Rotten Mango - #19- The Werewolf Of New York (Case of Katherine Knight & Albert Fish)

Episode Date: October 14, 2020

She killed her husband then tried to feed his children dinner... that she cooked with his body parts.  He likes to cover people in bacon before roasting them.  In honor of Spooktober, today's is a long juicy one with two different killers who have completely different methods + motives... but a strange fascination with the forbidden meat. Whatever you do ... don't look in their oven. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Rambles. Whether you're doing a dance to your favorite artist in the office parking lot, or being guided into Warrior I in the break room before your shift, whether you're running on your Peloton tread at your mom's house while she watches the baby, or counting your breaths on the subway. Peloton is for all of us, wherever we are, whenever we need it. Download the free Peloton is for all of us. Wherever we are, whenever we need it, download the free Peloton app today. Peloton app available through free tier, or pay to description starting at $12.99 per month.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Hey, what's in the oven? What is in the oven? I don't know. What is in the oven? No, I mean, take a guess. If I tell you something's cooking in the oven, okay, maybe not our oven. I don't want to incriminate myself if the FBI ever listens to this. If I ask you, just a simple question with no specifications, with nothing, no context. Hey, what you got cooking in the oven? What do you think the answer would be? A dead person. Yes, sir. It's about to be a crazy video. So today we've got two of the, well, I really wanted to do something really creepy for Halloween.
Starting point is 00:01:04 And this one, I mean, I don't know. I don't know if I could ever outdo this one because it is just such a nasty story we're talking about two of the most infamous cannibals in the history of cannibals. Now the reason that they're infamous though however is not because they just went around eating everyone you know I think there are more people who ate more people than these two did but it was the fact that they do it in such weird ways. So the first person that we're talking about today, she ends up making a curtain out of the skin of the person that she eats.
Starting point is 00:01:34 And the second person that we're talking about today is a really creepy man who really likes to eat children, but before he eats these children, he wants the children to spank him because he's really into getting spanked. So let's get started, I guess, with the first person. Her name is Catherine Knight. Wait, so are they related or no? No, we're talking about two different children. Yeah, because it's spooked hovers. So I wanted to just bam, bam. You know, what's in the oven? What you got cooking in that oven? You know, when the way that they cook them is really strange. We're gonna get into the details of what vegetables did they pair them with, you know?
Starting point is 00:02:08 How did they roast? There's bacon involved. Don't expect to eat for a while, okay? So let's get started with Catherine Knight's story. Now, Catherine Knight is a very interesting person because her story is gonna blow your mind. I mean, she was born back shit crazy. This all takes place in 2001. She actually became the first Australian woman to be, to be given a life sentence, a life imprisonment without the possibility of parole, the first woman in Australia in 2001. That's their first?
Starting point is 00:02:37 Yeah, I'm like, God damn, should we move to Australia? Sounds relatively safe there. Oh, what? Yeah, and it was so bad that the investigators who actually worked on this case, like the police who found the crime scene, they were so traumatized, they had to go through intense therapy. A lot of them actually gave up meat, some of them couldn't eat meat for months, and it was a shit show. So let's talk about Catherine Knight's childhood. She was born in a conservative rural town in Australia, and she was born to a very unconventional,
Starting point is 00:03:06 dysfunctional family environment. So her mom's name is Barbara. Now Barbara was married to a guy by the name of Jack who she had four sons with. She ends up getting into an affair a little bit of a little Shrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr with a guy by the name of Ken Knight. And this was really controversial in the area because this was actually a friend and a coworker of her husband Jack. So she started sleeping around with Ken. And it's just weird. He doesn't look like Ken.
Starting point is 00:03:35 So don't picture Ken and Barbie because that's what I did. And then I googled his picture and he doesn't really look like that. What does he look like? Like Bob? Like a Bob, yeah. And we can make kind of him because he's an asthy dude too. And so this became a major scandal in town. So
Starting point is 00:03:52 she ended up moving away with Ken and she left two of her sons with Jack, her former husband, and then she left the other two sons with like an aunt, like a sister, like a relative, right? So her ex-husband has two sons and she's kid-free. She moves with Ken night out of town and she ends up having four more kids with him and the last two kids that she has with Ken, so now we're at eight kids, okay? Yes.
Starting point is 00:04:16 Is Catherine, is one of them. She is the younger of two twin girls. So she's part of a twin set. I don't know if that's the appropriate thing to say, but I'm saying it, sorry. And Catherine, when she was four years old, Jack ends up dying. So her mom, ex-husband, who she has no biological connection to, ends up dying. And so the two sons that was staying with Jack end up moving in with Catherine, Barbara, and Ken, and the other siblings, right? So these are her two half siblings.
Starting point is 00:04:45 And she didn't really get along with them that much, and it all kind of starts with Ken. So this dude, that Barbara was like, you know what, I'm gonna cheat on my first husband with this man, who was also friends with my first husband. He was a nasty guy. He was an alcoholic. He was really violent.
Starting point is 00:05:02 He loved to intimidate women, and he would use these tactics to rape his wife Barbara 10 times a day. Up to 10 times a day, yeah, he would rape his own wife because she did not consent to these, she was like, I'm sorry, like I don't want to do this with you, I am tired or ABC and D, or just no means no, we don't need a fucking explanation, right? But he would literally hit her beater up until He raped her like 10 times a day. It's insane. I don't even know how someone can have sex 10 times a day to be honest But maybe that's a personal problem
Starting point is 00:05:35 What you know, I mean it's pretty alarming like yeah Everything about is pretty alarming. Yeah, I know why why did that part stick with me? about is pretty along. Yeah, everything I know. Why did that part stick with me? Okay, yeah. All of it is alarming. And because of this, whenever Ken was in a round, Barbara would literally look to her kids and be like, listen, I'm going to tell you about something, okay?
Starting point is 00:05:54 Especially her two daughters. She would tell them, I hate sex and I hate men and you should too. So she would just kind of ingrain in their minds like some weird stuff. She would also kind of tell them too much about her sex life, which is something you just don't want to hear from any adult when you're a kid, but also definitely not your parents. So her kids kind of grew up around that environment. Now Catherine also claims that she was assaulted by several of her family members, sexually assaulted when she was really young, like under the age of 11.
Starting point is 00:06:24 This wasn't her dad, but you're talking uncles, you're talking distance relatives, and it continued till she was 11. There's no evidence of it, and there are a little bit of like plot holes in her story of abuse, however, however, psychiatrists, they all believe it happened. I mean, there's no doubt that something traumatic happened, especially because a lot of family members actually corroborated the story. They were like, yes, I remember. She was assaulted. So she did she did have some trauma and not only that there was a lot of family tension, okay? Barbara's great-grandma mama. She was an indigenous Australian woman. Barbara was really proud of it. She was like, yes, my great-grandma is indigenous and she would always tell people this.
Starting point is 00:07:07 However, Ken did not like that. Ken was like, you need to stop telling people because they lived in a very conservative rural town where lots of people were racist. So they were like, if you keep telling people like our kids are going to get bullied in school because they're not like, pillar. Which is really funny because indigenous usually means like you were there first. So I don't, you know, but anyways, they kept it like a big secret. It caused like a lot of tension within the children too, because they were like, wait, I don't understand my history, like am I allowed to tell people
Starting point is 00:07:33 this, like people are making fun of me for this, like I'm as supposed to be proud of this. And they just had a little bit of a difference of how they should parent their children, which is not always a good idea. So the place that they lived in was called Aberdeen, which is in South Wales. It's about three hours north of Sydney and it was like a mining town. It was a very industrial small town. I wouldn't say it's like your picturesque, like when I
Starting point is 00:07:57 go there on like a wine tour, probably not, type of vibe, right? Yeah, yeah. So they had two pubs and uh, yeah, like a bar. Just two bars in the hotel you're saying? Yeah, yeah, so they had two pubs and uh... Two pubs? Yeah, like a bar. Just two bars in the hotel you're saying? Yeah, and then it was called the top bar and the bottom bar, so like the top of the town. I'm sorry, I don't know why that's so cute! That's really cute though! It's really cute. Yeah, they're like, hey, you go into the pub tonight, top or bottom, you know, it's kind of fun.
Starting point is 00:08:25 It's not even like, oh, what club are you going? It's like top or bottom, you know. I don't know. I just thought it was kind of cute. And so Catherine, she's close to her twin sister and she's really close with her uncle Oscar. Okay, now uncle Oscar had committed suicide when she was really young and she claims that throughout
Starting point is 00:08:46 her entire life his ghost would just periodically visit her. I'm not laughing! I just think like there's a lot going on in this story. Yeah, yeah. So she went through a lot growing up. Yes. So she claims that her uncle's ghost would constantly visit her. So she just really wasn't close to anyone but her twin sister. Now to give you some background on high school, right? The way that everyone remembers her,
Starting point is 00:09:09 her classmates remember her as being a loner, but also a bully. They said that she was a bully of small children. So she was not one of those bullies that was really smart or witty. I don't think those really exist, but she was a bully of someone who just picked on people who were smaller than her physically speaking, because Catherine was a very physically violent person and it started when she was young She assaulted at least one boy during high school. She was also injured So Catherine herself got injured by a teacher and at first you're like, oh shit like the teacher's gonna get fired, right? But we later find out that the teacher acted in self-defense because Catherine tried to attack the teacher first. So yeah, she was a little bit violent, yeah. But when she wasn't angry, she really had a life ahead of her. She was a model student.
Starting point is 00:09:56 She randomly got awards for good behavior when she wasn't in these like fits of rage. But when she would be angry, like it would just... What do you mean, a word for good behavior? Yeah, like there would be some months where she was just never angry and they'd be like, wow, you are really like the prime student. And you deserve a word? Yeah, and then they'd give her the award and then she would like try to assault the teacher
Starting point is 00:10:17 and then they'd be like, give me that shit back. I'm just kidding, I don't think they did that, but they were like, okay, like what's going on? Okay. And so she drops out of high school at 15 years old. She couldn't read, she couldn't write. I think she later ends up learning, but at the time it was just rough.
Starting point is 00:10:31 So she immediately gets a job at a clothing factory and she's like a clothing cutter. And she didn't really like it much. Now her mom and her, Barbara and Catherine had a tumultuous relationship. Catherine remembers complaining to her mom about, hey, like I'm dating this guy and he wants me to do this sex act with him.
Starting point is 00:10:50 And I don't really wanna do it. I just don't feel comfortable. I don't feel like it's something that I'm interested in. And what would a mom say? I mean, I'd probably say you shouldn't be doing any sex anyway, but second of all, then don't do it. You need to let him know, like I don't feel comfortable. You would say these like cool parenting shit, right? That you read about you're like I'm gonna be an amazing mom But her mom was like just put up with it and stop complaining like she was just really just a shitty
Starting point is 00:11:16 I thought you say the mom kept telling her that sex is bad or yeah But she also doesn't know how to tell her to stand up for herself. Yeah or yeah, but she also doesn't know how to tell her to stand up for herself. Yeah. And I think, you know, it happened with her mom getting assaulted so many times that maybe she feels like this is what just woman live with. Got it. Right. So that seems more of like the vibe, I think, that she's just like, what are you, just
Starting point is 00:11:39 stop complaining, like it'll be over, right? Type of situation. And so she she after she works at the clothing company she ends up getting a job at the slaughterhouse so she works at a meat factory and she ends up becoming promoted to being a butcher and a boner that's a real job being a boner
Starting point is 00:12:01 why am I 12 and laughing at Bona no she got it promoted to Bonaing Bonaing got it yes and she was even given a set of butcher knives and she said this was her dream job like she's always wanted to work at the slaughterhouse which I don't know I mean I don't judge but I just wouldn't
Starting point is 00:12:22 think that like I just feel like that would be such hard stressful probably mentally taxing work that I don't judge but I just wouldn't think that like I just feel like that would be such hard stressful Probably mentally taxing work that I don't think I would call it a dream job, right? But um, she was like no, this is like literally where I'm the happiest is that work? And so she's like this is my dream job and I love it so much So she brings home her butcher knives and she starts hanging them over her bed on the wall Wow, and she would tell people it's always handy if I need them since they're literally hanging on top of her head.
