Rotten Mango - Snowed In With 4 Strangers - 1 Of Them Is A Murderer (BAM #3)

Episode Date: October 4, 2020

And she only has 15 hours to figure out which one of them is the killer. It's only a matter of time before the killer realizes that she's onto them.  Baking A Mystery #3! This is a fictional story (...if you are only into true crime please come back for our scheduled Wednesday postings!) *If you would like to see the video version of this it is up on YouTube "MissMangoButt Baking A Mystery" there is a playlist where all of the visuals get posted! See you Wednesday!  To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Rambles. Whether you're doing a dance to your favorite artist in the office parking lot, or being guided into Warrior I in the break room before your shift, whether you're running on your Peloton tread at your mom's house while she watches the baby, or counting your breaths on the subway. Peloton is for all of us, wherever we are, whenever we need it. Download the free Peloton is for all of us. Wherever we are, whenever we need it. Download the free Peloton app today. Peloton app available through free tier or pay to description starting at 12.99 per month. Baking a mystery, we're back.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Today we're making a pumpkin puree poke cake because it is officially spooktober, spooky booby season, and I'm going to be trying to do more baking and mysteries in the month of October, especially if the books are this good. I am so excited whether you guys are listening on Rotten Mingo or watching the visuals, in case you're just listening on Miss Mingo but on YouTube, welcome.
Starting point is 00:00:56 I hope this is a cozy corner for all of you because today's book is called No Exit. That also means you cannot exit this video until you finish it. This is an intense one. Now I don't even know where to go with this. It's the premise of everybody is trapped together. So it's 13 hours. There's a bunch of strangers and you guys are trapped at a rest stop in the middle of winter. Snowden and there's one human trafficker, one kidnapped kid and you were
Starting point is 00:01:24 trying to figure out who the hell kidnapped this kid, where are they going? They you can't call the cops. 911 is it working? What do you do? And you only have like 14 hours left at this rest stop. The minute that they drive away, I mean let's be real. Are the cops gonna find this kid?
Starting point is 00:01:38 Probably not. So this is gonna be really, really intense. I'm just gonna get the cake batter started. And when I say cake batter, I mean boxed. So this is the story of Darby. Now Darby goes to CU Boulder. She's a sophomore at that college and she lives in Colorado.
Starting point is 00:01:53 So that's where she goes to school and she was born and raised in Utah. Now this is Christmas break. It's snowing in Colorado. It's snowing in Utah, I believe. And she's making a random drive all the way from Colorado to Utah to go visit her mom. And we kind of opened the scene with her already
Starting point is 00:02:10 driving in the snow. And she's just kind of having this model on moment. She's like ranting a little bit. And she said it's so frustrating because she never got along with her mom. And she found out via text yesterday from her older sister, Devonon that her mom has pancreatic cancer. Via text she said come back home mom has pancreatic cancer and she's just replaying that text in her head while she's driving and she's like obviously so this morning I came out of here in a rush you know she was trying to go from Colorado to Utah in one day like that's an extensive road trip so she's trying to get there by 8 p.m. because not only does her mom have pancreatic cancer but her mom is pancreatic cancer,
Starting point is 00:02:45 but her mom is literally going into surgery tonight. So she wants to go there and you know what she read about pancreatic cancer on Google? It just doesn't look good, you know? She says that's one of those things where you really, people get diagnosed with it late, typically, and so by the time that they find out that they have pancreatic cancer,
Starting point is 00:03:03 it's, she said the odds were not good. So she was kind of freaking out a little bit while she was driving. She has her phone with her, which is at like 30% battery. She forgot her freaking phone charger. She's just a mess. Like she's literally a mess.
Starting point is 00:03:15 She is a live in Utah. So I guess there's not as much snow over there as Colorado. And so she's like, I don't even have chains on my tires. Yeah, really intense foreshadowing. We know what's about to happen. So she's freaking out all of this.
Starting point is 00:03:26 She's driving her old Honda's and she was in high school and she named it blue. And she's like, you know, I know blue's gonna get me to Utah. My mom's gonna be fine, everything's gonna be fine. That's when she hits a cement block of snow. I didn't know this, but apparently snow can get as hard as cement when it's really jam-packed as it's falling. And so she runs into a block of snow and her windshield riper that was working so hard the past couple hours during this drive
Starting point is 00:03:52 Just fell off of her car. So her windshield wiper is gone. And she's like, what the fork am I supposed to do? So she's literally sitting in her car looking around all she sees is like a sea of snow. Like everything is just covered in snow. It's almost already six o'clock. She's supposed to be in Utah by eight o'clock, but it looks like she's going nowhere. Like there's no way she can drive without a windshield right bear when it's a snow storm.
Starting point is 00:04:15 They called it snowmageddon in the book. So she's freaking out. She's like, what do I do, dude? That's when she sees two signs. The first sign, they used to do this in certain parts of Georgia that I used to live in, which was um, I don't think they do it in LA because it wouldn't work, but they have like since the last accident. Do you know what I'm saying? If you guys are listening, the audio version, I'm opening pumpkin. That's why it sounds so crazy. It says like, blank day since the last accident, usually in like accident heavy areas.
Starting point is 00:04:44 And so this one said, It says like blank day since the last accident, usually in like accident heavy areas. And so this one said 365 days since the last accident and she's like, okay, this is like a freaking anniversary sign. Like she almost felt like it was God slapping her around at the face. Like this kind of forked up. Like, what is this? Was this meant to be? Like I'm just supposed to die here.
Starting point is 00:04:59 And then the next sign said rest stop ahead. So she's like, okay, I'm just going to have to make it to the rest stop. There's nothing I can do. So she gets back into her car. She's like, okay, I'm just gonna have to make it to the rest stop. There's nothing I can do. So she gets back into her car. She's like, has her window open. She's got one little mitt now, and she's doing a little circle. And then she drives through the little circle.
Starting point is 00:05:15 Because she can't see her windshield's broken. Then it would get snowy, and then she'd stick her hand out again. And then a little circle, and she would just skirt, skirt through the little circle. Like, it was a little people, and she said it was it was so insane like it's this people into just snow like a snow globe And finally she approaches the rest stop and she's like I don't even know how I made it She doesn't even care for looking for parking. She's like listen
Starting point is 00:05:37 No one's gonna see a goddamn parking line in this rest stop until summer like it's just snowed in So she just parked next to a car and she just hopes that it's a parking spot. Maybe it's not. Maybe it's a handicap spot but like what can she do? So she parks next to this grey van. Never a good sign. She parks next to this grey van and she sits in her Honda and she just thinks about life. She sits in her car and she's like, why am I here? Like how did I get here? I have never done a drive like this. I should have just flown, but the tickets were expensive last minute,
Starting point is 00:06:10 and I just want to talk to my mom. So she looks up at her phone. She's like, I forget my iPhone charger. Like I'm literally a mess. I'm stranded at this restaurant. She's looking at her phone and there's no service. She's like, okay, that's fine.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Usually, rest stops are known for having wifi. So she can just pop in, hop up on the wifi, call her sister, Devon. She's like, okay, that's fine. Usually, rest stops are known for having Wi-Fi. So she can just pop in, hop up on the Wi-Fi, call her sister, Devon, and be like, hey, like how's mom's surgery going? I'm stuck at this rest stop. I'm gonna try my best to get there. You know what I'm thinking? I'm thinking when the recipe said,
Starting point is 00:06:37 add a can of pumpkin puree to boxed cake. I think they also meant, add the normal ingredients that you would add to boxed cake as well because she look and clumpy. So I'm gonna get those ingredients. Don't you go anywhere. So anyway, she's sitting on her car. She's freaking out about this. So she goes inside and she sees a wifi side and that's when she's right under it. She sees an old grumpy man by the name of Ed. We find out his name later, but he's just a grumpy dude. He's like, you're trying to get wifi and that's when right under it, she sees an old grumpy man by the name of Ed. We find out his name later, but he's just a grumpy dude. He's like, you trying to get wifi and she's like,
Starting point is 00:07:08 yeah, obviously, why am I staring at the wifi sign? And he was like, nah, it's too expensive. I wouldn't pay for it if I were you. And then he was like, bad financial mistake. And she was like, I really don't care what you have to say. Like, I'm gonna pay for the wifi, I'm gonna call my mom. Don't put the hour conversation. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:23 And then he's like, well, they have like a monthly plan. And then she's like, what's wrong with you? It's fine. That's when she realizes her phone can't even find the Wi-Fi. And he stares at her and he says, karma, huh? Because she was being snappy with him. So she's like, God, Jesus, like I hated here. And that's when she's like, okay, well, Grumpy old Ed, do you have a phone I can borrow?
Starting point is 00:07:40 And he says, nah, I'm not getting Wi-Fi either. And so then she's like, fuck. Right? And that's when a guy behind her, a much younger guy, by the name of Ashley, that we're gonna call Ash for today's video. Not because his name is confusing, because it's supposed to be a girl's name.
Starting point is 00:07:54 They have the whole segment on it in the book. She's like, that's a girl's name. And he was like, no, it's not. So we're just gonna call him Ash, because there's a lot of names in this one. Ash is like, hey, I know where you can get service. And so she turns around and she's like, okay, where? And he's like, we have to go outside.
Starting point is 00:08:11 So she follows him outside and there's something called the Nightmare Children, which are the statues outside of this rest stop. And they just look like Nightmare Children. Like, it's a bunch of children, statues of them. But it's like this artistic, expressionist thing where they take out just chunks of the children randomly so it'll be a kid playing soccer but his ribcage is exposed and she's like this is really creepy and he said yeah I got service here last time this was the only place I could get service and she's like okay cool thanks right and he's just kind of like looking
Starting point is 00:08:39 around and he's like these are called the nightmare children and he's just weird it seems like he's hitting on her kind of awkwardly and she's like, K, thanks. Like I have bigger things to worry about and he was like, and that mountain right there is called Melony's Mountain. I've been named it after his life, Melanie. That's romantic, right? And she's like, maybe it's not.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Maybe he thinks that she's literally in livable and just cold. And she just was annoyed. Like don't talk to me. I want to talk to my mom. My mom has cancer. I'm not supposed to be on this road trip. Why are you freaking talking to me? Like this is not no Tinder date, dude.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Get the message. And that's when she's just kind of blowing him up. And he was like, well, you're gonna be okay, right? And can I go inside? It's kind of cold. So she's like whatever. She spends like 20 minutes on her phone trying to get service. It was at 22% and she could not find a single bar.
Starting point is 00:09:29 So she's like, God, this sucks, right? She's walking back and as she's walking back, she's thinking about her options. Like, what should I do? Should I go into my car and just sit there? Then she would run out of gas. So even if the snow ended up clearing, like, where is she gonna go without gas?
