Rotten Mango - Teacher Made 11-Yr-Old Be A Lookout While SAing His Friend In Class- Husband Defends Her

Episode Date: January 29, 2025

There’s been a crime in the workplace. Tim, the man in charge, is tasked with figuring out what exactly happened. He calls in the informants and sits them down at his desk. “What did you hear?�...� They lean forward - “I heard that they meet after hours in her car and they’re having a very inappropriate relationship. She might even be pregnant.” Tim takes notes. He interviews each of the people that could know exactly what happened… before concluding. These are all just workplace rumors. There is nothing more he should do about it. There’s just no way that Teacher Of The Year - Brittany Zamora is SAing her 13 year old student in a classroom full of kids. There’s no way. What would her poor husband say about this? A lot. He has a lot to say. All words of support for his wife.   Full show notes at 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 There has been a crime in the workplace. And Tim Dickey, the man in charge, has to figure out what the hell is going on. He's gotta investigate. He's sitting down with everybody. Anybody that's heard or potentially saw anything, he's sitting across from them. Because all of these people could be witnesses one day. And they all tell him the same thing. Well everyone talks about them having an inappropriate relationship.
Starting point is 00:00:29 Okay, I see. I mean have you seen anything with your own eyes or is it just a rumor that you're hearing from everyone, your peers? Well I've heard a lot from a lot of others that they're dating. It's pretty clear though that she has the power and she favors him. he barely puts in any work and he gets all the rewards. honestly it's a pretty gross massive power imbalance to say the least. another person tells Tim Dickey along the lines of I've heard that they met up after hours that they have these secret meetings in the night in her car. it's all very hush hush but the worst part is I've heard the rumor that she's actually pregnant. Others say that's not even the worst part. It actually does indeed get
Starting point is 00:01:11 worse. They say that they've heard rumors that sometimes he would stand behind her desk and she would pretend to go under her desk to look for something. Oops, I dropped my pencil, crawled down there, and in front of everybody else in the room, she would, quote, touch his stuff. Not to mention some of the notes found in her desk that he allegedly wrote. One just reads, you're sexy. Another reads, I want you. Let's smash.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Six feet long, whatever that means. The witnesses' statements are pretty consistent, but Tim Dickey thinks, well what if they're too consistent? It's a little too convenient, right? He thinks all the stories kinda sound similar, like they're all just rumors that people have been circulating from desk to desk, but has anybody actually seen anything? It's time to bring in the suspect. they
Starting point is 00:02:06 bring in 27 year old Brittany Zamora. she walks into Tim Dickey's office. she's sitting at the other end of his desk and there's already tears just streaming down her face. it does not appear that she's having a good time. listen Tim please, there are really only two things in this world that I care about and it's my husband and my career. That's it. Tim Dickey is smiling because that makes sense. And she was like one of the first people he hired
Starting point is 00:02:32 since he got the job running this place. And she did win the 2016 county teacher of the year award. There's no way she's essaying and raping her 13 year old student in a class full of kids, right? What? There's no way she has an 11 year old boy standing lookout while she essays his best friend in her classroom? Even if Tim Dickey doesn't believe it, the least he can do is alert the 13 year old student's parents, correct? Instead, Tim Dickey sits all the other students down that
Starting point is 00:03:05 have reported the inappropriate behavior. He says, thank you all for coming to me with what you've been hearing in the hallways. But do you know how dangerous rumors can be? You can ruin someone's career with these types of rumors. And he scolds all the students for spreading rumors, and it gives Brittany enough time to target her next potential victim, an 11 year old. This is the case of Brittany Zamora and what happens when the victim's parents find out and when Brittany's own husband finds out. We would like to thank today's sponsors who have made it possible for Rotten Mango to support the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Also known as NECMEC, they focus on finding missing children, reducing child sexual exploitation, and the prevention of
Starting point is 00:04:09 child victimization. This episode's partnerships have also made it possible to support Rotten Mango's growing team, and we'd also like to thank you guys for your continued support. As always, full show notes are available at Disclaimers, today's case has mentions of grooming and CSA. Please watch with caution. The names of the minors have also been, of course, protected and changed, so with that being said, these are all pseudonyms, except for the perpetrators and the adults. Let's get started. Do you know what the pre-divorce stage is?
Starting point is 00:04:38 It's when you see two people in a relationship, in a marriage, and you know that they're going to get divorced. They just haven't filed divorce yet. They might not even know that they're gonna get divorced, but you just feel it in your bones. They are in a stage of pre-divorce. My biggest thing is, I mean, I guess it's very difficult to say if you can see when couples are gonna get divorced,
Starting point is 00:05:00 everybody's different, but when they are incredibly mean to each other in front of people, I'm like, I feel like a pre-divorce is happening. One netizen says, oh my pre-divorce signal is even stronger. He's older now. He's seen all these couples come and go, and he says when I see a divorce coming, and this is not a hundred percent of the time, obviously there's exceptions, don't get upset people, but he says when the couple decide out of nowhere, it's not like a big anniversary, it's not their 50th anniversary, 40th, 20th, 25th, out of nowhere, the couple decide
Starting point is 00:05:35 randomly to have an over-the-top vow renewal. Massive ceremony, celebration, it feels like they distract themselves by planning the event. And then after the last guest leaves, party is over. They go back to reality, the marriage is shitty, divorce incoming in like six months. What? Yeah. And he's saying obviously there's exceptions of people who have anniversaries
Starting point is 00:05:58 or have been planning it for a long time or they had a life altering moment where someone was diagnosed with something and then recovered. Those are different. He's saying like so random. Okay. Another one said, I was at a wedding and I knew this was pre divorce at the wedding. The groom was making a toast to the bride, you know, the woman that he's marrying. And he talked about how he initially didn't like her because she never shut up. now she's learning to quote put a sock in it and then he jokingly turned and then air backhanded her face like not actually hit her on the
Starting point is 00:06:34 face but like in the air pretended to hit her that is wild to the guest credit nobody laughed there's just awkward deafening silence. They got divorced two months after the wedding. One Redditor states that she knew her divorce was coming pretty early on. She says, well, my husband smashed cake into my face at the wedding, even though I begged him for months prior not to. He also introduced me as his first wife at our reception party for our wedding to everybody. He thought it was hilarious. We divorced over the summer and I am so much happier. Another Redditor says, oh yeah when you can tell your marriage is coming to an end it's pretty easy. You drive home from work, you come around the corner and if you see your partner's car in the driveway and feel sad or disappointed, that's the sign
Starting point is 00:07:22 you need. Another ex-wife said, oh, mine was weirder. Right after the wedding, I moved in. And the thermostat that controls the temperature, he put a password on it and he wouldn't let me have the password. Wow. For Daniel, the signs were probably a lot more obvious, but he just sped right past them. They went over his head. Daniel, maybe he likes all the signs. I don't know which is more
Starting point is 00:07:48 alarming because the pre-divorce? other people saw a pre-divorce, he didn't see anything. he just gets served divorce papers out of nowhere after everything that they've been through from their proposal. Daniel even wrote this long sappy message to Brittany online about it. He writes, from the moment we first saw each other, we have been falling for one another. So it was only appropriate to ask Brittany to marry me while falling.
