rSlash - r/AmITheA**hole My Abusive Foster Mom Wants My $50,000. Should I Give It To Her?

Episode Date: January 28, 2021

r/AmITheA**hole In today's episode, OP tragically lost his parents, so he gets put into the foster care system. He forms a close bond with a foster mom, who later dies and leaves OP $50,000. The next ...foster mom finds out about OP's money and starts pressuring OP to give her all of his money. OP thinks that maybe he should because the new foster mom is giving him a home, so he feels like he owes her. Is he the butthole for holding out? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:28 Please play responsibly. Welcome to R-Slash, a podcast where I read the best post from across Reddit. Today's subreddit is R-Slash and my the butthole, where OP laughs at a wannabe influencer. Am I the butthole for telling my parents they were bad parents to me? I'm a 19 year old male and I have a 20 year old autistic brother. My brother is fairly manipulative because he realized pretty quickly that the threat of a meltdown would get him his way every single time. He's considered high functioning by medical personnel, but he's got my parents convinced he just doesn't understand what he's doing and they don't ever punish him. Doctors
Starting point is 00:01:02 have told him that he understands and he knows what he's doing. My parents think they know better. They also expect me to evolve my entire life around him. I was never able to do anything I wanted because it upset his routine. I wanted to play a sport, nope, my brother's routine. I wanted to get a job, nope, my brother's routine. Friends, yeah, forget about that.
Starting point is 00:01:25 I tried not to be resentful, but I am. The problem, my parents are flipping out because I plan to move several states away and move in with my grandparents soon to attend school. They keep trying to guilt me and disdain because of my brother. I usually just say that I'm sorry that they feel that way, but I'm still going. Well here's where I might be the butthole. My mother was going on and on about how the world doesn't revolve around me,
Starting point is 00:01:48 and I was being really selfish and how I was gonna ruin my brother by doing this. How they'd always been the best parents they could be to both of us, and we both got equal attention. I got frustrated and told her that she was delusional, if she thought that she or my father were even good parents to me.
Starting point is 00:02:03 They made my life revolve around my brothers. I had nothing of my own. My brother had to be the center of everything. I told her that the only people who were selfish were her and my father because they actively ignored me in favor of babying my brother who played them like a fiddle to make sure he always got his way. I told my mother that my brother's routine was not my problem. That it was up to them to make the appropriate adjustments, and I asked if she really thought that I'd
Starting point is 00:02:29 just not live my life because of my brother. She started crying, and I walked off and shut myself in my room. My father is demanding an apology for what I said, but I'm refusing. My grandfather said that he's proud that I stood up for myself, but my parents are still demanding an apology for being a butthole. I don't think I need to give them one. Am I the butthole here? Opie, not the butthole. It sounds like your parents are in denial that they're treating your butthole as the golden
Starting point is 00:02:54 child and basically ignoring you. You have a right to live your own life. You can't just stay home with your mom, dad, and brother because it will upset your brother's routine. What? It sounds to me like what your parents are really saying is, O.P., we really don't want you to move away because if you do, it'll make our lives harder. Am I the buttole of telling my roommate that our aspirations of being an influencer are
Starting point is 00:03:18 effing pathetic? I've lived with a couple for a little over a year and a half. I'm in my early 20s and they're in their early 30s. The boyfriend works two minimum wage jobs, at least 50 hours a week to provide for the two of them, as the girlfriend is striving to become an influencer and doesn't have a job. She spends most of her time taking pictures to post on Instagram and DMing brands trying to get sponsorships. So far, no income has come from this.
Starting point is 00:03:42 Last week, when his girlfriend wasn't home, the boyfriend had a complete breakdown, and told me that he's exhausted from being extremely overworked. He was straight up sobbing, saying that even though he's working back-to-backed shifts, he still isn't making enough money to support both of them and her ferveless spending. He even had to ask his parents to help with that month's rent. I felt really bad for the guy. Skip forward to last night, and I'm sitting chatting with a girlfriend and the topic of money comes up.
