rSlash - r/AITA My Kid Stole $17,000 From Me!

Episode Date: January 17, 2023 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to R-slash, and my wrong, where OP's daughter-in-law straight up steals $17,000 from her. Hey, I want to put this quick disclaimer in front of a couple videos. Recently, YouTube has been really, really brutal about demonetizing my videos, specifically my R-slash A-I-T-A videos. And I'm trying to isolate exactly why that is, and my hunch is that it has to do with the words that I use in these videos. And I'm trying to isolate exactly why that is, and my hunch is that it has to do with the words that I use in these videos. You know, I tend to say the name of a certain body part a lot in these videos. So for the time being, I need to like, dis-neify these videos and cut out any word that can be even remotely upsetting. So instead of saying, you know, three out of five body parts scores, I'm going to say three
Starting point is 00:00:45 out of five on the wrong scale or like our slash am I wrong for this just because I've got to figure out what exactly is causing the demonetization. Hopefully I can figure it out and things will get back to normal soon. Will I be wrong for suing my daughter-in-law? To be clear, my son and daughter-in-law aren't married. I'm just calling her my daughter-in-law for the sake of storytelling. Our son and our daughter-in-law, who's 26, have been together for two years and lived together. We've always thought that she's a very nice girl, and she seems to make my son happy, so no problem from us.
Starting point is 00:01:16 Our son has his own law firm that he's currently trying to get started. We're very proud of him, and we're fortunate enough to help him with a start-up loan. Our daughter-in-law works a retail job that she's very happy with. Some time ago, my husband and I were over at the apartment and we decided to order some food. My husband and I wanted to pay, and since our daughter-in-law was ordering from her phone, we gave her our card so that she could draw money from our account. We thought it goes without saying that we did this so she could withdraw money once
Starting point is 00:01:45 for lunch. However, apparently our daughter-in-law put our card into Apple Pay and she's been using it since. We didn't notice for some months, but recently we saw withdrawals that we didn't recognize. We had our account and look into it and he discovered that, one, our daughter-in-law has been using our card on her phone. And two, she spent around $17,000. We were shocked and called her up and asked her, why the hell she's been using our card? She got defensive, tried to deny it, and eventually said that she was entitled to it.
Starting point is 00:02:21 And why do we care since we haven't noticed her use it for four months? We told her that she had to pay us back immediately or we'd report her actions for theft. Apparently, she doesn't have the money to pay us back. We've gone to our son and he offered to pay us back even though he can't actually afford to do so. This isn't about the money for us, but more about the fact that she's stolen a HUGE amount of money. While we are financially comfortable and it took us time to notice, we still recognize
Starting point is 00:02:50 the seriousness of stealing $17,000. Our son has completely dismissed her behavior and excused it as her being stressed. She's taken no responsibility and we're honestly wanting to go forward with the police report to teach her the consequences of our actions. Would we be the butthole for doing this? Alright I've never used Apple Pay before so as I was reading this I was thinking okay maybe like the way Apple Pay works is that the most recent card you use is the default card so she didn't even realize she was using your card and I thought the story was going
Starting point is 00:03:23 to be like she ordered $500 worth of like, Uber Eats or something without realizing. But no way, man, $17,000 over four months, that's what, $17,000 into four, that's $4,000 a month. Yeah, that is not an accident. That is intentional theft. Maybe worse than theft, is it also, is it also identity theft too since she was using their card?
Starting point is 00:03:48 Nah, probably just good old fashioned theft I think. This is a really big deal OP and I think you probably should do something about it. It's just I do want to warn you that if you take action against this and I think you should, then you're probably going to damage your relationship with your son. It's really weird to me that your son doesn't see anything wrong with this, especially since he's a lawyer. You'd think that a lawyer would at least be smart enough, or like, aware of legal ramifications to think that stealing 17K is a big deal.
