rSlash - r/AITA for Calling Cops on a 6-Year-Old?

Episode Date: August 11, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:20 on the same points vet app. The platform that gives you everything you need. You know what to do bet on it. Point Spets Sportsbook and Casino Welcome to R-Slashe, am I the butthole where OP discovers that his fiancé secretly hates his kid. Am I the butthole for telling my fiancé that my daughter has to be in our wedding? I'm a 45 year old man and I have a daughter, Penny,
Starting point is 00:00:45 from a previous relationship. I divorced my ex-wife on good terms, and we share 50-50 custody of Penny, who's now 11. After I divorced my ex-wife, I met my now fiance, Sarah. Sarah and Penny get along very well. After dating Sarah for five years, I proposed. Sarah was super excited and wanted to start planning right away.
Starting point is 00:01:07 She looked at venues and started asking her friends to be her bridesmaids. She then told me that she wanted her niece to be a flower girl, which I had no problem with, but I said that I also wanted Penny to be a flower girl. Sarah looked at me funny and then said that she didn't think that Penny would fit the part. I got angry and told Sarah that my daughter would be in our wedding. Sarah started to become upset and said that the girls in the wedding were up to her and that Penny wouldn't be one of them.
Starting point is 00:01:36 I told Sarah that if Penny wasn't in the wedding, then there might not be a wedding. I stormed out and took Penny to get ice cream. Penny knows that we're getting married and she told me that she thinks that she'll look pretty and whatever dress Sarah decides that Penny should wear. This broke my heart and I decided to text Sarah. I told her that I'd be staying at a friend's house to think this over. My soon-to-be mother-in-law texted me saying that I over-reacted and that my daughter doesn't have to be in the wedding and that I was a butthole for saying that I would cancel. So did I take it too far saying that I would cancel?
Starting point is 00:02:12 Am I overreacting or just being a good dad? O.P. Okay. I've got a daughter. If God forbid something happened to my wife and sometime down the road, I wanted to get married to a woman. And she said that my daughter couldn't be in my wedding. That is such a red flag that I would immediately call off the wedding. I would immediately
Starting point is 00:02:29 break up with her and I would immediately move on. I wouldn't spend time angsting about it. I wouldn't be sad about it. I wouldn't come to Reddit and say, hey, Reddit, am I the butthole for doing this? I'm not blaming you for making this Reddit post because you seem like a good person. I'm just saying this is such a clear and obvious huge red flag that it is an immediate deal breaker for me. If my imaginary wife in the scenario can't even accept my daughter in the wedding, then how can I expect her to accept my daughter in daily life? Sure, Sarah has been good to your daughter for the past five years, but my guess is if you marry Sarah, then the evil stepmother activity will start. She wouldn't be the first person to show her true colors after the wedding ring is on the finger. And before I give judgment, it
Starting point is 00:03:14 looks like we have an update. So this was posted same day. O.P. says, I came home to talk to Sarah today. When I pulled in our driveway, my mother-in-law was sitting there in her car. I got out and went inside trying to avoid talking to my mother-in-law. Sarah was sitting at the kitchen table and I joined her. Sarah was sitting there in silence, so I asked the first question. Why does Penny not fit the part? And why don't you want her in the wedding at all? Sarah's answer full-on shocked me," she quietly said. I was hoping that after the wedding, you could become a holiday visit only dead. I didn't win her in the wedding so that she wouldn't be in the photos around the house
Starting point is 00:03:55 since she's not going to be around that much anyways. I kept my cool. calmly took her hand and pulled my engagement ring off her finger. Her eyes started to tear up, she said that we shouldn't in the marriage over this and that she can change. I told her the damage was already done. I told her I wanted her things moved out by the next week and that she could come get them when my daughter wasn't home. To be clear, the house is in my name and I paid for it. I was just allowing her to get the furniture that she paid for. She stormed out and my mother-in-law came knocking on the door saying that I was being unreasonable. I couldn't imagine only seeing my daughter three or four times a year.