Starting point is 00:08:15 He proposed this whilst on a skydiving trip. And now after four years of marriage, she wants to divorce him? She wants to hit him with divorce papers while she's in jail? Seriously? Brittany states to the courts that she would like to separate from her husband because quote, our marriage is beyond repair. It's broken and there is no hope of reconciliation. What defines that a marriage is broken beyond repair with no hope of reconciliation?
Starting point is 00:08:45 A few years prior, Brittany hands Daniel the phone. This is when they're still married, still living together. Brittany's handing Daniel the phone, and on the other end of this phone is a very very angry man. He says, put your husband on the phone, I'm more than happy to talk to that dumb motherfucker too. Daniel grabs the phone. Hey man, hey don't say hey man to me. You got a fucking monster. If I was you, you stupid motherfucker, I would leave her. So this man on the phone is telling Daniel to leave his wife Brittany.
Starting point is 00:09:16 Daniel's trying to reason with him. Man, listen. No, you listen to me you stupid motherfucker. I'll cave your stupid fucking head in. You're a stupid motherfucker, you know that? You dumb motherfucker. I'll cave your stupid fucking head in. You're a stupid motherfucker, you know that? You dumb motherfucker. Daniel is only briefly quiet before he says, think about it. God, you know, God preaches forgiveness, man. Yeah, I'ma preach forgiveness when I put my hands
Starting point is 00:09:36 around your throat, you stupid motherfucker. I understand. No, you don't get shit, you dumb fucking bitch. I would be the same way, sir. Like I said, dude, the smartest thing for you to do, do not incriminate yourself. Do me that favor. Leave your wife or else your ass is going down the drain with her. Do me a favor and leave.
Starting point is 00:09:56 Your woman is a monster. Do you want me to tell you the whole fucking story? She had another 13-year-old in there watching the whole fucking thing. Daniel is on the phone confronted with the fact that his wife Brittany was cheating on him, but he is also confronted with the fact that his wife is cheating on him by raping a 13 year old student of hers and the man screaming at him on the phone is the victim's father. This is how he found out. He claims he found out right before this phone call. And he was like...
Starting point is 00:10:31 He said God preaches forgiveness. Wow. There is an app called Sentry and it lets parents monitor their kids. It seems like kids don't know when it's installed. I mean, I'm sure you have to take their phone and install it. I don't know how it works. I mean, I guess it could be used for not parental controls. Just be careful. But it lets parents flag keywords.
Starting point is 00:11:06 So if these keywords ever get searched on the internet or is sent via message, whether it's Facebook Messenger, Instagram direct messages, or text messages, it'll alert the parent and it'll show them what platform and it'll show them the message. So you can flag words like baby or you know other maybe drugs, right? John and his wife, they get Adam, their son, a new phone with this new app installed on their century and they give it to him because I mean honestly they don't feel right about
Starting point is 00:11:37 it. They were going back and forth. Do we install the app? Do we not install the app? We kind of feel bad about it, especially because he's 13. We're trying to give him space to still be a child, but make mistakes and learn and grow and have privacy. But Adam has been acting so weird recently. He doesn't even want to sleep with the door open. They have this whole family rule. Everybody sleeps with their door open. It doesn't have to be wide open.
Starting point is 00:12:00 It's just like a crock. You just don't lock your door at night. But he's so upset by this he's withdrawn during dinner time he doesn't even want to talk to them it's so sudden that they're like something is going on and if we don't figure out what we can't help him the stepmom has the parent version installed on her phone and she put all the keywords in and the day after installing the app she's just getting ding ding ding ding ding. Her phone is blowing up. She's like so yesterday I got the alert. I keep getting alerts back to back to back to back
Starting point is 00:12:32 back because the word baby kept getting used. The messages in question read I guess kind of like any other 13 year old relationship flirting I imagine. I don't particularly recall how I flirted when I was 13 but the messages read WID what you doing on the bus texting you so Adam is texting on the bus texting you oh my god you're so cute baby I wish you could have stayed after with me I know I wish I could baby heart emoji heart emoji the person responds I wish I could hang out with you whenever we wanted. Adam responds, same. I think about it so much. I think about it so much too.
