rSlash - r/AmITheA**hole For Refusing to Give My Wifi Password To My Entitled Neighbor?

Episode Date: December 10, 2020

r/AmITheA**hole In today's episode, OP has an incredibly selfish neighbor who also has a very sweet young daughter. The neighbor is too poor for internet, which means that her daughter can't do her ho...mework. OP gives his password to the neighbor's daughter on the condition that the daughter doesn't share it with anyone else, but his neighbor forces the daughter to cough it up. Then, the neighbor shared the password with the whole neighborhood! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You went past business casual, spent all night practicing that presentation. You rolled up to the office ready to rock that 9 a.m. Until you remembered it was off-site. When you need to look good showing up late, own it. With the all new 2024 Chevrolet Tracks RS. Welcome to R-Slash, a podcast where I read the best post from across Reddit. Today's subreddit subreddit is R-Slash, and my, the butthole, where a woman tries to take money from a dead child. Will I be the butthole if I change my wifi password making it impossible for a kid to not be able to attend her classes? I live in a not-so-well-off area. I'm not well off by any means, but I do have a wifi connection. My wifi has a 4 device limit, it's the cheapest plan they have. My neighbors have a 12-year-old daughter who has attended online classes. I know her well because she comes over fairly often to hang out with my daughter since her friends.
Starting point is 00:00:54 Her name is Shania. Shania's parents told me that they can't afford Wi-Fi, so she asked me if she could use mine. I agreed and said that the only condition was that she has to study super hard and do her best. She agreed and she's been using my Wi-Fi for a while. Over the past two months, I've been finding it hard to use my Wi-Fi. The web portal for the Wi-Fi says that four devices are constantly connected to it when all I'm using is my phone and my daughter is using her laptop. Sometimes, my daughter can't connect to her own classes and ends up using data. I asked Shania about it last week, and she said that her parents forced her to tell them the password and that they'd been using it.
Starting point is 00:01:31 I went and spoke to her parents about it and said that the Wi-Fi is only for her to be able to attend classes. They said they'll stop using it, but over the week, four times my daughter's classes got interrupted because there were multiple devices trying to use it. Yesterday, Shania told me that our other neighbors also have the password and are also using it, that her parents gave it to them. I went and warned the parents again, threatened to change the password, but they made false promises again in Shutter Door.
Starting point is 00:01:57 I changed the password and gave Shania the new one, but her parents forced it out of her again. My daughter's education needs to take priority. Her classes are important. I can't let her education take a back seat, but if I change it again and don't give Shania the password, her education will be affected. Will I be the butthole if I change the password
Starting point is 00:02:17 and not tell Shania? OP, are you the butthole for not giving away something for free that you paid for? No, you get zero out of five buttholes, and if you something for free that you paid for? No. You get zero out of five buttholes, and if you really want to support Shania's education, then whenever she comes over to hang out with your daughter, just manually put the password into her device. Then when she leaves, either erase the password from her device or change the password again.
Starting point is 00:02:39 She can't tell her parents the password if she doesn't know the password. I think that's the best solution. It's a bit tedious to be sure, but that allows you to stick it to your neighbors without punishing their innocent daughter. Am I the butthole for telling my sister to stop using the word family on me like it's supposed to mean something? As stated in a previous post, I was kicked out of the age of 15 for being gay. From the age of 15 to 35, I had no contact with my family. Over the years, they've somehow managed to work their way back into my life, but only
Starting point is 00:03:09 in a small capacity. My younger sister called me and asked me what me and my husband are doing for Thanksgiving. I told her that it was just us, and we were gonna have a nice dinner and probably watch TV for the night and go to bed early. She told me that she was making dinner and that we need to show up. I told her thank you, but this was the first set of holidays in 10 years that I didn't have to host, and I was planning on staying home and just putting on a fresh pair of pajamas after a shower, not going anywhere. She then asked about Christmas, and I told her the same thing.
