Rotten Mango - #12- The Butcher of Russia (Serial Killer Andrei Chikatilo)

Episode Date: August 26, 2020

One of Russia's most infamous serial killers ever...  He has killed over 53 women and children... and it all started because he couldn't get a boner. You read that right.  His erectile dysfunction ...led him down a dark sinister path of murder.  To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Rambles. Whether you're doing a dance to your favorite artist in the office parking lot, or being guided into Warrior I in the break room before your shift, whether you're running on your Peloton tread at your mom's house while she watches the baby, or counting your breaths on the subway. Peloton is for all of us, wherever we are, whenever we need it. Download the free Peloton is for all of us. Wherever we are, whenever we need it. Download the free Peloton app today. Peloton app available through free tier or pay to description starting at 12.99 per month. Can you stop audibly eating fish sticks right now? Dried fish sticks in front
Starting point is 00:00:38 of my face. Can you stop like drinking water please? I know I made the grave mistake of drinking a whole can of sparkling water so if you start healing some bubbles if you start feeling a little burp into your ear holes that's me. Ew this just comes to you guys. I hate that. Don't do that again. Hi everyone. Welcome to Rotten Mango. This week's episode is hosted by, I mean every fucking week is hosted by me so like you just have to get used to it. I'm so sorry. I know that you guys can do better, and I really thank you for sticking around with me. Hi, my name is Stephanie and Sue, and we're here with my fiance, Mr. Mango. But now today's episode is going to be odd. It's going
Starting point is 00:01:18 to be very interesting because it is about one of the most infamous, notorious Russian serial killers. And I have to say, Russian serial killers are a whole nother, they're just a whole nother game. I don't even know what to say. Like some of them are insane. One of them, one of them was called the chessboard killer. And the whole reason he was called the chessboard killer was because he had this life goal. You don't have like some people are like, oh my god, I want to grow up and go to college, right? He was like, I'm going to grow up and I'm going to kill one person for every square on the chess board, which happens to be 64 fucking people.
Starting point is 00:01:50 So he's like, I'm going to go kill 64 people. Are you going to talk about him today? No, he was actually inspired by the person that I'm going to talk about today. So I'm going to do him next. Well, I'm not going to do him, obviously, but I'm going to do a podcast on him next. So this man, the chessboard killer, was actually inspired by today's topic and I mean, use the word inspired very loosely. And his name is Andre Cicatillo.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Now Andre Cicatillo is a very interesting person. He was known as the butcher, the red ripper, the rostov ripper, the forest strip killer. So he would take these people into the forest. He would strip them of their clothes and then he would kill them. And so those were the names that he was given, which is fascinating because I had a whole list of names that I think would be so much better for him. Oh, yeah. The Bonbon Killer.
Starting point is 00:02:42 The what? The Bonbon Killer. What is the bomb bomb killer? So the whole reason that Andre Chickatilo goes on killing over 43 different people 43 guys over 43 different people Was because he couldn't get a bond bond. He couldn't get a boner Bomb bond. Yeah, that's my short nickname for boner. Oh Because the boner sounds just really BamBam is something it's also a dessert
Starting point is 00:03:09 No, BamBam like some people in Chinese use that as Or as boner because bamboo means a stick but also you Like that's why you say bamboo on tongue like lollipop Don't tell them I say bonbon tie. What's wrong with you? Why are you just exposing me left and right? Anyways. Oh bonbon, yeah, the bonbon killer.
Starting point is 00:03:35 Or the no boner for you. Or the just erectile dysfunction. Like that would be a good name. Oh, the ED killer that stands for erectile dysfunction killer because here's the thing He goes on rage killing 53 different people all because what because he couldn't keep a boner I'm not even kidding you. I mean this isn't saying. I feel like these are the types of things that you think are like stereotypical Zero killers like I feel like before you get into true crime. You're like, I don't know
Starting point is 00:04:02 Why would someone go and rape 43 women and children? Oh, maybe they're just overcompensating for the fact that they have a small weeny. Well, he rapes in his own unique way. He rapes. He. Okay. Yeah, he already knows the stories about to get dark. The minute that I said that, that's, that's very interesting phrasing.
Starting point is 00:04:22 He, he has a penis, but it's a knife. What? Yeah, it's weird. So we're gonna get into that. It's all sorts of weird to trust me. I mean, I don't even, I've known about this case for so long, and I just knew that I could not talk about it in mukbangs because it has disembowelment as one of the center pieces. Disembowelment is when someone takes out your bowels. So they will cut you open and they'll take out your intestines. Oh, like they're trying to sell your liver and shit? Yeah, but they don't take out your liver.
Starting point is 00:04:58 So it's called disembowelment because they take out your bowels. So they cut at the bottom of your stomach and they take out your stomach. Your large intestines and your small intestines. So they cut at the bottom of your stomach and they take out your stomach, your large intestines and your small intestines. Did it detach it? Yeah, no. They keep it attached to you, but they cut you open and they just put it out of your body. So it's like laying next to you. Oh my god. And now mind you, if you guys have like went to any sort of anatomy class, your small intestines
Starting point is 00:05:20 and your large intestines, like they don't really stick together. Like it's not a heart that you can hold. I mean, it's like piping. Yeah, they're really, really long. Yeah. So they're just all hanging out outside of you. Oh my God. Yes. Wait, so he doesn't kill you?
Starting point is 00:05:33 Yeah. So disembowement usually happens when the people are alive. And it used to be, I mean, I think it started as a form of torture. So people would cut your stomach open. Well, and you would be conscious because when you get your stomach cut open, unless you are in really intense situations, you're going to be conscious for it. Like you're not going to be in shock, you're not going to knock out, your stomach gets cut open and you see them take out your bowels. And then they're just hanging out and then they leave you to die, they leave you to bleed out. So while
Starting point is 00:06:02 you're bleeding out, which by the way, it takes hours You just see your bowels laying right next to you and you can't really do anything about it. What are you gonna do? So that's why I didn't really say this in a mukbang because like could you imagine right and It's it's weird. So we have to talk about Andre's childhood because this is probably one of the most unique childhoods And I mean again when I say these words I don't want anyone to be like oh my god she thinks his childhood is so cool and quirky and like unique and special. No I'm just saying it's very different from a lot of the serial killers that we've covered because it takes place in Ukraine and it takes place at a different time period and a different set of issues. So with most serial killers
Starting point is 00:06:40 you have a lot of sexual abuse as a kid you have a lot of parental abuse and neglect as a kid. And this one, you don't really have that. You just have a shitty world that was that he was born into. So Andre, he was born in the Ukraine and this is going to kind of sound like history class but bear with me. He was born into the Ukraine during the Soviet Union and that's when the Ukraine was completely taken over by the Soviet Union. So they had complete control. And if you know anything about the Soviet Union and that's when the Ukraine was completely taken over by the Soviet Union so they had complete control and if you know anything about the Soviet Union, they weren't like the friendly as people and so they decided to do this thing in Ukraine which his name is Joseph Stalin. You guys remember him from history class? The Joseph Stalin. So he decides to go into Ukraine and he's like, you know, I'm gonna do this thing called
Starting point is 00:07:22 Collectiveization. Now if you don't know what that means, they still do this to this day, even in places like the United States, which is like, hey, if I'm a fucking farmer and you're a farmer and I'm like, you know, you've got cows and I've got chickens and we've got this land that's right next to each other. Why don't we just combine the land, combine the chicken, combine the cows and we will form a corporation, right? And we will share the profits. So that's called a
Starting point is 00:07:45 collectivization in terms of farming. But in Ukraine, the Soviet Union did that. But Joseph Stalin was like, well, there's a twist. You have to come live on these farms. You have to work and we're not gonna pay you and you have to give up any livestock and property that you own. And if you don't, we're gonna kill you. So there really wasn't a lot of choices. I guess is what I'm trying to say. And so, you know, Andre's dad and his mom were labors on a collective farm. So they had already moved into this little tiny hut on a collective farm. And when I say tiny hut, like, I feel like, I mean, it's like a tiny, just a room.
Starting point is 00:08:17 Like, I don't even think it had a bathroom in it, right? So they're living in there and they give birth to Andre. And they don't make any wages from their work. So every single day, all day, all the parents do is work on this massive collective farm. And let me tell you, the Sylvia Union had really intense job requirements. Like they did not let you dig around on this farm. And so they would never get any wages. But what they got was this small teeny, we need a little piece of land behind their their hut and they're like, hey, plant some shit and eat it And they're like, okay, but here's the problem first of all the ground is like dead over here
Starting point is 00:08:52 Like this is really not fertilized soil second of all like what about all the other things like they would have to trade They're tiny bits of food for other things that they needed such as like clothing and shit and shoes And so they just were constantly hungry. I mean, to describe how hungry they were, poor people in Ukraine at the time, they ate a lot of bread. They didn't get meat, they didn't get seafood, they didn't get vegetables or food,
Starting point is 00:09:14 they ate fucking bread, right? And it's kind of like that everywhere, like you eat more bread and rice and all these cheaper grains, right? But Andre didn't have a piece of bread until he was 12 years old Like that's how poor he was What did he eat? He ate tree bark
Starting point is 00:09:30 I'm not laughing. It's so sad like it's like a So he just ate So you treat? Yeah, you go to trees and you would take off the bark and he would like chew on them He would get the leaves off of trees and eat them, he would just pick on grass and eat grass. Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 00:09:48 I mean, it was really bad. It was really sad. And I wanted to know, obviously, this is going to have some sort of lasting damage. Like I know that, right? But I also wanted to know how that would compare to other serial killers. I don't know, something about that, just kind of, I just needed to scratch that edge. I'm like, okay, like we know that abuse stems to ABC and D. What does starvation on kids, you know, get to?
Starting point is 00:10:13 How does it impact them? And so the first thing that I learned is that it really stems brain development. Like it's not something that you can fix. And like I got into this whole deep circle. I mean, I don't think anyone wants me to talk about it because it's so dark. But essentially, that's why you see a lot of low income areas or lots of starving children who never really get out
Starting point is 00:10:34 of the cycle. And people are like, why don't you just go to school and like work hard? And that's really dumb for a lot of reasons. But one of the main reasons that it's really dumb is because dead ass when you're born and you haven't been eating and you've been starving since the day that you're born, your brain development is
Starting point is 00:10:47 just so far below an average kid the same age as you. Because when you're hungry, your brain does not develop. So the brain is the most energy-hungry organ in children. That's my children. They'll go to preschool, they'll learn the ABCs, and then they have to have fucking nap time because they're tired of learning the fucking ABCs. Like they get so sleepy, right? And it's because the brain takes so much energy.
