rSlash - r/AITA A Prank Almost Killed My Daughter

Episode Date: April 12, 2024

0:00 Intro 0:06 Prank 2:35 Locked in 6:26 No return 8:50 Housework 11:25 Online gf Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:25 Gambling problem? Call 1-866-531-2600 or visit Welcome to r slash Am I the Butthole where OP's brother almost kills his daughter. Am I the butthole for kicking out my brother and nephew because they played a dangerous prank on my daughter? My brother and his son, Eli, who's nine, recently got evicted because my brother lost his job. My wife and I took them in because we have more room in our house than my aging parents have in their condo. My wife and I have a daughter, Naomi, who's 12. Now, my brother considers himself a jokester, and that was funny when we were kids, but in my opinion, it's immature at his age. He's passed this on to Eli, which is funny since he's nine.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Eli's favorite prank is hiding other people's things. Naomi is deathly allergic to many common things, so having an EpiPen on hand is absolutely necessary. Two weeks ago, Eli hid Naomi's EpiPen and she freaked out. She wasn't having an allergic reaction at the time, but still. The thing is, the EpiPen was on a shelf which Eli is too short to reach.
Starting point is 00:01:33 My brother admitted to helping Eli with his prank and I chewed him out about it. I told him that if he or Eli hid Naomi's EpiPen again, I'd kick them out. I explained how Naomi could die without it and my brothers seemed to understand. Last week, Naomi actually did have an allergic reaction and needed her EpiPen, but it wasn't where she'd put it.
Starting point is 00:01:54 Eli rushed up to the guest room to get it, and thank goodness we were able to inject her before it got really bad. After I was done helping my daughter, I told my brother to get packing. He said that I wasn't being fair because Eli had stolen it on his own time, that it was just a prank and Eli's just a little kid, etc. Pretty much everyone is pissed at me because my parents really don't have that much space for two extra people in their home. They're calling me heartless for kicking them out over a kid's prank. What if Eli hadn't been there when the allergic reaction happened. What if Eli hadn't been there
Starting point is 00:02:25 when the allergic reaction happened? What if he'd been at school or at soccer practice or out riding his bike? Would Naomi just be f***ing dead? Some kid's prank then. OP, you get zero out of five buttholes. Honestly, I think you showed an incredible amount of grace and understanding by giving them a second chance,
Starting point is 00:02:44 but the fact that they did it again after you specifically established that boundary you showed an incredible amount of grace and understanding by giving them a second chance, but the fact that they did it AGAIN after you specifically established that boundary means they had gotta go. Kick em out same day. I wouldn't even feel bad about it. I wouldn't even make a reddit post about it. I would feel COMPLETELY justified. Get the fuck out of my house. OP, you get 0 out of 5 buttholes. Your brother and nephew get 3 out of 5 buttholes. Am I the butthole for calling the cops on my boyfriend for locking me in the bathroom? I'm a 20 year old woman and my boyfriend is 27.
Starting point is 00:03:12 We've been together for 2 years. Other than this event, he's really so kind to me and so good. I've never ever seen him like this. So I went out to a coffee shop to study with a few friends. I'm in university and we have our midterms this week. I was there from about 8 a.m. to noon on Sunday. My roommate is one of the people I was studying with and she's also my best friend. I let her know that after studying I was gonna go to my boyfriend's. Well, when I got to my boyfriend's he
Starting point is 00:03:40 told me that I smelled like coffee. My clothes and my hair he means. I said, oh yeah, probably because again I was sitting in the cafe for like four hours. He said that he really couldn't stand the smell and he needed me to change. I was planning on spending the night, so I had clothes, but I really didn't want to change right then and there, which is not a hill worth dying on, I see that now. It started a kind of heated argument. I ended up snapping on him and telling him to stop and leave me alone or I'd leave. After I raised my voice, my boyfriend grabbed me by my shoulders and literally forced me
Starting point is 00:04:14 into the bathroom. He locked me in there, I don't know how. Wait, hold on, he locked you in the bathroom? It locks from the outside? I was banging on the door and he told me he wouldn't let me out until I washed my hair. I tried to get out for like 45 minutes but he literally wouldn't let me out. We were arguing through the door. Eventually I just got in the shower but even after then he wouldn't let me out.
