rSlash - r/AmITheA--Hole My Teacher Mocked My Disability

Episode Date: June 30, 2022 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to R-Slash. Am I the butthole where OPEC gets bullied by her own teacher? Am I the butthole for weaponizing my femininity by crying since the teacher wouldn't stop another student harassing me? Back story. I'm a 15 year old girl and I lost my mom when I was 5. My dad raised me alone until last year when my second dad, whom I call Papa, moved to our home. Now we're a happy family of four, me, two dads, and my dog. I'm not ashamed of my family so I never hit it. I'm not really popular at school so I just told my friends about it and everything was fine until about two months ago a boy called Duncan found out. Duncan started simple with jokes like, wow, which one of them is the mom? I
Starting point is 00:00:45 promptly told the teacher, Mr. Smith, who was like, he's just trying to understand. If you want people to understand you, you have to be patient. Duncan started to escalate with, enjoy your time here. It'll get worse when your center family goes to hell. And again, I went to Mr. Smith, who again said, you can't be prejudiced with his religion, it's wrong in the Bible, he's just trying to understand. In my country, every class only has one responsible teacher, so I couldn't go to another teacher. I have so many examples, but this next story really paints the picture. After two months of that, I realized that if I wanted him to stop, I had to do it myself. So when he started his homophobic garbage at the cafeteria, I started to remember the
Starting point is 00:01:32 saddest things that I could. All the movies I've ever seen were the dog dies. All the sad romance movies, Mufasa's death, The Fox in the Hound, etc. It didn't take long for the waterworks to come. I started to ball, ugly sobbing while basically screaming at him asking why he said that I would go to hell, why he hated me and my dads, just making a huge scene. Duncan started to stutter and plead, trying to make me go to class with him to talk to my teacher. I wonder why. I just cried louder and flinch when he tried to pull me away.
Starting point is 00:02:05 The scene was so huge that we ended up in the principal's office. Mrs. Yates listened to both sides and she was pissed at Mr. Smith. She let me tell the whole story even when Mr. Smith tried to interrupt me to defend Duncan. At the end, Duncan got a five day suspension and the principal told me to go directly to her if anything like that ever happened again. When we left the office, Mr. Smith stopped me and said, I hope you're happy.
Starting point is 00:02:32 You put a permanent mark on a good boy's record because you decided to weaponize your femininity instead of being a little understanding. He tried to make me apologize to Duncan, but I told him I would go right back to the principal's office if he did and he dropped it. Then later, Duncan's friends started messaging me, accusing me of acting like Amber heard and ruining a boy's life just because I can. I didn't tell my parents yet because they're always afraid that I'll suffer because they chose to love each other, and this is something that I can handle so I don't want to worry
Starting point is 00:03:03 them. I don't feel like I'm in the wrong, but with Mr. Smith's warning and Duncan's friends, I'm starting to doubt. So am I the butthole? And then OP posted an update. On Sunday, I sat my dads down and I told them everything. I was crying a bit at the end, since while telling them I realized how heavy it felt to be caring all of this. Sunday was the first time that I saw the angry side of my stepfather, but not at me at
Starting point is 00:03:30 Mr. Smith. He saw red, and the first thing he did was reassure me that I wasn't in trouble, and I would never be in trouble for fighting against bullies. My dad didn't talk much, he seemed so sad and shocked, just holding my hand. But my stepfather talked more than I ever heard him talk about his past, about bullying from teachers, students, church, and even family. He told me about how cruel the world can be to people who are different, how people try to silence me and minimize my anger and my suffering, and I should never back down.
Starting point is 00:04:03 And that I'll always have my family behind me. He thanked me for loving them so much that I was willing to fight for them, but told me that I was a child here, his child that he never imagined that he could have and that he would protect me. I didn't realize how much he loved me. I knew that my stepfather liked me, I mean he's family, but I felt just as loved as when dad tells me that he loves me.
Starting point is 00:04:24 It was a really nice and a warm feeling. My dad and my stepfather went to school with me on Monday straight to Mrs. Yates office and told her everything about the text from Duncan's friends, about Mr. Smith, and I explained the bullying in even greater detail. My dad's gave Mrs. Yates two choices. Either she removes Mr. Smith from teaching and do a seminar with the teachers about bullying and LGBT causes that my dads are willing to pay for. Or they remove me from the school, sue the school, and go to the local newspaper with
Starting point is 00:04:56 the story. Mrs. Yates chose the first option, but asked for a month to find another teacher. Meanwhile she's going to monitor my class closely, and Mr. Smith won't be allowed to penalize my grades like some of the people in the thread feared. Apparently, my stepdad is a bit more experienced dealing with this stuff than I knew. Yeah, Opie, I guess it's kind of obvious now that you post the update, but you are not the butthole here. It's like your stepdad said, you're the child in this scenario, and your teachers have a responsibility to protect you, which they didn't do.
