Rotten Mango - #18- The Real House Of Horrors (Serial Killers Rosemary & Fred West)

Episode Date: October 8, 2020

Peepholes installed for his viewing pleasure.  Chains from the ceiling to suspend the victims.  Baby monitors placed strategically so he could hear her from anywhere.  Shallow graves in the basemen...t, garage, and backyard.  We are starting off Spooktober with the Real House of Horrors. This is one house you would never want to step foot in. Nobody is safe. Especially the children.  To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Rambles. Whether you're doing a dance to your favorite artist in the office parking lot, or being guided into Warrior I in the break room before your shift, whether you're running on your Peloton tread at your mom's house while she watches the baby, or counting your breaths on the subway. Peloton is for all of us, wherever we are, whenever we need it. Download the free Peloton is for all of us. Wherever we are, whenever we need it, download the free Peloton app today. Peloton app available through free tier, or pay to description starting at $12.99 per month.
Starting point is 00:00:30 I mean, there's no way that today's episode is going to go as planned. There's no way that it's going to be a smooth sailing episode because I already just watched my fiancee smack his microphone because it wouldn't stay in the position that he wanted it in. So he fucking smack that bit. Sometimes it's me some tender loving right? Today is the second episode of Spooktober October Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun. What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:00:58 Just October. Oh shit it is. Oh my god I thought the last one. This is the first October episode. This is the first October episode. Holy shit, then we've got a good one. Don't don't don't. I feel like October, Spooked tober Halloween is filled with everyone being like, hey, do you guys want to pay $30 to go a PR pants at a haunted house Where there's actors just jumping at us and trying to scare us and doing the most and we all do it for some reason.
Starting point is 00:01:25 When I was in high school every single October, I went to a haunted house, right? With who? With my boo-thanks from high school. So, I used to get into a lot of haunted houses and then I grew up and I realized, you know, did you know that the most haunted houses, they don't even exist anymore. Most of these are broken down, they're demolished, they're completely burnt to a crisp or they've been completely demoted by the people who don't think that this should exist. Most of the most scary, most gruesome houses are gone.
Starting point is 00:02:07 When you say that it means what like haunted ghost spirit or I mean divine haunted where do you think is the most haunted right? I believe the most haunted is when people die in a shitty way. When there's multiple families die in a row, you know what I mean? Did we ever check if anyone died in the South? In Japan, they market whenever someone dies. Oh yeah, that's what I heard. There's an app within the US, these real estate agents try to get real sassy with you. I think there's ways around it.
Starting point is 00:02:40 I think they only answer if you ask or something, or they like laugh it off or something like that. I don't really know You know, I find it better to not ask especially when you live in a city as old as Los Angeles You just have to assume lots of people died everywhere That's true So there might be someone just dead under our bed right now Maybe we're involved maybe we're not I'm kidding continuing on So this is the story of Fred and Rosemary's House of Horrors. When I say this, it genuinely sounds like a Halloween attraction. Like, oh my gosh, let me go get spooked.
Starting point is 00:03:12 Let me pay Fred and Rosemary $30, right? It sounds like there's 25 different movies made out of this, but it's not necessarily the case. This is about two really, really crazy people who got together, got married, and just start killing people inside of this house. They buried so many people in their backyard, in their cellar, in their garage. I mean, it's a twisted story, and when you realize the history behind Fred's childhood, Fred West,'s childhood, and Rose Let's Childhood. It's fucking insane.
Starting point is 00:03:50 What in the Forking Shit Show is this childhood? And then that childhood meets another What in the Forking Shit Show is this childhood, and they combine into what feels like just a nuclear bomb in the United Kingdom of serial killings. It's freaking nuts. So let's get started with Fred West because he is, well here's the thing, when I first start this story and when I first started researching, I'm like, okay,
Starting point is 00:04:14 I get the drill, like Fred, he's gonna be real crazy and then Rosemary is gonna be like this, maybe like crazy bits who meets Fred, falls in love and then does everything Fred wants him to That's where you're wrong. That's where you're so wrong rose Mary She's a character you better watch out for rose Maybe more so for rose than Fred Yeah, and it's even crazier because later on she ends up going to prison and having a love affair with another female serial killer in prison.
Starting point is 00:04:50 So yeah, just stay tuned for that one because that one's gonna blow your socks off. I wanted to say pants off, but that seemed inappropriate for the time being. Fred West, he was born in the United Kingdom to Walter West and Daisy West. They all sound like very fancy names, but they weren't a they weren't a family that was fancy at all. He was actually the first surviving child of this couple. So they had multiple miscarriages, multiple children being born and then dying early on. Like almost immediately after they were born, very, very, very, very sad. And Fred was the first surviving child. So there was a lot of love from the mom towards Fred. Daisy, the mom was just like, you know, this is, this is my calling.
Starting point is 00:05:24 Like Fred is my baby. He's the one that survived first. And there was just a lot of Daisy putting a lot of pressure on Fred since he made it. You know, she's thinking to herself, like if all my other babies for whatever reason couldn't make it, but Fred did, that must mean something. Then Walter and Daisy went on to have six more children. One of them who ended up dying later. So you've got two parents and a total of six kids. And the eight of them, they lived in like this little cottage. And if you've been on TikTok and you're like, oh, I love cottage corn! Which is like, you're like obsessed with cottages and like living that lifestyle, right?
Starting point is 00:05:58 This is not the type of cottage that you see on TikTok. I mean, there's no running water, there's no electricity, they lived off of the land. And most people would think that's countryside bliss. Ooh, no Wi-Fi, I can just read Harry Potter all day, right? But not for this family. So Fred was a total mama's boy. Daisy West and Fred West were inseparable. I mean, this relationship was so unhealthy that Fred said the minute that he turned 12 his mom made him have sex with her. Why? I know, yeah. I just like, you know, I was the minute that I said that I was like, I just kind of threw that on to you.
Starting point is 00:06:32 Yeah. I mean, it just gets crazier. He genuinely thought that it was normal. He thought that every little boy, when they turn 12, their mom just like hithers into their room and has sex with them. Disgusting. Disgusting, okay? So Fred was a complete mama's boy, too much of a mama's boy. And his dad was a pedophile.
Starting point is 00:06:50 His dad Walter was obsessed with raping his daughters and with raping the local girls. I mean, he just was a nasty ho-waltor, was a real, I don't know, a w word that can be meaner, then he was just a fuck face, okay? He was just really disgusting. And- So the whole family knows it too,
Starting point is 00:07:09 both mom and dad know what each other's doing. They just like do it. And I think this probably comes from generations of incest because there's no way I just can't imagine. Like I'm sure that they in some way had it have been abused in order to inflict this type of abusive, you know, life onto their kids. So when Fred turns 15 he ends up dropping out of school and he is pretty much illiterate,
Starting point is 00:07:32 he can't really read, he can't really write, he is not intelligent, people actually describe Fred to be incredibly dim, which is just not a way that you want to be described from your friends, you know, your school friends or anything like that. But he ends up getting a job as a farm hand with his dad, and he develops an insane work ethic like he's literally not the smartest, but a really, really hard worker. He is very dedicated when he's into a job and he just, he gets the job done most of the time. Now, he has this really dark curly hair and these piercing blue eyes. So even though he was considered a country bumpkin is
Starting point is 00:08:09 whatever we called him. Not a pumpkin. I thought he was going for the mic, he was like, Pumpkin, did you say, did you say pumpkin? Because everybody called me a pumpkin when I was younger because that was really round. Anyways, so they called him a country bumpkin, but he was considered the best looking man in town. Like, he would. It's kind of, I googled it too, because I was like, does that mean pumpkin? Like, maybe everyone was trying to call me pumpkin, but they call me pumpkin. And so I got emotionally invested.
Starting point is 00:08:39 I googled it. And it's like saying, like, a rural country person who just doesn't know much. It's like a term that you call someone, yeah. But it's like it's a it's a endearing term or? Um, it's endearing but not that endearing. It's like kind of rude and it's like a backhanded slap in a cute little noise, you know, country pumpkin. But it's not really nice, right?
Starting point is 00:09:02 And he was considered the best looking man in town, not just on the countryside, but when he would go to the local towns, the local city areas, they were like, holy shit, this Fred West dude, he's hot. But girls never really liked him, once they got to know him, because here's the thing that Fred did. If he liked a girl, he would just simply go up to her and smacker us. No, I'm serious, I'm serious. Like if he sees you across the club and he's like, wow that's a pretty one, he would go up to you and just grab your ass. And that, I mean that was just his thing. Like he loved to steal his friends, girlfriends too. Like he just was a nasty dude. And every girl who reported having any sort of sexual activity with him during this time
Starting point is 00:09:44 period, they said it was probably some of the most unsatisfying sex that they've ever experienced in their life because Fred, he was so focused on his satisfaction and making himself feel good that he never, you know, gave a girl a WAP. He never, there was no WAP, it was all DOP. DOP. It was all DOPs everywhere. And then he's living this life, just becoming a farmhand, going into the city, getting drunk, smacking girls' butts.
Starting point is 00:10:10 I mean, just sexually harassing people was his favorite weekend pastime. And then something happened. This is where everybody says, ooh, bababoo, something happened, holy shit. He gets into a motorcycle accident. So he had been saving up all of his money to buy this massive motorcycle and he was like, oh yeah, this motorcycle, right? That's not even his accent. And so he's like, oh yeah, this motorcycle and he's riding around town and he has a head-on collision with another female in another vehicle. And from that point on, he was unconscious in the hospital for seven days, a full week. He had head injuries, he had broken bones,
Starting point is 00:10:45 he actually had to have a steel plate fitted to his skull because it was fractured. So that's a lot that happens, right? And there's speculation that this is kind of what caused everything into a downpour. Nobody knows if Fred West would be one of UK's most notorious serial killers, if this accident hadn't happened.
Starting point is 00:11:04 Mm-hmm. Right? So you've got a lot of doctors saying that the main part of his skull that was damaged was his frontal lobe and they said that this was kind of like Fred West was born a psychopath. But this accident just took the breaks off of that. You know, there's psychopaths out there
Starting point is 00:11:21 that don't kill anyone. Yeah. But this was just like, no. Like this took out any moral consciousness he could maybe have or maybe redeem one day, right? And it also gave him lots of crooked features. So he had one leg that was shorter than the other. He started limping.
Starting point is 00:11:37 He just had a crooked nose. His face was kind of messed up. And he believes, Fred himself believes that this changed his mental capacity so that he wasn't the same anymore. I mean, he starts getting bullied by his former friends. He doesn't get along with his family after this accident. He gets insane fear of hospitals and he starts going into like these fits of rage where he's just like, ah, just like, hate everyone and he just gets violent out of nowhere.
Starting point is 00:12:02 So with that involved, I mean, he is no longer the best looking country, pumpkin, and town, and none of the girls liked him, even though they thought he was attractive, right? Because of how disgusting and harassing he was, but he was able to finally date someone, and her name was Catherine, Renna Castello.
