Rotten Mango - Influencer Lures Followers To Move In, Then Sex Traffics Them To Fund Her Witchcraft

Episode Date: February 17, 2025

In Brazil, this specific prison is known as the “real dungeons.” Because once you get in - you feel like you’re trapped in hell until they let you out. That is - if you can even get out alive.�...�BBC reporters are there to interview one of the most high profile prisoners. Every single prisoner in there has been deemed a dangerous criminal - this one even more so. She walks out. Thin frame. Short blonde hair. She used to be a model in NYC and was reported to have dated Leonardo DiCaprio. What is she doing in here? “Why are you in here?” - they ask her. “They say I can control people minds. Change their brains.” - she responds. “Can you?” “What do you think? Can I? I hope so… when I get out you will see the power that I have and if it is real or not.” “Is that a threat” Did the prisoner just threaten the BBC reporters? This is the case of Kat Torres - the Brazilian Instagram “influencer” with over 1 million followers that has been charged with human trafficking and slavery charges.   Full show notes at 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The Santo Expedito prison in Brazil is often called the real dungeons. There are some reports that 20 plus prisoners are shoved into one singular cell. Most of them are left to sleep on the floor, waiting to be left out maybe once a day for 30 minutes a day if they're lucky. The rest of the days, they're left to sit on this sticky, rat-infested cockroach upside down sticking to the cement floors of the prison. It would take sometimes weeks for prisoners to even get a fresh hit of air to their nostrils. Fresh air. BBC investigators go to interview someone from that very prison. They're outside waiting in the
Starting point is 00:00:44 permitted area where they've set up all these cameras, and there she comes. She's coming out. Out walks this thin, tall, blonde woman. She used to be a model in New York. She was rumored to have been dating Leonardo DiCaprio at one point.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Her ex-husband is a crypto millionaire. What the hell is she doing in this prison in Brazil? The reporters ask her, What are you doing here? And she scoffs. They're saying that she is a danger to society because she can change people's minds with her words. She can, whoop, turn their brains around.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Well, can you? Can I? You tell me. Can I? I hope I can. She claims that she has been unjustly placed into this prison with real criminals. She does not belong here. This is an injustice. But when she gets up at the end of the interview, she looks at the two interviewers from the BBC and says, later you will find out whether I have power or not. I'm sorry, what? Is that a threat? She smiles. I don't
Starting point is 00:01:47 like this one. And walks off. Wait, what do you mean? She tells one of the interviewers, you're going to find out if I have real powers or not. And they're like, did you just threaten us? Like we have this on camera. Are you threatening us right now? She says, I don't like this one. And she points at one of the interview interviewers the one that was asking the harder questions And she walks off Did she seriously just threaten BBC reporters? Why is this woman being called the female Andrew Tate and how did she get away with human trafficking and slavery? Charges for so long earning millions of dollars every single month and is it really true that she can talk to aliens? This is the case of Cat Torres, Brazilian model and influencer turned human trafficker. We would like to thank today's sponsors who have made it possible for Rotten Mango to
Starting point is 00:02:55 support the Nomi Network. This international non-profit provides life-changing opportunities, connections to safer employment, and resources for survivors. This episode's partnerships have also made it possible to support Rotten Mango's growing team, and we'd also like to thank you guys for your continued support. As always, full show notes are available at Today's case has mentions of SA trafficking. The perpetrator of today's case also has various mental health diagnosis,
Starting point is 00:03:19 but to be very clear, in an effort to destigmatize, such diagnoses does not make someone inherently violent, nor is today's case a reliable representation of mental health or hallucinogens. We're gonna get there. We had two books translated for the source material for this case. One was written by the perpetrator before she committed the crimes, and one was written by one of the victims. The victim was brave enough to share very in-depth details on the trauma that she endured while essentially being held hostage, and specific details of what she had to go through whilst being trafficked. All the very specific quotes, situations, are attributed to the original source material, the victim's own book, called Searching Desiree.
Starting point is 00:04:01 I highly recommend you read it if possible. She does an incredible job at highlighting the process of how she was groomed by this famous influencer and ultimately victimized. Is the book in English? It's in Portuguese. But it is remarkably insightful. So with that being said, let's get started. There is one sentiment in the world of high-end date arrangements. The higher the cost of the appointment, the stranger the request. One of Chanel's clients was willing to pay $3,000 for the hour. He worked for this major airline company. He takes her to the airport and opens the door to one of the airline's administration offices inside the airport and she's terrified. But she does
Starting point is 00:04:45 as she's told. He's got this big duffel bag with him. What the hell is in that? She scrunches her eyebrows and he unzips it, pulls out a flight attendant uniform. Can you wear this? She says long story short, she fulfilled all of his sick fantasies that night. It was alarming. But not as alarming as, or well, weird as the party that she was invited to. I mean, on paper, the deal made sense. $24,000 for the night. There's going to be 11 clients and Chanel would be hired along with another, well, you know, another woman. Chanel goes thinking it's a bachelor party or a birthday celebration? Retirement? I don't know, who knows? She shows up, it's a family. Four uncles, three cousins, two brother-in-laws, and two brothers. The two women, they danced for the 11 family
Starting point is 00:05:34 members, men. Eventually they're taken into separate bedrooms upstairs and the 11 family members were just going from one room to another, skipping and hoppiting between the two women. They're getting paid for the job, they consented, but it was definitely alarming nonetheless. Not a great night. But Chanel was taught very early on, just go into a trance,
Starting point is 00:05:54 disassociate from what is happening and power through. It's not great advice, but it's working, at least temporarily. But one of the more lucrative parties that you can be invited to and be paid hired to be a part of are bachelor parties, which is very depressing. Men are typically younger and they're all acting like there's some sort of dooming apocalypse happening, like it's going to be the last night of their lives. But it does bring in the money to the point where the
Starting point is 00:06:24 dancers at the Gentleman's Club, they would often break out into literal fights to be requested by the bachelor parties that are coming in. This particular one was not at the club. Chanel was hired on this big yacht to have fun with this new bachelor and all of his friends, and she says that she was mainly focused on the groom. He had asked her to be exclusive for the night, which means that, you know, how much does she charge? Chanel's looking around. She's like, well, I got some targets
Starting point is 00:06:50 I have to hit this month. She does some calculations and says, you know what? I'm gonna ask for five times the normal rate of what I normally charge, which is already $10,000 an hour. So let's just see what happens. Without hesitation, he instantly transfers the money, and the two of them go into the master suite of the yacht and after spending hours together He decides to go back to his friends at the party upstairs on the deck of the yacht while Chanel showers
Starting point is 00:07:14 And now she's freshening up ready to go back to work upstairs. She checks her phone and there's a bunch of missed calls Before how much did he transfer like like 50? and there's a bunch of missed calls. Before- How much did he transfer? Like 50. Oh. Before she can call the missed caller back, she gets another ring from the same number. Hello?
Starting point is 00:07:31 You've been exposed. You're all over the media. What? Chanel said that she could feel the blood drain completely from her face. She's feeling nauseous, dizzy. She feels like she needs to sit down. What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:07:44 Don't worry. I have a plan. Everything everything is under control how do you have everything under control if it's already out to the media I need you to listen to me leave the bachelor party immediately do you hear me Desiree Chanel I mean Desiree she says hearing her real name snapped something in her it brought her back to reality she was no longer Chanel the one that gets hired for bachelor parties she's back to being Desiree and she feels like she's about to be sick her phone starts ringing non-stop unknown caller unknown caller probably mainstream media news outlets the media family friends I don't know
Starting point is 00:08:23 she's been exposed and then a text message from the same person that she was just on the phone with destroy your sim card and buy a new one, leave the party immediately that text message is from Cat Torres, a Brazilian Instagrammer with over a million followers why was a random influencer calling Desiree and telling her what to do? and why is Desiree listening to every single command that this influencer gives? When Kat sits down to write her book, she knows it's not going to be easy. She's like, this is going to be very rough. My whole life story in what, two, three hundred pages?
Starting point is 00:08:57 How do I even summarize my life? But she did not know that there's these forces working against her. She said she was writing one of the most important parts of her book about the time that she had a paranormal experience. She was editing, rewording, writing all night long, and when she woke up, 40 pages of her manuscript were just missing. Gone. Kat has never had this happen before.
Starting point is 00:09:23 It's not like she fell asleep on her computer. It's not like she had a broken down old laptop. It is clear to Kat that whatever is happening is a supernatural higher power that does not want her to share her story. She even shares this in the book. She says this is something that she's used to because she's always been like this. Ever since she was little, she knew she was different. She heard voices. Well, it was mainly like one. She calls it The Voice, which is also the title of her book,
Starting point is 00:09:52 The Voice, not The Singing Show, but just The Voice. She would have deep conversations with The Voice ever since she was young. At first, she thought it was the cat talking to her. She's like, are you talking to me? My cat is talking to me. Do you know how rich I would be if I could prove that my cat can talk to me? But it wasn't the cat talking to her. She's like, are you talking to me? My cat is talking to me. Do you know how rich I would be if I could prove that my cat can talk to me? But it wasn't the cat. It's like she's meant to be this media. The spirits are
Starting point is 00:10:12 talking to her and they've always been talking to her. Even the last words of her book read, book written by Cat Torres and the voice. Praise be. During a talk show, Cat tells the host about her book and everything that she's been through. I can read minds and honestly everyone could read minds if they truly wanted to. I can look at the audience right now and I can see what everyone is thinking. The host turns to her. Then what am I thinking right now? I don't know. I would really need to concentrate. I would need to tune into your vibrations first to be able to read your thoughts. By the way, I can talk to aliens. And what do
Starting point is 00:10:57 the aliens tell you? Oh, it's nothing from this world. Since I was eight years old, God gave me this energy and this voice." Cat Torres is absolutely unhinged. I'm just gonna start with that. But she was also never meant to be rich. That's what people told her. They said, you're never gonna be rich. She grew up very, very impoverished in Brazil. Her dad was an alcoholic who would say things like, women are born to clean and cook and they should be grateful that the world is even putting up with them. Her mom was never present, she was more focused on her marital troubles. Kat had this older sister who really never cared to suffer together.