Starting point is 00:04:09 She started to complain that they weren't making enough money for her to do the thing she wanted. I politely asked her if getting a job and doing the Instagram thing on the side was an option and she immediately got defensive. She told me, of course that isn't an option and that she shouldn't have to put her dreams on hold. Confused. I asked her what those dreams are. She said to inspire people.
Starting point is 00:04:30 And then I said something that I probably shouldn't have. To do nothing? She got really offended and said there's so much to go into it that I could never understand. I mean, the girl takes pictures of lattes and her and yoga poses. She doesn't even edit them, she just uses the default filters on the app. I didn't want to argue about the logistics of influencing, so I instead brought up my concern for her boyfriend and told her that I think he may be overworking himself. He's not happy, and he needs her help to support them financially. She said, well, I don't
Starting point is 00:04:59 understand why we both have to be unhappy. At least one of us is pursuing our aspirations. To that I said, well, if your aspirations are to do nothing while your partner busts their butt to support you, then your aspirations are effing pathetic. Later that evening I got a text from the boyfriend saying that what I said crossed a line. And now because of me, she thinks that he believes that she does nothing and her dreams are pathetic. I feel bad, but oh my god, I couldn't just sit by and bite my tongue, am I the butthole? Alright, so there's really nothing wrong with pursuing a career in influencing.
Starting point is 00:05:32 It's honestly a great job and a lot of people dream of becoming an influencer. But what this lady is doing to become an influencer is not the way to become a professional influencer. The way that you do it is you go to your normal job and then during your off hours like after you get off of work, then you try to become an influencer. I mean that's what I did. I had a normal 9-5 job that I worked for over a year while I got better and better at YouTube. I will admit that my area of expertise is in YouTube and podcasts, so I don't have a fully solid grasp of what it takes to become professional on Instagram. That being said, there is no way on Earth
Starting point is 00:06:07 that an Instagram influencer has to put in more hours than a YouTuber. So if I can work a nine to five job and grind out YouTube videos, then she can work a nine to five job and grind out Instagram posts. OP, you get zero out of five buttholes. The boyfriend gets one out of five buttholes
Starting point is 00:06:22 for blaming you for his problem and the girlfriend gets two out of five buttholes. blaming you for his problem, and the girlfriend gets 2 out of 5 buttholes. Am I the butthole for not telling my new foster parents about the money that my late foster mom gave me, even though my new foster mom needs surgery and can't afford it? I'm a 15 year old boy, and I've been in foster care since I was born. From what I'm told, my mom was really young, and her parents made her give me up for adoption which realistically turned into me bouncing around foster homes my entire life My mom wrote me a letter that I'm surprised was even given to me that explained everything
Starting point is 00:06:51 She basically said that I was the most beautiful thing she ever laid eyes on and that she's sorry that she couldn't keep me as Her parents wouldn't allow it and that she hopes I searched for her one day Which I do plan to do her parents can go screw themselves though because they'll never be family after putting me through this. Over the past 15 years, I've been in three orphanages in 19 foster homes. Most families give me up after receiving their first day paycheck, but a few have held onto me for a few months. My last foster mom was perfect. She loved me, like actually loved me. Not the fake BS that normal family spew. She did everything she possibly could do to bring out the real me and she truly, truly
Starting point is 00:07:30 cared. Unfortunately, my beloved foster mom passed away three months ago from terminal cancer that I wasn't aware she had. She included me in her will where I received $50,000 in a trust fund that I can't touch until I'm 18 and $8,000 of just play cash that I can use now. My new foster parents aren't that great. I was dropped off on their doorstep the day after my foster mom died without so much
Starting point is 00:07:53 as an introduction. They showed me around the house and then just left me to my own devices, and that's how it's been pretty much since I've been here. They don't speak to me, they basically just ignore my existence. Now, I'm not sure if my caseworker told them about the money I inherited because lately my foster mom has been dropping little comments like, I really need this surgery, how can I afford it? She isn't speaking directly to me, but it seems like it occurs every single time I walk
Starting point is 00:08:20 into the room. So I'm assuming my caseworker blabbed. Mind you, she literally doesn't have conversations with me, so I don't even know what the surgery is for, and admittedly, I don't care. The reason I feel like a butthole is because I have this money and could help her out with the surgery, and she's technically helping me out by putting a roof over my head. But at the same time, I know this home will be short-lived as well, and in a few years I'll be 18 and forget these people exist.
