Rotten Mango - Teen Girl Found Dead - Police Find Texts Between Her + “Stepdad” About “New Parent Decision Coin”
Episode Date: February 6, 2025“New Parent Decision Coin.” It’s a great gag gift for new parents. On one side it reads - “daddy’s turn” and on the other it reads “mommy’s turn.” When the baby starts getting fussy..., you flip the coin, and whoever’s side it lands on gets to take care of the new baby. 13 year old Maddie sends the link to the coin with the text - “We need this - can you get this for us?” She sends the text message to her mom’s 37 year old boyfriend, Stephan Sterns. It does not appear that Maddie’s mother is pregnant… so who is the coin for? 2 months later - Maddie is found dead. Her “stepfather” is arrested and graphic pictures and videos of Maddie are found on his phone. Did he kill her? Why did he kill her? Was she pregnant? And how did her mother not know anything about this? Those are all the questions netizens have in the case of Madeline Soto. Full show notes at
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It's probably one of the worst relationships in Hollywood history.
I mean, who are we to judge?
But we're going to judge this relationship because the whole setup of it is very odd.
You have Mia Farrow.
She's this famous actress.
She starred as Rosemary in Rosemary's Baby back in the 60s.
She's dating this guy who is also in Hollywood and in the span of
dating for 12 years they end up making 13 movies together. but it's interesting
because there are all these tabloid rumors. why are they not getting married?
how come they never got married? how come they never even lived together? they never
even move in together in the span of 12 years? which power to them if that's not
the life that they want, but people
are on the side, just trying to grasp how is this relationship working. especially because
Mia Farrow, the actress, she has six children of her own. some of them come from her previous
relationship, they're her biological kids, other children, she's adopted them. but woody, her boyfriend, filmmaker, is
very firm from the get-go. i have no interest in co-parenting. i don't want
to co-parent your kids. i don't want to be involved in your kids' lives. i don't
want to financially support them. i don't want to emotionally support them. i just
don't see myself as a father like that. maybe he just doesn't like kids? at least
in the very beginning that's what people are thinking, but then they end up having a son together.
Ronan Farrow, who's a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist now, amazing, okay?
But they have him, and eventually Woody does end up adopting two of Mia Farrow's children.
Perhaps he comes around on not wanting to have children, and he becomes slowly more integrated into at least three of the kids' lives.
A year after Woody adopts two of Mia's kids,
so they have a son, and then he adopts two of her kids,
Mia goes over to Woody's apartment one day,
because remember, they don't live together,
and she finds a stack of pictures,
just graphic pictures.
She's saying they wouldn't even put these on Playboy.
They're like Hustler magazine pictures.
So they're very raunchy, I guess is the word,
just really, really sexual pictures of another woman
who is clearly very young, about 21 years old.
Woody's in his 50s, and the pictures are very clear.
These are not cutouts of a magazine.
They're not printed out.
They're Polaroids.
So Woody probably took these pictures. Woody Allen is cheating on his long-term girlfriend Mia Farrow, which is already
devastating enough, but Mia is doing triple takes on these pictures because
it is not just a random girl that he met on set or a random woman that he walked
by on the street that developed some sort of chemistry with. This girl in the picture is her own adopted daughter from Korea, Soon Yi.
Wait, this is Mia's kid or?
Mia's adopted daughter that she's had prior to Woody Allen.
And now she's seeing her adopted daughter in Woody Allen's apartment with these very
sexually graphic photos that
are- he is cheating on her with her own daughter.
Is this one of the daughters that he adopted?
Okay, okay, so this is the one that he didn't adopt.
Yes, but it's still her daughter.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
This is the case of Woody Allen and Mia Farrow that I could probably do a whole two-part series
separate from this one on on and Woody Allen's adopted
daughter, the one that he does in fact adopt from Mia's clan of children, Dylan
goes on to accuse Woody Allen of essay when she was a kid. So with all of this
Mia breaks up with Woody, he and Mia's adopted daughter from Korea Soon Yi
ends up getting married to Woody Allen. So suddenly this guy who doesn't want to
get married is getting married to his ex-girlfriend's daughter.
Woody claims Mia convinced their other kid, Dylan,
to lie about Woody essaying her to get back at him
for cheating on her with her own daughter.
But he claims Soon Yi is 21.
I mean, it's not like she's a minor,
but she would have been 11
when Woody Allen came into her life. When Mia and Woody Allen start dating, Soon she would have been 11 when Woody Allen came into her life.
When Mia and Woody Allen start dating, Soon Ye would have been 11.
You're telling me, you're telling the world that you did not groom this little girl to
any degree and then cheat on your own girlfriend with her own daughter if you can even use
the word cheat in this scenario?
Woody's explanation in all of this is, I'm not Soon Ye's father.
I'm not her stepfather,
I've never even lived with Mia,
I've never even slept at Mia's apartment,
I never even used to go there
until my own children came along.
I was not a father to her or to any of her adopted kids
in any sense of the word.
There's no downside of it.
The only thing unusual is that she is Mia's daughter, but she is an adopted daughter and a grown woman.
I could have met her at a party or something.
Woody was 56 and Soon Yi was 21.
He's 35 years older and they're still together to this day and they're doubling down that nothing is wrong with their relationship.
Soon Yi even releases her own statement saying, I admit that it's off beat, but let's not get hysterical. I'm not an R-word underage
flower that was R-worded, molested, and spoiled by some evil stepfather. Not even by a long shot.
This is one of the most controversial relationships in Hollywood. It's just very strange and alarming
that Woody tries to reason that he absolutely did not groom this little girl
because he was never a father figure kind of makes it all that more disgusting
you met her when she was 11 and you didn't feel a paternal relationship with her
then what kind of feelings did you have towards her?
the Woody Allen and Mia Farrow situation has its own four-part documentary
countless articles on what the truth is, what each side is saying
but it's not really something that the normal person thinks about.
I might have times when I'm reminded of it and I just sit there and I go,
Oh my god, that was a crazy situation and the new documentary just came out,
but I don't think about it on a day-to-day basis.
I mean, you're not supposed to. It's weird.
Unless you're Jennifer Soto.
She just has this feeling, this gut feeling,
biggest fear in the world
that would just pop up into her mind like an intrusive thought.
She's a single mom in Florida with a young daughter
and when she finally gets into a serious long-term relationship,
she says her biggest fear was being Woody Allen.
Jennifer tells her boyfriend, Stefan,
that this is her biggest fear. Please
don't leave me and date my daughter. What? So she previously mentioned that she has no
idea that they were, you know, but now she's saying my biggest fear is you're going to
leave me for my daughter. Woody Allen me groom my daughter. She says, if anything, I've always told him my biggest fear is that this would turn into a Woody Allen situation
where the stepdaughter, the dad, grooms the child.
She doesn't continue her sentence.
She says, a Woody Allen situation where the stepdaughter, the dad, grooms a child.
Is she trying to say the stepdaughter seduces the dad? What is she trying to?
That was a weird...
But she stops and she says, the dad grooms the child.
The child turns 18 and ends up running away with him.
I told him that was my biggest fear and I don't ever want that happening.
Like you can't do that to me.
That's very interesting.
Why would you say that to him?
She responds, because I grew up being told never trust a man.
My mom put that in my body.
Seven years later, Jennifer will be shown photos of Stefan
abusing her daughter Maddie, and now Maddie is missing, presumed dead, and Jennifer, at
least briefly, stands by her man. This is the case of Madeline Soto. We would like to thank today's sponsors who have made it possible for Rotten Mango to
support the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
They focus on finding missing children, reducing child sexual exploitation, and the prevention of child victimization. this episode's
partnerships have also made it possible to support rotten mango's growing team, and we'd also like
to thank you guys for your continued support. as always, full show notes are available at a few disclaimers for today's case, there's heavy mentions and themes of CSAM, otherwise formerly known as CP, CA, CSA, SA, and potential familial incest.
there's quite a few mentions of these themes throughout this entire episode, so please, if it's too much, take a break, get some air, and i'll see you in the next one.
charges have been pressed in this case. lots of charges, over 60 charges, but unfortunately and legally there has yet to be a trial so everyone is innocent until proven guilty in the eyes of the
law, I guess, but we are all entitled to our own personal opinions. this is also a
two-part case. if you haven't already watched part one, please go watch that
I'm gonna link that below but I'm gonna try to keep it as thorough as possible
there's- I watched 20 plus hours of interview footage.
There's audio interviews, interrogation footage,
over a thousand pages of court documents.
This case has just been releasing nonstop paperwork
all the time.
There has just been no way to condense it down into one.
So in part one, we focused on Maddie going missing,
what happened the day that she disappeared, and all of the weird actions of
Jennifer Soto, her own mother.
Because right when she reports Maddie missing, there's so many weird things. The police are like, where have you looked for Maddie?
And she's like, nowhere. I've been at home protecting my mental health.
It's just everything about the mother is odd. Then in part two, this episode,
we're gonna focus on Stefan Sterns, the boyfriend of Jennifer
Soto, and all the conspiracies that are tied to what happened, why.
There's allegations of a massive CSAM ring that's operating on Telegram.
There's allegations of pregnancy.
There's a lot happening.
So with that being said, let's get started.
There was a trend on TikTok, going through your boyfriend's text messages, going through your boyfriend's DMs. That's child's play. The big account
that you want to find and go through is your boyfriend's Reddit account. If a man
has a Reddit account, do you really know who the man is if you don't go through
his Reddit history? That was the sentiment on TikTok. People are giving
tips. This is how you find your partner's Reddit username. What kinds of subreddits to look out for. What kinds of subreddits are Reddit pages
undercover that are just misogynistic cesspools of incels jerking each other off.
People are posting, be careful though. Actually, don't go through your
boyfriend's Reddit because once you see it, you can never go back. One woman who found her boyfriend's reddit account says, while we were in the talking
and getting to know each other face, he was using reddit to hook up with random women.
I found comments that he posted on other women's naked photos, requests to join glory hole
encounters and overall just a lot of things that I never imagined he would participate
in or be interested in.
We've been together for a year and a half now and I'm just confused on everything that I've learned.
I genuinely don't know this person, and I don't know what to do.
Do I let this go because we weren't together at that point, or do I confront him and tell him how upsetting it was to see those posts?
What am I supposed to do?
Another woman posts asking for advice because her boyfriend is glued to his Reddit.
I mean, he likes to keep himself updated. That's what he says. The news, the random
popular posts, that's what he likes to see on reddit. She goes through
his reddit search history. It's just all NSFW, not safe for work, nude, random
girls that are dancing sensually, and now she doesn't know what to do. so a lot of
word of advice from partners is when you open up that reddit account just know
there is no going back. whether that be good or bad you can never unsee it. if
you were to go through sestinette's reddit account that's the account name
sestinette which is the Latin word for support. you would really have to dig
through hundreds and
I know this because I dug through every single post and comment probably more so
thousands of posts and comments to figure out if there is anything alarming.
Wait, is that a Reddit handle or is that a community? A Reddit handle. One person's
Reddit account. That's their handle and you can go through their history and see
all of the different posts that they made across all the subreddits. so anything
they've ever posted commented you're gonna see it under their account and you
can just go through their history and see their evolution as a developing
human being I guess and I went through so much. I went through the entire history
of sestinets reddit. 98% of of his Reddit posts are on board game subreddits
or r slash Disney, r slash Tamagotchi.
You know what Tamagotchi is?
It's like the little keychains
and they have a pet that you take care of.
Sometimes it's black and white, sometimes it's color,
but it's just a keychain.
The digital pet.
Yes, a digital pet and you feed it and then it can die
and then you have to re-birth it.
Those are still around?
He collects vintage ones.
He actually spends quite a bit of money.
I was trying to figure out the prices
because he'll post rare Tomagotchi that he purchases
and I was like, okay, well now I need to know
how much this is.
I'm going through the Tomagotchi rabbit hole.
Hundreds of dollars for just a key chain
with a pet in there. Some of them... Is he feeding them? He's feeding them, he's buying supplemental
stuff, he will walk around with them on his belt, just keychained to his body. Wow. I mean it's a
niche hobby, I respect it. The hobby itself of course. Now 98% of his posts are about Tomagotchi.