Starting point is 00:11:08 But what you need food to get energy. That's kind of cute to think about. That's why they need nap time. Yeah, because the ABCs, they're like holy shit. What comes after D? I don't know. I gotta go to bed. Oh, D, that's not the right word.
Starting point is 00:11:20 What comes after Z? I gotta go. Nothing. See that's why they're so stumped. They're like, what comes after Z? No one can answer them. So they take a nap. So they take a nap. Hey, oh my God, did you hear about the kid napping at school? They can have a local school. You're about to say a joke right
Starting point is 00:11:43 now. Did you hear about the kid napping at the local school? No, I did it. Oh, it's okay. They woke him up. So that woman had? They woke him up. Can't not be. That was good. All right. We're going to hell.
Starting point is 00:12:02 Yeah. Okay. Sorry. Back on track. So it causes that. It causes them to be academically really bad. They get depressed, they get anxious, and it's one of those things where you guys hear about it all the time, I'm sure, is when you're missing one of the more primary sustenances to life, such as shelter, love, and food, your brain is so focused on getting that that you need to survive, that you can not focus your energy on developing your personality and becoming smarter for your
Starting point is 00:12:28 future. And so that's why kids that grow up in these situations, they can't get themselves out of it. So it's not as easy as being like, just got to school like, you'll be fine. So this was happening to him. I mean, he was freaking starving and he just would tell his mom like, well, son, mom, I'm really fucking hungry. And his mom is kind of like a little small story to share
Starting point is 00:12:49 with her young and fashionable son. But I also thought, you know, with starvation, you know, remember the story we talked about, there's also like psychology to the right, don't they get a lot more protective of things? Yeah, so they did a study and I don't know how many people they studied for this, but it seemed to be a lot. They would study people who had really intense starvation, not like a little hungry or
Starting point is 00:13:12 like I didn't get brand name food, like I'm talking starvation, right, as a kid. And they even did analysis of them when they were 40 years old and now they are either middle income or even upper class people who are living their lives, right? And they notice that they have this intense sensitivity to a lot of things. So they will be a lot more sensitive when they feel as if anything is being taken from them. And they do tend to become very, very anxious people even when they're in their 40s. Even if they stopped living in such conditions like in their teenage years. But that's how impressionable, you know, that's how much damage is done with starving kids. Wow. Yes, so it's really intense. And then there's a lot
Starting point is 00:13:53 of like personality development issues because I mean, you can only imagine how protective and how almost different you have to be. It's like survival mode, right? You turn into like an animal you just want to survive. Yeah and then if you can't have time to be a kid like when you're an adult I can't imagine what happens. Like that's the issue when kids can't be kids like even with other abuse. It's the same thing you can't be a kid after you've you know suffered so much abuse and drama. Like what happens? So he was experiencing that and so he's like telling his mom but back in the day in Ukraine this was kind of the norm at the time because it was a really rough time
Starting point is 00:14:28 So there was this massive famine going on and a lot of it had to do with Joseph Frick installans Collectivization and so around 11 million people were dying and about from the 11 million people around three to seven million Of those people were from Ukraine. So it's not gonna be a a situation where he's like, how come all my friends have food and not me, mom, you know? And so the mom is just like, listen, you can't think like that, like stop complaining, stop crying about having no food. And then she was like, did you know you have an older brother? And he's like, wait a second, what do you mean?
Starting point is 00:14:56 I've never had an older brother, I've never met my older brother. I've literally, it's just been you, me and dad in this one room hut. And she's like, no, no, no, you idiot. You had an older brother by the name of Stepan. No, I loved him so much. It was just a shame because when he was four years old, some neighbors creeped up into our little farm. They snatched him. They kidnapped him.
Starting point is 00:15:18 And he's like, what? Why would they kidnap him? And the mom says, because they were so hungry and they ate your brother. What the fuck? Yeah, uh-huh. And now this is where it goes. This sounds like a scary bedtime story. I know, and I'm like, do you just...
Starting point is 00:15:35 Is this real? That's the thing we don't know. There is no way that we can find out because the Soviet Union also was very fond of like just putting a bunch of records into fires and just blazing them up. So we don't really know if Stepan actually existed if he was kidnapped at four years old, but we do have the context that that might not be the most alarming thing that could have happened during this time. And why did the Montel have that?
Starting point is 00:15:57 So as to kind of like be like, you know what, we get it, but like get over it because your brother's dead. And I'm not laughing. I'm just like, what kind of parenting? But I also have never been a parent nor have I been a parent in that type of time, right? And so she was just like, you need to stop bitching about it. And this is what life is because your brother's dead. And so this left a very big impression on this young boy because first of all, you never want to know that you had siblings that you could never meet because they got eaten by your neighbors.
Starting point is 00:16:23 We're not laughing. It's just like what the fork are you saying, right? Yeah, and so he becomes really sad about this. And then it's about to get sadder. So World War II begins, like imagine being born, and then they're just like, hey, welcome. So anyways, we've got a world war going on. And so World War II becomes, and his dad gets enlisted to join the Red Army. So I'm like, oh, the Red Army. Okay, that sounds like the Soviet Army, like Red, right? And then now I looked it up and it says it's just a division in the Soviet Union Army for the workers and the peasants.
Starting point is 00:16:53 Like you can't even join like the regular army. Like that's how crazy it is. So he goes into that division and he immediately gets a little bit injured in combat and he gets taken as a war prisoner. Now, this is gonna cause a lot of trouble for this family later on because, well here's the thing, he got taken by some Nazis, which I feel like even saying that word,
Starting point is 00:17:14 I'm like, I've been said that word since high school and my lot has say that, he got taken by Nazis. And they didn't really hurt him. Like he wasn't missing any limbs, he returned after the war in one piece and everyone was like, then you must be a traitor. Like there's no way that you, you know, especially because the Soviet Union went down, right? There's like, there's no way that you just refined, you know?
Starting point is 00:17:36 Yeah. Like there's no way unless you did some shit with the Germans, so they just kind of shunned him. Nobody, he never got in trouble, thank goodness, like with, you know, other Soviet Union soldiers or anything like that, but they just kind of shunned him. They were just a disgrace. So then all of a sudden, while the war is happening, his dad is, you know, away as a prisoner, he's not home, he's not coming home, he's not going to visit anytime soon, the Nazis end up occupying Ukraine. And this is going to be real insane, Because the Nazis are not known to be like, really nice guests, you know?
Starting point is 00:18:07 And so they come in and they start just bombing shit. They're starting to like, start fires everywhere. They're shooting people. They're raping people. It was fucking nuts. Ukraine had a really, really, really, really bad. It was devastating on Ukraine as a country and for all of the people.
Starting point is 00:18:21 And so him and his mom, they would hide in these ditches when any of these things were going on nearby. And I was curious, like, why would you hide in a ditch? Like, we get it, you have a hut, but like, why don't you live in the hut? Like, why don't you stay in the hut when you hear a shooting? Why don't you stay in the hut?
Starting point is 00:18:35 It seems safer to be there if there's, you know, going around people are bombing things, why go into a ditch? Now, from what I could gather, it's because a lot of soldiers love to go into huts and rape the woman inside. Yeah, isn't the ditch also hiding? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:51 So you don't get fun? Yeah, so they're like hiding. Very devastating. It gets even worse. So they're sharing this single bed and just imagine like your dad's gone, you're hungry, the war is happening, but Andre had more problems. He was a chronic bed wetter and he had to share the bed with his mom and so every single night they would get in a bed and she'd be like, you better not freaking pee and sure enough, he would pee and she would beat him and she would berate him.
Starting point is 00:19:21 I mean, his mom was known to be very harsh and unforgiving. His dad is actually known to be more of like a kind warm-hearted person, but his mom was a little bit um she just was not very nice to him and it got a lot worse because his mom ends up getting pregnant. No remember what I said? The dad's not coming home? This was not her dad's baby and she did not have an affair. Now it's, it is a speculation, but it's pretty much most people do believe, you know, everyone in Russia believed too, that she was raped by a German soldier. Yeah, because it was wartime, a lot of Ukrainian women ended up having children. Yeah. And it was a daughter by the name of Tatiana,
Starting point is 00:20:04 right? And here's what's also interesting. There's a massive speculation that Andre was forced to watch his mom get raped because most of the woman got raped inside their huts and we can only assume that that's where she was raped and it's a one-room hut. Like there's no way for him to go and soldiers at the time were not really the type to be like, oh my god there's a kid in here like sorry for intruding like I'll just see myself out. So that might have been his very first documented occurrence of massive trauma, right? And then he starts going to school. So we're like okay, like he's gonna get an education. Maybe this story is gonna turn around, like maybe somewhere there's a glimmer of hope, but there's not gonna be. So he ends up going to school and he's wearing these
Starting point is 00:20:40 homemade clothes. And this is the issue. So I didn't really know about this until I was in like, middle school. And I know people are gonna judge us, but I feel like when you're young, you just have a curiosity, right? And when I was in middle school, no, I think I was even younger, like elementary school. I remember going to church and they would have all
Starting point is 00:20:59 of these like flyers out and they'd be like, please donate, like look at these kids that are starving, right? And so all of the parents would be like sending in their donations. And the reason that they have these pictures is obviously to compel you to donate, because how can you look at that kid and be like, no, thank you, right? And I remember sitting there...
Starting point is 00:21:14 It's still kinda... Yeah, and I remember sitting there with all of my young friends, and the one thing that we noticed is that, wait, like some of these kids... And we weren't saying this in any other way, but, like, just pure child curiosity of, like, I don't understand something, right? Which is, some of these kids in the pictures, they were so thin everywhere, but they kind of had a protruding belly. Do you know what I'm talking about?