Starting point is 00:11:33 Sometimes everybody in the house would leave her days. There's nothing in the fridge, there's no food, no money. Kat has to fend for herself and her sister would come back days later with snacks. Kat is not allowed to eat any of them because they're her sister's snacks that her sister would come back days later with snacks. Cat is not allowed to eat any of them because they're her sister's snacks that her sister bought with her own money and she refuses to give cat even a singular bite as she's just starving. In this house it's every man for themselves. Cat turns this into sheer willpower and confidence. She learns to think, I pity whoever is going
Starting point is 00:12:03 to get in my way. She said she was a very angry kid growing up. She just kept thinking, people are like puppets, you know? Stupid. You just need to know how to give the right commands and manipulate them the right way. That's it. Once you do that, you can do anything. Which she does. By the time that Kat is of age, she moves to Miami, signs with Elite Model Management,
Starting point is 00:12:24 which has signed really big models such as Kendall Jenner. Kat does end up booking some modeling jobs. Her biggest ones were L'Oreal, Calvin Klein, Vogue Brazil, American Express, but they're they're the really small projects. Her face was not even on every single Calvin Klein poster in the mall nationally or even regionally, just regular small work here and there. The bulk of her modeling involves either lingerie or swimwear and Kat hates modeling. She lived in Miami, moves to New York. It's just depressing. She says the city is depressing. There are no real friends in the city. Everybody is cutthroat, everyone for themselves. It reminds her of her childhood and she hates it.
Starting point is 00:13:09 Kat says that there were predatory men in the industry who would threaten to ruin her whole life if she did not act or perform in the way that they wanted, which I don't doubt, but after modeling, Kat decides, maybe acting is a lot more lucrative and maybe I'm more clothed when I'm an actress. She does briefly attend the Susan Batson studio to try her hand at acting. It's a very interesting place. It's an acting
Starting point is 00:13:34 coaching studio. It's said that Nicole Kidman, Tom Cruise, Oprah Winfrey, they've all been trained there. There's a lot of famous actors that study and adopt for their roles. Her method revolves around three core elements. If you're gonna play the role of a character for a movie, TV show, a play, doesn't matter. You need three core elements for this character. You need to have a need. What does your character need in life? A public persona. What does your character want to be perceived as by other characters? And then a singular, at least one tragic flaw of your character what is your character's deepest needs and desires what is their public persona that they want to be perceived as by
Starting point is 00:14:13 others and what is their tragic flaw it's believed that the interplay and the conflict between the three different elements is what makes a great character feel well developed that's so deep, I found this comment on Reddit. So please take this with some salt. But they say, I took a class with a couple that studied there at the studio. Apparently one of the classes takes place with everybody just completely naked.
Starting point is 00:14:35 One of the guys was actually an incredible actor though. The other one was like a pretty model type who is pretty bad at acting. You know what's so interesting? Like whatever you just said said like those three pointers I feel like we can even think about about ourselves. Oh, yeah What is my one tragic flaw right like all of that and then you think about yourself And that will also kind of explain how we interact with the world doesn't it? That's true
Starting point is 00:14:59 Because you're acting that character, but but it's still a real fleshed out human being. Yeah, that makes sense Okay. Okay. Now I'm just having like a therapy session in my mind So with no respect at all, I think that cat Torres falls into the latter category Pretty model type who's pretty bad at acting but don't let me be the judge cat Torres does not book many acting roles She's not known for being an Oscar-winning actress. She's known for being a human trafficker. I'll get there. Her greatest work was, you know the movie Fast and the Furious?
Starting point is 00:15:32 She was an extra in one of the music videos to one of the soundtrack songs for the show. Not even like the main ones. Just like a... Oh, so she's not in the movie. No. She's just an extra in a music video that was on the soundtrack album for the movie. Uh huh. Yeah, it's complicated.
Starting point is 00:15:49 The song is a really good song. It's not one of the more recognizable ones. It's called Angel by Prince Royce. It's good, but she's just kind of in the background. She does, however, do interviews where she talks about how she wants to win an Oscar one day and she spoke about this future project that she had coming up. She was working with one of her close
Starting point is 00:16:07 Brazilian filmmaker friends about a Russian girl who was kidnapped. She's gonna be playing the Russian girl. She said she kinda looks Russian, right? She says the movie is supposed to raise awareness to the global problem of human trafficking, which is a level of irony that my brain was having a very hard time computing. She mentions this in the interview and her Brazilian filmmaker friend, his phone
Starting point is 00:16:30 is blowing up, everybody's congratulating him, oh my god you got the green light on the film, congratulations! Why don't you tell us? He's so confused what's happening! He reaches out to Kat because yes, this was a very real idea that he had but nothing was set in stone, nothing was concrete. He didn't even cast Kat, nor is he doing the project. That's like if you told a random friend that you wanted to open up a farm one day, that'd be kind of nice. Two years later, you click on their Instagram live and they're talking about how you're gonna be, they're gonna be the CEO to your chicken coop.
Starting point is 00:17:01 And you're like, what is happening? That was, what are you talking about? He tries to text Kat, she refuses to respond. Nothing ever comes of that. But this is all in the past, okay? This is pre-marriage Kat. She is a new woman now because she is married to American Colborne Bell, which is honestly the most American name. American what? Colborne Bell. That's his name and it's like the most American name I've ever heard in my life. She gets married and the two had met in the Hollywood Hills at a Neppo baby's home. That's how he's described. He's apparently the son of one of the biggest musicians in Hollywood. He's much much older. He's won 20 Grammys, this artist, and this is his son, who I don't know if he has any accolades of his own, but it's at his house that Kat Torres meets Colburn.
Starting point is 00:17:51 She's hosting an ayahuasca session. Ayahuasca is a tea containing a plant mixture. It contains a natural hallucinogen that's known as DMT. So you take it, and it's reported to taste pretty nasty. It's got a thick, molasses-like texture. One person describes it like drinking motor oil diluted with a splash of water. It's disgusting, but it's not about the taste. It is about spiritual enlightenment.
Starting point is 00:18:19 A lot of people will take ayahuasca to reach their inner selves, to hallucinate and purge their darkest thoughts. It's actually been used for thousands of years. in South American countries, mostly for religious and spiritual context, it's considered a medicine. but of course, because a bunch of Americans are taking it, a bunch of other Americans have gone down into South America to open up resorts, inviting people from America to come join this curated ceremony or journey where you come and get therapy in the form of a hallucinogen. And it's recommended that you don't go to an American run resort.
Starting point is 00:18:56 If you really want to try ayahuasca, you want to go to the people who have been practicing it for thousands of years because there's just so much bad. Yeah, there's been a lot of situations with the American run resorts of essay accusations, allegations, allegations of really unsafe, dangerous practices. But one person who says that they've taken it said, Ayahuasca dissolved the wall between myself and the world. I was staring into what I could only describe as the world's most honest mirror. It's like a horror show, but it was impossible to look away. I saw what I needed to see. When I was ready to see it, ayahuasca exposes the gap
Starting point is 00:19:33 between who you think you are and who you actually are. The pain of seeing that gap for the first time was practically unbearable. Some studies have shown that it activates repressed memories that allow people to come into a new understanding of their past. It helps others work through memories of traumatic events, which some people think could be a drug that could help with depression and PTSD. But like any hallucinogen, I would be very wary. I think I'm self-aware enough to know that my brain is super easy to break. I don't think that I would ever be participating. One person who really loved the experience says, I saw 40 to 50 snakes coming out of someone's mouth and going into my mouth. I'm just saying, that would break my brain. And then the purge hits. You vomit, diarrhea, cry, laugh for
Starting point is 00:20:20 12 hours straight. They say that you're crying and vomiting out all the negativity in your life, the stress, anxiety, fears, regrets, self-loathing, it's physically coming out of your body, you're purging it. He also states that he saw himself floating in his mother's womb, just suspended in flesh and fluids, and this was his way of seeing how his own mother's pain and confusion of raising a child for the first time must have been so difficult. He writes, then the scene shifts and I'm floating in what I assume is kind of a primordial soup. I think I'm a vibrating particle now and string theory suddenly makes sense in a way that I could never
Starting point is 00:20:58 explain. People say that a single ayahuasca trip is like a decade of therapy packed into one singular night and that's probably an overstatement, but it's not wrong. For nights, I feel like I got a lifetime worth of anger and bitterness out of me. He continues, Ayahuasca is the best and worst thing I've ever done. I spent a week staring down all my bullshit and all my insecurities and it was totally liberating, but it was also terrifying not something I want or need to see ever again. A question worth asking yourself is, if you looked into the world's most honest mirror, what would you see? And do you even really want to see it? Kat and the group are seemingly not doing it for religious purposes in a mansion in the
Starting point is 00:21:40 Hollywood Hills. They're just doing it for the vibes. Their sessions would typically take place Saturday night, go all the way up until Sunday midday or even Sunday night. They would sit there in the mansion in the Hollywood Hills singing songs and that's where Colburn and Kat start their relationship. Colburn Bell, if you look him up, he's mainly known for being one of the early crypto traders in the US. They met at Ayahuasca ceremony in the Hollywood Hills and during this time, Kat is going through a life cleanse. She's not having intimate relations with anyone, she's on a sexual cleanse, she just wants to reset her life.
Starting point is 00:22:14 But when Colburn comes into her life, she jumps at the chance and she asks him out to dinner. And Colburn says, you know, at first I was really hesitant because I wasn't ready to settle down into a serious relationship I had concerns that I couldn't be at the level of commitment that Kat needed But he also felt really bad because Kat would tell him about how she was essayed as a kid Her parents would leave her starving at home fending for herself She never knew when her next meal was gonna be then modeling was rough and she just tells Colburn that she wants to settle down. She just wants she wants stability in her life. Modeling was so traumatic. These modeling agencies she says are just all fronts for sex work. Selling beautiful woman to ultra
Starting point is 00:22:58 wealthy clients and she doesn't want this life anymore. And it's kind of tugging at him because okay maybe he can settle down too. The two get married within six months of muting and when they initially get married, Colbran says I was not wealthy when we initially got married so this is before he acquires a lot of his crypto assets but somehow Kat is posting on social media every single day all these expensive things Gucci bags Prada bags Balenciaga bags he had no had no idea where she was getting this money. Cause it's definitely not from him, at least not in the beginning.
Starting point is 00:23:29 The whole marriage itself actually is very odd. One would assume that one of the main reasons he wanted to marry Kat was because he thought she wanted to settle down because that's what she said. But after they get married, she's obsessed with social media. She is so good at manipulating reality. That is what Colburn says. Sometimes, she would go to a five-star hotel, walk in there, ask to see the presidential suite because she works for a very wealthy couple
Starting point is 00:23:55 who wanted her to take some pictures of the suite just to make sure it's to their liking before they book it for a month. She goes up there, she's taking a bunch of pictures, then she posts it on Instagram as if she had paid $50,000 a night and just woke up in the suite to this beautiful view. Good morning! Waking up to this view of Central Park and the presidential suite of the Plaza Hotel is a memory that I will forever cherish along those lines. She would stay up all night reading through all of her comments. She would freak out over the smallest remarks
Starting point is 00:24:26 people would leave. And Cat was even a very famous meme at one point. The meme is a picture of Cat staring into the abyss. Her hair is messy. She looks like she's about to start crying. She looks like she's had a rough day. Her eyes are empty. This meme was very big in Brazil.