Starting point is 00:09:42 And then she could just sit in there without the car turned on, but then she would literally freeze to death like it's so cold or she could go into the rest stop where they have free coffee free heat but just sit there with a bunch of annoying strangers. So she was like at this point I don't really care so she just decides to go into the rest stop. Now as she's passing her car she's also walking in between her car and the gray van that was parked right next to her and And that's when she's walking. She takes a peek inside and she sees a glimpse of a tiny little hand grabbing what looks like a cage. Like a little doll hand. And then she's like, wait, did I see that right? And she tries to
Starting point is 00:10:19 look again, but the hand is gone. But it looked like it was almost kind of curved around a cage, so it didn't look like a doll was just laying there. So she was like, what was that? So she walks back into the restaurant and she's like, oh my god did someone kidnap a kid? Is there a kid in that person's van? And she's like, okay, tone it down, darts. You might be sleep deprived. Like we don't know. And she's like, okay, like this could definitely be from all of the misery that I'm feeling so While she was thinking about everything going on, you know She did mention that the last time that she talked to her mom was on Thanksgiving break now It's Christmas break so it had been about a month and she was on the phone with her mom
Starting point is 00:10:56 And she said something along the lines of You're the reason that dad left us and if I could choose between you or dad I would choose dad in a heartbeat every single time. Like she was really mean to her mom. So now she's like, what do I do? Like I can't even tell my mom I love her before her surgery. Like she was just really upset and she's thinking, you know, maybe all of this feeling is making me envision a kid hand. And she gets back into the rest stop and she's like, wait a second. There is no way that my sadness from my mom's cancer is making me envision that there's a kidnap chat, like that's not even correlated. And then she starts panicking.
Starting point is 00:11:33 What does that even mean? Like what do I do? I literally stuck at this rest stop. There's a bunch of people I've never met before and one of them has a kid in their car. What does that mean for me? So she walks back into the rest of and she's like, okay, I need to think smart There's no way I can just bust up in that bed and be like, hey, who owns this great van? Because when you're dealing with a child kidnapper, you're not talking about some dude that's gonna be like, ah, that's me Oh, you know about my kidnapping just keep it on the dial bobo just keep it on the dial You want to save her? Let me just give her to you. There's no way that's gonna happen. So she can't give a part advantage of knowing
Starting point is 00:12:07 that there's a kidnap kid. So she decides to become a little Sherlock Holmes. She walks into that rest stop and she's like, so what's everyone doing? Now Ed and Ash, they were playing Go Fish with their cards. And Sandy, who was Ed's wife, just showed up out of the bathroom and she was reading a murder
Starting point is 00:12:25 mystery book, suspicious. And so she's like, okay, very fascinating. What a second. That doesn't make sense. When she counted, there were four cars. There was a car buried on snow. There was a red pickup truck. There was her car in the gray van.
Starting point is 00:12:41 Most likely, Ed and Sandy, Sandy who were married drove together. So who did the other car belong to? That's when she feels breathing right behind her neck. And she slowly turns around. And she sees the most hideous man she's ever seen, honestly he was ugly. So she calls him rodent face. I mean, he's got scratches all up on his face. He looks like he's been to war.
Starting point is 00:13:03 He looks like he went through some shits. And so she's like, oh god, he looks like a walking amber alert. Like he looks like a kid not for this has to be the dude. She's like, no way Jose. And so she's sitting there and she's like, gosh, these idiots are playing cards when they don't even know that there's a kid not for here. And then she's thinking, how do I know he's a kidnapper? Like yeah, okay, maybe looks or one thing, but what if it's at? What if it's ash? What if it's f**king sandy? It's always the girl, you never suspect the girl, but it could be the girl.
Starting point is 00:13:33 So she's like, okay, there's nothing I can do. She immediately sits down furthest away from everyone. So they've got the two dudes playing cards. We've got Sandy reading her book, and then you've got Lars, who is Brodenface, who's just standing by the door just guarding the door almost. So she thinks that's so weird. She immediately just pretends to be texting on her phone and she hits 911 and tries to dial, tries to dial, no service. She can't even get the emergency line. So then she sends a text to 911 that says, child abduction,
Starting point is 00:14:02 Gray Van gave the license plate and gave the rest stop off of which highway she was at and it's at unable to send. So she's freaking out. She's like what the fork is going on and she's like who could it be? First of all Ashley, he's nice, he's younger, he's a little bit muscular, maybe he could be the kidnapper, he was a little bit like weird, you know, like he was very friendly, but almost in like a fake way, maybe at 10. Maybe it's Ed and Sandy. Maybe they're not even married. They don't even act like they're married.
Starting point is 00:14:33 They like, they don't even like each other. Maybe it's all the rules. Maybe they pretend they're married couple so that it wouldn't be weird to have a kid or it could be walking Amber alert. Who could it be? So you've got the four people that she's Suspecting and she doesn't know what to do. She can't contact 911
Starting point is 00:14:48 She has no idea what's gonna happen and that's when she hears some buzzing the emergency radio and the rest stop is going off And it said listen It's about to be eight to ten hours before any snow plowing can be done on the major highway So if you guys shelter in place if you are a rest stop shelter in place if you're on the road Find a place to shelter in place because it's about to be rest stop, shelter in place. If you're on the road, find a place to shelter in place because it's about to be snowmageddon. Like it's not looking good for anyone. There's no emergency services.
Starting point is 00:15:12 If you get stuck in the snow, there ain't no firefighters come in shirtless to help you today, okay? You got to wait 10 hours. So they're like looking at each other like, holy short guys, we're all stuck with each other. And that's when the creepy road in face says, well, I'm Lars. Since we're all stuck with each other and that's when the creepy rodent face says, well I'm Lars. Since we're all stuck here all night. And it just got so awkward.
Starting point is 00:15:31 Like everyone in the room was like, oh hey Lars, like it just, he was weird. He gave off a weird vibe. So she's like, maybe it is him. And he starts just drinking hot cocoa. She starts downing coffee. I mean, there's just such palpable tense energy in this rest stop She's drinking all the coffee that she can she already drank like six red bowls on her drives because she wanted to make it to Utah So she's just caffeinated she starts sketching Lars while he's just standing in the doorway
Starting point is 00:15:58 She's on her journal trying to take a picture of him like on a sketchbook because she's like listen The minute that this rest up is over and he drives out of here, I gotta give this to the news station, I gotta give this to the police. You know, she starts sketching what she thought looked like the hand and shit. And then she's like, okay, I'm losing my marbles. I gotta go, I got to go.
Starting point is 00:16:17 So she puts her book down and she starts talking to the people and within 20 minutes, she finds out that Ash was headed towards, I forget where, but he was the one in the buried car. He got there first, he wanted to take a quick nap in his car and then he got snowed in. And then Ed and Sandy, they were also driving to Denver because Ed was going to go see his estranged family. And Ed and Sandy are weird because they're not married, they're cousins. But it's not a sweet home Alabama moment. It was just she just for some reason assumed that they were married and they weren't
Starting point is 00:16:45 They were cousins and then Lars is just kind of sitting there quietly. So obviously she knows that that's his car So she verified it to cars. Mm-hmm. So she already knows it's his car and he's just staring at her the whole time So she's like, why is he staring at me? Does he know that I peaked into his car? Like what's going on? So she starts kind of freaking out. She's like, what do I do? Should I just blurt it out loud? Because then it would be for against one.
Starting point is 00:17:11 But then at the same time, like when you're talking about a kidnapper, they could just kill everyone. Like they're not the type to be like, oh no, what do I do now guys? Help me, I'm a psychopath. So she's like, okay, that's not cool either. And what if one of them, like if I just tell Sandy
Starting point is 00:17:25 and she just goes berserk, you know, she gets so paranoid and freaked out, we don't want any freaking out in this snowmageddon when they're snowed in together. So she's just, okay, what do I do? What do I do? She starts pacing in her brain. And that's when she sees Lars drink his third cup of hot cocoa.
Starting point is 00:17:42 So she's like, this is good, because he's gonna pee soon. And when he pees, I'm gonna go back into that van and I gotta make sure, because if I am not sure and I act on this, if I try to kill him, if I try to tell people that he's a child of doctor when there's just a weird Barbie in his car, that's gonna be a really awkward 10 hours, you know?
Starting point is 00:18:01 So she's like, okay, this is good, I gotta go back when he goes to the restroom peek into his car Verify this information and then I'll figure out the rest So he goes to the restroom and then she does the stupidest thing ever and she said as she was doing it She didn't know why she did this. She just felt like she needs to make a cup of hot cocoa for the little girl That's in the van. I don't know why she just assumed a little girl if there was a little girl Would want a cup of hot cocoa and then as she's even pouring the hot cocoa She's like I'm literally wasting my time right so she gets the cup of hot cocoa and she's like
Starting point is 00:18:30 Guys, I'm gonna go call my mom again at the statues. I'll be back. She runs out She runs all the way to the statues and now the snow is like upturned So when I say run she's like just stomping around. It's not a brisk run And she goes to the statues pretends to look at her phone and then she's, now I'm going to reroute to the cars in the front and pretend to look inside my car. And then that's where I'll kind of appear in there and just kind of like be hidden. So she makes her way over there, and she sees Lars exit the bathroom. And so she drops her hot coco. She's like, whatever it's going to freeze, it's not even going to leave a mark. And she runs to the van, and she starts looking through the window. And she says, hey, hey, it's not even gonna leave a mark. And she runs to the van and she starts looking
Starting point is 00:19:05 through the window and she says, Hey, hey, there's anyone here? Say something, say something. It's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm gonna call the police, but you have to say something. Why don't you say so? Anyways, she's like, say something. Nobody's saying anything, she's like, okay,
Starting point is 00:19:22 I'm gonna talk, I'm gonna count to 60. It's okay if you're in there, just say something. She counts from one to 60, nothing. But she's like, okay, no, I know there was a kid in there. I know I'm not losing my mind. So she grabs her phone and she turns on her phone flashlight and she shines it into the car. That's when she sees what looks to be a girl who's probably eight or nine years old, with matted hair, duct taped mouth, and a dog kennel. And she's so shocked that she drops her phone, and it was getting a little bit darker
Starting point is 00:19:55 outside now at this point, that light coming from the outside can be seen from inside the rest stop, but she was kind of hidden in the shade before her flashlight. And the flashlight shined directly at the rest stop. So she dove into the snow, grabbed it. She could already sense that people were looking outside because maybe they thought it was like an emergency truck, a snow plow machine, whatever, right, a snow plow machine. So she's freaking out. She goes to the other side of the van and she tries to open the rear doors.