It's the other 2% of his posts that are interesting.
If you were to be dating Susternet,
you would wanna go through that 2%.
He likes to comment answers to people's Reddit,
like ask Reddit questions.
If you were a serial killer, who would be your victim?
Susternet comments.
People who drive down the shoulder of the road
during traffic jams,
people who refuse to let others merge into their lane, people who go through the express lane at
a grocery store with many more items than the limits suggest, basically the most selfish and
careless people in society. Okay, kinda quirky, I guess. Is a thumb a finger? If so, why do you
think that is? Sustenet responds, All thumbs are fingers, but not all fingers are thumbs
Not false, I mean relatively true
I don't know how pertinent information this is to carry on with life
But continues what instantly ruins the vibe at any social gathering
Sustenet says the guy with all the conspiracy theories that insists on talking to you about it and trying to convert you into believing them too.
Which, I mean, I think that's kind of a fun dude, but to each their own.
If he's not crafting up these responses to questions, he'll try to whip out some of these one-liners that are not the most original, but they all kind of have a certain vibe to them.
He writes, funny enough, common sense isn't really common at all. Then
I'll go back to answering questions. What should be off limits in comedy?
Nothing. What can you not do that everyone else seems to be able to do?
Adult. Men have read it. What goes through your mind when a woman starts unzipping
her pants? Um, ma'am, I don't know you and we're in a bus station. I mean, this digital footprint is never ending.
How do you love yourself?
Usually with my left hand.
Okay, so things are getting a little more personal and people start, you know, you keep scrolling.
You keep scrolling looking for anything that's going to tell you something more about this poster.
And here it is. Sustenet is talking about his past.
His past relationship and being cheated on. you know,
i had my suspicions for a long time. i drove to her house after she did that sleepy good night
call and she wasn't there. this was weeks after months of shady behavior, deleted conversations,
unsaved numbers, calling late at night, and her turning over in bed as she would answer a text
so that i couldn't see who it was. basically all the red flags. When I finally caught her in
the lie, we sat down, she confessed, and we broke up. She then worked very hard to win me back,
begging my parents to talk to me, and then when I took her back she cheated again and even laughed
about it. I'm well enough endowed. You know, length and girth are pretty perfectly proportioned,
good looking by most standards, knew my way around a woman's
body very well, but it didn't matter. It wasn't an issue of me not satisfying her, she was
unfortunately bipolar and unmedicated, so one of her symptoms while manic was hypersexuality,
which basically meant that anytime she met a guy that was even slightly intrigued by her,
she would end up screwing them, and this destroyed my self-confidence.
This is almost ten years ago and my confidence has never recovered. I became depressed, I
have trust issues, I swore off dating and sex for almost six years straight while I
just stewed in a broth of self-pity and depression. It's not a good look and I regret those years
of my prime. I wasted on people that just weren't worth it. My now girlfriend is thankfully one of my closest friends and we are supportive of each other and trust each other
We've been happy for almost two years now
When was this posted this was while he was dating Jennifer Soto
Okay, recently maybe like a few years ago his reddit post majority of them are two to four years ago
Now it's getting much more specific
and much more personal. I kept scrolling. Having a nice package doesn't mean
necessarily having the biggest one. It's about having... this is what Sustenet is
writing. It's having one that is either or both proportionately ideal and also
aesthetically pleasing to look at. I don't have the biggest one in the world
but I have always received compliments and it never fails to make me feel good about myself
And then another he's just posting on Digimon pets and he's posting how he bought these new three Digimons
Which are like Tomogotchi's
He says that he got one for himself and the purple one is for his stepdaughter
In fact, he posts a lot about his stepdaughter and how she's interested in the same things that he's interested in like Tomagotchi
Painting figurines for Warhammer. What's a Warhammer? Is that it? It's like another
Tabletop game. Okay
He'll write things like my 12 year old stepdaughter is maybe the world's sorest loser in the world and will typically break down in tears
And fits when she is soundly defeated in most games, but not in Lorcanah. I am proud to say that she is really giving me a run
for my money and running some neck-and-neck games. But usually when
you're scrolling through someone's reddit history, you're not looking for
how well he gets along with his family members, you're looking for red flags and
you find them. On a thread called r slash Mr. Nice Dude Fun,
someone writes,
what is the hardest part of dating after 30?
Sustenet responds,
finding people to date that haven't spent all their teens and 20s in the sun
with minimal sun protection making them all look like a 70 year old Clint Eastwood
plus all the emotional baggage and kids from first marriages or absent fathers,
honestly dating in or after your 30s is a shit show these days.
One begins to understand the DiCaprio strategy.
The alarm bells start going off.
I mean, the aggression starts to come out.
In other threads, he's responding to people who need life advice because for example poster friend a said that friend B came to pick him up to hang out and friend B
drove up in a stolen car thus making friend a somewhat legally
culpable in this crime of stealing a car sestinite responds your friend will end
up in prison and they will see who the pussy is when they are being used like one. What? It's just kind of getting bleak. In fact, he starts writing about humanity and he has all
these thoughts about society. He says, I work at a major theme park in a safety critical role,
because he worked at Disney, and get to observe human nature all day long to the tunes of thousands,
I mean literally thousands of people a day. and let me tell you, the outlook for the
future of humanity is not good. some folks are just feral shitbags that are
incapable of self-governing. if there isn't a reward for doing it or a
punishment for not doing it, they just couldn't give less of a shit about
anything. humanity at this point is just 80% vacant-minded zombies that half-ass
their way through life without ever bothering to think critically, read a sign, listen to instructions, or follow any sort of example that is already set for them.
Just complete waste of oxygen, really."
He responds angrily to this post.
Oh, he does this weird thing where he goes on r slash advice for teens.
And he will give advice for teenagers that ask for advice.
I mean, I guess the whole theory of the subreddit
is that adults will come and give teenagers advice from their life experience of having gone through
that phase and all the lessons that they've accrued from it. But he does frequent it quite,
quite a lot. And I mean, most of the advice that he gives is not unsound. It makes sense. So it's
not that alarming. But he does respond angrily to some other posts. Like for example,
there is a Life Pro Tips subreddit and the original post reads,
Never force your kids to get a hug or a kiss from someone.
Grandparents are even included. It will ruin their sense of bodily autonomy.
They should know that it's their choice if people can touch them or not.
Sustenet responds, grandma is going to die soon.
Just give her a fucking hug because she loves you. Kids should have autonomy, yes,
but also parents should understand when their kid is just being shy or squeamish
or even just being a little shithead and encourage them to get over it and
reciprocate. Part of growing up is sometimes doing things that you don't
want to do because it's the correct thing to do. Looking back now, I wish I treated
my grandmother better when I could have. Kids don't understand these things, though. They just think old
people are gross. He responds to people who are arguing with his logic, writing,
I never suggested that kids should be forced to accept physical affection every time or
have no choice in that matter. But the parents need to exercise their judgement as the adult
as to whether or not it's justified or they're just being silly. To which someone comes back to this threat years later and in 2025 they
comment, and was it justified for you to rape and kill a 13 year old? Because Sustenet is Stefan
Stearns, Jennifer Soto's 38 year old boyfriend, and he has now just arrived at
the police station and is escorted into the interrogation room where he will be
seated and waiting for three and a half hours for the detectives to finally come
in and question him. Listen, there is no law that they have to question him
immediately upon arrival. There's no good service at a police station. You don't
get to do a little review. They made me wait three hours before coming to my attention.
He sits there for three and a half hours, and you would think, oh, it's because the
police are not efficient.
They don't have their shit together.
No, detectives do this all on purpose.
Psychological pressure, the isolation, this tiny room, unfamiliar circumstances, stressful
situations, you
know that you're likely being watched. and you are. you are being watched. you have
to rethink and rethink every answer that you want to respond to the police with,
which you would imagine is potentially a good thing. it's not. the more isolated, the
more alone you are, the more stressed you are, the more you are crafting these
responses to questions that just don't make sense. That far-fetched response that you thought of, maybe in an
appropriate setting you think, okay no one's gonna believe that because that is
absolutely ridiculous. In this setting, you might think, okay that's that's what
I'm gonna say. Yeah, no that's the only thing that makes sense. Maybe I'll just
bring that lie out right now. Tiring out the suspects is also important.
Creating mental fatigue. The officers, they're in the back downing their coffees. I'll just bring that lie out right now. Tiring out the suspects is also important,
creating mental fatigue.
The officers, they're in the back downing their coffees,
they're watching you, they're having a little chit chat,
they're giggle gaggling, and you are left with nothing
but your own thoughts getting exhausted.
Because you're sitting there questioning,
what do I know that the police don't know,
that I can't let them know?
But also, what do the police already know?
Here's what the police already know in this case.
Madeleine Soto goes missing after her 13th birthday party celebration.
So her birthday party celebration was on Sunday. Monday morning,
she goes missing. The last person to see her alive was Stefan Stearns.
The story that both Jennifer Soto and Stefan Stearns has told is that Sunday night Jennifer Soto gets home from work at Disney, Stefan is getting Madeleine ready for bed.
Jennifer Soto forgot to take her medicine the day before so she's been a
little bit wonky and she tells the two of them why don't you both go upstairs
and sleep in the guest room together so that I can get a good night's rest by
myself because normally the three of them sleep in the same bed and it's always Jennifer Soto, 13 year old Madeline, and then Stefan
Stearns. That's the setup of their sleeping arrangements. So she says why
don't you two go upstairs to the guest room, sleep just you two, and I'm gonna
sleep downstairs. The next morning she asks Stefan to take Madeline to school
and he agrees. He says actually we're gonna leave early and I'm not even just gonna take her to school. I'm gonna take
her to McDonald's. They leave an hour early but they don't stop by McDonald's.
In fact, he drops off Madeline an hour early across the street from the school
because Madeline states that she's embarrassed of his car but it's weird
nobody really believes that story and then his car is seen driving all over town with Madeleine in the car.
The police are saying the story isn't making any sense. There's so many discrepancies.
First of all, when Jennifer Soto takes her first police report, she says that she saw Madeleine getting ready for school Monday morning.
But now she's saying, actually, the last time I saw her was Sunday night.
I take backsees. I did not see her Monday morning. But the
CCTV cameras show Stefan Sterns driving around with Madeline in the passenger
seat of his car all over town, nowhere near the school, does not drop her off
near school, and then she just vanishes off of the face of the earth. What's
going on? And what's even more intriguing is that from 7 in the morning
to 9 in the morning, the two hours that he's seen driving around with Madeleine Soto, she is in the same exact
position in the passenger seat, in a very odd leaned back reclined on the chair, looking
That's what Stefan says, she is asleep.
He stops by the community dumpster to drop something off, which the police go through
that dumpster and they find Madeleine's backpack and one of her white croc
shoes, which why would that be? Because you said that you're dropping her off at
school, why would you throw away her backpack?
Here's what the police believe happened, that Stefan Stearns killed Madeleine
Soto sometime Sunday night, moved her body to the car on Monday
morning and drove around with her. Obviously did not drop her off at
school. And then eventually after driving around with her for two
hours, he pulls into a parking lot and according to police reports, they have
seen footage of him moving Madeline's limp body from the passenger seat into
the trunk. Then he goes back home with Madeline's body in his trunk, has an hour
to spend with Jennifer Soto, Madeline's mother, leaves the home again to go place her body elsewhere.
It appears he's heading somewhere to, I guess, quote unquote, dispose of her body,
to get rid of her body.
He is heading somewhere, but he gets a flat tire and he tries to keep driving on that
flat tire until it's literally just nuts and bolts left.
And then eventually he can no longer drive. He places Madeline's body somewhere, wherever
he was, and then changes his tire goes back home. That's what the police suspect.
They just don't know where yet. Wow, so all of that is caught on CCTV right now.
They just need to find the body. Yes, and I mean once they go through his his phone they find clear CSAM evidence of him essaying Madeline likely since she was eight years old
and so now there's all these questions of how much does Jennifer Soto, Maddie's own mother know
about all of this? What was Stefan doing the night that Maddie went missing? Monday night while the
police are searching for Maddie while Jennifer Soto is at home because she wants to protect her mental health,
Stefan goes out in the middle of the night to look for Maddie.