Starting point is 00:12:20 Castillo, oh my God, how to get away with murder. Sorry. We're gonna call her Rina, because that's what everyone called her. She went by her middle name, Castillo, oh my god, how to get away with murder. Sorry. We're going to call her Rina, because that's what everyone called her. She went by her middle name. And Rina also comes from a troubled background. She came from Scotland, and she was always
Starting point is 00:12:34 getting herself in trouble. And for some reason, she was the only woman who was OK with the way that Fred was just disgusting. She actually thought his perverted way of grabbing her and constantly, I mean their speculation that Fred was a sex addict also, because he had an insane sex drive and constantly wanted to have sex not that he was good in bed, but he just constantly wanted to do it.
Starting point is 00:12:59 And she kind of thought it was cute, which was different from most of the girls. So she was just like, oh, like, wow, he must really be attracted to me because he constantly wants to have sex with me, right? And they end up getting together and he's just insanely jealous. Anytime she returned to Scotland, he just, he was just so mad. He was just like, are you sleeping with anyone else? And this ended up just breaking their relationship apart. She went back to Scotland and she was like, you're freaking cuckoo. Okay, dude, I can't even be with you. Then he went back to being real nasty.
Starting point is 00:13:31 So Fred, he starts raping his 13 year old sister. Jesus. He just gets Nastia and Nastia. So he starts raping his 13 year old sister. And that's when another incident happened. So he's going up like a fire escape, you know, those know those little things right and he sees a girl and he's like wow she's so pretty so he goes up to her and grabs her butt now she turns around and punches him straight in the fucking face because she's like not today dude and he
Starting point is 00:13:57 ends up falling down two flights of stairs onto the concrete floor. Sources claim that he believes that this caused further brain damage and people do note that after this he became more aggressive and more irritable than before. I don't know if it works like that, but did you know I was electrocuted? I'm joking. And do you think that caused you become the way you are today? Yeah, I feel like there's definitely something that happened there. I feel like there was a disconnect between common sense and, you know, just being an intellectual
Starting point is 00:14:34 human being that just was severed. Yeah, but also maybe it was already severed because I stuck something into an outlet, and that's how I got electrocuted. So, it was never there to be able to. What did you stuck in there? I forget if it was like a paper clipper spoon. Why? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:14:50 I don't even remember. My sister was involved. Oh. This whole thing. Anyways, so he had brain damage. Okay. So he claims he has brain damage. And that's when he starts just getting in trouble with the law.
Starting point is 00:15:03 He starts stealing from local jewelry stores. He starts getting arrested for a bunch of petty theft. And then finally, his 13 year old sister ends up getting pregnant. And he gets arrested for raping a 13 year old girl. I mean, well they called it the official charge was unlawful carnal knowledge of a child. I don't know what that means. I mean, I consider a child rape, but whatever, right? So he gets arrested for this. He gets kicked out of the family home and he starts staying with his aunt by the name of Violet. And the trial ends up getting
Starting point is 00:15:34 dropped because his sister that went by Kitty, her nickname was Kitty. She refused to give any evidence and his mom was like, I'm gonna testify for you. Like I hate you, but I'm gonna testify for you, saying that you're a good person. And all of this yadda yadda yadda, it ended up with him not getting charged for the rape of his 13 year old sister. Then his mom is like, listen, I want you to come back home.
Starting point is 00:15:56 It's been a while. I miss you so much. Please come home, Fred. You're my favorite. So Fred goes all the way back home where his 13 year old sister is living and starts living with the family again And that's when Reena comes back. It had been about two years since his girlfriend had left back to Scotland, right?
Starting point is 00:16:12 Reena comes back and she says listen Fred. I think we're meant to be together So Fred's like, you know what? You're right. Let's start dating again And that's when she's like by the way for the last two years while I was in Scotland I think I need to let you know that I was a prostitute and I slept with an Asian bus driver and now I'm pregnant. The Asian comes into play. I'm not just naming a race for shooting giggles, okay?
Starting point is 00:16:32 Okay? Because Fred West is not Asian, neither is Catherine. Neither is Rina, we'll call her Rina, right? Okay. So you can imagine that the baby's not gonna look like the product of Reno and Fred. Yeah. Keep that in mind.
Starting point is 00:16:47 So she's like, anyways, I'm pregnant now and I slept with the nasian breast driver. What do we do? And he says, you know, baby, I'm going to abort that baby for you. And so she was like, sounds good. So it's just like in the middle of the living room, he tries to do an at home abortion. Which is what? Herding her? Yeah, I mean, I don't really know what it entailed. Apparently, Fred actually sold his services to a lot of women to do at-home abortions.
Starting point is 00:17:12 And I'm assuming it involves sharp objects and lots of dangerous situations. And as they're about to perform this, they get caught by the family members who are like, what are you guys doing? And so they abandon their plan. That's like, they're like, let's not try again, right? And Fred promises, Reena, listen, I'm gonna raise that baby with you. I'm gonna treat that baby, like it's my own baby. Don't you worry, okay? And she said, are you sure, Fred? Are you sure? And he said yes. So at 21 years old, they get married. Now the mom, Fred's mom, she's really upset. She's like, I don't really like this. Like this is disgusting.
Starting point is 00:17:51 I mean, I never really liked her to begin with. You can do so much better, Fred. You can do so much better, Fred. So they end up getting married and moving back home to Reena's hometown in Scotland, which is a really, really bad area. So even though Fred was just as broke as Reena, I mean, it was different. So the area that she lived in in Scotland was more of like a city. So being broke in the city versus being broke in like an ideal like at least,
Starting point is 00:18:17 you have beautiful countryside scenery, right? It's a little bit of a different vibe, right? And so it being their marriage was just doomed. Can I tell you something about doomed marriages real quick? Yes. Because you know their marriage was doomed. But I believe they are a family that our marriage is not doomed. Do you want to know why? Tell me why. Because of my feet. Okay listen listen listen listen. I've had the longest biggest struggle since quarantine started happening If you are like me whether your feet are getting crusty or whether your feet are so sore or maybe your feet are sweating too much
Starting point is 00:18:54 Or they just need a little bit of love a little bit of self-care or maybe maybe they're so sore and muscle-aicky that you have a problem with running You know how like you watch those horror movies and people are running away, but then they trip? Sure. It's because they're not using barefoot scientists. I'm gonna tell you that. It's the world's first premium foot care company and they have practically everything you need to keep your feet healthy and happy
Starting point is 00:19:17 so that you're ready to run or ready to show off them toes at a moment's notice. Their products target pretty much every issue that's active on feet, so that's blisters, that's muscle aches, that's dirt, that's sweat, that's odor. They've got something called pre-heels plus, which is insane. It's award-winning. So it's like the spray that you spray on, and it's a literal life saver,
Starting point is 00:19:37 because it creates a durable and visible barrier that blocks friction on skin where shoes rub back and forth. You got new shoes? You're wearing heels? You need this. It also stays for like six hours. And they also have a sigh of relief, which is their warming pain relief cream that, oh my gosh, it's the best thing ever. You're a runner, you work out, you stand up for your job, it just melts away that soreness,
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Starting point is 00:20:32 Thank you for keeping our marriage alive with my silky soft feet. Their marriage was essentially doomed. So he would rape her, he would force her to have violent sex, he would beat her while she was heavily pregnant and he would also make her become a prostitute While she was heavily pregnant so that he didn't have to work so that she could make all the money I mean it just was not good. So she finally gives birth to the daughter. Her name is Charmaine. Now Charmaine was
Starting point is 00:20:59 Obviously mixed when she came out. There was no question about it They absolutely everyone was like that is not Fred's Like, we don't know who's baby that is, but that's not Fred's baby, right? And so she presents Charmaine to her family, Reena's parents, the grandparents of Charmaine, and her grandparents were really upset. Her parents were upset. Her parents were like, I can't believe you had sex with someone who wasn't of your race. Yeah. So they didn't know until the bit, Charles came out? Yeah. I mean, she just was trying to play it off like it was Fred's
Starting point is 00:21:29 baby because they had gotten married, you know? And so everyone believed that she was pregnant with Fred's baby, and then Charmaine came out, and then Reena's parents were like, this is disgusting. I can't believe you would have sex with an Asian man. So Fred is like, listen, I don't want to have to endure the same embarrassment that you endured from your family And I don't think that my family is going to take it while either
Starting point is 00:21:48 So they came out with this new plan that they were going to tell everyone that Reena had lost the baby She had had a miscarriage really late into the pregnancy and in order to solve all of the emotions that come with that They adopted a nasian baby. Yep. What? We're going to just adopt a nasian baby. Yep. What? They were like, we're gonna just adopt a nasian baby. Okay. Yeah. And so people just went around being like, oh, that's their adopted asian baby because she had a miss,
Starting point is 00:22:13 I mean, it was just really weird. People thought it was weird, right? Okay. And Fred hated Charmaine. She, he just did not even like looking at her. He hated her. And of course, that made their entire marriage a lot more difficult.
Starting point is 00:22:24 So Fred would spend a lot of his time. He drove an ice cream van in Scotland. So he's got one of those ice cream trucks and it was called Mr. Whippy Van. Mr. Whippy Van. Just keep that in mind because there's going to be a lot of BDSM later on. And he would spend most of his time trying to talk to teenage girls by giving them free ice cream. And then finally, Reina and his wife gets pregnant with her second daughter.
Starting point is 00:22:46 And Marie. Their first daughter. Well, yeah, yeah. Yeah, like their first biological friend and Rina daughter, but you know, he had promised to the treat Charmaine like his own. So, you know, but his first biological daughter. So he just fell in love. I mean at first he was like this is this is what I was meant to do was to become a dad I love this baby and then he started realizing that babies are not as easy as you think so rena as a mom She was known to be very very How do you say she tried like people say she tried like I don't think anyone likes to insult parenting, right? But Rina she tried under all of the circumstance that she was in with the childhood She was growing up and with the economics she was working with with her financial situation
Starting point is 00:23:34 Rina tried to be a good mom. Was she a good mom? Carefully say right? But she tried now fried on the other hand did not really try it all He used to do this thing where he would put both Charmaine and Ann Marie into the bottom of a bottom bunk bunk bed situation and he would put bars all around the bottom So he would essentially cage them in and they were only allowed out when he was at work So he didn't want to like see them crawling around being regular babies They were allowed out when he's at work? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:06 What does that mean? So there are only a lot of free in the house when he's at work and the mom's home because he just like was like, I don't want to deal with you just fucking crawling. Oh, I don't like crawlers. He was like, don't be crawling around in front of my face. Don't crawl. Wow.
