rSlash - r/AmITheA--Hole My Husband Wants to Sleep with His Guy Friend

Episode Date: May 30, 2022 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Business notifications getting out of hand, buried under an avalanche of customer emails, texts, and social media messages? Keep your edge with Thrive Small Business software and never miss a message again. Thrive offers one solution to communicate, market, and run your business, but simply, small businesses run better on Thrive. Get Command Center for free today at That's THR-Y-D dot CA.. Terms and conditions apply free plans have limited functionality. Welcome to R-slash. Am I the butthole where O.P.'s husband would rather sleep with his
Starting point is 00:00:36 boyfriends than with her? Am I the butthole for going home after I got told to sleep on the floor? All prefaces by saying that my husband, whose 33, has a friend Carl, whose also 33, who my husband considers to be one of his closest friends. My husband sometimes calls Carl his nicotine because of how much he misses him and once has been time with him. They do everything together, they're even co-workers working the same job. Unfortunately, Carl's wife passed away from cancer
Starting point is 00:01:06 three months ago, which has caused him to distance himself. My husband felt devastated for him, and he recently started spending more time with him and brought him meals and new clothes. My husband and I planned a three day vacation to another state. Unbeknownst to me, my husband had invited Carl to come with us.
Starting point is 00:01:24 This made me upset because it spoiled the entire vacation and I only found out when he went to go pick him up. I sucked it up after my husband explained that Carl is a recent widower who's been wallowing in grief for so long and he needed this vacation. The problem is, money is tight and since Carl hasn't worked ever since his wife passed away, he couldn't pay for his own room, and we didn't have budget for a second room. My husband said that we should just share one room, and again, I sucked it up since he said that we would be out all day on the beach anyway. On the first night, I was in bed when my husband and Carl
Starting point is 00:02:01 got back. I got woken up by my husband telling me to get out of the bed and sleep on the mattress that he put on the floor for me and he and Carl would take the bed. I asked him if he was serious and he asked what else he was supposed to do. He said Carl was a guest and we can't let him sleep on the floor and at the same time I can't share a bed with Carl while my husband sleeps on the floor. I told my husband that I didn't sign up for this, but he told me to suck it up and tried to pull the car was a widower, card. I told Carl to get out, then I got up, got dressed, and went home. My husband started yelling, calling me irrational, but I wasn't having it.
Starting point is 00:02:41 I left the hotel and went back home. Carl didn't say anything when he saw me leave, except that I was making this non-issue and issue. They got back, and my husband refused to even talk to me, but still said that I ruined this trip for Carl and us, and I acted abhorrently and disgustingly. I admit that Carl is struggling, and I might have ruined this for him, but I didn't even know that he was coming. Okay, I can understand your husband being like sympathetic to his friend's plight, but there's a big difference between empathy and what I just read here.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Opie, are you 100% positive that your husband's bromance hasn't evolved into a romance? Look, I'm not trying to say that two guys can't be close friends, but like I've had the same group of guy friends for like 20 years, we talk almost every single night together on Discord, and I'm not about to kick my wife out of the bed so I can cuddle up with my boys instead of my wife. You know, like, it's a little fishy, a little suspicious here. And like either way, even if there isn't like a romance between your husband and Carl, what he's doing to you is really disrespectful. OP, you get 0 out of 5 buttholes.
Starting point is 00:03:50 I'm giving your husband 4 out of 5 buttholes and Carl 3 out of 5 buttholes. I'm sorry what happened to Carl and everything, but I can't believe that he would let his friends wife sleep on the floor on their vacation just so he can get the bit. Am I the butthole for watching and not doing anything while my wife was being kicked out of my company? So I'm 33 and my wife is 26. We've been married for two years. I admit that she's a hothead and she can be a bit much, especially when she's mad at
Starting point is 00:04:19 me. I take responsibility for any mistake I make, like not cleaning the bathroom after the shower or filling her car with gas after using it. I even stand there and let her unload her anchor and frustration on me, but only at home, not in public. She tends to start arguing with me in public instead of waiting until we get home. Recently, she's been coming to my workplace to berate me over something I did the night before, or like not getting the stuff I said I would get or doing the stuff I said I would do. It's embarrassing and humiliating, and it's been affecting my job to the point where I started getting multiple warnings from my superiors, who I believe have been very patient
Starting point is 00:04:58 and understanding, especially when my wife makes a fuss at the office. Last week I was in the middle of a two hour meeting, and next thing I know, I see my wife makes a fuss at the office. Last week, I was in the middle of a two hour meeting, and next thing I know, I see my wife barging in while yelling at me, asking me why I was keeping my phone turned off. I was stunned because my boss, co-workers, and potential clients were all there. I didn't even move as my boss dealt with it by calling security to get her out. My wife started arguing with the security guy, telling him that she came here for me and started urging me to get up and tell them to back off. But I didn't.
