rSlash - r/AmITheA**hole for Sending a Guy's Nudes to His Family?

Episode Date: September 18, 2021

r/AmITheA**hole In today's episode, OP is a young woman who is constantly getting harassed by a male cousin. This guy just won't leave OP alone and keeps sending her inappropriate images. She begs him... to stop! When he refuses, OP decides to take the nuclear option and share all of his illicit images with his family group chat! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to R-Slash, a podcast where I read the best post from across Reddit. Today's subreddit is R-Slash Am I the Butthole, where OP posts a Family Members' Nudes online. Am I the Butthole for posting a relative news in the Family Group chat? I'm a 19-year-old girl, and Kyle, who's 22, is a distant relative. Well, he's actually my step-dad's cousin's child. I've never really been around him much though, just the odd family get together. We hadn't seen each other for a while, but we saw each other at a wedding a few months ago.
Starting point is 00:00:31 He got drunk and kept hitting on me, saying how hot I was, and how he'd love to get to know me better. I eroaled my eyes and kept trying to get away from him, but he kept following me throughout the day. Later on, he got someone to give him my number and he kept on messaging me. I complained to my stepdad who shrugged it off. Some people even thought that it was cute or funny, which just encouraged him to act even more outrageous. A few days later, he started sexting me and sending me nudes. What's worse was people who were at the wedding would tease me
Starting point is 00:01:02 like it was some kind of grand joke. About a month or two later, I finally had enough, and I sent everyone who mocked me nudes of Kyle. Every time my family made fun of me and Kyle in the group chat, I sent a Kyle nude. My aunt thought that we would make a cute couple, Kyle Nude. His parents who had raised him to be this sucky person, Kyle Nude, plus the Lude texts. My stepdad even received a printed picture on his pillow. I've had a few family members tell me off, telling me how gross it was sending them nudes of Kyle, and how I invaded his privacy. Although the younger generation of cousins has taken to posting memes about him such as,
Starting point is 00:01:42 when there's a family reunion and you can't decide which one of your cousins to bang, or edited versions of his pictures such as a small leaf covering his bits, and then OP adds an edit. I tried to block him, but he kept creating fake accounts and contacting me on different areas of social media. I've already told him off for hitting on me, only to receive a nude of him saying, but if you had a taste you would like it. Alright OP, I'll admit, when I read the title of this post, I was ready to stick the dogs on you. But then, as I was reading through this story, I was like, okay, okay, you kinda gotta point though. That guy went way over the line by constantly harassing you.
Starting point is 00:02:20 And yeah, your response was kind of extreme, but he was being extreme in the first place and he wasn't listening to reasons, so you had to do something extreme. So OP, I will admit that I wish that you'd handled this in a better way because publishing someone's nudes against their wishes is really awful. But at the same time, I'm sitting here wondering,
Starting point is 00:02:41 okay, well, what should OP have done in this situation? Because she tried all the reasonable diplomatic routes and those didn't work. So OP I hate to say this because you're mostly the victim here, but still publishing someone's nudes without their permission is really awful so I have to give you a butthole score of 1 out of 5 buttholes. But still that's nowhere close to your cousin who harassed you non-stop for months on end and sent you unsolicited dick pics. So I'm giving your cousin 4 out of 5 buttholes and your family members who supported him 2.5 out
Starting point is 00:03:13 of 5 buttholes. Am I the butthole for talking to a girl in Swedish who claimed that she spoke it? I'm Swedish and I've lived in the US for about 5 years. I met my girlfriend 3 years ago and we hit it off immediately. Last week we celebrated her birthday and she had, like usual, invited friends to the party. One of them will call Linda. The evening was going well. We had talks, games, and fun.
