rSlash - r/AITA a Teenager Murdered My Mom

Episode Date: July 26, 2024

0:00 Intro 0:07 Teen stalker 2:35 Comments 2:58 Cooking 4:56 Wedding 10:20 Homeless 13:01 Relationship status Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Bumble knows it's hard to start conversations. Hey, no, too basic. Hi there. Still no. What about hello, handsome? Ugh, who knew you could give yourself the ick? That's why Bumble is changing how you start conversations. You can now make the first move or not.
Starting point is 00:00:19 With opening moves, you simply choose a question to be automatically sent to your matches. Then sit back and let your matches start the chat. Download Bumble and try it for yourself. Welcome to r slash am I the butthole where a mother gets murdered by a 17 year old boy. Am I the butthole for calling the cops on a teenager who tracked down my house and was demanding that I let him in? A few months ago, me and my family
Starting point is 00:00:45 went out to watch a movie and then have dinner together. That included my sister and my nephew. Two of my nephew's friends tagged along. They were friendly and nothing out of the ordinary. Two weeks later, one of my nephew's friends, John, showed up at my doorstep and asked if he could come in. I got weirded out and got a bad vibe and asked him politely to leave. For context, I live alone with my 11-year-old daughter and this was basically a total stranger dropping by our house unannounced. I looked at the camera and he was holding flowers and other stuff. What? So I figured this was just a dumb kid with a crush who thought that he could woo an adult, but I asked him twice to please just leave, but he wouldn't. He said that he just had to see me and that he needed to tell me how much he loves me.
Starting point is 00:01:34 This included a gross comment about me being a single mom. Man, I'm dying to know how old this kid is. I told him I was calling the cops and that's when he bolted. Cops came, took my statement and just circled around to make sure that he wasn't still nearby. I specified that yeah, he was just a kid, but I barely knew him and he tracked down my house and wouldn't leave until I threatened him. He didn't commit a crime, but the cops still dropped by his parents' house to give him a warning about not leaving private property when told to. I never asked the cops to do that.
Starting point is 00:02:05 I just wanted to make sure that he was gone. The fact that the cops visited him was on them. His mom called me and at first she apologized on behalf of her son if he made me feel unsafe. But then told me that I went way over the line by involving the cops and how teenage boys having crushes is nothing out of the ordinary. And how this could ruin his life and I should have remembered that he's just a kid. To top it all off, my sister also told me that I went over the top and how he's one of her son's good friends and that I should have just called her when he wouldn't leave and she would have sorted it out. I went with my gut feeling and I don't regret it.
Starting point is 00:02:43 OP, I'm giving you 0 out of 5 buttholes. Your priority was keeping your child safe. Also, down in the comments we have this story from Desperate to Not Dream. I went on a date with a guy whose mom was murdered when he was 9. She was a hairdresser and a 17 year old boy asked her out after she cut his hair. She declined. He broke into her house at night and stabbed her to death with her child in the house. I'm not trying to scare you OP, but that's an example you can give them to show that you're not overreacting. Am I the butthole for telling my parent friend that she needs to cook and that's why her
Starting point is 00:03:32 daughter isn't eating? My daughter's had a best friend since kindergarten. They're currently in 7th grade. This year, my daughter's friend, Sarah, has gotten quite thin and her mom has come to me saying that she isn't eating. My daughter's backed this up and said that Sarah picks at her food at school. I thought that it was an eating disorder at the time and I told my friend to take her to the doctors.
Starting point is 00:03:55 My friend needed to leave for a work trip this week and asked me to watch over her. No big deal, she'll stay over for the week. On the first night, I made meatloaf and she ate it. She didn't get sick. The rest of the week, anything I made she would eat, no issue. She even came back for seconds most meals. At the end of the week, Sarah asked me why my food doesn't make her sick. Apparently, she only eats TV dinners at home which made her feel like garbage.
Starting point is 00:04:23 The school food also sometimes makes her sick, so she's cautious about it. My guess is that she has an allergen to preservatives in food. She needs to get that checked out. I dropped Sarah off, pulled my friend aside and told her everything. I told her that she really needs to cook and take her to get her allergy checked out. My friend was not happy that I said this and basically called me a jerk for overstepping. Am I the butthole? Should I apologize? What?
Starting point is 00:04:50 You're the butthole because you solved this little girl's medical mystery? OP, your friend needs a reality check. What she's doing, in my opinion, is child abuse. Straight up. You have to feed growing kids. You just have to. And if you don't, then you don't deserve to have your kid. Period. End of story.
Starting point is 00:05:08 OP, I'm giving you 0 out of 5 buttholes. I'm giving your parent friend 3 out of 5 buttholes. And in my opinion, if she doesn't act on this and actually start cooking meals, then you should 100% report her to CPS. I'm giving your parent-friend 3.5 out of 5 buttholes. Am I the butthole for not telling my parents that the event they were missing was my wedding? So I'm a 27 year old woman and I have a younger brother, Mike, who's 21. Mike is the definition of a man-child and a mama's boy. Always complaining, always expecting others to bow to him. Just overall a butthole. Ever since he was born, my parents fussed over him with everything.
