rSlash - r/Amithedevil for Stealing Candy from a Baby?

Episode Date: May 31, 2024

0:00 Intro 0:09 Bride price 2:45 Husbands side 9:36 Child support 11:28 Playing favorites 14:15 Adult egg hunt Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 That's the sound of unaged whiskey, transforming into Jack Daniels Tennessee Whiskey in Lynchburg, Tennessee. Around 1860, nearest green taught Jack Daniel how to filter whiskey through charcoal for a smoother taste, one drop at a time. This is one of many sounds in Tennessee with a story to tell. To hear them in person, plan your trip at Tennessee sounds perfect. Gifting Dad can sometimes hit the wrong note. Oh. Instead, gift the Glenlivet, the single
Starting point is 00:00:39 malt whiskey that started it all, for a balanced flavor and smooth finish, just sit back and listen to the music. This single malt scotch whiskey is guaranteed to impress dad this Father's Day. The Glenn Libet. Live Original. Please enjoy our products responsibly. Welcome to r slash Am I The Devil where OP ruins his marriage with one of the most awful racist comments I have ever heard in my life. Alright, this next post is a two-parter. First we have a post from the wife, then we have a post from the husband. So the first post is from r slash am i the butthole.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Am I the butthole for asking my fiance to pay a bride price? I'm a 31 year old black African woman and my fiance is a 32 year old white European man. We've been dating for 7 years. I came to his country to study and I've lived and worked here ever since. Ever since we started dating, he took such an interest in my culture. He asked me to teach him my language, my culture and we've been to visit my home country a few times.
Starting point is 00:01:41 He asked me to marry him last year and I accepted. We're currently planning our wedding. I mentioned that we would need to account for my family back home. We could have the traditional wedding in my home country and a white wedding in his since we don't want to ask anyone to fly and get visas etc. The issue came when I mentioned him paying a bride price, something he scoffed at. To be clear, calling it a bride price is misleading because there is so much more to it than the money that changes hands. It's a time-honored tradition that blends two families into one and it's something
Starting point is 00:02:13 that I've always wanted to do when you get married. For future reference, this bride price is called Aurora. I mentioned that he knew of marriage customs in my country and that they include a bride price. We both work in law and human rights types of fields so I assumed that he that they include a bride price. We both work in law and human rights types of fields, so I assumed that he would be against a bride price. I told him, I am against it when it's forced and it's all about money, but I'm asking that he does it because I choose it and I want to honor my parents and culture. He refused, saying that it was backwards and extortionate and that it would be like he purchased me.
Starting point is 00:02:45 I assured him that that wasn't the case. My parents would charge a tokenistic or symbolic amount, nothing crazy, just to symbolize us getting together. I said that if my parents were to really sell me, then he couldn't afford me. This set him off in a rage because I somehow insulted him by saying that, when what I meant is that my parents aren't looking to make money off of me. But this is something that my people have done for millennia and I don't want to break from tradition. I've told him that I don't know if I'm willing to marry him if he's not willing to make the trip to my country and talk
Starting point is 00:03:17 to my parents about the bride price. He says that I'm forcing and manipulating him, but I'm not. He knew from day one who I was and where I came from. This is what my people do, and I think for him to label it as backwards is Eurocentric because he's viewing it from his lens, despite me explaining what it's actually about. Then three years later, OP makes this post in r slash relationship advice. I'm a 35 year old man and my wife is 34. My wife left me because I was racist to her and I can't get her to come back. Can I recover from my mistakes?
Starting point is 00:03:53 My wife is from Zimbabwe. I'm Swiss and we met while at university in my country. I fell for her instantly. Truthfully I'd never seen anyone so beautiful. She was kind, so incredibly intelligent and has this gravitational pull to her. We started off as friends, but we eventually began dating and got into a steady relationship. I wanted to marry straight away, but she had career ambitions that she wanted to meet before she married.
Starting point is 00:04:18 At the time, I was going through some stuff. In truth, I knew the expectation of R Aurora was on anyone who would want to marry her and I'd been saving up for that alongside her engagement ring for years. I'd gotten into a fight with my brother before she asked me about setting a date for her Aurora, where he'd said some nasty things about me being with a black woman and how I was losing myself and my cultural identity due to the concessions I made with my wife. That's why I reacted the way that I did when she asked me about it, something I deeply regret to this day. After the shit show that was that post, we spent three months together in couples counseling. She repeatedly told me that she didn't
Starting point is 00:04:55 want to force me to do anything that I didn't want to do. She said that she deserved to be with someone who enthusiastically embraced all parts of her. And if any part of me took issue with her culture, she asked that I bow out before I tied us together for life. I confess that I knew all along about the Aurora, that I'd prepared for it, but the conversations with my brother are what led me to say what I did. She was mad! I had allowed her to be mocked, ridiculed, and bullied by strangers online because I couldn't communicate with her, but we worked through it.
