Rotten Mango - WANTED Raw Meat Cult YouTuber Hires Acid Attack On GF & Son - While Posting About Cannibalism
Episode Date: January 19, 2025“I thought trash day was just a few days ago?” Diane hears her neighbors bringing out their trash bins to the street. How is it already trash day? Diane is a young, single mom, and sometimes slip her mind. She shrugs and grabs the trash bins. As she’s walking out of her backyard - a man and a young woman appear in front of her. They smash her on the head with a metal pipe. They grab a bottle and pour hot, burning, liquid acid all down her face and back. Diane knows exactly who did this to her. Her ex-bf. The YouTuber known for eating raw squirrels and pig heads on the streets of London. He just tried killing her. And he’s going to try again. All whilst making videos for YouTube.
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The little portable potty.
That is exactly what Diane is forgetting.
She goes into her backyard to grab her son's portable potty.
I mean, he sits there, he does his business there.
And that's when she sees her neighbors pulling their trash cans out onto the street to be
picked up.
She's thinking, how is it already trash day?
I mean, this doesn't even make sense.
Diane's a single mom. She's quite young, so all of this, this is a lot.
She's trying to stay on track, she's got a little calendar,
but she feels like it was just trash day like yesterday.
How is it trash day already? Again?
Nevertheless, she grabs her trash cans, wheels it out,
and just as she reaches the street, BAM!
She gets hit on the back of her head with a metal pipe.
Not once, not twice, but nine times.
She gets whacked with this metal pipe.
She's looking up and she's begging these two random attackers to stop whatever they're
She sees a man she doesn't recognize that's hitting her with this pipe, and then she sees
this young girl next to him, giggling.
And she's screaming, please, I have a son, I have a son.
She sees the girl hand the attacker a bottle.
They crack it onto her face and it starts burning instantly. This is not a normal burning sensation.
It feels like her skin has massive, it's becoming Swiss cheese.
There's holes burning into her.
It's acid.
She keeps screaming, please let me live. I have a son. They pull her up to the fence. They start kicking her stomach
She manages to wrestle the metal pipe away get up and start running
They throw the acid bottle at her it starts dripping down her back. She doesn't know what to do
She starts running towards a neighbor's house just hoping they're gonna open the door just hoping that they're even home
and she's knocking. One of the neighbors sees her. They open the door, grab her in,
lock it. They're calling the emergency services. Diane runs directly to the
shower. She's trying to wash all this acid out of her eyes from her nose, inside
her mouth. It's burning her whole hands she's looking down the whole shower is bloody just blood flowing down
into the little drain she knows exactly who did this it's her ex-boyfriend the
man that she shares a child with he's the one that must have paid this attacker
to do this her ex-boyfriend is a youtuber named Gaddis
and she remembers the first time he was arrested. First time that things were
just not right. This is even before she had her son so a few years ago the two
of them were in London. Every single person passing by them is staring at her
boyfriend Gaddis. I mean it's his necklace. It's the middle of the day. I mean who
wears that kind of necklace even if it's not it's his necklace. It's the middle of the day. I mean, who wears that kind of necklace? Even if it's not the daytime, even nighttime. It's just weird. Some people are even whipping out their phones to take a picture as proof, evidence to show their friends look at this guy's necklace. Because around the man's neck around Gadus his neck is a little bird hanging on a string. Dead, completely de-feathered.
What do you mean?
Killed, dead, de-feathered, just a bird carcass.
It looks as small as a hummingbird.
If you point your phone at him to take a video
and he sees you, he might just turn around and smile.
And then you're gonna get more scared,
because between his teeth there's
just chunks of red blood his whole mouth is bloodied and it's from the dead
squirrel that he is ripping apart in his hands to eat raw in front of the vegan
market he is standing outside a vegan market in London with a squirrel he's
managed to rip open the squirrel's stomach area and
he's just digging in, eating it raw. And he's smiling. He did this last week in another
city but instead of a dead squirrel, he was chowing down on a decapitated pig head raw.
Arguably I guess the squirrel is much easier to carry around, it's more compact, but one
passerby is staring at him like, why are you doing this dude? I mean, I eat meat, but I don't do this in front of a vegan festival.
Gaddis later explains he's doing this for the vegans.
He's trying to show them the dangers of not eating meat. He's trying to save them.
They're all putting their lives at risk and he can help them.
My message is veganism is malnutrition and the reason I and other people eat raw meat is because humans eat that in nature.
He says veganism is human cruelty.
This is the case of raw meat carnivore youtuber Gattis and his three girlfriends.
One that was attacked with acid and a homemade bomb.
One that runs into an embassy with a shaved head accusing him of placing glue into her private parts to make her infertile,
and another one who is allegedly on the run with him from charges of attempted murder. We would like to thank today's sponsors who have made it possible for Rotten Mango to
support the GoFundMe of the victim.
The link can be found in the show notes.
This episode's partnerships have also made it possible to support Rotten Mango's growing
team and we would also like to thank you guys for your continued support as we work on our mission
to be worthy advocates.
As always, full show notes are available at
A few disclaimers for today's case, there are mentions of DV, graphic descriptions of
raw meat eating, as well as some very controversial conspiracies and or takes against women.
There's also mentions of CSA.
Okay, there's mentions of cannibalism incest as well
Just putting that out there. So with that being said let's get into it
quintillion LED light bulbs
What's quintillion? That's more than trillions. Oh, okay. It's a lot of light bulbs
Let me give you some more context if you were to evenly place the light bulbs on earth's surface, land, water, it doesn't matter,
you somehow get all the light bulbs to fit.
You would cover the earth's surface completely with light bulbs,
and then you would need to do it again approximately 44 times.
Then you turn on these 44 earth-sized Christmas lights,
turn them all on, and then you stare directly into it.
That is the practice of sun-gazing. The practice of staring directly into the sun.
Now, to be fair, sun-gazers don't stare directly into the sun when the UV index is high. They only
sun-gaze within the first hour after sunrise or before sunset. They state that the UV index is the lowest then and they start by staring directly into the Sun for only 10 seconds, at
least initially. The maximum that they ever do is about 30 to 40 minutes per
session. It's been stated that sun gazing is this very ancient practice but there
is a lot of argument that the receiving of sunlight is the practice, not
necessarily staring directly into the Sun. I thought you know like they're But there is a lot of argument that the receiving of sunlight is the practice, not necessarily
staring directly into the sun.
I thought, you know, like they're talking about in the morning, you're supposed to get
a certain amount of sunlight.
Yes, you're supposed to get sunlight first thing in the morning.
It's actually really good for you without any sunscreen, without eye protection when
the sun is rising.
But you're not supposed to stare directly into the sun.
Yeah, because that's killing your eyesight.
Yeah, so dangerous.
I mean, I would at least advise not to stare directly into the sun, and likely every single
doctor will as well.
So there's a few types of sun gazers.
There's ones that just get sun at critical points during the day.
They do what the studies show.
They go outside when the sun rises, they don't stare into the sun, they just try to absorb as much light as possible. Then you have the more
traditional sun gazers. They will look directly into the sun but during the
safe zone hours. Then you have the extremist sun gazers who want to stare
directly into the sun for all hours of the day including middle of the day when
the UV index is the highest without a singular ounce of eye protection.
We're talking about the extreme sun gazers today.
Because as I've mentioned before, sunlight is not bad for you.
But this is extreme.
The extreme extreme sun gazers believe that sun gazing helps you download information from the sun. The sun is a giant server and we are processors and we're
requesting data from the sun. I'm not kidding you. Like what kind of data? Knowledge. Oh yeah.
Knowledge can be absorbed through the sun. Not enlightenment, not dopamine, not serotonin,
knowledge, cold hard facts.
You get them just downloaded into your brain.
By looking at it.
Yeah, the metadata just comes in.
And some even take it a step further,
stating that if you are a really good sun gazer,
like a professional sun gazer,
you don't even have to eat another meal
of food in your entire life.
It's this very fascinating belief
that one will photosynthesize like a plant. People want to morph into solar panels getting all
their nutrients directly from the Sun. Gaddis Lagstens, the youtuber, he's
originally from Latvia but he travels primarily through Europe and he's an
avid sun-gazer. Okay just to give you context for the audio listeners, he's got
long blonde hair, he ties it in a low ponytail for the audio listeners. He's got long blonde hair
He ties it in a low ponytail in the back and he's pretty fit. He's actually very muscular
He spends most of his time filming in the middle of the woods like in the middle of a forest somehow
Always shirtless barefoot just enjoying nature. How old is he now? He's in his 30s. Oh
He's young. Yeah, but he's been a YouTuber since, oh, a very long time.
Now, Gata says he sungazes all the time.
He does it all day, every day, midday, it doesn't matter.
Sometimes he will just lay there for the entire day,
downloading information directly with his pupils and the sun,
not closing his eyes, not wearing sunglasses, just raw dogging the sun.
He says, when there's a cloud, I wait for the cloud to go away and I just sun-gaze.
I sun-gaze all the time, from sunrise to sunset.
He tries to explain the reason of sun-gazing to his viewers,
and he says, you listen and you unlock your mind, okay?
We are liquefied sun.
We all come from the same source.
We wake up according to the
Sun's movement. When the Sun is far away we lay down as if we are dead. He's
talking about sleeping. And when it's closer we wake up because it literally
pulls us up and that's because we feel the Sun's presence. How many followers
does he have? He's had multiple channels. His most followed channel had like
hundreds of thousands. Well, yeah.
But he his online digital footprint is it took me so many days to get through of
just brain rotting through his forums and everything.
It was a lot.
Just you wait, we're going to get into it all.
And he tells everybody he used to wear glasses.
He says I used to wear glasses almost all my life.
I started when I was around four.
I stopped when I was around 22. I simply stopped wearing my glasses and started doing contacts, but even contacts are annoying. It's unnatural
We're not supposed to do it. Stop with the unnatural glasses. We don't need glasses on our faces
That's why kids who have glasses get bullied. It's unnatural. It's ugly
You're not supposed to look like that. If you see someone with glasses, they don't like it. It's because it looks like shit
It's just how it works. He says sun gazing fixed his vision, which I have seen a lot of sun gazers
say it helps. I don't think it helps midday. You're going to burn holes in your retina, but I don't know.
For months, Gaddis is just trying to unlock the true power of sun gazing, and then he feels the
weirdest thing. It's like a vibration inside of his chest.