Starting point is 00:05:49 He's not special needs and he didn't have a traumatic birth or anything like that. He was just born. And my parents completely discarded me. My mom especially. She went from a loving mother to one of those boy moms that people make fun of on the internet. My father still showed me love and support, but he's always been too much of a coward to stand up to my mother and let me win at least once. Mike knows that our mom prefers him, and he loves to shove it in my face. Because of this and his behavior, we've always been at odds.
Starting point is 00:06:20 He's spoiled, a brat, and an awful human. I can't remember how many times I ended up in trouble for things that I did better than him or for things that he framed me with. His only talent is football. He won a scholarship to a nice college out of state. My parents didn't spend a dime on my education because apparently my fund had been used to cover expenses after a fire. Just for me to discover years later that this money was actually given to Mike to buy a car and a house. At public university I met Lucas. He was the first
Starting point is 00:06:52 person that I was really drawn to there. Now Lucas and I are together, well known in our fields and we have very good salaries. Lucas proposed to me a year ago. We're very private people, so we didn't post it on social media or anything. And when I told my parents, they dismissed it with a, That's nice. Lucas and I decided that we wanted to have a nice but simple ceremony and a reception with our friends and relatives. Lucas convinced me to invite my parents and my brother, but they never responded to the invite. And whenever I went to visit and started talking about my wedding, my mom would always speak
Starting point is 00:07:26 over me about my brother's accomplishments and his wild adventures. At one point, I got fed up with it and interrupted my mom to tell her that there was an event that I was planning to organize that had an unmovable date. She told me that they couldn't attend because my brother was playing the last game of the season that very same day and he wanted them to be there. Of course, the favoritism didn't surprise me. They'd missed my ballets, shows, and both my high school and university graduation just to go to things about him.
Starting point is 00:07:56 At this point, I wanted to be petty. I told both my parents that it wouldn't be a problem to miss this event, purposefully omitting the fact that this event was my wedding and I didn't push the issue further. Fast forward to a few weeks ago. I got married. It was perfect. My extended family, Lucas' family and our friends were all there. We had a blast.
Starting point is 00:08:17 My grandpa was happy to give me away and it was just perfect. My relatives asked me multiple times why my parents weren't there with us. I was honest and simply said they had my brother's football game to attend and they couldn't come. They gave me a few looks and my grandpa was visibly angry for a while. But otherwise, nothing strange happened. When Lucas and I got back from our honeymoon, we discovered chaos was welcoming us home. When I turned my phone back on, I got a storm of notifications. Most of them were from my mother and brother. Mike called me all sorts of nasty names and insulted me because apparently, one of my
Starting point is 00:08:56 paternal aunts posted the photos of my wedding on Facebook and captioned it with a very obvious dig at my parents, especially my mom, for missing the wedding. The posts apparently went viral and they've been publicly shamed for their mistreatment of me. It also turns out that my grandpa personally visited my parents to go on a tirade to shame my father, his son, to the point of tears. And this seemed to be my father's breaking point because he was so distraught for missing his only daughter's wedding and for his father's disapproval that he finally rebelled against
Starting point is 00:09:30 my mom and is threatening divorce unless she makes it up to me. I think that's the reason why my mom's been spamming my phone with messages. At first insulting and threatening and then downright pitiful, full of begging and pity parties. The latest messages from my father and mother seem extremely saddened and hurt for missing my wedding. Now my family is divided. There's the majority who's sticking by my side.
Starting point is 00:09:55 Then there's my maternal aunts who shame me for hurting my mom's feelings. And finally my maternal grandparents who are adamant that I should forgive my mom in light of her atonement. My friends are telling me to just ignore all of them. So Reddit, am I the butthole? I don't even understand how you could be the butthole because you literally did try to invite them. You sent them wedding invitations. So if they can't get the message both in person and in the mail that you're getting married, then that's on them. Honestly, the behavior out of your parents doesn't just seem like they show favoritism
Starting point is 00:10:29 towards your brother. They definitely do that, but it also seems like they straight up hate you as well. So, OP, you get an easy peasy 0 out of 5 buttholes. The rest of your family gets 3.5 out of 5 buttholes. Honestly, I think if your aunts hadn't posted on social media and shamed your parents, then they wouldn't have even cared. Am I the butthole for blaming my wife for our homelessness and yelling, what the hell did you think was going to happen? My wife and I are really struggling financially and moved in with my mom to help us get back on our feet.
