Rotten Mango - #13- The Vampire Serial Killer (Case of Tsutomu Miyazaki)

Episode Date: September 2, 2020

He was a product of incest, born with "Dracula hands"... He would then grow up to murder 4-year-old girls Drink their blood And take their hands home to roast and to consume.. To learn more about li...stener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Rambles. Whether you're doing a dance to your favorite artist in the office parking lot, or being guided into Warrior I in the break room before your shift, whether you're running on your Peloton tread at your mom's house while she watches the baby, or counting your breaths on the subway. Peloton is for all of us, wherever we are, whenever we need it. Download the free Peloton is for all of us. Wherever we are, whenever we need it. Download the free Peloton app today. Peloton app available through free tier or pay to description starting at 12.99 per month. Is it recording? Yes.
Starting point is 00:00:33 Can they hear the just beautiful sexuality of this new mic? In their ear holes now, you think? This new mic is just one of the most sensual things that I have ever listened to. I mean, I don't know if you can hear it, but it feels really intimate. Does it feel really intimate to you? Not really. Okay. Welcome to today's Rotten Mangle episode. I'm your host, Stephanie Sue. Um, I...
Starting point is 00:00:59 I'm your side host. Your side, your side hoe. I'm your main host, Stephanie Sue. And then this is your side hoe, Mr. Manko Butt. That's what we're just gonna call each other from now on. We're not your host, we're your host. Do you believe in vampires? Vampires?
Starting point is 00:01:17 Yes. No. You don't believe in vampires? What is wrong with you? Like what aspect do you not believe in? Like do you not believe that someone out there is looks like Edward Cullen, looks like Damon Salvatore, and is just walking around floating around with their shimmery-ass skin and then just sucks on your blood, and then falls in love with a mere mortal like me.
Starting point is 00:01:37 What part do you not believe? Which part? I'm just that they find love with you. Today's story is going to be about the vampire of Japan, the Dracula of Japan. Yeah, and I know when you hear that you're probably thinking, oh my god, this is going to be one of those stories from like the 1800s where there was this dude who allegedly like drank blood, with in reality, it was like the first batch of kombucha that was ever created. Like you get it, it's not going to be one of those stories that actually happened recently, and it's really creepy. It's a serial killer in Japan, and his kind of nickname that they dubbed him was the Dracula killer.
Starting point is 00:02:12 He starts murdering these young girls around the age of four, and he starts drinking their blood, and he cuts off their hands and eats their hands. His name is Sutomo, which honestly is not as scary as Dracula, but his name is Sutomo. I say it different every time, don't I? His name is spelled T-S-U-T-O-M-U of Sutomo, and his last name is Miyazaki. I mean, is there an easier way to say his name throughout the entirety of this because of a feeling it's just going to be a different name every time? What about... So I do have a nickname for Sutomu Miyazaki. It's gonna be
Starting point is 00:02:49 Mifa Sutsu Stop it. Okay, okay. Sorry. So Sutomu We're just gonna call him Tomu. Is that okay? I know I'm gonna butcher it and then we're just gonna have to repeat this conversation again in five minutes So I'm just gonna call him Tomu. So Tomu Miyazaki was born in Tokyo, Japan And this is very interesting and when I say interesting I mean in like a really disgusting sad way So his dad's name is cut sumi Miyazaki and he was married to a woman and they had a bunch of daughters together and then they had
Starting point is 00:03:23 Tsutomu Miyazaki. Now it's very interesting about this though is that his wife never got pregnant. Are you catching my drift? You're probably thinking oh my god, he was born out of wedlock. Like this is not what that means. No, he's he was born from an affair, right? He's he's a half sibling. This is not his wife's kid and you're right. It's neighbor's kid. It's not his wife's kid. Johnny's it's It's his daughter's kid Yeah, that's a good so instead of reproducing yeah instead of reproducing with his wife He decided to go into one of his eldest daughters bedrooms and rape her and then she became pregnant with Tomu Miyazaki so I guess I mean I'm trying to make this family tree as organized as possible
Starting point is 00:04:07 He had a sister who was also his biological mom and then he had his biological dad And then he had someone that the world saw as his biological mom So like the mom of the family that is the mom of all the other sisters and everyone but him She was seen as his mom by everybody else, but everyone inside the family knew the little dark secret. Oh, so everybody knew? Yeah, inside the family. It seems like they were all aware from what I can gather. I mean, I don't know if his younger siblings knew because he would end up having more kids with
Starting point is 00:04:37 his wife and producing, well, I'd hope so. I mean, I can't confirm, but I'm pretty sure it was his wife, right? They would have a little younger sister and maybe multiple younger sisters, I think. Yes. What does the mother of the family feels about this? See, that's a crazy thing because this happened in Japan. I mean, I, I browsed so many articles, tried to translate. I even came across this one article where you couldn't translate the page, so then I was like copying and pasting it until I googled translate.
Starting point is 00:05:04 I went through so many articles but I do think Japan is a little bit more private on stuff like this so I couldn't even figure out which sibling he belonged to as a biological kid. Like I know it was one of his elder sisters but I didn't know which one exactly. How many does he have? He has a couple older sisters yeah. They're all like of age. That's possibly... We don't even know their ages from what I could find. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:05:30 So they didn't say anything about it. Yeah, so maybe if you guys live in Japan, there's a lot more information out there. But I just know it's one of his eldest siblings, one of his older sisters. So he's a product of incest. Now, when he's a product of incest, I mean, we've talked about this briefly before in a whole podcast about incest and all the things that happen
Starting point is 00:05:48 when you partake it incestuous activities. And one of them was that he was born super premature. So he was born early and part of this was because he had a lot of medical conditions, like a ton of medical conditions. And the one that was just going to really take a place in his life. Like the one that we are going to talk about non-stop today is that, okay, if you're driving, please be careful. But look at your wrist. So when you look at your wrist, if you hold your hand, fist up into the air, right? Now, keep your wrist up like that, but point your fist down. Then to the right, then to the left. I mean, you've got good dexterity, no? Like, you've got full movement, probably, right? I mean, maybe, I guess that's...
Starting point is 00:06:29 Like, your wrist can move, like the wrist. Yes, if you do have, like, yes, you can flick your wrist if you have not broken it, I mean, you get it. I don't want to put a disclaimer, you get it, okay? If you can flick your wrist, could you know what I'm talking about? So he was missing something called the radio carpal joint, which is like this joint that connects your wrist joint from your
Starting point is 00:06:48 hand. So when this part is completely missing, I mean it just kind of looks like a seamless, like you can't really, there's no joint to move it up and down. Like you can't move your hand without moving your wrist anymore. Like a Lego arm. Yeah it's kind of like a Lego arm, like you can kind of move your fingers, but you can't really move your wrist. And I don't know, I mean, I saw a picture of it. And the only reason I'm bringing this up is because a lot of people really make fun of him.
Starting point is 00:07:14 And I feel like something like this, it doesn't sound that horrendous. You know, there's people that are born without limbs, right? Or something happens, they don't have limbs. So we might be like, okay, that's really not a big deal. But when I saw pictures on Reddit, it, I see, I don't know if it's the fact that he didn't have the joint that made it look the way that it does,
Starting point is 00:07:35 but his hand looks really long. And his fingers are really skinny and they look really, really long. And he was a very, very, very skinny man. He's gonna grow up to be skinny and just very physically weak. I mean, let me look up a picture for you. So this is what it looks like.
Starting point is 00:07:52 Oh my God. Yeah. That is scary. Oh my gosh. So they called him Dracula hands, which I don't know if it's gonna foreshadow the future because he ends up becoming the Dracula of Japan Phyrosyro killer, right?
Starting point is 00:08:07 But yeah, it just kind of fused his wrist into his hands, but then you couldn't really twist it But if you look at just his face, he looks like such a normal dude. Yeah, he doesn't look like he has, you know, any like lasting effects from being born premature other than his hands So he didn't really impact his whole body. I would say if you compare this to the cannibalism, the cannibal case that we did from Japan, he's also a freemant. He looks, he was suffering from a lot of things from being premature, but it seems like he wasn't. It doesn't seem like Tomu was suffering that much other than his wrist, right? And so his wrist issue, it does take big place in his life though, because he has difficulty grabbing onto things. It's hard to hand things to people. He has a hard time picking up things.
Starting point is 00:08:56 And he got really bullied for it. I would have a lot more sympathy first of all if he didn't end up becoming such a horrendous person, but imagine like you're so young and you just like want to hang out with these kids and you're trying to pick up this ball and you look around and everyone's picking up this ball and you're like, why can't I fucking do it? And so you get it all your strength and you keep trying to pick up this ball. Meanwhile, all these kids that you wanted to play with are not laughing at you because you can't pick up the ball, right? So they just kind of mocked him for his quote funny hands and they called him Dracula hands. Now you would think that maybe when he goes home maybe his family
Starting point is 00:09:30 life is okay maybe maybe has a good relationship with his siblings you know especially because one of them could be his mom you get it but it wasn't his family life was horrendous so his sisters hated him. I mean they really hated him because of the deformity. They didn't really even hate him because he was a product of incest. They were just like, you look weird. Like, we don't like you in your weird hands. And so they didn't hang out with him. They thought he was kind of a quote freak. And then his mom, which is not really his mom, if you're following. So Mrs. Miyazaki, who the whole world thought and believed to be his mom,
Starting point is 00:10:03 right? The community believed to be his mom. I can only imagine how complicated that relationship is. From all we can tell is that she was really distant. Maybe she decided not to deal with these emotions and she was like, ah, fuck that. I'm just going to act like this kid does not exist. And that's exactly what she did. And then the dad did the same thing. Not because he was so ashamed.
