rSlash - r/AITA Homophobic Dad Kicked Me Out, Now Wants My House

Episode Date: September 29, 2024

0:00 Intro 0:06 Bone 4:33 Homophobe 6:23 Inappropriate talk 9:32 Fired 13:05 Homewrecker Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's a new day. How can you make the most of it with your membership rewards points? Earn points on everyday purchases. Use them for that long awaited vacation. Points never expire, so use them how you want. That's the powerful backing of American Express. On eligible cards, terms apply. Learn more at Welcome to r slash am I the butthole where an aunt is shocked by her nephew's boner. Am I the butthole for not punishing my son for showing his boner to his aunt? So I'm a single mom and I have a son who's 15. Two days ago, my sister visited us in the evening. At that time, my son was sleeping in his room.
Starting point is 00:00:39 His room is towards the back of the house and to get to the bathroom you have to pass by his room. After some small talk, my sister went to use the bathroom, but halfway there she yelled. I ran up to her and she was pointing at my son's room whose door was open. I peeked inside and my son had a boner in his sleep. He was still sleeping even through the yelling. Must have been a good dream. I immediately closed the door and told her to calm down as it was unintentional and it was natural for boys his age to have sleep boners. She insisted he was a pervert and was awake when she saw him. I went back to his room and he still had a boner and had saliva coming out of his mouth. That's when I knew that he really was asleep.
Starting point is 00:01:25 I didn't bother waking him up. I went back and told her that he really is asleep, but she didn't believe me and called it enabling behavior. She also said that I had a weird relationship with my son where I was comfortable with his genitals. I lost my cool at that and told her to get out. She told my parents yesterday and dad is on my side. He said that this is totally natural for a boy his age. My mom, however, told me that I needed to
Starting point is 00:01:51 take stricter action so that it doesn't happen again. I told my son to sleep with his door closed the next time, but there wasn't any punishment for him. All right, hold on. Has your aunt never encountered a penis before in her life? I mean, maybe it's possible, yeah, maybe she's a virgin or maybe she's a lesbian. But even if he did see her, and even if he was attracted to her, yo, how fast do you think boners are? They take, guys, what, like six, seven, probably like five to ten seconds minimum to hit full mast. And she expects that she walks into view and then BAM!
Starting point is 00:02:25 DOI-OI-OI-OING! Nah man, doesn't work like that. Clearly that thing... Clearly that thing was already loaded and ready to go and then she walked by. The real problem isn't a 15 year old getting morning wood because it happens to every 15 year old boy. The real problem here is your sister spying on your underage son while he sleeps. Maybe she should keep her eyeballs to herself. And yeah, maybe your son should also sleep with the door closed. But you know, I'm not really going to knock that against him. Also, OP posts a minor update. I spoke with my son. He knows about the situation and is embarrassed to say the least. He, however, insisted that he had closed the door before sleeping.
Starting point is 00:03:08 My sister is 30 and single. She's declared herself asexual and has no interest in starting a family. She's been molested a few times in public transportation and men here are definitely horrendous. She's been poked, groped, and flashed many times to the point that she now avoids public transportation. I don't use public transportation myself because of this reason. Maybe that was a trigger for her actions. She's been to my house several times in the past and she's had a good relationship with my son before. She definitely knew where the bathroom was. I called her up in a
Starting point is 00:03:41 conference call with my parents and asked her directly why she was peeking in her nephew's room without permission. According to her, she wanted to say hi and then she saw it. She swore that she saw him with his eyes open and was touching himself through his pants. I called BS and told her he can do whatever he wanted to in his own room, in his own house. As long as it was private. I told her that she needed therapy and not to contact me again without starting it. Cue angry words from her and tears from mom. I'm going no contact with her and low contact with my mom. My son is smart for his age and understands everything. He's angry at his aunt and mightily embarrassed too. But he swore that he wasn't doing anything and I believe him.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Yeah, this story just doesn't check out. Even if what she said was true, that she entered the room and he was touching himself, that means she would have had to sit there watching him touch himself for that thing to hit 100%. Like I said, man, dongs take time to get their engines revving. OP, I'm giving you zero out of 5 buttholes. Honestly, I think you handled this great as a mom. I'm giving your sister 2 out of 5 buttholes. Am I the butthole for not taking in my homophobic dad and laughing when I was asked to?
Starting point is 00:04:57 I'm a 23 year old guy, and when I was 16, I was outed by a guy that I was seeing. I don't know why, just out of the blue one day, some of my family members were messaged by him with some photos of us as proof. My dad flipped out! I didn't even get the feeling that he'd be homophobic until that moment since he was always a let-live kind of person. He kicked me out for being gay. That led to a divorce between my mom and my dad since my mom was very supportive and, ironically, a pretty vocal ally before I was outed. I guess my dad never made a stink about that.
