rSlash - r/AmITheA**hole For Firing My Spoiled Son After He Stole From My Company?

Episode Date: January 20, 2021

r/AmITheA**hole In today's episode, OP hires his teenage son at his wife's suggestion. OP owns a warehouse where clients pay him to store and safeguard their property. When OP moves in a shipment of c...omputers to guard, one computer mysteriously goes missing. OP's son claims that another coworker stole the computer, but after checking the security footage OP realizes that his own son was the thief. He fired his son on the spot, but now OP's family thinks that he's the butthole. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:34 Today's subreddit is R-Slash and My The Butthole, where OP's doctor does something super illegal. Am I the butthole for not giving my wife her daughter's address as she could see the newborn? Hear me out, please. I'm a 46-year-old father who lost my daughter, Molly, years ago to brain cancer. Molly's death broke me. She was my only child, so I'm no longer who I was before this tragedy. I married my wife when my stepdaughter, Sarah, was 15. Sarah had issues with her mom. Her mom would kick her out over small arguments. She kicked her out for getting a haircut, for failing a class, and for other reasons. Every time my wife would bring Sarah back home until her to learn her lesson, or she'd
Starting point is 00:01:16 be kicked out again. One time, her mom kicked her out over her diary at the age of 17, and Sarah had nothing just didn't return. She started working and I remained in contact. I just couldn't let her struggle so I tried to help her financially but she refused. She's incredibly independent and a hardworking person. She reminded me of Molly. So I decided to help in other ways. I got her a job opportunity by calling someone I knew at the time. This way she still had to work to earn her, which is something she wanted. But she also got to work a better job that appreciated her more
Starting point is 00:01:48 than the previous job. She's an artist, she wanted to be a graphic designer, so I sold my card to pay for her courses. She started paying me back bit by bit, but only because she's independent. She lived with her then boyfriend, now husband, who also pays for other things. My wife didn't try to mend things. She disowned Sarah the day she got married, but I stood firm and told her that I'm free to talk to Sarah and she should respect that. I attend gatherings with Sarah from time to time and she calls me dad in front of other people. In the past, she would just call me by my name.
Starting point is 00:02:19 This sounds crazy, but I believe this all happened just so I could meet Sarah and have a chance of being the best father that I could be. Sarah is now 22 and just had a baby girl a few weeks ago. I visited several times when we talked. She told me that it was unfortunate that she lost her dad, but she was glad that she has me in her life. I cried, although I'm not good at expressing emotions and it's gotten worse after Molly's death.
Starting point is 00:02:43 My wife knew about the baby and demanded I give her the adress so she could go see her granddaughter. I refused because Sarah asked me not to tell and because she's already dealing with postpartum and won't be able to deal with her mom's behavior. My wife threw a fit and said this is her daughter and grand baby and I shouldn't try to stop her from seeing her. She called me selfish and cruel. The argument didn't stop.
Starting point is 00:03:04 The family is agreeing with her and telling me that I need to stay out of it. I argued with my wife about it again and she said I had no right and that I needed to give her the address. She didn't even seem regretful or wanted to apologize. Everyone is blaming me telling me I'm being cruel and demanding I give her the address. Down in the comments, DSC takes the words right out of my mouth. OP, you wrote, I refuse because Sarah asked me not to tell. This begins and ends there. You're honoring Sarah's wishes.
Starting point is 00:03:33 You would be a huge butthole to do otherwise. As it stands, you are the opposite of a huge butthole. You're a wonderful father. Congratulations on the birth of your granddaughter. May she be a light in your life that reminds you of your Molly. Not the butthole. Yeah, OP, I'm giving you 0 out of 5 buttholes. I'm giving Sarah 0 out of 5 buttholes.