Starting point is 00:10:22 Not because he was like, oh my god, I raped my daughter. And this is the product of my rape. Nothing like that. He was just like, I don't like you and your weird wrists. Like he did us. Didn't want to have a relationship with his son because of his wrist, not because he rapes his kids. I mean, it's crazy. And it just really took a toll on him. He was isolated completely from his family, all of his friends, all of these school kids. And it got to a point where he just, he kind of gave up trying. He just was like, I'm just going to focus on my shit. So he starts doing really well in school.
Starting point is 00:10:53 I mean, he got dreams, he got goals. And so elementary school, middle school, he was just academically speaking, fucking killing it. Really bad words to use around a serial killer. He was excelling academically. He was doing so well. He actually ends up going to like this high school that you have to get an entrance into and it was a really really good high school and normal parents would be very very proud of him but his parents really didn't give a fuck and so he ends up taking this bus to this high school
Starting point is 00:11:20 and he's going every single day super far. It's a super difficult school. And all of the bullying got worse at this school. So he just kind of gives up. And he fails. Like he just does not do well in school to the point where it was customary for every single person in this high school to get admitted into at least one of the colleges that they applied for. If not, they're best college that they ever applied for.
Starting point is 00:11:44 But he got into that. Wow. Yeah, so that's where that's his down down floor right there. Yeah, but then there's more downfalls. You think that he's hit rock bottom, but let me tell you that bottom's got a bottom and it's got a bottom. And so he starts working as a photo technician for his dad.
Starting point is 00:12:00 So his dad runs a reputable newspaper business and in this Tokyo area, he's actually really He has a really good political influence and when I say good I'm not saying like he's an amazing politician I'm just saying he has a considerable amount of political influence in the area because they cover lots of the politics And so people are like trying to brown nose him and they were a really well-respected family in this area Again very very interesting little did the public know that they were hiding these well-respected family in this area. Again, very, very interesting.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Little did the public know that they were hiding these nasty little secrets, right? He starts working as this photo technician and he hates it. He's like, listen, this is the worst shit I've ever done in my life. I am so bored. This is not even the type of shit that I want to do. I don't want to go chasing around politicians with this little camera lens. I love anime. I need to put I don't want to go chasing around politicians with this little camera lens. I love anime I need to put it a quick disclaimer the way that Japan at the time not anymore
Starting point is 00:12:51 But at the time they talked about this case with the type of enthusiasm that some people talk about video games in the US Which is see what is on me see is cuz he likes anime and that's why he's got all these weird ideas in his head. It's because they play too many shooting video games, you know? You get it. So they were really connecting anime and Hentai and all of these things to his future crimes. When they raided his room, when the police went into his room, they found 6,000 DVDs of different variations of anime, of Hentai, and of porn. Now, when I say anime, I would say that he liked
Starting point is 00:13:32 a different variation of anime, he didn't really like like mainstream anime, like he really liked that shit that was about pedophiles. Like he was like, if it has any sort of pedophilia undertones, like I'm gonna fucking buy it, I'm gonna buy three copies of it and I'm gonna watch it all day Like anything that had underage girls that were like, oh, like don't hurt me And then this old dude like being like I can't rape to like I'm gonna rape you, you know So you said he's he wants to be a pedophile. Yeah, like they just started happening
Starting point is 00:14:02 So at first I think it was just him consuming this anime, right? And he was like, wow, this is like really interesting and most of it had to do with the bondage and mutilation of underage girls. So for example, the one that he was very inspired by was called Guinea Pig number two. And it was an anime series and the second installment is called Flower of Flesh and Blood. And it's a bottom-man who kid who can absolute little girl and he kills her, dismembers her, and he chops chops chops off her head and her wrists. Is that not weird? That's weird. Come on. So he's a murder?
Starting point is 00:14:37 Yeah, so I mean, but I just thought it was so strange, like of all the things that you could decapitate and dismember, but specifically the head and the wrists. I mean you said wrists, they're chopping off her hands. Yeah, I mean I just, I don't know, maybe I'm looking to into it because he's gonna do this to his future victims. And this entire movie itself, regardless of... Maybe I mean he has such a... his hands are the most messed up part. Yeah. So that to him probably is one of the most sensitive area.
Starting point is 00:15:07 Oh, yeah. It gets really intense. And this movie, even before the whole tone move situation happened, when this movie first came out, there was this huge alleged controversy where I don't know if you guys have heard of him. Charlie Sheen, the American actor with just more controversies than I can count. Charlie Sheen, not a great person, but allegedly when he was at the height of his fame, not when he was exposed for being scum, but when he was at the height of his fame, someone
Starting point is 00:15:34 had given him a copy of this Japanese anime and was like, you should watch it, but it was a remake of it. So this was an animation that was now done with a bunch of real people. They were inspired by the manga and they were like, let's make this movie happen, right? The one you're seeing there, chop chop chop? Yes. And they were like, no, it's like all CGI, but allegedly Charlie Sheen saw it and believed it was a snuff film and he reported it to the FBI to investigate, which they concluded
Starting point is 00:15:58 it was not a snuff film. And the reason that I say allegedly to this is because apparently this story has been passed around and retold so many times by so many different perspectives because of how crazy it is. Like can you imagine a Hollywood actor that was like an a-list back then believed that a film that his you know film buddy gave him was a snuff film so then the FBI gets involved and it's like this international film. Oh spooky right. So? So we don't really know if he called it the FBI, but it does seem like Charlie Sheen was very put off by the film.
Starting point is 00:16:31 So that's why I say allegedly. And this was one of his favorites. He was like, that shit is so good, right? And then he was like, you know what? But it's not as good as porn. So he starts collecting a bunch of porn. I'm talking DVDs, Bates. Like you got to be so dedicated to that porn game to have DVDs, right? So he's got that VHS. He's got that DVD of porn.
Starting point is 00:16:52 Sorry. And he's got tons of it, but here's the very, very, too, very strange things about Japanese law. The first law was, I don't know if they're still doing this, but at the time there were laws in Japan against blurring pubic hair. So like if I was a sex worker and I was, um, I was a porn star, right? I had to censor out any pubic hair I had, but I didn't have to censor out my actual vagina. Was. I don't know if it's still like that, but at the time when this took place, those were the laws. So he was like, this is really weird, right? Like I don't really like this. Like I want to see everything and this blur is
Starting point is 00:17:28 like really affecting me because the blur of the pubic air is like going into the genital area and then I can't see the vagina the way that I wanted to get. I'm really really aggressive. Okay, sorry. And if you think that's aggressive it's about to get worse, right? So he was like okay well it's also a very cultural thing. I know some people who have only seen like American porn, right? Or like Different areas they're gonna be like, what do you mean? What's pubic care? We don't have any In Japan and a lot of places in Asia. It's actually very weird to not have pubic care Like it's very sexy to have pubic care So then it would kind of be weird for these porn stars to shave off this pubic hair because
Starting point is 00:18:06 it had to be blurred out. They'd rather have the pubic hair and then blur it out if that makes any sense. So you couldn't really get a plethora of porn where they didn't blur it out because they all had pubic hair. Well, thanks for this history knowledge list. It's a history lesson. If you're listening to this with anyone else around you just let them know this is Education
Starting point is 00:18:27 Podcast. Yes, this is not crunchy. This is purely educational and it's really about to get more educational because this made my blood boil So he decides wait a second what group of people don't have pubic care? Well, we can't watch Western porn. What what else? Yes child porn so he starts collecting a lot of child porn. I mean these are all illegal stuff that he's doing actually know So jet Japan did not make child porn illegal until 1999 So this was before 1999. Yes, when it was collecting all this child porn so it was legal Holy shit. Yeah, so I think the way that they're law I mean I try to look at was it like a loophole or So again, I try to look into it and I just did not want to be like okay, there are some things
Starting point is 00:19:18 I will Google anything. I will Google how to dissolve a body in 60 seconds in a bathtub You know, I will Google this shit, but I will not Google a lot that has to do a child part I don't even like typing that word. I don't even like to learn about it So I tried to go down like a Wikipedia little wormhole So I would just click it on other links instead of typing it in myself. I don't know why I'm so paranoid about this I'm just like I don't even it's just grosses me out. I just don't. Yeah. Anyways, so apparently in Japan, obviously, if you assault a kid or if you touch a kid or anything like that, it's very illegal. And if you film it, it's illegal. But having it in your possession
Starting point is 00:19:56 and watching it is not illegal. And purchasing it at the time was not illegal. As long as you weren't producing it, and as long as you were not in it. God it got it. So it seems like they haven't you know, perfected the law around all of these. And then they made it illegal to have it in your possession and then that was in like 1999. Okay. I mean just 6,000 DVDs of it so much porn. And I don't know if this is pertinent to the story, but one of his high school friends, they were interviewed later and they said, listen, I just want everyone to know about his penis.
