rSlash - r/AmITheA**hole My Mom Stole $20,000 From Me!

Episode Date: July 24, 2020

r/AmITheA**hole In today's episode, OP is a mother who had promised her daughter $20,000 to go towards her wedding. Well, OP's daughter ends up being a lesbian, so naturally she wants to marry another... woman. OP doesn't approve of this at all, so she withdraws her offer and refuses to hand over the money. The daughter becomes upset and accuses her mother of being insensitive and a liar. OP wants to know: is she the butthole here? If you like this video and want to see more, subscribe to my channel for more daily Reddit content! 🔔 Subscribe: 💬 Discord: 🎧 Podcast: ⚓ Send me a voice message: 📸 Instagram: ♪ TikTok: 🛒 Merch: 🎁 Patreon: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Enjoy the classic taste of the holidays at Tim's with the new non-alcoholic Bailey's flavored holiday menu. Whether you're hanging holiday lights or driving up to your folks, you can enjoy your Tim's and Bailey's anytime, anywhere at participating restaurants in Canada. Welcome to R-Slash, a podcast where I read the best posts from across Reddit. Today's subreddit is R-Slash, am I the butthole? Am I the butthole for telling my boyfriend's mother she raised an effing sociopath who needs to be in a facility. So I'm a 26 year old female and I have a 24 year old boyfriend, and recently he got into
Starting point is 00:00:34 a dispute with the neighbor's kids. They accidentally kicked their football into R-yard and they came into the garden to get it back. To be honest, I didn't care, but my boyfriend started screaming at these like 11-year-old about how they were poorly raised and their parents should be ashamed. I was effing mortified. I sent the kids some chocolates and sweets and apologized profusely for his behavior. I was seeing red flags and told him this behavior was not normal. He kind of brushed me off and I told him if he pulled anything like that again,
Starting point is 00:01:05 he was gone. The next week, the ball came into our garden and I was about to throw it back to the kids when the boyfriend stormed outside and took the ball inside. I told the kids I would bring it back in a minute. He went into the bathroom and emerged like 10 minutes later wearing gloves and a football covered in feces. His own feces, what the f? I asked him if he was out of his effing mind, but he stormed past me and threw it over the fence screaming. Take that you B words. I screamed and girl, I mean screamed at him about how he was an effing douche and I wanted him out of my house and he's a disgusting effing monster and that they're just kids.
Starting point is 00:01:46 I screamed and screamed and eventually he left. I deleted all of his games off of his PS4 and gave it to the kids as an apology. I was so embarrassed. My ex-boyfriends mom messaged me asking what happened and I responded with, what happened? What happened? You're a pathetic excuse of a woman who raised an effing sociopath who covered a football in his own feces and threw it at some kids. And he needs to be in a facility because something is wrong with him and God knows how I hadn't
Starting point is 00:02:16 seen any red flags about the effing monster you raised during the seven months we dated. I know I'm in the right for what I did to my boyfriend, but am I in the wrong for snapping and my mother for something she has no direct involvement in? Alright, OP, this is one of the weirdest stories I've ever heard, but yeah, you're definitely a butthole here. Now, to be clear, the boyfriend gets like a solid 4.5, maybe 5 out of 5 buttholes because what he did was horrific. The cops need to call and he needs to be arrested because that's gotta be like some kind
Starting point is 00:02:48 of like biological terrorism. So you're 110% justified in kicking him out, but giving away his PlayStation and then yelling at his mom? No, that's actually not justified. Stealing is stealing and you stole from the guy, no matter how disgusting he is. And snapping and screaming at an old lady because of the actions of a 24-year-old adult is not the appropriate response. OP, I'm gonna give you two out of five buttholes.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Am I the butthole for getting my family to do a swear tax after my dad told me off for swearing? My dad and brothers cussed like sailors, but apparently me cussing is unladylike. I'm living with my family, it's me a 15 year old girl, my twin brothers were a 17 and my parents. My dad cussed a lot, and so do my older brothers. But apparently, the standards are different for me. My dad overheard me saying a couple cuss words when I was on the film with my friends, and he got mad at me for my language and for how trashy and unlady like it was. This wasn't the first time he called me and only me out for bad language, but it was the one that frustrated me the most because I could tell there was a double standard.
