rSlash - r/AITA for Refusing to Give My Sisters $37,000?

Episode Date: August 28, 2023

0:00 Intro 0:07 Life lesson 3:20 Daycare 7:37 Top comment 8:13 Debt 11:46 Dinner Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The best adventures are the ones we share. So explore together with the 2023 Defender 130, featuring increased cargo capacity and room for eight adults. With unstoppable off-road capability, excellent on-road dynamics, 21st century connectivity and luxury interiors, you'll be capable of great things. The 2023 Defender 130, adventure, share widely. Contact your Land Rover authorize dealer for details.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Welcome to R-slash. Am I the butthole where OP intentionally puts his little sister into a car wreck? Am I the butthole for purposefully not intervening and letting my little sister cause a minor accident with my car and making her partially covered damages to teach you a lesson about distracted driving. I'm a 25 year old man. My little sister, Christy, is 18 and she recently got her driver's license. She obviously thinks that she's an incredible driver and can handle a car no matter what.
Starting point is 00:00:59 After only four months of driving, she's already become one of those girls who puts their phone between their thighs to look at messages and access to quickly while driving. It drives us all insane to be honest, and I and the other family members have talked to her about it multiple times. It goes in one ear and out the other. Yesterday, she did it again while driving in my car and when we were getting groceries. She had been distracted for almost the whole drive, and even continued to look at her phone when I told her to cut it out. When she was about to roll into a parking spot, she must have got a message and she looked down at
Starting point is 00:01:33 her phone. I noticed that she was about to ram into a lamp post and when I was sure that she wouldn't cause damage to other vehicles, I decided she just let her run into it instead of intervening. It was a huge shock to her, and she just sat there completely still for like 15 seconds processing what just happened. It wasn't until I said, well you learn to leave that f-ing phone alone now that she spoke again. The first thing she said to me was, why didn't you tell me in an absolutely baffled tone? And I told her straight up that I didn't tell her so she'd learn a lesson.
Starting point is 00:02:07 She was absolutely livid and tried to push all the blame onto me for not intervening. But I told her that it would have been the same outcome had I not been there, and then ultimately she, as the driver, is responsible for not only her, but also all her passenger safety. Christie was absolutely gobsmacked that she effed around and found out. Even more so, when I told her that she would have to account for half the damages caused in the accident that the insurance wouldn't cover. In total, it was just shy of 200 bucks. She went completely wild, but I told her that she's lucky I'm not making your pay for everything
Starting point is 00:02:42 since she was driving while being on the phone. A few days after the insurance gave me the sum, I told Kristi what she owes me, what she paid immediately. She told me that, apparently, because she spent this money, she won't be able to go in a trip with her friends and that I'm a massive butthole. She also added that she would have learned her lesson otherwise too. I personally doubt that she would have, and honestly, distracted drivers are the worst. Am I the butthole?
Starting point is 00:03:09 Opie, what you did was a service to both her and everyone else on the road. Your sister is not a good driver. Actually, she's a bad driver, she's a terrible driver. She's lucky that was just a lamppost, it could have been a car or even worse a person. Kids are notorious for not looking where they're going, what if she had hit a kid who ran out between cars? Honestly, I think that you're an incredible brother for sacrificing your own car and your own money to teach your sister an important life lesson. OP, you get 0 out of 5 buttholes. I'm giving your sister 2.5 out of 5 buttholes. She's 18 now.
Starting point is 00:03:45 It's time to stop acting like a self-obsessed teenager and learn some responsibility. Am I the butthole for saying my wife will have to quit her job if we get booted from another daycare? My wife and I have a 3 year old daughter, Alice. Both of us work, and Alice has attended daycare since she was one. In the 2 years since, we've been asked to leave two programs because my wife is a micro-manager. I admit, both of us went into the first program not really understanding daycare. I quickly learned that they cannot provide personalized care, and after learning from
Starting point is 00:04:17 her teachers, I reset my expectations. My wife, however, has a lot of anxiety and worries about our daughter. She hates when Alice gets even a little upset. My wife is in therapy and she's working on it. During the first program, my wife would constantly watch the live feed and call the daycare multiple times a day. We had several talks about it and the school talked to us twice. My wife ended up screaming at one of the teachers and then the director.