If you were to have your phone just vibrating on your chest, that's what it feels like.
But it's under your skin somehow. It's like a humming right under his heart.
He says that once that vibration hits, he starts realizing things.
The sun is feeding him. He doesn't in fact need to eat.
It feels better not to eat at all. He says I went without
food. Now just a side note, Gaddis is a vegan at this point. He was a vegan? He was a vegan.
And he continues. I felt completely fine. Pretty much for a week and a month went on
with only water. Pretty much my consciousness was so different at that point. It was the
clearest, purest moment of my life. Just pure sun gazing all the time,
downloading the nutrients into my prefrontal cortex.
That's what he's saying.
Then he wakes up one day, the sun is gone.
It disappeared.
It's nowhere to be found.
It's just white fluorescent lights.
He's in the freaking ICU.
The doctors are staring at him.
Welcome back.
You almost died.
You've been in intensive care for nine days.
Everything was prepared for the worst case scenario
that you would die.
We told your sister that you would most likely die
because you've been fasting for 30 days.
He was drinking some lemon juice here and there,
which I imagine to be the worst thing to drink
on an empty stomach, like a 27 day empty stomach.
He took some salt for electrolytes, but that's it.
When he finally wakes up in that ICU, Gaddis said that his visions were so clear.
He was having these dream-like hallucinations, but they felt so rooted in reality.
He says, I saw people sun gazing, visions of it, people sun gazing, and they just had these raw organs in their hands and eating them.
Eating them. And it's just really, just really got stuck in my head.
I was really starved and I started eating again in the hospital. I wanted flesh so bad.
I actually wanted human flesh. And there's a reason for this.
I was quite mad at these doctors there because they were giving me this carbohydrate shit
and there's a lot of stuff going wrong there.
And that's why I actually just wanted to bite their flesh, the doctors and the nurses, and eat them.
This is how Gaddis, the YouTuber, goes from being a vegan influencer to a raw meat carnivore influencer. This
hospitalization of wanting to eat his doctors.
Have you heard of high meat before? You take a piece of raw meat.
I believe most encouraged is a giant chunk of raw cow liver.
You stick it into one of those glass pickling jars and you just let it sit. You let it deliberately rot for about a
year. Occasionally, every few days or so, people will have to open the lid to burp
the rotting jar of meat or else it'll just explode. You got to let the gases
come out. And then after about a year, sometimes eight months, of letting it
decompose, you eat it. What? A lot of raw meat carnivores say they want to get two
things out of the meat. Supposed probiotic effects, I guess if you consider
salmonella and E. coli probiotics, but also they say it helps them feel this
sense of euphoria that you can't replicate anywhere else. You feel high.
That's why it's called high meat. Gaddis the ex-vegan, now raw carnivore,
he claims he only eats raw meat. Not cooked meat, but raw meat. Just raw
ground beef, raw eggs, raw pork, everything raw. He makes his own high meat and in
one video he tries it for the first time ever. He says, hi guys, my high meat is
one years old now so I'm gonna eat it all at once. He pulls up this giant scoop.
It looks like if you were to soak cardboard into water, and it's just broken down into
this mashed, grainy, moldy goop.
He sniffs it.
It smells like acidic mushrooms.
He takes a big bite of the bacteria goop.
It looks like he's about to gag.
Very strong.
It's like eating chili.
Fucking hell.
Then you just see him sit there for a second, absorbing the high meat, having the E. coli
run around his body like a playground.
I can already feel it.
It's definitely high.
You know, meat, if you get what I'm saying.
This becomes a regular thing. In another video, he's scooping up what can only be described as a giant brown slug covered in mud.
It's about two, three fingers together in size.
It's another round of high meat, probably beef liver.
But it's still not as bad as the rotten brain.
He holds up a jar of brains that he has left to decompose for a year.
It looks like blueberry flavored yogurt and on top is this mushy red substance.
This is real brain from August 2019, so eight months old.
I made it in Berlin, Germany.
I traveled with it.
A dark red layer on top.
It smells like a typical high meat and then something else,
which I've
never smelled before. He takes a nibble. You know, you just become sort of high, but a
natural high, not one that has any side effects. This is how Gattis infiltrates the raw meat
carnivore world as an ex-vegan. Now, side note, I've eaten raw meat before. I think
most of us have like steak tartare, even my
steaks are sometimes like medium. A raw meat carnivore is not that. They eat raw meat for
breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They will have a plate of ground beef with raw egg yolks on top,
with a glass of unpasteurized milk, with a whole stick of butter, and a side of raw liver, and
sometimes for shock value, bull testicles. Raw.
Just waiting to burst in their mouths.
At least that's what the raw meat carnivore influencers are doing.
One thing about the raw meat community that I will say, other than the fact that you do
you, that's between you, your stomach, and your doctor, and your bathroom, but some raw
meat influencers, the way they do these what I eat in a day videos with their raw meat, I feel like they're doing it for
the first time ever. The way that they eat the raw meat just looks so foreign.
It doesn't feel like a natural daily activity, so I wonder if a lot of them
are doing it for clicks.
Then why is there such a big community? Is that like a trend right now?
I don't know if the community is big.
I think that the influencers gain a lot of shock value attention and I imagine
that most people who do eat raw meat there's not that many of them. Is it
liver King the person? Yeah he's one of the most well-known raw meat
carnivores although I have seen him eat cooked meat before, but he is very heavy on that primitive lifestyle. A lot of them want to
replicate what our ancestors did, eat raw meat before it's cooked. They think
cooking takes out the nutrition. They think cooking makes it undigestible. So
they eat raw organs, raw meat. They drink raw animal blood, raw unpasteurized milk.
The liver king doesn't even shower.
So he's very into that primitive lifestyle.
He only soaps up his groin area and he says he swims in lakes, he swims in rivers.
He doesn't need to shower because our ancestors didn't shower.
He'll eat like a fatty piece of steak and his hands are all greasy
and he uses that as moisturizer for his hair.
Yeah, and people who have done podcasts
with the liver king say he is one of the sweetest
but smelliest people that they've ever encountered
in their entire lives.
Just smells like a decomposing body.
It's so fascinating that they have such primitive values
but they're all over social media, isn't it? It's kind of weird. And some raw meat
carnivores state, claim, that because their diet is so nutritious and is what
our body craves, they don't even fart anymore. Gattis claims he hasn't had a
fart in years. What a flex. Oddly, really oddly, he states, for example, my friend Derek, I haven't
farted in five years. My friend Derek has been eating meat, just raw meat for nine years.
He hasn't had a fart in nine years. Think about that. He's telling us to think about
it. He also claims that he rarely drinks water. Now, there is a claim out there that these
water companies are poisoning us, which, okay, valid. Nothing is impossible. I don't trust these big
corporations either way. But they state that if you eat a lot of raw meat,
there's so much water in the blood, in the food, that you don't actually need to
drink water. And if you really are thirsty, the key is to drink blood. Lots
of blood. That is what Gattis explains. This is his quote. If you would turn on
your head for once in your life and think about why the government
made blood illegal in most places, then you would maybe start realizing what's going
on. The government banned drinking blood because
it's so nutritious for you that the water and food companies would be all out of business.
If you consume raw meat, your health problems would disappear that you would never need
to go to the hospital, so healthcare would be out of business.
To put it simply, Gattis says, you are a Satanist if you cook food.
Vegetarianism is what started veganism.
So don't you ever, vegetarians, ever fucking message me believing that I have any respect
for you.
Vegetarians are absolute scum.
You're mentally ill if you don't eat raw meat.
What excuse could you possibly have for not eating your natural diet?
If you see blood, liver, and brains, and you don't find those foods appetizing, then you're mentally ill. If you find it disgusting,
you have mental issues. If you find the smell of raw meat disgusting,
then you are drugged up and you have a toxic body that doesn't let you recognize natural food. If the appearance of raw meat is
disgusting, then you have been brainwashed
by the media. It's the same as a tiger finding raw meat disgusting. It's the same. It's
a severe mental illness. You've got to understand this. You are insane. Raw meat is the cure
to everything. If you drink blood, eat raw meat, and raw animal fat, then you will cure
every disease ever known. He believes that if you are vegan, which he used to be vegan,
you are a filthy, malnourished, and mentally ill person and there is no way that you can ever
possibly even be pretty. He will say this with all this raw pig meat stuck in between his teeth.
Side note, the first week after going full raw carnivore, Gattis was hospitalized for a really long time again
and he explains in the video,
this is a PSA if you slurp raw bone marrow out of its bone.
He says he ate raw chicken bone marrow.
For whatever reason, it gave him a bacteria.
Took him a month to fully cover from.
He couldn't even open the door.
That's how weak he was from the food poisoning.
He says, I actually talked to my trainer, and she said many people got completely paralyzed
from it, and some people even died from it, because the bacteria can go into the heart,
and the heart is a muscle, and it makes the heart stop bleeding.
You know, but it's all part of getting used to the bacterias and de-brainwashing yourself
from modern day slavery.
Because only raw meat.
People are beautiful.
He says there will be no more good-looking humans left soon
because we're all cooking our meat.
Or God forbid, some of us are not even consuming meat.
He says the humans of today are the very first ones in history
that don't eat raw animal foods.
That's why you're ugly.
He thinks we're all ugly, but sometimes the call is coming from inside the house.
But the resident just doesn't have all the lights on upstairs, so the call is missed.
His favorite types of videos are critiquing vegan influencers.
He has a channel called Goatus. Goat. Gadis. Goatus.
I don't know if he's referring to Greatest of All Time or the actual Animal Goat.
But the titles are always something along the lines of
Two anti-human vegans make fun of a malnourished kid. What a walking tumor
eats in a day to die prematurely. Vegan parents and vegan children starving my
child against their will. Sick vegan parents don't let their children eat
what they need. Mentally ill vegan with brain damage. Malnourished vegan teen
believes that he's a model. vegan girl smells because
of her toxic diet and he's just reacting to random nice vegans that do like what
I eat in a day, minding their own business on the internet. but it is very
clear that the true reason that he passionately despises vegans is because
when he was a vegan he shat himself. In a video he's hiking and explaining. Two
days before New Year's, it's minus seven degrees outside and I shit myself for
the first time in my adult life because when you eat plants because they're
indigestible you get a lot of pressure and you got to go to the toilet a lot
and because there was nowhere to go I was on the street and it happened. I
shit myself and because of muscle at, it was hard to control it.