Starting point is 00:04:36 The fact that Sarah wanted me to give up part of my custody blew me away. I'm sitting on my couch just in shock. Our honeymoon was supposed to be in Hawaii. Looks like me and Penny will be going instead. I'll update if anything happens. Man, it's so crazy to me that someone can just lie like that day after day after day and be fake for five years. This woman apparently hates Penny's guts. She has raised Penny since she was what? Six from age six to eleven after five years of raising a child she feels nothing. No empathy, no love, no affection, just Okay, well bye. Hope to never see you again. Opie, this is a lot of red flags, man. This is a terrible woman. You dodged a huge bullet when she exposed yourself like this.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Opie, I'm giving you 0 out of 5 buttholes. I'm giving her... I think 3.5 out of 5 buttholes feels reasonable. Am I the butthole for leaving my sister's wedding early because she kept my husband out of the pictures? I'm a 31 year old man, and my sister Ann, who's 34, got married on Saturday. My husband of seven years, Mark, who's 32, was there with me, and up until one point, it was an amazing evening. After the ceremony, and wanted a picture with all of our siblings. There's five of us, and our respective partners, so we started lining
Starting point is 00:06:01 up. When Ann saw that my husband was standing next to me, she shook her head and said something about him ruining the aesthetic. Apparently, her plan was to put one man and one woman next to each other alternately. My youngest sister, who's 18, doesn't have a partner and was standing on the very side, so she offered to stand between the two of us. That way, me and my husband could still be close while respecting Anne's wishes. I thought that was a great solution, but Anne disagreed and told Mark to get out of the picture.
Starting point is 00:06:31 Mark is quite introverted and tries to avoid confrontation under all circumstances, so he simply complied and told me not to get angry, but it was obvious that he was hurt and disappointed by being left out. Obviously, it didn't stop me from getting angry and I walked away with him. I can understand that Anne once are wedding pictures to look exactly how she imagined them, but I think that the idea that my younger sister proposed was very reasonable. I congratulated Anne and her husband one last time, but then I said my goodbyes. When they asked me why we were leaving early, I said that I didn't feel like our presence was wanted.
Starting point is 00:07:08 We left before dinner was served, and I took Mark out to his favorite restaurant to cheer him up a little. Anne has texted me since then saying that I was being over-dramatic and making a fuss over nothing. Our parents have tried to remain neutral, but except for my youngest sister, the rest of the family supports Anne and thinks that leaving early was going too far, and that I should have just sucked it up instead of ruining her big day.
Starting point is 00:07:31 Okay, here's the problem with this post. They said that OP should have just sucked it up instead of ruining her big day. Okay, her big day celebrating what exactly? That's right, celebrating her marriage. Celebrating the beauty of two unified souls of the sanctity of marriage. So on this day of holy matrimony, it's okay for her to disrespect your marriage.
Starting point is 00:07:54 The hypocrisy on this story is off the charts. If your sister who's getting married is merely being hypocritical and overly obsessed over stupid details, then I'll give her a, I think 2 out of 5 buttholes. But if she's secretly homophobic and has been judging you and your husband for your entire lives, then she gets 4 out of 5 buttholes.