Starting point is 00:05:32 I just watched a security escort her out. It was horrible because I was afraid that I had lost my job. She yelled at me repeatedly to get them to stop, but I didn't, and eventually they kicked her out. I was told that she is no longer allowed there, and this was going to be my final last warning. I apologized then went home. She was there waiting for me, yelling about me watching and doing nothing while she was
Starting point is 00:05:59 getting mistreated and kicked out. I finally snapped and said that she was over the line that she made a scene that risked my job over a few missed calls. She started crying, saying that I still should have defended her after getting humiliated in front of my coworkers. But I told her that she didn't have to worry about that because she's no longer allowed there. This made her furious and she went to her mom
Starting point is 00:06:23 to say there for the night. Opie, you called your wife. What was the word you used? Was it hothead? Yeah, you said, I admit that she's a hothead and she can be a bit much, but no OP. Your wife isn't a hothead, she's toxic. This behavior is not normal. Coming into your job and yelling at you in front of your coworkers, to be honest, I'm
Starting point is 00:06:44 a major boss that didn't fire you right there, especially since clients were present. And I have to wonder, the fact that she has the free time to drive all the way to your office to yell at you on multiple occasions would lead me to believe that she's a stay at home housewife, which means that both of you rely on your income. Granted, I'm just making a guess here, but she's jeopardizing the sole bread winner just so she can What? When a fight I guess then what you get fired and she yells at you while your home was on the street saying it's all your fault for getting fired Opie for real you got to see the warning signs here. This is not normal. This is not healthy. This is really messed up
Starting point is 00:07:20 I would expect this behavior from a 16 year old, not a 26 year old. OP, you get 0 out of 5 buttholes. Your wife gets 4 out of 5 buttholes. If you ask me, what's your wife doing is a form of abuse. Am I the butthole for telling my son that his house was dirty and his wife needed a shower? My son and his wife welcomed a baby boy two weeks ago. They're both 23. My son called me and asked me if I would like to spend a week with them. And I said as long as it was okay with his wife, I'd love to. When I got there, my daughter-in-law Megan was hurrying around trying to tidy up because she told me that she only found
Starting point is 00:07:59 out that I was coming this morning. I looked at my son and he went red. Then he said that it was time to meet my grandchild. As I walked in, I noticed the house wasn't very clean, and that Megan hadn't looked like she had showered in days. That didn't sit right with me, but I've had 12 kids, so I know that things can get messy fast, especially when you're tired. After meeting the baby, my son said, I'll leave you girls to talk. I'm just gonna pop out for an hour to the gym. So I asked Megan how she was getting on with motherhood, and she told me that it was beautiful, but she was exhausted with feedings every two hours. It didn't sit right with me the way she said every two hours, so I asked her if she would like to
Starting point is 00:08:41 nap or do whatever she liked while I looked after the baby. In my 61 years of living on this earth, I have never seen an adult fall asleep faster. I looked after the baby for four hours and made lunch until Megan woke up and took a shower. That day, I watched my son, whose on paternity leave, do nothing but look at me and Megan whenever the baby cried. He didn't help with household chores or cooking, which he should be doing himself because she just had a C-section. I usually don't involve myself in my kids' relationships, but he got on my effing nerves and no, he wasn't raised like that. So I told Megan that she was being a doormat, and that she smelled like she had an infection. That she needed to be on bed rest, and that my son should do 100% of the cooking and
Starting point is 00:09:30 cleaning rather than act like a single teenager. They had a fight, and my son told me that I was a Karen and a B word for calling his home dirty and his wife smelly. Megan wasn't upset at me at all. In fact, she asked me to watch the baby for a day. Now my son is saying that I ruined his marriage and that it's my fault that his wife isn't talking to him. Wow, what a sh** father, what a sh** husband.
Starting point is 00:09:56 This guy's wife is on the brink of exhaustion and he's just going to go pop over to the gym which turned into a 4 hour babys babysitting session for you, OP. This guy doesn't cook, he doesn't clean, so what does he do? God. I can't believe that he is so callous to his wife who had just had surgery and it's maybe infected. Guys, I think the rough parallel here would be, if you had to go to the doctor and the surgeon sliced open your nutsack and sewed it back together. Then your incision gets infected,
Starting point is 00:10:25 and your wife expects you to like mow the lawn and take out the trash and do other toys around the house, even though you've got swollen infested testicles. That's roughly the parallel here, right? Because her uterus got sliced open. Man, what a douchebag! I'm giving him the full 5 out of 5 buttholes. This guy managed to disrespect his wife, his newborn child, and his mother all in one day. OP, you and everyone else get 0 out of 5 buttholes. Am I the butthole for disinviting my siblings from my wedding? There's me, a 25 year old woman, my sister who's 27 and my brother who's 28. We were raised together, and until 2019, we believed that we were a nuclear biological family.
Starting point is 00:11:11 Then we found out that our dad wasn't our biological dad, which even he didn't know. It turns out that my older sibling shared a biological dad, but I had a different biological dad. We're also first cousins because their biological dad and my biological dad are brothers. My dad left our mom because he was hurt, betrayed, and overall disgusted that she had lied to him for two decades. I was equally mad that she lied and hurt my dad. My siblings were less willing to cut her off, but their relationship was majorly strained.