It was horrible.
So for a moment, I thought maybe Gaddis is just like a master raid baiter.
He says unhinged stuff in videos to get clicks, but one person who states they met Gaddis in person,
they say, one day we went to central Berlin. We were walking around the mall and the mall had a butcher shop
that Gaddis was apparently a frequent customer of and on the same level of the butcher shop was this Chinese restaurant.
The restaurant was located in the middle of the floor next to other shops and it was shaped as like a circle.
So it was more of a
fast food joint to eat at if you will. Both me and the other guy we were with were hungry
so we decided to eat some food at the Chinese restaurant. Meanwhile, Gadus being an absolute narcissist,
he bought this huge fucking kowtong from the butcher shop and started walking around everywhere,
the whole entire floor, eating it raw in front of people's faces. He then walked into a
more fancy restaurant and just stood at the entrance staring at people while chowing down
on the tongue and spitting pieces of it onto the floor. None of this was filmed. So it's not even just for videos
he's doing this. Yeah, so like he's just like a crazy dude. He just want to get some crazy
attention and yeah. And it's just bold coming from someone who wants to commit incest. What?
someone who wants to commit incest. What?
In a video, Gaddis is explaining to us like we're idiots with our heads shoved into the
When it comes to incest, nobody wants to even think about it.
That's what he says.
So he posts these like crazy comments on each YouTube videos.
He makes these videos and talking about it.
His new YouTube channel does not have any of them. His past one called Savage had all it got suspended by YouTube.
And he's actually not supposed to have another YouTube channel
because that's the YouTube policy.
Once your channel gets suspended, you can't make another one.
But he does and it's called Godis.
So we should I don't know if you feel inclined to report it, I guess.
But as a carnivore, he says,
it's best to consume what is closest to you for regeneration.
And if you switch off what you have learned for a second,
you may come to the same conclusion about sex.
He's saying as a carnivore, eating raw meat
that is closest to you is healthiest for you.
So sex, having intimate relations
with someone closest to you should be the best for you.
He says the word incest comes from chastity, so it's purely a religious concept.
If you have intimate relations with your children or your brother has intimate relations with your sister, then it's wrong?
You know, when I used to watch intimate videos back in the day, there used to be a lot of videos of mom and son, daughter, father, brother, sister, and later on they changed that, probably because of legal issues.
Afterwards, they kept saying stepmom, stepbrother.
I guess they were not allowed to call the videos like that anymore.
But the reason they always did it is because that's what people are longing for, but they're
not allowed to.
It's a taboo topic anyway, and actually you're not legally allowed to in most countries on
But in the so-called ancient times, it was normal for the mother to show the son how to have intimate relations.
This is why the sons quite often choose a girlfriend that looked like their mother,
and the daughters choose a boyfriend like their father.
And of course we can produce children with our sisters and brothers.
You know the word monogamy?
Monogamy is you having intimate relations with your family.
Monogamy is not you only having intimate relations with your wife in marriage,
which is a societal construct that doesn't even exist.
Marriage is in your head, not in nature. You simply fuck your family, and there's no jealousy.
Why would you be jealous of yourself, your child, you know, your brother, your sister,
which we can assume
is only 50% the woman and 50% the man. You're creating a different version of yourself and
then you have intimate relations with yourself.
So do you think he's being serious about this?
Yeah. Yeah, unfortunately. I wish I could say I thought he was rage baiting, but I do
think he was relatively serious.
There are orgies, so-called ones, just like any wild animal would do with their own family, and there's nothing wrong with that whatsoever.
Everything that the elite does is right and natural and we see it as wrong and evil and so on because we are the ones in the wrong.
We see everything that's right as wrong. You may come to the same conclusions about intimate relations.
You know, we get told about all these genetic disorders and birth defects.
There's a lot of claims but no proof.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
Wouldn't these problems logically come from people that is further away from you?
He's saying if you have children with someone further away from you.
You know, there's actually this guy who's on trial for being a cult leader.
He said that he had intimate relations in front of his children and he actually let
his son grab his private parts and he would talk about it like it's all natural. And it
is actually natural. You would always have intimate relations in front of your children
because there's nothing special about it. Intimate relations in nature is just nothing.
It's like eating or shitting, as I said. They drilled inside of your head. Everybody in your life, the
media, your parents, the school system, told you that it's wrong. You have been re-educated
and that's why you cannot actually explain why it's wrong when you hear about something
such as having intimate relations around children or your children, whatever, your family. It
feels wrong, but does it actually?
No. It is simply inside of your head. As I said if you were to play tennis with a girl who's
under the age of consent not that there is such a thing in nature it's a societal construct
in some countries it's 17 and others it's 13 whatever people make up if you play tennis with
her it's okay or him also if you're a woman but if you have intimate with her, it's okay. Or him, also if you're a woman. But
if you have intimate relations with them, it's wrong? Wow. Um, yeah Gaddis, it is.
That's exactly what we're saying. He puts his index finger to point at his head
like duh. Why is nobody else using their brains? I will say though, the way this
walking brain tumor just starts his videos to some extent is comical.
He's just in the middle of the forest wearing a bright red hoodie with a bright red headband on
and he just starts, what's up what's up you may not understand this because you grew up as a slave,
but the police are Satanists whose job is to enslave you, protect the elite, and punish natural
humans. Two seconds into the video we don't even get the video, we don't even get an introduction.
We don't even get like an ad break or anything, nothing, just what's up, what's up?
So let's go through Gaddis' most interesting takes on life so we can all be enlightened.
He states that the purpose of reading newspapers, books, reading anything other than maybe his
sub stack is to ruin your brain.
He says it's a man-made language with
man-made letters. We're not supposed to read in nature. That's why people don't
like to read. People always ask me about my favorite books. I don't have any
because reading is unnatural. It's not something you're supposed to like. It's
as simple as that. That's also how you ruin your eyesight because you're always
looking at these tiny little letters up close. Why are the letters so small? It's
supposed to ruin your eyesight, that's the purpose.
The better way to receive information,
through the cosmos, through sun gazing,
and that's the other thing, our intelligence increases,
and that's because we are sun powered.
We have sun powered brains, so to speak.
That's what people call it.
I've received information and my understanding
of the world from the sun, from the cosmos,
haven't come from any books, I haven't heard it from people, it just comes as you're sun-gazing.
Wow, okay.
Download complete.
Sunglasses are also a deception, made to look cool like cigarettes.
Maybe that's why I'm obsessed with sunsets, but I haven't seen a sunrise in ages because
I wake up much later. The sun really is much easier to look at when it sets if I didn't live in a system
I can imagine I would have done it just like without anyone telling me like why do we all believe
Sunsets and sunrises are beautiful. It seems like nowadays people associate the Sun with the wrong things
He's just saying gibberish at this right? Just like whatever comes into his mind. He's just saying gibberish at this point, right? Just like whatever comes into his mind, he just.
So he wants us to be in the sun staring directly, you know, burning our retinas,
holes into our retinas, into the sun on a daily basis, but also being outside is
dangerous, he says. Berlin is where I live.
Seems to be a big, big target.
Once it got dark last year, two planes,
two planes with identical lights appeared and were flying around I assume
that they were spraying something because in the dark you can hardly see anything it just looked
suspicious the belief being that planes are spraying aluminum into the air to poison humans
and nature he also wears pants that read 9, no planes hit the world trade centers.
There's this conspiracy out there
that the towers were never hit by planes,
that they were brought down by a controlled demolition
using explosives.
So there's that.
And the earth is flat.
Okay, he has like random passionate takes,
like the earth is flat.
Additionally, quote,
saunas are voluntary self-exit for super depressed people.
He thinks saunas are really bad for you.
So he's like, whatever conspiracy he comes across, he's like, oh yeah.
That makes sense.
That makes sense.
Yes. And somehow, yet, okay, none of these beliefs even come close to his views on cannibalism.
There's a video of Gaddis. Standing in front of the camera and holding up a vial of blood.
It looks like the kind of blood that you would get drawn at the doctor's office during your annuals.
It's blood, but it's not from an animal. It's from a subscriber of
Gaddis's. Human blood. Gaddis says, ah, the elixir of life, and he opens it up and
gulps it down, smiling. There's blood all over his teeth like he's auditioning for
a vampire extra in the new Twilight spinoff. He's smiling, saying,
Thank you, man.
To the subscriber who sent him the blood.
Thank you, man.
It's like having sex with you, but better.
It's like having you in me.
Oh, fuck.
I would like more of this. It's so good.
I get it now.
This is the epiphany of my life.
This is why they do it.
Imagine baby blood.
Fuck man. He starts rubbing his beard and his voice gets very pensive and just far too creepy.
He said before, human blood is the highest form, especially virgin blood.
Also the menstrual blood. If women would drink it, or men as they used to, they wouldn't get all that gray hair and all that other stuff.
We should all be drinking blood.
And before you get so offended, like I am, because we're not enlightened, he says,
I've mentioned in a few times in videos about eating other humans, but sort of as a joke, even though it wasn't.
But that's because I realize that people aren't open about talking about it.
Before you get all closed-minded about it, just look into all the tribes, look into people
dying and then other people eating them as…
I forget the word, as a sign of respect, let's just say that, to the one that died.
Also nourishment, nourishment from the body and thanking the body.
I mean, it all just really makes sense.
It's trying to click. Look at this from your soul's perspective and not just what we have been taught and brainwashed
This is very well documented
Not a lot of people talk about it eating other animals raw and then eating humans if you compare it
There's hardly any difference. I mean psychologically. Yes, I do understand. It be hard getting over it, point being it's a mindset.
But if you eat babies, or a young human heart, of course it's going to regenerate rapidly,
and of course it's the best food for the human, for your own heart.
The proof that Gaddis has for all these arguments is the Illuminati.
He teaches his followers, the Illuminati are happy people because they're r-wording babies and children and eating them.
They have built a perfect system for themselves where they can have human hunting parties, rape and torture dungeons, and
babies for breakfast. All the research I've done since I've gotten out of the hospital completely tells me that the Illuminati's diet
consists of baby and children organs.
You know, how to live long, how to live healthy, the secrets of humanity and of this planet
and everything.
Of course the Illuminati understands.
