rSlash - r/AmITheA**hole for Recording My Roommate "Doing It" with a Hidden Cam?

Episode Date: November 15, 2021

r/AmITheA**hole In today's episode, OP suspects that something fishy is going on in his bedroom while he's out. He decides to set up a hidden camera in his bedroom. He's shocked to discover that his r...oommate is passionately hugging girls in his bedroom while he's out. He confronts his roommate with the evidence, and his roommate calls OP a giant butthole for secretly recording him passionately hugging. Is OP the butthole in this situation? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to R-slash, a podcast where I read the best post from across Reddit. Today's subreddit is R-slash and my The Butthole, where OP installs a hidden camera to catch his roommate passionately hugging. Am I the Butthole for putting a camera in my bedroom? I'm a 22-year-old guy, and I live in an apartment with my roommate who's also a 22-year-old guy. We both attend college part-time, and we get along well with one another. The lease is under my name only.
Starting point is 00:00:25 My roommate isn't planning on living in the apartment after college. I worked night shift three days a week. My hours are 7pm to 7am. He sometimes has his girlfriend stay overnight, which is no problem because when my boyfriend visits, he also spends the night. When I come home from work, I've been noticing that my bed has been a mess and I found clothing that didn't belong to me in the sheets. I am awful at confronting people, but I know it's not my boyfriend because he lets me know beforehand when he's staying over.
Starting point is 00:00:51 So I ordered a camera and I placed it in a spot where it couldn't be seen. I went into work and the camera app notified me that there was motion in the room. I turned the camera on and I saw my roommate and his girlfriend on MY BIT. I was mortified and I stopped watching the video. My boyfriend came over the next morning and I showed him the video of my roommate and girlfriend on MY BIT. My boyfriend texted the video to my roommate and he texted back that he wants to talk when he gets home. My roommate and I talk about the situation and I tell him that it's disgusting that he and his girlfriend are using MY BID. My roommate's defense is that MY BID
Starting point is 00:01:31 is more comfortable than HIS BID. His girlfriend came over that evening and she started attacking me for putting a camera in the apartment. Am I the butthole for putting a camera in my own bedroom? Okay OP, let's get one thing clear, your room made and your roommates girlfriend are disgusting. That is entitled, selfish and just playing gross behavior. I'm giving them each 2.5 out of 5 buttholes for passionately hugging and someone else's bed without telling them. Gross! As for you OP, you are completely not the butthole for putting a camera in your own room. It's your own room and you 100% have an expectation of privacy in your own bedroom.
Starting point is 00:02:08 So if you want to hide a camera in your bedroom for any reason including no reason then you're completely justified to do so. However, and I hate to say this OP because you're the victim here, but I do think that you deserve a bit of a butthole score for showing that video to your boyfriend. There was absolutely no reason whatsoever for you to show that video to your boyfriend. Even if you wanted your boyfriend support, you could have just said, hey, so I put a camera in my bedroom and I caught my roommate in his girlfriend, passionately hugging in my bed.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Anyways, I've got the video, but I don't want to show it to you because that's a pretty gross violation of their privacy, even though they violated my privacy. Anyways, will you back me up when I confront my roommate? Like, that's a very reasonable and fair thing to do. So, unfortunately OP, I think I have to give you like 0.5 out of 5 buttholes. Simply put, you could have accomplished the same thing without also showing the video to your boyfriends. Also I definitely understand why the girlfriend is freaking out. Like, I'm not defending her. I'm not justifying her behavior at all. 0%.
Starting point is 00:03:08 However, I am saying that like, it would make sense that she would get angry and panicky because you have video of her naked doing the nasty with her boyfriend. If you publish that online, which would be illegal by the way, you could utterly destroy her reputation and the reputation of the boyfriend as well. So yeah, if someone had video footage of me doing the deed, then I probably freak out as well, right? I think that's pretty normal. So to be clear, roommate and girlfriend 2.5 out of 5 buttholes are being selfish, gross, and entitled. OP, you get 1 out of 5 buttholes.