Starting point is 00:04:45 We were terminated immediately. The second day care was a little better because my wife began therapy. But my wife was still so nervous and had a complaint every single day. These were not important things. Small things like she saw another child took a toy from Alice and Alice cried. The teacher would give the toy back to Alice, but my wife didn't understand why the other child wasn't punished for it. The daycare didn't kick us out, but did eventually suggest that this may not be the best program for us. My wife and I decided to pull Alice out.
Starting point is 00:05:18 I eventually realized that my wife was becoming one of those moms. For the third program, we chose a smaller home daycare because we couldn't afford another center. The woman who owns it is very nice, but also firm. She stands by her boundaries and won't let my wife break any rules, whereas the centers were definitely more accommodating. My wife would take any inch she got.
Starting point is 00:05:42 This time, she doesn't have that opportunity. I thought that all was well because the owner only speaks to my wife for the most parts. Then I get put into a group text saying that my wife has been bombarding the owner with texts every day, despite the owner saying that she will text my wife at lunch after the kid gets settled. The owner said that at this point she will only be responding to texts at specific times a day and she won't even be looking at texts for the rest of the day. The owner said that, at this point, she will only be responding to text at specific times a day, and she won't even be looking at text for the rest of the day. The owner then sent several pages of the contract we signed with Passage is highlighted,
Starting point is 00:06:13 reminding us of certain policies that my wife had violated. I was pissed! When Alice went to bed that night, my wife and I talked. I said that this was our last option for daycare. The other centers are too expensive, and this was the only home daycare in the area that we like. A nanny is not in our budget. My wife made a million excuses, including that it's not her fault that she's anxious.
Starting point is 00:06:37 I said that if we're asked to leave this program too, my wife will be the one quitting her job to watch Alice, not me. This upset my wife will be the one quitting her job to watch Alice, not me. This upset my wife. I pointed out that I've spoken to her kindly about this plenty of times. I encourage her to keep up with her therapy, but she can't keep getting us kicked out of programs. My wife is now not speaking to me. Am I the butthole? Okay, I understand your wife has anxiety and it's like a mental disorder and she's dealing with it, but just to be be clear here speaking from a fellow father
Starting point is 00:07:08 Getting anxious every single time your baby cries is just stupid because a two-year-old will cry for just about anything including reasons the Commercial airplane won't turn around and fly back over our house and we won't let her poop in the middle of the road All right, babies are just gonna cry. That's what they do around and fly back over our house and we won't let her poop in the middle of the road. Alright, babies are just gonna cry, that's what they do, they're toddlers, they get upset, so getting anxious every time you're toddler cries and then yelling at minimum wage workers is just toxic, it's Karen behavior honestly. And Opie, let's be super clear, your wife quitting her job and raising your kid in your home might be even a worse outcome
Starting point is 00:07:45 because your wife is clearly a helicopter parent. Helicopter more like a steam roller to be honest. I'm really worried that if your wife becomes a stay-at-home mom, then instead of dealing with her anxiety and developing coping mechanisms, she's just gonna feed her anxiety and become a smothering helicopter parent. Okay, down in the comments, it sounds like people agree, practical purple ads, not the butthole. To keep it 100% honest with you, 20 years down the line, your daughter is going to hate
Starting point is 00:08:13 your wife, and there's a high chance she will not be a part of your lives. Your wife is the exact definition of a toxic helicopter parent. She's going to not only ruin your life, which is already in the process, but your daughter's life in the future and her own life. OP, I'm giving you zero out of five buttholes. I'm giving your wife three out of five buttholes. One for being a helicopter mom, one for being a Karen,
Starting point is 00:08:38 and another one for giving you the cold shoulder when you're trying to give her the help that she needs. The McGrap has all the McDee's flavor you crave. McGrap the flavor with the crunch of fresh veggies, the tenderness of crispy or grilled seasoned chicken, and delicious sauce to bring it all together. Get the best of the zest with the zesty lime McGrap, or enjoy sweet with a touch of heat in the sweet chili McGrap, or go big on bacon with the savory and satisfying classic chicken and bacon. Try the macrabbe in three big flavors today, only at McDonald's.
