rSlash - r/AmITheA**hole I Revealed My Sister's a Prost***** to My Family!

Episode Date: June 17, 2020

r/AmITheA**hole In today's story, OP is married to a woman in a wheelchair, and for some reason his sister just absolutely hates his wife. They get into a fight, and OP's sister says something awful a...bout his wife, so OP decides to take the nuclear option and tell mom and dad what their sister's real profession is. If you like this podcast and want to see more, follow my channel for more daily Reddit posts! 🔔 Subscribe: 💬 Discord: 🎧 Podcast: ⚓ Send me a voice message: 📸 Instagram: ♪ TikTok: 🛒 Merch: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to R-Slash, a podcast where I read the best posts from across Reddit. Today's subreddit is R-Slash and Ithabutthole and next award for more sponsors. And I, the Butthole for telling our family that my sister is a prostitute after she insulted my wife's disability. So my wife is a paraplegic, she was when I first met her. It's from an accident a long time ago, but she's adapted well to it. I love her and she's just as useful as someone who can walk. My sister, for some reason, has never liked my wife. She's always had some problem with her, whether she claims it's attitude or something
Starting point is 00:00:49 else. I talked to my wife about it, and she doesn't know why, and I've talked to my sister about it, and she's never given me a straight answer on why she doesn't like her. I just accepted it, not everybody likes everyone else, and until now, my sister hadn't said anything rude about it. Now, my sister was a prostitute in college, and she claimed she's just camming now. She doesn't have a job, she just does that. She told me because I found out accidentally once. She made me hide it from our family and claimed she has a job at a company near us.
Starting point is 00:01:19 I was talking to my sister on the phone last week because she wanted me to fix her sink or at least look at it, because her landlord wasn't doing anything about it. I told her I didn't know when I could because I've been remodeling one of our bathrooms, which has turned into a larger project than I really bargained for. My sister then, for no reason, made a comment about my wife. She said, Why don't you just type your wife make herself useful in hell? Oh wait, she can't because of her disability.
Starting point is 00:01:47 I had the phone on speakerphone in my wife herd. She was pretty hurt by it and I was beyond pissed off. I yelled at her and hung up. After consoling my wife a little bit, I decided to call our parents and tell them what my sister actually does for a job. They thanked me for telling them, and that was that. Then my sister called me again and yelled at me, saying our whole family is calling her telling her to stop, and staging an intervention for her. I told her she should have thought about that
Starting point is 00:02:16 before being a jerk to my wife and hung up. It's been a few days, and now I'm thinking I want a little nuclear honor. At the time, I felt like yelling at her wasn't enough, but now I think maybe yelling would have been enough. Am I the butthole? Down in the comments I have to begrudgingly agree with throw away for now 20. Everyone sucks here, but honestly I would have done the same and accepted my butthole ery. I wish I was a better person, but I guess I'm not. Yeah, I have
Starting point is 00:02:45 to agree with that. When someone insults your spouse, that's when the gloves come off. Am I the butthole for telling my wife it's not cute for her to encourage our teenage daughter to expect her boyfriend to pay for everything in their relationship? My wife and I have been married for 18 years. We have a 16 year old daughter who's been dating a slightly shy and awkward young man for about 3 to 4 months now. He seems very nervous around my daughter, and has admitted in a passing comment here and there to my wife and I that he can't believe she agreed to date him.
Starting point is 00:03:15 And he thinks she's way out of his league. He seems very respectful, just shy. My wife is usually an independent, awesome woman, and her ideals align closely with mine, particularly in terms of feminism and equality. We've both striven to raise our daughter to be as independent and capable as possible. Since my daughter's been dating this kid, my wife has changed considerably, and has given our daughter advice that has left me with raised brows more than once. Some of the advice I've heard my wife give is, oh it's cute for
Starting point is 00:03:45 boys to pay for everything, especially in your first relationship. Or, oh honey, don't worry about that, he can pay for you. If he really liked you, he would. And similar. I've tried to balance this out by telling my daughters straight away that two people in a partnership should be contributing equally, and my personal favorite. If someone asks if they can take you out to dinner, it's reasonable to expect them to pay. But if someone asks you to grab dinner with them, it's reasonable to split the payment. I figured that would be an easy way for a young person to understand the difference. However, I've noticed my daughter becoming more and more entitled with her boyfriend's money.
