blue Jordan said, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. There's no way she's so excited right now. Any name? Michael turn No way
Starting point is 01:39:08 No way Right now Jim Norton No No way We are McNatty I'm kidding You blew mecio Chris Tango
Starting point is 01:39:24 You blew Chris Tango All except for me Oh Lucky, lucky! Luffy Lose! Nipsy Russell! She sucked my dick all the time. It made me give her a damn. Woo! Keith Robinson! Oh, you terrible. You're terrible. You used to muck teeth.
Starting point is 01:40:00 No, but your bothering me. I listen, stop. Cut all this off Kelly's dick sucking fucking her way to the top like P is Adora. All right, now listen, can I please, are you here, you Chris? Can you bang that gavill Chris? My client has a big announcement.
Starting point is 01:40:17 All right, here we go. We're gonna go right now to the trial of Louis J. Gomez. Whoa. Am I on trial or is Chris on trial? You're on trial. You're on trial. Why am I on trial? Because you're reaking Whoa. Am I on trial or is Chris on trial? You're on trial. Why am I on trial? Because you're freaking this whole podcast is on trial.
Starting point is 01:40:29 That's because you have shitty gangster textures. You're on, uh, you're on, uh, first I want to start by saying that, uh, the defendant is a member of the Latin Kings. Is that your new character? The year we're doing down in Miami is called Hank a chiff Henry. Hank a chiff, hey, look at me. I mean, I also have prosecute He's have made
Starting point is 01:40:50 Have a look Yes, sir before what did he say about your wife cross the line he does cross the cross the line? I'll be honest with you I'm not object hang on has nothing to do overrule overrule. I don't like being in your courthouse hang on what we need to judge Louis because you look 60 and you're 30 and it's annoying hang on one second guys guys He did he did step over the line. That's what Louis steps over the line sometimes He's a hunter as Charlie Murphy would say. He's a habitual line crosser. Okay. Oh, you are a bitch. Oh line crosser Yes, what do we also love about Lewis? We love that he steps over the line. I live on that line 2 Shay
Starting point is 01:41:30 2 Shay right now okay here we go. We'll get Chris. Yes Okay, I just want to hear what your voice sounded like because I forgot are you sure you weren't Are you sure you're not off the show because you didn't talk enough? Why are you not talking today? Dude, I'm talking to everyone else is like talking more and like Honestly, let's say about Groco's I'm having you know, I feel bad for him to pour guys over here And then I'm not sad about anything. Let's just get that out of the No, he's devastated Yeah, I'm blown every dude except for me apparently so I heard what she didn't blow me. She didn't blow me
Starting point is 01:42:01 She doesn't blow everyone first off. Okay, everybody No, she's got to find your it's all hand jobs well you just jerking it's up all right okay here we go all right I want to hear the bomb show give me the bomb show okay uh... christ uh... well i'd like my client to take the stand okay good he has a big it my first of all first of all do you uh... we tell the
Starting point is 01:42:22 truth of the whole truth of the truth to the god yes i put your hand up to right hand. Yes, my right my right My right all right go ahead. I want you to tell me tell me Right now Shut the fuck up, you honest. What do you want coke? Shut the fuck up, you honest. What do you want coke? Exciting and I'm happy. Okay, I got a TV show that you guys know what that feels like But it's in Miami. So it's not really TV
Starting point is 01:42:57 I hope it gets it's such a success in Miami that Yannis gets to open his own dealership that people in Fort Laudanale see it Poppins Nissan All right, so great. Let's go. Let's do this my client Well, I'd like to take the stand. Chris thinkle, please has a great an a big announcement to make to yes What is it people? Well ever since I wasn't a hammer fisting I've been working at serious and XM don't kind of show the bit on their shows And we just did two pilots for them. So I'm gonna be having my own. It's like it's like hammer fisting It's gonna be on serious XM
Starting point is 01:43:24 So I'm gonna be have my own it's like it's like hammer fisting, but it's gonna be on serious XM One hundred percent less Called real-ass dude radio Where's the fuck is Hey, hey, I think it's not his turn turn is my golf I Love when this happens Yeah, no turn all those fucking Mike's off my client is not finished speaking my client. Okay, here we go take. Oh go Go ahead god damn line stepper so My client has got a show that he's gonna get paid for right like I like you yeah like me we both have shows
Starting point is 01:44:16 We're getting shows me and my client both have shows at the We're gonna be getting paid yes, so you ever show be getting paid. Yes, so you have a show you're getting paid. Let me finish my clonk. He would like to thank Mr. Lewis Jacob. Oh, okay. For the inspiration from his horrible behavior to leave and start his own show. Really?
Starting point is 01:44:38 And make it a success with the absence of the show. What's the name of your show? It's gonna be called Pounding Dooms, I think. No, it's gonna be be called the paper champions. Paper champions? Here on a can we please see some sort of contractual appreciation. All of this talk is hearsay.
Starting point is 01:44:57 My client. So it's very I want to say a fourth right by letting you know that uh... the defendant or the prosecution i don't know what side were on the set the set of fourth right is there a port reacon translator here could explain what that word means for the means that uh... well well
Starting point is 01:45:16 seriously uh... might mix a little louder it's basically clear here that the uh... missed a Tinkle did not enjoy the element of ham a fisting which is made it so popular which is that it is a very funny podcast. That crosses the line. MMA with crossing the line. So when a guest is
Starting point is 01:45:38 brought up in a negative light and Mr. Tinkle's butt hole shrinks. It doesn't like crossing lines which is what my client does. It's what he's known for. Some people would say it's his trademark. It's not a shit on a guest though. Oh, I'm not talking. All right, Lewis, you got it. I'm not talking. All right. Here's what I say something about when I swear to God. Survival shit.
Starting point is 01:46:02 He's taking the mic out. Lewis, he's a real ass out. He's a real. He's a real. He's a real. What happened? Real. So, Chris Tinkle got Calvin Gasele. And was the winner of the ultimate fighter on the show.
Starting point is 01:46:14 He got on. He contacted him and said, you don't want to be on the show. He came on. Now, before he was even on the show, this was just during the taping. Before he was even on the show before I said, I said, we have a really huge guest today. And then Vic at the time said I wouldn't call him if you don't know The sicker's here is the man that took everything and brought it to the top
Starting point is 01:46:35 Keep it going Lewis So so I fucking so listen so Vic said I said we have a huge guest on today Listen listen hang on. It's the fucking I pad off. My ass is more money. I'll try liquor. And you'll stop enjoying the show. Give it to him.
Starting point is 01:46:53 Give it to him. Give it to him. Are you setting it? Because the price is $1. Please. Go ahead. Go. Shut up.
Starting point is 01:47:00 So listen. What? Why would you tell her to shut up? Because she's talking. OK. So he makes sense He got I know let me fucking finish all right. I have to leave I got a dip out is that what they call the business because you have something to I do something Okay, this is gonna be great. I'm gonna meet Bill Cosby in a minute
Starting point is 01:47:22 So My god, I just tried to do a voice. I tried to do Cosby The hooks coming for you Before we had them on that day we already done the interview. Yeah, I said we have a huge guest today and Vic was like, oh, I wouldn't call him a huge guest. And then we went on to like a ball-busting rant for a couple of minutes, fat jokes. But no, about how it's not a huge guest.
Starting point is 01:47:54 Because that's what you do when you're on a funny MMA podcast. I mean, I have to hold up a... Tell him, Lewis. We've done that with, I mean, everybody from Dan Hardy to fucking T-Dorties to war And boy a hundred to me to war machine to whoever that's Roads and Iron Man I don't know the MMA fighter, but I know that he's in jail
Starting point is 01:48:15 I say I can smile fucking lawyer so quiet over here. Let me finish Let me finish. Let me finish. Let me finish. You're team. This is our team. our team don't objection. No overrule. Shut up. I got nothing right now So all we did was like we do with 80% of the guests robust balls about whatever it is now Tinkle was upset because it was somebody that he got on right So that's that's my that happened it was over Right three weeks later two three three weeks later Tinkle and then here's the other thing about Kelvin, at the time he was on, it wasn't a great interview and it wasn't because he's not a great interview. Man, it couldn't talk.