Starting point is 00:13:11 Oh, baby, I know what you mean. You're all I think about. It's kind of giving like two 13 year olds flirting. Another thread of messages read from Adam, you're mine. Yes, baby. Which again, I don't necessarily recall how I was slurreding as a 13 year old and I'm sure per parent it's different how one feels about their kid sending these types of messages. I don't know, perhaps a child psychologist would know better if
Starting point is 00:13:34 this is normal development to talk like this or not, but so far it's not the most alarming thing in the world. But there's more messages that start to escalate and get increasingly stranger. A message from Adam reads, I need more redacted from you heart. Now these are obviously not redacted to Adam's parents, but it's redacted in the police records. But the parents have seen it. You can kind of fill in the blanks on what it says. The person receiving the message goes, question mark, you okay? Sorry baby, my parents called me. I thought you got in trouble. I GTG do chores. I love you. I'll see you tomorrow The person responds ILY heart
Starting point is 00:14:16 Okay, they're saying I love you. It seems like it's more serious 13 year old relationship It's getting it's getting a little more alarming then Adam receives a message I want you to baby so bad whenever we can you know, I'm down heart year old relationship, it's getting a little more alarming, then Adam receives a message. I want you too, baby. So bad. Whenever we can, you know, I'm down. Heart. Like you for real get sexier to me every day. LOL. Wait, which one? Who said this? Whoever is sending this to Adam. Adam's stepmom says, so I'm reading through the conversations and I've done this before
Starting point is 00:14:42 with other conversations of his as well. But this at the bottom she sees something at the bottom of the messages and she's she's looking at it twice three times four hundred seventy nine times because there is no way I mean there's just no way the app sentry will tell you what platform the messages are being sent from and what the account name is so So it just gives you your handle. So if it's on Facebook, it gives the handle or on Instagram, it gives the handle at blah, blah, blah. And it's at Mrs. Dot Zamora, Adam's sixth grade teacher through Instagram. So she's like, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:15:18 I mean, maybe, maybe it's just someone with the same name or like, you know, how kids are, maybe they'll make an account for their teacher and just mess around so She first only saw that he's flirting with someone. Yes, and she thought maybe this just like like a girlfriend Yes, and when she saw that handle that's when she realized. Oh my gosh. She's like what the hell is going on? Okay, then she goes on Instagram and she checks that handle because she's like, again, it could just be an account. You can technically name your handle anything on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:15:50 There's no law. She goes and it's the same spelling, same everything with the real account of Mrs. Zamora. And she knows this because she's messaged Mrs. Zamora too about homework before on Instagram. And the stepmom says, but what even more confirmed it was her first name was used in the conversation so either she wrote it or he wrote it and they put so the two were flirting and they wrote Brittany insert Adams last name other messages read what are you doing
Starting point is 00:16:18 thinking about your sexy self heart emoji heart emoji and then Mrs. Zamora responds all baby I wish you were here with me. and she proceeds to send a video and i don't know why diddy is everywhere but he's here too. she is pointing at her car stereo with the caption, when the radio plays that good shit and it's diddy's song i need a girl. and the lyrics are i've had a lot of women in my lifetime but see it's not a lot of women that got the right mind. i've done a lot of women in my lifetime but see it's not a lot of women that got the right mind I've done a lot of pretty chicks with all the right features cell phones and beepers you know how to treat you you break her heart she'll walk out and leave you yeah so immediately Adam
Starting point is 00:16:57 stepmom is calling Adam's dad a husband you got to do something you got to come home this is serious he gets home confront Adam, and they even see that Mrs. Samara had some pictures of her private parts with her chest fully exposed as well as below private parts fully exposed wearing black lingerie that is crotchless. So the app also shows photos? They confronted him and they saw those photos. They tell Adam, we need you to be completely honest right now. We already know the answers to everything we're gonna ask, so we just need you to tell us the truth. Who is this you're talking to? Who are you talking to? And have you done anything with your teacher?
Starting point is 00:17:40 Adam quietly responds, yeah. He tells them that remember that one time he brought home that permission slip to stay longer after school to set up posters for the talent show? That's when it happened. That's when his teacher essayed him. But it would happen several more times. So now, Adam is texting Brittany. I want to F. Okay, it's redacted but it presumably I want to F. Okay it's redacted but it presumably I want to F. So bad baby those times weren't enough for me. Adam sends the message and his dad is standing over his shoulder. The way that Adam's dad describes it he says sorry to use this language he says that but you're gonna
Starting point is 00:18:20 text this bitch and you're gonna trap her you're gonna make her tell me everything through these messages. Adam texts her that and she responds, I want you baby I want you every day with no time limit if I could quit my job and fuck you all day I would. Adam's dad probably takes over the phone at this point I presume and he sends another message I need more redacted from you. I'll give you whatever you want, baby. And with that, they're immediately calling the police. And they start getting these weird restricted calls. Soon after, like a few hours later,
Starting point is 00:18:51 they keep getting restricted call, blocked number, unknown number, unknown number. And they're just sending them to voicemail because why are they getting these restricted calls out of nowhere? And- What does that mean, restricted calls? Like unknown number, unknown number, unknown number.
Starting point is 00:19:02 Because you know when you get scam calls, they don't want it to say unknown number. they try to make it look like real numbers, but they keep getting literally unknown caller, unknown caller. They're like, this is so random. But they're not answering. They're not answering for the first few times. Finally, they pick up the fourth one and it's Brittany Zamora. It appears maybe Adam had let her know that they had alerted the police or something,
Starting point is 00:19:24 but she calls them and Adam's dad is not messing around. He starts a conversation. What type of perverted person are you? I want to know right now. You are a fucking monster. You're a pedophile. You're a child molester. Do you understand me?
Starting point is 00:19:39 Brittany on the other end has the audacity to say, um, why do you say that? Oh, bitch, see, I'm a lot smarter than you. I am so much smarter than you. You do not understand how much smarter than you I am. I got you. I want you to know that. I got you. Do me a favor, do not call this number back again. Next time you hear from me, it will be in court. And make sure you let your husband know that you fuck 13 year old boys. I want you to do me a favor, okay? Do that for me and I am coming for you."