Police are probably wondering,
did he go back to Madeline's body at that point?
What was he doing that night?
And then two days later,
while Jennifer and Stefan are staying at a hotel
because they get kicked out of their house,
the police are securing it as a crime scene,
Stefan is seen sneaking out again at night, taking Jennifer's car to go quote searching for Madeline. Again, where is that?
Does that have anything to do with where he might have hidden Maddie?
And in the interrogation room, and throughout the entirety of all of his audio interviews, I will say the way that he just talks about Madeline is very
infuriating. He'll say things like, she brings a lot of joy, she's a very good
girl, definitely doesn't feel the same around here when she's not here, she was
so happy too, you know, she was looking forward to my visit here and all of us being together. She was just very happy.
This is the guy that Madeleine told her counselor she felt very uncomfortable
around. She did not like this man. He lies on how he was gonna go through Monday
morning after dropping Maddie off and it doesn't make sense to which detectives
even ask him, I mean do you have problems with your memory that you can't recall? Because you say that
after dropping Maddie off you went to the vape shop and waited for them to
open. That would have been around 920, but then now you say you only waited a
few minutes and then you left and by the time you left it was after 10 o'clock?
So was it a few minutes or was it 40 minutes? What's going on? He explains, oh
yes, I do have problems with my memory.'m extremely ADHD I'm sorry just details start to
get fuzzy after a while even the times I'm giving you are just my best
guesstimates I didn't have my phone with me at the time so I wasn't aware of
exactly what time it was and there's no time on your car? there probably is but
it's not my car it's my parents parents' car. I'm so sorry. I know the details are important. It's just the way that, you know, our brains work with ADHD.
The details are fuzzy. I'm not a morning person. I'm time blind most days and I'm very forgetful.
I know none of this is helpful in this situation right now."
Even when asked where he went to look for Maddie in the night, the night that she went missing, he says, I don't recall.
I was so zonked out on tranquilizers and Ativan
at that point because I was a wreck.
At that point, my brain was mush and I was on so many
tranquilizers to keep me stable.
I was having these rolling panic attacks.
I was breaking down and crying and I just, it was bad.
Even when he gets times wrong, he'll just say,
sorry, I'm just not a morning person.
I'm not a morning person.
He's also asked to pull up his sleeves at one point
so the officers can see his scars from changing his tire.
And he says, I mean, it's cold, but sure.
And he pulls up his sleeves.
It's cold, but sure.
It's cold, but sure.
It's weird.
So these are all from the audio interviews.
And it's not until about 48 hours
after Madeleine goes missing that he gets brought into the police station.
And he just mopes around for three and a half hours. He does appear very stressed, so that's good.
But when officers come in, he tries to play it off like he just woke up from this slumber.
He's got his arms crossed. He looks very, very cold.
And the impression he gives me is someone desperately
trying so hard to seem sleepy and harmless, like he just woke up from a nap and he's
just getting his thoughts together.
It's a bizarre combination.
He's able to sit there, straight face, and tell officers he runs them through Monday
again and Sunday night, and he tells officers, you know, Jennifer sent me and Maddie upstairs
to go sleep, so we had snuggle cuddle time. The officer asks you
say snuggle time what does that mean? Maddie doesn't like to be alone she's
extremely dependent she does not like to be alone at all she needs human presence
around her. Gotcha. So how's your relationship with Maddie?
Great, I am one of her favorite people in the world
and we're just trying to,
we've been trying to wean her off of that.
Wean her off of that.
Being so dependent, but it's been difficult.
Both the officers, there's two male officers in there,
they look like they wanna place their knuckles
on the side of his face.
Yeah, they look, the way they even say gotcha is like,
gotcha, you are so ridiculous.
So right now they already got the footage
and from his phone, they saw the CCTV.
And the guy is still trying to play it off.
That he's Maddie's favorite person in the entire world,
and she needs snuggle cuddle time.
And even if that's the case, you should not
be giving her snuggle cuddle time.
That's weird.
The police ask him to walk them through what
happened Monday morning.
He just yawns, a huge yawn strain.
Excuse me. I don't know if that's him trying to appear so innocent that he's not stressed or worried,
just casually responding to questions, or so chill because he did nothing wrong, or if
he's buying time, or if it's a weird stress response, it's just kind of wild.
so he runs them through his lies of monday morning, and they keep trying to confront
him, that's not the truth, but nevertheless, they're not bogging down on this one because at this point, they're not worried
about Monday. They're worried about where is Maddie. How old are you by the way? I'm 37,
about to turn 38. I mean, you seem like a genuinely nice person, Stefan. I try. Jennifer talks very
highly of you. Stefan is nodding, bopping his head like,
yeah, I mean, of course, because I am.
So they ask him, okay, so you're saying,
Monday, you're driving towards the school.
So how is it that on CCTV cameras,
we see you driving back towards the house?
That's right, I forgot my gate clicker.
You know, I left with Maddie,
and the school is about 20 minutes away.
We're almost at the school and I realize
that I forget my gate clicker.
I U-turn it back to go grab it
because we had, quote, plenty of time to kill.
So this is so strange.
Imagine you leave your apartment
and you need the gate clicker
to get back into your apartment.
You forget it and you're about to drop your kid off, not even your kid, your girlfriend's kid off at her school.
You're almost at the school.
Would you not just drop her off and then go home, talk to the security person and say,
hey, I forgot my gate clicker?
He thinks, no, no, no.
The best option is to u-turn drive all the way back without dropping Madeline off.
Go to the security guy and say, say hey I forgot my gate clicker and then go get the gate clicker and then
drive all the way back to the school again. The police are asking could you
not have just gotten your gate clicker after you dropped her off? I could have
but I also like to come back in through the back gate sometimes and sometimes
they're busy up front so it's better to avoid the line. I don't know if it makes
more sense it's just what I did."
And they also confront him, okay well there is footage of you talking to security while Madeline is sitting in the front reclined and you say she's asleep. We don't believe that but then you go to
the dumpster and you throw something away. We went through that dumpster and we found her backpack
in the trash. Why is her backpack in the trash if you're dropping her off at school?" He doesn't respond. He just keeps
blinking and he's staring at them like he's confused by what they're saying.
Like, what do you mean you found a backpack? There's no way there's a
backpack. And they tell him, Stephanie, I'm telling you what I'm pleading with you is
that you do some soul-searching. The more time that goes on, the more that this
gets tough. That little girl is out there and we need to know. I really think that
you can help us and I'm pleading with you I
dropped her off I dropped her off that's the last time I saw her what do you
think was on your phone text emails pictures yeah I mean trading card
pictures lightsaber pictures, Disney pictures.
Do you have a Google account?
Sometimes phones will do that thing where even if you reset your phone, factory reset
your phone twice like you did on Monday, they don't say that, but they say sometimes phones
will do that thing where they sync to the cloud.
Sometimes when you reset it, even if you update your phone, they'll put it back on your phone
because it's synced to the cloud.
Do you have pictures of you and Maddie?
I assume so. We went to Disney, took selfies on the train.
She got back from Puerto Rico and had her hair braided. We had pictures of that.
I mean, all sorts of pictures. Family nights. I'm not as much of a shutterbug anymore, but I take them every once in a while.
Any other pictures you can think of?
He's quiet.
I'm gonna be brutally honest with you, there's CSAM on your phone.
I'm pretty sure you know what some of those pictures are about.
You're a pretty intelligent person and I don't want you to discredit yourself by saying you
don't know about all those pictures that are on your phone, so do you want to add to the
list of pictures? Stefan looks taken aback
and he he feels like the police the way he responds is like the police are
trying to do him dirty he says should I be talking to a lawyer right now? I can't
answer that question my sole purpose right now is trying to find Maddie and
I'm trying to see if you can help us. Well I would really like to help but I I feel like I should probably have a lawyer present at
this point. So he he's now finally realized he can't play any longer. No. Well
we can make that happen. I just want to let you know that you're not free to
leave and you are being detained. Now if you are told this and you're innocent
what do you say?
What does an innocent person say?
Like under what reasons, right?
Yeah, they never respond.
That's every interrogation clip where they're so guilty.
They never ask what they're being detained for.
And the police always go, want to know what for?
Oh, that's crazy.
And he says, yeah.
Capital sexual battery and possession of CP, otherwise now known as CSAM.
Okay. Okay.
And with that, the interrogation is over after he requests an attorney.
I mean, there's no denial, nothing, just okay.
And it's so fascinating.
So the best part after this entire interrogation
is that they have to take pictures
of all of Stefan's body parts.
And because of the CSAM,
they have to find this very distinctive freckle
on his private parts.
Because a lot of the pictures are of Madeline
and then his private part.
So they need to be able to identify
that it is his private part in those pictures.
Now two female officers come in and they start manhandling this man, taking pictures of him, forcing him to turn, take off articles of clothing, taking pictures of his private parts.
And I don't think that they get paid enough for that job, but I also love the way that they're doing it.
He is insanely uncomfortable.
And of course, this is probably a fraction of what Maddie has felt, but still it's something.
How do you know? Like what was exactly... Is it described? Is it...
What do you mean?
The two officers...
No, I saw it.
What do you mean you saw it?
They tried to censor his private parts.
Sometimes the censor is not censoring as well as it should, but they do censor it.
That's crazy. Sometimes the censor is not censoring as well as it should, but they do censor it.
That's crazy.
Yeah, and you just see these two female officers just going in, manhandling him, and I love
them for it.
And he's so uncomfortable with their incredibly thorough at their jobs that they don't, they're
not like, oh, you're uncomfortable, you're chilly, okay, maybe we can stop after one
or two pictures.
They're like, no, reach under here, pull this back, do this.
Yeah, they even tell him, hey, don't try to do anything squirrely because you're going
to eat the carpet.
Like, we're going to fucking body slam you down if you try to do anything right now.
Oh, that's wild.
But he still finds the narcissism in the depths of his black soul where in this situation he
asks if they can switch the handcuffs to the front instead of in the back
because it hurts and it's making him claustrophobic. the female officer just
tells him they're not made for comfort like what do you want me to do they're
not made for comfort no we're not gonna do that we're not gonna be accommodating
right now but this interrogation still to this point does not help they need need to find Maddie. If Stefan doesn't want to help them,
maybe Jennifer, Maddie's mother does. If you watch part one, it is very evident that Jennifer does not care to help.
In fact, it seems like she is more upset about Stefan being arrested and even cheating on her.
Cheating, and I say that very loosely because it's essay then her daughter being missing
I mean, maybe her shock is presenting itself differently, but it's so strange. It's like Stefan is her entire world
Even the day the same conversation where she found finds out about the CSAM finds out that Stefan is abusing her daughter
She asks is he being placed under arrest because of those pictures
What an odd question and they asked her do you want to press charges against Stefan? I have no fucking idea
I didn't think that was in my power. I thought you guys automatically did that
Well, what do you think should happen to Stefan for those pictures?
It's crazy. Like I saw those pictures, but I'm still in denial because there's a penis there. Mm-hmm
But is he visual?
Does he show up in any of the pictures? I mean is there I mean, I don't know who I haven't seen all the pictures
So I can't answer that this is what the officer is saying whether it's his penis or not
Are you still comfortable with him having content of someone else's penis on his phone?
Aka are you still comfortable with him having pictures of someone essaying your daughter even if it's not him in the picture?
That makes sense
Absolutely not no, so what do you think should happen is Stefan? I'm afraid to say press charges
But what else I mean there's a side of me that wants to say that he's innocent that this didn't happen
But who else's penis could that be? She's not
Yeah innocent that this didn't happen. But who else's penis could that be? She's not woman is.
she's not left alone with anyone else.
And why would it be on his phone? Right.
Yeah, exactly.
Why would it be on his phone?
I mean, I don't know what to do.
Can I make one decision now and change my mind later?
If I decide not to press charges now,
can I change my mind and press charges later? If I decide not to press charges now, can I change my mind and press charges
later? I just don't know a singular parent that would not not only want to press charges
immediately, but would want to go into that jail cell themselves and do something about
Yeah, she is so bizarre.