Starting point is 00:05:26 We had a beautiful traditional wedding in her country, then another one with my traditions in my country. Her family was kind and welcoming, making many concessions for me as they had done since I met them. We planned on starting a family soon after we married, but she'd always said that she wanted to have her babies back in her country so that we could have her family around her. We both agreed that that was what we were going to do. It's important to note that my wife doesn't really like living here.
Starting point is 00:05:51 She says she hates living here. We lived in Sweden for much of our relationship, and many people will know that it's on the cold side. She hated the food, the weather, and struggled with the cold people. Her country's people are very warm and friendly. And for the last two years, she had to go on antidepressants because it was all a bit much for her. She asked me when we're going to move, and I asked for us to hang on for a little while
Starting point is 00:06:16 so I could finish a project that I'm leading at work. We'd fought about this in the past, but this time she just nodded at me, so I thought that she finally got it. This was over 18 months ago, and we didn't end up moving because I got promoted and it became harder to walk away. Her grandmother passed away, so I attributed her low mood to that. Our problems came when she asked me if I was having an affair with my colleague. One evening, I got home late from work and found her sitting in the dark. I'd forgotten that she was making dinner for us because to be honest, I had a lot going
Starting point is 00:06:48 on at work and it just slipped my mind. I told her that my colleague and I were working late and I forgot. Sorry. She grew confrontational and told me I was spending a lot of time with my colleague lately and that she had noticed her name on my phone more than a few times. She asked me if there was anything she ought to know. This is when I may have killed my marriage. I told her that I didn't give her father a truck full of cattle for her to question me.
Starting point is 00:07:13 Wow. I said, this is my house, my wife, and if I want to have something on the side, that's nobody's business but mine. She looked like I'd slapped her and I could see her holding back tears. I don't know why I didn't drop to my knees and beg for forgiveness. Instead, I doubled down and told her to stop the theatrics. But here's the thing, I'm not having an affair of any kind with my colleague. We really were just heavily into this project that we're both super excited about. I don't know why I couldn't just say that to my wife.
Starting point is 00:07:45 She didn't come to bed that night, and I left early in the morning the day after and came home when she was asleep. This continued for days where I avoided her because I couldn't face the guilt. On Friday, I came home to a gift box that contained a positive pregnancy test and a long letter from my wife. I won't share all of it, but she said that she was going to tell me about the pregnancy on the night that I bailed on dinner. That I'd hurt her beyond measure with what I said to her and that she was no longer going to show her love for me through self-sacrifice. She told me that she doesn't consent to be in a polygamous relationship and since that's what I want, I should expect to receive divorce
Starting point is 00:08:25 papers from her soon. She also left her rings and house keys too. I had a panic attack. I was able to call for help before the worst of it came, but I spiraled. I had monumentally screwed up and I lost my wife and unborn child because of it. I tried to call her, but her phone was going straight to voicemail. I called her brother, who was short with me, but assured me that she was fine. He wouldn't tell me more.
Starting point is 00:08:51 I finally tracked her down after two weeks. She had gone back to her parents in Zimbabwe. I can't follow her yet, because the project I've worked on for so long is near completion and I can't walk away. My friends told me that I was racist to my wife in my actions because I would have never tried that with a white woman and I tried to use her culture against her. The fact that I wasn't even serious makes me more cruel apparently. She still won't speak to me.
Starting point is 00:09:17 I've tried all avenues and she won't hear me out. I love her beyond measure and I don't know how to get her back. Please help me. Oh Geez the wife in this story is proudly waving her Zimbabwe flag while OP is proudly waving his red flags Alright, man Refusing to move for so long that your wife is literally on antidepressants because she's so miserable is bad enough Then pushing your wife to think that you're in an affair is even worse. Then saying disgustingly racist things is even worse.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Then abating her again and making her think that you're actively having an affair because you're not coming home from work is still yet worse. But honestly, the worst part of all this in my opinion is that after she says, hey, I'm carrying your child, but I got to peace out back to Zimbabwe because I'm miserable. What does he do? What does he do as a man, as a husband? He's like, well, what's more important, my unborn child and my wife or this important work project that I've been working on?
Starting point is 00:10:18 I'm blown away that this guy wasn't on a plane to Zimbabwe that exact same day, the second he found out where she was. OP is scum. And worse than that, he's racist scum. Our next reddit post comes from r slash amithabuthole. Am I the butthole for refusing to pay child support for a child that isn't mine? My soon to be ex wife and I, both mid to late 30s, are having a disagreement. We're currently separated and in the process of divorcing. She's basically demanding that I pay child support to her, which I've refused so far
Starting point is 00:10:51 because the child is not my biological child. My ex keeps arguing that we chose together to adopt, and that makes us both legally responsible. If I had my own child, I'd be happy to pay and be involved as much as possible, but that's not my real kid. I don't think it's fair or right that I'm expected to help pay for a child that I didn't help create. Once the divorce is finalized, I plan on cutting ties with my ex and the child completely. I've been talking over this issue with my friends and family and opinions are split.