If you look into organ harvesting of children and reports of thousands of refugee children
just disappearing, if the Illuminati members have a problem with their heart, which they
probably wouldn't because they eat so well, except when they're over like a hundred something
or you know, they would of course still then start eating
the organs of the children because no animal is going to compare to another human's organs.
So what do you think is going to happen to your cells and the regeneration if you eat
a baby or a young human's heart? It's going to regenerate rapidly. They want you to eat
plants while they eat
children. Just fucking wake up. You are all slaves. Everyone is being conditioned
except Gattus because he gets his information from the cosmos. He goes on
to state, you know Marvel, the movie, is a prime example of slavery conditioning.
You know the superheroes? Think about how the so-called good and bad guys are
portrayed in the movies. The so-called villains want to have total control and kill anybody that's in their
That's the definition of human nature and exactly what the enlightened ones do.
That's what we should be doing.
The so-called heroes, they want to protect society and keep us enslaved.
Kill or imprison anybody who wants to try to disrupt the control system.
That's what the heroes are doing.
My biggest question is, how does this guy end up with children from at least two separate
relationships and is almost always perpetually in a relationship?
I'm confused. Maybe he has super enlightened views on women?
He says in a video, I see a lot of videos for women on YouTube on how to get a so-called
hourglass figure. They will tell you to work out, do plastic surgery, go on unnatural diets
and so on. All of this is bullshit. There's only one solution to
all your problems. Pregnancy. The reason you look the way you look is because you
did not get pregnant right after you started menstruating. Your menstruation
is literally your body, nature, God if you're religious, telling you to have
children now. Every woman on earth that did not get pregnant when she was
supposed to
now looks different than she should.
Not doing that is exactly the same as not eating meat and fat when you are hungry
and you will naturally be punished for it.
You are punished with your ugly looks.
Which means that most women in Europe and North America don't look the way they're supposed to.
Do you understand how big of a deal that is? You've probably been told all of your life that childbirth is very painful. It actually isn't.
But it is for most women in the West and that's because they give birth almost 15 years too late.
You have to understand from nature's perspective. You are seen as a loser and that's why you get punished with pain.
This is why you have to give birth while you are young and flexible.
And that's why you get punished with pain. This is why you have to give birth while you are young and flexible.
Your hips will widen very easily when giving birth.
You won't have stretch marks.
Your breasts will be much bigger.
Back in the day, we did not document our birthdays as we do now.
Most people don't know how old they are because naturally it's irrelevant.
On the day a girl gets her first period is usually when she loses her virginity and gets impregnated.
Nobody cared about her exact age because it didn't matter up until today. I will give you some examples. In Spain,
20 years ago, the age of consent was 12. It was changed to 16 some years ago. In Italy and Germany
it was also 12. In Italy it's 14 now, which side note, anybody who knows the actual age of consent in all these countries,
I am so terrified of you.
Why do you know this?
That is crazy, yeah.
I don't even know the age of consent in the country I live in.
Yeah, or even talking about it like it's some sort of a proof of something.
Yeah, it's just legally differentiating, but usually it's you're of age or not.
Yeah, why does that even matter to you as an adult to bring up this fact?
It doesn't make sense. Yeah, and he says not much has changed there in Canada up until 2008
It was 14, you know
Artificial marriages with contracts usually happen between the ages of 9 and 12 all around the world
It bit over a hundred years ago
The age of consent in the US was 7 to 12, depending on the state.
In 1920, after World War I, it was changed to 16 and 18 nowadays. We have mind control
programs such as To Catch a Predator with Chris Hansen. I'm sure a lot of you have
seen it. Men get caught, quote unquote caught, for wanting to sleep with 15 year old girls.
Yet in Europe, the age of consent is 14 to 15 in most countries. And that's simply
because even the government here understands that no matter how old you
are as a guy, you would have to be severely mentally ill to not find a 15 year old girl
This is what the New World Order is about.
I assume the age of consent is going to move to 18-20 in the New World Order, if there
even will be.
Essentially, there won't be such a thing as a family anymore.
This is all part of the depopulation agenda.
If you believe that you are being oppressed as a woman, when in reality, liberation is
the oppression.
In another video, because for some reason, a camera and a microphone and internet service
is way too accessible for everyone,
probably including myself, he says,
I got an email from a girl in her 20s who was offended by my video that was called
Sex equals Marriage. She tried to justify herself to me. She had this failed
relationship and she tried to explain to me that she is now more experienced in
intimate relations, as in something good came out of this relationship, even
though they're no longer together. This made me actually think there are women
out there who believe that they can get better at intimate relations. Listen
carefully. All women must understand this. What do you think is the most
unattractive off-putting thing you can say to a guy. Any idea? That you are good at intimate relations to us.
This only means one thing. You are a slut and you are worthless. That's actually two
things you idiot. But could you theoretically learn how to please a guy better by giving
and having more experience? Possibly a tiny bit. But intimate relations is not complicated.
It comes naturally. Even if you could, every man on earth would choose someone who is inexperienced, ideally
a virgin, over you.
Once you lose your virginity, your value goes down to here.
Even if you learn everything there is to learn about intimate relations, your value would
only go up tiny little bit.
Whereas someone who is innocent and pure will always be at the top, because that is what
is actually attractive to a male human being. It doesn't matter what the fuck you learn, because you will always be at the top because that is what is actually attractive to a male human being. It doesn't matter what the fuck you learn because you will always be at the bottom and not desirable.
This is what I said. As a girl, you have to be very careful who you choose as your partner because it has to be somebody for life.
Once a girl is damaged, she starts dressing like a slut.
Sure, you may attract some loser who watches a lot of videos online, but a healthy man is not going to come and choose you.
This is one of the ways they destroy families nowadays.
They brainwash young men and women to gather a lot of intimate experience and later when they decide to have a family,
they're so damaged it's impossible for them to even be loyal to each other.
Can you believe that Gaddis hates Andrew Tate?
Really? I was so shocked. That is so interesting. I think it's
because Andrew Tate is financially more successful at being the human equivalent of dog shit on a
shoe. Okay, he's winning the competition. At least he's a somewhat wealthy dog shit on a shoe.
Because one would easily imagine that the two of them would be best friends just eating each
other's raw meat circle jerking about how great they are.
But no, Gaddis states Andrew Tate is a loser for going after money.
Because it's a man-made system.
You know what I feel like?
He has so many takes of these really dumb, bizarre ideas or theories or whatever it is.
It's almost like everything.
He has to take like the opposite take.
Extreme too.
Yeah, extreme opposite take
that triggers the most amount of people.
You know what I mean?
Whatever triggers the most amount of people,
he's gonna say it.
He's just different.
He's not like the other boys.
So that makes me think that he's just want to get
these reactions out of people like eating a raw animal on the street like what do you get out of
it reaction he's getting he wants to see people getting all like get all riled up so ideas his
actions everything he does is rooted from that almost like I kind of find it almost hard to believe that he can believe in every single thing that he said so far like he's obsessed with every single one of these conspiracies or ideas or like crazy buzz our theories like where do you even come up come up with all of these but that's an interesting question Please leave it in the comments. What kind of personality does that because I don't like attention outside
Especially when it's negative, right? If people are staring at me, like I have a booger on my nose
I'm getting very self-conscious, but there are like you said people that are yeah, they love it. They love eliciting that type of
Or just to them like attention is attention like they want some kind of attention. I don't know. So bizarre. So bizarre
He says Andrew Tate there is no higher form of a loser. That's a loser
He tells people to escape the matrix, but he doesn't realize that he's completely stuck in the matrix himself
He looks very ugly. He is a deformed face and he is below average in looks
Which is why of course he wants to compensate and get a lot of money and cars at a big house and so on.
All I have to say is, the girls are fighting, okay?
He also has it out for Charlie.
Side note, one of the biggest creators on YouTube, also known as Penguin Zero.
Yeah, he says Charlie is the most depressed and disgusting YouTuber. Charlie was commenting on another raw meat carnivore creator talking about high meat
and stating it's just rotted poisonous meat, which it appears to be on all accounts.
How is this high meat thing a thing when, you know, this sounds like you can really go to ICUs immediately for?
Yes, like you could die.
Yeah, so how is that? They keep doing that.
They just keep doing it. They don't care
I even thought about it. I had this whole minute where I was sitting there like what if they were faking it?
What if they were putting cardboard into water?
Because it doesn't make sense how they're alive. Right, right. It sounds extremely crazy
Yeah, Gaddis reacts to Charlie saying what is poisonous about it? Poison would imply toxins. How is it toxic?
Do you have any proof any arguments arguments, just anything at all?
Or do you just call it something because you're ignorant?
He states Charlie has a video gamer brain or lack thereof, aka Charlie has no brain.
And this guy, Katis, is just marinating in these wild thoughts.
Now keep in mind, same guy that says Charlie has no brain.
In a separate video. He states
Pedophilia is great
basically Supposedly coming from ancient Greek and meaning love for children
Which I feel is already not the best way to define that word at this point
I feel like I can guess everything that he is going to say Just say the opposite of what Mass is thinking.
Yes, and then also just go on like two reddit threads of some vile people.
It's nothing too creative. He's just so passionate.
You become sexually attractive when you enter puberty by nature because of the looks and the smells.
It's when you are ready in a sense. When you look at the body of a 10-year-old,
but because of this early puberty, even somebody who is 80 may find somebody
this age attractive simply because of that. So it's kind of a confusion in your head.
Why do I find them attractive when they are this age? There are also people who find people
before they're puberty attractive. So, which? This is called a police level of alarming,
but it gets increasingly worse.
He says that something being negative or doing something negative is a societal construct.
That something can't actually truly be negative.
He says who deems what is negative?
He goes in to further dig himself into this brainless swamp by stating that if someone were to essay his girlfriend,
he would not deem that as a negative because that's a societal
construct. This is the same guy that thinks women with too many intimate
partners is negative, which is a societal construct. He also just has some very
random takes such as it is not uncommon for women to grow beards. They just have
been conditioned by those in power to shave them. Which, you know what, could be valid. Which, fine. But random. And it leads people to the question, who on
earth can find this man attractive? To his defense. This is not me making a defense.
This is his own defense. He says the reason his YouTube channels are not as popular as
everybody else's on the platforms
and the reason he's not winning any awards for his content is simply because
98% of people are our words. What does that mean? When you create what you create
appeals to 98% of people it means you are an our word.