Starting point is 00:03:59 I thought of calling him out on his language and hypocrisy, but then I had a different idea. I said that, yeah, it was a bad habit I was forming and I didn't want to make a pattern. Because if I got in the habit of cussing a lot, that wouldn't make me come off well when I start getting jobs or going to college. And as I was growing up, I wanted to learn how to speak respectfully and intelligently. But it was hard to keep from bad habits when I heard him and my brothers having potty mouse syndrome so often.
Starting point is 00:04:26 They're setting an example whether they realize it or not, so I wanted to work on things for myself but also together as a family. I suggested we make a swear tax, where if anyone swears in front of someone else, they'd give a dollar to each person who heard them. I'd want that role for myself because it would keep me accountable and I'd really like it if the family joined me for it. So my dad said he'd join and so would my mom. They got my brothers to be a part of it too. They didn't really have a choice. My parents decided to make it a rule. I know it's kind of petty, but I wanted to make the point that my dad and brothers swear a lot and I almost never do. In the few months since we've had the rule, I've gotten about 250 bucks from hearing my dad and brother cuss and have been sworn
Starting point is 00:05:11 once. It's kinda making my brothers angry because they often cuss when they're mad and I ask them for money so they get mad and cuss more. So I get more money until they shut up. My dad actually got mad at me too. He was having some drinks, calling his brother and talking, and I came over after and asked for 18 bucks. He actually said he wouldn't give me that much, and there should be a cut off. He gave me five dollars which sends a weird message,
Starting point is 00:05:39 like swearing is bad, unless you want to swear a lot, then it's cool. I feel like I've made my point already, so now I'm just keeping it up for the money, and it's really making my brother's mad. Am I the butthole for having the idea for the family swear attacks after my dad got angry at me for swearing? I did it because I know I swear the least out of my family, but I was the only one getting in trouble for it.
Starting point is 00:06:02 No, OP, you get zero out of five buttholes. Your dad is a hypocrite. He expects you to act like a lady, but then doesn't treat you like a lady. You're flying to meet with a new supplier to keep your business growing. And with the business platinum card from American Express, you can earn $820 in new value and more,
Starting point is 00:06:26 which includes a $200 travel credit toward your flight. Now a boarding business class. American Express, don't do business without it. Terms and conditions apply visit slash business platinum. Looking for bright, even glowing skin? Then harness the brightening power of vitamin C and get your glow on with Garnier vitamin C brightening serum.
Starting point is 00:06:51 A highly concentrated serum formulated with German gradients such as vitamin C, niacinamide and salicylic acid. Visibly smooth skin texture, even out the look of skin tone and boost glow. All in just two weeks with Garnier Vitamin C brightening serum, like Garnier, naturally. Shop now on year old female and I was recently invited up to my aunt and uncle's ranch house for the 4th of July and was told I could bring a friend. I'll call them aunt and uncle B. Now this aunt and uncle have a pretty big house.
Starting point is 00:07:31 Their ranch house has four bedrooms with queen bids, the master bedroom and the kids room which is a massive room with six bunk bids and a loft. They've got a lot of land around the house too so I was excited to get some time to goof off and run around with my friend who's also an 18 year old girl. I knew that other cousins are gonna be there and assumed that my aunt, being an uncle be, thought the bids through when everything like that. The other people invited up to the house were Aunt G and Uncle G, and their son, 16, who I'll call F.