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Starting point is 00:09:32 Along with your favorite restaurant food, alcohol, and other everyday essentials. Order Uber Eats now. For alcohol, you must be legal drinking age. Please enjoy responsibly. Product availability varies by region. See out for details. Am I the butthole for refusing to forgive a debt that will cost my sister a house?
Starting point is 00:09:48 My mother died about two months ago. She didn't leave behind much, other than a paid four house worth about 180K and a little money in the bank. Mom announced a couple of years ago that she intended to leave her house to my sister, Sarah, who takes care of her severely disabled son full time. Mom said that she wanted to make sure they had a roof over their heads, and the rest of
Starting point is 00:10:10 her kids could make it on their own. Sarah does struggle a lot, and she said many times that she wouldn't have been able to make it without mom. When mom died, she had some outstanding bills, but her biggest debt to me was that she owed me $37,000. I loaned her the money so that she could fix her plumbing and septic system, as well as making the house more handicapped friendly for Sarah and her son Jeremy. Mom has been paying me back every month. I have paperwork proving the money is owed.
Starting point is 00:10:38 Here's the problem. If I file a claim against her estate like any other creditor would do, my brother John, my mom's executor would have no choice but to pay it. But to do so, he would have to sell the house since there isn't money in the estate to pay it any other way. That means that Sarah and Jeremy would have to find a different place to live. I know that mom wanted Sarah to have a house. There's also the issue that mom's will said that Sarah got the house,
Starting point is 00:11:05 but any money in the estate would be evenly split between the other four of us. So technically, we think that means that Sarah wouldn't actually get anything. Sarah is also concerned that if she did get a large amount of money, that it could interfere with the help that she gets from the government. John and Sarah are both pushing me not to file a claim against the estate, but if I don't, then the loan basically goes away. Sarah has said that she'll pay it all back to me and she'll even sign a new loan. The trouble is that I don't believe her. She's borrowed money before and never paid it back. Not because she doesn't want to, but because she can't afford it. She's struggled with money living with moms, so it's going to be even worse for her without mom paying the bills in the house as well.
Starting point is 00:11:50 If I don't file a claim, I'll be out $37,000. And that is far more than I ever went a handover as a gift, even to my sister. I've told John and Sarah that I'm officially filing a claim on Monday morning. They're both calling me a greedy butthole and telling me that I'm ignoring what mom wanted. I think it's unreasonable to expect me to just forget $37,000. Am I the butthole? Okay, I don't know too much about the whole, like, will, executor situation, but OP, what's
Starting point is 00:12:20 stopping you from just letting your sister sign a new loan, and then after she doesn't pay you back, then you go after the money. It's not really clear to me why you're immediately going to the most extreme solution of getting Sarah to sell her house, like at least give the girl a chance. I am on your side OP that you do deserve the money to get paid back to you legally and morally, like people are saying, think about what mom wanted. Well, let's keep in mind that OP's mom was literally paying OP back, so clearly the mom did want to pay OP back. So, this is a tough one. I think I'm going to give OP one out of five buttholes for just being willing to burn bridges with his family so quickly.
