rSlash - r/Amithedevil OOPS! I Slept With My Sister-in-Law

Episode Date: October 10, 2024

0:00 Intro 0:12 Betrayal 2:49 Secret account 5:17 Divorce Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Take back your free time with PC Express Online Grocery Delivery and Pickup. Get in-store promos, PC Optimum Points, and more free time. And still get groceries. Shop now at Welcome to r slash am I the devil where OP sleeps with his brother's girlfriend and then complains online that that brother isn't giving him money. Our next Reddit post comes from r slash relationship advice. I'm a 25 year old guy and I want to make amends with my 23 year old brother after betraying
Starting point is 00:00:33 him years ago. Me and my brother, John, didn't have the best relationship. It started off strong, but as I got older, I viewed life as a game and spent my time belittling him. Everything was a challenge to me. I loved outdoing him when I could, but I started to see him quickly pass me in accomplishments. The one area I always had over him was women. He was always a lover boy and I know how to keep it real.
Starting point is 00:00:59 But then, four years ago, he started dating one of the most gorgeous women I've ever seen. He was head over heels in love with her. I never thought about crossing that line, but a friend of me told me that I couldn't pull her. So I said, screw it, time to prove him wrong. It took a few months, but I managed to start hooking up with her. They'd been together for a year at this point.
Starting point is 00:01:22 When he found out, he was hurt and he's been no contact ever since. This impacted me in the most horrible way possible. My parents went low contact with me and stopped giving me the assistance I need. I lost a lot of people to the situation. I'll be honest, I don't make money. My brother makes substantially more. And a lot of money for not just his age but in general. My parents are comfortable and in retirement and my oldest sister and her husband make
Starting point is 00:01:50 good money but because of the situation my sister sided with John understandably and is low contact with me and she provides me no help. I was very distracted when I was younger and I made bad decisions that led me to a point where I bounced from retail job to retail job. I figured that if I could make amends with him then I can start getting the help I need to turn things around in my life. My family would stop being low contact and be more generous. I texted him for the first time in years and got no reply.
Starting point is 00:02:22 I messaged him on social media from alternate accounts and got no reply. I messaged him on social media from alternate accounts, but got no reply. I can't just go visit him because he lives and works in DC and that's far. So how do I make amends? Well, OP, I would say step number one is stop being such a garbage person because clearly you are still human trash because you don't want to make amends because you feel bad or you want to be a better person You just want to make amends so your family will give you money down in the comments Oh, P is whining about how hard his life is I'm being a decent guy, but no one is giving me an opportunity to show that I've grown Our next reddit post is from r slash am I the butthole Am I the butthole for keeping a secret bank account from my husband?
Starting point is 00:03:07 I'm a 28 year old woman and my husband is 30. Recently, my husband decided to leave me after finding out that I've been keeping a secret bank account from him throughout our relationship. For beginners, my mom went through a very abusive marriage before she finally gained the courage to leave. She always said that having a separate, secret account was necessary for her escape plan and she advised me to do the same in case I ever found myself in a similar situation. I opened a secret bank account a few years ago while I was working and started quietly
Starting point is 00:03:40 saving money without my husband's knowledge after taking her words to heart. Now to the present. My husband had no idea about this account until he stumbled upon some documents while searching for his birth certificate. He was furious and hurt. He said that he was feeling betrayed. Upon confronting me about it, he expressed his disappointment, highlighting that he was working two jobs to support us for the past three years and how I could have contributed financially during times of hardship after I lost my job.