Starting point is 00:03:53 And I'm giving your wife 4 out of 5 buttholes. No offense, OP, but your wife sounds really toxic. Am I the butthole for my reaction when my 30-year-old fiancee just changed his get with my 16 year old brother? I'm a 26 year old woman and I've been with my fiance for 3 years. We both work when both share a rant and other expenses, but my fiance is currently looking
Starting point is 00:04:15 for a new job. He lost his old job 3 months ago. My family lives 30 minutes away and although it's been difficult this year, I decided to get my brother the one thing that he's been wanting for some time. I got him an Xbox that cost me $300. He was so happy, and I'm glad I was able to cheer him up during these rough times. He has a chronic condition and struggled a lot lately, and was in the hospital for a few days for anemia.
Starting point is 00:04:40 My fiancee received a few gifts from his family, but he wasn't happy with any of them. I got him cologne and he liked it. We were visiting my family and we had dinner with them. My fiancee looked at the Xbox I got from my brother and he didn't stop talking about it. My parents noticed and I told him to stop complaining about what he did or didn't get this year. What he said made my parents uncomfortable, especially since they've been dealing with my brother's
Starting point is 00:05:02 health issues and needed to relax. We got home, and my fiance took something from the closet left for about an hour. I was asleep when he came back. In the morning, I was surprised to find my brother's Xbox in the closet. I woke him up and asked him about it. Turns out, he drove back to my family's house and exchanged a gift that his aunt gave him, a $14 fancy pin pin with my brother's Xbox. He said that my brother was happy to exchange gifts.
Starting point is 00:05:28 I was so mad and I told him this wasn't for him and he basically took something that wasn't his. Not to mention a pin for an Xbox, that's ridiculous. He told me that maybe I shouldn't have spent $300 while trying to pay for rent. I told him as long as I can pay rent, that's not a problem. And that he needs to find a job if he thinks my money isn't enough. I called my mom and I found out that they didn't actually exchange gifts. My fiance pressured my brother into giving him his Xbox.
Starting point is 00:05:58 I was livid and so mad. I told him to take the Xbox back to my brother, but he said it was between him and my brother, but I insisted. He refused, so I ended up taking it myself. My fiance argued when I took it and said I was pressuring him and treating him poorly and I have no respect for his feelings. I told him that he was wrong to make my brother give him his gift and causing him stress and ruining his joy.
Starting point is 00:06:23 I apologized to my brother and my parents and I felt awful because of how my fiance behaved. My fiance isn't talking to me saying that I have no consideration for his feelings and not understanding how he feels by not having money to buy himself the things he likes. I'm surprised because he's never done anything like this before. I get that he's struggling with finding a job, but that is not an excuse. OP, after your fiance tried to trade in his pin for a better present, I think it's time to trade in your fiance for a better man.
Starting point is 00:06:53 If you didn't describe this guy as your fiance, and I had no idea how old he was, I would have assumed this guy was like 13 years old or something. How was this the behavior of an adult man? Like what on earth? He's literally stealing toys from kids. Not just any kid either. Sit kids. Please OP. This is a red flag. Do not ignore it. OP, you get zero out of five buttholes. Your fiance gets three out of five buttholes. We had a five-butt holes. from her or our cousin like to get his name. He got us something nice, better as it pertains. Last minute deals on gifts of people you forgot. Get best of reshipping at Amazon.
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Starting point is 00:08:24 man, and my 17-year- old son Adam has been trying to become independent and preparing to move to college but was struggling to find a job. I own a private warehouse as a side job to earn a living. My wife suggested I hire my son to work at the warehouse, moving boxes, bringing workers lunch, cleaning things, and that kind of stuff. She said it was for both of our benefits since he couldn't find a job and we needed to hire someone new anyway. I agreed and Adam was so happy and excited to start working. We agreed on the salary and work hours so he still has time to study and practice.
Starting point is 00:08:54 The first couple of weeks were going fine. That is until one day. The workers were moving boxes of computers into the warehouse. The client wanted them stored for a few days and we'd already arranged before they arrived. It was all written down, including the number of computers into the warehouse. The client wanted them stored for a few days and we'd already arranged before they arrived. It was all written down, including the number of computers we stored. In the evening while I was doing inventory, I noticed that one computer was missing. I gathered all my workers except for Adam and they had no idea and thought there was a mistake. I brought it up at home with Adam and he said that he saw one of the workers putting
Starting point is 00:09:23 a box in the garage to take home with them. I was confused since he couldn't specify which worker it was. He eventually gave me a name. So I went to talk to that worker. He denied it and I ended up giving him a certain amount of time to bring back the box and then I discussed why he did what he did. This worker is a single dad with three kids, I've known him for a while and I wanted to give him a chance.
