rSlash - r/AITA For Wearing a Wedding Dress to Someone Else's Wedding?

Episode Date: March 21, 2023 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So you think you know sports? Points vet is the sportsbook for you, because we've got the features for true competitors. Like live, same-game parliades. Use your sportsmarts to make picks live on the players and teams you're watching. And qualified vets can use our early cashout feature. So you could take your winnings to play live blackjack
Starting point is 00:00:20 on the same points vet app. The platform that gives you everything you need. You know what to do bet on it. Point Spets Sportsbook and Casino Welcome to R-Slashe. Am I the bad guy where OPP becomes a total Karen and yells at a disabled man? Am I the bad guy for asking a disabled person to move seats on the bus for my child? I literally can't imagine what this story could be
Starting point is 00:00:46 that could possibly justify you O.P. But let's see, let's see. Who knows? I'm a 32-year-old woman, and I was on the bus with my five-year-old daughter when we got to a busy stop. There were no empty seats available, except for one near a person using a wheelchair, a 40-year-old man. I asked the person if they could move their wheelchair to another spot so that my daughter and I could sit together, but the person declined, saying they needed the space for their mobility device. I was taken aback and frustrated by this response. I explained to him that my daughter was very young and she had to sit next to me for safety reasons, but still, he refused to move. I ended up having to stand for the entire ride with my daughter in tow, which was uncomfortable
Starting point is 00:01:30 and tiring for both of us. When I told her friend about what happened, they said that I was being insensitive and ableist. They pointed out the person in the wheelchair had a right to the space they needed, and that it was unfair to me to ask them to move. Now I'm questioning whether or not I was in the wrong for asking the person to move. Am I the bad guy for asking a disabled person to move seats on the bus for my child? I- the irony, the absolute irony of this woman complaining about standing for a bus ride. Meanwhile, the guy in the wheelchair would probably give anything for the opportunity to
Starting point is 00:02:05 stand during a bus ride. Opie, this is an easy breezy, lemon-squeasy 3 out of 5 bad guys score for you. I give the guy in the wheelchair a rock-solid, zero out of 5 bad guys. Am I the bad guy for making my stepmom look crazy so I can avoid babysitting her kids? I'm a 16 year old girl and I live with my dad. My mom passed away in a bad accident a couple of years ago. My dad met Josie in a grief group or something like that and they got married last year. Josie has two kids, an eight year old boy and a six year old boy,
Starting point is 00:02:38 and I hate living with them to be honest. The eight year old has like really bad ADHD and is constantly accidentally breaking things, making messes and has meltdowns over the smallest things. The 6 year old is kind of similar but not quite as bad. They both get into my room and take things or break things. I babysat them once when our parents were dating and I'd rather jump off a building than ever have to watch them again. I swear to God, Josie offered to pay me when they were dating, but I said no.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Now that we all live together, she's been trying to make me deal with them more and more, usually while my dad's not home. My dad thinks that I should bond with them more, but he said I don't have to babysit. Josie keeps trying to pull theā€¦ just watch them for an hour while I go to the store or loading me up with chores since I'm not watching the kids. I have chores that I do already, so it's not like I'm doing nothing.
Starting point is 00:03:34 I just want some time to myself on the weekend. My dad doesn't see it happen, so he thinks that I'm exaggerating. I had the smaller bedroom in the house that we moved into, but I found out when I was putting stuff away that it has a hatch into like a side attic. Nobody else knows about it. I've started keeping stuff that I don't want anyone else to get into in there, and it's big enough that I can spread out a blanket and some pillows and read or work on my laptop in peace. I had the idea to just go in there and avoid
Starting point is 00:04:05 Josie when my dad's not home and it worked. She called for me and came looking for me, but couldn't find me. My dad texted me and asked me where I was, and I told him I'm in my room and dropped my phone location for him to see. Josie still couldn't find me, but I slipped out before my dad came home and was laying on my bed with a book when he got there. Josie got big mad, asking where I've been, and I said I've been in my room. My dad showed her the location I sent when she said that I was lying and snuck out. Now they're arguing because Josie insists that I wasn't in the house, and my dad thinks
Starting point is 00:04:43 that she's lying and taking it out on me because I wouldn't babysit. I do feel a little bad now because I'm making Josie look kinda nuts, but I also don't want a babysit or spend my entire Saturday doing chores. Am I the bad guy? Opie, this is super funny, but I just want to warn you if you keep this up, it's only a matter of time before Josie figures out where your hiding spot is. Which sucks, because obviously you need one since she keeps pestering you to do things
Starting point is 00:05:10 that aren't your responsibility and your dad doesn't have your back. OP, I'm giving you zero out of five bad guys. I'm giving Josie two out of five bad guys for trying to shove off her responsibilities onto you and I'm giving your dad one out of five bad guys for not being a good mediator. Am I the bad guy for embarrassing my sister-in-law after she expected me to pay her and her friend's bill? So I'm a 25-year-old woman and my sister-in-law is 28. I went out for dinner to my sister-in-law's bachelor at party this past weekend. Between my sister-in-law and my husband, my sister-in-law has always been the golden child of the family.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Growing up, my in-laws coddled her and gave her everything that she wanted, while my husband always got the worst into the stick. She was always the popular girl in school. She was a cheerleader, had lots of friends, and all the boys loved her. My husband, on the other hand, was always a little more nerdy and got picked on quite a bit. Even my in-laws would give him a hard time about this and say that he needed to be more like a sister. Fast forward to today. Both my husband and I went to top schools, got our degrees, and currently have very well-paying jobs in
Starting point is 00:06:19 tech. I'm not trying to sound braggie. This is just for context, but we live a very very comfortable life. My sister-in-law still currently lives at home with my in-laws where they put all of her bills. She had my niece, who's four, with her ex, and is currently on marriage number two. This past weekend, I was invited to this fancy upscale restaurant in my city for my sister-in-laws bachelor-lorette party. She said that she just wanted to do a nice dinner. There were eight of us in total. At the end of the dinner, the bill comes out, and the waiter hands it to me. I'm sitting there confused for a second until my sister-in-law speaks up in his all.
