rSlash - r/AmITheA**hole For Choosing My Dog Over My Karen Mom?

Episode Date: April 19, 2021

r/AmITheA**hole In today's episode, OP has a dog that he inherited from his deceased father. Meanwhile, OP's mother has gotten remarried to a new guy. Unfortunately, the step-father is allergic to dog...s, so OP's mom decides that OP has to get rid of the dog. OP is 17 years old, so takes his dog to his grandpa's place and lives there. His mother completely flips out and is shocked that he would chose a dog over his own mother and step-father. Is OP the butthole in this situation? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Black Friday continues a real Canadian Superstore with deals on electronics, home, and holiday staples, like lean ground beef at $368.00, and 10 pounds of farmer's market care at Sir Ineens at $3.99. Until November 29th, see fly for details. Welcome to R-Slash, a podcast where I read the best posts from across Reddit. Today's subreddit is R-Slash, am I the butthole where we get to judge strangers on the internet? Am I the butthole for being disgusting in front of my fiance's family to prove a point? So I'm Simevagan. I have lactose intolerance, gluten sensitivity, and irritable bowel syndrome. I get teased a lot for my dietary choices, mostly because people think that I'm a hippie animal lover, but in reality, I'm finding a constant battle to not poop in my pants. I also get people thinking that I have an eating
Starting point is 00:00:49 disorder because I'm relatively petite and I can't eat 99% of foods. And then, when the meal's over, I spend a lot of time in the bathroom. I do occasionally eat fish or baked chicken, but 99% of my diet is plant-based. Red meat is a complete no-go. I can't eat dairy, and I don't eat grains which sucks because I love bread. Over the weekend, my fiancee and I went to his parents' house because they wanted to give us an engagement dinner. In attendance, where his mom has stepped at, his younger brother and his grandma. My fiancee's family knows about my food versions. They know that I just eat rabbit food because I've been with my fiance for four years now. But at dinner, they served very well seasoned chicken and sausage jambalaya with cornbread
Starting point is 00:01:34 and smothered potatoes. I've lived my entire life in the southern US surrounded by delicious food that I can't digest. I was really hurt. It felt like I was ignored. My fiance asked if there was anything that I could eat since it was almost completely against my dietary restrictions. Their response was that I should just live a little and that I needed some meat on my bones anyways. After all, we're celebrating. You should enjoy yourself! Well, I excuse myself, and my fiance
Starting point is 00:02:03 asked if I wanted to leave. I said no, I'm used to it. I didn't want to come off as stuck up. So I ate the food. Not a lot, but enough to be polite. And listen, I'll admit it, it was effing delicious. But then, less than an hour later, I felt the rumbles. You know the ones, we a day loses eminence. We were all chatting in the living room the night was winding down, but I knew that I
Starting point is 00:02:30 wouldn't make it all the way back home. I excused myself to the restroom, but at the last second I decided that, rather than use the bathroom on the other side of the house, I would use the bathroom right next to the living room. So I went in all my loud stinky glory. I went. It lasted maybe five minutes, but the damage was immeasurable. The bathroom stunk, and when I came out, it was obvious everyone heard. It was awkward. I said, sorry, sensitive stomach, you know? We left shortly after. My fiance was embarrassed and we fought on the car ride home.
Starting point is 00:03:08 He said I did it on purpose and it was disgusting and I shouldn't have been so petty. We could have just left. Why did I accidentally mature, etc? I wasn't sorry. I said his family knew about my problems but ignored me and that I couldn't help it. Was I being a butthole? Actually, OP, I think yeah, you kind Was I being a butthole? Actually, OP, I think, yeah, you kind of were being a butthole. Let me explain. So, first of all, clearly, your boyfriend's family are all major buttholes. The fact that they invited you as a guest into their home and then didn't give you food that you could eat was extremely rude. I'm giving them two out of five buttholes. But here's the thing, your fiance had your back.
Starting point is 00:03:45 It's not like your fiance just completely abandoned you, he asked you if you wanted to leave. He was being thoughtful, considerate, and he was trying to give you an out to this awkward situation. But instead of taking your fiance up on that, you decided to embarrass him in front of his family. Now don't get me wrong, your boyfriend's family completely deserves that dose of justice. But your fiance didn't, right? Your boyfriend was being kind and considerate, and he's the one who suffers the most in
Starting point is 00:04:12 the scenario. So, for that OP, I think I have to give you one out of five buttholes. I'm giving your fiance zero out of five buttholes. Am I the butthole for calling out my kids future stepmom for treating me like a surrogate? I'm a 29 year old girl, and I dated dated this guy Joe who's 30 for 3 months before he left me to go back to his ex Kim who's 30. Right after we broke up, I found out that I was pregnant and now I'm at 24 weeks. I let Joe know and he was ecstatic.