Starting point is 00:12:49 I mean, I don't know about you, but I would just be so terrified that one would just slip and fall and poke my eye out. Yeah, exactly. You can't do that in LA. Yeah, the earthquake. One earthquake away from... Death.
Starting point is 00:13:03 She. Yeah, yeah. She. Yeah, yeah. She was like, yeah, it's always handy if I need them. And she continued this on for the rest of her life until she was in prison. Because obviously you don't get nice in prison and you can't hang them above your little prison cell. So she's very interesting. Now at this slaughterhouse, that's where she needs David Collette.
Starting point is 00:13:24 And we're just going to call her in David number one, because the way that she dates is weird. So we're going to go through four different relationships of hers and they're all crazy. And she dates David Collette, another David, and then she dates a John, and then another John. So she dates David, David, John, John. I don't know how to feel about that.
Starting point is 00:13:42 Yeah. OK, so David number one was David Collette. And they met at the slaughterhouse. He was a fellow co-worker. John John. I don't know how to feel about that. Yeah. Okay. So, David number one was David Collette and they met at the slaughterhouse. He was a fellow co-worker and he used to work for the railways before he started working at the slaughterhouse. Now, this is very pertinent to all of this because when he was working at the railways, he saw his best friend get killed in an accident on the railroad. So he literally saw a train hit his best friend and he died in front of him. And then the second incident that happened on the railway was he literally saw a train hit his best friend and he died in front of him.
Starting point is 00:14:05 And then the second incident that happened on the railway was that he saw the train hit a school bus that killed six children and because he's a railway worker he had to help rescue the injured children and remove dead bodies of the children from the school bus. So because of that he said that he just went into like this drinking fit. He was a heavy, violent alcoholic. Now, he ends up losing his railway job because he would drink all the time and then fall asleep on the job while working, which then later caused several train disrailements. The trains went off the rails because he like didn't do his job. There's a lot of accident. And one man's just short career. Yeah, but I also like I think it's interesting
Starting point is 00:14:49 that it caused several disroyalments for them to be like, hey, I don't think you're right for this job. Yeah, but like how the hell does something hit a bus? School bus. Yeah. And this was not an area where the train, it wasn't like New York City where there's just constantly trains everywhere.
Starting point is 00:15:04 It was a rural town where there wasn't a lot of trains coming in and out. Right, right. People are so, probably very underqualified. Yeah, to be railway workers. Yeah, absolutely. Oh, really? Yeah, so he ends up losing his job at the railways and he starts working for the slaughterhouse. Now, he is still a heavy drinker and his favorite thing was to get into fist fights.
Starting point is 00:15:26 That was it, like he would fist fight people at work, he would threaten to fist fight people, and him and Catherine met at work, and they start dating. And there would be lots of stories where people would say, David Collette would try to fist fight Catherine, and try to beat the shit out of Catherine, but Catherine would beat the shit out of him
Starting point is 00:15:42 about 10 times harder, like she would literally Fist fight him back and win Does he like it? I don't think so I don't think it's like one of those oh this is kinky like you know type of things. Oh no I'm saying is he enjoying the fight. Oh, no No, like he was genuinely mad and then there would be a lot of times where like David Collette would get drunk And then he would try to fist fight other dudes and then he'd be losing so Catherine would jump in and be like I got you
Starting point is 00:16:10 Boo and then she would beat the shit out of the dudes I Don't know why I'm laughing so inappropriately today. You know, it's really hard sometimes tell you a true crime story when you're in a Genuine good mood with everything going on I feel like we need a little bit of help being in a good mood. Wouldn't you say so, Hannibal? Yes. 2020 is ending. I'm starting to get this anxiety of everyone saying 2020 sucks, but um, does everything just go away? January 1st? Like is that the agreement that we've come to? And I'm starting to experience extreme anxiety that comes with that. And I'm sure a lot of you guys
Starting point is 00:16:43 have been feeling the same way. I know everyone's talking about it online But do we have a solution to it? I mean, I think I have something that would really help anyone and it's better help You guys know that I've been talking about better help for quite some time now and it's not a crisis line It's not a self-help line. It's a professional counseling that is done securely online Which is amazing because I mean right now nobody's really leaving their houses and I don't really feel comfortable going to an in office visit with like a counselor and just telling them about my feelings with my mask on. I just want to do it from the comfort of my house. The best thing is you can actually start communicating with your professional
Starting point is 00:17:18 therapist that is licensed in under 48 hours. They also have a broad range of expertise available, which might not be locally available in many areas, and the service is available worldwide. You can log into your account anytime and send a message to your counselor at any time, and you'll get a timely and thoughtful response. Plus, if you're interested, you can actually schedule weekly video or phone session,
Starting point is 00:17:43 so you never have to sit in that uncomfortable waiting room of traditional therapy. But here's the best part. It's more affordable than traditional offline counseling and financial aid is available. Better help once you start living a happier life today. You can actually visit their website and read all the testimonials that are posted on a daily basis.
Starting point is 00:18:01 There's over a million people who have taken charge already of their mental health with the help of an experienced professional. We've got 10% off your first month at slash rotten. That's slash rotten for 10% off your first month. So then she would just go and back him up in these fist fights and it was just a tumultuous relationship. David would go around actually allegedly bragging about the fact that when they first started dating that he would sleep with Catherine's twin, I don't know if this is true, I really hope not. This is all a legit, this is like rumor in town, right? And Catherine was a very violent person, so she would physically threaten anyone who pissed her off, including David, or if you pissed off David,
Starting point is 00:18:48 she would threaten to physically hurt you as well. And they were just having major problems. I mean, she was protected. She was jealous. She's violent. And she's kind of, um, tumultuous. Like her emotions can flip. And just in a light little switch, right? And David was a major violent alcoholic. So obviously this is not gonna be like a match made in heaven, like holding hands into the sunset, walking on the beach type of relationship. But regardless of all of this, Catherine convinces David that they should get married. So he is like, okay, they get married and the couple arrive to their wedding on Catherine's motorcycle
Starting point is 00:19:27 And David's already wasted like the wedding hasn't even started and David the groom is so intoxicated that people didn't even think he knew That he was at his own wedding like it was really bad, right and Barbara This is Catherine's mom said a little piece of advice at the wedding to David watch out She's gonna fucking kill you. Do something wrong. Do something the wrong thing or do it the wrong way and you're fucked. Don't ever think about cheating because she's going to fucking kill you. She's got a screw loose somewhere.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Okay, dude. She's going to kill you. Like that's what the mother-in-law said to the son and love. Like is that not scary? Like I would be, I don't even know how it would feel about that. How would you feel if my mom pulled you aside at our wedding and she said she's gone fucking kill you? I believe it.
Starting point is 00:20:14 And then their wedding night, it seems like maybe things were a little bit jinxed and maybe these things were starting to come true because they ended up having sex a couple times on their wedding night and David fell asleep afterwards after all their sex and he woke up to Catherine strangling him with her hands around his neck and he was able to fight her off and the reason that she had strangled him on their wedding night was because everybody else, all of her friends, all of her family that she talked to, they all said that they were having sex three to four times on their wedding night and he only had sex with her twice before passing out and that was
Starting point is 00:20:51 unacceptable. Now if that makes you feel like okay well definitely he was filing for divorce right after that like maybe this is the shortest marriage that ever existed you wouldn't believe when I tell you that they actually stayed married for the next 10 years and they would have two children together. And it was an incredibly violent marriage. So she felt pregnant with her first kid and that's when the whole dark competition happened. So David is like, hey, listen, babe, I'm going to go, I know you're pregnant right now, but you're like, just going to hang out at home, right?
Starting point is 00:21:22 I'm going to go to this dark competition at the pub and I'm gonna just shoot some darts at the bar and I'm gonna be back, right? So she's like, okay, sounds good, half fun. He goes to the dark competition and he comes home a little bit late because he made it to the finals. He wasn't expecting that. Like he's not that good at darts.
Starting point is 00:21:37 So he was like, there's, I mean, I'm gonna be back in like an hour, right? But he made it to the finals. So of course, why would you leave? So he came back a little bit late. And Catherine, by that point, who was heavily pregnant, had already burnt all of his clothes, all of his shoes, and she was waiting for him to come home
Starting point is 00:21:54 so that she could hit him on the back of the head with the frying pan. Yeah. Oh wow. Oh, wow, heavily pregnant. And this is when David was like, oh my God, I'm gonna die. So he fled for his life and he went to his neighbor's house, collapsed onto the ground.
Starting point is 00:22:10 The neighbors called the police. He was taken to the hospital. He was found to have a severely fractured skull. So I don't know if it was like a cast iron, but it was a heavy duty hit that she, yeah. Like a lecrucet swinging at his head. The police department, they definitely wanted to charge her with something because this is absolutely crazy like this is not acceptable.
Starting point is 00:22:30 But Catherine was able to talk David out of charging her. So he dropped the charges and they gave birth to Catherine's first child with David Collette and she was named Melissa and Collette. So Catherine had her first baby. Oh okay, okay. Yeah. And there was just a lot. I think during that there are 10 years of marriage,
Starting point is 00:22:50 David ends up leaving her for another woman at one point. Like he was just so fed up with the abuse that he was like, I can't do this anymore. Now David's mom was living in a place called Queensland and she had kind of like introduced him to somebody else and he was like, okay, I'm gonna like start dating her And I'm gonna sneak out in the middle of the night when Catherine is asleep because I'm so terrified of Catherine And I'm gonna go to Queensland and I'm just gonna call it a day like I'm too scared to do this
Starting point is 00:23:15 Now Catherine wakes up that morning and she realizes that her husband has officially abandoned her I mean she knows what's good like she knows that he's not going to go buy some milk You know what I mean? Like she gets the idea. So that next day, she was seen in town putting her newborn baby. Like I would say, I think she was Melissa was only like a month or two old, right?
Starting point is 00:23:35 She put her newborn baby into a little stroller and she was walking down Main Street with this stroller violently thrashing the stroller from side to side. What is she doing? Fucking playing Mario Kart with her stroller. She was just being so violent. Now the reason that this is really alarming is because first of all babies are so fragile but you're not really supposed to shake a baby.
Starting point is 00:23:58 That's the one thing that they teach you is never shake a baby. Like their bones are too weak. I need a Googleist. I mean my sister is going to have a baby so Like their bones are too fresh. Like weak. I need something to, oh, let me, I need a Google list. I mean my sister's gonna have a baby, so that's why I'm like googling things I need to be careful about. So I'm like, okay, noted. Baby's not a salt shaker.
Starting point is 00:24:16 So a serious brain injury resulting from forcefully shaking an infant or a toddler is called shaken baby syndrome. What does that mean? So it usually happens when a parent or caregiver shakes a child in frustration or anger. So you know how like if you get frustrated, you're like, ah, I'll stop, right? But it can cause permanent brand damage or death. But I mean, it's rare.
Starting point is 00:24:37 So there's less than 200,000 cases a year in the US. That's what they call rare. 200,000? Yeah. That's a lot. That's really scary. So she was like violently thrashing the stroller from side to side.
Starting point is 00:24:50 So even if that didn't like the shaken baby syndrome didn't exist, I'm sure people would be like, I don't think you're, you know, like what's going on? We need to have a talk. So she was sent immediately to St. Elmo's psychiatric hospital. That's where she was diagnosed with postnatal depression, and she's spent several weeks recovering at this hospital. Now, the minute that they released her,
Starting point is 00:25:10 she takes her two-month-old Melissa, and she goes straight to the railroad tracks, and she places Melissa, who's two-month-sold, on the railroad tracks before a train is due. Because, like I said, this is a rural town. It's not gonna be like a train every five minutes, but they have like a schedule of like, okay, this comes at this time, right?