Starting point is 01:48:52 But it was because he was a Bobby, listen to him, I'm listening. I'm listening. I'm right here baby, I'm with you. I'm a Judge Jura in execution. So, 3 weeks later, he wasn't a great nervous because he was on the reality show He couldn't talk about anything make a band from the camera just can't talk in it So three weeks later tinkle comes back to me said oh dude, let's get Calvin to sell him on today game He says it again. He just won his last fight
Starting point is 01:49:18 This is three weeks later Three weeks that's almost so full. Yeah, he's he's on a fucking 3 weeks that's almost a full month he's he's on a fucking whole reality Oh, you had a line you had your chin Okay, that's all fucking things out of order go show is pre-recorded okay, that means taped before it is So he in the can tell them listen at this point he knows whether or not he's going to the finals He knows the Indian he don't want to tell it He can't talk about it Bobby. He can't talk about it.
Starting point is 01:49:48 Can't say what it was. The three weeks before, he was on the podcast and wasn't able to say anything. It was gonna be a bad interview. It's gonna be like talking to a dead piece of dirt. He's a piece of dirt. I don't know, I'm on cocaine and still so That's where the argument stand from okay
Starting point is 01:50:11 But that's where the arguments come from cuz I said dude. I don't really want to have money again Hey, he's just on he can't talk so it's just makes him look it makes it look bad for everybody involved But instead of being a conversation, right? Tinkle gets fucking into a hissy fit and gets up in order to a conversation, tinkle gets fucking into a hissy fit and gets up in order to piss off. But then hold up, but then I say, fine dude, fine, well have him. I'm not gonna actually argue with you about it. You know what I'm saying? And then it from there got into a whole thing because then, it ended up not answering his phone or something. And then we got, it just turned into a huge fight from there
Starting point is 01:50:40 about with a million little things. Right. So that's actually what happened. It wasn't about me shitting on a guess. You didn't leave because I shit on a guess. You left weeks later, after you want to have them on again, we argued about a million little things. So that's actually what happened. It wasn't about me shitting on a guest. You didn't leave because I shitted on a guest. You left weeks later, after you wanted to have him on again, and we argued about a bunch of other shit. Let's go. Okay, here we go. So I was fucking irritated that I had a feeling
Starting point is 01:50:55 that this guy was gonna win the whole thing. So my whole thing was not just for us, but for the fans is we had a fucking horse in the race. We had somebody who was knocking out people, he was a big underdog. So I thought it'd be cool to have him on every single every single time he was gonna have a fight or the Yeah, I understand you know you wanted a horse in the race. There's a deal This is what you want and also kind of say one thing. Yeah, don't shake though. I don't want a shaky finger
Starting point is 01:51:19 Your honor my client is a little frustrated. Okay. Go ahead. Sorry. You're right. Go ahead So his manager also sent me an email and asked if we were gonna be in Vegas Over the finals and then he wrote me back and said only because I said he was in Vegas It doesn't mean he's in the final so basically his manager fucked up and said he was gonna be in the final So we kind of knew he why did you leave the show? We just got a big argument and I just couldn't deal with it anymore. You can't. You're on it. This is clear, he's saying. He's just too much.
Starting point is 01:51:48 Now, his uncle is very washing. How is my client who runs a very successful podcast on a very great network? I might ask. Right, cast stock. And the inconsistencies lacking in overlap. And, and, and Mr. Tinkle went to the enemy. Mr. Tinkle. He's on serious
Starting point is 01:52:05 We could all try to make money off this The current black Caribbean fence If judge I have judge I have my judgment. I have my ruling But you're on a cut you say one thing closing statement as well. Oh, yeah I want to tell you to all right hang on one second. We're gonna go Janice We're gonna go Kelly and then Lewis. Hey, I want Jay Gomez I first want to say my clonies from San Francisco. Hey, yes I mean you mean the club that won't book me yeah well what the fuck
Starting point is 01:52:45 sacramental because the politer uh... okay make a phone call there are a lot of they're more accepting and they're not used to animals like my favorite club in the fucking country mister gochis who shadow boxing right now standing up on a podcast show
Starting point is 01:53:00 yes this is an animal a lot of your animals we've got no parents to raise him that's true true. I didn't teach him where the line is true I know what line is behind me Dude, oh the way I was a fucking great line. All right. Here we go Kelly for still good go You know fucking long one did you I can't wait to your co-host fucking long one did you want? I can't wait to your co-host. He just doesn't shut the fuck up. I know. He's not leaving Spanish and he talks in that accent. And this sauce
Starting point is 01:53:34 is amazing. He won't shut the fuck up. My client likes to get paid, okay? He's white. He's in his 30s. He deserves it. Oh, of course he was full. All right, Kelly, what do you got? He left because you couldn't get along with Lewis? Yeah, so maybe we have to look at Lewis's Character and maybe go back through the past history of Lewis Yeah, I think that he's done arguments. He's been with other people now Yeah, use that For the who's left? Well, here's a deal. Here's a deal. I actually in Chris Tinkler not working at LL in New York anymore not working at LL in the York anymore. Oh, what the?
Starting point is 01:54:03 Whoa. I'm a hitter. Take your boy. Take your boy. Go away. Don't ever make Kelly's arms jiggle underneath. All right, that made. This whole building almost twisted.
Starting point is 01:54:12 Yeah. Fuck it, scare me. I'm losing wind for one of my friends. Fuck's up the magnetical magnetical. Let her talk. Let her talk. Just go. Go.
Starting point is 01:54:22 You don't book that room. I know. My girlfriend does. But I could tell her nothing. Here's the deal.. Okay now who else wanted to say something I did okay? Lewis this is it and then I'm making my ruling okay Are you go first? We're gonna let Lewis end it you're gonna let you end it shut up. You're gonna end it sit down wide hips Go ahead saddlebags. He really does. He's like, fucking, fishing waiters. Looks like he's got popcorn in his pockets.
Starting point is 01:54:48 Oh, I'm sorry. It's already here. Put that back. It's already here. I don't even put it on. You're just practicing for cornyville that you're going to. Hey, guys, welcome. It's 8.15 in the morning.
Starting point is 01:54:58 The sun's shining again. And you know what? The turtles are making their way to the ocean. Turn those hotel lights off so they don their way to the ocean turn those hell to hotel lights off So they don't go to the fucking hotel and die Hey, I'm yana's pop is I'm gonna live remote again in the swamps out what the fuck was that? Mosquitoes are everywhere. Oh, oh holy shit. This job is great. Did I just say shit? Where's bar four?
Starting point is 01:55:28 I guess there is a band-aid on my microphone Go ahead character number eight. I think So I have absolutely no ill-fueling storage Lewis at all of course You have a paid charge No, I don't know no no no no telling hold on first of all it's serious serious radio Is it really paid? I don't know if you can count pizza and water as pay Okay, time out Insider right here you fucking. Kelly, you do whatever the fuck you want.
Starting point is 01:56:06 I don't have a sh**. Hold on. I fucking sh**. First of all, you're not talking yet. He's talking. When I say you talk, you talk. You talk. Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:56:15 I'm not looking. No, look it. If he needs to stand, he needs to stand. Those jeans are fucking tight. All right. Go ahead. You're done, right? You're done.
