rSlash - r/AmITheA**hole For Suing My Cousin, Who Stole My Prosthetic Leg?

Episode Date: January 9, 2021

r/AmITheA**hole In today's episode, OP let's his college-age cousin move in with him. The problem? His cousin thinks that he's a hilarious prankster, when really he's just an annoying little turd. The... cousin steals OP's prosthetic leg multiple times and hides it in the attic. Thing eventually hit a boiling point when the cousin accidentally breaks the leg, and then refuses to pay for it. So, OP decides to sue the cousin for the price of a replacement, but now all of his family members are saying he's a butthole. What do you think? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Shut up, Amazon, for last minute it's great deals for everyone on your list Gifts for moment, gifts for dad, even for your sister and your brother chat Ah shoot, we didn't realize you were supposed to get a gift for a dog, what a guy We almost forgot about it, then to start to curve, we didn't expect to get a gift from her Or our cousin might forget his name, he got us something nice, better reciprocate. For last minute deals on gifts of people you forgot, get faster, free shipping at Amazon! Welcome to R-Slash, a podcast where I read the best post from across Reddit. Today's subreddit is R-Slash and my The Butthole, where OP saves his cousin from gay conversion therapy. Am I the butthole for refusing to listen to my parents and wanting to sue my cousin for a prank?
Starting point is 00:00:45 I'm a 31 year old male, and I recently let my 21 year old male cousin move in with me after he got kicked out of his college dorm and had no job to pay for rent. My parents told me I need to step up and help because I own a house, live alone with my two golden retrievers and two birds that I've had since last year. My cousin would make fun of me whenever I call my pets family, and he thinks I'm crazy. He has a bad sense of humor and he thinks he's funny. He calls me funny nicknames like robot or terminator or Optimus Prime because I wear a prosthetic leg that I got after an infection two years ago. I've been patient with him causing a mess and
Starting point is 00:01:18 not even doing his own laundry. It's been three months and it's too much already. So recently, he started doing pranks and using personal things in his pranks, like my clothes or my phone or stuff from the kitchen. I usually take off my prosthetic leg before going to bed, and since I work all day I go to bed early, unlike him, he stays up until 3-4 a.m. He decided to prank me by hiding my prosthesis somewhere. I saw that it was gone when I woke up in the morning. He did this twice before, first he hid in his room and then in the garage.
Starting point is 00:01:50 I'd had enough of his BS and I asked him where he took it and he joked and said that it was inside of the fridge and I was livid. I started screaming at him to stop it and tell me where my prosthesis was before I kick him out. He realized that I was being serious and he told me that it was in the attic. I told him to go get it and when he brought it back to me he looked worried and started apologizing when I saw the socket had cracks and the adjustment pyramid and pylon were damaged.
Starting point is 00:02:16 He told me he had it underneath an old TV and that he didn't think that it was this fragile. It was there overnight so the damage had already been done. I lost my mind and I yelled at him, while all he did was apologize, saying it's just a prank, bro, which made it worse. I told him to leave and called my aunt to tell her about what her son did and that she needed to pay for the damages. Her reaction was shocking. She said that it was all my fault, because I knew how her son is and decided to take
Starting point is 00:02:43 him in anyway, and that she can't take responsibility for his actions. I told her I was seriously gonna sue because I'm broke and I don't have money to pay for prosthesis and crutches are unbearable. I was so angry. I kept lashing out at everyone. Especially my mom and dad who argue with me and said that I can't sue family and this is my cousin and he meant no harm. I told him that he created the situation and he needed to fix it.
Starting point is 00:03:08 They called me awful for refusing to wait until Christmas is over so they could finally figure something out. I told him to stay out of it, but now they're telling me not to sue my cousin because suing him during the holidays will make him look bad to everyone. I'm stuck here with crutches feeling awful after they tried to shut me up, and they told me to just wait until the holidays are over and they'll raise money for me, and my cousin will just get away with it. OP, I don't understand why your family is so upset about this. First, you kick your cousin out of your house and say, oh, it's just a prank bro.
