rSlash - r/AITA She Tried to STEAL My Baby!

Episode Date: January 4, 2024

0:00 Intro 0:08 Give me the baby 2:23 House sitter 7:52 Family Christmas 9:33 Police 11:14 Moving in 13:58 Not your server Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode is brought to you by Britta. Start your year off right with Britta on a resolution you can actually commit to. It's fresh, it's filtered, it's the first step in drinking more water and hitting those goals. New year, new water, new you. Britta, it's taste over everything. When you've got questions about cannabis, asking friends or searching the internet can leave you feeling a little hazy on the facts.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's why there's Cannabis Made, your fact-based, unbiased, and current resource from the OCS. Get answers to questions like, how long does cannabis stay in my system and how do I talk to my kids about cannabis? Get clear on Cannabis Facts at facts at Welcome to R-Slash Am I the Butthole where a woman asks a pregnant lady to donate her unborn baby. Am I the Butthole for kicking my mother-in-law out of the house for trying to convince
Starting point is 00:00:58 my daughter to give her baby to my sister-in-law? What? Convince my daughter to give her baby to a sister-in-law? Wait, huh, okay. I guess we'll find out. I'm a 34-year-old woman, and I've been married to my husband for 10 years. We have two daughters together, a 7-year-old and a 5-year-old. I also have a daughter from a high school relationship who 17. My daughter is 7 months pregnant, and the father is in her life. They're both working hard saving money. I've already had the necessary talks with my daughter, but she's dead set on being a mother to this child. My sister-in-law, who's 35, has struggled with fertility, and
Starting point is 00:01:36 basically has been told that she can't have kids. They've been actively trying or just not using protection for the past 10 years. And they've only conceived twice, ending in early miscarriages both times. My mother-in-law brought up the idea of letting my sister-in-law adopt my daughter's baby. The other day I came home from work and my mother-in-law was over, and I overheard her talking to my daughter about that idea. My mother-in-law was telling my daughter that she wouldn't be a fit mother, and my sister-in-law is much more prepared and how she wouldn't want to repeat the cycle because I had my daughter so young. She then pulled a guilt trip and told her that it's my sister-in-law's dream for a child. I simply opened the door and said, get out.
Starting point is 00:02:19 She stared at me in complete disbelief, then said, you can't kick me out of my son's house. I said, I can, and I just did. She left. But then when my husband got home from work, he said that his mom left a ton of messages about how in the wrong I am and how I'm setting my daughter up for failure. Am I the butthole? Man, why does this even need to be a reddit post. Are you the butthole for protecting your daughter's right to have her own baby? No, you're not. Because asking pregnant women, hey there, tuts, you're looking mighty pregnant. What do you say I make this easy for you and just take the baby off your hands?
Starting point is 00:03:01 Asking them that is just crazy, it's ridiculous. Opie, I'm giving you zero out of five buttholes. I'm giving the mother-in-law three out of five buttholes, I think. Am I the butthole for sending someone a bill for $1,000 after him and his kids ate all of our food? I've been seeing this guy jack for two years now, but we live separately due to our kids and just wanting to make sure this is 100% all-in before we uproot our kids. I have 13-year-old twin boys and an 11-year-old daughter. He has a 13-year-old daughter. We do weaken stays together twice a month and there's never been any major issues honestly. The girls have gotten into a few petty arguments, but other than that, no big problems.
Starting point is 00:03:42 I spend around $1,000 a month in food, and that covers me and my kids, plus Jack and his daughter for the two visits a month. I do a lot of meal prepping couponing. Last month, my mother asked me and my kids to go to her place in Louisiana to help her move out of her home and into a senior community. It made me feel more comfortable to have my house occupied in my absence to keep the humidifiers and everything running. So I asked Jack if he and his daughter wanted to stay at my place for two weeks in our absence to keep everything running smoothly. I gave it a two week time frame, but I was
Starting point is 00:04:13 unsure of how long it would actually take. I knew the drive alone would be two days there and two days back. He agreed. I did my monthly shopping before leaving and spent $1,092. I told them they could have some of my food when we were gone, so maybe this is my fault. But anyways, we got back 12 days after we left and found my house in ruin practically. Dirty dishes on the counter and tables, dirty clothes throughout the living room in bedrooms, mine, and my daughters where they slept. I keep my house clean, so this caused a lot of panic on my end. But the one thing that truly tipped me over the edge was finding out that they went through
Starting point is 00:04:53 at least 90% of the food that I bought before leaving in less than two weeks. We were left with a single pack of hamburger, all the vegetables, and a few boxes of pasta. Jack started scrambling when we entered the home, saying, sorry, I was gonna clean before you got back, but I didn't expect you so soon. I just gave a hushed, please leave. He and his daughter left. But after giving it some thought, I told him that he had to reimbursus the $1,000 worth of food that he and his daughter ate. I told him that their intake was $10,000 worth of food that he and his daughter ate. I told him that their intake was absolutely repulsive. I said that I told him he could have some, not eat everything in the house and leave
Starting point is 00:05:31 us with nothing. He said that he allowed his daughter to have her friends over and they ate a lot, but that he shouldn't have to give me $1,000, given that I told him they could eat the food. He said that I have more money, which is true, and that he doesn't, which is also true. I still want to be reimbursed, however. And yes, we split up over this. Am I the butthole?