Starting point is 00:20:24 Obviously, they didn't open. Then she goes to the passenger side of the van and somehow she shimmies it open. What? Yeah. So what we know about Darbs is that she was a kind of a wild child when she was younger so she actually knows how to open old car doors with shoelaces because that's how she stole her mom's car all the time to sneak out of the house. So she did the same shoelace trick with this car and she got into the van. Let me just pour this beautiful pumpkin cake batter into here. This looks so pumpkin, isn't it? What is that cake? It's cake, pumpkin cake now. Throw it into the oven,
Starting point is 00:21:06 where you set a 25 minute timer, sir. So she gets into the van and she sees the girl. And she's like, holy shit. She's able to maneuver herself from the front seat of this van to the back where the candle is. Now, in between the back and the rear door, there's this little space.
Starting point is 00:21:20 So she manages to get there, put her hand into the candle, and rip the duct tape off the little girl's mouth She was like it's gonna hurt girl and she ripped it off and she said what's your name? And she said my name is Jay And she said okay, Jay You know do you know who took you do you know who it is and she says I've never met him before and So she's like okay, okay, where are you from she gives her street address and she said okay But that doesn't mean anything. We're at a restaurant where are you from?
Starting point is 00:21:47 And she says I'm from San Diego. You're in Colorado right now. Like, why are you, she's confused. And she says, yeah, I don't know what happened. They took me from my house. It's been days. And so she's like, okay, she also sees that her hand is duct taped. And she asks, Jay, okay, she also sees that her hand is duct taped and she asks Jay,
Starting point is 00:22:06 Jay, did they hurt you? She says, yes, he hurt me. Like it's looking bad. Like she's, this is not no parental kidnapping. This is probably some sort of nasty assault thing that's gonna happen. So she starts freaking out and she's like, okay, I'm gonna get you out of here before he comes out and that's when Lars comes out and he opens the front door and he starts playing the music. He starts turning on the heater and he's talking to Jay. So the kennel is here, Lars is here in the front and behind the kennel because the kennel's pretty tall the dog kennel. She's laying here between the rear doors and she's covering himself, herself in blanket that was in the back. And he's just playing music,
Starting point is 00:22:47 talking to Jay Bird. He calls her Jay Bird and it's just a really creepy conversation. And meanwhile Darby in the back, she's getting angry. She's getting so angry. She's like, I could literally slit this dude's throat right now because of how evil this is. Like imagine hearing a kidnappper talk to an eight-year-old girl and call her Jaybird and like say things like yeah I came in here to play some songs for you Jaybird and Jaybird is just like in the kennel and she's not saying anything because she's supposed to have duct tape on her mouth and she also sees Darby sees that inside the back of the truck there are five gallons of gasoline buckets of cleat bleach like those gallon bottles of bleach and just a ton of other
Starting point is 00:23:28 So she's like, oh god like whatever is happening to this little girl is not gonna be good like this is not gonna be a little This is a whole kidnapping happening. So then finally after about 20 minutes Lars leaves the truck because he was just heating it up so that jaybird doesn't die essentially like doesn't freeze to death And he goes back into the rest stop and she gets out, opens the rear doors, she gets her phone out, takes a couple pictures of Jay inside of the cage and tells her it's gonna be okay, I'm gonna save you, I'm gonna get you out of here. And she had already put the duct tape back on her mouth Jay because she's really smart. And that's when she holds out her hand and she's like okay, like am I going to shake on it? Am I making a deal with this kid?
Starting point is 00:24:07 That I'm going to save her, like, with going on. Like, she just, like, is that proper? And then that's when she's like, okay, no, kids are a lot more smarter than I think. So she reaches over to the hand and she gets dropped a tiny little piece of metal. And it's a bullet. And so she asked Jay, did you find this in his van? Jay nodded and she realized, well a f***ing course of ours has a gun. Like why wouldn't a kidnapper have a gun? Like she was so annoyed that she didn't have a gun in this moment. The only thing that she had in this moment was one of those stupid multitask corkscrew Swiss army. You know what I'm talking about? You can corkscrew a wine and then have also a knife attached to it
Starting point is 00:24:45 That's all she had in her freaking pocket and this dude has a hold on gun. How the hell is she gonna say this kid? So she says okay, it's gonna be okay She reaches into her pocket and she pulls out her pocket knife and gives it to Jaybird and says you just keep trying to get out of here okay go like this promise you're gonna go like this like back and forth on the metal wiring because it I mean it's not like an intense cage it's like one of those kennels that you would see at the vet so she says just keep going like this just keep going non-stop I'll be back and I'm gonna save you because you know the kennel was also padlocked there was some zip ties on it so there was no way that she was just gonna open it with her little thumbs. So she goes back into
Starting point is 00:25:27 the rest stop and again they're on their millionth game of GoFish. Lars is just standing there watching everyone. Sandy's reading her murder mystery book. The same thing as she left it, right? She gets back in and she starts sketching some more. She starts sketching of the little girl now because she's like, I mean, yeah, I have a picture, but I need to get like all the details written down just in case. And she starts asking herself very important questions like, what's scarier? Running out of time or having too much time? Like running out of time so that they just leave now, you know, it's time for the snow to be pulled so they just leave and she will never see Jay again.
Starting point is 00:26:01 Or is it that there's too much time before the police can even come? So she's there thinking of all these things, and that's when Ashley and his little dumb ass starts talking about some crazy stuff. He starts showing some card tricks to Ed, and Lars is watching him. And Ed is like, so are you a magician or something? He's like, well, I wanted to be a magician, and I was really good. I got silver medals from magic shows, but um ash right the young dude and he's like I got silver medals from a
Starting point is 00:26:31 Magic shows. It was really good, but um they don't pay jack so I went into accounting So I'm an accountant and that's where the real magic happens with the IRS and Lars looks at him and goes So magic's real and she's like, please don't. Cause he actually is very sarcastic and she doesn't want to do anything to trigger Lars because she can't just say, hey Ashley, you don't know who the fork you're talking to. That's a kidnap or dude. But Ash being like the dude, the young dude that he is,
Starting point is 00:26:55 he's like, yeah, magic's real, you didn't know that. And he's being so annoyingly sarcastic and she's like, don't piss this dude off, right? So she starts freaking out and Lars comes over and he sits down and he says, oh yeah, what can you do? And Ash says, well, I can cheat death, you know? I get a dodge a bullet, I can drown and not die. Like he's being like sarcastic. Like, you know those douchey dudes when you ask them is magic real and instead of being like, well It's a practice that you have to do. He's all douchey and why is looks at him and goes
Starting point is 00:27:27 Can you cut a girl in half and everyone goes quiet like Ed and Sandi are like okay? Ash is like what like he didn't even say anything. He just said can you cut a girl in half? So he's like What I said can you cut a girl in half? I mean it's not really real, you know. We don't really cut people in half. Can you cut a girl in half? And he goes, um, well, here's the thing, you know, you have to be a gold medalist
Starting point is 00:27:58 to actually cut girls in half in. Like I said, I want a silver medal. And Ed catches on that this is awkward. So he starts, you know, fake laughing for the benefit of Ashley. He's like, that's a silver medal. And Ed catches on that this is awkward. So he starts fake laughing for the benefit of Ashley. He's like, that's a good one. And Sandy's, and you know, dives is like, okay, I got a laugh too. So she starts laughing and everyone is laughing.
Starting point is 00:28:15 This really weird tense fake laugh in the room. But she notices Lars is different. Everyone's laughing and they're all awkward, but Lars isn't laughing. He's just making movements with his mouth, but his eyes are just watching one person at a time, watching them laugh, watching their reaction. He seems really just creepy.
Starting point is 00:28:39 So she's like, okay, like this is really bad. And of course, that's when Ashley and Ed decided to play a game called Circle, right? Cause they were just playing Go Fish, they were playing for so long that they're like, let's play the game called Circle now. So it's trying to get to know each other because they're gonna be stuck
Starting point is 00:28:53 there all night together. So we go around in a circle and we have one question, we all name it in a circle. So let's start with the biggest fear. So they're like, what's your biggest fear, Ashley? And he's like, well, I guess, one time when I was young,
Starting point is 00:29:05 there was like this mining thing that was around my house. And I went in and I got trapped. And like, it was a long elaborate story, right? And he had got his hand cut in a door hinge and his finger almost fell off. And now he's terrified of door hinges. And it sounds stupid, but it's serious. There's like a whole Facebook group of people
Starting point is 00:29:22 that are scared of door hinges, okay? And he's like, don't make fun of me. And then Ed, he's like, well, this is where I get serious. There's like a whole Facebook group of people that are scared of door hinges, okay? And he's like, don't make fun of me. And then Ed, he's like, well, this is where I get serious. He's like, I'm a recovering alcoholic. I was a veteran and then I became a vet. So I was treating animals and then I lost my job because I was drinking too much and I lost my family and this is gonna be the first time I'm going back to see my family since all of that happened. So I guess I'm scared of that. And everyone just kinda got quiet. Now that's when Darby is like, okay,
Starting point is 00:29:49 I gotta tell someone about Lars. I'm gonna tell Ashley. So she writes a note and she somehow is able to slip it on a brown napkin to Ashley. That says, meet me in the bathroom now. And he slips her back a note without anybody seeing that says, I have a girlfriend. And she's like this this forkin' idiot.
Starting point is 00:30:09 That's not what I mean. Oh my god. So she's standing and she's looking at him like, and so he walks over to her and now they're staring outside the rest of. So they're like standing up against the windows. The other people are sitting behind them and she can kind of feel everyone just staring at them like, why are they just standing oddly close to each other? What are they whispering to each other? Tap a vibe and she starts
Starting point is 00:30:31 panicking because in the corner of her eye she sees a squished cup that looked just like the cup that she took out for the hot cocoa that she dropped right in front of Lars' fan. So Lars knows. So this just up the ante. She thought she thought she was planning her attack and Lars had no idea. But in reality, he was planning his attack and she was planning hers and they both know that each other know.
Starting point is 00:31:00 He found the cup. He knows someone went near his fan. But he doesn't know his heart. He does because she went. Remember? Oh, I know. With the hot cup of cocoa and yeah, so she's like, fork, I got a, I need help.
Starting point is 00:31:13 And so she was like, Ed and Sandy are young or old and they look, I mean, Ed's an alcoholic. He looks kind of drunk right now because they even asked during the circle game. They were like, so when's the last time you drank, you know? And he was like, well, this morning. So obviously things aren't going well. Anyways, continuing on. So she's like, come to the bathroom right now.
Starting point is 00:31:29 So they go to the bathroom and she's like, it's gonna be okay, I'm gonna tell them everything. So she starts just blurting out all this information, my mom has pancreatic cancer, and then I came in the van, and then there's a kid in there. And he starts breathing really heavy. So then she's like, Faaaah!