Starting point is 01:56:23 Yeah, I don't have any. Okay. Good for you. Yeah, no ill will choice Listen, listen, hey, I was kind of bummed out that like we weren't doing the podcast anymore It was fun, but but like I think he should have his own podcast and I should have my own show Okay, because we both like Lewis wrap it up I'm gonna wrap it up. I said at the beginning of this thing that I'm difficult to work with I know I am but I also put a lot of time, money, effort, everything into this, and I've been doing it for years. So when I try to do, anytime I do a podcast,
Starting point is 01:56:49 but anybody that's involved is I try to keep everybody involved and I try to listen to everybody's opinions and ideas and everything, and throughout the time that Tinkle was there, the first time that Vic was on board, I feel like I gave too much. I made it everybody's show. When the truth is I should've done what Bobby does, which is make it, and you gave me that advice, Bobby.
Starting point is 01:57:04 You should've made it your show. So, that last, I should have done what Bobby does, which is making it, and you gave me that advice, Bobby. You should have made it your show. So, well, if that lasts, you should always start out with it be, if you're gonna have a show, it should be yours from the beginning. Because people are gonna change, people are gonna leave, people are gonna get things, especially when you're dealing with comedians.
Starting point is 01:57:16 It has to be your thing. That way you can evolve. And the fans who, look, I have fans that love you guys. You guys, the people I have on the show is my show. But that's an open door too. And there was a point where you were on the road for months. And we had Joe, then we had Janus. I didn't have to leave you behind.
Starting point is 01:57:35 Yeah, Janus is leaving now and, you know, he'll be back in six months. But the thing is, is that, you know, Louis, he's, he, Louis is stepped in. People hated him when he came on the show. Now they love him. I mean, Kelly Fistuka, we, we are, no, when people love Kelly now too. So it always should be yours, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:57:56 And here's the thing, dude, when, when, when me and Tinkle had that last blow, and I actually tried to pull up the email, it wasn't as simple as Tinkle saying, ah, dude, fuck you, I'm walking over from the show. I fucking thought about it overnight, and I sent Tinkle a really nice email, saying, hey, dude, I want to be your friend. I don't want to be up the email. It wasn't as simple as Tickle saying, dude, fuck you, I'm walking around from the show. I fucking thought about it overnight and I sent Tickle a really nice email, saying, hey, dude, I wanna be your friend.
Starting point is 01:58:08 I don't wanna be doing this shit. I don't wanna fight with you. This is the only thing that me and Chris Tickle fight about. It's this fucking podcast. It's retarded. It's an internet radio show, okay? So you know what a podcast is? You're retarded for a podcast.
Starting point is 01:58:19 It is on the internet podcast. An internet radio show. We fight, okay? That means two people don't get along. Okay, it's words. We don't like each other, that means we just don't like each other. The absolute truth of the matter is I fucking 100% truth of the matter is that's the name of your new show.
Starting point is 01:58:35 Truth of the matter. Truth of the matter. I 100% am happy for Chris. I 100% not 99, not 98, not 102. 100. Tantier thing, I don't. I can't let answer you. I'm not harboring any resentment.
Starting point is 01:58:48 I don't harbour. This trial is taking place in Louisiana. My resentment is not harbour. Or the Bay, or the Ocean. I don't, there's no more. There's a goddamn gate of fight coming. There's a gate of fight. His name is Yom and Puppet.
Starting point is 01:59:04 Snap it in a clapper. I tell you what, the weather? 700 pounds of full-grown gator. Ooh, the weather. What the weather, Yannis? I said I put some crocs on a gator. What? You ever seen a crocodile on a alligator?
Starting point is 01:59:16 Because that's what you're going to see. Yannis, tell us about the traffic down here on my ammon. Ooh, I'll go back to Gator traffic. Yannis Puppet. What's going on this deepening big old mosquitoes Oh, it got them get a foot down to my neck you better put down that bowl of gumbo Did guy got a fibercock shadow and not a clock in the morning We're gonna go downtown and have a get up. I don't know what the moon and the
Starting point is 01:59:46 night. I'm gonna go down the night. I'm gonna go down the night. I'm gonna go down the night. I'm gonna go down the night. I'm gonna go down the night. I'm gonna go down the night.
Starting point is 02:00:00 I'm gonna go down the night. I'm gonna go down the night. I'm gonna go down the night. I'm gonna go down the night. I'm gonna go down the night. I'm gonna go down the night. I'm gonna go down the night. I'm gonna go down the night. I'm gonna go surge Could not my y'all not a popus is coming down for the goddamn again I'm bringing his down a knowledge Listen I'm gonna make my ruling right now. I wasn't even done with my point that I was making value I was gonna congratulate Chris and honestly I do I want to swear to God
Starting point is 02:00:19 It's not a point. That's an ask kissing move so just in case he has a spot and his page show that he that's not even true. Yeah, you'd never leave right cast for XM hammer fishing now maybe I do another show. But you know, I wonder I'm genuinely happy for you. The truth is without me he could have never had that. So I'm going to honestly say thank you to me. Wow. Yeah, because he just said that you were the honest to his Jesse made That was not cool. Yeah, I hope my voice So that was mean yo soda that was mean man. I mean soda that was mean That's my I hope I hope he's not telling us the whole story about his new gig. I hope we turn on the channel and it's Marisa to the morning show I
Starting point is 02:01:14 Go That's it and then he's got billboards across We finally here we made it to the promised land I can't believe we did it look at these cute cubans here I need to get some other deck out here. I'm getting that money and touching these decks that say ABC always be classic get money touch decks and that's Did they make him have a chance within two weeks? Oh God. I hope I hope that's it. Maybe your new song My ammy that's why I'm here to do That's it. Maybe your new song All right, my verdict is this Lewis J Gomez
Starting point is 02:01:56 Lewis J Go mess we all rise for the judge everybody rise Where you don't get this photo? I love that I you don't really have to rise. I want to rise Everybody rise rise Dan I like to play by the rules As it a funny Lewis is the only one here knows exactly what you're doing Shouldn't we rise so do wouldn't be wearing a hat cuz public to funders What is it you? All right, here we go my verdict is
Starting point is 02:02:30 for The defendant Jesus Order Thank you You're right. Lewis has to leave. Lewis. We'll see you later. Well, we'll take this so much We'll take this to a court appeals water serious exam order order order in the court Lewis J go as you can leave. Thank you very much Listen, thank you. We'll see you later
Starting point is 02:03:01 I'm leaving for another 10 minutes. All right. Well now you have to leave because I told you. So get out. Now you got it out. All right, here's a deal. Whoa, whoa, all right, what? What? Oh, that's because I banged. That's gone. All right, did I fix it? Yeah, kind of, I fixed it. I fixed it with a bang. Unbelievable, man, it's really, it's funny that I feel bad for people. I feel bad for you guys when you fight, but Lewis, you gotta stand, Tanko, and you too, because I've been on the show with you. You guys are just not meant to do. You're just not, you're, you're, you're a lot more serious
Starting point is 02:03:38 about, you know, I would say this, and don't take offense to it. Would you say he's got a show on serious? Oh, I can't stop. Tickle, you're very serious. That's all I radio guy. You're a corporate. You're a little more corporate than Lewis is.
Starting point is 02:03:49 And you know what? Because you ever got, you're looking at it. You were looking at this as a stretch of where you can have this guy back on. And you don't know what a fandom. Lewis is looking at the moment of where it can be funny. And he's doing what he does on his show, which is he's gonna say shit that's gonna make people go what the fuck he's gonna be funny,
Starting point is 02:04:11 he wants to have informative stuff about MMA. Lewis's, look it, if Lewis is gonna be where you're at in the corporate world of serious, where look you can't say whatever the fuck you want on a show like yours. You can bring it to the edge, but you can't take it over because you'll get fucking fired Okay, Lewis needs to I've told you you need to learn how to do that He needs to learn how to be a little more like you if he wants to be a little more mainstream That's it and he'll I think you'll learn that but you're there right now You being off the show is a fantastic thing for you, okay? Because you moved on, you have your new show,
Starting point is 02:04:50 but I think you guys will come back at some point and you'll be back on Hammer Fisting. But I think Lewis is gonna evolve out of Hammer Fisting, to be honest with you, I think he'll evolve into some type of MMA thing. MMA world needs both guys like you. You're very informative, you love the sport to death, okay? And you wanna see not only the sport evolve of MMA,
Starting point is 02:05:14 but you wanna see people learn more about it. You wanna teach people about it. So you both have that, you love the sport. I think you're both evolved in your own ways, but you guys were good together too. You're the argument. It's kind of, it's kind of think you're both evolved in your own ways but you guys were good together too. You de-Irgamy. But you're both insecure people. You're insecure. The point when I said I was kidding when I said you should thank me. However, the little serious part of me did that whole thing not... Croscovo. Are you fucking kidding me dude? Don't cross me right now.
