rSlash - r/AmITheA--Hole My Sister Intentionally Destroyed My House

Episode Date: October 3, 2022 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to R-slash, am I the butthole where OP kicks her husband out of the delivery room? Am I the butthole for kicking my husband out of the delivery room? I was in labor for 26 hours and I was in a lot of pain because I don't want to take an epidural. My husband was constantly on the phone, either playing games or talking with his bros being really loud. When I asked him to please hang up, he'd hang up the phone, and then, like 10 minutes later, call them back. He really wanted to talk to them because his friends went on a boy's trip without him because I asked him to stay back so he could be here when I went into labor.
Starting point is 00:00:37 They were calling to tell him about how their trip was going. He apologized to them, blaming it on me being a nag. I was really annoyed, and I told him that if he wanted to talk to his friends, he could do that elsewhere so I could be in pain and peace. He was like, alright fine baby, I'll just call them back later. So I had about 20 minutes of peace until his mom faced him where he proceeded to put me in the video call. His mom made a comment about how she remembered
Starting point is 00:01:05 when she was in labor with him and that she still put makeup on. She even claimed that she looked so good that the doctor was flirting with her. I was holding back everything inside me to not say something because I didn't want to disrespect my mother-in-law. But at the same time, she sometimes just makes
Starting point is 00:01:23 the stupidest comments at the worst times, and at that moment I couldn't stand talking to her. A nurse came in, and she could tell that I was upset, and she asked me if everything was all right, and I told her that I just really want to be alone. The nurse kicked my husband out, and in turn, he ended up missing the birth of our first born daughter. Apparently he left the hospital because he was pissed off that I got the nurse to kick him out of the room. He refused to come see his daughter afterwards because he was angry at me for kicking him out. My mother-in-law, who did visit me in the hospital, wouldn't stop talking
Starting point is 00:02:00 about how I'm such a bad wife for removing my husband from the room. When I got home, he kept on bringing up how I ruined a moment of bonding with his daughter and how he could never forgive me for that. So am I the butthole? Opie, this entire post from start to finish is non-stop red flags. This guy was being incredibly selfish and unsupportive while his own wife was delivering a baby. Like honestly, this guy can't take one day away from his phone to just support his wife? O.P.
Starting point is 00:02:32 I'm deeply, deeply sorry that you're married to this guy and now you have a kid with this guy. You get zero out of five buttholes. I'm giving your husband four out of five buttholes. Am I the butthole for locking up my valuables in my house? I'm a 21 year old woman, and I've been living together with my 23 year old boyfriend for 2 years. There's always been a bit of a money struggle, as I used to make more than him, and I've
Starting point is 00:02:57 usually been picking up the slack in our household. However, I started a new job, and I'm earning a lot less than before, so I've started to be more cautious about the amount of money that I'm spending. During our relationship, I would usually buy all of his toiletries in most household products. I told him I wouldn't be doing this anymore, as I need to cut down on my own spending, and he also works so he's capable of buying his own things. I thought that we agreed to this, but as time has gone on, I've noticed that all
Starting point is 00:03:25 of my expensive skincare and even my deodorant has been used up really quickly. I asked him multiple times to please not use my stuff, and I even bought him his own skincare products so that he could have his own things. The thing that set me off is I had bought myself a $220 face wash that is only supposed to be used sparingly. I have horrible eczema that I have prescriptions for, and the products I buy are specifically for my eczema. I hadn't used my product for a while, and when I picked up the bottle, it was empty. He laughed and said that he would replace it, and then refused when he learned about the price.
Starting point is 00:04:01 I took inventory of everything else that I owned, and found out that he had used up $800 worth of product in about three price. I took inventory of everything else that I owned and found out that he had used up $800 worth of product in about three months. I know he isn't naive because I tell him the price of everything I get and I tell him not to use them. I ended up buying a safe that I put under the sink. I put everything I had left inside it and hid the keys, so when I go to take a shower and get ready, I can use my own things and not worry about not affording to keep my skin in check. When he found out, he lost it and said that I was overreacting and that I don't trust him. This turned into a massive deal and my friends think that I'm being harsh, but I simply
Starting point is 00:04:37 can't afford to keep buying more skin care products. And I've even been hospitalized this year due to a huge flare up that I had after running out of products. He's taking this safe very seriously, and I don't know what else to do because I've already tried asking. Am I the butthole? Alright, OP. If you're a friend's thing that you're being harsh, then they can pay the $800 to replace
Starting point is 00:04:59 your skin care products. Also, why is this guy getting upset that you don't trust him when, fundamentally, he's not being trustworthy? Also, OP is this guy getting upset that you don't trust him when, fundamentally, he's not being trustworthy? Also OP posted an update. I sat my boyfriend down for a talk to try to convey why I don't trust him anymore, and how important my skin care is. The conversation went on for some time, and I actually thought that he might be turning over a new leaf.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Until he told me that in our first year of being together as a couple, he had been taking my oral steroids that I was prescribed, thinking they would make him buff at the gym. That whole year, I battled with insecurities and unbearable pain because I wasn't able to overcome my flare-ups. Honestly, that was a thing that snapped me completely. I'm staying at my friend's house for a week and letting him pack his things and figure out a place to go. Oh my god. Stealing stuff from your partner is one thing. But stealing prescription medicine while watching your loved ones suffer in literal physical
Starting point is 00:05:54 pain is a completely different level. How could this guy live with himself after he steals your medicine and leaves you to suffer? What a disgusting guy OP. I'm glad that you're moving on. OP, I'm giving you zero out of five buttholes. I'm giving your boyfriend 3.5 out of five buttholes. Am I the butthole for saying no to picking up my son's half-sister from school? I'm a single mom of two boys, age 11 and 10. Their father and I divorced five years ago after I learned that he was cheating on me.
