rSlash - r/AITA I Locked My Kid Out, and She was Murdered

Episode Date: August 27, 2023

0:00 Intro 0:07 Locked out 1:26 True crime 3:26 Wedding gift 8:32 Meal thief 11:17 Comment 11:28 Giant steak Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Metrolinx and cross-links are reminding everyone to be careful as Eglinton Cross-town LRT train testing is in progress. Please be alert, as trains can pass at any time on the tracks. Remember to follow all traffic signals, be careful along our tracks and only make left turns where it's safe to do so. Be alert, be aware, and stay safe. Welcome to R-Slash, Am I the Butthole, where O.P.'s wife locks their drunk child out of the house overnight. Am I the Butthole for freaking out when my wife locked our son out of the house at night after he drank alcohol? I'm a 39-year-old man, and I have a 16-year-old son with my 40-year-old wife. This incident happened a few days ago man and I have a 16 year old son with my 40 year old wife.
Starting point is 00:00:45 This incident happened a few days ago and she still mad at me. I was on a work trip so my wife was at home with our son. When I got back, I found out that he had been hanging out with his friends, they convinced him to drink beer and he got a little drunk. I'm not saying what he did was right, but him and I had a talk about it and it's fine. The problem is that when he came home and my wife found out, she was furious and kicked him out and refused to let him back in until the morning. He was begging her to let him in, but she wouldn't.
Starting point is 00:01:16 When I found out, I was furious. Regardless of what he did, she made a slightly drunk teenager stay outside by himself at night. Something very bad could have happened to him. We had a huge argument over it. I asked her how the hell she thought that was okay, and she just kept saying that it's our Suns fault for drinking alcohol. My wife isn't really talking to me now, and my son isn't talking to his mom. I feel like I'm in the right, but maybe I'm not. Am I the butthole? Alright, down in the comments, we have this story from real weird, which I was gonna mention, but someone else knows the story as well, which is fantastic. Not the butthole. Leslie Mahaffey, a victim of serial killers, Paul Bernardo and Carla Humolka, was locked out of our house by her parents the night they kidnapped her. They took turns making videos of them,
Starting point is 00:02:06 are wording and torturing her for days before they killed her. Have your wife researched that case, and I bet she never locks him out again. So yeah, just on the surface level, this is a super easy story to determine who's the butthole because what your wife did was super, super dangerous. Your son is a minor and he's drunk possibly for the first time ever, to determine who's the bothole because what your wife did was super, super dangerous. Your son is a minor and he's drunk possibly for the first time ever and he has no experience
Starting point is 00:02:29 being drunk and she just tossed him outside and locked him out that is unbelievably cruel and irresponsible. So like that's super easy but there's another level which as a parent I have to point out. The fact that your wife went to this extreme level of punishment without even talking to you is incredibly toxic. That's OP's son, so when it comes to locking a child out of a house, OP has a right to have a say in that. And the fact that the wife did this without talking to you and they get mad at you and
Starting point is 00:02:59 she's not talking to you about this for days, this is actually a really bad red flag, a super bad red flag. I mean, I get that you have to punish him somehow, actions have consequences, and you can't allow a 16 year old boy to be drinking alcohol. Like I'm with her in the sense that he has to be punished, but punishing him to this degree without getting OP's consent first is way overboard, way crossing the line. The way she should have handled it was to say, here's a glass of water, drink it, go to your room, sleep it off, and we'll deal with this when your father gets home. Yo, is this a five out of five butthole score? It might
Starting point is 00:03:32 actually be. The callous disregard for her son's safety plus the complete disrespect to her husband. I think it might actually be a five out of five here. O.P., you get an easy zero out of five buttholes. You have a right to be mad and you should be mad. And now you're getting the silent treatment, I am angry on behalf of you OP. Your wife did you dirty here. Am I the butthole for not giving my sister the wedding gift she wanted because of how she treated my girlfriend? My girlfriend Naomi and I have been together for over a decade.
Starting point is 00:04:02 My younger sister, Sarah, and my girlfriend had never been super close, but they're friendly when we get together. Or I guess they were. When Sarah was in high school, Naomi helped her out with some personal things. Sarah got married a few days ago. When Sarah announced her engagement to the family, she asked Naomi to be a bridesmaid, which surprised us a little, but Naomi was very excited because she had never gotten to do it before and she probably wouldn't have the chance.
Starting point is 00:04:28 I want to be clear, there was no suggestion from either of us that Sarah should ask her. Sarah asked Naomi about two seconds after she told us she was engaged. Sarah said that she was so grateful to Naomi for the help when she was younger and Naomi was very touched. A few weeks later, Sarah sent out invitations for her Bridesmaid's proposal lunch, but Naomi wasn't invited. Sarah never said anything to either of her faces, but clearly she had changed her mind about Naomi being a Bridesmaid.