Starting point is 00:20:30 I want to tell the world about this hero killer's penis. And this high school buddy of his that had seen him naked because they do like locker room changes and stuff. And he said that his penis in high school was thinner than a pencil and shorter than a toothpick. I don't know if that's pertinent to the story, but it does have to do with the fact that he never ever hung out with anyone at his age. So he never even attempted to really talk to girls at his age. He just always felt like he wasn't good enough for them, like he wasn't of that level. So he was very obsessed with little girls because these girls, they don't know what sex is, they don't know what a penis is, they don't know anything. They're just literally trying to learn their ABCs and he's like, this is great. So he started going to these tennis
Starting point is 00:21:20 courts and he loved the tennis courts because he would take his camera there and he would find these groups of like teenagers or underage kids trying to learn tennis and he loved the tennis courts because he would take his camera there and he would find these groups of like teenagers or underage kids trying to learn tennis and he would sneak upon them and like hide in the bushes and try to take pictures of the woman up their skirts. Their tennis skirts. And that was his favorite thing. And of course, like every other serial killer, where are the fucking cats? Where are the cats, dude?
Starting point is 00:21:44 Well let me tell you, there's three, the no, there's two cats involved in this story. There was a lot of animal abuse, okay? So his first cat that he ever murdered, he decided to see what it felt like to throw a cat into the river and watch it drown. And he just kind of thought it was like a funny thing. He didn't really think anything of it, like the cat was annoying and he was like, obviously I must drown it in the river. And then cat number two and he was like obviously I must drown it in the river. And then cat number two he was like you know what drowning it was really fun with cat number one but I think we can do better so he boiled this massive pot of water and through the
Starting point is 00:22:13 cat in the water while the cat was alive. Oh man. Yeah and then he found a dog and he was like hey come here little doggy you're so cute and then he strangled the dog with a wire. So there was a lot of animal abuse, which again, these are red flags. Like if I was a parent and my kid ever abused an animal, I mean, we are seeing psychologists day after day after day,
Starting point is 00:22:39 but his parents, they kind of knew about it and they didn't really do anything. They were like, whatever, he's already forked up. We don't even care about it, right? So they did not bring him to get professional help because who knows where the story would have led if he got some help, but he didn't. So his problem's persist, he's completely isolated,
Starting point is 00:22:55 he's grown up now, he's depressed, he's suicidal, and he's around 25 when this takes place, but there was one person in his life that he didn't really see too much of, but with somebody that really loved him. That was his grandpa. I mean, his grandpa was the only person that kind of supported him. Wanted to teach him how to be more dexterious, I guess, with his wrist and was trying to help him develop as a person.
Starting point is 00:23:21 And he always felt like he let his grandpa down but when he's 25 his grandpa ends up passing away and it gets really weird it's I mean it's so devastating yes very devastating I don't even know what that would feel like to like the one person you feel like cares about you like the only person and they die yeah he he felt like in order to feel connected to his grandpa and stay connected that he would have to eat his grandpa's ashes He consumed a lot of his grandpa's ashes I Mean everything just kind of went downhill from there. I don't know some people
Starting point is 00:23:59 There's a group of people on Reddit that say listen the fact that he consumed his grandfather's ashes almost could have done something to his brain because a lot of this that starts happening is almost immediately afterwards. All of the murders start taking place almost immediately afterwards, right? So I don't know if that's true. I've never really done the study of like eating ashes psychologically, whether it's in his head now, he's like this crazy person who eats his grandpa's ashes And now he must be even crazier and become the true monster, you know, or if genuinely something like there's like a chemical imbalance that happens
Starting point is 00:24:35 After eating ashes, I have no idea. I feel like it's just such a huge life trauma I was, you know, I think it's more of the trauma. If he was depressed and he's going through all of this and the only person That he loves is gone. Maybe he's just feel like there's nothing to lose No hope no coming back and then almost Instantaneously, her and his family become more isolated than ever before Okay, so he continues to live with his family even after the fact But he just would never talk to any of them. That's because when his youngest sister was showering, he decided to go and open the door and just stare at her. He just wanted to see her, his
Starting point is 00:25:14 own sister naked. And obviously, this is going to be very disturbing for the youngest sister. She's like, what the fuck are you doing? Like get out of here. And so she starts yelling at him. And he gets so mad that she has the audacity to kick him out of the bathroom that he runs into the bathroom, grabs her by the head and smashes her head against the bathtub. Are anybody else home? Yeah and so she's alive, obviously badly heard and incredibly traumatized and she goes and tells the mom,
Starting point is 00:25:42 right, her biological mom, not his biological mom, but the mom figure of the family. And she gets really upset and she goes and tells the mom right her biological mom not his biological mom But the mom figure of the family and she gets really upset and she's like what are you doing like? What is this is this from all the weird videos you're watching like is this from the weird anime that you watch like I told you to stop watching those videos and you should focus on work like you're in no life Or like you're not gonna have a future blah blah blah and that's when he immediately just snaps and beats the shit out of his mom Well, you get it the mom figure not his biological mom Shit and the dad and the dad just stopped talking to him And I mean they all just kind of stopped talking to him. That was about it. Like they he still lived in the house
Starting point is 00:26:20 They just don't really talk to him. They're just like let's just ignore him because he's psychotic They just didn't really talk to him. They're just like, let's just ignore him because he's psychotic. A couple days after his 26th birthday, and this was all just happening like right off the bat, like consecutively, like boom, boom, boom, boom, bits, right? And so his 26th birthday happens, and then the day after, he's so depressed, and he's just driving around when he sees a little girl, Marie Conoono and she's four years old and she was playing at a friend's house when a car pulls up And it's this nice looking dude and he's like listen I got some candy in my car like I got these cool things in my car Do you want to get in my car, right? And she was like I mean I I guess and so she gets into his car into Tomu's car And he drives her to a wooded area nobody saw that no Yeah, so she was like hanging out at her friend's house that? No. Oh, yeah. So she was like,
Starting point is 00:27:06 Hey, not her friend's house and then she had like walked away and then he was like, Hey, come here. Yeah, got it. And so she gets into the car and he's like, yeah, I'm gonna give you some candy bits. And so he drives her to a wooded area. And this is when he forces her to let him take pictures of her. Now the pictures at first were fully closed, right? So she had all of her clothes on and it was just like her like posing with a tree, like posing in the woods. I mean, very, very creepy stuff, but maybe not illegal. I mean, I don't really know, right? And so he's like taking all these pictures while he's talking to her and then he's like, oh my god, this is taking too forever. I think he was trying to convince her to take her clothes off, but she just was not having it because like who would?
Starting point is 00:27:45 And she's smart, and so's then he just walks up to her and in this anger he strangles her. He chokes this four-year-old girl until she dies. That's when he takes off all of her clothes and keeps taking pictures with his Polaroid camera. He starts sexually abusing her. So he's a Necrophile. I mean, he just has you name all the scariest stuff, Syro-Killer-Sew, and he's got it all. I mean, he strangles people. He abuse it, sexually abuses people. He's a pedophile. He's a Necrophiliac. But this was his first time doing it to a human. Yeah. And he will even eat them. He'll drink their blood. There's cannibalism involved I mean, there's just vampireism involved. There's just so much weird stuff, right? And so he sexually abuses her takes more pictures of her and then he just leaves her in the woods completely naked
Starting point is 00:28:36 So he takes all of the clothes with her as almost like this trophy like he's like, oh, I've got these clothes Like this is my first real big kid crime. I'm gonna take these clothes home. And so he takes these clothes home. And then a couple weeks later, he returns back to the woods where he left her. And he starts cutting off her hands and feet as trophies. She's not found. No, she was just decomposing.
Starting point is 00:28:57 And the week later. Yeah, and the reason he did this is because, like I said, with his wrist, he really is not that strong of a person. And I would, I don't want to make a speculation because I have no idea. But a lot of people would assume that if he were to try to strangle someone much larger, like someone maybe like a 20 year old female, he wouldn't be able to, you know, but because these are young, young little kids, he was able to strangle them. And the reason that he doesn't cut off our hands and feet immediately is because he's waiting for the
Starting point is 00:29:27 body to decompose so that it's easier for him to get through the flesh and bone. Yeah, so he leaves her to decompose for a couple weeks and then he comes, he takes her hands and her feet as his trophies and he hides them in his closet. Yeah, nobody's smelling anything or... Yeah, nothing. I mean, I can already imagine the smell that was already coming from his room, prior to all of this, I'm sure. He lives in a tiny room, and when you see pictures of it, every wall is stacked to the ceiling of DVDs and stuff.
