rSlash - r/AmITheA--hole for Sending 🍆 Pics to His Mom?

Episode Date: May 4, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to R-slash, Am I the Butthole, where OP Sands unsolicited dick picks to the bullies mother? Am I the Butthole for screen-shouting messages the guy sent me and sending them to their mothers? I'm an 18-year-old girl who's in college at the moment. I've been getting bullied and harassed by three guys in my class who have taken to messaging me online with rather gross and harassing messages, as well as not safe-for-work pictures that I'm sure you can all fill in the gaps without me going into detail. I should have just reported them or blocked them, but I'd had enough, so I screen-shotted every message they sent me. Then I found their mothers through their Facebook pages and sent them screenshots, including an
Starting point is 00:00:42 explanation of who I am and how their sons have been bothering me. Their mothers were horrified and shocked by what I sent them, and all three of their mothers are on my side. Some of my friends think this is genius and exactly what they deserved, but some of my other friends think that I took it too far, and I was out of line to put that on their mothers, and also now I don't know what their home life is like. Am I the butthole for doing this? Should I have gone about it another way? You did nothing wrong OP. Also, if I were you, I would be seriously re-evaluating my friendships with people who want to defend bullies and sexual harassers. To put it simply, they're facing the consequences of their own actions. Also, OP, colleges now a day have pretty strict rules about bullying,
Starting point is 00:01:27 so if you report them through official channels, they'll get in serious academic trouble. You get 0 out of 5 buttholes, your bullies get 2 out of 5 buttholes. Am I the butthole for telling my son exactly what my husband did, despite him begging me not to tell? I have a son, Adam who's 14 years old from my previous marriage. I'm currently married to my second husband of four years. I handle everything related to Adam's school. He has a friend, Dean who's 14 that he started hanging out with a year ago. Dean is an amazing boy and he's been nothing but a great influence
Starting point is 00:02:00 for Adam. I'm at Dean's dad, Mike who's a single dad, and we'd see each other daily for school pickups and drop-offs. My husband kept asking about Mike and pointed out that he's been boundary-stopping, but I disagree. Unfortunately, Adam fell sick months ago and recently had to undergo a surgery. It's been hard, but Dean kept visiting, and sometimes Mike would come too. My husband would either ignore Mike or make passive comments towards him. Mike picked up on that and I told my husband to knock it off because his hostility affected Adam and Dean as well. Days ago I found Adam crying in his room.
Starting point is 00:02:38 This was weeks after getting discharged. I asked what happened and he said that Dean sent him a text telling him they were no longer friends, and he blocked his number. I was confused because I thought they were fine. I wanted to go talk to Dean, but the next day I found his phone in my husband's car. I confronted him, and he said that he borrowed it from Dean, but I didn't buy it. After pushing, he confessed that he stole Dean's phone at the hospital and sent Adam a text telling him to not contact him again. I asked why, and he said that it was all Mike's fault
Starting point is 00:03:15 for being too close to me and acting inappropriately, and he chose this strategy to not make Adam hate him while keeping Dean and by extension Mike away. This hit a nerve, so I started screaming at him. He said that he already expressed how uncomfortable he felt with Mike being around and I kept brushing it off. I said it was because of how ridiculous his argument was. Mike's been nothing but respectful and helpful. I yelled at my husband calling him insecure insecure and unreasonable, and also cruel for causing Adam heartache with this stunt.
Starting point is 00:03:47 He begged me not to tell Adam, but I took the phone and returned it to Dean and explained to him and Adam what happened. Adam is no longer speaking to my husband, and my husband is blaming me for telling instead of keeping it between adults like I'm supposed to. Okay OP, why is it your responsibility to keep things between adults? But for some reason, it's not your husband's responsibility to keep things between adults. Apparently he's got no problem stealing a teenager's phone to break up 14 year old boys' friendship because he's a jealous little loser.