Starting point is 00:09:46 The next day when I got back to the warehouse at 8 p.m. it occurred to me to check the cameras. What I saw was Adam putting a box in the back of his friend's car and then the car left. I knew that friend and I realized that Adam stole the computer. I went home and confronted him. My wife sided with him when he denied it and after arguing for hours I fired him and told him he was like I didn't and confronted him. My wife cited with him when he denied it, and after arguing for hours I fired him and told him he was like I didn't call the police. This was my responsibility, the client entrusted me with his computers and Adam stole on the job.
Starting point is 00:10:15 Adam started crying, and my wife said I was wrong for firing him. That what I did was too extreme and I should have just docked his pay. She refused to drop it and tried to convince me to hire him again, but I refused. I apologized to my other worker and I told him if there's anyone he knows who needs this job, I'll be more than happy to hire them. He brought his brother and he started working with us right away. Now my family is calling me a butthole for hiring an outsider and not my son. To be clear, the computer was being kept at his friend's place. His friend is such a disrespectful douchebag, I wouldn't be surprised if he was the one who
Starting point is 00:10:49 came up with the idea. However, it was Adam who took it and so he needed to be fired. This is not okay, nor is it acceptable. Alright OP, so when a teenager gets the job, the obvious reason is because that teenager wants a little bit of money. But one of the important things about a teenager getting a job is that they start to learn what it's like to actually go to work. It's important to show up on time. Do what your boss says. How do you interact with your co-workers in a way that doesn't piss them off?
Starting point is 00:11:16 What's it like to receive a paycheck? How do taxes work? I mean, these are all just things that you have to learn in the course of becoming an adult. One very important lesson that everyone needs to learn is don't steal from your employer. It's ethically wrong, it's legally wrong, and it can literally put you in jail. What your son did was stupid and irresponsible and he had to be punished for it. Your wife's approach of giving your son a slap on the wrist would have taught him that he can basically try to get away with stealing because the consequences aren't that bad.
Starting point is 00:11:48 O.P., you did precisely the right thing here, and if I were in your shoes I would have done the exact same thing. You get 0 out of 5 buttholes. Your son gets 3 out of 5 buttholes and your wife gets 2 out of 5 buttholes. Am I the butthole for refusing to pay bills for a house that I house-ted in a month ago? I don't really think that I'm the Bottle in this situation, but the family member, her boyfriend and her mom, sure do. Though, the fact that the family member recently lost her job due to the pandemic does make
Starting point is 00:12:15 me feel like I'm being the Bottle. A little less than a month ago, I decided to house it for a family member and her boyfriend for a week while they were going to see their parents. I knew I wasn't getting paid for taking care of their home and feeding their pets, but I was okay with that because I live with my parents and a week away sounded like a dream come true. House sitting went fine and I pretty much forgotten about it until today. Then, the family member sent me a pay power quest with no explanation. She requested $184 and I immediately called her and asked her why she was doing this.
Starting point is 00:12:45 She stated that it was my share of the bills for when she stayed. I was in shock. I told her I took a week off of work to care for her house free of charge. She said that I still had to pay utilities. Keep in mind, I was never once made aware of this beforehand, otherwise I would have told them to get lost when they asked me in the first place. I told her to go after herself and hung up, and ever since, she's been messaging me saying she's gonna call the police until everyone on Facebook about what a horrible piece of garbage I am.
