rSlash - r/AITA My Brother Wants to Be My Pimp

Episode Date: April 6, 2024

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Starting point is 00:01:00 So I'm a 22 year old woman and my older brother, who's 30, has a wealthy friend who's also 30. This friend comes from old money. Plus, they run a successful startup together. Over the last year or so, they've been expanding the business. I go to college and currently live with my parents and my sister. I'm the least aware of my brother's business dealings out of the whole family, so typically my parents or sister will let me know of any serious news. Well, apparently there have been some financial mistakes and my brother owed his friend $10,000.
Starting point is 00:01:31 I didn't know all the details until my brother came up to me one evening and said that I can help. He explained that his friend was willing to overlook the debt if I went on a few dates with him. I was pretty confused as to why I was put in this situation. I'm not even that well acquainted with this friend, and him wanting to date me came out of nowhere. I immediately told my brother there is no way that I would date, aka sleep, with his friend just because he owes him money. The whole proposal made me feel really gross and cheap. He's been
Starting point is 00:02:03 begging me for days to help out, and that I'm his only ticket to clearing that $10,000. Even his friend reached out to me and the conversation made me feel really awkward. I feel like I'm being pimped out by my brother and treated like some object to clear his debt. Now, yo, what? Now my brother, as well as my parents, are angry at me for not dating his friend. They said that nobody expects me to have intercourse with the guy,
Starting point is 00:02:31 so I should just go on the dates to help my brother and his reputation. They're saying that I'm very unsupportive and selfish. Am I the butthole for not going along with the plan? Also, OP posted the conversation between her and the rich guy friend, so let's see how this goes. OP writes, You're disgusting and I have no respect for people like you. Just because you have money doesn't mean you're allowed to treat others this way. I have the utmost respect for you. Your brother is the one who has no respect for you. Don't you agree? Shut the f up and go find an escort if you want to buy Innercourse. LOL I don't need to buy Innercourse. What? Isn't that what this guy
Starting point is 00:03:09 is literally doing? I want you and I have a hard time hearing no. I get temporary deafness. So you should reconsider. Why don't you give it a try? No means no you delusional creepy mother effer. Listen OP, I can give you everything you need. And what do I need? Pure bliss and pleasure, as much as you desire, in all the ways. You haven't experienced much pleasure in your life, I can tell, so I'm here to offer that to you. Stimulation overload, as much as you can handle in that body.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Elimeo, you sound weird. Give some of that bliss to people who want it. Nope. Your own brother is willing to sell you for $10,000. Your parents seem fine with it too. Looks like no one cares about you, unfortunately. You're a bad person. Like, really bad. I'm a bad person for finding you attractive.
Starting point is 00:04:05 People aren't toys you can buy just because you're wealthy. Well, you look like one. Adorable face with a womanly body. Perfect, perfect lips, tits, and hips. Looks like you were made just for me. And I have a weakness for exotic girls. Wow. I'm normally not into poor girls, but yes, you're wow.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Those eyes. I've always wanted to bang a girl with heterochromia. I'd probably nut extra hard looking at those gorgeous eyes. OP, getting pimped out by your brother is weird. Not what I was expecting when I got on Reddit today, to be honest with you. Uh, so no, you're not the butthole here. Your weird brother and his weird friend and your weird parents are buttholes. I'm giving them all 3 out of 5 buttholes. Am I the butthole for telling my husband, good luck finding a thin supermodel girlfriend now that he's unemployed?
Starting point is 00:05:02 I'm a 46 year old woman and I've spent the past 21 years in a very emotionally repressive marriage with my husband who's 50. There always seemed to be something new that I fell short of. We have six kids together. The oldest is a 19 year old boy and the youngest is a 10 year old boy. My husband wanted six kids but I wanted four at the most. I was made to feel bad about the fact that I made him compromise on five kids, and our youngest was a surprise baby. His church family, the Church of Latter-day Saints and friends looked down on the use of pain medication to cheat situations. They said that a mother's body is built for natural birth, so my husband
Starting point is 00:05:41 was upset that I opted for an epidural with our fifth and sixth kids. He refused to consider any form of outside childcare for our kids and insisted I don't work. I felt pressured to be the perfect housewife who never made the same dish twice in a week ever. But worst of all was the fact that after our first child was born, I learned the extent of my husband's obsession with his ex. I'm average height and I have to work to stay fit.
