rSlash - r/AITA for Refusing to Give a Karen My Plane Ticket?

Episode Date: January 16, 2024

0:00 Intro 0:07 My job 3:43 Cancelled 7:32 Request denied 9:20 My extra seat Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Bet on the NFL with Fandule, official sports put partner of the NFL. Download the app today to see why we're North America's number one sports book. 19-plus and physically located in Ontario, gambling problem call 1865-3126-100 to visit Welcome to R-Slash, am I the butthole? Where O.P.'s wife tries to embarrass him and ends up embarrassing herself instead. Am I the butthole for proving that my wife can't do my job? The issue started with my wife left for a week for a girl's trip. The kids are all in school and I took over as the main caregiver when she was gone.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Things went well and when she came back she asked if I had any trouble. I told her no, everything went smoothly. This started an argument about how I thought that it was so easy that she was a stay-at-home mom. It wasn't a good time, and I had already been pushing her to go back to work part-time since the kids were in school. We've talked about her starting to look for work around summer. The issue now is that I work from home twice a week, and every time she sees me working, or I complain about my work, she tells me that she can do it. I've talked to her about this, but nothing changes. She said that if she did my job, then things would go smoothly.
Starting point is 00:01:12 She won't stop bothering me about it, and I had enough of it today. I was trying to figure out why there was an error in my code. O.P. is a coder. She saw what I was doing and told me that she could do that. I told her, go ahead, and I made a copy that she could work on. Well, she tried for about five minutes until she gave up. I reiterated that if she can do my job, then find the error. This started a huge argument about making her look like an idiot, and now she isn't
Starting point is 00:01:41 talking to me. Opie, okay, let's be super clear, your wife is an idiot. A big dumb dummy doofus. This whole story since Opie's wife was certain, absolutely positive that she could do Opie's job, I assume that Opie's job was fairly straightforward, something like a call center person. You know, where you talk to customers
Starting point is 00:02:03 and diffuse situations and you follow the script. But OP is a coder? Who looks at someone coding and thinks, oh, that's easy, but I could do that. I mean, yeah, anyone can learn to code. It's not super, super complicated. You just go online and you take courses. But it's a learn skill.
Starting point is 00:02:20 It is, it's like knowing a language practically. You can't just hear someone speak in Japanese and be like, oh, I could speak Japanese. Yeah, after you've studied it for a few years, you can't just fly to Japan, and then within two days you're fluent, oh, hi-oh, itta-ki-mas. Oh, itta-ki-mas.
Starting point is 00:02:37 Man, of all the jobs, you're just confidently assert that you can do, coding is one of the dumbest. I genuinely can't tell if your wife is so just balls out confident that she does genuinely believe that she can look at a page of code in a coding language that she doesn't understand and think, yeah, I could totally do this. Or if she's just intentionally mean and she's trying to degrade your work and your contributions to the family by putting down
Starting point is 00:03:05 your effort and saying, well, it's not a big deal because I can do that if I wanted to. So either she's criminally dumb or just really, really mean. If I had to guess, I think she's intentionally trying to tear OP down. Because if she did genuinely believe that she could code, then once OP gave her some code to write, she should have been like, oh, wow, I guess I don't know how to do this. You're right, sweetie, I guess I'm wrong. But no, she doubled down
Starting point is 00:03:31 and is now giving OP the silent treatment because why? Because he's better at coding than she is? Man, OP, all right, okay, buddy. You take care of the kids, you make all the money, you pay for your wife to go off on weak long vacations, we know she's not paying for because she doesn't work. And then when she gets home, she immediately picks a fight and insults you as a man. Why are you with this woman, OP?
Starting point is 00:03:54 I'm giving you zero out of five buttles, I'm giving your wife 2.5 out of five buttles. Am I the buttle for canceling the babysitter after my wife decided not to attend my work holiday party? My work attend my work holiday party. My work held our annual holiday party last Friday. It was held at one of those act throwing places which I'd never done before so I figured it'd be pretty fun. My wife and I have three kids, ages 10, 8, and 5, so we don't get out of the house for dates very often.
Starting point is 00:04:20 The holiday party was planned almost two months ago and my wife agreed to attend with me. I suggested we make it more of a date by either going out for drinks after the party or catching a late night movie. She thought that it was a good idea too. I also arranged for a babysitter to come watch the kids for that night. The day of the party, my wife got home from work and told me that she had a horrible day and was in a bad space mentally, so she didn't want to come to the party. I told her I was disappointed, but I understand if she wants to stay home.
Starting point is 00:04:49 As I was getting myself ready to head to the party, I called the babysitter and canceled. I apologized to her and offered to Venmo her an hours worth of an agreed rate, $30 to compensate for the cancellation, and she agreed that that was reasonable. As I was getting ready to leave, my wife asked me when the babysitter was going to come. I kinda looked at her funny and told her that I had just canceled the babysitter because she was no longer coming with me. She got mad at me and told me that if I knew she had a bad day and was in a bad mental state that she needed some time to herself.
Starting point is 00:05:20 I told her that I'd assumed that none of that meant that she was incapable of watching our kids, and that I didn't think that having the babysitter come when my wife was still at home made any sense at all. She told me to call the babysitter back and see if she could still come watch the kids, and I told her that if she wanted to do that, then she could do it, but I'm not going to. She tried to argue with me about it, but I told her that I had to leave for the party. While I was at the party, she sent me multiple texts about how the kids were driving her
Starting point is 00:05:48 nuts and that the babysitter didn't answer her calls and she needed me to come home. She kept blowing up my phone and I eventually left the party over an hour early to go home. When I got there, she kept arguing with me about how I was the butthole for canceling the babysitter when I knew that she had a rough day. I told her that I wasn't going to pay a babysitter just so that my wife can rest after a bad day. I told her that she could have thrown a movie on for the kids and relaxed. I told her that she was the one who ruined our potential night out, and that having a bad day at work isn't a good enough reason to pay a babysitter like 150 to 200 bucks.
