Rotten Mango - South Korea "Erased" 4,000 People To Host The Olympic Games: True Story Behind “Squid Game”
Episode Date: January 12, 2025It’s the biggest church in South Korea but nobody knows it exists. The church itself can fit at least 4,000 church goers all at once. But that’s not the intriguing part of the church… they just things differently. There are a row of people standing in front of the pastor. They are asking him for forgiveness but they’re all wearing the same thing. A red sack with big ugly painted letters on there that read “I am a sinner who has gone against God’s word.” Pastor Lim prays over them - one by one. Before he turns around and pulls out a set of red boxing gloves. He slowly, calmly puts them on and starts beating the people down. He doesn’t stop till the entire row of red sack wearing people are bloody on the floor. Then he calmly fixes his clothes and heads back to the podium to continue preaching to the church goers. This is not a cult story. This is Brother’s Home.A government funded camp to cleanse the humans of South Korea ahead of the Olympics. The true story behind the Squid Game show.
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It is one of the biggest churches in the city of Busan in South Korea.
Only nobody really knows it exists.
It's in the middle of the woods.
You have to be invited in to join the church.
But it's also not a cult.
This is not a cult story.
The church has the capacity to seat 3,500 people, give or take, sometimes it's 4,000.
There are just what feels like an endless row upon row upon row of rock hard church
Every church member is forced to sit on for hours every single Sunday.
The pews, the chairs, they're at a firm 90 degree angle and because attendance is so
high you're arm to arm.
In the summer, it feels like you and the person next to you are going to fuse together in the flesh
because the sweat, the moistness, just touching each other for hours at a time.
Winter is not as bad, but every single Sunday, the inevitable moment comes like every Sunday.
The red sack people.
The pastor, Pastor Lim at the podium, will ask the red sack members to come up.
It looks like a row of red floating balls that just float onto the stage.
But they're people.
They're wearing red burlap sacks with ugly paint on the front.
And the ugly paint reads, I am a sinner who has gone against God's word.
Everyone in the church holds their breath
as the pastor approaches the Red Sac people.
His eyes look soft, they look sympathetic.
He puts his hands on their heads and they bow down.
The pastor closes his eyes.
In the name of Jesus, you are being punished.
Then he moves to the next one.
In the name of Jesus, you are being punished.
And then the next one by one, he does this to all of them. In the the name of Jesus you are being punished. And then the next one by one he does this to all of them.
In the name of Jesus you are being punished.
In the name of Jesus you are being punished.
And then he turns around, the pastor does.
And when he turns back to face the row of red sack wearing people, he has put on a pair
of boxing gloves.
And bam, he just starts pummeling them one by one to the ground.
None of the thousands of people in this church look away.
They're not allowed to.
Their eyes are glued to the front.
None of them stop the pastor.
None of them scream.
None of them do anything.
Until these red sacks at the front are laying down horizontal on the ground
and now they're oozing red liquid.
They're dead.
The church members think,
well, they're lucky if they're dead actually.
You punched them to death?
A lot of them get beaten to death.
The church members think,
well, they're lucky if they're dead, you know.
If they're dead, their bodies will be dragged off,
probably to be sold.
If not, they're gonna repeat this again next week.
This is not a cult.
This is the brother's Home, a government-funded camp to cleanse the humans of South Korea
for the Olympics.
But instead, the welfare center known as Brothers' Home basically is its own torture facility
with sick, twisted games played with these prisoners.
This is the inspiration behind the Netflix series Squid Games.
We would like to thank today's sponsors.
We would like to thank today's sponsors who have made it possible for Rotten Mango to
directly support a survivor of today's episode.
This episode's partnerships have also made it possible to support Rotten Mango's growing
And we'd also like to thank you guys for your continued support as we work on our mission
to be worthy advocates.
As always, full show notes are available by
With that being said, today's case involves mentions of internment, essay, trafficking,
and torture. Please take a break if it gets to be too much. This case is on the heavier
side. But I also think it's very important. Another thing to note is that this is something
that happens all across the world, like I said in the previous episode. And South Korea
at the time that this took place was not a democracy it
was run by a dictator so hopefully massive changes have been made and
additionally our amazing Korean researchers and translators were
actually able to travel to some of the survivors involved in today's case
conduct in-person interviews they translated the survivors book the
surviving child written by Han Jung-sun. He's a huge part of the case
I'm gonna refer to him as Han
Additionally, this is a three-part case. If you haven't watched part one, please go watch that first
I'm gonna link it because none of this is gonna make sense in part one
We go through the torture games that were held at the Brothers Home Welfare Center
How they compare to SWOOD games and in this episode we're gonna go through what they do to the dead bodies as
Well as the salt water food torture and what happens when you escape in part three
We will go in depth on the wealthy benefactors of this facility. So with that being said, let's get started in
Season two of Netflix's squid games the main character Keehoon. he just survived squid games. In season one, he
walks away with 40-something million dollars, but he more or less, I mean was
it worth it? I don't really know. He more or less had to kill his childhood friend
that dies in the games to win, and the minute he comes home, he finds out that
his mom is dead as well. So for a year, Ki-hun, he can't even touch the money
that he won. The idea that he would have to use this blood money, it just reminds him of every single
person, all 400 something people that died in the squid games.