Starting point is 00:03:36 My girlfriend and Linda spoke about some new acquaintance from Germany or something. And Linda added that she had Swedish heritage and she was really proud because she spoke the language fluently because her murmur, which is Swedish for grandma, taught her. Well, as you can imagine, I was thrilled since the only time I get to speak Swedish now was on the phone and online chats with friends. Okay, so last time I was reading a story and I tried to speak a foreign language, everyone said that I sounded like Klingon, so let me try this again, maybe being less harsh about it. So I proclaimed,
Starting point is 00:04:06 BULT! DAKAN VIJU SNAKA LITS VINSKA, OMDR HOSLUST! LANGASIDAN JAGFIG PROTAS! VINSKA MED NGON I VIRGALAKAHITAN! Which translates to, cool, then we can talk a bit in Swedish if you want. It's been a long time since I could speak Swedish with someone in real life And all my Swedish viewers out there
Starting point is 00:04:27 Let me know how I did in the comments because I'm pretty confident that I said that with a perfect Swedish accent like a native speaker She looked at me and you could immediately tell from her expression. Oh She tried to get back on track and said Sorry, you caught me off guard. I didn't know you were Swedish. Could you repeat that? So I said, yeah,
Starting point is 00:04:49 Yag tunked to at the Kunda snacka Spinska lit grana, which means, yeah, I thought that we could talk a little Swedish. She then said, Yag, uh, Linda Namin,
Starting point is 00:05:00 are her demar, which made it obvious that she knew only a few words, but definitely not on a conversational level. She said, Yag, uh, Linda Naman are her demar? Which while understandable was not correct Swedish. The correct sentence would have been Yag Heeter Linda, her mardew.
Starting point is 00:05:22 For my name is Linda, how are you? The rest of the night was tense to say the least. She kept looking at me like I had ruined her plan and made her the villain. I don't even care if she could speak Swedish or not, I just wanted to talk to someone. Evening went by and everyone left. The next day, after my girlfriend had a talk with Linda, she explained that Linda was really mad at me for embarrassing her in front of everybody. I told my girlfriend that I in no way did that, since all I did was ask her if she went
Starting point is 00:05:51 into talk to me. And then I repeated myself since I thought that she didn't hear me the first time. I thought that maybe she just hadn't activated her ear for other languages, which happens to me all the time. I could just a surprise and miss out on what was said of someone suddenly speaks another language that I understand. But now I'm the bad guy apparently. What do you think?
Starting point is 00:06:10 Am I the butthole? Opie, this is a crystal clear zero out of five buttholes for you. What you did was like totally normal and understandable. It's such a stupid lie. If you go around telling people that you speak language X, then inevitably at some point, you're gonna meet someone who speaks that language. And then they're gonna talk to you in that language because that's a totally normal thing to do.
Starting point is 00:06:32 And then you have to be like, oh, well, actually, I don't really speak the language. And you embarrassed me, you're a butthole. So yeah, OP, I'm giving you zero out of five buttholes. I'm giving Linda 1.5 out of five buttholes because she's just being dumb. On the bright side OP, if you want someone to talk Swedish with, then you can talk to me because clearly my Conversational Swedish is perfect.
Starting point is 00:06:54 Yogh, her tour are slash, her Mardew. Am I the butthole for calling my baby's mother petty for not letting me be in the delivery room? My ex and I were engaged, but we broke it off early into her pregnancy. We had a lot of issues, but our breakup was precipitated by her catching me sexting people behind her back and a couple of flings. Overall, we kept it amicable through her pregnancy, but I definitely wouldn't call us friends. I called to check on her since she's due within the next month and I asked what the plan for delivery was. I guess I assumed that I would be in the room when the baby was being born. She told me that, due to COVID precaution, she's only allowed one person with her while
Starting point is 00:07:31 she's in the hospital and she's going to have her best friend with her. That I could meet the baby when she gets home. I got angry and told her that she was being petty and vindictive to not allow me in the room to witness our child's birth. She snapped back and told me that she needs someone who brings her comfort and that she can be vulnerable with, and that's not me. Am I the butthole for calling her petty in this situation? Oh P, what?