Starting point is 02:05:41 What do you do? What do you do? What do you do? Left it me. I don't like that people laugh. What do you do? What do you do? What do you do? Left it me. Well, I don't like people laugh. What year makes me uncomfortable? I need a comic. I need a comic. I like people. Yeah. You know, some of her laugh. It's just pulled the passion move from good fellas. I'm walking over. Walking over to me. No, the point I was making was I I definitely was a catalyst for tinkle becoming more motivated in those areas of. I think you passed me that padded paper. Yeah, passed me that padded paper definitely was a catalyst for Tinkle becoming more motivated in those areas of his life. And one second, can you pass me that pad of paper?
Starting point is 02:06:07 Yeah. Pass me that pad of paper real quick. Pass it to me. Pass it to me. Get off your phone. I was setting something up. Get off your phone. I put it in my, am I wrong in saying that?
Starting point is 02:06:17 Like you left heated and passionate and angry and you said, fuck this, I'm going to go do my own thing. And it was, well, it was, yeah, I mean I mean yeah that's something to do with it. It was also Cominational and also do I want to say like you know I was like I was really on edge all the time. I mean you're always on edge. Yeah I listen to the show you go listen here's a thing you're an insecure guy like they're like I am too We all have the insecurities the The what listen the mutate, can I just say something?
Starting point is 02:06:47 Can I just say something? Here's a deal, you guys, we're all insecure. We all have moments. But the one thing that I know about this show is we all care about each other. We all care about each other's well-being. You're damn good. As comedians, even the guys on guy code,
Starting point is 02:07:00 and the girl code, and all the stuff, success, and failure, we all care about where we go. We're comedians. We have to stick together because we don't have a union. We don't have, we don't have anybody we can go to. We have each other. Okay, so you know, you separate for a little while, and Lewis, you go your way, and Tinkle, you go yours.
Starting point is 02:07:18 But maybe someday, you'll come back together. I hope that we, yeah. And have an MMA show, where you guys can be at a different place in life. Were you a little more mature? A little more have self esteem where you guys can as color exists on one mic on one show together doing what you gotta do as friends. Let it play for a second. Second All right, where was that fucking? Where was that that was? That's the song we play when things get sense when Bobby gets Well you said I'm just gonna miss you dude. I'm so sad. I'm very happy for your brother that you have a show
Starting point is 02:08:02 Thank you. I seriously want to still be on the show Yeah, that's not gonna happen Just call me in dude. Yeah, and they tried the same thing We can't you're gonna be sleeping by the time we do this show This is one of my favorite things you you can do you honest is just like type something like Whole shit about last week's episode and then Boring I Yeah, that was boring. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:08:23 Fuck you, Yarnis. Let's talk about it for an hour. I know. I fucking, what do you do? It's like we make a sauce. Cory, let me tell you again for the 20th time. Okay? I really am a yammering ashaw. Dude, I lost my fucking family.
Starting point is 02:08:39 It's not chicken sauce. Dude, don't you fucking call my fucking family members. Don't you fucking sauce, dude. Don't you relate. How fucking family members fucking sauce dead Don't you relate how is the cream in the sauce because if there's not cream in the fucking sauce They're nothing like my fucking family the cream based sauce cuz they don't like that don't you relate my family to something delicious Dead you know I get distracted when you mentioned delicious sauces you gonna sit there and mention sauces when I'm talking about my fucking family He's in like a spaghetti sauce down until I can start you put on maybe a sandwich Like a horse-rattled sauce because that gives me spicy, but I like it
Starting point is 02:09:19 Lewis and one of his creative character It really is now I'm taking the hit right at the end though. I'm fucking just sitting here taking a hit everybody gets it Oh God listen man, you're right. I am a fucking I am a I am a Yammering I you know what I've really tried to work on is I'm a repetitive jagged ass I will fucking bring up the same thing over Oh Let me say one more time what I just said again You'd be an unbelievable drill sergeant. I would I would Did you found your corn instead?
Starting point is 02:09:51 Did you find your corn? How do we make our back then? We got to fall to corn instead of down on in your foot locker Where are you from, Dan Texas? You know what, country of Texas, then? Steeze and quiz, then. Steeze and quiz. Steeze and quiz. Steeze and quiz. Excuse me, steeze and quiz. Steeze and quiz, then.
Starting point is 02:10:11 Okay, I got it. Steeze and quiz, come from Texas, then. I'm not hurt you. No, you didn't hear me. It's a steal and then a quiz. It's a cow, then. It's a cow, then. It's a cow, then. It's a male and then a quiz. It's a cow dead. It's a, a steal.
Starting point is 02:10:25 It's a male cat dead. You know what a fucking steal is. That's a cow, I fucking bet it on cows there. That one I was in fucking Juvee that used to take us out the cow fields there. All right. All right. All right.