Starting point is 00:31:43 The one person I tell, he's like, I don't have my inhaler. So she's like, okay, I should have told Ed, like he said that he was an army veteran, like yeah he's old, but he's an army veteran. So she's like, okay no, but here's our advantage. He's a magician. He has a slight of hand. The way he even tossed that napkin to her, she didn't even know, it just appeared that I have a girlfriend. So she's like, okay, it's okay, like he obviously is a little bit weird, but we're gonna figure it out
Starting point is 00:32:11 and he's like, how do you know? Like are you sure? I don't think, I mean, yeah, he looks crazy, but no, that's not happening, right? And she's like, calm down, I have a picture. She grabs her phone and shows in the picture, and he almost throws up. So then she's like, okay, fork. So she's like, are you wearing socks right now? He's like,
Starting point is 00:32:28 yeah, I'm wearing socks right now. So he grabs his sock and gives it to her and she says, this is our weapon. I don't have any weapons, but this is our weapon. I saw it on a TV show once and she starts putting in small rocks that she had found and she says, it's called a sock rock. It's called a sock rock and she's wrapping up a little sock rock. Okay, so she's got this rock She's tying it into the socks and now she can whip it around with some momentum, you know We'll have it and so she's like this is my sock rock. We're gonna kill people with this sock rock And he's like but but what if he has weapons and she's like, okay, don't break out. He has a gun He said we have a sock. He has a gun. We have a sock
Starting point is 00:33:02 He said, we have a sock. He has a gun. We have a sock. He has a gun and she's like calm down. And that's when Lars opens the door and walks in to the bathroom. So she's like, fuck. So then she's like looking at him and he goes, and he grabs her by the face and they start making out. So they make out and it wasn't romantic.
Starting point is 00:33:20 I know where you're thinking, oh, one of those, one of those books again, where they just followed love. But after she said that his tongue was a dead slug in her mouth, like he really wasn't trying. Like I was, they knew what they were doing. Lars washes his hands, steers at them for like a solid minute and then walks out. And she pulls away and he says,
Starting point is 00:33:40 you have really disgusting breath. And she says, yeah, I know I only drink like six red bulls and five coffees today, sorry. Oh. Yeah, and he was like, says, yeah, I know I only drank like six red bulls and five coffees today. Sorry. Yeah, and he was like, okay, well, what do we do? And she says, here's the plan. I'm going to go out to his van, and I'm going to open one of the doors. He's obviously going to come out, and he's going to be like, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:33:58 But I'm the decoy. The minute that he gets out, you're going to come out with the sock rock, and you're going to black them on the head. Okay? And then he is going gonna whack him on the head. Okay? And then he is gonna be knocked on the ground. We're gonna grab the gun and I'm gonna be like, you better not move for the next 10 hours or I'm right at the dying you, okay? And then we're gonna take the little girl out and then we're gonna save her at Enzandia.
Starting point is 00:34:17 You're gonna be filled in. We're gonna tie him up and just watch his every move until the snow is gone. So he's like, that seems impossible. She's like, it's gonna be okay, okay? She says, okay, here's the signal, you cough once. That means you're ready. So I'll go outside the minute that you cough, okay? So then they walk out of there.
Starting point is 00:34:36 He's got the sock rock, she's got it ready to go. She's like, amped up. And then she realizes when they get into the rest stop, that Ashley is not ready to go. He's like, and he's like looking around and he's like, and he's like panting. He's tapping his nails. He's sweating. So she's like, oh my god, he's never going to give me the signal.
Starting point is 00:34:57 And even if he gives me the signal, like it's too late. Lars is looking at him like he's so weird. Like why are you sweating dude? All of a sudden. And she's like thinking to herself, you know, there's gotta be another way I can do this. If Ashley can't do this, I gotta get back my pocket knife and slit his throat if that's what it takes, you know?
Starting point is 00:35:13 And that's when Ed starts giving like this whole off beach about how you gotta just face your fears and the army and stuff. And then you know, you see Ashley getting amped up because he's just, he's like, yeah, yeah yeah Ed I can't believe you served for our army so then she's like okay like how I'm gonna slid his throat if I have to today like she made the decision that she's gonna murder Lars right and that's when Ashley coughs and looks at her and she looks at him and she walks outside and she goes straight
Starting point is 00:35:44 into the van and she's like okay this is good this is good and she looks at him and she walks outside. And she goes straight into the van and she's like, okay, this is good, this is good. And she's waiting. Jay's looking at her like, what's going on? And she's like, she's coming, he's coming. So Jay Bird is looking at Darby and she's like, it's okay, it's okay, right? She rips off the duct tape and she goes,
Starting point is 00:36:00 we're gonna get him, don't worry, right? And she says, okay, be careful, be careful. And she says, is there any more weapons in here? Why is any coming outside? Because Lars wasn't coming outside so she starts panicking. She's like oh my god. He knows He fucking knows like that look was so obvious like he And then looked at her and then she looked at him like this is he was already suspicious of them You know, so she's like okay, it's just gonna be me and I got to do this I got to do this Ashley is a no-shape to do
Starting point is 00:36:25 right? So she starts looking around and she goes, what happened to your hand? And she said, he put a nail gun on my hand. And she said, what? And then she gets so mad. Darby's so mad. Darby's like, you know what? I will kill him myself today if I have to. So she's like, whole, she's getting mad and she's like it has this ringing in her ears From all the adrenaline the anger and she looks at her and she goes where's the nail gun? Obviously, it's too big for him to carry in his pocket. Yeah, he has a gun, but where is the nail gun? Where's the nail gun and she's like, I don't know. I think it's somewhere in the van She goes where's the nail gun and she says I don know, the other one puts it in like a box like that. And she goes, okay, so she looks through the back,
Starting point is 00:37:08 and then she looks at Jane, goes, what did you just say? I said the other one puts it in that box. The other one? What do you mean the other one? The other guy? And she looks outside the window, and she sees Lars and Ashley walking towards her and Ashley has the sock rock dangling in his hand.
Starting point is 00:37:31 So she opens the rear doors and she busts it out of there, okay? And Lars comes running after her screaming, you wanted my brother to kill me and she starts running, running, running, running. She runs the nightmare children and then she's like, fuck, what do what do I do so she finally is able to think she was like okay in the bathroom there was this window that I was looking out of right when we were making out so then she runs to the back of the building bust through the bathroom window and it's super tiny like ours is massive there's no way he's gonna fit in there so she busted open she's got like just glass everywhere and she manages to pull herself into the bathroom and run into the main area of the rest stop.
Starting point is 00:38:07 Sandy's taking a nap and Ed is just sitting there and Ashley's sitting there. And there's a little note, like a little brown napkin near her journal. And she looks at it and it says, if you tell them, I'll kill you all. So she sits down, now Sandy's napping, Ed's sitting there, Ashley's sitting there, Ashley is sitting
Starting point is 00:38:26 there, Darby is sitting here, Lyle's comes back and he closes the door and he's just watching from the front door. And Ash says, you know, Darbs, you never answered in the game of circle. What's your biggest fear, Darbs? And she says, I don't know. Was it guns? No. Guns are scary. No. Was it a nail gun? No. Maybe it's murder.
Starting point is 00:38:51 No. What do you mean murder scary? Everyone's scared of murder now. D'arps says no. And he says, well, I don't know. Murder in a painful way seems and she says failure. Failure is scary. If I ever fail and someone gets kidnapped and killed,
Starting point is 00:39:07 that's my biggest fear. God damn. An ed looks up and he says, that's a little weird, but thanks for opening up. And she just looks at ed and it's just really uncomfortable and awkward and everyone's like, okay. And then Ash is like, well, what about favorite movies? We should answer favorite movies now.
Starting point is 00:39:27 What's your favorite movie? Minds Godzilla, I really like Godzilla because you have monsters, and then you have weak little humans. You have monsters who have a plan and these humans, I mean, they really can't do anything about the plan. They just have to, that's their life, they gotta go along with it.
Starting point is 00:39:42 The humans are literally inconsequential to the plan. They don't make a difference to the plan that the monsters have. Don't you think? What's your favorite movie? Derby, and she says, I like romantic comedies. And she's trying really hard not to cry because this is incredibly scary.
Starting point is 00:40:00 So then Ed gets up out of the table and she realizes that holy shit, like if these people weren't here right now She would be dead. So he gets up and he says man. They're out of coffee beans and Ash says Coffee what are we gonna do now? I could kill someone for a fresh cup of coffee right now It goes you don't have to kill anyone. I got coffee beans in the truck with Sandy You want me to go get some so then Ash is like, you know, that'd be really good It I wouldn't have to kill anyone then.
Starting point is 00:40:25 So the Nash is like, okay, y'all are weird. So he goes outside to his truck and Lars dead bolts the front door. So now it's just the big dude Lars. You got creepy ash, psychopath ash that we didn't even freaking know that she just made out with, you know, as part of all of this, they're siblings or brothers.
Starting point is 00:40:42 And then you've got Sandy napping. And that's when Ashley looks at her and says, if you promise that you're just gonna ignore all of this, they're siblings or brothers. And then you've got Sandy napping. And that's when Ashley looks at her and says, if you promise that you're just gonna ignore all of this, then we won't kill you today. Let's just get through the snow. You go your way, we'll go our way. You go to your mom, don't you say your mom has what cancer or something?
Starting point is 00:41:00 And we'll just call it that. What do you say? What do you say, darps? And she says, what is this? We are sex thing you guys are doing. And he says, oh God, dars, who do you think I am? No! Sorry.
Starting point is 00:41:14 It's ready. Yes! Woo! But I gotta let the whole thing cool. Okay, so he's like, let's wait your a deal. Nobody gets hurt. You turn the other way. And it's not a weird child thing, it's a money thing.
Starting point is 00:41:28 Her parents are really rich. They own some her dad owns some sort of tech company. So we kidnapped her, we're just gonna take her cross country for a little while, and that's just gonna warm up daddy and mommy to open up that checkbook. We're gonna return her, and everything's gonna be good. And she says, but you're lying.
Starting point is 00:41:47 You already heard her. You literally put a nail gun on her hand. And that's when he stares at her for what feels like forever. And she feels like she's gonna cry because of how just crazy and psychotic he looks. And he says, oh my god, Darbs, your nose is bleeding. And she touches her nose and he leans over and smashes her head on the table and her nose starts bleeding Oh my god! And Sandy wakes up and she's like, what was that?