Starting point is 00:07:54 You lost the right to hang out with your fiance once she broke up with you because of your cheating. As the father of the child, then yeah, you have a right to see the baby, but not necessarily the mother whenever you want to. Earlier this year I was with my wife in the delivery room when she gave birth to our baby and it's a big deal because in addition to bringing a whole human being into the world it's an extremely dangerous procedure where women can literally die. So why are you surprised that your wife doesn't want to hang out with you? A cheater on such an important day? Oh, P, I don't blame your wife at all. If I were in her shoes,
Starting point is 00:08:31 then I would have done the exact same thing. I'm giving your wife zero out of five buttholes. I'm giving you one out of five buttholes for the entitled minute, three point five out of five buttholes for cheating, for a grand total of four point five out of five buttholes. And let me just say real quick, I said that giving birth is one of the most important moments in a woman's life. I'm not trying to imply that a woman's purpose is to give birth. I don't want that to come off in the sexist way. I just mean that in the objective sense of number 1, it's really dangerous you could die.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Number 2, bringing a human being into the world is like a major event it just is. So please don't think that I'm like, as a woman you're most important responsibility is to give birth to a kid. No, that's not what I mean by that. Am I the butthole for telling my fiance to get her insecurities in check and grow up after she humiliated my coworker?
Starting point is 00:09:20 I'm a 25 year old guy, and I recently got engaged to my amazing fiance, Amy, who's 24. I was the happiest that I've ever been when Amy said yes and I was nothing but excited for our wedding. We started planning the venues, the dates, and the invites. When talking about who to invite, we both agreed to invite our co-workers because we've worked in our respective jobs for years and we liked them all. As I checked that off the list, Amy spoke up and said that everyone from my job can come, except for my work friend, Talley, who's a 26 year old woman.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Talley is also one of my close friends, so this surprised me that Amy didn't want me to invite her. She's met Talley multiple times and there didn't seem to be any issues. When I asked why, she said that she just doesn't like Talley and she finds our friendship uncomfortable. She says that she thinks that't like Tally and she finds our friendship uncomfortable. She says that she thinks that Tally is a type of person to try to sway, take in men and
Starting point is 00:10:09 be the center of attention. After talking some more to see where she got this idea, it turned out that this was based on nothing but Tally's looks, because even Amy admitted that Tally is always very kind to her. But still, Amy is adamant about Tally not going and said that she makes her insecure. Amy is a beautiful woman, so I don't know why she feels that way. I told Amy that if it makes her feel comfortable not having Tally at the wedding, then that's fine. But before invitations go out, I would have to speak to her privately to let her know to save
Starting point is 00:10:39 embarrassment. Amy agreed, and that was that. We didn't speak on the matter again. A week or so later I went into work and Tally started to ignore me, only really talking to me if it was work related. I was confused because it wasn't just her. Our co-workers have also started to ignore her and acting strange to me. So I contacted her boyfriend, only for him to be sarcastic on the phone. I asked what the problem was and he asked if I really actually didn't know what happened. He then filled me in. Turns out a few days earlier, Amy came to my work on my day off with invitations. I had no idea that she even made the invitations yet, and she handed everyone an invite in front
Starting point is 00:11:20 of Tally. Then said to Tally, you aren't invited, women like you aren't welcome, which has sparked everyone suggesting that she's my other woman. Since then, she's been harassed by some of the guys at work and shunned by the women, and she's now looking for another job. This pissed me off, and I apologized profusely because I didn't know. When I got home that night, I confronted Amy about this. She denied it at first, then owned up to it,
Starting point is 00:11:47 and then said that now it's not an issue because Tally is quitting her job. I flipped out on her, saying that she clearly didn't trust me and she crossed a line doing all this behind my back. She didn't see the problem and got upset at me asking me why I'm so mad. I responded, if we're really going to get married, then you need to get your insecurities
Starting point is 00:12:05 and check and grow up. I've been staying at a friend's place since then, but I've had text from Amy, her friends, and her mother saying that I was the butthole for this, and that Amy doesn't deserve this treatment. Am I the butthole? Man, OP, the red flags really started flying high on this post. It started off kind of innocently. It's like, okay, your fiancee is jealous.
Starting point is 00:12:26 I assume that she doesn't want her at the wedding, and that's where the drama is coming from where you do want her at the wedding and your wife doesn't, and that's leading to this fight. But no, it is so much worse. There are so many red flags in this post. Red flag number one, vilifying Tally for literally no reason other than apparently she's a pretty girl. Red Flag No. 2, going behind your back to sabotage your relationship with Tally.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Red Flag No. 3, coming into your place of work and doing this extremely unprofessional behavior. What she did, in my opinion, is 100% a fireable act for you because she basically created all this drama and essentially sexually harassed one of the other employees. And since she's your partner, you're responsible for her actions. So like if your boss fired you for this, I would not give him any fault at all. That would be completely justifiable behavior. Red flag number, I've lost track at this point. Is it four?