Starting point is 00:11:48 My dad moved in with me and my fiance and COVID hit. At this point, all three of us agreed that he was my dad no matter what, and there was nothing that could change that. And I really meant that. My siblings found their biological father and mine by extension. They have now decided that he is their real dad and that our dad is just a stepdad.
Starting point is 00:12:11 My brother has even corrected his two little girls who called dad Grandpa into saying that he's stepgrandpa. Meanwhile he gets his kids to call his biological father Grandpa. It broke my dad's heart, and he decided that it was just too much for him to accept. This was after many conversations between them, where he was essentially told to know his place, stay in his lane, and be demoted with the clear message that nothing would change. I am so pissed at them! My siblings have tried to push me to meet my real dad, and have told me it's okay to go
Starting point is 00:12:47 back on my promise. Initially, they were invited to my wedding, but with this whole mess, I told them they were no longer welcome and I didn't want them to show up. They told me that just because they have a relationship with their real dad that doesn't change things between us, I told them it does. That if our dad isn't our real dad after everything he's done for us, then we're not real siblings. Because technically, we're half siblings and cousins. I said that my dad is still 100% my dad and that biology is meaningless to me. And I said it was best that they don't come to my wedding because I no longer want them
Starting point is 00:13:27 there. What I said hurt them. My sister-in-law, who's married to my brother, told me that I was a butthole for cutting them from my wedding like we haven't been siblings our whole lives. I think that's almost more annoying to me because that's what they did to our dad. But he can apparently be shit on and discarded like he's nothing? Am I the butthole? Man, I don't get it OP. They completely cut their father out of their lives because they're less related than they thought. Then they get
Starting point is 00:13:55 upset that you cut them out of your life because you're not related as you thought and like they're upset at that and calling you a butthole, these guys are huge hypocrites. Honestly, OP, you sound like an incredible daughter and your father is lucky to have you. Your mom, however, oh my god! Oh my god! Cheating on her husband of two decades with a pair of brothers. I wonder if the brother who fathered the first two kids knew that she was also sleeping around with his brother. You think that guy was equally heartbroken because he found out you're cheating on me with my own brother? Wow, what a trashy woman. O.P., you and your dad get zero out of five buttholes. Your siblings get 3.5 out of five buttholes.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Your mother gets five out of five buttholes. Am I the butthole for using my son savings to get his stepbrothers car fixed? My stepson, who's 19, got a new car from his biological mom. She and her family are well off, and unlike me, they could afford to buy a car. I'm happy for my stepson, but my son, who's 17, isn't. In fact, he complains about how unfair it is for my husband to let his ex skip their son a car, but not him. He's being unreasonable, I know, but teenage years are mostly hard, and it's even harder to expect kids to be reasonable. My son wanted to be able to drive the car as part of a compromise, and he said if not, then we would have to
Starting point is 00:15:21 get rid of it. I sat him down to explain to him that the car is his stepbrothers property, and he shouldn't be expecting to drive it unless he's given permission. He was having none of it, and kept giving us ultimatums, saying that he either shares the car or the car goes. When my husband confronted him, my son went and damaged the car. He threw pain on it, ruined the lights, and damaged the front completely. My stepson had a breakdown when he saw the car in the morning, and my husband was beyond live it after seeing the footage from our driveway cam and seeing my son damaged the car. My husband confronted my son later, and all my son did was laugh and give him the middle finger. I went to take all of my son's camp savings for this summer to pay for the damage and
Starting point is 00:16:06 gave them to my husband. My son found out, and he went nuts on everyone in the house. He accused me of stealing, then trying to please my husband for passionate hugging, then told a step brother that he warned him and he shouldn't be blamed. He also said that it was my fault for not getting him a car or getting my husband to get him a car in the first place to avoid favoritism and conflict. He's been spending the majority of his time in his room refusing to come out or eat anything.
Starting point is 00:16:34 I'm worried about him not eating because he did this once before and he ended up in the hospital for low blood pressure. Okay, Opie. When I read the title of this post, I was 100% ready to call you out. But, actually, after reading this story, you handled this pretty much as you should have. Your son is 17. That's one year away from a legal adult. He really should start taking responsibility for his actions and start acting like an adult. Destroying your brother's toys because you don't get to play with them is behavior you would expect from someone who's like 3 or 4, not 17.
Starting point is 00:17:08 Actions have consequences and currently he's facing the consequences of his actions. If anything you're going easy on him by doing this unofficially as opposed to going the legal route. I will say though that if he's your kid he's your responsibility and if he's at the point where he's making ultimatums and destroying other people's property, then unfortunately some of that inherently rest on your shoulders, right? So for that and that alone, I do think I have to give you a butthole score. So to be clear, you handle the situation correctly, but you really need to focus on parenting your kid because he is going off the rails. I'm giving your son 3.5 out of 5 buttholes,
Starting point is 00:17:47 I'm giving you 1.5 out of 5 buttholes. That was our slash of my the butthole, and if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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