Starting point is 00:05:33 Me and my mom eventually found a place. My other siblings would still go to our dad's place every other week. Last year, the rental that my mom was in was being sold, so I let her live rent-free in my place for a while till she found her own place. My dad heard about this arrangement not long ago from one of my siblings. And since then, he's been texting to stay and one of my siblings is even asking on his behalf. To be frank, my dad's been living in and out of men's shelters for the past few years,
Starting point is 00:06:01 since after mom left him, he gambled everything away. Every time my sister asks for him to stay, my reaction is always the same. A good laugh followed by, get f**ked! My dad is saying that while it's okay to tell my dad to go screw himself, that I'm being a butthole saying it to my sister who loves her dad. Am I the butthole? Well, if the sister, who's 20 by the way, loves the dad, then why doesn't SHE take him in? Man, these people! OP, you get zero out of five buttholes, and your douchey dad
Starting point is 00:06:34 is getting his just desserts. Poetic justice! I'm giving him three out of five buttholes. Am I the butthole for asking my brother to stop joking about the fact that he's seen my wife's vagina? I'm a 39 year old guy. I'm married to my high school sweetheart and we have three little girls, eight, six and three. When our youngest was born, we couldn't make it to the hospital on time. My older brother, who's 41, was driving us and luckily he's a doctor, although not the kind who delivers babies. However, he pulled over and delivered my daughter on the side of the highway. I will always be grateful to him for helping my wife and making sure both her and my daughter
Starting point is 00:07:14 were safe. We actually named our youngest daughter after him, Riley, because we were so appreciative that he was there to help. My brother has always had a bit of a crude sense of humor. After he helped my wife give birth, he started joking about the fact that he's one of the few men who's seen and touched his sister-in-law's vagina. Sometimes he adds that he's one of the few men who's seen his sister-in-law poop herself. This happened during the delivery.
Starting point is 00:07:42 He brings up my wife's vagina anytime he's introducing her to someone new and at almost every family gathering. Once, he even said that my wife has a pretty vagina. Everyone else thinks it's funny, but it makes both me and my wife uncomfortable. It would be one thing if he made the joke once or twice, but this comes up almost every time that we see him. I want to stress that this really is just his sense of humor, and I don't think he means it in a creepy way towards my wife, but it has the effect of making her uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:08:15 A few nights ago, we were at my parents' house for dinner. I was teasing my brother about something, and he said something along the lines of, You're just jealous that I've seen your wife's vagina. I told him the joke isn't funny and to knock it off because it's weird and makes me uncomfortable. The table got quiet and my brother looked pissed. Yesterday I got a call from my brother's wife. She was furious! She said that I was trying to humiliate my brother and hurt his reputation. I said I wasn't trying to do that, but I am also tired of hearing him make crude jokes about my wife. She said that having to see my wife's vagina made him uncomfortable at the time, but he
Starting point is 00:08:56 did it because he wanted her and our daughter to be safe, and I was now weaponizing his generous act against him. She says that I owe him an apology, but I don't feel like I did anything wrong. Maybe I could have told him in private instead of raising it in front of the whole family that I didn't like the joke. But other than that, I think it's reasonable to ask him to stop making the same weird joke over and over again. Was I being too sensitive? OP, your brother is lucky that you didn't clock him in the mouth because them's fighting words.
Starting point is 00:09:29 If he was really so uncomfortable with it, why does he bring it up every chance he gets? Also, I'm not super sure about this, but isn't this kind of a HIPAA violation? If he's a doctor and he performed a medical duty and now he's just advertising details to everyone who will listen? Well, OP, just file a HIPAA complaint. I bet that'll shut him up. Am I the butthole for firing my sister after she exposed our family's darkest secrets at work?
Starting point is 00:09:56 I'm a 28-year-old woman and I'm the founder and CEO of a small tech company that I've poured my heart into over the past five years. Six months ago, my younger sister, who's's 24 lost her job due to downsizing. Despite our rocky relationship, we're polar opposites. I decided to hire her. I'm introverted and value privacy. She's extroverted and often speaks without thinking. Initially things went smoothly.
Starting point is 00:10:22 She brought enthusiasm to the team and I was hopeful this could strengthen our sisterly bond. However, I began noticing colleagues giving me odd looks and whispering when I wasn't around. During a team lunch, one employee casually mentioned a deeply personal family incident, joking about it as if it were common knowledge. I was stunned! I pulled my sister aside and asked if she had been sharing personal family stories.