Starting point is 00:05:28 Clearly, Mr. Smith is on Dunkinside. I'm giving Dunkin 3.5 out of 5 buttholes, I'm giving Mr. Smith 4.5 out of 5 buttholes. I'm giving you your parents and Mrs. Yates all 0 out of 5 buttholes. Am I the butthole for telling my fiance that she's not the breadwinner if she's not putting the bills in front of our families and friends? My fiance and I moved in together shortly after we got engaged. Before we did, we discussed how we split the housework and bills. It would be 50-50 down the middle with some wiggle room for when the other person needs help. When we moved, it was into her parents' two-story garage they converted it into basically an apartment.
Starting point is 00:06:05 They offered a low rent, 700 bucks a month, and pitched in for the electric and internet so we could save money for our own place and wedding. My fiance earns more than me, and that's cool, I'm proud of her. Before we moved in together, it always seemed like she was living paycheck to paycheck, and I chalked it up to the apartment that she had before having insanely high rent. She stuck to the 50-50 arrangement at first concerning bills, but she missed payments often, and I had to remind her about it. Post engagement, she's back to living paycheck to paycheck, and either Mrs. Payments entirely
Starting point is 00:06:37 or is very late with rent, utilities, groceries, or her car payments. Her parents have talked to her multiple times about rent and I've covered her missing portion to get us caught up and then I try talking to her. It always turns into her saying that we should just move if her parents are going to hound us. I told her we're lucky that it's her parents because anywhere else they would have kicked us
Starting point is 00:06:59 onto the streets. On top of that, I pay my own bills, do about 65% of the housework, arrange and pay for most of our dates and vacations, give for her, and pay most towards our pets. What really bothers me is whenever we're around others, she boasts about being the breadwinner since she earns more. She goes on about the stresses of being the main source of income and all the hours she
Starting point is 00:07:21 has to work to pay our bills. I was letting all of this slide until a few days ago that we were at a get together. She and her sister started up again about her being the breadwinner. Her sister said something to the effect of her ex-boyfriend had a hard time being with someone who earned more than he did. And my fiancee went, good thing OP doesn't mind me bringing home more money. I told her that just because she earns more, that doesn't make her the breadwinner when she blows all of her money on herself and leaves me to pay most of the bills.
Starting point is 00:07:50 She's embarrassed now and keeps saying that I made her look bad and got her in trouble with her parents because they wanna see what she spends her money on each month now. But I don't think that I did anything wrong. Am I the butthole? Okay, so apparently it's okay for your girlfriend to criticize you in public, but you can't criticize her in public.
Starting point is 00:08:10 OP, you're engaged to a hypocrite. I hope you see this as the red flag that it is, and either work it out with her or leave before it's too late. Also, her wanting to leave her parent's apartment for $700 a month rent is just nuts! That's an amazing deal! Anyways OP, I'm giving you 0 out of 5 buttholes. I'm giving her 2 out of 5 buttholes. Am I the butthole for kicking my husband's friends out of the pool? At the moment, I'm working and my husband isn't.
Starting point is 00:08:40 My husband has been struggling to find a job for 16 months. So I've been solely paying for everything. As you know, it's summertime, and the kids want to go to the beach every weekend, but I'm busy working often, and my husband won't bother to take them unless he uses my car, which is a no for me because I need it for work. So instead, I put money towards renovating and upgrading our old pool so the kids could use it. The thing is, once the pool was ready, my husband started inviting his friends to come over and use it for hours.
Starting point is 00:09:12 They've basically taken over the pool and prevented the kids from enjoying it. They complained about being denied the pool several times, which caused them to get upset. So I talked to my husband about it, telling him to limit his friend's usage of the pool. He flipped out at me, saying that it's his house in water too, and I can't control what he does or who he brings. I got mad and said that tomorrow the kids get to use the pool, or else I'm gonna ban his friends from it completely. He gave me the side I had and said, fine, they can have the damn pool tomorrow. Well, the next day, my daughter called me crying, saying that her dad brought his friends over and refused to let her and her brother play in the pool.
Starting point is 00:09:52 I was livid. I literally left work right then and went home. I saw my husband and his friends in the pool messing around and I just screamed my head off at them, telling them to get out. My husband tried to get involved but I told him that he and his friends had to all leave. He blew up at me for acting like a lunatic and said that I was being controlling and shameless. I said that I already told him to let the kids play in the pool and yet he ignored my requests.
Starting point is 00:10:21 He yelled at me saying just because I paid to fix the pool doesn't mean that I own it. He then went back inside and started calling his friends one by one to apologize on my behalf since he said that I was too shameless to do it myself. He then left the house and hasn't been back yet. Yo, this guy sent his crying daughter away so he could, what, drink beers in the pool with his buddies. And who are these guys? He doesn't have a job. O.P. is working so presumably this is during a work day.