It doesn't even make sense.
Couldn't he win all of this money without them dying?
It's not like they died so that he could get the money.
The money was already there.
It doesn't logically, it doesn't connect.
A year after his initial win, he finds out the truth. The games are created for rich people's
entertainment and this lights a fire underneath him. The logical thing for
him to do is find closure, walk away, but instead Ki-hun vows he is going to get
revenge on the rich VIPs and he's not going to stop. He is going to end these
stupid games,
even if it means losing every single penny
that he had just won and even losing his own life.
The National Assembly building in South Korea
is this massive stone structure.
But the legislators, they show up,
so do the administrative staff, personnel, researchers.
They show up to work and outside
is usually a row of people, protesters.
But this time it's different.
Because a lot of people will protest different things at the National Assembly.
But this group, they've been very serious.
They've been here, living here for three years.
Living outside the National Assembly in tents.
Sometimes they walk, sometimes they just hold a sign with tears streaming down their face.
Sometimes they fast and people have to beg them to eat
because they're becoming emaciated.
This time, they're sitting next to each other one by one
and they're all looking stoic.
They're not saying anything.
Their eyes look like they're about to start crying.
Some of them are already crying.
There's just tears dropping everywhere
and they're all shaving their heads to get attention.
How many people in that group?
It's like a row of 10 almost.
These are the victims of the brothers home.
They have been protesting for three something plus years.
I mean it's a long time and it all started with one man.
The man who wrote the book, Han.
He tells the legislators, I am a child who survived hell. You know,
it's easy to go from human to beast, but very hard to return from beast to human. Which
is why after he escaped brother's home, he wanted to kill people. He admits he thought
becoming a serial killer was the only way that he could escape brother's home. He says,
like a psychopath, after I left, i just wanted to kill everyone around me.
i felt like it was the only way to get everyone to listen to my story. but then i thought, what about
everybody else? everybody already hates us. we were labeled as vagrants. people saw us as less than
human even after we got out of brothers home. why give them more reason to look down on us?
so he said i'll give it one shot. i will go to the National Assembly and I will protest and see what happens.
Escaping the Brothers' home compound is nearly impossible.
In part one, we talked about how the walls are 30 feet tall.
I mean, even if you somehow manage to Spider-Man climb the structure, they put, in certain
parts of the wall, glass shards on top.
One attempted escapee, Lee, he says he made it up the wall, glass shards on top. One attempted escapee, Lee,
he says he made it up the wall, he climbed it, and when he reached the top
he had cut up his hands and legs so badly he was caught. He says, I was
dripping in blood, I couldn't walk, so I was dragged across the concrete leaving
these blood stains, sent back to the office, I was beaten by the guards,
everybody took turns hitting me, I was beat probably 100 times in that moment
Then he was taken to the church to repent for his sins
He had to put on that red sack and from there the pastor would pummel him in front of everyone to show everybody
This is exactly what happens when you try to escape from brother's home
The pastor is that the same guy as that head dude in charge or it's a... No, different guy.
But he's another top person.
Yes, they're a family.
In the end of part one, 12 year old Jung, do you remember him? His dad is the toilet paper salesman.
He's trapped in brother's home for two years and the only thing keeping him alive is the thought that his dad is going to come and save him.
Years later, his dad shows gonna come and save him.
Years later, his dad shows up at brother's home,
but instead of being there to take him out, rescue him.
Jung's dad is standing there wearing a blue tracksuit.
It's very interesting because Squid Game,
even the actual show, has a lot of interesting components,
like the fact that there's so many familial dynamics
at play in season two.
I would say these are not really spoilers because season 2 is connected to season 3,
so we don't really know what happens even.
But if you're adverse to any type of spoiler, please be warned.
So for example, in the new round of Squid Games, there's a mother and son duo.
The two of them, they meet in the games.
Neither knew that the other party was going to show up.
They have no idea. They get there. They enter the games and both of them are there to win the money
so that they could pay off the son's gambling debt. Without giving any
spoilers, I mean how is that gonna play out? We don't know because like I said
season 3 is coming but if it's just like the first games, there's only
one standing. It can't be both the mother and the son. If there's an unspoken
familial bond that would indicate
then it has to be the son, right?
Because he's younger and mothers likely have that innate desire to protect their own children
Or I wonder if it's a question of are humans just humans at the end of the day?
Like when it really comes down to it, survival instincts kick in regardless of who birthed you and it's about surviving in the end
For example, the recruiter, remember the guy in the suit that works for the games, his
whole job is to go around, approach people at subway stations, he knows they have debt,
he's the one that scouts the potential candidates for the game, invites them in.
He thinks all these recruits are beneath humans, he thinks they're subhumans, he believes genuinely
that he is doing the world a favor by getting rid of them.
He used to be a pink suit wearing guard
inside of Squid Games, and he tells the main character
in season two, clearing and incinerating the bodies
of countless people like you.
These things aren't human, they're just trash.
They have no purpose in this world.
That's what I kept telling myself for years.
And I worked hard. And one day,
the game makers, they gave me a gun. I liked the way it felt. It was like somebody had
finally acknowledged my existence. One year, there was a man who lost, and I went over
to shoot him, but I recognized his face. Can you guess who it was?