Starting point is 00:10:49 She admitted that she had, saying that it helped her connect with others and that it was no big deal. I stressed that our family's history is private and that discussing it at work was unprofessional. She brushed me off, calling me overly sensitive. A couple of weeks later, I discovered that she had told several employees about our parents' tumultuous divorce, and even shared that our mother had struggled with substance abuse, a painful chapter that we worked hard to move past.
Starting point is 00:11:17 This wasn't just embarrassing, it felt like a profound betrayal. I confronted her again, but she accused me of trying to control her and said that I was letting my CEO status go to my head. Realizing that she was jeopardizing not only my reputation but also the company's culture, I made the difficult decision to terminate her employment for breaching confidentiality and unprofessional conduct. She was furious, accusing me of choosing work over family and vowing to never forgive me. You know, this is honestly kind of a tough one because it's her family history too, and I think that's why she's so important to me. I think that's why she's so important to me.
Starting point is 00:11:51 I think that's why she's so important to me. I think that's why she's so important to me. I think that's why she's so important to me. I think that's why she's so important to me. I think that's why she's so important to me. I think that's why she's so important to me. I think that's why she's so important to me. I think that's why she's so important to me. I think that's why she's so important to me. firing her, but also feel that I had to protect my company and personal boundaries. You know, this is honestly kind of a tough one because it's her family history too,
Starting point is 00:12:10 so theoretically she has a right to share that if she wants to, but at the same time, you gotta understand that sharing your boss's deepest, darkest secrets around the workplace is bound to get you fired. Then OP posted an update. I reached out to a friend who still works at the company where my sister was previously employed. He confirmed that she was indeed fired. But not just because of the downsizing she mentioned.
Starting point is 00:12:35 According to him, she had a knack for orchestrating gossip and creating conflicts among coworkers. She would spread rumors and stir up drama, which led to a toxic work environment and decreased team morale. Her behavior was disruptive enough that the company decided to let her go to preserve the integrity and productivity of the workplace. Hearing this from someone who was there really reinforces my decision to terminate her employment at my company. It seems her pattern of behavior has consistently caused problems wherever she goes, and I had to prioritize the well-being of my company. It seems her pattern of behavior has consistently caused problems
Starting point is 00:13:05 wherever she goes, and I had to prioritize the well-being of my team. Also, OP posts another update where she explains this to her parents, and now her parents are on her side. OP, I'm also on your side. I'm giving you 0 out of 5 buttholes. I'm giving your sister 1.5 out of 5 buttholes. Am I the butthole for hooking up with a married woman and causing her divorce? I'm a 21 year old guy and I've been hooking up with a 32 year old woman for about 6 months. It started as something casual. We met through a mutual friend at a party, hit it off, and things escalated from there. I knew that she was married, but she told me that she was in an unhappy marriage
Starting point is 00:13:45 and was planning to leave her husband. She made it sound like the divorce was already a done deal, so I didn't feel too guilty about it. We continued seeing each other mostly late at night or during the times that she said her husband was out of town. I'll admit, it was exciting at first. I was young, she was older, and it felt like something out of a movie. But things started getting serious when she began texting me constantly and wanting to spend more time together. She would vent about how horrible her husband was and how she couldn't wait to be free from him. A week ago, her husband found out about us. He was devastated and immediately filed for
Starting point is 00:14:22 divorce. She called me in tears, blaming me for everything. She said that if it weren't for me, her husband wouldn't have left her, and that now she has nowhere to go and nothing to her name. She even suggested that I should take responsibility and help her out since I ruined her life. She has two kids, a 10 year old son and 7 year old daughter. She claims that her husband is going to fight for full custody and that it's all my fault that her kids might end up living with him instead of her. She says that because of me, her life is falling apart and her children might grow up without their mother around.
Starting point is 00:14:59 I feel bad about the situation, but I also think that it's unfair for her to put all the blame on me. I never forced her to cheat and I wasn't that it's unfair for her to put all the blame on me. I never forced her to cheat and I wasn't the one who filed for divorce. I am also not in a position to support her financially or emotionally. I am still trying to figure out my own life. So am I the butthole for hooking up with a married woman and causing her divorce knowing that she has kids? Yes, OP. Clearly, you're a butthole because you're a homewrecker. Now, I don't want to put too much blame on you specifically because this woman is a real red flag.
Starting point is 00:15:33 She ultimately bears most of the responsibility here. But still, OP, come on. You fell for the whole, oh, we're going to get divorced. It just hasn't happened yet. We just got to sign the papers, but it's totally gonna happen any day now Come on, OP. I get that you're what? You're 21 So you're young dumb and full of optimism, but you fell for the oldest trick in the book I'm giving you 2.5 out of 5 buttholes and her 3.5 out of 5 buttholes
Starting point is 00:16:00 That was r slash am I the butthole and if you liked this content be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new reddit podcast episodes every single day

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