Starting point is 00:24:21 Yeah. So he would cage them up in a bunk bed. Wow. It was just weird. So he's not a good dad. And then this is where something very weird happened. So he rents this allotment, which is pretty much just a piece of farmland that you can rent almost like you rent an apartment
Starting point is 00:24:36 and you can grow stuff there. So I mean, you've got people right next to you. So it's like a big chunk of land and then it's just different lots. So you've got farmers next to you. You've got other people renting allotments next to you you and he was like I'm gonna grow some cabbages and some potatoes And we can feed off of this land so that we don't have to make as much money, right? Yeah
Starting point is 00:24:53 And one section of this allotment that he rented was always ready and it was always like fresh soil But nothing was ever planted to the point where all of the neighbors that had allotments like this was a very poor area So if you were renting this the you were maximizing every little square centimeter of this place to get as much growth as possible So the neighbors are like hey, why do you have this big section of dirt that you're just not fucking around with and he said It was for something special now. He would stay the really late to add these allotments that he rented and he would bring teenage girls over there to hang out with them. And at that time, four teenage girls went missing.
Starting point is 00:25:34 It is suspected, it is believed that he hung out with these teenage girls, sexually assaulted them and then buried them in that allotment. But they didn't follow up on it? By the time that Fred was caught, there was a highway built on top of where the allotment used to be. Oh, I see.
Starting point is 00:25:52 So there was no way to know. Yeah. Okay. And there was also suspicion that he had two alleged extra marital children, I guess, like he had two affairs and had two kids outside of his marriage. And one of them was called Steven and Gareth, I don't know, it hasn't been officially confirmed, right? And Rina, on the other hand, you know, she found out about his affairs. Fred was constantly cheating on her and she was like, I am sick of this shit. I too want a boyfriend. So Rina,
Starting point is 00:26:22 she ends up dating a guy by the name of John. Now John was kind of wild Like Fred knew about John and at one time Fred saw them embracing Saw John and Rina his wife embracing and he walks up to his wife Rina and Punches her in the face. So then John the mister the one that she's having enough air with beats the shit out of Fred The mister the one that she's having enough air with beats the shit out of Fred I'm not kidding. Yeah, and so then Rina would come to John all the time and be like yeah My husband's beating me and she would have a black eyes Would a bruises on her face and John would go find Fred and beat the shit out of it There were just so many accounts of John beating up the husband Fred the serial killer
Starting point is 00:27:02 Yeah, so the way that John describes it is that Fred loves to beat women, but he doesn't have any balls to beat up a man. That's how he describes it. Yeah. So he just beats up people who are smaller than him pretty much in physical stature. So he would just get the shit beat out of him by this John McLaughlin or whatever his name was, right?
Starting point is 00:27:25 And at one time, John actually saw that Fred slapped Charmaine in the face because she asked for ice cream. And he got so mad that he beat the shit out of Fred in front of the whole family. I mean, like this is a tumultuous family we're talking about, right? And then finally, something very, very scary happened. He was driving his van, Fred's driving as a lot ice cream van, and he sees this young boy on the road, where I guess I should
Starting point is 00:27:53 say he doesn't see the young boy on the road because he runs the young boy over and he ends up dying. So this young boy ends up dying, right? And now the police clear Fred and they said, we assume that he didn't know the boy wasn't supposed to be on the road. This isn't Fred's fault. This isn't murder. This isn't manslaughter or vehicular manslaughter or anything like that, right? So the police cleared him. But the locals hated him. Now it's not really a good idea to run an entire ice cream truck business when all the locals forking hate your guts and you also killed a kid with your ice cream truck that you are trying to entice kids to come by your ice cream. Yeah, it just wasn't gonna work. So they were like, we need to move back. We need to go
Starting point is 00:28:33 back to the UK. We're gonna go close to where Fred's family was. We're gonna try to figure it out. So they pack up the kids, they pack up their bags and they move back to England. Now this is when they start living in a van, right? And this was not your hashtag vanlife, or q, you know, nothing like that like this was. Just a van with some blankets in the back and you've got two kids, you've got two parents living there and Fred was just a raging, violent, aggressive person, right? And so rena at this point, she was like, I really missed John and Scotland, you know, the person I'm having an affair with and I just don't like it here. So she would
Starting point is 00:29:09 constantly go back and forth from Scotland to England, Scotland to England, back to the van, back to Scotland, back to the van, you get it. And one time when she came back to England, she decided to bring two friends with her. So their friends names were Isat and Anna. Now, they were both of them were unhappy in Scotland. They wanted to try finding work in England. So, they get there, they all start living in the van. So, in this van now, you've got the two daughters. You've got Fred, you've got Reena, and then you've got two Reena's friends.
Starting point is 00:29:38 That's six people in the back, which is like a regular van. This is not no RV situation. Right? And they said it was stressful like Fred was just getting more and more volatile more unpredictable it was hard for any of the woman to find work and he was just starting to physically and somewhat sexually assaulting Charmaine in front of everyone so it just was not a good situation with who Charmaine in front of everyone. So it just was not a good situation. With who Charmaine?
Starting point is 00:30:06 The first daughter, his non-biological daughter. He just was off his bonkers, right? So Issa and Reena, they decide we want to leave. We want to go back to Scotland. So they come up with this like really intense plot where they're gonna call Issa's boyfriend and they're gonna call John who Reena is dating and they're gonna drive from Scotland to England.
Starting point is 00:30:27 They're gonna pack up the kids, and they're just gonna get into the car, and just drive away from Fred, never look back, never come back, right? And then it happens. It happens, like, come from Scotland. They're like loading shit in the car. But Fred was supposed to be at work, but he wasn't.
Starting point is 00:30:43 Because Anna, the other friend that came with him, Reena's friend, she had become incredibly close to Fred. No. Oh yeah. So they were like, we're gonna pack up the kids, you know, and then we're gonna jump into that car when he's at work and we're gonna get out of it, right? But Anna had told Fred of all the plans,
Starting point is 00:31:01 so he came back to the van early and a violent fight ensues, and John beats the shit out of Fred again and this time Fred and Anna are holding on to the two daughters for dear life and they said if you ever come back like I'm gonna freaking kill you and they threaten Rina the the kids mom so she ends up leaving the kids mom ends up leaving without the kids Anna Rina's friend decides to stay behind and she's like you know I'm gonna become So she ends up leaving the kids mom ends up leaving without the kids Anna Reena's friend decides to stay behind and she's like, you know I'm gonna become this like nanny for the kids and I'm just gonna become what Reena couldn't do I'm gonna be the best girlfriend for Fred so yeah
Starting point is 00:31:37 Issa the other friend and Reena the mom They end up believing with the other boy friends right right? Now Fred's alone with his two daughters. And Anna, who was 16 at the time, by the way. And yeah, and so she's just infatuated with Fred. She would write back to Scotland to her mom and she would say, mom, I met this man and we're gonna get married and he's just amazing. Little did her mom know that he was actually married to Reno.
Starting point is 00:32:02 This is, what are you talking about, right? And because Anna was 16, she started to really struggle looking after the girls. Like it just was not an easy job. I mean, when you're 16, I don't even know what I was doing when I was 16, but definitely not babysitting two kids, right? And she's like, listen,
Starting point is 00:32:17 I just want Fred to divorce Rina. She's doing everything she can to try to get this to happen, to try to make it happen. And the kids were just bopping back and forth between going from foster homes, back to Fred's, from a foster home, back to Fred's. I mean, it was a shit show. That's when Reena returns. And she says, I'm going to bring the kids back to Scotland.
Starting point is 00:32:38 And she approaches the van. And she sees that Anna and Fred are sleeping together like they're dating. They're having a full-on relationship and she gets unraged and she's jealous and she in that split moment decides to steal a bunch of Anna's belongings and skiddaddle back to Scotland. So she tries to run away from the law. The police ended up following her the next month. She was arrested, convicted, and given three years probation for theft. Yeah, so then she still decides to date Fred. So now Fred, this crazy dude, is dating Rina and dating Anna. Like he's trying to balance out this relationship, but they're
Starting point is 00:33:18 not like having a polyamorous relationship where they're all in love with each other. He was just having two different girls that he's juggling. And imagine how frustrating this is for poor little Fred because he was just getting so upset, so riled up that he had to let out his frustrations in somewhere and other, right? So between December and January, within a two month span, he violently raped eight different women just like out on the street and they all gave the description to the police that we later find out perfectly matches Fred's description. But that time nobody caught him. Nobody caught him. He was just a nobody. He wasn't even a blip on
Starting point is 00:33:56 the radar. And then something weird happened. So you've just got a lot of weird moments in this dude's life. So there was a guy by the name of Robin Holtz and when I say guy, he was a 15 year old boy and Fred was working with him at the Farm Machinery Factory. So this 15 year old is working and he was actually seen near Fred's house before he disappeared. So he just disappeared one day. And then about a week later, he turns up and he was found half naked, hanging from a tree, and underneath him, there were a bunch of porn magazines with nooses drawn onto the necks of all these models while they're having sex. And at the time, it was ruled by a suicide,
Starting point is 00:34:34 as a suicide, because there were like, this doesn't make any sense, like, well, who would want to kill this 15 year old boy? Nobody really knew, and nobody knew that Fred was nasty. Like, when you meet Fred, he seems dumb. He seems obnoxious if you're a girl You probably hate him, but most dudes and some girls that he wanted to impress He just seemed to kind of like a jolly fellow. That's what people said. He's kind of funny Huh, it's kind of goofy
Starting point is 00:34:58 So Fred did something to this boy That's what people suspect because later in prison He allegedly tells his prison inmates that he had something to do boy? That's what people suspect because later in prison he allegedly tells his prison inmates that he had something to do with the murder, but it hasn't been tied to him like perfectly. There's not a solid evidence. But what did he say? Like what's a ledger story? A ledger story. He did some assaulting and then murdered the boy. Wow. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:20 And then Anna gets pregnant. That's 16 year old girl? Yeah, the 16 year old girl friend gets pregnant and she wrote to her mom about how excited she was, how wonderful Fred is. They're going to be living in this beautiful countryside house, but the reality of it was that they were all just living in his van and she was raising, you know, Reena's kids and it just was not a good, easy situation. And Fred was so desperate about Reena not finding out about the pregnancy that all of a sudden
Starting point is 00:35:49 and McFall goes missing. Heavily pregnant, 18 year old Anna, she goes, she's missing, she's gone. Wait, why does he care so much about her not finding out? I don't know, I guess he really loved Reena. What? I don't really know. He just did not want her to find out. And so she goes missing.
Starting point is 00:36:11 Nobody reported it. So her family at the time in Scotland believed that she had started this new life. She was just writing to them about how happy she is. They're gonna live in this nice house and that she would just forget about the old one. And it sounds a little bit crazy, right? But it's not because their family was so impoverished.