Starting point is 00:07:58 My uncle P and my aunt and uncle H. My aunt and uncle H are baby cannons. They have 4 kids under the age of 5, none of whom sleep through the night. I've been to their house before, it's horrible. Anyway, my friend and I get up to the house and learn that we are expected to share the big bunk room with the kids under five, while their parents get their own room. Uncle P, cousin F, and aunt Uncle G are also in their own rooms. I was upset, but wanting to stay there, I said okay, my friend and I can sleep on the couch. Cue a massive explosion. The baby cannons are pissed that I don't want to sleep in the
Starting point is 00:08:36 same room as their children. Their kids are horrible at night and someone needs to watch them. So it should be me and my friend because I got to invite a friend. I said that if they wanted someone to, cousin F could, but cousin F apparently needed his sleep because he's a growing boy and he doesn't know how to take care of kids. None of the other people in the house wanted to get involved. The aunt and uncle who owned the house didn't care much and just told us to figure it out. So I ignored the baby cannons and set up on the couch with my friend. Cue the baby cannons' mother. She throws all of our stuff off the couches and tells me and my friend that we have to sleep with her kids or we can't stay.
Starting point is 00:09:17 At this point, I'm mortified by her behavior because I have a friend. My friend is embarrassed and doesn't know what to do. So I tell them I'm leaving. Cue more screaming. behavior because I have a friend. My friend is embarrassed and doesn't know what to do. So I tell them I'm leaving. Cue more screaming. I drove up my father's boat, so if I leave, there's nobody with a truck to drive the boat around and the world is ending. I say that either my friend and I are sleeping on the couch without the small children or worth leaving. Well, the baby cannons weren't okay with that. So I packed up my stuff, reattached the trailer for the boat and left.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Now I'm getting text from relatives that I was rude and could have handled it better and that the baby cannons need a break from their kids and I'm young, so I can be a nice family member and deal with it for them. Am I the butthole here? O.P., you are so not the butthole here that I was actually getting angry reading this
Starting point is 00:10:05 on your behalf. When all of your family members were texting you saying you could have done them a favor and taken care of their kids, well why didn't they do it if they cared about it so much? Basically, your baby cannon aunt and uncle wanted a free vacation and were expecting you to babysit so they could enjoy their break. And on top of that, they were super sexist by thinking that you, a girl, could watch the kids, but the boy cousin couldn't. I'm gonna give you zero out of five buttholes.
Starting point is 00:10:32 I'm gonna give the baby cannons three out of five buttholes for their massive hypocrisy. I'm gonna give the family members who complained two out of five buttholes and the aunt and uncle who hosted the ranch one out of five buttholes. You said that they weren't involved, but it's their house, which means I think they have some responsibility to make sure that all their guests are treated well. The fact that they just let the baby can't enscream at you and threaten you under their own roof means they deserve at least one out of five but hole. And then O.P. posted an update, my father has banned the baby cannon from ever going on the boat again.
Starting point is 00:11:06 Aunt B is getting involved and is considering asking the baby cannon family to leave for the weekend and to not come back until they can be more considerate of relatives. Uncle B is offering to pay for me and my friend to go on a backpacking trip. My friend and I go a lot. And, Cessity feels bad for how the baby cannon's acted. Well, that's a relief. It sounds like your family members kind of came around and realized that the baby canons were the ones in the wrong here. In my the butthole for not paying for my daughter's wedding, my daughter's 28, and my husband and I started saving for my daughter's college funds and she was born. We both worked really hard for our money and we accumulated a lot for her. She ended up getting a scholarship to cover a lot
Starting point is 00:11:45 of her college so we had about 20k left over. We offered to give it to her at the time but she said she'd rather we keep it for when she gets married and we agreed. That was two years ago now. About four years ago, my daughter came out as bisexual and started dating a girl. This shocked us a lot because we never saw her as the type. My husband and I were really upset because we loved the idea of her having a husband and a family and grandchildren for us. We thought it was just a phase, but four years later they're still together and they got engaged last month. They came over to visit and do some wedding planning.