Starting point is 00:04:40 It turns out that his other girlfriend Kim has fertility issues and would likely never be able to get pregnant naturally and he's always wanted to be a father. Getting back together was out of the question for both of us, so Joe is still with his girlfriend. Joe was only allowed at the initial ultrasound because of COVID and we found out that I was having twins. According to Joe, when he told Kim about the twins, she had a mental breakdown about her infertility and wanted to talk to me. I met them at their house, and Kim stated that she wanted to be involved in my pregnancy
Starting point is 00:05:11 because she would eventually be the children's stepmother. She started telling me that I had to do a homebreath that I needed to form me a lafitte so that they could have the babies half the week, that she wanted one boy and one girl, and that she wanted the kid to call her mama since they would be calling me mommy. I shut her down and said that I would make the best choices for my kids and my body and I left. Kim continues to be overbearing and texted me every day about my eating habits, exercise habits, and complaining about how her job won't let her take maternity leave.
Starting point is 00:05:43 When I attended the genetics counseling appointment, Kim attended instead of Joe and she took over the whole meeting, trying to talk about her family history, which was not relevant. When it came time for my 20 week scan, they allowed me one guest, and Joe suggested I take Kim instead of him, which I refused to do. Joe ended up coming and he found out the gender because I wanted it to be a surprise so I could have a gender reveal party. I put a pregnancy announcement on my social media and then Kim put up an announcement saying they were expecting twins the non-traditional way and how blessed she was. I was irritated but I kept my mouth shut.
Starting point is 00:06:18 Then, Kim threw a gender reveal party and posted on social media and I wasn't even invited. She also announced that she's having a baby shower. I commented on her post and told her to stop treating me like a surrogate that the kids were not hers and that Joe didn't have any claim or custody of the kids until they were born. I then called Joe and reiterated all of this and stated that I would not be seeing either of them until we went to family court and that my mother would be my birthing partner. Joe, Kim, and some of her friends and family are saying that I'm the butthole and her
Starting point is 00:06:50 mother even called and insisted that I give her one of my babies like this is parent trap. And then O.P. posted an update. The Thursday I posted this, I went to the cops, and they said there was nothing they could do because a crime hadn't been committed. In my state, orders of protection can be either criminal or family, so I was able to get one against Joe. On Friday, I did get a lawyer and they let me know in my state there was nothing I could do as far as custody before the babies are born.
Starting point is 00:07:16 So I'll be leaving my state soon to ensure this isn't my baby's home state and I can't be charged with anything. However, someone sent this post to Kim and she came to my job, damaged my car, and broke a bunch of office windows. I worked with kids, so she was arrested for not just the criminal damage and trespassing, but also child endangerment, so hopefully that works in my favor. Kim was screaming at me about how I stole her life and everything I had was supposed to be hers. Alright, OP, so clearly Kim is nuts not so and she gets 4 out of 5 buttholes. That being said, just because Kim is a butthole here doesn't mean that you are not the butthole.
Starting point is 00:07:55 Let's be clear about this, Joe has just as much of a right to see those babies as you do. Like yeah, of course, cut Kim out of the equation, you should get a restraining order against Kim. But the way you're handling this OP is that you're moving out of state and you're fighting Joe in court to make sure he doesn't get custody. That's completely unfair to Joe because you're not even giving him a chance to choose the babies over his girlfriend. Lots of guys would happily make that choice, right? I mean, Joe has a right to decide whether or not he wants to be involved in these kids' lives. Obviously, he'd have to break up with Kim first, but still OP.
Starting point is 00:08:31 He has a right to make that choice. Based on this story, it's not clear if you ever even had a conversation with Joe where you're like, hey, Joe, so your girlfriend is acting really crazy and she's making me uncomfortable. I do not want this woman around her kid, so you have to choose. It's either her or me and the kids. Instead of having that normal conversation with him, you're going to move out of state and take him to court.
Starting point is 00:08:55 Come on OP, that's just not fair. If I were in Joe's shoes, I would happily choose my own flesh and blood kids over some girl who I've been dating for less than nine months. Opie, this is gonna sound harsh, but Joe has rights too. If you continue down this path and completely cut Joe out of the equation, then I'm also giving you four out of five buttholes. But if you take a step back and at least give Joe the opportunity to break up with his girlfriend, then I'll give you zero out of five buttholes. These side marios all you can eat?
Starting point is 00:09:25 Is all you can munch a soup? Salad? And garlic home, though. Oh my, mom! Me! Get out of the food, butterpink! So many of us think one day we'll find a way to buy our first home. But what if there was a faster way to turn one day into one day soon?
Starting point is 00:09:43 Introducing the Questrade Tax Free First Home Savings account. Contribute up to $8,000 a year, tax deductible, and watch your investment grow tax free. Now there really is a faster way to save for your first home, with the new Questrade First Home Savings account. Learn more at Am I the butthole for choosing my dog over my mom and her fiance? My dad died in a work accident when I was 15 and I'm now 17. Last year my mom started going out with this guy Anthony and they just got engaged. Anthony wanted to move in but the problem is he's severely allergic to dogs.