Starting point is 00:36:28 So her mom and McFalls mom actually died of starvation. No way. Yeah, so I mean, they just really did not have money. So people think, you know, when you get out of that situation, you probably maybe you don't wanna call back, maybe you're scared everyone's gonna depend on you. So it was kind of alarming that she never wrote back to everyone, but since her last messages were so uplifting and she's starting this new beautiful life, maybe people were like, okay, like she just
Starting point is 00:36:54 forgot about us. So nobody reported her missing, none of her family members, nobody. And they wouldn't find her for years. But when they finally do, they found her dismembered. Her unborn baby was cut from her stomach, and there were a couple different joints that were missing because Fred has this fascination with wrist and ankle joints and he likes to keep them as a keepsake. And then you have Mary Bastholm. So Fred moves to this caravan park and this time he goes with Rina and their relationship is like on and off, right? So she's like kind of with the kids and then sometimes she'll live nearby in a lodging situation Then she'll come back into the caravan and to the van with him. So with Angon their relationship was kind of working kind of not
Starting point is 00:37:38 But Fred was always interested and young girls. So that's when he meets a waitress by the name of Mary Bastom And he would visit her at the cafe and she soon too disappeared. Now there was a massive search for Mary so her parents were freaking out, the police were freaking out, they had cadaver dogs, they had search dogs, they had search and rescue teams, but she wasn't found until much later. So then at that point Fred's mom dies, Daisy dies, and Fred gets arrested for theft He was going through some shit emotionally and he loses his job and he gets a new one becoming a delivery driver for a local bakery Now we enter into the scene Rose Mary lets oh shit the other half to this serial killer duo
Starting point is 00:38:22 The apple of his eye. Truly, I don't know what to think. Now here's one thing that I thought a lot about, which is vitamins and nutrients. There was a phase that I went there where I became a full-on pharmacist and I thought that I knew what I was doing to my body. Turns out I have no idea and I don't trust myself like that, listen. Even if we try really hard to eat kale salads and drink green smoothies, we're still most likely not getting all of the essential nutrients that we need on a daily basis. That is why I'm obsessed with ritual. I have been taking ritual every single day. It's an obsessively researched vitamin for women. Well, they do have a mens line now. I love the fact that
Starting point is 00:39:00 they are so crazy about the research that goes into the vitamin. Rituals essentials have the nutrients. Most of us aren't getting enough from food in all of their clean, absorbable forms. There's no shady additives. There's no ingredients that can do more harm to your body than good. And you just take these two easy to take capsules
Starting point is 00:39:19 that provide nine nutrients that you need to support a strong foundation for your health every single day. It's the best way that I like to start my morning. And also, if you guys have a sensitivity, sometimes I get nausea from different types of capsules. This is like a no-najia pill. They even put like a mint tab in every bottle to keep it completely just minty fresh. And if you guys are like me, I'm an obsessive vitamin label reader.
Starting point is 00:39:43 All of Rachel's products are vegan-friendly, sugar-free, non-GMO, gluten-free, and allergen-free ingredients, and their sources are out there for the whole world to see. I love that transparency. And the subscription is super easy to start, and it's easy to snooze, and it's only a dollar a day to have all the essential nutrients that your body needs delivered to you every single month no strings attached. My fiance just started the men's one recently, he's been taking it every single day loves
Starting point is 00:40:10 it. Better health doesn't have to have an overnight. And right now, ritual is offering you guys my listeners 10% off during your first three months. Fill in the gaps with your diet, support a healthy foundation for your body. That's slash rotten to start your ritual today. That's 10% off during your first three months at slash rotten. So that's when he became a delivery driver for a local bakery. Fred was really delivering the dough
Starting point is 00:40:36 and he just recently had a breakup with Reno, which I mean, I really don't think that's saying much because they were constantly on and off so it didn't seem like it was like an official We're getting divorced. This was finally over right and that's when he's delivering to a local restaurant where he meets Rose Mary Letts. We're gonna call her Rose for the rest of today's video But she is the other half to Fred and Rose's house of horrors and she was 15 at the time She just immediately catches his eye. He waits for her after the cafe is closed. She walks to the bus stop. He's harassing her at the bus stop. Like, please let me take you out on a date. She turned him down twice. But then finally, it was like, okay, fine. Let's meet up at a pub. And Fred tells Rose that he's a single dad just raising some kids by himself. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:41:20 Like so sad. Ooh, give me some sympathy. Like it's so hard raising two daughters by myself. My wife abandoned me Is what he told her right and Rose was just infatuated. She was like what? So she starts skipping work and prostituting for Fred. So she would stay at Fred's place Like his van and he would just bring men over. She would sleep with him most of the times in front of Fred and She would watch over Fred's kids. Yeah. And then finally she was like, I want you to meet my parents like Fred.
Starting point is 00:41:51 I think you're the one for me. I want you to meet my mom. I want you to meet my dad. And he goes over. He meets Rose Lutz family. And let me tell you, he lies about having an ice cream empire. He says, I've got a fleet of ice cream trucks. I'm an established man.
Starting point is 00:42:07 I'm a successful man. And his parents just kind of saw right through it. They were like, you're obviously lying. Like, you sound like an idiot. This is nasty. So they tell Rose, like, you've got to break up with him. We're not going to let you see him. You're not an adult yet.
Starting point is 00:42:19 It's not happening. Now, why would Rose still want to be with Fred, right? I mean, she sounds so normal up until this point, like she just working at a cafe, didn't really know what's going on. She got taken advantage of by some old dude. What's going on? So let me tell you about Rose, let's childhood.
Starting point is 00:42:36 She was number five out of seven kids to her dad, who was a war veteran in the Navy, and her mom, whose name is coincidentally also Daisy, right? She's the same as Fred's mom, not the same woman though, but I wouldn't be surprised I'm just kidding, you get it. Sorry, lots of incest in this one, it gets a little weird. She lived, um, from the outside I guess the family seemed really perfect and seemed beautiful, seemed just clean all the time, kind of like the opposite of Fred's family, they just seemed well put together,
Starting point is 00:43:07 but that just wasn't the case behind. Daisy, the mom, rose this mom, she was depressed, and when she was pregnant with Rose, she was actually receiving electro-conclusive treatment, like electotherapy, like she was getting shocked. She was getting chained up to a bed, yet back in the day it was wild. I think they still do it, but not as much.
Starting point is 00:43:25 But she was getting electrocuted on her temples while she was heavily pregnant. I don't even think you can get an X-ray. Like a dental X-ray. If you're pregnant, but she was like, yeah, give me that electricity dock. So she was just getting electrocuted. And her last treatment was a couple days before Rose was born. So nobody knows if this has any side effects to why Rose came out the way that she did. Nobody's really certain, right?
Starting point is 00:43:50 And so Rose enters in and she gets birthed, and when she was first born, it was kind of the same situation as Fred where everyone was just like, that is the most beautiful baby that I've ever seen before, which is insane because have you guys seen newborn babies, they look like aliens. But they're like no, this is the most beautiful baby, right? But she was a little bit odd. So Rose as a baby, she would have two very strange habits. The first thing would be that she would rock her head back and forth, like for hours, like not her body. So like people rock their body as like a soothing motion, I guess, right? But she would just like rock her head, like right to left, right to left,
Starting point is 00:44:29 just look a little like shaking her head. Yeah, like shaking her head, no. But like really fast, and she would almost be like in a trans like state when she does it. And everyone's like, okay, this is a little bit weird. And then at night she would routinely bash her head into her crib. Like she would just like to bang her head
Starting point is 00:44:45 Which is something that like infants don't do Maybe like a toddler throwing a tantrum, but like infants aren't just born out of the womb like let me bash this thing I don't know what it is anymore or yet. Let me just bash it like I don't they just don't do that, right? And so growing up I mean these things kind of just stuck with her So when she was in middle school she would just rock her head back and forth and people thought it was really strange. She didn't have a lot of friends. The one word that people described her with was unintelligent.
Starting point is 00:45:16 Oh no. Yeah. And the dad was really making their lives hard. So the dad he was a war veteran, he was diagnosed with schizophrenia, but he also had OCD. So he would constantly inspect the children's hands and their hair, and if there was even a speck of dirt, he would go into a rage and beat the shit out of all of his kids and his wife included. He would soak the carpets in bleach, and if there was a speck of dirt, he would beat the shit out of everyone.
Starting point is 00:45:50 Yeah and the mom she wasn't allowed to talk to any of her neighbors. She wasn't allowed to have any contact outside the house and if she did he would beat her. Like he was so paranoid about her having an affair that she wasn't even allowed to talk to like a grocery store clerk. and allowed to talk to like a grocery store clerk. Wow. It was insane. And then Rose becomes a teenager. And that's when the incest starts. So yeah, so the dad he was obsessed with his oldest daughter, Patricia.
Starting point is 00:46:15 And he would routinely rate Patricia until she just like had enough. She was like, I can't do it anymore. So she ends up leaving the house. And all of his attention falls towards his second oldest daughter daughter which was Rose. So he starts just raping Rose and Rose believed it to be normal like the way that he would brainwash her. She believed that this is how loving families behave like she believed behind closed doors all families do this. She had no idea that this was
Starting point is 00:46:43 in set. She thought it was normal. She thought it's almost like your parents teaching you how to do your ABCs. It's also your parents teaching you how to have sex by having sex with you. Yeah. And so then she would um continue on the abuse by molesting her own younger brothers. And this was when she was young. And then she did it. Yeah. So Rose would start molesting her younger brothers while she was getting molested by her dad. And she just was a little bit strange. So she would kind of walk around the house
Starting point is 00:47:14 nude, like deliberately. So from all accounts that I can read, it seems like Rose was very, very, I don't even know how to like, she would just walk around naked but in a deliberate manner and not just like oh my god, I didn't know you guys were home but just like walk to the breakfast table while everyone's eating cereal just but naked in like a kind of like a saw tree like a, you know, I don't know, it's just not something that most teens would ever do, but again, you have to realize that she was abused
Starting point is 00:47:48 and then there was the electotherapy while she was in the womb, right? We don't really know. And so at Rosemary at school, she didn't really fit in. She was overweight and she got bullied for it and then she became the bully and everyone was so scared of Rosemary. They were like, this bitch is crazy.
Starting point is 00:48:04 Like she will beat you up if you ever even look at her sideways. Like people were terrified of Rosette's school. They were like, we thought that we were just gonna bully her cause she's new, but we can't cause she's gonna bully us. So people were very terrified of her. And then her parents get divorced. She goes on to live with her dad and her mom just, I mean, the mom was weird,
Starting point is 00:48:26 right? So at one point she did live with the mom and then she's molesting the brother. She tried to even seduce Patricia's husband. So her older sister's husband, she tried to seduce. It didn't end up working. She goes back to live with her dad and that's when she became a waitress while she was having sex with her father. So she's doing this waitressing job. She's 15 now and her mom comes back to live with the dad too later on because she just did not have enough money to support herself, right?
Starting point is 00:48:54 So like the family's back together, she's still having sex with her dad, and she's a waitress. Now that's when she meets Fred. So that just cuts you up on speed, right? Cause Rose sounded so normal, right? From Fred's perspective, but it gets a little bit wild. So at 16 years old, Rose becomes pregnant with Fred's baby
Starting point is 00:49:14 and the parents wanted her to have an abortion and she was not having it. She was like, this is my baby, you can't tell me what to do. And so they decide to disown her and she lives with Fred. So she moves in with Fred and she starts pretending to have this just like fake house like fake family life like she's pretending to be this beautiful caretaker of Fred's two other daughters that are not her biological
Starting point is 00:49:36 children and she just wasn't gonna last like her patience was running then she was like I don't like these kids I don't't even, why am I pretending? Like I give a fuck about Charmaine and Ann Marie. I don't even care about them. Like I think they're a waste of time. I don't like that they're hanging out with their dad. I wanna hang out with Fred. Like she was kind of one of those people, right?
