rSlash - r/AmITheA--hole for Not Giving My Son $400,000?

Episode Date: August 4, 2022 Get Honey for free at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to R-Slash, am I the butthole where OP steals his daughter's inheritance? Today's episode is sponsored by Honey. I don't know about you, but I do literally 100% of my shopping online. Because of COVID, I pretty much have to shop online because yeah, I don't want to catch COVID and die. But on top of that, I read stories for a living, so I can't afford to sound like this for three weeks straight. Don't you hate it when you get to checkout and you don't have a code to put in that little promo code box? With honey, you never have to leave that box empty. Honey is a free shopping tool that scours the internet for promo codes and automatically
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Starting point is 00:01:04 That's slash r slash that's join slash r slash. Will I be the butthole if I give a family heirloom belonging to my late wife to my adopted daughter? My late wife Kate passed away about 12 years ago. Kate's family has a family heirloom that has passed down several generations starting from her great grandmother from mothers to their first daughters on their 18th birthdays. The heirloom isn't itself highly valuable in a financial sense, but the history makes it very valuable to the people in the family. I currently possess the heirloom after Kate passed away, and I always intended to give it to my daughter, Claire, on her 18th birthday. She's currently 16. I married my current wife about
Starting point is 00:01:45 8 years ago. My stepdaughter, Sarah, whom I have adopted and consider my own daughter, is 17 years and 11 months old. Her 18th birthday is one month away. My wife also adopted Claire, and we all consider each other to be one big family. My wife asked me to give the heirloom to Sarah on her birthday to continue the tradition. I was hesitant because I always intended to give it to Claire, whose Kate's only daughter, because this is what she would have wanted, and it's a continuation of the tradition. My wife countered that this belongs to our family now, and we should give it to our eldest daughter on her 18th birthday, and therefore it should be Sarah's. I told her that I do consider Sarah to be my daughter, but she's not Kate's daughter.
Starting point is 00:02:32 This heirloom belongs to Kate, so it should go to Kate's daughter. My wife said that Claire is her daughter, not anyone else's, and my wife accused me of playing favorites and told me that if I truly consider Sarah to be my daughter then I'll do the right thing. And if I don't, then that means that I haven't really accepted Sarah to be my real daughter yet. I consulted my 25 year old son who I also had with Cade and he told me that if I did this he's going to walk from the birthday party. And he thinks that he won't be the only one to do so. He said that, if I do this, I should be ready for severe consequences. He left in a very frustrated way.
Starting point is 00:03:13 His argument in the end was that it isn't yours to give away. It was moms, and now it belongs to Claire. My wife thinks that my son is overreacting, and it's only due to his age and moving out that he's never bonded with Sarah like Claire and I have. So he doesn't consider Sarah to be his real sister, otherwise he'd be happy for her. My wife thinks that Claire would be happy about this, since she considers Sarah to be your big sister, and it'll bring the girls even closer together because Sarah will happily share it with Claire and then they'll both have it.
Starting point is 00:03:45 So, would I be the butthole if I did what my wife wants me to do and give the heirloom to Sarah? Oh my God, yes OP! Yes! Yes, you would be the butthole, are you kidding me? I can't believe your wife is putting you in this situation. This is so rude! Like, not only is she trying to claim something, that she 100% has no claim over, but on top of that, she's blackmailing you through your relationship with your stepdaughter. She has the audacity to say that, oh, if you don't give us this heirloom,
Starting point is 00:04:16 then clearly you don't really accept your stepdaughter as being your daughter. That's disgusting. And she says, oh my God, she's, ugh. She said that Claire isn't Kate's daughter. She's her daughter. As if she's going to erase the relationship that your daughter had with her mom when she was still alive and just like become the replacement magically. Unfortunately, this story doesn't specify if Kate left a will because if Kate left a will saying specifically that this heirloom should go to her daughter, then that will make you so much more of a butthole. But even in the absence of a will, it's very, very clear that Kate would have wanted that to go to her biological daughter,
Starting point is 00:04:54 Claire. OP, I'm giving your wife four out of five buttholes. The emotional manipulation out of that woman is disgusting. OP, I'm giving you two out of five but holes for even considering it. If you actually do that, then I'm giving you 4.5 out of five but holes. Please do not rob your own daughter of her birthright. Okay, so down in the comments, things get really, really interesting. Okay, so as you might expect, OP got absolutely blasted and everyone's calling him the but hole saying, please don't do it. And luckily, he yeah I get it I shouldn't do it I will give it to my actual daughter. But then OP says this, I already have a will with my children in it even though my children
Starting point is 00:05:36 own a lot more than I do. Kate came from wealth and almost all of her money went to my kids not me. Even the house that we currently live in actually belongs to my kids. Then someone replies, be prepared to get kicked out of your house if you do this. No wonder your son said severe consequences.
