rSlash - r/AITA My Girlfriend Secretly Makes ‎️‍🔥Spicy‎️‍🔥 Content

Episode Date: March 19, 2023 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So you think you know sports? Points vet is the sportsbook for you, because we've got the features for true competitors. Like live, same-game parliades. Use your sportsmarts to make picks live on the players and teams you're watching. And qualified vets can use our early cashout feature. So you could take your winnings to play live blackjack
Starting point is 00:00:20 on the same points vet app. The platform that gives you everything you need. You know what to do. Bet on it. Point Spets Sportsbook and Casino. Welcome to R-Slash. Am I the bad guy where OP screams at his pregnant fiance? Am I the bad guy for screaming at my pregnant fiance for not helping me find my dog who
Starting point is 00:00:42 would run off? My fiance, who's 28, is currently five months pregnant, and has been both fatigued and nauseous lately. I get why she didn't want to help me look for the dog, but I can't get over the lack of empathy and bordering selfish behavior because of this either. My dog, a healer corgi mix, runs off at least once a week. Usually, my fiance will help me find her, but it's not without protest. I honestly didn't even know how she was getting out of our fence, so I installed cameras and found out that she was scaling the 8-foot fence.
Starting point is 00:01:15 I ended up attaching spinners to the top of the fence, thinking that would solve the issue, but it didn't. I brought her out today and I was playing with her when my phone rang. I was inside just long enough to grab my phone and my dog had gotten out. I immediately went to search for her, thinking that she couldn't have gotten far, but I couldn't find her anywhere. So I went back inside the house and asked my fiancee, who was curled up on the sofa to come help me. She immediately said no. She said that she was tired of chasing the dog, that she isn't dealing with it anymore, and that I should have just been out there watching her.
Starting point is 00:01:49 I explained to her that I had been watching her, and I simply stepped away for 0.2 seconds to grab my phone just inside the sliding door, and she escaped. She, again, said that it wasn't her problem, and she's not exhausting herself anymore to search for my dog. I won't even say that this was unexpected because as I said in the past, she's always had a problem with helping me search but she's never said no. She just complained about it. At first, I went and searched myself. After maybe a half hour, I came back and asked her again to come help me, and she snapped. I said no, I'm so tired of chasing that dog around multiple times a week when I'm already exhausted and throwing up constantly. I was panicking, so I yelled at her, which involved me telling her that she was a
Starting point is 00:02:37 beward who lacked empathy, and that I was thoroughly disappointed with my decision to be with someone so heartless. Oh jeez. It was out of pure fear and panic on my part, and I did apologize later after I found my dog, but she said, go f yourself and won't talk to me. Am I the bad guy? Everyone is on my side except my sister, who says that I'm an f-ing prick because it's not my pregnant fiance's responsibility to chase around your effing mutts and she said that she would have left immediately if her boyfriend ever said what I did to her. Yo, this guy is such a bad dog owner that he lets his dog escape every single week
Starting point is 00:03:15 and then he yells at his pregnant vomiting girlfriend that she's a B word for not helping. I hate that I have to waste my breath telling this douchebag why he's a douchebag. Like honestly, OP, you're so lazy, so irresponsible, you can't just, I don't know, put a leash on your dog or something. I get that you want to play with them in the yard and, oh, I went inside for just two seconds to get my phone. So, so, so it's a phone call. Just let it ring, let it go to voicemail. You know for a fact that your dog will escape at any opportunity and you're like, oh, phone call, better go get it. I hope my dog doesn't escape while I'm getting my phone.
Starting point is 00:03:54 Oh no, my dog escaped while I was getting my phone. How did I not see this coming? Opie, my daughter is about two, so we have to give her baths, and I'm responsible for filling up the bath water. That means from the second I turn the faucet on, till the time the bath time is over and the bathtub is drained, I am on bathtub duty. I have to make sure that never, not even for a split second, not even for point two seconds, will my daughter ever be alone in the bathroom with a filled bathtub. I don't care if the phone rings, I don't care if the doorbell rings, I don't care if the
Starting point is 00:04:27 cops are pounding on the front door saying, this is the police, open up, we've got a warrant, it doesn't matter, I am not leaving my daughter alone in the bathroom with a filled bathtub. So you'd think that OP would have the same understanding that I can't leave my dog alone in the backyard because a second I do do he will escape, but OP is apparently too stupid to realize the one thing that every single person reading this story understands, which is the dog's going to escape, of course. OP, you're a bad dog owner, you're a bad partner, and based on this story, I think you're going to be a bad father too. I'm giving you four out of five bad guys.