Starting point is 00:13:13 I haven't responded to any of these messages and I don't plan to. Am I the butthole? Update, she ended up posting about me on Facebook and the overwhelming majority of people on there defended me. Some of them called her stupid and reacted with a laugh of moat. Safe to say she deleted the post and blocked me after that, and I haven't really heard anything since. According to my cousin, she's posting quotes about being betrayed and how family is worthless. OP, if she expects you to pay that bill, then you should slam her with a pet sitting
Starting point is 00:13:42 bill. By just about anyone's math, she owes you several hundred dollars. So OPM giving you zero out of five buttholes and I'm giving your ex-friend three out of five buttholes. Am I the butthole for filing a complaint against my doctor after she gave my mom my medical information? I want to start by saying that I'm a 25 year old woman and I don't have the best relationship with my mom.
Starting point is 00:14:03 I have an older sister and growing up, my mom always tended to control me and tried to override any decisions I make, saying I was young and naive and she always knew better. I cut contact with her for a few months after she tried to get involved in my marriage. My husband and I have been together for three years, and he's always telling me to be more gentle with my mom. I had a miscarriage a few days ago. It's devastating, and I really thought it'll get easier, but I'm still feeling excruciating pain and frustration. We were happy
Starting point is 00:14:31 and excited, but all that disappeared suddenly, and it was hard for me to take because I thought everything was fine. I didn't tell anyone, especially since I'm currently dealing with some health issues. I didn't tell anyone in my family. My husband promised not to tell until I'm ready. My mom kept asking me questions and brought up my pregnancy constantly and my answers were short because I didn't want her to know since she'd call everyone and let them know. She's always like this, that's why I tend to keep things private. I decided to not visit for a couple of days hoping she'd stop asking questions. Then, I found out that my mom announced my miscarriage
Starting point is 00:15:05 on her Facebook page. I didn't know she did that, so I was shocked and freaked out when I started getting calls from family members and I have no idea how many people knew about it. I was so mad to the point of shaking. Everyone kept berating me for not telling them. I called my mom and I yelled at her. She defended herself, saying that she was just looking
Starting point is 00:15:24 for support and that I should have told her about it the first time she asked if something was wrong. I asked her who told her, and she said she had to talk with my doctor, but I shouldn't be mad because she's my mom, and she had a right to know what's going on. I argue with her about getting involved in my personal life, and disregarding my feelings, and catching me off guard like that. I went to my doctor, and I last out at her for releasing my private medical information to my mom, and causing me to deal with everyone asking why
Starting point is 00:15:50 I was hiding my miscarriage from them even though I was just waiting for the right time. I told my doctor I was going to file a complaint against her the same day, since she didn't respect my privacy and decided to give my mom information about my medical records. My mom heard about that, and started berating me saying it wasn't the doctor's fault and that she was a friend of hers she knew years ago but I didn't know about that. She said that I went too far and acted like my family were strangers. She said that she's my mom and I didn't need to overreact like that. All I needed was time and space. Now I have to deal with all this stress and I'm a mess right now. My brother texted me a few minutes ago and said he wants to come over and talk to me.
Starting point is 00:16:27 He was the first to call me and berated me and said that I was being hostile towards everyone for no reason. I haven't replied to his text yet, but I don't want to see anyone right now. I can't take one more word from them. Opie, you don't have to stress about whether or not you were in the right here because the federal government has already decided that you were definitely in the right. What your doctor did was a major hip violation. You can and absolutely show the phylic complaint against your doctor.
Starting point is 00:16:56 Because if your doctor violated your medical privacy, what's this offer from violating someone else's medical privacy? You absolutely have a right to file a complaint and the government takes this super seriously. In fact, it's such a serious offense that the doctor could lose her medical license over this. And if you ask me, she should lose her license, because if she's just sharing private medical information with anyone who asks, then she has no right to be practicing medicine. O.P, please, please, please file that complaint. If not for you, then for all the other patients
Starting point is 00:17:29 whose health and safety is compromised because your doctor has no ethics. That was our slash of my The Butthole, and if you like this content, check out my Patreon where I publish extra episodes. Also, be sure to follow my podcast because I put on new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.
Starting point is 00:17:39 follow my podcast because I put on new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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