Starting point is 00:25:29 So she's like, oh, the train's coming in like 30 minutes. I'm gonna place my baby here. So she places Melissa on the train tracks. She goes into like the main town area, grabs an axe and starts threatening to kill people. So is the, is Melissa dead? Thankfully, there is a guy by the name of Old Ted. That's his name, Old Ted.
Starting point is 00:25:47 And he was able to save Milosa minutes before the train passed. She gets arrested and she is sent back to the same hospital. Now for some reason, they just kind of let her go the next day. They're like, oh, you feel good now? So they release her back into the wild the next day. And that's when she comes up with this crazy plan that she was gonna kill a bunch of people The first person that she wanted to kill is the mechanic now who's the mechanic?
Starting point is 00:26:11 You ask he is an auto mechanic He just fixes people's cars and he had recently fixed David's broken car and David had used that car That is now fixed to drive away in the middle of the night so So Catherine and her crazy brain, she was like, yes, he deserves to die. And so a few days after that, she grabs a bunch of knives and she slashed a random woman's face with the knife and demanded that this random woman drive her to Queensland. So they drive, drive, drive, the random woman stops at the gas station. She's literally bleeding from the face right now because she's been slashed on the face and she was able to call from help at the gas station pretending to put in gas. The police are called, they're on their way, but by that time Catherine
Starting point is 00:26:54 knew some shit was going down. So she takes a young boy hostage and is threatening to kill him with a knife when the police get there. Oh my gosh. Now that's when the police attack her with brooms. I'm not making anything up. I mean, yeah. So I think it was too much to attack her with any weapons because the boys right there. So they grabbed a bunch of brooms and they just attacked her with brooms.
Starting point is 00:27:21 And they were able to take her to the local psychiatric hospital called more set psychiatric Hospital and that's when she told all the nurses about her devious plan to kill the husband Kill the husband's mom and to kill the mechanic that fixed her husband's car for him So that was her genius plan now David when he hears about this He decides to move back he leaves his girlfriend and he moves back to the town that he was living with with his mom to support his wife. And together, they move to like a suburb in Brisbane.
Starting point is 00:27:52 And she gets like a job at a different meatworking place and they end up having another daughter by the name of Natasha Marie. But it just wasn't gonna last long. So they end up getting separated again. And this time it seems like Catherine is okay with it. She was like, you know what, you're right. I'm kind of over you too. So she moves back home, gets her job at the slaughterhouse
Starting point is 00:28:11 back that she loves so much. And within a year, she injures her back and now she's out on disability pension. So she's not really working. And I think this kind of added to everything going on. So Catherine seems to have a very obsessive relationship personality type, right? Where she's just like, I need to obsess over this man, no matter what, right? And I think
Starting point is 00:28:30 her losing her job because she had injured her back made things a lot worse. So she had all this free time now, right? Yeah. And that's when she meets David Saunders. David number two. David number two. Now David number two was a 38 year old minor and within a few months he moves in with Catherine and Catherine's daughters. But he had kind of kept his own apartment. That was in like a neighboring town because you know his lease isn't over yet and they had just been only dating a few months. Like who knows if this is going to work out. But also at the same time he just kind of wanted his own space sometimes, you know, Catherine's got daughters Catherine is a little bit overprotective. She's a little bit much So he thought, you know, sometimes me I need to go get a breather. I'm just gonna go back to my apartment
Starting point is 00:29:13 Take a breath, you know hang out with myself. Maybe hang out with some buds and then come back and it'll be all okay And she was not okay with this she felt like this was him, Hey, I would very much like to cheat on you. That was her interpretation of all of this. And so Catherine becomes just increasingly jealous. Randomly, she would bring up the conversations of like, when are you gonna get rid of that apartment? He's like, well, I mean, I just, I was gonna, I was just gonna keep it for now. And then she would kick him out. So then he would go back to the apartment. And then she would show up and say, Can you come back? Now, it kind of hit a breaking point when they ended up getting a two-month-old puppy together. She asked David, David number two, do you know what happens to people who cheat on me? Because I feel like you're trying to cheat on me. And he was like, um, I'm not trying to cheat on you.
Starting point is 00:30:02 Like, I would never cheat on you. Like, what do you mean? And she said, well, if you do, just remember this. And she grabs a knife. And she slits the two month old puppies throughout right in front of David. And she said, this is an example of what's going to happen to you if you cheat on me. Oh, man. He's, Tidia unpacked his backpack and run as far as he didn't have the chance because immediately after she knocked him unconscious with a frying pan Did she get a puppy just to do this? We don't know They got a puppy together like most people do in like a relationship sometimes, you know not most people but dog people I guess Wow Yeah, and they end up having bought a daughter number three
Starting point is 00:30:41 Wow. Yeah, and they end up having daughter number three. So this is her first daughter with David number two, but her third daughter by the name of Sarah. Now, this causes David number two to put a deposit on a house so that they could all live together, right? And Catherine overdecorates the shit out of this house. I mean, you were talking animal skin, skulls, horns, rusty animal traps, leather jackets,
Starting point is 00:31:05 machetes, pitchforks. They said that no space was left uncovered, including the ceiling, like she would hang shit on the ceiling, like she would wallpaper the fucking ceiling. Why is that? I'm not sure. Okay. I don't know if she was watching just too much HDTV, but like, yeah, that was I don't know why like all these articles They just kept noting that
Starting point is 00:31:29 Like nothing was left uncovered Right So yeah, it gets really bad because her and David would just increasingly get into more fights And then she would even hit him on the face with an iron and at one point She smacks him on the face with an iron and then stabs him in the stomach with a pair of scissors. So he escapes out of this house that he lives with his family together and he leaves and he goes back to his apartment. When he gets to his apartment, he realizes that Catherine had already been there and had torn up all of his clothes. So all of his
Starting point is 00:32:02 clothes are cut into tiny little pieces. So he's like, oh my gosh, like this is insane. So he takes a leave of absence from work. So he's like, let me tell you guys, I just need to go into hiding. So Catherine, the entire time is trying to find him. Like, he's not at the apartment, he's not home. Like, where is he? She's asking all of his friends, all of his family members. And nobody's trying to tell her where he is because she is going to kill him. Like it seems like she's going to kill him, right? And months later, he returns to see their daughter, because like I said, Sarah was still there. And Catherine goes to the police department and says, David is abusive.
Starting point is 00:32:37 Oh my God. So they give her a restraining order against David. Okay. So by that point during the months that he had went into hiding, she had actually moved on. So she wasn't obsessed by him anymore. So she just wanted revenge of like, you can't fucking see her kid anymore. Now that's when she starts dating John Chillingworth and this is like a very public relationship
Starting point is 00:32:59 she has. So he was also a former slaughterhouse co-worker. They have her fourth kids together and this one's a son, she names Eric. They start dating for about three years. You know, and all of this is very calm. People say this was probably her best relationship yet because the entire three years she was cheating on John Chilling's worth. So this is why maybe their relationship was so good. Like John Chillingworth said there was no, you was no violence in the house, really.
Starting point is 00:33:26 There was no abusive jealous tendencies. It just felt really calm. Like, Catherine Knight is really calm. I was really surprised because I had heard all these rumors about her, right? And people are saying, well, yeah, because she was cheating on you the whole time. And so she ends up leaving him after three years
Starting point is 00:33:42 for the guy that she was having this very long affair with and his name Was also John it was John Price John Price was a father of three children And he was divorced at the time that he starts dating Catherine Knight and everyone called him a Terrific bloke because this is Australia. So he was a terrific bloke. What's a bloke? Dictionary bloke. What's a bloke? Dictionary, bloke, noun, definition, a man. I thought it was gonna be something cooler, like, terrific, like dude, you know? Just like, a man.
Starting point is 00:34:18 So he's a terrific man. Okay. Yeah. He's just so ashamed of saying. Yeah, bloke. Yeah. Yes, three children. Now, he has his youngest, which is a two-year-old daughter that went with his ex-wife, and John's
Starting point is 00:34:33 prices to eldest kids were living with him. So he was a single father, right? And a divorced father. Now, the kids, both of the eldest kids really likes Catherine, and she ended up moving in with the family. So it was like this huge blended family that they had. And I mean, John Price knew about her violent reputation, but he didn't think it was going to be that bad.
Starting point is 00:34:53 He didn't think, like, he thought, you know, maybe this happened because these dudes weren't treating her right. Like, that's probably it. Like, maybe they were cheating on her. That's what it seems like. It has nothing to, maybe it's not Catherine. So he just let her move in. Now, the first couple of years, it was just roses and rainbows. Everything was great. I mean, yes, there was a couple of fights here. And
Starting point is 00:35:13 most of it had to do with the fact that he refused to marry her. But overall, I mean, it was okay. Until she started getting verbally and physically extremely abusive. They have this one explosive fight because he just refuses. He says, listen, Catherine, I told you so many times and I need you to stop asking me because it's never gonna happen. We're never gonna get married, okay?
Starting point is 00:35:35 I've got these children I'm taking care of. Like, I'm just not ready for this. I, it hasn't been that long since I've been divorced. I just wanna do what's right for my kids first and then So that like he wants his kids to feel like they came first, right? So she's like that is unacceptable You know, it's not even like he refused to get married because he's like listen I'm still trying to see like if I can get a you know a cooler person than you, right? He's just saying like I want to put my kids first
Starting point is 00:36:02 But she decided to get revenge on him by taking pictures of things that he had allegedly stolen from work. And when I say stolen from work, we are talking about an expired first aid kit. And it's about worth like $20. And he had taken it from the company trash bins. And he had mentioned it. He was like, can you believe that the company just tried to throw this away like just because it's expired? And he had brought it home and she ends up taking a picture of it. He was like, can you believe that the company just tried to throw this away, like just because it's expired. And he had brought it home and she ends up taking a picture of it. And it's worth like $20. Okay, it's a first aid kit.
Starting point is 00:36:30 It's not like a surgical kit, right? And she takes a picture of it, shows it to his boss's boss. Now the thing is, his boss felt like he couldn't do anything. Like, the company was telling him to fire hit. He ends up firing John Price who had been working there for 17 years, had no past record of theft, had no record of like being a bad employee, but they had to fire him.
Starting point is 00:36:54 He ends up kicking around that day because I mean, think about it, he's got children, he might be even supporting his ex-wife and their two year old daughter and his two kids, like this is his livelihood, like you don't mess with someone's livelihood, especially when they have kids. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:08 So he was just like, you need to get out of here. Now all of the townspeople knew about this because they were like, this is insane. Like he has been working there for 17 years. Like it just was this huge thing of like, wow. How could they do this to John? I mean, how could she do this, but also how could the company do this, right?
Starting point is 00:37:24 It was just a lot. Now, three months later though, John restarted his relationship with Catherine. I think honestly it was a lot of abuse from Catherine's side and he doesn't let her move in initially, but like she starts like leaving all of her shit in his house again. You know, you know the drill.
Starting point is 00:37:43 That's when even John Price's friends were like, listen, we can't be friends with you anymore if you're gonna keep dating her because she's not good for you. And I don't know when you're gonna get that through your head but you need to get that through your head. So they keep dating for a couple more years and in February of 2000 is when everything really starts just hitting the fan. February of 2000, Katherine stabs John Price in the chest. He's like, okay, like it obviously wasn't like the deepest chest wound, but there was a bit of a wound, you know? He had stabbed her, so he's like, okay, this is um,
Starting point is 00:38:17 you gotta get out again, right? Like this, we can't do this, and he ends up kicking her out. She gets a restraining order on him, He gets a restraining order on her. And the next day he ends up going to his coworkers and his boss and says, listen, if I'm not at work tomorrow, something happened to me. Catherine murdered me.