Starting point is 00:06:08 His ex was tall and rail thin and they shared a love of skiing. They broke up when she was 23 and he was 24. During his conversations with friends, he's always described his ideal woman as someone who's tall, super thin and super athletic. When I told him to stop describing his ex as his definition of beauty, he'd say, your inability to change your height is your problem.
Starting point is 00:06:33 My husband was laid off in late 2020 and got a job in May 2021. He was laid off from that job December 2023 and is having ego issues because everyone interviewing him is younger than him. I had an opportunity to babysit two neighborhood kids, but he shot the opportunity down, saying the money I'd make would be insignificant. I tried to help him manage his job applications. That's where we had a big fight. He ranted that there's no way a 36-year-old knows close to what he knows about the industry.
Starting point is 00:07:04 So there's no way that he's going to waste time being interviewed by a mid-30s idiot recruiter. Then he started saying that this would be easier if I had some earning potential. I was angry because he wanted the traditional dynamic and now this. I said it was funny that he thinks a 36 year old knows nothing, but that his ex, back when she was 23, was already this all-knowing genius, not to mention gorgeous. He replied that she at least has things to capitalize off of.
Starting point is 00:07:33 I replied that I'm done. Good luck finding a supermodel girlfriend as an unemployable 50-year-old. He screamed, thanks for kicking me when I'm down. Am I the butthole? I've often asked him how he'd feel if I started obsessing about the CEOs of the world compared to him. He claims that's completely different. And another projection on my part.
Starting point is 00:07:54 Yo, Ope, okay, how do I say this? Ope, you're married to a douchebag. He's just a misogynist, a butthole, he's just a mean person. But man, at some point after 21 years of staying with this guy, I gotta ask you OP, why are you still with this guy? I'm not trying to say it's your fault because clearly this guy has issues, but come on man, you have gotta move on OP. If this guy hasn't treated you with basic respect after 21 years, then you definitely can't expect him to get any better in the remaining 20 years he has left.
Starting point is 00:08:25 OP, I'm giving you 0 out of 5 buttholes. I'm giving your husband 3.5 out of 5 buttholes. Am I the butthole for telling my friend that I slept with his disabled younger sister? John and I are both in our 40s. He was my friend through middle school and most of high school. We hung out together, played the same sports, did church summer camp, etc. Basically, we grew up together. I also knew and spent time with his sister, Mary. Mary has cerebral palsy and uses an electric wheelchair. After graduating, John went to
Starting point is 00:08:54 university while I stayed back home to work at my father's business and go to community college part-time. Mary also went to community college and we ended up hanging out a lot. John and his family liked the idea of me being a big brother to Mary. Mary and I grew closer and we began passionately hugging. We weren't exactly dating, but it was a lot of fun for both of us. Because Mary's family is very protective of her, we both agreed to keep our relationship a secret. Eventually, her family found out and there was an ugly confrontation with me and them. They accused me of taking advantage of Mary because of my familiarity with her and because she was disabled. Mary insisted that she wanted the relationship, but they dismissed her views like they always
Starting point is 00:09:37 did. John was especially angry at me, even trying to start a fistfight. My father got involved and things eventually settled down, but my friendship with John and his family was over. I ended up leaving the area after I got my associate's degree and moved out of state to live with my mother. So two decades had passed. I've stayed in contact with Mary, but only exchanged basic pleasantries with John and
Starting point is 00:10:01 his family. They're still connected with my father, so it's just a courtesy relationship. Two weeks ago, Mary came over to my city and we met for lunch. It was a company event with her coworkers and vendors, but I still enjoyed seeing her again after so many years. We continued that evening at her hotel room, and I ended up spending the night with her. This Saturday morning, I woke up to find a message from John. We've barely communicated for the last 20 years, so I was startled to see his name. Apparently, he had gotten around to looking at the pictures Mary had posted from the lunch and saw me sitting next to his sister.
Starting point is 00:10:35 It was like we had teleported back in time to 20 years ago. The same accusations and angry insults got flung at me. He dredged up stuff that I'd forgotten about years ago. He ended his message warning me not to spend time with Mary. I was outraged by his message. We're two grown men, not high school kids. How can he say those things about me and his sister? In my anger, I messaged him back saying that not only did I spend time with Mary, but that
Starting point is 00:11:04 we slept together again and he should get over it. It felt good to retaliate like that, but I immediately had doubts. When I talked to Mary, she wasn't upset, but she made it clear that she would have preferred I just ignore her brother like she does. We're still keeping our plans to see each other again, but I realize that Mary is disappointed by my childish behavior. Am I the butthole for my reply to John?