Starting point is 00:06:25 He got his mistress pregnant either right before he told me, and that was why he confessed or right after. Our divorce was not an easy one. He wanted to stay friends, but I just couldn't look at him after what he did. He and I were together for over 13 years. He was also my friend before he was my boyfriend and then my husband, so to have him betray me like that and treat me that way was awful. He married his affair partner. They had a daughter within months of our separation, followed by a son after our divorce and their
Starting point is 00:06:58 marriage. Last year they lost a baby, which led to the discovery that his wife had cancer. What followed was a lot of fighting between the two of us again. He wanted me to help him and his wife out. He said that their kids who are currently 5 and 3 needed family beyond just him and his wife. His own family disowned him for our divorce. They're extremely religious, and his wife has no extended family. I told my ex-husband that I wouldn't help him over my dead body. He argued that it was for the kids, and if not for his kids with her, then for our boys who could see their family heal and be one. I told him that he stopped any chance of that happening when he cheated on me. What I didn't expect was for him to tell his daughter school to call me when she got sick. He was at work at the time and couldn't leave
Starting point is 00:07:50 apparently because he had already missed a lot of work due to his wife, and she was home recovering from chemo. I got the call, was asked if I would pick her up, and I said no. Several hours later, he ringed me on the phone for leaving his sick child at school when I knew that they had nobody. This is when he told me that he couldn't leave and that his wife was resting. I told him he should have called a babysitter, not me. He told me that I should be effing ashamed
Starting point is 00:08:17 because he had a sick child who's going through a lot and I could have helped. He told me that he hoped our sons were going to be effing ashamed of me, but they aren't. I spent some time arguing with him over the phone, but I guess part of me does feel bad for the child. My sons also sense the dark atmosphere while they were at their dads after the incident. Am I the butthole?
Starting point is 00:08:39 Nah, OP, you're not the butthole in the slightest here. Considering that this guy cheated on you, he's lucky that you're even talking to him. You're under no obligation to give him free babysitting just because his wife is sick. He made his bed by putting another woman in it, and now he can sleep in it. Opie, you get zero out of five buttholes. Your ex-husband gets four out of five buttholes for being a cheating manipulator. Am I the butthole for telling my sister that I hope that she never has kids? I'm a 22 year old woman. I have 3 year old twin boys, and
Starting point is 00:09:11 I had a baby girl not even 2 days ago. My sister, Jody, is 34, and she's been suffering with infertility for the past 10 years, as well as repeated miscarriages. I used to feel really bad for her, and also a bit guilty because I got pregnant twice while being on contraception. It caused some tension between us when I was pregnant with my twins because she was jealous, and I was already feeling intense guilt. This time around she wasn't that jealous, but I still felt that it was unfair. My husband and I decided that we were done having kids, so I offered to be a surrogate for my sister as soon as I was cleared after this baby. My sister seemed like she was absolutely over the moon with that offer.
Starting point is 00:09:54 In turn, she offered to watch my twins while I was in labor with my new baby, which was a relief on my part. I went into labor on Thursday morning, and Jody came over to watch the kids while my husband and I went to the hospital. She seemed like she was in a great mood and promptly rushed us out the door. Everything seemed fine until we got home this morning to find thousands of dollars worth of destruction to pretty much every single baby item that we purchased. Even the crib mattress was torn open.
Starting point is 00:10:23 Everything was ruined. Jody tried to pin it on the twins, but there are three, and this level of destruction had to have been done by an adult. My twins can't even reach some of the stuff that was destroyed, and they certainly don't know how to open diaper packages and tear them apart.