Starting point is 00:03:38 Then you sue him and say, oh, it's just a prank bro. Just because it's a prank doesn't mean that you're not a butthole. O.P., you get zero out of five buttholes. You have a right to have your leg. Your cousin gets four out of five buttholes and the rest of your family gets three out of five buttholes. The only thing I can't figure out is, why did you let him stay around after he stole your leg the first time?
Starting point is 00:04:00 If I had a prosthetic leg and someone stole it, that would be the first and final strike. Am I the buttov who were calling my parents' buttolls for what they did to my birthday? I'm a 21 year old woman, and I was one of those kids who was born on Christmas Day. Which I wouldn't have minded at all if my parents read it this normally. For example, my friend's boyfriend was also born on Christmas, and he said his parents would do his birthday in the morning and Christmas in the afternoon, and I wouldn't have minded that at all. However, my parents said it was greedy to have two celebrations on one day, so I had to choose between having Christmas with everyone else, my family and extended family, or have my birthday on Boxing Day and not take
Starting point is 00:04:38 part in Christmas. I wouldn't have any presents or the chocolate and stuff everyone else would, and I wasn't even allowed to help with the Christmas tree. This was pretty sucky. Either I had Christmas with everyone and wasn't even wish happy birthday, and because we wouldn't be at school, I never got happy birthdays for my friends, or I was completely left out doing Christmas and had a birthday where everyone was still focused on Christmas. And if I chose my birthday, my parents would tell my extended family that I didn't want to have a Christmas. And if I chose Christmas, they said I didn't want my birthday, my parents would tell my extended family that I didn't want to have a Christmas.
Starting point is 00:05:05 And if I chose Christmas, they said I didn't want my birthday, so I didn't get both Christmas and birthday presents from my extended family. It made my childhood absolute hell and it ruined holidays for me. My first Christmas and birthday away from home was probably the best day of my life. Well, because of COVID, my family were talking about doing a Zoom call for Christmas and my mom said, Well, I guess OP gets to choose to be a part of Christmas call or a week in color I'm boxing day for her birthday. I don't know why, but I just blew up and called her a butthole and said they ruined my childhood. It's not like they couldn't afford it. My family is probably in the top
Starting point is 00:05:40 1%, so I could have still taken part in the festivities and only had one present. But my brothers are calling me selfish and my auntie says I need to apologize and it's Christmas so I feel like I should. Opie, what's wrong with your parents? I mean yeah, stealing a birthday from a kid is awful, but as a parent, wouldn't you be excited about celebrating your own kid's birthday? Opie, I don't know what's wrong with your parents, but something is seriously wrong here. I don't know if they're selfish, lazy, cheap, or what, but they are definitely the buttholes
Starting point is 00:06:11 here. I'm giving you 0 out of 5 buttholes and I'm giving your parents 3 out of 5 buttholes. Am I the butthole for refusing to cook me when my husband broke our lonely daughter's only friendship because he hates vegans? My husband is from the south, and let me just say this, he hates vegans. His family is a stereotypical country one and they get ridiculously mad when they see beyond meat advertisements on the TV. They're practically vegan phobic and hate any menu that's as suitable for vegetarians
Starting point is 00:06:40 or vegans. This never really bothered me and I thought it was funny because I ate meat and didn't think it was a big deal. My six-year-old daughter was born allergic to a lot of things like eggs, and is also intolerant to lactose and grass, pollen, etc. She rarely got to go to birthday parties because we couldn't let her eat anything there. When she was a baby, my husband ate an egg sandwich and kissed her, and she broke out in hives and we had to take her to the doctor. Now, all new foods are tried under medical supervision. While she can't eat meat, she can't eat any fun meats like chicken nuggets because of egg contact.