Starting point is 00:24:40 It would be like, when you wanna go home, but your boss asks you if you have 15 minutes real quick. What's fascinating, and a lot of people don't know this, is but Kat is the one behind those memes. She would sit there and make 15 memes of herself every single day. She would take a picture of herself and study all the current trending jokes,
Starting point is 00:25:00 and she would add a funny caption, and she would spend the entire day creating 15 memes and sure enough they go viral. Wow. Yeah. Crazy. So she's clever. She knows like she just got to get get her face out there. Yeah. Become famous. Yeah. Colburn says Cat was always doing something between her meme making machine, tea ceremonies, acting classes. She would sleep maybe two to four hours every night. She barely slept. That mixed with the ayahuasca was probably not a great idea. It just... Kat says because she's a medium, it's a little bit different for her because she heard voices ever since she was a kid. She would take ayahuasca more frequently
Starting point is 00:25:41 than most people. Some people take ayahuasca once in their life and they're like I'm never gonna do that again. It was a great experience but I think it's a once in a lifetime. Like you really don't need to do it again. Some people say I do it maybe once every two years just to reset. Some people say well I've worked it into a few times a year. She would take it once every two weeks whenever she felt like it. And she would enter into a 13-hour trance. She says, the things you see inside, I've already talked to Jesus Christ, and I didn't even believe in Jesus Christ. You can visit people. Your loved ones that died, your followers, you can visit them.
Starting point is 00:26:20 Which is, I mean, it's supposed to be a thing. Where you see, I don't know, you see that and you think, wow that's nice, I saw Jesus Christ, maybe I should self-reflect, maybe I'm religious. But clearly, Kat thinks this is a sign. One netizen says, Yet while you can attain profound insights and breakthroughs with ayahuasca, you can also fall into deep delusions. It can be a deeply blissful and visionary experience, which can be its own sort
Starting point is 00:26:45 of trap if you start chasing it, which many people fall into. This is part of the classic game of sensations. And there are very clear side effects of taking ayahuasca too frequently, and of course, it affects different people differently. One netizen writes, My mind and perception were bouncing back between evil and good. I could see and feel complete magic and light to complete darkness. Eventually all the light went away and I became separate from everything and everyone and there was just a void and my personality had changed into something else. I actually ran away from the ceremony thinking that I was running away from life. The energy in my body felt like poison.
Starting point is 00:27:21 Every sound hurt my ears and even food tasted bad. I became the ugliest version of myself that I didn't even recognize. They leave the resort, the retreat. They come back to America. Months later, they write, it completely changed my brain chemistry. My mind was completely taken over. I could not identify with myself anymore. My mind felt like it was shattering over and over and over again.
Starting point is 00:27:42 I would get this constant stream of negative thoughts piercing my head for months, changing my personality over time. I started losing memories, my values, my perceptions, my mind. Intense energy seized through my body and I could not sleep for weeks. My brain would hurt. My perception of time was completely gone. I ended up in the psych ward from going manic and from constantly screaming that I was doomed for all of eternity and would be going to hell. All I could perceive was how I was going to be tortured for the rest of eternity from the sounds of chainsaws and dogs barking to my teeth falling out and then being burned alive. I ended up in the ER three times and the psych ward.
Starting point is 00:28:18 I never had any mental illnesses in the past, prior to taking ayahuasca. now i find it hard to ever leave the house. i have major anxiety, depression, and fear. i lost my business. i lost my partner. i feel completely disconnected from my heart and spirit. i don't know what emotions are anymore. all i feel is despair." he later updates his reddit post to say one and a half years later, post to say one and a half years later he finally feels somewhat normal again. One and a half years later. Some people have reported if you go to the wrong retreats, if you go to the wrong practitioners, so-called American shamans who lure other Americans there to make money from their retreat, your
Starting point is 00:29:01 mind could break because they don't facilitate it well. And if Kat Torres is the one facilitating the ayahuasca ceremony, I imagine it is not rooted in the great culture and history that it's supposed to be rooted in. Even Colburn, her husband, notices it. Colburn says their marriage starts deteriorating, just incinerating. Colburn is miserable. I don't know if it's the ayahuasca that she keeps taking or maybe it's a personality issue but everything Colburn does, Kat is upset. I wish I were joking but she would have a dream that he's cheating on her and she would wake up screaming and physically assaulting him over the dream. Not even
Starting point is 00:29:38 just like, I'm mad at you I had a dream. Just physically assaulting him. If he received any sort of message from a woman on his phone, it could be the banker that happens to be a woman, it could be his realtor that happens to be a woman, hell, it could be his mom. Any woman on the phone, she will not ask questions, she will not gather context, she will not try to see if he's flirting with them,
Starting point is 00:29:57 she'll immediately call that person and start cursing them out and threatening to kill them. They're located in LA right now or? Yes, so they move from LA to New York. She moves around a lot, but primarily she's between LA and New York, and then eventually she'll settle down in Texas. Then one day Colburn comes home
Starting point is 00:30:17 and there's this random Brazilian woman living with them. He's like, who is she? What is she doing in our home? She follows me on Instagram. Okay, What is she doing in our home? She follows me on Instagram Okay, what is she doing in our home? She's going to help me with my business I mean you really have to be at like a lost cause stage of your relationship and marriage to no longer ask any follow-up questions Colburn does not he's like yeah I don't even care anymore The random girl lives with them for two months before just vanishing. The random girl vanishes, their beloved cat vanishes, and then cat Torres vanishes.
Starting point is 00:30:51 Wife, pet, random roommate he never wanted, all gone. Also with his car, gone. What the hell is happening? Cobran's trying to get in contact with cat every single waking hour because yeah, they were miserable, but this is also his wife and his cat and his car. I don't know which one matters more but hello Elise give somebody a heads up. Nothing. She's gone. Days later she calls back. Write this down. This is the address. You'll find the car with the cat inside. Where have you been? She just hangs up. He's gotta go find his car and his cat. Not cat Taurus, their actual feline cat.
Starting point is 00:31:25 And he has to hire a private investigator to find cat Torres so he can serve her the divorce papers. The divorce takes longer than the actual marriage and cat is just opening her mouth and saying things. She's accusing him of stealing $20,000 from her and turning it into $10 billion in crypto. He is a crypto millionaire, but he's not a billionaire. And she's just saying stuff. And he's like, what are you saying?
Starting point is 00:31:48 This is ridiculous. Eventually they divorce. Kat takes full ownership of her social media business. He takes full ownership of his crypto investments and they split the value of the house in half. To put it nicely, Kat Torres, her life is like a bag of trash on the side of the road with gasoline poured all over it just waiting for an arsonist to lit a match.
Starting point is 00:32:22 When she announces her divorce online, a lot of people turn on her. Because Cat Wars was kind of annoying. I'm sorry. I have to say it. Even before anyone knew about her crimes, she's just kind of annoying. She wants you to know that her life is perfect. Everything about her is perfect. She's the one that's posting on every single holiday about how her husband would die for
Starting point is 00:32:44 her. And it for her and it's just it's to the point where it's like okay I feel like you're trying to prove something to me and not to yourself like it's weird right now and so when she announces the divorce people are like this is weird she also starts clubbing a lot and she was always known for it oh I eat so clean I'm all about a clean lifestyle and now she's getting drunk every day, so her followers are like, you are kind of weird, but she decides now is the time when my life is falling apart to become a life coach. She sets up her own website, starts posting videos on YouTube saying things like, if I can do it, you can do it
Starting point is 00:33:20 too. Are you able to forgive yourself? Remember, not only to say that you love yourself, but to really show it with your actions. I don't even know what that means, okay? So get up, get out of your bed, your life and your success are waiting for you. Your dreams are just around the corner. And it's like, no, you know what's around the corner when I get out of bed? A pile of laundry. Desiree, she lives in Germany with her boyfriend Matt. Matt hates it. But it's also kind of all Matt's fault, so Desiree can't even help but hate Matt for it.
Starting point is 00:33:54 And he knows that she knows it's his fault and that she hates him for it. That's what Desiree's dealing with right now. Desiree and Matt met in Canada as foreign exchange students. Desiree's from Brazil, Matt's from Germany, and Desiree saved up every single penny in Brazil to be able to come to Canada and study and after a year and a half of dating Matt out of nowhere, he's like, hey so I'm thinking I'm gonna move back to my home country, Germany. What do you mean? There's no soft launch to this, you're just telling me? I'm just completely taken aback. He's never
Starting point is 00:34:24 mentioned this idea before and she's thinking I never thought about living anywhere but Canada now and that means if you move to Germany either we're gonna break up for good because we can't do long-distance prolonged or I have to move to Germany. She talks to a few mutual friends, other foreign exchange students from Germany. Just be honest with me. Well, Germany's not known to be very welcoming to foreigners. These are what the German foreign exchange students are saying. Let's just say a lot of locals don't like it when you don't know German. They're not very, um, there's not a lot of leeway. It's a lot of back and forth, but Desiree ends up doing it. She's gonna move to
Starting point is 00:35:00 Germany to be with Matt and it's fine because they're both serious about their relationship. She's gonna adapt. Why not? The Germans will love her. She's gonna move to Germany to be with Matt and it's fine because they're both serious about their relationship. She's gonna adapt, why not? The Germans will love her. She's gonna have cute little babies running around Germany. It'll be perfect. A few weeks after the move, everything falls apart and Matt is super depressed.
Starting point is 00:35:16 He doesn't like living in Germany. And she's like, this was your idea. She's trying her best to be supportive, but also, hey, if you're struggling, think about how I'm doing. I don't even speak German. My family's not even here, okay? She goes to work Monday through Friday, 9 to 5, after 5, she takes German classes from 5 to 10 p.m., comes home, spends time with Matt before waking up and doing it all over again, and she's miserable. She feels suffocated, she's
Starting point is 00:35:44 depressed, she's anxious, she's sitting there every single day crying and Matt can't even help her because he's also mentally unwell but it's like why are you mentally unwell? And for nine months Desiree has these debilitating migraines that just are not getting better. She goes to several doctors, nobody knows what's wrong with her, they suspect it's maybe stress and they tell her hey why don't you try this really profound medical technique of not being stressed? And she's like, well that's a really great idea. Did you go to school for 93 years to learn this groundbreaking advice? Desiree is so desperate. She steps out
Starting point is 00:36:18 of her personal comfort zone to try acupuncture. The pain magically disappears. The migraines are gone. And she starts thinking, okay, yeah, maybe alternative medicine is something to look into. And that's why she books her first session with Cat Torres. She had been following Cat Torres for a few years now because they're both Brazilian expats. So Cat Torres was living in America, Desiree is living in Canada, and she's a big influencer. And she's reading up on Kat, her ability to use methods like hypnosis and telepathy to change people's lives. It's very intriguing. Imagine this scenario.
