rSlash - r/Amithedevil I Got Blackmailed By an OF P***star

Episode Date: September 30, 2024

0:00 Intro 0:10 Jealous 3:58 Cruel 5:36 Grieving gf 9:08 Comment 9:56 My hat 12:18 Crazy food rule 14:08 Thailand experience 15:40 Comment Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's 2FA security on Kraken? Let's say I'm captaining my soccer team, and we're up by a goal against, I don't know, the Burlington Bulldogs. Do we relax? No way. Time to create an extra line of defense and protect that lead. That's like 2FA on Kraken. A surefire way to keep what you already have safe and sound.
Starting point is 00:00:20 Go to and see what crypto can be. Not investment advice. Crypto trading involves risk of loss. See slash legal slash ca dash pru dash disclaimer for info on Kraken's undertaking to register in Canada. Welcome to r slash am i the devil where OP cheats on his wife 25 times and somehow he's the victim. Our next Reddit post is from r slash am i the butthole. Am i the butthole for threatening to kick out my coworker slash roommate for kissing my best friend? I'm a 23 year old woman and I let my coworker Jaden who's 25 and his daughter Leah
Starting point is 00:00:51 who's 6 move in with me. We were coworkers and friends for three years and he's always been so funny, smart and cute. We became really close friends. Unfortunately, Work decided that they can't afford to keep everyone and they've been making cuts and Jaden was basically forced to quit. I knew that he was really worried about his rent and everything and my roommate was leaving so I offered him to stay with me and we worked out an agreement. We decided that while he's still looking for a job, he would deal with all the chores and errands and housework. It's honestly been amazing having him live with me. He's such a great cook. And Leah has actually been really well behaved and sweet. He's helped me out a lot and I really enjoy being able to spend all this time with him. He's found some part-time work, but nothing that
Starting point is 00:01:40 pays enough for him to live alone. So we've mostly kept our agreement, just with me doing more and him helping pay a little. My friends have come over quite a few times and obviously they've met him. Last weekend I had a bunch of my friends stay over. I thought it went great, but the next day Leah told me that she saw Jaden kiss my female best friend. I was really upset and Jaden and I ended up arguing about it. I told him how betrayed I felt. He tried to say that it was fine, that apparently this kiss wasn't intentional and he didn't say anything because they didn't know what it meant. But it's still wrong. I'm doing so much only for him to do this to me. I got upset and told him that he'll have to leave if he wants to take advantage of my kindness,
Starting point is 00:02:25 that I don't want to live with someone who betrays me like that. He was offended and just tried to act like it was no big deal and that I was being crazy. He thinks that I have no right to say anything about his love life, even though it's my best friend and I'm doing so much for him. Our talk didn't really work, but I did talk to my best friend and she agreed to back off. The last few days have been horrible and he doesn't think that he's done anything wrong. I've tried to talk to him again, but he now refuses to and has been really cold and he's told me that he'll move out as soon as he can. I don't think I've done anything wrong. It's his own fault.
Starting point is 00:03:05 I want to work this out, but he shouldn't be going around kissing my friends. But the fighting has really upset Leah, and obviously Jayden thinks that I'm the butthole even if he's being selfish. And then OP posted an edit. I'm not jealous. This isn't about jealousy. I'm not in love with him or anything. I'd know if I was.
Starting point is 00:03:27 This is just about him betraying me, about him going behind my back. Like I've said, it's not about jealousy. I am not in love with Jaden. It's just rude and ungrateful to sneak around and do what he did. Spoiler alert. It is about jealousy and OP is in love with Jaden. Cause otherwise, why would she care about two consenting adults kissing? You'd think she'd be excited that her two closest friends had a thing for each other.
Starting point is 00:03:54 OP is literally being a jealous girlfriend when she's not a girlfriend. Also, oh man, man you can't make this up. Down in the comments, OP confesses to having feelings for him and that if he asked her out she wouldn't turn him down. She also claims that Leah sees her as a mother figure, so I guess she just has this fantasy of them eventually hooking up, but her reality came crashing down. I'd have sympathy for her if she weren't such a jerk about it. Our next Reddit post comes from r slash amithabuthole.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Am I the butthole for pulling a little joke on my kids? I'm a 37 year old woman and I have three kids, a 10 year old girl, a seven year old boy and a five year old girl. They've been ranting and raving about wanting to go to Great Wolf Lodge for about a year now. For those who don't know, Great Wolf Lodge is an indoor water park. There's a new one a couple of hours away from us, but we just can't afford it. They know this and we've told them many times, but they still ask to go.