Throughout the entirety of the investigation, on top of all of that, she has never not once said anything nice about Maddie.
I think that she might have mentioned that Maddie was kind of artistic at one point, but that's it.
At least from all the released audio and video interviews, as well as police and incident reports,
she somehow cannot say anything kind about her own daughter,
which she finds it in herself to say neutral to relatively nice things about Stefan,
the guy that essayed her daughter for years
Maybe made even more infuriating by the fact that Stefan is a shit person even his parents have stated before all of this
Stefan is crazy. He's a manipulator. He's a gaslighter. He
Stefan's grandpa on his mom's side passed away and he left this heirloom Rolex for his daughter, Stefan's mom.
Stefan proceeded to steal that Rolex from his own mother.
How did you find out about that?
Stefan's mom said it.
Stefan's mom was like, he stole the Rolex.
And yet, Jennifer can say nice things about him, even defending him.
Meanwhile, Maddie, who has done nothing but be victimized under Jennifer's care, is forgetful. Yeah, like any other human in
the world. When it comes to Maddie, she mentions she leaves laundry on the floor,
her room's a mess, she keeps her personal space very disorganized, if she gets in
trouble for anything it's always her disorganization and her messiness, she's
always behind on schoolwork, she has ADHD, she's forgetful, she'll set something down
and completely forget where she said it
She sleeps like a monkey
That's what she says even after Stefan's arrest the detectives asked her. What is Stefan's relationship with Maddie?
She says I was gonna say really good super great
he's always been super kind and sweet to her very accepting warm and
Understanding of her because she's got ADHD
So she's kind of a
little, I'll say abnormal, in the sense that she doesn't like, she doesn't act
like every other kid. You have to have patience and extra understanding for her
and he does that really well. This is after she finds out what he did. I think
a loving mother would have said pretty much everything else. Maddie's stepdad
says she's brilliant, She's very smart.
Her favorite colors were green and purple,
lavender to be exact, which is both parts vibrant and calm.
I mean, people said that there's this sereneness to Maddie.
Who's Maddie's stepfather?
So she has a biological father and a stepfather
that is now since divorced from Jennifer and she
seems closer with her stepfather than she was her biological father they both
don't live nearby and then now she's got Stefan who has never been her
stepfather like they never got married she recently won student of the week
there was this door painting contest at the school and Maddie's quite creative
she would just get locked in and could spend hours creating things with her hands. she's a swifty, she loved making those beaded bracelets or drawing
and apparently she was really good at drawing. and one of the places that you're gonna see her get
so intense, everybody said, is when she's playing volleyball, she's so good at volleyball, but that's
when her competitiveness finally comes out. But usually she just gets along with everybody.
Her biological dad says, if you ever made a snarky comment,
Maddie would correct him, saying, everyone's beautiful in their own way.
At the vigil, Maddie's stepmother says, you were and still are the light of my life.
So this is her biological dad's new wife.
You were and still are the light of my life. I'm so her biological dad's new wife. You were and still are the light of
my life. I'm so blessed to have known such a sweet soul. You will be remembered as a young girl
running through pumpkin patches, learning to fish, feeding baby goats, and jumping in the corn.
It's hard to imagine that you're gone now. Another who helped with the vigil said,
we want her to know that as a community that she does matter to us. Whether you knew her or not, whether you live right here in Florida or you live in Australia,
she matters to so many people.
But instead, Maddie's mom wants to talk about how messy she is,
how forgetful she is, and how she never does things on time.
March 1st, a few days after Maddie goes missing,
police have Jennifer Soto in the police station being interviewed.
So this is from part one, the main interrogation. They have not found Maddie's body. they found all the ccms. Stefan has been arrested.
she knows about the abuse and she's being questioned. the police are telling her like we just want to
find your daughter's body because we don't think that she's alive and you don't seem to want to
find her period. while that is happening they are doing a press conference asking anyone who has seen anything to come forward. Please, if you see anything of
interest, call us. And a tip comes in. A man named Thomas calls into the
police station. He calls in the tip. I think I saw that same exact car, that
silver car that you guys released that Monday that Maddie went missing. He's
explaining everything. Do you have the license plate number, sir?
No, but I could lead you to where I saw the car, because I'm not just remembering everybody's license plates.
Do you have the exact address of where you might have seen this silver vehicle on Monday?
No, but again, I can tell you pretty much exactly where it is.
Like, I don't know if it has an address. It was in just the side of the road.
Okay, well, thank you. I just think that that's a little bit too vague the officer hangs
up on him Thomas is so confused he's like what do you mean it's too vague you
just told everybody to call if you saw something so he gets into his car drives
back to where he could have sworn he saw that silver link in that day starts
taking pictures look it's not the exact address but here you go here's the area
here's the location that I saw the car. He was changing his tire. I saw a guy change his tire
in the car that you're telling me to look out for. So who's Thomas? Just a random citizen. Okay. And
he's like, hello, why is nobody listening to me? The spare tire was on the same exact side of the
car that the press conference was telling us about
Thomas remembers what he saw he was driving down the two-way road one lane going north one lane going south. There's not really much out there
It's just fields its fields and its nearby alligator Lake
That we talked about in part one where all the alligators are and then he sees this silver Lincoln pulled over to the side of the
Road, there is a man standing there near the driver's side with a backwards hat.
He sees that up ahead. Thomas is driving towards the car that's pulled over on the side and as he's passing
he sees that the man has something in his hand. Looks like a tire iron because he probably has a flat.
He's changing his tire.
Thomas is getting closer and closer and he's going to slow down so he can pass the man safely
By this point the man is leaned down next to his tire and as Thomas's car passes
He looks up and the two of them make direct eye contact. Thomas did not forget that face
He believes that face is Stefan Sterns
Thomas calls again. He's like I'm gonna call again till the authorities try to listen to me because hello,
I saw what I saw.
This time they do take his tip seriously.
And an hour later, March 1st, 2024, Maddie's body is found in farmland on a big plot of
land near where he said he saw the car.
Like just in the bushes?
Yes, near a line of bamboo trees.
She was wearing a green hoodie, blue jeans, and she was left lying in a fetal
position. It is most people's beliefs that he was trying to drive to Alligator
Lake to dispose of her in the lake. He got a flat tire, drove as far as he could
on that flat tire, but eventually he had to pull over and he couldn't get a spare tire with Maddie in the trunk. So he placed her body near the bamboo trees,
fixed his tire, drove home. Maddie's cause of death is strangulation. Do you know
what derivative immunity is? There's been a lot of outrage online that Jennifer
Soto has received immunity
for this case but that is not true she's received derivative use immunity which
means for this interview that she had in April so the main interrogation was done
March 1st the day of the press conference the day that Maddie's
body is found they questioned her again April 18th of 2024 and whatever she says
in that interview no evidence that is
taken directly from her testimony can be used against her but she does not
receive immunity in this case she can still be prosecuted based off of
independent evidence that is found against her okay so let me try to create
a scenario John is caught and he was doing a minor powder transaction. He was purchasing
powder from a good buddy of his, but he gets arrested. He's talking to the police
and he says, I actually have information on a bigger powder operation. Not a
transaction, a whole operation. I can lead you to the big guys upstairs, but he's
very scared because once I tell you about it, I'm incriminating myself. The
authorities will then give him derivative use immunity.
That means his testimony cannot be used directly against him in the future prosecution,
because you can't incriminate yourself.
So let's say John tells him about the warehouse where they're storageing the powder.
Authorities go, they raid the warehouse, find the drugs,
they cannot go and say,
you knew about it, so we're arresting you.
Unless, unless John's other buddy, Kevin, comes along and Kevin says, hey, guys,
look at this picture I have of John in a lab coat cooking up in that facility.
Then he can be prosecuted for the drug
charges, just not through his own evidence.
The police have to show that they obtained evidence against John through a completely independent source that is not John himself.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. But don't they usually do that to get some lenience on their previous crime, right?
Yes. So that could work as well. But in this situation, I mean, they just want Jennifer to
feel safe enough to say something. Right, right, right. Because she's not being charged yet.
As of right now, yes.
As of right now. We don't know if she will be.
The detectives describe it to Jennifer as, quote,
I also explained derivative use immunity, which means if you said there was a gun,
and obviously there's no gun in this case,
but you say there's a gun buried in your attorney's yard,
we cannot go dig up that gun, even if you told us that.
Yeah, the gun is used. It was right there in his yard. We cannot go dig it up.
We wouldn't be able to do that. We would have to show that we learned all those things independent from this interview.
Now they could go around asking, hey, does anybody know where the gun is?
So there's one pertinent part of this interview.
I mean the rest a lot of this interview is just repeats of what she said happened
on Monday or at least one variation of it because all these people keep changing their stories.
But there is this odd part where the officer asks her what Maddie would have eaten on her birthday
party the night that she went missing. Jennifer lists off a Puerto Rican dish and the officer says
she's gonna have to spell it out for him because he's, you know, he can't really pronounce that.
And she laughs like a little too hard it's just weird
it's weird she's like ha ha ha ha okay but the main thing to come out of this interview is she
states that there was one morning where Maddie just could not wake up Jennifer assumed it was
her medication problem because she's on sleeping pills that maybe they gave her too many meds too
late at night so she was still groggy in the morning but she later
realized that it was because she and Stefan weren't communicating well and
she assumes that she had given Maddie her nighttime meds and then Stefan gave
her her nighttime meds. he claims he didn't know but they effectively double
dosed her with sleeping pills. now mind, in a lot of the CCM videos and pictures, Maddie was asleep.
So it feels like perhaps
Stefan was drugging her. The officer also hints at the fact that there's a conversation on Jennifer's phone about Maddie
suspecting that Stefan had given her THC pills.
But Jennifer claims, I don't remember that, and the topic moves on. Now, I assume we're gonna hear more from that later on.
I don't know, but a few other things from this interview include, Jennifer had apparently told an
officer early in the investigation that the sleeping arrangements with herself,
Stefan and Maddie, were so strange because Jennifer's sister was staying with them.
So she's like, oh well we all had to sleep together because Jennifer's sister was here.
But turned out not to be true. Jennifer admits that that was not true in this interview. The conversation
of her weird text message comes up near the end of this interview. Maddie had
plans to go see her biological father in Texas prior to all of this. Jennifer texts
him, the biological father, I hope nobody touches Maddie or tries shit or films her
under the bathroom. Which is an oddly specific thing to say at first Jennifer is like, I don't remember that I don't remember that but later
She says oh, I remember that text message. I think this was around the time. This is her saying this
I think this was around the time that an airline employee had taped his phone to the restroom to watch a child use the restroom
So that they could secretly film it but the child discovered it like that's not
She's saying like that was that another quick question police want to know if Maddie is embarrassed of Stefan's car
if that's the case why didn't Stefan just take her to school in Jennifer's car
so that he could drop her off at the school like at the front gate of the
school now side note it's pretty clear that Maddie you know she's deceased at
this point they found her body.
Stefan had no plans of dropping her off, but they're asking Jennifer why you didn't
question that as a mother.
Okay, so back to what you just said about her text to the ex-husband, right?
One suspicion would be she found out about what Stefan did, and this is her just listing
it out because she was upset. Now mind you
Stefan was filming the roommate under the door. Yes yes yes and that will make
her you know she no longer is innocent. Exactly because she invites him back
into the house. We don't know how maybe she just saw he was secretly filming
Maddie. Allegedly this is our speculation theory of course. And then still why let him back into the
house? Jennifer says she didn't question it because Stefan is not insured on her
car. What? Yeah. Which doesn't make sense because I mean I don't think anyone
should make a habit of it but if you're insured... it's weird it's weird. What did she say? She's saying
because the police are like as a mother let's say that your daughter is
embarrassed of your boyfriend's car so she doesn't want to be dropped off near
the school with that car. Isn't it safer as a mother you're like then just drive
my car drive my car because I'm not using my car to drop off my daughter
because I don't want you dropping her off at the other end of the road that's dangerous drop
her off where you're supposed to drop her off where it's safe where there's
faculty and staff but she's like oh that didn't even come across my mind
because he's not insured on my car and it's just very odd priorities I guess
but what about this text message? June 16th 2023, Jennifer
texts Stefan at 930 p.m. Maddie is no longer sleeping with me. I can't risk it.