Starting point is 00:36:53 You have fought with your boyfriend. Kat Torres will simply, telepathically talk to your boyfriend to make him forgive you. Wow. Yeah, Kat also claims that she could cure just about any disease, physical physical or psychological and she knows spells such as how to conquer a man. You could just conjure a spell. Spells are however not free in this economy. One session for an hour costs about 150 to 200 dollars of Kat's time or if you just want to read about Kat's tips and spells you can pay $22 USD a month to be a subscriber for her website where she posts about
Starting point is 00:37:25 chakra opening, energy work, hypnosis. Desiree applies for a one-on-one consultation with Kat. The application is asking her for her zodiac sign, full name, and you have to make your social media profile public so that Kat can analyze your energy before the phone call. It's a zoom call and the very first phone call Desiree is nervous because she's spending $150 for this. That's not a small amount. And Cat asks, what do you want to discuss today? My marriage mostly. She starts telling Cat about her marriage to Matt. Can I see a photo of Matt to analyze his energy? I do not like what I'm feeling right now, Desiree. With your energy
Starting point is 00:38:04 specifically, I could sense that you had a good heart. Your energy is shining brightly. It's the first thing that I see when I look at your pictures, but Matt, he's unreadable at first, but it's very clear that his energy is not compatible with yours. I do think that you guys need to get a divorce. That is the only best choice. However, I completely understand if you don't do it right now. I'm sure it's a lot of information to take in. Desiree is so freaking confused. Imagine you're just having small relationship problems in your life.
Starting point is 00:38:34 You're like, okay, we've been fighting over the toilet seat or who does the dishes on Monday. And now suddenly, suddenly they're like divorce is the only option. What do you mean? This never even crossed her mind. well that's it for today's session but i'm going to send over some material based on what we've discussed and it's imperative that you follow these guidelines to the T precisely. Kat sends over these audios of her, i guess like little mantras that she does, to manifest a healthier relationship and over the next few weeks
Starting point is 00:39:06 I don't know if Desiree is thinking it's helping or if her energy is shifting, but she's in a better place with Matt now They're fighting less. She's less anxious. Everything is going well So if one session with Kat can make such a good difference, why not another one? So over the next few months she does more and more sessions with Kat and she starts seeing more problems with Matt. Matt is too passive about everything. It's like he doesn't want to fight for her or the relationship. He just lets things happen to him in his life and she doesn't like that. Meanwhile, Matt doesn't like the fact that every time they fight Desiree is like, well Kat said this and
Starting point is 00:39:41 he's like, who the hell is Kat? Why is she in our relationship? But unlike the first time that she talks to Kat, she slowly starts falling into a deep depression. She starts developing these sores on her eyelids that won't go away, these angry, inflamed sores. Again, she goes to all the best doctors in Berlin, and for six months she can barely open her eyes because they're so swollen. Kat is the only one that feels confident enough to tell her what's wrong
Starting point is 00:40:07 get a damp cloth infused with the list of herbs that I'm going to send you and take a bath with those same herbs it's your pattern of living that keeps generating this illness if you stop the pattern that you are living the illness will also go away within a month month, after directly, dutifully, following all of Kat's instructions, Desiree's eyesores go away and they just never come back. And when Desiree would wanna talk to Kat about it, how amazed she is, Kat would brush her off
Starting point is 00:40:36 and redirects every little thing that Desiree brings up back to her marriage. I have the gift of premonition, and I'm telling you that your husband Matt is abusive. You just might not have seen it or witnessed it yet because you are in denial. My inner voice is telling me if you do not separate with him something very bad will happen to you. It's confusing because when Desiree would bring up things or thoughts that she has about all of these with her friends,
Starting point is 00:41:02 everything Kat is saying, she's asking her friends about it and they would say, wait, what are you guys saying? You guys get along, you guys are perfect for each other. Yeah, everybody fights, but these are very normal fights you're bringing up. So what exactly happened with the eyesore? Like is it- Nobody knows.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Okay, so it was just some kind of medical condition and- Okay. And it's gone now because of Kat. And she says to Kat, you know, we've thought about what you've been saying and Matt and I have decided that we're gonna see a therapist. No. Your therapist will be German because you're in Germany. They will protect Matt's interest over yours a thousand percent because he is German and you're Brazilian. You need to divorce him. No, but I love him. You know all your mysterious sicknesses that you've had
Starting point is 00:41:47 since you've been with Matt? He has been hiring a witch who has been casting cursing spells against you. I didn't want to tell you this because I thought I would freak you out. I have been trying to counteract them. I've been very busy. I've spent a lot of money on this. After months of this, Desiree divorces Matt, blocks his number, and moves to the US to join Kat's coven of witches. Kat posts online about her powerful witch coven. She posts pictures of her newest members. Desiree, aka Dee, area of operation, Germany, USA, and Europe. Her public witch name has not yet been definitively defined. Strengths, her mental power, intelligence, wit, numbers, company, social
Starting point is 00:42:25 relevance, and communication with customers, followers, and other witches. She is the one who saves us from society. We don't need to speak because Dee will speak for us and that way you will see everything you want and need. Kat writes about herself. Kat, Queen, Chief of the Witches is her second name. She is the one who commands the Gang of Witches is her second name. She is the one who commands the gang of witches and gives the orders and receives all the loyalty and gratitude of the sister witches. Witchcraft of intense power in the branch of love, money, and health. Healer. Healing with the hands, healing with the
Starting point is 00:42:56 mind, power of hypnosis, and mental manipulation of any person or animal heart that carries the answer to all the questions of the world. Angel. Caretaker of the human race. Protector of the weak and voiceless, cat is an important tool for planetary change. She's the key to a new era of better humans. Where is she posting these? Instagram? Is this like her new little business? Like a witch business? Yeah, where you can pay her to protect you and cast spells. So this Desiree is her new recruit into the business. Yes, but Desiree is like, I don't know what she's boasting about. Because I'm not a witch.
Starting point is 00:43:36 I don't even really believe in witchcraft, like the herbs have been helping, which she thinks it's more so just an alternative medicine thing. It's not necessarily witchcraft. She doesn't think, at least not yet. Once she moves to the US, she slowly becomes indoctrinated by Kat. Then there's Letitia. It is written that Letitia is a cap, major witch in caps. Very powerful, better known as the Capetta himself.
Starting point is 00:44:03 Whoever messes with one of us is messing with her. and whoever messes with her is messing with the devil. the only witch cat is afraid of is Letitia and cat is not afraid of anyone. cat even made them all dye their hair blonde so that they could match like little sister witches. they all live together in cat's new house in Texas and to prove that they are a coven of witches they even have a witchcraft room, which sounds like the least witchiest thing that you could call the room. Kat has this large altar in the room
Starting point is 00:44:32 where she haphazardly set up a bunch of candles next to religious images. She's not even religious. She has these felt voodoo dolls. All their faces have a big frown, and their eyes are stitched on Xs. It's unclear who those voodoo dolls are.
Starting point is 00:44:47 Everyone that's unfollowed Kat in the past, perhaps? I don't know. She also has a ton of bat's blood, which is believed to be used in various rituals, particularly for protection, breaking hexes, and committing curses. Most modern bat's blood ink does not actually contain actual bat's blood, but practitioners use it to inscribe words of power to enhance their spell work. you can also use it in spells to bind negative influences. cat is like, welcome HGTV to my house tour. here's my witchcraft room. this is where I pray to
Starting point is 00:45:18 the angels. that's what cat tells everyone in her life. every day I spend so much energy praying to the angels for their protection, health and prosperity. at this point, cat and her witch coven, just consisting of victims, they're all living in this single family home in texas. it's cat, letitia, she is one of the main victims, but she has not come forward with her story, so a lot of it is, this episode based on Desiree because she gives firsthand accounts of what happened and then Jessica which is a fake name Jessica leaves halfway through so Jessica is not there as long as Desiree and Letitia are there so there are four girls living in there yes and cats multiple pets a cat a Bengal cat like one of those big cats that look like tigers,
Starting point is 00:46:07 or like leopards, a ferret, a rabbit, a snake, scorpion, small aquatic caterpillars, spiders, parakeets, and a dog named Nathaniel. Wow. Yeah. As well as cat's new husband, Zach, Zachary. Yeah, but it seems like it's mainly cat running the house. She will say to everyone, I just want you to know that any of my clients
Starting point is 00:46:28 that have not listened to my voice, they have ended up severely depressed or facing disastrous consequences in life. And there's just something about somebody who is so confident that you just feel like you can't argue with them. One former client who honestly is probably just another victim to the scam,
Starting point is 00:46:43 but she says she paid for a session with Kat and Kat comes in aggressive. You're very insecure. She's like, whoa. Okay, I feel like that's rude. I feel like you shouldn't say that to a paying customer. I mean, I used my entire savings for this session. What do you mean? What do you mean? You're very insecure. And I know this because you have a very high pitched voice. and I know this because you have a very high-pitched voice. The confidence is what gets the client. Even after the call, she's swinging back and forth between what the hell is that about? And also, I guess it kind of makes sense.
Starting point is 00:47:13 Like maybe she's seeing something that I'm not seeing and it's just so obvious to her because she's so in tune with people. Maybe there's something deeply profound about this woman. You know what this reminds me of? This reminds me of where someone was reading me my horoscope. I love my astrology people, I really do. However, I was absolutely nodding my head
Starting point is 00:47:33 and resonating with every little thing that they were saying until it turned out that they were reading the horoscope for a Virgo and I'm a Sagittarius. But I was like, this is me, this is me, this is who I am. And I feel it deep in my bones. And again, I love my astrology people. However, in that specific scenario and with Kat, it's like factually correct, but applicable to many.
Starting point is 00:47:54 That's the situation. But the sheer confidence that Kat has would probably have me second guessing myself. She would tell people to do their homework, which is to send proof that they've followed all of her directions. Write down all your negative thoughts on a piece of paper. All your negative thoughts about your life, your future, your career prospects. Write it down in a list. Fill up the entire page, two pages, and
Starting point is 00:48:16 then flush it down the toilet. It is like she is an industry plant for the plumbing industry because that is not safe. One client, let's call her Chloe, she is told by Kat to write down a list of everything she's looking for in an ideal man. Just all the traits that she wants in her future husband. Chloe listens. One day she meets a man and he's cute, he's sweet, she's going down her list, she's checking off nearly every single box except for one. But no other guy has gotten this close to checking off all the boxes. Chloe doesn't know what to do, so she calls Kat. What's the one thing that he does not check off? Kat is asking her.