Starting point is 00:04:23 They haven't been anywhere obviously since we're home, but the way she talks about him. Oh, I'll just ask him to pay for this. Etc. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth. She's also flippantly bragged and mentioned that she gets him to buy gift cards for her, etc. And mentioning her mother's advice.
Starting point is 00:04:40 If you really liked me, you pay for this. I spoke to my wife privately and told her my concerns. She insists it's a right of passage for girls, and it's cute that she should feel a guy is completely spoiling her. I told her that it's not cute for her to be thinking it's acceptable to view relationships as personal ATMs, and my wife became very angry with me and is now calling me a butthole with a lot of hostility. So down in the comments, the posts are absolutely brimming with O.P. is not the butthole and
Starting point is 00:05:09 the wife is the butthole. But down in the comments, see learning sums it up quite well. Not the butthole. Ask your wife how she would feel if the boyfriend's dad told his son, if she really liked you then she'd. You get the idea. Am I the butthole for telling my parents that they allowed my sister getting pregnant to ruin my life? My sister's 23 and I'm an 18-year-old girl.
Starting point is 00:05:32 My grandma died eight years ago and she left more than enough money to pay for all of her grandkids college educations with a few stipulations. Don't get arrested, do drugs, be a drunk, get pregnant, or get someone else pregnant. The money was put into accounts in the parents' name since we were all kids then. In sophomore year, my sister got pregnant. My sister started panicking about college, the baby daddy left, and she hasn't tried to find him or get child support, and the stress from that caused a hard, complicated pregnancy.
Starting point is 00:06:04 Both are okay. Mom and Dad still let her go to college as long as she didn't have another baby and maintained a 3.5 GPA. Which she did. She graduated last December with about $2,000 in debt. I figured her money must have been used to help raise her kid and pay for her pregnancy the past two and a half years, so she had to get a bit of a loan.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Which seemed understandable. Boy was high wrong. I got accepted to my dream college to get a bit of a loan. Which seemed understandable. Boy was high wrong. I got accepted to my dream college on the other side of the state, but Mom kept trying to get me to go to a cheaper one near home, so I don't need a dorm and it would be a cheaper school. I asked her why she was so insistent. Grandma left plenty of money, I thought. Turns out, they flushed all the money that was supposed to go to me down the toilet
Starting point is 00:06:45 to take care of my sister and her kid and her expensive pregnancy, which turns out was a lot worse than I was led to believe. I broke down and just lost it, crying harder than I ever have, shouting how they screwed me over and ruined my life for my sister who screwed up. Now I'll have at least $70,000 of dead if I go to school. I guess this upset my sister, and she asked in a very upset tone if I'd rather her be out on the streets' destitute and unable to care for her kid, who she reminded me was a living being, because she didn't have an education or support system just so I could go on to college and have a good life.
Starting point is 00:07:24 I said yes, that it's not fair that she got to screw up, get drunk and sleep with so many guys that she doesn't know who the baby daddy is. Something she told me, but apparently not mom or dad. She kept breaking rule after rule while I haven't even passionately hugged my boyfriend, and now I'm the one that has to be punished for it. Everything just keeps evolving into more yelling and fighting until I left. I've been staying with my boyfriend for the past few days. I know what the coronavirus I shouldn't go anywhere, but I just want to be with the one person I feel like actually cares about me. My mom has been texting and calling, trying to get me to come home, saying if I can just be reasonable and not vilify my sister, we can probably work something out. I told her, unless she has
Starting point is 00:08:09 the money grandma left from me, don't talk to me until I have my college loans paid off in 50 years. Did I go too far? A lot of it was driven by emotion, but I really feel screwed over here, and like I'm being punished despite being the one that followed the rules. Alright, so let's clarify something. Clearly OP isn't the butthole here, but actually I don't really feel like the sister is the butthole here either. I mean, obviously she made some dumb mistakes when she was younger, but she wasn't the one who was screwing over OP. The real buttholes here are OP's parents.