Starting point is 00:49:55 And Charmaine in particular really, really did not get along with Rose. So Charmaine was known for being incredibly independent. So she's the type of kid where if you yell at her or if you even spank her, she's not going to immediately be like, again, I'm so sorry I won't do it again, right? Like I was that little bit, most of the time, right? She was the type that she wouldn't even change her facial expression. And Rose didn't like that.
Starting point is 00:50:21 Rose was like, if I beat the shit out of you, you should be nice to me because you're scared of me. And that was kind of what Ann Marie was doing, right? And then finally Rose gives birth to Heather. This was Rose's first daughter. This was Fred and Rose's first kid. I do have to mention that there is speculation that this was actually a product of incest between Rose and her father. But there is no evidence. We don't know for sure. This is just talk of the town, right?
Starting point is 00:50:49 Now social services really did a number on this one. They just let so many things slip through the crap, crap, the crack because they should have monitored her. So the way that it worked in the UK is that, you know, she's 16, just had a daughter. She's also a caretaker of two older children. The social services should be checking up with her and monitoring her to make sure that these kids aren't in danger. But for some reason, like, she just slipped through the cracks of the system and nobody ever followed up with her. Like, she gave birth to her kid and social services never followed up, which is not what they're
Starting point is 00:51:23 supposed to do. And then Fred gets arrested to make matters worse. He gets charged with theft, he's jailed for six and a half months. And now Rose is all alone. 16 year old Rose is completely alone with these three kids and she has no money and no support. Like she's got nobody, right? And that's when her sadistic punishments
Starting point is 00:51:43 just started getting worse on the children. She would tell the girls, like, I can't wait for Reena to come pick you guys up so that I don't have to take care of you bitches anymore. She would say things like that. She would, she would, I mean, she just, it was bad. So to the two, two, two other kids. Yeah. So I mean, her kid was an infant at the time. And Sharmaine ends up actually visiting the hospital during the six and a half month period While Fred's in jail and she had a nasty puncture wound on her ankle, which is not normal like that's not a really It's not like you have a rash from falling off your bike like it's just a really random Placement for an injury, right and to the hospital their alarm bells should have gone off
Starting point is 00:52:23 But Rose was like oh no, this is like an accident inside the house like she tripped and she fell and it's gonna be okay Social services was yet again never informed about this or they never followed up on this So every time you go to the hospital in most countries and your kid has an injury that's a little bit suspicious They alert social services. You won't even know that they've alerted them most of the time they alert social services. You won't even know that they've alerted them most of the time. But if you're like, oh, my kid has a broken rib cage from falling on a coffee table. They're gonna be like, oh really?
Starting point is 00:52:52 But there's like no glass on your kid. It's just weird, right? So social services never went to check up on them. And that's when something really bad happened. So Rosemary, during this time, she would send passionate letters to Fred and prison, very sexual, passionate, charged letters, and it was always signed from your ever-worshipping wife. What the? Yeah, which was also very weird because he was still legally married to Rina, and she was not his wife, technically, and Charmaine goes to visit Fred at prison with Rina
Starting point is 00:53:27 and all the kids, right? And this was about a week or two before his release was the last time Charmaine visited the prison. And then she disappeared. She went missing. Charmaine is the- The daughter of Rina and the Asian bus driver. The oldest kid.
Starting point is 00:53:44 Yeah, the oldest. She just disappears. Now disappears now everyone of course when you have a kid that just disappears They're gonna start asking questions So all the neighbors were like what happened to little Charmaine and she said well Charmaine's mom came and took her back to Scotland That's what she tells the school. She says listen Charmaine's dropping out of the school because she's going back to Scotland. Now schools, again, usually they follow up with stuff like this because if their file is not requested by another school, it's a little bit weird. I mean, it's just odd, but their file was never requested, but the school didn't give a fork
Starting point is 00:54:15 never reported this. And that's when Fred gets released from jail and Rose tells Fred that she murdered Sharmaine and he helps her dispose of her body. So they had this little apartment and right outside they have this tiny little garden where they dug a shallow grave and they put dismembered parts of Shimein into that grave. He wasn't upset? Yeah, I mean he kept her wrist to ankle bones as keepsakes. Very weird.
Starting point is 00:54:49 We can assume that at this time he confessed to Rosemary about Mary Bothom and pregnant Anne, who he had murdered. The two girls he had murdered. So now they are joined in this secret pact of you know your murder I'm a murder we're dating this is kind of cool like nobody else in the world can get us you know nobody else can understand you like I do because I too am a murder you know how many people do you meet on Tinder that's a murder I would say too many I'm just kidding right like it's just they started sharing these secrets and it led to what we thought was going
Starting point is 00:55:29 to be a beautiful marriage, right? But not really. So months later Rose takes Heather and leaves Fred and goes back to her parents house and she says, I can't do it anymore. Like you guys were right. I'm so sorry. Like please take me back. And her dad is like, listen, you made your bed, you lie in it.
Starting point is 00:55:44 Like we're not letting you back inside the house. You take your kid and you go be with Fred because that's who you want to do with. I don't know. Just starting off by. Yeah. And her dad comes up later in the story. It's really weird too. So then Fred goes up to her and is like, listen, by tonight, if you're not home,
Starting point is 00:56:00 I'm going to have a new woman in my bed. And she just was triggered by that. So she went back to Fred, and they just started living this life together. And Reena comes back from Scotland one day, and she's like, wait a second, where's Charmaine? Like, and Marie's here, but where the fork is my daughter, Charmaine. And she was so confused, and she was so stressed out,
Starting point is 00:56:19 that she even went to Fred's childhood house to ask all of his siblings, like, hey, have you guys seen my daughter, Charmaine, right? And everyone's like, what are you talking about? No, we haven't. And so she goes back to Fred and he's like, listen, I will take you to see Charmaine. Don't worry, okay? I've got our baby.
Starting point is 00:56:37 I'm gonna take you to see her. Let's go to the bar first because I want to get drunk first, okay? So then they go to the pub, Reena gets wasted drunk. He takes Rina, his wife, back into his car, he assaults her with a metal pipe because they found a small piece of pipe still inside of her when she, they found her body later. She was strangled afterwards. He takes the corpse back to the house that he shares with Rose and he dismembers his wife
Starting point is 00:57:06 bags her up and buries her in the same field that he did and Which was his pregnant girlfriend from a while back. Where are they buried? Just like in a field oh not in the house. No, yeah, nobody reported Harina missing rose and Fred they get married It was at the same office that he got married to Rina. He marries Rose. They presume their life is normal. They go on a honeymoon.
Starting point is 00:57:32 Now their honeymoon is also weird because apparently it was a 3-some honeymoon. So they had invited this bisexual woman to stay with them the entire time. The reason I say bisexual woman is because that was how she was described her identity and her whereabouts are unknown. So we don't know she's dead. We don't even know who she is. But people say that there was a blonde bisexual girl that was just with them the whole time. But nobody knows. And this is such a big case that people thought that if she was alive or something had happened or she would come forward, or I guess maybe she just doesn't want to. We don't know. When they get back they move into Cromwell Street,
Starting point is 00:58:07 25 Cromwell Street. This was a nice three-story town home with a garage, a basement, and most of the locals were students because most of the houses had been converted into apartments nearby so it was just a lot of students and that's where Rose starts becoming a prostitute inside of their wonderful home that they had just rented together and inside of this room they called it Rose's Room. They had these tiny little holes all over the place and Fred would look through them from the next rooms over. He would just watch her have sex with men, with women, with anyone really that bought her services. There are two daughters, Anna and Heather and Marie and Heather.
Starting point is 00:58:49 They would be exposed to all of this sexual activity. They would literally see Rose having sex with random people and they didn't do anything to cover it up. What do you mean they didn't do anything to cover it? The adults weren't like, oh, they didn't care about the kids. They didn't care. Even Fred and Rose would literally just have sex in front of the kids. Right. And it was just like, what?
Starting point is 00:59:10 So they also decided to rent out some of the rooms to help pay for the rent. So they had what was called like a lodging system. So they would have these people like more like an Airbnb, let's say, less of a sublent situation. So they would just stay for like a couple days at a time. And Rose would routinely have sex with most of them Like they weren't even paying for her services like she would just have sex with them and Fred would just watch them It was very weird and that's when she gave birth to her second daughter by the name of May
Starting point is 00:59:40 We believe that this is Fred's biological daughter, but we don't know. So during this time period Rose is gonna give birth to eight kids and eight kids? Yes, and at least at the very least, three of them were her clients, kids. They were not Fred's kids. Yeah, but Fred would just tell everyone like, you know, they look mixed or they look darker than my complexion because my great-grandmother was black. That was his response, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:11 I know, I'm in shock too. Yeah. He would just be like, yeah, that's why. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. So then Rose would constantly brag about like, listen, no man and no women can ever satisfy rosemary
Starting point is 01:00:26 lats she was just so proud of the fact that she just was super sexually active I guess like just constantly having sex with everyone I mean she just felt like nobody could do it she was especially rough with women so when she was having sex with men yeah there was a little bit of BDSM involved but when it came to having sex with women, Rose was aggressive. She was really scary, like she would choke them, and she would grab, she would intentionally buy incredibly large toys. Like just massive. You would look at it, and you start winsing, because you're like, Oh, you know, right? Like she would purposely buy those, and then force them into women,
Starting point is 01:01:04 and then when they would scream or shout with pain or be like No, I don't really want to do that. She would say aren't you women enough to take it? And then she would just do it like she would just assault them. It was just so weird and then Fred would just constantly look through these people's They would place baby monitors inside of Rosa's room so that he could listen from anywhere inside the house because he loved listening to her. And it was like a real Christian Grey situation because the only key into this room was worn on a necklace around Rosa's neck. And they also had like a light outside the room, like you know those like filming lights. That's like when it says do not disturb and it is red because they're filming inside. Yeah. and it says do not disturb and it is red because they're filming inside. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:44 This is so gross. Yeah, it was like a whole operation. They also had a very large collection of things to look at, so they had bondage. They had restraining devices. They had sex toys. They also had magazines and most of their porn and magazines were either child pornography or they really liked beastiality, which means animals having sex with humans. Yeah, I do want to mention something. You know sometimes everything these days seem so dark,
Starting point is 01:02:15 seem so grim. Sometimes these stories seem dark and grim, sometimes the news seems so dark and grim, right? And how do we balance that out with our lives right now? And I feel like at one point it was really interfering with my happiness and preventing me from achieving any of my goals. And that's why I've been obsessed with better health. Better health is amazing because it's not a crisis line. It's also not self-help. It's professional counseling that's done securely online. So what they do is they assess your needs and they match you with your own licensed professional therapist that you can actually start talking to in under 48 hours. And the best part about this is that they cover a broad range of expertise and it's available for clients worldwide. So it doesn't matter where you are, maybe you're studying abroad, maybe in your local area,
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Starting point is 01:03:44 and read their testimonials that are posted on a daily basis. Literally, they have over a million people who have taken charge of their mental health with the help of an experienced professional. So if you guys are interested, my rotten mangoers, you guys can get 10% off your first month at slash rotten. That's B-E-T-T-E-R-H-E-L-P. .com slash rotten. Yeah, they would just be very into weird stuff. Now, remember when I said Rose is that, the one that had been raping her since she was young, he comes back into the frame, he comes back into the picture, right? He finds out that Rose has been prostituting from her house with her kids. And he barges in to become a client.
