rSlash - r/Amithedevil I Broke a Girl's Arm for FUN!

Episode Date: March 21, 2025

0:00 Intro 0:08 My food 2:56 Greece 5:33 Kid in car 6:50 Comments 8:34 Jiu-jitsu 12:06 Abandoned his kids Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today's episode is sponsored by Stitch Fix. I'm a straight dude and I'm very stereotypical in the sense that I do not like shopping. I hate to shop for clothes all the time, but the process can be so tedious. Lines, going to different stores, picking out clothes, but I don't know what I want. That's why I'm personally a big fan of Stitch Fix. With Stitch Fix, you simply have to go through a one-time quiz to give your size, style, and budget preferences. From there, a professional stylist who actually has a sense of taste in fashion, unlike me, will pick just for me pieces and send them to me and also send outfit recommendations and styling tips. I keep what I want and send back the rest. Easy peasy.
Starting point is 00:00:40 It's kind of like having your own personal stylist, except even better because I don't have to go see and talk to my own personal stylist. It's all online. Stitchfix is the best way to shop for clothes for people like me who don't like to shop for clothes. Make style easy. Get started today at slash r slash. That's slash r slash.
Starting point is 00:01:03 FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning, which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants his last parachute? I do. Enjoy the number one feeling, winning, in an exciting live dealer studio, exclusively on FanDuel Casino, where winning is undefeated. 19 plus and physically located in Ontario. Welcome to r slash am i the devil where OP believe that she's entitled to steal. Our next reddit post comes from r slash am i the butthole.
Starting point is 00:01:42 Am i the butthole for calling my housemates selfish because they keep food in their rooms instead of our kitchen? I'm a first year university student and just last week moved into my halls. I live with 7 other people, all freshmen, in a sort of flat. Our halls are divided into flats so it's a big flat with 8 rooms, 2 bathrooms and a huge kitchen. Unfortunately, I was quite unlucky with my housemates because we're already having issues. Our kitchen has two big fridges, so everyone has a shelf and we all have our own cardboard. I've been trying to eat healthy, so I've only been buying myself healthy food and no sweets or snacks. I'm fine during the day, but I get cravings at night when I'm watching stuff. One night, I decided to raid the
Starting point is 00:02:25 kitchen and found some chocolate on someone else's shelf, so I took it. The next night, I was hungry and saw yogurts in the fridge. I wanted to take one, but ended up eating all of them. I wanted to buy replacements, but they were too expensive. I got something else too, and that's when a note appeared in the kitchen to not take stuff that isn't ours. I thought that was rude. At least be an adult and speak directly and not leave passive aggressive notes. I've taken a few more things after that, but noticed that my housemates stopped buying the good stuff and there was nothing on their shelves.
Starting point is 00:02:59 And then we had a housemate meeting, and turns out they're keeping their food in their rooms which I thought was selfish and I told them so. They called me an inconsiderate butthole. Last night one of my housemates had friends over and she told all of us that we can join. I was in the kitchen making dinner, that's when they were having drinks, and they asked me to join. I asked my roommates if she had any alcohol because I didn't buy any and I joked that she must keep it stashed in her room. Her friend whispered to her, is that her? And she nodded.
Starting point is 00:03:30 I called her a bullying B-word and left the kitchen. I spoke to my family and they agreed that there was nothing wrong with what I did, but my housemates reported me to the housing department and I have a meeting tomorrow, which means that maybe I was in the wrong. Tell me, am I the butthole for taking some snacks and calling them selfish? Oh poor me, why won't anybody let me steal from them? I want to rob, I want to be a thief and a robber, please let me steal your stuff! In the comments OP is predictably getting blasted and it's clear just how much of an
Starting point is 00:04:06 attitude she has. Let me read some of these comments. I mean they could have talked to me about it. The notes were passive aggressive. They never even gave me a chance to stop because we've only been living together for like 10 days. I was meaning to buy those yogurts back but they were some fancy ones that were way too overpriced. I was going to look for a cheaper alternative, but I forgot.
Starting point is 00:04:29 Am I the butthole for not guaranteeing I can get up and go to Greece? My partner has an opportunity to do business in Greece. His company is so keen that he goes that they've offered to either give him a large bonus or pay for me to attend. He chose for me to go as we've never been abroad together. However, I just found out that our trip, which is two weeks from now, will require me to leave the house by 8.15 in order to catch the plane. I take medication each morning, which makes me alert after I take it, for 30 minutes or
Starting point is 00:05:01 so, but also makes me crash each night and I struggle to wake up the next day after a very deep sleep. I'm dependent on this medication and have tried to stop taking it or just cut down, but I suffered not only tiredness, but other side effects which made me miserable and unable to function properly. I've said that I hope to make the trip, but can't guarantee it. I don't want him to be panicked if I let him down last minute. I'd rather he be prepared that even if he tries hard to wake me, I may not be ready on time. But I'll try and I'll do what I can.