They ask her what does that mean? I have no idea. The most innocent reasoning would be,
and it's not even that innocent, but the best case scenario would be that Jennifer
was referring to not getting enough sleep because Maddie is a rough sleeper.
But that means that was in 2023.
If she said that Maddie is no longer sleeping with me, I can't risk it.
She was claiming to the police up and down, Maddie always sleeps with me.
Usually she doesn't sleep with Stefan, Stefan doesn't sleep with us, it's always me and
She never sleeps alone.
So if she's not sleeping alone and she's not sleeping with you, who is she sleeping with? That's the most innocent variation of what that
text could mean, but most netizens feel like this cryptic text means something
else. There are speculations that Jennifer knew about the abuse and even
when the three of them shared the bed, he was theorized, this is a theory, that he
was allegedly taking pictures of Maddie and essaying her in the same bed. Can't
risk it? Netizens either think that she's referring to,
I can't risk Maddie waking up in the middle of the night and knowing that I'm also here.
Or I can't risk it, aka, you're creating CSAM and my sheets and pillows are all in the background.
That's what netizens theorize.
Stefan has been arrested for CSAM child essayay abuse as well as first-degree murder charges
And now the question is with all of this even this derivative derivative use immunity interview
People feel like Jennifer is even more sketchy
This did not make her less sketchy in even the slightest amount
The main arguments against Jennifer other than the ones that we've already covered in part one
Is that the very first initial response from the police, they come, there's body cam footage,
they come to talk to Jennifer about her missing child Monday night.
Jennifer's trying to show them a picture of Maddie, and she's gotta scroll through her phone quite a bit.
A lot of netizens and parents think this is so strange.
They say, if your child is not already your phone background, you've got pictures of them everywhere in your phone.
I don't even have children, I have pictures of my nieces everywhere in my phone. it doesn't make sense.
it just feels like jennifer is- she doesn't care about her daughter. she doesn't attend her own
daughter's birthday party that's not even held on the day of her daughter's birth. it's like you
could schedule that for when you're off then. and then it just feels like she could not physically
care less about her own kid. also, why the hell is Stefan staying with them? He and
Jennifer are broken up at this point. It doesn't even make sense. She even tells
officers it wasn't until June of last year that we'd broken up and I said, okay
I don't want to sleep with him in the same bed. Please move upstairs. And he
moved upstairs. So you don't want to sleep with him in the same bed but you
want your 13 year old daughter to sleep with him in the same bed.
Jennifer's explanation for that is, I don't know if I was ever comfortable with that,
the two of them sleeping together, but you told them to sleep together Sunday night.
I did.
That was a selfish move on my part.
It's because I wanted a good night's sleep.
I didn't want her kicking me or rolling onto me or waking me up to hear her alarm so that
it woke me up.
I wanted to keep sleeping until I needed to sleep because I just had not had that with my training schedule.
I had not a good night's sleep, my medication was out of whack, I was feeling funny and
not like myself and I knew that I needed another night's sleep and my medication in my body.
Then why not just have your parents watch her?
So Jennifer's grandmother lives nearby and when Jennifer is working, she will actually
do drop-off and pick-ups.
She'll help watch Maddie.
So if you- I'm not saying parents should become unstable or not take their medication or sacrifice their own physical health for their children,
but there are certain things you can do to ensure the safety of both you and your child.
Like, let her stay at grandma's. She was already at grandma's Sunday for the birthday party.
In fact, she cried to grandma saying that she didn't want to go home that week. Then in other
interviews, Jennifer and the other roommates as well as Jennifer family
members, they all mentioned that Jennifer is a deep sleeper. Her meds knock her out
like she will be out like a light to the point where she cannot hear anything. So
she's saying, I needed my sleep. I didn't need anyone to bother me, like I'm so fragile
and frail, I need my sleep, ooh I really need it, but then also I didn't hear anything
Sunday night because I just knocked out, I was so deep asleep.
Additionally, she was not scheduled to work Monday or Tuesday, so she had a lot of time
to recoup before going back to work.
Furthermore, if Jennifer was someone who needed good quality sleep, why did she sleep with
her quote unquote nervous dog? I don't know about a nervous dog, why did she sleep with her quote-unquote
Nervous dog. I don't know about a nervous dog, but remember she said he came to put the leash on my nervous dog
And I had to help him in the morning
I don't know about you if you have a nervous dog
They're typically very sensitive to noise and they're barking all the time and they're rummaging
They're pacing when they feel like something's happening. They growl they grunt. I mean they think everything is a potential threat. So it doesn't make sense.
Another roommate said that it was she always saw Maddie and Stefan alone upstairs in room number
four and she would even ask Jennifer because she thought that that was strange. Like hey is that
okay for your daughter to just this is not even a stepdad that raised her
since she was young.
This is not even a stepdad,
this is not her biological father,
it's not even a family member.
And like sometimes a lot of abuse even happens
within family members,
so you can't even just,
it was even weirder.
Like it's just,
I can't think of a single explanation why that's okay,
the roommate is saying.
So she asked Jennifer,
is that okay?
Cause that's weird.
I think for
them to ask there must be some off-vibes energy it's not just like oh Maddie's
bored she didn't want to be alone so they're like and then Stefan is like oh
my god I want to be alone but this kid keeps bothering like clearly something
is weird and Jennifer is like no he would never harm my daughter even one of
the other roommates is more emotional
when talking about what Stefan did to Maddie in regards of the abuse
she cries in the interview with the police
she's more emotional than Jennifer
she keeps saying throughout the interview
I wish I had paid more attention
I wish I had paid more attention
which are the things that you would expect someone to say
side note, there is this very emotional moment
where the detectives tell the roommate,
we received a tip, an anonymous tip
that you knew about the abuse,
that you told someone about the abuse.
That roommate was like, oh yeah, I live with this family,
I think that there's abuse going on.
Keep in mind, this is a high profile case,
so this could be, this tip likely,
I wanna say personally in my opinion, has no merit.
I don't think it's real. And also the roommate is very emotional. She goes on to explain that
she has a history of abuse and she would never. She gets incredibly emotional and she says,
trust me police, like if I had known something I would have killed him.
And her voice is shaking and you can just feel how angry she is.
I've never
heard that kind of anger or upset or anything from Jennifer in any of her
interviews. And then Jennifer on one hand she acts like the world's most
micromanaging attentive mom. Oh I have to remind her to do things because she's
forgetful, she has ADHD. I have to make sure that she takes her medication
because I don't want her to take Adderall at night because then she can't sleep and
then what if she accidentally takes it? I have to do this, I have to do sure that she takes her medication because I don't want her to take Adderall at night because then she can't sleep and then what if she
accidentally takes it? I have to do this, I have to do this." She pretends to be a
micromanager whilst never attending an open house at her school, at Maddie's
school. All of Maddie's teachers say, one of them said, you know, Maddie would have
sleepy days, which were not normal. She would be zoned out and asleep through
the entire period. You know how kids will sleep in school? this was
not that. they say the level of this was just different. they told maddie's mom about it. she
did nothing. she just said oh it's her meds. so you are micromanaging but at the same time you don't
notice anything? and by all accounts if you mesh together maddie's teacher, maddie's friends,
maddie's family members, all of their testimonies and statements,
it seems like Maddie was doing so much better mentally after Stefan moved out and was slowly recovering.
That's what it feels like. They don't know that because they just think, oh, she's been a lot better.
She's been more attentive and more focused on her schoolwork. She's been more creative recently.
But if you kind of put the pieces together,
she's recovering after he moves out.
Even Jennifer tells an officer, Maddie had the typical teenage attitude.
The sass, the talking back, the disrespect, the pushing boundaries.
She was very much doing that.
But that calmed down over the last few months.
Got even better when Stefan moved out and went to Northport?
That's what she says.
It's hard to believe that Jennifer never
once sat there and goes, why is that? Not even once? And then she said in a previous interview,
they're best buds. Would you not be sad if your best bud moves out of the house? I would imagine
that her behavior would get worse if they truly were best buds. And she sees this healthy father
figure who loves playing board games with her innocently.
So the best case scenario is she obviously don't give a flying fuck about her daughter,
which is already so bad.
I mean, that's put it lightly, right?
Like even child abusers should receive the appropriate punishment.
So this would be child neglect.
Yeah, right.
I guess.
Right, right. Yes.
Right? Now, I think the way that she... I feel like... I don't know. This is my little...
The nicest thinking is that she has no thoughts about what my daughter needs and wants. Everything is like, what does this guy, this guy that I'm into, tells me about it?
So I'm sure this quote unquote best but is a message that he tells her like oh look at her
He she loves me. She loves to hang out with me blah blah blah blah, and she's like oh, yeah, they're best buds
Right like that's putting it the most innocent
Way of her. Yeah, which is it which is still like you have no care
Yeah, about your daughter. Which is deplorable.
One of Maddie's friends tells authorities
that sometimes Maddie would just come to school crying
and then she would just say,
it's fine, I just want to cry it out.
But one of the most interesting things
a few netizens have pointed out is the fact that, again,
she's micromanaging medications doing all of that
but then not really caring about Maddie at all but also tracking Maddie's menstrual cycle.
Jennifer mentioned that she has an app and Maddie will come to her and tell her when she starts her
menstrual cycle. A few netizens have pointed out quote, I never tracked my daughter's cycle. I just
have supplies in the house when she needs it and consider this. Jennifer is a drugged out fart in a whirlwind.
This is their comment, not mine.
She does not have our shit together.
Jennifer does.
Okay, she does not.
Does she seem like a micromanager and super involved mother to you?
But now she's tracking her menstrual cycle of all things?
Now according to Jennifer, she says,
My entire day was focused around Maddie.
I would wake up first thing in the morning, make sure she's ready,
make her breakfast, get her backpack and water bottle ready.
If she's taking lunch, get her some lunch ready.
This is me doing this while she's getting ready.
Make sure she takes all her medications before school,
take her to school, come back.
She was my entire life.
Everything I did every day was for her.
But again, according to teachers, she never even attended her daughter's open house.
But then she's tracking her menstrual cycle.
And this is another thing.
I don't know if, maybe again, because I'm not a parent, I'm not entirely sure,
but if I had a 13-year-old daughter, I would try to instill in her the responsibility of tracking her own cycle.
So I would probably get her the app on her phone and remind her to track it.
And if she doesn't, I can tell her to whip out her phone and we can track it together.
But I don't know if I would track it on my phone
and have her come tell me.
That's a little weird.
Especially because Jennifer is not the type that's like,
I need to have my eyes on everything.
I am a perfectionist mother and I need to be hyper involved.
One day she's a hyper involved mom, the other day she doesn't care at all
that her daughter is being abused.
Like it doesn't make any sense.
And then there's all the other small inconsistencies.
The day that Maddie goes missing, she goes to pick up Maddie from school, but she only
waits outside for 10 minutes.
Some netizens feel like she knows that Maddie's not coming out of school because a lot of
them are saying, I wait for my kids for like 30 minutes outside and they take forever and
they're annoying.
You know, it's like, it happens.
She also says it's normal for Maddie to forget her phone,
but the officer tells her straight up in the interrogation room.
Her cell data and her cell records show that it is not normal
for her to leave her phone at home.
It is actually common for her to take her phone to school with her.
No teenager leaves their phone at home.
Regardless, investigators are
clearly skeptical of Jennifer. One report reads, during the course of the
investigation, Jennifer has been interviewed by detectives and the media.
Jennifer has made numerous contradictory statements to detectives and media
outlets. During initial interviews with patrol officers and detectives, she
stated that Stefan took Maddie to school. During other statements, she said, we took
Maddie to school. Jennifer's whereabouts are also inconsistent. She initially stated that she did not take
Maddie to school because of a new job and then she later stated that actually
it wasn't her new job she had a doctor's appointment that day. Which side note, she
had two doctor's appointments that day. One that she actually did attend for
blood work, her annual exams, and then a second one that she canceled the day of.