Starting point is 00:20:08 Which by the way, Adam's parents did like everything right in this. They did not say, oh it's a boy's dream. They didn't do any of that. They didn't victim blame. They didn't victim shame. They didn't get upset with Adam. They took all the right steps. I think even in this phone call, he is so clearly he is Has a lot of emotions coming out, which is rightfully understandable, but he's pretty poised
Starting point is 00:20:30 Like nothing he's saying is like uncalled for or not true To which she responds. Okay Yeah, you have a wonderful evening. Okay, you stupid cunt. Can you like explain to me? Can we meet to talk about this and And she tries to like have this self voice There's something like we can settle outside. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah That's what we can do so I can give you a chance to do it to some other kid Yeah, that's exactly what we're gonna do. No, miss the more do me a favor. Do not call me back again Do you understand me and make sure to tell your husband what's going on? He's right here. He's right here. Can he talk?
Starting point is 00:21:05 Can we- What the f- Can we meet to, you know, talk about this? We can settle outside? Side note, in a later report, it says that Brittany reassures Adam's parents that she's not pregnant and that she's very clean from STDs, which like, what kind of reassurance is that, lady? I believe she even tries denying a picture that she sent, a nude photo, because it doesn't have her face in it But the dad tells her pretty bluntly. I know where your birthmark is. Okay. I know where your birthmark is. So
Starting point is 00:21:32 Adams dad goes on to say make sure to tell your husband exactly what's going on by this point the parents know that He's been essay their son has been essayed by their teacher They know that these messages have been taking place, inappropriate pictures have been sent, they're about to file a police report, but they're on the phone with Brittany and her husband. They don't know the exact details of when these incidents happened, they're going to find out soon,
Starting point is 00:21:58 but they know everything that's happened, the crimes that have taken place. And now Daniel, the husband is getting on the phone. Brittany's husband is on the phone. There's almost this level of frustration that you can feel Adam's dad having, because it's like, how are you not getting this? His fist is clenched, his wife is recording this.
Starting point is 00:22:15 We have this whole phone call. We FOIA'd the phone call. And he's just saying, she's a monster. Like, do you understand that? Do you understand that? Dude, be smart, you stupid ass. Leave. Kick that bitch out of your house. And Daniel's like, listen, man.
Starting point is 00:22:31 No, you listen. You're lucky that my wife is standing right here, you stupid motherfucker. Talk. You got 30 seconds. Which side note, Adam's stepmom whispers at one point, he might be a pervert, too. Talking about Daniel. And he continues, talk you got 30 seconds,
Starting point is 00:22:49 don't waste my time. You have the nuts to call me and now you don't wanna talk? Look man, this whole situation is crazy. And I've never heard of anything like this in my entire life. And I'm sure as a parent, you've gotta be livid, pissed, downright hurt. You trust the system and honestly this sucks as a parent you've got to be livid, pissed, downright hurt. You you trust the
Starting point is 00:23:06 system, you trust the system and honestly this sucks as a husband. As a husband I am distraught, let down. I mean I understand and I'm sure as a husband you know you know what this would do to you. Well dude the thing is I don't get with a fucking monster. I know, I know. God it's the worst for me. I'm pretty much throwing up. She confided in me just now and told me the truth and man, I am shaking. Well, explain to me what she told you. Which side note, when he says I am shaking, I don't feel like he's shaking. I understand that everybody processes shock differently, but I feel like this is my reaction to an uber order getting canceled. It doesn't sound shaken.
Starting point is 00:23:47 And the dad continues, I wanna know. You said that she confided in you. Let me know what she told you so I can see if she told you everything. Grab some nuts and talk to me like a man. What the fuck did she tell you she did to a 13 year old boy? Listen to be honest, it's just more of the messaging. Oh, so she didn't tell you everything then. I mean, I'm hearing it from you, sir
Starting point is 00:24:06 I'm hearing it from you. We're not gonna hear another fucking thing from me So what I'm asking you is if you could possibly just Brittany has been a great teacher for a long time five years She's done so much for so many students and raised so many people's lives from the ghetto That's literally what he says Like don't even get me started on that. She's been to, you know, homes to talk to students. Again, not the one you think it is. Done a tutoring program.
Starting point is 00:24:36 She's done so, so much and she's made a huge mistake. The biggest mistake anybody could ever make in this whole entire world. She got invested in a very, very bright, smart and great student. He's trying to spin this. Like, Britney got invested in your child because he's so great. Which I'm sure he is, but what? What kind of advertising manipulation, scheming?
Starting point is 00:25:01 Honestly, and a great person, which probably comes from y'all. And I get you. I get it, man. He's like marketing her crimes. What is happening right now? And you probably don't want to hear my voice and I wouldn't want to hear my voice either. Oh, I'd like to hear your voice when I get my fucking hands around your throat. Your wife decided to be a monster and prey on a child.
Starting point is 00:25:22 She scarred my son mentally. Do you understand what a 13 year old boy did? Do you get all of that? Listen to me. I am NOT going to settle outside of court. There's not enough fucking money you could possibly ever ask and offer me to settle this. I get it man. Get that through your head! And with that he hangs up the phone. He calls the police, Adam's parents do, and a whole investigation begins and it just gets messier. There are two main interviews that are done. One with the victim Adam and then another hour-long
Starting point is 00:25:52 interview with the victim's best friend. Now the interview with Adam, you don't see him because obviously his identity is protected, but he just sounds so young. There is like a certain cadence that children have. obviously some people don't shed it for a while there's nothing wrong with it but the way he answers questions is incredibly childlike his voice his way of responding to for example the interviewer will ask him tell me about a few things you like to do he responds I like to play football right and draw The authorities are just trying to understand, okay, how does something like this even happen? Like, she's had to have a certain level of grooming already established in order to send
Starting point is 00:26:36 these types of messages to the victim. And they're wondering, how did you guys even start messaging? There's this app called Classcraft. Classcraft is supposed to foster a positive school climate and educational outcomes. It's a message board. You can message your teachers and ask them one-on-one about questions of homework. Under the presumption that this is a well-monitored communication forum, and likely nobody uses the chat function to do anything but ask questions about school or class times because let's be so real What teacher wants to talk to their kids outside of school hours and what student wants to talk to their teacher outside of school hours?