Starting point is 00:05:35 He was extremely upset and asked if he should cancel my ticket, which I said is his choice, though I'd rather go if I can. He doesn't want that, but he now says he feels that I'm unreliable as a life partner, which really hurts as I've supported him through some really bad times and he's always claimed to be grateful. He said he's gone from really looking forward to a romantic trip to seeing it as a sign of how little I care about him. My time management is awful in general, but he has no idea how painfully tired I am when I wake up. I work from home and try to never make commitments before 11am. I love him so much and I really do want to have a romantic getaway with him.
Starting point is 00:06:17 I just don't want to lie and be a sudden let down and although I can try very hard, I can't be sure I'll make the plane. Am I the butthole? She's being paid to go on vacation and all she has to do is wake up early one day and that's still too much for this woman? All you gotta do is go to bed two hours early. You can't even do that for the love of your life? Oh geez. Also in the comments, we find out that OP likes to stay up until 3 a.m.
Starting point is 00:06:50 So is the problem really medication or just bad sleeping habits? I love this comment from Traveling Techie. If the house catches fire at 730 a.m. will you just burn to death? Our next Reddit post comes from r slash LegalAdvice. My wife left our 5 year old kid in the car for 30 minutes while she went to Costco. Someone called the police and now my kid has to get checked out in the emergency room. What's my best option?
Starting point is 00:07:18 To preface this, we're a perfectly healthy family. If CPS does reach out to our friends in the school for investigation, I don't think they'll conclude that we're abusive parents by any means. But the thing about leaving my kid in the car, I now realize that this is a much more serious issue than we initially thought. Someone discovered my unattended daughter, age 5, in the car and called the police. The police arrived with an ambulance and my daughter was sent to the ER on the ambulance. My wife would go meet her in the emergency room with her own car. I am now worried
Starting point is 00:07:50 about what could be the consequences from this. Is it likely that CPS would take my kids away for a few days? What other possible legal actions could be taken on us from CPS? If I just want to minimize the impact, what's the best course of action? Say nothing to CPS and hire a lawyer? Needless to say, after this incident, we would never leave our kid unattended in the future. Also, we're in New Jersey. Okay, everyone knows that leaving a kid unattended in a car is bad, but down in the comments, CooMaster gives us an idea of just how bad it really is. My mom used to leave me in the car as a kid all the time.
Starting point is 00:08:27 I remember opening and closing the car door for fun and getting my finger caught. I remember one hot summer day overheating because I couldn't get the windows down. I remember being trapped with a wasp on the car and screaming my lungs out. I remember releasing the parking brake and having the car roll down a hill into traffic and my mom running after the car. Fun times. Don't leave your kid unattended, even if someone like me survived the experience. Wow, there's actually a lot of stories like these, also from Stars of Sobek. Yep, my parents did the same. There were usually 5 or 6 of us jammed illegally into the car all at
Starting point is 00:09:05 once for whatever reason. I remember the California sweltering heat, sweating and being thirsty and miserable, and cracking the doors just to get airflow. I remember being hungry and having to wait sometimes hours for my parents to return from their air conditioned shopping trip. I remember the car being absolutely stone cold in the winter. Because of all things, they were worried about leaving the keys in the ignition, lest we might start the car and do something stupid. I think of all the experiences, the worst was my parents going up to a specialty nut and fruit market outside of town.
Starting point is 00:09:43 They disappeared for hours! We all began to have to pee, and in absolute desperation, we emptied out a big gulp cup and passed it around to take turns, girls and boys alike. There's nothing like being left in a car by adults. It just sucks! It's also the reason I will never, ever leave my child behind in a vehicle. Our next reddit post comes from Oceanfrontfall. I started taking Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in 2021 as a way to get into better shape after the lockdowns. I had joined a regular gym and I also started going to a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu academy on the advice of my cousin, who had started going to one. He lives in another
Starting point is 00:10:22 province, however, he was able to recommend one where I live. I'm only a blue belt, but I really enjoy it. I started dating my girlfriend last year and I thought Brazilian Jiu Jitsu was something we could do together. She was reluctant. I got her to come observe me a few times and she was still reluctant. Then she told me about the women- only class for beginners at a different academy. Part of why she was reluctant was that there are currently no women at my academy.
Starting point is 00:10:51 We've had women come before, but they always drop out and stop coming after a while. I didn't think the women's only class was a good idea. Plus the idea was for us to do something together, so I convinced her to join my academy. She joined almost two months ago. In that time, she went with me every time she wasn't working on the same evenings I was free and would go to the academy. She never went alone though. A few times, she complained to me that the others at the academy were rough, but it's
Starting point is 00:11:18 a contact sport and I convinced her to stay after she wanted to quit. Last week, I had to work a couple of days when she wasn't working. I tried to convince her to go without me. The first time she didn't, but the second time I got her to go. She got hurt that second time. She was rolling with the blue belt and he got her into an arm bar. She says he went right into it and didn't go slow or give her time to tap. She broke her arm, her left ulna near the elbow.