Starting point is 00:21:38 Let me show you a picture. It's actually a situation that happens a lot. There's two different situations, right? So you have one where there's just a calorie deficiency, which means you will see what you kind of envision in your head as someone just being all bones, right? They just don't get enough calories in the day. Now with this one, they get calories, but they get them either from sources that are not normally processed by the human body, such as tree bark and leaves and stuff, that normally your body is not used to eating. And you also have such a lack
Starting point is 00:22:10 of protein that your stomach just starts doing some weird shit, okay? Like bacteria and your stomach starts going haywire and you end up with a very swollen feeling belly. And a lot of the times that belly can be quite painful, right? Got it. So the rest of you could be very, very thin and frail-looking, but then you have this little belly. And this is important. And a lot of it can come down to fluid retention, too. Anyways, so he has this condition. So he's been starving and he has no protein in his stomach, so he's got a swollen belly. And he's got swollen ankles and he's got a swollen feet, which is also another side effect of this starvation, right? And once he gets to school, I mean the other kids,
Starting point is 00:22:48 they really were not eating a lot either. They were all kind of starving, but of course with every school, there's different people in different households and different things and he starts getting bullied because he has a swollen belly and everyone's like, why do you have that belly? And they just started laughing at him
Starting point is 00:23:02 and to make things worse as they were bullying him, there'd be a lot of times where he would faint. Oh my God. So he just was so malnourished that he would just faint nonstop. Like he would faint in class all day like they bullies would yell at him and then he'd faint and then he'd walk home and then he'd faint and then he'd faint at home like he was just fainting nonstop right and he was also very weak like he was not the type to be like you better shut the fork up you little bits right? He had really bad self-esteem. So he ends up starting to read at home and he's like memorizing data. Like that's his favorite thing. He loves to
Starting point is 00:23:32 get books and like memorize the shit out of books. And it's interesting because he has bad eyesight. He has poor memory and he has these massive headaches, but he still became the editor of their school newspaper by the time he was 14. He becomes the chairman of a student's communist party. Um, I guess at those times that's the type of, um, news paper or things you would do around it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I get it. Yeah, and then he is the first one in his farm collective to graduate high school
Starting point is 00:24:05 So everyone's like, okay, like shit like you're gonna be on his something like you're gonna go do some good things good for you So Andre's like, you know what that's true So he's 17 years old and he's about to go into college, right? And he just can't get a boner like all of his friends are talking about boners And he just can't get a fucking boner and he's like what's wrong with me? Why can't I get a boner? I don't understand this. They're talking about their bonbon and I don't have a bonbon. So he starts getting a little bit angry.
Starting point is 00:24:30 Now in that anger, her sister Tatiana had her friend over and now her friend is like 11 years old, right? And so she sees Tatiana's friend and Andre is like, you know what? I'm so pissed off, I'm going to punch her. So he walks over to Tatiana's friend, know, friend this 11-year-old girl while he's 17 years old And he slams her onto the ground and is trying to punch her and she's like screaming and trying to get out Because she's like why are you wrestling me to the ground? Like get off of me, right? And while she's like slailing her arms He ejaculates
Starting point is 00:25:05 she's like slailing her arms he ejaculates I don't know how to feel about it yeah I know I was like do I need to read right because he has no reaction to this okay so this is like when one of those zero killer yeah oh my god I killed this person I get this extreme hot no not yet I know I know but that's like the starting point for him yeah so he this was his first, first sexual experience. First, 17 years old, he couldn't get a boner. He couldn't ejaculate till he was wrestling that 11 year old girl.
Starting point is 00:25:36 So he's like, I'm just going to go to college. So he applies for the Moscow State University, which is a great school. Moscow is, you know, the center of everything. And he gets denied. And he's like, holy shit. Now Moscow is the center of everything. And he gets denied. And he's like, holy shit. Now, this is how crazy it gets. Even though that the truth of it was that a lot of people scored a lot higher in these tests than he did,
Starting point is 00:25:54 he thought it was because his dad was a shame to the country. He felt like, you know, it was like an inside job. They were like, nah, his dad was a traitor during the war. So denied. So he didn't think that was his problem? Yeah. Uh-huh. So he's like, can't be me. And so he ends up going to like a vocational school and he becomes like a technician and he starts dating this girl. And this was his first relationship and it lasted so long. It lasted 18 months. Now here's the issue. Every time that they try to have sex, which is on several different occasions,
Starting point is 00:26:25 he could not stay hard. Like you'd get a little bit of bun and then I would, boom, it would go. So it'd be like, oh my god, hello, I'm here. Okay, just kidding, I'm gone. Then leave, peace out. Yeah, like he would just leave. The boner would leave.
Starting point is 00:26:37 And so finally, after 18 months, she was like, listen, I love you so much, but I'm ready to live my life and I'm really ready for some dick, so I gotta go. No, really so she leaves and then he's like, you know what? I don't need what man. I'm just gonna join the army So he really tries it seems to like kind of take his mind off of the fact that he can't have a boner And so he's like I'm gonna join the army. So he ends up joining the army He works for a division of the KGB at one point, which is like the CIA of the Soviet, you know, the Soviets.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Can I say the Soviets? I don't know. Anyways, so he's there for a couple years and then he goes back to the village. So he's like, you know what? Fuck this. The city life is not my vibe. I'm gonna go to the village. So he goes back to his hometown and he's hanging out with his mom and he's hanging out with all these people and he gets acquainted with the divorcees. So she had just recently got divorced and she was beautiful and she was so nice and they start dating and they're dating for about Three months and they break up because of his erectile dysfunction. I mean she's so confused So this divorce say she goes up to all of her friends in the village and she's like listen
Starting point is 00:27:35 I don't know what to do like I really really love Andre and he's perfect and he's so caring and he's so intelligent But he just can't get a boner and And so then the girls, her girlfriends are like, oh my god, you know, you should try this like tea that my mom does, you know, it should help with the ED. And then later they go and talk to some other girls about it. And then some other girls. And then it becomes the talk of the town that he can't get a boner. Now this, yeah, so he gets so ashamed that he tries to hang himself. And as he was hanging from the news, his mom and his neighbors, they see him and they save him. They take him down and they're like, holy shit, like, why would you do that? Just
Starting point is 00:28:14 because you can't get a bon bon, like go do something else with your time, right? And he is like, here's what I got to do. I got to move out of here. Like, I cannot live in this village anymore. Like, anyone that looks at me, they just see soft. They don't see a person. They don't see a human. They just see a soft peepie. They don't see me for who I am. And so his mom was like, okay, I support you. Like go do your thing. And so he moves out and he goes to this town. And Tatiana ends up moving to that town later and marrying someone. And she's like, you know what, brother, I'm going to find you someone because you are too lonely. I'm gonna get you a wife, okay? Don't you worry.
Starting point is 00:28:46 So Tatiana, his younger sister within a couple years, finds a wife, Fondre. And they end up getting married. It was an arranged marriage. They had only known each other for like two weeks. Now prior to this, his wife knew that he can't get a bond bond. So she was like, I'm okay with it. Like it's fine, right? And so they get married.
Starting point is 00:29:03 And the way that she gets pregnant because they end up having two kids, is that he would, yeah, he would go into a different room and he would somehow force himself to ejaculate and then he would bring like the sperm in his hand and he would just stick it up her. Wow. Yeah, so yeah, he ended up getting her pregnant twice so they have a daughter and a son together and he's just living his life.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Just family man, he even gets a job as a teacher. Now this is where shit starts to get real nasty. So he starts working at this school and he's, these students are like high schoolers, but this school is interesting because it's also a boarding school. So some of the people are locals and the kids will come and then a lot of the kids, they sleep at the school. Like there's like a dorm section, right? And so he's super knowledgeable in what he teaches, but he's just munched by the students. So some would say that he's kind of an ineffective teacher because like he can't even control the room, right? And he just really gets really into just all the female students. So his first incident happened inside the
Starting point is 00:30:05 school pool where he swims up to a 15-year-old girl and he starts grabbing her boobs and he starts grabbing her genitals. She screams and she's trying to swim away from him and as she's struggling to swim away from him he ejaculates inside of his swim trunks. So then he's like, wow, this is really like sexually gratifying. So then right after that, he gets into his second issue, his second assault, where he locks another girl student into his classroom, and he starts groping her all over the place, and she starts struggling, because she's like, what the fuck are you doing, right? And then he adjaculates.
Starting point is 00:30:40 So then he was like, this is good. Now what's insane about this school is the fact that teachers would literally fellow teachers would see Andre the teacher touching himself while he was looking at female students and nobody would do anything about it. Like nobody reported him, nobody was like, hey maybe you shouldn't be working here and you should be in jail. Nobody said anything and then it gets crazier. They give him the job of going to all these dorms at night and making sure the students are inside their dorms. Because it's not college, it's high school. These are high schoolers who need to be accounted for.
Starting point is 00:31:11 So he would go into the dorms at night, make sure everyone's in there. And he would stay in the girls' dorms to see if he could peeping Tom them while they get undressed. Like, he would hide in their closet and shut it. Yeah. What the fuck? Yeah, and then he got fired eventually.
Starting point is 00:31:28 After he did this for like a year, he got fired because they caught him trying to rub up on a student. Like, his other kink that he has, and I don't want to call it a kink because it's a crime, is he has something called, I think it's called like, fatterism or something. I can't believe there's a word for it. That's how forked up this world is where you go up to someone and you rub your genitals like even when you have clothes on all over that person. So it happens a lot on buses. Oh, like dry-humping? Yeah. So you will go up to a random person and you'll just rub your genitals all up on them. But you try to do this to his underage
Starting point is 00:32:05 students. So that's when the teachers were like, listen, we're not going to put you in jail, but like, you should resign. You know, we got a lot of complaints that you're, you know, assaulting our students. And he was like, you know what, I will resign. So we resigns and he starts working at a new school. And then they get multiple reports of child molestation and he would molest both genders. So they were like, you got to goation and he would molest both genders. So they were like, you gotta go. So he gets fired this time and he's like, you know what? I'm done working with kids.
Starting point is 00:32:29 They don't listen, they don't like me, I'm over it. So he ends up getting a job as a factory worker. So he's a supply clerk. Now this is very pertinent because that means he has to travel all throughout the Soviet Union to purchase materials. Honey, I want you to tell them about my new assistant. You're new what? My new assistant. So my fiancee just just me. Oh yeah yeah yeah. Have you guys heard of Grammarly?
