rSlash - r/AITA Karen's Kid Stole My Puppy

Episode Date: February 2, 2024

0:00 Intro 0:07 Spotlight stealer 3:10 No puppy 6:27 Sad beige baby 9:17 Wedding invitation 13:36 Fake gift Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Fanduil Casino's exclusive Live Dealer Studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning, which beats even the 27th best feeling saying, I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do. Enjoy the number one feeling, winning in an exciting Live Dealer Studio, exclusively on Fanduil Casino, where winning is undefeated. 19 plus and physically located in Ontario. Gambling problem?
Starting point is 00:00:23 Call 1-866-531-2600 or visit Welcome to r slash am I the butthole where OP kicks her sister out of her wedding because her sister is in a wheelchair. Am I the butthole for not wanting my sister at my wedding since she's in a wheelchair and she'll take up all the spotlight? My sister Anna, who's 26, has been in and out of the hospital. Anna got cancer when she was 15 and she was able to beat it. Ever since then, she's been having growths and anytime one appears, we're worried about the cancer coming back.
Starting point is 00:00:57 My issue is that she always makes the announcement that she needs to go to the doctor again at the worst times. In the beginning, I thought that it was just bad timing, but it's happened so many times when I hit a milestone. My graduations, my birthdays, my engagement parties. Every time she announces she has to go back to the hospital, my whole family flocks to her. I've had my birthday dinners turn into my relatives flocking to her for the whole night.
Starting point is 00:01:24 I had a dinner party to announce my wedding date for my relatives. It was going so great and it was a fun time, until Anna told my mom that she needs to go back to the hospital. Soon, everyone forgot about the reason for the dinner party and it was quiet. My aunt even stepped in to do a group prayer for Anna. That's another event that was taken over by Anna. I went low contact with Anna after that. She was invited to the wedding and it's in two weeks.
Starting point is 00:01:51 I learned today from my mom and Anna that recently she's had to be in a wheelchair. She'll have to take the wheelchair just in case for the wedding. I asked if the rest of the family knew about the wheelchair and she told me no. I told both Anna and my mom that they need to tell the rest of the family. They told me they don't want to worry the rest of the family and they won't do that.
Starting point is 00:02:10 I had enough and told them they have to tell the rest of the family about the wheelchair before my wedding. Again, they said no. I then told them that Anna is not invited to my wedding. This started a huge argument about how I'm a dick, and my point is that I'm sick of her stealing the spotlight. And that's exactly what'll happen if she rolls in in a wheelchair. Man, OP, reading the title of this post, I was all ready to blast you, because I'm
Starting point is 00:02:36 thinking, man, people in wheelchairs can come to weddings too, it's not a big deal. But no, the story completely changes the context. The real problem here isn't that she's in a wheelchair, the real problem is that she's clearly intentionally stealing the spotlight from you at every opportunity. So they don't want to tell people about the wheelchair when they can process their emotions in a calm, rational manner when they're at home, but they do want to tell them about the wheelchair in a surprise bomb in the middle of a wedding? How does that make sense?
Starting point is 00:03:05 Clearly, it doesn't. She just wants to steal the spotlight. So OP, I think you're completely justified. Honestly, I think whatever you do, she's going to steal the spotlight because either she's going to show up and announce she has cancer again from a wheelchair, which is going to steal the spotlight. Or she's not going to show up, in which case she's going to mope to everyone and turn into a big drama show and there's going to be a big fight about the weddings.
Starting point is 00:03:27 So I think you're screwed either way, OP. Still, I'm giving you 0 out of 5 buttholes. I'm giving Anna 2.5 out of 5 buttholes. Sure, it does suck that she has cancer, but having cancer isn't an excuse to treat your sister like garbage. Am I the butthole for not wanting to give my nephew a puppy after he attempted to steal one from me? I'm a 25 year old woman and my dog, Dove, had puppies. She's a golden lap. I promised my nephew Dionne, who's 10, that he could have one of the puppies when they're ready. He was so excited. So last week, when Dionne and my sister came over, he asked if he could see the
Starting point is 00:04:02 puppies and I said yes. He went in to see them while me and my sister caught up. Then we heard Dove barking, which alerted me to go check on Deon and Dove. Deon was standing in the corner with his hands behind his back. We could hear the puppies' muffled cries, and I pulled him forward and found that he had put the puppy in a plastic bag. I told him off and asked him what was he doing. He started crying and said that he wanted the puppy now and that he was taking this one home.
Starting point is 00:04:29 I told him, no, you already know that they're too young and that they need their mother's milk. Deon had a tantrum. My sister had to take him home. Dove was understandably agitated and was now wary about who comes near her puppies. I decided over the past couple of days that I didn't trust Dion to have one of the puppies. So when my sister came to visit, I told her that I didn't want to give Dion one of the puppies after what he did.