Starting point is 00:29:58 And his mattresses in the middle in front of a TV. I just would have anxiety of everything falling on me while I'm sleeping, like an earthquake, and earthquake and then all these like just things are squishing you but I guess you're doing here. Yeah different set of problems. Yeah different set of anxieties and things were scared of at night right and so he let her fully decompose and that's when he decides to take her remaining bones to his furnace at home and tries to kind of like make them into like a powder like he tries to cremate her but then it doesn't end up working okay. And during all of this, this is what's even crazier.
Starting point is 00:30:31 He would constantly call Marie's family. What? Yeah. So they had put up over 50,000 posters across Tokyo being like, hello, have you seen this four-year-old girl? Like please, we're desperate. Call this number on the poster if you've seen her or call the Tokyo Police Department. Please, please, please call, right? And so he got the family's number that way and he would call Maria's family and he would just
Starting point is 00:30:55 breathe heavily. That's it. He would just breathe heavily. And if they didn't answer, he would just harass them with more calls. I mean, Maria's family remembers that one time they didn't pick up this unknown numbers call and they would call for like 20 minutes straight. Like the phone would not stop ringing for 20 minutes. They decline it. Just keep bringing it. Just keep bringing decline.
Starting point is 00:31:14 Like for 20 minutes straight, like he was just harassing them. And sick, crazy. Looks like he has no bottom line of something that he wouldn't do. Oh, it gets worse. He starts shipping things. Yeah. And I mean, at this point, I don't really think that Marie's family believed that this was the person
Starting point is 00:31:33 that did something to their daughter. For multiple reasons. First of all, they didn't have a body. So how do we know that something happened to the daughter? And Marie's family was very hopeful. They just kind of held on to this hope that she was going to come back. She had just gotten lost somewhere. It was all going to be okay. Maybe someone kidnapped her,
Starting point is 00:31:48 but they were going to get her back, right? They were incredibly hopeful. So they didn't really alert this to the police as maybe with such intensity as one would, because I think that they were getting a lot of other prank calls. I mean, it's just a sad world that we live in that when you put your number out there, even if it's for something that's like a missing posters, you might get a couple kids who are like, ha ha, let's just, you know, prank all them right? Six weeks later will be his second murder. Now, before I really just dive deep in, I want to talk to you about something, okay? A complete stranger once told me this and it completely just changed my life.
Starting point is 00:32:22 I mean, I feel like a ton of people relate to this because I feel like recently there's been, there's this huge rise in all of us making sure that our skincare doesn't have any paraffins, it doesn't have any sulfates, harmful ingredients, it matches our skin type, you know, it's gonna work for me because it's going on my face, you know, it might work on your face, but what about mine, right? And we have all this heavy emphasis on skincare, but what about our scalp? Did you know that your scalp is just an extension of that face? I've been on a super long haircare journey of trying to find the right shampoo conditioner, hair serum, I mean you name it. It's been a while now but I would say that I think I finally found it. It's been about
Starting point is 00:33:01 a couple years since I've been using function of beauty and let me tell you it has been life changing. Wouldn't you say so? Yes. So here's the amazing thing. He's a customer too and he barely has any hair. So like that really says something I think. He's got no hair but he's got his own little bottle of function of beauty in the shower. You know, it's hair care that's formulated specifically for you. So here's how it works. First you take this quick but very thorough quiz and you tell them about your hair then the team determines the right blend of ingredients to use and then they'll deliver it straight to your door and it has Super cute custom packaging your name's gonna be on there because if you're like me and you share a shower with your fiance He has his own formula. I have my own formula
Starting point is 00:33:40 Don't touch my formula boo boo and you can even choose your favorite color, your favorite scent. If you get headaches, you can even choose how much fragrance you have in yours. And it's all vegan, cruelty free, and they never use sulfates or parabens. Is that not crazy? Wild. He said wild.
Starting point is 00:33:58 And it's also the internet's top rated customized hair care brand right now. Go to, slash rotten to take your four-part hair profile quiz and save 20% on your first order and let them know that you heard about it from us. Again, that's slash rotten. So back to murder number two. So six weeks later and that's a really, really short amount of time. I feel like we've talked about zero killers who haven't killed their next victim for like a year,
Starting point is 00:34:26 sometimes even two, but six weeks later, Tomu is like, I need my next fix. So he finds the total seven year old girl and her name is Misami Yoshizawa. And she's walking alongside the road and he's like, listen, I'm gonna need you to get in my car. Like I got hella candy. And she's like, what kind of candy?
Starting point is 00:34:42 And he's like the one that you like, what's your favorite candy? And she's like, I like strawberry candy. He's like, get in, I got hella candy and she's like what kind of candy? And he's like the one that you like, what's your favorite candy? And she's like, I like strawberry candy. He's like, get in, I got it. And so because she's seven, she gets into the car. And he drives to this first scene of the murder. Now, it was kind of hard to tell you
Starting point is 00:34:55 in chronological order, right? But this was six weeks after. So her body hadn't been taken into his furnace yet. So her bones were there still. Okay, the first girl still, so the second girl saw it? Yeah, but she didn't really know what it was because she's seven, right? So she's just like kind of like looking around like, why are we in the woods? Like you promised me candy, why are you bringing me in the woods? Right? And that's when she looks and
Starting point is 00:35:21 he comes up behind her and strangles her until she dies. And then that's when he strips her off all of her clothes and then he sexually abuses her post mortems. So she's dead. And there was this one part that he gets traumatized by as he's sexually abusing her. There was just something that happened. I don't really know exactly what it was, but her body kind of shuddered. Like she was dead, but there was like this reflex that happened.
Starting point is 00:35:46 And he was so scared that he just grabbed all of his shit and he completely ran away and just drove off. And he was traumatized for that. He's had a very good time. He's out of all these things that he's done. That's something that traumatized him. Yeah, after watching child pornography, after killing a kid and raping a kid, he's like,
Starting point is 00:36:06 you know, that was, that was great. That crosses the line, you know. I got boundaries. I'm like, what? And so then he would then go on to call. What was it? Like he thinks there's some kind of spirit or? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Uh, yeah. And he would go on to then call the family a lot again. So the family number two was getting a lot of just Heavy breathing calls just like family number one now the police they did associate the two Disappearances together because the girls they lived less than 12 miles apart from each other So they were like, okay, this this has got to be a coincidence, right? But there there was just no evidence of anything. There wasn't even bodies So so you couldn't really say that these girls had been murdered. They were just both missing. And then murder number three takes place. And her name is Erica Namba. Now this one is just... this one's a little bit different. So she's walking home from a friend's house and
Starting point is 00:37:01 she's four years old. And he convinces her again to get into his car. So she hops up into his car and he drives her to an empty parking lot instead of the woods this time. So they're in this massive parking lot and it had this massive wooded area behind this parking lot. And he forces her, this is the first time he does this while the girls are alive, okay?
Starting point is 00:37:19 He forces her to undress in the back seat of his car. So she takes off all of her clothes because she's obviously scared of this random dude takes off all of her clothes because she's obviously scared of this random dude who is just pressuring her and she's crying. This four-year-old girl knows something bad is about to happen. So she's taking off all of her clothes and she's bawling her eyes out and he starts taking pictures of her in the dark. Now this was around 7 pm so it's like sunset time so it's dark outside. So he keeps his flash on on his camera because God forbid He doesn't get the right pictures, right?
Starting point is 00:37:47 And so he's sitting in the front seat and she's in the back crying and he's leaning over to the back taking pictures of her with his Flash on so then a car drives by and the headlights of the car very briefly Shina crossed Thomas face and I think this really scared him because as that happened he sees that he was in the light of these headlights and then Erica starts crying so he kind of panics and he puts on his gloves and he strangles her in the back of his car so he leans to the back and just starts choking Erica and then she dies and he wraps her into the sheet and puts her into the trunk. Now I mean he decides to grab her
Starting point is 00:38:26 clothes. He grabs these clothes that he had taken from her and throws them into the back of the wooded area behind the parking lot, right? And as he's driving away with her in the trunk, he turns a corner and the front wheel of his car slips into like this little pothole. So now his car is completely stuck. He's got this murdered four year old girl inside of his trunk, completely naked, wrapped up in like a bed sheet, and now his car can't move. Like this is not the time that you call triple A.
Starting point is 00:38:53 I'm just saying, like if you're a criminal, this is not the time, right? So he's freaking out. He turns on his emergency lights, his hazard lights, and he opens up the trunk, and he runs into the woods with Erica's wrapped body and he just tosses her into the woods But he has to take the sheets because that could have his DNA that could have his forensics, you know He takes the sheets back and as he's walking back to his car to figure out what to do with his car now
Starting point is 00:39:18 There's two men standing observing his car like they've got their hands on their hips And they're like how do we help a good fella get his car out But he's like hey like what are you guys doing here? And they're like oh you're really in this pot hole Huh like you need some help? He's like yeah, that'd be nice So he casually walks to the trunk and places the sheet inside closes it and says you know I just was so distracted. I I thought I thought I saw like something in the woods. And anyway, it's a long story.
Starting point is 00:39:47 And so they're like, do you want us to help you? And he was like, that'd be amazing. So they help lift his car out of that pothole in the minute that the car is out. He doesn't fucking say thank you. He gets in without even looking at them without saying thanks and just speeds away. Wow.