Starting point is 00:04:38 At this point I was sobbing because I had a throbbing headache and I wanted to get out and was feeling claustrophobic. He kept me in there for three effing hours. I was sitting down in my towel sobbing and begging and he just wouldn't let me out. Eventually, I realized that I had my phone and called the cops. I don't know why I was just so desperate. I didn't want him to get in trouble.
Starting point is 00:05:04 I just wanted my clothes and to get out of the bathroom. The police showed up, my boyfriend let me out, and they talked to both of us for a long time. Obviously, nothing serious ended up happening, but my boyfriend has been effing pissed. He yelled at me so much when they left, asked me if I was an idiot and if I realized how much trouble we both could have gotten in. I told him that he shouldn't have locked me in there then and that I was sorry, but not really He hasn't accepted my apologies. Am I the butthole for this? All right, hold on
Starting point is 00:05:34 I gotta check OP's comments here because this bathroom situation is fishy super super fishy Okay It's really weird to me that he was able to lock the bathroom because typically in houses, doors don't lock from the outside. They lock from the inside. Also, bathroom doors 99 times out of a hundred swing into the bathroom, not out into the hallway, so he couldn't have put a chair up against the door handle. So I have to wonder if this guy, did he install locks on his bathroom so that he could lock someone inside? Because I just don't understand how else this could have physically happened
Starting point is 00:06:09 unless he was literally holding the door handle closed for three hours, which I kind of doubt. So is OP's boyfriend like an actual psychopath? As in making advanced preparation to lock girls in his bathroom level psychopath? I'm not trying to read too much into this or make the story more dramatic than it really is It's just I literally don't understand how he was able to keep the door locked for three hours It doesn't make sense to me. Something's something's weird about this Well, OP it kind of goes without saying you need to dump this guy because he is nutso Well, OP, it kind of goes without saying you need to dump this guy because he is nutso. Keeping you inside of a bathroom for three hours is nutso.
Starting point is 00:06:48 OP, I'm giving you zero out of five buttholes. I'm giving him three out of five buttholes, one for each hour that he kept you locked in the bathroom. Am I the butthole for not returning money that my ex-husband sent to me mistakenly? A few days ago, my ex-husband mistakenly transferred two payments of $8,700 and $9,275. He did this around 740 a.m. in the morning and I didn't notice because I just worked a double night shift and I was getting ready for bed. My phone was charging on the nightstand. I guess he realized his mistake around 830 a.m. and by then I was dead asleep. I woke up at around 4pm to at
Starting point is 00:07:27 least 100 missed calls and maybe 150 texts asking and begging me to send him back the money. My initial thoughts were to send back the money, but I remembered that he owed me $12,000 and hasn't paid me back since I lended it to him 4 years ago. And he's had a million excuses why he can't pay me back, and yet I always see him living it up. I kept the 12k that he owed me and returned only the $5,975 and told him that I deducted his debt. Since then, I've had him call me every name in the book because this was apparently money he was saving to buy his girlfriend an engagement ring. So according to him, he had to tell her. As a result, this ruined the surprise
Starting point is 00:08:10 engagement that he planned for next weekend. His girlfriend has been badmouthing me and it's caused a bit of a shitstorm with me having to shut down my social media and even his parents, who I had a cordial relationship with with has been impacted by it. I discussed the situation with a friend and colleague and it was overheard by another colleague and he's called what I did a dickhead move and I guess he shared it with a couple of other people and now I'm not sure anymore on whether I'm being the butthole or not. Is this a butthole move? Also OP writes an edit, I loaned him the money after our divorce.
Starting point is 00:08:44 We've been divorced for seven years. I loaned him the money four years ago after he lost his job and fell behind on bills and rent. This has nothing to do with child support payments, which he's also behind on paying. OP, this is clearly some kind of cosmic karma, the scales being balanced, because this is the only opportunity you will ever get to see that money again. Maybe if he dies and you sue his estate for the remaining money, then you might see it back, but I wouldn't count on it. OP, I'm on your side here.
Starting point is 00:09:16 You get 0 out of 5 buttholes, your ex-husband gets 2 out of 5 buttholes. Am I the butthole for telling my husband that if he pays me an hourly rate, I'll do more housework? I'm a steam fitter. And guys, I had to look up what a steam fitter is. It's basically someone who installs specialized pipes meant to handle grease and chemicals and crazy stuff like that. I've been at it for a while and I'm now a supervisor. With bonuses and incentives, I earn over $100 an hour. I also work out of town. I started doing that once the kids were old enough to take care of themselves with their dad at home. So I started when my youngest was in middle school and the oldest was a junior in high school. It's great! Our retirement savings are piling up and we've been able to splurge on the kids and ourselves.
