rSlash - r/AmITheA**hole I Abandoned My Crazy, Entitled Mother

Episode Date: April 26, 2020

r/AmITheA**hole OP has an absolutely insane entitled mother who treats her own children like objects that she owns. This entitled mother basically had children just so she could make her sister jealou...s, and even names her kids after her sister's kids to steal their baby names. WTF? Well, OP gets tired of the emotional abuse and runs away. She refuses to reconnect with her abusive mother, but she wonders if that makes her the butthole. What do you think? If you like this video and want to see more, hit the subscribe button for daily Reddit videos! Watch on YouTube: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:20 on the same points vet app, the platform that gives you everything you need. You know what to do. Bet on it. Point Spets Sportsbook and Casino. Welcome to R-Slash, I'm I the Butthole, where OP's stepfather calls him another man's mistake. I'm I the Butthole for telling my wife she can't have her dream job because I refuse
Starting point is 00:00:42 to be burdened with all of her student debt. My wife and I married young at 23 and now at 27 she's about to graduate from law school. The issue is she has a ton of student debt, around $200,000 from both undergrad and now law school. But over the past year she's completely changed her mind about law and becoming a lawyer. She now wants to teach and do Teach for America after graduating. She told me this past week. We've talked about this at length and she wants to do this because it's her new dream job.
Starting point is 00:01:13 Previously it was law. I'm upset because if she teaches, her starting salary will barely clear $35,000 in the first few years and we live in a really, really expensive city. She has no intention of going back into law later, as well as she says law school was a mistake. Last night we were talking about the future, and she mentioned our plans to have kids in a few years and how she'd like to be a stay at home mom in a few years as well. I looked at her and asked how she thinks we're going to afford that when we've got nearly
Starting point is 00:01:43 200,000 in debt on my one income. She got mad and said I'm trying to use her debt to postpone major life events, like having kids. We ended up fighting and I told her she can't just teach if she expects me to be saddled with her debt as a result. I said she should at least work a high paying job for a few years to repay a good portion. She said I'm prioritizing money over her happiness, and that she's disappointed in my lack of support when they would be my kids and my life as well. Am I the butthole for telling her that if she chooses to go down this path, I may need to rethink our marriage.
Starting point is 00:02:18 I haven't said anything like this yet, but I'm thinking it. Based on her timeline, she'd only work for three to four years before becoming a homemaker. I'd have $200,000 worth of debt to work through completely on my own, and I don't know if I can do it or if it'll completely ruin the rest of my life. Am I the butthole to say this? Hold on one second. Let me go ask my wife if I can buy a $200,000 car and then quit my job. And then if she tries to argue with me, I'll just say that she's prioritizing money over my happiness. Okay guys, I'm back. It didn't go so well. Turns out that's a
Starting point is 00:02:58 terrible idea and I'm stupid for coming up with it. So yeah, I'm gonna take your side on this OP. Basically, your wife wants to make mistakes and then saddle you with the responsibility for paying for that mistake. Your wife just can't go out and spend $200,000 willy-nilly and then be like, oh well, well now I'm going to quit. Sweetie, will you cover my bills for me? Am I the butthole for telling my mom that my stepdad called me another man's mistake. I'm a 15 year old male, and my 37 year old mom is the boss at a workplace, and thus has to hold meetings all the time. So, my 37 year old stepdad has to pick me up.
Starting point is 00:03:35 I feel like he's always this liked me, but yesterday when he picked me up from the train station, it was pretty severe. We had agreed that he would come and pick me up. Well, the train came on time and everything went okay and I got into his car. I greeted him, but he didn't greet me back and just slurred out that I was another man's mistake. I told him that I would tell mom about this, but he begged me not to, but I still did because it was just way too much. I feel like a bottle for doing this. Well, when mom came home, I told her, and then they started arguing real loud, and my mom even slept in the guest room because
Starting point is 00:04:12 she didn't want to sleep with him. OP, you are absolutely not the butthole here. What that guy said to you was disgusting, and yeah, you definitely should have told your mom about it. OP, you get zero out of five buttholes, but your stepfather gets 5 out of 5 buttholes. Am I the butthole for legally changing my name and refusing to speak to my mother? Growing up, my mother had a horrible habit of trying to win up my aunt Tara. She did everything from dying her hair like my aunt, making our living room a replica of hers and getting better versions of her pets. My mom was the pretty sister growing up, married better and had better kids. This caused huge resentment for my siblings and I.