Starting point is 00:40:04 Was that the two people? two people, um, later they'll give, they'll come forward, but they don't really give a substantial evidence. They actually kind of, um, some shit goes down. He decides to send a letter to Erica's family. So he's been calling the first two families, but for Erica's family, he wanted to give them a letter. So you know, how you can do magazine clippings, like, what you would think of like a stereotypical letter that you send to people which you cut out the little letters of these magazines and they clippin together and it said Erica cold cough throat rest death. So he picked out
Starting point is 00:40:39 these words. Okay. Yeah so that's all you said. I mean I guess it kind of makes sense like she's cold in the woods. She was coughing that's all you said. I mean, I guess it kind of makes sense, like she's cold in the woods, she was coughing while he was choking her. He choked her throat, and then she is now resting because she's dead. Right, so it kind of makes sense, but it still doesn't really make sense unless you know what happened, right? And then the next day, the worker of the youth nature house, which is what the parking lot was associated with. So they own this massive building and this massive parking lot and they go back into the woods and he really didn't go deep into the woods because he was in such a hurry to get out of there because of that headlight scare that he just tossed her clothes wherever he felt like no one would find it, right?
Starting point is 00:41:16 But they found it the next day, they find Erica's clothes. And now the parents had obviously reported Erica missing, so they're like, oh my god are these her clothes? And they're like, yes, these are her clothes. Like, why would she not have her clothes on? And so the police start this massive search. I mean, they know that all three of these girls are, you know, they're related, they're connected. It's gotta be the same person.
Starting point is 00:41:37 And then the next day, they find Erica's body. She's the first body they found. Yeah, and they found her completely naked. Her hands in her feet were tied and this was around an hour and 45 minutes from the house. So when he had picked her up from walking home, he had driven about an hour and 45 minutes. So it just was, I mean, they didn't really find any other clues. They didn't find fingerprints. They didn't find any forensics. They found nothing. And when all of this news broke out, the two men that helped the guy take the car out. I mean, what a coincidence, right?
Starting point is 00:42:08 They tell, they come forward and they tell the police like, you have this sheet, he walked out of the woods. I mean, it was straight out of a horror movie. And the police are like, okay, like, what was the car that he was driving? So they were like, oh shit. I think it was a Toyota. I think it was a Toyota. Yeah, no, okay, can you show me the cars? I think it was a Toyota? I think it was a Toyota.
Starting point is 00:42:25 Yeah, no, okay, can you show me the cars? No, is that one? And so they point at a Toyota Corolla. And so the police, they check over 6,000 locals with Toyota Corolla's in the area. Tomu drives a Nissan. They messed up the car. I mean, that's true true though. How do you remember something like that exactly at night? See that's the scariest thing. I'm so scared that
Starting point is 00:42:50 I'm gonna like witness something and it's gonna be something so small and then later I would feel like oh my god if I just fucking could remember that. You know like why can't I remember that? Like I I would just, I think it would just eat me alive. That's like a huge random fear of mine. And so he was driving a Nissan. So again, he was in the clear. Now, of course, the police believe that this is a serial killer in their hands. I mean, these girls, they all live max 30 miles away from each other. So this is, you're talking about a local.
Starting point is 00:43:22 And all of the three families have been receiving heavy breathing phone calls. Very, very creepy. And then that's when he decides to do something even creepier. He goes to get the bones of Mary and he brings them to his house and then she sticks the bones into the furnace. So he's trying to cremate Mary's bones. This is victim number one.
Starting point is 00:43:43 So he goes back to victim number one. This had been many, many months since she had been decomposing. So she really was, there was no flesh left. They were just all bones, right? And so he collects the bones and he's trying to cremate them in his own furnace, but it's just not working because nobody can just cremate people in their own house, right?
Starting point is 00:44:00 And so he's like, okay, well, this is kind of sucks. I wanted to cremate her, but it's fine. So he grabs a couple of her teeth that he had, a bunch of little ashes, but also some of the rest of the bones that he had. He takes a polaroid of the pictures that Marie was wearing that day because he kept them like a little trophy. He didn't even want to give these clothes up, like he wanted to keep them. So he took a picture of it, right? And he puts them all into a box with a card that says Marie cremated bones prove. And he places it right at the front doorstep of victim number one's house. So Marie's family they open up the door and they see this box. Now they see
Starting point is 00:44:43 several children's teeth like very very tiny teeth inside the door and they see this box. Now they see several children's teeth, like very very tiny teeth inside the box. They see bones inside the box and they see a pollurate of her clothes and this note. I mean, this note is very confusing because you have a lot of psychologists that study this note and they said, you know, some people could see this as a challenge. It's like proof. You know, Marie cream-aid-it-bones-proof, like I'm such a badass serial killer. You can never prove it Like I dare you to try to prove it, right? But it seems like it wasn't you know a lot of psychologists after the fact they think that maybe this was him
Starting point is 00:45:14 Like a sick twisted type of sympathy type of move right It gets more complex and so Marie's family immediately turned it over to the legal team And they sent it to the Tokyo Dental University and they said that, hey, listen, these are not a human's teeth. These are not Marie's teeth, it's just not. So they have this massive conference and they're telling the police and they're telling all the press
Starting point is 00:45:38 and all these journalists, all these news stations and they said, hey, listen, Tokyo Dental University did the studies and we don't believe that these are human teeth. These are not marise teeth, these are not human teeth. And even Marie's family, like Marie's mom was at the press conference and she was like crying and she was like, like, this gives me hope everyone. Please help me look for my daughter. Like, I know this isn't my daughter's teeth. Like, I know my daughter's out there. She's alive. Like, I have so much hope., like please bring my baby back to me, right?
Starting point is 00:46:06 And then later the Tokyo Dental University realized that they got their, just, their research was forked up, okay? They were wrong. So they're like fuck. And they had a callback Mary's parents. And it completely just devastated them, shattered them when they said actually not only are these teeth human teeth, but they did match Marie's dental records So they had this massive press conference
Starting point is 00:46:31 Well, cut a mistake, is that? Come on now. Exactly, like how can you do that? Be double-shirt, triple-check, what the heck? And this really pissed off Tomu. I mean, he was watching all these press conferences and he was like, what do you mean they're not human teeth? I got down put human teeth inside that box so they better be human teeth and you get so mad that he immediately writes a Three-page letter to Marie's family and to a bunch of local journalists titled crime confession Yeah, and he said listen
Starting point is 00:47:02 I'm the one that put the cardboard box at their house. Those are her remains, those are her bones. And there's a pick of her from that day that I'm going to be including in this letter. So he puts a poll right of Marie that he took in the woods. So now it's kind of confirmed, okay, this person was with Marie the day that she disappeared and he writes, listen, the only reason that I am even writing this right now is because Marie's mom said that she had hope at the press conference and I don't want Marie's mom to have so much hope in vain because Marie is dead and those remains are Marie's
Starting point is 00:47:39 signed Yuko Imada. Now Yuko Imada, I don't speak Japanese, but from what I could research, apparently, it's like a pun on, like if you say it, it could say, now I'll tell, but it also sounds like a name. I see. So nobody really thought that that was, you know, the person's real name. Nobody was like, let's go into the records,
Starting point is 00:47:59 look up Yuko, right? And so the confession causes a massive uproar. So first of all, they're like, what, like, how did they get that wrong? The Tokyo Dental University. And secondly, handwriting experts are all over this case. And they couldn't even determine if this belonged to just a certain gender. They couldn't even narrow it down, which is kind of intense. And a lot of people speculate, maybe it had to do with his like wrist, like maybe there's something, you know. and so they couldn't identify the gender, they couldn't even identify any of that and then the police decided to deliver 500,000 leaflets, like little brochures almost with the copy of this confession to nearby homes. To be like do you
Starting point is 00:48:39 know anyone that writes like this, right? Please turn them in and nothing happened. So then the police, they do gather some evidence from this next ship, which is the fact they find that the camera that took the picture of Marie, the last pictures that were seen of her when she disappeared, was they were able to pinpoint the making model of the camera, but that doesn't really narrow things down. And they also suspected that the wall,
Starting point is 00:49:03 like the box that they shipped everything in, it had a double wall. And this was commonly used to ship camera lenses. Okay, so he, okay, okay, so they're tracing him down now. Yeah, so that's kind of all they made out of the evidence. They didn't really, I mean, I don't really think it led them anywhere. Honestly, I think it just made things more complex. Sometimes you focus on these little things and it just like makes you go crazy and you just drive around the same clues, right? And so then the doctors spend weeks and they put Marie's body back together for burial. And this was really shocking and scary because they
Starting point is 00:49:38 realized that the hands and her feet are missing. At the funeral, the parents and all of their close family friends, you know, their loved ones, they plead to the press for the return of Marie's feet and hands, because right now she, unless they get those back, she's in heaven unable to walk or to eat. So I may be there is like a, I think, I mean, it gets to depends. Maybe there's a cultural significance or maybe it is just I don't know yeah I think everyone has different beliefs of how people should rest right and so they were just pleading now the minute that they get home from their funeral they find a
Starting point is 00:50:19 little letter on their doorstep and they open it up and it was signed by the same person you go and it was just this huge poem about the Decomposition process of Mary's body and just was talking about oh my god when she was decomposing the bloating the smell I bet you you've never smelled anything like it before I mean it suddenly seems so evil like the first shipment I mean you kind of am like wow these psychologists are saying that he's nice. I mean, I don't know, I don't believe it, but like, okay, whatever, they're saying it's a sick twisted sympathy.