Starting point is 00:03:36 She then asked when would be a good time to get together. I told her point blank that I wasn't all that interested in our history, and that I was perfectly happy with how things were going at this point. This was when she got pissed off and started to yell at me saying that I need to start acting more like part of the family and then I need to let go of the past. She told me that we as family need to try and bridge the gap and move forward in a positive way. I told her, no, we don't.
Starting point is 00:04:01 We hardly know each other. We are very much strangers. I also told her that she needs to stop throwing the word family around like it's supposed to mean something to me. When we started to talk again when I was 35 when our dad died, her and my brother constantly berated me and told me that I need to just let them deal with everything that needed to be done and I never disagreed with them. I told them that they could handle it.
Starting point is 00:04:23 I was berated when her mother was sick for not visiting her in the hospital or when she was home. I really don't have that much of a relationship with my mom and she's pretty much a stranger as well, so it didn't really matter. I threw everything back in her face. Before we hung up, she reminded me that it wasn't my husband's blood that runs through my body, and blood is thicker than water. I told her no, my husband's blood did not in fact run through my body, but his semen did, and that was gl- and that was close enough. I thought my husband was going to wet his pants. So am I the buttole for telling my sister to stop using the word family like it means
Starting point is 00:05:00 something? So I have an interesting little fact about this story. When people say blood is thicker than water, what they really mean is that family bonds are closer than any other bond. But the ironic thing is that the actual origin of the phrase is, the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. What that means is, the blood that is shed in battle, bond soldiers more strongly than basic genetics.
Starting point is 00:05:23 Which in this case is totally true, you can't just kick someone out of the house at the age of 15 and expect them to be closer to you than someone who actually loves and accepts them. And then OP posted an update. My husband and I had such a great day. We had steaks on the grill, baked potatoes, steamed veggies, and a mate from scratch pumpkin cheesecake. Tuesday and Wednesday, my mom and sister were tag-teaming me on messenger all day until I reached my limit and finally answered my
Starting point is 00:05:49 sister. She told me when they were planning on eating and that I needed to arrive earlier. I told her a point blank that I was not coming to dinner. Out of curiosity, I felt like something was wrong and I asked her why it was so important for me to come. It turns out they had been telling some family members that I was going to be a dinner and that everything was okay and that I was part of the family again. This is important because many people from both my mom and dad's family have had nothing to do with me, but never completely approved of what my parents did to me. This was my breaking point.
Starting point is 00:06:20 This put me over the edge and I told them I was not going to cover for them and that this was the end of it all. It was there for creating this issue and they'll need to deal with it on their own. I told her that I was done and to never contact me again. I ended the call and immediately blocked all communication. The level of anger that I feel towards them is at a point that I can't even describe. But at the same time, I feel relieved that they finally gave me a reason to terminate all communication with them. They're completely on their own.
Starting point is 00:06:49 True to form, on Thanksgiving Day, my husband and I took showers, put on clean pajamas and watch movies all day and then ate dinner, and then back in front of the TV. Opie, this one's pretty cut and dry, you get zero out of five buttholes. You're basically just living your life free from people who are super toxic. Your sister gets 3.5 out of five buttholes for being selfish and cold. Your parents get five out of five buttholes for kicking their own child out of the house. Am I the butthole for giving my deceased son's college fund to his best friend and sit at my nephew? This has been causing a conflict with my entire family and they think that I'm being selfish
Starting point is 00:07:26 and unreasonable. Let me explain first. I'm a 39 year old man, and I lost my son in 2019 due to a chronic heart condition. He was 15 years old. It was devastating, and I just couldn't take it especially when my family did little to nothing to support me during these difficult times. They didn't bring my son meals when he was at the hospital. They didn't let me go home and rest even for a few hours.
Starting point is 00:07:51 They didn't take care of other things when I had a lot to deal with. I wasn't offered any help, just words. They just talk and do nothing. Despite the struggle, I created an account for my son's college fund and kept adding to it whatever I could at the time, and me and my son would talk about that a lot. He was depressed, but always believed that he was going to get better and continue his education in a 10 college. I started saving money to keep him motivated and to make him feel like he could be like any other kid with hopes for a good future. He had a very close friend that's about the same age as him. They were friends for five years, and I can't express how his presence in my son's life helped him through the worst days.