Starting point is 00:04:58 Naomi was hurt, but she said that she understood because she had never expected to be asked anyways. That would have been fine, but then a few months later, Sarah asked Naomi to go to the Bachelor at party and also come get ready the day of the wedding with her friends and bridesmaids. The same thing happened, Naomi said yes and even helped her with scheduling. A month and a half before the wedding, I'm talking to my mom on the phone and she mentions that Sarah's at her Bachelor at party, but there's no mention of it to Naomi. Now at this point, I'm kind of pissed because Naomi was clearly very hurt at the two invites
Starting point is 00:05:34 and then being sort of ghosted. A week before the wedding, Naomi texted Sarah and asked her about getting ready with hair and makeup. Sarah responded acting confused and basically told her nicely to just come with me. At that point, I was really pissed. Sarah wanted this really expensive baking mixer thing for a long time and I got it for her wedding gift. My mom had ruined the surprise so Sarah was expecting it. But after everything with Naomi, I felt like being petty, so I cut my sister a check instead
Starting point is 00:06:06 and return the mixer. A few days after the wedding, Sarah texted me saying, I don't know how to ask this, but what happened to the mixer? And I responded, I don't know how to ask this, but what happened to treating my girlfriend like a freaking human being? Now my brother and my new brother-in-law and my mom are all texting me saying WTF that I ruined her happy time. Naomi, for her part, says that I probably shouldn't have done that, but she feels a little
Starting point is 00:06:32 vindicated. And then OP posted an update, so I talked to Sarah and things got even more confusing. Sarah said that when she asked Naomi to be a bridesmaid, she meant an honorary bridesmaid. Sarah then said that for the Bachelorette party, Naomi had told her that she works most weekends, so she didn't think that Naomi would be able to attend and she was just helping her plan. Naomi said that she asked Sarah for dates so that she could take those days off work. Naomi is a very non-confrontational person, and she asked me not to bring up the bridesmaid
Starting point is 00:07:05 or the bachelor-rette things because she didn't want to feel like she was pushing in at the time, which is why I didn't. As for the makeup thing, my sister said that Naomi had told her that she would do her own hair, so she didn't see a reason for her to come to get ready with the rest of them. My sister is still pissed at me and says that I ruined her honeymoon period, along with some other really awful stuff, so I just hung up on her. She also said that not giving the mixture was rude to her and her husband, which is hilarious because my brother-in-law probably can't figure out how to turn on the oven without
Starting point is 00:07:36 neon flashing signs. OP, I'm definitely giving you zero out of five buttholes because you're sticking up for your girlfriend, which is admirable. However, I think I might also want to give the sister zero out of five buttholes, hear me out, hear me out, because I don't think she's malicious, I think she's just clueless. You know, all the reasons she gave, they were dumb reasons, but I don't think she was being petty or rude, I think she's just kind of clueless like I think your sister is I don't know an airhead dumb socially awkward
Starting point is 00:08:10 So in her eyes everything is just totally fine and normal and then out of the blue her brother calls her up And he's all upset at her and so I can understand her being kind of upset about that I don't know am I going to easy on her? I, I'm not really reading malice out of her intentions. I'm just reading stupidity. Okay, how about this? The sister deserves either 1.5 out of 5 buttholes or 2.5 out of 5 morons. I will say though, my wife has pointed out to me
Starting point is 00:08:39 that I am completely clueless when it comes to mean girl behavior. So it's very possible that this is classic mean-grow behavior, and I'm just not picking up on it because I'm naive and dumb. Maybe I deserve two out of five morons. I don't know. You guys tell me in the comments what's going on here because I genuinely can't tell if Sarah is stupid or mean. So you think you know sports?
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Starting point is 00:09:59 And my household, my wife doesn't cook. She sucks at it, and it's just easier on our taste buds if I cook for us. Earlier this year, we both decided that it was time for us to get back in shape. I decided to research calorie-friendly cooking recipes and got big into meal prepping. My wife stuck with it for a few weeks, but ultimately decided to quit. Luckily, this wasn't much of an issue for me. She's a nurse and frequently works much later than I do, as my typical workday is 6am to 2pm. So I would prep all my meals for the week on my day off, and then I would make dinner
Starting point is 00:10:32 for both of us like normal. When I meal prep, I make 6 days worth of 3 meals, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. One morning before work, I go to the fridge to grab my breakfast and lunch, and they're just gone. I don't have time to ask my wife, nor do I want to wake her up early before her shift, so I just go. I end up skipping breakfast and lunch. I get off work and I'm starving. I decide when I get home that I'm just going to eat dinner early and when I go to look for my dinner that night, it's not there. This is what set me off. When my wife got home, I asked her what was up, and she admitted to eating the meals. I told her that I had portioned out
Starting point is 00:11:11 food for an entire day, and she ate all of it in a single night. She said that it was my fault that I didn't make anything for her and our kid to eat, and I just left the meal prep thing, so the eight those instead. We got into a heated heated argument and she told me that I was being selfish. So I decided that if I'm being selfish for expecting her to feed herself for one night, then I just won't cook anymore because that's not what a selfish person would do. For the past week, I've made my meal prep meals and stored them at work and let her figure out what she wants to do for dinner by herself. Of course I still cook for our kid, but I only cook a portion small enough for him to
Starting point is 00:11:50 eat by himself. I told her that I would keep this up and she could learn to cook for herself if she's not happy with it. She told me that she's too tired when she comes home from work to cook and that I'm being incredibly petty. I think that I'm justified and I'm just pushing her to learn a life skill that she should have by now. Am I the butthole? Opie, your wife is being extremely selfish and toxic.