Starting point is 00:04:20 He would really rather comfort his own wounded ego than have his steps on get emotional support after a freaking surgery. Honestly OP, your steps on is more of a man than your husband is. Why are you with this guy? Stealing a 14 year old boy's phone and sending a text pretending to be them is something that like, well, it's something that a 14 year old would do. Man, I cannot believe that your husband says Mike is stomping on boundaries, and then he does this and thinks that he's what, respecting boundaries? Opie, your husband gets 4 out of 5 buttholes. Everyone else gets 0 out of 5 buttholes. Am I the butthole for eating at the same restaurant as my husband's family?
Starting point is 00:05:03 I'm a 32 year old woman, and I've been been married to my husband who's 35 for three years. We dated for two years before that. I want to start this off by saying that he's really a good guy in other areas. My husband's parents, his two brothers, and his brother's girlfriend slash fiancee's have a tradition of going out to dinner once a month. I get invited about 50% of the time. I've talked to my husband's brother's fiance and she said that she's invited every time. When I say that I'm not invited, I mean that my husband tells me. I'm going to the family dinner. It's probably best if you sit this one out. When I expressed that I wanted to come, he told me that it would be for the best if I didn't, and it's caused several fights.
Starting point is 00:05:46 About a week ago, my husband went to a family dinner that I wasn't invited to. I was so pissed. So, earlier that day, I called and made a reservation at the restaurant they were going to. My husband left the house not knowing about my reservation, and I left 15 minutes after him. I ended up seated at a table where I
Starting point is 00:06:06 couldn't see his family, so I got up as if I was going to the bathroom and I walked right past them. They were all there, including his brother significant others. My husband looked completely shocked and asked me what I was doing there. I told him I'd just been dying for a steak, so I came to get one at the restaurants. My mother-in-law said that it was very rude of me to interrupt their family dinner. I pointed out that I wasn't trying to join them. I was just going to the bathroom. I told them to have a good meal, and I left. I went back to my table, and I finished my steak by myself.
Starting point is 00:06:39 My husband was really pissed when he came home, and he told me that he couldn't believe how much of a butthole I'd been. I said that he was a butthole for not inviting me to these dinners when his brother-significant others got to go. My husband said the decision of who to invite was between him and his family, and I should respect it. Anyway, with the way the word butthole was thrown around, it made me think of this sub, so I wanted to ask, am I the butthole?
Starting point is 00:07:06 Am I? OP. Why are you with a husband who doesn't treat you as family? Why do the other girlfriends and fiancees get treated as family, but you don't? Why doesn't your husband stand up for you in the eyes of his family? I don't get it. This is pretty fundamental disrespect that they're showing you, OP. What they're doing is just cruel, it's mean. So yesterday I was doing something in the bedroom of my house,
Starting point is 00:07:30 and I look out the window in my bedroom, and I can see into like the neighbor behind me's yard, and I saw that he was putting out chairs around like a little fire pit that he built, and I thought to myself, oh, I guess he's having family over or something. That's nice. Then several hours later, I come back to my bedroom and I look out the window and I see that actually he wasn't having his family over. He was having all the dads in the neighborhood over for like a fireside chat. So every single dad, every single husband on the street except for me, apparently got invited to this simple little dude party and they were all just hanging out drinking beers and chilling by the fire.
Starting point is 00:08:12 But I wasn't invited. And like I don't even know these people that well but that's done. That hurt my feelings. But this is your family, this is your own husband who isn't inviting you. So that would have to sting so much worse. Opie, you can and should fight about this. Like sure, your husband can decide who he gets to invite to this dinner, but at the same time, it's your decision to decide who you invite into your bedroom.