Starting point is 00:04:55 She got upset with me and said that it was a mistake and he learned his lesson. I said that he didn't even apologize. She said, what for, the puppy was fine. At that point, I got angry and said, what if Dub hadn't alerted us? The puppy could have died. She said that I was going to break Dion's heart if I go back on my promise. I said, I'm sorry, but that's my final decision. My sister left angry. I've since been getting people on my back about breaking my promise and that I'm a liar. I even got a video message of Deon crying and
Starting point is 00:05:25 calling me names. I'm starting to feel bad. Am I the butthole? OP, the longer this story went on, the more and more I became on your side. Like every sentence that you wrote, I'm like, okay, I'm a little bit on your side. Now I'm more on your side. Now I'm very on your side. Now I'm absolutely on your side. You are completely justified, OP. Deon is clearly an irresponsible young child, and the reason for that is because clearly his mom is equally irresponsible. If you give Deon a puppy, I strongly believe that that puppy will either die, be neglected, or be abused.
Starting point is 00:06:03 Maybe all three. I will say though, OP, it was a bit unwise of you to leave your nursing dog and her puppies alone with a 10 year old boy. Isn't that kind of setting up for a dangerous situation? Can you be absolutely 100% confident that the dog won't bite Dion because, you know, mother dogs are protective? Can you be certain that he won't accidentally hurt the dog or, you know, suffocate the dog? So for that level of irresponsibility, I am gosh, but that's the thing. Is that OP's irresponsibility or is that the mom's irresponsibility?
Starting point is 00:06:35 I think it's kind of both. Because it is her house, it is her dog. I don't know, this is tough. You know what, I'm just gonna say zero out of five buttholes to UOP. I think you handled the situation for the most part okay. You should have been supervising, but I'd say it's more the mom's job to supervise than it is your job. I'm giving Deon two out of five buttholes, and I'm giving Deon's mom three out of
Starting point is 00:06:55 five buttholes. Am I the butthole for calling my nephew a sad beige baby? I have two kids, a two year old girl and-year-old girl, and my sister has a son who's one and a half years old. She's a mommy blogger and embraces the white, beige aesthetic. This preference reflects in every room of her apartment, including seasonal decorations, and she's quite intense about it. I've never said anything to her about this, as it brings her joy.
Starting point is 00:07:22 Some months ago, I stumbled upon a TikTok channel where a woman adopts a fake German accent to review fashion for what she calls sad beige babies. I think it's really funny. It's become a side joke at our home. During our recent visit to her apartment with my parents and husband, my nephew was seated on my lap. We were playing. I was wobbling him on my lap and pretended to eat his little arms. As I was talking gibberish, I unintentionally slipped into the sad beige baby persona. I genuinely didn't anticipate it becoming an issue. However, when I mentioned sad beige baby, my sister became furious. She expressed frustration, stating that she's tired of people critiquing her decorating preferences. When my
Starting point is 00:08:03 brother tried to explain that it was meant as a joke and that she's too anal about her aesthetic, she angrily spilled her red wine on the white tablecloth, exclaiming, Are you happy now? She then asked us to leave and has since inundated me with direct messages on Instagram, sending me numerous mommy accounts sharing the same aesthetic. My mother believes that I should apologize for my unintentionally rude comment. I am utterly taken aback because, in truth, it wasn't even directed at my sister. My nephew happened to be wearing a beige sweater and made an exaggerated sad face, which prompted
Starting point is 00:08:36 my laughter, thus me calling him a sad beige baby. Alright, down in the comments, I'm kind of surprised by the number of not-the-butthole scores. To me, this is an everyone-sucks-here situation. OP doesn't need to be dropping insults to a toddler in front of the mom. Yeah, I get that the beige aesthetic is kind of trending as a stupid thing on TikTok, but come on, does that mean you need to insult the baby in front of the mom? That's just mean.
Starting point is 00:09:03 Also, the mom clearly overreacted, and she also needs to give the baby in front of the mom, that's just mean. Also the mom clearly overreacted and she also needs to give the baby some colorful toys because babies really need high contrast colorful toys when they're young to help develop their brain. So I think the core issue here OP is that clearly you have a problem with your sister's aesthetic and that slipped out in an unintentional insult, but still an insult nonetheless. And your sister got upset about that, which she has a right to be, and then she overreacted. So I'm giving both you and your sister one out of five buttholes. But I'm expecting to get some friction in the comments of this story because the comments
Starting point is 00:09:38 are kind of all over the place. They're leaning, not the butthole, but I'm seeing you're the butthole and I'm also seeing everyone sucks here, so I guess this is a controversial one. Am I the butthole for canceling my aunt's invitation to my wedding when she traveled the world to attend it? I'm a 26 year old woman and my husband and I got married three weeks ago. My husband is from South Africa, but I'm French. So our wedding is in the Savannah in South Africa and it was a huge trip for the 13 French guests.
Starting point is 00:10:05 We rented a beautiful lodge where you can see lions, elephants, etc. And to thank everyone for coming all this way, we rented it for two days. Day one was a wedding and day two was a pool party. We only invited 30 people, the people we love. Eight years ago, I had a huge argument with my aunt who's 38 and we cut ties ever since. But doing the invitations, I thought about how close we used to be and I decided to invite her. We didn't give anyone a plus one, so I only invited my aunt.