Starting point is 00:50:49 But then this one, I'm like, what was the reason? Why would you do that? And then he decides he's got to lay low. So Tom was like, holy shit, the funeral, this confession, you know, the hands and the feet being missing has just fueled Japanese media to just be talking about it nonstop. They're like, what kind of serial killer? What kind of sick person takes their hands and feet? Like, of little girls that are four years old. And so he's like, okay, I gotta stop
Starting point is 00:51:10 stalking people. I gotta stop killing people. So he stops until he can't hold it anymore. And he's like, oh, I gotta go do something. So he goes to a local elementary school. And he sees a bunch of girls playing around. And he coerces one of them. He convinces one of these little girls in elementary school to take off her undies. And he starts taking pictures of her private parts in the middle of this playground. And a neighbor saw it who was walking by. And it's like, what the fuck, right? And starts running up to Tomu who then just grabs his camera and runs away and he just
Starting point is 00:51:45 chased him off. And I'm just saying I don't even know the amount of trauma that that's gonna leave that little girl with. Makes me so mad. The final murder is just gonna be the most gruesome murder. He is just going to the tennis courts and he's like I'm gonna take some pictures of girls up their skirts. I'm so freaking excited.
Starting point is 00:52:03 And that's when he realizes that the courts are closed. So he's so disappointed. He's like, oh my gosh, all of these pictures up the skirt that I could be getting right now. I can't get them. And so he's mad. So then he decides to go to a nearby park and just let off some steam.
Starting point is 00:52:17 And that's when he sees a girl by the name of Aiyoko Nomodo, and she's five years old. And he sees her playing alone. So he's like, hey, do you want me to take pictures of you in this playground? And she's like, um, sure. And so he starts taking pictures of her and he's like, why don't you come down the slide and I'll take a picture of you and she's like, okay. And so she comes down the side and he takes pictures of her fully clothed, you know, a little creepy, but like when you're five, you don't really think people are evil. So you're like, cool pictures,
Starting point is 00:52:43 right? And then he gets comfortable around him and he's like, why don't we take pictures in my car? Like, I've got candy, I've got gum in my car, and we could take pictures in the car. And she's like, okay, so she would really skipped. She like hopped to the car because she was so excited to get some candy and gum. This breaks my heart, okay? And she gets into the back seat, he's in the front seat, and he's like, oh yeah, you wanted gum, right? So he goes into his glove compartment, and he passes her a stick of gum. And that's when she notices
Starting point is 00:53:12 his hands and his wrist. And she comments on it, and she said, what's wrong with your wrist? Oh, no. And he calmly looks at her, grabs his gloves out, puts on his gloves, and then he screams, here's what happens to kids who say stuff like that, and he starts strangling her in the back of his car. Just anger, right? And then he tapes her mouth, he ties her hands and feet together, he covers her body with sheets, and then throws her into the trunk of the car. Now this is the first time that he's gonna do this
Starting point is 00:53:48 in the last time, but he ends up taking the victim home. So he takes his corpse home, he brings her into his room, abuses her for two days, and takes pictures of her, and videos of him abusing her dead corpse, and just a lot of nasty stuff. And he'll also try to drink her blood because he just really wanted to drink her blood in this one. That's where the vampirism comes from and it's a whole other controversy. He dismemberes her hands and her feet and he starts eating them.
Starting point is 00:54:20 He tries grilling her hand so he put her hand in like a barbecue grill and was munching on it afterwards. And the rest of her body, he just kind of would keep in his closet, right? But after a couple days, I mean, the decomposition process is not to be taken lightly. She was starting to smell. He decides, okay, I need to get rid of her body
Starting point is 00:54:42 before I get caught, because this smell is intense. So he chops her up and he places her little torso into a local cemetery's public bathroom. I mean, just like the disrespect of that. So that's her torso. Her hands were roasted and eaten. And the rest of her body, he decides to throw into the woods like 200 something meters from his house, which is really dumb. Which is just through it right outside of his house. Yeah, which is why he realized after like a couple days, he's like, wait a second, is that too close to home? So then he goes back to get the rest of her like decapitated head, like the rest of her legs,
Starting point is 00:55:20 you know all of that. And then he stores her remains into like a little store closet that he has behind his bedroom. What? So he brought him back home? Yeah, and then she was like, okay, I'm gonna like bring her into like a deeper woods later, right? So then later, a couple days later, he brings her to a different pair of woods.
Starting point is 00:55:37 And then burns her hair, burns her clothes, like tries to burn her, and then leaves everything. And then also leaves the blood stained plastic bag and the sheets and they tries to burn them all right now her torso would be found first at the public restroom at the cemetery and this matched the age of her because she was reported missing it matched her age it matched her blood type and they actually were able to get the stomach contents of the last meal that she ate and it matched. So it definitely was her and not any of the other girls.
Starting point is 00:56:12 Now here's what's crazy. You would think that he's going to get caught by Japanese police. I mean, this is insane. How do you get away with killing so many little girls? I mean, I would say that out of all murder victims children are the most high sought after. Like, you do not fuck with children. When you start fucking with children, that's when you're gonna have like the whole force of the whole universe after you, right? Like it's just not something that anyone will take lightly ever. But he wasn't caught
Starting point is 00:56:39 by the police. He was actually caught by a dad. Yeah, can you see how this- His dad? No, a regular civilian. The next month, he decides, you know, he's still got the remains of his last victim in his little storage room, some of it. He's got some hands, he's got little pieces here and there because he can get rid of all of them. And so then the next month, he would think that he'd lay low or like, I don't know, just leave, like do something. I mean, I'm not saying that I don't want him to get caught. I'm just saying, I just don't understand the mindset of this criminal.
Starting point is 00:57:07 And so the next month, he goes to another playground and he sees two sisters playing. And he gets out of his car. And this is how you know that he's disgusting and sick. So the older sister, she's nine years old. And he didn't want anything to do with the older sister. He was like, no, I want that four-year-old little girl. And so he was like, hey, older sister,
Starting point is 00:57:24 why don't you stay here? And I'm just going to take your younger sister into the woods and give her some candy. And somehow he persuaded the young little sister to follow him into the woods. Now the older sister, though, the 9 year old, she's smart. She was like, mm-hmm, this is weird, right? So she immediately leaves to go get her dad. Her dad calls the police and runs to his younger daughter where the older sister said she was right in the woods But the dude right and he runs out there and imagine how traumatizing this is he finds his daughter Naked with this old man. I mean he's in his 20s his with this older dude with a camera in between her legs She's completely naked and And he looks over and
Starting point is 00:58:07 he's, I mean this dad, I don't blame him, is ready to go to jail. He's ready to murder this dude. And so he's chasing after him. He starts running away and he makes it back to his car. But guess what? Because the dad and the sister had already called the police. The police were waiting with the sister at the car. Yes. So they arrest him. Now for the first time, they were like, okay, this has to do with the zero killings. Like, this is too much. You know, it's one thing to take pictures of someone's skirt.
Starting point is 00:58:34 It's another thing to like get a four-year-old completely naked, the same age as all the other victims, and take these pictures, I mean, disgusting. What is wrong with you, right? Uh-huh. And so for 17 days, he's interrogated, he's kept in prison until he confesses to all of the murders. Holy fuck.
Starting point is 00:58:53 And so slowly, they start finding the remains. They found the half-tued hands of the first victim, still in his closet. Oh, my God. They found remnants of, you know, the roasted hands of the other victim, and they were actually able to return the hands and the feet to Marie's family, and they gave, they did another burial. Yeah. And so he's taken to trial, because I mean he's already confessed all of this. I mean Japan is like just in shock. Now there's multiple
Starting point is 00:59:22 controversies that we're going to talk about. So the first one, we'll talk about them after the trial. Okay, so you've got like the anime controversy because they did find 6,000 different tapes of like anime, hand-tie, porn, all of these things. Everyone's like, oh my god We should ban this from our community. It's kind of like the whole video game thing that we see in the US, right? And then you have the other people that are like, what the fork is this vampire drinking blood? That's why he got the name Dracula. So we're going to go into both, right? But first, the trial. So the dad refused to hire him an attorney. He didn't want to get him a good attorney,
Starting point is 00:59:51 even though they did have the money because it would just be unfair to the victims. And now this might make you like the dad, but keep in mind, he raped his daughter, just saying. And so then, they decided to put on two public defense attorneys for him, and they had to work really hard. Like no public defender was trying to defend this scum. They were like, no, I'm actually busy.