Starting point is 00:38:37 And all of his coworkers are like, dude, don't go home. Like, just stay at my place dude. And he's like, I can't, I have to go home because my kids are home. And I don't want my kids like anything to happen to my kids. So he knows exactly what's about it happen? He feels something weird you know like he's just like it's like something was tugging at him and so he's like just I just want you guys to know if I don't show up this is exactly what happened
Starting point is 00:39:02 we broke up again she She probably killed me. So he goes home that day and Catherine's not home when he gets home and neither are any of his children. So it seemed like the children had been sent over to friends houses for a sleepover. So this he was able to confirm. The children were unharmed. They were also not home.
Starting point is 00:39:18 So he's like, okay, I'm just gonna do what I do on a normal basis and go through with my routine. So he goes to his neighbor's house. They have a little bit of a light dinner together, they drink some beers, and then he ends up coming home and falling asleep at around 11 p.m. Now, Catherine, that day she was also very busy. She went to go buy some new black lingerie, and she also videotaped her children, which was later interpreted as a will. So it was like a video of her like saying like, hey, like, you get this,
Starting point is 00:39:45 she gets some black lingerie and she videotapes her children. So she goes back into the house while John prices a sleep heat. She watches TV for a couple minutes, then she takes a shower, she wakes up John Price and they have sexual relations in her new black lingerie. then he falls asleep again. Now the next day, 6 a.m. rolls around. And the neighbor is concerned because his car is in the driveway and his neighbor is like, John is never late for work. Why is he still home? None of this makes sense. You know, the neighbor was also spending the night with him last night. Remember, they had dinner together. And he had told him all of the stuff about Catherine. So he just thought, okay, like he literally told me to be warned
Starting point is 00:40:25 if he hears something, like save something type of vibe, and his car is still parked in the driveway when he should be at work. So he's like, okay, this is weird. So he starts kind of freaking out. Now at work, they start freaking out because he's not showing off her work and he's late. So they're like literally yesterday,
Starting point is 00:40:39 he said, if I don't show off her work, I've been murdered. So the employer is like, come on, we gotta go see what's going on. I mean, amazing people, right? I don't know if any of my past employers would do that. So they're like, we gotta go see what's going on. So the neighbor and a coworker end up showing up to John's house at the same time.
Starting point is 00:40:57 Like the neighbor walks over and the coworker ends up pulling up at the same time and they start knocking on the front door. They don't see anything. So they look through the bedroom window. They don't really see anything. So they start knocking on the front door. They don't see anything. So they look through the bedroom window. They don't really see anything. So they go back to the front door and they see a tiny bit of blood on the front door. So they're like, what are the odds?
Starting point is 00:41:13 Like, what are the coincidences? This is weird. So they immediately call the police and by 8 o'clock in the morning, the police show up. They start knocking. They start looking through the windows. Now, they couldn't really see it into the living room area through the window because there was like this curtain that was hanging. That was like blocking it.
Starting point is 00:41:31 And so the cop was like, well, I can't freaking say anything because of that curtain. Like who just hangs a curtain there? You know, it's not even a window. They're not even hanging a curtain on the windows. It was like a curtain hanging on the door frame. So imagine like we just hang a curtain on our office door instead of like a curtain hanging on the door frame. So imagine like we just hang a curtain on our office door. Instead of like a door.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Oh, okay. So I mean, but like it's a little weirder than that because it wasn't in replacement of a door. It's just like a little arch where it would enter a different room. So like the living room, let's say there's a lot of. Yeah, so I guess they're trying to close off the space. They just thought it was weird.
Starting point is 00:42:04 Like the cops were like, that's just a little bit weird like nobody really puts a curtain there Right, yeah, and so they decided to break in through the back door Wow and when they break in oh my gosh It was bad. There was blood everywhere Okay, so they're like we know some things like going on in here like the minute that they walk in they see blood So one of the cops, he was walking in first and that's when he approaches the curtain and he's trying to just pull the curtain back
Starting point is 00:42:33 so that he can walk in. Now he uses his arm to kind of swipe the curtain to the side. You know, like imagine it right now. Put your arm out in front of you and use it to kind of pull back what you would assume to be a curtain and he puts his arm down and he realizes he looks down in his arm that his arm is now covered in blood. That just makes sense. You know why is someone just hanging a bloody carton? And that's when he gets a closer look because he wasn't really paying attention.
Starting point is 00:43:03 I mean you have to remember that you just walked in, you see so much blood already. You're probably kind of like frantic. Like, is someone in here, is someone trying to kill me now, right? The cops don't know what they're walking into. They don't know if someone's home. They don't know if someone is crouching in a closet trying to kill all the police, right? Yeah. So he looks at his arm. It's bloody as hell. So it looks sad. You already know. The cartoon was not a cartoon. Who's human skin? The cartoon was human skin hanging from the doorway.
Starting point is 00:43:34 What? Someone had been completely skinned. Oh my god. And their skin was now hanging from the doorway. How would someone even know how to do something like that? Well, I guess if you work at a slaughterhouse, you might have some knowledge of how to do these things. They walk through the doorway through the skin curtain and on the ground they see a bloody torso with no head. There's blood everywhere. Like we're talking walls, they'll floor. There is blood everywhere. The torso, that's probably skinless. Yeah. Oh my God. They walk into the kitchen and the table had been set. That's weird. The table, the dining table had been
Starting point is 00:44:20 set with plates. And these plates had food on them. You know, there was meat, there was a baked potato, there was some pumpkin and beets and zucchini and cabbage and gravy, it looked like a full meal. And each plate had names on it. And they were all names of John's children. It looked like someone had prepped for a dinner party just now. And they're like, what the heck?
Starting point is 00:44:46 Later they're gonna find out that the meat was actually John Price's back muscles that were cooked in the oven with a bunch of vegetables that had been plated on the dinner table for John's children. Let that soak in. Imagine a cannibal is like, I'm gonna make the victim's kids eat the victim. I just, it's so-
Starting point is 00:45:11 Like force-feed them? Whether, I think it was more like trickery. Like just here I made you say- Trickery, the whole house is covered in blood. I know, that's what people don't understand. It's either force-feed or like truly a dinner party. Just be like, hey, like eat this, because that's more common with cannibalism you see a little bit more cases of people like feeding other people food without telling
Starting point is 00:45:32 them it's you know and they also found another meal that was discarded on the back lawn. The speculation is that Catherine tried to eat it but then couldn't so she like threw it into the backyard which is a little bit odd but that's like the whole speculation that they had. So the police end up looking through the house and more and they realized that the skin is attached to butcher's hooks in the doorway, the skin curtain. And that's when they're like okay look we're kind of piecing things together. Where's John's head? So they're looking, looking, looking and they they're like, oh no, there was a pot on the stove. Oh shit.
Starting point is 00:46:08 So they go to the pot on the stove. And John's head had been cooked. And it had taken place early in the morning, the pot was still warm. So they're like, oh my gosh, I mean, the police really were so traumatized. They said this is something that you never really expect to see as a police officer You're like not trained for it. You're definitely not mentally emotionally ready for it or physically Right, there was just so much therapy that they had to go through and the craziest thing is they also hear like light snoring So they're like what the heck?
Starting point is 00:46:43 So they end up going into one of the bedrooms and they find Catherine laying in bed in a comatose state. So she was in a coma because she had tried to allegedly overdose with prescription pills. She had also left a handwritten note with a picture of John that was bloodstained and it was covered in pieces of John's flesh. And it had said, time to get back at John for raping my daughter.
Starting point is 00:47:07 You two, for little, like none of it made sense, really. It said like now play with little John's dick, John Price. I mean, it was really strange. Was she saying John raped her daughter? Yeah, so she's saying, time to get back at John for raping her daughter and then kind of claims that John maybe raped his own daughter And then also saying now John should play with little John's his son's day It was just such a weird and then like wrote his name and it was just covered in blood and flesh and there is no evidence of that
Starting point is 00:47:46 just covered in blood and flesh and there is no evidence of that. There is absolutely zero evidence that John was ever inappropriate with his own children or Catherine's children so it was very, very strange. So she tried to suicide? Yeah, or maybe it was a show for the police. Maybe she took enough that she didn't think that she was going to die because people suspect maybe she didn't know because she seems a little bit narcissistic. She doesn't seem like the type that would commit suicide, but we don't know, right? She ends up in a coma for like four days. So they're watching at the hospital, they're like, you're not getting out of this, right? And they also are starting to piece together everything because they definitely want to ask her what happened, but they also want to know all the forensics, right? So their speculation is that when he fell asleep,
Starting point is 00:48:25 she approached him, stabbed him with a butcher's knife, and he woke up. The blood evidence shows that he tried to turn on the lights before he attempted to escape. Catherine then chased him through the house and was constantly stabbing him. There were at least 37 stab wounds on the front and the back of his body,
Starting point is 00:48:43 and they were so deep that they wounded vital organs. Like these were deep, deep stab wounds on the front and the back of his body and they were so deep that they wounded vital organs. Like these were deep, deep stab wounds. He managed to open the front door, get outside. That's why there's a little bit of blood on the front door on the outside, right? And whether he stumbled back inside or he was dragged inside by Catherine, we don't know. But they assumed that he then blood out died. Then she went to the ATM
Starting point is 00:49:09 and took his card to withdraw $1,000. Now here's the crazy thing, that $1,000 was never found. So people believe that she buried it somewhere to come back for a later date. Like a runaway fund, you know? like a runaway fund, you know? Okay. So that's also why people think that she was trying to commit suicide because I mean none of that makes sense, right? And so she comes back and then she skins him and she cooks him, sets the dinner table, hangs up his skin and does all of that. She's so nice.
Starting point is 00:49:43 That is so gruesome. Now when she wakes up, she claims she has absolutely no memory of anything. She's like, what are you talking about? I have no idea what could possibly happen. And they were like, we know that you have an idea because you literally went to the ATM. You did ABC&D, you know. And that's when she was like, you know, finally, I'll admit it. I killed him because he was so abusive.
Starting point is 00:50:04 Now later, even Catherine's own brother would tell the police that she had talked about how she was gonna kill John and she was gonna get away with it because she was just gonna pretend like she was crazy. Tremile started taking place and this was intense because there was a lot of photographic evidence of everything. I mean the food, you know, the stove, the skin curtain, there was a lot. So the court ended up offering 60 different prospects of a jury, and they said, listen, you have the option of being excused at any time due to the nature of this photographic evidence. So they have extra people just in case?
Starting point is 00:50:42 Yeah. And immediately like five people excused themselves, several more dropped out later. And she was evaluated by a lot of psychiatrists who said, you know, we do think that maybe she had some sort of amnesia and disassociation. Maybe it was a moment of like passion. And it wasn't her maybe thinking as clearly as,
Starting point is 00:51:01 it wasn't premeditated, they think, right? But it was still considered a sane crime. Like she wasn't insane at the time that this happened They also diagnosed her with borderline personality disorder and during the entire trial She tried to act super crazy like she would just start screaming out of nowhere Like the judge would say something and then she would just scream like a wild animal and And the judge was implying this because she's literally never done this her entire life. So she's like, no I'm crazy, I've been crazy, boo boo. And then she just starts screaming and everyone's like, wow she's never done that before. Like that's weird, this is our first time seeing this.
Starting point is 00:51:38 And the judge knew that she was faking it, so the judge was not having it. She ends up getting down guilty of the crime. The judge said because of the nature of the crime and the lack of remorse that Catherine showed throughout the entire situation, she was given a really severe punishment they said. Even on her papers, it was stamped never be released. Yeah, so they stamped that. And she was sent to prison. Now in 2006, she appealed her sentencing because she said it was too severe for the crime. Can you imagine?