Starting point is 00:07:13 One of the kids that she recently met with is our new neighbor who's around four houses away. They're completely vegan and their son doesn't eat anything that they don't. So at his birthday, she could eat the actual cake and not the muffin that I'd sent. It really cheered her up and they had play dates even when we weren't supposed to. I was glad she made a friend. The kid's parents hadn't called me for a while and they didn't pick up my phone calls. When I saw the kid's dad while I was out, I was like, hey, what's wrong? And he was really hostile. Telling me to never talk to him or his wife again
Starting point is 00:07:45 and that he'd pray for my daughter. I thought that was crossing the line. He pulled his phone out and showed me a very rude text from my husband. I didn't believe the neighbor's story that my husband started to fight, but when I asked my husband about it, he said that he was proud that our daughter
Starting point is 00:08:00 wasn't hanging out with hippies. I remembered all of his vegan hay and I said that until he apologized to that family and they agreed to let their kids play with ours, I'd never cook meat again. He said I need to get over it and do my job, but I am cooking, just not what he would like. Am I the butthole? Oh my god OP, what is wrong with your husband? First of all, no, you are not the butthole, you get solidly zero out of five buttholes. Your husband actually broke up a child's friendship because he doesn't like the parent's food lifestyle. What? Your daughter is lonely and it's hard
Starting point is 00:08:36 enough being different as a kid and she finally finds someone that she can get along with. And your dad's like, uh, those people can't eat a hamburger, I don't want them associating with my daughter. And then he gets upset at you for not cooking and says, do your job, fella. If you want to steak, you can go grill one yourself. What is this 1940? I hate to say this OP, but your husband is a sexist, callous douchebag. I'm giving him four out of five buttocks. Honestly, I can't get over it. Who breaks up a friendship between six-year-olds over a hamburger? Business notifications out of hand, Thrive Command Center keeps your customer emails, texts, and social messages all in one place so you never miss a message. Small business
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Starting point is 00:09:55 problem, call 1-866-531-2600, or visit connectsontario.c. Please play responsibly. Am I the butthole for yelling at my dad and calling him a monster for what he gave my 30-year-old sister as a Christmas gift? I'm a 28-year-old girl, and my 30-year-old step-sister, Amy, never met her biological mom. My dad, who's 51, raised her alone until she was barely one.
Starting point is 00:10:18 My dad and mom got married in 1992. Amy knew that my mom wasn't her biological mother, so she started pressuring my dad for information on her mom when she was around 17. My dad always gave her vague answers and refuses to talk about her biological mom, which put a strain on their relationship. Enter our uncle, who revealed the family secret. Apparently, Amy's mom wanted an abortion, she was 19. But my dad and his parents were able to briber.
Starting point is 00:10:44 They offered her money if she followed up with a pregnancy and she accepted. My grandparents sold one of their houses and gave half that money to Amy's mom when the pregnancy was visible. And they gave her the other half when she waived her parental rights over Amy to let my mom adopt her when she was four. My uncle wasn't supposed to tell her that, and my grandparents were furious. Amy stopped her crusade to meet her biological mom and her relationship with my dad went back to normal. Amy never mentioned her biomom again and dad got her into therapy after that. A month ago, Amy found out that she was pregnant. The pregnancy was an
Starting point is 00:11:16 accident that occurred because she switched birth control. The problem was that Amy is about to start her surgical residency and her hours are insane. It's basically impossible to raise a baby while working that routine, so she wanted an abortion. The problem is that Mark, her 35-year-old fiance of six years, wanted her to keep the baby, and it cost a big fight. In a dick move to convince Amy to keep the baby, Mark told Dad about this. Until that point, no one in our family knew about this. Dad talked to her, and they got into an enormous fight. Amy went to get the abortion 10 days ago and Mark ended up breaking up with her and she's obviously really sad.