Starting point is 01:00:10 No, I'm actually booked to like, no, I'm actually quitting. Like nobody wanted to defend him. And they found two that would defend him only because they did not, they hated the death penalty. So they said, we don't like him, but we're just going to make sure he doesn't get put to death. Like we just want to get him life in prison. We don't think he's in a sin, right? And the only way that they were going to do that is if he was deemed guess what? Insane, right? Otherwise, if you do that to young kids, like if you, there's a death penalty, they're going to give it to you. So they had six psychologists that studied him. And they all found him fully capable
Starting point is 01:00:45 of understanding his actions. So you had a couple separate teams. One team found that he had disassociative identity disorder, which means that he has altars, which means a lot of situations. I'm not too familiar, so I don't want to speak on this when I have no idea and I'm an idiot. It means that you could possibly commit
Starting point is 01:01:05 a crime without really knowing it because one of your altars could have committed that crime. I have seen cases of that. So only one psychology. Yeah, so like some of them said that no, he has this, but just because he has this doesn't mean he's insane. Because as long as he understood his actions, then you committed the crime. This is no excuse, right? And then a couple of people have said that no, he's actually schizophrenic, which I do
Starting point is 01:01:31 see as a common diagnosis and a lot of serial killers, but again, this is one of those things where it doesn't really, you know, there's a lot of schizophrenic people who do not murder anyone and are just nice people. So again, that's not going to be an excuse, but they did find that he did have mental illnesses. We just couldn't get like a unanimous decision on which one it was, but there's definitely evidence. I mean, he's obvious, something's going on, right? And then some people said, well, actually,
Starting point is 01:01:58 we just actually think he's a psychopath. Like, we don't really think he has any of that. He just has a personality disorder. He's a sociopath and a psychopath and the attorneys were really upset. They were like, please review this, please review this because this is crazy. So if he's found competent in trial, he gets the death penalty. He dies. He's dead, right? But if he's found incompetent to stand trial, guess what he'll get? He'll go to a hospital for 12 to 13 years and then be released when he's you know early 40s
Starting point is 01:02:26 That's crazy. So the attorneys were really fighting for it. They were like no, please We got to make sure that he's seen as crazy and they were just doing the most so during the trial You know, Tomu would just sit there saying some nonsensical shit He would just be like, I don't even know where I am like what's going on like you would just act like he was crazy Right, and then he would just spend like, I don't even know where I am. Like what's going on? Like he would just act like he was crazy, right? And then he would just spend most of his time drawing what's called the rap man. The rap man.
Starting point is 01:02:53 R-A-T, like the little mouse, right? And he said that it was his alter and the rap man killed everyone. So he's playing into this now? Yeah. And so he was like, no, the rap man did it. I didn't do it. The rap man took over my body and then the rap man killed everyone. And he did all of that. And he drew these little cartoon
Starting point is 01:03:13 figures of the rap man and would like hold them up in court as if like people are just going to give him a fucking standing ovation for drawing like a stick character, right? And then here's the crazy thing. You would think like, oh my god, like he really wants to get get off like he does not want to be sentenced to death right but when the judge asked him to apologize to the parents of these young girls of these victims he says I refuse to apologize because what I did was an act of benevolence was an act of just gracious I did you guys a favor. What? Yeah. Why? Nobody knows. They were like, what?
Starting point is 01:03:49 Like, just shut up. Just sit down. Like, they were like, nope, get him out of here. There's not what the parents need to hear right now. So they gave him the death penalty. Now, the first thing, of course, like everybody else, was that he tried to appeal his death penalty, but it was gonna be upheld.
Starting point is 01:04:03 And then the second thing is, he said, listen, why are the Japanese like this? These are his words. He said, we don't need to hang people home. Don't hang me. We should do it like the Americans. Can you just inject me with something instead of hanging me and wanna be hanged? And they were like, no, that's just how we do it.
Starting point is 01:04:21 So get over it. He was sitting on death row. His dad ends up committing suicide Yeah, and again lots of people says it has to do with you know the Japanese culture She yeah, like if your kid does something then it's kind of falls on the parents regardless of how old they are But they he exposed the dad. Oh, yeah, everything exposed. And then the dead killed himself? Yeah. Okay, well, yeah. So everything was exposed that the dead, you know,
Starting point is 01:04:49 raped his daughter. Yeah. All of that, the insist, all of that. Wow. And you have the two controversies. You have the controversy about the anime and the Hentai, people were saying, you know, you don't think that this is crazy
Starting point is 01:05:00 that he was so obsessed. He had 6,000 copies of this. Some of the anime and the Hentai that he had were very questionable. They do all have kind of like pedophilia undertones, right? Very, very strange stuff, right? And so there was just this huge moral debate in Japan for so long about it. About should this be banned?
Starting point is 01:05:22 Because when you're talking about Hentai after all of the other things got banned, Hentai is a cartoon. So if you were to draw an underage kid getting assaulted by someone who's not underage and you drew it, what happens then? So that was just a whole debate. Personally, I don't want to be that bitch.
Starting point is 01:05:45 But I'm gonna be that bitch. I don't think it should be allowed. I thought it's not allowed. It's still allowed. I mean, I think of you, there's no victim. There's ways to get hen tie of underage girls because it's fake porn. They're cartoons. But still, you can't- Well, I don't know if it's legal or legal, but you can get it easily from what I could find. Again, I did not Google it. Yeah, that's freaking scary. Yeah, so for me, I just feel like this is one of those things like no, anything to do with kids, I'm like no.
Starting point is 01:06:15 And then there was the huge debate about drinking blood, right? So then vampireism became just like super under fire because first of all, drinking blood is like when you're talking about a serial killer who does it It's very very scary very very creepy so disrespectful to the victims and the families and just like what kind of depraved Piece of shit are you right but it also calls into the question of like do we make vampires look too cool on TV And things like anime and you know yeah and all these things like to be make vampires look too cool And then there was also the debate of like maybe he genuinely identifies as a vampire like maybe he feels like a vampire And I was like okay, let me look into this because vampires I've always been a thing where I've always liked them on mainstream media like I love vampires
Starting point is 01:07:02 I love Twilight you know all of that. I love it But I never really understood the full depth of on mainstream media like I love vampire tires, I love Twilight, you know, all of that, I love it. But I never really understood the full depth of vampirism, like what's the history? So let me give you a click history lesson because it was so interesting, okay? It all ties to the story, hold on. So the legend of the vampires, it dates back at least 4,000 years. They're not the creatures that they are today. So when they first started writing about vampires in these legends, it was mainly for medical phenomenon. So when there
Starting point is 01:07:31 would be like this huge disease that gets spread or a plague that happened or somebody dies, they'd be like, it's a vampire. And it was just a way for people to understand things that they don't understand, to blame it on some dude that sucks your blood, but actually it wasn't dudes. So the first recorded vampires that I could find started in Mesopotamian history and her name was Lamas Do. And now she was the daughter of Anu,
Starting point is 01:07:57 who's the sky god, right? So she's the daughter of this massive god and she would creep into houses and she would kill babies. So she would kill babies in the crib. So like if they're sleeping and they're like one year old, she would creep into houses and she would kill babies. So she would kill babies in the crib So like if they're sleeping and they're like one years old she would kill them But she could also kill them from inside your womb and you wouldn't even know now that we look back at it 2020 time now that we have the knowledge we think that people made up
Starting point is 01:08:18 Lamatsu as a way to understand miscarriages and sudden infant death syndrome So sudden infant death syndrome happened a lot back in the day because they didn't have a lot of like medical experience and it would actually be very rare for babies to survive. Like babies were known to like be born and then just die. And there was no explanation for it. Like how can you explain it? Like they were just so healthy. Like they were plump, they were glowing and then like they went to bed and then they
Starting point is 01:08:41 died. They use this as like, oh like Lamas do came into your house. And then it gets weirder. So then it got translated into Jewish text. And it started with a woman by the name of Lilith. She was prominent in Jewish text, and she was known as the original woman, right? So before Adam and Eve, there was actually Adam and Lilith,
Starting point is 01:09:03 according to Jewish text. I know this is gonna get a little bit weird because some people are gonna be like, no, it was Adam and Lilith. According to Jewish text, I know this is gonna get a little bit weird because some people are gonna be like, no, it was Adam and Eve. But I'm just talking about the text, okay? And the issue came about when Lilith was like, wait a second. Why do I have to be subservient to Adam? Because we came from the same place. We came from God.
Starting point is 01:09:20 And you want me to do whatever Adam says, but I am the Lilith. And so she ends up running away from Adam and running away from Eden. And she starts birthing her own children. I don't know the logistics of this, but she just like started having children, okay, by herself. And that's when God allegedly sent three angels back to her and said, Hey, you gotta go back to Adam. You gotta go back to your husband, okay? He's the original man and you're the original woman, like, this is how it's gonna be. And she was like, um, no. And that's when the angels and God promised to kill 100 of her children every single day until she returned
Starting point is 01:09:54 to Adam. And this really pissed little stuff. She was like, what the fork? That's not cool. And so then Lilith vowed to destroy human children forever. So she too would go into the houses of human babies, steal them from their cribs, suck their blood, and suck them out of when pregnant woman she would eat the fetuses. And then it got translated into Greek mythology by Lamia. So we all know Zeus.