One of his ex-girlfriends said,
I will say I was blinded at the time.
I liked the aesthetic of his videos.
There were a lot of other videos
where he just talks about meat and diet and health
and how the government is not really on our side.
Those messages were somewhat positive.
He was telling us to take control of our lives.
He had a lot of charisma. He appealed to people who were longing for a life
without worrying about working all the time. For example, he traveled around the
world and he talked about how happy he was. It's like I was hypnotized. We, his
fans, just ignored all these alarming messages and focused on the good parts
of his channel. Diane, his girlfriend, was one of those people. She saw the good in
Gaddis. One of the good in Gattis.
One of the most sinister videos Gattis goes on to upload. At the time it's not sinister.
When was this? This was in like 2014. Oh, 2018. Sorry. Gattis is sitting next to his
girlfriend Diane. They're both sitting on the floor. Gattis looks like he always does,
you know, good or bad, take it as you will.
And Diane looks like she's just been through it.
This is not how she normally appears on the channel.
Diana is a very, she's from the Netherlands,
she's this sweet, put together girl that always,
she's a little bit softer.
People always wondered, what does she see in Gaddis?
But now she's sitting there,
she looks like she's been through it.
Her hair is messy, it almost looks chopped in some places.
It looks like someone just took a snippet of her hair and started cutting it in random
She's got a black eye, her face is incredibly bruised and swollen, and when she opens her
mouth, all of her teeth are chipped.
Her eyes are zoned out, almost like she's in some sort of daze.
Gaddis does most of the talking throughout the video, where he alleges that he and Diane
were walking through the forest in Germany and Diane was targeted.
She was briefly alone and she was targeted.
He says, I'll get straight to the point.
My girlfriend Diane was mugged yesterday.
I wouldn't even make a video about it, but all of her teeth are chipped in at the top
and the bottom because of the kick in the face.
We tried all kinds of raw foods to heal her.
Even raw eggs, they're pretty much liquid, but she can't eat them because it hurts so fucking
much. So now we got to get a straw and somehow try to feed her some nutrition
so she heals in some way and it's all fucked up, okay? Everything here, her face
is swollen, the nose is swollen. She already had problems with the nose, she
had surgeries, so we don't know what's gonna happen with that now. Diane, what
did the doctor say at the hospital? He turns to Diane and her voice is weak. That there could have been some internal bleeding
because you could die. Diane nods and Gadda starts ranting. You couldn't even
remember your phone number and age. It's just all so fucked up. You definitely
got to go to a dentist now because she can't eat anything and you know how
expensive dentists are in Europe and with the nose also.
I appreciate all the support I get on Patreon.
With that money, that money pretty much pays for my food.
That's about it.
We both don't have a decent income to pay for any of this.
So if anybody could support us in any way, even $5 to $10 on my PayPal for example, that
would really help us.
He says that Diane was attacked by quote unquote immigrants. He gets about $5,000 in donations and the two fly out to Ukraine for the surgeries,
which costs exponentially less than $5,000.
Diane said when she first saw Gaddis' videos online, she was really impressed by him because he seemed like he cared.
She had a lot of health problems that the doctors couldn't pinpoint, nobody could figure it out, she had to quit school because of it
and he just seemed like a very patient, kind, confident person.
But now, she's in the Airbnb in Ukraine, she's got surgery tomorrow to fix the damage to her nose, and here is Gadis live streaming.
She's clearly agitated because come on, time and place and she keeps telling him to get off the livestream.
I mean, as a boyfriend, you would expect he would want to comfort her.
In the livestream, he angrily tells her,
Shut the fuck up! I'm doing under two hours! What the fuck do you not understand?
No, it hasn't been two hours. It's one hour and 59 minutes. Shut the fuck up!
I said I'm doing under two hours!
I'm doing it, you fucking cunt. I said under two hours
I fucking said it already
What? So she's just asking him, hey, can you get off now?
And he's just screaming at her
Yes, and he's laughing and screaming and even in that live stream someone asks him
Do you have any respect for your girlfriend? He responds, I don't have respect for anyone, it's not natural. After he prolongs the live stream even
more, he starts pointing the camera to her to record her. She retreats into the
hallway of the Airbnb to get away from him. He gets up, picks up his computer,
and tries to follow her to show her on the live stream. She grabs a knife and
lunges at him in the hallway to show him how serious she is, but he just tells the chat how insane she is.
And maybe she is. Yeah, Gaddis isn't the wrong, I don't think he's a good person,
but is it really worth lunging at him with a knife?
Or is there another reason that she would lunge at him with a knife?
Years later, Diane would come out with the truth.
She was never attacked by some shadowy immigrants in the forest.
She says she went into the forest to help him record a video and all she
remembers in the midst of filming she was tying her shoelaces and then nothing
she blacked out. She wakes up she's in the middle of the forest confused what
the hell is going on. She says I woke up incredibly confused. I couldn't even
remember my own phone number and that's really unlike me. It was really weird to
me. I didn't know what happened. All I knew was I've got to get out of there. I got to go to where
Gaddis is because something happened to me. He's gone by the way. She calls the
ambulance. This is in Germany. She hardly knows any German. She says they're trying
to tell her to explain what happened. She's confused. She's severely confused.
Gosh, she can't speak the language and she just didn't understand until it
clicked a little bit later.
She had said something in the forest.
He misheard her and believed that she was making fun of his small private part, which
she did not.
And even if she did, but he just walks up to her while she's tying her shoes and kicks
her so hard in the face.
Diane says, later it turned out at the hospital that I
could have died right then and there. That was the first attempted murder. But
some of Gaddis' fans to this day don't believe Diane. They think Diane is making
all of this up. I highly doubt it because Gaddis himself has said in a video, the
only way to be happy is to make others unhappy. Realize you've been living your whole life religiously, following morals, ethics,
which were created by religions. One of the most important lessons in life is to
not treat others the way you want to be treated. There are no morals in nature,
they were created by religions. This means that your life is based on man-made
beliefs. Life is all about consuming others energy for your own good because that is literally
the only way to be happy. Even saying violence is not the answer is such a deception. It
is typical unnatural behavior because in nature if you want something solved, you go and you
do it, you remove the problem. That is our instinct. On top of that, just the way he
starts dating Diane, I feel like should tell us enough about him.
When Gaddis and Diane start dating, initially he posts this video where he doesn't even introduce Diane.
He just says, what's up everybody? I'm gonna make a completely raw video, no editing, and just tell you what is going on.
A lot of you guys asked me over the last years, months, where I get money and how I afford the raw meat and everything.
The thing is that I had a girlfriend who I split up with now whose parents were
millionaires and they gave me 500 euros at least every month usually more so I
never had to think about money and I would never make a video like this and
actually I can't stand videos like this when people make them but I'm in a
situation where I got to do it. I pretty much can't afford this diet anymore because I don't get money anymore.
I met someone else and I chose her over everything else.
That's how he is announcing that he is now dating Diane.
By asking for donations. This is like the most out of left field request, but he's
saying his ex-girlfriend's parents used to send him money for I guess dating their daughter
but now that he left her for Diane, he needs money for this expensive raw meat diet because he can't just eat Ralph's ground beef
he's gotta eat regenerative, grass-fed ground beef because he's eating it raw
one person who claimed they met with his ex-girlfriend at a meetup once said
I'm telling you, this guy is a walking red flag
it's not even just with Diane with his ex-girlfriend at a meetup once said, I'm telling you, this guy is a walking red flag.
It's not even just with Diane.
Just his relationship with his last girlfriend
where he was getting money from her parents was weird.
The netizen says,
back a few years ago, Gattis stayed with my ex and I
while he was traveling through the United States.
At the time, he was with his previous girlfriend,
so the one before Diane,
who was at least in her 40s, late 40s, possibly even 50s, and mentally ill to
some degree. she called me a sex worker for no reason and even kicked me at one point. the entire
encounter was just uncomfortable. she spoke poor english and spoke a lot of german, and at one point
she was telling my dad about when they knocked down the berlin wall. the entire dynamic between
the two was so weird.
She would call him Mr. Gaddis,
even though they're in a relationship,
she would ask his permission for things.
He was always distant and cold to her,
and at one point, my ex and his friend, as well as Gaddis,
went into the Whole Foods,
and I was staying in the car with the girlfriend.
She proceeded to explain to me that she had a black eye
because Mr. Gaddis got angry, hit her, and made her buy expensive makeup to cover it up.
She also explained how her family had given them
$6,000 to fund their travel to the United States and both of them explained here and there during their trip that her parents were
very wealthy and that he had agreed to marry her because her parents were gonna buy them a house in the Canary Islands in
because her parents were going to buy them a house in the Canary Islands in exchange for him taking care of their daughter. She also spoke about how Gaddis
would regularly video chat with other women while they were together and I
don't know just all of it was just awful. Another netizen who met them agrees.
She acted like a 12 year old around us and had a hard time concentrating on
practically anything. She would just wander off into her own world.
It was an ideal choice for Gaddis to abuse.
Additionally, someone else who claims that they met up with the ex, they say,
I was alone in Gaddis' apartment with his girlfriend briefly. That's when I was horrified.
She tried to tell me in her best English mixed with some German that she knew that Gaddis
was having intimate relations with other girls and that he had threatened her and hit her and threatened her that he would leave her and hurt her if she told anybody
she said he told her that he owns her and that she must call him Mr. Gaddis
she showed me bruises all over her chest and on her shoulders
but she didn't want to tell her parents because she didn't want to lose Mr. Gaddis
in her mind, he was her doctor and her caretaker.
He also put her on the raw meat and ketogenic diet by force to make her lose
weight and stay healthy. It is likely that Diane didn't see that side of Gaddis
until the forest kicking incident and like most toxic relationships, I wouldn't
be surprised if he convinced her that it was just a one-time thing because soon
afterwards she gets pregnant with their son.
And they're making their rounds.
She's pregnant and he decides, I gotta get more clicks.
I gotta get more views on YouTube.
So what am I gonna do?
I am going to travel through Europe, go through all the vegan festivals, go to all the vegan
food markets, on a tour if you will, eating raw pig heads and squirrels in
front of all the vegans it's actually when he's in London eating that squirrel
in front of the Soho vegan market he gets arrested taken into this
psychiatric facility because the police thought I mean there's no way that you
can be right in the head and normal in the head upstairs if you're doing this
and once he gets released this makes a ton of international news have you heard of the guy that was eating the raw squirrel
quick he was taken in yeah he was arrested and taken into a psychiatric
facility for the few days wow cuz the police were like this is not normal
behavior you don't do this if everything's working up here he gets
released it's all over the news internationally, and he grew up in Latvia.