Starting point is 00:32:56 Hold on! That's my line. My email game is horrendous and I would like to say if I can speak on your behalf. Yes, sure Yes, both of our email games our email skills are horrendous So I have trouble with tone. I have trouble with making sure that I don't put in these words that I usually use what I'm talking like like or Essentially or like because on every two seconds my fiance has trouble with lots of grammatical errors because it's just all up in there, right? And so we use grammarly on an every single day basis. It's amazing. So it's a digital writing assistant that helps over how many people? Freakin 20 million people more than 20 million people. That's insane. Is that a? He said that's insane. Graham really helps over 20 million people put their best words forward.
Starting point is 00:33:47 Wow. Whether you're writing an email to your professor or to your boss or on a Google doc, Graham really will not only check for spelling errors, but you'll also check for grammatical errors. And that's just the free version. I use Graham really premium and holy cow. It has changed my life. So it helps me elevate my emails and it makes me stand out.
Starting point is 00:34:05 I have really hard time clarifying my sentences and I need someone to help me make them clear, concise and just crisp and grammily does that for me. It also helps you avoid overused words. It replaces boring bland. We don't want boring basic words, okay? And it replaces them with effective, exciting words. Your professor is going to be shook. And if you're a student, it also helps check
Starting point is 00:34:31 for plagiarism. Is that not not, honey? It's nuts. It's nuts, we tell you. So if you guys are interested in upping your email game like I have, and using Grammarly every single day like I have. And it's not just email It does everything. Yeah, so it does Google docs It does text messages which is insane because if you guys know me I love to just think about my text messages for like five hours straight You can put it on your Facebook messenger too
Starting point is 00:34:56 So make sure to get 20% off of your Grammarly premium when you sign up at slash rot in mango. What is that honey? It's slash rotten mango. What is that honey? It's slash rotten mango. What percentage of the zon honey? 20. And how do you spell grammily? slash rotten mango. I'm sweaty. Was that your first spot ever? No, the first time spelling. Because grandma, he does it for you. Let's get into the murders.
Starting point is 00:35:34 I'm sorry, I had it interrupt with that quick moment because yes, murders are interesting, but you know having good emails or is just as interesting honestly. Murder number one. This is when he really starts ambying shit up in this town that he lives in. He decides to secretly purchase a second home. Now this second home is like kind of like another hut. Like it's not really a home, it's not like really like a Kanye West situation
Starting point is 00:35:56 where he's got like 25 homes, you know, 25 sitting on 25 melt, that's Drake. So he has this home, right? And he wants to have this home so that he can assault people in it. That's his game plan. I mean, it's weird because he can't get a boner, but his dream is to just go around raping girls.
Starting point is 00:36:10 So he's like, this is what I'm going to do. I'm going to buy this house. I'm going to feel confident and I'm going to rape a bunch of girls. And so December 22nd, three days. So that's when he's switching into a full-on criminal. Yeah. So he's like, you know, I love groping these girls at school, these underage children at school, but I want to rape them. Yeah, so he's like, you know, I love growing these girls at school these underage children at school
Starting point is 00:36:25 But I want to rape them Yeah, no, he wants to rape them. Okay. Yeah, so he's like I'm gonna rape them So he finds this young little girl by the name of Yalena and she was when I say young she was nine years old What yeah, holy fuck He's fucked up. Yeah, and so he lures her to the secretly purchased house, and he wants to rape her because that's his game plan. This is his rape house. This is where he's gonna rape all these girls and these children and these women. But he can't get hard. And he gets so mad that he can't get hard. He's like, what the fork, right?
Starting point is 00:37:00 And instead of really diving deep and going to see an erectile dysfunction doctor after this moment so that he can go on with his plan, he decides, no, this is not cool. This is not okay. And he starts to angrily choke the nine-year-old girl until she's knocked unconscious. And then he starts stabbing her three times. And as he's stabbing her in the chest with a knife, he ejaculates. And so after he ejaculates, he realizes that she's still not dead, so he's like, oh shoot. So then he strangles her some more and then he throws her body into the river. Now, what's very interesting about this dude is that he really barely makes any effort in covering up the body. He does not really try to make it so that it's like, oh, it's never going to be me, right?
Starting point is 00:37:47 Because even with his first murder, there was so much evidence. So there was evidence that there was specs of blood leading away from his house that he had purchased. So there's like little drops of blood. So everyone's like, oh, there's like little bit of blood there. And you just found a girl in the river. Like, could that be the girl? And the police were like, nah.
Starting point is 00:38:04 And then the neighbors, they were like, oh, no, we saw him that day. The day that the girl went missing, we saw him. And I don't think he was alone. And the police were like nah. And then to make it even crazier, a bunch of eyewitnesses were like, no, I saw a man that looks exactly like Andre. And we saw him at a local bus stop talking to this young girl. And the police were like nah. What's wrong And the police are like nah. What's wrong, the police? Because they decided they wanted to arrest someone else. So they arrested a guy by the name of a Alexander.
Starting point is 00:38:30 And he's a 25-year-old labor. And he was already, he had served for rape and murder of a teenage girl. And my question is, how do you serve for the rape and murder of a teenage girl? You should still be serving. Like you should still be in jail. But he was a free man.
Starting point is 00:38:46 And so he gets arrested because of his, you know, background, his criminal record. And they search his wife and his wife was wearing this sweater and I had a little bit of blood on it. Now that blood matched Yalena's blood type. So back then they couldn't really match the blood like DNA analysis, but they could find out the type of the blood. So if it was like oh, Yelena is type O blood and the wife's sweater has type O blood Then it's like oh my god, that could be Yelena's blood now. What's interesting is Yelena and Alexander's wife who the sweater belonged to Had the same blood type but it's crazy and that to them that's done
Starting point is 00:39:21 Clips yeah, they were like it doesn't matter like it doesn't matter if you were cutting a cucumber and accidentally sliced yourself because that is the same blood type as Yelena. This blood type thing is gonna drive you so insanely drawn in this story. So then they have this huge trial for Alexander the 25 year old and he has an testifying saying, literally we were home together the entire day. His wife's best friend was over at their house the entire day. And the police say, listen, we're going to put your wife in jail for an accomplice to the murder of Yuleina and we're going to charge her friend with perjury for lying on the stand. So he's like, what do I want that to happen? So he confesses to the crime. And then the trial happens.
Starting point is 00:40:02 And in front of the judge, he says, listen, I retract my confession because I was, I mean, I maintained my innocence. I was forced into confessing. And throughout all this, what was Andreas response or? Nothing. He was just going home to his wife and kids and hanging out being an impeccable family man. That's what his wife would say about him just a really good family man. Wow.
Starting point is 00:40:23 And so he was convicted and sentenced to death. And he was shocked. Oh my God, that's two lives on his hand already. Yeah, so I mean, well essentially what happened is he was sentenced to death. And then they were like, no, actually we're not going to kill you. We're going to give you 15 years in prison. And then Yolena's family was really pissed off. So then they retried him and then he was convicted again and then he was executed via a firing squad.
Starting point is 00:40:49 Now firing squad is also very interesting. Wait, why did they retry him again? Because Yolena's family is like, how are you going to let him off? And the judge was like, well, it's because he retracted his confession and that was all the evidence that we had. And Yolena's family, because their nine year old was murdered, was like, that's not good enough. Like, no. And so they put up a fight. And I am not blaming Yelena's family because I can only imagine the pain that they're in, right? And so he gets a retrial, he gets convicted, and then they execute him via firing squad. Now, firing squad is really intense. So the way that they do it is, you don't aim for the head, right? They get a bunch of military people, they line them up,
Starting point is 00:41:24 and then usually there's a couple victims. It's not even just like one person. And they're all standing there, turned around handcuffed, and they have this paper target on their chest, and they don't aim for the head because they don't want any disfigurement in the face so that they can be buried with their families, right? And it's just insane the reason that they do it is because you never want to know who gave the lethal shot.
Starting point is 00:41:46 But that's where it gets bad. They're just like firing non-stop and then someone y'all stop and they stop. But that doesn't mean everyone's dead. Like someone could literally be feeling all of the bullets and just be laying there. That's when the sheriff will go over and check if everyone's dead and if they're not, he'll do a mercy killing and shoot you. I'm like, that's the worst thing ever. This is crazy. This is freaking crazy.
Starting point is 00:42:07 Yes. The reasoning behind people doing this is everybody. Let's do it together. It's a party. What a solution to a problem. So also I think it's like the feeling of like, nobody's blood's gonna be on your hands because you don't even know. But what a solution. Like that's insane.
Starting point is 00:42:25 That somebody came up with this idea. I think it's worse. I'd rather be, OK, this comes from a very privileged position. But I'd rather have a guaranteed. Like I'd rather be one person next to me be like, your guaranteed going to die other than like, oh, you're going to maybe have 10 bullets in you. We don't know.
Starting point is 00:42:42 We have obviously. Yeah, yeah. So who wants to be shot by 10 people? Yeah. That's how they did it. Wow. Yeah. And so obviously, Alexander is getting,
Starting point is 00:42:53 like, he's dying from this fine squad. He loses his life. And I mean, I don't necessarily know if I can say an innocent life was lost, you know, but I will say he did not deserve to die for a crime that he didn't commit. Maybe he deserved to die for the other crime that he committed, but that's a different story, right? But also, how do we even know he committed that crime now that we know that the police system is so forked up right now? And all while this is happening,
Starting point is 00:43:17 Andre is going around and he's like, wow, I just realized something that when I stabbed someone, I've got the best ejaculations that I've ever had before. Okay, so he became a stabber? Yeah. And the way that he escalates is unlike any other I've seen before, it is devastating what he does. Like the way he escalates, usually you see a difference in serial killers since they're beginning.
Starting point is 00:43:42 And then you have this like middle ground where they're like, you're like, okay, this is their pattern, this is their This is their mo and then you have the end where they get real crazy And usually that's how they get caught because they get so risky, right? And it's just too often and too many people But for him the escalation on just the savagery of his crimes is insane So the second murder happens to a 17 year old girl by the name of Larissa and And Andre is walking out of a public library and he sees her at a bus stop and he's like, hey, do you want to go into the woods and like drink this bottle of vodka that I have?