Starting point is 00:03:39 Because even though you are justified to use the camera, that doesn't mean you can just show that footage to anyone. And last but not least, even though the roommate and girlfriend are clearly major buttles in this story, you really should delete that footage OP because if it gets out, it could be pretty damaging. In my the butthole for demanding my sister's husband
Starting point is 00:03:57 pay for my girlfriend's dress that he ruined at the wedding, I'm a 23 year old guy, and my 26 year old sister recently got married to one of those. It's just a prank, bro, guys. This guy is insane. He laughs at any and everything that he lays eyes on. He jokes, teases, makes fun, and pulls very nasty and cruel pranks all the time.
Starting point is 00:04:19 It's like he has no filter. Some people have said that he's mentally ill, especially after he started telling jokes at his own father's funeral, and he almost caused my sister to get injured from his counter-stair's prank. Me and the family have gotten our fair share of his ridiculous pranking campaign, and we've had enough, but to him it's not enough, apparently. The kids love him and say that he's so fun, so that's one positive thing about him, I guess. His and my sister's wedding was a couple of days ago. Once he learned that I was bringing my girlfriend to he pranked a couple of times, he started
Starting point is 00:04:53 making comments about pulling some funny pranks at the wedding. I told him I would not react to that well, and he can do with that info what he will. He just laughed me off, and I didn't see him until the wedding. After the ceremony and while the guests were eating, he saw me talking to a few other people and he approached us with a glass of milk in his hand. I have no idea why he had a glass of milk and he kept commenting on me and my girlfriend. He told me to repost to her right then and there so the memory of my proposal will always be overshadowed by his wedding. Then he said, relax, it's just a joke, bro, and laugh. My girlfriend was standing next to me in her $320 dress when my brother-in-law pointed
Starting point is 00:05:33 to the left and said, look, there's a dog over there. Me and my girlfriend looked, and the next thing I knew, he threw milk from his glass on my girlfriend's dress. My girlfriend was so shocked she froze. He said, Gatja, I was stunned and I asked him why the hell did he do that? I lash out at him as my girlfriend rushed to clean up and I called him obnoxious and mean because he shouldn't have done that. He said that he was just messing with us and my girlfriend should feel lucky for being
Starting point is 00:06:03 served milk at a wedding. He said that my girlfriend was too uptight and he couldn't take a joke. My girlfriend angrily left the wedding and didn't respond to my calls. I was livid. After my argument with my brother-in-law, I left too. The next day I called him and my sister about what happened, and I told them that I'm expecting him to pay 320 bucks for the dressy ruins. He threw a fit saying that it was just a prank and that milk doesn't ruin a dress and an apology
Starting point is 00:06:31 should do it. But I said no and I demanded that he pay me 320 bucks after humiliating my girlfriend. My sister argued with me saying that I was being overproductive of my girlfriend, but I hung up and told them they had until Friday. Am I the butthole? Oh man. Reading this story is exhausting, OP, because people like this guy are so obnoxious. These pranks aren't even funny, they're just mean. Ha ha, I spilled milk on you, it's just a prank bro, like how's that a prank, it's just spilling milk on someone, that's just mean.
Starting point is 00:07:04 And doing it at a wedding, at a public event with dozens, maybe hundreds of people, that's extremely mean. I can guarantee you 100% that if you pulled these stupid pranks on him, he would not be laughing. Hey buddy, I just threw buckets and buckets of glitter into your entire wardrobe. Gotcha.