Starting point is 00:42:11 And she's like, oh my god, sweetie, your nose is bleeding! As she's like, yeah, it's the air pressure. She's just not used to the air pressure. Snow can make people a little crazy. And Sandy's like, that's a lot of blood! She's like, god, take these napkins and she's like that's a lot of blood. She's like, God take these napkins and she's like trying to help her and it seems like Sandy's catching on because immediately afterwards she moves her seating area to like the corner
Starting point is 00:42:34 where she can kind of see everything going on and no one can creep up behind her and she's got one hand holding her murder mystery book and one hand in her purse. If you ever see a girl with her hand in her purse, she's not keeping it warm. She's probably holding some pepper spray. Ed comes back, he don't know Jackson. He's like, I got a coffee and she's just bleeding out of her nose and she's freaking out. Now this is when you get his first POV in the book. So you get everything from his perspective now. At first it was Darby's perspective the whole time. Now you get Ash's perspective, okay? So he's just psychopathic. He's the leader of the two brothers.
Starting point is 00:43:07 So Lars is actually just big and bulky, but he has a fetal alcohol syndrome, which means that their mother drank the entire time that she was pregnant with Lars. So Ash calls him to many mean names, but he loves his little brother. He's just dumb, is what he says. And he gets a note pass to him,
Starting point is 00:43:22 Derby walks over, passes Ashha note, and it says, you win, I won't say a thing. And Asha is like, well, I knew that I was going to win. And I know she's not going to say anything because I'm still going to kill her. And he said that he loved watching her fight back tears after he slammed her face on the ground or on the table, because that's just the type of shit that he likes. He went very much into detail about his, um, the hub preferences. That are very, uh, borderline, risqué. Borderline hub versus dark neck stuff, right? So he starts talking about that, and he says he knows the type of personality, Darby is. She's your stereotypical hero. She's the one that will jump in front of a robber's gun without even thinking about it. And majority of the population, they admire that type of personality,
Starting point is 00:44:08 but he doesn't, because it's so fucking predictable. It's just annoying, it's dumb, it's cowardly, honestly. And then he starts talking about his favorite child to joke. This is like him in his head, and he was like, you know, this all reminds me of what happened to Uncle Kenny. His favorite joke was, what do you call a woman with a black eye? Shoulda listened. What do you, Kizzikidstarker?
Starting point is 00:44:30 What do you call a woman with two black eyes? Nothing. You already told her twice. Oh my God. And he says that was his favorite joke. That was still his favorite joke. That's one of his top 10 jokes. And then he thought about who taught him that joke, and he thinks about Uncle Kenny all the time. They call him Fat Kenny, but it's his Uncle drug. That's one of his top 10 jokes. And then he thought about who taught him that joke and he thinks about Uncle Kenny all the time. They call him Fat Kenny, but it's his Uncle Kenny. And Fat Kenny is his uncle that takes care of him because his
Starting point is 00:44:52 mom is always strong and his dad's never around. And you know, for some reason, Fat Kenny is really good to Lars. Everyone else in the family abuses Lars treats him like an idiot. And he doesn't like when people do that to his baby brother. He wants people to be nice to his baby brother. And Fat Kenny was always nice to both of them until one day when he was young. He walked into Fat Kenny's basement and saw a woman tied up and she asked for a glass of water please. And so he ran upstairs, grabbed her a glass of water and as he was about to run back into the basement, Fat Kenny appeared and said, I'll take the water to her. And he contemplated for weeks about if he should call the police. The woman ended up disappearing from the basement.
Starting point is 00:45:31 He doesn't know what happened to her. He doesn't know if he should call the police, and sometimes there would be different women in there, chained up. And he just thought to himself, but nobody makes me laugh like Fat Kenny. There was this other joke that was what happens to your computer when you let a minority use it. Nothing it's gone,
Starting point is 00:45:50 like it's just really racist, nasty jokes. And those are his favorite. Nobody was funny like Fat Kenny. That was 17 years ago, and now he doesn't even bat an eye when he sees women chained up in Fat Kenny's basement. And then we switch back to Darby's POV, so Darby starts looking at that letter again of like, I will kill all of y'all if you tell them and she's like, this is not good. Like, I can't have any collateral damage. So she manages to sneak into the bathroom and sneak out the window where she came from and she starts trying to escape. Now, during this time, Laura's an ash were already on to her the minute that she went to the restroom. So Laura's was outside waiting for her for her to drop down with his gun and Ash went to the bathroom and grabbed her before she could fling herself
Starting point is 00:46:29 out the window, grabbed a plastic bag and started suffocating her with it. And she felt like at first it was almost comfortable. She was ready to let go. She was like this is the time that I get to rest. Like this she said that there's this weird oddness about it where after some time the struggle goes away and it just feels like sleepiness and then she remembered her mom is probably in surgery right now and this was in a moment of like I gotta meet my mom right it was a moment of f***ing anger how is this fair how is she trapped at a rest stop how how is the last conversation with her mom her her yelling at her mom? How does her mom have pink,
Starting point is 00:47:06 radiatic cancer? There was just all of this anger that she didn't feel because she had just found out 24 hours ago, and she suddenly got hit with anger. And she's like, this is not how I find that. So she breathes in as hard as she can, and then she clenches down on her teeth, and then breathes out so that the plastic bag
Starting point is 00:47:24 will rip at her mouth. I don't know if it works. I was almost tempted to try it myself but yeah I'm not gonna do that. And she was able to somehow get free and she struggled with Ash slammed him into a urinal and jumped out the window and Ash is sitting there thinking you know what it's gonna be all good because my baby brother Lars is outside to take care of her and that's when he hears a knock on the door so he's okay, it's probably Ed because this is a men's bathroom. So I'm just gonna act like I hit my head and that was the loud noise. And then he's like, oh, I'll come in. And Lars comes in and he goes, you sounded like you need help.
Starting point is 00:47:57 He's like, you fucking, what did I tell you? He's like, I don't know. I heard some struggling. Lars is like, well, what do we do now? Where do you think, baby brother? Where do you think she's gonna be right now, huh? Uh, I don't really know. She's gonna be at the car because the b***** took my keys while they were struggling. So he's like, okay, so we go to the car. Yes, we go to the car.
Starting point is 00:48:21 So they're walking to the car and then then we get Jay Bird's first POV, the kids first POV. And she starting to feel really drowsy. This had been about her fourth day since she hadn't taken her medication. You can see that she's like wearing this yellow bracelet. And when you're a kid, when you have a disease where you have to take medication on the daily,
Starting point is 00:48:39 you usually have a bracelet that indicates it. And she has Addison's disease and she starts kind of feeling nauseous. And she pushes open the door because she had sought through the kennel with the little pocket knife and she's like okay well what now she starts thinking about the day that she got kidnapped. It was a couple days ago maybe a week ago and she had walked home from the bus stop after school. Her parents weren't home, they were busy but her housekeeper and her nanny's home.
Starting point is 00:49:02 And so she opened the door and she went straight to the fridge to get some water. And that's when she saw two people. One of them was an a zombie mask and the other one was an aware wolf mask, like the Halloween masks. And her housekeeper is bleeding and she freezes. And the housekeeper says, run! And she looks at the men and the housekeeper says, just run, Jay, please! And she freezes. And she hears, they're here for says, just run, Jay, please. And she freezes.
Starting point is 00:49:25 And she hears, they're here for you, just run, Jay. And then she freezes. And then as she's being carried out by the two guys out of her own house, she hears the housekeeper cry, why didn't you just run? And she has no idea why she didn't run. She just froze. And so now she's in this van and she's like, okay,
Starting point is 00:49:44 well, they never keep the doors unlocked, but she opens the rear door and it opens and she steps out into the snow. So they all run to the parking lot, okay? They're all in the parking lot. And Darby's running, Laura's is running after her, Ash is running after her, Ash is like, don't shoot her. And it's mainly not because Ash cares about Darves, it's because literally like gunshots people are going to hear it. that's a lot more evidence, and it seems like they just want to get away with the kid, like they don't want to kill everyone here. He's like, don't shoot, don't shoot, and she reaches the van and she stops.
Starting point is 00:50:13 And they're like, why did she stop? So they rush towards her and that's when they see the van doors open and the kennel doors open and Jaybrita's gone. And this is Darb's POV and she's like, kind of feels some sort of satisfaction, you know? She's like, fuck yeah, like they weren't expecting that. You know, this whole time, I got screwed over by all these little plot twists, but they weren't expecting this one.
Starting point is 00:50:34 And Laura's like, God, what do we do? What do we do? And Ash is like, when did you give her the knife? When did you give her the knife? And she's like, why are you worried now? And he's like, when did you give her the knife? And she's like, what, you worried now? And he's like, when did you give her the knife? And she's like, what? You can't get your money now
Starting point is 00:50:47 because your child abduction is going wrong. And he's like, are you a fucking idiot? Darby? And she's like, what? Oh my God. She lives in San Diego. She was wearing a Pokemon shirt inside that kennel. She's gonna freeze to death.
Starting point is 00:51:03 That's why he's caring about when. So she's like, I don't know, I gave it to her a while ago. And he's like, oh my freaking god. And he's like, if she's dead, it's because of you. Not me, not this dude, but because of you. She's gonna freeze to death and guess who's faulted us. And she's like, what the fork, right? And that's when he's like, come,
Starting point is 00:51:23 we're gonna go find her. And she's like, what do you mean? Well, she's not gonna come out if we call her name. So you're gonna go call Jaybird. And she's gonna come out, we're gonna be walking a couple feet away from you. And we're gonna get both of you. And then we're gonna fucking kill you. So then he leads her away from the rest stop. And it's dark now.
Starting point is 00:51:41 So she's got the flashlight and she's saying, Jaybird, come on, it's Darby, it's just me. I'm got the flashlight and she's saying jay bird come on it's starby it's just me I'm all alone and she keeps screaming this and she knows that Lars is pointing the gun at her and they're walking you know a couple feet away so that jay bird doesn't see that they're all together so she hates lying she's like jay bird it's just me it's okay don't be scared please come out come out and then we switch to ashes POV and he says you know I think I'm gonna give him the signal you know him and his brother his baby brother Lars they always work on signals they have one that says lucky me that means we're staying
Starting point is 00:52:14 lucky you means that they're going hey can I get extra cheese means we run and oh the one that they use today while he was playing goldfish was Asus Bates. Anytime he says Asus Bates, that means pretend we're strangers. Lars almost missed that one. And if he did, I would have put a nail in his hand like I always do, but for some reason he kind of got it at the last minute. It was a close call, but he got it. So Ash likes to put nails in even his own baby brother's hand. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:52:46 And if he misses a signal, he gets a nail in the hand. So then he finally says, you know, as far as good Samaritans go, you're betting a thousand. Which is like a saying, right? But it's not a common saying. And betting a thousand always means we kill. And so he said it, and he's waiting for Lars to kind of focus on the flashlight and then suddenly everything goes dark. Darby had turned off her flashlight and now she's running.