Starting point is 00:08:45 Much like they do with me now. And I know they already get $750 a month just to have me here. So am I the butthole? OP, don't you give those people one red cent of your inheritance. I'm not really sure if you're old enough to understand this, but $50,000 will give you a huge hit start in life. It sounds like your foster parents are using you to get money from the state, so don't let them get your money, too. Your business has grown fast, from opening your first location to planning an expansion in no time.
Starting point is 00:09:20 And with your business platinum card from American Express, you can access spending power and payment flexibility to fuel your growth. Sarah, the contractor's here with the plans. American Express, don't do business without it. Terms and conditions apply visit slash business platinum. Hi, I'm Pete Davidson, and if you're like most people,
Starting point is 00:09:42 you may be asking yourself, whoa, hey Pete, are you here to up my hydration game? And I'd be like, hey you, that's exactly right, with new smart water alkaline with antioxidant. And you'd be like, okay cool, but there's no way there's a higher pH, right? And I'd be like, there actually is! And you'd be like, that's rad, I hope there's electrolytes for taste too, and I'd be like, you're not going to believe this!
Starting point is 00:10:04 Elevate how you hydrate and keep it smart with smart water alkaline. Am I the butthole for banning my roommates girlfriend after she kept insisting I was hitting on her? I'm a 24-year-old lesbian living with my good friend a 25-year-old guy. I own the apartment and I'm running out the extra room to him. A little over a month ago, my friend met a girl online and they started dating. She's now at our place constantly. I'll be honest, I never really liked her. She was incredibly standoffish and rude to me from the beginning.
Starting point is 00:10:34 I eventually learned it was because she thought I had a thing for my roommate. Even after I told her I was gay, apparently her only argument was, she doesn't look gay. A few weeks ago, we were all drinking and hanging out at our place with a few close friends. I tried to mend offenses by pulling my roommate's girlfriend aside and telling her that I really am gay. I have no interest in sealing her boyfriend and I hope we can be friends. She seemed to take this really well and was overly friendly with me for the rest of the
Starting point is 00:11:01 night. I thought she was just trying to make up for being so cruel at first. The next day, my roommate asked if we could talk. He said his girlfriend feels uncomfortable around me after I'd drunkenly hit on her. What? I wasn't even remotely close to being drunk. Also, I am negatively attracted to her, like way less than zero. I find her insanely annoying. I tried to explain that I was trying to be nice as I knew that she didn't particularly like me. I just wanted to be civil if she was going to be around so often. My roommate seemed skeptical, but he ultimately took my word forward and chalked up to a miscommunication. Fast forward a week or so, the friend group is
Starting point is 00:11:38 hanging out at our place again. The girlfriend comes over, of course. I'm cordial to her, but I try to keep my distance so another miscommunication doesn't happen. Towards the end of the night, one of our other friends comes up to me and is like, dude, what's going on? Your roommate's girlfriend keeps telling everyone you've been checking your out and hitting on her all night. Again, I was stunned, and at this point, incredibly pissed off.
Starting point is 00:12:02 I went right up to her in front of everyone and said, what the hell is going on? Why are you spewing lies about me hitting on you to all my friends? She just stared at me, unable to respond. I continued, just because I'm gay doesn't mean I'm into you. Trust me, I'm not the least bit interested in you. She started sobbing that I was attacking her for no reason, calling her out, making her super uncomfortable again, etc. I told her to get the hell out and that she was no longer welcome here for making me feel uncomfortable in my own apartment. Her and my roommate left. Needless to say, my roommate is super pissed at me. He hasn't been back to our place since, but I've gotten some angry texts. I'm standing my ground that she is not welcome here anymore, but he's free to stay or move out as he pleases.