Starting point is 00:10:00 My husband is upset, however, because I decided to pay for a cleaning lady. He and I discussed it, and we agreed that him and the kids didn't do a great job keeping the house clean and tidy while I was away. I hated coming home to a mess. It cost a few fights because it was like they expected me to come home and clean up after them. Having a maid is fantastic! I come home to a clean house and I'm happier! My kids have more time to study and do extracurriculars.
Starting point is 00:10:27 They still have chores and they're expected to clean up after themselves. My husband came to me last time I was home and said that we should cut back on the service when I'm home. That I should be doing more housework. He thinks that we're wasting money. I said that I work 14 days in a row and those are 13 hour days. Yeah, it's mostly paperwork, but his job as a teacher isn't much more physically challenging. I said that I could offer him two options. If he wanted, we could completely get rid of the service and him and the kids could make
Starting point is 00:10:58 sure the house was in good shape when I get home. Or he could pay me my hourly rate to do extra house work when I'm on my days off. He's upset with me because he says that I'm being financially manipulative. I think that if he and the kids actually did what they're supposed to do when I'm away, none of this would be an issue. Yo, this is a stupid argument. So it sounds like OP has one of those jobs where she travels and works nonstop for like two weeks straight and then comes home for, you know, a week off or whatever. So to think that her husband and her two teenage kids can't spend
Starting point is 00:11:31 one day out of 14 days to clean the house to get ready for their mom slash wife, then they are incredibly lazy. OP, your husband is both lazy and greedy, and possibly also a misogynist because he seems to think that cleaning house is a woman's job even though clearly you wear the pants in the relationship. OP, you get 0 out of 5 buttholes. I'm giving your husband 2 out of 5 buttholes. Am I the butthole for telling my son to pay back the money that he spent on his online girlfriend? I'm a 45 year old man, and I have a 16 year old son who loves to play video games. I purchased him a PlayStation 5 for his birthday last year and he plays online with his friends. He's been telling me that he's been
Starting point is 00:12:12 chatting online with a girl who's 15 and they've slowly started dating. They don't talk over the- oh my god. They don't talk over the microphone because her is broke and he has no idea what she looks like. I told him to be careful what he sends her and not to give her any personal information. My son has his own credit card with a limit on it and I told him not to go over the limit and only use it for emergencies. I got a credit card bill for this month and there were charges repeatedly for the game
Starting point is 00:12:41 he plays and charges of 50 to 100 dollars. I was furious. I approached him with the bill and charges of 50 to 100 dollars. I was furious. I approached him with the bill and asked him what these charges were. He told me that his girlfriend wanted new stuff for the game and would break up with him if he didn't purchase them. I told him that I would pay the charges and that he would have to pay me back the money. I told him there were many jobs that would hire him. He got angry with me and said that he wouldn't have time to work because he plays sports
Starting point is 00:13:07 and school. I told him that if he was able to balance working and school, he should have no problem doing it. I took his credit card away. He's not speaking to me now, only if it's in regard to being picked up or needing a ride to see his friends. He's mad that I'm making him pay the money back and get a job. Okay, alright. He's mad that I'm making him pay the money back and get a job. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:13:25 Even if this is a big if capital underlined bold, even if this guy is spending money on a real girl, which we all know he's not, he should still have to pay back the money, right? If this is a completely wholesome normal relationship between a 16 year old boy and a 15 year old girl, then if he spends your money on your credit card to buy gifts for her, then he should have to pay it back. The problem is on top of that is that he's obviously painfully obviously getting scammed. Yo, it's it's 2024. Are we really supposed to believe that a 15 year old girl has no way to to confirm her voice to send a picture. This is the most online we've ever been in our entire lives and oh I'm just a 15 year old girl
Starting point is 00:14:11 without a phone or without a microphone. I can't talk to you except by text. This is the oldest scam in the book. The real concern here isn't that your son is spending money. The real concern is that he's a sucker. OP, you get zero out of five buttholes. I'm giving your son 1 out of 5 buttholes. That was r slash mi the butthole and if you like this content be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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