Starting point is 00:06:26 She still thinks that I was the butthole for canceling the babysitter without talking to her first, and she still mad at me for it. But I don't think that that was an unreasonable assumption to make. Considering there's been plenty of times when I've had a bad day, but I'm still 100% capable of watching the kids by myself while my wife leaves the house. Okay OP, so you have an event that you wanna go to. You plan for it, you schedule it, you schedule the babysitter, you pay the babysitter.
Starting point is 00:06:53 Then your wife cancels out of the blue last minute. Then tries to pick a fight with you both before and after the event to try to ruin your day even more. And this is your fault somehow. Like apparently your wife was so exhausted after such a bad day that she couldn't even contemplate watching the kids, but despite that, she still had plenty of energy to argue with you before and after the party. Opie, I'm on your side.
Starting point is 00:07:18 I think canceling the babysitter was completely reasonable. I'm kinda tempted to be on the wife's side as well because we've all had bad days. However, she basically tried to make your bad day, her bad day, by picking a fight with you over something that wasn't really your fault. Like, it's okay for her to cancel your plans last minute, but it's not okay for you to cancel her plans last minute. How is that fair exactly? Opie, I'm giving you 0 out of 5 buttholes, I'm giving your wife 1.5 out of 5 buttholes. Am I the butthole for telling my parents tough luck when they ask me to not let my step sister have guys over anymore?
Starting point is 00:07:55 I'm a 24 year old guy who got my own place last year. More recently, my step sister, who's 24, moved in with me. It's been great having her here, We get along great, which is something we already know. She pulls her own weight, plus living on your own can be pretty depressing sometimes, so that helps. I don't have any rules for her because I wanted to treat it like her house too. None of that, my house, my rules garbage that a lot of people say, which I hate. Last weekend, she had a guy over. Our other sister, who's 15, video called us, and she heard someone over and she must have told her parents after the call, because my mom mentioned us having guys over and how
Starting point is 00:08:33 that's dangerous the last time I talked to her. Now my mom, dad, and 22 year old brother are calling and texting me to pester me to not allow my step sister to have guys over. I basically only texted back, tough luck. My sister is an effing adult and she can have whoever she wants over to her own house. Yo, she's 24? If she were 14 and bringing boys over with no parents around, that I can kind of understand. But she's 24 and she's bringing a boy to our house.
Starting point is 00:09:04 So? So? Uh huh. What's the a boy to our house. So? So? Uh-huh. What's the big deal? Where's the drama? Where's the conflict? I don't get it. And she can't have boys over, but can OP have girls over?
Starting point is 00:09:15 Is this just a sexist double standard? This is a weird story OP. Your sister is a grown adult. If she wants to have a boy over, she can do that. I don't know why your family is trying so hard to control her. I guess just good old-fashioned sexism. I'm giving you and your sister 0 out of 5 buttholes. I'm giving your parents and brother 1.5 out of 5 buttholes.
Starting point is 00:09:36 Am I the butthole for refusing to give up my extra seat for someone else's toddler on a flight that I paid for because I'm fat? I'm a 34 year old woman and I'm obese. I'm actively working towards losing weight and I've made progress, but I'm still obese as I'm typing this. I'm flying over to see my brother and his husband for Christmas across the country, and because I'm fat, I booked an extra seat so that everyone can be more comfortable. I know it sucks having to pay for an extra seed, but it is what it is. I know that Southwest Airlines has a Customers of Size policy, but I've had some bad experiences
Starting point is 00:10:11 with Southwest even before I was obese, so I wasn't doing that, and it's mostly my fault that I even got fat in the first place. Everything goes smoothly from checking in to security and boarding, at least at first. This woman comes to my row with a boy who appeared to be about a year old. She told me to squeeze in one seat so that her son could sit in the other. She told me, not asked. I told her, no, that I paid for the seat for the extra space. She made a big fuss over it, which got the flight attendant's attention. She told the flight attendant that I was stealing the seat from her son. Then I showed my boarding passes, proving that I, in fact, paid for the extra seat. The flight attendant asked me if I could try to squeeze in, but I said no, that I wanted the
Starting point is 00:10:55 extra seat that I paid for. The boy, who the mom said is 18 months old, was supposed to sit in her lap, so he could do just that. The flight attendant eventually told the mom to put her son in her lap. I got dirty looks and passive aggressive remarks from her the entire flight, and I do feel a little bad because the boy looked hard to control, so am I the butthole? Yo, if the boy looks hard to control, then maybe she should have bought a seat for her child. Clearly she didn't, because she wanted to save money and then steal a seat from someone else. Honestly, OP, if you asked me, the fact that your overweight has no bearing on the story whatsoever. I mean, even if you were skinny and you bought a seat next to you, okay, that's your seat. You bought it, you paid for it, it's your seat. If you fly and you want to buy the entire road to yourself, the window seat, the middle seat,
Starting point is 00:11:43 and the aisle seat, just for yourself, if you pay for those tickets, those seats are yours. I am a million percent on your side, and don't feel about the flight attendant, she was being very unprofessional. I'm giving you zero out of five buttholes, I'm giving the flight attendant one out of five buttholes, and I'm giving the mom one point five out of five buttholes. That was our slash of my the butthole, and if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out of 5 buttholes. That was our slash of my The Butthole, and if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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