That's where Gaddis is from.
And everyone in Latvia is like, you know that guy that was in London eating the squirrel?
Isn't he the same guy that stabbed his classmates?
About 15 years ago, when Gaddis was 16 years old, he's a high school student in Latvia.
Allegedly the story is he brought a knife to school and stabbed four of his classmates. The report reads,
attacked classmates with a knife. A 10th grade student at Ventspils First High
School mentally lost his control and slashed out with a knife at four of his
classmates. The headmistress states, he was late for school and he just came in
with two knives and stabbed and injured two boys and a girl inside the classroom and then a third boy was attacked as he ran for
safety. All four victims were taken to the hospital. They were discharged the
same day with light injuries. It was just a very weird incident. Gaddis
allegedly goes home after this stabbing and he is arrested inside of his house
in front of his computer just browsing on the internet with two large knives sitting next to him on the desk.
The criminal police chief said that the attack was probably induced because of past humiliation
and bullying that Gaddis likely received.
Other sources state that the attacker was obsessed with a movie.
Now when people are asked which movie, some netizens state it was one about Columbine,
the shooting in the United States. Now this is all technically alleged, just like everything else in this video.
Nobody has confirmed it. Nobody has been charged of anything.
Unless someone has the same exact name as Gaddis, grew up in the same town, in the same country,
and was the same age at the exact same time and went to the same high school,
which sure could be a possibility, or this could be Gattis.
This is when people start digging up even more controversial videos about Gattis, if
you can believe it.
So prior to this, nobody knew about the high school stopping.
And they're like, wait, there's got to be more stuff.
Yes, we know that he's like an Andrew Tate hater, but also thinks exactly like Andrew
He also believes that incest is okay, but there's gotta be more. And there is more.
There's a video of him in the woods and he's explaining the definition of rape
Is any sexual contact without consent.
But the question is, is there such a thing as consent in nature? When it comes to mammals, if a male is horny,
then he will simply
hump the female, so to speak. It's very clear that a male human being is much stronger than a female
human being, even more so in nature, because your testosterone and bone density is even higher,
which means that the difference between a male and a female is even bigger in nature. You're a strong
male animal, which is, you know, naturally what you are, and now you're
becoming horny. Biochemistry, you know, right? The hormones kick in, the blood goes to your private
parts, it becomes solid. You know, think of that kind of male in nature. Would he now then,
when he is horny, go and pick some flowers for a female to try and fuck her? No. He would- would
he ask her out on a date? Impossible.
Would he ask for any consent? It is fucking impossible. I can't think of any
scenario where consent can be in any way involved when it comes to a male being
horny. It just doesn't work. It's impossible. They never ask for it because
in nature, as we have today, we simply act by our instincts. I thought that there's a lot of animal does this little dance, little feather puffing.
So what is he talking about?
I don't know.
I thought there's a lot of these, like even nature.
And then the pebbles for the penguins.
It doesn't even make any sense.
And it's just very ironic that he continues to preach about how things are in nature and then you know
Just go be a forest dweller then start posting these videos on social media. It's not natural
You can't pick and choose which parts of nature you like and subscribe to it's very weird
He also continues a male instinct is not to do foreplay
To get the female in the mood a male doesn't give a fuck about the mood. A male is simply attracted by the looks, he just wants to fuck. That's what I'm saying.
We don't need consent naturally. Naturally we are only attracted by the looks if we find
them attractive. Whether they consent or not is not going to make a difference. I remember
when I was 16, I tried to touch a girl's genitals, breasts, her face, and her whole body while she was asleep.
She was drunk.
And he just, just like that,
admits to molesting a 16 year old girl in her sleep.
And all these things that he's saying, by the way,
are over the course of several years.
So it's not just one big video of him saying
the world's most controversial, disconnected from reality,
lacking activity in his prefrontal cortex to formulate a sensible thought.
It's not that. It's over the span of years that he has been developing,
building upon the most generic, unspecial, go-on-one reddit forum of people who hate
women and you'll find these comments. In another live stream, the chat asks him to
tell them something funny and he's smiling to himself chewing on what I can
only assume to be a very tough piece of raw meat.
He says,
This happened two days ago.
No joke.
I was walking in the park in the forest and someone was walking and I see something dripping.
And I get closer and I see this girl and she has no underwear on.
And her private parts are...
He's very graphic with the way he describes it.
It's very crass.
I don't really...
Just dripping on the ground. So I say like hey miss
Do you need help with this and she says well, it's kind of dripping
So like, you know kind of saying blah blah blah. He's so graphic. So I'm not gonna repeat it
But he continues so I fuck her kill her and bury her in the forest
This is he they asked for something funny. He thinks this is so funny
Now some people say that if you correlate that with the news
They're not saying that he's the one that did this but there was a girl that did
Get R worded in the forest in that country and was left in the forest a few days prior
So it doesn't seem like that's him. I don't think that's him admitting to it, but it's just imagine how much
sick, how much more sick that joke is.
To make it even more unsettling,
I couldn't find this exact clip, but a lot of his former viewers said that there's a clip of him where he talks about
traveling to different countries and riding bikes.
Sometimes the bikes are old. He will say sometimes he rides a 12 year old bike.
Sometimes you can go to a different country and you can rent a bike that's two years old
and it's a much newer bike. And he says that he likes his bikes brand new and that in certain countries
new bikes are generally very cheap to purchase and ride. He's not talking about bikes.
But he's saying bikes?
A little while after his arrest at the vegan festival for eating that squirrel, Diane gives
birth to their son and a new YouTube channel pops up.
The channel name is Flat Chest Luna, which is Diane's internet persona name.
So it's like Flat Chest Diane.
The channel consists of these 10 to 40 second clips of Diane and they look like private videos that you would find on someone's phone, but
There's no like storyline. It's not oh, this is Diane's birthday. I'm taking a video of her
It's not Diane blowing out her birthday candles
There's it's just random but the videos are titled something along the lines of showing off my preteen body
My alcoholic mother insert full name of Diane's mother,
another one reads, adjusting my thin hair because I'm insecure, another, my bad skin
and dark eye circles are driving me nuts, another, stop calling me a psycho.
People start commenting to let Gaddis know about the channel, like someone is doing this
to your girlfriend, the mother of your child, but he explains, no no no no, let the channel
be because Diane is his ex-girlfriend now and she's a demon psycho.
That's what he calls her. He even posts an hour long live stream titled, Diane is the worst person I've ever met.
In the video, he accuses Diane of leaving him, abandoning him, the relationship, and of essaying their infant son, to which he provides no proof. Just take his word for it.
He states that she has taken their son and left him after abusing them both of them for years. Which side note,
netizens already didn't like what he said about the son being essayed because if that were the case,
why didn't Gattis do something about it before?
He also says straight up in the livestream,
Diane has been sexually abusing the baby for well, since birth basically. I didn't talk about this because um, there was just no reason for me to stop it
He also states that she's incredibly horrendous and that he has never met someone as psychotic and abusive in his entire life
His main proof of her unhinged personality is that her diet is chips and chocolate
He says the title of this video is that she is the worst human I've ever met in my life because it's really true
I don't know. Yes. So what are those videos? You're saying like these 10 15 second long video
Is that from Diane or it's of him taking videos of Diane when they were together
there is one where they're in the forest and he's like, okay show me and
Asks her to lift up her skirt, which she does, but she's wearing underpants.
And then in another video, she's just kind of messing with her hair.
And I guess he crops it to just show her messing with her hair.
And then it's titled, I'm balding and insecure and stuff like that.
So is he pretending to be Diane when uploading these videos?
Kind of.
But he's, I mean, everyone knows it's not Diane's channel.
Yeah, because the way these are titles are so evil.
It's like a specific channel dedicated to hating Diane.
And everybody can tell it's from him.
Yeah, because no one else would have those videos.
So it's just-
But he's not admitting it in public.
He's just like, oh, let her be. Let her do this.
But we all know, come on, dude.
You're doing this.
He says that Diane is so incredibly abusive and psychotic.
And he says, just so you understand, if you guys in any way support her,
I mean, if she ends up making a video against me, or like if you guys keep supporting her,
I'll probably delete both of my channels anyway
Because I cannot be bothered to continue with YouTube if you guys support her
The whole war between me and Diane is not gonna end well for her
If you support her just know that you are going completely against my channel and my diet and everything
He starts encouraging all of his viewers to call CPS to report Diane even giving them her full legal name.
All because Diane managed to flee.
She shares her side of the story that no, Gaddis has been abusive.
I mean, she was scared for her life, the life of their son, she says.
He was even jealous of his own son while we were together.
He would say things like, well you would never treat him like that, you would never do that
to him, you would never be like that with him.
He would hardly give their own son attention because of that
and this just is not the life that she wants
she explains to her Patreon followers
yeah, I've done a lot of wrong too for sure
but only because things were really not going well between us
I did also really try
I can genuinely say that I did my best just over and over again
it'll never be good enough and I can't be blackmailed anymore
if I do delete this Patreon, you guys know why. I don't know if I should or should
not. I don't know if it's worth it being threatened and living in fear because of
this, but just so you guys know what's going on.
Diane's somewhat more civilized response is sending Gattis into like a tailspin.
He starts ranting in his videos. People like write to me still, you know, oh why
don't you give her money? Why don't you give her money to support the child? Like you don't fucking understand the context whatsoever.
And how like fucking unnatural, how fucking brainwashed by feminism and the government are you?
In nature, a woman disrespects a guy, break up, done, bye-bye, gets another woman, moves on.
That's fucking normal, fucking brainwashed nowadays.
They tell you that you should like, oh oh man you owe somebody to a woman. We don't know woman shit
Anyway, what if it was the other way around if I did something to her and I was taking care of the child
Would you fucking guys fucking pussies go to her and tell her to give me money in another video?
He says the woman I had a child with she had two small breasts. So I had to leave her. It was always terrible.
It was like having intimate relations with a 10 year old.
Which, I mean, how would you even know that...
A lot of Gaddis's anger is towards the fact that Diane started a Patreon after leaving him.