Starting point is 00:44:12 And she was like, sounds good, right? So they walk into the woods together. And then he throws her onto the ground. And he rips off her clothes. And again, he couldn't get hard. And he gets so mad. He's like, why the fork can I just rape someone? Like, hello, that's all I want.
Starting point is 00:44:28 Like, maybe I could stop killing if I could just rape people. Not really good logic, but you get it. And so then she's screaming. And he's like, oh, come on, I can't focus with you screaming. Like, I need to get hard. And so he grabs a bunch of mud, which will then become a pattern that he has.
Starting point is 00:44:43 And he shoves the mud into the victim's throat So that she can't scream. So she's got all this mud in her mouth now And he starts beating her and strangling her because she keeps screaming and then he feels this insane need To mutilate her. So I mean he was just exiting a public library I don't really think that he had any intention of killing someone that day So he didn't have his an iPhone, he couldn't stab her. He couldn't really do anything. And so he's like, what do I do?
Starting point is 00:45:08 What do I do? And so he uses his teeth to tear her nipples off. Holy fuck. And then he strangled her until she died and then covered her body with leaves and branches. Like I'm telling you, he didn't even try to cover it up like that, which is very odd. Like, it's almost like he didn't care if he was caught. I mean, I don't understand what that could be.
Starting point is 00:45:33 He just didn't really go through any extremes to make sure the bodies weren't found. And by the way, he left a calculation like Seaman all over all the bodies. Yeah. I wonder, do you think this has to do with his mom that was raped? You know how like and That's why you can't get and maybe that's why he seeks such extreme that image was so
Starting point is 00:46:00 What happened to mom her his mom was also very violent and very Well, happened to my her his mom was also very violent and very Traumatizing and that was his first impression of sex or whatever and that just left a trauma on him and he never got it fixed. He just proceed That is so scary Right, it's so because, I mean, I guess that's why with these issues, some people become serial killers and others don't and most don't because I feel like the human brain naturally you experience such trauma, you never really want to do that trauma or be involved in any way, right?
Starting point is 00:46:41 And that's why most people who are abused as kids don't end up becoming serial killers or abusers right yeah but there are just a select group of people I guess that well there's you know like sound to him it's like there's events keep egging on him to become someone so extreme because he started with just pushing a girl down the yeah and then coming up to someone grabbing them and this and that. And now he's like, what? Yeah. No, it gets an asteria. And then there's something with the eyes.
Starting point is 00:47:10 So then murder number three is kind of a momentous one in the sense that something starts changing, which I mean, I say momentous because this really helps investigators when there's a different change. That means either the serial killer themselves are going through a change or something's happening, right? He is traveling on a bus and he was going to go get some vegetables for his family when he sees a 13 year old girl by the name of Liu Bov and he's like, oh well, she's very pretty and so she was walking home too. And he decides to go ahead of her and hide in a bush.
Starting point is 00:47:38 And when she walks by, he was just going to drag this little 13 year old girl into the bush. And that's exactly what he does. And then he drags her into the woods. He takes off all of her clothes and he starts stabbing her. Now what's very interesting about this one is that he said on this particular moment, he started humping her while he was stabbing her. But he wasn't like, he had clothes on, right? So he wasn't naked. He wasn't, there was no penetration of any sort, but he would ejaculate while stabbing, while doing the motion of sex, right? Like the dry-humping. And then he decided that he was going to take out her eyeballs.
Starting point is 00:48:15 He was going to stab and take out the eyeballs. And this becomes very important. You're probably wondering why the eyeballs, right? That's so weird. Why is he obsessed with the eyeballs? Well, there was a Russian superstition back in the day that the eyeballs, right? That's so weird. Why is he obsessed with the eyeballs? Well, there was a Russian superstition back in the day that the eyeballs are the window into the soul and your eyes will take almost like a screenshot of the last thing you ever see. And he doesn't want the ghost to hunt him? No, he doesn't want like, for forensics to see. Like,
Starting point is 00:48:43 I don't know if he really was, he was like, what if the doctors take it and they can see what she saw last, which is me hunting her? Okay. So he was like, I don't want them to like, research her eyeballs and see me. Like, he genuinely thought like, they take a picture
Starting point is 00:48:58 and somehow that can be accessed. His whole motive is sex driven. Yeah. Fucking nuts. It's sex driven. Yeah. Okay, that's. It's so scary. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:09 See, I mean, this is where it's confusing. There are so many serial killers who assault and then kill. And I would say that they're sex driven, but I almost feel like they're more power driven. But this one, I don't know if it's a car. No, this one's straight up sex. Sex, right? The fact that he's stabbing and he wasn't stabbing and yeah, he wasn't stabbing to kill He wasn't stabbing to he's stabbing so he can enjoy
Starting point is 00:49:32 This process. Yeah Wow, yeah, he's a sadist is what they categorize Tim as which is someone who just like gets off on Like pain of others like the toybox killer is like a stereotypical Extreme say to say to start usually just on normal people who are just like I like to spank and shit You know, but then when you get extremist obviously they're like no, I want to see you die Right, so he's very extreme version and so for the next year He's gonna kill five more people and they're all really young now he starts establishing this pattern which is what tips off investigators so he likes your approach runaways that are adults or children and he takes them to a wooded
Starting point is 00:50:11 area and he puts mud in their mouth so that they can't scream and then he starts stabbing them but usually the stabbing are torches like each of them will have it anywhere from 22 to like 60 different stab wounds like god so they don't die right away. So as he's stabbing them, we can assume that he's ejaculating. And then he'll go and mutilate the eye sockets with a knife and either leave them there
Starting point is 00:50:33 while they're just completely destroyed or he'll just gauge them out and take them. And then he started disemboweling people. So as they were alive, he would open up the stomach and just take out their bowels. And a lot of them would die of blood loss And a lot of the times he would take some organs with him like there were times he took woman's uterus is home Yeah, and he would target kids of both genders. It really did not matter to him
Starting point is 00:50:58 I guess because technically he's not even he's just stabbing someone to ejaculate right and he would entice them with candy and food And he'd be like do you want to see like a rare dollar or something and they'd be like oh my god Yeah, and then he'd be like but he can't show you here cuz someone's gonna steal it and then he'd take them into the woods And then he started getting mad at adults and so he starts getting prostitutes and he's like, you know I'm upset that they keep having sex with people and I can't have sex with anyone. So he would bring prostitutes into the woods and he would attempt intercourse and people and psychologists assume that if he were able to actually have intercourse with a prostitute, maybe, maybe not all of them would be dead, but every single time he would completely just knock it hard and he would take that out on the
Starting point is 00:51:42 victim. He would just be so upset and he rarely ever try to hide the body like it's freaking nuts. It doesn't make any sense. Oh, she not caught. Yeah, and so that was already like what? Seven victims, right? Or eight victims. And then you have another victim by the name of Olga and she was 10 years old and he persuaded her to follow him to a cornfield where he proceeds to stab her over 50 times and this is where it gets scarier. This is when the investigators realize okay he's amping it up and she was ripped open like her entire torso was ripped open, not just disemboweled
Starting point is 00:52:17 but a lot of her other organs were taken so her lower bowel was missing and so was her uterus oh shit taken so her lower bowel was missing and so was her uterus. Oh shit. Yeah. It's a whole town not freaking out. This is so nasty, the visual. But it's, yeah, but what's crazy is a lot of these would be on work trips so they weren't necessarily all in that town. So they'd be like the town and then the next town over and back in the day, especially
Starting point is 00:52:43 when, you know, the Soviet Union was around, it just was not that organized. And there was also this stigma that I read where the Soviet Union refused to believe that they had a serial killer. So they didn't even investigate for the longest time because they said serial killers are the thing of the West, like America has serial killers, but not Russia. That's what they said. Yeah, they were like, no, that's an American thing. Like, no, we don't have serial killers. And then Andre was like, oh sure, okay, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:53:08 And he started to kind of partake in cannibalism. He said that he don't love it super much. He wasn't like trying to take their flesh and stored in his freezer and feed it to his kids. But he just wasn't, he's like, maybe I'll try it. And he tried to eat genitals. And he tried drinking their blood. And what's even worse is a lot of the times, I mean, imagine this, like your nine-year-old
Starting point is 00:53:31 goes missing. Don't imagine it. That's too dark, right? These nine-year-olds, they'd be found with them being disemboweled. And most of the little boys, they'd be completely castrated. So they'd have no penis, right? They'd cut them off. And then he would stuff those genitals into the kid's mouth. So that when they're found, I mean, imagine the horrendous sight of this, right? So the investigation starts off and they start sending in a bunch of police forces from Moscow and it was called Operation Forest Path. And I think that's where we got the name, Forest Strip Killer, right?
Starting point is 00:54:04 And there was about 10 investigators and they're like, okay, maybe we do how is he killer? And they had a couple theories. So because of the murders, we're so brutal and savage and the disinvalment and it just was becoming very precise, like the way that he would cut the torso, he would do so in a way that there wouldn't be massive blood splatter to him. He's a freaking experience. Yeah. So he can't like walk out of the woods just covered in blood because it's like, whoa, but then also like disemboweling someone that's a lot of openings, that's a lot of blood
Starting point is 00:54:33 that's going to be everywhere. So he was becoming incredibly precise. And so their theory was, okay, first of all, these are organ harvesters. Like they're trying to sell these organs for transplant. That's why these organs are missing. There's no other way. And then the theory number two was, uh-uh, this is a satanic cult. They were like, mm-hmm, it's a saint panic, a satanic panic.
Starting point is 00:54:54 Like people are going around praising the saint and now we're going to just like see a bunch of kids martyred, right? And then theory number three was like, or it's just a really mentally ill individual. We don't really know, right? And so they start doing these investigations. Now I'm talking about the fucking Soviet Union, okay? So these investigations are gonna get fucking insane. Okay, they get-
Starting point is 00:55:13 They're saying it good or insanely bad? Oh bad, bad, bad, bad. Like so bad. Okay, so people start confessing to these crimes. And now I know what you're thinking, oh my god, they're confessing because they want notoriety beets. It's because the police of the Soviet Union are so fucking brutal. They will literally get mentally disabled people,
Starting point is 00:55:35 put them into a police interrogation room for days, and they will interrogate them, and physically assault them, and mentally torture them until they confess. And it's crazy because three people that they interrogated ended up being tortured so much that they committed suicide. They were like, I can't do this. Yeah. And so they questioned everyone.