Starting point is 00:53:12 So he's like, fuck, get me the gun. So he takes the gun and he starts running after her. Now Darby, kind of, she says that people can tell when you know you're about to die, right? So she's like, I need to think quick, what's faster than running in the snow, falling in the snow? So she literally plunges herself down a hill that she finds and she's rolling down and he's like, I can't see her I can't see her and he can't just shoot randomly because they can't just like make gunshot noises when the rest stop is Literally right there. So then they pick up the flashlight and Laura says like, what do we do? What if she goes back to the rest stop and tells Ed and Sandy, what do we do? What do we do? And he says, don't worry, she's literally headed into the woods, we're going to follow in there and it's in the opposite direction
Starting point is 00:53:48 and we're gonna kill her, we're gonna go back to the rest stop. And he turns on the flashlight and that's when he sees, fucking Melanie Mountain right there and he realizes that she had rerouted them and she was actually headed to the rest stop. So he's like, fucking, be it stop. So then you get Derby's point of view
Starting point is 00:54:03 and she's running, running, running to the rest stop because she had circled around Now the brothers were lost in the little wooded area and they're making their way back She manages to run into the rest stop and she's like, okay, what do I do? I have their keys do I just get into their van and just drive away because their van is big and it's bigger than my Honda So maybe I can get more snow traction, you know that they look like they have those snow tires on Maybe I just get in their van and I run. But then what did Jay die for? Like she's literally gotten frostbite somewhere and I can't even do anything. And this was all my fault.
Starting point is 00:54:30 And then she's like, no, but I can't not tell Ed and Sandy who they're dealing with. Because what if they piss them off? What if something happens? So then she's like, okay, I got to tell them. So she rushes into the rest stop. And that's when she sees Jay talking to Ed, Jay bird, the little kid talking to Ed and Sandy and Sandy steps up and says, not another step and Jay says, no, no, it's okay. She's the one that saved me.
Starting point is 00:54:51 So she locks the door and the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, what's going on? How did you not tell us what's going on? What did, when did you find out about this? And she's bringing out all of the things she said, look, she shows them the note that says, I will kill you all if you tell them, right? And it is like, what the, what do we do? What do we do, right? And Sandy's like, okay, I've got Mace, what do you have? And she's like, well, we've got this army knife, like this Swiss army knife, that's it. And he's like, okay, well, boil hot water. We're gonna boil hot water.
Starting point is 00:55:23 That's gonna be a weapon boiling hot water Just in case they deadbolt the front door they barricade the windows They flip the tables over and the only other entrance that they have to worry about is the bathroom Now probably only Ash would fit in and he would go in head first so that he can make sure nobody's there Obviously with his gun and that's when someone can stand there and pour boiling water over them and try to get the gun from them So then she's like oh by the way the brothers have a gun and Sandy's when someone can stand there and pour boiling water over them and try to get the gun from them. So then she's like, oh by the way, the brothers have a gun and Sandy's like, oh f**king She's like, what are we doing right now? We can't just stay in this little rest stop. Are you guys insane? They can literally shoot through the windows. So she's like, okay, here's the plan. We get into my truck. My truck is fine We need ed ed and um, Darby. You guys push the truck. I will go into the front with
Starting point is 00:56:08 Jaybird, the kid, and I'll drive. Then you guys hop into the back, the pick up truck, the back, and then we drive as far as possible. You guys stay in the truck bed and then we'll stop once we're too far and we've got all of the keys. They can't drive away. She's got all everybody's keys. So the brothers can't drive after them. They can only run after them and shoot after that. So they're like, then we drive far enough. You guys are laying on the truck bed and then you guys we stop, then you get into the back of the truck, you know, we get it, we get it. We're running away. So in the count of three, we're gonna run out of here and run to the truck. And she's like, okay, three, and then Darby's like, no, it's, it's weird. They should be here by now. It's too quiet.
Starting point is 00:56:45 So they turn off the lights and they look outside and they see that they're hiding behind Sandy's truck. So they were about to get ambushed. So they start freaking out some more, okay? And then she starts pacing, Darby's pacing the rest stop. And that's when she sees the brown napkin that she had left, that she had just showed Ed that says, you know, if you tell them, I'll kill you. And she sees little handwriting right under it. And she looks closer and it's obviously the handwriting of a child. And it said, don't trust them. And that's when she's just monitoring every conversation happening.
Starting point is 00:57:21 Because why would Jaybird not trust these two people? And Ed is talking to Jaybird and he's saying things like, you know, do you guys know where you're going? And she says, no, I just know we're supposed to be here. What do you mean? I don't know, they were looking for a map for this rest stop. You guys didn't get snowed here? No, we were looking, they were looking specifically for this rest stop. I don't know why, I just know that they wanted to be here.
Starting point is 00:57:47 Ed's confused, like, why this red stop? Jaybred's like, I don't really know anything else. Okay, well, I see your bracelet, I was a vet, dogs get Addison's disease too. When was your last adrenaline shot? So with Addison's disease, she can't produce any adrenaline, so she has to get adrenaline shots. And she said, four days ago, and that's when Darby looked at Ed and said, what does that mean? And he said, He whispered something like mouth something. It looked like he said later. So she was like, okay, I guess he'll tell me later
Starting point is 00:58:19 Later and then she's thinking, oh my god, he whispered fatal fatal. So then she grabs Ed aside and says, okay, explain everything. And he says, it's Addison's disease. If she gets any sort of shock or scared or panicked, instead of adrenaline, her body is gonna send her into a seizure. And she might die. So we can't have her get stressed out under any means. And Diabies like, well that's gonna be really hard because Ashley is walking straight towards the building
Starting point is 00:58:46 with the nail gun in his hand. I thought the little girl said, don't trust Ed and that. Yeah, but what can she do? She doesn't know why. Yeah, so then now, Ash is walking straight towards the building with the nail gun in his hand. So then she's like, okay, like I can't trust these people
Starting point is 00:59:01 and I can't trust the people outside. What do we do? What do we do? And that's when we get Ashley's POV. And Ashley, we get Ash's POV, the dude. And he's walking towards the building and he's got the nail gun. And he says, you know, the nail gun is his favorite weapon. Lars, his dumb brother, his dumb baby brother, loves to use a real gun.
Starting point is 00:59:19 But he likes a nail gun and it has to do with just the, how unconventional and unpractical the weapon is. You know, he's got a battery in the nail gun and it has to do with just the how unconventional and unpractical the weapon is. You know, he's got a battery in the nail gun and one in his pocket so he's got to make it last. So he goes around to the cars and he starts poking holes in the tires. So nobody can escape because he doesn't have the keys. He doesn't poke any holes in his van but everything else, right? And he's ready to kill darts. He's excited. The nail gun is great because you don't just automatically kill people. He can turn Derby into a screaming porcupine before she's even dead. And that's the best part of a nail gun.
Starting point is 00:59:52 And so he looks at Lars and says, don't shoot Derby. She's mine. And they walk towards the door. And that's when you get the POV of the inside. Derby is watching Sandy and Ed arguing at the front door. She's like, oh my god, what do we do? He's walking towards us with the nail. Good, what do we do? What do we do? What do we do? And Ed is like calm down. Calm down. We're going to figure this out, right? And she's like, what do you mean we're going to figure this out? We're going to die. And Jay, Jay Bird is
Starting point is 01:00:14 sitting under our table and she's kind of rocking back and forth. So Darby approaches her and it's like, it's okay, it's okay, calms her down. And then goes, you know, what were you saying about? Don't trust them. And Jaybird goes nothing. It's embarrassing. It was a mistake. What do you mean? What was the mistake? She was like, it's just a weird coincidence.
Starting point is 01:00:33 What's a weird coincidence? I think I'm wrong, but she kind of looked like my school bus driver. A coincidence, not today. So she goes, your school bus driver? And she stands up and she said, Ed, Sandy, where did you say you were from? And Ed is like, why are you questioning us? There's a dude walking towards us with a nail gun. Get this figured out, right? And she goes, where did you say you're from? And he says, from Carl's bad. She's like
Starting point is 01:00:58 Carl's bad and he goes, f**king San Diego County, dude. And that's when she looks and Sandy has already approached her and maced her in the face. Pepper sprayed Derby in the face. Oh. So Derby is down on the ground. She's freaking out. Jay Bird's trying to help her, bringing her water and stuff. And you hear San Di and Ed arguing.
Starting point is 01:01:18 And you can already tell that Ed had no idea. San Di said, listen, just trust me on this. I'm going to get us out of this alive. Just trust me. I'll explain everything later. And Ed is like, what are you talking? How are you involved with these people? How do you know her? What is going on? And so he starts freaking out and she says, listen, just trust me. And so the two girls Darby and Jay Bird, they crawl their way to the bathroom. And Sandy says, Ed, stand guard at the bathroom. Okay, just trust me. And Ed is standing in front of the bathroom door. And the girls here, Sandy, unlock the restop door.
Starting point is 01:01:49 Oh my God. Ashen Lars walk in and she says, they're in the bathroom. I've got them locked in for you. And Sandy says, but you guys lied. The deal is off. You guys lied to me and the brothers start laughing. And she says, you promised you wouldn't hurt her.
Starting point is 01:02:04 You promised. Well, promises are a little overdue now right and they start giggling and they get to the bathroom door and Ed is guarding it and he says I'm not letting you in there and he says well I think that you are and so he holds up his nail gun and says get out the way and he says I knew you were disgusting since the minute that I met you. Since you sat down and played goldfish, I knew you were evil. There's something about you. You're just freaking evil. Who's saying?
Starting point is 01:02:29 Ed to Ash. And Ash is like, yeah, yeah, cool stuff. I don't really care. And he says, 3, 2, 1, and you move, okay? And Ed, he looked at him and he moved. I mean, what can he do, right? And Sandy is like, oh, thank God. But the Ash turns around and shoots a nail into his chin. And he moved. I mean, what can he do, right? And Sandy is like, oh, thank God. But the Nash turns around and shoots a nail into his chin and he starts bleeding.
Starting point is 01:02:49 And he slumps to the ground and Sandy is screaming. Now that is when they have already jumped out the bathroom window, okay? And Ash is sitting there with Lars and he's like, okay, well, this should happen. Let's go change plans also. You know, he tells Laura's baby brother, we're not just gonna drive out of here when the sun comes up. We're actually gonna blow this place apart to get the gasoline later.