Starting point is 00:48:50 Chloe's like, intelligence. Kat tells her the only way is to do it. To have intimate relations with him and I think it'll be okay. Chloe's like, this is kind of strange? I don't know if that's the right advice. Like how would I know if he's intelligent by having intimate relations with him? I feel like it's not adding up. Chloe's still booking sessions with Kat, but side note, she's studying law and it's been a lifelong dream of hers and that's the only thing she cares about in life is her career and Kat knows
Starting point is 00:49:21 this, but during one random session Kat tells her the voice has been telling me about you you need to work as a model I used to be a model you know I know what I'm talking about and I think you will do well I'm flattered Kat but like I said I'm trying to be a lawyer I'm pretty serious about it no the voice is telling me that you need to quit school to pursue modeling I can't see anything for you except making money using your appearance the voice only ever talks to me about your appearance cat starts trying to convince Chloe to drop out of law school move to the US with cat and become a model Chloe suspects that this is not a normal life coach she cuts off contact with cat and within the next few
Starting point is 00:50:01 days cat tells her I will curse you I will curse your womb so that you will never be able to have children in the future ever. It's very scary. Which is why all of the roommates, Letitia, Desiree, and Jessica, they all follow the rules of the house. Rule number one, the law of silence. In this Texas home, none of the witches, none of the girls, none of the victims in the house, are allowed to communicate with each other. They can only talk directly with Kat, that is it. They are to stay in their separate rooms unless they are out doing chores. Another bizarre rule is that none of the girls are allowed to talk to anyone
Starting point is 00:50:35 outside of the house, which would freak out the neighbors. The neighbors would wave hi and the girls would just stare at them in silence. Yeah, needless to say, they thought there was a cult in there. The neighbor said the whole house was weird. You know Zachary, the husband? He's good-looking. He rarely ever had a shirt on. But Kat feels like this is not enough. She wants a team of assistants to come from Brazil to the United States to assist her and...
Starting point is 00:51:01 I don't even know what Kat is doing at this point. She's like aggressively doing nothing, so I'm not sure exactly what she needs the support on but she starts flying in people to Texas to live with her in this house side note, many of the assistants she would bring in are Brazilian, but they're already based in the US most of them had student visas, they're in college which if you leave college, you start working, you lose your student visa and it becomes a big immigration nightmare. technically you risk getting deported. nevertheless a lot of women start coming in and trying to work with Kat because everything
Starting point is 00:51:32 about her seems like she is trying to nurture other people and grow them into becoming this very successful woman that she claims to be and when you instantly go to Kat's house you have a rude awakening. everything online, she presents herself as this very clean, put together woman, but her entire house is disgustingly filthy. Kat parades around social media with this this crazy aesthetic of being the mascot of Don Dish soap. basically that's what it feels like. but everything is just filled with grime. She looks like the type to only eat organic food, eat home-cooked meals.
Starting point is 00:52:09 Perhaps she's even fully keto, but their fridge is filthy even though it's empty. It's just really gross. And she's just getting bossed around. These assistants, they're told that you're gonna come in, learn business building opportunities, but instead you just get bossed around to clean toilets sometimes you would watch clients come in for alien baths alien what alien bath huh it's like ayahuasca but she puts you in a lukewarm bathtub filled with microplastics she just be sprinkling Halloween decor from Party City into the bathtub and she swirls
Starting point is 00:52:48 it around, gives you ayahuasca, and then tries to convince you to come live with her. and this is not the first time that cat hires assistants. previously when she was in new york, she hired assistants. ana being one of her biggest victims of this, she was there for three months. Kat would practically torture her. Kat did not like to do anything alone. If Kat had to shower, Anna had to be there. If Kat had to do this, Anna had to be there. She did not like a moment of silence.
Starting point is 00:53:14 It's like she couldn't even do adult things, not even a second by herself. The only time that Anna got a moment of rest is when Kat would go out to the clubs. She would sleep on the couch that was just covered in cat feces and urine. The feline, not cat toruses. Well, maybe. I don't know, right? It was just vile. But now fast forward to Texas, Jessica is the main assistant and she doesn't want to be there anymore. This is not what she signed up for, especially because there's a few other girls living in the house, which she was introduced to them and she thought that they were all kind of gonna be assistants, but one day Kat
Starting point is 00:53:50 instructs Jessica, you're gonna drive the other girls to the local strip club. Jessica refuses. That's just weird. And then she ends up escaping later on because she's like, I feel like something weird is gonna happen. I just don't have a good feeling about this. When Desiree gets hired at the local strip club, the Gentleman's Club, she more or less gets bullied into getting hired by Kat, who tells her that this is what her voice is telling her to do. When she gets hired, they ask for her for her stage name. She blurts out the first name that she can think of. Chanel. Great, Chanel. You start today.
Starting point is 00:54:25 The other dancers are over there. The male manager points to the door at the end of the long hallway. It's semi dark in the hallway. Go change, get ready, and hit the stage. She's wearing this bikini and denim shorts that Kat lent her. She looks good, right? But she takes a good look at herself in the mirror. She takes a deep breath and she heads towards the main stage there's this overly sensual song that's playing and she's like, I don't think I can do this she's about to U-turn, but instead she takes a few shots of tequila, downs them, heads up onto the stage
Starting point is 00:54:55 the first song passes okay, it's not that bad the audience is interested? kind of? right? I mean, she can't tell, she's so nervous then a second song starts playing the manager is in the crowd sternly motioning for her like remove your top remove your top She's like what no she freezes and the audience the DJ the manager They start like pumping their fists in the air encouraging her she gives in she removes her top and she tries to black out the rest Of the night at the end of the night
Starting point is 00:55:24 She's in Kat's kitchen counting the money she's earned and Kat is so exta- I TOLD YOU YOU COULD DO IT! Oh Desiree, we're gonna be so rich! Kat grabs the money from her, I'm gonna manage the funds, I have a safe in my room that I can lock, and you should also leave your passport in the safe. You don't want one of the other girls at the club to find it and figure out your situation. By situation, Kat is referring to the fact that Desiree does not have legal status to work. She's here on like a tourist visa. And the manager of the club, it took a lot of convincing and almost begging on Kat's part to get Desiree
Starting point is 00:55:58 hired without papers. She's working under the table. And Kat gets serious. Listen, the voice told me, You and I, we're gonna open our business together. And we need funds. Desiree, you're so beautiful. You're gonna find so many men there who value you like you deserve to be. But remember, you have to stay alert at all times. You cannot trust anyone. Your light is so bright, it attracts a lot of envy.
Starting point is 00:56:24 Don't share the details of your life trust anyone. Your light is so bright it attracts a lot of envy. Don't share the details of your life with anyone. I will give you an energy bracelet and necklace that's gonna protect you. Desiree doesn't like it, but she decides she has to do this because this is what the voice in Cat's mind told her to do, so it must be true. The next day Desiree goes to the club. It's like something happened. She gets up on the stage. It's no longer Desiree. It's Chanel She's feeling powerful like she's channeling someone else's energy. She can almost feel the money coming her way She says she felt like she's not in her body her body is crawling trying to seduce clients and she's just letting it happen because
Starting point is 00:57:00 This is what Kat told her to do. This is the only option she has She stays till 5 a.m because this is what Kat told her to do. This is the only option she has. She stays till 5 a.m. that morning and that would be a reoccurring thing, working till 5 a.m. Very quickly Desiree or Chanel becomes one of the more sought out dancers. Clients said that they love how exotic she is. Great. I love humans. But because Kat would push her to make more money, Desiree felt like she didn't want to disappoint her unless she did everything to capitalize on every single client that comes in, so to maximize her potential, she would spend hours without drinking, not even a sip of water, without eating anything so that she doesn't have to use the restroom. When she gets home that night, all the money goes straight to Kat.
Starting point is 00:57:41 In two weeks, working every waking hour, Desiree makes $9,000. Kat said, it's just not good enough. Aim to make $1,000 a day. That is the only way to make the business work. That's what the voice is telling me. You gotta do it. Every night Kat convinces her that rather than working their butts off for years before achieving their dreams, why not just work a few months at the club to get paid the same amount? Just work harder. She would tell her, you're beautiful, you're wasting a million dollar opportunity by not using your beauty, take advantage of what you're born with.
Starting point is 00:58:14 I used to be in Hollywood, everyone there was once a dancer or a sex worker. This is very normal in America. Desiree doesn't really want to do this, and she's not having a good time. Every night she comes home, emotionally exhausted, feeling gross, physically speaking, her legs are completely swollen, she's anxious, she feels like there's no way to say no to Cat. She keeps trying to convince herself it's just dancing. How many times have I gone to a party and danced? I'm doing the same thing, except this time I'm getting paid for it.
Starting point is 00:58:41 She knows it's not true, but it helps her feel a little more brave. If she ever comes home depressed looking, Kat massages her shoulders telling her, this isn't a sin. Don't feel bad. The gods and the angels don't have the ability to judge. Only humans do. God is better than that. Besides, it's not supposed to feel easy and happy. If not, everybody else would do it and be successful and you would no longer be special. It's very difficult to feel easy and happy. If not, everybody else would do it and be successful and you would no longer be special. It's very difficult, I know, which is why only 1% of people succeed. You need to stay focused, Desiree, with no distractions. It's unclear if the other victims in the home were working at clubs. It's likely that they were, but they have not come forward themselves to state. But there has been evidence pointing to the fact that they were victimized the same way Desiree has been.
Starting point is 00:59:25 Which means not only is she taking Desiree's money, which is thousands of dollars a week, but also other victims. Everyone in the house did everything that Kat wanted, and Kat and her husband Zach would aggressively just exist, breathing in oxygen. They were professional couch potatoes. Kat would send everyone to work and tell them that she has health issues so she cannot work and Zach needs to stay at home to take care of her full-time. But listen, one day you guys will never need to worry about anything. We will all work together, focus on the business, we will be rich and money will never be a problem ever again. She says that she has all these health problems so she cannot work and Zach needs to stay at home to take care of her full-time. But listen, one day this is what Kat is telling Desiree, one day you will not need to worry about
Starting point is 01:00:14 anything. We will work together, focus on our business, we will be rich and money will never be a problem again. Which is very easy for Kat to say when she gets to lay on the couch all day while Desiree has to go to work and has to fight to survive. Quite literally. Because Desiree has been getting a lot of attention with clients. She is one of the most popular dancers at this specific club. She starts noticing weird things are happening to her at work. Once, mysteriously, her heel breaks. She almost sprains her ankle, trips, and breaks her nose on the stage. Almost. But she catches herself.