Starting point is 00:05:55 And OP replies, I was thinking about that. And now that I think back, that's probably what my son meant. Someone replies, how long were you planning on living there? Is there a plan to leave the home eventually? Opie says, my son always told me that I'll be welcome to stay there for as long as I want. But I've been planning to move out when Claire turns 18, although my wife wants us to stay. There's no final decision yet. Someone says, huh, your wife is a mooch, dude. And another person says, your wife is going to try to press your clare to stay or sign the house over.
Starting point is 00:06:28 She's going to use the fact that she adopted Claire and is therefore the only mother Claire knows to pressure that poor girl into not just the house, but also sharing her inheritance. Thank God that it seems that everything is shared between Claire and her brother, so hopefully her brother will stand up for her just like he has with his heirloom. Opie says, yeah, that part's never gonna happen. About five years ago, my wife wanted us to sell the house so that we could buy a place that was our own rather than Kate's.
Starting point is 00:06:57 But I resisted the idea, knowing that it wasn't mine to sell. And my son basically told her, it's not your house to sell, but feel free to move out. She dropped the idea. And someone says, wait, did she want to use the money from the sale to fund the new house? I'm confused as to why you would even need to sell the house to get a new home. Opie says, yeah, we wouldn't have been able to buy a comparable house in size, luxury, and location on our own. So my wife's idea was to sell Claire's house so we could buy another one. Man, this is so bad. Someone replies, so your wives idea was for Claire and her brother to sell their house
Starting point is 00:07:37 and give you the money to buy another one? Oof. Sorry, Opie. But this is sounding worse and worse. Like she wanted to sell a house that your late wife left to her kids, even though technically it shouldn't make any financial difference in your ability to buy another house, since neither of you actually own this house, which presumably you're both living in rent-free. And O.P. replies, as bad as that sounds, yes.
Starting point is 00:08:05 Oh my god, oh my god, this got so much worse. OP, okay OP, your wife is literally trying to steal money from your daughter and your son. Literally. In fact, in my opinion, this is, you guys might have disagreed with me on this one, but this is my opinion. I actually think that you are stealing money from your kids, because the fact that you're living there rent-free is literally taking money out of your son and your daughter's hands. The fair thing to do would be for you and your wife to get a house on your own. That way your son and your daughter could either rent out the house and get passive income or sell the house and get their inheritance money.
Starting point is 00:08:44 Or even better, your son could live there until your daughter turns 18 and then they can live there together. You are 100% taking advantage of both your sons and your daughter's inheritance right now, OP. If I were in your shoes OP, I'd be paying my kids rent money, because they should be getting rent money. And like, yeah, yeah, your son did say that you can stay there, which I appreciate, but technically he shouldn't be making that decision on behalf of his sister. Because even if your son is generous enough to let you live there for free, it's not really fair for him to assume that his sister is okay with it as well. So, man, this story is a mess. OP, um, your wife is terrible. She's not a good person. She is a money-grubbing,
Starting point is 00:09:26 gold-digging mooch, and you made a huge mistake in marrying her. Man, don't you just love The stories that we get here are just wild. Am I the butthole for holding my son's college fund hostage? I'm a 48-year-old guy, and I have a son who graduated from high school this year. My wife and I started his college fund the minute that we found out that she was pregnant. Since we make good money, like in the mid-six figures, his college fund currently has almost $400,000 in it. We've never told our son what to do with this life. We may have guided his decisions as any good parent should, but since he was still young, we let him make his own decisions.
Starting point is 00:10:05 We also never expected academic excellence or forced him into sports or artistic activities. Now that he graduated high school, he said that he didn't want to go to college. We said, as long as he was sure, he could do whatever he wanted. He refused trade schools too. He also didn't want to work with us on our business. He said that he planned to use his college fund to start a business of his own. I said that I'll allow it, if only he takes some business management accounting and law classes in the nearby community college. I said that I would pay them out of pocket and not from the college fund, and then I would expect a well-made business plan before I would give him the money,
Starting point is 00:10:44 and my wife 100% agrees. But he called us buttholes for holding his college fund hostage to make him do what we want. We think that we're just doing our best to make sure that his business succeeds. So am I the butthole? Okay, so going down into the comments, it looks like I'm actually going to disagree with the majority of people here. This, to me, feels like a no-butt whole situation.