Starting point is 01:04:30 Oh my God. So then Rose's dad keeps coming over to the house as a client now. Yeah. And that continues on later on. He actually is a client of one of their kids. I get it's weird. One of their kids, I get it's weird. One of their kids.
Starting point is 01:04:47 This was the ex-Navy or... Yeah, the one with OCD and schizophrenia. Not that that excuses any of his behaviorism, just yeah. So then she, you know, like I said, has eight children during this time. I mean, there's kind of spaced out, so keep that in mind. Now, Rose is in kind of in charge of everything. Like, she takes care of all the money. She brings in the money and Fred goes to work and he just hands over all the money when he gets home. He's like, babe, this is how much I made today. Gives her the cash. She's in charge of all of that.
Starting point is 01:05:17 And Rose is the one that beats the kids. Like, you literally, she was insane. She would give these lists of rules to her kids. You have to do these chores on time. You have to do it like this. You have to do everything like this. You can't talk to anyone outside of this house unless we are present, or she will beat the shit out of you. And her nine kids total over the course of however long this was going on, they had 31 different hospital visits,
Starting point is 01:05:42 all suspicious accidents, social services was never called like that She would do this thing where she would lightly stab the children on the chest Like she would get a dull knife make the other kids hold the kid down and then she would just kind of like Like make pin marks with a knife like acupuncture, but with a stick knife and Still like the hospital did not alert But with a stick knife and still like the hospital did not alert Social services and imagine like these kids were probably only taken to the hospital the 31 times in really Dyer situations like they are not gonna be taken for a little bruise cut scrape here and there, right and Rose would even beat the shit out of Fred
Starting point is 01:06:24 She would beat the shit out of Fred. Yeah, remember how Fred would beat the shit out of all these women No, Rose was beating the shit out of Fred to the point where one time Fred was so scared of her that he ran all the way upstairs Slam the door shut because Rose was following Fred with a knife in her hand Just screaming like I'm gonna kill you and he slams the door shut She throws the knife into the door and it got stuck on the door like it went through the door But it was stuck on the door, right? So because of like physics and all that shit, I don't know, I'm not that intelligent. Her hand slips from the handle down to the blade because she's pulling the knife in with such force that three of her fingers were almost severed off. Almost severed off and all she did was calmly look at her hand and say,
Starting point is 01:07:11 Nalukuchiv done fella. Now you got to take me to the hospital and they just went to the hospital together Like she is so scary. I'm scared of her and that's when all of the assaults start happening to Ann Marie This is Rina, Catherine Rina's child with Fred Right, so this is not Rose's biological kid, not that it makes it any better or anything, but Fred starts raping Anne Marie. And she was only eight years old when all of the assault started happening. They would bring her down to the basement
Starting point is 01:07:37 and tell her how lucky she is to have these loving parents and only loving parents do this with their kids. He assaulted her, he brainwashed her into believing it was completely normal, while Rose would encourage him on the sidelines. And there would just be a lot of weird stuff like they would do. Like they would tie her up to furniture before Fred would come in a solter. And this was mainly Rose. Rose would be the one that's like, let me tie you up to a table.
Starting point is 01:08:01 And then Fred would come down and assault his daughter and then Rose would make her wear like, use toys while she was cleaning the house and like a mini skirt. Like, she's eight. Okay. I'm getting stressed out. So this is all Rose, it seemed, right? And at 13 years old, when Ann Marie, from eight to 13 years old, she was abused by her parents.
Starting point is 01:08:24 At 13, she started taking in clients as a prostitute inside their house. They would lie to the clients and claim that Anne Marie is 16 years old, but she was actually 13 and Rose would stay with her while she would have sex with these clients to make sure that Anne Marie doesn't tell them that she's not 16, that she's actually 13 and she's being forced into doing all of this. And then at 15 years old, she became pregnant with Fred's kid. So Fred impregnated his daughter with his grandchild.
Starting point is 01:08:56 And Rose just kind of hated her during this pregnancy. I mean, she was just jealous that she, I mean, I don't even understand. I don't know if she was jealous that this was a daughter, like a Cinderella story, like the daughter from another woman type of situation, or if she was jealous because she was pregnant with, I don't, do you see what I mean? Like I don't know why she was jealous, I don't know which, or like if it was a mix of,
Starting point is 01:09:21 I don't really know. And she had an ebbedock pregnancy, which means she had a very painful pregnancy that didn't follow through. She ended up losing her baby really late into her pregnancy, which is very painful. And Rose brought her home after the hospital and just kind of beat her stomach up for no reason. Just was like, I'm mad at you. So let me beat up your stomach.
Starting point is 01:09:42 And then in comes Caroline Owens. So Caroline Owens was a 17 year old who was hitchhiking in the nearby area. She decided to get picked up by the West who had offered her a job as a nanny. They said, listen, why don't you come to our house? Like, why are you hitchhiking? And Caroline was like, listen, I don't like my stepdad. I want a job. So they said, we have a job. You can be our nanny. You can live with us. You can live in our house together. And we will pay you. And can be our nanny. You can live with us. You can live in our house together And we will pay you and we will even drive you to go visit your mom every Tuesday
Starting point is 01:10:10 So she's like, you know what? That sounds good. So Caroline Owens packs up her stuff and she moves in into the West's house Right and Rose was really obsessed with Caroline like she just had this thing for Caroline and Caroline was getting really tired She was like, listen Rose. I already told you I have a boyfriend. I'm not into women and I'm also just like, you're my employer, like I'm just here to work, you know. I know. My nose likes her. Yeah. And she was like, I don't, I just, please, just please stop, right? And one month into it, she decided to let the West know, I don't think this is going to work out. I think I'm just going to go back home. Don't worry about it. I'll have my stuff packed up within the next two days. I'm gonna get out of here.
Starting point is 01:10:47 And so that night, she ends up going to her boyfriend's house. Caroline goes to her boyfriend's house because she was like, oh God, this was such an awkward conversation. I'm gonna just go to my boyfriend's house, hang out with him and then come home later, right? And they decide to pick her up from her boyfriend's house and they were like, listen, just get in the car.
Starting point is 01:11:01 Like we just wanna apologize. We feel so bad for everything that's happened. And like you should have just told us, we would have stopped hating on you. You know, Rose just thinks you're pretty blah, blah, blah. So of course she was like, you know, that's really sweet of you. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:11:15 So she gets into the car and they're driving back to the West House and Rose goes to the back seat. She comes from the front seat to the back seat and now she's sitting next to Caroline. And she starts like grabbing her boobs. So Caroline's like, okay, you literally just said, sorry, I'm not trying to do this right now. And Fred, as he's driving, he keeps aggressively asking her, did you have sex with your boyfriend tonight? And she's like, why are you asking me this? What is wrong with you guys?
Starting point is 01:11:42 So Fred gets mad because she's not answering the question and he looks over at her and punches her in the face knocks her unconscious they tie her up they bring her into the house and they sexually assault her all night. Now at one point Fred I mean I don't know why this is important but it was in like all the articles that I researched it was even on Wikipedia, which is weird, right? At one point Fred looks at her down their area, Caroline's and says, her clitoris is unusual, and then he whipped her with the belt because her clitoris is unusual. Like what? What? Yeah, I don't understand the mentality, like they're so depraved, and so then Rose assaults her to Smothers her with a pillow chokes her a little bit and then Fred was excited because the next day
Starting point is 01:12:31 He want to invite all of his friends to have a go at Caroline Owens and then somewhere along that timeline before the friends arrived They asked her like do you want to be our nanny again? And she's like yeah, I would love to so she starts vacuuming nanny again? And she's like, yeah, I would love to. So she starts vacuuming the house. And then finally, she's like, oh yeah, we should go to the laundry because we have so much laundry. So Rose is like, you know what, you're such a good nanny. That's a good idea.
Starting point is 01:12:55 So they grab all their laundry, they grab the kids laundry, and Rose and Caroline go to the local laundry mat, right? And that's when she just starts booking it. She escapes. Caroline was playing this card, right? She runs and runs and runs and runs she goes back home and her mom's like what's wrong like you're all being deaf you're all bruised like you're you seem weird you seem stressed what's going on and she was so embarrassed she didn't tell her mom anything until her mom was like you have to tell me so she tells her mom everything the mom goes to the police and Rose and Fred get arrested for assault and decent assault actual bodily harm and rape. Okay. Now the trial. Carolyn was to traumatize to
Starting point is 01:13:33 testify in court and with situations like this where there's so much evidence I mean yeah the testimony really really matters but I feel like you know a good prosecutor could work their way around it, something like this, right? Yeah. But they didn't. So the West, both of them received just a 25 pound fine each. So a total of 50 pounds. Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 01:13:55 This was so shocking that Caroline actually tried to commit suicide when she found out what the courts did. Thankfully, it wasn't successful and she lived afterwards, but it just was a lot. And you would think that this would kind of shake them up, right, for almost being caught for their dirty deeds. But they actually made a promise to each other at this point that they would never get caught ever again. And that's when Rose became pregnant with baby number three.
Starting point is 01:14:19 Linda! Linda Gough is also another live-in permanent nanny that they hired, and she was also found inside of their home. Her body was buried in their garage. Her jaw, her skull, had been completely wrapped in surgical tape. There was two small tubes found in her nose when they all topped it later on, so they think it was probably to help her breathe, which means she was probably beaten on the face a lot to the point where
Starting point is 01:14:45 her nose couldn't direct airflow without the help of like some tubes in her nose. There was also long-naughted fabric where her body was found, which means like the police are speculating that most of the victims were suspended in the air. I don't know what it is with these sadistic killers. This was evident in the Junco case as well Where they like to suspend people in the air like fucking circus a lay like I don't understand I don't get it. I don't get it at all So she was suspended in the air Linda died and the police are still to this day unsure if she died from all of the torture Or if she died because Fred was like I don't want want her to escape, you know, we're done with her, so let's kill her,
Starting point is 01:15:28 right? She was dismembered, she was decapitated, buried under their garage, and Linda's mom came looking for her, and she knocks at the West House, and she's like, hello, where's my daughter Linda? She said she got a job here as a full-time nanny, what's going on? And she saw that Rose was wearing Linda's slippers, and she's like, why are you wearing my daughter's slippers? She also saw that Linda's clothes were drying on the clothing rack.