Starting point is 00:06:57 My parents and I were talking, and we're thinking that you and my brother can handle this bill for me as a wedding gift. Since you're not financially contributing to my wedding. I stared at her shocked for a moment and was like, and you didn't think to bring this up with me beforehand? She started going off about how we're so well off, so what's the big deal? And I'm sure my brother wouldn't have an issue with it. I asked her why her fiance doesn't foot the bill or my in-laws and where in her right mind she thinks it's okay to spring this on me.
Starting point is 00:07:29 She started going on about how we're the wealthiest in both her and her fiance's family and that she didn't think that I would act like this and would say yes. I told her, well sorry but I am not your parents so don't expect handouts from me. She called me selfish and I called her an entitled brat, then I paid for my portion of the bill and left. Well, as expected, my mother-in-law, sister-in-law, and even some of the cousins and aunts on my husband's side have been absolutely furious with me,
Starting point is 00:08:00 and they're expecting me to apologize for the comments. I told them over my dead body. My husband is 100% on my side and we're debating on not going to the wedding. I was talking to my mom and she thinks that I took it too far with the comments and I should just apologize to keep the peace. Am I the bad guy? And for context, the bill was close to $1,000. Man, $1,000 between 8 people that's like $120 per person give or take.
Starting point is 00:08:31 OP, we'll get to the bad guy's corner second, but I just have to point out something that I think you may have missed. You wrote, this past weekend, I was invited to this fancy upscale restaurant in my city for my sister-in-law's bachelor at party. She just wanted to do a nice dinner. I think more than likely OP, this was just the only thing that your sister invited you to, because she wanted you to put the bill obviously. She and her actual friends probably did lots of other stuff too, they just didn't tell
Starting point is 00:08:58 you about it. Granted, this is just a hunch, but I wouldn't be surprised if I'm right. Okay, so the bad guy score is super simple. No, you're not the bad guy for refusing to foot the bill. Her just springing this on you and her trying to treat you like an ATM is super entitled. Now as for the comments, I actually think this can go either way. On the one hand, she insulted you, so you do have a right to defend yourself. On the other hand, this is her party that she invited you to, and it's her bachelor at party, and all of her friends are here. So if some people want to
Starting point is 00:09:28 say that you shouldn't have insulted her, you should have just gracefully exited, paid your bill and left, then I could see that argument holding water too. So you get zero out of five bad guys for the check thing, and I personally would give you zero out of five bad guys for standing up for yourself, but if someone else wanted to give you 0.5 out of 5 bad guys for insulting the girl, then I think that's kind of understandable. Your sister-in-law, however, gets 1.5 out of 5 bad guys for her entitlement. Am I the bad guy for wearing a wedding dress at a wedding? I'm a 19 year old guy, and I've been friends with this girl who's 20 for a few years, and she recently got engaged. A week ago, I got a DM from her for a few years, and she recently got engaged.
Starting point is 00:10:05 A week ago, I got a DM from her for a small costume party that she was hosting as a celebration for her getting engaged. I asked if there was a theme, and she said there wasn't. I'm a cosplayer, so I had a lot of choices. I didn't want to rock up in an anime cosplay, so I thought that it would be funny to go to an engagement party as the corpse pride. I arrived at her house yesterday and everything seemed normal. A few people complimented my costume and I was having a lot of fun.
Starting point is 00:10:33 After 10 minutes, my friends fiance walked out in a black tuxedo and announced that this was their wedding. Apparently, my friends saw a video of someone doing this and wanted to do the same. He asked us all to go to the backyard for the ceremony to begin. I went straight to the groom. I asked him if I should quickly go home and change my outfit and that I would get back before it started. He told me it was fine since I didn't know this was the wedding.