Starting point is 00:52:11 Can you imagine like you kill someone and then you try to feed their remains to their own children? Yeah. And she said that is too severe of a punishment that I have to spend the rest of my living life in these prison walls. Crazy.
Starting point is 00:52:30 Obviously the judge denied her, you know, appeal, because they're like, you are insane. Yeah. And from what I can hear, she's a, the head bitch in charge in prison. People are scared of her. Is that what you're saying? Like she's like killing it in the prison. She's killing it. Like she goes to church. She's part of the choir in prison and everyone's scared of her
Starting point is 00:52:47 She's like the bitch in charge like nobody fucks with Catherine Knight is what I heard Yeah, she is scary and scary. Yes, and whoa no Yes, and no, I think yes because I know what she did, but if you just look at her She kind of looks like a nice mom I think yes because I know what she did, but if you just look at her Mm-hmm She kinda looks like a nice mom What? Oh no, I don't like that smile Let me see that one Let me see that one
Starting point is 00:53:16 Oh, hair on there You think so? Oh my god, but yeah, she doesn't look like the... Also look at the... What is that? The stove. The stove? Let me see that. And then we have some blood.
Starting point is 00:53:30 Let me see the stove. What's on the stove? The vegetables and meat. No! Let me see the woman. Yes. You're telling me that's the forbidden meat. The forbidden meat. Is that really?
Starting point is 00:53:47 It seems to be. Oh shit. That's a lot. Yeah. Now let's talk about the second man. AKA the boogie man. AKA the werewolf. AKA the vampire of Brooklyn.
Starting point is 00:54:03 This is Albert Fish. I don't know why I just sounded like a radio host just introducing the next guest that we have. I'm like, A, K, A, the werewolf. Albert Fish. Sorry. Why is his name so familiar? He's a serial killer.
Starting point is 00:54:17 And we never talked about him. We've never talked about him. He's been highly requested. And I mean, I really wanted to talk about him on our YouTube channel, Stephanie Sue, where I do mukbangs and murder and I just felt like maybe the cannibalism was a little bit too much while we were eating so I've saved it for you guys. Welcome to Spooktober. So childhood let's talk about Oliver and Fish's childhood.
Starting point is 00:54:38 We talk a lot about serial killers who liked inflict pain you know they like to torture their victims and Albert is like that he loves to torture torture his victims as well. But he also likes to get hurt. He loves physical pain. When they later x-rayed him, there was 29 needles that they found inside of his groin. Just left over. Left over, that he had pushed in so deep that he couldn't get them out anymore. Holy cow, that is so sick. Yeah, he means sick as a nasty not like, not like so you said it a little weird. Oh, we're like that sick. Oh, actually sick. He's also a poop eater. What? Yeah, so he was a very two girls one cup type of vibe. I've never heard of this. Yeah, so there are group of people enjoy Yes, he was a P drinker and a poo eater
Starting point is 00:55:30 It's a fetish Poop poop is something I don't understand Peeing I I I personally wouldn't be like Pee on me, right? But um if you were like hey, this is my dream and it's my birthday. I'd be like okay behind If you were like, hey, this is my dream and it's my birthday, I'd be like, okay, fine, right? But with like poop, I'd be like, I don't care if your mom just died. It's your birthday and Christmas at the same time and our anniversary Like you're never gonna poop on me. Poop on your four million dollar. Pull them pants down, sir. I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 00:55:58 Wow, that is so weird. Yeah, so- So you're saying it's a pretty common thing? No, no. I think peeing is common. The pooping is not as rare as you would think though. Like, there is a group of people. It's called scat porn. So, because I researched it for this, yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:17 It's called scat porn. A lot of, I mean, sometimes it involves eating the poo, a lot of the times it just involves like smearing it. Ew. Did they like wear face mask? What do you mean for corona? No, for just smell. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:33 I don't think so, no. Oh my god. I would be too traumatized to look it up right now. It was crazy. Oh my gosh. Wow. Yes. I don't know why this sounds way more disgusting than the forbidden meat that we were talking about
Starting point is 00:56:47 earlier for some reason. Because I think the forbidden meat there's a disassociation with our brains. We're like, we don't even know what that means. Like we're talking about it and to a certain extent we're so grossed out about it, but we don't truly understand, right? But the pooping, we can wrap our heads around it
Starting point is 00:57:01 because we all poop. It's just nasty. Like we all know what that would look like. So Albert Fish's childhood is a very interesting one. His name actually was an Albert Fish. He was born Hamilton Fish, but he ends up being called Albert because they used to just call him Ham and Eggs later. So he wanted to get away.
Starting point is 00:57:18 I don't know. I don't know. Wait, why? I don't know. Like his bullies would just call him Ham and Eggs. What do I think it's such a cute nickname? I don't know. Like his bully, so just call him Ham and X. What do I think it's such a cute nickname? I know. It's like such an innocent start to such a sinister story, right?
Starting point is 00:57:32 So they used to call him Ham and X. So he's like, actually, I want to be called Albert, and Albert was actually the name of a dead sibling that he had that was born before him. So he was born in Washington, D.C. to a dad by the name of Randall and Ellen was his mother Now his dad Randall was 43 years older than his mom He was 75 years old at the time that Albert Fish was born. Is he rich? Not really. Oh, so he was the youngest of four children He had three older siblings and his family just had an extensive history
Starting point is 00:58:06 of mental illness. So his uncle suffered from mania, which is kind of like a mood disturbance that leaves you abnormally energized, hypersensitive to the environment. In really bad cases, you do need hospitalization. So it is really serious, and his brother was sent to the mental asylum
Starting point is 00:58:23 for quite some time, and his sister was diagnosed with a mental affliction. His three other relatives were diagnosed with a mental affliction and his mom suffered from visual hallucinations. So there was extensive family record of mental illness. So we can assume that Albert Fish probably inherited some genes of some sort of mental illness, right? So he just, I mean there was a lot going on. So Randall ends up dying of a heart attack, the elder fish, the old, the dad. He ends up dying of a heart attack because he was very old at the time that all of this
Starting point is 00:58:58 happened. And during this time, like, women weren't really working. Like nobody was working. It was hard for them to find a job. So because she couldn't support all of her kids she ended up sending them into the local orphanage and this is when Albert started experiencing just a immense amount of abuse at this orphanage he was just bullied by the other kids they just called him ham and eggs and he was beaten by all of the adults that were running the facility and he was whipped
Starting point is 00:59:26 constantly. And the reason that it just got worse is because even like the people who ran the orphanage encouraged the kids to beat the other kids when they were doing things that they didn't like. So they'd be like, hey, Kevin, go beat the shit out of Albert because we don't like the way he's looking at me right now. So the little Kevin would go and beat the shit out of Albert. Now Albert, he was a little bit different from the other orphans because immediately upon getting there and getting whipped a couple times, he realized that he really looked forward to it. Like he really enjoyed it. He would get excited at the idea of getting whipped and he would even get these erections when he was getting beat that the other orphans noticed like, hey, you've got a
Starting point is 01:00:02 boner, you're weird, and they would start making fun of him hey, you've got a boner, you're weird. And they would start making fun of him because why are you getting a boner while you're getting whipped? He started kind of associating this physical pain with sexual gratification. And he was really young. Like he was, he stayed there until he was nine years old. So this was happening when he was like five, six, you know? Wow.
Starting point is 01:00:24 So it was really intense. Now his mom ends up getting a government job and she ends up getting enough money to move all of them out of the orphanage and back in with her. Now this is Albert still has lots of issues that he's dealing with. He was a frequent bed wetter, which we've learned before is, it's not a good sign once I get older. It usually means that they're dealing with immense amounts of stress of some sort, and he would run away a lot, and his mom would beat him a lot, and at the young age of 12 years old, he gets into a full-blown relationship with another boy, like
Starting point is 01:00:56 a full-blown sexual relationship with another boy. So Alfred starts beating himself to masturbate, to like he couldn't masturbate just, I don't know, by thinking about something or someone, he would have to literally like whip himself while he masturbates in order to ejaculate. And he's like 11 years old, 12 years old, right? So he starts dating this messenger boy who is also very, very young and this boy
Starting point is 01:01:30 Introduces him to something called uralagnia now uralagnia is aka urophilia aka water sports or at most commonly known as Golden showers the definition is sexual pleasure from the sight or thought of P and or P And there's lots of variations of it. I did not know this. I did not know this. So I researched into it because I get a little bit interested in things like this because I just I want to know like what makes humans inclined to want to do this. Right. Right. I knew that golden showers existed. We've all we've all probably seen I knew that golden showers existed. We've all probably seen like a thumbnail of it, maybe if you've ever been on the hub.
Starting point is 01:02:07 No, we have not. Golden showers is like, Oh, freaking, like, like, like, not you click on it, but I think it's pretty common. Like golden showers, I feel like, I feel like if you say golden showers, most people are like,
Starting point is 01:02:21 Oh, like I at least know what that is. Like it's peeing on someone. Right, it's not a common sense, okay? Most people still don't know about it. You think so. Yes, but once you hear about it, you get the idea of it. I think it's like pop culture too. I don't think it's something so rare, right?
Starting point is 01:02:40 I don't know. Anyway, me trying to backtrack my hub. I'm just kidding. So the way that you're a lag near can be categorized as number one, golden showers, which is peeing directly onto somebody and you get sexual pleasure from it, whether you are receiving or the one giving. And the number two is something called close wedding, which is peeing in your clothes and you are not naked, you are fully clothed
Starting point is 01:03:05 and you just pee. And either you watch someone pee themselves in their clothes or you pee yourself in your clothes. Is this next level stuff or just different categories? Just different categories. And then you like the visuals of your pants getting stained, you like the feeling of pee on your legs and then you also like the smell of pee and You also like the idea that either someone is watching you pee yourself or you are watching someone pee themselves
Starting point is 01:03:31 And then number three you have exhibitionism, which means you want people to watch you pee So whether you go out to the busy so the way that they at work They said for this category is that you hold your pee and you go to a very busy area whether it's a park or a mall and in front of a crowd of people you just pee yourself and they like that feeling of everyone saw them pee themselves in a large public setting. And then you've got the next category which is BDSM urinal. This is probably like the most intense one which means that you enjoy either making someone become your submissive urinal. This is probably like the most intense one which means that you enjoy either making someone become your submissive urinal or you like being a
Starting point is 01:04:11 submissive urinal. So that usually consists of someone sitting there pretending to be a urinal, like pretending to be a toilet so they're not really like talking. And they just, yeah, you just peel. I know, I did a lot of research. Category five is Omarashi, which is making someone hold their urine. So you are literally forcing someone to not pee. Whether they consent, whether they like it,
Starting point is 01:04:40 it's not really of concern to this person, I guess. And you like seeing the body movements and the painful facial expressions of someone who has to pee really bad. So this one is more pain, like, sadistic-related, right? And then you have number six, which is voyeurism category, which means you just like going into public restrooms and watching people pee. And you usually like it without them knowing that you're watching that they're pee. And so some notable enthusiast of this genre, this fetish, is there was a guy by the name of Patricia Niel,
Starting point is 01:05:11 who is a stand-up comedian in America, and he loves to pee on his girlfriends. And he has a very interesting story because he said that one time he peed on his girlfriend, and his girlfriend said, hey, your pee tastes like birthday cake. Wait, this is real or that was a Canadian. Real. And because she said your pee tastes like birthday cake, he was like, I don't think that's normal. He googled it.
Starting point is 01:05:33 It wasn't normal. So he goes to the doctor and that's when the doctor realized that he had diabetes. Because his girlfriend pointed out the fact that his pee tastes like birthday cake. So that was a notable experience for the pee fetish. And then you have Annie Sprinkle, who is an American porn actress, I believe, and her stage name came from the obsession with, well, Annie Sprinkle, you get it with bodily fluids. And then you have a guy who is Australian, and he goes by the nickname of Trothman. He's almost like an urban legend.