His friend? My dad. And he still shot him.
He killed his own dad.
That's what happens in the games.
Killer be killed.
And also, I guess maybe he thinks these the middle of the field and he's staring
at his dad wearing that blue tracksuit.
Jeong's dad actually looks worse than Jeong.
He's lost so much weight it's like someone just draped a blue tracksuit on top of a thin
wire hanger. He can't even fit the smallest size. weight it's like someone just raped a blue tracksuit on top of a thin wire
hanger he can't even fit the smallest size Jung says he looked terrible just
skin and bones it's a complicated feeling are you happy to see the person
that you have been praying to see for years or do you feel sad and miserable
and depressed that they're gonna share the same fate as you and that nobody
can save either of you Jung says it's even more complicated because you have this weird shame component. He says I felt I
didn't even want to meet my dad's eyes in there because I thought wouldn't my
father be ashamed to see me right now? It just was such a strange feeling. A few
days passed since Jung first sees his dad. Anytime all the prisoners are
gathered in the courtyard he keeps his head down so his dad doesn't see him.
And then one day, he hears a familiar voice.
Jung, are you eating well?
It's his dad.
His dad is looking around nervously,
and he's just glancing from side to side.
And finally, he reaches into his pocket
and pushes a package into Jung's hands.
It's a rice cake.
It's a hardened rice cake.
During the holidays, each prisoner
receives one rice cake. It's just a small square of rice cake. It's a hardened rice cake. During the holidays, each prisoner receives one rice cake.
It's just a small square of rice cake.
He had been carrying the rice cake for days, not knowing when he would run into a sun.
He starved so that his son could get an extra bite.
Jung breaks down when he's telling interviewers about this moment later on because he said,
I was 14 at the time. I was so hungry, I ate the rice cake,
I ate it all as soon as I got it. But afterwards I just thought, I'm so immature. I mean thinking
about it now, how my father must have felt when he saw me, when he met me from his perspective,
what he did to give me that rice cake, seeing me there, I mean I think I was just too immature.
Turns out after Jung disappeared, Jung's dad spent a year searching for him,
going everywhere, going to all the train stations,
trying to figure out where the hell is my 12 year old son?
He would never run away like the police are claiming.
So something's not right here.
Also the police, they're not telling him
that his son has been taken into the brother's home.
They're just saying, oh, I don't know, maybe he ran away.
Who cares about your son?
I mean police- Are the one that took him in? Yeah, yeah, they're the one that kidnapped. They don't know maybe he ran away who cares about your son I mean police are the one that took him in yeah
Yeah, they're the one that kidnapped they don't even tell him because they get bonus points from the government
This is just gonna cause more trouble, so they don't like it. They don't want to tell it easy
So somebody they kidnapped the kids and then the parents come in saying oh my kids is missing and they're saying okay
We don't know what you want. They're the one that took them. Yes
And they're saying, oh, okay. We don't know what happened.
Meanwhile, they're the one that took them.
Jung's dad spends a year searching for him.
No help, no hope from the police or neighbors.
So he resorts to trying to drown out his sorrows in alcohol.
One day, Jung's senior gets so upset that he's drinking.
I mean, sure, he's not the mayor of Busan, but he's thinking my son was a straight-A
He meant something to the world.
He could have been someone. He meant something to the world. He could have been someone.
He meant something to me.
Isn't that all that matters?
But the police, who are they?
You know, they're here to serve the people and they're treating him like dog poop stuck
on their shoe.
He walks over to the police station, not to start a fight or to be violent, just to protest,
a one-man protest.
Just help me find my son.
Where is my son? You must help me.
The police take one look at him and they smell the alcohol in his breath and they think,
what a vagrant. Take him in. Wow. He walked into a police station. Yeah. Wow. Jung was in there since he was 12 till he was nearly 15.
He says, I strongly resisted the essays at the time that were happening every single
night to others, but because of that I was beaten even more.
It's a different humiliation that's different from just being beat.
Even now the shock is too much.
I just knew I had to escape that hell.
He's out in the courtyard one day and his eyes are glazed over just trying not to get burnt by the sun,
which is really hard. Okay, so they're saying in the summers, even in the winters, it's really difficult
because if you listen to part one, they're only allowed to wash their face with coarse salt grains.
It rips your flesh. It makes it raw in the sun.
And then you're getting punched in the face by these guards every day.
And now you have no moisturizer, nothing. You're just in the glare in the sun. And then you're getting punched in the face by these guards every day. And now you have no moisturizer, nothing.
You're just in the glare of the sun.
He's squinting and he looks up and his heart starts pounding.
He notices all the guards are busy.
And there's been this one building he's always looked at.
Because if you were to get to the roof of that building, it's tall enough that
you could potentially jump onto the ledge of the wall that's blocking them.
Like the 30 feet wall?
If you climb to the top of that building,
the gap between the wall and that building are not that much,
and it's about the same height, the roof and the upper ledge of the wall.
So, he takes the chance.
He says, I ran like lightning to the building's roof.
He jumps from the roof knowing that he could very well land on the floor and die,
or worse, survive only to be beaten to death.
OK, but he jumps, lands on the ledge of the wall, scrapes himself from all the blood.
He drops down from the wall on the other side.
It's not nearly as high because it's built on a hill.