Starting point is 00:04:18 So your daughter-in-law is a red flag, but the fact that your son is excusing that behavior is also a red flag. What is going on here? Man, I can't get over this $4,000 a month. That's like rent, utilities, food, and then also shopping on the side. This girl is spinning like crazy! Am I wrong for telling my parents that they ruined New York celebration after they kicked my husband out over a joke? I've been married to my second husband, Mike, for four years now. He's a jokester and loves to crack jokes all the time. He especially likes to joke with my brother, Ethan, and his wife. Ethan used to be okay with it until he started complaining about
Starting point is 00:04:58 Mike taking it too far with his jokes. Some context about Ethan. He and his wife couldn't have kids, so they adopted a boy, Joey, two years ago. Mike's been making silly, lighthearted jokes that involve Joey's biological parents as a way to mess with Ethan and his wife. I already talked to Mike, and I can tell you that he 100% means no harm. He was just trying to get them to react. So fast forward to New Year's Eve. My parents hosted a big celebratory dinner and Ethan and his wife came. While we were eating dinner, Mike decided to tell a knock-knock joke to Ethan. Knock-knock. Ethan laughed and said who's there? Joey's biological parents? Then he burst out laughing. Silence took over, and Ethan's
Starting point is 00:05:43 facial expression changed. His wife called Mike an idiot to which Mike replied, Hey, relax, it's just a joke! An argument ensued, and dinner was paused. My parents suddenly told Mike to leave, which I thought was too harsh. I tried to speak to them and get them to calm down, but Mom insisted that Mike leave. We left, and Mike was complaining the whole time about how they overreacted. I called my mom later, and she told me that I was wrong for defending him and saying that he was just joking. She said that he ruined New Year's Eve for the family, but I told her that it was her
Starting point is 00:06:18 and dad who ruined my celebration for escalating the situation and kicking them out. I told her that we could have just talked about it then, but they were the ones who ruined New Year's Eve celebration. She called me delusional and hung up. We haven't talked to them for days. I tried contacting Ethan, but I got no response. Okay, um, wow, man, where do I start with this? First off, that's not even funny. I don't mean that like in the way that people get upset and they say that's not funny. I mean literally, from like a comedy perspective, it's not even funny.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Knock knock, who's there? Joey's biological parents? What's the joke? Where's the humor? Where's the ha ha? There is no ha, because it's not funny. Like, it's literally just mean. Knock knock, who's there?
Starting point is 00:07:04 You're ugly. Why would you say that? Don't get so insulted. What's the big deal? It's just a joke. And then you said that you talked to your husband and he makes silly lighthearted jokes. Okay, they're not silly.
Starting point is 00:07:16 They're not lighthearted. They're just mean insults. And that he 100% means no harm. Okay, even if that is true, I don't really buy it because this is a malicious joke. But even if like 100% means no harm. Okay, even if that is true, I don't really buy it because this is a malicious joke, but even if like 100% of his heart purely does not mean any harm. The problem is jokes are like two-sided.
Starting point is 00:07:33 You know, you have the delivery of the joke and then you have the person receiving the joke. And both people have to find the joke funny in order for it to be a joke. That's how jokes work. Because if the jokes are things it's funny and the person receiving the joke is insulted, then that's not a joke, that's mocking. That's literally, we have a word for this in the English language. That's called mocking. Right? Am I right? Am I right about that? A
Starting point is 00:07:58 joke is a two-way joke, but mocking is a one-way joke. I'm like, okay, so deep down, a hundred percent of his heart really doesn't want to insult him. Okay, well if that's true, then when he found out that he did insult the other person, you think the logical thing to do would be like, oh, I'm really sorry, I guess that wasn't a great joke to make, I apologize.