Starting point is 00:08:29 Sometimes, his friend would spend the night with us and try to get my son to do activities and lighten up his mood all the time. To be frank, his friend was closer to him than his own family. He never stopped visiting and asking me how I'm doing after my son's death. He'd show me handmade projects he made for my son, and as a way to remember him, we'd sometimes just sit and talk together or cry together. Last week while I was with my family, my sister asked me what I was going to do with my son's college money. I didn't want to mention this, but since she asked, I told her that I would be giving the money to my son's friend. She was confused and said that her son deserves that money
Starting point is 00:09:05 since he's family. My mom agreed that I wasn't thinking straight and that I should help the people close to me, my family, and that my nephew has a right to go to college. And I was wrong for giving away this opportunity to someone else. I didn't know what to say and they kept pointing out that I was making a mistake
Starting point is 00:09:20 and how my nephew wore a zent me if he finds out. The thing is, my nephew wasn't close to my son, so I don't know why he'd even be bothered. My sister went on about not being able to afford my nephews college, and I told her this was my decision, and I felt more comfortable this way. She started lashing out, constantly texting me and constantly wanting to talk, and we just ended up arguing. After I snapped, she had my mom calling me basically guilt-jumping me and telling me that I'm wrong and I need to think about this. It's just
Starting point is 00:09:49 too much pressure and I'm feeling lost and unable to figure out how to deal with this. Down in the comments, I'm going to read this post from Who Fear's Death. Earn the points, share the journey. With the TD, AeroPlan visa-impotent card earned up the 50,000 bonus Aero Airplan points. Conditions apply offer in January 3rd, 2024. Visit for details. Hi, I'm Pete Davidson, and if you're like most people, you may be asking yourself, well, hey, Pete, are you here to up my hydration game? And I'd be like, hey, you, that's exactly right with new smart water alkaline with antioxidant. And you'd be like, hey you, that's exactly right, with new smart water alkaline with antioxidant.
Starting point is 00:10:25 And you'd be like, okay cool, but there's no way there's a higher pH, right? And I'd be like, there actually is. And you'd be like, that's rad. I hope there's electrolytes for taste too. And I'd be like, you're not gonna believe this. Elevate how you hydrate. And keep it smart, with smart water alkaline.
Starting point is 00:10:40 Not the butthole. Asker Wooder Plain was for her son's college if years hadn't died, and tell her to do that. What are alcohol? Despite the butthole for being completely honest to my biological parents about how my childhood was really awful, I was given up for adoption right after I was born. Unfortunately, my adoption didn't work out and I grew up in foster care until I turned to 18. I'm now 19 and in college. In February, I got a Facebook message from a man claiming to be my father. We messaged back and forth, and while I kept a lot of my childhood details private, we did make plans to meet him and my mother. They weren't married to each other by the way. When I got to the restaurant, I was very shocked and honestly upset to
Starting point is 00:11:33 find that my father and mother had brought their spouses as well as their children to surprise me. My father's mother, so my grandmother, was also there. I was already feeling very emotional about the whole thing and seeing everyone there didn't help. So I sat there one hour of listening to them sharing all about their lives while I faked smile through everything. Honestly, I felt very jealous that they had kids
Starting point is 00:11:57 that they really loved and how they all had really happy lives after ditching me. Then they started asking about me and my parents and how my Facebook gave very little away about my life. I basically lost it and started crying like a little kid and told them how awful my adoptive parents were and how awful my foster life was. I was pretty snarky and sarcastic when I said I'm glad their lives worked out for them because my insurer's hell didn't. I couldn't stop crying, and my father had to drop me off back home.