Starting point is 00:04:53 Everything we did was thrown into our cousin's faces. This led to us not speaking to my mother that often and refusing to go to see our aunt Tara. I was close with my cousins, we went to the same school, but I hated when my mom was around. What made it even more awkward was the fact my mom stole my aunt Terra's names. My oldest brother is Martin and a year younger than cousin Martina. I'm named for my cousin Rebecca, I'm Becca, and we're six months apart. I started going by Eve, short for my middle name Evelyn when I was 13. My mom refused to call me anything but Becca, but my whole family was more than happy to call me whatever I wanted.
Starting point is 00:05:31 My brother went by his middle name as well. I turned 18, and my dad paid for the legal name change. I'm now Evelyn's surname. My mom threw a fit and threatened to never speak to me again. I took her up in that offer and stopped contact. My dad has since divorced her and at 25 I haven't spoken to her in years. She's reached out to me and said she was in therapy, has started medication for bipolar disorder and she wants me in her life. I was almost tempted but she ended the message with, I miss my Becca. I told her she had the wrong person. There was no Becca here. I told her when she wanted to speak to Eve,
Starting point is 00:06:09 I would be here. She hasn't reached out since. Am I the butthole? No, OP. Absolutely not. And I think you might want to check out our slash raised by narcissists. It's a support sub,
Starting point is 00:06:22 and it sounds like you would fit in quite well there. I don't read stories from that subreddit because it's a support sub, and it sounds like you would fit in quite well there. I don't read stories from that subreddit because it's a support sub, but the story you told here sounds very similar to some of the stories I've read there. Metrolinx and Crosslinx are reminding everyone to be careful, as Eglinton Crosstown LRT train testing is in progress. Please be alert, as trains can pass at any time on the tracks. Remember to follow all traffic signals. Be careful along our tracks and only make left turns where it's safe to do so. Be alert, be aware, and stay safe. These side marios all you can eat is all you can munch a soup salad and garlic home Em I the butthole for giving my twin sons different allowances yes, Opie you're the butthole
Starting point is 00:07:16 But for sake of entertaining my audience. Let's go ahead and read anyways. I a 43 year old male have four kids The two oldest or twin boys both, and then we have two girls, 10 and 7. All of them are pretty responsible kids and consistently do their choices they're meant to. We have a little chart that says what all their jobs are, with each of their roles being proportional to their ages. The boys take on the largest number of responsibilities, with each of them alternating jobs every week. Officially, their allowances have been as follows for a while. The boys both get 15 bucks a week. The 10-year-old gets 10 bucks a week, and the 7-year-old gets $2, mostly for symbolic
Starting point is 00:07:51 purposes, low. Obviously, as the girl's age, they'll start making more money, just as they'll start doing more work around the house. But here's the thing. One of my boys, call him Ada Differintiate, is a real leader in the home. He's just naturally brilliant with people, is constantly dealing with conflicts between his sister and his brother,
Starting point is 00:08:10 takes charge in rough situations, and is really considerate of others. He's always been the frontman between his brother and him, with him speaking for both of them while his brother hangs back, though we've never told him to, and though it's not his responsibility, he's always been a real help to his mother
Starting point is 00:08:24 in me in keeping the house running smoothly. His brother, Colin B, on the other hand, is much more reserved. He keeps to himself. That's not a problem, but we do recognize that A takes on more emotional labor in the household than B. So my wife and I have been giving A an extra $5 a week for the past year, so he's been making 20 bucks while B's been making $15.
Starting point is 00:08:46 We think that's fair since A's taken on more responsibilities in the house. Even if they weren't responsibilities, we told him to take on. The boys both have debit cards. They got them when they were 13. So we put the money directly into their accounts and neither of them seemed money getting exchanged. A does know he makes more money though. Last week, however, B found out his brother was
Starting point is 00:09:05 making more money than him. They were online shopping for video games and B questioned why A was able to afford stuff he couldn't. A hasn't really spent his extra money so it's accumulated a fair bit. A admitted to him that he's been making more. B is absolutely furious with us. He says that it's totally unfair that they've been doing the same amount of chores, but A's been making more money. But, we don't really know how to explain to him that A deserves recognition for the less easily quantifiable work he does in our family. Thoughts?
Starting point is 00:09:38 Yes, OP, you're the butthole. Let me even play Devil's Advocate here and say, okay, yes, A does more so he should earn more. Even if that's true, you never even gave B the opportunity to match his brother. Basically, A did something and you secretly rewarded him for it. So like, you never took a moment to be like, hey, B, your brother is doing a really good job of like keeping the piece and solving conflicts among your sisters. So we're thinking about giving him an extra $5 a week. If you also step up and help your sisters resolve conflict, then we'll give you $5 as
Starting point is 00:10:15 well. That would have been the diplomatic thing to do. But no, you secretly divide your twin sons by giving one extra money for mysterious reasons? You really are playing favorites and any child in B situation would feel like the less love son. You and your wife both get four out of five buttolls. Am I the buttoll for charging rent from my dad but not from my mom? My father and his family lost their home and had no place to live.