Starting point is 00:12:45 Most of my friends are on my side, I guess I could have been easier on her, but I'm just so over it. So this person comes to your house, and you said she is there all the time, so I'm guessing she spends a night there as well, which means that you're not getting rent off of her. And then she's rude to your face and insult you in front of your friends, but when you call her out suddenly you're the one who's doing something wrong? No, this woman is super toxic. OP, you get 0 out of 5 buttles.
Starting point is 00:13:11 Your house, your rules. Your roommate's girlfriend gets 2.5 out of 5 buttles, and your roommate gets 1 out of 5 buttles for not helping keep the peace. I will admit that because your roommate pays rent, he does have some say in who he allows in the house, however. Just because he can bring his girlfriend in doesn't mean that she has to write to treat you like garbage. Am I the butthole for suing my ex and her boyfriend? My ex and I divorced three years ago. She was cheating, but at that point I didn't care about the relationship anymore. The pending lawsuit has nothing to do with her or him, but
Starting point is 00:13:43 rather their actions. My ex and I have a 13 year old son that we split time with 5050. He's a great kid and his interests have changed a lot over the years. One thing my son was heavily into at some point was Legos. He used to play with them all the time, and personally, I think they're a great toy for different reasons. I used to love playing Legos with them, and to this day I still collect boxes that I have unopened as a collection. Well when my ex and I divorced, I guess you got with someone who loves Legos with them and to this day I still collect boxes that I have unopened as a collection. Well when my ex and I divorced, I guess you got with someone who loves Legos even more
Starting point is 00:14:08 than I do, I guess. From what I understand, my ex's new boyfriend loves making creations and building the sets. I don't care, it seems cool. However he does one thing I think is really, really weird. He uses crazy glutes so the sets can break or the pieces can't be lost. It seems weird to me. The issue is, I was out of town for all three days last week for medical reasons and my son wanted to get his PS4 so he could play it at his moms. This isn't out of the ordinary at all
Starting point is 00:14:34 and he has a key so he let me know he would be stopping over for it. I told him to have fun when I saw him on the entry camera. My wife's husband was with him which was a no-no. I told him by a speaker to not go in and wait on the porch. He flinched, but walked inside anyway. I sent my ex-a-text, telling her to call our son and tell him he's one minute away from a cop call. He left my home with a bag in his hand, which I didn't think much of because my son had his games too.
Starting point is 00:14:58 Well, my son texted me later that evening and said he didn't know it at the time, but he's pretty sure his deptad took some of my LEGO sets. These are all old LEGO sets and too are worth big money. When I got home, I confirmed the missing sets and called my ex. She said that she had no idea, but she said that her husband took the set so that our son could have a complete LEGO collection. But my son doesn't even like LEGOs anymore and he told his mom that he wouldn't steal from me.
Starting point is 00:15:23 My wife asked how much it would cost to replace them and unfortunately it's more than their entire savings. Actually, it would take their entire house down payment plus more. I told them that if they didn't pay me in two weeks I would be suing and pressing charges. The price of the sets makes this a felony. My ex and her husband are saving up for a house which put her to give my son more space when he's there.
Starting point is 00:15:46 But those sets were going to help pay for his education someday or a home of his own. I followed a police report and talked to a lawyer and were moving forward with the suit. Everyone is calling me a joke because they're just toys, but I don't get it. They're worth real money. I'm not rich guys, I needed those to help with my son's future. But again, taking this money would deny my son some things at his mom's house. Am I the butthole here? Are you the butthole for pressing charges against someone who entered your home and stole
Starting point is 00:16:14 your valuables? Like who cares if it was a Lego set? It could have been gold bricks or antique Fabricet eggs or Pokemon cards. The point is they have real monetary value. Your ex's husband sounds like a spoiled man child. What kind of idiot steals toys from another person on camera in front of a witness? I say soothe their pants off OP, that guy is just a petty, common crook. That was our slash in my the butthole and if you like this content be sure to follow my
Starting point is 00:16:43 podcast because I put on new Reddit podcast episodes every single day. are slash am either butthole and if you like this content be sure to follow my podcast because I put a new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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