He jumps down and just starts booking it.
There's no looking back. He's down and just starts booking it. There's
no looking back. He's sprinting through the woods scraping his face. He can't
even keep his eyes fully open because the branches are slamming into him and
he doesn't want to slow down. He's just running. The next thing he knows there's
this massive barbed wire fence in front of him. What the hell is this? Some sort
of secondary blockade? He doesn't even know how long he's been running. He just
starts without even thinking climbing up the barbed wired fence,
breaking the skin all over his hands, face, body.
It's like going through a paper shredder.
But he said he didn't even feel pain in the moment.
The only thought being, I have to escape this hell no matter what.
There is no other way. I have to escape this hell.
He drops down on the other side. He made it.
This is freedom. He drops down on the other side. He made it. This is freedom.
He made it past the walls. And then click. It's the sound of a gun right behind him.
Put your hands up and don't move. He raises his bloody hands in the air and
turns around. It's a uniformed man holding a gun up to him. He's not wearing
a blue tracksuit. He's wearing a military outfit. A soldier. Jung had been so
desperate. Honestly nobody knows how long he ran for. He doesn't even remember. But
he ran for so long he ran directly into a military base. Sneaking into a military
base to him still can't be worse than being stuck at brother's home, right? I
mean that's what he thinks. He begs them to save him because all the other people
that make it past the walls, if you're wearing the blue tracksuit, you're just brought immediately back in.
You're seen almost like an escaped prisoner.
And he begs the soldiers to save him or better yet, don't save me.
Don't do anything. Just let me go. I won't tell anyone.
The soldiers load him up to a car and he's just begging,
please sir, help me, please sir, help me.
The door to the soldier's car opens, they throw him out
and then they throw something into his hands.
It's a big loaf of bread.
He's just standing on the road on the street.
He's not back at brother's home, he's free.
With that, the car just drives off.
So they kind of saved him?
Yeah, they did.
They could have sent him back.
I don't think that they knew anything of the true torture of what was going on at brother's home, but
they had a lot more mercy than the guards at brother's home, clearly.
They just thought if this guy doesn't want to go back that much, that he's begging and crying and willing to climb over a barbed wire fence,
maybe he doesn't want to go back.
It's an even more complicated feeling though, because at first Jung said it feels very surreal
he escaped he's free but then he starts panicking his dad is still there but he
also starts panicking more because he realizes what is he gonna do call the
cops and tell them that his dad is in brother's home it's not like he can tell
the police the police are the one that took them in. There is nobody that he can trust. He was only ever taught,
ever since he was a little kid, hey, when you're in danger, report it to the police
station and ask the police for help. Now what? Jang decides if he's going to get
his dad out. He still has to try and survive until then. He finds, ironically, a
newspaper distribution center. He starts working there,
sleeping there, eating there, and then one day the cops barge in and they take him in. They arrest
him. Why? One of the neighbors reported a vagrant was living at the distribution center. What? They
arrested him for being a vagrant. And just like in season 2 of Squid Games, just like Kihoon, the main character,
when Jung opens his eyes, he's back in a blue tracksuit in a bunk bed at the brothers' home.
You are kidding me.
How long was he out?
A few months.
But he's a lot more bloodier now from all the beatings from running away.
He said in that moment he realized I'm never gonna
get out of here. I'm never gonna get out of here at least alive. Another survivor says as you keep
getting beaten up you know you just you just give up. The end of all this waiting you think you're
waiting to escape the end of all of it is just death. There's nothing to wait for except the day
that you die. Nobody's coming to save you. Wait, so this was okay. They started this whole initiative for the Olympic, right?
It was prior to the Olympics, but they amped it up and the government started pouring more money
into these welfare centers prior to the Olympics. But the initiative started years before.
Years before.
So meanwhile, when this happened, like he's now it's what?
Like three years into this?
Has the Olympics started yet or after?
Oh, it's after.
I mean, even after they're still taking people.
Oh, so now it's like they don't need to like put on anything for the tourism.
They're still taking people from the streets.
Wow, okay.
Han and his older sister, the one who wrote the book Han, they're dragged to the police station by their dad.
Their dad's always been very irresponsible when he's drunk, but it never was it never was like
this bad. There were beatings here and there, but this felt very different. He drags them to the
police station. Stay here, dad will be back. In theory, this is the best place for their dad to leave them in reality
This is the worst place for their dad to leave them because remember the police are the ones taking them in
Han is nine. He says I mean my dad told us to wait at the police station for him
He promised he would come back and get us
The police don't care. Why did he, did that left him there?
It's unclear if he was trying to abandon his kids
because it was too much responsibility
or whether he was in some sort of trouble
and he wouldn't be home for a few days.
And it'd be better to leave his kids at a police station
than to leave them alone.
So the father doesn't know.
He has no clue that brother's home is a torturous place or that they're even gonna get sent to brother's home. He
thinks they're gonna be there when he gets back. Okay, wow. Yeah, the Korean
police stations are a little bit different. So in Korea there's even things
like police boxes. It's like a little box where police officers are
stationed in neighborhoods and they're part of the community.
You don't really see them as like a cop.
Yeah, like a security.
Yes, yes.
So it's a little more communal.