Starting point is 00:12:12 You know, if she's gonna eat your stuff, you could have at least sent you a text and been like, hey, sweetie, I was really hungry, I grabbed your food, but I ordered you something to replace it. Or like, the fact that she's getting upset at you because you're not cooking, she can eat, she can make herself cereal. It's not like the options are either you cook or she starves. The options are either you cook or she has a slightly less tasty meal because she's not a good cook. I agree with the top post from bringing me info who says not the butthole. When a man does what your wife is doing, we call it weaponized and competence. Opie, I'm giving you zero out of five buttholes and I'm giving your wife two out of five buttholes.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Am I the butthole for ordering a giant steak against my mother-in-law's will? Actually eating it and refusing to cover the entire bill? This is ridiculous and I can't believe that I have to ask if I'm a butthole, but here we go. I'm a 27 year old woman and I've been together with my husband Nate for over 10 years, married for 4. I don't have the best relationship with my mother-in-law, as she always seems to police what I eat. Everyone in my family has a fast metabolism. I also work with horses, so due to this, I burn a lot of calories.
Starting point is 00:13:24 I'm talking like 2500 to 3000 calories a day. I usually have rather large meals to get the energy back and I still remain skinny. Now to the event. My in-laws invited me and Nate for dinner last Friday. I was very busy that day and I hadn't eaten since like 6 or 7 am and I also didn't have a chance to have a snack before heading to the restaurant so I was starving! I usually have something to eat before seeing my mother-in-law to avoid her comments. Due to this, I ordered a large steak at the restaurant which was meant for two people.
Starting point is 00:13:57 It also came with prawns, bacon, and two sides. Please note that this was not the most expensive item on the menu, as some of my in-laws had significantly pricier dishes, and we were all splitting the bill anyways. My mother-in-law started making comments about how I shouldn't be ordering what I can't eat since even her husband wouldn't be able to finish that dish, let alone someone of my size. I smiled and said that I haven't eaten since early morning and I'm starving. And besides, if I don't finish the steak, I'll just take the leftovers home.
Starting point is 00:14:28 I easily finished the steak and I was waiting for my dessert when my mother-in-law flipped. She said that I'm attention-seeking and I was putting on a show and also that I made my father-in-law and brother-in-law feel uneasy and that a woman shouldn't eat that much, that it's unhealthy and that something is wrong with me. She then demanded that me and Nate cover the entire bill as she wasn't planning on such a big expenditure. I said that we are absolutely not covering the entire bill since it was meant to be split equally, and I reminded her of the dishes she ordered that were significantly more expensive
Starting point is 00:15:04 compared to my steak, including her starter. And I reminded her of the dishes she ordered that were significantly more expensive compared to my steak, including her starter. As a result, I was called a butthole who ruined the family dinner. Nate is on my side, but most of my in-laws are making very passive-aggressive posts on social media about it, and keeps sending me different articles of what might cause excessive eating. Okay OP, I gotta take issue with this last paragraph. You said, Nate is on my side, and okay, I guess after the fact
Starting point is 00:15:29 he says he's on your side, but I actually don't think that he is. If my mother constantly shamed my wife every single time that she came over, then my mom would just never come over again. Simple as that. Your husband can't just go to dinner, watch, as his mother dumps on you the entire time and criticizes you, and then afterwards be like, I'm on your side, sweetie.
Starting point is 00:15:51 Your husband needs to stand up for you and put his mother in her place. So outside of that, obviously I'm on your side, OP. This is literally just a matter of physics. This is nothing to do with what women should eat or what they shouldn't eat. This is just, you know, if you're burning 3,000 calories a day, then you have to eat
Starting point is 00:16:08 3,000 calories a day or eventually you'll die. I remember back when Michael Phelps was winning all those gold medals, these articles came out about how he was eating like 10,000 to 12,000 calories a day because he was burning 10 to 12,000 calories a day. So he just literally had to eat that much. And yeah, a normal person isn't supposed to eat like 10 calories a day, so he just literally had to eat that much.
Starting point is 00:16:25 And yeah, a normal person isn't supposed to eat like 10 meals a day, but if you're burning that much, what other choice do you have? OP, you could zero out of five buttholes. I'm giving both your husband, and your mother-in-law 1.5 out of five buttholes. That was our slash of my The Butthole, and if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day. our slash amide the butthole. And if you like this content be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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