Starting point is 00:08:37 Opie, I'm gonna be honest, I don't really believe you when you say that your husband is good in other areas, because it just doesn't make sense, right? If he were good in other areas and he'd be good here too, it doesn't make any sense why he would like specifically be a douchebag here and then not a douchebag in other areas. So my guess is that your husband is more of a bully, more of a like selfish jerk who doesn't respect you than you're making it out to be. So I'm giving your husband three out of five but holes. I'm giving his family three out of 5 buttholes, I'm giving his family 3 out of 5 buttholes as well. I'm not exactly sure if I can give the significant others
Starting point is 00:09:09 a butthole score, I think they do deserve it to be honest. If they know that you're being excluded and they're not standing up for you as well and they're just letting you be excluded, then I think they deserve like 1 out of 5 buttholes. UOP deserves 0 out of 5 buttholes. Am I the butthole for refusing to make my husband apologize for what he said to my mom at dinner? So I'm a 31 year old woman and I recently got married to my husband, Scott, who's 36. Before I met him, I was engaged to my former fiance, Martin. But we broke it off because this relationship was sort of pushed by my family because he's
Starting point is 00:09:43 a doctor and he comes from a wealthy family. When our relationship ended, my mom was devastated. She did her best to bring me back together with my ex. For example, she lied to Martin about me being pregnant to save us. That was years ago now, and we're all on good terms, including Martin. Mom has a bit of tension towards Scott. She treats him well, but constantly makes passive nagging comments about him. She compares him to Martin all the time, which bothers both of us, but we try to let it slide.
Starting point is 00:10:16 Mom kept telling Scott about the diamond ring, the new car, and the bank account that Martin got for his fiancee, and kept sending him photos, saying how generous Martin is to his to his fiance and then compared him to Scott and what he'd done for me. I told her to stop doing this and she apologized. Last week we were over at my parents' house for a social gathering. Lots of our relatives came and we had dinner. At the dinner table, mom asked Scott if he saw the text she sent him the other day, and he said that he was sorry, but he didn't notice it. She told him to check it right then and read it out loud so everyone at the table could hear. He took out his phone and started reading the text out loud. Her text mentioned how Martin got his fiancee a new house and how generous he was. Then it said that Martin
Starting point is 00:11:01 is younger than Scott, yet he was able to buy a house. Basically, it was shaming Scott for his inability to buy a house. She wrapped up by saying that Martin maybe wasn't so bad for me after all. I was shocked, and Scott was obviously pissed. However, he didn't lash out or anything. He just looked at the text, smiled, and said, You know, what gets me about this entire text is how you were a public educator for 30 years.
Starting point is 00:11:28 Yeah, you can't differentiate between the passive view and the contraction you apostrophe are. Good God, the thought of all the children that must have been left behind. Everyone at the table burst into laughter and mom's face went pale. She decided to leave the table. Then she and my sister started yelling
Starting point is 00:11:46 at me, saying that Scott was being awfully rude, and I need to get him to apologize immediately for embarrassing mom at the table. I refused to tell him to apologize, then pointed out how she was being judgmental towards him. She defended herself, saying that she was just letting him know and he had no confidence and took it personally. I left, but I kept getting told to talk to him and get him to apologize for what he did. Okay, so yeah, OP, I will give you points for the fact that you were sticking up for your husband here, but the fact that you even let it get to this point honestly is entirely on your shoulders. If my parents treated my spouse the way that your parents treated your spouse, I would never let them be in the same room. Like, it's really simple. Mom, dad, either get on board,
Starting point is 00:12:31 except that she's my wife, lover, or you're just never going to see us again. Simple. I mean, yeah, you told her to stop doing this, and she apologized, but the fact that she keeps doing it over and over and over publicly in front of the entire family, clearly means that you're not doing a good enough job. You're sticking up for your husband, you're just not sticking up for him enough because clearly your mom's not getting the message. So for that OP, honestly, you do deserve a butthole score. I'm giving you two out of five buttholes for allowing your family to constantly bully your husband, and I'm giving your mom three out of five buttholes.