Starting point is 00:11:01 I know that it hasn't been easy on her, but I just can't believe what my wife did. So my stepsister is getting married and she wouldn't invite my mom because her and her siblings hate her. My stepfather refused to attend the wedding without my mom and it was a whole big thing. I think his kids thought that he was going to cave because he's always been a pushover, but he meant it and he didn't go to the wedding. I'm pretty sure that this hurt my stepdad, but he comes from a pretty toxic patriarchy culture and he isn't going to openly show his emotions. My wife was upset on the day of the wedding because she believes kids should always come before your spouse and that his behavior is
Starting point is 00:11:41 disgusting. I don't disagree, but it also isn't our business. My wife took some pictures of my stepdad the day of the wedding to show my stepsister that he wasn't sad enough. He was just hanging out with my mom and in one of the pictures he's laughing, but I found this extremely uncomfortable for a few reasons. It's creepy and invasive to spy on people and take their pictures. They aren't even properly dressed in some of these pictures. Like in one of them I can very clearly see his dick because he's just wearing his boxers. And no, he doesn't walk around the house like that. In another, my mom appears to be wearing one of my stepdad's shirts with nothing
Starting point is 00:12:22 under it so it's just weird. Also, we're guests in their home. Well, his daughter sent him the pictures and said that she was glad that he had his whore to comfort him. My stepdad realized what my wife had done and blew up. He called us ungrateful leeches, called my wife a b-word, and threw our clothes all over his lawn. I'm furious. Living with them was such a great opportunity to rebuild financially and she just ruined it. I lost it and shouted last night that
Starting point is 00:12:53 this is all her fault and what the hell did she think was going to happen? She's furious and said that I had no right to speak to her like that regardless of what she did. OP, why exactly are you married to this woman? She's entitled, selfish, she bites the hand that feeds, and she takes candid photos of people in their underwear and shares them without their knowledge. Then when you call her out, she gets mad at you? Your wife genuinely acts like a vapid, entitled, 15 year old girl who's the classic high school bully. OP, I'm giving you 0 out of 5 buttholes. I'm giving your wife 3 out of 5 buttholes. Am I the butthole for rejecting my friend's request to have an open relationship with my husband? What? I'm a 30 year old woman and I've been married to my husband who's 32 for 5 years.
Starting point is 00:13:41 We have two beautiful kids, a 5 year old boy and boy and six-year-old girl, and they have a very strong relationship and are happy together. Recently, my friend Lisa, who's 29, confided in me that she's developed feelings for my husband. She said that she finds him attractive and admires our relationship, and she asked if we would consider having an open relationship that she could be with him too. I was shocked and told her, no, explaining that my husband and I are committed to each other and that we're not interested in an open relationship. Sorry, this story is kind of funny to me.
Starting point is 00:14:16 When I read the title, I just automatically assumed that OP and her husband were automatically in an open relationship. And then Lisa would be like, hey, can I get in on this too? But, but no, she's actually proposing the idea. Okay. Lisa got upset and accused me of being selfish and closed minded. She argued that modern relationships should be flexible and that I was denying her happiness. Since then, Lisa's been distant and has been spreading rumors in our friend group suggesting that I'm overly possessive and controlling. This has caused a lot of tension and some of our mutual friends are now taking sides.
Starting point is 00:14:54 What? My husband is supportive of my decision, but I feel guilty for the drama that it's caused. So am I the butthole? And then before we get too far, we have an update. I decided to bring the friend group out for coffee and I told them all about what Lisa said and the real story. I also showed them the Reddit post. After showing them, there were two girls that were still on Lisa's side. So I took some advice from the comments and said,
Starting point is 00:15:20 Let Lisa screw your husband, then you can be on her side. After that, everyone was on your husband, then you can be on her side. After that, everyone was on my side, thankfully. Lisa wasn't happy at all and she started ranting about how it wasn't fair and she just went into experiencing something new and it wasn't even that bad of a request, you're making it such a big deal, which I don't understand. Me and the rest of the group have officially cut contact with Lisa. We're just hoping that she doesn't try to reach out.
Starting point is 00:15:48 Also, just to clarify, Lisa also asked my husband for an open marriage, but he also rejected her saying, even if I was in an open marriage, oooh, oh, what a burn, okay, even if I was in an open marriage, I would never want to go out with you. I'm thinking of cutting off the ladies that were also on Lisa's side for so long, but I'm not sure if they heard a different story or not. So should I? Alright guys, I have a question for you. Is it...
Starting point is 00:16:16 Is it possessive or controlling to not want your spouse to go sleep with other people? Is that controlling behavior? I guess technically, technically it is possessive to say, hey my wife is my wife, you're not allowed to banger. But you know, let's not forget some control is a good thing. I'm controlling over my finances because I don't want random people to have access to my bank information. That's kind of stupid. We're controlling of our home. We don't just let random people come live in our home. So not all controlling is bad
Starting point is 00:16:45 I would say this is even a good controlling man. This pose is stupid. OP I'm giving you zero out of five buttholes I'm giving Lisa and the people who supported her three out of five buttholes That was r slash am I the butthole and if you like this content be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new reddit podcast episodes every single day

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