Starting point is 00:55:57 And you know, I guess the plus side, maybe if these were correctly solved, is that they solved a thousand other crimes in the process of trying to solve this one. I doubt it. Yeah, is that they solved a thousand other crimes in the process of trying to solve this one. I doubt it. Yeah, but that's what they said. I mean. Yeah, the way that they do things, I mean, again, I've talked about this on our YouTube channel,
Starting point is 00:56:15 which is like, how do you become a cop? And then you're like, fucking say it or I'm going to kill you. They're like, OK, I said it. And they're like, oh my god, OK, this is really good. And then someone else gets killed. And then you're like, how is that possible? Like what do you mean? You freaking idiot. Because that's not a real confession.
Starting point is 00:56:31 You literally coerced a confession out of them. Like what do you mean? And that's exactly what the Soviet Union police force they did. They had all of these people who confesses to a bunch of crimes and they're like, see, it's an autosteeric killer. We've got like four different people that confess to have four different crimes. Like, all of them killed like like, see, it's not a serial killer. We've got like four different people that confess to have four different crimes like all of them killed like two people each, that's not a serial killer and then all of a sudden they find more dead bodies. And so they're like, oh, well, um, that's a little bit awkward because they've been in police custody.
Starting point is 00:56:57 Huh, that's weird. And so they're like, okay, I guess we need to release these people. So they release those people and then they get thrown off because now he stopped doing me. I think he stopped taking out the eyes and they're like, what does that mean? Like the police are like, is there some symbolism behind that? Like why doesn't he want the eyeballs now? And it's just because, honestly, like the police are looking so deep into it. Like, what's with the eyeballs? Why won't he take the eyeballs, right?
Starting point is 00:57:20 But in reality, Andre just learned that it was just a tale. He was like, oh my god, that's a superstition I thought that was real and they're like, no, medically, it's not real. Like his friends were talking about it And he was like, that's so funny. And then he stopped doing it Yeah, but then the police are like, what do you think that means? Right? Because I mean, it seems like it means something and then he decides to go on a rampage And he just kills a bunch of people. He kills a woman that he knows and her ten year old daughter. He kills a bunch of teenage boys and all of them are getting more and more torturous.
Starting point is 00:57:52 And a lot of the times he would go home and eat the upper lip of his victims. Like he would cut off the upper lip while they were at life. Oh man. Yeah and he would eat it. I don't know. He just really liked the upper lip and the nipples. And the tongue. He really likes tongue.
Starting point is 00:58:09 Oh. And so then he gets arrested. But I know what you're thinking. Wow, did he already kill 53 people? No, he didn't, but this is his first arrest. So he gets arrested. Two undercover cops are following everyone. They're following the fuck out of everyone.
Starting point is 00:58:23 Everyone in these towns that they found a dead body and they are female undercover agents who are wearing playing clothes That are like can at me and then you also have like a male undercover agents that are just looking like regular passengers on a train But they're scoping out people, right and they see him and he's hanging around a bus stop And he's talking to so many women and they're like why is he talking to so many women? And then they see him on the bus and he's just going up to random women not even during rush hour, not saying that that's good, but you get it, right? Not even during rush hour, like the bus will be empty, a woman will just be standing there and in front of everyone, he'll just go up to the woman and start like rubbing his balls
Starting point is 00:58:58 on her. I mean, they're fully clothed and then the woman will literally scream and run away and then he'll just be unfazed and then go approach another woman and like rub his balls on her Here's no Yeah, they He doesn't care. He doesn't care And so the undercover cops they arrest him because they're like you can't do that And when they search his body they find an 8 inch knife a bunch of pieces of
Starting point is 00:59:25 rope like long rope and a jar a fucking jar dude like a Costco jar of Vaseline and what did they think they were like oh my god he's the killer so they take his blood type but his blood type was a and the semen analysis indicated that the killer's blood type was AB. Shut the fuck up. How did he do that? So turns out that his blood and his saliva are type A but his semen is AB. What? I mean, I don't know if that's abnormal but I mean I can't imagine blood type being the indicator
Starting point is 01:00:03 of things. So what? I can't imagine like blood type being the indicator of things. So what? I don't understand. Yeah, so like when they take his blood type from his blood or from a sample of his saliva, they get blood type A back. But when they take a sample of his semen, they'll get A B back. That's so crazy. Yeah, but they didn't think that that would happen. And so they were like, oh, you're a blood type A. So you're just a regular creep.
Starting point is 01:00:28 Like you're not, you're not the killer. You're just a fucking other creep, right? And so they're like, oh, well, I guess you can only just spend three months in jail. And so he spends three months in jail and he gets released. And they had put him in the suspect list. And that suspect list was massive. But essentially, they never really followed up on him. They never were like, oh, we shouldn't go back and check up on that dude right so he's just on this
Starting point is 01:00:48 massive list somewhere in like a datarome and he becomes very low profile for the next year so he for the next year he doesn't kill anyone and then and then he's like I need to go to Moscow for a work trip and that's when at the airport he sees a beautiful woman by the name of Natalia and that's when he decides to kidnap her, stab her 38 times and just leave her like literally in the busiest area and so everyone's like freaking out right and the police are like okay we need to check all the flight records because it happened at an airport but he took a train. He did not fly. Why was he at the airport? He just happened upon the airport. Yeah, so then he was like oh my god The police didn't catch me and so we get balls here. He gets even crazier
Starting point is 01:01:38 He's like I'm unstoppable literally I laid low because I got arrested for three months But holy shit I just murdered someone in Moscow and like when you think about Moscow It's like think about in the US the most intense police force you can think of and then getting away with the crime from that Police force then you could fucking go anywhere and commit crimes because you're like whatever what can Arkansas police do to me right? I mean, I don't know they could be really good there right and so he gets really Ballsy and he starts murdering more people and that's when the police do something really crazy So this was the first case ever in Soviet Union history right where they had gotten a psychiatrist to do a full
Starting point is 01:02:18 Consult and profiling of a serial killer and this was the moment that they finally just said okay Russia's got a serial killer. And this was the moment that they finally just said, okay, Russia's got a serial killer. So they didn't admit that all these killings are coming from the same person? Yeah, they were like really trying not to, is what a lot of people were saying. I mean, I don't know, I'm really talking to them. You get it, but like a lot of reports are saying this was like a huge thing in Russia
Starting point is 01:02:41 because the people were like, oh, I'm pretty sure that's like one person. But they're like, no, no, don't worry about it. And so this doctor comes on board and his name is Dr. Alexander and he makes a profile, like a 60 page profile. And he was pretty accurate. He said, listen, this serial killer is about 40 to 50 years old. He was probably somehow abused or experienced lots of trauma as a kid. He cannot flirt with women, but for some reason I believe he is married, probably has children of his own, and probably has some sort of erectile dysfunction because we cannot find sexual assault, but we do find
Starting point is 01:03:17 ejaculation on the bodies. So we don't find, you know, tearing or anything like that, but we do find lots of semen. And they also that he probably travels for work because a lot of these murders happen on weekdays and they are all across a couple different towns. So it sounds like a traveling for work types of things. Is it a cheap travel for work? Oh yeah. What does he do? He's a supply clerk for a factory, remember?
Starting point is 01:03:39 So he goes and buys these raw materials. And they said that he uses a knife as his penis. Like psychologically, the knife that he's holding and inserting into these people is his penis. Holy shit. I know. This profiler is so good. Yeah, he's really good.
Starting point is 01:03:59 And imagine like, I just, I don't know, something about that knife and the penis scares me so much. Just the way that it was sentenced together, like he uses a knife as his penis, like psychologically, that's his penis. I don't know. Yeah. And so the news finally starts to break.
Starting point is 01:04:17 And everyone's like, holy shit, we gotta see where I kill it on the list. And he starts meticulously reading the news. And so he's like, you know what, I'm a fuck with the police, so he stops killing for like a year. He takes a fucking break. And then finally, he's like,
Starting point is 01:04:29 you can't do it anymore, like I need to kill. And so he finds a woman by the name of Irina. She's 18 years old, and he kidnaps her, brings her into the woods. And this is when he's like, it has been so long. And so he cuts her while she's alive from the neck down to her genitalia. He completely cuts off one breast,
Starting point is 01:04:52 and he cuts out her eyeballs. And he buries her. And so we can see that there is a massive escalation of these crimes. And then I get to even worse. So as the next couple of victims, he will actually remove, cut off their noses from their face while they're alive. And I'm not talking like Dr. Miami.
Starting point is 01:05:15 Like he will literally cut off the fucking nose. Like not like a scrape on the nose, not even like a tip of the nose, like not a piece of the nose. Like he will cut off the nose. He's trying to make the same as last year as possible. That's just what he gets off on. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:32 And he likes to, now because he is directly associating the ejaculation. I mean, it's kind of like wanting sex to last longer, right? You're like, yeah, like, let's have fun, right? It's a Wednesday night. And so for him, that would mean that the victim would have to stay alive and so it becomes a lot worse for the victims he starts cutting off tongues while the victims are alive and he starts doing some weird shit I mean I don't even know how to even think
Starting point is 01:05:58 about the psychology behind some of this he would cut off the tongues of these young boys and then he would grab the tongue and run around just likeling the tongue in the air, like whipping it around like a pair of underwear like while the boy is dying. So like the boy is looking up laying there, crying, bleeding to death, and seeing this old ass dude, like 50 year old dude waving his tongue in the air. I mean I don't understand the psychology behind that, I really don't. It's like the fucking worst nightmare. Yeah. What? And so he starts killing a lot more. And then finally, there is a woman by the name of Slat Nana.