Starting point is 00:10:36 Not her partner, not her kids, since I barely even know their names. My aunt said that she was happy to attend, but insisted that we invite them. I told her no, but my mom teamed up with my aunt and they pressured me a lot during that year. I explained that the ceremony meant everything to us and that we only want people we love to be present. However, my aunt booked flights for her family as well. She said that it was a family trip, but she added that she heard that some of my guests canceled so there was now space for her family. I told her that it wouldn't be happening, but that her family could join us
Starting point is 00:11:10 for the pool party the next day. After that, I got even more pressured by my mom into inviting them to the wedding itself because they're coming all this way. But I kept refusing. On the big day, after the ceremony, my husband and I left for an hour in the savannah with the photographers to take a few photos. As soon as we got back to the lodge, my aunt came up to me, smirking. She was holding her kid and her partner was behind her. I'm not
Starting point is 00:11:35 the dramatic type. I didn't know how to react. In my disbelief, I kissed the kid hello and shook hands with her partner. I immediately felt sad for not defending myself. I then heard my mom and grandma telling my aunt about the extra chairs and food that we had and that her family must stay for dinner. My sister lied for me, saying that we don't have enough chairs because some are broken.
Starting point is 00:11:58 So my aunt announced that they were leaving. She said that she never intended to stay for dinner, but she would spend time with us when they came back tomorrow for the pool party. I was shocked. I replied that I had a change of plans and that she and her family couldn't come for the pool party anymore. My mom, who's usually lovely, lost it and told me that I had no right to cancel my aunt's
Starting point is 00:12:18 invitation to the pool party. I reminded her that I paid for this whole wedding myself and that she has no say in who I host. Then I walked away. Then my mom yelled at my back in front of everyone. She was screaming that the conversation wasn't over and that I better come back. My sister had to physically bar my mom from running after me. I still stood my ground and I kept my aunt from coming back the next day.
Starting point is 00:12:43 Am I the butthole? Man, you know what's really annoying about this post is there's a really really easy solution. If the aunt wants to bring her kid and husband to Africa to see the elephants and giraffes, which is totally natural because if I were going to South Africa for a wedding, I would totally want to bring my child and my partner as well. The thing is, they're not invited to a wedding, so just get a hotel room. Right? Isn't that logical?
Starting point is 00:13:07 Then the aunt goes to the wedding by herself because she's the only one invited. And then the dad and the kid go off and explore South Africa for the day. And then the next day they can reunite and go to the pool party. That's like the simple, obvious, easy solution. But no, the aunt just has to make a power play. To pull out her big dick and pee all over the wedding and say I can do what I want to do because blah blah blah blah. OP, your aunt sucks, your mom sucks, your sister is amazing.
Starting point is 00:13:35 Also I'm kind of concerned about the husband in this scenario because at no point in this did you mention how he stood up for you or defended you or helped you enforce your boundaries. He didn't really do anything. Maybe he's not really sure about the family dynamics, so he's trying to keep his distance and let you handle things yourself. But I, you know, I would have hoped more out of a new groom, so I'm a little disappointed in him. OP, you get 0 out of 5 buttholes, your aunt and mother get 2.5 out of 5 buttholes, your sister gets 0 out of 5 buttholes, and your husband gets question mark out of 5 buttholes. Am I the butthole for opening a fake gift during a family Christmas party? Every year, my family does Christmas at my mom's, and she insists that we all open up
Starting point is 00:14:15 presents together. It's normally an okay tradition, but sometimes it can spark jealousy or comparisons between families. This year, my husband saved up and bought me a dream designer handbag for Christmas. I know some people aren't into that, but it's something that I truly love. We're not well off, but we're not poor either. But I knew the handbag would cause a lot of discussion
Starting point is 00:14:37 amongst my siblings and parents. I just didn't want their opinions and criticisms to ruin a special gift that my husband worked hard to get for me. So this year, my husband got me an extra gift that my husband worked hard to get for me. So, this year, my husband got me an extra gift that wasn't the real gift, a moderately priced skincare set. Christmas came and went without drama, but I recently posted a picture of my husband
Starting point is 00:14:55 and our kids at dinner, and my handbag could be seen hanging off the back of my chair. One of my friends commented about how gorgeous my Christmas gift was as well. Long story short, word got back to my family and they totally blew up. Somewhere annoyed that I opened a private gift separately from the family. What? Who cares? Others were criticizing the price of the gift. My siblings are now calling me disingenuous and harboring a secret gift and they said
Starting point is 00:15:22 that I did it because I think that I'm better than them. I didn't open it with them because I didn't want their opinions, but now I'm starting to feel like a butthole for keeping it a secret. I know either way they'd all criticized me though since it was so much more expensive than all the other gifts, so I don't know whether I was right or wrong. Well, OP, I definitely have a sense for why you were so worried about your family finding out, because your family is super nosy and judgmental, and what's their deal? Who cares? It's a gift from your husband. He should be able to get you whatever he wants,
Starting point is 00:15:55 and what you can reasonably afford. Weird post, man. Your family is weird. OP, I'm on your side. You get zero out of five buttholes. Your husband also gets zero out of five buttholes. I'm giving the rest of your family, I don't know, 1 out of 5 buttholes? They're just more weird than buttholes in this story. Just mind your own business.

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