Starting point is 00:10:51 Are they not working either? It's just a bunch of guys who don't have jobs hanging out in a pool kicking kids out of the pool because they want to hang out. Huh? Look, okay, it's okay to hang out with your friends in the pool. If your husband wants to do that, that's fine. To do it all the time, at the expense of his own kids crying, that is already way too far.
Starting point is 00:11:12 The fact that he does this day after day after day, instead of looking for a job to support his wife and his family is awful. I mean, I don't wanna be sexist. Maybe it's okay that he's a stay-at-home dad. It doesn't really sound like it from the post. It sounds like you expect him to work and he's supposed to be working.
Starting point is 00:11:27 So if that's the case, then I have a pretty good idea of why he can't find a job. Because he spends all the time that he should spend looking for jobs instead hanging out with his friends. Opie, you get zero out of five buttholes. Your husband gets 3.5 out of five buttholes. He's acting like a literal teenager.
Starting point is 00:11:46 Am I the butthole for showing my missing eye to the new teacher after he told me my bangs are disrespectful? I had an accident when I was a baby and I lost my left eye. I don't have an eye socket that I could put a fake eye in. It's just normal skin and some scars on a big patch on my face. The right side and bottom half of my face are completely normal. I have big side bangs that hide the left side of my face so I don't freak anyone out and I don't get weird looks. I've been going to the same school since I was five, so the teachers and the kids know about this. We got
Starting point is 00:12:19 a new teacher this week. He started by asking us to go around and introduce ourselves. When he got to me, he was rude and asked me, do your parents know you come to school looking like this? It's extremely disrespectful. Fix your bangs, I want to see your face. So, I obeyed and tucked my bangs behind my ear, showing off the left side of my face. He gasped, his face turned red, and my classmates laughed, and he told me I could let my bangs back down. Later that day, my head teacher came to me to scold me. She told me that I was wrong to shock the new teacher and I should have just told him about it. Did I do anything wrong? I just obeyed his orders. It's not my fault that he
Starting point is 00:13:01 ended up not wanting to look at my face. Am I the butthole? And then Opie posted an update. My mom went in to talk to the head teacher. It turns out the new teacher made it sound like I was playing a prank on him, trying to deliberately shock him and make fun of him in front of the class. Three of my classmates had to be called in to confirm my part of the story. The head teacher apologized, called it an unfortunate misunderstanding and told us she would clear it up with the new teacher and I don't have to worry about it. I don't believe that it was just a misunderstanding.
Starting point is 00:13:33 It sounds like the new teacher deliberately lied. Opie, you are super not the butthole in this story. Even if you weren't missing this eye, this guy was still being disrespectful to you by saying that your hair is a problem. Like it's not his business. If you want to have bangs, you can have bangs. Then he lied to other teachers and said that he was being bullied by the girl with the missing eye. Give me a break. OP, you get 0 out of 5 buttholes. This guy gets 3 out of 5 buttholes. He has zero business being a teacher. He's literally using his authority to put down and bully children.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Am I the butthole for bringing my baby to a child-free wedding? My cousin lives a six-hour drive for me and the rest of our family. A few months ago we all drove over there for his wedding. Due to limited space, no children were invited to the wedding except for the bride's young nieces and nephews. My baby was 10 months old at the time and I wasn't comfortable leaving him alone in an unfamiliar place with a stranger which was a babysitter that my other cousins hired for their own kids. So I decided to bring him to the wedding. I wrote on the RSVP that I was bringing him
Starting point is 00:14:41 but he would be sitting on my lap and I'd bring my own food for him. My cousin didn't say anything, so I assumed that he was okay with it. My baby cried at the ceremony, but I quickly took him out of the room. At the reception, I hadn't with me the whole time in a baby carrier. He didn't make much of a fuss, and I thought everything was okay. After the wedding, my aunt confronted me and told me that I was rude for bringing my baby without permission.
Starting point is 00:15:08 I explained that I wrote on the RSVP what I was planning to do, but my cousin didn't object. She said that my cousin and his bride had a problem with it, but the bride didn't want to start any drama because she doesn't know me well. My other cousin's baby was seven months old at the time, and my aunt said that he had no problems leaving his baby with a certified babysitter, and I should have done the same. And some of my cousins were upset because they thought the groom gave me special treatment by letting me bring my baby and making them leave all their kids with a babysitter.
Starting point is 00:15:40 I didn't mean to start any drama, am I the butthole? Yeah, OP. You literally broke the one and only role they gave you. And they gave you that role so that your baby wouldn't do the one thing that babies always do during weddings, which is cry and disrupt the ceremony, and your baby did exactly that. So yeah, you're a self-entitled Karen. If you didn't want to leave your baby with a babysitter, then you could have just not attended. O.P., you get 3 out of 5 buttholes.
Starting point is 00:16:08 That was our Sasha Mitha Butthole, and if you liked this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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