Starting point is 00:05:03 If I was pregnant with a man's child, and he was screaming at me. I'm giving you 4 out of 5 bad guys. If I was pregnant with a man's child and he was screaming at me that I'm selfish because I won't help him look for his dog that he lost for like the hundredth time, I'd waddle myself out of there and dump him man. No way am I dealing with that. I-I only called my pregnant vomiting fiance a B word because I was scared. Come on guys, go easy on me. Oh, Pee, you're a joke man, you're a joke. Am I the bad guy for dropping out as my brother's best man a couple of days before his wedding?
Starting point is 00:05:33 I'm a 36 year old man and my brother, whose 30, got married this past weekend. I was supposed to be his best man. The wedding was only for people ages 12 and up because they didn't want to have to deal with toddlers and such, which is fair enough. A lot of guests do have young kids though, so they decided to have a venue nearby with the professional sitter if parents wanted to drop their kids off there. My wife has some injuries that makes her slow to respond and understand what others are saying, and sometimes she needs help with her food.
Starting point is 00:06:02 Like, I'll have to cut it up into small pieces. But still, she's a smart, capable woman. My brother and his fiancee had a rehearsal dinner, and at the end, my sister-in-law pulled me aside, saying that she had to discuss something with me. She said they told us about the additional venue they'll be having further wedding. I said yeah, and then she asked
Starting point is 00:06:23 if my wife had any particular food preferences, and they would order extra food for her there. I was extremely confused, and I told her that we already gave our meal choices. But she said that my wife would be better suited at the second venue? What? I remember just sort of staring at her for a bit, and asking if she was serious, that she expected my wife to be with the babysitter. My sister-in-law said that it's not like that and they're just looking out for my wife and I don't have to feed her anything and you can have fun at the wedding. My brother came over and I told him I've literally never heard such garbage that they think
Starting point is 00:07:02 my wife is a child to be left with a babysitter. My brother said that it's for the best, and if I won't, I can always go over and check on her. I told him that if this is the way they're treating my wife, I have no desire to be a part of their garbage, and I dropped out as best man. Well all hell broke loose, and some people agreed that I was right. But my parents texted, called, everything, saying that they don't agree with this either, but it's their choice, and to get over my ego and calm.
Starting point is 00:07:32 I did not end up going to the wedding. I did hear that they got one of the groomsmen to give a speech, and overall it was fine. But my brother sent me a text saying that he expected better from me. I replied back, saying that he expected better from me. I replied back saying that I expected better from him. My sister-in-law sent me a long text saying that I ruined their big day on purpose to make them look bad. Can I just, okay, I've got to point out the irony here. These two people are hosting their wedding, and the whole point of a wedding is to celebrate the bonds of love between two people. Meanwhile, they are asking the best man of that wedding to fundamentally disrespect his own
Starting point is 00:08:10 wife. Like how can you not see the hypocrisy there? If you value marriage, then you can't expect someone to just turn around and immediately disrespect their partner. Oh, Pee, you did not make them look bad. They just ARE bad. They're bad completely on their own without any involvement from you. What they should have said, if they were really being honest, was
Starting point is 00:08:30 no kids under 12 and no disabled people. And that means you, O.P.'s wife, O.P. I'm giving you zero out of five bad guys. I respect you for standing up for your wife. I'm giving your brother and sister-in-law three 3 out of 5 bad guys. Super ableist disgusting behavior out of them. Am I the bad guy for yelling at my girlfriend to stop effing eating? I'm a 26 year old guy and my sister, who's 23, runs a bakery business, and she's been struggling lately to keep up with the orders because she's been short staffed. She does a lot of orders for wedding cakes that require custard or marmalade fillings, and I offer to help her out by making these fillings at home and bringing them to her so
Starting point is 00:09:11 she has less work to do. Unfortunately, the past four times I've made these fillings, my girlfriend, who's 24, has literally dipped her fingers into the filling jars and contaminated them because in her words, she just wanted to try some. I've tried explaining to her that she can't just dip her fingers in and contaminate the entire batch because then I have to remake it. I said that she should use a spoon and just take some out if she wants to try it so bad,
Starting point is 00:09:41 but she just pout and says that she likes using her fingers because it brings her back to her childhood. Today I was trying to finish some chocolate custard descended over to my sister really fast because she was running late on a wedding cake order for an important client. I told my girlfriend beforehand to not eat the custard and if she really wanted to, please use a spoon. I get out of the shower and what do I see? She has her fingers in the custard again.
Starting point is 00:10:09 I totally lost it because this is the fifth time that she has blatantly disregarded what I said. And I yelled at her and told her to stop effing eating the food I'm making because it's not for her and she's contaminating it. She started crying and got mad at me for fat shaming her. Even though I've made no comments on her weight and she has no history of weight issues or eating disorders.