Starting point is 01:00:48 Another time, right before she's about to get changed, she noticed someone came and cut up her favorite outfit. The clients love this outfit. This is her VIP outfit, ripped up, shredded in the dressing room. She's working 15 hour days, drinking three energy drinks per day, then alternating with tequila shots to endure the pain of dancing for hours in tall heels. She constantly has these bloody blisters on her feet. Her legs would wobble whenever she would walk outside of work because of the constant cramps.
Starting point is 01:01:16 Her back is never not burning from pain. The sunlightless atmosphere and rarely cleaned air vents in the club. It would cause her to sneeze so much she had to get anti-allergy meds and take them every single day as well as painkillers for her sores. Whenever she tried to bring this up to Kat, she would look at her quietly, listen to her list of struggles, and her face would turn cold. You know, you're spoiled. You're weak. Do you know how many spells I had to cast to even get you hired at this club? Did you think it was easy? You say you have faith, but you don't trust the angels protecting you.
Starting point is 01:01:50 You don't trust me. Look at how your life was before you met me and how it is now. Look at the abundance that you've learned from me. Successful people do whatever it takes to make it to the top. I thought you wanted this as badly as I did. If Desiree would bring up potentially moving back to Germany, Cat would sigh. I'm gonna be honest with you. I don't want to scare you, but you keep talking about possibly going back to Berlin, so I need to tell you something. The voice told me that you have a financial curse in the past life. This is very serious, not even witchcraft can reverse it. You are special, so the angels are giving you a chance, but for that that you need to strictly follow my instructions. You will not go
Starting point is 01:02:29 back to Germany. If you do you will never achieve wealth and abundance and your opportunity is now or never. By this point Desiree is making one to five thousand dollars per day working 15 hour days. Kat is forcing her to hand over all the money. She only gets $20 a day for food. The club is... I will say Desiree is doing the best out of everyone in the club, but the club itself is not the best one in the area, and they have a variety of clients. Desiree describes them as emotionally immature men, unhappy husbands, disillusioned men, businessmen, rappers, lawyers, athletes, and most
Starting point is 01:03:04 dangerously, the drug dealers. The drug dealers aren't even here to see the girls. They're here to make clients of the girls and the other customers. It's an hourly thing that the clients will ask Desiree to do drugs with them. Come on, have fun. She always tells them no, but that doesn't stop them from trying to roofie her. She's been roofied multiple times by clients in the club that she works at. In the VIP rooms, yes, there are rules, no touching, no touching rules, but she can count more times that men in there will still, for whatever reason, I don't know, mysterious reason, they will start unbuttoning their pants as if they have something special
Starting point is 01:03:40 in there that other men do not, like side note they don't they say dancers can also predict the downturn of an economy faster than economists they can gauge how much disposable income someone has and right now is not a good time for the club the economy is fine but the club nearby is doing drink promotions around the same time and at the same time at this club that does raise on there's a shooting inside the club between two customers and the girls are fleeing they're hiding in the bathroom clients are naturally apprehensive about coming back for a while and Desiree is traumatized she thought she was gonna
Starting point is 01:04:15 die that day and that weekend she still worked because Kat made her and instead of making a thousand dollars for a 15-hour day she made a hundred dollars because no one's coming in Kat threw a a chair at her. You're so stupid you don't want to prosper in life. Stop making some stupid excuse and try harder. The next day Kat starts talking to Desiree about an easier way to make money. No blisters on your feet. Are we gonna open our business now? No, it's too soon. But you can start seeing men from the club outside of the club. What? Everyone does it. It's normal. No one's gonna judge you for doing what you need to do to survive. Everybody in Hollywood starts off as escorts. All the Oscar-winning actresses,
Starting point is 01:04:58 they were all escorts at one point. With Kat's exhaustive non-stop urging, forcing, begging, Desiree finally asks one of the girls at the club, you do that, what is it like? And she tells her very grimly, it's fine. The secret is to disassociate from yourself. If you can emotionally disconnect from the situation and stay in a trance, it's going to be a lot easier for you. Desiree has no choice. She's in the US with no means to get back to Germany. She's non-stop bombarded with emotionally draining conversations from Kat. She has no visa status in the US. She has no power here and she's fully indoctrinated. In the book, Desiree writes she starts convincing herself because it feels like she has no other choice. She tries to make it feel like her own
Starting point is 01:05:40 choice. She says, you're right, I'm Chanel from the club, not Desiree. It's Chanel that has the confidence. Chanel is walking around like she owns the place. Chanel is powerful, so why not let Chanel dominate men and take their money? That is how Desiree gets essentially sex trafficked. CAD is the definition of what some would formally call a PIMP. I'm not sure if that word is sensitive or not. They're now known as traffickers, but I think there's a lot of discourse online of, oh, was Desiree trafficked? Because she still went every single day.
Starting point is 01:06:14 She was taking Ubers there. She was getting taxis to go there. And if she made $3,000 in cash one day, why didn't she just use that to buy a plane ticket to Germany and then leave? But it's different. this is literally the same situation. a lot of the times you hear about men pretending to be in emotional relationships with women,
Starting point is 01:06:31 then pressuring them into sex work with promises of this is what we need to buy our dream house so we can have babies together and live a normal family life. then once they get into the sex work, they start blackmailing, extorting, threatening, abusing, and manipulating the woman to continue regardless of whether or not they want to, and that's exactly what's happening. The very first time Desiree goes to meet with a client outside the club, they arrange for $1,000 for the hour, and she says it was- she couldn't stop shaking.
Starting point is 01:07:07 She had all these questions of, can I stop when I want? What if the protection breaks and I catch an uncurable disease? What if the client is an undercover cop who's gonna arrest me? What if he's a serial killer and he kills me? The 60 minutes felt like an eternity, and by the time she comes out, she's crying. Does Kat, the life coach filled with so much spiritual wisdom and guidance, care? No, she does not. She yells at Desiree for not getting more clients. Even if she has to lower her rates to $200 an hour She should not be a selfish brat and just do it. Why are you on a high horse?
Starting point is 01:07:38 Charging a thousand dollars for an hour. What are you doing all the other hours? Kat tries to send her to someone named Richard who owns a brothel. I mean, he runs a brothel out of his own house, actually. He's 65 years old. He looks like a polite little grandpa and nobody would ever suspect him of running a brothel out of his house. I think they think it's an Airbnb. The experience was soul crushing.
Starting point is 01:08:00 Desiree begged Cat, please can we just stop? I feel like we have enough money now or I can just go back to dancing at the club. It's fine, but Kat would guilt trip her. It is always the perfect draining, so exhausting, you can't even think of a logical reason to fight back to Kat because she's mentally exhausted you to the point where you can't even think that's what it feels like. Desiree would see six clients a day, then take a shower, then head straight to the club where she would dance until 5 in the morning, and then she would do it all over again.
Starting point is 01:08:30 meanwhile, just to emphasize how insufferable and evil kat is, she starts spending desiree's money on hiring a personal trainer for her husband, zack, because she said the angels told her he's gonna be a professional MMA fighter that's gonna earn millions throughout his career. In order to do this, Desiree needs to make $2,000 a day at a minimum so that they can save up for their business and also pay for Zach's future. Kat set up a gym in the house, brought in a massage chair, brought in personal trainers, and then encouraged Zach to get a scorpion tattoo on his chest because it's gonna make him look a lot more aggressive. The more Zach's career is not growing but he needs more training, Desiree has to work harder.
Starting point is 01:09:11 Now the new target is $3,000 a day, and the new rule is Desiree is not allowed to come back home unless she meets her target for the day. Desiree says there were so many nights that she would fall asleep on the street because she did not meet the goal. She's not allowed back in the house. Some days she worked 24 hours straight without sleeping. But again, if she doesn't meet the goal, Kat accuses her of being lazy. Months go by Desiree is trying so hard to meet these exhausting targets. She's always tired and she can't even think of escaping at this point. She says at this point she starts feeling like, yeah this girl does not have my best intentions but I'm so mentally drained. I don't even know how to the resistance to stop this cycle feels impossible but by far one of the more egregious things that Kat does is
Starting point is 01:09:55 suddenly she has this new plan that Desiree would scam one of her wealthiest clients so a lot of the clients are paying $1,000 $2,000 for the hour she has this one very influential client that's paying $15,000 for the hour and tipping her like $3,000, $5,000. Kat's new plan is Desiree is gonna get pregnant by this man and blackmail him. Kat tells Desiree to keep having unprotected intimate times with her top client and then go take her IUD out, which by the way way is so painful and Kat is telling her the whole way through you know my biggest regret in life is that when I was modeling I was around so many millionaires
Starting point is 01:10:32 and I didn't get pregnant by one of them Desiree refuses she's like I'm not gonna bring a child into this world so that I can scam someone out of money are you crazy that's a little human being that I'm bringing into the world on this this is the setup you want cat forces her to go to the hospital to remove her IOD the hospital sternly tells her do not have intimate relations for the next few days and this is gonna hurt a lot it does it's so painful they get home and cat is telling her she needs to go back to work right now are you crazy Desiree is crying in pain she needs to go back to work right now. Are you crazy? Desiree is crying in pain. She can't go back to work. Kat starts screaming at her.
Starting point is 01:11:08 You are being so selfish, you know that? If you stop working, then everyone in this house is gonna be punished by the voice. Desiree goes back to work. Not only that, she's in severe pain and she develops a severe infection. It's only then that the doctor is like, Hey, so you really need to like cut it out? Otherwise you can never have intimate relations ever again. So two weeks, you're gonna be on antibiotics.
Starting point is 01:11:33 Kat only let her rest two days before forcing her to the club and forcing her to do house chores. She would tell her, it's all in your head, the pain. Yet guess what, Kat? The voices are all in your head too. Meanwhile, Cat is just going around spending so much money on all of these Halloween decor,
Starting point is 01:11:49 honestly, that she's calling witchcraft. The weekly expense for quote witchcraft, which is such a vague bookkeeping label, is around $3,000 a week. Cat says this is so necessary to perform and destroy their enemies. They have to perform spells. And eventually the targets keep going up and now the daily target is $20,000. In one month alone, a really busy month, Desiree made a million dollars. In a month. Wow. The next plan was to earn another million in the next one and a half months.