Starting point is 00:11:22 Half say that I owe my ex and that kid nothing, I should move on and never look back. The other half agree with my ex and say that by us adopting it made us parents together and we both owe the child the best life we can give them. I won't have a choice to pay if I'm ordered by the courts to do so, but until then, I don't plan to pay because my ex's child is not mine. I'm willing to sign away any rights I have to that child. Am I the butthole? Ok, down there's some context. OP says we adopted when the child was six months old and they're currently eight, almost nine years old. The kid lives with my ex full time. I've not seen or spoken to the kid in the past year. I have my own life going on.
Starting point is 00:12:05 not seen or spoken to the kid in the past year, I have my own life going on. Wow! Man, did OP ever even love this kid in the first place? I think I'm starting to see why he and his wife are getting a divorce. I don't understand how you can raise someone for 9 years and form basically no emotional attachment to them whatsoever. Our next reddit post comes from r slash amithabudhole. Am I the butthole for asking my eldest daughter to sleep on the couch temporarily until we buy a new mattress?
Starting point is 00:12:31 My youngest two sons, Ryan and Brian, who are 9 and 11 years old, have autism. Unfortunately, they're both non-verbal and require assistance at night because they're both prone to accidents and bedwetting if they aren't woken up at least once at night to go potty. My oldest daughter, Sadie, who's 14, is responsible for waking them both up at night to go potty. When she was younger, she did this without complaint because she knew that I was unable to. I need my sleep because I drive a school bus in the mornings and I take my job seriously. My ex isn't in the picture, so it's just me and my four kids. Lately, Sadie has been complaining and unwilling to wake the boys up and is even upset at sharing
Starting point is 00:13:11 a room. She doesn't understand that her older brother, Aaron, who's 16, has his own room as I find it inappropriate for all three boys to share and that unfortunately in our current economic position we can't afford to move to a home with enough rooms for everyone. Anyways, this has been an ongoing battle for some time now, and apparently Sadie messed up one night and didn't wake up the boys, which led to Ryan having a huge accident and pretty much ruining his mattress. I have to wait until payday, and since I can't trust Ryan on the couch, I asked Sadie to
Starting point is 00:13:44 give her bed until I can buy trust Ryan on the couch, I asked Sadie to give her bed until I can buy him a new mattress. Big mistake. Sadie has thrown a massive tantrum stating that she hates having to clean up after the boys when they go potty, and that she's too tired in school because she has to wake up at night. She also said some hurtful things about me favoring Aaron because he doesn't do anything potty related.
Starting point is 00:14:03 The thing is, Aaron has a part time job and helps with the bills and he makes sure the boys are on the bus. So it isn't favoritism, she's just better suited for the more sensitive stuff. Here's where I might have been the butthole. I told her that she didn't have a choice and that family sticks together and that we're all making sacrifices. Sadie has been sullen ever since and it's been making me think that perhaps I'm in the wrong. Reddit, am I the butthole or are we just a family down on their luck at the moment?
Starting point is 00:14:32 Yeah, they're down on their luck because they have a terrible parent. OP, you literally are showing favoritism to Ryan. You're just sexist, man. I don't know how else to say it. So apparently it's inappropriate for three brothers to share a room, but it is appropriate for two brothers and a teenage girl to share a room. Yeah, okay, that makes sense. Man, this is just, this is just good old fashioned sexism. It's literally just that Sadie's a woman, so OP thinks that Sadie has to do the woman work because OP doesn't want to. And she doesn't want to make her son do it because, well, he's a boy and you can't make boys take care of kids because that's woman's work. Our next reddit post comes from r slash amidthebutthole. Amidthebutthole for
Starting point is 00:15:13 participating in my neighborhood's Easter egg hunt that was meant for children? I'm a 25 year old woman and I've always loved Easter and my family would participate in egg hunts every year as I was growing up. I also love Easter candy, which makes the hunts even more fun for me. I recently moved to a new city with my partner, who's 25, and we saw that our neighborhood association was throwing an Easter extravaganza. We thought that this would be a good opportunity to get more involved in the community, so we signed up to volunteer.
Starting point is 00:15:42 I asked the president of the association if I could also sign up for the Easter egg hunt due to my love for the holiday and she said that it'd be fine. Turns out, nobody above the age of 10 had signed up, though I thought that it should be okay because there were like 70 kids participating so my presence wasn't super obvious. A lot of the kids' parents were staring at me by this point, but I brushed it off. When the hunt began, I didn't mean to go too crazy, but after I filled my basket then looked back, my path was marked by a clear swath of eggless grass. Some of the kids definitely didn't get as much candy as me, but everyone seemed happy enough.
Starting point is 00:16:21 As I made my way back to my partner though, the parents were making comments that they knew that I would overhear about how the egg hunt was for children. My parents suggested that I give back some of the eggs, so I returned some to the kids who were nearby until enough parents seemed to be off my back. However, I didn't want to give every kid an egg because that would take too long and I would basically run out. Nobody else said anything before we left, but in the weeks since, I've seen some of the parents and they've been much colder towards me.
Starting point is 00:16:50 Am I the butthole? Yo, OP literally stole candy from babies and then is like, am I the butthole? That was r slash am I the devil. And if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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