And he thought, okay, they'll be here when I get back
if I do decide to come back for them.
The police don't care.
They throw the two, Han and his sister,
into the back of the refrigerated windowless van.
They drive them to brother's home.
Wait, so Han has a sister, older or younger?
Older sister, she's 12, he's nine.
And in the van Han says, you know, I started crying.
I was asking to be let out and to be able to go home.
For a moment, I remember the sky turning completely white.
I heard a noise like cicadas were embedded,
stuck inside my ears.
And then the stars were going around my eyes
and then once that gradually faded, I realized
that man just slapped me so hard
I almost lost consciousness
I looked around the van
only then did I realize there were about five other kids our age in the car
besides the strange men
and that's how I ended up at brother's home
Han, just like the others, he has to go through all the survival games which
consists of very creative ways to just torture everyone in blue tracksuits. The
guards just torture thousands of people and like I said some of them are as
young as four some of them are elderly people the torture is non-discriminatory
everybody's getting tortured and the torture doesn't even end with the
twisted activities this whole place is almost manufactured to
make every aspect of the day feel like walking on glass shards that have been
heated to be a hundred degrees. There are two time slots for food for the day.
Designated time slots. There is exactly 30 minutes to eat. Which sounds like more
than enough time until you realize there's 3,500 people who have 30 minutes to eat
Everyone only has about three and a half minutes to grab their food sit down inhale it before getting up for the next people to sit down
You always hear first X number of people go go go people are getting smacked and beaten up if they're not eating fast enough
The first few meal times are said to be the hardest because it's hard to even swallow
the food that they're giving you, let alone do it in three and a half minutes just shoveling
it in.
You would spend at least the greater chunk of that time just gagging.
The food is almost always the same.
It's rotten rice.
So the rice, they leave it in these damp containers and they become moldy and there's
those rice bugs everywhere they don't rinse the rice they don't get rid of the bugs
they just steam it just like that fermented fish but the fish is always rotten and it's
fermented without seasonings there's fermented cabbage but there's no red pepper flakes to make
the kimchi so it's just salt sprinkled kimchi
diced radish kimchi
there would be some soup on some days, but it would just be water with nasty oil floating around
and then little radishes just floating around
it is not only a nutrition-less meal
every single ingredient is moldy, spoiled, and to the point that it was almost decaying
and they just slop it all together in water, cook it into a fermented rotten stew, and serve it with rotten molded unwashed
rice steamed to food poisoning perfection.
Even if you can stand the taste and digestion of the decaying food, there's still not enough
food given to you to fill your stomach.
Everyone in there is starving at all times of the day.
Everybody is malnourished. And that's when you find out things that you never really think you would ever find out.
Hans says he has a lot of knowledge that most people probably don't have.
For example, if you eat too many pine cones or pine needles,
you get diarrhea and you're gonna vomit for days.
He says, well, you can pick the pinees, peel off the outer layer with your teeth, and then
chew on the white part inside, kind of like an artichoke.
You can't really swallow it, but you can at least feel like you're eating something.
Or if you have the chance, you can catch and eat centipedes.
It will feel like the most nutrient-dense meal at the brothers' home.
It's hard to say which part of that is worse.
Is it the torture games? is it the food? or is it that non-stop itch that you feel on
every part of your body that makes you want to scrape your skin off but you
can't because the minute that your skin breaks there's just pus oozing out. almost
every single person in brother's home has a severe skin disease. most of them have
severe eczema and their skin is just raw. it's throbbing.
it's like it feels like there's a heartbeat under every part of their skin. every single day without
fail, regardless, it feels like their skin is about to slop off. they're forced to scrub themselves on
this sensitive skin with coarse salt. during the winter, the ice cold water combined with the salt
is so unbearable, everyone avoids washing at all. Han writes in his book,
many of us had skin diseases because we also shared blankets and you know,
hygiene was poor, everybody's skin was always leaking pus and blood and it's
now being rubbed all over everybody else under the blankets in the shared bunks.
And at night when you think, okay maybe I'm getting used to the itch of this eczema itch
and having these dry, open raw wounds scraped with salt,
just when you think you're used to it.
At night, there's the, you hear a lot of smacking sounds
in Brothers Home at night.
There are light smacking sounds because you
can't be too loud.
A slap helps more than a scratch.
Maybe it's in your head because you think the lice are dying from each smack. It's the intense inescapable itch of pubic
lice. Even if you think the itch is bearable, it's the type of crawling
sensation down there that makes you feel like there are a thousand little bugs
crawling over you. It feels like they're trying to crawl inside of you. Lice. The
only chance of getting rid of
the lice is once a week you get a hot water bath for two seconds and it's only
it's the only time to try and get rid of all the foreign friends. It also doesn't
help that you only have two pairs of clothes, the two blue tracksuits, which by
the way they're so crazy about everyone being uniform. A lot of people say it
felt like North Korea in there because
it doesn't even make sense why the uniformity was so important.
Even if the zipper is broken and can't be zipped up,
if the uniform requires it to be zipped up,
you have to find a way to get it to stay closed.
Otherwise, you will be beaten to death.
600 people died in here, at least.
Han says it doesn't matter if your pants are the waistband stretches out,
you have to find a way to tie it with no supplies.