Starting point is 01:06:02 I mean, it's crazy. Like, he exists, but it's the story of him is almost like an urban legend. I mean, it's crazy. He exists, but the story of him is almost like an urban legend. So he went to New York one day. He's from Australia and he went to this bar and there was this bathtub in the bathroom. This was more of like a fetish bar and there was a bathtub and he would just see all these people getting into those bathtubs and then people standing around and just peeing on them. This club, this crazy nightclub. And so he was like, oh my gosh, so he gets into the tub and he gets peed on. He was like, I love it. Then he goes back home to Australia. And he was visiting a lot of these like fetish bars. So these are people who are used
Starting point is 01:06:33 to like BDSM. They're used to like the SNM culture. They're not really going to be like your vanilla cookie cutter. Like, oh my gosh, I only do missionary type of people, right? So then he would just go into the men's bathroom and this bar in particular, not designed for this, but they had one of those big urinals. So it's not like each individual one. It's just like a long line, right? That's what we had in middle school. Really?
Starting point is 01:07:00 So it's almost like a trough, you know, that's where it gets its name. And he would just go and like lay there in the trough. Like a just a regular restroom. Yeah, in this club. And these people would just come in and they, because you know, they're already into BDSM and SNM, they're just like, what the heck dude? And they would just pee on him.
Starting point is 01:07:18 And the club owner was like, that's funny. And would just let him lay in the urinals all night and get peed on. Because I mean, I guess he's not hurting anyone. And technically, you don't have to pee on him if you don't want to. So he was known as Trothman. So he's just known for doing this. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:38 And then people were really inspired by him. And like some people followed his steps. And these are just notable pee enthusiasts that are, you know, cause this is probably something that you don't share with the whole world. So these are notable people who are very proud of their pea fetish. They're like, yeah, I like pea. Now, this is the not so cool fetish. It's called Croprofagia.
Starting point is 01:08:01 And the messenger boy also introduced albrophish into C Copa Feigia, which just means eating feces Who is this boy? Yes, the random book boy like a 12-year-old who's into all of this? I don't know if he has 12 but he was a minor as well So he introduces him into eating feces and they would eat each other's poops Oh my god 12-year-old Albert would visit these public baths to watch boys' undress. Oh, I thought you... Oh, no, no.
Starting point is 01:08:30 They just go into a public bathroom and just have a feast. Oh, God, a buffet! Oh, my God. I didn't know! No, no, no. He would just go into these public bathrooms to watch boys' undress, and he would masturbate at the same time. Now, when turned 15 years old he ends up falling from a tree and he gets
Starting point is 01:08:50 a serious concussion. And I don't know if this is the same situation as Fred, like we talked about in last week's episode of his House of Horrors, right? And how he had gotten into that nasty motorcycle accident, but Albert believes that this changed him as well because he started experiencing stuttering in his speech patterns. He was getting dizzy spells that lasted his entire life. He would get these massive headaches that lasted his entire life. So he believes something a little bit weird happened there. Okay. Now when he turns 20 years old he decides to move to New York City from Washington, D.C. And he becomes a male prostitute. And his mom, by the time that he turns 28, is like, listen, you gotta marry someone.
Starting point is 01:09:30 So you're gonna marry this girl that I'm just gonna set you up with. Her name is Anna Marie Hoffman. She was 19 years old, so nearly a whole decade younger than him. And they would end up getting married. He wasn't really that into her, but they would still have like six children together. Yeah. Yeah, he would go on to have six children together, but he would still go on to have massive affairs with other men, and he really didn't try to hide it. Like it wasn't a secret that was going on in the house, right?
Starting point is 01:09:58 Then he would get jobs as like a house painter. Now, on one of these dates with one of the guys that he was having in a fair with, they went to like this wax works museum and at this museum the he became fascinated with a dissected penis that was like made out of wax and Like normally people would be like cool and they would just walk away, right? Or they'd be like oh like Educationally speaking that's very interesting. I didn't know it looked like that inside of a penis, right? But he was like oh my god. I want to see a real one
Starting point is 01:10:21 inside of a penis, right? But he was like, oh my God, I wanna see a real one. So that's when he became completely obsessed with the idea of mutilating penises and mutilating people. So he's like, this is what I need to do. Now during this time, he was raping young boys. His preference was anybody under the age of six. Oh my goodness.
Starting point is 01:10:40 I know. And the method that he would use is he would, yeah, this is why I saved this one last. It just makes you nauseous. So he was a massive pedophile. He went for boys under age of six. And his method was he would lure them away to rape them and torture them.
Starting point is 01:10:57 He would say, hey, do you want a bag of raisins? I got raisins. You want some gum? I got some gum, right? And his favorite weapon that he would use on these boys as he was assaulting them was a Nail studded paddle What is that you know a paddle like you Spank people with but he put four inch nails onto it
Starting point is 01:11:18 So he will pat you with nails you a stab you yeah with four inch nails On a paddle. As he was doing this at the same time, he was building his family, which I think, you know, there was a lot of fascination about this. It's kind of similar to BTK, which is the Blind Torture Kill Killer, the serial killer. And it's because, you know, these are two serial killers
Starting point is 01:11:41 that relatively still had a, family life, but not of like, not like Fred and Rosemary. Like they were assaulting their own children and killing their own children. Like they just had a relatively troubled life, but it wasn't as extreme as you would assume, right? So he was just considered a relatively okay dad. Like he had weird things that he would do, you know? But he was an abusive physically towards his kids.
Starting point is 01:12:10 Now he would masturbate when he was at home while he would insert needles into his groin area because he needed to feel pain. And that's how later on in life they found out that he had 27 different needles inside of his groin area that just like were left there. That's not even just saying he only did it 27 times. It's just like these were the ones that never came back out. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:32 And he decided to go on to newspapers. And this is the crazy thing. He would literally find anybody on newspapers. So it's like Quirks list for back in the day. Like you would post, hey, I've got this couch that I'm selling. I'm like, hey, I am trying to clean your house. They're like, hey, if you need a tutor, like hire me. And he would look for any listing really.
Starting point is 01:12:50 Like you could be selling a nasty rug on the newspaper. And he will find your address because you usually live, live like something that people can get ahold of you, right? Yeah. And he would write these letters. And they were insane to just random people. They would say allegedly, right? These are ones that claim to be Albert Fish's letters. and he would write these letters and they were insane to just random people. They would say allegedly, right?
Starting point is 01:13:06 These are ones that claim to be Albert Fish's letters but I don't think they've ever been publicly released. They would say things like, hey, I saw you in the newspaper, I can't wait to kiss your ass and drink your pee and eat your shit. And this is verbatim. I can taste your sweet piss.
Starting point is 01:13:23 You must pee pee in a glass and I shall drink every drop as you watch. But I love the fact that he said pee pee. And then he said, sit on my face so I can eat your sweet peanut butter, fresh and hot. Oh my God. I'm sorry. And he also said, no need for any toilet paper.
Starting point is 01:13:41 Oh my God. Sorry guys. I know someone was like about to they had like a fork full of food that they were like midway transporting into their house. Or someone's eating peanut butter right now. Like a pd and j and they just paused and now they're just looking at their phones giving me the stink eye. Wanting to punch me through the screen. I'm sorry. And then he ended up getting prison time, not for the letters, not for harassment, but for embezzlement. So he was stealing money, so he ends up going to prison, and in prison they actually diagnosed
Starting point is 01:14:17 him with religious mania, which means he believes that he was the second coming of Christ. And he felt like the only way that he could really fulfill his prophecy is to cast straight little boys. So he felt like he needed to chop off the penises of little boys in order for him to truly be the second coming of Christ. That's not a real thing, guys, but he believed it. Now that's when he meets, now Alfred at this point is 40 years old. He's got some children, he's 40.
Starting point is 01:14:44 He meets a 19 year old boy by the name of Thomas Keddin who he immediately starts grooming and this was not a Concentral relationship. We don't have direct fact that Thomas said no, but we do know that he was intellectually disabled So this was not consensual in the eyes of the law and they had entered into a Sadome masochistic situation. Well, he had forced him into a sadom masochistic situation, which means that Alfred took him to a old farmhouse and for two weeks tortured him, used him as a sex slave,
Starting point is 01:15:20 just did everything with him. And his plan was just to kill him and leave him there, right? But then he realized, wait a second, it's the middle of the summer. Upstate New York, it's going to get so bad. Like his smell is going to immediately start alerting the neighbors and then they're going to find his dead body and they're going to be able to trace it straight to me. Like I need to give some time, right? So he's like, ah man, I can't kill Thomas Kettin, that's not good. So he decides, I'm just going to cut off half of his penis. And so he gets scissors and he cuts off half of Thomas' penis.
Starting point is 01:15:52 And he keeps the half that he cuts off. And he says that he will never forget the screen that Thomas made or the look that Thomas gave him. But he just had to see it for himself. He wanted to see what it looked like to cut the penis in half. So he poured some peroxide onto his open wound. He wrapped a hingerchief in Vaseline, wrapped that on his wound on his penis, and then he left him a $10 bill, kissed him goodbye, and then kicked him out of the old farmhouse. They both took the train home.
Starting point is 01:16:24 Nobody knows what happened to Thomas afterwards. He never Albert Fish never tried to find out if anything happened to him. He never knew. He was just out of the picture. Yeah, he never reported it to the police, which I mean I can see why. So how they found out this story. Albert told them. So after that happens, his wife ends up leaving him. I mean, she didn't know that he was going around assaulting young boys. She didn't know that he had just cast straight a man. She didn't know any of this, but he was starting to show a lot of his mental illnesses, such as him believing that he's the second coming of Christ, right? And
Starting point is 01:16:59 so she decides to leave with the handyman who had rented a room inside of their family home. So she's like, I'm gonna just leave while Albert Fish is at work with this man and she ended up taking everything that was valuable and left all of the children. So now Albert Fish is a single parent of like six kids, okay, so he's like, what the fork am I supposed to do? And that's when he really started losing it.
Starting point is 01:17:24 Like he started having auditory hallucinations. So, he would hear people talking to him. He started really indulging in self-harm. He would be found by his kids, just wrapping himself in a roll of carpet. And they'd be like, hey, dad, what are you doing? And he would say, John, the apostle, told me to wrap myself in carpet.
Starting point is 01:17:43 And they would be like okay He would soak like cloth into lighter fluid and he would stick it up his butt and light it on fire So he's on fire. Yeah, he's on fire literally And I'm on fire figured you know, it's really hard sometimes to do it like a sec Like I'm just gonna be honest. It's so hard to do a segue. Sometimes I'm like, anyways, so then they ate people for dinner. Do you guys wanna know about my hair? My hair is literally on fire.
Starting point is 01:18:15 If you guys don't know, I have been using function of beauty for years now. I originally was obsessed with using function of beauty because I have these really, really high maintenance extensions in my hair. So that's around the time that I was like, okay, I need to look for a shampoo that is gonna make my hair healthy, it's gonna keep the extensions healthy.