Starting point is 00:04:50 My mother has offered to take them, which I declined because I don't want to feel indebted to her. On Sunday, my husband and I decided to take the family on a little trip to a mini golf place. We kept it as a surprise for the kids, but when we told them we were going somewhere fun they immediately thought that it was Great Wolf Lodge. My husband and I decided to pull a silly little prank on them. When we were driving there, we made it seem like we were going to Great Wolf Lodge and
Starting point is 00:05:17 the kids got all excited. Then we pulled into the Great Wolf Lodge parking lot just to pull back out and they got disappointed when we did. They were crabby the rest of the ride home and while my 10 year old had fun at mini-golf, the other two didn't want to be there and barely participated. They're all mad at me now, but I don't think it was wrong since it didn't harm anyone. My mother is harping at me about it. Am I the butthole for pulling a harmless prank on them?
Starting point is 00:05:45 OP, where's the joke? Where's the funny part? Who's laughing? It doesn't even seem like you and your husband were laughing. It was just mean to be mean. So it's not really a harmless prank, it's just cruelty. Our next reddit post comes from r slash relationships. I'm a 32 year old man and my girlfriend is 29. I've tried everything to help my grieving girlfriend, but she refused to cooperate and chose her best friend, a 30 year old guy, over me. I've been with my girlfriend for 6 months.
Starting point is 00:06:18 We live 2 hours apart, but we try to spend every weekend together and because she often works from home, she can come over during weekdays. Despite this distance, we have a strong relationship. Her mother died unexpectedly last week. My girlfriend didn't want to be alone, but I couldn't visit her, so I told her that she can come over. She said that she wouldn't feel safe driving that much in her mental state. I accepted that and promised that I would visit as soon as I can. However, the next day I found out that she spent the next night at her best friend Brock's house. Brock is a 30 year old guy.
Starting point is 00:06:52 My problem is that she said she can't drive to my place but then she could go to his. Yeah he's closer than me but she probably drove there too. Still, even though I had every right to point that out, I let it slide because of the situation with her mom. On Friday, I was finally able to visit, and I found her asleep in the middle of the day. Her hair unwashed, used tissues everywhere. Brock and his boyfriend were there cooking some weird soup. I didn't want to make a scene.
Starting point is 00:07:22 I politely told the boys they can leave because I can take care of my own girlfriend. Wait, leave? Isn't this their house? I could tell they didn't like it, but they left. When my girlfriend finally woke up, I told her it's time to wash her hair, clean up, and then we'll go to a hardware store. What?
Starting point is 00:07:39 I am a carpenter and I've always wanted to teach her basic stuff that everyone should know to be able to handle things around the house. It was the perfect opportunity because lying around won't make things better. I told her about my plan and she looked at me like I was an alien. She said that she doesn't care about carpentry, but I insisted that it would help distract her because she can't spend her life on a couch. Wait, I'm sorry, this is really ridiculous. We argued a bit and then she tried to compromise
Starting point is 00:08:08 by saying that we could walk over to Brock's and have dinner there. It's a really long walk, so she'll spend time outside the house, but she feels safe there and won't be embarrassed if she starts to cry. I absolutely refused because Brock and his boyfriend are the ones who allowed her to end up in this state They let her do nothing all day cooked for her even changed her sheets They acted like they're her new mothers or something when I told my girlfriend these worries She snapped and said that I'm making things worse that she doesn't need my
Starting point is 00:08:40 Carpentry lessons when she hasn't even buried her mother yet and that Brock and his mother are the only ones who provide real comfort so she'll go there whether I like it or not. I said that if she goes there, I'll go back home. She said, good, one less butthole in my life. I'm back home and it hurts so much that she didn't appreciate my help and chose Brock, but I love her. In my opinion
Starting point is 00:09:05 I did everything having her best interest at heart. I'm interested in your advice guys because I want to make the relationship work but I can't change who I am. I don't want to lose her but I can't lose myself either. Alright who out there predicted car- who out there predicted carpentry lessons? Anyone? Hey sorry your mom died. You want to build a birdhouse or something? Yo, what is this guy talking about? The top comment from generic villain is, were you going to teach her how to build a coffin?
Starting point is 00:09:38 Also I've got to point out this comment from Milo the Magnificent. Also I guarantee that she did not drive to Brock's. Brock absolutely drove over to pick her up. It would truly never occur to this jerk to have a little consideration and compassion. All he knows is that he would have made her drive regardless of the distance or her emotional state. You know, maybe OP isn't so wrong here because if someone I love died and then some other dude came over to my house and started trying to get me to like build kitchen cabinets, then I'd probably have a harder time focusing on my dead mom or whatever because I'd be so bewildered by this lunatic trying to get me to build cabinets.
Starting point is 00:10:20 Our next reddit post comes from rslashamirong. Am I wrong for ending a date and walking out after only 10 minutes because my date told me that I should remove my hat? I met a woman on Facebook dating and we decided to meet at a casual steakhouse restaurant with a bar after a very brief discussion online. I'm in my early 40s and I just don't have the time or energy to waste anymore. I met her at the restaurant and she did not look like her pictures.