Starting point is 02:10:40 Well, here's the deal. I'm not gonna fight it You're absolutely right The fans of this show I all the ones I blocked this week. I really I fucked up It's me why you blocking people I don't I don't block I Don't let them say what they shut up. I don't block. I block this one. Why block you're ready? People who aren't following me who aren't my favorite who don't like me right? I will hey you fat fucking annoying cut fucking hope you die and you fucking die again. Oh mom Yeah, I don't I don't that's the people I block. I don't I would never block anybody a fan of mine
Starting point is 02:11:20 You know we're all about the fans here. You know what do we are man. We are we love fans unless you don't like an episode Then we will fucking murder your family. Dude. I had them on the show. Come on son Do you think only for people that people that say bad things are people like get on the show all the people that love it? Well, you know what I mean? There's like and there's been a few people times people have been on the show that have had bad things to say Yeah, you sound like Tori Amos Corey's gonna be going up tonight That's I'm open my going come into the stage right now
Starting point is 02:11:46 You might have heard him on that you know what do podcast next Monday give it up for half a vegan Black guy. I love that I love his aggressive technique though. He's like why does it gonna be a book? I've got to be about bling black That guy by the way that guy just fucking not funny like everything he was saying Jesus Christ That's a fuck that was gonna be about black. Are you a fucking comic dude? Are you kidding me? You can actually say those words They get that's I think you're trying to be funny. No, he wasn't trying to be funny He was trying to just I think it was trying. I don't think he was trying to be
Starting point is 02:12:19 Political him him mentioning his big dick went a very unfunny comic thing to do look at corporate dad as well as just want to say to all my African-American fans uh... my own board uh... it isn't about slavery was unfair in the justice system is leveraged uh... it's unjust justice for trade on uh... just want to apologize for everything loose ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha You can catch me. What did I say wrong? That was not wrong. You just spoke you when you speak it's wrong. That's why You can't push the microwave with it's out of the you don't like him. Do you? I can't stand Kelly anymore. Really it's over
Starting point is 02:12:54 Something happened where he just started hating me because you're annoying and fucking I haven't seen him in two weeks I think I think I think Lewis is a woman hater woman. I think you hate women I think you just what do you think about that Tinkle? I think he just hates He's a hater but he's like one of those old fishermen where you're like what's the what is the problem? The season it's just a sea Yeah, Tinkle you're being very weird quiet today. I don't know what happened to you because he's too big for no Yeah, I'm on a podcast No, no, I'm just like do I'm just like kind of watching watching you're not supposed to you're supposed to be on the show
Starting point is 02:13:34 I don't have sit next year if you're gonna watch by the way side note he did post on Facebook rejected Title names for the show real-ass dude real-ons dude radio That you that was never enough you're gonna take you're gonna take that name There is never no Better be what do you mean? I hate the phrase I hate his whole fucking thing. I hate that goddamn song You hate it why why why? Why oh wow My balls fucking you hate it. Why why do you hate it? It's so lame. Wow. Oh wow But it's real Tingo it's fucking it's called being funny. It's called half sarcasm and it's fun
Starting point is 02:14:12 I'm calling myself a real ass dude. It's it's it's it's big enough Yeah, I love you see you let them fucking say that Chris. Yeah Yeah hang on one second hang on Chris He's gonna see you go on Chris. Do I want to ask your question? Yes, sir You really thought you you would never physically fight Lewis. I mean that doesn't come in your brain I stood up and I was like oh man No, because he stood up to me and then like I stood up to him and I remember I was looking at like Vic for like all right, Vic Are you gonna try to get out of that chair? Vic was just weezing to get out of check And then I realized big stopped it, big stopped it the only people could have helped her like
Starting point is 02:14:57 Vic stopped it by just falling on YouTube The shadow came over us like in a penance day Oh Top the shadow came over us like in a penance day Jesus From a big J Joe actually you know that is a big J Joe fuck Did you guys almost really come to blows for no dude? I got mad and I fucking up Assuming in his head the fight about that happened You were like three inches in front of my face. You're staying I mean do hang on hang on
Starting point is 02:15:29 Could you take it we weren't gonna fight anything, but you're like right my and like it dude You guys gonna fight or what Like a fight a spick get away Tell the story tell the story. Oh, whoa fucking tell the story No, he got he got we can't go into the faces, so and then but I mean it was cool It was clear. Yeah, we were gonna fight there. I love tingles like version of this like this big fucking crazy hero story in his mind I hear old. I said I wouldn't he defended Calvin Castellan walked out and almost fist fought me And that's the way the show ended now that's not happening all you That's you're just of what you said that. That's not what I said.
Starting point is 02:16:05 That's what you said the first time was the reason you left the show is because I suspected one of the guests of me almost got into a fist fight. That's what cage match smack down. That's one of the hardest things for that wasn't. On your new show, you buy yourself a with other people. No, it's I have a co-host. Jason Chabero, he's like, he works for like Rod Dogg, He's a Jew that's how you do this show. He's a producer. That's how you just lost your show. And so you have an eminent. That was not Yana's
Starting point is 02:16:34 promise. Can we talk to you in our office? We'll see you later. Very funny. We were listening to you. You know what dude? But why did you say? When? Why what do you need? Hey, why don't you talk about it? Because there was all this other shit. What are you doing warm up for? What are you doing? Yeah, oh, that show is awful, dude.
Starting point is 02:17:00 It's the great show. It's listen, no, it's just a great show. I don't fucking throw a show into the bus. What's wrong with you? What the fuck is this whole episode been? Yeah, but it's not about that. It's Janus' Miami Morning Show. That's not a real show.
Starting point is 02:17:13 Come on, are you guys not going to fight? Listen, here. I was supporting too, mate. Listen, Lewis. Oh, I'm looking at my lips like LL. I don't want to see bitch dance. I love that Janus is producing. Listen Lewis Oh, I'm looking my lips like LL I love that I love that Yannis is producing the show Lewis I love carbs go mess Oh, yeah, that body is not what it used to be that body is fucking
Starting point is 02:17:52 Holy shit my god that look like a pregnant Russian woman Holy shit Lewis is the greatest Has anybody done opening? I know this weird. I had a show around three weeks ago and Connecticut for the Chas and AJ show and one of the guys that went on before me was a professional warm-up guy and his whole act was pretty much way from what he do for work and he had something funny to say about everything what What happened? The door just moved. Oh, is that, you know, because he backed up into it. Oh. Did you open the door?
Starting point is 02:18:30 Yeah. Yeah, because of the doors. Lewis, listen, this is what you do, bro. You got to be high smile. You have to smile. Smile, do it. Smile. Smile.
Starting point is 02:18:42 I was, well, I'm your host and warm up. I saw. You're not a host. I saw so much. Now listen. Why do you have dole? Smile smile You're not a host No, listen Listen Lewis look at me Louis Listen Lewis listen smile right now and like pretend we're the crowd so come out come out grab the microphone Come on grab the microphone. No, no,, no come out. Hey, we're the crowd Okay gentlemen welcome your warm up comedian Lewis G go man That's Jay
Starting point is 02:19:12 Can't do that you already lost take the hit take the hit take the dude again do it again Ladies and gentlemen welcome your warm up comedian Lewis Z go Come on, let's go go go go Why is Aaron Hernandez warming up? Why are you? Is he in jail? Did he kill something? Why do you put your hand in your block?
Starting point is 02:19:38 What the fuck is Aaron Hernandez doing here? Did you see what he did? And how the Aaron is so fast so fast? Louis first off hang on a second. Don't put your hand in your pocket. That's a shit move. Yeah, you're not, what are you? Who are you?
Starting point is 02:19:53 Talking to them, Mike, we can't hear you. We're gonna have a great, great shot. We can't hear you, don't even fucking television, Mike. That's you little, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh. You're like, cross. Is a lot, you just say, can't go more than 10 seconds without crossing Listen have fun look at me. I did not I want you to smile smile come out. It's watch this ready watch me ready Welcome your warm-up comedian Robert Kelly right hey, let's let's go on everybody how you feeling today?
Starting point is 02:20:25 Listen I want you you I want to feel Listen to you I'm proud to wrestle me a tune in I damn a little chunky and I There's a thing guys. I want to hear your energy right now with applause. Let me hear plus What about this side of the room? Let me hear this side. What about this side? This, this side isn't as good. What about the front? All right now what about all together? All right you guys ready to have a good show? All right. Hey where'd you get that face game of thrones? I'm kidding. You're a good looking guy. You're a good looking guy. I'm kidding. Hey dude that's not his fucking parents are knee-and-a-thos. That's not cool. Hey man relax. Don't get too crazy You're a good looking guy you're a good looking guy. I'm kidding Hey, man relax don't get too crazy that Greek face
Starting point is 02:21:13 When did you shave five minutes ago? Are you a woman? I'm kidding you guys. Hey, are you ready to have a good time? Yeah, how do we do that? How do you show me that? How do we do that? How do you show me that? How do you do that? How do we do that? How do you show me that? How do you show me that? How do you show me that? How do you show me that? How do you show me that? How do you show me that? How do you show me that? How do you show me that? How do you show me that? How do you show me that? How do you show me that? How do you show me that? How do you show me that? How do you show me that? How do you show me that? How do you show me that? How do you show me that? How do you show me that? How do you show me that? How do you show me that? How do you show me that? How do you show me that? How do you show me that? How do you show me that? How do you show me that? How do you show me that? How do you show me that? How do you show me that? How do you show me that? How do you show me that? How do you show me that? How do you show me that? How do you show me that? How do you show me that? How do you show me that? How do you show me that? How do you show me that? How do you show me that? How do you show me that? How do you show me that? How do you show me that? How do you show me that? How do you show me that? How do you show me that? How do you show me that? How do you show me that? How I want to tell you a little something about me first of all, I have a brand new baby. We're not going to keep it. We're very expensive to live here. Where are you from? Where are you from? Idaho?
Starting point is 02:21:52 Are you guys ready? Are you ready to start the show? How do you tell me you're ready? Are you guys ready? Are you guys ready? Where are you going to start the show? You can use all of that. You just fucking tape that.