Starting point is 00:08:14 OP, I'm giving you your husband and your youngest sister who had your back, 0 out of 5 buttholes. Am I the butthole for frightening my nephew and making him traumatize for life? I had a cookout at my place on July 4th. My 13 year old daughter's Nintendo Switch goes missing. I talked to family members, and my wife's sister, Kara, said that my daughter gave it as a gift to her son, Stevie, for his upcoming birthday. For context, Stevie is six. I asked my daughter, and she said that it wasn't true, that she let Stevie use it so they could all play Mario Kart together and it went missing after the cookout. My daughters
Starting point is 00:08:52 upset and I call Kara back who insists the Switches now Stevie's and my daughter is too old to play games anyways, or she'll outgrow it soon which is why it was a gift to Stevie. She calls my daughter, an Indian giver. After this, I contacted my uncle, who's a cop. My uncle and a few of his friends go over and threaten to arrest Stephen Cara over stolen property. Cara reluctantly gives it back after an incident with the officer that she could have been arrested for. The cops warn Stevie that the next time he steals both he and his mom will go to
Starting point is 00:09:25 jail. They let my sister-in-law go without incidents. My sister-in-law says that Stevie has been crying non-stop and having issues sleeping because he doesn't want to go to jail, and she's blaming me and my family for traumatizing her son. My response might have been heartless because I said, I guess I'll never steal again, and care of things that will be traumatized for life or making a big deal over a stupid response might have been heartless because I said I guess I'll never steal again and care of things that will be traumatized for life or making a big deal over a stupid game. Oh man. Okay, here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:09:53 If you don't want to be arrested for stealing stuff, don't steal stuff. It's not complicated, it's simple, it's easy. Look at me, I'm doing it right now, I'm not getting arrested for stealing stuff because I'm not stealing stuff. So, if Stevie doesn't want to get arrested for stealing stuff, maybe he should never steal again. Opie, I'm completely on your side. You could zero out of five buttholes, Kara and Stevie both get three out of five buttholes. I don't want to take too much joy in the suffering and angst of a six-year-old, but is it really a bad thing if a six-year-old is traumatized about not stealing? This isn't like PTSD trauma, let's not make any mistakes here. This is just the guy scared because he was in a scary situation and hopefully never steals again.
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Starting point is 00:11:10 Is all you can munch a soup? Salad. And garlic home, though. Mama, me. And I move out of here. Am I the butthole for telling the lady two seats behind me on a plane that she was screaming the whole flight? I'm at the airport now. The lady two seats behind me on the flight was talking extremely loudly the entire flight.
Starting point is 00:11:32 I had earplugs in and it was piercing those. After the flight landed, the lady across the aisle for me looked horrified and said that lady was on her next flight. I got up, walked back to the loud lady and said, you guys are flying to Florida next, right? You may want to consider being a little more quiet on your next flight. I had earplugs in and I could hear you screaming the entire time. I turned back around and her boyfriend calls me a butthole.
Starting point is 00:11:58 So I turned back and said, what did you say? And he called me a butthole. Then the girl chimed in and said, we weren't even talking loud. I showed them the earplugs I had in my hand and said, I had earplugs in my ears two seats ahead of you. And I heard all about Frank's wedding, your nail appointments, feeding your dogs, your cell phone bill, the TV shows your mom watches, etc. Am I the butthole? No, OP, I can tell you why you're not the butthole. Because if people talk at a normal volume
Starting point is 00:12:28 just one seat ahead of you on a plane, then it's actually kind of difficult to hear them. You have to really pay attention and strain, especially because most planes are super, super loud, noise, just that constant, boor of the plane going through the air. I know this because one time, me and my wife were flying. And in front of us, there was this guy and this girl and the entire flight, they were flirting hot and hard with each
Starting point is 00:12:49 other. And at the end of it, they exchanged numbers and my wife looked at me and she was like, looks like someone's got a hot date tonight. And I said to her, yeah, did you notice the wedding ring on the guy's finger? And immediately my wife was like, that cheating bastard. So I had to inflight entertainment, it was a little bit hard to hear because they were talking in a normal tone of voice and I really had to concentrate to hear their juicy gossip about how they're cheating on their partners with each other. So if you could hear them two seats away through ear plugs and through the planes noise