Starting point is 01:15:49 So she's like, why are my daughters clothes here? And the couple sit her down and they say, listen Linda's mom, we actually, you know, we released Linda. She ran away because she hit our daughter and we saw it. And so she was like so scared that we were going to press charges that she just left everything and just ran out of the house. We haven't seen her since.
Starting point is 01:16:09 And did Linda's mom say? Linda's mom still kept looking. She didn't believe them, but there was nothing she could do. There was no evidence. And then Caroline and Cooper would be another victim. She was 15 years old. She was a troubled kid, so her mom had recently died and her dad was just going through it. Like her dad was not being a dad for her. Her
Starting point is 01:16:29 dad was so depressed that his wife had just died and she went to go watch a movie with her boyfriend and she was waiting for the bus to take her to her grandma's house. Because she was like, I'm gonna just stay with my grandma for a while. And she gets picked up by the West. They suspend her in the air. they sexually abused her, she was dismembered, and she was buried in their basement. Then you have 21-year-old Lucy Partington, she was from an upper middle-class good family, she was actually an ex-iter student. Both of her parents were super well-educated, she was a devoted Catholic. See, like with a lot of the other victims, you have a lot of people who didn't report them missing, and you have a lot of police who didn't spend a lot of the other victims, you have a lot of people who didn't report the missing. And you have a lot of police who didn't spend a lot
Starting point is 01:17:06 of resources on them, which is really sad. But if you guys are familiar with True Crime, it's like the nasty reality of what is happening in the world, right? And because Lucy Partington was part of an upper middle class family and she was an exterd college student, I mean, police spent a lot of money looking for her. And there was just no way that they would ever be like,
Starting point is 01:17:28 hey, this random house is going to have Lucy partying Tins grave in there, right? But we can speculate that she was picked up by Fred and Rosemary. And here's the crazy thing. They started doing this thing where they would bring their kids along in the car when they were looking for next victims, because victims would trust kids.
Starting point is 01:17:46 They dismembered her. Fred actually ended up going to the hospital for this because as he was dismembering Lucy's body, he was using a very cheap kitchen knife and he ended up cutting his hand and he went to the hospital. And there's record of that. So she wasn't found for a while and they start setting up the house. So during all of these murders, they and they start setting up the house. So during all of these murders, they still had tenants living in their house. They had set it up that downstairs, the main floor, like the ground floor was the family area, that's where Fred and Rosemary would sleep,
Starting point is 01:18:14 and then the kids bedrooms were away in the basement. Like half of the basement was the kids and then the other half was like their little torture chamber. They would also have the upstairs fully accommodated to fit 7 tenants at a time And that was so nobody knew well the tenants did say we heard some noises But Fred and Rosemary always talked about home improvement projects like they thought they were fucking property brothers like chipping Joanna gains like they just Yeah, they were always doing some DIYs So they were like oh that sounds like some DIYs that Fred's doing and then you know, Fred and Rose, they look like smelly people. So the tenant said, you know, there was kind of a smell, but we weren't gonna be rude and be like, what's that smell?
Starting point is 01:18:56 Right. And Fred looked a little smelly. So of course they're like, oh, well, of course Fred would smell the way he looks. And that was about it. They just really didn't know. And they gave birth to another baby, Steven West. So lots of babies going on. Then there was Teresa. She was a Switzerland-born 21-year-old college student. She was hitchhiking. She was also buried in their basement. Her family was just reporting her missing, just nonstop from Switzerland.
Starting point is 01:19:23 They tried to come to the UK, tried to search. There's just no way to connect them though. Yeah. And then you have Shirley Harbidge, who was 15. She was also buried in the cellar at the basement. And hers was a little bit different because there was a lot of extreme bondage found in her grave. There was also honey da mutt, who was 18 years old.
Starting point is 01:19:47 Then you have Shirley Robinson. This one was a little bit different. This was the one victim who there was no evidence of sexual torture involved. So she was an 18 year old and she was a tenant. So she was a larger at one point. And she started developing a relationship with Fred and Rosemary.
Starting point is 01:20:02 So she was having sex with both of them. So this was like a thrupple. This was like a threesome couple, right? And she became pregnant with Fred's baby. And this was around the same time that Rose was pregnant with a baby. So Rose gives birth to a baby that was obviously not Fred's baby. So the minute that she gets birth because Rose gave birth first, she's like, that's not Fred's baby. And that kind of drove her to get so jealous that Shirley was pregnant with Fred's baby while she was pregnant with like she just gave birth to a client's baby. She was like, how are you gonna have Fred's baby and I gave birth to somebody else's baby, right? So she was getting so jealous that she made Fred strangle Shirley kill her and then she cut out the baby from the womb, and they
Starting point is 01:20:47 buried her in the backyard. Bury them both. Bury them both. Yeah, so the police later found Shirley's skull, and they also found a tiny baby's skull. And they buried them in the backyard because the basement was so full of graves. So they started burying in the backyard. And this one was a very brutal murder. So Shirley was dismembered. She was friendsily dismembered,
Starting point is 01:21:11 which means like the cuts on the bones were just kind of frantic, like in a weird state of like craziness, rather than the other ones that were like taking their time of like, okay, let's get these cuts done, right? And she was scalped, like her scalped was ripped from her skull. She, you know, her baby was taken out. There was no sexual torture. This genuinely seemed like just pure jealousy and not so much, yeah, not so much of their weird sexual sadistic torture that they were doing. And then they had Alice in
Starting point is 01:21:42 Chambers, who was a 15 year old girl girl who was also murdered in a very similar way. Now this is where all the family starts to fall apart. Anne Marie, she turned 16 years old, and she's like, I am so freaking done with this. So she leaves the house. She's like, I'm never coming back like I hate you all, right? So she leaves. Now that means Fred starts raping his second eldest daughter. This is Rose Mary and Fred's biological daughter, Heather. Uh-huh. The first biological kid that she gave birth to, right? Yes.
Starting point is 01:22:10 Heather. Fred starts raping her and Rosemary is just encouraging it. And meanwhile, he's doing that. She has two more children that are not Fred's kids. And the Heather kind of tells someone at school that she her parents beat her and they're just a little bit weird and her parents get so mad at her so she kind of like sets up this plan that she's gonna find a job and she's gonna run away right but she ends up not being able find a job and she just keeps getting
Starting point is 01:22:38 raped they end up killing her they dismember Rose helps kill her own baby now. Oh my god, there's just no limit to this. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's it's not it's like it's one thing. Okay, first of all, I don't even like saying that, but you know, with Charmaine, I can see how evil Rose is, but it's like, you know, it's like a Cinderella story almost like not in a fun way, the other kid that's not yours right but this is her baby. They put her into like a trash bin for a little bit before they bury her which is something that really stuck with a lot of people because how do you do that to your kid and it's I mean they she's like in her teenage years at this point she was 17 at the time I believe and Fred even asks his son to help dig him
Starting point is 01:23:26 a grave in the back because he wants to install a koi fish pond in the backyard. So the son gets excited and he starts helping dig a hole in the backyard. Later he finds out that it was a hole for his sister. So the sons have no idea. The kids had no idea. Some of the kids even stay with the parents later. It's weird. Yeah. So, I mean, the one thing that they did do though was that Fred would always make the kids watch porn with him. So, like, family movie night, but it was just porn.
Starting point is 01:23:58 And that's when when Heather was dead, they decided to torture May, which is the next eldest daughter. Another biological daughter, and he would grow per he never raped May, and she was just fierce like she did everything she could to make sure that he did not rape her, right? And he decided because May wouldn't let him have sex with her, it's because she was the last being. And he started bullying her for being gay. He's like a campily-favigay daughter. What? And Rose, which is giggle.
Starting point is 01:24:32 Yeah. She ends up getting married, leaving the house. Later, we find out that May was actually raped by Fred's brother when she was five years old, but that's, we'll get back to that, right? So then the next eldest daughter was Louise, which was Fred's next target. She was actually taken out of school by the parents because they didn't want her to tell anybody about what was happening to her. So they would rape her, they would sort ofize her and Rose
Starting point is 01:24:55 watched at least on at least one occasion. Like watch the whole thing go down and when Louise she's just shaken up, like she just got assaulted. She ran to the bathroom crying, shaking, bleeding. And Rose went to her, her mom went to her and said, well what did you expect? I don't even know what that means. So that's when Louise goes to the police and she lets them know that she is being assaulted by her dad.
Starting point is 01:25:24 So the police, I mean this know that she is being assaulted by her dad. So the police, I mean this is a shit show, they start investigating. Now at this point it happened years. So the West, they were no longer prostituting, they didn't have any tenants inside their house. Rose had briefly moved out of the house at one point because she was having an affair with someone else and it looked like their relationship was just falling apart Fred and Rosemary's, right? And the police are alerted about this and they start investigating, so they search the house and they find out, okay, yes, we do believe
Starting point is 01:25:51 that Louise was being assaulted by her own father, like look at all the kids. And some of the kids even said things like, yeah, whenever Louise would get fight back, they would constantly say, hey, do you wanna be buried in the backyard like Heather? But they would all giggle. So the parents would giggle. So none of the kids thought she was actually in the backyard, right?
Starting point is 01:26:10 They were always told that she ran away. So they were just like, okay, that's such a weird thing to say. So all the kids get taken to social services and both of the parents are charged for rape. Now Rose was released earlier. She got bail because hers was like encouragement of rape or something like that. It was a lesser sentence or a lesser charge and she went to go visit Fred while he was in the hospital because I think he was sick about something and that's when everyone said she was so lovely, Davi. It was like watching a couple of teenagers just so obsessed with each other. So people either speculate, A, this weird conviction charge of people finding out
Starting point is 01:26:48 that they're incestuous and right this and stuff made their relationship spicy. Really? Or Rose was manipulating Fred so that he wouldn't say that she was involved. So I feel like the second one is very correct, right? And all the kids, they, I mean, it was just intense. Like they were torn on, do they testify, do they not testify, right?
Starting point is 01:27:11 Uh-huh. The children end up getting taken away. So any of the kids that were young enough to be under the custody of the parents were taken away. And Rosemary didn't ever try to get her kids back. Instead, she was like, hey, hey Fred let's just get pregnant again So they keep trying for another baby. Thankfully she doesn't end up getting pregnant Think the lords now they think that they get away with it because the kids end up not testifying So they're like oh ha ha the police have nothing to charge us on
Starting point is 01:27:38 It's gonna be like the last time with Candice or Caroline because she didn't um she didn't testify So they got fine 25 pounds. Remember? So they were like, it's going to be the same thing. But what they didn't know is that the police were investigating really strong because remember the time where his first wife got arrested from going back to the UK from Scotland, finding out that Fred is having an affair
Starting point is 01:28:03 with her friend Anna. And she stole a bunch of Anna stuff. Yes. And went to Scotland and she was arrested and given three years probation. Remember that? Yes. Well, the person who arrested her was also working the case. And she remembered years and years ago that when she was driving Miss Rina to prison,
Starting point is 01:28:22 that she said she was just talking in the back seat about how humiliating, how hard this relationship is, how much she gets beat by her husband. And she remembered that. She was like, this guy's weird, you know? There's something going on. So she starts digging and digging and digging, right? And that's when she's like, I can't even get a hold of this Rina. Like, I can't find her anywhere. Nobody knows where she is.