Starting point is 00:27:12 Unless there's a problem with school work, but Brittany tells her a class one day I'm gonna be out of school tomorrow You guys are gonna have a substitute teacher and I'm just gonna be really bored So if anybody else is bored you guys should message me on class craft it's not about an assignment it's not about their project it's just I'm bored Adam messages his teacher that day hi Mrs. Amora and she texts back hi she starts asking him these weird questions would it be weird if I sent you a winky face? Adam said that he was confused and he just responded, no, it's just a winky face lol. And Brittany responds,
Starting point is 00:27:52 I'm bored lol I am too. Come over. And he says on my way car emoji, but obviously JK because he's 13. And that's crazy crazy that's how it started yes wow eventually they start talking about the school dance and Brittany is asking Adam if he's going to the school dance which he just casually responds I don't think I'm gonna I might though and she responds oh salty bay calling herself salty bay from there Brittany guides the conversation and she moves everything onto instagram. adam says, i don't remember how it got like really intense but we would flirt and she would say things like oh my god i love you and i would say i love her too and then she would talk about how she
Starting point is 00:28:36 wanted to do stuff with me and i would tell her that i wanted to do that too. he says yeah we would flirt a lot like we would be at recess and I would talk to her. We would flirt at recess. But then the principal kept getting all these reports of an inappropriate relationship going on. And he said they were all just rumors and that he told them that they can't flirt or well, I guess he didn't say flirt. They can't talk during recess because it feels like Brittany Zamora is picking a favorite. So they were doing do this in front of everyone. Yeah. And people are reporting because this is that bad. Not only are people reporting, so the students are some of them are reporting it to principal Tim Dickey,
Starting point is 00:29:16 but some of them are even messaging Britney Zamora on class craft. There were like three girls, students, 13 year olds that were messaging her saying, if these rumors are true, like this is a gross use of power and you should really be ashamed of yourself. Blah, blah, blah. Like telling her. And the principal Tim Dickey was, you know, like he was trying to protect what? Some moral or the reputation or the school image, whatever it is, right? There are a few netizens and theories and maybe it's a compilation of all of them.
Starting point is 00:29:47 Some people think that Tim Dickey finds Britney Zamora conventionally attractive, and maybe he was blinded by that. Other reports say that Tim Dickey's reputation could have been on the line, because he was an assistant principal at a different school, got promoted to principal at this school school this final school where it happened
Starting point is 00:30:07 And the first person that he hired from that other school that he used to work out was Brittany Zamora But that could also be I don't know if that's because she's a great teacher or if perhaps Her conventional attractiveness was I don't you don't know right? Yeah Wow But either way he brushed it off. Yes. That's crazy. He just thought, naturally, some teachers will inevitably
Starting point is 00:30:31 have favorites, and she is being unprofessional by showing that to the other kids. As for the physical assaults, Adam says it started with her kissing him after school one day. He says, the first time we kissed, I was saying bye to her. I gave her a hug, and she started kissing me so i kissed her back. he says we were doing a talent show thing and yeah it was like when i was saying bye. and he says quote, she's like you want to go in? i was like sure, i didn't take off my pants or anything but she was wearing a dress so she just pulled her underwear to the side and then i was in there for like a minute, and then I was like, okay, I gotta go.
Starting point is 00:31:07 It appears that he is trying to explain that she forced him to digitally stimulate her. It appears. He continues, She said she wanted to give me a blowjob, and my stuff was really big, and stuff like that. He's telling the police interviewer all of this. And the interviewer has to keep asking him like what stuff do you mean and Every time he says that he just hesitates and he whispers really shyly because he's 13 penis
Starting point is 00:31:32 Like he doesn't even like saying that word In the interview they go over all the other instances that she wanted him to meet up with her He says I told her that I was at my grandparents house and she said let me come over and I said lol And then I put these heart emojis and she was like no, I told her that I was at my grandparents' house and she said, let me come over. And I said, LOL. And then I put these heart emojis. And she was like, no, I'm serious. I was like, OK. And she came over.
Starting point is 00:31:50 I went to her car. She was parked on the end of the street. She texted, OK, I'm here. I'm outside. And I walked to her car. And that is where she essays him for the first time. I think at this point, people were expecting that because we already knew that she had essayed him.
Starting point is 00:32:05 So they're just trying to get the details of when and how it happened. I'm not saying it's not unsurprising or it's expected, but it's like when you already know the balloon popped, now you're just trying to figure out how the balloon popped, right? I don't know if the balloon is a great analogy or like the cake dropped or something. You get it. You already know this event took place. Now you're just trying to figure out how it took place. But the interviewer, I don't think that she knew that this part happened. Because Adam starts describing they have this thing in class called CNN 10. And Brittany would say, it's time for CNN 10, where they watch CNN's 10 minute recap of the Newsday.
Starting point is 00:32:39 And this is around 2.40 p.m., right before school ends. She would say, get your snacks out, go find a place to sit down. Brittany would walk over and turn on CNN 10, walk to the back ends of the class, so everybody's facing forward. She would be standing behind Adam and putting two and two together from the redacted reports. She would force Adam to digitally stimulate her in the back of the class while everybody else was watching the news. They're in the classroom. That's freaking insane.