Starting point is 01:18:32 And that's when I was like, I'm gonna use function beauty and I freaking fell so much in love with it. With all of this happening in 2020, I was like, obviously can't really go to hair salons and I took my extensions out and I thought that I was gonna be miserable I thought oh god the hair is gonna be so Waco, but honestly so amazing still silky smooth. I mean, it's like a commercial Here's the thing your best friend could have the best hair that you've ever seen and then you try the shampoo and conditioner
Starting point is 01:18:59 And you're like hey, um, did you lie to me because my hair doesn't look like yours But it's because you are different from your best friend And your hair is different. You're unique and so is your hair So why wouldn't we get customized shampoo that fits our hair and nobody else's? That's why I'm obsessed with function of beauty You take a very very quick butt-throw quiz so that you get hair care that is formulated specifically for you No matter your hair type they they create a shampoo, conditioner, and treatments. How unique you ask. Well, functionability has over 54 trillion possible ingredient combinations. You can literally even write your name on it so that your fiance
Starting point is 01:19:36 knows, hey, that's my stuff. Use yours. My fiance uses functionability, by the way. You can also customize your fragrance, the strength of your fragrance, the color of your shampoo, and all of their formulas are vegan and cruelty free. They never use sulfates, parabens, or other harmful ingredients. So you're really getting the best. That's for your hair. But if you don't believe me, they have over 40,000 real five star reviews and counting. It's the internet's top rated customized hair care brand. Go to slash rotten to take your four-part hair profile quiz and say 20% on your first order. That's slash rotten. Now he never physically violated the children but um there was some I would assume to be
Starting point is 01:20:20 mental and emotional violations that happened so whenever his friends were home and they would have their other friends over at their house, he would play this game. He said, hey kiddos, let's play a game. I'm going to get on all fours, okay? Daddy's going to get on all fours. And each of you guys is going to take turns sitting on my back like a little horse ride, right? And you guys are going to hold up a number on your fingers, like whether it's two, like holding up the peace sign or five, right? like a high five, right? And I'm gonna guess what number it is. And if I'm wrong, you get to spank daddy with the nail studded paddle. Oh, and the world.
Starting point is 01:20:55 So the kids would literally hit their dad with the paddle. It's really, um, sake if you think too deep, deep into it because I think when you think of it like first glance You're like okay. Well technically. I guess he's not hurting the kids, right? At least it's better that he's not spanking the kids with the nail-started paddle But then when you realize that he basically gets sexual gratification from being in pain Then you're like, oh god. This is really bad, right? And around this time is when he started really becoming obsessed with the idea of cannibalism. That's when he started eating lots of raw meat, animal meat. So he was kind of trying to trick his brain that
Starting point is 01:21:33 these were human meat. So he's like, Oh, I love cannibalism. And then it would just be like a raw steak of beef, right? And he would even serve it to his kids. He'd be like, eat that beef right now. I mean, this was real beef. Okay? It wasn't human meat. It wasn't the forbidden meat. But this was like his obsession with cannibalism that was just starting to form. And he would usually feed his kids raw meat on a full moon. Hence the name of the werewolf. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:59 That's his like little thing. He waited for the full moon. Yeah. Wow. And that's when he starts contemplating murdering people to make his fantasy come true. Because forbidden meat is such an odd thing when you think about it logically speaking
Starting point is 01:22:13 because a lot of the times with forbidden meat, the end game is not to kill someone, which a lot of serial killers and psychopaths the end game is to kill someone. With forbidden meat people, the endgame is to just get some meat. I don't know what's worse honestly, but it's just weird. I think it's logically so weird, right? It's just an end to a mean or a means to an... yeah, you get it. So that's when he starts searching for his victims. And the way that he would usually look for his
Starting point is 01:22:41 victims, it's just gonna make you so mad, is that he would go for intellectually disabled children, orphans, or homeless, or black orphans because he said, those are the people nobody cares about. So, he did this a lot? Yeah. Well, he doesn't end up murdering them, but he would at first find these kids, and he would try to rape them, attack them, stop them, and most of them didn't die. So thankfully they weren't murdered. But I just think it's so sick. I always think it's sick when zero killers specifically target victims like this. Yeah, he said that
Starting point is 01:23:16 God told him to God told him to kidnap and try to eat kids. It was a thing. And he said, you know, if God didn't want this, then the angels would stop him. That was his reasoning behind all of this. And so he went back to the newspaper is looking for more people. That's when he runs into Beatrice. Now Beatrice, she was on her property, her parents farmhouse, and she was hanging out outside. And that's when he approaches her on her own property and says, Hey, can you go help me pick some like fruit? Because I think there was like some fruit trees nearby And she was hesitant because she was like, I don't know this man And he was like, I'm gonna give you some money. So she's like, okay, sounds good
Starting point is 01:23:51 I mean she's like this young kid and as they're walking away the mom sees him Chases him down and he runs away and she gets be a trist But he's like, I'm gonna try again. So he comes back that same night and hides in their barn and somehow Beatrice's dad thankfully saw him hiding in the barn and then chased him away again. And he was just starting to get antsy. So he had something that he called his Implement of Hell, which were his three weapons. It included a meat cleaver, a butcher's knife, a hand saw that he really really wanted to use to mutilate his victims and he was really eager. So he leared two boys into his house for dinner and he told the boys, hey, why don't you wait in my room right now while I make sandwiches. So they were waiting in his room and the two boys because
Starting point is 01:24:35 they're young. They start getting into like a play fight, right? So they're running around the room, just having a good time. They have no idea like this is a crazy motherfucker, right? And they're play fighting when they kind of move the not mattress off of the bed, right? If it was a he likes mattress, that would never happen. But if they kind of like move the mattress off of the bed frame and they see those three weapons underneath and these kids are like, we got to go. So they immediately book it out of the apartment while Albert is making them sandwiches. They don't even say bye. They don't even say like, hey, I found your meat cleaver, right? They just run out of there.
Starting point is 01:25:08 And then eight days later, he tries to kill someone and he succeeds. So this is where his nickname comes. The Gray Man. He has so many nicknames. What's Gray Man? So he was really gray. Like his hair was gray, his mustache was gray, and he had kind of like this lifeless color to him.
Starting point is 01:25:28 So this is where he gets his nickname. Eight days later, he sees nine-year-old Francis McDonald that was just hanging out in the woods with his friends, right? And he just vanished. And so all his yummy members were like, what the heck happened? The boy scouts ended up finding him hanging from a tree And he was found assaulted raped strangled murdered He was strangled with his own suspenders and he was strangled to such an extent that the suspenders were embedded into his skin
Starting point is 01:25:57 Yeah, he had lacerations to his legs and his abdomen his left hamstring was almost entirely stripped of flesh So this was an absolute brutal murder. So obviously the police get involved, you know, the families are involved and everyone reports seeing a grey-haired man and even the mom, remember seeing a grey-haired man hanging out around the area. She didn't see her son with him, but you remember seeing this grey-haired man. So everyone just said, it's this grey man, it's this grey man, right? He's got grey hair, a grey mustache, and they said everything faded and grey.
Starting point is 01:26:30 His skin looked just faded and grey. Uh-huh, so that means they can have a drawing of him? Yeah, but it just wasn't descriptive enough. And when they had the autopsy on Frances McDonald, they also kind of contradicted everything because they said it can't be an old man because it was just too strong. They had such severe elacerations.
Starting point is 01:26:52 There's no way an old man could do this and you're telling me like, Frey didn't gray, like he's got gray hair, gray mustache, there's no way. So there was just a lot of like back and forth. A lot of people were questioned because Francis that's dad was actually a police officer in Staten Island. So they took this case incredibly seriously. Lots of people were questioned. Lots of people arrested. Some people were
Starting point is 01:27:11 ended up charged. It never fell on Albert Fish at the time. And then you have Billy Gaffney. So Billy Gaffney was a four-year-old who was playing inside of his apartment hallway with another three-year-old friend and a 12-year-old older brother of that friend. Now the 12-year-old went into the apartment to get a glass of water and both boys disappeared from the hallway when he had come back out. His little brother, three-year-old, was found on the rooftop of the apartment and when he was asked, hey, what happened to four-year-old Billy or friend that you were playing with? He said, the boogie man took him, the boogie man took him. He's like gray and boogie, right? And nobody really believed him because they're like, okay, well you're three.
Starting point is 01:27:50 You don't know what you're talking about. You just said boogie man. So discredit you, blah, blah, blah, right? But if they had listened, the description perfectly matched fish, like the way that he described him. And they later found out that his schedule actually matched up because he was doing a painting job that was only like a model or two away. So he would have been in the area But at the time the police immediately believed that it had to be the work of a serial killer by the name of Peter Kudzinowski
Starting point is 01:28:15 Who was also active in the area at the time the body of Billy Gaffney was never found and we know this now because Alfred said that he ate him Alfred fish took him home, drank his blood, which is why he gets the name vampire. And he also gets, yeah, vampire of Brooklyn. He said that he cut off all the parts of Billy that he didn't want to consume, put them into a sack of stones and threw them into a local river. He ended up roasting his entire butt in the oven after covering it with bacon strips. With his ears, nose, face, and belly, he made a stew with onion, celery, and turnips. And he said that the boys monkeys, which people have speculated to be his testicles, were yummy. And he said sweet like nut. I don't I hate nuts so I don't
Starting point is 01:29:07 really know. And he said his pee wee was too chewy so he flushed it in the toilet. By this time Albert Fish was 58 years old and that's when he sees an Edward Bud who was 18 years old looking for work in the newspapers. And so he goes to Edward's place to interview him. He's like listen I've got this farmhouse in upstate New York and I want to see if you can do some work there, right? So he's interviewing him and his whole plan was to take 18 year old Edward into his farmhouse and then to kill him and to consume him. But as he's at Edward's house interviewing him, he sees that Edward has a 10 year old little sister by the name of Grace Bud. So he suddenly changes his whole plan. He's like, nah, I don't want to kill Edward. I want to kill Grace, right? So he's like, you know what, I'm a little busy today, but I'm going to come back next
Starting point is 01:29:53 week and I'll pick you up and take you to the farmhouse and you can start working on the farm, right? So Edward's like, sounds great, sounds great. And that's when he meets Grace but too. So he's like, bye Grace. See you next week when I pick up your brother, right? And so then he goes next week and he has lunch with the whole family. Grace and Edwards parents are there and the whole family needed money So I think they were just all very grateful. So he meets the whole family. He brought like this strawberry and cheese platter And they eat that together and he's like, yeah, well, I'm in town right now because I'm in the city right now because I need to go to my niece's party, her birthday party, my niece is like turning nine
Starting point is 01:30:31 or something, right? So why don't I go to the party and then I'll come back and pick Edward up to go to the farm, yeah? And so they're like, okay, sounds great. And by the way, they know him as Frank Howard. He didn't give Albert Fish as his real name, obviously. He was like, hi, I'm Frank
Starting point is 01:30:45 And so they're like sounds good Frank whatever you want and as he's going out the door He says, you know what Grace? You want to come to the party with me? My niece is your age. There's gonna be lots of girls your age and it'll be fun And since I'm coming back to go pick up your brother. Why don't you just come have a good day? And you know my niece could really use some more friends. And so the parents were a little bit skeptical, but Grace was like, please mom, like I think they're gonna, it's gonna be so fun. I didn't get to hang out with my friends.
Starting point is 01:31:10 Like she was like kind of like pushing our parents and our parents, I think there was a lot of stress of like this could be our potential son's employer, right? So they were like, okay, fine. And now back in the day, birthday parties involved you dressing up in your Sunday's best So Grace excitedly goes into her room dresses up in her best clothes comes back down and leaves with Albert fish and she was never to be seen again That is so sad for the parents and so he takes her to the country house the place that he intended to take her older brother to kill Edward.
Starting point is 01:31:45 And he tells her, hey, why don't you go outside and pick some wildflowers to bring to the party, right? And he goes upstairs into his room and he hides completely naked. And then he starts calling her name out the window. So he's like, can you come upstairs? I need to fix something before the party. So she's like, okay. So she's got these wildflowers in her hand. Goes upstairs and she opens the door and he's butt naked. So she screams and she tries to run away. He grabs her and she starts yelling,
Starting point is 01:32:13 kicking, screaming. She says, I'm gonna tell my mom. And he strips her completely naked, chokes her, cuts her up and eats her. He said that it took nine full days to eat all of her meat. Now the parents obviously they were freaking out at this point because you know she never came back and they realized that Frank Howard doesn't exist. They only have the description of Albert Fish's appearance but that really wasn't
Starting point is 01:32:40 gonna do anything right? And 108 days, and the police started investigating, and they actually end up arresting and charging a man for the kidnapping of Grace Bud, who obviously was innocent. He did not kidnap Grace Bud, but his wife had framed him. So his wife and him were going through a messy divorce, and so his wife was like, oh yeah, my husband kidnapped Grace Bud.