Starting point is 01:28:46 She wanted to ask her further questions. She's like completely gone. The rest of the police are concerned that Heather's gone and the kids keep saying, you know, mom and dad would always jokingly say, you don't want to be in the backyard like Heather. And they're like, okay, well where is Heather? And they're like, oh, she ran away. They asked the parents, Fred and Rosemary. They're like, where is your daughter Heather? And they're like, we don't know. We don't know. Like, oh, she ran away. They asked the parents, Fred and Rosemary, they're like, where's your daughter Heather? And they're like, we don't know.
Starting point is 01:29:07 We don't know. They were just very vague. At one point, Rose goes, I can't bloody remember. That was a long time ago. I'm not a bloody computer. About where her daughter Heather is. Like, imagine? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:20 Imagine your kid runs away, and you're like, I can't bloody remember. What do you? Oh, yeah. Like, what do you? Oh, yeah. Like, what? So the police, they finally get a search warrant and they arrest the couple and they search the house and Fred immediately confesses and he gives the location in the backyard of Heather's body.
Starting point is 01:29:37 So the police start digging and they find not one human leg but multiple human legs and they start digging and digging and digging. And that's when they realize this is a fucking house of horrors. This is not one grave site. This is, we're talking so many. So he only gave up Heather. Yeah, but they dug up like the forward leg bones. So they're like, um, Heather did not have four legs.
Starting point is 01:30:01 So what's going on? Yeah. So they started digging more. And then once they found all that, they're like, well we got to dig up the whole place. It was just intense. Now Rose denies any involvement. She says, what do you mean?
Starting point is 01:30:12 I was a loving wife, I had no idea. I don't know anything. And then Fred, he ends up just confessing. He's like, yeah, I did it, but he says that he did it all on his own. To the point where even some of the kids believe that Fred is evil and Rose had nothing to do with it. Why did he do that? He loves Rose.
Starting point is 01:30:32 Shut the fuck up. Yeah, but Rose don't love him. We'll get into it. He dies. Anyways, the press, they call it the House of Horrors. It was just, this was one of the UK's most notorious freaking serial killings because what are you saying? Right.
Starting point is 01:30:46 Yeah. And Rose when she's interrogated, she says no comment to everything Fred. He implicates only himself. He keeps confessing he even shows them where and and Reena, his first wife are buried out in the field. He tells them where Charmaine is buried, which is an an apartment that they used to live in. So they're led to Charmaine and Spoddy, Reina's body, and all of this. And Charmaine's death, the
Starting point is 01:31:09 police are a little bit suspicious about this one because Fred was able to describe every single murder in full detail of how the dismemberments happened, how the murder itself happened. But with Charmaine, he was just so vague, he was like, then she died and I dismembered her. Yeah. And people also speculate, you know, the last time she was seen alive was while Fred was in prison and then he was released and I mean, there was just some weird. It's gotta be Rose, right? That's what everyone thought. So they were finally reunited. Fred and Rosemary were finally reunited at a court hearing where they were formally charged with rows with nine counts of murder
Starting point is 01:31:46 and Fred with 12 counts of murder, sorry. Right, so yeah, the nine people in the house, then Fred was also charged with Anne, Reena, and Charmaine. Okay. And Fred was just trying so hard to like look at rows, to be like rows, look at me. He would even try to like hold his hand out on her shoulder and she would not look at him. She was disgusted and he was nearby. She would make her face look disgusted. So she's trying to play innocent? Mm-hmm. And he was heartbroken. He was devastated. He went back to prison waiting for trial and he was depressed. He saw these news reports of her pretending to be a grieving mom. So Rose declared her innocence but also declared her hatred of him and was like,
Starting point is 01:32:28 I hate him, how could he do this, char kids? And so he would write her love letters to her prison, she would never respond. He just got so depressed. So then he goes to the police, he withdraws all of his confessions and he says, listen, Rose had 100% fault in everything just as much as I did, we did it together. Then January 1st, 1995 comes around. He draws a picture on a piece of paper of a gravestone.
Starting point is 01:32:56 And it says, in loving memory, Fred West and Rose West, rest in peace where no shadow falls. In perfect peace, he waits for Rose, his wife, and on the walls he's scratched of the prison, Freddy the mass murderer, and then he strangled himself. He left a stack of love letters for Rose before he died. He died before trial, and people were pissed. And Rose showed no emotion. Now, three months, three months from January to March, he was frozen because no church, no burial ground, no funeral home wanted to house him. So he was just left frozen under state property for three months until finally they could convince someone to bury him.
Starting point is 01:33:47 And they finally found someone and then the funeral was a shit show because he was cremated. And Anne Marie, the first daughter that he was raping since she was eight years old, the crazy thing is because of all the brainwashing and the grooming and her sense of family, she hated Fred but she loved Fred. Like she loved her dad but she loved Fred. Like, she loved her dad, but she hated her dad. It was a complex thing. And so she was uninvited to the funeral for some reason,
Starting point is 01:34:13 but she ended up showing up, and she stole Fred's ashes. Like, there was a whole family fight, and she like stole Fred's ashes. Yeah. I know, it gets crazy. I know he keeps dying because like the minute that he thinks the craziness is over, I'm like, woobahambi, it's there's more. Way too much. Yeah, so then Rose's trial starts and this time she is formally charged with 10 counts of first degree murder. And up against her, we've got Ann Marie who's testifying. You've got a bunch of the different West children who's testifying.
Starting point is 01:34:47 You've got Caroline Owens, who is now finally testifying for the assault that she was so scared to testify for the first time. And you know, the defense, they were coming in hot. They were making her cry. They were making her laugh and self-deprecate herself. So she would be crying up there. And then she would be like, I know know it seems like I'm always pregnant and then she would stutter and seem nervous like she genuinely seemed like a like just like a regular housewife is
Starting point is 01:35:14 still trying yeah and they said here's the thing like obviously Fred did it all he was you know a violent person He was known for assaulting women. He claimed that he did this all by himself. And Rose is just a mentally injured, mentally, you know, just not in the best place. And she fell in love with just a sadistic killer. It's just a love story gone wrong. I mean, it was so crazy that three of her eldest children Stephen, May and Tara believed Rose Believed that only the dad was evil and Rose did all of these things like hit them because he wanted her to he made her She was so confident that she was gonna be found not guilty that she even was like talking about moving to Ireland after all of this was over Yeah, so seven some of the biggest zero killer are the most confident in your mind so fucked up and wire so differently at that point
Starting point is 01:36:10 Listen, I'm not even confident to order my Starbucks order without struggling like how are you so confident with all of this evidence and 10 counts of murder Yeah, they're just gonna fucking move to Ireland after like what do you mean? Counts of murder. Yeah, they are just gonna fucking move to Ireland after like what do you mean? Seven weeks of evidence and they find her guilty. They sent her to life in prison. No parole She lost touch with most of her children except and Marie. I know. I know. I mean that's not really her child I don't know it's I don't want to say anything because I don't know It is a little puzzling from the outside perspective, but also I think, you know, I don't know what comes with kind of emotions there. And I don't know what happens when you're that young, when these things happen.
Starting point is 01:36:57 I can't even imagine how fucking confusing or complicated this feeling is. So yeah, Ann Marie was the one that would visit her the most. None of her kids are really visiting her anymore. There's a lot of fallout from this. So Fred's brother ended up hanging himself because he was being investigated at the same time for the assault of Ann Marie when she was five years old because she had alerted the police.
Starting point is 01:37:24 So he ends up dying. Now Ann Marie, she ends up trying to drown herself in a river at one point and thankfully it was unsuccessful and she is alive now. You also have Stephen, Stephen West, their son, who in 2002 he had attempted to hang himself. And in 2004 he was actually sent to prison for nine months for having sex with a 14 year old girl. That part gets me a little frustrated. Yeah, in the cycle just continues.
Starting point is 01:37:55 Yeah, and then you have a man by the name of Terrence Crick. Now, this is gonna get really sad. So Terrence Crick is 48 years old, or he was 48 years old, and he knew Fred. He was kind of an acquaintance of Fred. So Fred told him that he is really good at giving abortions under the table. So if he just finds pregnant girls for Fred and brings them to Fred, Fred can either force them to have an abortion, like random pregnant girls off the street, or he can persuade them to have an abortion like random pregnant girls off the street or he can
Starting point is 01:38:25 persuade them to have an abortion and he would just give them an abortion at home like a super illegal one. I think it brought him sexual satisfaction is what people said. Oh my god. And Terrence told the police about this and the police ignored him. This was long time ago. Yes. And those closest to Terrence and sources say that he ended up taking his life after the trial because he just felt like he could have done more and widened the police.
Starting point is 01:38:56 Listen to him because if they had put Fred and Jail, maybe he wouldn't have met Rose. Maybe none of this. Oh, this was so weird. This was a long ago, yeah, it seems. Yeah, from what I could tell from my research, like maybe he wouldn't have met Rose. Maybe none of this. Oh, this was so long ago. Yeah, it seems. Yeah, from what I could tell from my research, like maybe he wouldn't have met Rose.
Starting point is 01:39:08 Maybe none of this sort of happened. Maybe Fred would have been on the police radar for so long that he just couldn't get away with anything else. Yeah. So he ended up dying of, he was found in his car with carbon monoxide poisoning, CO2 poisoning. You know what happened to their both Fred and Rose's parents?
Starting point is 01:39:29 Disgusting parents? Yeah, so they all died and nobody really cared for them. I know even Rose's dad has an unmarked grave. Disgusting. Yeah, so really nobody gives a fuck about them. I mean, it's really confusing. A lot of the West kids. They've changed their names Mm-hmm, and they're trying to move on
Starting point is 01:39:48 I just hope like the cycle stops like that's what I was thinking about too, but then I read about Steven West Mm-hmm, 2004 is recent and also nine months is really short for Yeah, this is a shisho generation of shisho. Yeah, this is a whole shisho. I was even nervous to do this one because I was like, I don't even know if like, people can keep up with the shisho. Like I was having such a hard time
Starting point is 01:40:17 keeping up with the shisho because I'm like, there's no way. Like it's just non-stop. Let me know in the comments what are your thoughts on this case. I mean, this is truly what people consider to be the House of Horrors. You know, this was one of the first House of Horrors. You know, you've got now the children in California, the, I'm going to say their last name's
Starting point is 01:40:38 wrong, the Papin children who there was 12 kids that the parents had that they were abusing. Right? They're all called house of horrors. I mean, this one's really intense. Now it's been demolished, thankfully, and it's just a public walkway. So it's just part of like a little walkway.
Starting point is 01:40:56 So let me know in the comments. So there's no comments, you freaking idiot, Stephanie. Let me know what are your thoughts on this case. And if you guys enjoyed today's episode, the best way to support us is to leave a stellar review on any podcast platform for us. I'll see you guys next Wednesday. Bye.

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