Starting point is 00:11:28 This is kind of a complicated story to be honest. I can totally understand why John is upset at OP for screwing his sister because most brothers are in any circumstance. Don't sleep with your friend's sister. That's a very normal, understandable bro code. So he doesn't get a butthole score for that, but he does get a butthole score for not letting his sister make his own choices.
Starting point is 00:11:51 Clearly, she's an adult, she has a job, she can make her own choices, but her family is treating her like a child. Also OP, yeah, it is kind of a scummy move to retaliate like that and to rub it in your friend's face. I can understand being upset, but I do kind of think you deserve a butthole score for that. I don't know, it's kind of complicated all around. So I think I'm giving everyone in this story, except for Mary, one out of five buttholes. Mary gets zero out of five buttholes.
Starting point is 00:12:19 I don't know, maybe OP deserves zero out of five buttholes because, you know, he's just following his heart, but he did sleep with his friend's sister. Ah, eww, I don't know you guys. I might be wrong on this one, what do you think? I'm honestly not entirely sure if this cerebral palsy thing factors into the story at all, to be honest with you. This is just the classic tale of guy likes his friend's sister. Should they screw? Should they not screw?
Starting point is 00:12:46 It's a complicated situation. Also, I checked OP's post history and there's an update. It's a little long and dry so I'll summarize. Basically OP apologized to Mary for sharing information that he didn't have permission to share. And he also tried to smooth things over with John, but Johnson didn't even angry her message so I guess that relationship is done. But interestingly, OP and Mary are going to see each other again.
Starting point is 00:13:11 OP writes, Our weekend together was memorable, despite my later stupidity. There's a fair chance that John will come and try to stir things up, but I'm not stressing over it. Mary means a lot to me. It'll be good to have three months to enjoy each other's company before I have to leave again, this time for good. I'm sure Mary and I will stay in touch, maybe even see each other again in the future.
Starting point is 00:13:33 Am I the butthole for cheating my coworker out of a free meal? I'm a 28-year-old man, and I work with this woman, Lydia, who's 24, who has a very annoying habit. She has a dating profile that she uses specifically to lure guys to buying her expensive dinners at restaurants she wants to try and then ghost them. Lydia brags about this all the time and is never interested in actually dating, but she'll act like it to sell it. I can't stand this because it's playing with people's hearts, but Lydia thinks of it
Starting point is 00:14:04 as a life hack to try food or drinks that she otherwise couldn't afford. My friend Daniel, who's 32, is also on dating sites, but for the right reasons. His late wife died a few years ago, and he just started jumping back into the dating scene. Daniel's a very sweet guy, and I really want him to find a great lady. A few days ago, he texted me asking if I knew Lydia. They matched and got to talking about work, which is how he found out that we worked at
Starting point is 00:14:30 the same place. I told him all about Lydia's BS with the restaurant thing, and I made it very clear to him that he would do best to drop things with her early on. Daniel said that he'd probably still do the date, but asked for separate checks. Well they went out this past weekend and on Monday Lydia came into work very upset. I asked her how her date with Daniel went and she ripped into me asking if I was the one who told him not to pay for her dinner. Apparently she had Daniel take her to a high-end steakhouse and she ended up splurging.
Starting point is 00:15:03 She got a drink, a full entree with a side and dessert, while Daniel just ordered a sandwich and salad. Her bill alone came to $70, and she was almost in tears at work as she didn't expect to pay for it and now her car was low on gas. I got a little upset too because she tried to use MY friend as a literal meal ticket, but somehow she doesn't see it that way. Daniel told me later that the date was going kind of well until he asked for separate checks and then Lydia just got weirdly cold. So now Lydia is mad at me because I told someone about her little
Starting point is 00:15:38 tactic and it backfired on her. I don't feel like I did anything wrong since I was protecting a grieving friend but some other people we work with said that I should have stayed out of it because it was none of my business. What? You didn't cheat her out of anything. Her scam just didn't work. I'm giving you 0 out of 5 buttholes and Lydia 1 out of 5 buttholes, but I'm also giving your friend Daniel 1 out of 5 buttholes because why did he rat you out? You did your friend a solid, you had his back, and then he blames you as the reason why the date went sour? Why do you have to open his big dumb mouth? That was r slash amythebutthole and if you liked this content be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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