Starting point is 00:10:19 My mom told me we had to get rid of Dax, my dog. Like it's not even a question, she just straight up said that that's what we're gonna do. I fought with my mom over this because DAX is my family and he helped me get through losing my dad. DAX was my dad's dog that he rescued from a shelter when he was still a puppy and we had him since I was 11. So he means a lot to me. But my mom was like, nope, he has to go.
Starting point is 00:10:43 We thought about it so much that I actually cried. Nobody wanted to adopt Axe, and I had to beg my grandpa for my dad's side to take him. Otherwise, my mom was going to take him to a shelter. The problem is, my grandpa lives an hour away, and he can't do much physical stuff like take him out for walks, feed him, take him to the vet, etc. And there's no one else around me that can help take care of a dog. My grandpa suggested that I could move here with him since all my classes are on Zoom and I'm graduating in June anyways. I told my mama I was going to move in with grandpa so I could be with Dax.
Starting point is 00:11:17 She got really mad about that and she said that she and Anthony are my family and that I need to be with him. But I told her, one, Anthony is not my family. I've got problems with him because you kept talking about being my new dad and I don't like that stuff. And he doesn't listen when I tell him to stop saying that he's my new dad because he's not. And two, Dex is my family and my mom wouldn't even be to get rid of him just like that.
Starting point is 00:11:43 Besides, my grandpa's my family too. Last week I got my stuff and my uncle helped me move to my grandpa's house. My mom is still mad. She's not gonna force me to come back, but she's saying that I'm a really terrible son because I'm choosing to be with my dog instead of with them. But the idea of being without my dog just hurt too much. I had taken him to my grandpa's a week before I left, and that whole time I was crying missing him.
Starting point is 00:12:09 And I know that he missed me too because he completely flipped out when I got there. My mom keeps telling me to come back and stop being cruel with her, but I'm happy that I'm here with my dog. I get that she's got someone new to be happy with, and that's cool, it's her life. But why can't me and my dog be happy with, and that's cool, it's her life. But why can't me and my dog be happy too? Am I a butthole for basically choosing my dog over my own mom? O.P. What on earth is your mom going on about? You're graduating high school in like two months, and presumably you're going to be going to college a few months after that, right?
Starting point is 00:12:41 So what's the big deal? You basically moved out, let's say like 5 or 6 months early? So what? I think it's completely unreasonable for your mom to expect for you to choose Anthony over a dog that you've had since you were 11. And on top of all this, what's the big deal? It's not like you're living out on the streets, you're living with your grandpa. Also OP, I kind of agree with you about Anthony being too pushy. I mean sure, it's sweet that he's at least trying to be your new dad.
Starting point is 00:13:08 But come on, you're 17 years old. If you don't want to see this guy as your new father figure, then you have every right to make that choice. OP, you get 0 out of 5 buttholes, Anthony gets 0 out of 5 buttholes, and your mom gets 1.5 out of 5 buttholes. Am I the butthole for no longer making my husband's sandwiches to take to work after discovering that he was selling them? I'm a 33 year old woman and my 37 year old husband works at an advertising company.
Starting point is 00:13:34 We're struggling a bit financially because we're saving up to purchase a new apartment. My husband is used to eating fast food and that was getting costly. He had no problem spending money on daily fast food, and after doing the math, he spends like 300 bucks a month on just fast food. That's 20 bucks daily. We live in a really expensive area. I talk to him about it. He agreed that I could make sandwiches for him to take with him to work. That way, my husband eats healthy and we spare money for rent. Everything was going well. I noticed that he wouldn't respond when I asked him whether or not he liked the sandwiches I made. But he kept asking me to make more than two since he was hungry. Yesterday, my husband
Starting point is 00:14:13 came home with a friend who's a coworker. We sat at the dinner table and his friend brought up the sandwiches I make for my husband and how delicious they are. I thanked him, and then he said the price was a bit much. I was confused and I asked him to explain, and he said that my husband sells the sandwiches that I make to his co-workers, and then goes to buy his own lunch from a restaurant. I was stunned, and my husband denied it. I told him I will no longer be making him sandwiches if he was just selling them to buy fast food. He defended himself, calling this an overreaction since he's not spending money on fast food, and he said that I was being unfair to start an argument over this. I just walked him to
Starting point is 00:14:53 the bedroom and stayed there. Then he said that I owe him an apology for God knows what, and he didn't think that it was acceptable to me to lash out and say that I won't make him sandwiches anymore. You know, I'm going to be honest with you OP, I actually don't see a problem with your husband selling sandwiches. That's a great way to make some extra money. However, the problem with this story is that you deserve a cut of the profits too. Your husband can't just expect you to work for free and then he gets to enjoy all the profits.
Starting point is 00:15:22 That's completely unfair. The fact that he was hiding it from you and gaslighting you shows that he knows that he was in the wrong here. OP, you get 0 out of 5 buttholes. Your husband gets 2 out of 5 buttholes. I hope you too can work it out, because it sounds like you do a found an amazing side hustle. That was our slash of my The Butthole, and if you like this content, be sure to follow this podcast, because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.
Starting point is 00:15:42 my the butthole and if you like this content be sure to follow this podcast because I put on new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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