And they asked her why she canceled it and she said I didn't want to go to a
$350 Botox appointment now most of the time in almost all the interviews
Jennifer complains about not having enough money because she's on disability and she finally got a part-time job at Disney
So maybe she is a
horrendous financial manager. I mean, I could see that totally.
But also $350 Botox appointment is a lot.
So why does she book it if she thought
that was too much money, right?
We don't know.
That's not something you find out the day of.
Yeah, like how much it is, yeah.
It's weird.
There is a whole theory connected to this
that we're gonna get into in a second
Now multiple officers tell her straight up to her face that they feel like she's covering up for Stefan
And her reaction her reaction is no I just want you to understand that we're all the same we all have ADHD
We're all forgetful as in her Stefan and Maddie and then at the end of one interview
She even asks,
how long does somebody go to jail for something like this?
Please tell me it's so much.
It sounds like she's trying to ask how long Stefan is going
to jail, but she doesn't sound like a parent that's like,
he better be behind bars for the rest of his life.
Otherwise, the day he comes out, I'm going hunting.
That's not the vibe.
It's giving, how long is he going to be gone for? If he did something to her that led to her death,
yeah, he's going to prison for life. She lets out a sigh, but it doesn't sound like a sigh of relief.
It almost sounds like a gut punch sigh to me, like someone who has told very bad news.
The cop continues, he's probably going to prison for life for the essay charges and the CSAM charges.
So like multiple life sentences.
Fine! Fuck him. Oh my god.
What does that mean?
What do you mean fine?
Wha- yeah.
Fine is a weird, weird comment.
It's not good. Yeah. Fine.
It's not good.
He deserves it and more.
I hope he gets the death penalty.
It's not that.
It's like, fine, fuck him.
It's weird.
It's so weird.
She also mentions how she trusts him very, very much.
She trusted him all the time with her daughter,
but also in the same interview,
she mentions that he has bad judgment,
doesn't make good decisions, stole money from his parents, stole a Rolex
from his deceased grandfather, lies to his parents non-stop.
She even admits that when Maddie's Christmas money was stolen, she and Maddie thought that
it was Stefan briefly before the money turned up again, but the fact that you think that
he's going to steal your daughter's Christmas money, but you trust him?
When asked if Stefan ever
expressed that he wanted to essay a child, she says, not a child, which is
already a bad way to start, but he told me he graduated high school later, like
older than 18. He dated someone younger than 18. She was 15. I don't know how old
he was at the time, like 19, 20, but he was an older kid in high school. He
graduated late. But again, you trusted him with your 13 year old daughter?
She will also say, I believe he did the sex stuff, but I don't think he ever did anything
evil to her.
Okay, like the sex stuff happened, right?
But what if that's completely a side thing?
A side thing and not having to do with her being missing.
Like what if I just don't think Stefan would have done anything to her?
And another, I know the sexual acts happened, but I'm not convinced that he didn't take her to school. I'm not convinced he's the reason
that she's gone. Because why Monday? What's the motive? Why that day? Why the day
after her birthday when we were supposed to spend the entire week together and
have such a great time? We had plans. I just can't think why she was taken. Not
that- not by anybody that I know has done something to her because I feel like
nobody I know would do something to her that would hurt her
Would murder her or anything like that?
Someone you know I saved her for years. What do you mean? No one you know would hurt her
I just wonder if we're like, I know the sexual acts happen, but I just wonder if that's completely separate
Another bizarre thing she talks about how her mom ingrained into her body to never trust a man. Her mom hated Stefan and she
admits it. That's why Stefan wasn't even invited to Maddie's birthday celebration
because her mom absolutely despises Stefan. So the woman that you proudly
state ingrained into you to never trust a man doesn't like this man and you
still don't see any red flags. It's just weird.
Now, one frustrating thing that I noted was she is oddly detail-oriented for the most useless things.
When it comes to things that will actually help find Maddie,
she'll say things like, uh, I want to say none am. I
want to say I'm gonna say, and it's very vague, nothing is specific, but then when
the cop is like, oh, do you have a friend that lives in this area? She's like, I do.
I have a friend, hold on, let me pull out my maps and give you her exact home
address and phone number. It's like suddenly she's so
oddly specific about the most useless things that have nothing to do with anything.
She's always guesstimating the important things I'm gonna say, I wanna say, but then when
it's actually important, like that's it, that's all she does.
Later she is told that Maddie is deceased and the officer is telling her
that he doesn't want her to be surprised
when that information is released to the public
because there's going to be a press conference.
She asks, am I going to be at the press conference?
Am I going to hear it?
Which is odd because you heard it a few days ago
when the authorities told you
that they believe that Maddie is dead
and you're hearing it now.
Why does it matter if you hear it again at the press conference?
The problem is that, not that you're hearing it, the problem is that your daughter has been killed.
She explains to the officer,
I've been avoiding the internet because my family is telling me that stuff has been leaked on the New York Post,
or you guys said something.
They're all traumatized from the media and they're telling me don't, and I don't want to hear it.
She will be in the trenches of a really traumatic or what is supposed to be a traumatic
interview with police and then she'll say the word shit she'll say shit and
then say sorry I have a horrible potty mouth have you ever been so stressed
you are not I mean I am a I'm very conscious of people around me I hate
offending people I don't even like doing any micro movements that make someone uncomfortable
or like leaning this way or leaning that way.
I'm very hyper aware of people around me.
You put me in a stressful situation where I think someone that I love is in danger
or like my dog has a bee bite.
I am not registering anyone around me.
I'm just like so hyper focused on what is happening to my loved one or my dog
that I want everything to be fixed.
I'm not like, oops, I cursed.
It's so bizarre.
Another odd moment is that she keeps continuing to say that she doesn't believe
Stefan would ever hurt her child.
And she says, quote, this is a very bizarre quote,
but if you're telling me on the other side of that penis that they showed me was her with her mouth
Then there's nothing else I can believe that has to be true. But before that evidence I would have said no Stefan cannot hurt Maddie
The way she's describing
Is so weird some netizens are like it feels like she is describing
Seeing a picture of her husband in a mistress yeah so you know clearly she doesn't care about the
daughter and all she cares about is like can can you a hundred percent verify
this man that I like was intimate with someone else yes exactly there's no care
about the daughter at all like zero zero. It's so bizarre.
What's even more bizarre is both Stefan and Jennifer will constantly talk about how forgetful Maddie is because she has ADHD.
But if you go through all of the police reports with Maddie's friends, family, teachers, counselor, they all mention one condition and it's not ADHD.
It's the fact that she has asthma and carries an inhaler.
So most people would assume if your daughter is missing you would tell the police she has asthma. She needs her inhaler.
I can't find her inhaler. I don't know she has her inhaler. What happens if she has an asthma attack?
Because yes, ADHD is a debilitating thing, but asthma like like you're talking about in very serious situations,
it could be life or death in a minute.
Jennifer also states that Stefan would sleep with his shirt and his boxers, sometimes pants,
but from Stefan's own Reddit comments, he responds to a thread.
People who sleep naked, why?
He responds, shirts and shorts get caught up in the sheets.
Naked allows you to move, turn under the sheets without them getting caught up around you.
Which leads us to the conspiracies.
The CSAM conspiracy.
There are variations of this theory, some believing that only Stefan is involved in
profiting off of the CSAM because remember they found hundreds of photos, over 400 photos
and videos of Maddie being abused by Stefan, but they also found 35,000 files of CSAM on his hard drive.
We don't know how much of that is Maddie, I'm assuming it's not all Maddie, I'm assuming
there's a lot of other victims.
Now it doesn't seem to be under the impression that the police believe that he victimized
others or if he was purchasing the CSAM or downloading it off the internet.
Regardless, it seems like a criminal
enterprise is what netizens believe. Others argue that Jennifer might have
known and was probably profiting off of it as well. Even Stefan's own parents are
confused about where he was getting money from because he's unemployed, he's
constantly ordering stuff, he constantly is ordering Tamagotchi and packages are
coming non-stop. His dad would straight-up ask him, where the hell are you getting
this money? Even Jennifer said she was confused because he's
constantly getting deliveries, but he has no job and he has no savings and he's broke.
One of the roommates said in a police interview the only time she ever saw Stefan act nervous
was the day of Monday morning. He was acting a little bit nervous. She didn't recognize it at
the time, but it was odd. We went over that in part one. But also, he was waiting for a package one time, and he seemed really angsty about it. Some people
think maybe it was a package of CSAM. He allegedly had a lot of social media profiles, the obvious
one, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, but additionally, Telegram. And if you have watched any of our
Enthrum series, I mean, you know what's going on telegram
There's a lot of shady stuff on telegram
The theory summarized by one netizen reads if the reports are true that the most of the heinous material is from the room
You know the little partitioned area where Maddie slept was it literally created solely for the intent of production set value
So some netizens think because Maddie never slept in her room in the living room where it just has the wall, fake walls
she never slept there. why did they create this random room there? and if you
see pictures of the room it's very girly. it looks like a teenage girl's room which
is kind of normal but some netizens were thinking more into it. if Maddie never
sleeps there, she doesn't spend time there,
what if that room is used as a set for CSAM?
They found Stefan's boxers in that room,
so it feels like it could have been used for CSAM production
because maybe they want to make it look like a little girl's room
where the CSAM is happening, the abuse is happening,
for some disgusting fetish, and also, if you look at pictures, there's a webcam directly
facing the bed area.
But again, it could be more innocent, it could just be the setup of her room, she likes to
sit on her computer.
And even Stefan's mom says, though, well ask yourself the big question.
The really big question out there is all that stuff on his computer,
all that stuff on his phone,
all that money that was coming in by the handfuls
and the way they were spending it,
where did it come from?
Stefan's dad says,
we're very suspicious that there was
some kind of enterprise going on
and of course, police won't tell us anything about it.
There's a bigger web, possibly.
And in a release document, the warrant reads,
the files depict the sexual performance of a child.
The images were taken in a way to elicit a sexual response from the viewers.
The netizens who believe are split on whether or not Jennifer was involved or not,
they bring up the Botox.
They say, where is she getting this money for a $350 Botox appointment?
Perhaps she knew what was happening, but she changed her mind the very last minute because
she realized how shady it looks if she goes to that appointment that day.
One big component to this theory is that there are reports Stefan is receiving commissary
money from a 55 year old man in Florida.
There's not much information about this man out there, verified information at the very
least, but it appears that he's really the only other person sending Stefan money aside
from his family members. It feels random, but the only thing that you can really find on this guy
is that he was apparently arrested for openly self-pleasuring himself in front of minors.
So you can imagine, how do these two people know each other? In addition to those who believe
Jennifer is involved in the conspiracy for CSAM, there is another piece of evidence that people
are using.
In a jailhouse phone call from Stefan's parents to Stefan,
his dad asks him,
are you cooperating with the police about her participation in any of this stuff?
He responds, there's been no opportunity for me to cooperate with anything,
as I understand the police keep saying that I'm uncooperative,
but they haven't asked me anything to cooperate with, so...
That's one big conspiracy, but that still doesn't cover motive.
Even Jennifer, which is weird
She says there's no motive they were about to have a great weekend
So why would he kill her that Monday morning Sunday night Monday morning? What would be the motive?
Maddie's friend mentions to the officers that she did notice something strange with Maddie recently
They're usually cycle-synced, but Maddie had not had her period around the same time. When police questioned Jennifer about this, Jennifer says
actually that is weird. She was supposed to have her... she goes missing on the 26th.
She was supposed to have her period early February, in the beginning of February,
and she did not. Could they test for that or no? Yes, but they probably won't release
it to the public anytime soon. The officer asks her and she didn't tell you about this last cycle. No, no, you don't find that odd
Yes, now that you bring it up
Would there be obvious signs that she's on her cycle as far as certain products she might use aka
Maybe she just didn't tell you but she was bleeding. Yeah her pads
I would get her a box every two cycles or so
I would usually hear about her breast hurting or her period cramps, but I didn't hear any of that.
But the biggest factor that makes netizens believe this is the motive is
December 16th, 2023. This is released from a police report.
Maddie sent Stephanie a text message, a photograph of two silver coins.