Starting point is 00:08:41 I absolutely cannot believe that they squandered OP's inheritance on the other sister. If the parents think it's so important that the older sisters should get to go to college, then they should have taken out alone. Not taking OP's inheritance and giving it to the older sister. In my book, that's literally theft. And depending on where OP is and what the laws are in inheritance, it might legally be theft as well. OP, what your parents did was absolutely disgusting. Your sister made a mistake, and does she have to pay for it? No. Do they have to pay for it? No. According to them, you're the one who has to pay for it. OP, your parents are 5 out of 5 buttholes who disrespected you and your dead grandma.
Starting point is 00:09:26 I recommend making a post on art slash legal advice and maybe also getting a lawyer. For your holiday season, real Canadian superstar has more legendary ways to save than any other major grocer. Until December 6th, get a free Jumbo point set when you spend $300 or more. Plus, PCOpplement members can get select PC or no name cheese at $3 or more. Plus, PC Opplement members can get select PC or no-name cheese at $3.99. Conditions apply for details. You're flying to meet with a new supplier to keep your business growing. And with the business platinum card from American Express, you can earn $820 in new value and more.
Starting point is 00:10:00 Which includes a $200 travel credit toward your flight. Now, according business class. American Express. Don't do business without it. Terms and conditions apply as it slash business platinum. Am I the butthole for kicking my sister's kids out of my house? I'm 35 and child free. My sister is 33 and a mother of three kids between six and ten years of age, two boys and child free. My sister is 33 and a mother of three kids between six and ten years of age, two boys and a girl. I've always had a straight relationship with my sister and usually avoid
Starting point is 00:10:31 being around her kids, as I don't really like kids in general. Yesterday, my sister came over unannounced with her kids. She told me her brother-in-law had met with an accident and she and her hubby needed to go see him in the hospital. She said she needed me to watch her kids for the evening as her parents are out of town. I told her to get a sitter, but she said she couldn't get one on such short notice. I refused again, telling her I had never babysat before and was looking forward to a quiet evening. First, she told me she was just leaving them there. I told her I would call a child welfare committee and would report her for abandonment if she pulled something like that. She begged and pleaded and actually began to fake cry. Since I didn't want to
Starting point is 00:11:09 provide my neighbors with entertainment, I reluctantly agreed. At first, things were fine. The kids were a bit rambunctious, but still somewhat tolerable. They ate their dinner without starting at food fight and then I left them in the living room to watch a movie. I was in the study getting some work done. I brought my cat and dog in there with me as I wanted to keep them safe from the kids. Suddenly, I heard a loud crash. I rushed to the living room and found my precious antique clock that I kept on the mental piece on the ground and pieces. It was worth well over a thousand dollars.
Starting point is 00:11:42 I was furious of course and asked how the hell this happened. The eldest kid incoherently explained that they had taken it down to look at it and then the younger two were fighting over it and dropped it. Q ear-shattering wailing from the other two, blaming one another for the demise of my prized possession. I'd had enough. I called my brother-in-law and told him to come over immediately and get his spawn out of my home. He asked what was wrong and I told him to come over immediately and get his spawn out of my home.
Starting point is 00:12:05 He asked what was wrong and I told him what they'd done. He had the gall to tell me I was overreacting. One of the kids, I think the youngest had started bawling now. I told my brother and all to come at once to get his kids. He said he was on his way. He came to get his kids but didn't leave before lecturing me on the importance of family. I told him to get his kids, but didn't leave before lecturing me on the importance of family. I told him to get lost. This morning, I received angry texts and phone calls from my parents and several relatives
Starting point is 00:12:30 asking how I could be so heartless, and how I could value a clock more than my niece and nephews. I told them I don't care what they think, because the way I see it, I was completely within my rights in kicking them out. They should just be grateful that I've decided not to make my sister and brother-in-law pay for it. Judging from the fact that they have three kids, they probably can't afford it. I want to know what Reddit thinks, am I the butthole or are they?