Starting point is 00:33:09 And then according to Adam and another witness, she would have Adam stand behind her desk. And because he's 13, he's not that tall, I guess, his private part would be below the level of the desk. And she would pretend to drop something or pretend to look for something under the desk, and she would quote, touch his stuff. There's a whole classroom full of kids.
Starting point is 00:33:34 Wow. I mean, how can they be so bold? Because they have a lookout. A boy, Adam's best friend, let's call him Brady, he's also interviewed, and he said, this happened every day, CNN 10. They did it every day at 2.40. I was one of the witnesses, one of the people that saw Mrs. Zamora, my friend, touch each other, and they would ask him, was Mrs. Zamora saying anything?
Starting point is 00:33:55 They were just doing it, it was very uncomfortable. So that's why, like, the second day they were doing stuff, I just left the room. He says, yeah, we tried to tell Mr. Dickey. Mr. Dickey came and he talked to us saying, well, you guys as students should stop saying these rumors and talking about like, how can we solve this situation by next time we hear rumors like this, tell the principal or solve it by telling the teachers. We wrote on a piece of paper
Starting point is 00:34:20 how to solve the situation of rumors. What does that mean, we wrote on paper? Like next time I hear rumors, I will do this. That's so sketchy. I feel like this principle is way, like, you know, you can... Yeah. I feel like he needs to be investigated or something. How... This is... Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:40 Yeah. I mean, I think it's very sus that he doesn't even alert Adam's parents. It's one thing to think that it's a rumor. Fine, right? I think it's your weird opinion. I don't agree with it. But you should still at least alert the victim's parents. Like, hey, this is what's been going on at school. These are the rumors that have taken place. I just want to give you guys like a heads up in case you've seen anything
Starting point is 00:35:01 or alert authorities to investigate because like you're not an investigator it's just so weird he also doesn't even put Brittany on leave so that they can investigate further he doesn't do anything he just takes notes on his investigation which at this point are as useful as like keeping a diary he also just tells Brittany to stop spending so much time with Adam and that's about it but But the best friend, Brady, he continues in the interview with the police that Mrs. Zamora started asking him weird stuff too. He says, Mrs. Zamora asked me if my thing was like uncircumcised or circumcised and I didn't know what that means. So in
Starting point is 00:35:41 the middle of class where there are students everywhere, Mrs. Zamora went on her phone and looked it up and then showed me. She also asked if he wanted to see nude photos of her as well. And he says she didn't touch me or anything, but by all accounts, it seems like she's prepping him to be her next victim. And he is 11 years old. He can't even properly explain the things he's witnessing because he's that young. He kept stating that Brittany and Adam had sex. Now the officer has to ask him what that means to him, to which he says, it's like they kissed. He also confuses the word virgin and Virginia. And this is like Brittany's
Starting point is 00:36:21 next alleged target, potential target. 11? What grade is that? This is, so they're in sixth grade, Adam is 13, so he might have been held back for a year or two, but... Wow. I mean... That's crazy. As for why, I mean, Adam's parents want to know, why did you freaking do this? Why risk your whole career and your marriage for what? And she just responds, I asked myself the same question.
Starting point is 00:36:46 I just got really close after everything went down and we're like, how could that happen? We just got so close. I don't know. They arrest Britney Zamora. There's body cam footage of this. And when they're taking her in for arrest, they're taking off all of her jewelry. And she asks the police, do I have to take off my wedding ring?
Starting point is 00:37:02 As if she's so in love with her husband, it's so weird. Then right to when she's being taken in to be questioned, she asks if there's any way she can talk to her husband. They say no. They take her into their interrogation room and they ask her all the pertinent questions. You know, did they tell you why you're here? Did they tell you why you've been arrested? It's involving a relationship with Adam.
Starting point is 00:37:20 I mean, I guess I just want to give you an opportunity because there is um just really little doubt on what happened and she says um can I have an attorney? You can. Is that what you want? Yeah um will I be going home today? No. They tell her she's going to jail to which she says I'm little they're gonna tear me apart. You know who else is little? 13 year olds. 11 year olds. To which the officer just straight up tells her, Yeah, I mean, if you have problems with somebody, you can voice that to somebody, and if you have problems, they can isolate you. And she starts sobbing,
Starting point is 00:37:55 I just have the best husband in the world, and I'm so ashamed. I mean, I do believe calling her a pygmy is the nicest description I can use considering her crimes, but she has this moment where she's arrested, she's handcuffed behind her back, and she has to get into the back of the cop car. The cop is like, here, let me help you, I know it's a big step, I'm gonna help you, and she's all, I'm only five foot. Okay. Wow.
Starting point is 00:38:18 Yeah. Fascinating. I don't even understand. Even when they said bail, they asked her, is there anything you'd like to say? And she goes, I guess I would just really like to go home and be with my husband. And so for a moment, because of how much Brittany harps on how much she loves her husband whilst R-wording a 13 year old, I thought maybe, maybe there's a chance that Daniel did an
Starting point is 00:38:53 Olympic level of mental gymnastics to somehow believe that she did not do this. I don't know. But authorities found text messages between Daniel and Brittany while Brittany is on the phone with Adam's parents, and he's texting her, cry, seem helpless, be apologetic, a ton. Don't say anything incriminating no matter what. The phone call you just described. Yeah. The whole time, Daniel was like, man, you got to understand.