Starting point is 00:12:25 He was very apologetic. I feel awful about it. I made my mother and father cry at the restaurant. They were really nice people. I got a few messages from my mother and father separately where they've been apologizing and asking if they could make it up to me. My mother in particular seems really upset by everything and I hate that I may have messed up our happy life. Her last message basically said that she's been unable to sleep and
Starting point is 00:12:50 wants to see me again. I've been ignoring their messages and just been focusing on school instead. Am I the butthole? Maybe I should have been more honest before they meet up. Down in the comments, I'm going to read this reply from Leaf Minkowski. Not the butthole. You have a right to your life. And they've probably spent the last 19 years clinging to the idea that you had a better life than they could give you. Being hit by the reality that their happiness is now built on the opportunities they had by condemning you to misery has probably hurt them quite a bit, but that's not your fault.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Yeah, and what's up with them, ambushing you in a restaurant like that. They have banded you as a baby and then show up after 19 years and essentially ambush you with your extended family. That should have been a very personal intimate child to parent to parent conversation. But instead they bring your half siblings, the kids that they didn't abandon. Like, how do they expect that to make you feel? I mean, I can't really criticize the parents for giving you up for adoption because I don't know what the situation was for them at the time. All that being said, I'm giving you 0 out of 5 buttholes OP. I'll give your parents 1 out of 5 buttholes for ambushing you in a really insensitive way, but I can't
Starting point is 00:13:58 really give them more because maybe giving you up for adoption was the right call. I mean, for all we know, maybe when they had you, they were both addicted to meth or something, so they kinda had to make that choice. Just remember OP, their guilt isn't your fault. Am I at the butthole for not punishing my daughter for mocking her cousin? My wife and her younger sister are best friends.
Starting point is 00:14:20 As a result, when our middle daughter and her cousin were born around the same time, my wife really expected them to also be best friends. As a result, when our middle daughter and her cousin were born around the same time, my wife really expected them to also be best friends. With 16 years of hindsight, I can say it was certainty that the expectation was misplaced. Nothing happened in particular. My daughter just doesn't like her cousin. My wife keeps pushing their relationship. This includes making my daughter spend time with her cousin during family gatherings, inviting her cousin on trips and forcing my daughter to call her. We're pretty sure that I'm the favorite parent, a fact that keeps my ego well inflated.
Starting point is 00:14:52 And therefore, my apathy towards the situation is not what received by my wife. From my perspective, this is an important, and I do not possess the ability to make two teenagers become friends. Also, I'm pretty sure that trying to push this kind of knuckle-headed stuff makes kids not want to speak to you. This is where I'm probably the butthole. Yesterday, my wife forced my daughter to video call her cousin. My daughter rejected the request and my wife told her,
Starting point is 00:15:18 Unless you have a valid reason for disliking your cousin, you will do this because we're family. The call occurred. This morning, we awoke to my daughter's PowerPoint presentation titled, Valid reasons to dislike my cousin. Using clips from the Zoom call segments included, why is my cousin's voice so grating, a music theory approach, a case study, conversations that provide no value, and rethinking the idea that there are no dumb questions.
Starting point is 00:15:47 With a benefit of a couple of hours of hindsight, it was a very cruel take down of her cousin's entire personality. My wife was furious. My eldest daughter and I lost our minds laughing. My wife is demanding I support her and punishing my daughter for bullying her cousin. I refuse because I feel this whole situation wouldn't have occurred if she didn't push the relationship, but I'm starting to have second thoughts because it was very mean. Am I the butthole?
Starting point is 00:16:14 So I think just about everyone in this story gets at least like one out of five buttholes. Your daughter gets one out of five buttholes for being mean, but on the other hand, your wife literally was asking for it. Your wife gets one out of five buttholes for trying to force her daughter to be friends with someone who she clearly doesn't care about. You get one out of five buttholes for not backing up your wife and by supporting your daughter in bullying her cousin. So basically everyone's just being a little bit mean here, but at the same time, I really
Starting point is 00:16:43 understand why each person in this story did what they did. You want everyone to live their own life, your wife wants everyone to get along, and your daughter just wants to live her own life separate from the cousin. So I can't really begrudge anyone in this story because they're just following their own personality, but yeah, everyone's just being a little bit of a butthole here. That was Art Slash, am of a butthole here.

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