Starting point is 00:04:09 His frustration stems from a few incidents in our lives when things were financially tough for us. There was a period when his car broke down and he had to rely on public transportation to get to and from work. We also faced several other challenging circumstances where I could have potentially alleviated some of the financial burden by contributing from our savings. Now I want to clarify that I love my husband and I've never intended to cause him any harm. I genuinely believe that having this secret account was a safety net, a precautionary
Starting point is 00:04:40 measure based on my mother's experiences. But I now understand how my actions may have hurt him and undermined the trust in our relationship. So Reddit, am I the butthole for hiding this secret account from my husband even if my intentions were to protect myself based on my mother's advice? I feel like I lost everything in my life because I was trying to protect myself for a situation that affected so many women. Also, down in the comments, we find out that the amount of money she has stashed away is
Starting point is 00:05:13 $21,000. Also her husband donated part of his liver to her to save her life and she still doesn't trust him. Dude, imagine giving someone one of your organs and they're like, um, thanks, but I'd like to keep my options open. Our next Reddit post comes from rslashdivorce. If I could give anyone a piece of advice for divorce,
Starting point is 00:05:34 it would be to not do it under normal circumstances. If your spouse is beating you or threatening you or your kids, then of course get out and fast. In my case, there was no abuse. We were together for 8 years, that was mostly good, and we have 4 kids. Right around 5 years in, I got a promotion at work and I got it in my head that my ex-husband was dragging me down.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Or at least holding me back for more success and a better life. We never had a lot of money, but with my promotion, I was now making more than he was. I started working longer hours, and at the same time, his hours were cut so he was at home more. I really began to resent him because he was home and because he got to spend time with our kids. Most nights when I got home, they were already getting ready for bed, if not already sleeping. After a few months of my new job, it was clear to me that things were not going well at home without me there.
Starting point is 00:06:31 Some nights, the dishes weren't done when I got home, or the kids hadn't eaten, or whatever else I could think of to be mad at him about. It really didn't matter. He kept saying that he would try harder, but that it was hard being home all the time. That always made me really mad. For the next couple of years, things kept getting worse. My hours weren't any shorter and his were on and off full time. There were no convenient times for him to be working full time because of my hours, but we also needed the money. Whenever he would tell me that he could get extra hours, I would always complain. And the less hours he worked, the more I complained that he wasn't bringing in enough money.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Whenever I brought up the contradiction, I would tell him that he needed to figure it out. I knew that that would bother him, so I started saying that a lot and for everything that I could. I really started to resent him and I pulled away from him. I knew that it was hurting him, but I didn't care. If he didn't want to be hurt, then he would at least try to make me happy. I used that same thing to justify it when I started to talk to another guy at work. Jesus, man. I thought he was just a friend, but talking at work turned into texting at home and then pictures and videos.
Starting point is 00:07:45 And then trying to sneak some alone time with them. I knew that it was wrong, but it made me feel so alive. And my husband hadn't made me feel like that in years. I was tired of being unhappy and I was doing this for me. The worst was the night that I came home at a reasonable time and found that he had cleaned the whole house, cooked the whole family dinner, and picked out a movie for all of us to watch together. That would have made me swoon a couple of years earlier.
Starting point is 00:08:14 But that night, I couldn't even look at him and I pretended to be sick. I spent the rest of the night in bed while he waited on me and checked on me and even made me different food and brought it to me in bed while he waited on me and checked on me and even made me different food and brought it to me in bed. It made me feel terrible. And then it made me angry that he would make me feel that way and by the end of the night I was texting with the other guy. After that night, over the next month or two, it didn't matter what he did.
Starting point is 00:08:39 He was wrong just for breathing most days. He would get so upset with how I was treating him and I would just wait and egg him on into losing it because I knew that it would happen eventually. After most of the fights we had, he would apologize for whatever I told him he did wrong even if he never did something wrong. But I never apologized. Usually I would find a way to make him feel even worse. I knew that I was right because he was wrong and that was when I chose to tell him that I wanted a divorce.
Starting point is 00:09:26 I could almost hear his heart shattering inside of his chest. He talked and fought and said that we could work through it together. I really wasn't interested in fixing our marriage, but I mostly ended things with the other guy, but only because I knew that I could get it back if I wanted it. I could see that he was trying and occasionally I would let him know, but for the most part, I kept being a huge B-word to him for any and all reasons that I could think of. I'm not sure how much more the man could have done to make me happy besides finding a job that paid enough for me to not have to work
Starting point is 00:09:59 at all. He said that he was looking, but looking and finding are two different things. It was around this time that I discovered this subreddit and a few others. I started making posts about him from my perspective only, and I got so much positive feedback for how I was feeling that I knew that I was right. The more I posted, the more validation I got. It wasn't just me who knew that my ex-husband wasn't worth keeping around. I had the whole internet telling me how terrible he is. I started saying awful things to him and even outright ignoring him. I was so confident with mine and everyone else's opinion that I contacted a lawyer. And within a couple of weeks, I filed for divorce.