Starting point is 00:12:56 And then in an update OP says, and after much consideration, I've decided to sue. That clock was rare and expensive. Good luck OP. You agreed to watch them. So if you just put them in a room and then don't supervise them and they break something, then that's your fault. It's not the kids fault because they're kids and it's not the parents fault either. So yeah, good luck in court. There's no way a judge is going to rule in your favor. And outside of that OP, yeah, you're definitely the butthole. You can't put your own sister in front of yourself for one single night when she's having a family emergency? No wonder your relationship is strained with your sister. You sound like a great A douchebag. I'm giving you four out of five buttholes. And I the butthole for telling my girlfriend to not dye her hair and getting angry when
Starting point is 00:13:49 she did. Yeah I know the title sounds bad. I'm a 25 year old male and my 24 year old girlfriend Sarah has always had these random style changes I guess. Like one day she'd wear skirts or simple dress shirt and next she's wearing shorts and crop tops, halter tops, tank tops, etc. So her style changes a lot. It bothered me since she's very attractive and whenever we go out she'd get stares and
Starting point is 00:14:14 has even gotten hit on because they think she's single. So she wanted to get highlights and her sister had this store bought highlight thingy and before the pandemic she borrowed it to do it. And I managed to convince her not to do it so she forgot about it and now she remembered and wanted to get dark purple highlights. I rather prefer girls with undied hair. It's just a preference so I told her that I'd rather she not do it since it wouldn't really look good on her and she'd ruin her hair.
Starting point is 00:14:39 She told me that she thinks it'll look good on her and plus she'll be able to just highlight them brown or fully dye her hair back to brown if she doesn't like it. I told her that I wouldn't like it since it ruined her hair. I didn't mean to come off as controlling. She just shrugged and went to sleep after that, and I thought that was the end of it. Then the next day, I woke up to her making breakfast with purple highlighted hair. I asked her why she did that, since I told her it wouldn't look good. I still don't like it. She said she had a change of heart and then it shouldn't matter what she
Starting point is 00:15:09 looks like because personality matters. Then I said to her, she should have told me if she was going to do it and she asked why, and I told her I'd rather know if my girlfriend was going to damage her hair. I should have chosen my words better, because she got all defensive and told me that I shouldn't have a say in what she does with her hair and how I manipulated her last time. So amidst the whole fight, the breakfast got burned, and we were too busy arguing so it was too late to save the food and we had to throw the food away. I was tired, so I set out of anger that this wouldn't have happened if you would just listen to me and stop being a child. Sarah then started yelling at me again,
Starting point is 00:15:45 saying I should cook for myself and that she shouldn't have to be my maid. I told her that she does these things by herself. I can cook and clean, but she does that, so I see no reason to dismantle the system, and she likes cooking. Then, when I thought the fight was over and that she would make breakfast while I cleaned the bedroom, she made breakfast for herself and told me she's leaving and she's done with me, and now she's at her friend's house. This happened a few days ago, but I feel like she overreacted. So am I the butthole reddit? Yeah, OP, you're very transparently the butthole here.
Starting point is 00:16:21 You have this like really condescending and derisive way of talking about your girlfriend. Normally on our slash in my the butthole, you can kind of expect people to kind of dress up the post and make themselves look a little bit better. So I don't know if you did that in this post because it's very clear that you don't respect your girlfriend. If you did dress up your post, then the reality is far worse than you're making it out to be. I'll give you one butthole for being controlling, one butthole for being sexist, and one butthole for being entitled. That was R-slash, and I the butthole, and if you like this content, then follow my podcast, because I put a new podcast every single day.
Starting point is 00:16:56 single day.

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