Starting point is 00:08:18 But then he doubled down and gave that tired excuse. God, it's so exhausting to hear that line, isn't it? Relax, it's just a prank, bro. There's a reason why that sentence is a meme. Opie, your parents definitely made the right call by kicking you and your husband out. Your husband's just a jerk and you're enabling him. I'm giving your brother-in-law, sister-in-law,
Starting point is 00:08:39 and your parents zero out of five on the wrong scale. I'm giving you and your husband both 2.5 out of five on the wrong scale. I know that I say on this channel that you should always support your spouse and like, yeah, you should. But backing up your husband's terrible jokes isn't supporting him, it's enabling him. Supporting your spouse means helping them become a better person. Am I wrong for refusing to tell my husband the gender of our baby after he skipped going to the doctor's appointment with me? My husband and I are expecting. This is our first baby and we're excited.
Starting point is 00:09:11 The thing is, he barely attends any doctor appointments with me and his excuses aren't even valid. He's willing to miss the doctor appointment over soccer or a drink or a board game with friends. His response is always, I'm not the one carrying the baby, why do I have to go see the doctor with you? Last week was my final straw. He was supposed to come with me for the baby's gender reveal appointment, but he chose
Starting point is 00:09:35 to not come last minute because his friends invited him to a fish and chips meal. I was pretty livid, but I didn't make a fuss about it. My mom went with me instead. He texted asking me to tell me the baby's gender, but I didn't make a fuss about it. My mom went with me instead. He texted asking me to tell me the baby's gender, but I refused to tell him. He kept spam calling me, but I hung up each time. He came home fuming, demanding I tell him the results, but I refused and bluntly told him. Since he refused to attend the appointment, then he gets no result until after the baby's
Starting point is 00:10:04 born, and I said that I'm willing to die on this hill. He went off on me, calling me spiteful and immature for doing this, and punishing him. He said that he's the father and has the right to know. He then called me dramatic since I wasn't alone and my mom was with me. I said that he gets no results, period. He's been fuming about it and told his family, and now they're pressuring me to stop playing mind games with them and tell them, but I declined. Am I wrong?
Starting point is 00:10:32 Man, the baby isn't even out yet, and he's already an absentee father. This guy chose fish and french fries over his own baby. I think, I think we're seeing a preview of what your husband's going to be like once the baby's born OP. Expect him not to help with diapers, expect him to miss the baby's first steps, first words, expect your husband to miss recitals and soccer games and graduation even. And yeah, I'm being a bit dramatic here and I'm making assumptions, but I think
Starting point is 00:11:02 we're seeing this guy's true colors here. And what's really troubling about this is he's getting the wrong information out of this. Like, yeah, OP, you're being spiteful, which I think is justifiable. But like, what you're doing here is you're teaching him a lesson. I don't mean that in like the, I'm gonna teach him a lesson like the malicious way. I mean, like, literally, this is an important life lesson. When you have a kid, you're just going to miss moments with them. It's necessary. You can't be around them 24-7 every day of their lives. But what you can do is minimize those missed moments. You may not be with them at school, or when they have their first kiss, not that you'd
Starting point is 00:11:39 want to. But you can be with them during their first soccer game and their first steps and their first words and all those little moments. And this should have been like a moment for him where it's like, oh wow, that was like a once in a lifetime opportunity and I missed it. Do I really want to hang out with my friends or do I want to actually be there for these moments? That's what should have gone through his mind at that moment. Not being angry at you and blaming you for that. Opie, you get 0 out of 5 on the wrong scale. I agree, this is a hill worth dying on.
Starting point is 00:12:10 I'm giving your husband 2 out of 5 on the wrong scale. Am I wrong for laughing at my niece's gift? My 12 year old niece is really into arts and crafts and recently got into crocheting. Before Christmas, she told me that she had a surprise gift for me and she seemed really excited about it. I told her I was really looking forward to it as well and I prepared her gift myself, which was actually art supplies. On Christmas, when we had our family gathering, she brought me her gift and was super excited
Starting point is 00:12:37 for me to open it. When I opened it, I saw a crocheted animal, but if I'm being honest, it looked really, really bad. To give you an idea of what it looked like, imagine something from R-slash bad taxidermy, but in crochet form. I couldn't help but burst out laughing, and I couldn't stop laughing no matter how hard I tried to suppress it, so I had to excuse myself to go to the washroom where I locked myself away for nearly 10 minutes. When I came out, my niece was in tears with her parents trying to console her, and I
Starting point is 00:13:09 apologized profusely and told her that I really liked her gift, but she kept crying and shouted at me, calling me a liar and that she sucked at arts. My niece avoided me for the vast majority of the party after that. I tried to make her feel better by displaying her gift on my living room cabinet, but my wife pulled me aside later in the day and told me to take it down after the party because in her words it was really ugly and made her uncomfortable. Surprisingly, all the adults were very understanding of the situation, but I feel really bad because I feel like I destroyed my niece's confidence and I'm not sure how I can make it up to her. Oof, O.P. 10 minutes.