Starting point is 01:06:31 And she was 22 years old, and she was murdered. And after he murdered her in the woods, I mean, he does the whole spiel, he returns to the train platform. And that's why it's very interesting, because there was an undercover cop at that train platform. And he had seen him approach the washing area and he washed his hands and his face. I mean that's just very unnatural like washing your hands is one thing but like who
Starting point is 01:06:54 washes their face at a train station? It's a little weird and he had these grass stains on his elbow and he had this massive cut on his finger like his finger looked forked up like his finger looked like he put it into a shredder and then he had this small little cut on his finger. Like his finger looked forked up. Like his finger looked like he put it into a shredder. And then he had this small little cut on his face. I mean, it just looked weird. It looked out of, I mean, this is kind of like a side note. It's not really partnered to the story, but this train station was really popular
Starting point is 01:07:15 amongst mushroom foragers, like this area. People only stop here if they live here for one, or if they're going mushroom foraging, like they're looking for mushrooms, right? And he wasn't dressed in a way that most locals would come look for mushrooms. So like let's say you live in a farm and you can't grow mushrooms, you come here to look for mushrooms and then you go back to your farm. But he didn't look like that.
Starting point is 01:07:35 So he's like, that's just weird. Like why would he be here? There's nothing here, there's no shopping mall here, there's literally nothing but mushrooms. And so he starts kind of following him and he's like, listen, I need your ID. Now this was normal. So the protocol back then now was any dude that you see at a train station, but stop, doesn't matter, with a young kid.
Starting point is 01:07:53 You fucking ask for their ID. Yeah. I'm so sorry. The robot, arm, tripod, just smacked. Might be on the face with the mic. It's the most aggressive thing I've seen all day. How does it feel? Don't like it. Don't like the feeling.
Starting point is 01:08:16 And so he follows him and he's like, I need to see some ID. Give me your papers. And so he gives in the papers and he writes down his name and his passport ID and all of that jazz. And there's no reason to arrest him. So he literally can't do anything and he walks away. And the police, they go back and they undercover police officer.
Starting point is 01:08:31 He writes up this whole report. He's like, yeah, I took this dude's number and I took this dude to this and this because he was creepy. And he got grass stains or whatever. Now a couple of days later, they find Svetlana's body and it was the same as all of the other M.O.s of like being completely mutilated, disemboweled, all of these things. And they're semen on her body and so they're like holy shit.
Starting point is 01:08:50 And then the police officer is like holy shit. I remember at that station that day that she went missing from all the reports, that I saw this dude that just was creepy. Okay. And so they start kind of comparing notes and kind of find out he is sure enough on that long suspect list. Remember when he got arrested the first time? He's freaking found him. Yeah of all of those names and so they're like oh dude we're gonna catch him so they decide to put on a surveillance tail like you were talking a bunch of KGB dudes following this guy. I would not want to be in this guy's shoes now okay Andre and so he starts talking a woman on a bus And he doesn't even know that he's being followed by the KBG. And so he's just talking to women. And then every time a woman would stop talking
Starting point is 01:09:32 to him, he would start up another conversation with another woman. And then he would start talking to children. And that's when the police were like, we're not even going to risk it, dude. Let's arrest this fucker. So they arrest him, right? And they're like, you're going to confess. They stick him in a KGB cell. I don't know if that's different from a regular police cell. I think that it is though. And they have 10 days. Otherwise, they have to legally let him go.
Starting point is 01:09:53 They have 10 days. And so they're like, we're gonna do all the KGB shit, okay? So they start fucking with him. And they're like, listen, most of our evidence is circumstantial, so we need to make sure that he confesses otherwise we don't have a case. And then in 10 days He's a free dude and so they start doing all this crazy test and they redo the test and I don't know if they got his semen
Starting point is 01:10:12 I think that they did But um they tested his semen and it was a match to the blood of the semen on all the bodies So it was a bee but again think about how many there's only like how many blood types out there, right? Yeah, exactly. Yeah. But they're like, that's good enough. And so they're like, keep going, keep going, pressure him some more, right?
Starting point is 01:10:32 And he's like, you've got the wrong guy. I've only ever molested students before and I've never killed anyone. And they're like, what? And he's like, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like I'm just a child molester. Like I'm not a killer. Yeah, again, what?
Starting point is 01:10:46 Right? And so then the doctor comes in. And this is where it gets weird. The doctor that did the profile, Dr. Alexander. Oh, yes. He comes in with his 65 fucking page profile. And he smacks that fucking novella down on the table. And he reads page by page the profile.
Starting point is 01:11:04 Why does she think so? He thinks think it's gonna fuck with him psychologically? So he sits there and he reads page by page within two hours. Uh-huh. He's crying and confessing to the murders. Oh shit, this doctor is... Yeah. Fucking... It's insane. No, I mean that's what everyone says to him on Reddit. This doctor is... Yeah. Fucking...
Starting point is 01:11:26 It's insane. Howl-a-tid. No, I mean, that's what everyone says to you on Reddit. They're like, that doctor seems scary good. Yeah. You know. He's probably the most competent person I've heard in a long time. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:38 Wow. Yeah, so he comes in just reading his novella that he had wrote him. But why is that? Why is the fact that you're reading it makes him so emotional? I think it just makes him realize that he, because there's a lot in that 65 page report that talks about how his childhood shaped him. So I think it was a feeling of he felt understood. Like, oh no, I'm not this evil, like I was created.
Starting point is 01:12:03 You know, a product of my environment, because later on in the trial, you find that he really only behaves around this doctor. And it's gotta be some sort of connection that was built from this. He connected? Yeah. He only, that's why even his attorney was like,
Starting point is 01:12:18 hey, I know the doctor works for the other side, but like, is there any way that we can borrow him because our client is being too rowdy during the trial. Like, he was trying to go at the judge and stuff it was crazy and they were like no. Yeah and so he starts confessing and so he gives all of the locations, all of the names and all of this massively confidential information. So a lot of this information was not released to the press like certain details and he gave it all up he could point on maps where all of
Starting point is 01:12:43 the murderers were and he starts talking about how he did it. Is that doctor not freaking traumatized then? I think so. Imagine like being like, hey so this serial killer only connects to you and wants to see you. I feel like both. Yeah and then he just spills all the darkest darkest darkest darkest. Oh god.
Starting point is 01:13:03 Stories. He's like okay so let me tell you how I did it, sir, because you just kind of know me. I feel like we connect with best buds now. So let me tell you, what I do is I like to kidnap people. And here's the crazy thing. I never really even look for a victim. They're just everywhere.
Starting point is 01:13:17 They're just walking around. I'm like, oh my God, you're a victim. Let's go, right? And so he persuades people, or he kidnaps people, or drags people into the woods and He says he always starts near the chest and he always does really small steps shallow And he's doing this while he's humping the victim, you know And then he'll go a little bit deeper and then I'll hump a little bit harder, right?
Starting point is 01:13:39 And then he'll stab deeper and you know they will experience a lot of stabs each body. Like I said, has anywhere from 20 to like 70 stabs, you know. And then he'll cut them open and start disemboweling them. And he didn't strangle them. He didn't give them a final stab in the heart. Like they're bleeding everywhere. They're usually conscious when he disembowls them. And then as he is taking out these organs, he will usually, that's when he humps them till climax. Yeah, I don't know what that organ thing is. I just don't understand the psychology behind this. And maybe it's because I really don't understand the psychology of being born in a war-torn area
Starting point is 01:14:20 and starvation and how that affects someone because I feel like a lot of what I researched, first of all, I'm fucking fucking privileged and you know, right? But then secondly, it's a lot of the research that I've done so far comes from either low-income areas in the US You know that I can kind of get a better grasp on but for some reason even I was thinking like Maybe it was because he was like so hungry most of his life that he wants to take out the intestines of other people Like I just don't understand why he climaxes when he disembowels people. Like my brain was really just trying to connect anything because I just don't understand.
Starting point is 01:14:52 It's not something that you can easily Google. And trust me, I have tried. Like if NSA is reading my Google searches, there are so much about disembowelment right now. I just don't understand. Okay. What if? Yeah. Alright, this is really nasty't understand. Okay. What if? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:06 Alright, this is really nasty. Okay. Okay. What if you're saying that he's using the knife as his, you know, penis, then he's treating the stomach as... Of a China? This involvement will symbolize food? No, the other party climaxing, for example, or whatever. Oh no. I don't know, right? Because what does that visual do for him? There's something in that visual. Right, because you're saying
Starting point is 01:15:42 was he's stabbing a little, he's humping a little, stabbing a lot, humping a lot. So he's like doing all these interactive back and forth. Yeah. Oh God. Really gross. Okay, and then it gets grosser.
Starting point is 01:15:59 He says he likes to eat the lips and tongue and nipples a lot. So he'll cut them off and sometimes he doesn't like eating them but he'll always chew on them for a little while. I don't know why. Yeah, I'm holding onto my desk right now because now it's gone to the really gory part and I don't know what to do. And then he would lay there as they're dying
Starting point is 01:16:24 and he says he loves listening to them die, because it's like that relaxing moment. So you just lay there. So we confesses to a total of 53 murders. Now it's suspected that there's a lot more, but this is what they get them on the conviction of. Like it's like American Zero Killers 2. you know, they're always convicted of a certain number, but it's speculated that it's upwards of a different number that's like in a totally
Starting point is 01:16:52 different ballpark and you're like, what the fork, right? So they end up having a 60 day psychiatric evaluation on it because they need two fucking months. They're like, we don't even know where to start. Like we, we probably need like two full days just to get your name and your number and your address and your contact information because we don't understand anything. And they find out that he actually has a lot of brain damage. And again, like I said, I don't know if it comes from the starvation. That is what I research that it does cause, you know, brain damage. If it happens for too long, your brain doesn't develop the way
Starting point is 01:17:24 that it's supposed to so he has that And he's also diagnosed with borderline personality disorder But the psychiatrist are very very scared because regardless of all of this he is still mentally fit He's not insane. He's not fucking psychotic. So they're scared because He's very scary more scary. Yeah, because it's a little bit less scary when they're so out of it and they think they're on Mars and they're fighting aliens, right? Then it's like, okay, this is really scary that the human brain is capable of that, but at least I can sleep at night knowing that there's not someone out there that genuinely
Starting point is 01:17:57 knows what they're doing and loves killing people in this way, right? But they're like, oh no, he genuinely knows what he's doing. Now, you're probably thinking, what about those wiping kids? Where are they, right? But they're like, oh no, he genuinely knows what he's doing. Now you're probably thinking, what about those wiping kids? Where are they, right? And so his wiping kids, I mean, this is a whole other story. Imagine the heartbreak. So for the longest time, his wife, you know, when he first got arrested and he spent three months in jail, right? His wife believed that he was arrested for protesting. So there was like a bunch of buildings that were being built in the local area and they didn't want the buildings there. Like the locals were like, we don't want these buildings here.