Starting point is 00:11:46 He says that he was just trying to show her how fast things happen in real life and didn't think her arm would break like that. She said the others should know that because of the size and weight difference and he shouldn't have done the arm bar that forceful or fast. I believe him that it was an accident. However, I feel terrible for my girlfriend. I've only talked to her once since she got hurt. It was mostly her being upset and I didn't really get to say anything. We were talking about moving in together. Now she said she doesn't want to go.
Starting point is 00:12:17 She said the others at the academy were rough and should have known to not go so hard because she's smaller than them. It's a contact sport and one of the purposes is self-defense. I don't like that she got hurt, but I also don't believe the blue belt or any of the others were rough on purpose. She won't talk to me. I don't even know what's going to happen with our relationship. She said she's mad at herself for not quitting when she wanted to, but she's mad at me too.
Starting point is 00:12:44 And at our instructor. I don't, but she's mad at me too. And at our instructor. I don't know why she's mad at him. I feel awful that she got hurt, but at the same time, it's a contact sport and injuries can happen. I don't think it was on purpose or anything like that. Hmm, maybe the reason why there are no women at the academy is because guys keep breaking their arms. Also, if you think about it, the fact that
Starting point is 00:13:06 there is an all-women's class of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu kind of leads us to the conclusion that there's a need for that class and maybe the need for it is guys being too rough with the girls. Also, I'm seeing comments down below from people who actually practice martial arts including Brazilian Jiu Jitsu who say that actually the people who get hurt most frequently are beginners because they don't know how to recover or defend. So people practicing moves should know that and go extra easy on the beginners. Our next reddit post comes from r slash custody. I refuse to see my children. After an ugly custody battle, the ex-wife won full legal and physical custody.
Starting point is 00:13:48 I strongly felt the outcome was completely unfair and uncalled for. She did everything she could to malign me and expertly manipulated the courts. And only having the kids two days every other week, I started feeling more distant from them. The alienation started immediately. Mom says you should do this or mom lets us do that. The support payments are ungodly. Over a third of my income went to support. It didn't take long that I would resent them. Eventually and unexpectedly, I found that I no longer loved them. That
Starting point is 00:14:22 particular pain was palpable. I began alternating between anxiety attacks and panic attacks. It dragged on for three years. I fought it. I hired many therapists to help me move on, but every day grew more painful. The massive debt left by the divorce left me unable to contest anything. I still can't afford even a consult. Eventually, I began having thoughts of ending my life. I was in the planning phase even. It passed, but now I can't shake the daily thought. Stubbornly, I won't act. Finally, I broke. I dropped the kids off at her house and told them goodbye. I explained that I wasn't picking them up again. Ever. It was a sentence rehearsed
Starting point is 00:15:05 four years in the making. They're both only seven. My disgust at the family courts, my ex, and the lawyers has driven me mad with abhorrence. I hate our system of family courts. It's destroyed me. I used to be a happy person. I'm not that person anymore. Depression is constant. Hope is gone. It's nearly comically unfortunate that I don't possess the button to explode the entire planet. Now the damage is done. Almost two months in and I refuse to see my children. I sold their furniture today.
Starting point is 00:15:38 Their toys dropped off in paper bags on their mother's doorstep. If miraculously the tides turned, a lottery of luck was won, the lasting damage has already severed the nerves. There's no going back. The social outcry is icing on the cake. How could you? Children need both parents. Really? That's not how the state makes me feel. That's not how the family courts interpret my trivial parenting time. It feels as though they want their cake and to eat it too. Be a real father, a parent, but don't get any ideas of having a meaningful relationship with your kids. That's for mothers only. Here's your token two days. Now appreciate us. I know I'm ranting, but why not? No one else really cares. Otherwise,
Starting point is 00:16:24 so many fathers out there wouldn't feel so marginalized and broken. I know I do. I'm ranting, but why not? No one else really cares. Otherwise so many fathers out there wouldn't feel so marginalized and broken. I know I do. I'm not the only one, right? There definitely are people who get screwed over in custody battles, there's no doubt about that. And OP may have legitimately been screwed, but on top of that, clearly OP is a bad person. Because if I got screwed in a custody battle and I couldn't see my daughter except for two days every other week, I would just want to be around her more and more.
Starting point is 00:16:51 I wouldn't sever all connections and move on in bitter hatred like this guy. I think I'm starting to get a sense for why this guy lost so much custody. That was r slash am I the devil. And if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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