Starting point is 00:05:53 All right, the comments are mostly saying not the butthole, but this kind of feels like an everyone sucks here situation. If I'm house-sitting someone for two whole weeks, and right before they leave, they get a bunch of groceries and say, you can eat the food, I would think, okay, I can eat the food. Right? Because why else would the person buy a thousand dollars with the groceries right before they leave for two weeks? Because they're not going to eat them. So clearly they bought them for me, right? That's just pure logic. So OP, if you really didn't want him to eat all the food, you should have specified that. Also, you were gone for 12 days and you were on the road for two
Starting point is 00:06:30 days on the way back, and not once did you call your boyfriend to say, hey, by the way, I'm going to be back on Tuesday or whatever. So it kind of seems to me like OP has some communication issues and she's expecting her boyfriend to be a mind reader. Now don't get me wrong, the boyfriend is also a butthole here because he ate more than he should have and he definitely shouldn't have let his daughter bring friends over. You know, phones work both ways. He could have at least called his girlfriend to ask first, or even better, on the days that the friends were over, do that at his house instead of O.P.'s house. And yeah, leaving the house dirty is kind of disrespectful,
Starting point is 00:07:06 but you know, some people do all their cleaning in one big burst, so I think it's somewhat understandable for him to think, okay, if she's coming back on Wednesday, then I'll do all the cleaning on Tuesday, make the house spotless, and then you know, when she shows up on Wednesday, everything will be fine. But then surprise, she shows up on Monday, two days ahead of schedule, so now everything's a mess. That's kind of just like an unfortunate situation where he should have
Starting point is 00:07:28 done better, but he didn't, so he's kind of a butthole, but you know, if he was going to do what he says he was going to do, then it wasn't a big deal. So I'll say the boyfriend gets 1.5 out of 5 buttholes because he ate more than he should have, and he definitely shouldn't have let his daughter invite friends over without permission first. The cleaning thing, I'm kind of inclined to let that one slide because you said he was going to clean so I kind of have to take that at face value. OP, I'm giving you one out of five buttholes because I I literally don't know what you were thinking. You buy a ton of groceries and then you say, hey come do me a favor and while you're at it you can eat my food and then that's exactly what happens. The guy does the favor and he eats your food
Starting point is 00:08:05 and you get mad at him about it. Also, really troubling, O.P. is kind of defending yourself in an edit and she says, this may make me sound bad, but I wouldn't consider him house sitting as doing me any favors. That's literally why you asked him over because you were insecure about your house being alone
Starting point is 00:08:22 and yes, he was literally doing you a favor. I don't know, the comments are pretty divided. I'm seeing not the butthole, I'm seeing everyone's a butthole and I'm seeing you are the butthole. I think fundamentally, this is a story about two dumb people who desperately need to work on their communication skills. Am I the butthole for telling my parents that my kids won't attend Christmas if everyone can't attend. 18 years ago, my husband was injured when we were in high school and he uses a wheelchair now. We have 4 kids, his 15 year old son from our previous relationship, an 8 year old daughter,
Starting point is 00:08:56 a 5 year old son and a 1 year old daughter. My parents usually host a big Christmas every year with all the kids in their families. Sometimes it's at their home and sometimes it's at a vacation destination. In previous years, it's always been accessible for my husband. But this year, they've chosen to have it at a mountain slash ski resort that is largely inaccessible and would have a lot of activities that would leave my husband out. So we told my parents that we were going to do our own thing for Christmas this year. No biggie, right?
Starting point is 00:09:26 They responded with, how about you send the kids and you can do your own thing? We responded that we wouldn't be sending our kids and that if we couldn't all attend, nobody would attend. They're upset! They're upset at accusing us of withholding the kids from something that brings them joy and being bad parents. Are we the buttholes? Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:09:46 So, it's not okay to deny the vacation to the kids, but it is okay to deny the vacation to your husband. Okay, it's very clear where your parents had their priorities OP. If anything with the story OP, I have to applaud you because I read so many stories of partners not supporting their husband or their wife. And finally, we have a wife who's like, nah, if you don't want to be with my husband then you don't get to be with me or the kids either. So OP, I'm giving you zero out of five buttholes. I'm giving your parents 1.5 out of five buttholes. Am I the butthole for calling the cops when the parents that I babysit
Starting point is 00:10:23 for were late? I'm a 16 year old girl and I sometimes babysit on weekends. My mom's coworker needed a babysitter and she gave him my number. I agreed to babysit 3 kids from 2 p.m. till 8.30 p.m. because the parents had some party to get to. Baby sitting went okay, but the parents didn't get back at 8.30. At 9, I tried calling him, but he didn't pick up. I texted a few times. At 9.30, I tried calling again, and again at 10, and at 10.30. I tried calling my parents, but my dad was at a work dinner
Starting point is 00:10:55 and my mom didn't pick up. I tried calling the parents of the kids again, but they still weren't picking up or responding. At 11.30, I called the police, because I didn't know what else to do. And I was worried something might have happened to the parents too. The cops came, and around the same time, the parents came back. The dad screamed at me, and he still very upset.