Starting point is 02:22:00 It's a little bit. Dude, I have 12 sports trivia questions in my pocket. I Can I use all of that? This fucking tape that dude. I have 12 sports trivia questions in my pocket right now Listen to me man use no the answer was Carl the Stremskie smile Carl your Listen to me smile use your energy have fun if you have fun listen to me Correct guys, that was you rock. Listen shut up listen shut up if you have fun. They'll have fun. Okay. Go don't be insecure. Yeah have fun have what oh God you're gonna Why would you say the N word in front of me? What yeah? the end word in front of me. Dude. What? Yeah, God. Registrate Bill Cosby in the same room at the same time.
Starting point is 02:22:46 What is he doing? Is that a Registrate shirt? Yeah, I mean, is he gone? Is he on? Who hired you? Why are you? No, you can't leave your shirt here. I'll take it.
Starting point is 02:22:57 I'm dropping off. He's an asshole. He's not really as sure as much as his discipline. All right. A cloth that covers up the roof. This is, Janus, what are you doing now? What are you producing now? I just look at what I was doing. I was a producer. You honest with me Yannis stick the phone on the pocket.
Starting point is 02:23:07 We're gonna have a With the phone top of the hour. I listen to the body of the gang of the boarding What oh seven point five Take your shirt No, you can't. We this isn't a locker room you asshole Well, what? It's a show bring it to you. You're seeing what she does. She's nice. You're listening to Tampa's never one classic rock
Starting point is 02:23:30 station. We're looking at a future local radio guy. We're back with Bobby and the network went under but we got you a gig on radio on AM. Do you know anything about light music? About light music? Look back, we're about to listen to a little millie vanilla oh girl, you know, it's I still got it I did it in my rental car the other day. I still got my radio chops watch up. It's dead shoulder now That's not even it see you lead you lead with the why would you not let him make fun of you? You just made fun of him oh You guys doing Hey buddy, hey buddy, oh gosh, yeah, no Totally I agree with what you're saying I disagree. No, I agree
Starting point is 02:24:08 Okay, no, all right, I agree I agree I agree in a disagree, can I know that you know what that deserves a hey buddy? All right, well next caller I'm Take this man You know I'm taking wacky I'll take this mask. All right. Yeah, I know what it's like you know, it's cool. All right We're calling this soda pop in the morning cuz we're fuzzy in blubble air Sometimes you get a little gas All right next caller. It's pretty good. All right, listen to me
Starting point is 02:24:42 Do you really are you really are you really happy that you're off that show? He is fucking miserable. Yeah, no, I mean happy, but I mean yeah, we just can't you guys were good friends too Good friends, well look it I don't know what happened with him. Wait wow I mean you guys are really turning on him as he leaves You think something happened to Lewis I don't know I just I on him as he leaves No, no, I talk about this all the time I was turning on him like hour ago Do you think something happened to Lewis? I don't know, I just don't think he can't get over things easily He holds on to grudges too long And it's like I'm over at stop, relax
Starting point is 02:25:14 Be a better adult, come on And you just see just harbors a lot of anger It is weird how calm the energy in the room It really became a different podcast Sations? Still funny yet not as fucking Calm the energy in the room. It really became a different podcast Still funny yet not as fucking He's like Bobby Lewis and he stands up from no reason. It's just like dude. It's like crazy
Starting point is 02:25:34 Here's the thing about Lewis Lewis has I have the same reaction to Lewis walking to the room is that dude It's just if a rock-wiler just walking right now. I'd be like why is there no? Why doesn't he even have a leash on it? Oh God, it's coming up to me. It's coming up to me. I'll tell you something though. He is fantastic on this podcast. Yeah, Lewis is like, I couldn't,
Starting point is 02:25:53 I don't know, I couldn't even imagine this podcast without him now. He's fantastic and lovely. I've allowed Lewis to spread his wings. He's unbelievable on this, yeah. And to become what he is. You say, hey, you know what, this is an off leash dog park here by this is
Starting point is 02:26:07 This is a thing though. Oh the bus you want this is off leash hours all day You just gonna have a leash go you don't touch Lewis when it's hot out You don't go and check his collar. He'll fuck He just starts getting aggravated to you like are you looking at don't look in the eye? Yeah, I don't have the The greatest line he said today was, I know exactly what line. Goodbye. Right behind me.
Starting point is 02:26:29 It was goodbye, I gotta go. I'm gonna fail, I failed at this yesterday. Look at this. I saw, what do you mean you suck at people's skills? Any, but you know, easy it is to be an open up guy, open up guy, a warm up guy. I'm not saying this professional ones that have worked on it for years,
Starting point is 02:26:44 like that guy who could just fucking yap at anybody and he has something to say because he's both. Yeah, you got to be excited and happy to be there. And that's scared the tourist. Yeah, right. Which is what he's going to do. Right. Well, we'll see.
Starting point is 02:26:57 Hopefully he does better today because look, man, fuck everything. We may come down on people's gigs and shit, but at this business is too hard to not yeah Fuck it good for everybody you got something good for you. I don't give a fuck But yeah, I'm good for you. Happy for you Even though you've never even called me to even be the co-host of the show on the M.A. May thing, but that's cool I own it. Yeah, well, yeah, that's not really I own the balls Those are my balls. I'm fucking assholes. I'm sucking my own nuts. Anyways, good for you, Tinkle. I'm happy for you. And I'm glad you're happy on the show. That's it. Yannis, I'm gonna miss the fuck out of you.
Starting point is 02:27:39 I'm gonna miss you too, man. I hope that when you come back and you will Couple months. Yeah. No, no, no, no for good. I'm you're gonna you're gonna I'm telling you right now You're gonna be a hit down there you're gonna be hit down there and wherever the fucking show is you're gonna be This is a I know it was a hard move to make It was so and you did it and life pushed you in a certain direction even when you said no It was like no you're doing this which is great. So help me with the decision too is I appreciate pushed you in a certain direction. Even when you said no, it was like no, you're doing this, which is great. So help me with the decision too, is I appreciate that.
Starting point is 02:28:07 You're gonna show you took the time and talk me. Any time and why you're down there, you call me too. Anything you need. Sorry. Cause the query. The transition. This is fucking great. We have a moment as whole.
Starting point is 02:28:17 Jesus. The moment you're gonna, the transition's gonna be fucked up too. So you know what, call me anytime. Thank you. It's gonna be a weird thing, but don't, don't get fucked up over it. You know what I mean? My kid only cries. He cries when I pick him up to take him from here to there
Starting point is 02:28:35 or to change him to the table. Transitions, he hates it. Everybody does. It's always fucking tough. Even the best transitions are fucking tough. So just give me a buzz, but when you come back, let us know because we'll do, we'll do shows for you. Maybe if it's on a Sunday or a Saturday, I'd love to. You know,
Starting point is 02:28:51 you know, when you guys do that because I want to continue. Absolutely. Less than four minutes are playing. Yeah. And if it's a, if it's, you know, rainy, yeah, right. If it's, yeah, the winter time. I intend on coming back like once a month. Yeah. For Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Saturday. Yeah on coming back like once a month. Yeah for
Starting point is 02:29:11 We'll do the show on Thursday night for you. I swear to God All right, yeah, and you're honestly one of the most talented dudes I know and I think you're gonna do I Listen somebody told me about you a long time ago to listen to your Marissia video Mm-hmm, and I watched it and I was like I don't get it, but the thing Mauricio video and I watched it and I was like I don't get it but the thing I'm a baby listen Let's not do the hard way all the hard way that's I'm trying to tell you. It's the hard way on the highway. In the way somebody's going to get fuck, it's not going to be made up.
Starting point is 02:29:47 I love you, baby. I love you. And congratulations, Mauricio, on your new. Thank you so much, Bobby. All right, soda, I'm so glad you're back. That's great to be back. I love that you're good. I took a nice, I did the dance soda.