Starting point is 01:33:02 So he ended up getting charged, and he spent 108 days in prison. Before the police realized that there really was no evidence, so they let him go. And then six years later, six years later, the Bud family gets an anonymous letter that shows up. And the mom, Grace's mom, is a literate, so she had her son read it to her, so Edward read this to her, and I can't imagine how much more devastating that is and it said something along that it was from Albert Fish
Starting point is 01:33:29 And I'm not gonna read the whole thing because it's really long, but this is the gist of it He's that that he had a friend by the name of John who lived in New York next to him and John he was a sailor so a lot of the times he would sail from San Francisco to Hong Kong from you know New York to different places But one time when John sailed from San Francisco to Hong Kong from New York to different places. But one time when John sailed from San Francisco to Hong Kong, when they approached Hong Kong, their boat was stolen. So John, this American fellow from New York, gets stranded in Hong Kong, right? Now in Hong Kong, there was a famine. So they were eating lots of kids.
Starting point is 01:34:00 That's what he said. There's no proof that this ever happened. There's no proof that there was a famine. Seems a little racist to me if you ask, but who's asking me, right? So he writes in the letter, anyways, John was in Hong Kong and people were eating kids in Hong Kong because nobody had food, so they were selling kid meat, right? And the younger the kid, the higher the price for the meat.
Starting point is 01:34:20 Now, John, before he could find his way back to home, which was in New York City, he had spent a lot of time in Hong Kong, and by that point, he had eaten so many kid meat that he became obsessed with the taste of human flesh, that he was like, oh my god, I can't eat anything else. So, when he gets to New York, he's like, man, this beef cut just ain't doing it no more. So he's like, okay, I'm gonna kidnap some kids. So he kidnaps an 11 year old boy, and he kidnaps a seven year old boy at the same time
Starting point is 01:34:46 And the way that he does it is he beats them because in his mind and John's mind It means he's tenderizing the boys like you know how you cook a steak that you beat at first So he's like, oh, I must tenderize the children now in the letter He specifically stated that John his friend killed the 11 year old first because he had the fattest ass with the most meat on it. And that's not me saying it like that's literally in the letter, right? And this is verified to be from Albert Fish. And he said that he ate him by roasting his entire butt
Starting point is 01:35:15 in the oven before he broiled it, then fried it, then put some things into stew. And then he did the same thing to the young boy. Now where does Albert Fish come into it? Well, John approached him and said, you know, you don't even know what humans taste like it tastes so good. And that's when I made up my mind to taste human meat. That's when I brought your family, cheese, and strawberries that day under the pretense
Starting point is 01:35:37 of hiring your son. And we had a good lunch together, little Gracie sat on my lap for a second, and that's when I knew that I was going to eat her. So I made a lie up about the party, there was no party, I don't have a niece, and she told me that she was going to tell her mom when I started to take off her clothes, and she fought like hell. He put this all in the letter like imagine being the parents reading that. What the fuck? What's going on? This is six years later. Yeah. Isn't he like fucking 65? Yeah. And he said her sweet tender ass was roasted in the oven. It took me nine days to eat her body. And he said I didn't... if you see K her, I know. Usually I don't censor and usually I say it, but like I can't say that.
Starting point is 01:36:26 He said, I didn't do that. I kind of wished I had. He said. And his last words in the letter was, I see, this is so weird. He said, she died of urgent. Like my stomach is turning, this letter was, it, this letter kind of reminds me of the toybox killer audio transcript it's just I don't like it when like I just don't like it it's one thing to understand the story it's another thing to have like direct communication between killers and victims or victims families it's just it's nasty so it was unsigned, obviously. And by this point, I had been six years past. They knew that there was no Frank Howard. They knew that this was kind of a dead end, right? But the police, when they took a hold of the letter, they realized, yes, it was unsigned, but on the very very back of the station
Starting point is 01:37:16 There was an emblem. Now the emblem. It's like a little logo. It had NYPCBA on it, which they found out matches to the acronym of a company name called New York Private Showfers Benevolent Association. It's a mouthful. So the janitor that was interviewed, because everyone in that little association was interviewed and the janitor said, listen, I took some stationary home. I left it at 200 East 52nd Street and I probably left it there when I moved out of that unit So they're like, okay, let's go back to the unit they go to the managers of the unit and they say oh, yeah I bet the name of Albert Fish is staying there and so the chief investigator decided to wait outside for fish
Starting point is 01:37:56 But he didn't end up coming back that day or the next day. It would be four months later Why until he came back? I think he knew that the police was on 10 now This four months is actually gonna call into question a lot of different things too, right? So he comes back four months later and he agrees to go to the police station He's like, yeah, let me go to the police station to get questioned and immediately as he said that this old dude Albert Fish. I mean he was old. He was frail He pulls out a razor blade and the police is like really did and he knocks the N it razor blade out of his hand and it's like all right, let's go and so he disarms him takes him in and when
Starting point is 01:38:32 Albrefish is getting interrogated, I mean there is no denial. He even says I killed Grace because originally I wanted to kill Edward But then I saw his little sister Grace. He said that he didn't rape her, but while choking her, he involuntarily ejaculated twice. So the police, they really wanted to cover, they didn't want to talk about the cannibalism, so they told the press that this was a sexually motivated kidnapping. Why is that? I think back in the day, like it just was too much. Yeah. So it wasn too much. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:05 So it wasn't released. Yeah, until way later. Huh. So he basically gave the gave up the information as soon as he got arrested? Yeah, and he said that he would even make his victim spank him with the paddle before he killed them. Because he got off on the pain. He loved eating their meat. He loved eating their meat. He loved drinking their blood.
Starting point is 01:39:26 He loved roasting butts in the oven. He also confessed to like a dozen other assaults murders. They also found out about the two other murders of Francis and also Billy. And it just was a lot. Like they really could only find evidence of these three. But people speculate that he could have up to 12 victims. Albert Fish himself claims there's 50 children
Starting point is 01:39:50 that he killed. Yeah, wouldn't be surprised. Six years. I'm pretty sure it sounds like he's not resting for those six years. Yeah. And then the four months that he just disappeared while they were waiting outside the department,
Starting point is 01:40:02 surveilling him, it's like, what do you think he did? Just like hung out? I don't think so. No. So he ends up going to prison. And even in prison, he was just a wild one. So they would serve chicken and he would hide the chicken bones in his cheek. He would go into his prison cell, sharpen it against cement.
Starting point is 01:40:19 And he would constantly stab himself. And people thought I was suicide attempt, but most people assumed that most people who knew Albert Fish assumed it was sexual pleasure. What in the world? That it wasn't like a suicide attempt, right? And so the trial happens now Albert Fish pleads insanity. He's like, I was absolutely crazy. Now, psychiatrist and the defense attorney at this time, I mean this is the time before Ted Bundy was alive.
Starting point is 01:40:46 This is the time before like your, you know, ed campers, your edgings, like this is back in the day, right? So they were like, he is a psychological phenomenon. Like they did not understand him at all because just in sexual fetishes, he had so many. So he was, he was was into satism which is inflicting pain He was into massacism which is getting pain. He was into something called Flaggulation which means fogging Flogging Or whipping or lashing a body with special instruments such as whips He was into exhibitionism which is going out into the public and exposing yourself like just showing off your pain in public
Starting point is 01:41:24 He was into voyeurism which is aka out into the public and exposing yourself, like just showing off your pain in public. He was into voyeurism, which is AKA peeping Tom. He was also into something called pickerism, which we know what it is, but I didn't know there was a word of it, but it's sexually penetrating the skin with sharp objects, so like needles and shit. Oh, there's a term for that. Yeah, I thought it was just agi-puncher, but... I need it. I know, but when you're sexually into it, it's like different and you're not doing it for like, you know, health purposes.
Starting point is 01:41:50 Yeah, you get I didn't know this is the thing. I thought the only times you stick needles into your body were for health purposes. Oh, I see. You know, I didn't think that like people were like, yes, I consent to this, but not because it's gonna make me healthier, but because I'm going to like it. but not because it's gonna make me healthier, but because I'm going to like it. He was into cannibalism. He was into the coprophagia, which is the pooing. He was into the urofilia, which is the peeing. He was into pedophilia, necrophilia, castration,
Starting point is 01:42:18 self-castration, drinking blood, infibulation, which means removing genitals or stutraing genitals, which means sewing up like genital areas, whether it's a vagina or sewing up penises. He just liked that. And so he was found sane and guilty and the judge ordered him to a death sentence. Now his last words were, I don't know why I'm here. And he was, he died via electric chair. Now there's a rumor that they had to actually do it twice according to the legend, the rumor, that they had to do it twice because the first time
Starting point is 01:42:57 they did it, because of all the needles inside of his body, it's short-circuited. So they did it twice. And I'm not going to do it. I'm not gonna do it. What? But he was fried fish. Sorry everyone did it. I had to do it. These fried fish. Yeah he was fish and chips. Electric chair, Albert fish, fried fish. It's getting late. Yeah, it's getting late. Yeah, it's crazy. So they fried fish. The attorney for Albert Fish said that hours before his death, Albert Fish had written several pages of letters that he would consider his final statement. And the press was like, what? Are we serious? Read it to us. Read it to us right now. And he says, I will never release this. I will never show this to anyone. It was the most
Starting point is 01:43:54 filthy string of obscenities that I have ever read. So he said that he would just never, for the sake of everyone else, he would never ever release it to the public. And I don't think it has been released because I don't even think like the police would be interested in anymore because it was his final statement. Unless there was some more laws that he had broken in there. So this suspected victim count for Albert Fish is anywhere between, well we know three at least, murders, right? But I mean you're talking, I don't even know how many victims of just overall trauma
Starting point is 01:44:25 and crimes, but in terms of murder, three to nine, but he claims that he had one kid in every state, as what he said. And that is the crazy story of Albert Fish. I mean, I just don't know. All these stories, I feel like these stories are so weird today. I honestly was originally debating between doing one or the other, but I was like, you know what? It's October, I'm ahead of them with both.
Starting point is 01:44:50 Damn. Which one do you think scares you more, though? Obviously the upper fish. The first one is just... Relationship mode of the day. Yeah, just like, extreme freaking. It's not as random. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:09 Yeah, what's very interesting about Catherine Knight is that psychologist claim that she has no psychopathic traits. So they don't think that she's a psychopath. She's just genuinely evil. That's scary. That's scary, right? Like, they don't think like, oh, she has no emotions for other people. You know how like psychopaths, it's like, oh, they don't even know how to feel for other people. Yeah. So you're like, okay, something is missing in their brain where they feel empathy or they've realized what they're doing to other people, but lots
Starting point is 01:45:40 of psychologists say that other than borderline personality disorder, she does, she's not considered a psychopath. So they claim that she's just pure evil. That's like the talk of the town. You're like, what town? I'm like true crime reddit town. Yeah. That's the talk of that town. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:59 Let me know, guys, which case did you guys like? Was this too much? I know. I'm trying to space out the cannibalism ones. I will say that I do have a sort of interest, I guess, in researching stuff like this, because I think it's just so, like what is going on in that brain, right? To make you think that you get it.
Starting point is 01:46:21 I hope you guys enjoyed it, and I will see you guys next week for Spooktoba. Bye. Bye. you get it. I hope you guys enjoyed and I will see you guys next week for Spooktoba. Bye!

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