Starting point is 01:10:21 Zeus is like the god of everything, okay? And now Zeus has a goddess wife, who is also his sister, so love incest, okay? So her name was Hera, Hera. I think you can call her Hera and Hera, so there's like different variations of her name, right? So then he decides, you know what, I'm Zeus. I can have so many lovers.
Starting point is 01:10:41 And one of the lovers that he takes on is by Lamia. And she's mortal So she's a human so she's gonna die, okay? Now Hera was so jealous his sister slash wife slash goddess was so jealous of this mortal being who was just spending all her Her fucking time with Zeus and so she's like mmm, I don't like this and so Zeus starts impregnating his mistress Lamia And so his wife, his sister wife, is like, nope, I'm gonna make her so crazy. I'm gonna make this mortal, so crazy.
Starting point is 01:11:10 I'm gonna make this mortal mistress, so insane. That she's gonna eat her own children, the minute that it comes out of her. So she's gonna give birth to a child, and then she's gonna fucking eat her child, okay? And now that's exactly what Lamia does for years and years and years, until she snaps out of it, and she realizes what hair has done to her. So she becomes so angry
Starting point is 01:11:30 that that anger transforms her into an immortal being where then she now vows to suck the blood from children because she's jealous of their mothers. She's jealous of the fact that they can have children and now she can't. Because when she became an immortal being, the bottom half of her turned into a snake, and you're probably thinking, okay, well, how does this keep going? Like, how do vampires end up as Dracula and Edward Colan? Because this is like the opposite of Damon Salvatore. This doesn't make sense. See what do you mean, right? But it kept going because a lot of things. So the first thing was porphyria, which is actually a disease that people have.
Starting point is 01:12:09 And it means that there's this heme. It's this iron-rich pigment in your blood. And people who have pyrophobia or whatever, they don't produce enough heme. So it makes them super sensitive to sunlight. And back in the day, they would say that, hey, if you just drink some blood, it could solve that imbalance. So then you have the whole myth of, okay, vampires don't like sun and they like to drink blood to strengthen themselves, right? And then you have something called catalepsy.
Starting point is 01:12:38 So catalepsy was associated with epilepsy and schizophrenia. And during cataleptic episodes, a person would just kind of like freeze up and go rigid, and their heart rate would slow down, and they could be like this for hours or just days. So that's why you have a lot of cases that we've heard of where like people will just like wake up in a morgue. And they'll be like, whoa, I'm not dead. Um, hi. So it's because of cataleptic shock. So their heart rate slows down, you can't detect a pulse.
Starting point is 01:13:09 They're frozen, they're very rigid, almost like a regular corpse would be, so they get mistaken for a corpse. So then they have these cataleptic episodes, and now doctors back in the day, they don't have the tools, they're like this person's dead. And back in the day, they also didn't have the tools to give you an embalming process. So these days when you die, you go to a funeral home and they do some shit to your inside,
Starting point is 01:13:32 so you're not leaking in your coffin and shit. But back in the day, they didn't. So they would just bury you. And most of the time, you wouldn't even get a coffin. They would just bury you in shallow dirt because who has the time to dig five feet under the ground? They're just like, just dig a little light hole and cover her and dirt, right? And so they'd have this massive funeral, they'd cover you in dirt, and then you would wake up from your
Starting point is 01:13:51 cataleptic shock and you would just kind of like crawl yourself out of there and you too would be confused because you're like, what did I just experience? Like I don't remember anything that's happened and you would find your way with like dirt in your finger nails like dirt all over you back at your mom's house and you're like mom What happened? Yeah, and that's why the rumor that vampires are the undead So they just don't die. Yeah, and a lot of them will go back to their graves So vampires back in the day did not just like live in mansions in Georgia like the vampires I Know shocking. it's kind of weird they would actually live in their graves so you would bury them they'd pretend to be dead and then they'd come out in the
Starting point is 01:14:32 middle of the night to like suck blood and then they'd go back into their grave then the way that they would find these vampires is they would get a virgin boy this is very specific okay so they get a virgin boy and they would get a virgin stallion a horse okay and it always get a virgin boy and they would get a virgin stallion, a horse, okay? And it always had to be black. It had to be a black stallion horse. And they'd get a virgin boy and they'd put the virgin boy on the black stallion horse. And they would walk that stallion through the grave.
Starting point is 01:14:56 And if the horse would stop at anyone's grave, fucking vampire, dude. That person in that grave is a fucking vampire. And then they would dig up the grave wow so rude okay cannot imagine so they would dig up the grave because they're like vampire right now here's the interesting thing about decomposition is that when you are decomposing your skin starts to recede it starts to like shrivel up so that's why people always have the misconception that your fingernails actually keep growing after you die. They don't, it's just because your skin pulls back
Starting point is 01:15:28 so your nails look longer. But they don't actually grow, right? And then same with the hair, your skin pulls back so it looks like your hair might be longer. Maybe it's now touching your lower back when it wasn't before. But no, it's because your skin was receding. But they would see that and they'd be like,
Starting point is 01:15:43 oh my God, she's alive, right? And then it gets worse. So during the purge process, which is when you get really bloated, I've talked about this before, when you get really bloated, you have all of this shit in your stomach, okay? And it's got to come out. That's why I bloated like when you're decomposing, there's so much gas. Like, you don't even know how much gas. I mean, I don't even know how much gas, but mean I don't even know how much gas but I heard there's a lot of gas right and a lot of the times there will be liquid
Starting point is 01:16:08 coming out of any holes that you have and a lot of it is from your mouth and it will just slide down like blood would and sometimes after it dries is the color of dried blood so it looked like that vampire you know the ones that you see on TV with just like that one little string of blood slipping out the mouth, right? And they'd be like, oh my God, see, last night, they must have been out of their grave just sucking on some blood.
Starting point is 01:16:33 And then it gets worse. They would literally watch corpses, like dead people. Uh-huh. And if your skin was plump, like if you, like, all that survey that we're slathering all over faces right now, back in the day, they'd be like, fucking vampire. Because if your face stayed plump and healthy looking after death, instead of looking disgusting, like they assumed you would, you're a vampire.
Starting point is 01:16:58 Yeah, they wouldn't be like, drop that skin care routine. They'd be like, oh my god, drop dead because you're a vampire. Yeah. So, that's how the whole thing of the vampires came about. What was I talking about? Yeah, so then um... I don't know, like why do you think people call him a vampire? Because he drinks blood. That is really only something that he can't drink. There's so much weight, things weigh more gruesome than drinking blood.
Starting point is 01:17:25 Yeah, but I think it's his hands. Yeah, I think it's just a hand. I think it's the hands and then one drinking of the blood and you're like, oh, tracking it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, but there was this whole debate about vampires and around it too. Because they were like, see, we make vampires look too cool and then we're going to get like serial killers who drink blood. Who wants to be a vampire? be a vampire yeah they're gonna be like let's just drink blood
Starting point is 01:17:48 ah also this is not me I am not a Karen okay I am someone I stay in my own line I don't care what people do as long as it's consensual between adults right I know that there is a community of vampires out there like I saw and read it as well and there is a big group of people who do drink each other's blood, and they all get tested for any blood-related diseases. I mean, I really do hope that they're toning things down during the time of the pandemic, but without it, I am not the type that'll be like, make them stop! I just believe that if you want to suck blood with your partner and you guys can send and
Starting point is 01:18:23 it's tested. Do it. What kind of disclaimer is this? I don't know. I just don't want anyone think that I'm like trying to make a bad rap for vampires. Like I know it's a community of people. And like again, it's like the BDS and community. Like if it's consensual, you guys are tested, you guys are doing it safely. Do it.
Starting point is 01:18:44 You know, like I am not going to be the one that's like, oh no. And I also think it comes with age, you know, when I was young girl, when I was in high squad, so many opinions about everything, I thought I knew everything, but the older I get, the more I realize, I know nothing about anyone or anything, so I'm really not gonna judge nobody, okay? Like, you can be a vampire if you want to be. Like, I got really weird, but I just thought the history of vampires was so interesting. But also most vampires these days are part of the aura of vampires.
Starting point is 01:19:13 I think, I don't know, please let me know if I'm wrong. Because I just started researching this like a couple days ago. But apparently they, it's like where they feed off of energy. So it's not actually blood, which that seems safer, right? So they like to be around people who have different energy from them and they will just kind of wean their energy. But it could be draining for the victim. We'll not big time, but the other party. Damn, good vibes. Good vibes. Good vibes, only guys. So that is it for today's episode of
Starting point is 01:19:47 the Rotten Mangle. I hope you guys enjoyed this one. It was very crazy. It was all over the place. That picture I saw at the beginning, his hand. Wow. Yeah, maybe I should look at his hands. Yeah, that really I think set the tone for for everything. Well, I hope you guys enjoyed and make sure to use our code rotten if you guys are gonna get some new haircare from FunctionAbouting. Again, that's the best way to support our podcast, just to let FunctionAbouting know. Hey, I heard about you. I hope you guys enjoyed this week's podcast. We'll be back in a couple of days with a mini-sode, which is our baking and mystery episode. And I'll see you guys then.
Starting point is 01:20:29 Oh, no, bye, sorry, wrong outro. Bye.

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