Because yeah, your pants falling down, sure, in front of 4,000 people,
it's a little embarrassing, but you're gonna get beaten.
Everyone's fingernails look like they've been gnawed off by rats.
They're always trimmed incredibly short.
There are only five nail clippers for the whole place.
But if you have long nails, you get beat.
So everybody just chews off their nails.
But there's no money in the torture itself
because that's what doesn't make sense.
Who is funding the brother's home?
Why does it exist?
So if the government funds brother's home and every quote quote-unquote vagrant that gets brought in,
there's government subsidies.
The people who run brother's home, they get paid per person per day.
But that's not where the real money is.
The real money is in...
Okay, so a few years ago, there was a story that a good chunk of the prison population in China don't have fingernails
You're talking about today?
Yes, you know, it's like a whole thing. Everyone's like where are their fingernails going?
Are they chewing them off? Are they being ripped off? Like why don't they have fingernails?
Are there certain conditions inside the prisons where their fingernails just fall off? What's going on?
They do some investigating and a lot of the American consumption of pre peeled garlic is peeled in Chinese prisons
So a lot of these people they would say you try to because you have to meet a quota every single month
You have to peel enough garlic slices and garlic has certain compounds where if you keep peeling them your fingernails pop off
And it's not just China but incarcerated workers produce over $2 billion worth of goods annually.
Even in the US, about two thirds
of the prison population work.
And a lot of them, for some weird reason,
are in the food industry.
The prison complex and the agricultural business
are like hand in hand.
So they're working, you're saying?
Yes, and they're getting paid like 20 cents a day.
Are you talking about Brother's Home?
Yes, everywhere. So in US prisons they're working, in prisons across the world they're working, and then in Brother's Home,
Brother's Home is this crazy trickle of money.
The facility gets paid by the government just for housing the vagrants.
But Brother's Home is like, why don't we make more money?
Because what are they doing all day?
These people that we have laying around.
Let's have them work.
Toys, children's toys, stationary, baby shoes, toothpicks.
That's what they're making.
Never ending cycle.
One survivor says,
if the overall production target was in med,
they would stop all the work.
They would send the workers out into the field and they would beat us one by one mercilessly
with these giant pliers and hammers on the inner thighs.
Your inner thighs would be all bruised and my only thought at work was I must not get
The worst part was a lot of the kids worked in fishing hook factories.
They have to make fishing hooks.
So these factories,
oh is that what those 60 buildings are? Just different factories? Different factories and
different warehouses to house these people. They have a church on the premises, they have a medical
unit which just consists of they rip you open and pour salt into your wound and rub it around.
They have a psych ward. So this is um, the government
wants to get paid for these people, but you can't beat them into submission. A
lot of them have really lost their minds in there. So they just throw them into
the psych ward where they drug them non-stop and they just get essayed and
abused while they're not in their right minds. Do you know if this facility is
still around today or they've? No, it has been replaced
by apartment buildings. Yes, because back then Busan was not as um it wasn't that big of a city.
I mean it was but it wasn't what it is now. Wow. Yeah. So the worst for the children though is this
one factory where you make fishing hooks. They say when you work that quickly making fishing hooks,
the hook gets stuck under your fingernails.
And the purpose of a fishing hook
is not release whatever it's latched onto.
So when you work quickly, the hooks get stuck
and when you pull it out, your nail gets pulled out as well.
You have to tear the flesh to get them out.
They say you rip off your own fingernails
to get the hooks out because you can't work and produce when you have
fishing hooks stuck on each of your nails.
There's not even time to think about what you're doing.
It's just constant thoughts of if I don't do this, the beating is gonna be worse than this.
They keep working faster and faster.
One survivor says the day starts at 5. We make our beds.
We have to do that in five seconds very quickly like the military. if not you're gonna get beaten by the guard the first
thing in the morning. then they do roll call. then you go outside. then you do the
washroom with just salt. three seconds of water. salt for face wash. salt as
toothpaste. then you have to sing the military anthem and one of the survivors
says I don't understand the point in that. If we were not in sync, we were beat.
It just didn't make any sense what the point was.
It's not even a real military.
Then they would be sent off to the factories.
Survivor states, they forced people to work in factories
to produce products,
and then those products would be sold to the public.
The facility pocketed money from the products,
as well as benefiting from the free labor, as well as getting paid government subsidies. Another survivor states after all of
that 14 and 15 year olds were forced to carry sacks that weighed 60 pounds back and forth
for construction to happen. All those buildings they're building it too huh were built by them.
It was a nightmare. It was crazy.
The children were unable to keep up,
they would get beat.
So the kids avoid getting beat,
they're forced to work harder.
The survival instinct would kick in
and it was astonishingly painful.
They were forced to build the wall,
even that held them prisoner.
The giant 30 foot wall
that made it nearly impossible to escape,
they were forced to build it.
They say, to build this wall, you have to carry up stones.
One of the adults in front of me became exhausted and sat down for a moment to rest.
The guard on site smashed the man's head with a wooden bat and he died on the spot.
That was the first death that this survivor witnessed.
It wouldn't be the last.
But because it was the first, he said he was so consumed with fear he couldn't eat or sleep for the next few days.