Starting point is 00:11:53 My dad was acting like a jerk. He was pretending that Amy didn't exist and he didn't want to talk or see her. So on Christmas Day we were exchanging gifts. When everyone had already finished giving each other their gifts, Dad got up to give Amy her present. He gave her an envelope in front of everyone and told her to open it. It was three pictures with something written on the back, a name, an address, and a phone number. Dad told her that he was tired of babying her, that this is a photo of her biological
Starting point is 00:12:18 mom and her two sons. That was her biomoms address, and that he contacted her biomom and she's willing to speak with Amy. He gave her Amy's number, and Dad dad things will have a great relationship since they're so similar. Amy broke down crying. I ended up in a fight with dad and I called him a monster for doing that to her. He just said he was tired and left.
Starting point is 00:12:38 We ended up leaving and she spent the rest of Christmas crying on my shoulder. She's been a mess after that. My younger brothers called me a grinch for making a scene in ruining Christmas, and my mom was silent during the whole thing. My parents have been giving me the cold shoulder since Christmas. Am I the butthole here? Opie, that's gonna be a yikes for me, dog. Your family is super screwed up.
Starting point is 00:13:01 Sorry, I don't mean to make light of it, but jeez. Now, first off to be clear, you and your sister Amy are totally fine. Zero out of five buttholes from both of you. Your dad? Oh my god, what is wrong with that guy? Your dad sounds like a sexist, controlling grade A douchebag. I'm gonna give your dad the rare maximum rating of five out of five buttholes. Of all the terrible things your dad did in this post, the one thing that rose me wrong the most is how he intentionally kept the identity of the mother a secret until he got the opportunity to use it to rub it in your sister's face to make her feel guilty about an abortion.
Starting point is 00:13:38 She has a right to know her mom. And instead of telling Amy who her mom is, he waits until this moment to make her feel bad about something that she probably already feels bad about. Yeah, Opie, I agree. Your dad is a monster. Am I the butthole for not immediately telling people that my missing cousin is staying with me? It's the middle of the night, and my phone won't stop ringing because of my family. To keep this short, my cousin Jake was out at about 5 days before his 18th birthday in the summer. His parents, my aunt and uncle, made arrangements for him to go to one of those awful camps that
Starting point is 00:14:11 claimed they could cure him. A kid in his community was forced to go and came back and was clearly not well, so Jake didn't want to go. Jake ran away from home and jumped from one family house to another. His folks didn't file a missing person's report because he didn't want to look bad to their neighbors. They just told them that he went to the camp willingly. He disappeared in the middle of October and turned up in my city a week later.
Starting point is 00:14:35 After making sure he was saved to bring home, my family and I allowed him to stay. He didn't want me to tell the rest of the family for a while because those people with the camp kept showing up to take him. I made sure to talk to a lawyer who assured Jake that they could not take him. Three days ago he told his parents that he was here. A few hours ago, those damn camp people showed up, but they were unable to take him. My family's been blowing up my phone for the past two days, angry that I didn't tell someone sooner. Well, Jake didn't feel safe yet, and still doesn't. I wanted to make sure he was ready.
Starting point is 00:15:06 Still, even those who want to protect Jake are upset at me for hiding him. Am I the butto for not telling anyone that he was here until he was ready? Oh, Pete, come on. Jake is a legal adult at this point. He doesn't owe your family anything. When someone's 18, they don't have to constantly report back to Mom and Pop about where they are and what they're doing, especially when mom and pop when it's sent them off to some gay conversion therapy camp.
Starting point is 00:15:29 Jake is 18, so legally and ethically he can tell him to go screw themselves. And on that note OP, you're not as guardian, you're just a fellow adult. So you don't have to report back to his family like some sort of babysitter. You get 0 out of 5 buttholes. You get 0 out of 5 buttholes. Jake gets 0 out of 5 buttholes. Jake's family gets 4.5 out of 5 buttholes. Also, imagine a family member goes missing and you don't file a police report because you're concerned about looking bad to the neighbors.
Starting point is 00:15:58 That was our slash of my The Butthole and if you like this content be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day. like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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