Starting point is 00:10:32 I know I was harsh, but she kept pushing my limits. Am I the bad guy? What? This is like, you go to a restaurant with your friend and your friend is like, hey, those fries look good. Can I have some? And you say sure, grab a fry and they go, all over your fries and then eat her and then eat her fry. It's like, yeah, why'd you have to
Starting point is 00:10:54 spit on my fries? Just grab a fry and eat it. Well, yeah, but you see, when I was three, one time I spat on my food and it's just a cherished childhood memory. So now when someone offers me fries, I just have to spit on them because it brings me back to my childhood. So who cares about your childhood lady? Stop contaminating the food! Also OP, I gotta say real quick, you sound like a really, really kind and generous person. Because on the one hand, you're doing this free labor for your sister, which is a total bro move. Secondly, after your girlfriend contaminates the food,
Starting point is 00:11:29 you actually remake it from scratch. I think most people, let's be honest, I think most people would have just let it go and secretly just delivered the custard even though it was contaminated with finger germs. So the fact that you remade the custard props to UOP. What your girlfriend is doing is super disrespectful to both you and your sister. If word got out about what your girlfriend was doing, it could seriously affect your sister's business. Also, I'm not 100% sure on the safety factor of this, but if she's not like, okay. Clearly, your girlfriend doesn't care too much about germs and hygiene. So I have to wonder how safe it is for her to do this because she could be, you know, eating gluten or nuts and potentially transfer those
Starting point is 00:12:14 allotions to the cake, which I guess that could be dangerous. I don't really know enough about allotions to know if if she eats nuts and then she sticks her finger in the marmalade, then the marmalade goes into a cake and someone eats the cake and they have peanut allergies. Could they die? I guess they could. I guess they could. I would say it'd be nice if you could not yell at your girlfriend and curse at her, but at the same time it's like, what are you expected to do? She's just repeatedly disrespecting you so I can kind of understand your frustration
Starting point is 00:12:41 here. I'm giving you zero out of five bad guys. I'm giving your girlfriend two out of five bad guys. Am I the bad guy for demanding my girlfriend tell me her author's pin name? I'm a 32 year old guy and I've been dating Shivan who's 32 for six months now. She's always been very vague about what she does for a living, saying things like she writes and she works from home. But recently, one of her friends
Starting point is 00:13:05 mentioned something and I finally dragged it out of her. She's an author. She writes and self-publishes romance and erotic stories and novels, and while not rich, she's able to make a living out of it. I googled her name and couldn't find anything, so I confronted her about this. She said that she writes under a pin name, so I demanded that she gives it to me so I can know what she does. She refused, saying that she doesn't want it to be leaked
Starting point is 00:13:31 even by accident and no one knows. I accused her of not trusting me, and she still refused, which was really annoying. I tried a nicer approach and told her that I wanna know her fantasies so I can try it out with her, and she told me that what she want to know her fantasies so I can try it out with her. And she told me that what she writes aren't her fantasies, but her readers fantasies. And she's still not going to tell me.
Starting point is 00:13:52 At night, I tried to check her laptop for her pin name, but she changed her password before bid. I was annoyed and told her that she clearly doesn't trust me, and it's not fair because I have a right to know what she writes. Especially since it's a sensitive topic, and I don't know her if I don't know her pin name. She was furious that I tried to look on her laptop and told me to go home. Before leaving, I told her that when she calls to apologize, I expect to get her pin
Starting point is 00:14:19 name with the apology. She called me a bad guy on my way out. I thought that she'd call now, but she hasn't. My sister told me that I was the bad guy and I should apologize, but I just don't see it and I need a second opinion. Was I the bad guy? There's a bunch of really subtle clues
Starting point is 00:14:36 in your post that indicates just how bad of a person you are, OP. Let me see if I can find them. I googled her name and I couldn't find anything, so I confronted her about this. Confronted is such like a strong word. You confront someone if you find, you know, a strange person's underwear in your bedroom.
Starting point is 00:14:53 You confront someone if you think they've stolen your money. You don't confront someone because you can't find their name on Google. You approach them, you ask them. Then you said she's writing under a pin name, so you demanded she gives it to you, you demanded it. You accused her of not trusting you, which you said was annoying.
Starting point is 00:15:11 Like you're just really, really, really entitled. You said that you have a right to know, why? Why do you have a right to know? Just because you're dating? You haven't even been dating for all that long. Six months, give me a break, OP. Man, and then like trying to hack her laptop, you're just a bad person.
Starting point is 00:15:28 You're super, super entitled, you're super selfish, and I completely 100% understand why your girlfriend doesn't want to give you this information because frankly, you're not trustworthy. You've tried to go behind your back multiple times, so why should she trust you? The title of this post should be like,
Starting point is 00:15:45 Am I the bad guy for accusing someone of not trusting me after I tried to break into their laptop? Oh my god. Opie, I'm giving you three out of five bad guys. I'm giving your girlfriend zero out of five bad guys. That was our slash of my D.A. and if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day. And if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit
Starting point is 00:16:05 podcast episodes every single day.

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