Starting point is 00:11:07 So on your side OP, obviously this is your money, this is your wife's money, it's in your guy's name, OP clarify that it's in their name. So like, if you don't want to give that money to your son, then that's completely your prerogative. But then like, on the other side of the coin, if your son grew up this whole time thinking that he had this college fund, then it's very reasonable for him to assume that this money is essentially his. And then he makes plans around the assumption that he's going to get this money, and then
Starting point is 00:11:34 he doesn't get that money, so him being upset is pretty understandable. And also, you're making your son go to business management, accounting, and law classes at a nearby community college. I'm an entrepreneur myself and those classes are completely useless to me, completely. It would have been a huge waste of time and money for my business. There's millions of different businesses out there, so to assume that every business needs business management and accounting and law classes, that's just not it's just not accurate. So for him to say that you're trying to control him, I mean, yeah, actually,
Starting point is 00:12:09 he's not really wrong there. What you're essentially saying, OP, is that you'll only approve of his business. If it's like a conventional brick and mortar CEO, upper management employees type of business, but if he wants to be a real estate agent or a musician or a social media influencer, then he just wouldn't care about business management and accounting and law classes. They're just completely irrelevant. So like I really do see both sides of the argument here, and I think both people are coming from
Starting point is 00:12:37 a logical and understandable place. I think everyone gets zero out of five buttles. Man, this kid is getting blasted in the comments. People are calling him a spoiled rich kid. Look, I'm not trying to say, given 18 year old $400,000. I mean, that's kind of nuts in any situation. But like, for all we know,
Starting point is 00:12:54 all he needs is $5,000, $10,000 to buy the initial equipment he needs to start his business. So if that's all that he needs, then I really don't see any problem at all at giving him that money and letting him see if he can start his business. I don't know. I feel like maybe I'm kind of biased here because social media is filled with like 16 year old multi millionaires. So I don't know, maybe I'm biased, but I kind of have faith in the kid. Guys, am I wrong here? Let me know down in the comments if I'm way off base.
Starting point is 00:13:21 You know, I'm always on YouTube, so I'm used to seeing like multi-millionaires at the age of 17 with millions of subscribers, so that's kind of like normal for me. So maybe I'm out of touch. Am I the butthole for refusing to cook dinner for my stepmother and her guests? After she's been refusing to let me eat the food that she cooks, I'm a 16 year old boy. My dad married my stepmom just about a year ago. She doesn't want me to live there and once me gone. I've insisted that I should stay because I don't want to live with my mom.
Starting point is 00:13:51 Her husband is a piece of work, so as a result, she and I are always clashing. She announced last month that she wouldn't allow me to eat anything that she cooks or cook anything that she buys, and I should arrange my own food completely separately. Down to the ingredient level, including salt, because I'm not her problem to deal with. This is annoying, but anyway, I can handle it and I didn't want to act entitled, so I started buying and cooking my own food. We've been going on like this since then.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Her sister had an accident a few days ago, and on the day of the accident, my stepmother texted me in the afternoon saying that she'd be bringing her sister's kids over and they derive around midnight. She asked me to buy groceries and snacks and make a late dinner for them. I never replied to her and didn't do anything. I have to say that, for a few hours, things didn't look good for her sister and she had to go into surgery. It ended up being successful and she'll thankfully make a full recovery.
Starting point is 00:14:51 They came, she noticed there was no food and they were hungry, so she was angry at me and I told her that it's not my problem to deal with. She said that I'm being a jerk and I said it takes one to no one. She ended up ordering pizza. My dad told me that I was out of line and I should have just done what she wanted me to do because it was an emergency. And I should have just done a favor for her because it would have gone a long way to improve our relationship.
Starting point is 00:15:17 I told him that our relationship has always been hopeless because she hated me for no reason so there's nothing I can do to make her hate me any less, and at this point, I've accepted it and I don't care anymore. He said that's not true, and now I'm grounded. Oh my God. Okay, okay, okay, I've got to take a break here, because I have to clarify to you that what's happening to you is straight up child abuse. Literally, it's child abuse. Parents not feeding their kids and using food as punishment is literally child abuse, literally, it's child abuse. Parents not feeding their kids and using food as punishment
Starting point is 00:15:45 is literally child abuse. And what really blows my mind about this is after, okay, obviously the stepmother's terrible, she's an evil stepmom, she's not gonna feed a child under her own roof. But what blows my mind is that your dad not only allows his behavior, but he will cook for you either, right?
Starting point is 00:16:03 Like why isn't he getting you groceries? Why isn't he cooking for you? And he says that it's your responsibility, the 16 year old child to repair the relationship. Not the grown ass adult woman, OP, if you're listening to this, I really want you to understand that I'm not hamming this up because I'm a YouTuber, I'm trying to be dramatic reviews. This is literal child abuse.
Starting point is 00:16:25 Okay, it really actually is. Your stepmother is evil and your father is a piece of garbage. Please, please, please start planning your exit at the age of 18. Because based on this story, I'm pretty much convinced that the second your 18-year-old birthday comes around, you're out of the house. O.P., you get a rock- rock solid zero out of five buttholes. I'm giving your stepmother 3.5 out of five buttholes and your father 4 out of 5 buttholes. That was our slash of my the butthole, and if you like this content be sure to follow my
Starting point is 00:16:56 podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day. day.

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