rSlash - r/Amithedevil I named My Baby "Beef Stroganov"

Episode Date: July 18, 2024

0:00 Intro 0:10 Prank bro 2:30 Her job 6:28 No marriage 9:02 Responsibility 12:41 Angry wife Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash y amex. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash y amex.
Starting point is 00:00:27 Benefits vary by card, other conditions apply. Welcome to r slash am i the devil where OP names their baby stroganoff as a joke. Our next reddit post comes from r slash relationship advice. Is my wife overreacting at the little prank that I pulled on our second baby's birth registration form? I'm a 36 year old guy and my wife is 31. We recently had our second child. We've been married for three years, together for seven.
Starting point is 00:00:54 She wanted the child's middle name to be Stefan after a family member that I don't really like too much, and she knows this. I was placed in charge of filling out the birth registration form, so I decided as a little prank to fill in the middle name Stroganoff. When we received the birth certificate, to say that she was off the rails would be an understatement. I doubled down and said, hey, at least I didn't put beef as the first name, which I realize now only poured more gas on the fire. I argue that it's not that serious, that a name change form is like 40 bucks and that I would take care of it. She took the kids to her sisters and refuses to speak to me and is telling her sister that she's thinking of
Starting point is 00:01:37 separating. I know what I did was dumb, but is she overreacting? I want to try to rectify this and do what's best for our relationship OP when I was reading this story My assumption was that you wrote down stroganoff on the form and then showed it to your wife I was like, ah, ha ha look what I did. Oh, here's the real form You know with the actual name and then throw the stroganoff one in the trash can but you actually Submitted it and your baby's actual real life middle name is stroganoff officially?
Starting point is 00:02:08 You doofus! At that point it's not a prank because a prank is like pretend. At that point it's just a thing that you did. A prank is like throwing a rubber spider on someone and then when they freak out you say ahaha it's just a fake spider, look it's rubber. But throwing a real giant spider on someone's face and then being like, hahaha, isn't this a funny prank? I threw an actual real life spider on your face and it crawled around and got in your hair. That's not a prank, bro! That's just mean!
Starting point is 00:02:40 I do think this is actually grounds for divorce because OP simultaneously disrespected the past nine months that OP's wife has spent, you know, growing this child and then going through labor and then also disrespected his own baby. So I just don't see how the wife could possibly trust him after this. Our next Reddit post comes from r slash relationship advice. I'm a 36 year old guy who's sick of being unappreciated, and I told my wife, who's 33, that cooking is her job and she shouldn't seek praise for it. How bad did I mess up? My wife and I have been married for five years. I'm the main provider while she's a stay-at-home mom to our toddler. My wife prepares amazing meals and takes major responsibility for the
Starting point is 00:03:21 household while I work. I generally feel that my wife thinks that our work division is alright and sustainable since I do housework on weekends, with my responsibilities being laundry, vacuuming, home maintenance, repairs, car maintenance, and some regular chores here and there. I'm not discounting what my wife does for our family, and I try to check in with her if she finds our division fair. My wife seeks appreciation from me for her cooking, and I would happily do so because I love everything she cooks. However, one of my love languages is also verbal affirmation, and I never seem to come up with a good enough justification for seeking that praise myself.
Starting point is 00:03:58 She thinks that since she's doing a major sacrifice, by her own accord, to raise our child and being a homemaker, she's deserving a major sacrifice, by her own accord, to raise our child and being a homemaker she's deserving of praise. I don't see how me being the sole earner isn't enough. I don't think it's supposed to be a competition of who does more or if that's even the case. In my opinion, we're both equally important and we won't be able to run the household without the other's support and contribution. I find her take very silly and backwards. I talk to my wife that I also want to feel love through appreciation for what I do. It would be nice to hear my wife tell our toddler, Daddy does so much for our family. Let's tell him that we love him so much for that. That would just make my day.
Starting point is 00:04:40 I'm not the kind of person who needs to thank you for doing a chore. I just need genuine appreciation for what value I bring to our family. Whenever I suggest this to my wife, she says that I'm just doing my job and I shouldn't expect anything transactional for doing my share of responsibility. One thing I should address is that my wife never used to be like this and I know what could have happened. Her best friend just filed for divorce from her husband who was lazy and left her to do the heavy lifting. This naturally made her
Starting point is 00:05:10 bitter and she's been venting to my wife. And I believe that what my wife is doing is just projection. I tried to talk to her about this and how it's hurting our marriage, but she just dismissed me. Now some resentment was brewing inside me too, and just last night, my wife made an elaborate meal. I know that she expected me to acknowledge that, but I simply sat down and started eating it right away without eliciting any kind of reaction. She stared at me and asked me to appreciate her and I shot back, Why should I? You're the homemaker and this is your job. You're supposed to do this. Yeah, I was really petty and part of me wanted to give her a taste of her own medicine.