Starting point is 00:10:41 I continued to use this site and a couple of others to validate my feelings and for encouragement to go through with it. And finally, it was done. It went pretty smoothly. My ex-husband didn't ask for much besides to not get divorced and to try to work it all out. I didn't care about that though. He was broken, but I was free.
Starting point is 00:11:01 I could do whatever I wanted without having to feel any guilt or answer to anybody It was an amazing feeling of freedom But it didn't last long in the first month after he moved out. I missed garbage day three times There was rarely a single clean dish and the laundry sat in piles so long that I had to start doing the sniff test To see if it could be worn again. I also never saw my kids more miserable. My oldest had seen some of the messages from the other guy months earlier and she knew that my ex-husband still wanted to try to work it out. It didn't take long for her to stop talking to me at all except to say that she wanted
Starting point is 00:11:41 to go to my ex-husband's house. The others all told me that they wanted to live to my ex-husband's house. The others all told me that they wanted to live with my ex-husband too. I did my best to try to make them happy, but I ended up just buying them toys all the time and the happiness only lasted minutes. Also, I was having a lot of trouble with work. Since I was on my own, I couldn't work all those extra hours that I was expected to. I finally gave in and started calling my ex-husband to watch the kids. He would always come over as soon as he could and he would always ask if I needed anything. When I would get home, I would find clean dishes and laundry and even dinner sometimes. He would never say too much after I got home.
Starting point is 00:12:20 He would just say the call if I needed anything and then leave. One night, he took out the garbage and brought it to the curb because it was garbage night and I had forgotten again. He always looked so sad when it was time to go. Finally, after a couple of months, my friends convinced me to go out on a date. It was for dinner and a movie and I was excited and hopeful. But at dinner, I started getting a feeling of overwhelming guilt. It was so bad that I ended up not even going to the movie.
Starting point is 00:12:50 One week and about a million tears later, I was on a therapist's couch. I told her everything that had happened, starting with the promotion that I got at work. She didn't agree with me or any of the encouragement for divorce that I had gotten online. I ended up in her office two and sometimes 3 times a week. And the more that I talked to prove that I was right, the more that I started to see how wrong I was. It was truly heartbreaking. I don't know if I cried as much in my whole life as I did during that first month in her
Starting point is 00:13:21 office. After about $2000 of therapy sessions, I learned that my ex-husband did have his faults, but I realized that mine were so much worse. I did and said so many awful things that if I were in his shoes, I wouldn't want to be with me, but he still wanted to be with me. I still remember him asking me during the meeting with the lawyer to please not go through with this. I did go through with it though, and then later I bragged online about how great it felt. I was so wrong, and now I can see through it. A couple of weeks ago,
Starting point is 00:13:59 I went outside with him when he was leaving the house. I asked him about getting back together. When he looked at me, his eyes were full of tears and a couple even went down his cheeks. He told me that he didn't know if he could. He said the pain has been too much for too long and that if we got back together that I might just turn around and do it to him again. He said that he always thought that I would realize how much he loved me and that I would stop trying to divorce him up until the point that I signed the divorce papers. And after I signed the papers, I let out a big, over-exaggerated sigh of relief. He then said that that sigh hurt him more than anything else and he doesn't know if he can ever trust me again. I don't blame him. I destroyed a man who, looking back, was a great husband.
Starting point is 00:14:48 I deprived my kids of having a great father in the house with them, and I took his kids away from him. And me, the one who pushed for the divorce expecting happiness and a life of freedom, now spends all my free time sitting at home or sitting on a therapist's couch. Please don't take the advice of anyone online or anyone else about getting a divorce. If your marriage is bad, look at yourself first and see if you can make changes. This is advice for men and women. Getting divorced is not fun. Being divorced is not fun. And seeing your husband broken and your children never happy
Starting point is 00:15:23 because of your actions is the most painful experience that I can imagine. Wow, it's almost as though you can see OP systematically destroying her life in real time. And you know what the worst part about this is? Like, yeah, she does take responsibility, she realizes that she's the problem here, but still, this post is about her. It's me, me, me, oh my life is so miserable now. She doesn't really seem to address or care just how devastated her husband is. Her life got destroyed, and apparently that's the only thing that matters. I sincerely hope that the ex-husband is living his best life out there.
Starting point is 00:16:02 That was r slash am I the devil, and if you liked this content, be sure to follow my podcast ex-husband is living his best life out there.

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