Starting point is 01:12:25 And Kat told her, OK, I promise with this two million dollars, it'll finally be enough. We'll finally start our business with a nice emergency fund. It'll be great. And whilst this is happening, Kat is fighting all these other battles. She's constantly fighting with Zach's dad. So Zach is 19 when they met. Yeah, Kat is many years older, like over a decade older, and she has a lot of scandalous pictures on their Instagram. Zach comes from a very religious family. They end up getting married. Zach is
Starting point is 01:12:55 running away with her, and anytime Zach's father tries to reach out, Kat would even post a threat to her own Instagram saying, I hope you listen to this. I hope you understand this. Fucking die. Leave me and my family alone and one of cats which is the other victim in this case Letitia posts online I'm here to speak in the name of cat Torres because the world is in danger so this is all happening while they're being sex trafficked allegedly Letitia's being sex trafficked but Desiree, right? I'm here to speak in the name of Kat Torres
Starting point is 01:13:28 because the world is in danger. Kat Torres is in danger. Mark Zuckerberg, Vladimir Putin, they need to find Kat Torres. They need to save the world from war. If they don't see this message, the messages posted on this Instagram account, the world will be destroyed.
Starting point is 01:13:43 So this is another aspect to how they were likely human trafficked. it seems like the girls were either so exhausted and indoctrinated and perhaps sleep deprived, nutrition deprived, isolated from everyone, but also maybe they were undergoing intense ayahuasca sessions. because in a lot of the videos, letitia does not seem like she's in her right state of mind. her family members would see the videos that cat is actively posting onto her Instagram and be like what is happening right now? cats would go on to Instagram to talk about how she can end the russia ukraine war. additionally, she states that if every single person paypals her
Starting point is 01:14:20 and she can make $2,500, she will tell the world the secret to stopping the russia ukraine war. which i don't know what the correlation is is this like the price for human life for Kat? it's weird. so this was like what 20 like last couple years? 2022. when she gets the money because surprisingly people donate it she never live streams about it ever again. never explains anything. now there are speculations that there's some truth to everything. a lot of people that knew kat think that the ayahuasca melted her brain. i don't know if that's a good excuse. i don't know. i've never done ayahuasca, so i don't know how much of your core values it can genuinely change or if it just brings out the
Starting point is 01:15:03 evil in some people that already have it that's just dormant in their bodies I have no clue but everything she says there's some pertinence there that leads back to ayahuasca like there's some truth in everything but not really it's like she's still hallucinating is what a lot of people say so for example she's saying she knows how to end the Russia- Ukraine war everything she is saying is absolutely insane, and horse manure is probably worth more than the information she might have, but at some point in her life, she was dating someone that was very close friends with Vladimir Putin. Allegedly.
Starting point is 01:15:38 Even Colburn, her ex-husband, believes that Kat had been in a relationship with a Russian oligarch when she first arrived in New York City. That's how she was funding her entire lifestyle. She was not a good model. I'm sorry, she's beautiful, I guess conventionally, not on the inside. But she was- she's living in 123 Washington Street at the W Residences. It's like $8,000 for a basic unit. She's buying designer bags every single month. She would go and fly to the most beautiful resort and just stay there for weeks at a
Starting point is 01:16:12 time. There's no way that she's funding this with her modeling career. She also knew, allegedly, very specific Ukrainian ports that Russia wanted because it would give them maritime access to Turkey, which would help them facilitate oil distribution without passing through other parts of Europe, so it's very oddly specific. It felt like she must have known someone who knew the ins and outs of what the Russian government or well, Putin, was interested in. But that relationship with the alleged Russian oligarch fell apart when Kat had this issue
Starting point is 01:16:43 with her left breast. She insisted it was a flesh-eating bacteria that was eating away at her chest. Whatever it was, it was pretty bad. It was an opened wound about four inches deep. Most sources state that she did have surgery, but she claims in her book that she healed it with the law of attraction. So I am inclined to believe that she did have surgery. Now according to Kat's roommate at the time, he says, my understanding was there was a Russian oligarch that was taking care of her, he was paying for that apartment,
Starting point is 01:17:13 then she said that she had a flesh-eating disease, had to have her breasts removed and reconstructed. Once she had the surgery, I think most of those men were gone. It seemed to me that after she was no longer useful as a sexual conquest, I think those men, you know, they weren't really there for her. When the whole, I can save the world, gets old, Kat has a new message for all of her followers. The police of California will follow my orders of Mother Mary. By all means, I'm the queen of the universe. I'm Magdalena Magdalena, Mary Mary Mary Mary, hee hee to protect our son son son son son the time you're not gonna kill him he's the Messiah Messiah Messiah Messiah Messiah I'm the Messiah he's the king king king
Starting point is 01:17:51 king king going to rule rule rule the world you guys are going to be listening to him he is God himself like God himself he is God himself did you all heard me did you all hear me did you all hear the message you dummies do not touch that man has a cross in his arms is written. They may lay down on the floor when Zachary, Zachary Menking walk. All of them with their hands down like this. You're gonna lay on the floor in this position
Starting point is 01:18:13 with your hands like this, hands here, where we can see them. Lay on the floor like this. She's just laying like on her stomach on the floor. Feel my body, my body, my body, my body. You're going to lay like this when he passes you. Is this like a video to Instagram video? Yeah. And she's clearly on drugs. The only thing I don't know, I'm not like a huge recreational drug user,
Starting point is 01:18:35 but the only thing it's reminiscent of is the pink cocaine. Yeah. Because she was like pink, pink, pink, pink, pink. And that was the only time I had seen the repetition of specific words and sentences And she keeps doing that Now there is a question on whether or not Zach knew what his wife was doing it is presumed Yeah, he definitely knew but he likely turned a blind eye to it since he's profiting and why not that is what Desiree believes He's not necessarily facilitating it, but he's a part of it it He's benefiting from it and he's acting like it doesn't exist He just goes along with Kat's plans. In one Instagram story Kat calls Zack on the phone
Starting point is 01:19:14 So she's live streaming on one phone and then she's facetiming Zack. Zachary, are you listening to me? He responds Yes, I am. You may never hurt the Messiah Messiah Messiah Messiah Kat Torres is your wife wife and he must protect her by all means. They're going to kill kill kill. They're going to try to kill kill kill her. He protected her by all means. You the son of Mother Mary. They're going to heal heal heal the world and rule rule rule the world in America and America America.
Starting point is 01:19:39 In the name of Mother Mary and your queen Kat Torres the messiah. I am Jesus Christ you understand me. I mean it's weird because if you believe that he's not involved that would be a very weird assumption to make because he thinks that they're all messiahs and the world will bow down to them but he doesn't think his wife is a human trafficker it's kind of weird now in one video she's pacing around the room and she says I I am the queen of the universe. I'm Magdalena. And our son is going to be Messiah. She also states her parents' full government names
Starting point is 01:20:11 and says, they gave birth to a girl, aka her, that will save the world by being married to Zachary. I am Magdalena from the Bible, the prostitute, the prostitute, she was the Messiah. Yeah. Now this is a completely, slightly unrelated but further proves that she was the messiah. yeah. now this is a completely slightly unrelated but further proves that she's a questionable character. she also would write about the pandemic. she would write, i love corona. unfortunately she's not
Starting point is 01:20:33 talking about the beer. she would write, i loved corona. i wouldn't take it out of existence for anything. i was the biggest fan of corona. i'm just not a fan of quarantine. for me, everyone had to face the virus with courage, but they did it like the cowards they are. Kisses!" She would even post on Twitter completely naked pictures of herself, with just her private part censored out and it would say the words, I am against quarantining. And she would write, Disrespect for freedom is the most heinous thing. We have only been given one right as humans to exist as we please. The laws are already stupid, but now they've reached their full absurdity.
Starting point is 01:21:07 Hashtag quarantine never. She also tells people to stop taking their medications because she will save them from cancer and all terminal illnesses and medicine is a hoax. But then she also turns around and says she's seen the vision for her life. And her new vision is to move back to Brazil, open up a brothel, hire a bunch of 14 year old girls Who will serve as the sex workers, but also as witches That's what she said? Yeah If you are to ever point out how odd that is, she has a message for her haters
Starting point is 01:21:37 You will get cancer in your ass. You will have diarrhea today until your guts fall out You're a fucking loser who will never achieve anything in life. Sometimes she'll target specific haters and say, I heard she just had a daughter. I hope she's ugly. Specific what? Haters. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:54 Yeah. If she really feels anger towards someone, she will post online to her millions of followers, your skull will be placed in a special place in my home. She'll also say things like, now I want to see if I can make you lose all your children. It's a lot. Now at this point, people are just seeing this online.
Starting point is 01:22:12 They don't know that she is involved in human trafficking and is gonna be arrested on slavery related charges. They just know that she's losing her mind and they think that she's the former girlfriend of Leonardo DiCaprio. Let's touch on that real quick. She probably has it out for Leonardo DiCaprio also at this point. Kat Torres was first acknowledged by Hollywood in 2013 when the ever-reputable, peer-reviewed
Starting point is 01:22:34 academic publication The Daily Mail starts posting pictures of Leonardo DiCaprio in France at the Cannes Festival with thought provoking titles such as Leo out with his new blondie, Leo's new Brazilian girlfriend. And there's a handful of pictures of Leo at the club and next to him is this very thin blonde woman with a ponytail wearing almost no makeup. It seems like they're on a casual date. The photos are grainy, they're paparazzi pictures
Starting point is 01:23:01 and by all accounts, it seems legitimate. In one picture, they're right next to each other. In another picture Leo is walking in front of the blonde woman And she's following him and her hand is on the bottom of his back Which seems like a very intimate way to walk through the club. If you just see the pictures, I'd be like, okay, yeah, they're dating They're in a situationship or whatever Leo does That is exactly how people first hear about cat Torres as his new potential girlfriend Within 24 hours people forget her name because it's not remarkably important. They're like he dates so many people So it is her in the photo. Yes
Starting point is 01:23:36 Now in the US people forget about her in Brazil the newspaper extra goes and does an interview with cat and she neither Confirms nor denies her relationship with Leo which I think is indirectly confirming it. She's being coy, she's being very smart even. She's saying I met Leo and Khan, we are staying in the same house during the festival. As for the photo, I don't know how they even got those pictures because we had security all over and no one could even get close enough under any circumstances. Yeah, Leo's incredible but I worry what he'll think about me talking to you guys. We have a pact that nothing can ever be said about our relationship.