Starting point is 01:18:31 Like why are you guys putting these buildings here? And so we started protesting on the streets and then um apparently that's why she thought that he went to prison for three months. Not because he fucking was like molesting people. She was like oh my god and what's crazy is she's like I mean this doesn't make any sense like you're telling me that one of the most brutal sexual serial killers that ever existed in Russia is my fucking husband that I've never once had sex with like we've never once had sex like there's never any sexual tension between us he doesn't try to have sex he doesn't try to talk about sex he's there he doesn't even like sexy. He hates it. He can't get hard. Like, what do you mean, right?
Starting point is 01:19:06 And she's in denial. And so she's like, no, you've got the wrong person. There must have been a mess up. Like, no, this is the Soviet Union. Just blaming a bunch of people that are innocent, right? Yeah. And she says something that I find very interesting. She says, you know, he can never hurt anyone.
Starting point is 01:19:23 He couldn't even hurt a fly. And I find that interesting when people say that because I don't know one person who hasn't killed a fly before. Like, it's just a weird, I know it's an exaggerated saying, but like when you're, I don't know, it just robs me a little weird. I just don't find it a good way to describe someone. But also I see it as how crazy that he switched on and off his whole persona and his crazy mind. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:51 He must be really like, you know, a total different person. Yeah. person in front of everyone else. That's what his kids thought of him. Like very passive. Like just calm. Like kind of almost too soft, like not really a strict stern dad, you know, like not the type that's going to be the one yelling at you.
Starting point is 01:20:11 And then, yeah. And then what the kids thinks. They didn't really say too much other than that he was always very passive with them, never violent, never really abusive or anything. So they ended up all changing their names and moved away and never like stuck around for the trial, which like, yes, thank you. Because sometimes you do hear about families that have been so brainwashed by these manipulative killers
Starting point is 01:20:33 that they stay for the trials and stuff, no. And so there was gonna be a massive trial in Russia. 53 counts of murder and it was insane. The fact that he, I mean, I saw pictures of this, it's fucking nuts. He was dressed like for sure a Russian mobster Second of all they had to stick them he had to be in court in a cage Because they didn't want the family of the victims to try to kill him before the trial was over
Starting point is 01:20:58 So he was in this iron bar cage and they had this massive bench in there And he would just sit there, but he would sit there like a rushing gangster like he wouldn't sit upright like oh my god like I'm attentive like he leaned back he would unbutton his shirt so his little chest tears popped out it was so weird the pictures are out of this world right so he's sitting in there the relatives anytime their relative came up like they're like let's say we're talking about okay slut Lana she was murdered in this way like a bunch of their relatives would start fainting or just busting out crying. Like imagine the trauma and then you're talking
Starting point is 01:21:30 53 families, like imagine that, right? And then he has the balls. He has, Andre has the balls to go up and he starts talking about his childhood and he's like, listen, it's because my mom was so mean and she talked about cannibalism. My brother was eaten by a cannibal, you know, my life is sad. And then the judge would yell at him and he would say,
Starting point is 01:21:50 shut your fucking mouth. You're not insane. So the judge would get really, really mad. I mean, there were so many issues with this judge too, like even Russia was like, okay, this judge obviously was not capable of being the judge for this trial because the entire time, any time Andre would try to say something, he'd be like, shut the fuck up! I'm not kidding. Wait, wait, the judge is telling him to shut up?
Starting point is 01:22:13 Yeah, so he'd be like, why'd you do it? And then Andre would be like, I did it because, and then the judge would be like, shut up! And then everyone's like, wait, is this even allowed? Like, what? But they just let it happen and he was the fucking judge for the whole thing like he didn't get this barred He didn't get thrown off the case. Yeah, like he was really mean like he didn't. Okay, so he seems like he doesn't want want to hear his bullshit. Yeah, but he also knew that he didn't even try to give him a fair trial in any way shape or form. It wasn't even like, shut up. Like, I don't want to hear you yelling. It was just more like, no, I know you're guilty. This is just for show.
Starting point is 01:22:51 Like type of vibe. I mean, yeah, I don't disagree with the judge, but I mean, it just whole thing is all fucking messed up. Yeah. And then, and then, you know, at first, he was very cooperative. So the judge would be like, what do you have to say for yourself, Andre? And then he'd be like, why have to say? cooperative So the judge would be like what do you have to say for yourself Andre? And then he'd be like why I have to say and then the judge would be like shut the fuck up and then he'd get really upset Sorry
Starting point is 01:23:12 Yeah, like the judge was really just trolling him and so then he started getting upset by this So then he started just like stripping down naked in his iron cage in front of the court and like helicoptering his limp penis around and in his iron cage in front of the court and like helicoptering his limp penis around. And so yeah, so he had to be taken out of the court inside of his iron cage. I mean, it was a total shit show. Oh my god, that's, he's like, oh my god. Yeah, yeah. And then- That's a trauma of that to the family. To the families.
Starting point is 01:23:38 And then, and then it gets worse. He's just started singing Communist Party songs when anytime they talk about like the murders. Like he just started singing communist propaganda songs and then everyone's like what the fork is happening. And then they were like okay when you get the psychiatrist to testify because he seems insane. Like everyone all the presses like wait is he crazy then like because nobody just strips down naked in the middle of the court during something like this.
Starting point is 01:24:03 Like that's not in your best interest. And you only do things that are in your best interest when the stakes are so high, probably because there's something wrong with you, right? So then the psychiatrist, they testify, and they say, hi. We've never seen him like this, which makes us believe that this is all a calculated show.
Starting point is 01:24:22 He is very different from when we had seen him for two months straight. He is very different from when we had seen him for two months straight. He is very different from all the times that we had visited him in jail, in prison, a waiting trial. So this to us as professionals seems highly calculated. Good. So they didn't fall for it. Yeah. So they didn't fall for it. And then another crazy thing happens. I mean this trial was a shit show So one of the relatives of one of the victims they got a giant piece of metal and as he was being transported out of the iron cage Through this giant chunk of metal straight out on dry and you got hit in the chest, right and it flies back
Starting point is 01:24:59 And the police are freaking out. They're trying to get on dry away And they're also trying to arrest the relative of one of the victims because you can't do that. Like you can't be in the court of law in throwing pieces of metal at people who haven't been convicted yet or just anyone, right? Even if they do get convicted. And then all this makes me want to cry. All the relatives of all the other victims shielded him so the police could not get him. So they like formed this massive circle and they locked arms and they would not let the police through without they were like, you got to fucking hurt us to get Tim. So they like formed this massive circle and they locked arms and they
Starting point is 01:25:25 would not let the police through without they were like you got to fucking hurt us to get through. I know. Yeah. So all of that takes place in the trial. And finally the jury comes back and he was convicted. Well I don't even think they had a jury honestly. He was done for it, right? So he gets convicted of 52 of 53 of the murders. So 52 counts of murder, and for each offense, he received a death penalty. So they were like, you won't die 52 times today. Like, you're gonna come back to life,
Starting point is 01:25:58 we're gonna fucking kill you again, and then we're gonna do that 52 times, right? And that's when, during the entire time, he was just flinging his dick around and acting acting like nothing's wrong he gets so angry when he realizes that he's gonna die that he's the rose the bench as he's walking out of the iron cage across the courtroom screaming all this like foul language and then he goes back into his cell and his lawyer tries to appeal it and the Supreme Court of Russia was like I don't think so so it gets rejected so then he So then he was like, you know what, this is really unfair. So what I'm going to do is I'm
Starting point is 01:26:27 going to ask the president. And it was then President Boris, his name, President Boris. He said, President, dear President of Russia, love you so much. By the way, love the work that you're doing. Can you give me a presidential pardon? And he's like, no. So he gets rejected from a presidential pardon. And Valentine's Day of 1994, February 14th of 1994, they did not get a firing squad, but they had one person go up and shoot him right behind his right ear. And he died. Yeah. What is his last dream? And he died. Yeah. What a disaster.
Starting point is 01:27:06 And almost not too long after his death, then comes another serial killer. The chess board? Yes. And when he's caught in 2006 with 48 counts of murder, he will say that he was inspired to beat Andrei. To beat or be? To beat his number count of victims. And he's creepy. He said, anytime I killed someone, I felt like I was their dad. Like they're, I was their father, their lord, because I opened the door for them to enter the other side and now they're dead.
Starting point is 01:27:44 Yeah, it's just so frustrating. And then the fact that they like arrested him once. And then he was just like slap on the wrist and then just like a family man. And then the fact that he was a fucking teacher while he was molesting kids and like they were reporting it and they were like, it's fine. And then it was like, okay, like now we have too many reports of you molesting them. So you gotta go. Like, I don't understand any of this.
Starting point is 01:28:05 Yeah. That profile is really amazing. Yeah, and the fact that he sat there and just read him the pages till he confessed in two hours. Yeah. And mind you, that was on the 10th day. So the police, the police and the KGB had gone at him for 10 days and they couldn't do it.
Starting point is 01:28:24 They could not do it. And so that's why they brought him in, Dr. Alexander. And that was the 10th day. Like he was gonna be released the next morning. Oh, shit. And he was like, let me just try this shit. And it worked. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:28:37 Let me know in the comments. Well, there's no comments here. Wait, are there comments here? I don't fucking know. Reviews. There's reviews. If you guys want to support this podcast, the best way to do it because we are little nooby boobs hanging out in this podcast world honestly. I don't even fucking know how this shit works. Okay. I just heard that reviews help.
Starting point is 01:28:57 If you guys can give me an honest review in the review section, the best way to support us is to leave a review. It takes two seconds of your time and five minutes of me jumping up and down for joy. So I hope you guys enjoyed today's episode of the most insane Russian serial killer that I think I researched so far and if you guys are interested in more cases like this, make sure to let me know. And I'll see you guys in a couple days, because we have another baking mystery coming up. Bye! Bye!

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