Starting point is 00:11:17 Opie, considering that they were three hours late, and they gave you no contact, no text message, no phone call, nothing. I think actually it's very reasonable for you to assume that something was wrong, that maybe the parents got into a car wreck or something. And even beyond that, they were three hours late and they couldn't spare 10, 15 seconds to write you a text message, what jerk offs? O.P. you get zero out of five buttles. I'm giving the parents 2 out of 5 buttholes. Like, they were late.
Starting point is 00:11:47 It's their fault. They were screwing you over. And maybe even potentially planning on robbing O.P. by not giving her the extra 3 hours worth of money. And then scream at you for doing the reasonable responsible thing. What jerks, man. Am I the butthole for telling my daughter, who's facing homelessness,
Starting point is 00:12:04 that only her and the baby can move in with me, not her husband? The husband has lived in their apartment for a number of years. The owner recently sold the apartment and the new owners are moving in, so my daughter and her husband had to move. The problem is that Rins have gone up dramatically.
Starting point is 00:12:21 The Rins they're paying is $1,100 for a one-bit room, which I thought was a lot. But now that I'm trying to help them find a place, most are now going for around $2,000 a month or more. They can't afford this. My daughter knows that she's always welcome at my place. Granted, her having a baby does complicate things. I wasn't happy about her having a baby. She's young recently turned 22, but I would never deny her housing. However, I can't stand her husband, Aaron. I wouldn't invite Aaron over for dinner, let alone let him live with me. Aaron is in his mid-30s, with a criminal history and hair-trigger temper.
Starting point is 00:12:59 He's chronically immature and has one hell of a jealous and possessive streak that has costrean in their relationship, which obviously I don't approve of. Honestly, when she told me that she was pregnant, I finally thought that we'd be rid of Aaron. I genuinely thought that he's exactly the kind of man to ditch. They've been on and off ever since she was about 18. Alas, if anything, it made him cling to her tighter. They had a very rushed wedding, and this is their longest tint together without any breakups, just over a year.
Starting point is 00:13:29 There's still been the fair share of Dramatic's of course, but I'm surprised they made it this far. Even so, I simply don't want to live with Aaron. I don't like him. I do not want him around me. I'd go above and beyond for my daughter and the baby. They can stay as long as they need, but not him. Obviously, this created a beyond for my daughter and the baby, they can stay as long as they need, but not him. Obviously, this created a riff between my daughter and I. She doesn't want to live
Starting point is 00:13:50 separately from Aaron. I told her that in that case, she needs to figure out alternative arrangements. While their move-out date is rapidly approaching, and they still haven't been able to find a place, and she's panicking, she's been begging me to let them stay. I reiterated my terms. Aaron simply cannot stay here. This led to a lot of tears and some angry words, namely her calling me a butthole. I can genuinely see why she might think that, but I also have to think about myself and my own sanity. Fundamentally OP, this is really straightforward because this is your house, so your rules. If you don't want to invite someone, you don't have to. Also, just be aware OP that if you follow through with this, it's probably going to damage your relationship with your daughter
Starting point is 00:14:34 possibly beyond repair. So I'm not saying you should cave, I'm just saying these actions will have consequences. OP, I'm giving you and your daughter both zero out of five buttholes. Am I the butthole for expressing to my in-laws that I don't want to be their server for their family Christmas dinner? So I'm a newlywed and my in-laws are rolling into town for Christmas and staying at my husbands and my new house. They mentioned wanting to dine out for Christmas dinner, but I offered to whip up a homecooked feast instead.
Starting point is 00:15:02 Unfortunately, they turned down that offer. Now, here's where it gets interesting. I'm currently working as a server after recently being laid off of my corporate job. Lucky for me, the restaurant is closed on Christmas Eve as well as Christmas. Well, turns out my mother-in-law had other plans. She called up my workplace without speaking to me beforehand and asked me to be their server for their entire Christmas dinner. What? I found out through my husband that I'd be playing the role of their server for their festive family celebration. And my Christmas gift would be a sweet tip and take out from my restaurant.
Starting point is 00:15:40 You know what? It seems a bit odd, especially since my restaurant isn't even open on Christmas Eve or Christmas, and as a result, I'm available to spend time with them on those days. So instead, they're scheduling the dinner the day before the restaurant closes and making it their designated family celebration. I'm politely declined because let's be real. Being excluded from Christmas dinner while working as their server. That's a hard pass for me Unfortunately, I was told that I was being dramatic and there's nothing weird about me being their server for their family's Christmas dinner Thoughts anyone yo. This is such a power play. This is clearly them trying to swing their big balls around and make sure that they're on top and you're on bottom. Opie, this is an insult. This is extremely insulting and is not even subtle.
Starting point is 00:16:31 Opie, I'm giving your in-laws 2 out of 5 buttholes, and if your new husband is backing up his in-laws, then I'm giving him 2.5 out of 5 buttholes. That was our slash of my The Butthole, and if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day. That was our slash of my The Butthole, and if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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