Starting point is 02:30:01 I'll never go back there to her. Where were you? Oh, we went to all the hit places. Michael Island, Marco Island, Kansas, Kansas city. You did stand for it's Antonio, San Antonio. It's just, you know what it is? You know what you're doing? I don't think people realize who listen to Spockets.
Starting point is 02:30:17 I don't think a lot of people realize how much you mentor, mentor a lot of us who like, dude, I was on the road for fucking seven weeks Just taking an ass kick and and and anytime I needed you to be there for me You were there and then you also shit on me like dad you want to be a fucking headliner Yeah, this is what you fucking get staying the condo take your fucking beatings Fucking say hello, but you know what it is. It's like you come back and you just yeah I missed the podcast. I was listening on the road and shit But I also knew what I was doing, I needed to do this.
Starting point is 02:30:48 You made your bones, baby. The one thing that people, this is what I feel bad for, the people that get this quick success, is that you didn't make your bones. So when you can, you're gonna go out, I look at after tourgasm, I was headlining, but I wasn't a headliner yet.
Starting point is 02:31:04 You understand? I wasn't a headliner yet. You understand? I wasn't a headlining. And all these people showed up, but when it went away, can you deal with when it goes away? That's what it is. Can you deal with when the second time you're at that club, or the third time you're at that club, and you didn't sell the tickets,
Starting point is 02:31:20 and the owner didn't show up, because you know what, you didn't sell as good. He's not making money. And you know, oh, when you're at a new club and it's not packed out, it's a Thursday night and there's, there's 20 people there. And they gave away a shitload of tickets. Can you deal with that? Can you be funny in front of any crowd anywhere because you don't have a B plan?
Starting point is 02:31:41 And this is what you do. You said one of the greatest things on here. You said what makes a career on here is if you can survive those the downsides Yeah, you can if you can still be funny and have a career on the downslide Yeah, and you know and to be honest, I mean yeah, there's fans coming out from the podcast But you know a couple yeah, I'm not selling tickets. No one knows who the fuck I am not yet So but it's but it is great to go in there and it while it sucks While it's happening. Yeah, you get through it
Starting point is 02:32:06 You're like fucking and I love coming back to the city and doing spots Yeah, you get to rip it for 15 minutes and you know what when you the next thing you get you're gonna pop It's gonna be bigger and better and you're gonna you're gonna fucking when that crowd does show up Yeah, when you do get that pop when you do get those fans You're gonna you're gonna know what to do with it. Yeah, so you're gonna know how to handle it. Yeah, it's good dude. It's good. It's good to be back and of course I'm a Missy honest miss you so yeah, what will you come back on and I'm gonna proud to promote the can't be proud of you dude. He fucking. This is getting gay. I feel like a quarry right now. right now. Hey, so did all made all the tough decisions to make sure that he's in the best position
Starting point is 02:32:48 to continue to fucking get the success that he deserves because he's so talented. Thanks, my gosh. So, uh, he got a shit together. He takes care of himself. Yeah, but he's fucking easy. He's making his bones. Yeah. You're out there fucking becoming a stand up.
Starting point is 02:33:01 Yeah. You know, you're just one of like, it's one of the highest compliments you can get but dude he took his demons and he fucking put him in a cage man. That's the best we all are yeah, we all are we're all doing you you left you left your demon on right right before you came to bunch of weight yeah right. Yeah, I think it's bombing your father fucking Regis a bill cause me right now. So you guys, you like pizza? How come you're not wearing a sweater, Bill?
Starting point is 02:33:27 Oh, hi, oh, that's pretty gay. Yeah. I heard a lot of fucking queers come from Buffalo. Oh, don't get to me about the blacks. We're hold on, Bill Cosby's telling me to quit like Nate's joke. Yeah. I'm actually living out Nate Bargates's joke.
Starting point is 02:33:42 I tell you what, Lewis, I have a show coming out possibly. And I am putting you on it. I'm getting produced by a little guy named, we don't even, I just call him Jim Bo. Yeah, Jim Bo. We are now. Yeah, I was close to giving up this fucking business. And thank God I'm an alcoholic and I fucking learn how to stay out later than I should in the hung out with Jim.
Starting point is 02:34:03 And he fucking gave me something because he's fucked up too A night burgazzi remember that cocksucker used to do the show. Yeah, remember the show remember now he's too big I'm gonna call him he's on a golf course now. Yeah. Oh my god. This motherfucker used to do the guest spot guest spot which I invented for him so fun as soon as he got a deal You know what he told me to do with that guesspot right up your fucking box Bobby look me in my round eyes Bobby go fuck yourself I'm going to come uh cold Jimmy see if I'm available uh hey Bobby I don't have time to do a three minute guesspot for you I'm gonna go right now to church and then play golf
Starting point is 02:34:42 uh but okay we may need some extras from our show and if I need like a working class, I will call them. If I have to bump into a sore guy or some type of cleaner. So the rough I need a guy who looks weathered. I will call him. Funny to guy that might just got out of homelessness. I will.
Starting point is 02:35:00 All right, listen, I gotta do some ads right now. You guys wanna talk amongst each other, right? Do you have to do ads? Yeah, we'll do the pill one. Okay, before I do these ads, let's wrap this up. Okay, Chris Tinkley, you have a new show coming out? Yes, it's gonna be called the Paper Champions, and it'll be on the, I believe it's a sports zone
Starting point is 02:35:21 on the series next time, and I wanna say one more thing. I'll be... Helene Care lines, Kambi Club on September 10th. I believe it's a sports zone on serious X-Tame and I want to say one more thing. Absolutely. Helene Caroline's comedy club on September 10th. Fork here. That's great buddy. That's awesome man. Good. Listen, make sure you guys get tickets to that.
Starting point is 02:35:34 All right, this is the one thing when you headline Caroline's for the first time. I remember doing it. I think I had a hundred people there, but it was because of my fans and social media that you came and supported me. When you can have that many people at your first head line of show even 50 is a great is great so support tinkle go down there you know from the hammer fisting now We have zone MMA show and and serious you know we fuck with you but serious does great MMA They have great MMA shows on serious satellite radio. They really do So make sure your supporters show by listening to that let them know you heard let them know you they have great MMA shows on serious satellite radio. They really do.
Starting point is 02:36:05 So make sure your supporters show by listening to that, let them know you heard. Let them know you, that's what I love. Come up after the show, let them know you heard them on the YKWD podcast. Well, let's go to, I wanna go to Kelly first. Go ahead, Kelly. I'm going to the wife a little bit,
Starting point is 02:36:19 so I'll say everyone into Adam Muntz. It's sad. Where are you going? I'll show you. She's going to share it for how long? I'll be a wife about a month. And Chris, get on are you going? I'll show you. She's going to share it for how long? I'll be a wife about a month. And Chris, get on mic. You're going to be taking her place.
Starting point is 02:36:28 Yes, I am. Oh, I thought there was a joke. No, he's taking her place. I'm having a break. Are you going to be able to handle this dude? Yeah, I'm able to handle it. He was great today. You know what he said to me today?
Starting point is 02:36:37 What do you need? And I texted him and he had it. And he waited downstairs for me and then walked me upstairs. Yeah. And I dropped something and he literally picked it up. That's what I do. You're a fucking good guy. Good kid.
Starting point is 02:36:48 Chris Gopo. I love it. So it's interesting to find out how funny you are too, because you haven't really said much. Well, I get worded and we're like. Shut up. I'm talking to Chris, the new guy. I ain't getting worded.