Starting point is 00:07:23 And then, and then when he gets mad and starts complaining, you pepper spray him and be like, ha, gotcha, bet you didn't see that one coming. Oh, that's a real zinger isn't it? OP, your brother-in-law is a huge douchebag. I'm giving him three out of five buttholes. However, I also have to give you a butthole score of one out of five buttholes, because after your girlfriend was embarrassed, it sounds like you just abandoned her. Your girlfriend had milk intentionally spilled on her and she was embarrassed in front of
Starting point is 00:07:50 all those people, and instead of going with your girlfriend to comfort her, you just stayed behind so you could argue with your brother-in-law, like, why? The correct thing to do in that situation would be to go with your girlfriend, help her clean up her dress, and let her know that if she wants to leave, you've got her back. Not stand around and argue with some idiot who won't listen to you anyways, like what's the point? Also, let's not forget that OP's girlfriend probably doesn't know a single person there, just OP, and maybe a few of OP's family members, but probably not that closely. So, she's embarrassed, she's isolated, she has no one else to rely on, and when she runs away, which of course
Starting point is 00:08:26 You would run away, OP just stands behind. So yeah, OP, I have to give you one out of five but holes for not having your girlfriend's back I'm trying to imagine if I were hanging out with all of my wife's family and friends and one of them did something Incredibly embarrassing to me and embarrassed me in front of everyone. I would want to leave. I don't want to stick around I don't want to talk to people, I want to leave the venue, I want to change my clothes, and then I want to talk about it. But if I can't leave because my wife is arguing with someone, then that would be really frustrating, so I'm not surprised that your girlfriend wouldn't answer your calls. Last but not least, obviously your girlfriend gets zero out of five buttholes. Oh, also, your sister gets two out of five buttholes because what is she thinking?
Starting point is 00:09:05 Why would she marry this douchebag? Honestly, it sounds like she's setting herself up for a really miserable life. Business notifications getting out of hand, buried under an avalanche of customer emails, texts, and social media messages, keep your edge with thrive small business software and never miss a message again.
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Starting point is 00:09:52 The 7 year old is a boy while the other is a girl. My sister works a lot and she doesn't have a lot of money to afford babysitting, so I started watching her kids for her for free. There was an incident the other day where the 7-year-old had gotten mad at me because I wouldn't let him jump on the couch. I explained to him that he could get hurt, and he threw a tantrum, which was normal, it's what young kids do. Well, when my sister gets home, the seven-year-old suddenly starts bawling his eyes out and running
Starting point is 00:10:20 towards her. I'm confused because he was just fine a second ago. He immediately starts on a rant about how I had a man in the house and how neither him or his sister had eaten it all that day. My sister was rightfully pissed and started asking questions.
Starting point is 00:10:36 I shook my head, said that he was lying and pointed out that she had cameras installed so we should probably just sit down and watch them. She said no, that I had to go before she called the cops on me. So I left. A few hours later she calls me and apologizes, saying that she watched the footage and saw no man in her house at all, and that she had seen that her son had refused to eat the dinner that I made them.
Starting point is 00:11:00 She asked when I would come by next, as she hoped that I understood the misunderstanding, but I said that I would no longer be babysitting for her. She said that her kid is just seven that kids lie all the time, but I still refused. We went back and forth over the phone and sold to each other, and that was that. Our mother thinks that I'm being ridiculous for being mad at a kid, but it's more than that. I could have gotten in trouble if the cops had shown up and the kids stuck with this story, so am I the butthole? O.P, the problem with this story isn't that the seven-year-old lied because seven-year-olds lie all the time. The real problem with this story is that your sister
Starting point is 00:11:37 just automatically believed a seven-year-old in place of you and cameras. You're watching your sister's kids for free, and at the very first sign of any friction, her response is to call the cops on you. And to make matters worse, she wanted to escalate the situation when you had a perfectly reasonable defense. The kids lying, let's check the cameras. Like that would have been the very normal, healthy, reasonable adult thing to do. Just be like, okay, well, we have objective evidence, let's see who's lying. But instead, she's like, leave now or I'm calling the cops what? So yeah, OP, I don't blame you in the slightest. Your sister really disrespected you and honestly puts you in danger. I'm not exactly sure what the repercussions would be if the cops had come,