Starting point is 00:13:23 Red flag number four. After she did what this point, is it four? Red flag number four. After she did what she did, she didn't even tell you. She left it to you to find out by, I guess, the like office rumor mill where one of your co-workers comes up and is like, oh man, OP, what your fiancee did yesterday was really crazy. She doesn't even respect you enough to let you know what she did after the fact.
Starting point is 00:13:44 And then Red Flag number five, which is pretty minor, not like a major red flag, but still a red flag, is after you call her out on her obviously childish behavior, she flips out at you, gets mad at you because you're mad, which is a classic girl fighting technique. And then she gets all of her friends and her mom to like, gang up on you and say, how could you treat her this way when almost certainly they're only getting half the story. OP, your fiance is showing you just how crazy she is. There are plenty of other fish in the sea.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Please do not marry this woman. You know actually I forgot a red flag. So red flag number, I can't keep count. Seven, six. Red flag number 6.5. She intentionally humiliated a completely innocent woman and ruined her career just because she's jealous, that's it. This woman now has to find a new job, potentially move.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Her relationship with her boyfriend is also called into question because obviously he's going to be like, well, did you sleep with OP, which is a reasonable question to ask. She's like nuking this poor girl's life over nothing! OP, I'm giving you zero out of five buttholes. I'm giving your fiance Amy four out of five buttholes. This is extremely toxic and red flag behavior. Am I the butthole for telling my friend that he got exactly what he wanted and he needs to stop being selfish?
Starting point is 00:15:06 I have an old college friend, Nick, who's 32. He has a fiance, Sophie, who's 24. They've been together three years, and Nick has repeatedly suggested an open relationship to which Sophie has refused. Until a few months ago, when he said that he would only propose to her if she agreed to try an open relationship, and she agreed. I said to Nick at the time that he was a butthole for this, and he said that he was just acting in my best interests. Now, Nick wanted an open relationship so he could see Anna,
Starting point is 00:15:36 a 29-year-old girl that we knew from college, who he always had a thing for. But she was married from the ages of 18 to 26, so he never had a chance until recently. Nick hasn't had a chance to see Anna yet because she's been living with her sick mom and they can't afford to rent a hotel room. Now the issue is that Nick showed up at my house last weekend with a suitcase, absolutely livid and asked to crash on my couch. He said that Sophie had gone out to dinner and had passionately hugged with a male model, and that she was cheating because he hadn't had the chance to see Anna, and it wasn't fair for her to see someone so much harder than Anna. Not that Anna isn't attractive. I basically laughed at him and told him this was exactly what was going to happen, and that he was being selfish expecting Sophie
Starting point is 00:16:20 not to see anyone or to only see people less attractive than she was. To be honest, Sophie is really attractive, so I don't even know why she's with Nick. He went off on me for not being supportive and stormed out and is trying to turn our friend group against me for not supporting him. I've taken a few days to think about it, but I still can't decide. Am I the butthole? Down in the comments, I'm going to read this post from best dad. Well, well, well. If it isn't the consequences of his own actions, not the butthole, he asked for it, he got it. Yeah, OP, I don't even know why you're even doubting this. Basically what this guy really wanted in his heart of hearts was a free permission slip
Starting point is 00:16:58 to go sleep with other women while his wife diddly waited for him at home. Not wife, girlfriend, but still like this guy's just being a hypocrite and he's being a jerk. And I mean I can kind of understand why he would be upset because you're his friend and some people expect their friends to just support them and not call them out in their BS, but not OP. You did nothing wrong here. I'm giving you 0 out of 5 buttholes. I'm giving Sophie 0 out of 5 buttholes.
Starting point is 00:17:22 I'm giving Nick 1.5 out of 5 buttholes for being a hypocrite. That was our Slash of My The Butthole, and if you like this content, you can sponsor my podcast to unlock extra episodes. Also, be sure to follow my podcast, because I put on new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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