Starting point is 00:12:21 She got her journal and it had the finances they put aside for the wedding as well as 20k for mom and dad. I saw this and told her that we were planning on using that 20k for renovations now. She questioned us and we were up front and said we agreed for her to use that money under the assumption she was marrying a man. Her girlfriend got very upset and started calling us homophobic and my daughter just sat there letting her go off on us. Then my daughter said, that money was mine and I had it all planned out to use it towards the wedding. Well no, it's our money that we saved with a specific use.
Starting point is 00:12:57 She left in a hub and told us to never speak to her again. I think she's being very ungrateful, but my other daughter has now turned on us as well and said the word terrible parents. I am NOT homophobic. I respect same-sex couples, it's just not what I wanted for MY daughter. Am I the butthole? So the comment to this post are filled with people explaining how, yes, you ARE actually homophobic. And then OPPOSAN edit. Wow, I wasn't expecting this reaction. Thank you for the lovely messages threatening me and calling me a homophob. I rethought my stance and I'll try to be more understanding of my daughter, however,
Starting point is 00:13:35 I know what I'd never go to this forum again. I was a complete homophob and then people had the audacity to call me a homophobe? How rude. Yeah, okay, this is ridiculous. I'm gonna have to agree with everyone down in the comments. I'm gonna give you two out of five buttholes for being a homophobe and another two out of five buttholes for basically lying and kind of stealing from your daughter. You promise her that money and then just randomly decided,
Starting point is 00:14:02 nope, not giving it to you. Am I the butthole for throwing out my mom after she threw out my weed? So I'm a 30 year old man. I'm single and live alone in the house that I own. A few months ago when the quarantine happened, my mom lost her job, so I decided to let her stay with me. I have a medical marijuana card and smoke every day. I knew my mom disliked weed, so I warned her before she moved in that
Starting point is 00:14:26 I would be smoking Weed daily and would not stop for her. She agreed and only asked that I smoke outside. I thought that was a relatively reasonable request. Weed has a strong smell and many people don't like it. This worked out fine at first, but she started making remarks about how I should quit et cetera. I mostly just ignored them and brushed them off. Then, it evolved to her demanding that I quit, as if I were still a child she could issue orders to. I refused and told her she could move out if she doesn't like it. She started crying and saying that I don't love her, I have a problem, etc. The next day, I come home from work to find her waiting for me.
Starting point is 00:15:03 She explained that she had flushed my weed for my own good and then demanded that I go to treatment. Well, predictably, I was furious and not even really about not having the weed anymore. It's pretty cheap. I usually buy ounces for 125 bucks and I can easily get more. It was about her total lack of respect for me. I'm an adult, own my own house, have a good job and have approval from the state to legally purchase and possess marijuana. So someone I'm doing a huge favor for,
Starting point is 00:15:34 demanding that I stop and throwing out my stuff when I refused is extremely outrageous to me. Even if she pushed me out of her body 30 years ago. Anyway, we argued about this for a while and it became clear to me that she if she pushed me out of her body 30 years ago. Anyway, we argued about this for a while and it became clear to me that she was not sorry at all and that she would probably do it again. So I told her she can't live with me anymore. I gave her a month, but she's already packed up all of her stuff and drove to my brother's house a couple of hours away. She obviously thinks I'm a huge butthole and so does my brother.
Starting point is 00:16:04 But I think that's mostly because she's his problem now. OP, you get zero out of five buttholes. You did nothing wrong. It's your house, your rules, and your mom completely disrespected your boundaries. I'll give your mom, let's say, two out of five buttholes. That was R-Slash, I'm I the butthole, and if you like this content, then follow my podcast because I put out a new Reddit podcast every single day. That was our slash, M-I-TheBud hole.
Starting point is 00:16:26 And if you like this content, then follow my podcast because I put out a new Reddit podcast every single day.

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