Starting point is 00:13:19 then yeah they were definitely way too loud. I'm giving you zero out of five buttocks OP, I'm giving them 2.5 out of 5 buttholes. Am I the butthole for telling my sister-in-law that she didn't actually run a marathon? I've been a runner for as long as I can remember. I absolutely love it. I want to pursue running as a competitive activity and also as a just for fun hobby. I encourage and support newcomers to running. But recently recently I encountered a situation where I felt gatekeeping was necessary. My sister-in-law got into running last year,
Starting point is 00:13:51 and she absolutely fell in love with it as well. Since I'm also a runner, I decided that I could connect with her on this topic. I wanted to hear about her runs, her progress, and maybe offer some helpful guidance if she wanted it. So at a family gathering, I asked her about her running. After a bit of conversation, she mentioned to me that she ran a marathon. I was quite surprised that she ran a marathon after only getting into running a year ago. That's amazing, I thought to myself. What incredible dedication and drive! I was about to praise her for this incredible accomplishment,
Starting point is 00:14:25 but then she explained this marathon in detail. It was a virtual marathon where she started late last year and apparently completed this year. Basically, it's an app based event where you tally up your running distances until you reach 26.2 miles. I chuckled slightly and told her that it's great that she totaled 26.2 miles in that time frame, but it does not count as a marathon. I told her that marathons have a time limit for completion, usually 6-8 hours. If they didn't, then I could say that I've run several ultra marathons if you add up all the distances that I've run in my life. It's disingenuous, and in my opinion, it undermines those who have actually run a marathon. She did not take this well. She called me a butthole, a
Starting point is 00:15:11 bully, uniletus, and a few other things. I apologize for upsetting her, but I stand by what I said. She didn't run a marathon. I didn't press the subject at all, and I left it at that. She wouldn't speak to me for the rest of the gathering. My wife agrees with me, despite not being a runner herself, and she said that her sister overreacted. Their mother said that I should have just let my sister-in-law believe that she ran a marathon. Maybe, I don't know. She's 23 years old and without any impairments. Validating her marathon would feel similar to lying to a child to boost their confidence. The difference is, she's not a child.
Starting point is 00:15:48 Am I the butthole? You know, down in the comments, people are really resoundingly saying not the butthole, but I'm not sure if I agree with you on this one. If she had just rolled in and said, I just ran a marathon, aren't I so cool and left to do that, then I'd be on your side. But she immediately volunteered that she didn't actually mean a literal marathon. She just meant that so far she's run a total amount, equalling a marathon. You know, she clarified it all by herself.
Starting point is 00:16:15 So for you to say, well, actually that's not a real marathon. It's like, yeah, she just said it's not a real marathon. She said that she broke it up and then it's an app-based thing. Like, were you not listening? My wife has a, like, a Fitbit that she wears and, you know, she's always running around after the kid during the day, so sometimes she'll be like, ugh, my day was so exhausting. Look, I had, you know, 7,000 steps today.
Starting point is 00:16:39 That's like running two miles or whatever. I understand that she didn't actually run two miles. She's just trying to convey to me that she has been running around a lot after the kid all day. And there's this other app online that you can download where it tracks your progress of how far you travel and compares it to the journey of Frodo Baggins on his way from the Shire to Mordor.
Starting point is 00:16:59 So eventually you walk to Mordor and you can say, hey, I walk to Mordor, isn't that cool? Well, we understand that you're not actually walking to Mordor and you can say, hey, I walk to Mordor, isn't that cool? Well, we understand that you're not actually walking to Mordor, you're not actually fighting off Nazgul in trolls and she lob the giant spider, okay? We get it. I need to say this, but you're kind of giving redditor energy.
Starting point is 00:17:22 Well, technically, sir, this is not a marathon because a marathon has a six to eight hour time limit. Yeah, oh, okay, we get it OP, we get it. So I'm giving your sister zero out of five but holes. All she did was say, hey look I downloaded an app and according to the app I've run as many miles as a marathon Which is true and she's hyped and excited and you're just bursting her bubble for no reason by being needlessly hyped and excited, and you're just bursting her bubble for no reason by being needlessly meticulous and pedantic, so I'm giving you 0.5 out of 5 buttholes. So I don't know, normally when I disagree with the comments, people in the YouTube comments blast me for being wrong, so am I wrong about this?
Starting point is 00:17:56 I just feel like OP is being, you know, negative for no reason, gatekeeping for no reason, and there's no gain to pointing out a technicality that she already pointed out herself. You know what I mean? That was our slash of my The Butthole and if you liked this content be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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