The coins have the writing, New Parent Decision Coin.
Two text. We need this. Get this for us, please.
The coins are from Amazon. It's called Fun New Parent Decision Coin.
And in the product description it reads
Gifts for new mom and dad. Parent gifts. Baby shower. For $4.29.
So on one side of the coin it says Daddy's turn and Mommy's turn.
The purpose being, I guess, if the baby is crying in the middle of the night,
you flip the coin, who goes?
This is in December?
Of 2023.
So two months before she goes missing.
The description reads,
if you have friends or family members that are pregnant
or are new parents, this is a perfect gift for them.
The case report reads, this is not speculation on my part.
The case report reads, due to the fact that this conversation was not near Father's Day
or Mother's Day, leads one to believe Maddie and Stefan had possibly spoken
about conceiving a child. Perhaps it could be that. Some people who don't
believe in this think that maybe it was for one of their Tamagotchis, but if you
go on Reddit, a lot of people say that Tamagotchis, the lifespan of the
Tamagotchi being a baby is like an hour.
Where you just have to be a lot more attentive to your device because the tomogotchi is a baby.
But you wouldn't need to spend money to flip a coin for like an hour. It's weird.
But some others believe maybe it's not just pregnancy or maybe it's not at all pregnancy.
It's jealousy. In the interrogation room, there is this very odd moment where he asks the officers
Okay, the officers are asking him actually what happened Sunday night between you and Maddie
Like did you guys have any sort of conversation or did an incident take place and he says you mean like a fight?
Which is weird. What would a 38 year old man and a 13 year old girl fight about?
It's one thing if you're a good parental figure and you're butting heads over some sort of disciplinary situation,
but I would hardly describe that as a fight.
He tells officers,
No, Sunday night was completely normal, she was very happy,
and she was telling him about a crush that she had on a boy at school.
And they ask him,
How does that make you feel?
She knows that she's not old enough to date, but you know, I told her to crush on, it's healthy.
Did she have boyfriends before in the past? Not boyfriends per se, we decided that she's
too young, needed to avoid that BS. So she's too young, so she shouldn't be having sex
with boys. None of it counts, none of it's real anyway, she should just wait until high
school. What do you mean, none of it counts, none of it's real. Has she ever disclosed
that she was being sexually active with boys? No, not that I'm aware of.
It just feels like he's jealous.
None of it counts, none of it's real. Fine. Why would I?
Fine. It's weird.
Perhaps it's a combination of jealousy, pregnancy, and
potentially control. Like I said, everybody said that Maddie was getting better.
Maybe he felt like she is loosening from his grip and it's only a matter of time before she tells somebody.
But with the potential control narrative of if control was the motive, it doesn't make sense how he could
allegedly kill her.
Because it's even more risky than what he's already done.
But another aspect of this conspiracy is that maybe he thought that he would never get caught. in another thread on
reddit he talks about how he loves having guns. he writes,
he writes, and often with no resolutions or convictions, especially in some of the areas I have lived in.
He writes, you know, therapy is for victims. And therapy is great for victims, provided the victims
are still, you know, alive and well, and therapy may or may not help the victim in the long term. How about not having a victim at all? If a scumbag attempts to kill me or my loved ones,
why should I roll over and let him? I am alive and I therefore have the natural right to continue living. That is something I
believe and I will defend with my own life if someone attempts to take it. If
someone had an assault rifle and was trying to kidnap my wife or child, there
would absolutely be some lethal gunplay involved at that point. I would not sit
idly by and just let it happen and hope that the cops do their jobs well and
hope my loved ones are too molested or too murdered by the time that they're found, if ever?
Are you okay with standing by while someone you love is R-worded, murdered, kidnapped, beaten, robbed, maimed, etc.?
Is it okay then for a shitty person to decide whether their victim lives or dies?
Which is very rich coming from him, considering what he's accused of doing.
So you've got the CSAM ring allegations, side note I believe that a choir teacher, Madeline is a good
singer by the way she was in choir, a choir teacher at the same exact middle
school that Madeline Soto goes was arrested for having CSAM on his phone
this is a recent development. From this case? From this case. I don't know
if Stefan is talking, cooperating, ratting people out, or if they're just taking a good
look at everybody nearby, but there has been an influx of people getting arrested in that
central Florida area for CSAM charges. Maybe it's connected, maybe it's not. I think we'll
just have to wait and find out. But we have the CSAM allegations, this bigger theory that
seems every day to seem more and more true, and then you have the motives.
Jealousy, control, and ultimately the biggest theory and motive, pregnancy. And
then you also have people debating about the the impact that Stefan's parents are
having on this case. They've been a huge part of this case. They've been interesting figures
in all of this. They will say some absolutely transparent stuff about
their own child Stefan, valid things about him, but then also go and defend
him at other points. His parents have said about their own son, if his lips are
moving he's lying. We don't know if it's the truth if his lips are open. He's a gaslighter, you know? He could make you think that things
were one way when they were a total other way and do it with such sincerity
that you questioned yourself. He's a narcissist. It was all about Stefan. If
Stefan wanted it, then he didn't want to wait. He don't want to wait for Christmas.
He didn't want to wait for his birthday. It was now, now, now, now, now, and then he
would throw a fit. He would steal his parents money, jewelry, his grandpa's heirloom Rolex that he left behind.
I mean just non-stop.
They would say all the most transparent things about him.
But then on one hand it does seem like they're sticking by their son Stefan.
So Stefan's jailhouse calls have been released and in one jailhouse- and some of his emails.
In one jailhouse email from Stefan to his father, it reads, hey I just got access to
my tablet again. they have moved me to a regular isolation cell in C-pod now.
presumably this is where I'll stay for a while. it's not exactly the Ritz. it's a
small cell and the pod is quite noisy. I don't think- I didn't think that I would
miss the medical pod, but now I wish I was back in that big cell, you know, where
I at least could partially see out the window and look at the sky and
the grass and the trees off in the distance as they swayed in the breeze.
But in this new pod, the mat is flat and has very little cushion left, the cell is small,
filthy and has some spots on the wall that appear to be bloody fingerprints.
He then requests his parents send two books to him, Congo and The Hobbit, potentially
a third book on how to make origami,
because it quote, could be interesting to learn and it's a good way to pass time and satisfy my need to create and craft and use my hands.
He also sends his parents a lot of very annoying to read woe is me emails.
They read, I just got a good look at my face in the dark reflection of my tablet.
My eyes are a bit sunk in with dark circles underneath and my cheekbones are sticking out so much they look like they could cut you. I don't doubt that I'm continuing
to lose weight. I am now going on four months in here and all that time I have never felt
a full stomach and have in fact forgotten what it is like. There is never a time these
days when I don't feel hungry. Even right after a meal in which I completely clear my
tray, I still feel hungry.
Write me a monologue.
Nobody cares.
Later, in the email, he asks for more money.
I have only seven coffees left, which is dangerously low for me.
I usually like to have two a day and have started rationing down to one.
But soon I will have none, and then I will really be glum.
I also only have three pieces of root beer candy left, so things are getting quite bleak here for me." Stefan calls his dad from jail and denies the
murder. He says, obviously, you know, it's not true. You know, I never would have wanted her
gone for any reason. Which is just an alarming statement considering his other cesium
charges and abuse. I never wanted her gone for any reason. But he continues,
so you know, premeditated first degree is kind of a dick punch
that he's getting charged with that. He's like, whoa, that's unnecessary. That's overkill.
That's basically his tone of voice. Annoyingly, he goes on to talk about how that weekend,
that week, was going to be a great week. Why would he have motive to kill Madeline?
He says, we were all very happy that I was was there we were happy that the three of us were together
it was shaking up to be a great week and a great visit there's no reason for
anything to happen he also mentions about the whole situation with Madeline
the essay situation well I didn't start it is he implying that Madeline started
it or is he implying that Jennifer started it what is he implying that Madeline started it or is he implying that Jennifer started it? What is he implying? If he's implying Madeline
I don't know. I think he should have a long talk about his charges with his fellow inmates then
And maybe he should tell them that the eight-year-old girl started it
See what they think
They say well you didn't start it, but you participated in it, which is just as bad as not starting it.
But that's for another day.
Who said that?
The parents, which is also crazy.
Like if that were my son uttering words like that, I think that I would potentially need police to restrain me.
Like the amount of, Probably violence I would feel.
He says,
So there are some netizens who support Stefan's parents because they feel that in their own weird way, they are also victims in all of this because they too are traumatized,
they're hurt, and they're trying to figure out how to navigate,
how to consolidate their love for their own son while damning what
he's done.
That's how some netizens feel.
They point that even Stefan is so heartless to them, perhaps he has given them a lifetime
of pain.
When on the phone with Stefan while he's in jail, his parents tell him, the penalty
for the crimes you've been charged with, they carry a minimum 40 year sentence.
So obviously we're gonna be gone. Your brother're gonna be gone your brother's gonna be gone well I'll be gone I mean we're
sad about that obviously because there won't be anybody else for you when you
get out Stefan does not care his response is yeah well I'll be lucky if
I'll have another 40 years left in me either so at the end of the call he asked
them if you wouldn't mind putting a little more money in my commissary as
well all right well I can't do much Stefan because we really are when I say dead-ass broke
I mean dead-ass broke, but I will do what I can
Stefan's mom tells officers she feels like she's in the seventh ring of hell. They state he did this and we know that now
We're not making excuses for him, but we cannot abandon him
They also mentioned how they're getting harassed online but Stefan just says about them, Stefan says this, that he hates going to his parents' house
because it's full of poodles and deaf old people aka his parents. but some netizens blame his
parents because they're like i think that he played the parents played a role in how he became
this way and the fact that they're supporting him after all these charges further validates that they are enabling him to some degree.
It just seems like they baby him.
A lot of netizens express frustration with the fact that he's nearly 40 years old, he's
doing nothing with his life, his parents just let him.
They pay his rent, they let him stay in his room painting figurines all day, sleeping
all day, just eating dinner whenever they have food prepared. His room is so dirty that his mom wants to put on a hazmat sticker over his door, but
again, they're letting him.
They complain about it, but they're letting him.
They also talk about how the poodles are noisy, and it just causes so much tension in the
house because Stefan doesn't sleep at night, he sleeps through the day, and if the poodles
bark in the day because, I don't know, the mailman is coming, then Stefan will have a
AKA, it sounds like he has anger issues.
This is, again, a 37-year-old man.
In the same interview, Stefan's parents will talk about how he has a high IQ,
and he's highly intelligent, and they say that his IQ is bordered on genius,
and that he has a deep empathy for other people.
They will also say some things that trigger a lot of netizens.
The mom is asked if she saw any of this, if she saw any alarm bells go off.
She states that when Jennifer, Madeline, and Stefan had come to visit their home one day,
they had noticed that they all slept in the same bed.
And she was like, no, you cannot do that.
Maddie will sleep with me,
grandpa will sleep somewhere else,
because that's weird.
and she claims that she told Jennifer about it,
and Jennifer was like, whatever.
and she just felt like they're gonna do what they're gonna do,
and there's nothing that she can do to stop them.
but then at the same time,
she'll say that she never suspected her son would do anything to Maddie,
because Maddie would even go over to Stefan,
give him a kiss
on the cheek, and tell him that she loved him. I'm sure they're just trying to explain
how they never suspected anything, but in certain situations this could be miscommunicated
as almost victim blaming in a sense. It's just a weird… yeah, it's definitely weird.
They also seem more shocked that Jennifer would
let Maddie and Stefan sleep in the same bed together rather than, why is your son sleeping
with a 13 year old girl? Even if that were the case, I would expect my son, my hypothetical
37 year old son to be like, hey, I don't think I want to be in this relationship anymore
because Jennifer, you're weird, first of all.
And second of all, I'm not sleeping with your 13 year old daughter.
You're this is weird.
I might call CPS on you.
But that being said, they express more outrage with Jennifer.
And they'll also say things like, I think he was careful in placing Maddie's body
where she would be quickly found deep down inside.
He didn't want her out there very long.