And in Squid Games, there's this subplot. I'm sure you guys have all watched season one,
and even if you haven't watched season two, the subplot. I'm sure you guys have all watched season one and even if you haven't watched season two the subplot is continuing
We don't really know how it's gonna resolve yet
So I don't know if this is a spoiler
But there is a subplot of the guards the pink uniform wearing guards and squid games
They will take the bodies that they've shot down the losers of the game if you will and they're supposed to shoot them dead
But instead of killing them, they immobilize them.
Then they take them into this little bunker where a doctor shows up to try and sell the organs.
Take out the organs.
It's very fascinating the levels of profit.
So the VIP clients, they get their entertainment out of these people dying.
Out of watching them kill each other for survival and for money.
That's their entertainment.
To the guards that are one step above the contestants,
they take advantage of the contestants
by in death selling their organs and profiting.
The same goes for brother's home.
Right, because that's my question.
Why are they so fucking evil?
Like you don't, yeah, okay.
The facility will continue to profit
even if the victims die. one survivor whose sole
job was to clean up messes, particularly the messes of people who were escaped, recaptured,
and beaten. he says, my job was to clean up after them. but how? how do i clean it up? wiping away
the blood stains? cleaning up the aftermath? i mean i saw people all laying there on the floor
with their eyes wide open. They were dead. The total number of people that died is
said to be around 551 but it's likely that the numbers are far higher than
that. One survivor says there are so many graves there. If you look behind the
church where the weeds grow thick, some days you would see mounds being made, just so many.
There's like a bath house there,
right in front of it is this incinerator.
A lot of bones would come out of that incinerator.
I remember a man named Kim.
He was quite old at the time, this is a direct quote.
He was carried into a secret guidance room,
that's what they called it.
That's where they would beat us into guidance
to listening to the guards better not trying to escape he was
forced into that room and carried out I watched he was dead he died from beating
but I was told everyone would just report it as some sort of natural
illness as his cause of death and that sometimes if the beating scars aren't
that bad they would sell them for medical studies.
They would body farm.
They would sell the bodies.
Just like squeaking.
One survivor states, yeah, I mean, if the bodies weren't needed, the guards would carry
it up to the church at dawn and to the mass graves.
One victim states, people were starved, beaten, and killed, and their deaths were never reported.
They just buried them or sold them.
All the kids are freezing.
That's like a huge thing.
All the survivors mention over and over again, you don't understand the winters in this place.
You don't understand how cold it gets when there's snow falling everywhere and you're shivering to the bone.
Your lips are constantly bleeding because you're so dry.
It is miserable.
Some people had frostbitten toes that had to be amputated.
And then what do they do after they amputate it?
They just rub salt on it.
They said it's that bad.
Underneath the facility,
there's this little warehouse storage room
and it's filled to the brim with clothes.
Like uniforms or all the-
Better clothes. They're making no okay so
remember how I said this is not a cult story so why do they have this giant
church is it just because one of the leaders like one of the facility owners
is religious no because religion is used to reel in donations for Brothers Home
from the outside Brothers Home is a very legitimate welfare center. They're actually the biggest welfare center that
is funded by the government and now they're gonna ask for donations from
people around the world. The director of Brothers Home was smart. He did not care
for Jesus, not even one bit. He's not a religious man. But survivors said they
used religion to add more money to their business. If there's no religion involved in their center, who would donate money?
It's a government-funded facility.
But you tell people, I'm Christian. I'm a Christian doing good things.
I need donation money.
Donation money from foreigners would flood in.
They would donate just cases of clothes.
And the kids were forced to write thank you notes to all the donors
because you need it in childish handwriting
Sometimes they would have American donors stop by that work with like adoption agencies in America or even big churches in America
They would fly to Korea to visit brothers home
And everyone would prepare for months the kids would put on plays
they would dance around they'd be forced to do all these things and then once
they leave they have to give everything back the basement would be filled with
those donated clothes and they would sell them another layer of profit sold to
local clothing stores this one odd time a bunch of donors donated a bunch of cows, cattle to be used
for consumption. And Han said,
they took the cow and paraded it around the field,
taking pictures with all of us,
smiling with the cow and showed it off and everybody was so happy thinking we
would get beef bone soup or something the next day. And the next day,
it was just rotten oil broth, no beef.
They took the cows to the market to be sold.
But the worst part for nine-year-old Han
is not even the fact that he's not drinking beef bone soup.
It's the fact that he was taken with his 12-year-old sister,
and his older sister keeps trying to escape with him.
Every single time she stands in the field,
she would sprint towards him, ready to escape with him. Every single time she stands in the field, she would sprint towards him ready to escape with him,
but she has no plan.
She has no plan.
She would just try to grab his hand and say,
I'm gonna protect you, let's go.
We're gonna go home.
And every time she would get slammed down onto the ground
and beaten in front of Han.