Starting point is 01:24:10 And you know, when we were in Europe, it was very different. People would see us together in many places and they don't really care. They don't need to ask us about anything. We're just normal people. She might as well have said, Leonardo DiCaprio asked me to marry him in Vegas tomorrow and I'm actually pregnant with his triplets, who we will be naming Leo, Lea and Leonard In the same interview Kat even confirms she's gonna be moving from Paris to Manhattan
Starting point is 01:24:34 She's like I'm gonna be moving to New York City, which everyone's like wait Okay, this seems like it's getting serious with Leonardo DiCaprio Except none of this is true. Not even in the slightest. What? Cat did indeed rub shoulders with Leo in France. He claims they never even dated. Right after those pictures were taken, he went to go have dinner with his girlfriend. Another model. Yeah. Which I'm inclined to believe. There are speculations that Cat maybe was an acquaintance of Leonardo DiCaprio or even bombarded him at the club and he was entertaining her because she's pretty but she had hired
Starting point is 01:25:10 the paparazzi to take pictures and she neither denied nor confirmed the relationship which is basically confirming it and it's even confirmed that she's the one that called extraTRA to do the interview. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That makes sense. That matches exactly how she acts. Yes, even the meme creation, this is all on point. So she saw Leo at a club, probably, you know. I would imagine that she even went to the con festival to do this with some celebrity. I don't know if it would have been Leonardo DiCaprio, just whoever celebrity she could find and get in the vicinity of. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Wow. Now near the end of 2022, a story starts going viral in Brazil. There's this Brazilian influencer luring young women to America and then
Starting point is 01:25:56 they vanish. The young women are kind of missing. They're not connected to each other. It's the strangest thing and it's even more bizarre because you can see videos of them online but they're technically missing. the two main missing persons cases that even mainstream media outlets in Brazil get involved with are that of 21 year old Letitia and 25 year old Desiree. Desiree's friends start an Instagram account for her called at searching Desiree which is also the name of her book they start making posts in Portuguese German because she was in Germany at one point in English asking people to help find Desiree they didn't see the other videos eventually they do but even then they
Starting point is 01:26:37 feel like cat is holding her hostage so it goes from she's just missing to actually we know where she is I mean not her geographical location but we know who she's with but we need help it's actually tricky you know it's very they don't know exactly how to go about it Desiree's family know that Desiree was doing consultations with Kat but last they knew she was in Germany and then eventually she moves to Texas because Kat tells her her life is falling apart and she needs Desiree to come help her. Desiree was only supposed to be in Texas for a month for her tourist visa. Ends up staying for much longer than that. Essentially being held captive.
Starting point is 01:27:14 As for Letitia, her parents come out and state that she went to Brazil on an au pair program. She's gonna live with the host family, take care of their child, do other things, and really get integrated into American culture. She leaves that au pair host family to go live with Kat, and she just goes off the grid. The only time they see her is allegedly holding a glass of ayahuasca doing videos talking about alien baths where Kat Torres is throwing in little sparkles and sprinkles and just microplastics into the bathtub. It seems like they're drinking ayahuasca because she seems very out of it. In other videos, Letitia has seen Never Smiling brushing cats hair. She seems drunk. She's not behaving normally. And both families are starting to freak out.
Starting point is 01:28:02 And because because I think it's an interesting situation of they're missing but they're also caught on this big influencers videos it goes viral yeah Kat starts posting unhinged things at this point which does not help her case she says just so you know I've already started talking to all of y'all's brains in a few years some of my faithful followers will be living in the US with me, with a green card and everything. How do I know? Because I'm gonna do it for you.
Starting point is 01:28:30 Just like I did it for Letitia and Desiree, they showed me loyalty and they deserve their place. Take a good look at Letitia's life. With American documents and all, I have the power to get everything I want, but you guys don't want to believe it yet. Just wait. Wait till my son is the president of the USA and rules the whole world, then you will understand. I just haven't become the president of Brazil yet because I don't want to.
Starting point is 01:28:52 The human slaves of the population will be very nice to me. They will want me to save Brazil. If I convince myself to do that, then yes, you are talking to the future president of Brazil. They still don't believe it. Start investigating my life and you will know who I am and what I am involved with to this day." This is her response to everyone saying, hey, are you holding these two women captive? She starts posting more weird stories, writing,
Starting point is 01:29:17 dears, my plan is to take several of my faithful followers and bring them here to live with me, to be the owners of the world with me on the throne, just like I did with Letitia, just like I did with Zach, my husband, just like I did with everybody else. She goes on to allege that Letitia's parents were abusive, which everybody who knows the family denies these claims. She goes on to claim that Letitia and Desiree are running away from their toxic family and
Starting point is 01:29:39 friends who are jealous of them. She says, I am God, and they are aunts compared to me. And I have real pity for these poor, poor people. And believe me, I tried not to post on here but it's getting out of control. It keeps growing. You did not make her life Letitia's mom. I swear to you, by God I will finish yours first. And you don't deserve this attention and you don't deserve anything and there won't even be anything. Letitia will never speak to you again and be forced to tolerate your abuses." She even forces Letitia and Desiree to make videos but it's very clear that they don't mean anything they say. It
Starting point is 01:30:12 looks like they're being held hostage to say these things. They even at one point, there was another famous model by the name of Yasmin who gets involved and she just comments on one of Kat's posts like, where is Letitia? Kat goes off on her. She claims now that Yasmin actually human trafficked Letitia, and Kat saved Letitia. These are big, crazy allegations. Just absolutely insane. And eventually, they all go on the run.
Starting point is 01:30:40 They leave Texas because they've already had one wellness check by the police, and it seems to be escalating further. The more that they're accusing other people of human trafficking, naturally the case is going to get bigger, especially if they're accusing other high-profile people. So more people are catching on. Interpol is called, the US FBI is called, everybody's getting called. They leave their house in Texas, they leave some food for the pets, and they just walk away. They walk Texas. They leave some food for the for the pets and they just walk away They walk away. They start driving all the way to Maine to Connecticut They're going all over the place and while they're on the run all of their Desiree and Letitia had profiles on escort websites
Starting point is 01:31:16 those hit mainstream media and Desiree and Letitia feel like their lives are falling apart because Kat told them no one would know about this Letitia feel like their lives are falling apart because Kat told them no one would know about this Is it the beginning of the episodes? Yeah, so she was on a yacht and she leaves and they pack up their things and they go on the run Because all of this is happening while she's engaged in sex work I see so they pack up all their things they go on the run and while they're out there going from state to state Kat looks at Desiree and tells her okay now we need to go to a shop and buy sunglasses and wigs so you can still engage in sex work.
Starting point is 01:31:49 The three girls are eventually arrested, brought in for questioning. It's very clear to investigators that Letitia and Desiree are victims. The speculation circulating online that they're being human trafficked are likely true from the investigator's standpoint. Just based off the way the girls are acting, it's very clear they were victimized. They're distrustful of the authority. They feel like the investigators are gonna arrest them and penalize them so deeply for prostitution charges instead of being honest about
Starting point is 01:32:18 what Kat is doing. It actually takes Desiree 49 days in prison to realize that she's been human trafficked and it was because she was walking through the cells being escorted back to her cell. And she saw this poster on the side of the prison wall that said, human trafficking, what are the signs? It's like one of those posters you see. Wow. And for some reason it just clicked. She's like, oh my god.
Starting point is 01:32:43 I didn't know I was being human trafficked because I thought I was I was still going there. It's not like she had me chained up. I was confused. I thought she had my best interest. I thought I was doing this for us. Eventually, all three get deported. Cat Torres was in the US on a one visa, which means you possess extraordinary talent. She was a beauty pageant queen, which allegedly she bought the title. She gets to immigrate to the US because of that.
Starting point is 01:33:13 And then for Desiree and Letitia, they were on tourist visas or an au pair visa, and then they overstayed their visit. So all three of them get deported and Kat is gonna be tried in Brazil. For the girls, none of their lives have been normal. Letitia has been very private. Desiree says for months she suffered from panic attacks, migraines, insomnia, nightmares. It's still bad, but writing the book helped consolidate a lot of her feelings. And while all her other victims are trying to rebuild her lives, Kat says she's innocent.
Starting point is 01:33:43 In a recent BBC interview she states, when I was seeing the people testifying, they were saying so many lies. So many lies. People are saying that I am a problem outside, that I can take the minds of the people and change them. I am one and a half years in jail, in real jail, with real people that committed real crimes. We're talking about people that killed 10 people, 16 people. When I was seeing the people testifying, just lies. I almost started laughing. I couldn't stop laughing. I believe maybe I'm here for more than 20 days, 10 days, because there's no proof, so there isn't a crime.
Starting point is 01:34:14 There's no way. Then why would the judge be keeping you in prison if you don't deserve to be here? Because the people are saying that I am the problem outside. I take the minds of the people. People are saying I'm a fake guru, but at the same time they're saying that I am the problem outside. I take the minds of the people. People are saying I'm a fake guru, but at the same time they're saying that I'm so real, I'm so dangerous, that I can take his mind or whoever's mind and change
Starting point is 01:34:30 his mind. You know I have a voice that spoke with me and my whole life I would tell people, oh so the voice is saying this to you, saying this to you, saying that to you, and the voice will be saying this, and people will just bend down to me and be like, oh my god, give me some advice please, like this very rich, very powerful people. You choose to believe whatever you choose to believe. I can tell you I'm Jesus and you can see Jesus or you can see the devil, that's it.
Starting point is 01:34:51 And then she just keeps rambling. So there are people who are born with no talents and then there are people born with all talents. I think that is me. Okay, nobody asked. I used to sing in California so people want me to sing. I have so many people talking to me. What should I do? Where should I go?
Starting point is 01:35:07 Fame will catch me wherever I am. And what I want and need is justice. I don't deserve to be here. I don't deserve to be here, not even one day in my life. Kat even writes a letter to the public and it reads, I think a lot about, I think a lot about those who are already weak and become even worse seeing their idol, me, being imprisoned, especially so unjustly.
Starting point is 01:35:28 Yeah. So, she just rambles on and on. She has ultimately been sentenced to eight years for human trafficking, international human trafficking and slavery charges in Brazil, which, I mean, eight years is too little. There are questions of whether or not Zach was involved and should be, should be charged as well. Because he is a US citizen. So, I mean, okay, technically it was like a jurisdiction thing. A lot of her victims were Brazilian citizens and Kat was Brazilian.
Starting point is 01:35:57 So she was sent to Brazil, but he's been off the radar. There's actually a Charlie project missing persons report on Zach. It's unclear if he's actually missing or if that's just to make it seem like he's missing and he's laying low The last people heard of him publicly. He was trying to set up a go fund me so that he could visit cat in Brazil in prison He could be in Brazil for all we know I don't know a lot of people just think this is one of the crazier cases. I think that when I was watching even the BBC documentary, I didn't know, I mean I knew how bad it was considering what she was convicted of, but reading Desiree's book that our Portuguese-speaking translators were able to translate for me, the way she did it is a lot more insidious than people believe.
Starting point is 01:36:52 It just seems the meticulous thought that went into all of it, the way that she, I was emotionally exhausted reading what Kat was saying to Desiree. I can't imagine witnessing and experiencing it. I just, it makes sense. But that is the case of Kat Torresurus. What are your thoughts? Did you know it was this bad? Let me know in the comments, and I will see you guys in the next one. Stay safe.

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