His father also says, given the gravity of the charges and knowing what the
penalty is, we're resigned to accept that fate and the fact that we can lose him
in a multitude of ways in any given time. Some prisoner in the jail could off him,
you know, and we're just we're just dealing with that on a day-to-day basis.
They also go on to state, I can say I love somebody but I don't have to like
them. I don't have to like the way they act.
That doesn't mean we are ever, ever, despite what anybody on YouTube says.
Yeah, they don't like a lot of YouTubers covering this case.
Or anybody hints that we are not abandoning our child.
He is wounded.
He is having PTSD in jail.
He lost a tremendous amount of weight.
He is on heart medication, high blood pressure medication, which he has not been on before.
I understand that people think he needs to suffer.
Well, yes, okay, he needs to be punished, he needs to suffer, but don't expect me as
a mother to turn off my heart and say, buddy, you're on your own, I don't like you, I don't
like what you did, and I'm not gonna stand by you one bit because I want him for the
time that he has left on this earth.
We don't know how long that is.
I will give him as much support as he needs.
I want him to be strong in mind body and spirit.
wouldn't you do the same? wouldn't anybody? no. I can confidently say that. I would
not. I do also find it very interesting when the accused, someone that is accused
of taking another person's life, especially a child's life, can do
something as heinous but also have the
audacity to bring up that they have high blood pressure. like I'm supposed to
find some care in my heart for that? I know lots of innocent people who have
high blood pressure and they don't make it a thing. you killed someone allegedly.
why make it a thing? some netizens also feel like they're gonna try to dump all
of this on Jennifer. in one of the jailhouse calls, Stefan's parents tell him that Jennifer was
quote, speculation that she's been in an institution and hiding in the
institution at her lawyer's request. So they're saying her lawyer is telling her
go to the institution it'll probably look better for you. We don't know. We
don't know if this is true. We don't know if it's not true. We don't know
anything. In another interview, Stefan's mom says, I'm not letting Jennifer off the hook at
all. I cannot believe someone let this go
underneath their nose for seven years. I don't understand how she didn't have a
connection with Maddie enough that Maddie could go and say, hey you know,
maybe, maybe something's not right here. They say, the immunity galls me. All the
lies, all of the, all of the things that she did are all
wiped clean, she never has to worry about it again which again that's not how derivative
use immunity works but which it's just it's almost like saying I understand why
netizens are upset with Jennifer but why is she upset that's almost like saying
if Jennifer had been a better person she could have stopped my son from being a deplorable person.
And Stefan's dad is on the same page. He writes an email to Stefan while Stefan is in jail that reads,
We all know that redacted, likely Jennifer, was heavily involved in this and I am disgusted that she is free and you are not when this is not all your fault.
You need to think about yourself more and her less. She sure isn't thinking of you and how she can help you right now.
That whole family is willing to stay quiet and let you take the fall for everything.
Stefan's dad even tells the authorities, I think Stefan's decided to be the fall guy in this
because he's feeling remorse over the inappropriate relationship that he's had with Maddie.
Inappropriate relationship! Speaking of remorse, Stefan's mom says about Stefan's
interview with news outlet after Maddie goes missing, remember he was like crying his eyes
were red. The other thing is that as a mother, I have not seen that mother cry. You do not
fake the sound of his voice. Like I have not seen that child cry like that. My son. You
do not fake that sound in his voice. The clogged sinuses that he was dealing with, that man was sick.
I just know that he's the only one that's feeling any remorse or any sorrow for that
Jennifer is not.
This is freaking crazy.
Yeah, they also bring up that Jennifer was a bad influence on Stefan right off the bat
because they bring up her drugs, aka the medication that she takes.
And don't get me wrong, I will side eye Jennifer Soto
until my eyes are embedded next to my ears
on the side of my skull.
But that's for not protecting Maddie.
That is not for being a bad influence on Stefan.
Stefan's mom says Jennifer is quote,
she's bipolar, she's bisexual, she's a drug addict,
she has a young child.
Yeah, what? She also rants about how Jennifer can't keep a job, She's a drug addict, she has a young child. Yeah.
She also rants about how Jennifer can't keep a job, but neither can your son, so I guess
they're a perfect match.
And also, ma'am, your son is accused of CSAM, abuse, and murder, but you're upset about
someone being bisexual?
She, Stefan's mom also has a moment where she talks about how a lot of girls will go after Stefan, like they'll pursue Stefan.
She seems like the mother-in-law that calls all of her son's girlfriends just crazy, obsessed.
It's like I don't think a singular person is running after your son like that.
Investigators even ask Stefan's parents, hey, like do you know what kinds of people Stefan is into? Because it seems like he's into minors. But she says no, he's into big boobs.
Which is the total opposite of what Jennifer states. Jennifer was also asked
if he has any sexual kinks because they're trying to figure out has he
spoken to people about his interest in, you know, doing the worst thing that a
human can do. But she says he's into butts. He really likes anal, keeps begging for it. But she
says no because it already hurts because it's very thick. That's those are her
words, not mine. I don't know, okay. But then his mom is saying big boobs and so
some netizens feel like that's weird. It feels like she's saying that to make Stefan appear like a well-adjusted man that likes full-grown woman, which is clearly not true
So now Stefan is facing two trials in court. He is now awaiting two
He has been charged with 60 counts including eight counts of sexual battery on a child under 12 five counts of sexual battery with a child
aged 12 to 18 seven counts of lewd molestation 40 counts of unlawful possession of materials depicting sexual performance of a child,
and each of those 40 counts means 10 or more files. So it's not one per file. Right now that means they've found 400 images and videos,
but it's likely more, 35,000 on his hard drive, but in terms of what they're charging him for like they don't need to charge him for every little count
They might add on more and eventually he was charged with first-degree premeditated murder
The prosecutors file a notice of intent to seek capital punishment. They're going for the death penalty
This is in Florida and it's clear that Stefan has no remorse at least in my opinion
He tells his dad while he's in jail
Obviously there are concerns that the police are artificially
inflating everything up as high as they can possibly do it.
You know, what is the plan?
What the plan is there?
The prosecutors?
They're just trying to scare me into pleading down.
Or I don't know.
That's what he says.
Additionally, there's a level of delusion that he has.
He tells his parents to have his social security card ready just in case he gets released. this is after the murder charges are tacked on. he even emails his
dad, as for my tamagotchi and v-pet collection that is hanging in the closet and around the room,
don't do anything with them just yet until we know how things will shake out. a lot of them are
rare and expensive and difficult if not impossible to replace in the kind of pristine condition they
are in, so leave them for now until we know more about what my situation is going to be.
You're about to be someone else's Tamagotchi in jail.
OK, let's let's get our mind back to reality.
He continues. I have access to the law library, which has a lot of case,
you know, law rulings. I've been busy looking through anything
that has relevant
my own situation and I think I found some things which give me some hope, but only some. I can't
explain too much on here, but there is still perhaps a slim hope for my situation. At any rate,
my odds are not 0% at this time. I genuinely think that he, to a degree, thinks he's going to get
away with it because previously on Reddit, he talks about cops and he says cops don't get paid enough to honestly investigate anything and
nothing will happen unless you do their jobs for them and hand them all
the evidence yourself. Fingerprints are really only something that gets pulled in
movies or on TV. All the movies and shows make it look like they're gonna catch
you no matter what but it's just what they want you to think. In reality it's
almost the opposite. Most cops don't really have any investigative skills and are low on deductive reasoning or just don't want to work. That's what
happens when agencies pay low and hire people with IQs that are low. It's not a job that attracts a
lot of intelligent people. Truly, maybe he thinks he's going to get away with it. And perhaps he
thinks he deserves some sympathy because unprompted on a random Ask Reddit thread where the original
poster is asking
Do you think someone like Louis CK? You know the comedian should be able to get their careers back or should he be cancelled for life?
Why or why not? He writes it's complicated
But the short answer is he does not deserve to have his career destroyed forever and ever
With no hope of ever moving on or coming out from it
He deserves to be punished, but I'm not sure he should be labeled a monster forever.
A person can do bad things or several bad things throughout their lives, but should it cancel out the good things they may have done too?
Should it be permanent brands on their soul? A scarlet letter that they carry for life?
People make mistakes, but depending on the severity, those mistakes shouldn't necessarily be held over their heads forever.
I do believe that everyone deserves their right to a fair trial.
Having said that, the defense has already filed a series of motions to try and first
get rid of the death penalty and limit victim impact statements for the murder trial.
They are filing motions to allow testimony from the defendants' family on the impact
of the execution.
So they're saying Stefan's family should be able to tell the judge
what would happen to their lives if Stefan is executed.
However, Maddie's family and friends should not be allowed to testify at all
and talk about what Maddie being gone means to them.
They also don't like the word murder.
They filed a motion to prohibit the reference of the word murder during the trial.
They say, don't say the victim's murder, the murder scene. the
motion reads the defense requests that the word homicide be used instead of
murder when it comes to witness, particularly law enforcement officer
testimony, because the legal term for killing a human being, whether lawfully
or unlawfully, is homicide. there is no crime of homicide. so they are saying
murder already implies
a crime, but he hasn't been convicted of a crime yet. So they need to use the
word homicide. Stefan, I believe, also is gonna hit them with a PTSD defense. He
was hit by a car twice when he was younger and on his Reddit account he
does a whole rant because he's like on a parenting Reddit thread and he's like
having a baby doesn't mean that you are the only person in the
world who has experienced any sort of excruciating pain.
Have you ever been run over by a truck and dragged under the
vehicle across the pavement to the point where your flesh is
shredded off down to the muscle fibers in several locations?
That hurts pretty damn bad too.
Ask me how I know.
He says, so does shattering your knee. So does a lot of things
I'm sure you've never experienced or even contemplated once in your life. Pain is human. Pain is life. Pain is not unique to one person or gender
So let's not get into that sort of pissing contest. In another Reddit thread
He says I have an absolute boatload of PTSD
So and that is where we are at Jennifer has not been charged with anything
One more thing. Sorry. I know this episode is so long.
A lot of netizens have pointed out that it just seems like a lot of people failed in Maddie's life.
The school could have called early to let the parents know that Maddie did not attend.
They didn't let anybody know.
And if they had called Jennifer, maybe she would have been, at least, worst case scenario, forced to call the police.
Because how do you not go looking for your child immediately after?
And maybe things could have been discovered quicker.
I don't know if that would have changed anything.
And then the counselor, she was told that this man in her life, her mother's boyfriend makes her uncomfortable.
Maybe she should have asked more questions. Maybe the other teachers should have asked more questions about
why she was having so many sleepy days. it didn't seem normal. maybe other
family members should have asked. even Maddie's biological father and I'm sure
he lives in a different state. it doesn't seem like he's involved in
anything. that's not even what I'm implying but there is definitely a
disconnect and maybe he did everything that was in his capacity that he could have done or felt he could have
done, but I just don't think it was enough. because as for Maddie, in an
interview he says, to the officer, I can give you the context if you need, but
Maddie reminded me of a character from a show called Euphoria. that is literally a
show about high schoolers doing drugs and being over-sexualized and
he says, in the sense that there was just an emotional weight about her that I did not
understand what the cause was.
It just seemed like she was dealing with stuff that a 12-year-old girl shouldn't deal with,
but I didn't get to see her enough to really pry.
She went from being a silly little girl to a euphoria character,
which euphoria is a show all about kids who are dealing with crazy levels of trauma. I
don't know how to explain it, these young girls have this thousand mile look on their
faces that I would expect out of Vietnam veterans not fucking little girls. It just confuses
me how so many young girls have that look in their eyes. and then i guess you didn't do anything.
one netizen comment reads,
maddie, you deserved adults in your life that loved you and would have put you first.
i'm sorry that you had such a rough childhood.
i hope you're in a better place now.
and with that, that is what's going on with this case.
let me know your thoughts in the comments.
do you think there is a whole ccm ring involved, especially with the recent arrest in central
Do you think that she was pregnant?
Do you think that Jennifer Soto knew a lot more?
I mean, how much do you think she knew?
Did she know after the fact?
Did she know during?
Did she know before what the plans were?
What are your thoughts?
Let me know in the comments.
Be safe, and I'll see you in the next one.