Starting point is 00:10:46 With filters these days, it's to be expected, though I would expect someone around my age to be more honest with her dating profile pictures. She looked close enough like her pictures to not call it a catfish. We get seated next to the bar where they're playing a UFC fight and basketball. We start talking and after five minutes, she asks me if I'm going to keep my hat on and says that I should take it off at the table. I laughed, but I thought about it for 30 seconds, dropped a $20 bill on the table for the drink that I ordered that hadn't arrived yet, and said, thanks. But I don't see this going anywhere, and I walked out before she was able
Starting point is 00:11:23 to respond. A woman trying to correct my behavior less than five minutes after meeting me over wearing a hat at the dinner table of a restaurant playing a cage fight just isn't the vibe that I'm looking for. Okay, so the post here isn't that bad. It's just kind of, you know, picky loser vibes. But the reason why this was posted to r slash and why the devil is because of his comment down below. She could have been a lady and shut her mouth and dare not talk to a man like that.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Because when those hat wearing traditions were established, that's how a lady behaved. Yo, I actually have a kind of interesting fact about this. There was actually a time, back in England specifically, when men were required to wear hats. But it didn't have anything to do with being a gentleman or being proper. It was just capitalism. Basically, English law required every single man in England to wear a hat made of English wool just to boost wool sales. Isn't that dumb? Imagine getting a ticket because you aren't wearing a hat. You're literally, every single man in England was literally required to make wool farmers richer. So when this guy's talking about hat wearing traditions, that's what
Starting point is 00:12:37 he's talking about. Rich people convincing lawmakers to put more money in their pockets. Our next Reddit post comes from r slash amithabutthole. Am I the butthole for throwing away food that I know my girlfriend wanted? I'm a 25 year old guy and I live with my 23 year old girlfriend. Recently, I threw away the leftovers of a meal that I cooked because she said that she wanted to try some. For a bit of background, when we moved in together, we agreed that we would each only cook for ourselves and use our own dishes, which was my idea.
Starting point is 00:13:05 The issue is that sometimes she'll ask if she can have a bite of my food that I'm cooking just to try it. Or she wants to eat some of the leftovers I cook and then she offers to cook for both of us the next night. She now claims that it's a ridiculous rule to have and that I should grow out of the rule by now. Onto the incident. I had made a stir-fry and I was finishing putting the leftovers in a container when she blatantly told me to just leave it out so that she can have some. I of course said no and that I don't want her to eat what I cook. And I put it in the container and into the fridge and started to leave the kitchen.
Starting point is 00:13:40 I went to the living room to grab my phone before going back to the kitchen to grab a drink when I saw my girlfriend pulling my food out of the fridge and taking the lid off. I went over to the counter and grabbed the container and dumped the food in the trash to prevent her from eating it. She stayed silent the whole time before finally calling me a butthole and storming off. I don't really think that I'm the butthole as we agreed to this arrangement before moving in. But some friends said that it's time to move on from my weird obsession and just share food already. So am I the butthole? Also, OP clarifies that they don't
Starting point is 00:14:17 share food, not even spices. So OP doesn't even share salt with his girlfriend. Yo, you think that when they're in the bedroom, he's like, don't swallow that, spit it out. That belongs to me. Our next reddit post comes from r slash today I effed up. Today I effed up by becoming an accidental corn star and my wife finding out. I'm an American guy who lives in Tokyo doing hotel development. My wife is Japanese American and runs a translation business. My job requires me to travel a lot, including to Bangkok every couple of months. As many of you know, Thailand is well known for prostitution. While my wife and I have a great relationship, I can't go more than a couple of weeks without
Starting point is 00:15:01 intercourse, so I engage in it in Thailand. There's this one beer bar I like with a great atmosphere, tons of attractive bar girls and affordable prices. I've been there maybe 20 or 25 times, having intercourse there each time. It's 100 baht for the girl short time, plus 500 baht bar fine and 500 baht for a room. So that's 2000 baht, or about 60 US dollars. Well a couple of weeks ago I learned that they have cameras in the room. And a lot of ladies record their encounters and sell them online or stream them on OnlyFans.
Starting point is 00:15:36 I learned that I'm in a few of these videos. Here's where the Today I F'd Up comes in. I contact one lady asking her to take it down. And she proceeds to dox and blackmail me. I should have just let it be and hope that no one found out. I refuse to pay her blackmail and just blocked her. Well, yesterday she contacted my wife on Facebook and told her, my wife is currently not talking to me.
Starting point is 00:16:02 Down in the comments, people are calling out OP and OP says, I'm the victim! It's the fault of the one doing something illegal! Ironic, considering that even though prostitution is common in Thailand, it's also illegal. That was r slash am I the devil and if you liked this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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