I mean, more than leaving him, taking their son, he hates the fact that she has a Patreon. He feels
like he created her entire online Patreon. I don't know. It gets to the point where
Diane tries to rename her Patreon so Gatiss won't know that she still has one, and he
screams in a video, I found out that Diane didn't actually delete her Patreon, but only
renamed it. So then I was thinking, she's not gonna let it go because I thought that I really gotta go to the Netherlands then he's saying he's
gonna go from wherever he is in Europe at the time to the Netherlands to we
don't know right but he says he won't have to because eventually the patreon
was deleted he then goes on to tell his viewers that this video he's talking
about all of this is a warning to the viewers that from now on if you mention Demon Psycho which is
what he calls Diane or his son in any of his live streams quote you're getting
blocked right away so this is a warning video even goddesses own subscribers are
starting to get confused because wait why are you still talking about Diane
again this is not just one video it's multiple video video after video why are you so upset?
You're in the United States now and you're engaged to a woman named Jasmine
so he's already moved on with an American woman. He's in the US now? Yes
he's in the US so why are you still so obsessed? And it just seems like everyone, including
the subscribers, are getting sick of Gattis. There's so many people sick of Gattis. People
are coming out of the woodworks after Diane leaves Gattis to shit talk him because they're
so confused. The subscriber that sent him the blood that he drank, he said, I even sent
him my fucking blood and he's so heartless.
He doesn't care about anyone.
They had a falling out because the subscriber doesn't hate saunas.
Doesn't hate sauna.
What does that mean?
Like he doesn't hate saunas, but Gadus hates saunas.
And he sends him a really aggressive voice note that's like, I don't know, this is how
he says it.
I don't know if it's your autism or is it just stupid?
The subscriber said that.
No, Gadus says that to the subscriber
because the subscriber is like, if people like saunas,
I don't know why you're being so mean about saunas.
It's just a sauna.
And Gadus is like, I don't know if you're just stupid
or if it's...
Other people who have hung out with him for extended periods of time come out of the woodworks
and they say, that guy?
The raw meat carnivore guy?
We call him Mr. Burger King.
Cause all he did was eat Burger King.
He doesn't even follow his diet behind the scenes.
They say he eats chips, he eats Burger King.
One subscriber who hosted him in San Francisco said, for one thing, I mean he's a mooch,
Like, he will try to get anything for free.
Free food, free place to stay.
And the thing that sucks is he doesn't do anything to get- he won't give you friendship,
he won't give you gratitude in return, not even a thank you.
He also eats potato chips all the time.
He just seems like a really fake person.
He doesn't even practice what he preaches.
She's a subscriber that hosted him.
He will travel the world and stay with subscribers.
When he was trying to do a meetup in Phoenix, Arizona, nobody wanted to host him.
And he made a whole rant video saying every single fucking person in Phoenix, Arizona
is an idiot.
They are brainwashed slaves. And he said, I will never do a meetup in Phoenix, Arizona is an idiot They're brainwashed slaves and he said I will never do a meetup in Phoenix, Arizona
You guys are ungrateful and I hate all of you
He's like sounding dumber and dumber
And one could easily put two and two together because I mean a lot of other subscribers that met up with him said it was weird because he
wouldn't eat the whole day.
He wouldn't eat anything at subscriber meetups.
He would maybe have like one singular piece of raw meat, but that was it.
Oh, he's not eating the raw meat.
He's not eating and he's not a believer of fasting.
He thinks fasting is unnatural.
So he's very firmly against intermittent fasting, but he wouldn't eat the whole day.
So I don't know, put two and two together.
Another guy that met up with him was like, you know,
that guy's super anti water.
Like he's anti water.
He thinks you get water from the blood,
but we're playing frisbee and this guy was out here
just chugging an entire carton of water.
So I don't really know.
He also really loves to beg, e-beg for donations online and there's like always a reason he
needs help.
His raw meat diet is expensive, his camera broke, he needs to sue somebody for this and
that and 400,000 other things and in one video he's actually quite audacious whilst asking
for these donations.
He says, the one way you could really help me is by helping me through donations and
I'm not really looking for gathering small donations.
If you don't have money or whatever, it's okay. It's all cool. Don't worry about it.
I'm more so looking for somebody who has some kind of money maybe.
Maybe someone wealthier who can donate something a bit more.
And like the hundred, even hundreds.
I'm not really looking to like collect small donations.
Even an Airbnb host wrote a review on Gaddis said,
Gaddis is the worst guest I've ever had.
He destroyed my entire apartment and threw eggs on my walls and windows.
I had to repaint all the walls.
Another Airbnb host says,
I found maggots in the trash can.
I was horrified.
Probably found them around me.
Then one day, a woman with a shaved head walks into the Canadian embassy in the Netherlands asking for help.
She explains that her life is in danger. She has been tortured, beaten, and harmed by her husband.
He has control over her passport. She can't flee back to Canada. She's scared.
Her finances are under control of her husband. Everything. She needs to get back to Canada where she can be safe. She said, my husband almost choked me out, inserted glue into my private
part to make sure that I'm quote, infertile. And they ask, who is your husband? This woman is
Gaddis's wife, Catherine Richards. She is not Diane. She is not Jasmine, the woman from America. She is Catherine Richards, Gaddis' Canadian wife.
What part of timeline are we at now?
Before Diane is even attacked.
So Diane leaves, he goes to America, is briefly engaged to a woman named Jasmine, and then
all of a sudden he ends up in Europe and his wife walks into the embassy and is like, I'm his wife and
I need to flee.
This all happens in like a few years?
A year.
Like a year and a half.
She writes a letter to the Dutch police.
She says to Middleburg Courthouse, my name is Catherine Richards and this letter is to
basically explain my involvement in the conspiracy to murder Diane, the ex-girlfriend of Gatiss.
Yeah. So she's explaining we're in the Netherlands because we're trying to kill
his ex-girlfriend but I need to leave I need to go back home to Canada because I
don't want to do this anymore. Okay. So now the police are trying to put- okay
subscribers, police alike are very confused. It has been alleged Diane leaves, he goes to the United States and gets engaged
to Jasmine.
Most netizens believe he was engaged to Jasmine in the attempt to get a green card.
Now, he's engaged, and he cheats on her and marries Catherine, a subscriber of his, who
is Canadian.
So with Jasmine, he never introduced Jasmine to the channel.
In fact, he uploaded a video where Jasmine is seen
in the corner briefly.
He takes down the video and re-uploads it
to take Jasmine out.
But with Catherine, he does introduce her to the viewers
as his new Canadian wife.
And people are so confused.
Like, Diane left you not too long ago,
you were just engaged to an American woman,
and now you have a Canadian wife.
So much is happening.
And then he posts a video saying
that he moved to Canada with her.
In the video he says, you know, I'm in Canada now.
Everything in Europe reminds me of my so-called past with Diane.
Everything is just the same in Europe, which is why we decided to move to
Canada after all, which is where we arrived yesterday.
What do you think about it? He turns to Catherine and she says,
well, I'm super happy to be in Canada because it's my home.
Now, here's the crazy thing. Netizens were able to analyze that video.
They are not in Canada.
The title is like, we moved to Canada. They're talking about we got to Canada yesterday. How do you feel about being in Canada, babe? How about you? They are in an Airbnb in the Netherlands very close to Diane's home.
Like an alibi he's trying very close to Diane's home.
Like an alibi he's trying to create.
But he left like a digital video that's clearly a lie.
Yeah, people were able to track down the exact Airbnb that he was staying in.
Just based on like the decors and stuff?
Also, you know, European decor and Canadian decor is vastly different.
Conveniently, they are in the Netherlands around the time that Diane gets attacked with acid.
So she gets attacked with acid middle of 2022.
How long after they, Diane left?
A year and a half.
So all of this takes place in like a year and a half.
She gets attacked with acid.
She's hospitalized. So she gets beaten with that metal pipe, hospitalized. She has a severe spinal injury, fractures to her
skull, she has a concussion. Thankfully she was able to rinse as much acid off
from her eyes, nose, and mouth. That's the reason she can still see. Her arm was
almost amputated, her nipple was almost falling off, she still might need a
cartilage transplant to be able to breathe out of her nose again. And the strangest part is, Diane knows Gaddis has something to do with her attack.
She firmly believes that.
Because who else would be involved?
But the attacker, there were two people that were attacking.
One was a man that she did not recognize.
And the other was like this younger woman, 15 or 16 years old.
It seems like a father and daughter duo.
So who the hell are they?
How are they connected to Gatiss?
The only person that might be able to help Diane is Catherine, the new wife.
Because she went to the police, she went to the embassy and said,
listen, my husband was beating me and he's trying to kill his ex-girlfriend
and that's why we're in the Netherlands.
So if Diane tries to prove that it's Gatiss involved in this acid attack,
maybe Catherine is the only way to do that.
But does she know that Catherine has gone to the police or no? Yes, I believe so. Okay.
Now Catherine alleges in a letter to the police, I married Gaddis in
2021 so a year before the attack maybe like six months before the attack.
That's the same year that he starts conspiring to kill his ex-girlfriend Diane.
This letter is also to explain the physical violence
I experienced and also shed light on what kind of situation his
current partner is sadly experiencing in the moment. She details in the letter the
nitty-gritty of how, you know, they conspired to kill someone. She writes and
alleges that she, Gaddis, and another influencer, a friend of theirs, Florian
Strach, who goes by GermanCarnivore online. How the three of them were in Holland together.
They're driving around in Florian's white van, and Gaddis was dog.
Just a dog fixated on this one tree, which is to hire a PI to find Diane's home address.
Catherine says all he could talk about was kidnapping Diane this,
tricking her doing this, kidnapping, killing, doing this that, this that, and the third.
Florian was gonna dress up as a delivery man, get Diane to open the door, kidnap her, bada bing bada boom, so easy.
They get the PI to track down Diane's mother's number. They get her phone number.
But now they need to know Diane's home. That's when they approach a man on the beach, just a stranger.
It's like, hey, in Dutch,
can you explain to this woman that we're delivery drivers and we need to find her daughter's address because her daughter ordered food and we
don't know how to deliver the food right now? Boom, they get her home address. Simple as that.
The pounds and pounds of raw meat that they must have consumed have fundamentally changed their
brain chemistry because they have no prefrontal cortex. They now believe the next best thing to do is to upload a video pretending to be in Canada
when they're still in the Netherlands and they're like, okay,
now is the time to attack because now we have an alibi. But Diane's noticing all these weird things.