Starting point is 00:05:51 I probably wouldn't have reacted that way had my wife not repeatedly dismissed me, and in the moment I felt justified. However, this caused a huge fight with a lot of painful words exchanged and she left to stay at her mom's place. She wanted to kick me out, but I told her in no uncertain terms that I am not leaving. I'm okay around her and if she has a problem then SHE can go. I'm not leaving my own house that I provide for too. I just feel taken for granted and I don't want to continue feeling that way because what I do is supposed to be my job without any gratitude. Man, it sounds like OP and his wife are effectively in a kind of cold war where
Starting point is 00:06:32 neither side is willing to give any ground and actually show love and appreciation for the other person and just be nice. And if someone would just take the initiative and start showing love and affection, then maybe that would make it easier for the other person to show love and affection as well. But instead we're in this negative feedback loop where no one's showing love and no one feels appreciated and the negativity just festers. Our next reddit post comes from Sirius Profiles. My sister, who's 26, was diagnosed with permanent blindness when she was 13. She's resilient and she got a college degree
Starting point is 00:07:06 and also has a nice job as an accessibility consultant. Me and my sister made a decision after graduating college that we would live together forever. It was a big decision to make and we got our parents blessings for it too. Yeah, our parents knew that it meant no marriage for us or no grandkids, but they were still very happy because it meant that my sister would live a fulfilling life. Yeah, my sister is capable of living independently. She has a service dog. But she just wants to live with me forever for multiple reasons. It significantly eases travel, shopping, eating out, she feels much safer and overall she
Starting point is 00:07:42 just feels much more happy. And I'm more than happy too. I started dating my girlfriend who's 25, 5 years ago. She knew of my situation when we started dating, but she had no issues with it. It's been 5 years and it's hard to believe that we're still dating. Over the past few months, I've had to remind my girlfriend multiple times that this can't go on forever. And we have to call it off at some point because I know that she's emotionally invested a lot in this relationship. Last night we were talking during our romantic date night and she asked about marriage.
Starting point is 00:08:15 She was crying as she was talking about it and she said that she really wanted to marry me and spend the rest of her life with me. I was just completely shocked because I gave her multiple hints over the past few months that we cannot carry on like this forever. I then told her that I will never marry her because my sister will always be my top priority. I probably should have worded it better, but I really wanted to quell this marriage discussion. She stopped talking after that, but I could see from her face that my words hurt her. Was I too harsh? I don't understand how it's even come to this and now I feel guilty about
Starting point is 00:08:50 everything. I never intended to string her along or play with her feelings. Uh, this story's kind of an odd one because I just don't understand what living with a blind sister has to do with marriage. Does having a blind roommate that you care for mean that you're not allowed to be married? Huh? I almost have to wonder if OP is just using the excuse of his sister to date around non-committally and never settle down just because, my sister needs me but yeah okay you can still get married. People with roommates get married. People with kids get married. People with, you know, people with life-threatening illnesses get married. It's just, this is a weird post and I don't really understand it. Am I the butthole for wanting my 26-year-old
Starting point is 00:09:34 niece to step up and take more care of her grandmother? My niece, Jane, is 26 years old. She's the daughter of my sister who passed away four years ago after an illness that lasted more than 15 years. Jane is a great girl. She really is. Smart, intelligent. She had a very rough childhood because of her mother's illness and took care of her until the day that she passed away, for which I am very grateful. She also took care of the administration after her mother's death and kept on taking care
Starting point is 00:10:03 and helping her grandmother, who's my mother. My mom and Jane have a great relationship. Jane studied at university and found a job in her university town one and a half hours away. She still visits my mother every weekend, even staying from Friday until Sunday evening. She even takes days off to help my mother to the hospital. She helps pay for my mother's bills and she took her dog in when she was in the hospital. She also arranged help for my mother at home, etc. I live 10 minutes away from my mother, but I work at night so I sleep during the day. I also have two sons who are 20 and 22, so they're a bit young to help their grandmother. Two years ago, Jane met her
Starting point is 00:10:42 boyfriend Daniel who's 30. Last year in November and December, my mother often felt alone, cried a lot, and was in and out of the hospital. Whenever my mom felt sad, I asked Jane to call her or visit her because I don't have time for that. Jane also had to take care of my mom's dog when she was in the hospital because, again, I work at night. I also asked her to bring my mom to the hospital during the day a few times because I had to sleep.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Anyway, over the past few months, Jane has done less for my mother and for me. She no longer runs all of my mother's errands. And whenever my mom doesn't feel great and I call Jane early in the morning, Jane doesn't immediately stop by to pick up the dog and to ask how the situation is. She also no longer runs my errands when I'm too busy. Now Jane only visits my mother one time a week and no longer on the weekends. Also, instead of calling my mother each day, she only calls every other day. I'm now in the situation where I have to do a lot for my mother.