Starting point is 00:12:20 but my guess is that if you have kids in your care and you don't feed them for the entire day, that constitutes some kind of like, child abuse or neglect, but I'm pretty sure that there would be real repercussions. So your sister disrespected you, then threatened you, then asked you to come baby said the kids again. It's like, no, you lost that privilege. What are you talking about? And one thing that I'm really curious about because OP didn't mention it at all is did OP sister punish the seven year old for what he did because he deserves to be punished. His lies directly in danger at OP so there
Starting point is 00:12:54 should be repercussions. If your sister did punish her kid then I'm giving your sister 2.5 out of 5 buttholes. If your sister has not punished her kid then I'm giving her 3.5 out of 5 buttholes. If your sister has not punished her kid, then I'm giving her 3.5 out of 5 buttholes. Am I the butthole for letting a teenage boy spend the night in jail before dropping the charges? When I moved cities a few months ago, I rented an apartment on a monthly contract while looking for another apartment to buy. A couple months in, the owner told me that she had to put the apartment on the market, so she had to schedule showings. I offered to buy it, and not even two weeks later I was the owner of my own apartments. I live on the second floor. The first floor is owned by a family, a father, a mother, and two teen boys. The ground floor consists
Starting point is 00:13:35 of two garages for cars, one for each owner. And finally, the roof is split into two roofs with an eight-foot wall and separate doors off the landing. When I bought my house, I knew that I wanted to redo the kitchen and bathroom, so I took some cookies and knocked on my neighbor's house to ask for their schedule. I didn't want to do any renovation work while they were at home to avoid bothering them. One day, while I was out on my balcony, I overheard the husband complaining about me buying the apartment, because apparently they were planning to buy it, but I beat them to
Starting point is 00:14:04 it. Now fast forward a couple of months, and I've turned my roof into a garden with raised bids for my vegetables, pots for flowers, some garden furniture, and an area with some wooden outside tiles. While leaving one day I met my neighbor, and she asked to see the garden with her sons. I showed off my garden, and I thought that was the end of it. That is, until I started noticing how some of my flowers were cut, the furniture was moved, etc. So I installed a camera, and I saw that her sons were jumping over the dividing wall along with some friends and spending time in my garden. I told the parents, and I asked them to tell their kids to stop, that most of the time I'm not at home, so if something happens, there's no way for me to open the
Starting point is 00:14:44 door to help them. They said okay, but the kids continue to do so, and they even started destroying my plans for telling on them. So I gave their mother an ultimatum. They either stopped coming onto my property or I'm gonna call the cops. She scoffed at me and called me an entitled B word.
Starting point is 00:15:02 The next time I got an alert on my phone, I called the cops and said someone broke into my rooftop garden. The cops came pretty fast, and only one of the brothers managed to escape. The other was caught red handed and taken to the precinct. Their father almost broke my door and started screaming at me to come and drop the charges.
Starting point is 00:15:22 I just threatened to call the cops on him as well and went a bit. This morning, I went to the precinct and drop the charges. I just threatened to call the cops on him as well and went to bed. This morning I went to the precinct and dropped the charges, so he spent the night in jail with drug dealers and thugs, according to his mom. I was so sure of my decision that I was teaching him the consequences of his actions, but my mom said that I was too harsh, that I punished the parents and I didn't teach the kid a lesson. So Reddit, am I the butthole? OP, you are pretty much as far away from a butthole as you can possibly be. First you extended anabely greeting. Second you asked them politely to stop coming into your garden.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Third you warned them that you're going to call the cops if they continue to go into your garden. Fourth you call the cops and let the legal system deal with the kids. Fifth you showed mercy deal with the kids. Fifth, you showed mercy by dropping the charges, so you were being about as fair and merciful as you possibly could have been in the situation. Like, what's the alternative? Just let those kids continue to destroy your garden with no repercussions? And if you ask me OP, that entire family needed to learn this lesson. Those teenage boys need to learn that their actions have consequences, and the parents need to learn that no one else cares about
Starting point is 00:16:29 their kids. If it were me, OP, I would have made his parents pay for all the property they destroyed. Then, I would consider dropping the charges. Anyways, OP, I'm giving you 0 out of 5 buttholes. I'm giving that entire family 3 out of 5 buttholes. That was our Sasha Mitha butthole, and if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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