Starting point is 01:03:11 We've left too many fingerprints. We've got someone with a nail in his chin. This is all moot. We gotta burn this place down. So there's no forensic evidence. There's no fire department coming anyway. So burn it down. And that's when he remembers,
Starting point is 01:03:22 the freaking bathroom. The freaking window, okay? they crawled out the window. So he's like, oh my God, so he heads to the front, but by that time the two girls, Darby and Jay Bird, the kid, they were already in the car, headed in Sandy's truck out of the rest stop. So they're driving away from the rest stop in Sandy's truck because she has the keys.
Starting point is 01:03:41 They had deserted all the rest of the keys, they had fallen outside the bathroom window when she had to fell and out of there, but they had Sandy's keys, she has the keys. They had deserted all the rest of the keys, they had fallen outside the bathroom window when she had to fell and out of there, but they had Sandy's keys, so it's all good. So they get into Sandy's truck and they start driving. Now, Jaybird is seat-built today, and she's talking to her, she's trying to keep her calm, and she said, hey, Jaybird, in order to stay calm,
Starting point is 01:03:57 grab my phone, and just call 911. Let's see when we get service. She keeps driving, and she's like, you only have one percent battery. I know it's okay, just keep using it. Okay. She says, okay. As they're driving, they hit snow. Oh my God. And she gets out the car and she realizes they didn't just hit snow. Someone had put nails in the front two tires of Sandy's truck. And this, they were like a hundred feet away from the rest stop. Like this was walking distance. Like the two brothers are going to come out. They're going to get killed. So she's like, what feet away from the rest of like this was walking distance like the two brothers are gonna come out
Starting point is 01:04:26 They're gonna get killed so she's like what how's the phone going so she grabs the phone and she gets a text message from 9-1-1 And it says officers on the way find a safe place ETA 30 ETA 30 does that mean 30 minutes? So she's like okay? This is good. This is good and she looks at Jaybird and she goes this so good I could kiss you right now and And she's like, yes. And then Jay Bird looks at her and goes, don't move. And she turns around, and she sees Ash holding the nail gun. Now we get Ash's point of view.
Starting point is 01:04:54 Now Ash is kind of amazed at Darbs at this point. Like slowly more and more, he's getting a little bit amazed by her, because psychopaths, they don't really, they're kind of amazed. The whole thing he always knew is that creatures always die scared. Any creature he's ever killed in his life has always died scared. They've never, whether it's an animal or a human, the last breath is always fear. There's nothing else.
Starting point is 01:05:14 Nobody accepts it, nobody just takes it. But when she was almost dying in that plastic bag, she wasn't scared. She was like angry. I don't, she doesn't even know what that emotion she displayed was. That's why he was so taken off guard. And again, she has no fear. Like, I don't see her shaking, and I'm pointing a nail gun at her face.
Starting point is 01:05:32 So then she's like, well, you can't kill me. That'd be a big mistake. Okay, Darbs, why can't I kill you? Because I know where your keys are. And if you kill me, you'll never get out of here. The cops will come in the morning and you'll be dead. And he looks and he sees Jay is giggling because they know they're right.
Starting point is 01:05:48 So then he says, okay, we'll get out of here. Let's walk. So they're walking, Lars and Ash have a nail gun and a gun pointed at Jay Bird and Darby. And he grabs Darby's phone and she's freaking out. She's like, God, I hope he doesn't see the text message from 911 because that's gonna be so bad. And that's when she sees her phone light up
Starting point is 01:06:06 in his hand in the dark. And she's like, fuck, would 911 text again? Like would they text like ETA 15, like updates, you know? She doesn't know. So she's freaking out and he looks at her phone and he says it's someone by the name of Devon and he reads the text. It says it happened, mom died.
Starting point is 01:06:23 Awkward and he snaps the phone in half and leaves it in the snow Snaps the phone. Yeah, and half and leaves it in the snow So Daria's like what the fork my mom's dead So she's walking back to the rest stop and the whole time that she's walking like her ears are ringing She doesn't even know what's going on She's like literally I could die right now. I don't even care And so they lead them back into the rest of, Sandy's crying, Ed is bleeding,
Starting point is 01:06:47 he's like gushing blood, saying some stuff, but gurgling blood, J screams when she sees Ed, and Ash grabs Jay by the hair and puts her right up in Ed's face so she cries and screams, and then just lets her go, and then he follows Darby. And he starts asking Darby about her mom, like are you guys close?
Starting point is 01:07:06 And she's like, why do you even care? Like, just kill me. I don't even care. And he's like, so you guys aren't close? Darby explains that she was never close with her mom. She grew up always lying to her, manipulating her, stealing her car with a shoelace. Like, her mom and her were never close.
Starting point is 01:07:19 And he says, I'm sorry about your loss. She says, don't be. I wouldn't be sorry if it was your mom that died. And he's like, you know, I wish you could be my girlfriend, Darbs. He's like, if we met under different circumstances, you make a nice girlfriend. I could teach you how to shoot.
Starting point is 01:07:34 We could have so much fun. You're kind of cool. And he's like, just a shame that it's like this. Then he grabs her hand and sticks it in between a door. And says, you know, you kind of, I thought I saw you giggle. When I talked about how I was so scared of door hinges, thought I saw a slight smirk in your face like you're better than me. I got it. It's an unconventional fear, but it hurts.
Starting point is 01:07:56 Tell me where my keys are. Tell me where I'm slamming the door. And she's like, you're gonna slam it anyway. And he says, well, I guess you're smart. And he slams the door on her fingers. She screams and she realizes one of her, her pinky looks completely severed. And most of her fingers are swollen, stuck in there
Starting point is 01:08:13 and just gushing blood and they look disoriented. And so she's just kind of holding onto the door frame and she's getting in and out of consciousness and he's slapping her face around like, hey, you're gonna pay attention, okay? So he says, this is what's happening, okay? This is everything that we are trying to do. Let's look at good old Sandy over here.
Starting point is 01:08:32 Let me make it make sense for you so that you understand the gravity of this situation. Sandy, bus driver at this rich peppy school, right? Found out about a girl who has really rich parents, never around understands the family routine. She told us we can kidnap her and they would be willing to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars so we kidnap her one day after school.
Starting point is 01:08:51 And then, then people started getting suspicious. The reason we're driving here is because Sandy has this like storage space. And inside that storage space, she left some cash, she left the keys to her cabin near Denver. And we were gonna go and stay there for a couple weeks until the ransom was paid. But then people started suspecting Sandy,
Starting point is 01:09:10 because she's the bus driver. They were suspecting everyone at the school. The storage unit gets broken into the whole unit. And because of a precaution, the unit was like, hey, unless you use the master key, you can't use any duplicates of the key. Does that make sense? So like, if you have a storage unit,
Starting point is 01:09:24 you get the master key that they give you, and then you can also duplicate that key. But they said for security purposes when you come to this storage unit you have to show us that you have the master key and Sandy had given them a duplicate of the key. So they couldn't get into the storage unit essentially because there was- I'm gonna do in the storage unit. Get cash and the keys to Sandy's cabin and also her adrenaline shots were there because Sandy stole some from the nurse's office because they always have backup of the kid's medicine. And this cabin is in Denver, so it's on the way. So they were gonna go to the storage
Starting point is 01:09:52 unit, but then because of the storage unit got broken into, you had to use the master key and it's not like Sandy could just FedEx it to us, you know. Which can do. Pukyata to a post box and everyone's watching all of the staff at this school because you've got some rich kid who's been kidnapped. Anyways, so then she made up this phony excuse that she was going to Denver to meet her family and she was bringing her cousin along. And so she drove, we agreed on this rest stop where she was gonna hand off the key,
Starting point is 01:10:17 but I didn't know her dumb stupid cousin was gonna come into the rest stop and I didn't know this dumb snow was gonna happen and we were gonna trapped in the rest stop and then your dumb, it dumb walked in and just complicated everything and she said okay well what now and he looks around and he looks at Sandy and he kills her he starts choking her and bashing her head into the ground and says she was gonna get caught anyway she was the bus driver for God's sake
Starting point is 01:10:43 and she's so weak she was gonna rat us out. She was the bus driver for God's sake. And she's so weak, she was just gonna rat us out anyway. And he starts bashing her head into the ground. And he turns to Lars and says, you know what this idiot wanted to do with her half of the ransom? And Lars is like, what? And he's like, she wanted to donate it to local women shelters. Over six figures on stupid ass women shelters. She wants a kid out for that?
Starting point is 01:11:06 I guess maybe it was like a, because she, they promised that they would never hurt Jay Bird. So she felt like maybe it was one evil for the necessary good of so many other people or a necessary, whatever you call it. I don't agree with it, but you get it, right? And then he turns to Ed, points the nail gun at him and says, tell me where my keys are or he's dead.
Starting point is 01:11:25 And she says, okay, there are under the window of the bathroom outside, under the snow. And he says, thanks. And he shoots a nail gun into Ed's head and kills him anyway. Oh my God. And he tells baby brother, I'm going outside, looking for the key, you know what to do. So Lars, he grabs his gun and he starts pouring some gasoline all over her
Starting point is 01:11:47 All over Darby just soaking her up in gasoline pours gasoline on Ed pours gasoline on Sandy's body and he's like we're gonna torch this place up So he's busy doing all of that and Ash goes to look and Jay bird comes over turn goes take the knife And she's like no no, no, you go. They're gonna put you in the back of the car. I don't know what's gonna happen, but they don't have the dog kennel anymore, so you try to kick out a window, okay?
Starting point is 01:12:12 Kick out a window. And Jay's like, no, you're dead because of me. You're dead because of me. And she goes, that's not true. That's not true. And she thinks, wait, I'm not dead. Like, I'm literally not dead. Why am I acting like I'm dead? So then she's like, okay, this is gonna find her. And she says, Jay, I've not dead. Like, I'm literally not dead. Why am I acting like I'm dead?
Starting point is 01:12:25 So then she's like, okay, this is gonna fucking hurt and she says, Jay, I've got a plan and she says, okay, this is the plan. You walk to the other side of the room when I give you the go ahead, okay? She says, okay. And Darby and Jay just stare at Lars.
Starting point is 01:12:39 Now we get Lars' first point of view. And Lars, the baby brother, he's getting really upset. He's like, why is Darby and Jay staring at me? I don't like this. I wish we could just kill them already. Why are they staring at me? They're making me uncomfortable. I don't like this Darby girl, right? And he's kind of getting angry. Like, oh, I'm going to shoot her, but if I shoot her, my brother's going to shoot me, okay. And then he's like, okay, focus, focus, focus. And he's like, what am I supposed to do? I can't, the gasoline, okay? So he's like, what's the, and then he's like looking at her.
Starting point is 01:13:06 And he sees her hand reaching up and the lights turn off. He's like, what the fork? And so he's like, what, where's my flashlight? So he grabs the flashlight, shines it at Darby and Jay. And they're still there. And they're just staring at him. And then he sees Jay staring at him while she walks to the other side of the room.