Starting point is 00:11:45 I run errands, I sometimes pay her bills, and I sometimes even need to change my plans for her. And to be honest, I don't think it's fair. I don't think this is fair on me or my mother because it's not her fault that her daughter passed away. I would like Jane to step up more and stop being selfish. So am I the butthole? OP if the responsibility of care is gonna fall on anyone it's gonna fall on your mother's child Who is you by the way? And why exactly is it necessary for Jane to be responsible but not your sons? You said they're too young at 20 and 22, but Jane is 26. That's not much of a difference
Starting point is 00:12:24 Sounds like OP is lazy and entitled. Oh, you know what? Actually, now that I think about it, if Jane's mom had an illness that lasted 15 years, that means Jane was 11 when the illness started, give or take. Hold on. Wait, no, no, no, no. If, if OP's sister passed away four years ago and the illness lasted 15 years, so that's minus 19 and she's 26, so that's when Jane was 7, her mom got sick. So presumably Jane has been taking care of her mom, you know, to some degree ever since she was 7 years old. That wasn't too young to take care of her mom, so why is it that OP's 20 and 22 year old sons are too young to take care of their grandmother?
Starting point is 00:13:04 Man, OP is unbelievably selfish. Our next reddit post comes from r slash relationship advice. My pregnant wife is mad and won't speak to me. My wife's family owns a nice cabin in a mountainous area 2 hours from our city. This past summer, my wife allowed my family to come to the cabin with her a couple of times. My mom loves the area. My family always has a good time there. Three days ago, my wife told me that she wanted to
Starting point is 00:13:30 go to the cabin for a romantic getaway. While talking to my mom, I did tell her that we would be gone this weekend. My mom wanted to have my family come to the cabin too to make it one last trip before my brother leaves for college. My mom called our family before I got a chance to talk to my wife. When I told my wife, she didn't even let me finish. She cut me off and said no. She said she planned a romantic getaway. Then she said that she needed a break from my mom. I told my wife that we can have a romantic getaway anytime.
Starting point is 00:14:01 She stopped me again and said no. That afternoon when we arrived at the cabin, my family was waiting for us. I have never seen my wife so mad. When I tried to explain again that we could do our getaway another time, my wife got out of the car and started to walk down the driveway. She called her brother who lives 30 minutes away to come pick her up. My wife just kept walking down the road. I tried and tried to get her to get back in our car.
Starting point is 00:14:29 She just kept walking. I asked her for the keys so that my family could at least get inside the cabin. But I got nothing from her. She just kept walking. Soon her brother showed up. I could tell that he was angry. My wife got in the car and told him to drive off without talking to me. My family, who was angry at this point, eventually left and went back to our city.
Starting point is 00:14:54 When I went to my brother-in-law's, he was waiting for me. He handed me an ultrasound photo and said that my wife needed time to think about all of her options. Oh, he didn't know that she's pregnant. She was going to tell him during the romantic getaway. Oh no, that makes it so much worse. My wife's brother said that she was staying with other family members but wouldn't tell me who. He finished by saying that my mom is interfering in our relationship too much. And my wife wanted a man, not a boy. Then he asked me to leave. All of this just because I didn't tell my mom no. I feel like my wife should have told me that she was pregnant and given me a chance by redoing our romantic getaway. Yo buddy, that's
Starting point is 00:15:37 literally what she was trying to do. Aw man. I've tried calling my wife but she hasn't answered. Any idea how to work through this? I love my wife and I am excited about the baby. I want the baby! Uh, down in the comments, we have this interesting detail from OP. He says regarding his mom, came up when my mom asked me to mow her lawn this weekend. So, it sounds like OP still hasn't cut the umbilical cord. That was r slash am I the devil, and if you liked this content, be sure to follow my podcast
Starting point is 00:16:12 because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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