Starting point is 00:10:39 I know that kids, especially toddlers, can do a lot of damage in a short time, but I also know that my kids aren't capable of doing what happens. I told my sister to get the F out of my house and stay away from me and my family. I got really angry and said a lot of stuff that I shouldn't have, and one of them was, I hope you never have a child, and if you do, then I'll tell them exactly what you've done to mine.
Starting point is 00:11:03 I told her that we can't afford to fix the damage she's caused, but since she still denies it, she won't cough up the money. I told her that because of her, the baby doesn't even have a safe place to sleep. My parents caught wind of what I said, and even after I explained the situation, they still think that I'm being a butthole for saying something so vile to my sister after all that she's done for us Obviously my judgment is clouded. So am I the butthole? Okay, hold on let's just assume and give her the insane benefit of the doubt that she's actually telling the truth and that your toddler Twin three-year-old boys did the damage. Okay, so then like what was she doing while the boys were destroying her house?
Starting point is 00:11:44 Just like I don't know, browsing TikTok, doing her nails, watching TV, like even if the kids did do it, then she's responsible for watching them because she said that she would. But, you know, obviously it doesn't matter because that's not what happened. What actually happened is that your sister intentionally destroyed all the baby stuff because I guess because she's jealous and because she's insane. And like putting aside the actual monetary damage, imagine how scary it would be for those three-year-old boys to watch their aunt destroy every single thing they own. OP, I think you need to call the cops on this one.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Your sister way across the line here. OP, I'm giving you zero out of five buttholes. Yeah, you shouldn't have said what you said, but considering the raw emotion you must have felt, especially after you just gave birth to a baby and your body is filled with all these crazy hormones, I'll give you a pass on this one. Your sister, however, gets 3.5 out of 5 buttholes. Am I the butthole for hosting a fundraiser and bluntly saying that it was for a teenager whose parents left her homeless, her parents are furious.
Starting point is 00:12:48 My youngest daughter is a senior in high school. One of her best friends, Lily, turned 18 just as a school year was starting, and her parents kicked her out of the house that same day. My daughter told me that Lily was sleeping on different friends' couches and talking about dropping out of school to work a job. So my family took Lily in so that she could finish school. I just can't imagine a parent kicking out their kid like that. So, after we did that, my daughter and Lily decided to have a community barbecue slash bake sale to fundraise for some money to cover food and housing expenses. It wasn't my idea, it was the girl's idea,
Starting point is 00:13:24 because they wanted to do something to contribute for groceries and bills. The girls made flyers and little promos for social media and they were pretty straightforward about what was going on. They said, community barbecues slash fundraiser for Lilly and a little note from Lilly saying, As you may know, my parents kicked me out of the house and cut off any financial support on my 18th birthday, leaving me homeless with no money or car. OPs' family gave me a home, expecting nothing in return, except that I stay in school and
Starting point is 00:13:53 graduate. I wanted to do something to give back and pay my own way. Anyway, I shared that on social media and so did the girls and a lot of their friends at school. The barbecue was a huge success and almost all of our neighbors came by and so many kids from my daughter's school and a lot of our family and family friends. The girls ended up raising several thousand dollars which I ended up putting into an education fund for Lily where I'm also putting stuff like the cash that she gives me from her
Starting point is 00:14:21 job for groceries and stuff like that. I'm planning on surprising her with a closer to graduation. Anyway, Lily's parents are irate. They saw that I posted the flyer on the community Facebook page, and now almost everyone in town has seen it. I got a call from her dad screaming into the phone at me for slandering their family online, which I felt like was total BS. I told him to either buck up and act like a parent off to or to lose my number. He started yelling at me again, so I hung up
Starting point is 00:14:50 and blocked his number. Then I got a bunch of phone calls from another number. It was Lily's mom, getting angry at me about, you don't know what me and my husband have been through, and it was really trashy of you to beg the whole town for money while acting like it was our fault. I was like, but it is your fault. And she got so angry and said that she and her husband had given their daughter everything and she was ungrateful, which I feel like is BS because they didn't even give her a roof over her head. So am I the butthole?
Starting point is 00:15:22 Okay, so here's the secret about preventing people from thinking that you're a bad parent. Step one, don't be a bad parent. That's it. That's the entire process. That's the whole secret. If they don't want people thinking that they're a bad parent, then maybe they shouldn't have been terrible parents. And like, what's so stupid about this is, when you kick someone out when they're 18, that's the whole like, oh, you're an adult now, so you have to make your own way and you have to be responsible for your own decisions. Okay, well, if Lily is 18, then that means she's an adult and she has every single right in the world to host her own community barbecue. Like they lost the right to be upset at Lily and try to control her life as soon as they
Starting point is 00:16:03 kicked her out. OP, you get zero out of 5 buttholes. If anything, what you're doing for Lily is literally life changing. Lily's parents, on the other hand, get 4 out of 5 buttholes. That was our slash in my The Butthole, and if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day. put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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