Starting point is 01:13:23 So he's like, okay, well, where's Jay going? I need to watch Jay Bird and then I need to watch Darby. And he's like, I don't like the dark. I don't like what's happening. And he's watching Jay Bird and then he's like, oh, I can't watch Darby at the same time. So he turns over and Darby's not there. And he feels a thump on his body. And Darby had pretty much bodied the dude, okay?
Starting point is 01:13:42 And his gun goes off. And Darby's point of view comes back and she stabs him in the throat with a knife. Blood goes everywhere. They struggle because that doesn't kill him because it's like one of those pocket knives. And the gun goes off a couple more times. Nobody gets shot because he's just flailing around,
Starting point is 01:13:58 pointing it and she ends up telling Jay, Jay Bird, don't look and she slits his throat. And Ash's POV comes in, and he's like, did I hear a freaking gunshot? I told, and he's thinking about how he's gonna nail the shit out of his brother's hand, and he walks to the front, and he's like, God, Jesus Christ, he had found the keys,
Starting point is 01:14:20 and he's like, thank God the keys were there, because I would've just obliterated everyone the minute that I get in, because I'm so pissed, and he's like, why is the door locked? because I would have just obliterated everyone the minute that I get in, because I'm so pissed. And he's like, why is the door locked? He's like, open up Lars. No answer. Okay, well there were multiple gunshot sounds. That was weird, huh?
Starting point is 01:14:32 Even if Lars were to shoot Darby, it would be one controlled gunshot sound. There wouldn't be multiple, it sounded... Lars? Lars? Are you okay? And Darby responds, he can't talk right now. I slit his throat.
Starting point is 01:14:52 And he gets so mad that he punches the door, which was a big mistake because he ends up spraining his hand. So he's like, what did I do that? He's so angry, right? So then he has the little nail gun in his left hand and he's like, it's okay, I'm gonna kill a shit out of Darby
Starting point is 01:15:06 and Darby's is getting in prepared. She's like, okay, this is what we're gonna do. She's like, you're not gonna come in here because I have his gun. And he's like, you think I'm an idiot? I counted the shots, you're out of bullets, you frickin' demo, right? But what he didn't know was that Jay
Starting point is 01:15:20 had handed her a bullet earlier. So she had one shot and that was it. And so they're hiding behind the tables and he's like putting nail guns all over the windows, he's getting mad. And that's the moment Darby realizes, oh my god. During the struggle between her and Lars, they had kicked over all of the gasoline cams. The minute that she fires, the whole place blows up. It's a suicide mission. So she tells Jay, are you ready to run? She says, yeah, okay, follow my lead. She grabs brown paper napkins, puts them into the toaster,
Starting point is 01:15:53 pushes down, and they run to the bathroom and jump out the window. And at that time, Ash had broken in through the window, and he heard a click, like you know what I'm saying. And then there was a big explosion. The whole thing blew up. Not the whole thing, but just a small. And then there was fire.
Starting point is 01:16:12 And at this point, they had jumped out the window and that Derby knew that her eagle was broken. Like, that is not the snap of a regular smegular, you know. So they start running, but Derby is really slowing down J. Bird, okay? They're trying to get to the cars and they're trying to see what they can do and that's when they see headlights and like the little snow plowing machines, you know, those big and she's like, oh my god, that's like all the way up the street.
Starting point is 01:16:38 We can run through the parking lot, through the nightmare children and to the main road and that's it. We, the snow plow, they move slow, right? And she looks at Jaybred and she goes, we're gonna be okay. And Jaybred looks behind her and Ash is running towards them. And so she looks at Jaybred and she says, run, run to that snow plow, run and tell them
Starting point is 01:16:58 to call the police. And she says, but what about you? I have to take care of something, but you run, okay? And so Jaybred starts And so J Bird starts running and Darby starts running towards Ash. Now, Ash is getting confused because he's like, what's happening? Why is she running towards me?
Starting point is 01:17:12 I have a nail gun. And then he sees her holding something. That's his gun. Like, there's no way Darby's bluffing right now. Maybe I miscounted. Does she have a bullet in there? And so he's like, okay, I got to just shoot her now. So he gets the nail gun and he clicks. It's out of battery. So he's
Starting point is 01:17:31 like, oh my god, he has a battery in his pocket though. So he's like, oh hell no. So he starts running the opposite way. And he knows that Derby isn't going to waste one bullet that she might have for like trying to shoot him while he's running. So he's running around. And then he finally stops grabs his pocket, grabs the little battery out, clicks it in and then he felt like the hair's standing on the back of his neck and he turns around and she says, what were you gonna do with Jay? He says, what?
Starting point is 01:17:58 What were you gonna to answer me? What were you gonna do with her? He says, why do you care? What were you gonna do with her? He says, why do you care? What were you gonna do with her? And he says, I've got this uncle who would pay 10K for a little girl like her. What's his name? Fat Kenny, what do you care?
Starting point is 01:18:12 Oh my God. What's his address? He gives the address, and then he closes his eyes, and here's a gunshot. And he looks up, and there was blood accumulating on Darby's chest and she falls into the snow, drops the gun and there was a police officer who said don't move everyone put your hands in the air and he's like really my freaking log dude like this is I should be running for precedent with the luck that I have this is too good
Starting point is 01:18:49 and he looks at the police officer and he's like officer you saved my life and he grabs his nail gun and shoots him twice in the head the police officer and he's dead then he grabs the police officer's gun he grabs his wallet all cash, and the keys to his squad car. And he says, I'm going to kill that snowplow driver and take Jay. So he starts limping his way, because he's got burns everywhere. He starts limping his way to the front to the snowplow driver, right? And he sees the snowplow driver. He doesn't see Jay, and he starts approaching him. And he's like, this one, I'm going to have a little more fun.
Starting point is 01:19:23 So he starts trying to strangle him before he shoots him. So he's strangling him and that's when he hears, hey, behind him. And he looks back and it's Jaybird. And she's got Darby's gun and she shoots and he's like, wow, she's shot and she missed from three feet away.
Starting point is 01:19:42 My fucking look, I could literally run for president with all the luck that I have and he's about to say hey nice stupid shot Jaybird when he's like why can't I say that? And he starts Falling to the ground And then we have the epilogue so fat Kenny gets arrested Uncle Kenny because Derby before so Derby was in the snow, Jay was like, don't lose consciousness, don't lose consciousness.
Starting point is 01:20:09 And she's talking to her and she said, the police are coming, the back of police are coming, the snowplow driver, he wasn't killed. And he was like, don't, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay, Darby, stay with me, right? Jaybird is comforting the older girl now. And she says, do you have a pen? And Jaybird's like, I don't know why. And she said, remember this address, okay okay tell the police to go to this address and she gives the address then she gets unconscious from the gunshot wound then we
Starting point is 01:20:33 have Fat Kenny get arrested and then we have what happens to Jaybird so Jay Britz parents they walk through the hospital doors that's all Jaybird remembers that there was just so many news people, everyone asking her about, you know, what were these people like? What was her weakened captivity like? And her parents were just so emotional and then she had to be in the hospital for so long because she missed her adrenaline shots and her dad insisted that they go to Darby's hometown with the whole family. So they go to the Darby's hometown and that was the first, she didn't even, she really, she didn't even know Darby's hometown and that was the first she didn't even she really she didn't even know Darby's last name until she saw it etched on the grave stone
Starting point is 01:21:10 and she stood there her dad stood there her mom stood there and Jay's dad said take all the time you need and Darby stood up and said goodbye to her mom's grave and she took Jay's hand and they walked away. Oh. It's so sad but it's been pretty good. This one for how little space they had, like I feel like I was snowed in the whole time. It's like a thriller movie. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:41 They turned it this way into a movie too. I hope so. If this doesn't get signed, I mean I don't even... You might just act it out in the whole thing. Yeah, let me do one woman show. Oh, okay, so it's as Taylor Adams, the author of this book, he did some directorial work before. At a film festival. I mean it feels like a film. Yeah. Really?
Starting point is 01:22:01 It was good. Can we eat the... Ah, the cake. The poke cake. I forgot. So this is what we do. You poke holes all over it. Some big holes in it.
Starting point is 01:22:14 I know. Okay hold on it's called a poke cake. Oh my god. I'm so good. I'm keeping that. And then caramel. Sure this is not going to be too sweet. Yes. How was this one? Did you enjoy it? It's like exhausting. It's like after a crazy thriller movie. Yeah
Starting point is 01:22:31 Yeah, that's how I feel like I'm out of breath. Yeah That's a lot of caramel. You have to fill the holes with caramel That's what they said so then you fill these holes and then you grab this thing called cocoa whip, cocoa whip, oh it's called cocoa whip. You get a good old spoon and you spoon it on top. Just wait, okay. Oh my god. This is too much. It's fall, honey. Okay, there we go. Then you just smooth it over like this. This is the recipe, okay? Don't be taking on no recipe. Oh my god What are you doing? You grab some pumpkin spice seasoning and then you sprinkle it across And then you grab chopped pecans
Starting point is 01:23:17 And you sprinkle this across you grab a knife and you cut them into the most delicious Caramel filled squares like this. I'm ready. This actually smells like a story type. It smells like fall and then you just... Get a good piece. Don't get the corner. I love corners. Well yeah, I'm gonna toss this one though because it doesn't have enough whipped cream. Oof.
Starting point is 01:23:42 Oof. Do you see the caramel juicing out of here? Ooh. I gotta show them. Show them. Big guitar. Oh. Spin it.
Starting point is 01:23:51 Oh, spin it. Oh, spin it. Oh, twerk it. So the sun is yours. And then I will take this one. Doesn't it smell like fall though? This is, I mean, for how easy it was, how little ingredients it takes.
Starting point is 01:24:03 Oh. What does that mean? So good! So good! Oh my God! Oh my, get it through your mouth. Oh my God! Oh no! It's like airy, but like, cinnamon-y and crunchy.
Starting point is 01:24:16 Oh my God! The cream, oh, so good! You can't caramel. Mmm. What's that? You want one though, salt? Mmm! Oh, it's so good. The cake. It's so fluffy. The cake. Yes!
Starting point is 01:24:34 Alright guys, that's it for today's baking of my history. I'm going to, this was super easy. Just use a box of vanilla cake. Add in 15 ounces of pumpkin puree, bake it until the toothpick comes out clean, then you poke holes, put some caramel drizzle, chop it with whipped cream, pumpkin spice, chopped pecans, that's it, literally that's it.
Starting point is 01:24:56 So, I hope you guys enjoyed today's baking of mystery and we'll see you guys, tomorrow. Tamarab.

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