Starting point is 00:10:44 He has a teenage son, my half brother, who was 15 and a known smoker. Because they had nowhere else to go, I offered them to stay at our other house we usually rent out to other people. The house is situated within our property just next to our home. Prior to my dad moving in, my mother and my sister moved in with a six-months-go after my step-dad passed away. We have many spare bedrooms in our home so then moving in wasn't a problem. This is where the conflict arises. I don't charge rent for my mom. I don't let her cook.
Starting point is 00:11:11 I cook for five people in our home. My husband, my mom, my toddler, and my sister. It's just my way of looking out for my mom because that's what she did for me when I was young and struggling. She raised me as a single mother for years. My dad has a problem with this because I'm charging him and his wife the same ring I charge other tenants. It's a well furnished house. He thinks I'm playing favorites between parents because I don't charge my mom any money. He thinks he should pay less rent compared
Starting point is 00:11:38 to other tenants because I'm his daughter. Apparently, he doesn't like to be reminded of the fact that he charged me rent the one time I was very sick and had to move in with him in his wife when I was in college. I had a part-time job and struggled to pay my bills with my illness. I wasn't showing any consideration. He also has a problem because my husband doesn't help him out with groceries. He's older now, 71, and things we should be the one getting him his groceries. We don't think so. His wife is 50 and he has a young son. They can be the ones doing the grocery shopping if he's too fragile to move around. Am I the butthole? So let me get this straight. It's totally okay for your father to play favorites with his kids, meaning he can abandon you
Starting point is 00:12:23 and your sister so that your mom raises you both by yourself, whereas he raises his son. But it's not okay for you to play favorites by charging your parents' different rent? Oh my god OP, you get 0 out of 5 buttholes, your dad is a total hypocrite. I'm giving him 4 out of 5 buttholes because he sounds like a major douchebag. You can charge your family members whatever rent you want. And if it were me, I would have kicked him out a long time ago. Am I the butthole for telling my co-worker that nobody would care if he died?
Starting point is 00:12:56 I work in an office of about 100 people and a team of about 30. I have a co-worker, Mark, who's about 55? I don't think he's a very nice person. He's always making snide comments about other coworkers, hates poor people, and thinks that if you're poor, it's purely because you're an idiot. Makes derogatory jokes about women, and anyone non-white. Lots of people try to keep their distance, and it seems he's generally disliked. Management doesn't do anything no matter how many times co-workers complain
Starting point is 00:13:25 about his behavior, and they have. Presumably because he works very long hours without asking for extra pay because as he admits he has nothing better to do, he's single, no kids, and has said openly he doesn't really have friends, just work colleagues and some family. I would feel sorry for him if he wasn't nasty to people. Another co-worker, Sarah, about 30 years old, lost her mom to cancer about two months ago. I'm not close to Sarah, but everyone knows it was a really horrible ordeal, and she sometimes visibly upset in the office. When Sarah was visibly upset yesterday, Mark said, Jesus, she needs to get over it, everyone dies, she's bringing everyone down, she needs to be professional, it's pathetic. It was said in a very harsh way, I don't think Mark intended Sarah to hear, but she did. She got upset and left the office, which only ended up being for about 20 minutes. I was sick of Mark's terrible comments and said, for God's sake, you're such a dick!
Starting point is 00:14:27 You're just better nobody will give a flip when YOU die. I walked away before he could respond. We've been angrily avoiding each other ever since. I assume Sarah knows what I said because it's the office gossip right now, but I don't know her opinion. Though, I know Mark is pissed. Other co-workers are split. Some think Mark got what he deserved.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Others have said that what I said was one of the worst things anyone can ever say, especially as it's likely true because he's generally alone in life by his own admission and has nobody close to him. Am I the butthole? So down in the comments, people generally agree that everyone sucks here, but I actually am going to deviate from that. So first off, yeah, I'll acknowledge that what OP said is a little bit jerky, but only like one out of five on the butthole meter.
Starting point is 00:15:15 Because if someone is a douchebag and is criticizing people every day, then they deserve to be called out on it. So despite the fact that you called Mark out in his douchebaggy behavior, you're basically doing a public service. He deserves to have someone stand up to him. So Mark on the other hand is going to get 4 out of 5 buttolls because he sounds like a real piece of work. That was our slash and my the butthole, and if you don't hit that subscribe button, then
Starting point is 00:15:39 you're definitely the butthole. Definitely the butthole.

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