Starting point is 00:13:48 You laughed at a child's gift for 10 minutes. Maybe for next Christmas, you can ask your niece to crochet you and your wife a heart. I'm giving your niece zero out of five on the wrong scale. I'm giving you 1.5 out of five on the wrong scale. Am I wrong for bringing up my brother's premature birth at Christmas dinner to get my parents to shut up? I'm a nurse practitioner, and I'm their primary care provider for a lot of low-risk maternity cases at the practice where I work.
Starting point is 00:14:14 I also work hand in hand with doctors and midwife to create a healthy maternity, birth, and postpartum situation. My fiance is completing her residency. We live together and have for a few years now. We aren't in any hurry to get married. We originally had plans to do so a couple of years ago, but then we got really busy for two years. It's driving my very religious parents crazy that their youngest son is living in sin. I don't really care. I'm an adult and I do what I want. We're getting married in June. So we're visiting my parents for Christmas at their house.
Starting point is 00:14:46 That's my folks, my three siblings, myself and fiance, and seven grandkids, so 17 people. At dinner, my mom starts going on about how she's so glad that we're finally getting married, and she won't be embarrassed at church anymore. And my dad says how proud he is of his three older kids, who either waited to get married before moving in together or got married right away after moving in together. My fiance was getting embarrassed, and I was getting mad over this stupid argument that we've had too many times. This family dinner was the last straw. I've asked them repeatedly
Starting point is 00:15:21 to just accept that they can't control how I live my life. I refuse to stay with them when I visit, even if I come alone. Hotels are just easier. So I started talking about a premature baby that I'd been reading about. It was almost three months premature and weighed about 1.6 pounds. It was super strong and healthy for being born so little, and the Nick you had high hopes for the baby doing well. My mom and dad both got deer in the headlights looks on their faces. Too bad, shouldn't have effed around with my fiance's feelings.
Starting point is 00:15:53 So I asked about my oldest brother, who was born almost 4 months premature. Is there a chance that we could check out the family album where we keep all the records of family births and stuff? I already knew that my brother was over 9 pounds and almost 23 inches long when he was born. My grandmother told me all about it the first time my parents tried to shame me. The subject gets changed very fast. After supper, my parents told me that I shouldn't try to embarrass them with private things
Starting point is 00:16:21 that aren't my concern. I told them that if I heard anything about my living arrangements ever again for the rest of my life, I would make sure to keep bringing up the fact that my mom was in her second trimester when they got married. My parents are mad at me for telling them how to behave in their own home.
Starting point is 00:16:37 But my fiance is happy that they seem to be off the subject for good. Am I wrong here? Oh, Pee, your parents parents had premarital intercourse? Well, well, well. That's not very moral of them, is it? That's not very Christian of them, is it? What would their church have to say if they found out about this? Not OP, you did absolutely nothing wrong here. If anything, I should commend you for standing up for your fiance. To put it simply, O.P., your parents are hypocrites. Also, I like this comment from a scammer C. Not wrong.
Starting point is 00:17:13 My grandma used to say, the first baby after marriage can come anytime. The second one always takes nine months. That was our slash of my D.A. And if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.
Starting point is 00:17:23 That was our Slash of My DA, and if you liked this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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