Starting point is 00:10:58 I trusted him and followed everyone outside. They got married and everything seemed good. The reception was just in their house again, so everyone just walked back inside and picked up where they left off. I tried talking to my friend and celebrating with her, but she kept making excuses not to talk to me. I assumed that it was just because she was tired
Starting point is 00:11:18 from the big day and wanted some alone time. I didn't bother her after that, and the party soon ended. I got home in half an hour past when my phone started getting notifications. I checked and it was my friend texting me. She was cussing me out telling me that I ruined her wedding. I was really confused and asked what I did. That only made her more angry. She told me that it was basic knowledge not to wear a wedding dress to a wedding. I reminded her that I had no idea this was a wedding, and that I had asked her now husband if I should change, and he said it was fine. She didn't respond, but I got a text from her husband.
Starting point is 00:11:55 He asked why I would tell her that he said that it was fine. I told him because he did say that it was fine. Then he said that I should have changed anyways and now it's my fault that those two are fighting over this. I tried texting her that I was sorry and if I had known I wouldn't have done it. I woke up today and I saw that her and her husband have blocked me on everything. So am I the bad guy for not changing out of the wedding dress when I found out that it was actually a wedding? Opie, you didn't surprise them with the wedding dress when I found out that it was actually a wedding? OP, you didn't surprise them with the wedding dress.
Starting point is 00:12:26 They surprised you with the wedding. How are you supposed to predict the future? Read their minds that that's the one outfit you're not allowed to wear. Didn't they get mad at you because they didn't tell you but still you're responsible? This is dumb. OP, I'm giving you zero out of five bad guys.
Starting point is 00:12:43 I kind of have sympathy for the bride because this was like a 1 in a million edge case that she probably couldn't have reasonably predicted. Even with a costume party, what are the odds someone's gonna come to a costume party in a wedding dress? So I understand her frustration, but still, getting mad at you for something that's not your fault is completely unreasonable. She should be mad at her husband for letting it slide. So I'm giving you 0 out of 5 bad guys. I'm giving your friend 0.5 out of 5 bad guys
Starting point is 00:13:11 for being really unfairly upset at you. I'm giving the husband 1 out of 5 bad guys because really he should own up to his mistakes and he should have seen this coming. Fundamentally, this is their party so they're responsible for it. What they really should have seen this coming. Fundamentally, this is their party, so they're responsible for it. What they really should have done was stop you this second you got to the door, take you aside, explain the situation, and have you go back and change. That's what I would have done. Am I the bad guy for not giving my sister her wedding dress because she didn't invite my underage son?
Starting point is 00:13:39 I'm a 40 year old man, and I have a sister who's 30 who's getting married next week. The groom proposed to her a year ago at a family dinner that left everyone speechless, but very happy for them as their long time companions. During this dinner, my sister asked my son who's 17 to make her wedding dress. My son has always loved design and fashion. He took technical courses in these areas and sewing, and even his friends keep asking for his clothes because they're so beautiful. He agreed, but said that he needed time and that he would need her opinion constantly. At first, my sister was very annoying.
Starting point is 00:14:18 My son drew about 50 dress designs in a month, and she only liked one, which he continued with. He sewed it with great quality fabric which I paid for because I wanted to get involved in a certain way. For five months he made several adjustments to suit her wishes because she always complained about something. After a while my son got the final dress finished and it was just amazing. My mother cried seeing my sister in that dress, and I confess I almost got emotional too. The problem was that last week my son came to talk to me because his wedding
Starting point is 00:14:53 invitation hadn't arrived, but it had arrived for other family members. I thought maybe he didn't need one, but still it felt weird. I messaged my sister raising the issue, and she replied that she didn't want any underage people at her wedding because there would be alcohol. I asked if she was going to make an exception for my son, but she cut me off and said no. There are no children in our family. My son is the only minor, so I don't see any sense in this rule for family members. And to make matters worse, my son was very sad and cried because he spent months on this dress and couldn't go to the wedding.
Starting point is 00:15:33 I was very upset and told my sister that she should look for another dress as soon as possible because she would no longer wear the one that my son made. She called and yelled at me saying that I was being unreasonable and that I couldn't do this. My mother called me, saying that I should deliver the dress and follow the rules. But I didn't and I hung up on my mom. Because of this, the family is divided. Many agree with me and condemn my sister's actions, saying that she could make an exception.
Starting point is 00:16:01 But another part says that I'm unreasonable and I'm spoiling her big day. I don't think I'm being wrong, just rational, and paying her back in kind. So, am I the bad guy? This top comment from Res Dogs, not the bad guy. He should go and wear the dress. Okay, Opie, so realistically, your sister has every right to invite or not invite whoever
Starting point is 00:16:25 she wants to that wedding. However, if you don't invite someone, you can't expect them to just give you a wedding dress for free. It's kind of funny how she's not okay with children at her wedding, but she is okay with child labor at her wedding. Okay, OP, I'm giving you and your son zero out of five bad guys. I'm giving your sister 1.5 out of five bad guys. I'm giving your sister 1.5 out of five bad guys for her hypocrisy and entitlement. That was our slash of my D.A. and if you like
Starting point is 00:16:50 this content be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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