Starting point is 00:13:03 Your husband, on the other hand, gets 0 out of 5 buttholes. Honestly, it was an impressive burn. Am I the butthole for walking out of the baby shower that my in-laws threw for me? The situation is kind of a mess. I'm a 27 year old woman and I'm expecting my first baby with my husband. This is the first grandchild in the in-laws family, and they said if the baby's a boy, then we'll give him my father's in-laws name. He's dead due to cancer.
Starting point is 00:13:28 I had no problem with that. This happened before we found out the gender of the baby. My husband and his family had me do things like attend prayers and do other rituals before the reveal of the doctor. I didn't like that, but I went along with it to keep the peace. The doctor's appointment came, and it turned out to be a girl. My husband cried in the car, then turned his phone off to hide from his family, and then finally told them.
Starting point is 00:13:54 His mom and the others made their frustration and disappointment clear, which bothered me because my daughter deserves to be celebrated. But they ghosted me for days, then started coming over and visiting constantly, referring to my daughter as my son, claiming the results were false, and then basically pretending that it's a boy. I had several fights with them after they refused to stop, and my husband sided with them despite seeing how wrong and unreasonable what they were doing was. we didn't speak for a while. My sister-in-law called to apologize, then informed me that she arranged for a baby shower
Starting point is 00:14:29 for me. I was so excited and happy, but when I arrived, I saw blue balloons and a blue cake with my father-in-law's name on it. I was so confused, and I had to sit down. My sister-in-law explained that they were still hoping the gender result of her false and that it's a boy. I looked at my husband and he agreed with her. I lost my temper and yelled at all of them, calling them delusional and telling them
Starting point is 00:14:56 to stop treating my daughter like she's unwanted and act like she doesn't exist by throwing a party for their imaginary grandson. My mother-in-law broke down crying, so I just took my bag and walked out immediately. They started yelling and my husband followed me outside and started arguing about how I insulted his family and his dad's memory by acting like that. I told him to wake up and see the insanity in his family's behavior. He said they need to process the fact that it's a girl, not a boy as they expected, and insisted I play along and they'll soon get over it.
Starting point is 00:15:32 I said absolutely not and demanded that he take me home. He said no, so I called an Uber and left. He was fuming and called me 15 times. Then texted that he won't be coming home until I get my butt over there and apologize for ruining everything they've done for me and accusing them of being mentally unstable. I haven't responded yet, and he's constantly pressuring me to get right with this family before we even talk about anything else. Okay, so as you guys know, I don't like to advocate divorce on Reddit posts because situations are very nuanced. You can't just have one bad scene, one bad fight in an instant.
Starting point is 00:16:09 They say, oh, you should divorce some OP. But in this situation, yeah, this is really feeling like a divorceable situation because not only are they completely disrespecting you, but they are invalidating your daughter in like one of the most fundamental ways imaginable. I'm trying to imagine how, let's imagine a 13 year old girl would react, how she would feel when she finds out that half of her family, her daddy, her grandmother, her uncles, her aunts, everyone on her dad's side of the family. Basically, wish that she was a boy was sad that she was a girl and was constantly pretending
Starting point is 00:16:44 that she was a boy hoping that she would come out to be a boy that was sad that she was a girl, and was constantly pretending that she was a boy, hoping that she would come out to be a boy, that'd be so devastating to a 13-year-old girl. And I'm pretty much convinced that once the daughter is born, this family is going to treat the daughter like trash. Why? Because they're sexist douchebags, so why wouldn't they? And on top of that OP, they told you what you're naming your kid, they made you go to these weird rituals that you weren't even comfortable with, like, curl. I'm not trying to put any of the blame on you here, but you have got to be better about setting and holding your boundaries.
Starting point is 00:17:16 OP, I'm giving you 0 out of 5 buttholes, I'm giving your husband and his family 4 out of 5 buttholes. That was our slash of my the butthole, and if you liked this content, check out my podcast where I published the exact same episodes. Also hit that subscribe button because I put out new Reddit videos every single day.

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