Starting point is 00:39:17 And then there's more. Brittany responds, he wants info. He's still asking. He keeps saying to tell him that he already knows. So it appears like maybe he had come home, you know, and, and he says he's not recording. He's still asking me what happened He says don't even hint around anything or agree of course He's recording say we have to meet because you want to tell him face to face That's the right thing to do tell him you do not feel comfortable over the phone
Starting point is 00:39:38 I know he's not gonna like that but be firm do not be gullible and tell him anything don't admit to any relationship because we Both know there isn't one and nothing happened. Just stupid fantasy texting that went too far. Call me after. Even if he gives you an ultimatum, don't say anything, Brittany. Insist on meeting. He hates you and wants nothing but to burn you to the ground. Remember? I'm getting worried. What's going on? Please don't be stupid and admit he won't meet you. He's recording. No way. Don't believe it. Why can't he meet then? Please, please, Brittany, don't say anything. What's going on? Tell him that you're going to the school right now
Starting point is 00:40:07 and that you have to hang up. Hang up now. Don't say another word. He's going to fucking kill us if you say anything, Brittany. Also, who says he doesn't change his mind? He will say one thing now and fuck you over later. God knows if anything, or admit fault, he's got us and you're going to be done. I think the usage of us is interesting. You know, Brittany sounds just
Starting point is 00:40:26 extremely extremely dumb and Obviously evil. Yeah evil, but he's like that's I don't even know what what's going on here. Yeah Like he doesn't sound okay So a lot of people thought that he's the biggest simp husband in the world But this doesn't sound like a simp husband Yeah, and also if you're a simp husband, when you find out about this news, wouldn't you be devastated then? I guess they're trying like some netizens feel like this is him trying to protect her at all costs because he's a simp. But I think
Starting point is 00:40:57 the usage of us is weird. What's the context again? He says he's gonna fucking kill us if you say anything, Brittany. He also says don't mit to any relationship because we both know there isn't one and nothing happened. Just stupid fantasy stuff. That also feels like it's weird. Yeah. Like you never really say like we both know if you really both know. You're saying that he supposedly he found out about everything just now like that day yeah that day and this is his reaction I Don't know this is yeah It's very weird everybody in this is very weird. It's not normal. This is not a normal relationship And that's not to say that Brittany's not at fault. You know I do see some netizens conspiring that maybe he
Starting point is 00:41:43 Was pushing her to do these things. I don't really care if he did or not. I think she's the one that did them. Like if my husband was trying to convince me to do anything like that, I'd be like, okay, so I'm going to go to the police station and then I'm going to go find a divorce attorney. That'll be my two immediate steps. So, I mean, I don't care. This is not to diminish her responsibility.
Starting point is 00:42:06 I'm just saying those are some netizen theories out there. While all of this is happening, the authorities come to do a search warrant on Brittany's house and Daniel is outside. The officer just asks, probably for protocol. You guys have no kids, right? No, sir. I wish now. This is in the middle of Brittany, your wife being investigated for R-Writing her student. What do you mean you wish you had kids? I mean, you want to have children around your predator wife? Even the cops are doing a double take. Like, why do you wish you had kids now? Yeah. Oh, so I can have like, you know, I don't know all of what's going on and what's I don't know what's going to happen right here, you know, so I can have a little more like pieces of her.
Starting point is 00:42:44 Basically saying if she goes to prison, he can have a piece of her Daniel keeps going Brittany has been an awesome teacher for a long time she won teacher of the year really straight-a student all through high school college bachelor's degree and her master's yeah that's awesome she's. She's done so many good things for so long for the students, for the school, like really really invested. She's really invested in all in her career. It's so weird. Some netizens are confused. Some think Daniel is as dense as a forest or some think that he's somehow involved or knew or got off on what Britney was doing?
Starting point is 00:43:27 Some people point out she would sneak out in her car in the middle of the night to go meet up with the 13-year-old. She's married, she's a teacher. What excuse would she have to go in the middle of the night? Let's say he just simply loves her, right? But then you found out the love of your life is a monster doing these type of crimes. The fact that you still love her like into this level like, oh my gosh, she's the best, she's the best, she's the best. That then you have like, what does that mean about you that exactly? Right? How can you still think she's this perfect wife or whatever?
Starting point is 00:44:03 You know, so crazy. That says a lot about him too. And he probably should also not be around children then. Because you think your love of your life is fine after what she did to a child. You should not be around children. But very quickly, Brittany divorces him in prison. Some sources state that it's because she was trying to protect their assets because right after all of this, Adam's parents file a lawsuit against the school board, Tim Dickey, as well as Brittany's husband, and he's listed on the lawsuit.
Starting point is 00:44:34 I think it was like a 2.5 million dollar lawsuit. They did settle privately, but maybe it's to protect him from, I guess, division of assets because they're no longer together. Some people say, no, it's just Brittany moving on. I guess, division of assets because they're no longer together. Some people say, no, it's just Britney moving on. He stood by her during the entire trial. Other sources state that she was actually very upset with him and felt like all of this was his fault because he kept telling her to tell Adam's parents to meet up. And some sources say that she believed that got her more years in prison. Versus just like talking to them frank,
Starting point is 00:45:07 admitting confessing and being remorseful. Really interesting crossover, but the judge that presided over this is the judge that presided over Jodie Arias' trial, also assigned to Brittany's case. But nevertheless, in a statement to the court, she starts, good morning, your honor. I'm gonna start off by apologizing
Starting point is 00:45:26 to the victim and his family. I'm sorry for the undue stress or pain that I may have caused. I'm ashamed of my actions and I'm completely remorseful and truly regret what took place. I'm known to be a caring, responsible, happy and thoughtful person. Which like, sometimes the truth slips out
Starting point is 00:45:41 in really almost unnoticeable ways. She says, I'm known to be, not I am. Which I thought was interesting. The rest of the statement is more of her talking about how great of a person she is. In a condensed manner, she's going through, Prior to all of this, I've been nothing but an amazing teacher and citizen. I started programs while teaching to help stop bullying. I taught girls about nutrition and fitness.