Starting point is 02:36:58 I ain't getting worded. I ain't getting worded. I ain't getting worded. All right, good. Are you gonna be fine? I just don't wanna get you mad. You look like you're gonna get mad. No, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I have that New York added to anger in me, but I'll be all right. Well, no, I don't know I don't need that I'm angry. I don't need to angry guys. No, I need you to be my you're gonna be my right hand man
Starting point is 02:37:32 Yeah, you're gonna be able to fucking take care of business You know You don't piss me off all fucking What he got? Oh I'm gonna I don't know what's coming up. There might be a great shit. Something cool might be coming up. Love it. So, uh, but check my website, please. I love it, dude. I love it. Yeah, we're miss you. Yeah. So, I don't know you. Oh, and I need it now. Hang on. Corey. Corey earmuffs were getting real.
Starting point is 02:38:05 Corey, yeah, Corey, go fuck yourself. Shut up, don't say that. Dude, there's no money in it. All right. Did you want money? No, this is great, dude. I'm going to cherish this. Do you have a poster?
Starting point is 02:38:16 Do you have a picture? I got you an individual as well. Can I see that? Can I see it? Yeah, let me see that. You don't get individual cards. That's with the punch. Does this all the time?
Starting point is 02:38:29 What is that? I tried to try to try to separate me and you. I won't do that. But you first got on the podcast. What she do. But what do you say? You don't give the separate on the air? Kelly, that's a very girl thing to do.
Starting point is 02:38:42 Because I think it's about to leave. I don't want to. He's not leaving for good right after the show. There's not a helicopter waiting with fucking Miami 101 on the side. Thank you. Elde the barges and outside waiting to fucking get a reference. Thank you. This is almost as good as the birthday gift my ex girlfriend got me on my birthday.
Starting point is 02:38:59 What'd your girlfriend get you? A nice vine video for her almost making out with Jeff Dye. That was. oh my god Wow Why would she do that other guys cuz it's hilarious. Why would she put that on your bird that because she didn't wasn't thinking She doesn't think about my bird she didn't care And she call you on your bed. Die is a perfect looking human being. gorgeous.
Starting point is 02:39:26 is he good looking? Yeah. Yeah. He's good looking. Oh, Jesus. Oh. Can we get? Can we get? Can we actually ask me bad him? Call dark.
Starting point is 02:39:32 Do you know Jeff. Die is. I want to suck. I want to suck. I see the only thing I'll say on this podcast. Everything else, but that was hilarious. Yeah. Here's the deal.
Starting point is 02:39:41 We're going to get her and him on the show. Because I think they'll be just Hey, look my ex is a good person. Yeah, I hope you think she come would you be mad if I had her on the show? Not to talk about you, but no, then you better talk about me. She's on a fucking show Would you would you agree with him? Yeah, if you have a run you better. I don't want her fucking talk about her what she's doing First of all, the beat it wouldn't be a great episode doing first of all the beat it wouldn't be a great episode Just kidding that's what we do listen people been mad at me who are close to me It's not just my girlfriend is other people have been close to me who've been mad about all right look first of all
Starting point is 02:40:13 You see me on stage. I say whatever's going on so stop fucking getting mad at me Secondly, that's what we do here. We fucking bus balls. So it's not we take we take the real pain of life and make fun Except last week's podcast. I'm talking specifically to my management. Stop being so fucking man. Oh, were they mad about that? They were not mad. They were little. One of them was a little Which I know which one. Yeah, of course, the sensitive one. The other ones grew up in Brooklyn getting his ass kicked every day. Which used to it. Which one was mad. Come on. I don't want to say it on the podcast. No, but look, if any of you don't listen to me,
Starting point is 02:40:48 I love my management. They're doing a great job. They're doing as comedians. We always complain about our fucking management. What happened to the Barlow? I fucking never complain about my mind. It's literally an angel. I fucking Jim Sherbrooke is the bomb. Ryan Stern might be the hardest hitter in the business. Jim Sherbrooke, I go, dude, I want this. He goes, done. Next Wednesday. is the Bahrain Stern might be the hardest hitter in the business Jim Shepacle
Starting point is 02:41:05 I go dude. I want this he goes done next Wednesday I like does he really? Yeah, he took me from the fucking waiter's house to the pin Yeah, and and your management has waiters And if you're listening that's Bobby. I love you guys you guys doing a big job. I'm fucking unbelievable right now right now. You know what I'm sick of those fucking assholes? You're in the comedy business and we I've done more for them in the comedy seller confines. I've promoted their fucking club. I promote them. I say the great management. I fucking help their clients. I do all I fucking can for that fight and they can't take it It's just jokes guys, which one who was it? I'm not saying but the Italian one was the Jewish one
Starting point is 02:41:51 If you're Italian one, I'm not saying if you're the Italian one if you're a comic listening Okay, the Edinburgh fiasco was on everybody. It's Edinburgh's very hard I just look at pull out they had a lunch rush and they couldn't get to what y'all has needed because of the time difference So just leave it alone, but this is very nice. Thank you. They're great management. They got a lot of great guys They got great guys they got great guys and they got great empanama So they're they're great you guys get to learn how to fucking relax. We love the guys at cringe management We love cringeyomer. We love the stand. And my ex girlfriend is a very talented girl, and she deserves
Starting point is 02:42:29 all those goals and places except Miami. And yeah, but you know, I probably wouldn't have made that decision. Hey, I wish you're the best. I can't wait for this. This is what I can't wait for. I wish you're all the best. The VMAs are in Miami this year.
Starting point is 02:42:41 Next up, we have a friend of mine, Wing Wing. It's all jokes. If you're listening to it's all jokes. Nobody cares. You know what? If you think it's serious, go fuck yourself. How's that from me? Go fuck yourself. If you're getting all weirded out, you know, how's that sound? That sounds good. So guys, please listen to me on the Fusion Morning Show. Whatever it's called, launching in October the end of October. And that's the dishes you're going to be making. You guys, thank you so much.
Starting point is 02:43:09 Make sure you check out, our link on Ryakast slash Robert Kelly live. Used it yesterday. Did you really? Oh, I love when you guys use it., two-week trial, slash YKWD, two-week-free free trial if you go there. Make sure you go to for all your headphone needs. I went there this week, I ordered headphones because again, I lost them on a fucking plane.
Starting point is 02:43:34 Another pair of my wife's broke, we're on the plane with no headphones. It sucked. I ordered four pairs,, use the code word dude, and you get 33% off, which is amazing, because they're already inexpensive. So 33% off, free shipping at, with the code word dude, shows Kelly.
Starting point is 02:43:58 I want to thank Josh Chambers from, who provided you with a whole bunch of stuff. Gave me a bunch of buttons for the fans. We gave them all out of Montreal and a bunch of fans in New York. So make sure you go to him. If you guys want some buttons, I know buttons you're saying, why the fuck do you need buttons in 1978? It's actually a great way to promote your show, your work, or anything that you're doing. Go to, what is it Kelly? It's called the button And support him because he supports us.
Starting point is 02:44:27 And that's how this shit works. We all support each other. We lift each other up out of the ashes and we make fucking money. And we have a good time doing it. I want to thank Heather Graves and all the people that have been donating to the podcast using the donate button that actually helps us out a lot. You guys are great. for all your podcast needs.
Starting point is 02:44:48 Make sure you join the riot. And guess what? This week, I'm at the stress factory in New Brunswick, New Jersey, Friday to shows, Saturday to shows. That's four shows total, Friday and Saturday, not Thursday, not Sunday, not Monday, but Friday to shows. Saturday to shows, stress factory, new brunswick. Hey, my name's Vinnie, I am the fucking whole place. Come down to Everburg or... Cory's not gonna like this.
Starting point is 02:45:21 I'll see you later. You know what I did? I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss Madrid. Malinche, Guá, Juvenalía, Círclásica, oro viejo, Christmas by Starlight, Bresch y muchos más para disfrutar con familia y amigos. La Navidad cobra vida con Isema Madrid. Entre en y compra tu entrada. Isema Madrid, Siente la Inspiración. you

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