He says the beatings, torture, and punishments,
it wouldn't stop her from getting to me. Han says about beatings, torture, and punishments, it wouldn't stop her from getting to me
han says about his sister, you know my older sister was especially smart
so our researchers actually met han and his older sister
they left a video message for us as well but
he says his older sister is especially smart and capable
which our researchers actually noted and we'll talk about that in part three
She's like the only blood relative that taught Han
Anything because they're poor village kids. He doesn't know how to write she would teach him and then on their way home one day
This is when they were free. He saw this dalgona cart. Oh, it's just all full circle Okay, he sees this dalgona cart the candy cart and he's like sister
Can I get a dalgona and she doesn't have money? So she says you know what? I'm gonna go home and I'm gonna make it for you
He says my sister put a ladle on the briquette stove. It was her first time doing this
She poured in sugar, added a little bit of soda, and she was about to complete the Targona with the chopsticks when I kept
pushing on her and like dragging her shirt saying,
can you hurry, I really want targona,
and she dropped the ladle.
It fell all over her foot.
She has a severe burn because the sugar crystallizes
and it sticks to you all over her foot.
He says, I still remember that incident.
And when their dad, who both of them thought was very scary,
he would come home and ask,
Shin-e, what happened to your foot?
And she would quickly respond, I dropped a pot while I was making soup.
Don't worry about it.
Han says his sister was always somebody that protected him.
And even now, she keeps trying to protect him by having them escape,
but all that's happening is she keeps getting beat over and over again.
She would run to him in the cafeteria trying to hug him.
Father's gonna come find us, okay? Don trying to hug him father's gonna come find us okay don't be scared father's gonna come
find us he says you can't imagine how difficult it was to look at each other
in that atmosphere of fear rather than being a source of support or comfort for
each other it just became more painful I lived witnessing my sister gradually
losing her mind okay so in the book it's very explicit but I think he would
rather it not be explicit. So Ahon mentions that people from his sister's
platoon would come to him and report back the types of torture that were
inflicted on her because she tried to save her brother. And the types of
torture you can imagine what they are, especially being a woman in a facility like this. In some sick twisted way, some
of the kids would even taunt him about it. He said, I lived witnessing my sister
gradually losing her mind. First it was just this panic of we got to get out of
here, I'm gonna help us escape. And then slowly she would start talking to the
walls. She would do anything. It doesn't matter. She wouldn't feel her own pain of being beat. When Han got beat on the field, she would
run and cover his body with her own and it would just result in both of them
getting beat and her torture was, I mean both of them were essayed during their
time there but it was just really bad. He says, I lived witnessing my sister
gradually losing her mind.
If she had been completely out of my sight, I might have forgotten her existence entirely.
But because she was next to me for three years and six months,
I witnessed everything and I can't forget it.
Every time his sister would be in the field, the guards would laugh,
the weirdo's coming, the weirdo's coming again, she's starting again. And without fail when Han would look, it would be his sister running towards guards would laugh the weirdos coming the weirdos coming again she's starting again and without fail when Han would look it
would be a sister running towards him trying to help him escape and the guards
that were laughing what two seconds ago suddenly they yank her down by the hair
as she rushes towards him throws her onto the ground and drags her away
forcibly to torture her eventually she was taken to the psych ward where Han
would climb the window just to see her.
There was a few platoon leaders that he liked, like the guards, where they were tall and
they would let him climb on top of their shoulders to see him through the window just to see
his sister.
And he thought maybe if she sees my face, she'll get better and she won't lose her mind and
she'll realize, okay, I got to get out of here strong.
But when he looks into the room, she doesn't even recognize him because she is not there
they have her on so many they have her on antipsychotics that she does not need
on high doses every single day she's in a daze she just has a glaze it's like
they're zombies that's how they describe them he says every time I went to check
on my sister to see if she was ever getting better,
she was always laying down with her hands tied.
There was nothing I could do for my sister.
All I could do every day was pray
that my father would come and save us.
He says his biggest regret was,
before she was taken to the psych ward,
one of the leaders was beating his sister, the guard,
and they told Han, I'm not going to stop until you repeat after me.
Don't fucking come find me, you stupid bitch.
And they would make Han repeat it over and over again because
he wasn't saying it with conviction, obviously, and he's just crying as he's
screaming at his sister and she's on the ground and she still tries to come save
him the next day. Then one day Han hears a voice that he recognizes behind him.
Have you been well?
And he freezes.
He can't even turn around.
How's your sister doing?
It's his dad.
He's in a suit, tracksuit too?
Just like Jung's dad, Han's dad is in a suit, a tracksuit.
Han writes in his book,
I tasted despair. I hated my father to death because he dropped them off at the
police station. And he was never particularly the best father even prior.
He said the thought that I could never escape this place now tormented me. And
now this man is wondering, how's your sister doing? Han scoffs. She's gone. She's no longer there.
Seeing his dad, Han said he just had this overwhelming feeling.
And these were the words that kept repeating in his mind while he was in the welfare center, which is
with a knife. With a knife.
He didn't know what it meant.
It was just always with a knife. I'm gonna do it with a knife. With a knife.
The next time Han would ever see his dad outside of brother's home, He didn't know what it meant. It was just always with a knife. I'm gonna do it with a knife, with a knife.
The next time Han would ever see his dad
outside of brother's home,
he would have a knife in his pocket, ready to kill him.
That is part two of Squid Games,
the real story behind Squid Games.
Part three, we will tell you what happened to Han
and Han's sister, Han's dad,
as well as all the other victims
who were outside
of the National Assembly and also the family who does not get punished and are in Australia
living as millionaires.
So stay tuned for part three.
Leave your thoughts in the comments and stay safe.
I'll see you in the next one.