Starting point is 00:46:03 I created fundraisers to help with autism. Which like, about nutrition and fitness. I created fundraisers to help with autism." Which like, I don't even know what that means. That sentence is bizarre. What do you mean help with autism? Are you helping students with autism that are struggling to adjust to certain aspects of school life? Like, help with autism? Like, what does that even mean? It's very bizarre. I filled out 25 plus desks with school supplies each year and even one teacher of the year award in 2016. She asks for leniency in her sentencing. If that is already bad enough, her attorney just like hook, line and sinker, let's go down together. Her attorney states that because Brittany's father abandoned her when she was 13, she was struggling with anxiety,
Starting point is 00:46:42 depression and OCD. Her attorney states she's a great candidate for a rehabilitation. She wants to change her life and she's already started that. I have represented Brittany Zamora for almost 16 months and I can tell you that she is not a monster. Brittany is not a predator and this was not between a young child and Brittany. This was a teenager. Wow. There were issues with this case. For example, Principal Dicie refused Brittany's request to move the teenager out of the classroom. Brittany Zamora implored Principal Dickie to move him because the teenager had boundary issues and was obsessed with Brittany. Whoa. I am not making that up. I learned that from Principal Dickie. Odd things that were outside of the evidence that you probably all received. She goes on to just victim blame in a bullet point list. Adam's family filed a civil lawsuit within hours of finding out what happened.
Starting point is 00:47:29 So? So what? Adam had two cell phones. Trying to imply that he's not the nice little kid that you think he is. Okay, he's still a kid and so what? He had multiple social media accounts. He had multiple social media accounts. Okay, so do I. And he had behavioral issues. She's just talking, opening her mouth, and letting all sorts of thoughts spill out that she should have just kept in her drafts in her notes app. Because of how ridiculous she is. Everyone in the room is staring at her like this woman cannot be serious right now.
Starting point is 00:48:00 Yeah, defend your client, do your job, but what? She confronts everyone. I see some of your faces frowning. The teenage boy was very aggressive. He was even very persistent in asking Brittany about her birthmarks, molars, or anything else that could be an identifiable piece of information. This was before the authorities were contacted. Trying to imply that the kid is like forensically trying to get knowledge on Brittany to pin her to the crime that she clearly, so clearly committed.
Starting point is 00:48:33 She also proceeds to read a statement from Brittany where she says, where Brittany, the child molester says, "'Good afternoon, my name is Brittany Zamora. "'After going through the court process "'for the last 16 months, I can truly say "' that I have been unfairly treated by the state of Arizona It's shocking to me how others are so quick to judge based off hearing accusations from only one side of the story It was made clear to me that the state had already made their decision well before I was given a chance to prove my innocence in any way shape or form
Starting point is 00:49:02 She goes girl. Are you not tired? She goes on to talk about how she did these risk assessments, psychological tests, evaluations, and polygraph tests that all showed her to be the highest degree of character. I don't ever think that I have seen a polygraph test where the results just come back highest degree of character. That's not even an option. Moreover, I feel like a risk assessment test in terms of evidential value, very low, compared to explicit photos she sent him
Starting point is 00:49:29 and testimony from the victim. They also try to argue that her polygraph shows that she does not have an interest in children. Again, I don't know what we're trying to get here. The argument just diminishes the validity of the polygraphs and if that's not the case, it just makes her look more sinister because she's able to pass a polygraph when there is photographic evidence and
Starting point is 00:49:48 with that she was sentenced to 20 years in prison the school board and Tim Dickey settled outside of court with the civil lawsuit but I guess they they stand by their decision Tim says he didn't want to blow it out of proportion what he thought were just rumors by alerting Adams parents they said that they conducted a two-day investigation and deemed nothing inappropriate was happening they have less sense than children the 11 year old Brady he says it's just weird how a 27 year old can like love a 13 year old and stuff it's just crazy she's not a good person Adam's dad says if we didn't have the app and we
Starting point is 00:50:25 didn't take all the necessary steps, we would have never known that this happened to our son. And how much longer could it have gone? And how many other boys would she have done this to? They say it's affected Adam individually, it's affected our family dynamic, it's affected his behavior and his schooling, it's disrupted his schooling, it's disrupted his living situation, we had to uproot our entire family and move. His childhood is already fucking gone He's 13. He's gonna miss out on so many important emotions and feelings when it comes to relationships with women for the rest of his life All because his trust was betrayed by a sixth grade school teacher I'm also angry at those who say they think this abuse
Starting point is 00:51:01 Like this of a woman on a young man is somehow less serious than if it happened to a girl instead of a boy, every child, no matter their gender, deserves to have their period of childhood free of monsters. And there truly are monsters in the world. As parents, you teach your kids that there's no such thing as monsters at all. There's none. But in the real world, there are monsters. And Brittany Zamora is a monster. What's crazy is there are so many netizens defending Brittany Zamora. They say, when I was 13, we were smoking cigarettes, drinking, and making other people pregnant.
Starting point is 00:51:30 Some of us even carried around knives and messed around with other people. Yeah, 13 years old is young and is wrong, but stop making the 13 year old look like an eight year old. I think for her to get 20 years is insane. If that's the case, you need to increase prison time for other crimes as well that are even worse. Others just write, every male middle schooler's dream. Another reads, damn, I wish she was my teacher, I would've said nothing. Or that's the funnest
Starting point is 00:51:53 extra credit assignment I've ever heard of. I will say most netizens are not on Britney's side, but I don't know how true this is, this is just an internet comment. But someone writes, she was a TA for my English teacher in fifth grade I vividly remember a male classmate blatantly hitting on her like the TA Brittany Zamora multiple times and she would just say things like oh thank you you're so sweet instead of telling him to stop and how it's inappropriate signs were there she was a creep what are your thoughts on this case let me know in the comments and stay safe.
Starting point is 00:52:27 I will see you guys in the next one. Bye.

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