She has CCTV cameras in her backyard.
She sees people randomly peeking through her backyard like hooded figures peeking over her fence
And she's calling the police and she's like I think this is my ex-boyfriend because he's very violent
He's abusive and he's been threatening to do stuff like this and like all countries the sentiment was the same
Well, we can't really actually do anything until they you know actually hurt you and then we probably still can't do anything
Unless you're like the CEO of United Health Care or or something they just start rapidly you know rapid fire trying
everything that's what Catherine is alleging trying everything they put a
tracker into a teddy bear tried to give it to Diane I knocked on Diane's door
there was no answer that she wouldn't take the teddy bear nothing was
happening nothing was working and before the acid attack Catherine alleges that
she was able to flee and leave she says I hope my testimony can bring a bit of clarity in
this situation. Gaddis wants to kill others. He wants to torture and kill
people and babies and whatever he can get his hands on. If the police don't
stop him now, he will go on for probably a mass murder incident or something like
that. It would be very
foolish not to arrest this man. It's written all over the walls that he is
about to do something. Gaddis has had something against Diane for a very long
time and did fantasize and talk about putting fires in her home, throwing acid
on her when we were together, which have both happened after I left him.
Gaddis likes to scare others to do his dirty work for him. My main concern at
the moment is the safety of his current partner and their new child.
So there's another one?
How many?
This alleged letter to the Dutch police was released,
but Catherine does make a video as well, which goes over a lot of the same stuff,
and she just talks about how Gaddis was fixated on wanting to throw acid in Diane's face and wanting to light her house on fire.
To give you the timeline, Catherine and Gaddis get together in 2021.
The acid attack happens mid-2022.
Then January 2023, about half a year after the acid attack, a Molotov cocktail is thrown
into Diane's son's bedroom.
Gaddis' son's bedroom, Gattis's son's bedroom.
It thankfully does not ignite, but this is clearly not an accident.
Like, nobody is walking by, oh sorry police officer, I was just walking down the street
when my everyday Molotov cocktail that I keep with me at all times slipped out of my hand
and into their property.
Clearly, this is a premeditated targeted attack.
Wait, so after the asset attack?
Six months later
Nobody did anything to catch nobody was arrested
Wow, even though Diane has CCTV footage of not the attack, but you can hear her screaming when she's attacked
Yeah, yeah. Yeah his arm. Well, her arm was almost amputated. Yes, like all of that
Nothing was done. Nothing is done. And then the two people
Know they didn't get caught. We don't know who they are yet but we will soon okay so it's a very
premeditated targeted attack and yet nobody was hurt thankfully but that's
because of incompetence and not lack of malice right the police do nothing about
it hours later around 1 a.m. another Molotov cocktails thrown into the window and this time the glass from the window around 1am, another Molotov cocktail is thrown into the
window and this time the glass from the window goes shattering and the Molotov cocktail explodes.
The entire living room is set on fire. There's debris, glass shards flying everywhere.
Neighbors are running out of their house terrified. What the hell is going on? There's a young mom
and a son that live in there. They call the police, the fire department. They all show up.
Diane and her son are nowhere to be seen or found. Thankfully they were so freaked
out that they did not stick around to see if whoever did this would come back.
They weren't home, but had they been home they could have died. This is two years
after her breakup with Gaddis. Now Diane, Catherine, and most netizens who have
been following this whole saga believe the attackers to be linked to Gaddis. But he firmly denies this. He says, I have moved on. I am dating
another carnivore influencer now, named Primal Belle. We have a daughter together, a newborn
baby. I mean, it's not me, it's not us. We're not connected in any way.
us, we're not connected in any way. Around that time, two arrests were made in 2024. One man and one girl. Not Gaddis, not Primal Bell, his new girlfriend. It's
weirder. The two people arrested in connection are suspected to be Primal
Bell's ex-husband and Primal Bell's 15 year old daughter. That is crazy. It said
the 15 year old daughter even handed her own father the acid to throw on to Diane.
What the wait.
So Primo Bell is Gadda's new girlfriend.
So this new girlfriend asked of her ex-boyfriend and ex-husband and daughter to do this for the new boyfriend?
It seems like there was a payment made allegedly.
In Bitcoin, allegedly.
Now, the daughter is later acquitted with the defense being that she's clearly
severely neglected by her parents and that, you know, what kind of mom runs off
with a raw liver, raw organ eating carnivore on the internet abandoning their daughter, and then
allegedly enlisting the help of the daughter to hurt her new boyfriend's ex-girlfriend.
That's kind of the argument the experts give.
They say I don't even think two 15-year-olds would plot something like this, let alone
a mother, allegedly.
So with that argument, she is acquitted.
Then you have the alleged ex-husband of Primal Bell. He has been in prison in the Netherlands
since the Molotov cocktail incident, January 2023. According to some sources, he has stated to the
court that he was forced and threatened to do this, and he blames it on a Latvian YouTuber.
to do this and he blames it on a Latvian YouTuber. He doesn't know which one but he just names Latvian YouTuber which Gaddis is Latvian, stating that the YouTuber was also threatening him but he's
also quite vague on what kind of threats and how he was being threatened but he does allegedly
state that his connection to this random Latvian YouTuber is that his ex-wife is now dating him.
Which sure it could be other people.
But it does kind of feel and sound like Gaddis and Primal Bell, does it not? He has pled
guilty and received 12 years in prison. Because of this connection, a lot of people are speculating
that Primal Bell was the getaway driver for the alleged husband and the daughter during
the attacks and that Gaddis was probably hiding somewhere because he likes people to do his dirty work. Catherine, the ex-wife. So she's after Diane before Primal Belle. She's the one that left
right before the acid attacks. She explains that she believes Belle, the new girlfriend,
is being controlled by Gattis. She says, well not controlled, but he is most probably threatening
her if she leaves like he did with me. Side note, Gaddis on a telegram channel doxed Catherine. Her nude photos, her parents home address
encouraged his followers to have a bloody good time paying them a lovely visit.
Which you can read in between the lines, right? And she says, well, that she can't leave him.
I did talk on the phone with Belle one
time. She did tell me that she wanted to leave on the phone but then afterwards we didn't really
talk about it that much. I tried to tell her everything about him. I tried to talk to her on
Instagram with her but her answers are super weird. She shows a screenshot. Catherine had texted Belle
if you escape from Gattis it'll crush him. Make a plan and leave him. I'll make an interview with Jake as soon as you want me to. We all want you to leave this abuser. He doesn't respect you,
threatening you that he will eliminate your family as crazy behavior." To which Bell allegedly
responds, you know, Catherine, I love him and I would never leave him because he is treating me
super well. It just sounds like Gaddis is the one responding. That's what Catherine says.
It just sounds like Gaddis is the one responding. That's what Catherine says.
But again, Gaddis and Primal Bell are allegedly wanted.
Some translated sources say that they are connected and as suspects, but they're on
the run.
Are they still posting?
They're posting videos.
They're being very discreet about where they are.
They're still actively right now.
There's a YouTube channel.
Yes. That's crazy.
They deny any involvement in any incidents. They won't even state what incidents they're referring
to. But I just highly doubt it. Even in a video, Gaddis gives his viewpoints on forgiveness.
And he says, forgiveness is fucking religious bullshit. In reality, nobody has ever forgiven
anybody. And that's because it's not even humanly possible to forgive.
I get that many of you are all in denial and believe that you did forgive people in your life,
but that's because you're fucking weak and it's easier to lie to yourself.
Does this mean that you will always be miserable, dreaming about revenge if you didn't get it?
Yeah, for most people it is, okay?
The saying, an eye for an eye, has been around for ages because it is in our nature.
Forget all the shit you learned from your parents, school, and media.
You want to hurt somebody the same way they hurt you because it gives you pleasure.
The truth is the only way to get over what someone did is to get revenge.
That's it. There's literally no other way.
It's unclear who else would have it out for Diane and her son to do something like this.
Diane is still healing from her injuries from the acid attack.
She may need a few more surgeries. to do something like this. Diana is still healing from her injuries from the acid attack.
She may need a few more surgeries.
She, like I said, almost lost her eyesight, her arm, and other parts.
It was severe. The local hospital in her small town did not know how to handle acid attack burns.
So it just made this already very difficult healing process more painful.
Add to that, she said she was petrified because her face was hit with acid.
And not that she's vain, but the whole time in the hospital she's thinking, my son is so young,
he's gonna be freaked out when he sees me because mommy doesn't look like mommy anymore.
Mommy looks scary for kids, right?
And she said the only thing that kept her going was when she did finally see her son,
instead of being terrified or scared or confused, he just ran to her and gave her a hug. But she is still terrified see her son. Instead of being terrified or scared or confused,
he just ran to her and gave her a hug.
But she is still terrified for her life.
Jasmine, the American girlfriend of Gaddis,
one of Gaddis' exes, says,
if he's back in Europe, at some point Diane will die.
It's just a matter of one.
That's how much he allegedly hates Diane.
Some netizens have no clue that there's all
this dark grim history around gattis they just think he's a weird health
freak online. other netizens they know everything that's been going on and
they just comment, it's funny how much of a hypocrite this guy is. says you can be
ultra naturalistic but is an internet beggar leeching on government support
and blames his fans for not sending him enough Bitcoin, eats raw meat then acts
surprised when it makes him sick and he has to go to the hospital.
And you can see his clear disgust at vegan produce, calling it crazy, and then he proceeds
to lift up a severed head of a goat by the horns and chew on its flesh.
Other netizens talk about his followers.
This guy's followers are like a cult.
They really think he's a genius with all the answers.
I literally saw a dude get genuinely ill from eating raw meat, and he asked about it in
Gaddis' comment section.
Gaddis said something along the lines of, oh, it's just part of the process, and the
dude was so brainwashed, he was like, thank you for the wisdom, Gaddis.
So that is the situation with the YouTuber, Godis, Gaddis, Severge.
I didn't even know this was all happening.
And it's crazy because it's not that, I mean, it's a very niche community that talks
about it, but a lot of people know him by his health videos and don't know all this
behind the scenes that has happened.
What are your thoughts?
Do you think he is associated with the attacks?
What do you think of his raw meat eating and his controversial takes?
Let me know in the comments, stay safe, and I'll see you in the next one.