Starting point is 00:13:00 But if the rest of the family is honestly expecting OP to just eat a $37,000 loan which he effectively gifts to his sister, then that makes them the butthole as well and I'm giving them 2 out of 5 buttholes. But as it stands, let's just give the estate a chance to pay back the loan. Am I the butthole for taking my fiance's dinner after he touched mine? I'm a 26 year old woman and my fiance, a 32 year old man, is blind. We don't disagree a lot, except he always gets bothered whenever I eat different food
Starting point is 00:13:31 from what he's eating when we go out. What did I read that wrong? He always gets bothered whenever I eat different food from what he's eating. Why would that bother anyone? Like if we're having dinner out and I order something else, he will instantly get upset and accuse me of treating him as less than when I just have different tastes in food. So I'll just eat what he eats to keep the peace. But since he clearly doesn't trust me, he randomly touches my plate to see if I'm having
Starting point is 00:14:03 the same dish, What am I reading? This has caused huge arguments between us, and I told him to stop doing it, and he said that he would. We went out to eat a few nights ago, and I ordered the same dish that he ordered. When the food arrived, he looked somewhat uncomfortable. I asked what was wrong, and he refused to say. And before I could even grab the fork, he extended his arm and his hand touched the food on my plate.
Starting point is 00:14:29 He moved quickly and started excusing what he did by saying, I just wanted to make sure, but I lost it on him. I felt so grossed out and there was no way that I would eat the food after he touched it. He tried to get me to drop it, saying that I shouldn't be grossed out by his hand, and that I overreacted. But then I grabbed his plate and told him that I was taking it as my dinner. He at first asked me to be rational and give the plate back, but I refused. Yo guys, I'm losing it. What am I reading? This is bonkers. An argument ensued and we had a fight. He then ended up leaving and started spam texting me, accusing me of being bitter, pathetic,
Starting point is 00:15:08 and childish, and robbing him of his dinner? He went to stay with his friend, who picked him up, and his friend sided with him, saying that I was in the wrong. He even went as far as to say that I was abusing my fiance and financially controlling him when I pointed out that I was the one that I was the one who paid for the food. The problem is magnified now with him wanting an apology and me refusing to give him one. My parents think that I should have more patience and that this is just a typical love spat
Starting point is 00:15:39 between us, but I'm not sure. Was I the butthole with how I handled this? Okay. I'm dying to get down to the comments. I hope someone has a rational explanation for what's going on because I am lost here. First of all, I have never in my life heard of someone getting upset when someone doesn't order the same thing as you.
Starting point is 00:15:57 I literally, I can't even imagine why he would be upset about this. I can't come up with a single reason. Uh, is it that he's self-conscious about his diet? So if someone orders something that's more like fatty than he does, then he feels like he's being left out or if someone orders something more healthy than he does, then he feels guilty that he's not eating the healthy thing.
Starting point is 00:16:23 That's literally the only explanation that I can come up with. But it still doesn't make sense because it's stupid. And then why would he get upset about switching plates? Because you both ordered the same thing, he knows it because he ordered his dish, but he put his grubby hands in your food
Starting point is 00:16:39 and you just swap the exact same dish and he gets upset and says, give me my food back. Dude, it's the same dish in front of you. Guys, I'm, I'm flabbergasted. I am both flabberg and gasseded. Okay, down in the comments, people are thinking that this is just run of the,
Starting point is 00:16:55 sorry, this is just so dumb. People are thinking this is just run of the milk controlling behavior. He's controlling what you eat and he's encroaching on your privacy and you're right to have like a tasty meal by putting his nasty fingers in your food So I guess that makes some sense that he's just a controlling right of the mill douchebag Opie, please don't marry this guy. Why are you marrying this guy? He's weird
Starting point is 00:17:17 He's weird and controlling and dumb and manipulative and lying and a gas lighter. This guy just sucks He's just he's just a sucky guy. I must say, though, OP, thank you for sharing this story because I literally could not have imagined that a person like this existed. OP, I'm giving you zero out of five buttholes. I guess I'm giving your fiance two out of five buttholes. That was our slash of my The Butthole, and if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day. That was our slash of my The Butthole, and if you liked this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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